© 2024 by Golden02

I met my husband accidentally. And I mean it was an accident. I was a 16-year-old cheerleader from West High School at that time. It was after a basketball game. I was pulling out of the parking lot at the high school. I was late. I was headed to the Lazy Day Inn, where I work part-time as a maid. I was more like a whore.

A man pulled out of a parking space and hit my already banged-up car. He only put a couple of scratches on it, but he was so sorry and very apologetic.

His name is Grant. Grant owns an Automotive repair shop. He offered to repair my car if I didn’t tell anyone, like the police.

He asked me to be at his repair shop the next morning.

The next morning, I woke up at 1:00 pm. I had a long night at the inn. There was a doctor’s convention in the convention center next door. During those conventions, it is always busy. Several of my regulars I see once a year were there to see me.

I called and told Grant I’d be late. He said, “That’s OK, he’ll be here.”

As soon as I parked in the parking lot of the automobile repair shop, he came out. He took my car and put it in the shop. A short time later, he came back out. He said his boys would take care of it. He then took me across the street to a nice Italian restaurant. We talked for a long time. He was a really charming guy. I really liked him. I found out he was 33. He asked me if he was too old for him. I told him no. He didn’t realize that I’ve been with men a lot older than him since I was 14, so age to me wasn’t that important. I asked him if I was too young for him. He said, maybe. He said he has a daughter, the same age as I am. But she lives with his ex-wife. He said he would love to date me. So, for the next two years, we dated. The sex with him was great. He has a pretty good size cock, 9 inches long and very thick, and comes a lot.

The first time we had sex, he couldn’t believe I was able to deep-throat him and hold his entire cock in my mouth for over a minute before I had to let go. I have had a lot of practice with men a lot bigger than him and with some dogs, too.

When I turned 18, I quit being a whore, and I married him. He never knew what I was doing on Friday nights at the hotel. I didn’t really want to quit; I loved it so much, but I wanted to be faithful to him.

My husband and I have been married for two months now. We had sex two, maybe three times a day, but somehow I needed more. But I remain faithful.

It was a Monday. I came home from work and found my husband in the living room with a DVD in his hand and one that was playing on the DVD player. That one I made a week before I got married. In that movie, ten big black men were having their way with me in every hole.

“Would you like to explain this?” he said as he handed me a DVD marked four years ago.

“Are you sure? Do you really want to know?” I said, crying.

“Yes, I want to know. How old were you? 12-13? Did you like fucking dogs?”

“The answer to your questions is, I was 14, and yes, I love fucking dogs. Grant, I hope, after telling you about my past, I hope you still want me, I love you very much.”

I sat down on the recliner, which was next to the couch.

It was a couple of days after my 14th birthday.

My sister Tracy was at cheer practice. She was 18 at that time. My mom was gone. So Tracy was watching me. I was out in the playground at the school. I was the only one there, except for an older lady who looked to be in her upper 30s to lower 40s. I was on the monkey bars, hanging upside down, when my skirt and my top fell, showing my panties, and since I wasn’t wearing a bra, I was showing my non-existent breasts.

I heard a “gasp.” I looked over and saw a lady sitting on the bench. She had her coat over her lap. I started to get down, but she said, “No, please, please stay the way you are.”

So I stayed the way I was, showing this lady my flat chest and panties.

A short time later, she took her coat off her lap. The lady was wearing a dress, and she had her dress pulled up, and she was wearing no panties. The lady was fingering her bald pussy.

After a couple of minutes, I started to get too much blood in my head from being upside-down, so I got off the monkey bars. I walked over to her, and she said, “Do you want to go into the woods over there with me?”

I said, “OK,” so she got up, and we walked into the woods. When we got into the clearing, we stopped.

“What’s your name? How old are you?” she asked.

I told her my name is Amanda. And I was 14.

She said, “Wow, I thought you were like 10. Are you a virgin?” she asked.

I told her, “Yes, I’m a virgin.”

“Let’s take this off, OK?” the lady whispered, and I felt her undoing the little catch in the back of my skirt and drawing the zipper down slowly.

I was a little embarrassed, suddenly realizing that my panties were damp, and I blushed a bit.

“Shhhh, I know, Amanda, you’re excited, and so am I,” Her voice was soft and husky, and her fingers pushed down my skirt, sliding it down my thighs to expose my panties. “Oh, shit, I guess you really are all hot and bothered, aren’t you?” She tilted her head, staring at my barely concealed sex.

Perhaps it was the look in her eyes. My whole body was like an ember in the heat of her gaze.

“It’s OK, Amanda. I’m going to take care of you now.” She was moving her hands up along the back of my thighs, stroking me gently, and I felt lightheaded, as if I might fall any second. I put my hands on the Lady’s Shoulders, more from reflex than anything else.

She found my bottom with her hands, cupping my cheeks through the thin cotton of my panties and fondling them. Gosh, it felt good. Wonderful.

“Ohhhh,” I moaned, swaying slightly, nearly overcome by her touch.

“You’re so hot, Amanda, so hot all over.” she was saying, rubbing me, touching me. “I bet you are hot inside, too, aren’t you? Are you all hot inside, baby? In here?” She leaned forward, her hands still on my ass, pressing her lips to my panty, covered pussy, and kissed me there.

“Y-yes,” I gasped, digging my nails into her shoulders and staring blankly into the woods. I was concentrating on the good feelings filling my belly. My entire body and soul were drowning in some sweet warmth that seemed to lift me, making me seem almost weightless.

The lady’s tongue emerged to tease the skin of my tummy. Then she pushed her tongue into my belly button, swirling it around lazily, licking me there until all I could do was tremble in her embrace. I couldn’t figure out what was happening. Whatever it was, I had never felt so wonderful in my entire life.

“Let’s take these off,” she whispered, sliding her hands up to the small of my back and then down again, slipping into my panties this time. My heart was racing.

She pulled them down slowly, baring my adolescent sex to her eager gaze. I know we shouldn’t be doing this, I thought, because she was a lot older than me, plus I’m underage. But somehow, that didn’t matter so much right then.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered as she gently parted my thighs, revealing my fourteen and one-day-old virgin sex. I could feel the lady leaning closer once more. Her breath was on me. Her hands returned to my now bare bottom. The lady caressed my baby-soft skin, and she pulled me closer so I had to thrust out toward her with my hips.

