© 2014 by sebastianut84

Preface: The basic premise of this plot and story is all thanks to none other than our very own Randomness, and his story, “My Mistress Chelsea”. Tis’ an excellent and amazing story I suggest to all to read! I am going to try something different here, and keep this one a little less wordy, and get to the fun parts while still developing and telling a tale worth telling. Only you can be the judge at how I do, and as always, would love to hear your feedback!


Chapter One: The King’s Piece

“God dammit, Jimmy!” I jumped up off the toilet in a mad fury, my shorts and panties still hugged around my knees. Holding my tee up midriff, my head snapped towards the door, expecting my idiotic brother to come bursting through in hysteric laughter. Never mind my piss splattering out over the sides of the bowel onto the floor – he’d covered it with plastic wrap!

“Oldest trick in the book!” I grumbled, disappointed with myself.

Jimmy and I had what I guess many would call an odd brother-sister relationship, though we never saw it that way. Only a year apart, we’d constantly picked on, teased, and ruthlessly tortured each other throughout our childhood, just like any, but our little game of mischief had since evolved far beyond what any would consider normal.

I was currently nineteen, living at home while I worked instead of going off to college – school was never my thing. He was the younger at eighteen, soon to graduate high school. Over the years, what had started out as practical jokes on one another, evolved from simple gags, to more in-depth pranks, and then to all out war, each striving to get the upper hand. There were now few boundaries left, if any at all.

As silence fell over the bathroom, even though I was naked from the waist down, I only became concerned when he did not come barging through. He had gotten me good! But why go through the trouble, if not to arrive on the scene of the crime to claim your victory?

It was only then did I catch it, in my mind’s eye – that small detail out of place. Careful not to look back there, I corrected myself, and in the flash of an eye, I dove for the edge of the shower curtain. I reached in for the “cold” faucet, spinning it all the way on in a hurry, and pulled the plug to activate the shower!

“Whuh?!” the freezing water struck my younger brother full blast! “Hahaha!” he gloriously laughed, slipping down into the tub while crashing onto his back, though holding his video camera up and out of the way of the chilling water.

“Fucker!” I pulled up my shorts and panties and left him like that, he cackling like a crazed hyena, shutting the door to the bathroom behind me. I went to my room to retrieve the black, wooden chess piece – the King – and left it sitting in the hallway outside the door for him to claim once he pulled his shit back together. If I had any luck, he’d step on it and hurt his foot when he came back out.

The taste of defeat was bitter, but I was already setting my own plot to get him back into motion, the idea given to me by none other than my shit-for-brains brother!


I finally heard the door to his bedroom open. It had been about thirty minutes or so – I’d been fortunate. I’d expected him to come looking for me first thing, to gloat in my face, but he’d disappeared to change, I guessed, and do god knows what else behind his closed door. Prolly jerk off, little bastard!

At hearing him coming, I rushed to our freezer, pulling out the bottle of beer I’d placed in the ice bucket, and carefully replaced it in the fridge before the rest, only to race to reclaim my seat before he caught me. I planted myself just in time, as Jimmy came around the corner, grinning victoriously.

“Well, well, well,” he tossed the wooden piece up and down, taunting me. “What should I have you do first..?” he threatened. I ignored him as he retrieved one of dad’s beers out the fridge, not so much as offering him a mad glare. The King’s piece… to the victor went the spoils. The rules of our war? The loser was the others slave until which time they could reclaim it.

“Honestly, Tiffany,” he drew it out. God, I hated when he called me Tiffany! He sounded like mom and dad! All the better I was about to get his ass right back. “I’m disappointed in you,” he went on. “That was too easy!” he lived it up, smiling deviously as he twisted off the top of the beer, missing the lack of a crisp opening. My heart beat spiked, and I had to fight the urge to look at him and watch his just as quick defeat.

“We’ll see how long your gloating lasts…” I said off handily, as I picked at my sandwich without sparing a glance. Much better at this game than he, I held the piece ninety-percent of the time.

“Mom and dad have been all over my ass about cleaning up my room…” he started as he lifted the beer to his lips. He wouldn’t get to finish his orders to me.

“PFFT!” he spit his fresh sip right back out, raining it upon the floor, ripping his head and twisted face back and forth, disgusted, raking his tongue across his teeth to get all of the foul taste back out.

“I’ll be taking that,” I quickly reclaimed the king’s piece from his hand as he was left reeling from the sour taste of my urine. In the time allowed, the idea all thanks to him, I had dumped out one of daddy’s beers, and finished my need to pee in it, then set it in the freezer to re-chill. Knowing my brother all too well, I had replaced it front and center as soon as he came out his room.

“Still think you’re sooo funny?!” I was now the one to taunt him. “You can go ahead and finish it,” I crossed my arms across my chest and awaited impatiently, tapping my foot.

“What the..?!” he erupted, just now recovering. “You pissed in it!” he was aghast.

“Yep. Now go on, drink up.”

Jimmy glared murderous daggers at me, but we both understood the rules. The rules were rules. Scowling ruthlessly, my brother begrudgingly lifted the bottle back to his lips and took another swig.

“PFFT!” he erupted out again, spitting and rasping and coughing and choking!

“Hahaha!” I deftly dodged out of the way or my misting urine. “That’s what you get!” I left him to finish his task, to go put on my bikini and enjoy a lazy afternoon of sunbathing.


“Mmm..” face down, I picked myself up onto my elbows from the lawn chair, reaching for the straps of my top that I had untied to avoid any tan lines. I had fallen asleep, and had been enjoying a very pleasant dream involving me and Tony, my boyfriend. “Huh?” The straps weren’t there.

“Jimmy!” I groveled, not sure how he had possibly stolen it without my knowing. I must have really been out! Without bothering to cover my swaying tits, I lept right up and headed straight for the backdoor. I wasn’t surprised to find it locked.

“Mother fucker!” I glanced around for options. I could try the front, but knew that was just what Jimmy wanted – to have me parading around our front yard half naked!

We had a very active neighborhood, and I could hear the hum of the Jones’ mowing their lawn, and of the squeals of various kids playing outside. I looked for something to cover myself with, finding nothing, but I did spot Jax’s dog house – Jax, our huge Doberman.

When I turned back to the door, as expected, Jimmy was there on the other side of the door, holding up his phone, the camera of it recording me through the window. Even with him laughing and watching me, I still didn’t bother to cover my naked tits – modesty was never one of our family’s strongest suits, and it wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before.

“Alright, you fucking win!” I threw up my arms. “Now let me in!” I checked back to see if any of the neighbors were stirring beyond out private fence.

“Nah-ah-ah!” Jimmy toyed with me. “Do a little dance for me!” he circled one finger through the air.

“Fucker!” I cursed at him, but nevertheless held my arms back out and jiggled my tits for him.

“Ahh, I think you can do better than that!” he gloated, still training his camera on me.

“Fine!” I shifted out my feet and spread my legs for him, as I began to sway my hips and turn, rolling my near, entirely nude body.

Showing him my ass, covered only by my skimpy bottoms, I began to grind at the air, still swaying, before dipping and thrusting out my ass, bending at the waist, lowly drawing myself back up.

“Satisfied?!” I ended the little show.

“Holy shit!” he guffawed, covering his agape mouth with his free hand. ‘Immature little prick!’

“There! You win!” I reached for the handle again, jiggling it. “Now let me in!”

“Oh?” he feigned confusion. “I never said I’d open the door. The front is unlocked, but thanks for the little show!” he gave me a big, toothy grin.

“Asshole!” I cut at him, but I didn’t bother to argue. He was right. He’d made no such promise. I’d been the fool.

Instead of heading for the front, however, I decided to go for my first inclination upon spotting Jax’s doghouse, and dropped down onto my hands and knees to crawl through his doggie door.

“Ahh…” Jimmy sighed with disappointment as I poked my head through, stepping back to give me room. Now I was the one to grin victoriously.

“Not – ungh – so clever now – ungh – are we?” I mocked him, but it was a tight fit. I’d just managed to get my head and one arm and shoulder through when… “Fuck!” I struggled back and forth, but I was stuck!

“Hahaha!” Jimmy started cackling. “Who’s the clever one now, huh, sis?!” he knelt down to pat my head.

“Just shut up and help me through!” I tried to grab at him with my one hand that had already made it through, but Jimmy jumped out of the way.

“Would serve you right if I just left you there for mom and dad to find!” he threatened me.

“Jimmy, dammit, just – ungh!” I started, but was just as quickly cut short. My head popped up, eyes widening. My body went rigid. Something had just…

“Huh?” my brother had not missed my sudden change in demeanor.

“Oh, Jimmy!” What had been meant as an angry plea for help, came out as a lewd moan of ecstasy!

“Tiff..?” Jimmy was utterly confused.

“Oh fuck!” it came again, the strong, suave tongue raking up between my inner thighs, directly over my… I had been wet, my pussy lips swollen and clit aroused from my nasty dream of Tony. And… and now… “Jimmy!” I screamed. “Jax! Stop him!” I got a grip of myself and began to buck madly within the doggie door, trying to break free, but it was hopeless.

“Whaa..?” Jimmy stood all the way up and looked out the window of the back door. “Oh!” he guffawed. “Jax…” And then… “Hahahah!” he began to laugh again. Without another word said, Jimmy disappeared before me.

“Jimmy, NO!” I screamed after him. “Oh shit!” I was cut off again. That fucking dog! “Jaa-ungh-x! NO! BAD – UNGH – DOG!” my head was beginning to reel as crash after violent crash rocked through me, electricity being delivered by our dog’s hungry tongue lapping across my thin, bikini covered crotch!

I heard the front door open and then slam closed, and then… the side gate to the backyard doing the same. Finally!

