Growing up on a large ranch near the border in New Mexico not far from a small town Santa Teresa …the town was less than 10k people making it a perfect place for young people to grow up, learn about close relationships, animal care and sexual encounters.

By the time I was a young lady, I’d been across the border to see multiple sex shows, including male and female bondage, a few kinky sex shows, but when I attended my first show between a female and an animal – a dog. I have no idea why, but this one had a strange effect on me.

My eyes were glued on the female, her face – what looked like an extreme pleasure filled experience – even though the cock was huge, much larger than any male I’d ever been with, she didn’t seem to be in any pain – just the most intense pleasure I’ve ever seen.

Absently rubbing my hands between my legs, never remembering being this wet … the guy I was with, noticed my spaced look, leaning over, “You OK, seems this one is getting to you?”

Placing my hand on his crotch, squeezing the already hard shaft … in a gravely voice, “I know you’ve wanted to fuck me for years – if you still do I need you in me now”

We rushed out in the parking lot to his pick up – I was joyed at how prepared he was, a nice mattress in the bed, stripping off my jeans, stroking him a few times and he was in me …. Not so impressed on how long he could remain in me … a few strokes, he was apologizing as he emptied the warm seed in me. Frustrated more than ever now, two cowboys walked by, asking them if they were heading back across; the border … it only took them a moment looking at me, “We’re heading where you’re heading young lady”

These two old boys knew how to please a lady, especially a horny one. The one was pumping me while I enjoyed the much needed explosion, the second one enjoyed a good old fashioned blow job from me.

By the time they dropped me at the gate to our place, cum was still leaking from between my legs and the usual flat tummy looked like I was a few months pregnant from swallowing so much of their nectar – I should have been more than satisfied, but that new strange feeling was still there.

Looking at our ranch dog in a curious way, I was up the next morning heading back across the border to the same club – this time in my pickup.

The brunette was easy to find, she was a regular staff member. Buying her a drink, “I saw your show yesterday … ugh my name is Jessica most people call me Jess – when ahhh … when you were doing your show, it looked like you were really enjoying … ahh having him in you. What is it like?”

Turning, slipping her hand between my legs, pressing down on my pussy … “The only way you’re going to know is to try it yourself – you’ll have to get a dog or something to fuck you othere then just a guy with a big dick”
Thanking me for the drink, it was obvious she wasn’t going to tell me what I needed to know, or anything more about the feelings – heading back home, our old farm dog was resting on the porch – I’d seen him mount several females in heat – he really looked like he knew what to do, but encouraging him to jump me, may end up making our relationship strange, drawing questions from my dad, who I had a crush on, but there was no way I could encourage him, even though I knew he felt the same way about me, I’d seen a nice size tent in his shorts, especially when I was wearing something that showed more of my body than normal.

Taking a seat on the porch, I remembered a few wild dogs always hanging out down by a watering hole a few miles behind the barn. I figured they’d be more than willing to show me what sex felt like with a dog.

The following morning, I was up early, grabbing some peanut butter from the kitchen, jumping up on my horse. It didn’t take long to arrive where I had seen them before. Stripping nude, laying blankets over the log, so I’d be more comfortable – it was not long before three of them showed up. Smearing the creamy butter between my legs, leaning over the log, legs wide open – I knew they could smell the butter, so it only took a few minutes for one to come closer … realizing there was no threat, eventually licking between my legs – I was so excited, my own juices were mixing with the cream I had applied.

He must have liked what he tasted, before I was ready, he jumped up on my back, the razor sharp teeth clamping down on my neck – not breaking the skin, but the pain was intense. At the same time, a massive cock, much bigger than I was expecting – so large, my eyes went wide open … that’s when I realized this may have been a mistake.

This one was different than Charlie the ranch dog, much more aggressive, the pumping seemed faster and harder – the teeth keeping a frightening hold on my neck, so I didn’t move … normally after a few minutes the knot was pressing against the opening, but this one was different – he kept pumping … as soon as he was all the way in me, it triggered one of the most enjoyable climaxes I’ve ever experienced. Now I was beginning to understand what the brunette was saying – until he is in you, it can’t be explained.

When I wasn’t protesting, but instead pushing back to him, the grip on my neck was released, while he kept pumping with no let up in speed, triggering one explosion after the next – the knot finally started to apply pressure – prior to this I thought this had to be the best sex anyone could have ever enjoyed – I guess I was so excited, that huge ball slipped in, triggering the most intense mind blowing climax -making my whole body shake .. not quite sure what was happening … The warm seed was much hotter than I had expected … dropping my head … a low whimpering sound was all I could respond to, followed by another body shaking explosion I had ever enjoyed.

