© 2024 by Poly_Politoed

Harsh winds whipped falling snowflakes into Evelyn’s face, glancing off the goggles and facemask that she wore. A few flakes stuck to her heavy red jacket, filing into the little puffy creases. The weather conditions were certainly adverse, not to mention how the temperature was in the negatives, but she wasn’t bothered by it. The adrenaline pumping through her veins as her sled ripped through the sparse forest was enough warmth for her. Beneath her facemask, she smiled as she watched her five sled dogs running at breakneck speed, kicking up snow easily passing by the trees as they popped up in their vision.

Her entire life, Evelyn had grown up around cold weather and around dogs. It was all special to her, and she couldn’t imagine living in any other climate. She also couldn’t imagine having any other pet besides dogs, especially huskies. It felt like she held a special connection with them. She understood them, and they understood her as well. She also knew them well enough to know when it was time for a break, and luckily there was the perfect place to take a break nearby. As the trees parted, there was a small but cozy log cabin sitting by itself. The owners were an older couple that didn’t use it that much anymore, and had agreed to lend it to Evelyn whenever she was out there practicing her sled racing.

“Easy!” She pulled back on the reins as the dogs began to slow down. They knew of the cabin as well, and were all happy to see that it was time for some relaxation. “Whoa!” They came to a stop in front of the front door, and Evelyn stepped off the sleigh. Her boots sunk into the snow as she went over to pet each dog on the head. They all barked happily at the touch, then let their tongues hang out. “You boys hungry?” A chorus of barks gave her the answer she needed. Giggling, she made her way towards the door. “I’ll be right back!”

She fished out the keys from her jacket pocket and opened up the door, heading straight for the pantry. That was where the dog food was, and she hefted the bag of dry food in one arm while using her other hand to carry the five dog bowls outside. Setting a bowl in front of each dog, she ripped open the bag of dry food and poured some into each bowl. The huskies eagerly dove into their bowls, gobbling up their meals. “Alright, now be good, okay? We’ll just be here for an hour or two.” With everything set up, she took the bag of food back inside, closing the door behind her.

After putting the dog food away, Evelyn went right back outside, around the side of the cabin. There was a small pile of logs, and she grabbed a few to carry back inside. They went directly into the fireplace, which she lit. A fire was soon burning nicely inside the safety of the fireplace, which she sat in front of for a moment just to let her heart rate come down a peg or two. She sighed softly as she pulled the goggles away from her eyes and laid them next to her left hip. Then she pulled her black balaclava off of her head, letting her dark brown, shoulder-length hair flow out into the open. She leaned back on her gloved hands, letting the warmth of the fire soothe her soul.

It felt like she had only closed her eyes for a second when she heard scratching at the door. She slowly stood up and headed for the door, hearing whining as she got closer. When she opened the door, her five huskies were all standing there, looking up at her with pleading puppy-dog eyes. “You want to come in, don’t you?” She sighed dramatically, but was smiling as she went outside to quickly unhook them from their harnesses. As soon as they were freed, they all ran inside, immediately flopping down by the fireplace. “What am I going to do with you guys?”

She went back in and closed the door, and as soon as she sat back down, two of her huskies – Justice and Kelvin – nuzzled their noses against her legs. Smiling, she rubbed their bellies as they snuggled up against her. It was so completely relaxing that she could’ve laid down and fallen asleep, curled up with her favorite ‘people’ in the entire world. However, the head of her sled dog team, Rocket, didn’t seem to have sleep on his mind. He stood up from his place near the fire and ambled over towards Evelyn, licking her cheek.

“Aww, hey Rocket.” She ran her hand across the top of his head, but it became clear rather quickly that he wasn’t there for mere pets. His tongue next licked her lips, sending a slight shudder down her spine. “Ohh…” She looked back at the door, as if someone was going to cross through the terrible weather and enter the random, seemingly abandoned cabin. Well, her sled was outside… “Eh, I’ve got a couple hours.” She grabbed Rocket’s cheeks and pressed her lips to his muzzle, feeling a new warmth burning inside her.

She let out a muffled moan as his tongue invaded her mouth, making hers submit right away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kelvin and Henry eyeing her hungrily. There was no doubt that on the other side of her Justice and Blanco were doing the same. Seeing how hungry they were made her famished, and she knew how she was going to spend her break in that cabin.

Pulling away from Rocket, she licked her lips, still able to taste him on her tongue. She pushed herself onto her feet, getting every dog’s eyes on her. Her hand went to the zipper on her jacket, pulling it down until she could shrug off the heavy winter clothing. Little bits of snow fluttered to the ground as her large breasts stretched out her olive green long-sleeve shirt. Then she went for her warm, black leggings, peeling those down to her ankles. Beneath those leggings was a small pair of black compression shorts, which she made sure to get rid of as well. That left her in a tiny pair of red panties, her massive ass swallowing it up and showcasing as much cheek as possible.

