It was April of my Senior year in high school … I had passed all the required classes to graduate, the last few days were just passing time. For some reason my parents insisted on me finishing my senior year and graduating – if it hadn’t been for this, I’d have gone to college as a full time student, since I was already taking two university classes.

The Thursday prior to graduation was a slow day … There were no classes that I still had to attend – all assignments had been turned in … so working on my tan in the backyard seemed to be much more productive.

Thirty minutes later, I pulled up in our driveway, noticing mom was home, apparently she didn’t have to be in the office today. Entering the home – mom wasn’t in her office, so I went upstairs to change into a small bikini … rushing outside to the pool area ….

I had just laid out a towel on one of the lounges, when I heard something coming from my parents bedroom. A sliding glass door opens up to the pool area, looking that way, a light breeze was blowing the light weight curtain in and out of the room.

Moans and whimpering were coming from their room … I looked around wondering where our pet, Roscoe, was. He’s a large lab that seems to always be around, but he didn’t greet me at the door, wasn’t out back trying to get a head rub … cautiously moving to the sliding window. The closer I got, it was mom who was whimpering, saying something that was impossible to hear – carefully peeking around the corner – stopping dead in my tracks …

Eyes going wide open … Mom was nude on all fours, Roscoe was up on her back … from my angle it was easy to see his penis was pumping in and out of her body. It only took moments to realize the moaning and whimpering was not coming from pain, but rather extreme pleasure. Our pet was fucking my mom – the fact she was enjoying every moment of it should have been so shocked that I’d have moved away immediately, but for some reason … the way she was pulling at her tits, the hips writhing back and forth – the sounds – all were having a strange effect on me …. Unknowingly slipping a hand between my legs, I was already soaked … when his large knot pushed inside her, she screamed – enjoying a body shaking orgasm … that was all it took for me to explode also.

Afraid she might hear me, barely able to make it over to the hottub, slipping in .. the warmth started relaxing me – closing my eyes, trying to figure out how I was going to handle this, especially facing my dad, what if he found out – but even more important what could I say to mom when we saw each other.

It seemed like an eternity when my mother finally came out back, “Oh honey I had no idea you were home, sorry I didn’t hear you. You’re home early, everythings OK at school?”

I kept my eyes closed, nodding my head, telling her it was a slow day so I figured I’d relax back here. That was also when the big goofy hound came running up to see me … as soon as he was close, he buried his head between my boobs, making me gasp while pushing him away.

She sat there looking at me, nothing was said, when dad arrived home, we decided to order in some Chinese – around the table it seemed obvious there was some tension between us – that’s when dad spoke up, “Hey mom is heading back east in the morning and I have the whole weekend off – since it will just be the two of us what would you like to do Princess?”

I have been in love with my dad ever since I was first in my teens, not like he’s my dad love, but erotically in love with him. I’ve thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen, cannot tell you how many times I’ve masterbated thinking about him – but mom has always been an obstacle -but now she’s fucking the dog, so I suppose my poor dad was probably not getting any sex, so now was my chance.

A broad smile spread all over my face, “I’m legal now, I’ve never been to a nightclub, never had any drinks to speak of and never danced with my dad. What do you say?”

Dad is definitely a boob man, more than once I’ve caught him looking at my large tits … he never misses a chance to sneak a peek, but mom was the one to speak, “I think that is a great idea – since we’re both exactly the same size, you can wear one of my evening gowns, the more skin I show the more your dad loves it”

Mom and I are exactly the same size, same large double D boobs, slim figure, same everywhere except between my legs, I have a large camel toe clit that always catches my fathers attention. She has some really sexy outfits, so once dad agreed to take me on my first date – mom and I headed to her room to see what we could find. She had a silver jumpsuit, was so loose the boobs were seldom covered and the legs loose enough to easily enjoy my date’s hand playing with me.

Friday I had a full body workover, had my hair done as well as my nails … that evening dad had pulled out his favorite sports car – one he seldom drives – around 7 we left the garage, my legs smooth were on full display – dad liked, really liked what he was looking at.