“Such a pretty pussy, Amanda,” she murmured. “Would you like me to kiss it for you?”

I could barely believe what she was saying. My body was on fire. I stared down at myself, seeing what the lady was seeing right then. The swell of my sex, puffy and glistening. I was unbelievably wet, and my barely slit was flushed and pink, inviting the lady’s kiss. It was hot and throbbing and aching, and I only knew I needed someone to love me, or I was going to go crazy!

And then the lady put her mouth on my pussy, turning her head slightly so she was kissing my slit like it was a mouth. I felt the soft warmth of her lips, then the incredible sensation of her tongue teasing across my folds. I whimpered, gripping her tightly as she caressed my ass, burrowing her face between my thighs. She sucked and licked and kissed at my throbbing pussy, making sweet liquid sounds that only intensified my pleasure.

When her mouth finally found the button, the tiny knot of fire at the top of my cunt, I jerked so violently that the lady could barely hold me to her. I couldn’t help myself.

For the first time in my young life, my body was truly awakened, demanding that every part of me surrender completely to her love. I was helpless against it.

For several minutes, I don’t know exactly what happened. Everything just became intensely bright, and it felt as if my body was being turned inside out.

Fireworks were exploding in my head, and I thought this must have been what heaven was like. It was magnificent, better than any feeling I’d ever known. I never wanted it to stop.

But when it did, I found myself lying on the wet ground, now completely naked, the lady having removed the rest of my clothes. She was next to me, caressing my face. I was tingling all over, still floating.

And then the lady was kissing me. Her mouth was soft and sweet, with a slight tangy flavor that seemed somehow familiar and alien at the same time. I nearly swooned at the sudden realization that I was tasting my pussy on her lips.

The lady held me close to her, exploring my mouth with her tongue, and I could do nothing but respond. My tongue emerged to join hers. Kissing me like a lover, me kissing her back just as passionately, and I loved it.

I felt her fingers toying with my pussy which, amazingly, still ached, hungered for more. She rubbed my clitoris in little circles, up and down, and my body moved to the rhythm of her fingers. She slid her index finger to the barrier of the hymen, and I moaned. All the while, we kissed over and over again as if we’d never get enough.

“Let me take this off,” she told me finally, breaking our kiss and standing to pull her dress over her head, shaking her long black hair loose. She was naked underneath it, and I gaped at her nudity, feeling my whole body tremble with nervous excitement. God, she was beautiful. Her breasts were big and round. Her pussy was bald, and she had a little tattoo of a dog footprint just above the slit of her pussy.

I was suddenly burning with a wild desire to touch and love her bare body, just as she had mine. She knelt next to me.

“My sweet baby,” she breathed, “please, kiss Mommy’s nipples, do that for me, honey.”

I tilted my head up, gazing at the lady’s beautiful breasts, then extended my tongue to lick at a pert nipple.

“Oh, Amanda,” she whimpered. Wanting more.

I took the tip of her breast into my mouth, gently sucking the pink tip. She cradled my head in her arms, holding me to her. “Oh, baby, that’s it, yes, oh, my.” She was purring with pleasure as she gazed down at me, an expression of perfect bliss on her face.

Her breasts thrilled me. I could feel her nipples stiffen in my mouth as I sucked them eagerly, letting her guide me from one to the other and back as she wished. Her free hand was in my hair, and my head was resting on her arm. With her other hand, she continued to fondle my pussy, rubbing me gently, always so careful not to push inside me.

“Here, sweetheart, taste yourself,” the lady drew her finger from my pussy, then rubbed it around her left nipple, coating the tip of her breast with my juices.

She brought my mouth to it, then her fingers returned to my clit, giving feather-light strokes that made me arch my hips in response. I licked her breasts clean, the juice off them as the woman touched me.

She took my chin in her hand and tilted my face upward, then ran her finger, moist with my juices, across my lips. I parted them naturally, letting her slide her finger into my mouth. Then she leaned in to kiss me again, her tongue circling my mouth to taste the wetness she had left there.

Her eyes ensnared mine again. “Do you think I’m pretty, Amanda?” she asked me.

“Yes, yes, I do think you are pretty,” I said. I felt nothing but love and now lust, strange as that seemed. This was a side of me I’d never known. It was wild and exciting and awakened new and very different feelings inside me. I wanted all of her, wanted her as my lover.

“Oh, baby,” she whispered, her eyes glistening, “I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have a girl like you in my arms.”

“Ma’am, what is your name?” I asked her shyly.

“You may call me mother,” the lady said.

“Mother, can I, can I make you feel good now?”

“Oh yes, baby,” the lady cooed, lying back and parting her thighs for me, “I’d love that.”

My heart throbbed frantically. This would be the wildest, craziest thing I’d ever done in my life, licking a woman’s pussy, and I wanted it more than I could remember wanting anything. My mouth watered for her.

Kneeling beside her, I bent down to share a steamy kiss with her, then began to lick my way down her body, pausing to flick at each nipple with my tongue. I continued, trailing kisses across her tummy. I nibbled at her belly button, nuzzled her hips, and lightly kissed the swell just above her pussy. She had a generous bald pussy, no pubic hair at all, and the glistening pinkness of her cunt looked so good.

“Oh, Amanda, I love this so much,” She was trembling. I noticed for the first time she was every bit as excited as I had been.

I studied the lady’s pussy, marveling at its beauty. I could see her clitoris, so much more prominent than mine. I gently touched it, eliciting a passionate moan from her, and I grinned, delighted.

She let me explore her like that for several minutes, getting my first good look at a woman’s pussy, and seeing what mine might become over the following years. Her labia were moist and swollen, darker than the soft pink interior of her cunt. I caressed her with curious fingertips and savored the thick, rich scent, breathing deeply of her arousal.

The lady’s hunger finally became too intense, though, and she tugged desperately on my head with a shaking hand. “Oh, baby, Amanda, please.”

