© 2024 by Poly_Politoed

Ever heard that phrase “Guns don’t kill people: husbands who come home early do”? I’d always considered that to be a silly expression. After all, how often would someone get someplace early, only to find something crazy happening? It wasn’t something I put any stock into, let’s just say that. At least, not until yesterday…

Okay, so I did get home early yesterday. Quite a bit early, in fact. Two of my classes ended up getting cancelled, though, back to back. There was no point in staying on campus, so I just hopped in my car and drove back to the townhouse that I shared with my best friend. Let me tell you, getting to live with my best friend was great! It was better than living with some stranger in the dorms. I got to spend lots of time with her, and there was plenty of room for her energetic golden retriever. I’d known him since he was a puppy, and it was like we were best friends too.

I decided that I’d surprise her, and if she hadn’t already eaten, we could go grab lunch before her first class. So as quietly as I could, I unlocked the front door and got inside, pushing the door closed before looking around. I wanted to raise my arms and shout “Surprise!” but it was me who was surprised. She wasn’t in the living room, and she wasn’t in the kitchen either. “Hmm…” Okay, so she was probably upstairs in her room. I went upstairs with the most silent of steps possible, quickly depositing my school stuff in my room before heading to her room.

The fact that her door was closed was a little bit strange. Usually whenever I’d get home after her, she’d have it open and was likely working on some schoolwork. This time, however, it was shut, cutting me off from seeing my best friend. I did wonder for a second or two if she wasn’t in there at all, that the door had been closed before she went out somewhere. However, a sound came from the room that proved not only that she was in there, but a reason why the door was closed in the first place.

“OH BABY, YES! FUCK ME HARDER, BABY!” I could feel my cheeks warm up upon hearing such bold proclamations. Now, I’d known my best friend for a long time, and she’d always been the shy wallflower type. She’d keep to herself unless she was with me, and as far as I knew her love life was non-existent. Surely she would have told me if she’d gotten a boyfriend, right? I was confused, and maybe a little hurt that she’d keep something like that from me. I knew it would be best if I just hid in my room and waited for them to finish up, but waiting had never been my strong suit. Surely a peek wouldn’t hurt, right? They were probably under the covers anyway, so I wouldn’t see anything. That was what I told myself to make me snooping seem better than it actually was.

Grabbing the doorknob, I gently twisted it and pushed the door open ever-so slightly, just enough to where I could see the bed. However, her and her lover were not beneath the covers. In fact, my best friend’s naked body was on display, as clear as day. She was on her hands and knees, facing away from the door. Her lover, however, made my jaw drop to the floor. It wasn’t some secret boyfriend like I’d initially thought. It was her golden retriever! She was being fucked by her dog!

“GOD, YOU FEEL SO GOOD! KEEP THRUSTING, PLEEEASE!” Those were not words I’d ever have expected to hear come from her mouth. They were so… so lewd, and those words were being said to her dog! It felt like I was paralyzed, unable to leave and pretend I had seen nothing nor burst in and stop whatever this was from happening. All I could do was watch my best friend getting penetrated by her canine companion. I wasn’t even sure how long I had been watching before I felt some movement from my body. The hand that wasn’t holding open the door had slid down my body and was presently making its way into my skirt.

‘What the hell?!’ I couldn’t believe what my body was doing without my permission. My hand had made its way into my panties, and I was fingering myself to the scene in front of me. I was masturbating to bestiality! I tried to make myself stop, but it was no good. I was horny, and when I got horny, I needed a release pretty quickly. Otherwise it could get real bad. So there I was, fingering myself while watching my best friend get fucked by her dog. I felt a deep sense of shame, but also this unbelievable sense of arousal I’d never felt before.

“Oh God, I can feel your knot pressing against me. You gonna knot me, baby? You gonna be a good boy and knot your owner?” I watched his thrusts get even faster, like a golden blur pounding her pussy. From my vantage point, I could just see his knot pushing up against her, preparing to lock the two of them together in place. That was when she looked beneath herself, probably to see his knot go inside her. That was when our eyes locked. She had seen me.