“Jimmy!” I squealed. “Help me!” Jax’s foul tongue was driving me insane!


Chapter Two: The Pawn

The sound of the door and of the gate… Where Jimmy was, if he was coming to my rescue or leaving me to my fate… “Jaax…” I whimpered huskily as all other thought began to slip from me.

I couldn’t focus, couldn’t concentrate. There was only… that tongue! Raking me. Jolting me. Delivering me! I could not control it, stop him, no more than I could stop this most bizarre, insane sensation from sweeping through me with each strike of his pallet.

“Oyh! Fuyck yeayh!” I squealed, my more lustful, perverted nature shinning through. My hips began to roll and gyrate without my knowing, of their own accord. “I…” I was loosing it.

“Geez, Tiff!” I heard him through the door, close behind me. That sure as hell brought me crashing back to reality. My brother!

“Jimmy-stop-him!” I begged in the most pathetic of ways.

“Why?” my brother guffawed. “Look at him go! Looks like you like it!”

“NO – ungh!” I’d meant to rant and scold him, but the words would not come.

“Tiff..? You getting wet from Jax licking you?!” my brother sounded starstruck.

“NO! FUCK!” I sucked up everything I had and screamed! I could barely stand it! I needed – had to stop him and now!

“Your bottoms are soaked…” Jimmy made no such attempt to help me.

“He’s – ungh – SLOBBERING!” I would have carried on, but complete sentences became impossible.

“He sure is…” I heard Jimmy say, just before I felt his fingers curling over on my bare hip, hooking along the string of my bikini bottoms.

“JEEMEE!” I shrieked as he began to creep them down over my ass. “DON’T!” I bucked and tried to kick at him, but my legs felt like they were weighted down with raw lead.

It was tight, the tied string squeezing over the wide globes of my fat ass, as warm air replaced the fabric. Jax was still there, his tongue diverting to lick at the top of my now bare cheeks. Lower. Jimmy inched them down, working them lower back and forth.

“You sick bastard, STOP! I’m your sister!”

But Jimmy did not listen, and just then, the pressure was released as they finally slipped over the swelling cleft of the bottom of my cheeks. Taking the initiative, Jimmy yanked them right down until they caught again on my slightly spread thighs. He had them halfway down to my knees!

I was done for. I could feel the brisk air percolating over my – indeed – very wet pussy. Trapped in this door, there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening, and Jax was more than happy to drive in the final nail.

“Oh fuck, Jimmy, NO! Don’t let him!” I cried as Jax’s tongue split open my folds, and in one fell swoop, raked it directly across my swollen clit, right through my flowering labia, all the way up to my puckered asshole!

I felt the snare snap closed around me. I couldn’t have escaped it now, even if I wasn’t trapped in this damned doggie door. The overwhelming lust now gripped me.

“OH, FUCK JIMMY, YEAH!” I broke, with no idea of what I was saying, what I was doing, or what was being done to me. My whole body rocked, rattling the door as if it meant to tear it from the hinges!

Everything suddenly shot forward at warp speed. A haze, a blur, everything zeroing in, coming to a focus on that burning flame lit between my legs!

“UH-HUH!” my legs jerked wider, trying to spread for him, to give him the access that we both now oh so needed. They were caught, roped in by my bathing suit strangling my thighs.

I felt a tug, a pull as someone drew out the butterfly knot of the string alongside my left leg. I didn’t – couldn’t stop him, to tell him no!

“YEA-UNGH-ESS!” my legs were released, and from the built up pressure alone, my knees glid out a good couple of feet!

I was now completely open, and Jax took full advantage. His narrowed snout dove right into me, his cold, leathery nose sinking into my puckered rosebud as his lapping tongue noisily slopped up my pouring essence as if it were being delivered from the Fountain of Youth!

“HOLY MOTHER OF..!!!” my whole body began to quiver and shake like the world was ending. My head whipped behind the door’s frame! My knuckles beat, my toes curled into the air! My back arched, and I stuck out my ass to greet him!

His glorious tongue felt as though it were swiping all across me all at once, striking every part of me. He neglected nothing, painting everything within his wet doggie slobber. He was working so fast, his tongue whipping at a feverish pace, rubbing my distended clit raw, folding back my budding lips, worming it in deep inside of me, reaching for my very core! A spark. Ignition. I was sent howling, rocketing to the moon!

“OH FUCK, JIMMY! I’M GONNA… AWHHOIE!” I began to weep as the most fierce, savage orgasm – orgasms! – I’d ever experienced in my life shot through me, gripping me, owning me, and then swallowed me whole!


White. Stars. Clouds. Floating.

I oh, ever so slowly, pulled myself back out of it, sprawled, reaching, hoping to find purchase.

And then… just like that, I was slipping back out of that hole I had been trapped in. I picked myself up. I was staring at my hands. I was panting, loosed strands of my disheveled pony-tail draped over my face.

“What..?” reality came crashing back with that same warp speed that it had left me. I slammed back down onto the wooden planks of our back porch.

Hands. Knees. Bent. I was on all fours. I looked up. The doggie door was in front of me. I had somehow made it free. I… I was not alone.

“Err…” Whining. I looked over my shoulder to find Jax prancing in place, licking anxiously at his frothy chops, reminding me of everything that had just happened.

But there was more. Another shadow, a silhouette. Jimmy. Standing there, eyes wide, chin hanging, mouth agape – my brother.

“Oh…” I gasped, cheeks burning red with shame. It was a rarity that I had nothing to say, but… what was there to say? Jimmy had forced me, but I had…

There followed a long, awkward pause as the truth of what had just happened settled on the both of us. Only Jax’s pained cries broke the otherwise utter silence, but we both ignored him as our green eyes bore into one anothers – deep.

But then there was something… more. Something drawing, begging for my attention. My eyes dropped. The crotch of my brother’s gray shorts were jutting straight out at me. I gulped. His eyes followed mine down, seeing what I was seeing. He gulped. Further silence.

My eyes glanced right, his following. His phone… his camera. Jimmy jerked it up, holding it between us, the lens trained on me as if it were a shield to protect him from my coming anger. He was scared. He was still recording!

“You…” I started accusingly, but my lungs were tired, drained, and my throat hoarse. “You taped that?!” I turned and moved at him, intending to rise and charge, but… so weak. I could not find the strength to stand.

“Now, Tiff..!” he tripped back a step. “Wait one second!” Jimmy whipped out his right hand, straightening his arm, holding a black, intricately carved, wooden crown down at me as if he were wielding a sword to fend off my attack.

My eyes darted left to his hand. The King’s Piece. Our eyes came back together. Pause.

“You… I…” he seemed confused, fumbling and squirming uncomfortably. “I-I have the k-king…” he tried to sound confidant, but failed miserably.

“Delete it! Now!” I growled at him like a rabid dog, fitting for my place still on my hands and knees.

“N-no way,” Jimmy drew himself back up, snapping out of his trance. “When you have the king, you can do whatever you want.”

“When I get it back, I’m going to make you wish you were never born!” I rumbled through clenched teeth.

“So you’re still game then?” he wiggled his brows at me. “Sure you don’t want to quit now?” he nodded back behind me. I looked. Jax was pacing anxiously back and forth, his eyes locked on my exposed crotch.

“Oh…” I gasped when I saw it. Jax’s little red racer was poking out his sheath. Growing up with an unneutered male dog, it certainly wasn’t the first time that I had seen it, but in light of what had just happened and the position I was in now… it certainly didn’t look so “little” anymore.

“You keep him away from me!” my head snapped back towards my brother, threatening him, attempting to squash whatever ideas he might be plotting in that sick little head of his!

“I’ll do whatever I want! I own your ass now,” he grew bold. “Or are we changing the rules?”

He was just toying with me, delighting in watching me squirm. He didn’t have the balls to… surely, no one, not even him, was that demented. I pulled myself back together, and glared at him defiantly. “No,” I answered him. “You just remember that I’ll get you back, sooner or later.”

“But until then, you’re my bitch…”

“Hugh!” I gasped. There was something about the way he said it, his choice of words, that punched me right in the gut. It was… sexual.

We’d played this game for what felt like our whole lives, we’d certainly done some terrible things to each other, but we’d never before crossed… this line. Before here and now, I’d never even fathomed it. It was wrong, taboo, forbidden, but then… we’d never recognized any rules or restrictions in our little war of tormenting one another.

‘No way… I shook the thought from my head. He was just fucking with me. This was what he wanted. I wouldn’t let him win. But then…

“Come here,” he commanded me, wielding the chess piece back and forth as if it were some magical wand, pointing it at his feet.


Chapter Three: Checkmate

“No,” he stopped me from getting up. “On your hands and knees, just like a dog.”

Oh, how he was smiling and grinning! He was loving every second of this! Far too often being one the losing end of our little game, he was certainly living it up now, reveling in his power over me, and his new tool and way to get back at me for all I had done to him.

He wished to humiliate me. I wouldn’t let him. “Are you sure you really want to do this?” It was a threat, a reminder that I would hold the piece once again.

“Yep,” he nodded, looking at me through the screen of his phone still recording.

“Your funeral,” I would not allow myself to be humbled, and showing no fear, I began to crawl to my brother’s feet.

I felt something rolling beneath my knee and over my shin. I glanced back to see my bikini bottom retreating down over my ankle… my final shred of clothing leaving me entirely. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it… that taste of fear. I was vulnerable.

Movement behind me. Jax. He was circling clockwise in the opposite direction back around behind me, staring intently at my bare, unprotected rear. I swallowed. Angst. I let it go, and turned back to the matter at hand.

“Oh!” I gasped. Not paying attention to where I was going, I ran smack dab into my brother, something hard and pointed stabbing me right in the face.