I lowered my face between her thighs, first placing a shy kiss on her slit, then licked her softly at first, then harder as she urged me on with her hands and breathless moans. She tasted incredible, and I was soon eating the woman’s cunt with an enthusiasm that surprised me, lips and tongue exploring every inch of her cunt.

I took her clit between my lips, lightly sucking it like she had done mine. A few minutes earlier. I flicked my tongue across it, and it seemed only seconds later that she was arching her ass up from the wet grass, breath hissing through clenched teeth.

As I continued to pleasure her clitoris, I slid two fingers into her cunt, pushing them in deep the way I’d never dared to do to myself. I had wanted to keep my Hyman until I got married, but that is another story.

She was wet and hot inside. I could feel the soft walls of her pussy squeezing around my fingers as I pumped them in and out, and there was so much wetness coming out of her that it was oozing down the crack of her ass.

“Oh-HHH, Christ, Amanda, oh, honey! Yes, ohhh!” She was bucking and rocking wildly on the ground, and it was all I could do to keep licking her. My mouth and chin were dripping with her fluids. It felt like she was going to come at any second, but then she stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

“Turn around Amanda, like this,” she was panting, lifting me and turning me around, then drawing my hips down to her so that I straddled her face. “I want to eat you too, baby. I would like to lick my little girl’s pussy while she does me.”

I was on top of her, my non-existent breasts pressed against the lady’s tummy. I felt her mouth on my pussy again, and I gasped out loud, feeling her hands on my waist, clutching me tightly. All I could do was lie there, feeling the woman beneath me.

Then I buried my face between her thighs and eagerly claimed her cunt with my mouth, pressing my tongue inside her like it was a little cock and thrusting it in and out. Then I shifted my attention to her clit, kissing and licking at the inflamed nubbin of flesh.

She was tonguing my virgin slit like a woman possessed, licking and kissing. My heart was pounding. My legs were trembling. And I knew I was coming again, and this time it was better. I was almost expecting my climax when it hit, so at least I managed to keep from passing out this time.

The lady made me come at least six times, I think. Occasionally, they were huge, like tidal waves that buried me completely; other times, they were smaller, almost gentle, like a caress that touched every inch of my body at once.

Finally, she let me catch my breath, and then I simply lay back as the lady straddled my face, lowering her cunt to my open mouth. I licked and kissed her pussy the way she had mine, using my fingers on her too. When she came, she shook so hard I thought she might fall off me!

She got me on all fours, then she began eating my pussy from behind, then trailed her way up to my butthole! When she pressed her tongue between my cheeks and started licking my crack, I nearly screamed. It felt so good. I’d never even heard of lovers doing such things, but it got me so hot that I had to pleasure her the same way. She got on her hands and knees, and I licked her ass the same way she did mine. She started to orgasm, so I licked her pussy, and her pussy juice ran into my mouth, and I drank it all.

She was so excited that she actually started pissing in my mouth, but I didn’t care. I drank that, too.

The whole time we were having sex, she would call me her little girl, her sweet little girl, and she wanted me to call her Mommy, especially when she was right on the edge of coming. That always seemed to make it good for her, and I didn’t mind.

Finally, we lay together in the wet grass, snuggling affectionately. I was tired but didn’t feel sleepy. Instead, I was hot and sticky and glowing with love for this woman.

We just lay there entwined, with my face pressed against her big, beautiful breasts.

“You’re so adorable, Amanda,” she told me. She bent over me to gently lick my right nipple, making it stiff. “I love your little tits, Amanda, I hope they never get bigger.” She played with my body for a while.

Finally, she got up. She went and put on her clothes and then her coat. She came back to me and handed me a hundred-dollar bill and a card with her phone number on it.

“I like you, call me, you are perfect. I would pay you a lot of money to film you breaking your cherry. If that sounds OK, call me.” she said, then she left me there in the mud.

I got up and wiped the piss off my face with my panties. I got dressed just in time to hear my sister calling out for me. My sister never asked why I was all muddy. All she said was for me to clean her car when we got home.

After I went home that night, all I could think about was that lady. I masturbated several times that night, thinking of her.

The next day, I got the nerve to call her, and we talked for a while. She told me she wanted to see me again. The lady told me to meet her at McDonald’s, which wasn’t too far from the school.

So after school the next day, I went to McDonald’s. I got into her car, and she put a blindfold over my eyes. We went to her house, which, I thought, was her house. She took me to her bedroom, and we had sex again. We ate each other, and I came many times. She then asked me, “Amanda, do you want your virginity popped? If you do, I would like to film it. I can pay you a thousand dollars.”

I was surprised; that’s a lot of money, so I said, “Sure, but I’m not on the pill.”

“Don’t Worry about that. He can’t get you pregnant. Let me show you a special room,” the lady said.

She took me to another room and opened the door. The room was bare except for a large bed in the middle of the room. The wall had pictures of boys, men, and dogs. It looks like a teen girl’s room. “This is a room we set up when we get a request for something special. We were offered a huge sum to make a bestiality video with a teen girl, and I think you’d be perfect for it.”

I had no idea what she was talking about. “Oh, come on, Amanda. Surely, you know what that word is,” she said.

“I have no idea what that is,” I said.

“Well, allow me to explain. Bestiality is where women or men have sex with animals,” she said.

I was shocked. “You mean,” I began.

“Yes, my dear,” the lady said. “We have a client, a married couple, who wants us to film their dogs having sex with a teen virgin girl. They said their dogs are fully trained.”

I stood there, shocked and disgusted. “You want me to have sex with a dog while you film it. Are you crazy? You want me to perform for the world to see?”

“No, no,” said the lady, “you would wear a mask. No one would know who you were.

“Come with me, Amanda, and I’ll show you what I’m talking about?”

With the two of us still naked, I followed her into a different room that looked like an office. We went into the office, and she opened her laptop. Clicking onto a site and clicking on a video. I watched a girl wearing a mask playing with a dog. The dog licked her, then she had the dog’s cock in her mouth. Then, after many attempts, he mounted her and judging by her moan, she was enjoying it. The lady looked at me, and then she wrote something down on a piece of paper. “This would be your cut for one video,” she said. I looked down and gasped. The note said $2000 +5% of the gross sale of the movie.

“I will have to think about it,” I said. “We need to know by tomorrow,” said the lady.

