© 2023 by Suzi

As you cautiously navigate the dimly lit dirt path, you suddenly come across a stray dog in front of you. Your heart skips a beat, considering it’s so late at night and the atmosphere feels eerie. Before you can react, you hear rustling in the nearby bushes and two more strays emerge, joining the first one.

They surround you, growling menacingly and baring their teeth. The dogs seem to be aggressive, and you can’t help but feel a shiver of fear running down your spine. You realize you need to be extremely careful with your next move, as any wrong action could escalate the situation further.

In a moment of clarity, you decide to submit to the dogs instead, seeing this as the safest way to survive the encounter. But there is also a darker side of you that is excited by the prospect of fulfilling your own needs.

You slowly lower yourself to the ground, offering yourself to the dogs as you take off your clothes. They circle around you, sniffing and nipping at your skin, their rough tongues licking at your flesh.

You can feel one of the stray’s paws digging into your sides as he mounts you, his rough fur scraping against your skin. His breath is hot and heavy against the back of your neck, making you feel trapped and vulnerable.

Suddenly, you feel the stray’s stiff cock pressing against your tight anus. He tries to penetrate you, but his thick member is met with resistance. You feel the tip of his cock probing around, searching for a way in.

With a bit of precum and lubrication, the stray’s cock finally manages to breach your anal entrance, pushing past your tight ring of muscle. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, feeling the stray’s thick member stretching you open.

You can feel the stray’s hot breath on the back of your neck as he begins to hump you, his cock driving deeper and deeper into your tight hole. The sensation is overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and pain that you can’t help but moan at.

The stray’s rough thrusts make you gasp and moan with pleasure, sending shivers of arousal down your spine. The mix of pleasure and pain only adds to the intensity of your experience. His hot breath on the back of your neck and the scent of his musky fur only serve to heighten your desire.

You feel trapped and vulnerable, but at the same time, you feel an intense desire to submit and give yourself over completely to the moment.

As the stray’s thrusts become more frenzied, you can feel him getting closer to ejaculation. His cock swells inside you, and you can feel the hot spurts of his cum flooding your ass. The sensation of his warm seed filling you up is intense, and you can’t help but cry out in pleasure.

As the first stray finishes filling you up with his cum, you feel him being pushed off by another stray. The second dog positions himself behind you, his rough paws digging into your sides.

This time, he positions himself in front of your tight pussy, his hot breath puffing onto your exposed skin. You can feel his thick member pressing against your entrance, and you can’t help but feel a mixture of fear and excitement at the thought of being penetrated again.

The second stray thrusts himself into you with a force that leaves you gasping for air. His thick cock penetrates your tight pussy, stretching you open and filling you up completely.

As he fucks you, you can feel the first dog’s semen pouring out of your ass, mixing with your own juices and coating your thighs.

His rough fur scrapes against your skin, and his paws dig into your sides as he pounds into you relentlessly. The sound of his growls and snarls fills the air, making you feel like a toy, a helpless object for the strays to use as they please. +Arousal

Despite the sense of helplessness, you feel a wave of arousal wash over you, the feeling of being used and taken driving you to new heights of pleasure.

As the second stray’s thrusts become more frenzied, you can feel him getting closer and closer to orgasm.

His cock swells inside you, and you can feel the hot spurts of his cum flooding your pussy. The sensation of his warm seed mixing with the first dog’s cum is overwhelming, and you can’t help but cry out in pleasure. The feeling of being filled up completely by the two strays is too much to handle, and you feel yourself reaching your own climax.

As the second stray’s knot swells up inside you, your own orgasm hits you hard. You cry out in pleasure as the waves of ecstasy wash over you, your body trembling with pleasure. You can feel the hot cum mixing inside you, coating your insides with the strays’ primal lust.

Finally, the second stray pulls himself away from you, his knot popping out with a wet sound. You can feel his hot cum dripping down your thighs, mixing with the first dog’s cum and your own juices.

The strays seem to have had enough of you, and they disappear into the fields, leaving you alone and hurt but also fulfilled. The experience was intense and primal, and part of you can’t help but crave more.

As you try to get up, you can still feel the lingering effects of the encounter. The sensation of being used and taken by the strays leaves you feeling a mix of pleasure and pain. The feeling of being violated and helpless only adds to the intensity of the experience.

You slowly make your way back to the dirt path, feeling the cum still dripping down your thighs, mixing with the dirt and the grass. The scent of the strays’ musky stench follows you still, and even though part of you feels sick and dizzy, another part of you craves more of their primal desires.