“Mother fucker!” I cussed at him, correcting myself as I quickly slumped back and away from him, shaking my head. “I can’t believe… How could your thing actually be hard right now?! You’re sick!”

“You’re the one who just came like a mad woman from getting licked by her dog!” he fired right back.

“YOU..!!” I nearly exploded with anger, but then the truth of his statement landed on me like a ton of bricks, robbing me of anything more I could shout.

“You…” he held the king’s piece right in my face. “You made me drink your piss,” he reminded me of the last, truly disgusting prank, and the subsequent fate I had bestowed upon him.

“Yeah. So what?” I did not shrink. I dared him. What was he going to do about it, piss on me now? The little shit didn’t have it in him… or so I thought.

“Pull down my zipper. Take it out..” the bastard said, garnering more balls than I gave him credit for.

“You’re serious?!” I guffawed. He sure as hell looked serious. I gulped. This changed things. “I’m not touching your thing, sicko!”

“You are going to do what I tell you to,” he stated matter-of-factly. “You made me drink your piss, now it’s your turn. Take it out.”

“You’re going straight to hell!” I cut at him, but never the one to beg – I had started this, after all – I scuttled my knees up closer to him to hold my weight. I already felt the vile rising in my throat. This was going to be sick! I lifted both my hands to the button of his shorts.

“Go on…” he told me, his voice deep and heavy.

‘Go on…’ That mother fucker! But not to be outdone, I slowly unbuttoned his shorts and lowered his zipper, peeling back the pleats. Jimmy’s cock suddenly burst free, nearly slapping me in the face! I… I just threw my hands up to protect myself and grabbed it!

“Oh!” we both gasped in unison, he from his sister’s soft hands clenched around his hard cock, me from… I had seen it plenty of times before, but… it had never looked so mean and big! My brother had a huge cock!

With my eyes going cross over his giant, mushroomed head, I did not recognize my chest rising and falling heavily with nerves, nor my mouth salivating with anticipation.

“Damn…” I heard Jimmy moan softly above me. It was only then, only when I heard him grunt, that I saw my fist slowly moving up and down his shaft. Gross! What the fuck was I doing?! I froze, shaking it off.

“Just hurry up and get it over with!” I trained his cock on my face as I squinched my eyes and mouth closed, awaiting the warm stream. And then… nothing.

I carefully peaked one eye open and searched him out. Jimmy was just standing there, looking longingly down upon me. I did not like that look.

“What are you doing?” I demanded of him.

“You made me drink your piss,” he reminded me yet again. “Can’t drink mine like that.”

“That was a little different, Jimmy!”

“How so?!”

“It was in a fucking beer bottle! I wasn’t straddled over your face!”

“Fine! Then you can suck-on-it…” he said hurriedly, as if not sure of himself, just blurting it out.

“What?!” I did not exactly hear or understand him.

“You don’t want to play by the rules, I’ll give you a way out. You can either open your mouth and get a taste of what you did to me, or you can suck my dick!” he rambled out. I could feel his whole body shaking, right down through his penis that was still in my hand.

“Suck on it?” my face twisted, not comprehending. “Like… in my mouth?”

Jimmy nodded hopefully.

“Jimmy!” I guffawed as the truth settled on me. “I’m your sister!”

“So?” he shrugged his shoulders. “Your choice.”

“Jimmy, that’s..!” I started, but then stopped. Incest. So wrong. Gross! But then… grosser than letting my own brother piss in my mouth? Drink it? I’ve sucked plenty of cocks, but… my own brother’s? Could I actually do it? Could I live with myself after the fact? ‘It’s just skin…’ I told myself. Better than piss.

“If…” I changed tract, actually considering it. “If I do it… you won’t cum in my mouth?” I don’t know why exactly, but that seemed to be the one thin red line. Sucking him was one thing, but to let him cum in my mouth seemed to be another thing entirely, too much!

Jimmy just shrugged. “Where you expect me to cum?” he challenged.

“You can cum on my tits!” I just blurted out, followed by kicking myself. Now why in the fuck did I go and say something like that?! Anywhere but my mouth…

“Okay!” Jimmy readily gave in. And why wouldn’t he?!

“Shit…” I hissed under my breath, regretting it all already. This was fucking nuts! For the first time ever, I considered quitting our game. But then, just as quickly, I squashed the thought. That wouldn’t be fair. I wasn’t a quitter. I had been the one to cross the line first, broken our unspoken boundaries by making him drink my piss. In hindsight, that had been a very bad decision, but now… Jimmy was getting even. No matter, I’d have my turn again.

“Okay…” I resigned myself to this fate, looking back up once again at his cock. Fuck, it was so big!

“Okay…” I repeated again, building up the courage as I started to move my fist, not blinking, just staring.

“Yeah…” Jimmy moaned at my touch, his knees beginning to quake. I licked at my lips, preparing them, swarming my tongue around my mouth to collect a pool of spit. I tried to move, but my muscles felt like they were locked up.

“Come on,” he pressed his hips forward, teasing my lips. I was taking too long.

“I…” I just couldn’t do it – couldn’t make myself do it of my own free will. “Tell me…”


“Tell me to do it… make me…” I don’t know what in the hell I was exactly talking about, but I just needed…

I heard the wooden chess piece fall to the deck, and then my brother’s fingers weave into my blonde locks. “Tiffany…” he took me by the back of the head and pulled me towards him.

“Eeeke!” I squealed as our flesh met yet again, his head brushing over my pursed lips. My fist clamped angrily down around the base of his cock, forcing the blood to swell him even larger!

“Open your mouth,” he commanded, but taking a fistful of my hair, he forced me to tilt my head back and look at him. My mouth involuntarily opened in strain. “Stick out your tongue.”

With goosebumps rippling up and down me, I pressed it forward, feeling my taste buds running along the base of his shaft.

“Mmm…” Jimmy groaned, slowly drawing my head closer, more of his tip prodding in. And then, as if someone had turned on a faucet, I felt my pussy begin to gush down below.

“Jimmy…” I began to fist his cock. Faster! It began to slap against my out-stuck tongue with the motions.

“Are you really sure you want to do this?” I repeated my question to him of earlier, but this time in a tone of haughty lust and need.

“Yes!” he stated unequivocally.

“Then say it. Tell me exactly. Tell me to suck your big cock!” I jacked him even harder, faster, raising the tempo.

“Suck it, Tiff! Suck my big dick!”

It was like lighting suddenly struck. A jolt. An uncontrollable urge! “If you cum in my mouth, I’m going to fucking kill you!” I warned him one last time, before, with my eyes locked into his… “MMNGH!” I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked him in!


Chapter Four: The Unholy Bishop

“Ssllrrgh-gumpf! Mmm!” I slobbered noisily all across him, going so far as to actually choke myself on my… brother’s cock. I knew how they liked it, like to hear it, and had been told by more than one that I gave the best blow jobs ever. Never mind the situation, that this was my own brother, if you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right!

With my lips wrapped tight, cheeks hollowed, mouth slobbering, head bobbing faster and faster, I was all in, sucking him with all I had.

“Oh shit! Gawd! Tiff! Damn!” I had my brother began hemming and hawing as I used one had to jack his length I couldn’t fit into my mouth, my other to massage his big, dangling balls!

”Gurp-gurp-gurp!” still with a fistful of my hair, Jimmy began yanking me down more and more upon his thick cock, forcing it into the back of my throat, gagging me upon it! I… I did not let him in that far, but I didn’t exactly try to stop him either.

“Shit! You’re mouth feels so fucking good!” Jimmy praised me, goading me on! I felt a rush of excitement, a glutton for attention! I sucked on him even harder, faster, debating internally if I should just throw caution to the wind, and go all the way with him, let him get a feel for my throat. It wasn’t only the fact that this was my brother’s cock that gave me pause. I’d deepthroated several guys cocks before, but never anything even close to his huge dick!

“So good!” Jimmy seemed intent on making up my mind for me, grinding his hips against my hold on him, trying to force himself deeper!

And I just went with it. I began to rotate my head around his, working it, wedging the head of his cock against the back of my throat, battling the gag reflex, until I felt it slip and my brother’s cock poked in! By the pressure we were both applying, all at once, he sank deep!

“MMNGH!” I wailed about him! I released him to use my hands to try and push him away, my arms flailing, beating against his thrusting hips!

But it was all in vain. Jimmy was lost amidst that heavenly pleasure, and he just kept pulling me down, thrusting out his hips, until with my throat bulging out around his thick shaft, I felt my nose pressing into his coarse pubes.

“NNNGH!” Jimmy strangled me upon it, holding it firmly in place as he simply rested and enjoyed the sensation of my protesting throat tightening and clenching, convulsing about his stiff cock!

“HAUGHMPF!” I gagged, rasped as he suddenly pulled my head back off him, his cock out of my throat. It was followed by a huge wad of viscous spit, delivered from the depths of my belly, squirting out my lips from around his dick!

My reprieve was short lived. Jimmy slammed my head back down, shoving his oversized cock right back into my throat, holding me there once again, choking me on it!

“MMMNGH!” More vile was coughed up as be pulled me back, the drool dangling off my chin. And then, he forced his cock right back in!

Over and over again, the pace ever quickening. I lost all control – lost my mind in the torture and depravity of it! In time and practice, it was becoming easier though. It audibly slipped in and out with greater ease as he used my mouth, my throat – used me! – to his heart’s content!

And before I knew it, my brother was outright humping, pounding my face back and forth, up and down to meet his thrusts as he literally fucked my face! And drowned within it, helpless, I did not try to fight it. I didn’t even realize what I was doing as I begin to pinch and pull at my hard nipples with one hand, rubbing furiously at my throbbing clit with the other!