“Tomorrow?” I said.

“Yes, tomorrow. Look, Amanda, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It’s a lot of fun. I’ve done it many times. And nobody will know who you are because you will have on a mask, plus you will make a lot of money. So please think about it, call me tomorrow morning.”

I told her I’d think about it.

She drove me back to my house blindfolded in silence. My mind was spinning. When I got home, instead of playing video games, I remembered the address of the site that she had shown me. I went in, and I watched several videos of women with dogs. I kept watching and thinking about the money the lady had shown me. “OK,” I thought, “one video, take the money. I can do this.”

The next day, I called her and said, “I’ll do it.” The lady was thrilled, and I was too.

The following weekend, she picked me up at the school and drove me to that same house just outside of town; this time, I was not blindfolded. When we pulled into the driveway, I knew where I was: a friend from school lives there, Dwayne. Dwayne is black. He’s on the football team and basketball team.

We went inside, and I met two men named Frank and James. James is Dwayne’s Dad, and James is my doctor. He has seen me naked plenty of times. I knew where they lived, but I had never been inside the house.

They were very excited to see me. “We wondered whether you may have had second thoughts,” James said.

“That was my fault, James,” the lady said. “I was running late.”

“Well, we are still waiting for the client to arrive,” James said. Then we can start. Amanda, both Frank and I will have cameras. Frank will take a wide view, and I will do the close-ups. Amanda, Did Stacy, my beautiful wife, tell you what you are going to do?

“Yes, sir, fuck a dog.” Now I know what the lady’s name is. But Stacy is not Dwayne’s mom.

“Do you need to watch more videos to see what will happen?” James said.

I said, “I’m fine.”

James asked Frank to wait for the client. James led me up to the room. There was a T-shirt and mask on the bed. “Put those on, honey, and wait. Even though I would love to watch you fuck the dog naked, the T-shirt will keep you from getting scratched up by the dog’s claws.” he said, “it shouldn’t be long.” He left, and I got undressed and put on the t-shirt and mask. I put my clothes in a corner out of the way.

Moments later, James returned with Frank, a man who I assumed was the client and this giant dog. “Second thoughts?” Stacy asked.

I had a hundred thoughts, but I just said,” No.”

I never did know the client’s name. I guess he wanted to remain anonymous like me. But the dog was called King. The client explained that he was fully trained, and while his wife wasn’t into being a bitch, she got off watching dogs with other women, and she wanted to see a pre-teen with their dogs. Even though I wasn’t a pre-teen, I looked the part; I was close enough.

I imagined him and his wife sitting there jerking each other off while they watched it. It didn’t matter. I was just doing it for the money.

I could see the man drooling as he looked at me practically naked. I smiled, and he smiled back.

James said, “So, let’s get started.”

The man said, “Does she have to wear the t-shirt and mask?”

“Yes, if you are going to sell the movie, she does have to wear a mask, and the t-shirt will protect her from getting scratched up by dog’s claws,” James told him.

“I’m not going to sell this one. It’s just for my wife and my enjoyment. And as for the dog claws, I got socks for him to wear.” The man then looked at me and said, “How much are they paying you?”

I told him, “$2000.”

He said, “I’ll give you 5000 more if you undress completely and don’t wear a mask. And to prove that I won’t sell it.” He then got undressed. When he was naked, he walked over to me. He took off my mask and my T-shirt and told me to hold on to his cock. Stacy then took pictures of him and me together. “Now, if I sell this video, you can send this to the police. Now, for the other video, she can wear a mask but no T-shirt. That one I will sell.”

We all agreed. The man then put socks on the dog’s paws. James then told the client to stand out of the way he and Frank picked up their cameras. “Action,” cried Frank.

King had been fairly quiet. With all the strangers, he wasn’t freaking him out. But as soon as I began to pat him, he came alive. Either that or he smelt my already-soaked pussy. I walked over to the couch and sat down. “Hello, boy,” I said, “aren’t you a lovely doggy? Would you like to lick my pussy?”

I don’t know what triggered him, but he immediately pushed his nose into my crotch. I squealed as I felt his long, rough tongue come in contact with me. It felt so weirdly wonderful. I opened my legs wider, and he seemed to be trying to push his tongue inside me. I forgot about the cameras, James, Frank, Stacy, and the client. I moaned as my body started to shake. God, I was cumming? “Yes, King,” I wailed and came with a rush.

I knew that just being licked was not what they wanted. Now, I wanted to have sex with the dog.

I quickly knelt, as I had witnessed in the videos. King immediately mounted me. In some of those videos I had watched, the dog didn’t seem to know what to do. Not King. He knew exactly what to do. Make this woman his bitch. He began to thrust and found his target. The squeals and moans in those videos may or may not have been real, but my response was 100% real. “Oh Fuck” I screamed as King drove his growing cock deep into me.

All too soon, he slowly drove his knot into me, enlisting another scream. Then he stopped moving. I, however, was rocking back and forth. I knew what came next, and his cock twitched as he pumped doggy cum into me. It was maybe only minutes, but it felt like hours before he was able to pull out. I rolled onto my back and began to rub my clit. Someone moved my hand out of the way. I opened my eyes to see the camera only inches from my pussy. I then heard “cut” and realized where I was.

“Oh shit Amanda” yelled James, “that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I have watched many videos, but you put them to shame. You are a natural.”

“Yes,” added Frank, “I had trouble holding the camera steady. I am so horny right now. Will you suck me off, Amanda?”

I smiled sweetly and said, “I have another dog to fuck first.”

“We have to get you cleaned up first,” Stacy said. She got between my legs and licked and sucked the dog’s cum out of me. I just love Stacy’s tongue. It’s so long.

I looked up and saw Frank and James with their cameras filming us. I just smiled at them and had another orgasm.

I then put the mask on, and the man brought in another dog.

I did the same with the other dog and with the same results. I had orgasmed several times. The man got the first dog back into the room. “I’ll pay you another $3000 if you take the mask off and give King a blow-job. And, of course, it’s just for me and my wife.”

I said, “OK.”

I took the mask off, and the man said, “All you have to do is to say Suck, and he’ll know what to do.”

