© 2012 by knot4dog137

This is the tale of an amazing man I met on Maui and the wondrous times I had with him and his friends. This happened a number of years ago I will call him by a ficticous name Alii, which means chief or king and he was definitely that both to his animal and most of his human family which I hope I would be consider a member.

I met Alii in a potentially dangerous and embarrassing moment. I have written about that and wasn’t very proud of it. The only reason it was necessary to write about it was the fact that it brought him into my life and change me into better human. He caught me in a very bizarre sexual orgy with a stallion horse and a male donkey. Most humans would have been disgusted or angered by what he saw, but that was not Alii’s way.

He laughed a bit and gave me a bear hug and the hottest kiss I had ever experienced. The fact that he is about six foot nine and had the most beautiful dark tan muscular body I had ever seen and the fact that he was completely naked made me feel quite uneasy in a very sexual way. I was made even more uneasy when he released me and I saw his twelve inch rock hard penis sticking out from his body. He spoke “Welcome to Paradise and I see that you have made some very close contact with some natives and some of my loved ones.”

“I have many names of which I take with pride and love. I have my human name, the name my friends call me and that those with whom I share a deep love. I have a feeling that already we are beyond the realm of human names, but not to where I might call you a loved one. I hope that I might for now call you friend and you can call me, Alii. I will call you by a friend name, Ipo Hau’oli, for I can see that much into your heart. I feel we will become more than just friends especially because you have already share more than just friendship with my special ones. I hope you will come to my place and share a portion of my life with me. I hope that also I may gain wisdom from your life experiences and that you may learn from mine.”

“I live about a mile into the forest. I have a humble home and a place I share with my many loves. I eat not of the flesh of the land, but only of the sky and sea. I can offer you only the fruit of the earth because I have not obtained any of the bounty of the sky or sea today except that which I have already promised my loved ones. If you cannot or do not wish to join me, I will say aloha with a heavy heart that I have not shared myself and my loved ones with you.”

I looked at him and was hypnotized by the sight of Alii. He was in my eyes the perfect man not only in his perfect body, but in his eyes that looked into your soul and a smile that could melt the polar ice sheets in a second. He was only about twenty five in years, he had an immortal soul. He seemed to be very happy and yet very lonely and cried out silently to be loved passionately by someone.

“My human name is Jeff, but you can call me by Ip0 Hau’oli. I normally am not one who trusts other people because they seem too often to be full of deceit. That is the one of the many reason I find animals easier to relate to. However I know somehow in my heart that you are definitely one I can trust. I only want you to know I can only stay for a short time for I am but a visitor to this paradise.”

He smile at me and with a happy voice spoke “Ipo Hau’oli means Happy Lover, which I just feel that you seem to be. Come with me to my home and as we travel I will tell you a little of myself. It is a well-worn path since I come here almost daily to visit with my loves.” At that we began down a shady trail through a Hawaiian forest filled with the scent of the tropics.

Alii spoke as we walked the path “I am a Hawaiian beast teacher I am one’s purpose is to connect the human and animal worlds. I listen to what concerns the animals about humans and vice versa. In the act of physical and spiritual love between man and beast, I strive to keep it on a higher plane.

The love between a human male and female is a wondrous and amazing thing, but love is wondrous and amazing in all its varieties. Many people have for thousands of years have tried to define what should be the relationship between sexes, races, religions, ages, predator and prey, and species. The only thing that really matters is what the feelings are between the members of any relationship. Those involved in it are the only ones who have any right to judge it.

My purpose is to guide others to see the potential good and bad of a possible union. Animals seem to think of humans as very amazing animals and have a desire for relationships with them that can easily lead to pain and their demise. Over time it has become instinctively easier to fear people and avoid them. Almost all humans think that they are better than animals and seek to have domination over them.

There are people and animals which have feelings which are different from their kind. You and I and the animals you have seen today are among them. Animals sense it in humans and people can with learning sense it in animals. I am going to show you things which will amaze you. You will learn the difference between bestiality and beast loving. I have on my land animals who have become outcasts because of their desire for human love of the deepest kind.”

I really did not know for sure at this moment what to think of his speech so I remained silent for the remainder of our trip. We came to a path that was deeply hidden within the dense tropical foliage. I heard the sounds of water, birds and insects but I swore that I was hearing the sounds of larger animal, and I thought I saw large animals moving in the forest.

