Ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to work with animals. It seems I loved all of them, we had a dog while I grew up, mom’s parents had a farm, where I spent the summers helping and of course taking care of the dogs, cows, a few horses, some sheep, a couple of funny pigs and of course quite a few chickens that supplied us with fresh eggs all the time.

Graduating from college with a degree in animal husbandry, eventually becoming licensed as a Vet – then to my surprise the local zoo offered me a position working for their in house clinic, having the opportunity to work with all of their animals – something normally I would never have had happen, I jumped at the offer.

Working for just over six months we had a crisis with one of our pregnant female chimpanzees. She had carried to almost full term, but just before delivery, some internal problems started to take place. As much as all of us tried, we were only able to save the baby male.

This loss hit all of us so hard, we crossed a line that we all knew better, but playing with him, holding him and all in all spoiling him so much it did not take long for him to prefer our company instead of his own kind.

I was the one at fault more than the rest, I named him Charlie, had him in my office when I was catching up on paperwork, teased him, tickled and laughed together. He was the most gentle, kind and easy going little guy we’d ever enjoyed.

That is why when he was about 6 months and we realized he was going to be a big animal one that would weigh close to 150 pounds or more at the same time the pediatric division of the local hospital asked if we could being a few animals for the little ones to see, if it would help them forget where they were or the fights they are all waging.

The board immediately recommended the two of us go and see if we could help. That trip I had him in a cage in the back of my SUV … even on a chain, he seemed to love the kids. We had planned on being there for a few hours, as it ended up we spent most of the day and into the early evening, until the children had to go to bed. They only let us leave if we promised to come back soon.

That started a weekly visit – staying all afternoon, joining them for dinner then into the evening until it was bedtime.

Charlie kept growing, by the end of the year he was a good 150 pounds, standing almost as tall as a full grown man. The trips moved from him being in the back in a cage to just in the back, then sitting in the back seat to eventually joining me in the front seat, being buckled in seat belt and all.

One evening a heavy snowstorm hit just as we were saying goodbye to the group – my place was not far from the hospital but the zoo was on the far side of town. Concerned about the weather, I called our lady director to see if it would be safer to have Charlie come home with me, then return to the zoo the following morning. That made the most sense, so less than 20 minutes later I was escorting him into my place, holding his hand all the time to make sure he didn’t wander off.

Once inside and the door closed, he checked out the whole area, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen then down stairs to the basement. When he came back up, I was looking at him, it seemed he had changed somehow. I fixed him something to eat, the two of us sat at the small table sharing the food.

It had been a long day, showing him the spare bedroom and attached bathroom, since he had advanced to the point of not needing to be diapered … as usual I knelt down, giving him a light kiss on his lips, headed back to my room, needing a shower than planning on getting a good night’s sleep.

I am taller than most women being just shy of six foot, long legs, a thin waist and oversized breasts measuring a good doubleD in size. As long as I can remember my boobs have been super sensitive, the area between my legs, so easily aroused, it takes all my willpower to not give in when I’m touched down there.

The shower was so relaxing, placing my hands against the wall, the water running down my body, my eyes closed, I never heard him come in to see what was going on. I was in a dream-like state when his hand on my bare bottom brought me out of the haze.

Eyes flying wide open, looking at him, knowing this wasn’t right, but by then he had slipped his hand between my legs, one large digit moving back and forth between the folds.

I wanted him to stop, needed him to stop, but it had been so long since I’d enjoyed anything sexual, my hands stayed supporting me, while he played between my legs.

As a young girl I’d let dogs lick me there, cows play with my tits … I’d sucked on a pig’s curly penis, so what he was doing didn’t seem strange – the roughness of his hand, the way his finger was pushing up inside me, didn’t raise any concerns – it felt really good, and I needed it so much … so I just let him continue.

Since I didn’t object he joined me, his spare hand cupping one of my tits, squeezing it while rubbing the nipple, my world was spinning out of control.

