Spending my time in school, studying, preparing for and getting into accelerated classes – got me through college, without having to spend any of my own money – finally as graduation was approaching, a fantastic job offer was accepted, assuring me of high income and my future looking brighter than I could have imagined.

Midsummer after graduation and working in my new position, one of my collegues suggested I needed to get drunk, let my hair done and maybe even get laid – I laughed but all the time knowing she was correct. The following Friday I slipped on a revealing outfit, showing off all of my oversized boobs, slim figure, nipples begging to be played with – making sure to leave off any panties – just in case … my boobies bounced when I moved, since I never wear a bra – one last look, around 7pm I was on my way to a club to meet my friend.

She was waiting on a patio bar, drink ready for me – looking around, everyone seemed to be having fun … lots of open sexual encounters taking place … easily placing me in a receptive haze when he drove up. Riding on a heavily tricked out Harley, tall, lean looking – expensive leather jacket – almost as if he knew I was there, as soon as he turned from his bike, those baby blue piercing eyes locked onto mine. The three of us laughed, joked, bought more rounds – Gale meant a good looking guy also … so it wasn’t long before she disappeared in the crowd. That’s when Eric asked me if I’d like to go for a ride.

I’d never been on a bike before, but he was so good looking, it sounded like fun. The club, his presence already had me excited and the fact I was riding on the back of a specially built bike, one that added and intensified the vibrations between my legs.

We rode around to various places, his free hand rubbing up and down on my bare leg, my overly stiff nipples rubbing back and forth against his soft jacket – finally arriving back at my place, I was so deep in a sexual haze, it was hard to walk. Supporting me inside, we locked in what I thought was the most passionate kiss anyone could ever have enjoyed.

The powerful hands cupped each of my cheeks pressing my body into an obvious hardness covered by his jeans. I wasn’t a virgin, but never felt anything like this. From there to being stripped nude then carried to my bedroom, laying me on my back, his mouth and tongue introduced me to a new exciting experience that I had never dreamed of.

He was talented as well as experienced – bringing me to the edge, slowing down, allowing me to calm down then back to the edge again. I was writhing, twisting under him, squeezing my boobs, the bedding – his head … my eyes opening and closing, rolling up in my head, praying this would never stop – begging him to let me cum. When I was finally allowed to enjoy the most intense orgasm I’ve ever even dreamed of, while I was in the thralls of this wave, he slipped a good 10 inch shaft deep between my legs, making me gasp, grab his hips, feeling him stretch me beyond my wildest dreams – he started a slow steady rhythm of in and out – my body matching each thrust, clawing his back, wanting more and more – afraid what was happening would end before I could enjoy everything I had been missing.

He’d speed up until I was there, then he’d slow down, allowing me to relax – then back to the edge again. How long he kept me like this, unknown … eventually he let me go crashing over the ledge – his penis stayed hard and in me … even after he filled me with that wonderful warm liquid.

Cuddled up together for a short nap, we made love again … this time my body responded with multiple orgasms. By the time we’d slept, spent the whole next day repeating what we’d enjoyed the night before, it was a mutual agreement he’d move in with me. I had a good job, made good money and he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen.

As soon as work was over, we’d be in bed, or on the sofa, in the backyard, basically anyplace he could be inside me, making me feel the fantastic feelings he had introduced me to. Several times each week, we’d go for a bike ride. By the time we were home, I was like a tiger needing sex.

This went on for over six or seven weeks … one Thursday evening we were relaxing from a mind blowing pounding, this time I was on all fours – he was banging me like a crazed K9 … while we relaxed, cuddling up to him, “Honey we’ve been enjoying unprotected sex for over six weeks, you were my first lover, so I was never on the pill – if I’m not pregnant now it won’t be long before I am – should I get an appointment and get on the pill?”

He surprised me by not saying anything, just going for a ride – when he came back over three hours later, he was happy as can be, telling me he’d love to have me pregnant so no need to get on the pill – then suggested we go for a ride tomorrow across the border to see an exciting sex show.