After about ten minutes they came to a small structure with a garden growing around it and a large open area filled with a small zoo of many typed of medium to large size wild and domestic mammals. I wondered how did this wide variety of animals ended up on this isolated region of Hawaii. There were animals here that I could not figure how they got here and how they could survive here and among other animals which would normally kill and devour them. I could not understand how they could exist together peacefully and successfully in such a small territory and Alii said it had lasted for over seven years so far. There were over two hundred animals at least two of both sexes. I began thinking of Alii as a Hawaiian Noah.

I entered Alii’s homestead and the animals came up to him curious and very friendly. I was uneasy when a male lion came up to me and began licking my hand and face with his wet and rough tongue, and when I sat down I saw that he was showing sexual arousal. From behind a group of trees came a giraffe and a zebra and from the other direction there came a kangaroo, grizzly bear, tapir, camel, and a wolf. All of them came up to me and showed me the affection they would show a loved one and possibly with one that they might desire to mate. Other animals began to appear and it seemed I was definitely the center of attention. Sexually I had had a very tiring day, but seeing the look I could see in these animals and in some the obvious sexual displays I was getting, I was feeling like I hadn’t had sex in a year.

Alii spoke. “ I have been given a piece of land of about 500 acres by the state of Hawaii and a secret grant from the US government to protect these animals who have been rejected by their kind because of their desire for human sexual love. I have some people that help me with them and I have help to feed and take care of them. I have been given the ability to do amazing things to keep them happy here so far from their homes. You, I hope, will learn the wonders of this place and can stay for a while amongst these special creatures. I see that some of my friends already desire to give you and to receive from you pleasure, but you will need some training before you get too involved with them.”

“Animals have emotions just like humans some much simpler and some much more complex. Their happy and sad emotions are childlike and pure while their love and hate are such that the greatest scholars and philosophers could spend their whole lives trying to understand them. What you have experienced today with the dogs and the horse and donkey were simple acts of animal lust with little emotion involved except your own. I am going to feed you and let you rest for when you will have a sexual affair with a beast that will show you the meaning of love.”

Alii gave me a feast of native plants and home grown vegetables and fruit and coconut milk and we talked of our lives and he greeted and petted various animals that entered his home on and off. The animals after receiving his greetings came over and greeted me. My greetings seemed more than social. While their greetings were friendly and was definitely not hostile I could sense and see sexual overtones in our interactions with me. Their interactions with Alii were entirely different as he sat near an opened window they came one by one to see him the smaller animals entered the hut and the larger one stuck their heads inside the window so he could stroke their faces and they could lick or kiss his face. It was not a greeting of a master to his subjects, but one of mutual love and respect. Even the lion, the bear, and wolf look at him and he returned their looks with the look of love. I cannot explain it, but it was more than just love.

Alii turned to me and with a smile spoke softly “Let me get you some food and let you rest because you have had a busy day and you will have an even busier tomorrow, I will give you your first lesson and you will experience an example of the complete love of an animal for you. Amidst the foods I will give you tonight is one ancient mixture of Hawaiian plants that would make Viagra seem like aspirin and as an aphrodisiac a thousand times stronger than anything mankind knows. Sexually you will have no limits for three days and you will be almost unable to contain your sexual desires and no being that comes in close proximity to you will be able to resist you. There will be one animal that you will have sex with that will have absolute love for you.”

I ate the meal of Hawaiian plants and fruits and vegetables he grew in his garden. I wondered what ones had the magical powers, but something else I had eaten made me sleepy. Alii led me to a small mat in the shadier part of the hut. I laid down and started to fall off to sleep when I felt strong arms circling my body and a strong naked body pressed against mine. I was too sleepy to know to be able to stop anything and I fell into a deep sleep dreaming of things I couldn’t believe. Someday I will write down those dreams but we need to get to the heart of the story.

I awoke the next day to the sound of birds singing and the breathing of animals and Alii and as I opened I saw his dark muscular arms folding me tightly and I could feel his naked body pressed tightly against my backsides and I knew his huge hard cock was pushed into my ass crack . I instantly got the hardest erection I had ever had in my life. I have about seven inches when hard but this one was at least two inches longer and was painful in its need for sex. I looked outward and saw a menagerie of animal forms sleeping around me. There was a male lion with his feline balls almost in my face. There was a wolf with its front paws across my lower legs. There was a large sleeping horned ram head facing me. There was a hooked nosed pig snoring quickly to the side. Nearby was a large gray kangaroo sleeping on its massive tail, and looking in window was a giraffe and a zebra that seemed to also be fast asleep.