“So he has done this before?” I asked.

“Yes, but not with a teen girl. Only with older women.”

“OK, action,” James said.

I stood there completely naked, with the German Shepherd next to me. I looked at a King and said, “suck.” He quickly got on his back and was his legs up in the air. His big red angry cock was sticking out. It wasn’t thick, but it was at least 8 to 9 inches long. He was already shooting pre-cum out of his cock. It looked so gross, but for some reason, I wanted to put it in my mouth.

I got a headband and put my hair in a ponytail, and I got on my knees. I put my hand on the dog’s cock and lifted it. I got down and licked the head before I put the whole thing in my mouth. The camera was only inches from my face as I sucked on the cock.

It didn’t take the dog too long to start coming, and when he did, James whispered to me to take it out of my mouth and let it squirt on my face.

I took out his cock and swallowed the cum that was in my mouth. I let him come on my face. I had to close my eyes, the dog’s cum went everywhere. King kept humping, trying to get his cock back in my mouth. His cock kept hitting my face, so I finally opened my mouth to let him back in. He came a lot, and I swallowed it all.

When King was done, he got up and went to the other side of the room. Stacy handed me a towel to wipe my face clean. After cleaning my face, I looked up to see three naked men.

Stacy told the men I could blow them, but they couldn’t fuck me since I was not on the pill.

The client was the first one I blew; then it was Frank, and then James with his big black cock. I swallowed their cum; I was so horny. I loved it.

Stacy took my hand and led me to the bathroom. She asked me to take a shower; then she’d take me home before my mom got home from work. I took a long, hot shower. When I got out of the shower, my clothes were lying on the bathroom counter.

Stacy took me home. She asks me and the way, “Amanda, are you OK with what you and we did today?”

“Yes, I loved it,” I said, blushing.

“Good, I’m glad. Most women I know like it, too. Amanda, I hope you never tell anyone about what we did. If you do, many people, including me, would get into a lot of trouble.” Stacy then handed me an envelope. I opened it up, and it had 120 $100 bills. “That is your payment. You will get 5% of the profit from the sale of the movie. Now I have to ask you: we can sell the one with the mask, and you won’t get as much, or we can sell the one without the mask, and you will make a lot more money. And I mean a lot more. The possibility that someone you know would see it is very unlikely. But it’s up to you, Amanda.”

“How much more money would I make?” I asked her.

“I really don’t know, but with your looks and your little body, maybe up to $200,000 or more. And if that’s the case, you can make more movies and make a lot more.

Amanda, I own a hotel near the airport and the convention center. I have plenty of guys always asking for some young pussy. I have a couple of girls and a couple of women that work there. If you get on the pill, you can make a lot of money, and who knows, by the time you turn 18, you could be a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, and all you have to do is let them use your holes. So what do you say, Amanda?”

All I could think about was the money. And how was I going to get mom to get me on birth-control pills? “Can I think about it?” I asked her.

“Sure, just let me know if you like to do more and when you are on birth control.”

Stacy dropped me off at my house at 6:00 pm. My mom works until 7, so I had plenty of time to change and make dinner.

I went upstairs and changed my clothes. When I was naked, I looked at myself in the mirror. When I went to school that day, I was a virgin, and now I’m a woman. Well, technically, I’m a dog’s bitch. I didn’t look any different, but I felt different.

I felt that familiar warmth in my cunt. I liked to stroke and scratch my pussy. I have been doing that for a couple of years now. One hand dropped to my favorite pet, and I rubbed lightly over my erect clit. I sighed and moved to the bed as my knees began to feel shaky. On my back on my big bed, I spread my legs and raised my knees as my finger began the familiar circling of my clit, down through my outer labia, now very wet. My finger trailed lower until it crossed lightly over my sensitive anus. With each new touch, my hips bucked forward involuntarily.

Instantly, I was in my favorite play position, two fingers rubbing my clit, but now I can put my two fingers in my pussy. I had another in my tight ass and my thumb tracing over my hard clit rapidly as I fingered my ass and pussy. It was a two-handed job, and it never took long at this, and I stiffened, groaned loudly, and came. It lasted several minutes as I lay there still toying with myself, feeling the aftershocks of my orgasm hitting me. My legs slid flat on the bed as I pulled my fingers free from my pleasure zones and brought them to my nose. I inhaled deeply. I loved the musky smell of my pussy. Those two fingers entered my full pouty lips, and I sucked on them, feeling the thick moisture from my pussy. I also loved the taste. It excited me, and I would have to start all over.

But not today. I jumped up when I remembered I had to fix dinner for my mom and me.

My parents were going to a party that night with some friends. My parents have many friends and go out often- occasionally all night or even for the entire weekend.

My folks have been married for 14 years. They had me shortly after they had been married. My Dad is hardly ever home anymore. His job has him travel all over the world and see him for 2–3 weeks of the whole year.

I went downstairs and made dinner just in time for Mom to walk through the door. She went upstairs to change and came back. She was wearing a pretty dress and told me she was going out after she ate.

We were both quiet as we ate. I was trying to think of a way to tell her I wanted to be put on birth control pills. Then she surprised me and said, “Amanda, you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow after school with Dr. James. I’m putting you on birth control. You are getting to that age when you are thinking about boys, and I don’t want you to get knocked up like I did.” Mom then looked at me for a long time and said, “Amanda, regardless of what you decide to do, I’ll be behind you 100%. Just enjoy yourself and have fun.” She got up and went upstairs.

A short time later, Mom came down, and I followed her to the door. She stopped, looked at me, and gave me a big hug, and we whispered into my ear, ” Do what you want to do. “Do what you think is right. If it feels good, do it. I love you.” And she left.

So after she left, I got on the phone and called Stacy and told her yes, I’ll do it. I then went upstairs, and I masturbated to several orgasms, thinking about all the men and women who would see me naked and fucking the dog.

The next day, Mom picked me up after school and drove me to Dr. James’ office. In the room, the nurse told me all about the pill. How it would help me not to get pregnant and help with my menstrual cycle, but in rare cases, I could still get pregnant. The only way I could be 100% sure not to get pregnant is not to have sex. She told me about sexual diseases and that I should wear a condom, but that, too, is not 100% protection.