He seemed so excited and it made me so happy … When I got on the bike the next morning, he mentioned he’d had the vibrations increased, happy to see how it affected me when we got there.

The trip was a lot longer than I’d ever been on, spiking my arousal to the point of having me dry humping the seat, rubbing my tits on his back … opening and closing my legs – to the point when we pulled up to a large building – nothing but parking lot on all sides – helping me off the bike, I whispered, “I need you to fuck me, really need you in me Eric”

Promising it would be soon, helping me inside – a really good looking tall Spanish Heritage guy named Raul – looked me over – handed my date an envelope of money, “Nice Eric, she may be the best you’ve ever brought”

Showing us inside to a front row table, a large movie screen on a stage, drinks were served immediately. Sipping mine, having no idea it was drugged heavily with a designer drug, spiking my arousal even more plus erasing any inhibitions I may have had.

The video surprised me, it was a zoophilia movie between a cute brunette and a large lab – I knew that some women had relations with animals but had never watched it happen. My eyes were glued on the screen, his cock was huge, she looked so happy, the speed he was pounding her made her whole body shake – between my legs a steady stream of liquid was now flowing.

By the time the dogs knot pulled out of the lady on the screen, she looked like she’d enjoyed multiple orgasms – leaving me breathing heavy – I’d finished two drugged drinks, so when two staff members helped me stand, leading me to the stage behind the curtain – a few additional staff helped me out of my clothing, then securing me to a heavily padded bench in the middle of the large area – my ankles, knees, wrists and neck were secured … an anal plug was slipped in to make sure a mistake would not be made. A mouth gag was fitted in so I couldn’t close my mouth ….

The curtain pulled back, making it easy to see everyone, including my boyfriend sitting with a big breasted blonde – I had been replaced already. Still not sure what was happening, I let out a moan while my eyes rolled up in my head – when a large tongue licked the juices between my legs. That was when things started to become clear, I was restrained, it felt like a dog was licking me … we’d just watched a beastality movie – but before I could link it all together, the huge animal jumped up, sliding a huge cock deep inside me – followed by a small jump as he bottomed out. Ever since I’d arrived the need to have a cock in me had kept building – as I dropped my head, let out a low whimper – this was indeed the cock that I needed.

He filled me more than my lover ever had, was pumping in and out faster and triggered my first orgasm much quicker than ever before. I knew this was a dog, but the way he was making me feel, washed away any problems I may have had.

That marvelous cock seemed to hit every magical spot inside me … thinking this had to be heaven – then the knot began to push against my opening – it was huge, making me squirm and twist as much as the restraints would allow me … eventually slipping in, making me cry out in pure ecstasy at how good it felt.

Raul had been watching me closely, when I cried out in pure pleasure, he undid all restraints on my hips and body, allowing me to move with the exception of my wrists and knees – as soon as the freedom was given, I started moving back to meet his plunging – as the knot slipped in, my pussy was riding the ball .. more orgasms hit me when he started to flood me with that warm seed.

While he was in me, waiting for the knot to shrink down, closing my eyes, the whole body tingled with these new sensations I had discovered. Just before he pulled out of me, several male audience members came up to enjoy a blowjob with my mouth piece in place. I’d never given a blowjob, Eric never asked for one, so as soon as this cock slipped down my throat – it was like a brand new window of sex had been opened to me …. His cock felt so soft against my throat – moving my head back and forth, again as much as I could – it only took a short time for me to feel the head expand then empty the salty solution causing me to swallow as much as possible ….

This was so new to me, so exciting – I couldn’t believe I’d missed all of this all these years.

The dog was just pulling out of me at the same time the guy did the same – an emptiness came over me – the owner had watched closely – stepping forward, taking off my ball gag – allowing me to enjoy the next penis presented to me.

