© 2007 by bubaroski

Part One

I had just got home from work it was about 5:15pm.

I didnt expect anyone else home for about a hour or so.I had just turned on the TV and the phone rings.It is my step son John he tells me he will not be home for the weekend as he will stay at his girlfriends house.He then asks me if I would feed his snake a mouse and give him clean water.John has a pet bowa that is about 2 foot long and 3 inches around. I told him sure no problem then hung up the phone and headed to his bedroom as I walked in I got a big suprise.

There laying in John’s bed was 18 yearold my step daughter Sue with John’s pet snake shoved up her pussy.I asked her WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??She yanked the snake out and pulled the cover over herself.I said that is fucking sick put the snake up get dressed and get the hell out of John’s room.I turned and left the room as I slammed the door behind me.

After a couple minutes Sue came out of John’s room.I could tell she was scared and upset at what I had just seen.She said Dad I am so sorry I dont know what made me do that please dont tell anyone.I told her fuck that as soon as your her Mom gets home YOU will tell her.With that she spun around and stomped to her room.

At around 7:00 my wife called and told me she had to stay late because there had been someone that was sick and wouldnt be at work so she had to help fill in.She then said I love you now I need to talk to Sue please.I said I love you and will see you when you get home then sat down the phone and yelled at Sue to get on the phone.Sue came in and picked up the phone.She said hello,oh thats to bad,sure I can,yeah no problem,ok I love you to MOM bye.As she hung up the phone she told me that Mom asked her to fix supper for us then said what would you like Did?? I didnt even look at her and said gee surprise me.She then walked away and into the kitchen. I stood up and went to the bathroom and took a long shower still thinking about how weird Sue was with that snake up her cunt,why the hell would she want to do that??

After my shower I put on a pair of shorts and went back into the frontroom and sat down to watch TV.Sue was busy in the kitchen and making enough noise for a army cook.After about 30 minutes she yelled out to me and said Dad its time to eat. I stood and went into the dinning room and sat down.Sue came in from the kitchen and said DAD you told me to surprise you so I hope this will now close your eyes.I said Sue it wont work you Mom will know when she gets home.Sue looked at me and said yes Dad I know,but I still fixxed you a suprise so close your eyes.I said ok and shut them.She said now no peeking.I said sure ok what ever.I heard her moving around and heard the plates rattle as she walked closer to me she said ok now take a taste of this and tell me what you think it is without looking.I then opened my mouth when something hit my lips.Ok now guess. I felt something go in my mouth it was creamy I said that is whipped cream she said yes but what is the whipped cream on.I then started to bite down then stopped, yanked back and opened my eyes.There in front of my face was Sues naked tits with whipped cream on them. I jumped up and asked her WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??She looked me right in the eye and told me that when Mom got home she might want to know why your step daughters tits was in your mouth.As she told me that she pointed at the web cam setting on the table.I felt weak like I had just been kicked in the chest I just sat back down and asked her Sure what the hell is the matter with you?? She then looked me in the eye again and said Dad You are going to do as I say or Mom will see what that web cam just seen and recorded on my computer by the way which is password protected.I said this is the biggest bunch of shit I ever heard your Mom will not believe this at all.Sue then said oh yes she will because she wont hear whats being said all she will see is me walking in and your sucking my tits.Then I said to her you are a low life cunt and ok I will not tell about the snake.She said oh I know you wont but thats not all you are going to fuck me also.You see when you was in the shower I was in your bed naked with your shirt on and Moms viberator shoved in my pussy ,oh that also was recorded.So as I see it you have no choice but to do as I say.I gave in and said you have me what the hell do you want??

Sue said first I am going to suck your cock.I said yeah ok but we are going out back I just dont want to do anything in the house.So we stood up and headed out back.

As soon as we got to the back yard she dropped to her knees and yanked my cock out of my shorts and shoved it into her mouth.I had not realized that I was hard as a rock from the thought of fucking her.Damn her mouth was working on my cock like a hungry fuck hole.After a few minutes of sucking me she stopped stood up and took the rest of her clothes off.She then laid down on a picknic table and told me to eat her juicy pussy.

I was looking at her body I had never thought of it like this before but she was built like a brick shithouse.I leaned over and took a deep inhale of her aroma.She had a musky smell full of a sexual scent.I touched her pussy lips with my tongue and she quivered.I started licking softly then all at once I shoved 2 fingers into her cunt at the same time i lightly bit her clit.Sue screamed and moaned.WHen she did that Brutis or black lab came over to see what was wrong.I was back to finger fucking her and eating her pussy as she was moaning.Then I felt something touch my ass I jerked my head around and seen it was Brutis sniffing at my ass.I then had a idea I stood up and leaned over to Sue’s ear and asked so you want to be a slut huh??Sue then said yes make me a slut Dad.I said ok and then I went down and started sucking her nipples as I did that I patted her pussy so Brutis would come to it.As soon as he got there he shoved his wet cold nose right in her cunt.She let out another scream and shoved my head to the side so she could see what had just hit her pussy.She gasped as she seen Brutis’s big haed between her legs.But she did not complain about it because at that moment his massive tongue hit her clit.She reaced up and grabbed my face and brought it to hers.We started kissing.Then I whispered in her ear that I wanted to fuck her right now.

