I lost my parents in a car accident when I was young – my grandpa and grandma had a large horse ranch located in Arizona, not far from the US – Mexican border.

Although both of my grandparents rode, grandma was the one who really knew how to ride – I learned when I moved in, she was a trick rider in a circus when she was younger – it seemed she knew just about everything about riding. I had visited the ranch each summer for a few weeks, the two of us were always close, but now that I lived here on a full time basis – she wanted me to enjoy the many ways a big stallion can entertain you.

The training started a few weeks after I’d settled in – one of her favorite stallions was being prepared to mate with one of the mares who had just come into heat. Angie – that’s grandma’s name, liked to get the big male close to a future partner – then keeping him aroused, preparing him a day or so, when he mounted her, he’d be in the best form possible – basically guaranteeing a pregnancy would take place.

Taking me to the barn, the big male could smell the mare close by – a massive cock was hanging down between his legs – we stepped up close, grandma reaching in, stroking that rigid monster – making him jump around – with some help, I was stroking him with a light touch making him wanting, needing to be in the mares pussy.

We jacked him off several times that day – grandma suggested I taste some of his cum – that opened up a new area – it was wild tasting, but I instantly fell in love with it.

Watching him fuck that mare, had me glued to what was going on, Angie hugging me, pressing her body against my back, “I always love to see how excited she looks when that monster slides in her excited pussy – it makes me kind of jealous”

At that moment, I’ve never been as horny, aroused, sexually excited as I was at this time I wasn’t sure if grandma was making a pass at me, cautiously aware of our relationship – but sharing the smells, the raw powerful pounding he was giving to her …. Squeezing the arms around me … was the perfect way to start down this road – a road I had no idea the enjoyment it was going to bring to me.

The next few weeks, we prepared several big studs to breed, drank down large amounts of cum, pulled one large cock to the side, taking as much of the head in my mouth as possible, making Angie laugh – all the time it seemed she never let her eyes not be making contact with me.

Grandpa had business in Dallas, so he was going to be gone for several days – we’d spent the day getting a big jet black beauty ready to mate with an equally impressive mare – one that was so much in heat, she was stomping the ground, waving her tail back and forth – I had surprised grandma when I started to rub the mares pussy, making it flow with juices, juices I soaked my hand in then tasted her as well. We both laughed, but there was no doubt, my eyes were floating in my head – looking at my companion she was also experiencing the same effects.

That evening a few of the horses were running in a pasture not far from our front porch, I had slipped on a light weight sun dress, being totally nude underneath – standing there, watching them have fun, just as Ang joined me, “They look so happy and carefree – I just love being here and working with you and these marvelous creatures”

Stepping up behind me, this time wrapping her arms around my waist, her hands rubbing the insides of my thighs, then one moving between my legs, rubbing, lifting up and applying pressure to my pussy – making me push downward, rolling my eyes up in my head, a low whimpering sound – letting her know how much I was enjoying this.

I think this opened the door, she had been waiting to see if it were possible, kissing my neck, turning to share our first real passionate kiss – we broke looking at each other – than the most pleasurable, erotic kiss I know I will ever enjoy – we made out standing, moving to a sofa on the porch – it wasn’t long before my dress was laying heaped up by the stairs.

Her clothes joined mine a little later – her boobs were perfect, she was in great shape – loved sucking on her big rigid nipples, the way it made her moan, the sexy sound she’d share when I sucked on her clit –

Being so inexperienced with anything sexual – as soon as her tongue touched between the lips of my pussy I exploded, covering her face with my juices.

We stayed in bed all that night, all the next day, she taught me so much – the only time we broke from each others arms was to take a potty break, grab a bite to eat, and drink something – by the time Grandpa arrived back home, it didn’t take a bright individual to see what had been happening – he just smiled then went on his way.

From then on, we’d be in each others arms every chance we had – it was not uncommon for her to join me in my bed – all the time she continued to teach me more about the horses and I was becoming a real horse cum slut, now taking a male’s cock in my mouth, swallowing the first and sometimes the second load he emptied.

One morning the three of us had just sat down to eat, grandma told us about a sex show located just across the border in a small bar type of club – special performance with donkeys, horses and women performing all sorts of various acts – she thought we should all go and see what it was like.

Grandpa had never crossed the line with me, although I had caught him looking multiple times, even noticed the tent he had when I was dressed in something kinky or when I was heading to shower and he’d spot me all nude. Both of us turned to him – to see his reaction … a broad smile came over his face, “I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy more then accompanying two beautiful women to a sex show”

That was the first time he ever made contact with me, outside a hug – he knew what his wife and I were doing – but taking us to a sex show, seemed to open the doors wide – casually placing his hand on my bare leg, squeezing when he said he’d love to go –

The tent was present and growing – since we had to leave that afternoon, I didn’t get the chance to explore a new relationship with him.

The three of us piled into the front seat of pop’s pickup – headed across the border, about an hour ride from there to the club.

Lots of cars were in the parking lot, once inside, it was almost like ‘clothing being optional’ – we fit right in, I had on a sundress a very short sundress – no panties and no bra – so anything that happened would be faster as well as easier.

The first performance had to do with a young lady and a fairly good sized donkey – she danced around, reaching under stroking the shaft, making him super hard. Being well trained, as soon as he was ready, she moved to a padded bench, – his tongue licking between her legs, checking to see if she was ready, in a small jump he was up and in her.

The sheer size of his cock, the look on her face – a look of the most intense pleasure anyone could have ever enjoyed. Made me, absentmindedly reach over, grabbing grandpa’s crotch.

He didn’t jump or looked shocked, instead placed his hand over mine, applying some pressure helping me massage him – making the pole even harder.