”Glurp-glurp-glurp!” my throat squawked as he pistoned his meat through the hole too small for it, his balls adding clapping in rhythm as they smacked against the sticky spit across my chin!

“Tiff! You’re gonna make me..!” Jimmy tensed up, burying my nose back into his pubes. I was so far gone at this point, he could have done it and I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. But he didn’t. The King took mercy on his pawn, and granting my only wish, he suddenly jerked himself away, pulling his cock all the way back out, snatching it in his fist to finish himself off.

“Yes!” I slapped his hand away like a deranged whore in heat, using my left forearm to pick up my tits for him as I began to jack him with my right. “Cum for me! Cum all over my tits!” I pumped him furiously, practically screaming at him to do it!

“I… I… I…” he mumbled, head rolling back, body shivering. “I’m gonna…”

“YES! GIVE IT TO ME!” I felt his cock swell, a pulse rippling up it, and then..!

“CUMMM!!!” Jimmy yelped, unleashing a massive load across my chest, hosing my tits with a deluge of his thick spunk!

“Fuck yeah! Squirt it all over me!” I moved closer to him, holding my chin high, chest out, sitting my ass back on my heels as I kept pumping him, intent upon draining those balls all over me!

“AHHH!” Jimmy’s moan droned on as he kept giving it. Throb after throb. Rope after rope splashing across my entire chest. The boy could cum a gallon!

“That’s it, give me your cum!” I panted, as high as he was, letting go my tits to use my hand to smear his cum all across every inch and into them as if it were some kind of life breeding lotion! And with my eyes locked on his, still pumping, not thinking of what I was doing, I slinked further down as I raised his cock higher.

“Mmm…” I licked at my lips as I felt him blast a hot load against my neck. “Uh-huh!” I groveled, hungry for it as I continued to sink lower, raising his spurting cock even higher! Another steaming rope streamed across my right cheek.

“Yeeah!” I tilted my head back beneath his cock, lining him up directly over the middle of my chin as I fisted him faster!

“UNGH!” he groaned, followed by the throb of his cock, the pulse shooting up it, the swelling of its head, and then the white burst erupting out! I jumped as the thick, creamy rope lashed across my entire face, reaching from my chin, across my lips and nose, over my right brow and forehead, all the way back into my hair!

“Mmm…” I licked at my lips again, this time tasting the bitter-sweet potion of my brother’s toxic love juice! “Yes!” he stroked my face with a second and third rope, more of it running between my now slightly parted lips. Being carried away by its intoxicating aroma, I crept my mouth further open, all the way while staring up into his dazed eyes, dropping the tip of his cock until it was rested against my bottom lip, and… and I pumped away.

I said “Ahh!” for the doctor, begging for his medicine as I flicked the tip of my tongue up the slit of his cock. I was soon rewarded with that which I desired most.

“Tiff…” he wove his fingers back into my hair as he cock continued to throb, emptying out the last of his balls directly into my mouth!


“Gawd, you are a little slut, aren’t you!”

His words echoed around inside my absent brain, until they finally landed like a slap in the face. It was all over, his very last drop falling into the massive pool held between my cheeks.

As the erotic high fled from me, the realization at what I was doing – what I had just done, came crashing back down like a bowling ball settling within my stomach. My cheeks immediately flashed a bright red, burning with shame beneath the oozing… CUM! Across my face!

I was still holding his cock. My brother’s cock! I jerked my hand away.

“Thanks, sis, that was awesome!” Jimmy smirked happily.

“URHHG!” I made to cry, but all that came out was a muffled gargle. It was only then did I realize I was holding a pool of his cum, the same cum that was roped all across me, my tits, my neck and face – in my mouth! My brother’s cum!

“URRHH!” I twisted away and made to spit it all out.

“Don’t you dare!” Jimmy stopped me. I froze at his sharp words. “That’s a good bitch,” he smiled deviously. Even after all that, it still wasn’t over. Jimmy was enjoying this a little too much for my liking. A shiver ran up my spine.

“Come on, look back here, slut,” he called to me, retraining his camera-phone.

I felt myself wilting from the panic, but just as soon as I recognized it, I stopped it and took control of it. Yes I had just… done all that… but that didn’t mean I had to let Jimmy further humiliate me by whimpering like some useless bitch! Pursing my lips, still holding all his cum in, I defiantly corrected myself, sitting back up. I’d have my turn.

“Hahaha!” he zoomed his camera in and out on me. “That is a good look for you, sis!” I just glared at him, letting him have his fun. He’d better enjoy it while it lasted. All gloves were off now! “Open your mouth, show me what you’ve got inside.”

It took me a second to quell my spiking anger, but regaining control, I… what else was I supposed to do? For the moment, my brother owned me. I opened wide.

“Hahaha!” he laughed again, mocking, just for my benefit. “You’ve got a mouthful!” he boasted. “Come on, let’s see you gargle!” he pushed me further and further.

I huffed through my nose, before drawing back in a deep, resigned breath. “AH-guh-gug-guh!” his thick cum began to bubble, and then splash back out over the corners of my mouth and across my lips, joining that across my cheeks and chin.

“Bahaha!” he was getting off on it, his bouncing cock still as hard as ever! “What a slut! That’s good enough. You may swallow it now,” he said it in a way as if he were doing me a favor.

Fuck, how I hated him! I hate to admit it, but I did as I was told. I closed my mouth, and… ‘Fuck…’ it was so hard to do. So gross! So thick and slimy, oozing down my throat, but I did it. I swallowed. I drank it all, grimacing harshly as I did so.

“Stop acting like you don’t like it!” Jimmy taunted me. “You know you’re a little slut!” I kept my mouth shut, biding my time. Popping off right now wouldn’t earn me any favors.

“Open up, let me see.”

I said “Ah.” Jimmy smiled from ear to ear.

“Stick out your tongue.”

I did, proving it was all gone, now slowly settling into the depths of my belly.

“Agh!” something swiped at my cheek from my left. “Jax!” I pulled away as he began to lap at Jimmy’s cum spread across me. “No!”

“WHAH-HAHA!” Jimmy went ape shit! “Looks like Jax is ready for his turn!”

I ignored him as I tried pushing the beast off me. “Jax, dammit! Stop!”

“Tiffany!” Jimmy interrupted, grabbing me by the wrist. “Did you hear me?!”

“What?!” I shouted back at him, still squirming away from our dog’s tongue.

“Look!” he reigned control of me, forcing me to turn and look beneath Jax’s belly. And there it was again, Jax’s not so little red raced sticking out his sheath. “I said, I think Jax is ready for his turn.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Jimmy?!” I angrily jerked my wrist out of his grasp. Jimmy let me go.

“He helped get you off. I think it’s only fair you return the favor.”

It took a full couple of seconds for Jimmy’s words, and what exactly he meant by them, to truly sink in.

“You sick bastard! No fucking way! You’ve got to be shitting me?!”

“No,” my brother responded calmly. “You’re my bitch. I think we should see just how much of a bitch you really are.”

“Jimmy!” I shouted at him. “He’s a fucking dog!”

“I don’t care,” he kept his cool. “You’re a bitch,” he said pleasantly. “Seems only right. While I hold the King, you’ll do as I tell you. And I’m really getting tired of hearing that mouth. From now on, I don’t want to hear you speak unless it is to tell me, “Yes, Master.””

“Master?!” I laughed mockingly. “Now you’re really-” Jimmy stopped me with a sharp slap in the face. I balked. I certainly didn’t see that coming.

“You little-!” I began to shout, but he slapped me again. Nothing too hard, just to get my attention. He got it all right.

Silence. A stand off, one set of eyes burning into the others, neither backing down.

“What’s it gonna be?” he hovered over me. “If you want to quit now, I don’t give a shit, already got more than I could have asked for. We can throw this little piece away…” he held up in the air, acting as if he were to toss it over his shoulder, “and pretend it never happened.”

“No…” I slewed through clenched teeth. I wasn’t letting him off that easy. I was going to have my revenge, one way or the other! I’d hold that piece soon enough, and then, I’d make him regret all this and more!

“No, what?”

“No…” It was going to kill me to have to say it, but I did. Spewing poisonous venom out from between my teeth, “No… Master.” I bit at my tongue.

“That’s better,” Jimmy smiled deviously. “Now then, let’s see how good of a doggie bitch you really are…” he retrained his camera on me.

Caught up in our own little drama upon the back porch, neither of us noticed, even bothered a glance to the two story house behind ours. To one of the second floor’s windows, to its blinds parted ever so slightly, but unnaturally so. To the dark, circled lens sticking through, nor to the little red recording dot shinning out.


Chapter Five: The Black Knight

“Stop trying to fight him. Just let him do his thing!” Jimmy sounded frustrated, as if he were the one being wronged! And all the while moving in circles about us, still with his damn camera no less, trying to get the best angle as if he were filming some porno!

“It’s just that – NNN!” I was cut off by my own squeal! I was past trying to argue or make him see reason, it was just that… that tongue! It was nearly as potent lapping across my naked tits and neck as it was on my pussy!

My head was spinning, my heart beating out of my chest. I was sitting back on my heels, allowing our dog to lap away the cum Jimmy had left spread across my body, and I could already feel myself slipping again. But this… this was only the beginning. I battled furiously to keep a grip on my sanity, to not allow myself to wander too far off the reservation yet again. I needed my wits about me more than ever!

“Umm…?” Jimmy hinted. It wasn’t enough that I did as he told me to.

“Yes – ungh – Master,” I just blurted it out, completely giving in to his sick game, lowering myself to the lowest of lows. I stopped trying to push Jax away.

“Mmngh!” it was another thing though, once Jax worked his way up to begin lapping at my face! By reflex, my hands caught his head and tried to push him back down to my chest.