As I began to stir so did everyone around me. Alii awoke and tightened his hold on me whispering into my ears and kissing my earlobes. I could feel his cock hardening behind me and I heard him say “ You must before your adventure today know first that you are a man and with that he move his penis back and slowly let it touch my anal opening. I was so horny and so amazed at the heat and wondrous scent of his body that I grabbed his hard cock and pushed it hard into my tight hole. I screamed as it plunged inward. My ass was not ready for what he entered it with. I could feel the ten inches of his thick uncut dick stretching my insides. He rolled me onto my stomach and slowly began the sexual rock and roll of his fuck. I could feel his ribbed chest against my back and the soft sucking of his lips upon my neck and the whispering of sweet Hawaiian love words which I understood even without knowing the language.

His movements grew faster as he pushed deep into my body and pulled his moistening organ out. His massive strength pushed me body back and forth and in my aroused state I came like a volcano.

The animals around us were wide awake and actively watching us. They were getting excited also. They did not approach Alii but I could feel their bodies getting closer to me and soon I felt hair and tongues all over me. I have had anal sex with a lot of men and animals but this was very different. His movements were very different from any man I had ever had. His sexual moves were animalistic not in a brutal primitive way, but in a way an animal would should affection for its mate. He had great control over his drive and knew somehow to bring both himself and me to the brink of orgasm, but not allow it to overcome us. His cock grew so large I swore it was the size of a horse or that it end had a knot in it like a dog.

He didn’t make a sound except for his breathing which was heavy and fast. I could feel his body dripping sweat off of it. I loved the sound of his cock pounded inside me and the sound of his body as it slid up and back against mine. The animals around us were not quiet. They were making wild sounds of excitement as they watch us. I could see that some of them were fully aroused and some were being serviced by others. Suddenly Alii shuttered wildly and I felt him ram me violently as he flooded me with his sperm, He pulled out quickly and I was immediately entered by one of the animals. Its furry body rubbed my backside and its long hard cock began pushing inside the lips of my ass. As it continued I knew this was different from any male organ I had inside my before.

It was very hard but it was narrow and it seemed to pull my insides in weird directions as it moved up my anal canal. I was unable because of the animals that were surrounding me to determine what beast was mating with me. I looked down my chest and saw a small pair of paws wrapped around my chest. I was aroused knowing I was being anally fucked by some exotic beast that was beginning to droll upon the middle of my back. I was in pain because I know whatever was screwing me had a penis that was not designed for a human. It felt like I was being screwed by a weirdly formed carrot. Oh yes before and a few times after I discovered male and beast sex I was into plantiality. I had many a carrot, banana, zucchini, cucumber and other plants up there, but whatever I was hearing strange moans coming from the creature and was unfamiliar with those sounds.

I knew what was not fucking me and had mental pictures of the possibilities. I came down to only two one a goat or a kangaroo. I knew suddenly what it was: the fur, the nature of the sex, and the unusual penis told me I was being fucked by a kangaroo. I knew he was using the power of his huge back legs and powerful tail to drive his long and narrow penis deep into my body. It was not a completely enjoyable experience, but the idea of a large and powerful exotic animal like him made it much more pleasurable, and as I felt its cum flood into my man hole, the realization drove my cock again to ejaculate a large volume of my sperm onto the mat.

I now knew what Alii was talking about for my penis had had two enormous ejaculations and my penis was rising up wanted to go for it again. Alii went out of the hut for a while and so did most of the rest of the animals. The only animals that remained was a lion who was coming toward me with a hungry look in his eyes and his mouth open wide showing his sharp white teeth and a tongue hanging out. Knowing what was going on here I knew that this lion was hungry for me, but not in a food way. He was going to have my ass feed me a piece of his meat.

I remembered from some nature show that the male lion was really the submissive member during lion mating. The lioness teases the male on and then when he is lost in lust she closes her door on him. I presented my bare hairless ass to him and as he came over and mounted me. I turned sideways making it impossible for copulation in my posterior. I had his body on top of me and saw his strange shaped penis handing in front of me face and I could see his beautiful balls behind it. I could smell his masculine feline sexuality which for most would not be that pleasant, but I was in a sexual state unlike anything I had ever experienced. I moved and put me mouth on top of his cock receiving a quick shot of his cum in my mouth.