“What- Wait, wait wait wait! Don’t knot me!” It was too late, though. With one more thrust, his knot slammed inside her, stretching her wide. By the way her body shook and the sounds she was making, I was now watching her have an intense orgasm. “It’s not what it looks liiike!” She fell down onto her stomach, taking both of them down. Since I had already been caught peeking, I figured I might as well make my presence fully known. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, smiling awkwardly as she stared at me over her shoulder with her entire face bright red.

“Surprise?” At least now that I had begun moving I wasn’t masturbating anymore. The thought of what I had seen was still replaying in my mind, though, and my pussy was aching for something to be inserted inside it. My fingers weren’t going to be enough either. I could feel my breathing getting heavier as I approached the bed, staring at the spot where the two of them were joined in an unholy union.

“What are you doing here?”

“My, uh, classes were cancelled. I was going to surprise you. Guess you surprised me instead.” I laughed, though I was the only one doing so. I stopped at the foot of the bed, sucking on my lower lip as I withheld the scene in front of me. Dandylion, her dog, was looking over at me as if nothing was wrong, tongue hanging out and eyes excited to have his owner’s friend over to see him. Of course, her owner’s face told a different tale. She was burning red, shame and grief in every part of her expression. And there I was, horny as all hell. I didn’t know what to say.

“I didn’t want you to know,” she muttered sheepishly, looking away from me. “I should’ve locked my damn door.” Now there were questions I wanted answered, and I finally found my voice again to ask said questions.

“How long has this been going on?” She went silent, as if she didn’t want to answer my question. Then I guess she realized she was already caught, so there was no point in hiding the truth.

“Two years.” Wow, I had not expected that. So this wasn’t a one time thing: Dandylion was basically her boyfriend at this point. At least I knew why she hadn’t told me. If I had been in her shoes, I would have kept it a secret as well. Fuck, now I was thinking of myself in her shoes, with Dandylion’s canine cock stuffing my pussy, thrusting until I was in a delirious state of orgasm chaining. The desire to touch myself again was strong. “Do you want to move out now?”

“What? Why would I do that?”

“Because I fuck my dog. I figured you wouldn’t want anything to do with me now.” That was a fair point. Most people – everyone, really – would be disgusted and run away with the foulest taste in their mouth. I couldn’t find it in myself to feel that way, though. I certainly didn’t hate her. Hell, I wasn’t sure I could even judge her actions. Not with the thoughts that were running through my mind right then.

“No, I was just surprised, that’s all.” I climbed onto the bed and laid down next to them, giving her my most reassuring smile. “We’re friends for life, right?” I stuck out my hand and extended my pinky, watching as she stared and hesitated before finally locking pinkies with me. She was smiling too, though in a more unsure way. I wanted to make her feel more at ease with everything that happened, but I wasn’t sure how. It wasn’t like I didn’t understand: I did, really. What was I going to do, though?

I hadn’t realized how long we’d just laid there together, but there was a squelching sound and then Dandylion had pulled himself free. He looked at me, then suddenly thrust his face in between my legs, sniffing at my crotch. “Woah! Down boy!” Could he smell my arousal? He just looked up at me and barked, then continued to try and get in there. I felt embarrassed, and looking over at my best friend, it was obvious she was too. At the same time, I could still feel my arousal like crashing waves inside me, desperately needing something stretching my pussy out.

“I’m so sorry! You know he’s not usually like this-“

“It’s okay! Really, it’s okay.” I put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her, then pulled it back as I pushed myself onto the floor and onto my feet. “Is this what you want, boy?” I ran my hands down my body, and he barked at me. To me, it sounded like affirmation. With a smile and what was surely a blush on my cheeks, I began to strip off my clothes. Now it was her turn to have her jaw on the floor. We’d seen each other in our underwear plenty of times, but never naked. This was a first for both of us.

Once I had discarded my clothes, I got back in bed and crawled over both of them, dragging my bare breasts across Dandylion’s soft fur. I sighed with relief as I laid my head on my arms, chest pressed down against the bed and my ass sticking up in the air. “God, I need this like you have no idea.” I looked over at Dandylion, wiggling my butt in what I hoped was an enticing manner. I knew he had just cum inside my best friend, but I was hoping there was more in there for me too.

“I don’t believe this…” I heard her whisper, but I just kept looking at Dandylion, willing him over towards me. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of staring off, he padded over towards me. I was expecting him to mount me, but to my surprise, I instead felt his tongue run up the entirety of my slit. I moaned and hid my face as I let my pussy get eaten out by my best friend’s dog. It was a scenario I never thought would be possible, yet there we were, and I was enjoying it.