“Dammit, Tiff!” Jimmy wasn’t having it. “If you can’t… just put your hands behind your back!” he bound me with invisible restraints, leaving me totally defenseless to the ravages of our insane dog!

“Why?!” I reluctantly complied, squinting and twisting my face away as Jax licked at it.

“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you?!”

“Yes-MMGH!” my lips parted in answer, only to have Jax slip his broad tongue directly into my mouth!

“Hahaha!” Jimmy laughed. “That’s so fucking hot! Open your mouth for him, slut! Let him give you a big wet kiss!”

My stomach twisted into knots. Vile rose up into my throat. I felt like crying. But… I did as I was told. I had to really force it, but I ruefully wrenched my jaws open wide, doing as my Master commanded me.

“MMNGH!” It was as if the two were conspiring against me! Jax had his tongue wormed all the way into my mouth in the blink of an eye, flipping it across my own tongue and against the insides of my cheeks, raking it up and across the roof of my mouth! I was quickly swapping spit with a damn dog!

“Fuuuck!” Jimmy wrapped his fist around his cock that was still vulgarly hanging out, as stiff as a board! “Come on, slut! You know you like it! Stick out your tongue for him! Kiss him back!” my brother was really getting off on this, and that scared me.

“Uhn!” I had to force it, pressing back against Jax’s tongue to get it out. And Jax once again took the initiative and began to lap furiously over it! So gross!

“Come on, let me see you kiss him!” he just kept pushing and pushing, asking for more! When would it end?!

“AHN!” I twisted and snaked my tongue around in the air, human and dog tongue now mushing and twisting and molding together, performing the lover’s duel! Jimmy’s cum across my face was quickly traded with dog spit, and the sad thing… I didn’t know which was worse!

“Shit! I think he’s getting even bigger!” Jimmy noted.

A little preoccupied at the moment, I heard him, but had no idea what he was talking about. That is, until he stepped up, grabbing Jax by the collar and pulled him off of me.

“He’s ready. Get down there and get to work, dogslut!” Even though we’d never been particularly kind to one another when it came to the “game,” the way he was currently treating me and calling me names was really starting to piss me off! That’s okay though, I was keeping score.

‘Ready..?’ I questioned myself. “Oh…” I gasped as Jimmy turned him and I saw it. Dog meat! Red, angry dog meat! Jax had a good four inches of his bright, veined shaft poking out beneath his belly! ‘Get down there and get to work…???’ He didn’t actually expect me to..?

I lost my train of thought. Entranced by the sight of it… “Y-yes, M-master…” I breathed haughtily, not stopping to think of what I was doing, my brain not functioning as I dropped down onto all fours. I was moving as if on auto-pilot. I reached for it, my hand mid-air when it finally hit me. I was about to grab hold – touch a dog’s cock!

“Jimmy, I…” I froze, my entire body shivering.

“That’s Master to you, bitch! Now stop sniveling and do it or quit!”

I don’t know exactly what it was, but something about what he said struck a nerve. “Stop sniveling?!” I twisted my head to him and spat with indignation. As if! “Yess, Master!” I mocked him, as if I were the one with the upper hand!

And then, just out of contempt, not even thinking of what I was doing, I finished the sequence and grabbed Jax’s cock angrily in my fist, ducking my head down in one quick motion, and stuffed him right into my mouth!

What exactly I had done, what I was doing, came only as an after thought, after it was already too late. Truth and fact soon became enemy number one.

I had my head tucked beneath the belly of a dog. It – I was bobbing again. I had something in my mouth. Something smooth and slick and hot. So hot. Searing hot!

My eyes locked onto a pair of black, dangling balls as Jax’s haunches began to twitch. Dog balls. There was no more denying it. I had a dog’s cock in my mouth! I was sucking a dog’s dick!

And the truth… the truth was, it wasn’t so bad. Certainly didn’t taste bad – a little sweet even. I was doing it! Jimmy wanted to see me humiliated, to pay me back for all the terrible things I’d made him do. He wanted to see me crying and begging him not to make me do it. But I already was. I was beating him at his own game! I sucked Jax’s dog cock even harder, deeper in celebration of my triumph!

“Mmm!” I moaned loudly, just for my brother’s benefit, to show him I could not be beaten. I reached up with one hand to take hold of the base of Jax’s cock to steady it as I slobbered all over him! I then tilted my head slightly back, lifting my eyes to search out my brother, to see him, to prove to him that I was undaunted.

I didn’t have to search far. He was knelt down on the other side of us with that damn camera-phone! I made a mental note to snap that fucking thing in half as soon as I was the one who held the King!

“Damn, Tiff! You are so fucking hot!” he groveled as he zoomed in closer. He was the one now entranced.

“Sslrr!” I began to slurp noisily across Jax’s dick, just as I had done for my brother. Before I destroyed his phone, maybe, just maybe, I’d want to watch that video… just once. I was putting on a rather good show, if I do say so myself!

Caught up in this act, “GAHH!” I directed my attention once again to the matter at hand, and stretching my lips wide over his shaft, I tempted myself, seeing if I could take him all the way in my throat. I choked myself down on it!

“Fuck yeah, Tiff! Take that cock!” Jimmy cheered me, pumping a fist into the air!

“Guhlup!” I really did begin to choke, as something more jettisoned right down my gullet! My head jerked back. More of it spurted across my tongue and into my mouth. I spat it out!

“Holy shit! Is… is he already cumming?! In your mouth?!” Jimmy guffawed.

Thin. Runny. It came in short, small bursts, but it kept coming and coming. And while it was diluted, I did not miss the faint signs of that tell-tale bitter-sweet sourness. Jax was cumming – in my mouth! I kept sucking him though, allowing it to run out the corner of my lips, curling onto and dripping from my beet red cheek.

“Fuck, let me see!” my little brother was now the one to beg me.

Being the gracious person that I was, I took a better hold of Jax’s cock and pulled my lips back off him, only to be rewarded with a spurting jet of his watery cum splashing smack dab in the middle of my face!

“Wow!” Jimmy hummed in astonishment. “He really is!” A second quick jet soon followed, and then another, and another as I awaited my “Master’s” next instructions to me.

“Come on, slut! Jack him off on your face! That pretty mug deserves to be covered in cum!” he gave them. What can I say… I did it.

“Yeah!” Jimmy got right in close with his camera, capturing it all! “Move it around! Get it all!”

And with my eyes and lips squeezed tightly shut, I began to swivel Jax’s never ending, spurting cock about my face as I pumped him, painting my brow, over my eyes and nose and lips, to across my cheeks, it even running over onto my neck before dripping down onto the wooden planks of the porch.

“Haha! Slap yourself with it!” Jimmy went on directing his demented porno of me and the dog. And I, of course, played along.

Smack! Smack! Smack! it sounded wet and loud, his thick meat clapping sloppily in the cum painted across my reddened cheeks.

“Open your mouth! Stick out your tongue! Let me see him squirting in your mouth!”

“Ahhmm!” I aimed Jax’s tip, allowing him to coat my outstretched pallet with his sweet nectar. And then… and then I could not stop myself, could not control the sudden, erupting desire that shot up through me.

Like a moth drawn to the flame, without even being told to do it, I stuffed Jax’s dog cock right back in my mouth, my lips clamping down shut over his shaft, and sucked him hard once again, my cheeks hollowing as if in attempt to pull his delicious cum straight from his balls!

“Hell yeah! I knew you liked it, you dogslut!” Jimmy mocked me. I peered up to glare at him once again, but… Jimmy was not there.

“MMNGH!” I jolted forward, unintentionally swallowing more of Jax’s cock than I wanted to, as I felt fingers running across my exposed sex!

“I just knew it!” I heard Jimmy behind me, the owner of those fingers. “Your pussy is soaking wet! Fuck, it’s on fire!” he broke one in between my slit, searching out my clit!

“NNGH!” I tried reaching back to slap his hand away, but once he found my little, throbbing nub… “OGH GAGHD!” I choked out around the dick in my mouth, my whole body shuttering, nearly cumming right then and there!

Loosing all control, my brain spiraling in a tornado of lust and want, I stopped trying to resist his advances and just went with it. Even when he slid a finger into me, I grabbed hold of Jax’s cock, and not wanting my brother to hear his sister moaning like the sluttish whore he already knew I was, I slammed my face forward, swallowing all eight inches of Jax’s cock, right down my throat until my lips reached his hairy sheath, stifling my wanton yelps and pleas!

“Fuck, Tiff! Your pussy is squirting!”

It was. I didn’t even know that it could do that, but… it was. I was cumming!


Who’s to say how long that all lasted? I’d blacked out somewhere in the middle of it, experiencing the strongest orgasm of my life!

The first thing I felt was full. Jimmy still had… had three fingers working up deep into my now extremely sloppy cunt. And then… my belly. After having already swallowed a mouthful of my brother’s own cum, I had no idea how much Jax had unleashed straight down my gullet as well, but I felt bloated.

And then I realized I was rocking. Rocking back onto my brother’s fingers, rocking forward onto Jax’s cock in my mouth and throat, spit-roasted between them. And as I accepted it, I did nothing to try to stop it. I just kept rocking, enjoying the pleasurable rhythm as I slowly waltzed my way back down from that incredible high.

I kept slowly rocking, that is, until I felt Jimmy’s fingers pull out of me, only to be replaced by something else. Something more. Something solid, and something much larger and rounder than his fingers.