We continue for an hour receiving about ten bouts of cum either anally or orally until the lion was completely worn out. He was soon fast asleep and I though driving right to the point of ecstasy still had not climaxed. I looked at his beautiful balls and saw above them with his long bushy tail off to one side a beautiful rosebud asshole. I was crazy in heat and against all common sense with the lube of lion sperm from my own ass I moistened his and drove my cock into his ass. I thought I was doomed when he awoke, but then I felt his asshole tighten around my throbbing cock. I soon found my super hard dick erupting over and over again deep inside the king of beasts.

I lay back on the mat and wanted to take a nice nap and dream of all the amazing sex I had had in the last couple days and most of all the last few hours, but Alii came over to me and said time for some food and then back to your lessons. We had a nice vegan meal and we walked down a small path to a waterfall crashing in a flower lined pond. I know somewhere I had more of his sex food and I was in almost no time needing sex more than a man trapped on an island covered in porn magazines and wearing a chastity belt with no hope of release. After a nice swim the animal sexual odors which I was carrying with me like a blanket was gone. I looked down the path we had taken and saw some new animals coming toward me.

There was a tapir which Alii had called the pig like creature I had seen earlier and a zebra. They were standing now by the water on the only place where we could exit the water. They both were in states of sexual arousal but to my surprise the tapir’s penis was larger than the zebra’s. I knew that they were going to be my next lesson. I looked at them was really afraid that I could not handle their organs either orally or anally. I also knew that I was soon going to find out.

I walked out of the water with Alii and he went to the zebra and brought him over to me. With his strong head and neck he pushed me to the ground and climb over me and I could feel his long black cock’s heat on my naked back. I turned around so that my head was facing his two foot penis and I tried to swallow his flared cock head inside my mouth. As I did this my ass was sticking outward away from the zebra. The tapir wasted no time and jumped onto my back. His weight and muscles drove me downward and pushed me forward driving the large zebra cock farther into my mouth. The zebra’s cock began to drip some of it sex juices into my mouth and down my throat. It tasted tart then sweetly wonderful. The zebra’s cock head was completely inside my mouth and was locked there almost like a dog’s knot gets locked in his bitch.

I was enjoying this when the tapir’s gigantic dick found the area of my backside it was looking for and plunged violently with no hesitation into me. I gave out a muffled scream as it went deep into my ass and the tapir rapidly fucked me. My inside was being pulled in and out rapidly by his thick and strangely shaped penis, and then I felt it explode again and again with more sperm than I had ever had inside me and at almost the same instant the zebra drove forward in great spasm an I almost drowned as the river of its thick white cum engulfed my throat. I know I passed out because I awoke to find the animals standing near me. Though no longer sexually arouse they both had a large pool of their sperm under their bodies. I also saw a small pond of white beneath me and I looked back to see my own cock dripping cum.

Alii came over to me and said “I think we will go back to the hut and let you rest for a while. You still have much more to go through today. You still have four more to go. We will see how you take a gorilla, a wolf, a giraffe, and a long horn sheep before supper, when you must answer which of your encounters was special to one of the participants because this creature would love to have you as its mate, and to let you know that I truly loves you, but I am mated to all these animals and to any I share myself with so don’t think that I am a trick answer to your test.”

I had no desire at this moment to think of more sex. I wanted to do nothing but to rest for a while by myself. I was wondering of the four animals with whom I had sex might be really was mating with me and not just having sex. This was truly the most amazing day of my life and I was curious to know what this next group of animals would offer me. I never had sex with any of their kind, but I assumed a wolf might be similar to a dog, but a bit more savage. I tried to have images of the others, but I could not possibly imagine what was to come.

I sleep for about an hour having bizarre sexual dreams in which I was tied naked on my stomach with my legs forced apart and my head in some devise that forced my face in a position that my mouth was easily available for oral sex. In the dream every type of animal leaped either on one side of me or the other and very forcibly had sex with my mouth or my ass. The animals were small in the beginning of the dream with ones like squirrels and rabbits but near the end were hippos and elephants were ripping my man holes apart. Then suddenly on a surge of pain I awoke.

