A PiPir is a Combination of a Tapir and a Pig…

Falling in love my last year in college, having him move in with me – since I had a home and he lived with roommates … he didn’t have the largest member between his legs, but the kindness made up for the lack of size. Thinking back, I don’t remember him ever giving me a mind blowing orgasm, but once again I figured the pluses made up for the minuses, so I was lucky to have him.

When we graduated I was making a very good living, his job was meaningful for him, but didn’t pay well, so the home we purchased was put in my name only, thanks to experience mom
had with my dead beat dad.

We’d been in the new place just over six months when one day at work, a problem came up which needed me to fly to Denver for an in person meeting. Coming home early – surprising my lover and his male lover enjoying sex in our bed – standing there shocked, while he tried to explain – I packed my bag for the trip, turned to him, “When I get back home tomorrow, you, your stuff had better be out of here and don’t ever call me again”

That was one thing he did correct, arriving home, his keys were on the entrance table, nothing of his was still there … walking around, thinking of all that had gone wrong, making myself a promise to never fall for someone with so many problems again.

One of my neighbors was an older lady, widowed – was also the first one to come over when the bum had cleared out his stuff, knocking at my door, “Michelle, I’m so sorry things didn’t work out for you and whatever the sissy boys name was. Had you not found out about him, I had planned on coming over that evening and telling you what had been going on”

She was so sweet, I invited her in to enjoy a cup of coffee and sample some sweet rolls I’d just pulled out of the oven.

Enjoying the snack, she thought for a moment, “You know my William was just as much of a creep as that one you had, In my day divorce wasn’t as easily accepted as it is now, many times I thought about kicking him to the curb, then as if God was answering my prayers, he got hit by that car and I was free of him and his games”

That was the start of a deep long lasting friendship, Friday afternoons were all spent at one of the two homes, we ate, laughed, shared stories and all in all became closer and closer each week.

So it was not surprising for sex to eventually come up as a subject. In her kitchen one afternoon, “Elaine not sure if you still have the urges, but even though the creep didn’t have much to offer between his legs, I do miss the sexual urges that I no longer can enjoy”

We laughed, she assured me her needs were not less because of her age and like my companion her husband had not been a good lover, not even a mediocre one. I added there were facilities providing companionship for the evening or I could go to a bar and hopefully get picked up by someone that was only looking for a one night stand – but these were always dangerous, so there didn’t seem to be an easy solution.

This was the first time she’d been quiet since we became friends .. she seemed embarrassed, looking at her cup, circling it with a single finger – for a few minutes I was concerned, thinking maybe I’d said something inappropriate, but that didn’t seem possible … looking at her closely, “Elaine did I say something wrong or that I shouldn’t have said? I’m so sorry if I did”

Shaking her head, “Oh I’m so sorry Shel, it wasn’t anything you said, it’s just me and how I satisfy my urges – but I’m afraid if I tell you it will lunge me into a different way you see me and it may end our friendship”

Having no idea what she was talking about, but knowing something as silly as sexual satisfaction would not upset me, I encouraged her to tell me what she was talking about.

Taking a large breath, holding it, then slowly exhaling, “Let me give you some background. Pigs have one of the most exciting penises of any animal. Not overly large, but being curly and the way it moves once inside can be one of the most stimulating couplings of any animal. The Tapir’s penis is so large compared to his size, many times they have been mistakenly thought to have five legs. This one is big, thick and has the ability to last for hours on end, which in most cases more than satisfies his partner.” Taking a deep breath, “Gathering this information a couple of female researchers had the idea of seeing if cross breeding of a pig and tapir was even possible. Skipping what had to be multiple years of trials, eventually they created a new breed of animal one that is called a PiPir. This new creature has a massive penis that curls and twists, from side to side once inside – has the stamina to breed for more than an hour”

Studying me closely, finally figuring she’d finish what she started. “The two women decided to set up a private club called the Piggy’s Pleasure Place. Seems this combination has enhanced the males sexual needs to be continually enjoying breeding – so much so that if females are not available they will start to mount each other. That means women like us can enjoy the arousal only they can provide without any complications”

I heard what she had said, looking at her to see if what I had heard was what she was saying, slowly, eventually it sunk in, “You mean you’re having sex with an animal?”

Nothing was said, she just stared at me, allowing it to sink in …. I had seen porn movies mostly between women and dogs, and a few horses. They were exciting, but I’d never meant anyone that was enjoying this – so my best friend was one who had been participating in this off the wall sex. Finally curiosity got to me, “So what is it like – I mean to have sex this way?”

Reaching over taking my hand, “There is no way of describing what the best sex, the most erotic mind blowing sex is like – you have to try it then decide if you’d like to have it become part of your life”

A funny strange feeling started to build up between my legs, a sensation that started slowly but seemed to increase the longer I sat there, Shifting in my seat, my mind wandering to an imaginary place where relationships with animals were accepted – finally able to focus on her again …. “You’ve got me so curious to see if everything you’re saying is true, so how would I go about finding out if I’d like this?”