She then handed me a paper gown to put on after I undressed completely.

A few minutes later, Dr. James came in. “Hello Amanda, and hello to you too, Miss Stone; how is John doing?” Mom got up, and Dr. James and my mom hugged. Then, they did something that surprised me. They kissed on the lips. And it wasn’t just a little peck. I could see their tongue going into each other’s mouths.

After several minutes, Mom turned to me and smiled. She then came over to me and pulled the paper gown off me. “You don’t need this. He has already seen you naked, hasn’t he, Amanda?”

I just stared at Mom, trying to figure out where she was coming from. “Yesterday, I told you to do what you want to do. Do what you think is right. If it feels good, do it. So, what did you do after I left?”

“I … I…”

“I know what you did, Amanda. As soon as I got in my car, you called Stacy. And told her you are in and to let millions of people watch you fuck a dog. Yes, Amanda, I know all about it. I know you had sex with the dogs. I’m like you, Amanda; I had fucked them too. I’m Stacy’s and James’s whore too. I have been theirs since high school. And don’t worry Amanda, your Dad knows and is OK with it. I sent the unedited video of you with the dogs to your father, and he can’t wait to get home in a couple of weeks to fuck you. Your Dad will be the first one to. I should say, the first human to put a human cock in you.

Since you told Stacy you would do it. You now belong to the Dog Pound Club. You are to do whatever James or Stacy want you to do. You can quit anytime you want. But Amanda, if you are anything like me, you will never want to quit.”

That day in Dr. James’ office, I watched him have sex with Mom. I loved watching his big black cock going in and out of moms beautiful pussy. James asked me to eat the cum that’s in mom’s cunt. I then ate the cum out of my mom’s pussy for the first time, and it wasn’t the last time, either.

We picked Dad up at the airport. My heart was beating like crazy when Dad walked up to us.

My Dad was also checking me out. I started feeling very self-conscious. I wondered if I was dressed the way he expected.

After we were home and inside the house, Dad went upstairs, and Mom closed the door. I asked, “Do you think Dad liked what I’m wearing?”

“Honey, he’ll love what you’re wearing. I doubt he’ll take his eyes off you at all tonight, regardless of what you’re wearing.”

I grinned shyly but felt more at ease when she said that. We’re still standing in the living room. I pulled my top over my head and began taking off my training bra.

“I think he prefers that I don’t wear this,” I said, grinning.

Mom stepped closer to me, reached out, and began playfully pinching my already-hard nipples.

“He’ll love how these look through that top, too.”

I stood there, letting her play with me. She leaned closer and kissed me softly.

“Are you sure about tonight, sweetie? I want this to be what you want. You don’t have to do anything with your Dad.”

“I want it to happen. I’ve thought about this for a long time. I’m sure,” I said, nodding.

“Any problems with your period, Amanda?”

I shook my head no. “I stopped this morning,” I grinned.

“I’m glad that there is nothing in the way.” Mom smiled at me. “I’m sure we will all have a wonderful time tonight. Well, let’s put your Dad’s bag up in the bedroom and wait for him to get out of the shower.” We walked upstairs together. It still felt odd that I was about to have sex with my Dad, but I have been having sex with my mom now for a couple of weeks. I was doing what I wanted. Mom wanted it to happen, too.

“I can tell you’re nervous. You can still back out, sweetie.” Mom said.

“It’s scary, but I’m not going to change my mind.”

“I know you’re going to enjoy tonight. The dogs had already taken care of your cherry,” she said teasingly.

I looked down and bit my lip, embarrassed. Her hand lifted my chin.

“You don’t ever have to feel embarrassed around me. Tonight will be much better than my strap-on ever could.”

I couldn’t stop blushing, though, while remembering that afternoon and night with Mom and the strap-on. Mon and I had a lot of fun that day doing a new movie with Sarah and Taylor. They are also mother and daughter out of Cincinnati. Taylor was a little younger than me. Both moms had masks on, but Taylor and I did not. The moms used the Strap-Ons on us, and we used them on them, too. At the end of the movie, both moms pissed on Taylor and me as the 2 of us were kissing.

The 4 of us went to our house. Taylor’s mom slept with me, and Taylor slept with my mom. I didn’t sleep much that night. That woman was very kinky. My bed was soaked by morning.

Anyway, Mom and I heard a terrible noise from the bathroom. Dad was singing. We smiled at each other as she took my hand and led me back downstairs.

Dad came down wearing jeans and a nice polo shirt. He got a beer out of the refrigerator and went out outside on the back porch while Mom and I made dinner. Mom asked me to go out and keep Dad company.

Dad turned and stared at me as I walked outside to join him on the porch. It was obvious he liked what he saw.

I stopped about halfway and turned around. I stopped so that he could check me out from behind. I looked back over my shoulder toward Dad and caught him staring at my butt in my short, tight shorts. I just smiled at him when he noticed me watching. I then turned around and walked over close to him.

“You look so cute in that top,” he said, staring at my breasts.

“I wore it for you,” I bashfully replied.

He stepped to me and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him. God, he was so handsome. Then, he surprised me when he leaned into me and kissed my lips softly. I quickly looked around.

“Don’t worry. No one can see us over the fence,” Dad assured me.

Dad then went back to looking at our swimming pool. I kept staring at him, though, checking out his butt. He had a nice body. I have always been attracted to my father.

After a while, we joined Mom in the house. She had the table already prepared for us.

We sat around the table and ate. Afterward, Mom brought out some ice cream for dessert.

Dad said to me, “Is there anything you would like to do tonight?”

“I don’t know,” I said, looking between them, not sure what he was asking me.

Mom put her hand on mine, “Is there something you’d like to do? Like going to a movie or someplace else. You get to do what you want tonight.”

“Oh,” I blushed. “We don’t have to go anywhere. We can … we can just…”

I looked back at Dad and noticed him staring at my nipples. I glanced down and saw that my nipples were really showing off through my top.

Mom said, winking at me. “John, Amanda hoped you would like what she is wearing.”

“She looks great in anything she wears,” Dad said.

“Thanks,” I said, gazing at him, more sure than ever that I wanted him.