As I became aware that I was awake, I knew I was again in an animal’s sexual grip. I found I was being driven into the mat by some large grunting beast. It was at least twice my weight and felt its arms around my chest. I was being aggressively fucked by a very large gorilla. The gorilla kept pounding my ass with no let up. I was really glad that he was not well endowed because with his strength a large penis would have torn my ass apart. I have had anal sex with man and animals, but the brute power and animal drive of his thrust was greater than I had ever had. It was sort of a turn on to be having sex with such a powerful animal that was so closely related to a human being. The only thing I felt bad about it was that this seemed more emotionally empty than the rest of the relationships he had had recently. This most human of animals seemed more interested in showing his dominance than pleasure. I was only physically not emotionally enjoying this, but I guess it was really wild at that.

I decided to just relax and enjoy the ride. It really take long, but what a climax did my big ape had. He plowed hard his dick into me then he raised me up so he was really doing it doggy style wrapped his mighty arms around me squishing my chest as a large shot of gorilla sperm drove forcibly into me. I was glad that he lost interest in me as soon as he came because he would have crusted my chest with his strength if he had continued another minute. I was sore and hurting from this sexual encounter and wanted nothing more of that type of sex. He remove himself from me and looked around at all and started pounding his chest in triumph over me and strutted away so proud of himself. I thought that he was big muscle, little dick like a lot of the muscle men I had run into my life.

Alii seemed to sense my pain and rubbed some kind of sweetly smelling substance over the sore parts of my anatomy. His touch began to make my sexual desire to return. Whatever it was he used worked wonders and I felt like I had rested for days. My penis was already feeling like it wanted some action. A beautiful wolf rose from a nearby mat and stood next to me. He was magnificent to look at. I always thought that wolves and horses are the most noble of animals. His cock was coming slowly out of the sheath and he waved his beautiful tail in my face giving me brief views of his lovely ass.

I am a cock man and I soon I was touching his beautiful cock. I gently ran my hand up and down its ever increasing size. I could not help myself as the wolf began humping my hand and I got down on my side and took his hard veiny organ into my mouth. He was already squirting his pre cum into my awaiting throat and I moaned in pleasure as it slid down it. I felt that urge in my backside surprisingly after its short rest, and I knew I wanted to be fucked by this beautiful animal. I release it from my mouth with my lips not wanting to let it go. I positioned myself in front of the wolf and he began to lick my asshole with its rough and wet tongue. I couldn’t take it I love being rimmed by anyone with a nice tongue and this wolf was extra special one because of the nature of his tongue but mainly because he was a real wolf doing that to me and knowing I was soon to be mated with that amazing creature.

I pretended to move a little away from the wolf and as I expected that made him forget the gentle routine and suddenly I felt this animal leap onto me and with no hesitation plow his enormous and rock hard rod into my tongue moistened man hole. He fucked me like he had not had sex in years. His dick was pushing its way past the huge supply of other animals’ seed that had been planted there today.

He quickly had his top of his huge cock inside my asshole, but instead of shoving it in fast he slowly moved it forward allowing my as to go accustomed to its size and hardness. His mouth was breathing on the back of my neck and my neck was also getting a licking with that wonderful tongue of his. Slowly the cock was completely inside me and the wolf began whispering in wolf sounds into my ears. I did not know the words but I knew it was arousing. My mind was almost hypnotized by the sound south so that I hadn’t realized that I had been knotted by the wolf. I was now joined until he had completed mating with me.

He nibbled on my hair, my neck and my earlobes. I thought that he would turn around so we would be ass to ass, but instead the wolf wrapped his front paws tightly around my chest and put his full weight on my back. My ass happily full of wolf penis and my ass was becoming full with pints of wolf seed. He was still moving his swollen cock slightly back and forth driving me insane and pressing my prostate gland such that I came again and again.

We were locked together forever it seemed and that was just fine with me. I cried when finally he was spent and his cock popped out of me. I was amazed as I saw the amount of overflow of his cum pouring out of ass and down my leg. Again he came forward and licked my ass clean of his sperm. This act made me come again and then wolf started working at drinking my cum. After the clean-up of himself and me the wolf got onto the mat with me and we took a short nap when I was awaken by horns rubbing against me naked body.