Since I was not a member, a blind fold was necessary … We drove several miles to a non-descript warehouse looking building. Once inside the two of us were escorted to a viewing room, overlooking a large circular area, housing what had to be over a dozen of these strange looking creatures. What caught my attention first was the size of their cocks – long curly like a pigs, but as thick as a baseball bat – constantly rigid – they were roaming freely, some eating, a few enjoying a cool drink while others were humping individual areas that I had to look closer to see what was there.

A large circle of pods were built so the animal could mount the pod, have something to rest on while his cock enjoyed the pleasure of being deep in a pussy feeling substance. Most of the pods were made out of some kind of a rubbery substance, easily penetrated, but having the firmness of feeling like a living vagina. A few however contained actual human females – she was secured so the pussy was wide open, when the creature mounted her, the shaft easily slipped in – her body was so well supported and protected, all she felt was the pole in her and the pounding only this species could provide.

Elaine took the opportunity to slip in behind me, pressing her boobs against my back, kissing my neck, massaging my shoulders as well as squeezing my boobs, “You’ll notice these beauties are no one time shot but instead a good slow fucking taking place well over an hour before they fill you with their seed. That along with the fact there is something in their sperm that sets off a series of mini explosions long after they have pulled out. This added to how many you can enjoy while they have you leaves you so exhausted, your body is incapable of moving for hours after the time spent here”

Finally turning to her, “I want to be put in one of those pods, please let me see what this is like, then when I’m capable I’d like to continue what you have started between us”

Down below the animals were the empty pods that could be loaded. Stripping nude, some loosening gel applied to my opening since this was my first time, a medium sized vibrating anal plug was inserted for two reasons. One to stimulate me there as well as preventing any unwanted enterence from a mis-guided shaft. Getting into the contraption, boobs were placed in two adjustable mounds, so continual massage and excitement took place and finally a small button was placed over my clit, constantly vibrating while I was being pumped – this way the most satisfying time anyone has ever enjoyed was guaranteed when he pulled out of me.

As soon as I was secured, the pod was raised up, Elaine kissed me wishing me luck. I could hear the animals moving around, but the way I was secured, I had no idea what was taking place behind me. Suddenly a cold nose pushed between my legs, a rough tongue sampling my already flowing juices … the next thing I felt was that long curly thick cock slip inside me with one motion.

This was far bigger than I had ever expected, causing me to gasp, try and pull away, but there was no moving – he was in me, I was secured to the apparatus and that damn thing was moving in and out, but circling to make sure every interior part of my vagina was being rubbed.

With my boobs being teased, the clit vibrating, the anal plug giving me a thrill I never even knew was possible, his fucking sent me over the edge immediately. This was more intense then I’d ever enjoyed in my life – what I didn’t realize is he had just started to get his body excited.

By the time I’d had three or four explosions between my legs, there didn’t seem to be any end to what had started, I was trying to focus on one thing, my boobs, clit, my ass or him pounding me, but they were all coming at me in a frantic erotic way – something my writhing body couldn’t control – it seemed to go on and on … way beyond tired, had passed total exhaustion what seemed like hours ago ….

I didn’t realize when he stopped, or when he flooded me with the overly warm complete pleasure flooding liquid. Elaine was right, something in his sperm kept my body experiencing mini explosions long after he pulled out. Being lowered back down, by still shaking – the clit teaser was removed, the anal plug turned off and pulled out – my legs were soaked in our combined juices – my poor tits were still throbbing from the teasing and massaging … someone helped me to a soft bed, laying on my side, covered with a light blanket … sleep overtook me, my poor body still experiencing the effects of this creature and his seed.

I didn’t wake until Saturday afternoon, took some soup and a soft drink, looked at Elaine but couldn’t speak. After a shower, sleep overtook me again. Sunday late morning I woke, this time somewhat normal – a strange tingling was still taking place between my legs …. “OMG Elaine I had no idea – I’ve got to become a member, how do I do this and more importantly how often can I return?”

Picking up a small hand mirror, showing me what my pussy looked like – it was bright red, swollen to two or three times its size – a brownish liquid was oozing out of it, reaching down there, rubbing a single finger over the lips damn near made me pass out due to how sensitive that area had become – the juice had a wild taste, one that rolled my eyes up in my head – shocked by all this, looking at my friend for some help …. “It would be impossible for you to return in less than a month – they have changed your body’s makeup with their seed, forget about ever enjoying a lesbian relationship – other than club members we taste just too wild. I now try and visit every two or three weeks, that is about all any of the members can take. Membership is a costly annual fee, but for me it is well worth the money spent”

Once I was dressed, I paid a yearly membership fee with my American Express, then rode home with my very best friend. She helped me into my place, the legs were still somewhat shaky. Once inside, pulling her to me, sharing a wild and passionate kiss, making sure my boobs were rubbing on hers, feeling those big nipples of hers harden. Slipping my hand between her legs, no panties and soaking wet, “I’d love it if you could stay with me tonight, this is all so new and I may need some help”

Pulling my top off, leading me to my bedroom, sucking on one nipple, while she helped me lay back on the bed, lightly rubbing her hand over the swollen lips between my legs, triggered a massive orgasm, one that took my breath away as my eyes rolled up in my head. “I promise you that won’t be your only explosion”, just as she pushed one finger deep inside me, making my back arch while I screamed from pure erotically sexual pleasure covering my body.