I noticed Mom whispering something to Dad. She left the kitchen without saying anything to me. We sat for a moment before Dad got up and stepped closer to me.

He took my hand in his and said, “Let’s go to the family room for a little bit.”

I walked beside him to our family room, holding hands. We sat together on the couch, and he kept my hand in his.

I asked, “Where is Mom?”

“She went upstairs to give us a little time to talk. Are you nervous about being alone with me?”

“No,” I said. “I guess I’m not sure what to do, is all.”

“I understand, and it’s OK,” he gently said. “Your mom wanted us to be alone for a little while. She wants to be certain you’re comfortable with me. Amanda, as you know, your mom has been doing this for years, and I’m fine with it. I saw the videos you did with the dogs, and you really look as if you had fun. I know no man has had their cocks in your pussy or ass, and I like to be your first. Are you OK with that pumpkin?”

“Yes, I’m OK, just a little nervous.”

“I’m sure you’re feeling a little awkward. To be honest, so am I,” he said, turning more to me. “Are you sure you want to do this tonight? Things can stop anytime you want.”

I was a little surprised that he said that. I figured he was just anxious to put his cock inside me. His concern seemed very real, though. It made me feel better, too.

“I would rather not stop,” I said, feeling more relaxed as we looked at each other.

He gently brushed back my hair, moving his hand to touch the side of my face.

“Can I kiss you, Amanda?”

I nodded as I looked into his eyes. He leaned to me and softly pressed his lips to mine for a few moments before pulling back slightly. Again, he pressed his lips to mine but more passionately. I kissed back just as deeply. I felt his tongue pushing between my lips. Our kiss became very demanding as he held my face with both of his hands, his tongue inside my mouth, mine in his.

He pulled me closer to him. There was absolutely no doubt that I wanted him to be my first human cock. His lips left mine. He kissed and sucked lightly down my neck. I wrapped an arm around his head, pulling him close. I closed my eyes and moaned as a hand lightly touched the side of my breast and then fully covered, first one, then the other, squeezing them and rubbing lightly over my sensitive nipples.

His other hand gently caressed my thighs. I spread my legs a little, and his hand moved between them to cup my mound through my shorts. He rubbed my pussy, and I felt myself getting very wet. His lips left my neck, and he touched my cheek.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

I nodded. He reached for my hand as we stood up. I looked up at him with a burning desire for him to kiss me again. He had the same need as he pulled me to him and kissed me again for a few moments, his erection pressing into me.

We went upstairs to my parent’s bedroom, hand in hand. Standing at the door for a moment, I looked into the dimly lit room. The only light was coming from a small bedside lamp.

Mom was waiting for us. She joined us beside their bed. I’m sure she could tell that I was more than ready.

Mom kissed her husband deeply for a few moments.

Mom said to me, “As cute as you look in those clothes, I prefer you without them.”

Mom looked toward Dad. Then she stepped away from us. She said, “John, let me watch you undress our sexy Daughter.”

Dad’s hands caressed down my sides. They stopped when they touched my bare skin below my top. His fingers hooked the bottom and lifted it off me.

Putting his hands above my hips, he stared at my breasts. He slid both hands up to cup them, caressing them softly.

Mom stepped back from me and began taking Dad’s shirt off, exposing his handsome chest. I thought about touching him the same as he did me, but I was still too nervous.

He again placed his hands on my sides, gently moving up and down, touching my skin, and caressing me. He pulled me to him. My hard nipples pressed into his body as he kissed me again while his hands moved down my sides and over my shorts, grabbing and squeezing my butt cheeks firmly.

He knelt in front of me and began taking my socks off. Then he slid his hands up my bare legs to the front of my shorts, undoing them. He slipped them down and off, leaving me standing in my white panties.

Dad’s hands gently caressed my legs again, moving up. My whole body tingled when his hand slipped between my legs, touching my covered pussy with his fingertips. I was already very wet, and his touch made me even more so. He leaned closer and pressed his mouth against my panties, kissing my covered clit as his fingertips played lower.

Dad moved his hands to my sides, hooked the top of my panties, and pulled them down my legs until I stepped out of them.

He stood up again before reaching down to take off his shoes and socks. He loosened his belt and undid his pants, letting them fall down his legs, revealing that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His erection was so close to my pussy. I wanted it closer.

He took me by my shoulders and pushed me onto the bed. Dad joined me, moving over my body. His hard cock pressed against my hip while he kissed me. He kissed down my neck to the top of my chest. One of his hands cupped my tiny breast, gently squeezing out to my nipple.

Dad’s lips brushed over the tip for a few moments before taking it inside his mouth, gently sucking, licking. He moved to my other breast, repeating the same thing. Dad’s mouth felt so good. I placed a hand on the back of his head, letting him know I didn’t want him to stop.

His hand moved down over my stomach, stopping at my bald pussy. His mouth trailed down from my nipple, following the same path. My legs were pushed wider apart. I was completely exposed to my Dad. My pussy was throbbing. I wanted him to touch me there.

Dad continued, using his mouth and fingers everywhere except where I needed it most.

He moved so that he was lying between my legs. His hands slid under my upper thighs, lifting them to open me even more. I thought I was going to explode when Dad’s tongue finally touched my engorged clit.

My legs shivered as he pressed his mouth over my clit, licking and sucking gently. A finger slipped easily inside me. I began pushing against his mouth as my orgasm slowly began. He started furiously licking my clit. Moments later, I grabbed his head and wailed out. My whole body became tense as I came hard against my Dad’s mouth.

I pushed his head away from my pussy when my clit became too sensitive. I looked at his wet mouth as he looked at my face. He moved up my body so that his face was above mine. The shaft of his hard cock pressed against my mound. His mouth found mine, kissing me lustfully.

Neither one of us said a word. I knew this was the moment. I felt him moving, so his erection was at my entrance. The head of his cock felt wonderful, touching me. I spread my legs further, bending my knees, opening myself more for my father.

He kissed me again and pushed against my opening. I could feel the head inside me. He felt so big as he stretched me. I wanted all of him. I grabbed his sides, and Dad lowered himself into me until our hips were joined. My pussy had never felt so full.