I suddenly felt a large head resting on my rump. The wolf was gone. Its time with me was over. I had to continue my lessons. The next had to deal with a beautiful animal the big horned sheep which one I found very sexy, but about which I knew very littler, now I had one with its head resting on me. It was snorting and drooling on me. I was sure it was in a sort of sexual arousal and was going to try to mate with me somehow. I had seen them mate on nature shows and knew they had some of the biggest and most beautiful testicles of any animal but I had no clue as to what their penis might be like, but I was going to find out soon.

The ram jumped up on me and his front legs wrapped around my chest. His hoofs dug into me and his body bore down on me. I looked out to my side and saw a mirror which I had not noticed before, and I could see the sheep’s hard muscular body on top of me and I could see its long but narrow cock stabbing air looking for a place of entrance to deposit its seed. I saw its huge balls full of its sperm swaying back and forth in a sexual rhythm.

My ass was sore from the stabbing of the narrow long dick and I was relieved when the narrow head entered my ass. The actual sex was pleasant but very different from what I had ever experienced before. The ram humped violently for only a few seconds shot a big load of cum stopped and then started all over again.

With each ejaculation there was a strong odor which gave one the scent of the ram. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but one definitely knew you had been intimate with his kind and from what I found out it remained with you for many days no matter what you did to try to get rid of it. The ram filled you full with his stuff and with the many orgasms his seed was driven deep into your body.

After about ten of these in about a forty minute period I was drained and full and smelled of long horned sheep sex. The plus was I loved the feel of his fur on top of me and those wondrous balls banging against me. The negative was the smell of his sex with me remaining for days afterward and the sores from his hoofs being pressed hard into my soft skin. When finished he did give me a one over with his tongue and left me there very sexually satisfied and completely full of his cum, but a bit disappointed with his sperm’s scent and a very sore chest covered with bruises.

I passed again into a brief sleep moment forgetting all that had happened recently to me. I slept only a few minutes but I moved a little and felt the pain caused by the ram’s hoofs being jabbed into my body. I wish Alii had some kind of herb to take it away, but he was not around. I dozed off again and had a brief dream of a wet snake crawling across me. I woke out of the dream to see a wet bluish purple thing licking my body. It was attached to a large yellow with large brown patched head. I was getting a tongue wash by a beautiful giraffe and I knew this was my next adventure.

I could see under the body of this creature to see a long cock with a triangular shape head on it. I was intrigued about it and got up and moved so I could feel it. It was almost hot to the touch. I couldn’t resist running my own tongue about it and finally take as much as I could into my mouth. The taste was unusual it wasn’t like anything I had before. There was a bit of a urine taste, but it tasted very herbal probably from eating the leaves from the top of some exotic Hawaiian tree. His penis pulsated almost like a heart because a giraffe has to have really high blood pressure for the blood to be able to reach up his long neck. The throbbing dick was beginning to give me a sweet tiny taste of his pre-cum.

I think that giraffes are without a doubt the most beautiful noble and sexy animals. I could hardly believe that I was under one of them with his amazing sex organ enlongating and favoring my tongue with it sexual juices. He was beginning to getting into his full mating tone. He didn’t want a mouth for a home for it cock. He was beginning to jerk his long tall legs in a sexual rhythm and I knew I wanted to try the feel of its mating tool inside my man hole. My mouth released the giraffe’s sex arrow and I got up on my knees presenting my backside to him.

I didn’t have to wait very long he pushed me toward a large tree and I suddenly had his large hoof on top of my shoulders. He bent forward trying to give his arrow and good target. As an archer he was no champion, his long narrow struck me sensitive rump many times until finally he got a bulls eye. I thought to myself in all my wildest dreams could I ever imagine I was about to mate with a powerful and gentle giraffe. I felt the long hard organ inch its way in push onward by his powerful back legs. I heard a weird lovely sound come from deep within that long sexy neck. My mating was not long when I felt a sudden sharp surge forward of his penis and I could feel my inside fill up with his massive orgasm. He stayed there for a minute making sure I had received all his seed, then assured he had succeeded, he dropped down and ran with his majestic strides into the forest.

Alii came back with arms carrying a huge basket full of food and said to me “Well your school is done for the day. We will have a feast to celebrate your schooling and we will discuss what you have learned today and which of your parings was the joining of a potential lover.” I had no doubt as to whom this would be as I am sure you would also know this. It is where my story ends for now until I bring you the next episode of my lessons on beast love.