We talked, arriving at one of the top nightclubs in the area, on the way in, his hand was on my ass instead of in the middle of my back – something I really liked.

More talking, a glass of wine before dinner … the food was unbelievable, I’d never tasted anything like it before … After dinner I asked if he’d like to dance with me. A broad smile spread across his face, standing taking my hand – we headed to the dance floor. Wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing my body into his – my boobs pressing heavily against his chest – in moments I could feel his shaft pressing between my legs, both of his hands cupping the cheeks on my bottom, pulling me into his body.

The songs were slow – – between sounds we continued to dance … by the time the third one started, he was kissing my neck, making my eyes hazeley closed

Natural occurrences didn’t take long for us to share our first real kiss – not a father/daughter kiss but one that allowed us to share each other’s tongues. At the same time his hands pushed under my gown, rubbing my bare bottom – pulling back, “So I see you’re not wearing any panties, such a naughty girl – maybe we should take our seat again”

He led me back to our table, as soon as we were side by side, the passionate kissing picked back up from the dance floor, his hand slipping between my legs … moving upward until he was lightly rubbing my pussy – a pussy that was already soaked.

My legs clamped shut, a low whimpering moan took place, hips pushed towards him, just as my legs flew open — whispering in his ear, “OMG … I’m so close Daddy … please take me home”

We were in his car, heading home in a few minutes – leaning over, unzipping his pants, pulling out an impressive looking cock, one I knew was not going to disappoint me – making sure my sucking and licking kept him in prime condition to finish me off as soon as we were home.

Parking in the driveway, rushing inside, my gown was off just as the door closed, kicking off my ‘fuck-me-heels’ … all the time dad was doing the same – we never made it to the bedroom. Embracing each other, his huge shaft slipping between my legs, my boobs rubbing the nipples back and forth against his chest –

The passion in our kisses, made sure neither of us would regret the line we were about to cross. Picking me up, carrying me to the family room sofa, laying me on my back, legs wide open, he started kissing the insides of my thighs.

The boys my own age who had fucked me in the past, were in me – a few pumps, sometimes I’d cum with them, but in most cases not – but dad was a different story – I was so ready to have him in me, but he was taking his time, making sure I’d be screaming when that first climax washed over me.

His finger pushed deep inside me, massaging and teasing my magical spot – while his tongue teased my clit – arching my back, pulling at my own boobs … What he was doing to me was causing me to climb to aroused heights I never knew was possible.

When he finally entered me, I hadn’t realized how much bigger he was than any of the boys my age had been – the size stretched me, went deeper than anything had been – instead of immediate pumping in and out quickly, he pressed all the way in – stopped to lick my nipples, even biting them lightly … slowly pulling almost all the way out, then back in again – like before stopping.

Each time he’d stop, my poor pussy was throbbing around him, trying to milk him, trying to get him to move faster – but he was in no hurry – it had taken a long time to have me like this, he was going to enjoy every minute of it.

The way he was using me, triggered something I’d never experienced before – in all my reading no one had ever mentioned it … a small short lasting mini orgasm or climax hit me – causing me to shake, clinging onto him tighter – then it was gone, but followed immediately by a second and a third. They were quick intense burst, but each one left me dazed … not sure what was happening or why – by the time he sped up, I could feel the head of his cock expand – then pushing in as deep as he could go, flooded my pussy with a load of superwarm fluid, at the same time triggering my own massive body shaking orgasm that had been building since our first kiss on the dance floor.

While this happened, a flood of emotions washed over me …. My dad, the one I had loved ever since I can remember, had just made the most passionate deep caring love to me that anyone could have ever dreamed of.

He rolled us to our side, but remained in me, slowly softening – we continued to make out … when he finally pulled out, with tears in my eyes, “Oh Daddy I can’t tell you how long I’ve dreamed of this happening – I love you so much.”