Now I could lick his head, enjoy the precum he was producing – slipping it all the way in, my tongue moving around it, while my head moved up and down along the shaft … my second dog started licking between my legs, making me spread them as far apart as possible.

Fascinated by what he was seeing, Raul gave me an injection to rid my body of the drug that had been given in my drinks.

The effects took a few minutes to become ineffective – clearing my mind – I stopped moving my head, realizing what was happening between my legs – he had just mounted me and started the rapid pounding ….

Everything came crashing down; my boyfriend had sold me to this place, he had arranged to have me drugged and now a dog was fucking me, while I was giving blowjobs to any and all males who were horny. Thinking of the feelings, the new feelings I had experienced so far, looking up at him, smiling and motioning for a new guy to get ready … all of this had given me something normally I’d have never enjoyed. The explosions I’d had were beyond any way of describing how wonderful they had made me.

Looking at him, “I think I’m ready for my next blowjob” He smiled, allowing the next guy in line to step forward. That evening three dogs used me, maybe twenty or more guys emptied their seed in me … my new owner helped me to a private room, preparing a shower – then taking me to a private room where a nice meal was ready.

As we sat there talking, the conversation turned to Eric and the fact I was not the first person he’d sold to the facility … then he asked, “If you had the ability to do anything you could … what would you do in a few days when you’ve rested?”

Thinking about his question, it took me a few minutes of silence, then looking at him, “If I had my choice I’d apply for a job here being part of the stage show maybe three times a week” Then laughing … “Of course if I could get even with that shithead Eric – then that would be a plus”

We talked more, being more than a little tired, he showed me to a private room, no locks, no chains – just a nice bedroom and bathroom for me to use. The following morning he joined me when I woke, “Typically Eric stays in town a few days after he’s delivered one of the girls – that and I’d love to have you be the floor show on Monday, Wednesday and Friday – that way you have a day off to rest – and if that is OK, I can invite him to come again maybe this evening if you’d like?”

More talk, a perfect plan – hugging him was what would eventually become the first hug of many more passionate ones between us.

That evening Eric showed up with the same big chested blonde, taken to a front table … he never suspected the drink was spiked with a fast acting drug. From the sidelines, watching him chug down the free drink, refilled and half of the second one, when the drug hit – helping him to the back room, stripping him nude, securing the creep to the fucking bench, lubing up his ass, the curtain came up, a little shock came over the audience – Raul explained we were trying something new to see how everyone enjoys it … That was when I gave him the same shot I’d been given … the hound was licking his ass, when the drug wore off.

Panic was in his face, looking all around, seeing me standing just off stage – smiling, “Now hotshot tonight we’re going to let you know what it feels like to have a dog ride you, hope you enjoy it”

The fear in his eyes must have been in every girl he’d sold before me … he begged, struggled against the restraints, but when the dog started licking his ass – the begging turned to crying.

These dogs were experienced, so when he mounted this jerk, the aim was right on – I can only imagine how painful he felt when the cock was forced all the way in – his eyes went open, mouth just as wide – no sounds came out, at least not until the pounding started. The scream shocked everyone … the pain he must have been experiencing, instantly made this a favorite for the future.

The knot was not able to be pushed in … no matter when the animal pulled out, Eric was drugged again – collared, showered and placed in a caged room, where some of his ex girl friends were kept. Everyone was kept drugged, so the show could be successful … The money he hadn’t spent was mine, taking possession of his bike as well.

Everytime the shot was given just before he was fucked, I made sure he saw me and knew this was happening because he sold me –

By the time I’d been working for two months, four dogs were mounting me three times each week, most nights I gave in excess of twenty blow jobs – Raul gave me 5% of the nightly take when I was on stage there were no restraints … the more the dogs mounted me the more I loved the feeling. The BJ’s were just a nice plus.

I loved riding his prized Harley for long rides just before one of my shows, it seemed to put me in the proper mood for what was coming and I loved how soft his leather jacket felt on my nude body.