“PHHT!” I jerked forward, spitting out Jax’s cock. “No, Jimmy!” my head snapped around to my brother as he lined the head of his throbbing cock into my foaming slit. “You can’t! I’m your sister!” I said, but as the video he was taping would later reveal, my heart really didn’t sound all that into it – like I really meant it. I certainly didn’t try to pull my hips away…

No, I stayed as I was, bent on all fours, my wet pussy served up to him on a silver platter, watching with puppy dog eyes, my lashes fluttering, waiting as to see what he would do next.

I… I didn’t want this to happen. Really. Truthfully. Honestly. It was so wrong. But then… I just couldn’t find the will to stop it. I was horny. So horny. And while my mind was screaming at me ‘NO!’ – my body was telling me ‘YES!’ I wanted, needed it! A cock, any cock in me! To get fucked! But… ‘by my own brother?!’ My storm of emotions see-sawed back and forth, not giving me a chance to settle on one side or the other.

As it would turn out, I wouldn’t have to do anything to stop it. No. My black knight in shining armor came to my rescue.

“Grr..!” his jealous warning came first as a menacing growl, warding off the would be rapist of his maiden in distress.

“Whoa…” that got Jimmy’s attention, and he tripped back a step. I heard it. I heard the threat. I didn’t dare move.

And seeing his opening, my Knight lurched, pulling out my grasp. He moved so fast he sent my head spinning, and before I could determine which way was up or down, I felt it.

“Ow!”I felt sharp claws scratching at my bare hips. I reached back and grabbed hold of a slender paw, trying to pull it away, but it jerked right out hand.

“Oh!” Short, coarse fur sliding up my backside. I braced myself for the impending impact!

“Ungh!” it came, a heavy weight dropping across my back, slumping me beneath it.

“Huh?!” a strong vice locking about my waist.

“JAX!” I screamed as I turned my head and came face to face with my dog’s snout hugging over my shoulder!

It all happened so fast. I was rocking again, but I wasn’t the one doing the rocking. “Ouch!” something was stabbing angrily against my thighs and ass. By reflex, I held my weight with one hand, using my other to reach down below my spread legs to grab hold and stop whatever was jabbing me!

It was Jax’s cock. I gripped it, allowing him to glide it between my fingers as he humped crazily atop me, so forcefully that I could hear my tits slapping together to the beat! Even after all this, I hadn’t had time to process it – it still hadn’t dawned on me what was happening. Not until…


“Jimmy! What’s he – ungh!” I was slipping all over again, and couldn’t find purchase.

“He’s trying to fuck you!” my brother announced loud and clear, his heavy words tolling a bell inside my head.

What?! No! Impossible! But then… cock! Dog cock thrusting in and out my hand. Dog humping, mounted across my back! He… he… Jax was trying to fuck me!

“Jimmy! Help me! Stop him!” I shrieked. Jax’s weight was too much for me alone. There was no way I could get him off me all by myself.

And then, as if Jax had heard and understood, he stopped. He lifted and turned his head to my brother, issuing a second, warning growl, as if to say, “Go ahead and try!”

“Err…” Jimmy stalled. “I don’t think that would be such a great idea…” he didn’t dare interrupt. I was on my own!

“Ow! Jax!” he nipped at my neck, slowly starting to move his haunches once again. A warning to his bitch.

“Fuck! That dog!” Jimmy, far from being daunted, was amazed by what he was witnessing. “Just do it, Tiff. Let him…”

“What?!” I shouted back out my brother as Jax began to have his way with my hand again, though his throat was rumbling angrily in my ear, frustrated that he wasn’t yet… “Let him do what?!”

“Put it in,” Jimmy said. “Do it! Let him fuck you!”


Chapter Six: Surrender

‘Let this dog fuck me?!’ Ha! … this was where I laughed. Would have laughed, if only this had been a laughing matter. It wasn’t. Jimmy was as serious as a heart attack.

‘There’s no way! Just no way!’ The boy had lost his mind! There was only one problem. So had I.

My mind was racing a million miles per hour, and no matter how many times, in how many different ways I tried to tell myself no and disgusting… images of red cock and cum and wet pussy kept pouring back over me.

A thousand different grosses paired with a countless number of disgusting’s. An endless drowning of no’s and wrongs and impossibles, but far from convincing myself through this tedious repetition, I felt my argument growing weaker and weaker as my body…. my body began to betray me.

Short, panting breath. Sweat. Nipples as hard as crystals. Clit throbbing angrily, making demands of her own. And my pussy… my pussy creaming and gushing and burning, begging for a cock – any cock! My hand held a cock. It inched upwards, bringing him closer and closer to my forbidden channel. My brain ordered it to stop. My hand told me I had to – my Master was making me.

“Yes…” I nodded, every fiber of my being grasping on to this idea – my brother was making me. He held the king. I had no choice… I had to do it!


“I can’t…”

“You can!” my brother answered me, not understanding, not privy to my internal delirium.

But no matter how hard I tried to talk myself out of it, my body continued its act of rebellion. My knees crept out, dropping my ass lower, my hand ever picking him up to greet me. And then that slick, searing heat met my moist, most sensitive flesh, branding my pussy as his!

“Gawd!” The blossoming lips of my pussy wrapped around his thrusting shaft, as if in an attempt to pull him in all on their own! His pistoning cock teased at my distended clit, pushing me right back up that mountain of pleasure and desire, determined never to let me return again!

And just as I forgot that this was a dog atop me, needing a cock in the worst sort of ways – any cock! – preparing myself to shift and slip him in… it – it was gone, pulled away from me!

“Jax!” I gasped and turned and cried for him. He had jumped off of me! “No!” ‘Come back! I almost let slip! But then…

“YES!” I yelped. He had not abandoned me. Our Doberman just as quickly found my bent, open pussy presented for him with that amazing tongue! If I hadn’t already lost it completely before, I was a goner now! The trap Jimmy had set me in snapped closed. Jax’s tongue delved across me, into me, and with those thunderous sensations ripping throughout every inch of my being, I was left once again as its total and willing hostage!

Still so high, still oh so very close to that dangerous edge, it didn’t take much to send me plunging over it once more. My mind became bent. I had no choice but surrender.

“Ungh! Yeah! Fughck!” I started grunting and moaning and singing almost immediately, shot right back into that seemingly endless climax. My knees scooted out wider, opening myself for him as I arched my back, sticking out my ass.

“Tiff…” My eyes were closed tight, but I heard my brother now just before me. I felt his presence, felt his stiff cock pressing against my face, felt it trailing through that dog-cum mask Jax had painted across me.

“Ungh – yeah?!” I groveled from Jax’s tongue sweeping up and down my foaming cunt, my lips moving on their own accord.

“You know you want it…” he cooed.

“Uh-huh…” I whimpered, nodding, not knowing what I was saying as my brother presented his cock at my lips. I opened them for him, accepting him in. Jimmy wove his fingers back into my locks, slowly slipping his cock into my mouth as Jax lashed me violently with his tongue from behind. I could feel my juices pouring down my inner thighs, reaching for my knees!

Jimmy’s cock slid and slid until it hit that wall, but he did not stop there, pressing my face down against to meet the resistance. It was too much, taking too long. I did it for him. I lunged my face forward, savagely burying his cock back down my throat, all the way until my nose was smothered in his pubes and his balls were resting on my chin.

“Fuck! You’re such a slut, Tiff!” Jimmy tensed up, holding me down on his cock.

“MMGH!” he held me there until I was sure I was going to suffocate! “WHAGH!” he ripped it all the way back out, leaving me falling, plummeting through some bizarre worm hole! With my head slumped, coughing and drooling upon the deck, Jimmy pulled me by the hair to force me to face him.

“Reach back and pat your ass. Tell him to mount you.” I was looking directly into his eyes, but his words sounded a million miles away. Disoriented and confused, I did not question him, as I allowed him to guide me back out of this maze I was lost in.

“Jax…” A dog behind me, lapping at my cunt. So good… but not enough. My pussy needed, demanded more. It demanded cock. “C-come on…” my tenored voice was weak and wobbily. I… I reached back and meekly patted my ass, the strength in my remaining arm barely enough to hold me up. Jax got the hint though.

“Oh!” I cried as he jumped back up on my back!

“Do it, Tiff! Grab him! Stick him in your pussy! Fuck him!” Jimmy rattled off, caught up in the heat of the moment! I did not stop to think. I just acted!

Arm below. Hand stretched out. Cock in my grasp! He was already thrusting. “Yeah, fuck me!” I begged, struggling to get the bucking dog properly lined up! Jimmy raced around us to capture it all on his phone! And then… it came like a tsunami, all at once!

“OH MY GAWD!” Jax found his mark and plunged all his thick, eight inch cock right into me! My sloppy, frothing cunt offered zero resistance!

An explosion! My ears started to ring. I saw star-bursts and floating balls of light! Fire and heat! Thrusting and rocking! Flesh and tits clapping! And my pussy… My pussy had its cock! More cock than it could have ever asked for, and I was cumming and singing and dancing within the stars!

And Jax was hammering me, pounding my pussy with his thick, long meat as if he meant to drive it all the way up through me and out my throat! So hard! And so fast! Faster! He was pistoning in and out of my cunt at a blistering, mind numbing pace!

“UNGH – YEAH! FUCK! GIVE IT TO ME! UNGH! FUCK ME!” I just kept on screaming and crying and howling like the bitch he’d made me, the only channel of release for the punishment Jax was unleashing upon me!

“Hell yeah!” Jimmy returned, and tried reigning me by my hair, to force me to look at him, to look into the camera as my pussy was getting plowed by our dog. But my eyes were gone, rolled way back into my head, only their whites to be seen!

“Tell me how much you love it!” Jimmy went on anyways

Grunting and moaning mindlessly, I did not hear him, which earned me a sharp slap in the face, somewhat drawing me back.

“Tell me how much you love that dog dick!” he shook my head for good measure, holding my attention.