We were both so tired, it was easy to fall asleep on the sofa, enjoying being in each other’s arms.

Both slept in late, waking – looking at each other … giggling then running to the bathroom, jumping in a shower – pressing me against the wall, easily sliding back up inside me – we fucked like rabbits for well over an hour – this time neither of us had the strength to make it all the way to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Staying nude, the two of us moved out back to relax – enjoying a few beers – ordered in a nice take-out, then taking me to the infamous bedroom, we made slow passionate love – something that lasted well into the early morning – once again falling asleep, his arms wrapped around me.

Sunday we woke early, knowing mom would be home later in the afternoon, this time I was on all fours, while he took me doggy style, slamming into me, both hands mauling my tits. I’d never had sex like this before – it didn’t take long for me to want to repeat this as soon as possible.

He seemed to be pumping harder, more submission was taking place from me, while dominance seemed to take place with my father … When he came, the force seemed more intense, which triggered a more intense explosion within me … collapsing on the bed, dad flopping down by my side.

We had enjoyed the best weekend possible but I wanted this to continue, facing a tough decision, “Dad I have something to tell you, something you won’t want to hear – but Mom has been fucking Roscoe. I know this is a shock, but remember I’m always here for you”

He raised up – a look of shock, then started to laugh … when I looked bewildered, he explained mom and I have the same sex drive, one that within a few days would have killed him, he told me this was a weekend he had thought about for years, but if it took place everyday, he’d never make it – so he was actually the one who found Roscoe. He was a specially trained dog to give pleasure to human females – mom uses him multiple times each week, rides him a few times – he satisfies her sexual need, when I’ve rested, she is always happy to play with me and everyone is happy.

Needless to say I was so embarrassed, he also told me mom had figured you saw the two of them when you came home early.

I washed the sheets, dressed in a jumpsuit and waited for mom to arrive. Dad filled her in on everything that took place this past few days, surprisingly not leaving out any detail. The day still had a few surprises for me, moving to hug me, “Nikki as your dad said, my sex drive was too much for him – we got Roscoe but his sex drive is becoming more than I can take, so I’d love to have you also help me with him and your dad – what do you think?”

I had never considered having sex with a dog, but somehow he seemed to sense what was happening. Moving just a few feet from me, the tail wagging as usual – he just stared at me – taking one look at both parents, especially my dad, who nodded in agreement with my mom, I stood, slipped off the jumper I had on, sat back down on the chair with my legs wide open.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything move as fast as he did, pushing his head between my legs, burying that snout deep against my pussy – Suddenly what he was doing to my body was so unexpected and yet so erotically arousing, I jumped, tried to push him away – dropping my head down over his, grabbing his ears, … “OMG Roscoe no .. stop … Roscoe stop …OMG mom help me … what the fuck is he – OMG please someone …ohhhhhh….” The words stopped coming, everything changed to moans and whimpering crys.

My legs tried to close, then opened wider – head buried on his back … I had no idea how much of this I could take, but the texture of his tongue, the way he twisted it, pushed it between my lips, stroked the puffy surfaces – my hips were bouncing off the cushions, the need to cum, building so fast – in just a few minutes my body exploded, gushing waves of liquid for him to lick up and enjoy.

He kept this assault going for the longest time, eventually when he had complete control of my body, pulling back, allowing me to slide down to the floor, nudging me with his nose, turning to lean over the seat of the chair – he licked my back side a few times, then in one motion mounted me, sliding a monster cock deep inside me and bottoming out all in the same movement.

The boys who introduced me to sex all had average sized cocks, my dad who had enjoyed what I had to offer all weekend had a larger than normal one – but nothing was like this. He was longer, thicker and was pumping in and out so much faster …he had only been in me a few strokes when a second explosion happened in less than an hour –

My body was exhausted, there didn’t seem to be anything left in me … but he wasn’t anywhere near through with me …

Most dogs pump their bitch a few times, force the knot in and empty their seed – this one had been trained to pump in and out for a long time – so long that even though I was wasted, somehow a mini explosion took place just as the knot began pushing to go in me.

