The heavy rains were unexpected in this part of the country, but when it happens, the northern part of my ranch is all mountains- the rains uncover ancient prehistoric bones – we’ve been fortunate to discover new dinosaurs that were not known prior to these finds – so I was anxious to ride up through the ravines and see what might have been uncovered. .

This time it took a few days for the ground to become dry enough for a 4 wheeler not to get stuck in the heavy mud.

This time I started out on the north eastern part – figuring I’d go from top to bottom, taking the steepest areas first – moving down each area where the heaviest water had flowed. The first day several bones were uncovered – I marked them for future exploration from a professional paleontologist group – each ravine would take me the better part of a day, so I had packed water, some food – my cell phone and various solar chargers as well as a tent and supplies in case I got stuck.

The second day was a repeat of the first, when I came upon what appeared to be a large creatures skeleton – more like a dog instead of any dinosaurs I’d discovered earlier – walking around it, the thing was the size of a fully grown horse, but definitely had the head of a dog or dog like creature.

As soon as I found this, calling the facility I’d worked with prior – explaining what I was looking at – they dispatched two staff by helicopter immediately to see what this might be. It only took them a few minutes to call back for a full work-up of this area – I stayed with them until well past dark … somewhat satisfied that the entire crew was made up of women only – at that moment they had six when I left- figuring they’d be here for weeks, maybe months.

The next day I explored the next ravine over – I had worked my way down a rocky area, coming upon what appeared to be some sort of door – the dirt covering it had been washed away -stopping to look, it had definitely been made from the stone surrounding it – Stepping up to it, surprised when the door slid open – as if it was controlled like our modern day doors operate – activating when a person stands in front of it.

Peeking inside, normally the air should have been musty, but instead it had a pleasant smell, but maybe animal-like or wild maybe. For some reason I wasn’t worried, taking in two or three heavy deep breaths – then moving just a little bit further inside, there was light coming from what looked like transparent stones – on a wall just inside was an ancient writing or markings of some sort, taking a picture – not wanting to go in further – stepping back out – the door slid closed once again.

Marking where I was at, for some reason since a full crew was working in the next area over, I decided to check this out on my own first –

Straddling my four wheeler, I noticed a tingling between my legs – something I’d never felt before – I also noticed my skin was smelling like the new aroma I’d experienced inside.

Heading on down to the bottom, watching in a half interested way, marking a few spots – making a bee line to my cabin – as soon as I was inside, transferring what I had taken a picture of – to my laptop – downloading it to a program specializing in translations – While I waited for it to translate, my entire body was feeling strange – the smell was all over me now – it felt like inside also.

It took longer than expected – when the translation finally came up – all I could do was set there looking at the screen , totally shocked

“Welcome to a new adventure .. one that dates back when men first appeared on this place – this adventure is reserved for females only – you have now been marked by me … I will wait for the scent to be finalized – then I’ll summon you again to join me”

The signature was difficult to translate – there were multiple choices, all starting with a ‘CE’ then variations – but it looked like Cerberus – I knew that was a mythological animal supposedly a guardian at the doors of hell – but also a creature that looked like a dog – thinking of what the female team were working on a short distance away – could it be possible these two were connected.

None of this made any sense, I kept going back to the large skelton the crew were currently working on – thinking of an animal living in a cave like the one I’d seen, still so confused – taking a long shower, when I dried off, the strange new smell was even stronger on me – Thinking of the translation I’d read … wrapped in a large towel, moving to the front porch – enjoying a quiet evening, one that was pleasantly cool.

I have a big old mixed breed farm dog, that I’d had for years – he was lounging in the grass out front – I had just sat down when he raised his head, sniffing the air – then jumping up .. .turning around multiple times, ending up facing my direction, almost running to me … I wasn’t sure what he was doing – at my knees I reached out to scratch his head – I’ve never named him so everyone just calls him Dog. “What’s happening Dog?”

Before I could react, the huge animal forced his head between my legs, his tongue licking my pussy. All dogs want to sniff between your legs, normally I’d have just pushed him away – telling him to go lay down, but his tongue was like nothing I’d ever felt before.

My body shook, legs spread wider- head dropping back in the chair – both of my hands grabbing his head … trying to make sure he didn’t stop.

Way back in my mind, why was I allowing a dog to lick between my legs, why was his tongue having such an effect on me – the more he licked, the higher my arousal was spiking.

The towel fell away, exposing my super sensitive nipples – making him start to lick them as if he knew what I needed next.

I had lost the ability to focus on what was happening – it felt like one dog was between my legs, one on each side of me, licking, sucking on my nipples. Where the extra ones came from was a mystery to me, normally Dog doesn’t like any other dogs, but now he was working with them.