“Oh-oh! UNGH! I-I lugh-unghve i-it!” I gave him what he wanted as best I could, my raspy voice rattling between Jax’s rapid, insane thrusts!

“Love what?!” he wanted to hear me say it.

“Luh-unghve th-is doggie – ungh – dick!” I said it!

“Tell me you’re just a filthy dogslut!” he meant to degrade me entirely. But so be it. I was getting fucked by a dog and I was cumming and I was loving it!

“FUCK – UNGH – YEAH!” I screamed! I had never known such pain and such pleasure all at once in my life! Jax was so big – too big – but he was giving it to me and I was taking it! “I’m a – ungh – dirty! – ungh – filthy! – ungh – nasty! – ungh – DOGGIESLUT!” I finished with a tremendous yelp as Jax hammered his giant cock deep into me, beating it against my cervix! “FUUUCK!” I screamed for all the neighborhood to hear, my toes curling into the air as I came and came again!

“Hahaha!” Jimmy laughed wildly at my antics. “Yeah you are!” he gave my face a good couple of slaps with his hard cock, just as an additional reminder of how far I’d fallen.

“Oh fuck, Jimmy, I’m a dogslut!” I ground it out, the insane, sweeping zeal too much for me to keep bottled up. “I love – ungh – this cock!” I just couldn’t shut myself up, the cock and the climax owning me completely! “I’m a fucking dogslut!” I hissed, my tongue shooting out, trying to lap at his cock before my face! I wanted him to know it! I was screaming so loud, for everyone to know it!

“Haha! You want this cock too?!” he pulled his cock back, just out of my tongue’s reach. Asshole!

“Let me – ungh – suck it for you, ungh – Master!” it was just so good, so much fun, this role coming to me with too much ease! Cock! More cock!

“Here, you can suck on these balls, dogbitch!” he fisted his cock up over my face, holding his camera out to the side as he offered me his large sack! I accepted them, sucking them in, licking and slurping and humming all over them as Jax continued to pound my pussy from behind!

“Oh, fuck! UNGH! Jimmy!” I was forced to pull my lips back off him. “Something – ungh – it’s… he’s getting bigger!” I squealed as something more was now slipping in and out my pussy’s entrance, rapidly inflating!

“Huh?” Jimmy twisted away, and rushed down back behind to see for himself. “Oh…” I heard him rasp.

“Oh, Jimmy! UNGH! What’s happening?!” I could hardly stand it – a large and growing bulge tearing me open!

“He’s trying to knot you…” Jimmy said for too slowly and calmly for the utter meltdown I was experiencing.

“What?!” I balked, not having the slightest clue as to what he was talking about, but being accosted my this new intrusion and the electric sensations it was spiking through me, my arms gave out and I collapsed down onto my elbows, holding my head in my arms as Jax had his way with me!

“Yeah!” he seemed in awe, delving into a long lecture about dogs’ knots and ties and mating and breeding, all of which my brain had no hope of processing during my current plight.

“Shit! Ungh! It’s too big! Ungh! I can’t… Stop him!” I cried as the dog stretched my pussy to unimaginable widths!

“Umm… I don’t think that would be such a great idea, Tiff. You’re just gonna have to take it,” he denied me coolly, he not the one getting jack-hammered by a fucking dog!

“Jimmy! Fuck! It’s hurting me!” I screamed at him, the dog’s knot now swollen so large, the size of a tennis ball, that Jax could no longer fit it inside me, and it was being stalled just outside. That didn’t mean that he wasn’t trying to shove it in with his all, however!

“Nah, you’re doing good! You just need to relax. You’re too tense!” Jimmy instead coached me! That prick! “He’s almost got it…” he trailed off, using his free hand to help Jax push.

“Jimmy, DON…” I started, but then everything was shut off. My head jerked into the air, my mouth falling open in a silent waile, my eyes popping out my skull. And then… “Oh. My. GAWWWD!” I howled like a bitch in heat as my mind was shattered into a thousand pieces! Jax… Jax knotted his bitch.


I finally awoke from this most bizarre dream, only to find my head resting in my brother’s lap, my face turned, my cheek against his right thigh. His shorts were missing. I was sucking on a thumb like a little baby. No… not a thumb – a cock. My brother’s cock. Again. Cum was drooling out the corner of my mouth, running across my cheek and dripping onto the deck. My brother’s cum. Again.

Disgruntled and weak, I just barely managed to wiggle one arm up and free and pull him out my mouth. It came right back down, slapping me in the face. By some miracle, he was still hard.

“Dick,” I… I meant to curse him, not say… never mind. I shifted his “dick” off my cheek, only able to pin it between us, his hip and my face. Making me go cross-eyed staring at it, this wasn’t much better, but it would have to do.

“That was so hot, Tiff. You okay?” he stroked my hair as if he were my lover.

“Yeah…” I nodded, too weak to try and move. “Is… is he still in me?”

“Ha!” Jimmy chuckled. “You don’t feel it?”

“Yeah…” I repeated. That was all I could feel, but… “What… what’s he doing?” The weight was gone off my back. I was hoping that…

“He’s turned in you. You are ass to ass. He’s still knotted in your pussy,” my sweet brother informed me most crudely.

“Oh…” I intoned. There wasn’t much else to say.

“You’ve been like this for awhile… it shouldn’t be long now.”

“Okay…” I said, not making a move to get up, not having the strength. We just waited, with Jimmy stroking my head, with me laying in his lap, with his penis in my face, with me… letting him.

And it wasn’t long. Not five minutes later, with a pitched squeal from me and a loud, slurping, suction from my pussy, Jax plopped out of me, followed by an insane flood of his cum dumping out my thoroughly used cunt. Neither Jimmy nor I moved, letting me drain upon the deck, though he was sure to get it all with his camera.

“You are one sexy thing, dogslut,” he finally broke the silence, not saying it in a demeaning way, but in jest – innocent teasing. Was that what this was? Innocent? Just part of the game? Nothing more, nothing less? It didn’t feel that way to me…

“You know I’m going to get your ass back for this,” I reminded him, but smiling upon his lap.

“I know,” he smirked back down at me, not at all worried. He should be.

After another long pause, “Tiff…” he began again, waiting until I turned my eyes to look up at him. “I want to fuck you.”

It… was not an order from the “King,” but almost… a request? My eyes held Jimmy’s for the longest, saying nothing, revealing nothing, neither acquiescing, nor denying.

“Jimmy, I…” I had to pull my eyes from his before I… but then I came face to face with his still very much hard and needy cock, begging me as well as if it had a mind of its own. It did, didn’t it?

“I just fucked a dog…” I used what had to be the worst, lamest excuse I could come up with to deny him, but in truth, still feeling every bit that dogslut that I had so recently declared myself to be.

“And it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!” Jimmy in turn declared. I… I somehow laughed, a school girl giggle, my eyes finding his once again as I slowly, carefully picked myself up out his lap. His eyes turned to disappointment as I began to crawl away.

“Tiff…” he begged me, reaching for me but dared not grab me. He needed not go through the trouble, for I did not crawl away. On my hands and knees, I turned myself, presenting to him my recently destroyed pussy.

“You still want this bitch’s pussy now?” I half expected him to turn and flee, but… he didn’t. With wide eyes open and staring at my pussy…

“More than ever.”

“Ever?” I crooked my brow at him. His eyes found mine, his lips spreading into a devious smile. I hate to admit it, but I did feel some relief with his declaration. Even after all that, after seeing me bred by a dog, I was still desirable. Left feeling vulnerable after having been violated so, I needed the reassurance, and fed off of it.

“My whole life!” he declared.

Well then… I couldn’t exactly decline him now. In retrospect, I’m sad to say, after having just been fucked by a dog, the moral dilemma of fucking my own brother as well didn’t exactly cross my mind.

“You can’t record it…” I added my own rule.

“Tiff,” Jimmy chastised me as if I were being foolish. “I won’t show anyone,” he met me half way.

“O-okay…” I wisped. “Just… just be gentle. It’s sore.”


Chapter Seven: Sleeping with the Enemy

Light in the dark. I was stirred from my sleep by the creaking of hinges – my bedroom door creeping open. I looked to my clock. Two in the morning.

“Oh…” it took me a second to place myself. I remembered crawling into bed with the weight of the world on my shoulders, not thinking I’d ever be able to sleep this night, only five seconds later to drift off like a baby.

My eyes squinted, adjusting to the light shinning in from the hallway. A black silhouette slid through the crack of my door, quietly shutting it behind him.

“Jimmy?” I asked groggily. Who else would it be? The figure said nothing, though I heard him shedding his clothes. Of course it was Jimmy.

“Jimmy, I’m sleeping. Leave me alone,” I tried in vain to peer through the dark, hearing him shuffling closer.

A searching hand. He found my head upon the pillow, and cupping it by the back, drew it closer the bed’s edge. Fleshy meat sought out and pressed against my lips. My brother’s penis.

“Really, Jimmy?! Now?!” I challenged him, exacerbated! “It’s two in the morning and I’m tired. You’ve had enough fun for one day!” I said, but with my lips brushing over the tip of his cock as I spoke, my eyes unwittingly locked onto its shadow as my mouth began to salivate. He did not answer me, but did not force me any further either.

Knowing my brother all too well, I made his excuse for him. “You just know you’re ass is mine tomorrow,” I relished the idea of holding that simple wooden piece again, and of the power and the revenge it would grant me! The truth was, I’d been too worn out to even come up with a half-witty idea.

“You’re just trying to get all you can out of me before it’s too late!” I kept on, apparently speaking to myself, for Jimmy did not say a word.

“Fine!” I gave in without much of a fight, smacking my lips open wide for him. And then… nothing. Silence of the night.