She bent over to unlace her boots, but Justice, who had made his way behind her, wasn’t willing to wait. He got up on his hind paws and pushed his front paws against her plush ass. With a yelp, Evelyn barely got her hands out to catch herself before she crashed against the wooden floor. “Justice!” She was on her elbows and knees, looking over her shoulders with a cross expression while her ass was sticking up in the air. Rather than show any contritement, Justice snagged the waistband of Evelyn’s panties and tugged hard. They snapped beneath his sharp canines, coming off her body and hanging uselessly from his grinning maw. “You’re so impatient,” she chided, though her wiggling ass spoke a different tune. Maybe he wasn’t the only impatient one.

Justice dropped Evelyn’s panties and mounted his owner, his hot-red cock already rising from its sheath to drag across Evelyn’s ass. She shuddered beneath him, lowering her head slightly and raising her hips up in turn. Now fully mounted, she could only wait for what he had to give her. It wouldn’t take long: with a couple of jagged thrusts, Justice’s canine cock was all the way inside of her wet pussy. She moaned loud, knowing she didn’t have to quiet herself since no one else was around to see or hear her getting down with a dog.

Obviously this wasn’t her first time getting fucked by a canine. She’d had a connection to them ever since she was a little girl, but it wasn’t until high school that she’d started having sexual fantasies about them. While she didn’t understand them fully then, she knew that her thoughts couldn’t be shared with anyone else. Something inside her told her they weren’t conventional desires, and others wouldn’t understand. That was fine with her, though. She would play with her dogs and think about what it’d be like to lose her virginity to them.

Her ass jiggled and shook beneath Justice as he began to rut her, pumping his thick cock in and out of her needy pussy. With unfocused eyes, she barely noticed that Rocket was approaching her from the front, his own cock plainly sticking out. He had been her first, all those years ago. She had been eighteen and still in her parents house, soon to move into her college dorm. On her bed, she had been masturbating furiously, thinking about Rocket being atop her when he suddenly woke up from his slumber in the corner and jumped on her bed. To her great surprise, his cock was coming out of his sheath, and she just knew it was because of her. She’d stopped masturbating and let him get on top of her, locking her legs around his waist. She lost her virginity that evening, and she had never looked back.

Now as a young college graduate, she had five huskies surrounding her, all wanting some action. Justice had been the one to strike first, and now there was Rocket, not one to ever take ‘no’ for an answer. He walked forward until he was standing over her, his belly fur tickling her hair as his cock throbbed right in front of her face. She was more than happy to take it in her mouth, sucking greedily. Her mouth was pushed down further onto his cock as Justice continued to rail her from behind, his fur feeling nice and soft against her skin. There was little in the world more pleasurable than the feeling of being naked and cuddled up with a husky.

She could tell Justice was getting close, as he was humping her huge ass with great haste. “Good boy,” she cooed, taking her mouth off of Rocket’s red rocket for a moment. “Give me everything you’ve got, Justice!” She then went back to sucking, giving his fuzzy nuts a tongue bath while Justice hit his climax, filling her womb full of his puppies. Then he dismounted her, settling down next to her with great satisfaction. However, there would be no break for her: the moment her pussy was free, it was quickly being stuffed with Kelvin’s cock.

Before he reached climax, Rocket pulled out from Evelyn’s mouth, stepping back as if he was overseeing the procedure of his owner getting spitroasted. Blanco was more than happy to take over, letting his horny owner suck him off. Unlike Rocket, he was eager to let his load loose, sending it straight down Evelyn’s throat. Kelvin also gave her a full load, and it had already started leaking down her thick, shaking thighs before Henry got involved, and by the time he finished inside her she was sure she would’ve had several litters bloating her stomach if it was possible.

Extremely satisfied, Evelyn rolled onto her back and sighed happily, splaying her arms and legs out. When she next looked up, Rocket was standing in front of her, looking down at her knowingly. She smiled and slowly sat up, reaching down to finally unlace her boots and kick them off. Her leggings and shorts went off after them, then she laid down again and beckoned him over. She watched as he got on top of her, then she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down for a sloppy makeout session. His hips went down, and she moaned into his muzzle as his cock entered her. She’d already been plowed several times over, but she was a nympho for canines.

Her own hips lifted up as he began to thrust, locking her legs around his waist. That forced him to stay inside of her as he kept thrusting, their eyes meeting whenever they weren’t sucking on each other’s tongues. She fell in love with him every time she looked into his big, beautiful blue eyes, her body tensing up beneath him. It hadn’t occurred to her that she hadn’t cum yet, having been too invested in getting the rest of her huskies off. Now, with Rocket buried deep inside her, she could finally let go.

“Ohh Rocket, yes! I’m cumming, baby! I’m cumming!” As her orgasm sent pleasure rushing through her body, she felt something big pressing against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed down with her legs, urging his fat knot into her. Just as she finished with a powerful orgasm, she felt that knot pop into her pussy, stretching it wide. The pain and pleasure mixed into a potent cocktail, and her mouth hung open in a silent scream as a second orgasm quickly followed the first.

The two laid there together in knotted matrimony, Evelyn’s eyes closing as she snuggled up with Rocket. Soon she felt the warmth of her other huskies, all of them cuddling together with her in the middle. She didn’t know how much time had passed, and she had a feeling that the ‘hour or two’ she was going to spend there would end up considerably longer. Her eyes were feeling heavy, and she was content to just fall asleep there, with all her favorite ‘people’ there beside her.

Being a dog owner certainly had its perks.