It felt like I was being picked up, laid out on my back suspended in mid air – the licking continued to arouse me – suddenly a tongue was licking the area between my bottoms cheeks – this had always been off limits to anyone I’d been intimate with, but now it felt more than just fantastic, my hips were writhing from side to side – bouncing up and down … At almost the same time, a huge cock slipped in my ass, just as one pushed in my gaping mouth. The licking of my body continued while I was being fucked in my ass and the monster in my mouth sliding easily down my throat. I should have gagged, but I didn’t – the monster in my ass should have been extremely painful but it wasn’t –

I felt the warmth of his seed fill my back door, load after load pumped down my throat – as fast as they had been on me, all were gone … I was back in my chair, exhausted. It took some time to come back to earth – Dog was asleep on the grass .. My towel was laying on the steps – I had a funny taste in my mouth – raising up, there were globs of cum emptying out of my bottom – the opening stretched to the point – three of my fingers easily slipped in me.

Finally standing to go inside, one look in the mirror told me just how much cum I had swallowed, my normally flat tummy was swollen – looking like I was several months pregnant.

Taking a long shower, trying to make sense of what had happened, the uncomfortable itch that had started after I entered that cave, had become more intense – I really needed to be fucked – playing with myself, using a dildo – none was taking care of the need, but there was no doubt … my ass and mouth had something, a big something in them and the cum was real.

I slept in late, enjoying the mattress – finally fixing a light breakfast – packing my ride again – heading to the work site to see what they had found so far. Shocked as I pulled up, the huge skeleton was gone … Now just an empty hole where it had been – stepping inside the large work tent – the women were nude on the floor of the canvas covering … they were mumbling something … helping up the one I knew, “What happened – where is the skeleton?”

Her eyes were having a hard time focusing, but looking at the other women, it was obvious they had all had some sort of a sexual encounter – their pussies were flaring wide open, gobs of white cum dripping out from each one … Cindy looked at me, “His foot was caught, the rocks must have shifted, catching him. We broke up the big bolder holding his leg – as soon as the foot was free, he came alive – body returnedf to what it must have been when all this happened – spraying some sort of a mist in our faces – he started to rape all of us, over and over – all day, well into the night – causing everyone to have multiple orgasms – begging him to let us rest, he just kept us exploding while he used our bodies like toys” Then she looked deep in my eyes, “What the fuck is he, what have we dug up?”

I stayed with them helping to gather their clothes – packing up the area, since there was no longer an ancient life form to study – when I left they were all in a daze, all were dripping globs of cum from between their legs, but they assured me everything was fine. I should have told them what happened to me, what I had discovered not far from here, but even though I was having a hard time – the throbbing between my legs seemed to be increasing, but I figured they had enough to deal with – I’d tell them later about the cave.

Going back to the place where the cave had been, it was as I left it … I didn’t get close to the door, instead explored around the area, finally driving up the last ravine to see what had taken place there – again a few bones, but nothing to tell me more about the cave or the strange animal.

By the time I parked in front of home, the old lazy one was still on the grass asleep. He opened his eyes, but never raised up – helping the ladies get packed back up, still not sure what was happening or what had happened to me the previous evening – but it felt like everything had been connected.

Helping the ladies to pack, had been hard work, especially with the throbbing need between my legs – so as soon as I was inside, a long warm shower was needed – the tingling seemed to have increased, my bottom was still sore from the stretching that had taken place – it also had a slight itch that continually was present – the taste of cum still present in my mouth – a quick bite felt good, seeming to hit the spot – still wrapped in a towel, opening a cold beer, headed to the porch, taking the same seat I had the night before.

The strange new scent had been with me so long, I’d gotten used to it – the sunset was one of those ‘picture-perfect’ ones you can only see in this part of Wyoming – I was so taken by this site, never saw the old hound making a beeline directly between my legs – his nose buried between them with so much force – he damn near knocked me over, had the chair not been against the house – his tongue dove deep between my lips – the roughness instantly making me gasp — trying to push him away, “No bad dog, no not tonight … OMG please don’t do this to me – not again”

It only took a few minutes, my body betrayed me, grabbing his head, knowing I was going to repeat what had happened last night. As soon as I lost the ability to focus, eyes rolling up in my head, more bodies joined us. My tits and nipples licked, a huge cock slipping down my throat, my body floating just as a monster shaft slipped deep in my ass.

This time the speed, his size was stretching me, made my body shake, writhing from side to side … The one I was sucking on began pumping cum down my throat almost immediately – while the one in my back door was just pumping in and out.

Last night they kept me on the edge for what seemed like an hour or so – tonight there didn’t seem to be any stopping – I needed to cum so badly, my body ached to have something deep in me to bring the aching and throbbing to a stop, but pounding in the rear was fun but not satisfying me – just keeping me on the edge

The sun had just started setting when my hound pushed between my legs – the sun was just beginning to light up the sky, when the one in my ass finally emptied a thick gooey substance in me – the one in my mouth had been doing so all night.