I wasn’t sure how long I lay there, enjoying the after-glow, he slowly pulled out of me … before I could even feel the emptiness, a second one mounted me, replacing the vacancy with an equally large shaft. Like the first one, a long rough pounding set off an unknown number of explosions – there was nothing left in my tank when the third one jumped up on me … he was in – it took a long time, then he pulled out.

Laying on the log, now fully understanding why the young lady on the stage had such a satisfied look on her face. They had been using me for well over three hours … It took a couple hours for me to be steady enough to get dressed and back on my horse.

I was still leaking between my legs, riding bareback kept me excited, aroused and turned on … so much so that when we arrived home, my eyes were glazed over in a sexual haze, Dad was waiting for me, in dressing I had forgotten to button my blouse – as soon as he saw me, a tent started to form in the front of his jeans.

Mom had passed away when I was born, as far as I know Dad never dated – so I can only assume when he needed some relief, his hand and a washcloth took care of the problem. Secretly I had dreamed of being his ever since I was a little girl

Sliding off the horse, my blouse slid off as well – my natural double D, boobs, with nipples so hard they begged to be played with – combined that with the sexual pheromones I must have been producing, immediately zoned his eyes out as well … jumping into his arms, needing his support, so I could stand … Hugging him, allowing our lips to lock in a passionate, erotic kiss, filled with so many promises … “Daddy I really need to be fucked, would you like to fuck your daughter? Please Daddy, please say yes”

We were way past any hang ups or inhibitions we may have had, his hardness pressed into me, my need grinding against him – nothing was said, easily picking me up, our lips still locked while the tongues battled back and forth.

Making it just inside, his jeans slipped off, more than being pleasantly surprised to see him sporting a good twelve in shaft, as hard as any pole could have ever been … dropping to my knees, licking the underside while I zeroed in on his eyes – they were staring … both of us knew we were about to cross a line that would be erased forever.

After a few seconds like this, he picked me up again, this time sliding me down – my legs wrapping around him, while he slipped that monster up inside me — holding me so he could lift me up and down – the way he was doing this triggered feelings no previous guy nor the three dogs had done to me … my tits were rubbing back and forth against his chest

Never having felt anything even close to what he was doing to me, an almost immediate explosion took place, making my whole body shake, gripping him with my legs, pulling him to me with my arms, kissing more deeply, more passion – it did not surprise me that he was strong enough to hold me like this – eventually moving to a wall, but what did surprise me was how long he could remain in me without coming – his stamina was equivalent to any porn star on any stage – when he finally did stop, flooding me with the warm juices I had come to love … our combined cream ran down his legs … that’s when he moved us both to his bedroom, laying me on the bed, joining me on my side.

We were both enjoying the afterglow of something both had wanted for such a long time, but never spoke of it – while he played with my nipples, I told him about Eric taking me to a zoophilia show and how it had a strange effect on me – about how small his penis was, that’s when I said, “He was like a Weeny Peeny – yea that’s it Eric the Teeny Weeny Peeny” We both laughed – then I told him of the dogs earlier this morning and what had happened.

There was silence for a long time, I was worried that by allowing the dogs to do me, it had ruined our relationship – than, “There is something you should know, especially since you have been so honest – I’ve fucked our cow, the two sheep we have and even that old female dog we had that died when you were younger … so I fully understand the attraction to animals –

That day started a new relationship between Dad and me, as well as the wild dogs at the fuck log. Now that everything was out in the open, I encouraged Charlie to make me his bitch as well – he didn’t fuck like the wild dogs, but in many ways he made my body explode in a pleasurable way.

I had shared my trip to the beastality sex show with a few girlfriends at a bar one evening, making the mistake of calling Eric The Teeny Weeny Peeny guy – they repeated it to a few more and in no time he had a new nick-name,

Everyone had heard the new name, he was becoming the brunt of all jokes, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when one morning Dad had gone into town to pick up some supplies – I was in the barn doing chores when I heard a truck coming down the long driveway. The beat up old white Chevy was Eric’s, stepping out to tell him to get lost, I wasn’t interested in anything he had to say, I never said anything, as soon as he was out he shot me with a drug filled dart, rendering me helpless immediately. Loading my body on the mattress in the back of his truck, we drove someplace.

How far, how long I have no idea, vaguely remember him talking to some guy, me being stripped nude, I think some money was exchanged, I was given a shot that made me feel super relaxed – loaded in the back seat of the new guy’s SUV and driven to some other place.