There didn’t seem to be one muscle in my body that had not been spent, so the knot slipped in easily landing directly on my magical spot, to my surprise from somewhere another orgasm hit me. The warm seed felt so good, a wave of pure joy and pleasure washed over me … dropping my head on the soft surface.

At some unknown time, he pulled out, mom helped me up on the sofa, covered me with a light blanket- she and dad left me alone, knowing that I’d be out for quite a while.

Midway through Monday morning, I slowly woke, a throbbing between my legs from where he had stretched me so badly was taking place. Mom was making me breakfast, “How do you feel honey?”

Dried cum was all over my legs, but I’ve never felt as good as I did at that moment. Looking at her, a new appreciation of what she had discovered and wanted so badly to share with me – “I had no idea sex could ever be like this. The time I spent with dad has allowed me to come to love him even more than I had before, but what Roscoe did to me … OMG Mom it was like something no one has ever heard of”

Mom laughed telling me if he had his way, he’d be using us five or six times each day – so how grateful she was I had become one of his bitches. From the looks of mom’s pussy, all red and puffy I assumed he’d used her before I woke up.

Sharing a nice quiet breakfast, then taking a much needed shower, I didn’t see any reason to be dressed – mom had hung two light weight wraps by the front door, in case someone knocked.

Poor Dad was more than worn out – so both of us decided to let him rest – I had just joined mom out on the patio, when our old hound buried his head between my legs. This time I knew what was coming, but it didn’t help. Grabbing his head, leaning forward … opening and closing my legs – looking at mom through hazy covered eyes – she had her legs spread wide, both hands frantically rubbing her pussy.

Like the first time, he set off a mind blowing climax shaking every part of my body – this one was so intense that I didn’t notice sliding off the chair to the ground, turning so I was supported by the chair. This time no licks, no preparation – jumping up on me, sliding all the way inside, the rapid pumping starting immediately.

Looking at mom, wondering what was happening, “Honey the first time was to let you enjoy what he could do for you, now you’re his bitch and he’s using you like he wants to – but believe me it will be worth it”

The pounding was harder, much faster and the knot almost immediately began pressing against my opening – he bit my neck with his teeth, not hard enough to break the skin but with enough force to cause some pain. The pain mixed with the way he was pounding me, triggered the ‘best-ever’ mind blowing explosion

Looking at mom … a slow smile spread across my face, dad had joined us, setting down to watch, his cock as hard as I’d ever seen it … mom backed into him, sliding the shaft up inside her, while she slowly rode him – both excited by what was happening to me.

Suddenly the knot slipped in, but was immediately pulled back out – back in again and back out just as quickly – I’ve never experienced anything like this – it felt like I was being fucked by a baseball bat – my magical erotic ‘G’ spot was being abused each time it dropped in – triggering mimi explosion after explosion – Finally his warm cum flooded me … a sensation that has never felt so good. When he pulled out of me, mom was there with a plug, stopping the gush of our combined juices.

Fitting me with some type of a pussy container, pulling out the plug – I was amazed at how much the two of us had made. Although I was more than just exhausted, the three of us shared the golden nectar – sipping a little than passing the container on.

I was now officially his bitch – over the next few months the four of us enjoyed sex day and night. One afternoon mom and Roscoe had just ended a prolonged sexual encounter, dad had just emptied a full load of his seed deep inside me …

“Hey you two I was thinking about how much fun it would be if Dad knocked me up, giving me a daughter and you two a granddaughter. We could introduce her to our enjoyment much sooner than you did with me .. we might even have to pick up a cousin of Roscoes to satisfy all the sexual needs with this group?”

Mom and dad looked at each other – I could tell they liked the idea … giggling, “Good to see you two like it – I stopped taking my birth control and I think just now daddy did indeed knock me up. I really feel like I’m pregnant”

I was indeed, the daughter arrived looking just like her mom and grandmother – but her adventures will be for a later story.