They let me settle back down on the porch surface … not able to move, feeling like I’d never be allowed to enjoy the release needed by me – eventually crawling on all fours inside – making it as far as the sofa – pulling a small blanket over my body – I slept until the following morning.

Quick trip to the bathroom, tummy really swollen this time, the liquid in my ass was still dripping out – I needed something in my pussy, needed some relief – I showered, fixed a full breakfast – consuming two cups of coffee, plus a full glass of OJ – setting at the table wondering what was happening to me – I was being used by dogs, several dogs, dogs I hadn’t seen or had any traces of. My dog was between my legs the entire ordeal – it was obvious there were more hounds – but where did they go and why.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of the day dream I was having – it was from the dig site director – he had received a call from the team they were heading back – they’d explain when they got there what had happened – but they have not shown up. I explained I had helped them pack but I’d take a run out to see if I could find them.

The internal need for some relief was making my body shake, the itch between my legs, seeming to intensify the longer I waited … barely able to crawl into my side by side vehicle – headed to the original site – it was like we had left it – just by chance – seeing if they had headed up the adjacent ravine – the one where I had found the large cave. As I drove up, worried – their vehicles were all parked not far from the entrance I’d found earlier. Approaching the door, it opened automatically – I could hear what sounded like the women moaning, screaming, even whimpering.

Stepping further inside, everyone was nude, it looked like they were or had been engaged in some sort of a sexual adventure.

Better sense told me to not step all the way in, but the overcoming smell of sex, along with the strange scents I had noticed the first time, I moved deeper in the area. The huge door slid closed, at the same time, that dog-like creature moved into view. With his skin and hair, fully filled out like he would have been thousands of years

Staring at him, had to be the most stunning and beautiful creature I’d ever seen. A body covered with what looked like the softest tan hair – one that made you want to cuddle up to him for safety and warmth. Standing up like humans do, he was well over six feet tall – that was when I got my first glimpse of that massive cock. Covered in what looked like a moist sheen, swaying back and forth, in moments capturing my eyes, bringing them to it, capturing me like I was being hypnotized by the erotic movements.

I didn’t see the ladies join us, but within minutes I was stripped nude – my body was picked up, like before, levitated laying me on my back. That was when a second surprise hit me. He spoke in perfect English, “Nikki just relax – my followers and your pet have prepared you so I can give you the release you need”

Floating in this suspended state, had me completely relaxed, so much so – when he moved between my legs – I felt his size on both sides of my inner thighs, knowing he was far too big to be in me – my eyes cleared for a moment, looking at him, shaking my head “No please don’t do this, you’re too …..”

That was as far as I got, the head of this monster slipped past my lips, into my opening – somehow the things that were done to me earlier had prepared my body for him. Pushing in all the way slowly, it was so big, I was being stretched like I’d never imagined were possible – the feeling of him in me, triggered my first orgasm – making my body shake, thankful I had been suspended in mid air, nothing to hurt my while I twisted, turned, shook – my hips humping like mad – the ladies joined us, kissing me, playing with my nipples – sucking on them, rubbing the area around my back door, arousing my neck and ears – they knew just how to make this experience all that it could possibly be ..all the time he was moving in and out of me, his eyes closed, head rolled back – this is what he lived for, what he had been created for – fucking women, giving them pleasure way beyond anything they could have ever prayed for.

Time was lost, so how long he kept me enjoying one after the next explosion was lost – eventually he emptied a warm, more closer to hot load of liquid deep inside me … the ladies stopped teasing me, they had all enjoyed a final climax just like mine.

Everyone – even our new owner rested and slept on the soft mossy surface – a stream provided us water when needed, as well as a cool shower – a table of fruit and different items to eat was always ready for us – as soon as everyone was awake, one of the ladies would be fucked and we’d excite her – my turn came around every seventh time. There wasn’t any light from the outside, the stones gave a soft glow so it was easy to see – we fucked, slept, showered and ate, fucked more, repeated the process – we no longer had days or nights, just being fucked as soon as he’d use us.

Occasionally the door became a one way mirror, we all moved back in the cave when that happened – a stunning young lady would be standing there when the door slid open, she’d step inside, instantly excited by the smell that drew her in without fear, the door would close … he’d step out, blow a fine mist in her face – we’d strip her nude – he’d fuck her and fuck her over and over until she was one of us and now we had one more.

All of our vehicles were found by search parties – no sign of us – but people swore if you stood near the door and listened carefully on a windless day, you could hear women moaning, whimpering and crying out in pure ecstasy – they had no idea what was actually going on just inside the cave.