Slowly, he began to fuck me. He withdrew until only the head was inside me and then thrust back completely again. I squeezed him as his pace became faster. Dad’s moans told me that I was making him feel just as good as he was making me.

Dad began fucking me with longer, harder strokes. I squeezed his shaft tightly. The feeling was incredible. I was panting and moaning as he shook my body with his thrusts into me. I raised my hips in time to meet his downward push.

He began grunting. I wanted his cum inside of me so badly. His would be the first human cum in my pussy.

Dad thrust hard one last time and held still, stretching me so deeply. Dad’s body was rigid. His cock jerked inside me, filling me with his cum. Dad’s body was covered in sweat as he strained and joined mine. I hadn’t orgasmed, but the feeling was still very satisfying.

Still inside me, Dad lay down against me, kissing the side of my face and neck, breathing deeply, his breath warm against my skin. He moved his face so that I could see his cock still in my cunt.

“That was incredible. Are you OK?”

“Yeah. I’m very OK,” I said, smiling up at him.

I felt Mom moving onto the bed, her face appearing close to mine, “You were beautiful, Amanda. You both were beautiful.”

I smiled at her. Mom leaned down and kissed me.

“How do you feel?”

“I feel great,” I said, smiling.

Mom gave her husband a quick kiss, “You were wonderful. I could see how much she enjoyed you.”

“I thought you might have left the room. Were you here the whole time?”

She reached the end of the bed and brought back the video camera.

“I was a little busy,” she grinned and held up the video camera.

“There’s something I want to do now for Amanda.”

I looked curiously at her. Dad seemed to know what was on her mind. He slowly pulled his cock out of my pussy and gently moved off me, leaving me spread open. Mom took Dad’s place between my legs, moving her face close to my pussy. I was no longer curious.

She raised my thighs slightly and placed her mouth over my opening. Her tongue pushed inside my just fucked pussy. She had licked me before, but this was so different. I knew what she felt. Licking cum out of a pussy. I had experienced it several times with her. It felt better being on the receiving end.

Mom’s tongue licked me. Her fingers fucked me. Her mouth sucked most of her husband’s cum out of me. I grabbed her head as my legs trembled and my pussy throbbed. I screamed as I came, holding her tightly to me and pushing myself against her mouth.

I was still coming down from my orgasm when they both moved to lie on either side of me. Dad gently played with my breast as Mom kissed me with her cum covered mouth. We lay together, relaxing, enjoying the moment.

Looking up at the ceiling, I asked no one specifically, “Who’ll get to see the video?”

Mom propped herself with her arm and said, “No one. It’s just for us, it’s not for sale.”

Dad then said, “We won’t show or sell any of your videos to anyone you don’t want us to. Is there someone you would rather not see?”

They were both still touching and caressing me. My body still felt like it was on fire. They were enjoying my body. I was enjoying their attention. This was all so wrong in so many ways. But I liked the thought of that. It wasn’t wrong for me. Maybe that was why I didn’t care who saw the pictures, at least for now.

I answered, “You can show and sell them to your friends or anyone. I don’t mind.”

“You’re sure, sweetie?” she asked.

I nodded, and Mom kissed me again. Then Mom said, “This one is not for sale, but we will show it to our friends.”

“I kinda like the idea of people seeing them, watching me. It turns me on,” I said.

I looked over at Dad and smiled. He was already hard again. I reached for his cock, stroking it gently. Mom winked and said, “You fuck him this time.”

I move over his body. I straddled his hips and put my hands on his firm chest. Mom moved behind me, between his legs. She took his erection and rubbed the head along my lips.

“Sit down on him, sweetie. Slide down on his big hard cock.”

I softly groaned as I lowered myself until I was sitting on his hips. Dad was completely inside. I remained still, enjoying the feeling of being so full again … Mom’s hand touched where we were joined. Dad reached up and played with my nipples, pinching and pulling them nicely.

I moved up and down on him. Looking down between us, I saw just how big he looked going inside my little pussy. As I lifted my hips, my pussy lips gripped and slid tightly along his rigid wet shaft. They disappeared inside me as I lowered myself. Mom was taking more videos, but I stayed focused on the man I was fucking, my daddy.

I looked back at his strained face and fucked him faster. I rode his cock until I came again. This one was really intense. I knew I was moaning loudly, too.

He pulled me down against him, holding his cock deep inside me. I squeezed it with my pussy, and he moaned in appreciation. He hadn’t come, but I was a little wasted from my orgasm.

We stopped for a little while after that. Still naked, we all went downstairs to get something to drink and eat.

We went back to their bedroom and fooled around more. Mom and I licked and sucked his cock until he was hard again. We took turns having sex with each other, as well as all of us together. I had thought sex was fun before, but they showed me just how incredible it could be.

It was fun walking naked around the house with them. In the kitchen, Dad had me lean over the stove while he fucked me from behind. Another time, I went down on Mom as she sat on the counter.

Later, we sat around nude in the family room and watched the video of me with the dogs. It was ready for sale. It was the first time I saw it. Before long, though, we were watching each other masturbate, which I usually only like to do alone. I wanted them to watch me get myself off, though. Watching them play with themselves made it more fun. The last part of the movie had me getting the dog’s cum all over my face. That is when Dad came all over the coffee table.

I got down and licked it all up.

“After that day, I became their sex slave like my sister. I was available any time Dad or Mom wanted me. I was also available for Stacy and James any time they needed me. I made several movies, from just masturbating to hard-core bondage. And I love it all.

So, Grant, I understand if you want to divorce me. But I have been faithful to you. And I love you.”

Grant got up, took my hand, and pulled me up. We faced each other. “You are going to stop taking birth control pills. You will only fuck me and only me until you get pregnant. After you are pregnant, you will call James and become his whole again. Then, you will not take any birth control until you are 25. You will make movies and become a porn star. You will make the dirtiest and the most disgusting movies anyone can imagine. I will bring men, women, and animals home for you to have sex with. And I will love you until the day I die.”

I was so happy I jumped into my husband’s arms.

16 years later:

Stacy had seduced our firstborn daughter, our second daughter, and our third daughter, and she was about to seduce my youngest and last daughter. I had six kids; the two boys both had big dicks like their fathers, all six from different men.

The End