The animal started to really fuck her, grandma was on the edge of her seat, eyes glued to what she was seeing. Grandpa had unzipped, taking his cock out .. looking over, amazed at how big he was – pumping him a few times, sliding over onto his lap, lifting up so he slid up in me … Grabbing the edge of the table, raising up and down on him – all the time trying to watch what was happening on the stage.

My previous experience with cocks was nothing like the size that was up in me now – his hands on my hips, controlling the speed he was pumping in and out of me.

Everything happened at the same time – the female on stage screamed, the donkey filled her full of his seed, grandpa grabbed my hips, emptying his load deep in me and I exploded .. dropping my head on the table – my whole body shaking, pussy pulsing – trying to pump more out of him.

A short recess took place, grandma just smiled at the two of us, I stayed on his lap and surprisingly he stayed somewhat hard inside me. His hands were under my top, massaging, squeezing the boobs, while teasing my nipples.

The next act brought out a beautiful different breed of a horse, one none of us had seen before. Several people as well as a hot looking lady, totally nude – as well as a strange looking blanket like saddle. It was fit and secured on the horse, the young lady helped into the belly riding saddle –

Once she settled in, we couldn’t see what was happening, but as soon as the huge animal started walking – the model’s eyes shot wide open, she tried to scream, but could only grip the saddle harder – while they trotted around the stage.

Grandpa hardened instantly, making me whimper, dropping my body down on the table – grandma was glued to the show –

This time, the two of us were ready for some long time enjoyment – he kept fucking, I kept riding – while Ang had gone back stage, contacted the owner, coming back to us, she explained she was staying for a few days, going to learn more about these horses and the belly riding.

The two of us heard what she said, understood it, but was in such a frenzy all we could think about was the excitement our fucking was having on us.

As soon as he filled me again – the second time that evening – I matched him with my own explosion. Eventually leaving the club, making sure grandma was OK, I snuggled up next to my new lover, stroking his rock hard shaft all the way home – making sure as soon as we were home, our clothes heaped at the front door, easily carrying me to his bedroom – for the next week or more, he taught me how to give a blowjob, learned how good his cum tasted, swallowing as much as possible – he took me on my back, on my side, on my tummy, on all fours and a few times leaning over a counter in the kitchen. Everyday we showered, always ending up fucking and needing to shower again – needless to say not much work got done around the ranch –

Early one evening, we were cuddled up in a chair on the front porch … I was in his lap, we were both nude and he was comfortably deep inside me … when grandma drove up in a strangers truck, a horse trailer behind – she jumped out, gave the young man a kiss – got the horse out of the trailer, along with some gear – as soon as the guy was gone, she waved me over – grandpa helped her put the belly riding saddle on – telling me to jump up, I’d love what this was like.

Not quite sure what was going to happen, still wet from the excitement grandpa had me in ever since we got back – once I was under this horse, legs spread wide apart, up against the big boys belly – she showed me how to touch his sides, making him walk, trot, gallop and run as well as stop … looking at her, “I don’t see much in this – I guess I don’t see what the ladies were feeling in the show”

Grandma smiled, “Humor me, give him a stretch in the big field – he needs the exercise”

Tapping his body, figuring what the hell … we hadn’t gone more than three or four steps, when all of a sudden – something huge shot between my legs, buried itself deep inside my pussy – not only stretching me, but ramming deeper than anything I’d ever had in me …. It was so sudden, so unexpected, I tried to yell, but couldn’t – I did get out a growling bark that made no sense – with all of this happening so fast, instead of stopping him, I accidently gave him the ‘Gallop’ touch and we were off.

Being in a full gallop, that monster cock pushing in and pulling out, all the time the movement of his body, adding to the erotic arousal – that was fast becoming my favorite past time, but my poor body needed some relief

The way he was pumping, not too fast, definitely not to slow, kept me on the edge – almost immediately needing to cum … but the way I was riding, prevented me from twisting to get an edge – so all I could do was ride, my life spiraling out of control –

Grandma let us move for well over 15 minutes – two complete trips around the large training area – then signaling for him to stop and rest – as soon as he stopped, the huge tool inside me, expanded then emptied load after load after load – it was warm – when his head swelled and the heat was felt, my body shook, then exploded one load followed by the next – seeming to never stop.

My grandparents helped me out of the saddle …. Body shaking, muscles wasted … not able to stand … they helped me to the sofa on the porch, while cum was running out of me …

Sleep took over immediately, someone must have carried me inside to my room, the dreams were so alive, so sexual – but my body needed rest.

At least one full day plus slipped by, waking early the following morning – the smell of bacon and eggs filled the house – a quick shower – then remaining nude I joined the two of them, the problem was I could barely walk, still really sore between my legs …

Almost in unison, “Honey so good to see you’re up, how are you feeling?”

We all giggled, I told them I was fine, just a little tender between my legs … then getting an evil grin on my face, “But I can’t wait to get back in that saddle”

Setting down starved, seeming to eat everything in sight, we talked about once around the practice area was probably enough for both grandma and me … as soon as breakfast was over, we headed to the porch – helping grandma up in the saddle – while she was getting ready, I settled back on grandpa’s lap, easing him up inside me – while we watched her ride, I was having my own ride –

A couple days later, I was ready to try it again – before breakfast, I was comfortably in the saddle, tapping his side for a comfortable walk – as soon as he started, that wonderful cock slipped easily deep inside me, squeezing his body with my legs, grateful I was being held in place … the way he was pushing in then pulling out in a slow steady rhythm – had me flying high in an erotic haze – when we pulled back up in front of the home – both of us exploded at the same time – when I was helped out of the saddle, I realized sex is and has become a major part of my life – but nothing will ever compare to a long belly ride under these specially trained horses.