Put in a cage with some other girls, given a ‘feel good shot’ each morning, sometime later I was on a stage, in front of men and women, allowing a dog to fuck me – sometimes two or three dogs, other times only one – after I was showered with a hose, given food and put back in the cage. I did learn one girl did donkeys and another belly rode on a horse – we were all part of a sex show the club put on. The morning shots kept us happy so any thoughts of family or what our past was did not come to our minds – just sex, food, sleep and more sex. It was not uncommon to have someone come into our cage, fucking us either before our act or after, I usually entertained three or four guys in addition to the dogs I’d do on stage.

When Dad came back, my phone and handbag were still there – but no me . He had a good idea what had happened. Checking immediately about clubs south of the border, within a few weeks he heard of a new brunette that did dogs. The club was owned by a member of one of the big cartels, with heavy security everywhere.

Jake lives just south of us sharing a long property line, each year he helps plant several acres of hay, he works it and harvests it, we take approximately 20% he keeps the rest for doing the work – that way it feeds both of our animals – he has been a good friend ever since I was born – big and rugged he is one handsome looking man, so when Dad needed some help to rescue me, Jake was the first one he contacted.

The two of them drove Dad’s truck down to the club. Once inside they watched me put on my show. That evening I thought I could see them, but the drugs kept me so high I didn’t recognize who they were. As soon as my show was over, Jake drove our rig back across the border,
Dad came back, paying to have some time with me. He had smuggled in a pre-filled syringe full of a drug that hopefully would help me clear my mind – then the plan was simple, the two of us would go to the barn where the stock was kept, he’d slip me in the Belly-Riding harness, free all the animals, set fire to the barn … then head out leading the horses free – in the darkness they’d hopefully never see me.

The plan went off like clockwork, as soon as he was on the big animals back and I was comfortably underneath, the place went up like wildfire, animals running everywhere, he led the horses out, since he speaks fluent Spanish, no one gave him a second look, as soon as we were a hundred yards or so away, he started a steady slow gallop and underneath, something began to push it’s way between my legs … sliding easily deep inside me … it was so much bigger than any dog, I had a massive climax as soon as it was all the way in. I’d never thought of why the fans loved the belly riders, now I understood, these huge beasts were trained to fuck the riders, and fucking was exactly what he was doing to me.. The huge cock was longer and thicker than anything I’d ever had in me – the sheer size was triggering one orgasm after the next – but the fact we were trotting meant he was pumping that monster in and out of me, matching the pace Dad had him going.

He never stopped when the warm liquid flooded my body .. setting off a series of frantic writhing going on under him – the shaft stayed in me, softening a little, then hardening back up and once again fucking me like mad.

He had never been in a pussy so long, I’d of course never been fucked like this before, so it wasn’t surprising by the time we arrived at our ranch, both of us were in a sexual frenzy. He was snorting, whinnying – tossing his head up and down. Dad got off, realized what was happening, undoing the carrier I had been riding in, he literally had to pull me off the massive cock. Gallons and gallons of our combined cum poured all over the ground – my pussy was wide open, he could have easily slipped his whole fist in me and not touched the sides – carrying me inside, allowing me to soak in a warm tub of water, then putting me to bed – sleep over took my body – I was finally safe, the drugs I’d been given were wearing off – from what he told me I was out for just over two days.

Finally waking, joining him in the kitchen, still nude, I was starved, enjoying bacon, hash browns, sausage, two scrambled eggs and several glasses of OJ, finally topping it all off with a nice cup of coffee … looking at my dad, “Thank you for coming to get me, I seem to remember Jake being in the show as well”

Hugging me, telling me the whole story … also telling me Eric was now driving a brand new F150, probably from the cash he received by selling me, “But now you’re safe, what else can I get you?”

Smiling an evil grin, “Well I’d like you to fuck me, I’ve really missed having you in me, what do you say?”

He didn’t say anything, just picked me up, carried me to his bedroom, while he stripped naked – laying me on the bed, moving between my legs, sliding that lovely monster inside me. The dogs, the horse, even the two cowboys were fantastic, but somehow my Dad was the one that made me the most excited, most enjoyable – he could do things to me that only he could do – making my whole body tingling and alive.

Slowly making love to me, finally we both toppled over the edge, laying side by side while we enjoyed the afterglow … we talked about Eric and what to do making sure he never could do this again.