While he lapped at my pussy, I felt the bed moving, and it was her getting closer to me. I turned my head to look at her, and finally I saw that small but genuine smile that I loved to see. “Are you jealous that he’s tonguing my pussy?” I moaned again, spreading my legs a bit more to give him further access.

“No, it’s…” I watched as she bit her lip, trying to find the right words. “It’s actually nice, having someone I can share my secret with.” She laid down on her stomach, scooting closer until her lips touched mine. Truth be told, I’d never thought about being with another girl before, but this was different: this was my best friend. I had no problem returning her kiss, reaching out to take her hand as I felt my first orgasm approaching. “It’s also really hot to watch you get tongue-fucked by Dandylion. I never thought something like this would ever happen.”

“That makes two of us.” My body then shook, robbing me of further words. All I could do was moan as I came all over his tongue. I shuddered and groaned before finally settling down, smiling weakly at my best friend. She squeezed my hand, looking at me earnestly.


“Not by a long shot.” I laughed, then wobbled as she got onto her knees, slapping both her hands down on my ass. That got a yelp out of me, I’ll admit. I didn’t expect her to touch me there, not that I minded.

“Well boy, do you want a piece of this big ass?” I knew I was blushing, then yelping again when she spanked me. My ass was rather large… Then I felt a heavy weight on top of me as Dandylion mounted me, dragging his cock along my ass. I shivered at the feeling, wondering if I was about to have second thoughts. Surprisingly, there were none. I wanted this, and I rocked my big ass against him in a desperate attempt to get him to start fucking me. “Give it to her, boy!” My prayers were answered.

My first time getting penetrated by a dog cock wasn’t like I thought it was going to be. Then again, I had no idea what it was supposed to be like. It was definitely warm, and it was big, filling up my insides perfectly. It was almost like it was made for me, or I was made for him. I pressed my face against the sheets, muffling my loud moans as he thrusted inside me with a surprising amount of power. He was a big dog, though, so his strength did make sense. I tried not to think about how he was better than my human lovers, but it was hard not to compare. Not that they’d done poorly inside me, but this was on a different world. The pleasure was actually causing me to drool.

“Someone’s enjoying themselves.” I heard her giggle as she put a hand on his hip, urging him on. “And I think he’s enjoying himself too, right boy? Do you like fucking my best friend?” He barked twice, slamming his hips against me. His cock was hitting places my fingers couldn’t, making my eyes roll back. “I bet he’s been checking you out for years, you and that huge butt of yours.” My face heated up at the lewd compliments, but I couldn’t help but enjoy them. Where had she learned to talk like this? “Now he gets to breed you to his heart’s content.” Hearing that, I came again.

We all fell into a sort of rhythm. He would thrust into me, she would encourage him, and I would take every thrust and lewd compliment with aroused gusto. Eventually I could tell things were coming to a head, as I felt his knot pressing up against me with each thrust. “Oh, he’s going to knot you soon. Once that happens, you’ll be his, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She ran a hand through his fur, while her free hand went down to rub circles on my stomach. “You ready to breed your new bitch, baby? Breed her and give her a litter of your puppies!”

“Ohh…” That caused me to have my hardest orgasm of the day, squirting my essence all over his fur and the bedsheets. While I was in the middle of the best orgasm of my life, his knot popped into me. I gasped in pain, but that pain quickly dissolved into pleasure, and it overtook me so much that it squeezed an extra orgasm out of me. My entire body was on fire in the best way possible. I was moaning, I was screaming, I was bucking up against his knot, but he remained firm, pinning me down so I had nowhere to go. I was truly his new breeding bitch.

When everything subsided, there was nothing more for me to do than lie there, exhausted with hearts glowing in my eyes. My best friend leaned down with the biggest grin I’d ever seen on her face. She kissed me and held my hand, whispering soothing words to me as Dandylion rested atop me. There was no denying it: I had been fucked into a new world that I hadn’t even thought of existing until that day. I could feel it happening without my brain being able to contain the thoughts: I was addicted to canine cock, and humans were no longer going to do it for me.

As it turned out, my best friend is a dog fucker, and now so am I.