A single digit pushed up inside me, pumping in and out slowly but steadily, his tongue doing wonderful things to my ear and neck … where he had learned what he was doing was so wrong in many ways, but it felt so good, I didn’t have the willpower to stop him.

I may have shut off the water, it seems I remember him carrying me to my bedroom, laying me on my back, he guided his long and thick cock between my legs, burying that monster deep inside me, much deeper than any man had ever done. The girth was so thick I was surprised at how easy he pushed it in.

I’ve never checked what this species sex life is like, all I know is as soon as he started pumping in and out of me, it triggered the largest, most body shaking explosion between my legs.

Wrapping my legs around his body, my arms around his neck, hips pushing back against him, trying to get more of his tool deeper in me.

He just kept pumping, his hands stimulating each boob … seems every few minutes I enjoyed another climax … Finally when he emptied his warm seed in me – the way it heated my body up, set off a group of explosions, drifting me into a light sleepy nap … not sure where I was even at, when he pulled out of me.

Rolling on my side, he slipped on his side facing me …. Waking a few times, looking at him, remembering what had happened, slowly falling back asleep.

The morning brought him taking me doggy style, on my knees – this time however he was more forceful, grabbing my hips, really pounding me – triggering one climatic explosion after the next, for what had to be close to an hour, he finally emptied a large amount of the warm liquid deep in me. Looking at him through dreamy eyes, what had I let happen.

This one had me sore, so much so it took some time to get out of bed – the snow had really dumped during the night to the point – the director called, asking if everything was alright? They had closed the zoo so if I was ok to keep him a second day, she thought that would be the best.

I’m not sure how I felt, telling her we’d be fine, I fixed some breakfast … When the dishes were done, he was lounging in a love seat, his legs spread wide apart, the marvelous looking shaft, beginning to come to life again. For some reason, dropping down on all fours, crawling to him, stroking it, licking the underside – sucking on each ball separately – then taking as much of his length in my mouth – giving him his first blowjob ever.

My tummy full of his warm seed, continuing to stroke the hardness … knowing I’d crossed a line that could never be undone now. He was becoming more and more dominant, unfortunately I was becoming more and more submissive. By this time I knew I’d never be able to tell him no.

Cuddling up next to him, we had all day before any serious decisions had to be made. Sucking on my nipples, drove me crazy – when he started to eat my pussy, his tongue driving in deep like a small cock, making me explode so he could drink the juices

We napped then fucked, jumped in a bathtub to clean off the juices that had built up … while he was relaxing in the tub, I took advantage to ride him like a cowgirl would .. By the time evening came, he had used me multiple times. Both of us were exhausted – waking early, I looked forward to him jumping me one more time before we headed into the zoo.

I had dressed in a short skirt, no panties, so in case the opportunity became available, he’d be able to take me, hopefully without anyone noticing.

The zoo’s director was also female, but I was somewhat surprised when we arrived. Linda looked at both of us, sharing some small talk, then asking if she could work with him, while I checked on the animals, making sure they had survived the heavy winter weather.

I was gone for close to three hours, stopping in at her office, the place smelled like sex. Her face was flushed, eyes looked dazed … barely able to talk, “So how are the critters? Are we OK?”

Charlie was off to the side, stroking a cum coated shaft, with my tablet in hand, I leaned over the desk to discuss each animal – he was so fast, I never had the chance to stop him … moving in behind me, slipping that huge wet shaft deep inside me. Grabbing my hips, fucking me with a hard fast speed – my eyes were wide open … looking directly into Linda’s eyes … she just smiled, reaching out, undoing my blouse, starting to play with my aroused nipples, “Since the staff are all female, I think maybe a private lounge, where we can go during the day to enjoy what Charlie can help us with. Who knows maybe we can train a few more young chimps – after all this is one fantastic young primate. What do you think?”

I was just going over the edge. Her playing, what Charlie was doing to me, sent me screaming with pure joy … when I finally calmed down, the shaft was still firm and inside me … “Maybe we can train some other animals to entertain us as well” She just smiled.