No one had been told I was missing nor that I was back, the two of us and Jake were the only ones who knew what happened, so when Dad called Eric to see if he knew where I might be, the idiot came right over, driving his brand new truck. He had gotten out of the cab, when I walked out of the barn, the look of complete shock was priceless, especially when he could see I was carrying a gun, loaded with a dart, one he easily guessed was drugged.

Tears filled his eyes, begging for forgiveness, telling me he was mad at the nickname and when the guy offered him so much money for a hot chick, he wasn’t thinking straight, it just happened, but he’s so glad I made it back alive.

By now I was just a few feet from him, “They made me fuck dogs down there, dogs, they made me have sex with dogs. Do you have any idea what it feels like to fuck a dog?”

His eyes were like saucers, just staring at me, slowly shaking his head – that was when I darted him … “Oh believe me you will and soon, very soon – but first we have to get you ready”

The drug I used made his muscles useless, but he remained fully aware of what was happening – stripping him nude, pulling him into the barn, in a lockable cage … placing a ring in his mouth to keep it open, like dentists use – I proceeded to extract every tooth in his head. Once he was gums only, stepped out of the cage, locking it, “It’s going to take a few days to heal, so just relax until that happens.”

Dad and I took his truck to a local bar late that night, purposely leaving the keys in the ignition – if it got stolen all the better, if the cops found it he’d be a missing person, either way we were in the clear.

The next day I drove over to Jake’s place, thanking him the only way I knew how to, by letting him fuck me all morning – his cock wasn’t as long as Dad’s but much fatter – he had a unique way of twitching it while it was inside me, making my whole body shake, my tits becoming harder then rocks. When we finally enjoyed a well deserved climax together, I told him about the Belly Riding horse and that we kept him, he like Dad used the animals to enjoy their pussies, that’s when we decided to get together once or twice a month for a ‘Fuck-All’ date. I knew I’d enjoy his cock many more times now.

Heading into town, my pussy still tingling from what Jake had done to me, picking up 4 heavy duty eye bolts, taking them to the fuck log and securing them deep in the wood.

That evening I went for a Belly Ride, when that massive cock slid inside me, I exploded immediately – lengthening the reigns, I could control him around a fenced in area, allowing him to go for a steady trot, that monster pumped in and out of me, while he exercised with several trips around the area.

Once again Dad had to pull me off of him, this time I was in better shape and could stand while what looked like gallons of his seed poured out of me, he however was in the same way, humping, whinnying with his cock still hard and shaking.

The following morning my new pet was healed, darting him with the same drug, placing leather cuffs on his wrists and ankles, loading him in the back of a Side-by-Side, we headed to my favorite fuck log. Securing him to the inserts I’d added earlier, spreading some peanut butter on his ass and around his mouth, I went back to the vehicle to watch.

The effects of the drug were wearing off, just as a group of dogs showed up. That was when he realized what was about to happen – twisting, pulling, screaming for me to help him, made me smile – even more so when one of the hounds started to lick his ass. He realized he was not getting loose, couldn’t see me, but figuring I was somewhere close, he called out begging me not to let this happen, at the same time trying to tell the beast he was a bad dog, but he was still mounted, slipping that massive shaft deep in his dry ass.

The scream, what the pain must have been like was well worth all the things he put me through. The hound immediately started to pump in and out of him … looking closer, when he pulled out the pink rocket was coated with bloody streaks, making me smile – he was being split apart.

His body twisted, shaking, and screaming then a second dog started licking his mouth, the poor guys head twisting from side to side, knowing what was coming, doing everything he could to not let it happen – the way this one’s cock slid in so easy it was like this had always been his destination. Both of the animals were fucking him like there were no tomorrows, I was taking a video of it all – neither of their knots could slip in, so they filled him with the creamy substance at about the same time.

I was surprised when the second dog mounted him from behind, there wasn’t any screaming, no twisting – just lay there accepting what was happening – a second one took care of his mouth – followed by a third set. That was when I figured he’d had enough to break him in … releasing the restraints, cum was flowing out of his ass, he’d swallowed so much of the cream – he looked a little bloated. Loading him in the back, I noticed his cock was harder than I’d ever seen, his balls were so full they were bluish in color … reaching out stroking him a few times released everything he’d been storing. Letting out a low moan, his eyes closed plunging him into a deep sleep.

Dad had contacted a person he knew who owned several kinky, off the norm sex clubs out of the country. He was there when we drove up, showing him the video I’d made, he smiled, “Oh this is so kinky, a new twist – I love it, we can load him in my vehicle”

That evening we invited Jake over to celebrate, I went for a short Belly ride, then the two of them used me well into the early morning – and just think I have The Teeny Weeny Peepy to thank for all this.