“Jimmy?” I questioned him. Whatever he was doing, was quickly beginning to frustrate me more and more. “I said okay. I’ll do it!” His cock at my lips, but still nothing.

“Jimmy, stick your cock in my mouth or get out!” I growled at him, growing angry, now fully awake. But… as I spouted off at the mouth, my mouth… my lips came into further contact with the head of his mushroomed organ. We were already touching… and I… I kissed it.

“Ah…” I heard Jimmy stifle a slight moan, which goaded me on. He was trying to tease me! I would win at this too.

“You like that…” my tone suddenly changed, my words light, my breath heavy… “Master?” I added, not out of spite, but to prove to him that I was not defeated. I could hang. How foolish it would all seem to me tomorrow, how stupid I’d been, but in the here and now… I kissed it again, tenderly.

“Yeughs…” he heaved. I felt his throb. I began to lip it, more, and then mouth it, my wet lips sounding more and more in the silence, and I could feel him respond.

“What do you want me to do… Master?” It wasn’t an easy thing to say, feeling strange on my tongue, but I could feel myself getting wet just from forcing myself to call him that, by the subjugation and the submission it signified.

“Yes…” was all he said, giving my head a slight pull, not forcing it, but signaling for me to go on. I went on. I wrapped my lips around his head and pushed my own forward, gliding him in.

“Mmm…” I hummed on his cock, bracing myself for his plunge, but contrary to what I expected to happen next… Jimmy did not suddenly ram his cock home. He did not force himself into my throat. He… he just held it there, with just his head inside, simply enjoying the warm, wet pallet of my mouth. And so I entertained him, stroking it softly with my tongue.

“Mmm…” I went on moaning gently over his tip, soon being awarded with the first taste of his pre-cum. Jimmy pulled his penis back out.

And my lips… my lips bobbed after it, trying to catch it, but only grasping air. The bed shifted over. Jimmy’s weight was tilting it. My brother was crawling into bed with me! My breath quickened as he turned me over onto my side by a hand on the shoulder.

He formed his nude body up behind mine. I was only wearing one of our daddy’s old tees that was a couple of sizes too big for me, and a pair of lacy panties. Nothing was said as his smooth hand began to caress over my bare thigh.

“Jimmy…” I warned him softly as his hand worked its way up my shirt, seeking out my breasts. He was taking this too far. Was there no end? I wanted to stop him, was about to stop him, but then was cut off as he began to nibble and kiss at my neck. I was a sucker for some good foreplay!

“Oh, Jimmy…” I moaned quietly as his fingers pointed out that my nipples were already hard, and worked his lips up to my lobe.

“Jimmy, we shouldn’t…” I protested meekly as his hand ran back down to my thigh, taking it and lifting it into the air, scissoring open my legs. But as I spoke, my left arm bent back, my fingers running through his hair. Jimmy said nothing, his tongue busy across my ear as he shifted his hips and presented his gratuitous cock between my legs.

“Jimmy, we’re brother and sister…” I rolled my head in the pillow, pulling my lobe from between his lips to face him. I’d already let him screw me once – and that was enough! But with his hard penis slowly grinding back and forth against the vee between my open legs, my mouth suddenly met against his, ending any further protest I might mutter.

A peck, our lips connected for the first time ever. Innocent. Playful. We pecked again. And then again. It lasted longer this time. He nibbled at my bottom lip. I searched for and bit at his. He gave a slight chuckle. I laughed. He kissed me. Really kissed me. I kissed him back. Our lips collapsed against one anothers.

Tongue. Tongue massaging my lips, begging for entry. “Master…” I moaned wantonly, parting my lips to let it in, drowning in the idea, in the control he had over me – not realizing the fantasy I had created, the make-believe, pretending that I had no say in the matter, that I could stop this. The only realization – my brother owned me. I was his. He could do to me as he pleased, so long as he held the king.

Tongue against mine, mine pressing back against his. Twisting. Dancing. He was grinding harder now against my panties, moaning softly into my mouth. With both our tongues out-stuck, molding into each others, I let go his hair and slid my hands down to my crotch.

What had happened earlier was… I shook my head, chasing away the thought. This was going too far. This was wrong. I had to stop it. I found and cupped his cock, intending to pull him away, but as our kiss intensified, I found myself only holding him tighter against me.

“Mmm!” he moaned louder against my lips as he felt the warmth and wetness spreading through my panties upon his cock and my hands gripping him tighter.

“Mmm!” I matched him as his slow, grinding penis teased my rapidly hardening nub poking right through.

“Just… a touch…” I mouthed over his tongue as I let go with one hand to use and slide my panties aside. “You can’t put it in…” again… I didn’t say.

Hot, hard cock rubbing through wet, steamy cunt. I could feel his racing pulse through his penis. He could feel my heart beat throbbing through my clit.

“You’re wet…” he rasped, before sucking my tongue all the way into his mouth.

“MMM!” I wrestled it back free. “I still have dog cum leaking out of me,” I meant to turn him off by this, but Jimmy only moaned louder, grinding his pulsating cock harder and deeper through my slick slit and against my clit!

“Even better!” he became more forceful with me, squeezing my thigh, grinding harder, biting at my lip, sending a tingling sensation up and down me with his ferocity.

“Yes!” it was now I the one to suck on his tongue. Our hips began to move in unison. Jimmy hoisted my leg higher in the air, opening me further.

“I’m going to let him lick your pussy again…” he pulled his tongue back out only to attack my neck. I knew exactly who he was talking about. Jax.

“Yeah?” I moaned as he sucked hard on it, as if intent upon leaving his mark. Our hips began to roll longer, his length covering more ground, the head of his cock slipping back farther until I felt it kneading my swollen clit.

“I’m going to make you suck his cock again…” he hissed into my ear, before trailing his tongue along it.

“Okay…” I groveled as I felt his swollen head slip back and forth over my leaking hole.

“Tiff…” he curled my leg back over his hip to free his hand and pull my lips to his. “He’s going to fuck you whenever he wants it.”

“I know…” I wisped, looking my brother directly in the eyes through the black of my room. I bent his cock, forcing it, slipping it into my drooling cunt. “I’m a dogslut,” I slowly slid myself all the way down his pole.

Breathing. No words. No kissing or lips or tongue. Just… breathing. Jimmy held me firmly by my chin, our lips only slightly brushing together, breathing into each others mouths. My hands now free, I reached back and cradled his head once more, holding him close, our foreheads coming together.

With our bodies once again pressed tightly together, his penis buried to the hilt inside me, filling my pussy entirely, Jimmy rotated his hips, just once… and then still again. Seconds passed and he did nothing. I rotated mine, mimicking him – just once – and paused.

“I love being inside you,” he told me in the dark.

“I know…” I simply repeated, feeling the muscles of my channel working over his long cock, even though we weren’t moving. Further silence.

Jimmy drew himself back an inch and waited. I slunk myself back against him, reburying it.

Jimmy pushed forward, thrusting deeeep as he pushed me back to where we had started. Pause. Neither moved. We just… laid there, still holding one another, still breathing into each others mouths, our sexes still consumed by one anothers.

Jimmy pulled himself back again, farther now. I pushed my ass back against him, sinking his cock right back to where it belonged. Our hips touched before he pushed again, shoving me back. Pause.

He drew nearly all his cock out of me this time, leaving just the very tip inside. I quickly chased after it, forcing it all back in. Jimmy thrust back, only to pull out again. Again I gave chase, and again he pushed. And so the rhythm began.

Out. Back in. Pushing forward. Drawing out. Slinking him back in. Thrusting forward. Never did we move too fast. Never was it… fucking. I… we… we were making… were we making love?

Our foreheads collapsed against one anothers completely, our minds molding into one. He gripped my chin tighter as did I grip and tug at his hair. But never did our lips come rejoin, never more than a brush.

“Tiff…” my brother moaned into my mouth as our sexes slowly glid over and into each others.

“Yeah..?” I answered him.

“I’m going to cum in you…”

“Okay…” I did not, could not deny him, my pussy growing even wetter with anticipation. He’d already cum in my once today, I held a load of it in my belly, what was a little more?

“Jimmy…” I said as we continued to slowly grind against one another.

“Yeah..?” he answered me tenderly.

“I… I’m not on any kind of birth control…” I admitted softly, as if it were nothing but a side note.

“Okay…” he said as he pushed himself hard against me, burying his cock as deep as he could, pressing it right against my cervix.

And then I felt it. The swell. The pulse up his cock. And then that warm burst of his cum filling my womb.

“Yes!” I panted into his lips, grinding myself back against him. “Master! Pump me full of your cum!”


We just laid their in the dark, my hands folded beneath my cheek, Jimmy’s arms wrapped around me, holding me close, his penis slowly going soft inside me.

Little of his cum was making its way back out of me. It was trapped inside. But… that was a problem for tomorrow.

“Mom and dad can’t find you in here in the morning…” I said into the night.

Jimmy said nothing, his breathing even and steady. He nestled closer to me. And I… I nestled closer back against him, and slowly began to join him in sleep.


I really don’t know how I feel about this last chapter. Part of me loves it… part of me hates it. I don’t know if I took them too far out of character for how I intended them to be? Part of my long windedness, this whole chapter was birthed by the idea of Jimmy crawling into bed with her, sticking it in, and going to sleep, that the jist of it, meant to be tacked on to the previous chapter. Please, if you’ve made it this far, I would really appreciate to hear your feelings on this chapter.

Apart from that, this is the end of “Part One,” so to speak. Jimmy’s reign is soon to be over, and sister shall soon return the favor. I hope to post a chapter or two before I leave, but if not, I will see you all in October! Thank you all who have read and left a reply. It is the greatest payment any author can receive.