I then layed down on the deck and told her to get on top.She stood over me and started lowering herself onto my cock.As I started to penatrate her fuck hole her pussy juice was running down the length of my cock.She eased about 2 inches into herself and then with no warning dropped her whole weight onto my crotch.My cock burried to the hilt inside her hot warm snatch.She leaned down and we started kissing again.After a minute of kissing she froze and stiffened up.I asked her whats wrong??She said Brutis had just licked her asshole and it had just startled her.But it now was feeling realy great.With that she started riding my cock with long full strokes.Then I felt Brutis’s tongue hit me cock as it was on the out stroke.Holy shit what a feeling.Next thing I knew i seen dog paws falling off of Sue’s sides.Damn Brutis was trying to fuck this hot bitch.I felt his cock and balls flying all around my cock as he was trying to get in a hole.Then all at once Sue screamed out in pain and I knew Brutis had just nailed her asshole good.I could feel Brutis’s cock through the membrane between her asshole and pussy.It now made her pussy so tight it was like fucking a virgin.After a short time Sue was back to fucking my cock but she was now fucking 2 cocks.Her eyes was glazed over.She was in a world all to herself.I knew she couldnt last long.I had no more thought that and she started girating faster and moaning louder then all at once she contracted realy hard and started shaking.her body convulsed over and over.I knew she had came several times.Just then my cock started hurting like it was getting squeezed in half.I then realized that Brutis had just slid his knot in.It was filling her so much that it made it where my cock wouldnt hardly move.But as he was driving in and out of her it was working my cock like a cock sucker would be.Sue started cumming again.Then Brutis shoved in her hard and deep and begain to quiver then his doggy cum started running down my nuts.That was all I could take and my cock was filling this hot pussy with my man cum.Shot after shot filled her.Then all at once Brutis turned on Sue and was hung.The way he was standing and the size of his knot also had me hung.I could get out from under her because she was held down by Brutis’s weight there we was all 3 trapped.I could feel cum running on my from everywhere.

I looked up at Sue and she was still kinda out of it.After a few minutes Brutis finally pulled out when he did my cock popped out also.Then there was a flood of cum running out onto my lower tummy,cock and balls.Sue then got off of me when she noticed the cum she said Dad let me clean you up.She then bent down and started licking and sucking the cum off of me.After a few minutes she looked up at me and said all clean Daddy.I reached down and pulled her up to me and started kissing her.I could taste the cum on her tongue and I will tell the truth and tell you I liked the taste.With that we both stood up and headed in the house I said I am going to shower would you like to join me?? She said I sure would so off to the shower we went.In the shower as we was washiung each other she said Dad I have something I need to tell you but I dont want you to get mad.I said ok tell me.Sue then said well to tell you the truth my web cam wasnt hooked to my computer I lied.I just wanted to get you to do something so you wouldnt tell Mom.I said well that was low down but I wasnt going to tell anyway.But I wanna hear what the having some of that snake inside you felt like??


Part Two

After the shower we headed off to her bedroom. Once inside we began to kiss passionately. As I slowly laid her on her bed. I started kissing my way down her neck to the top of her chest. I then came to the left breast the nipple was sticking out so invitingly I instantly sucked it into my mouth. Sue let out a soft moan as I nibbled. I then slipped my hand down and across the opening of her love tunnel I could feel the heat escaping. I then took my other hand and squeezed her right tit. Just as I bit harder I shoved 2 fingers into her cunt. She squealed, grabbed my head and pulled my face into her tit harder then started humping my hand with her pussy. After a while of this I raised my face from her nice round tit and started licking my way lower. As I reached her naval with my tongue I inserted a third finger inside her pussy. Her love juice was running down my fingers and hand. When my thumb touched her clit she inhaled loudly and clamped her legs around my hand. Sue had just had a orgasm. She was now screaming and fucking my hand for all she was worth. Just as she was relaxing I lowered myself down and then realized how nice her pussy looked it was clean shaven except for a half inch wide trail running to her crack. I then took her clit into my mouth with a giant slurping sound. Sue was coming again. I could now feel her juice flowing into my mouth. As I tasted it I then remembered that I had just filled it with my man cum. This is the first time I have tasted my own cum. Mixed with the juices flowing from her cunt it was a great taste, kind of salty yet sweet. As Sue’s orgasm was subsiding she released my head from the tight squeeze of her legs. I lifted my face and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes was glazed over. Then Sue said Dad get up here and get on your back its your turn.

As soon as I was back up next to her we started kissing again. She then pushed me onto my back and slid down to my cock. I looked down and seen a bunch of pre cum running down my shaft. Sue also seen this and stuck out her tongue and licked it. After she had it all licked up she then started twirling her tongue around my cock head. I could feel her hot breath on it. Sue then stuck my cock into her hot wet mouth. I was in heaven as she started lowering her mouth onto me. She then started bobbing up and down on my shaft. Every time letting it slip farther into her throat after a few strokes she had it all buried to my balls inside her throat. She would hold it there and start humming. It felt like a million little fingers tickling the shaft of my dick. Sue then took her hand and started squeezing my balls. In short order I was feeling the tightening in my nuts Sue must have also felt this because she took her free hand and inserted a finger up my ass. When she did this I started blowing my load inside her mouth. The more I blew the harder she sucked. Just as I thought I was done she deep throated it again and hummed I was shooting again. I don’t think I have ever cum that much but Sue never missed a drop. After she was done milking me and licking me clean she came back up and we started kissing again. The taste from her tongue was slick and salty. Sue then looked me in the face and said next time we are alone I will show you why I like the snake.

It was now around 10:45pm so I knew my wife Sharon would be home around 11. I jumped in the shower again to wash all the leftovers from a few minutes ago. I waited on Sharon to get home, while I waited I let my mind wonder and it went straight to the thought of Brutis fucking Sue’s tight asshole. So then I had a idea Sharon loves anal sex. So if I could get her all hot and worked up then take her to the backyard and get her started riding my cock she just might not fight Brutis off if he mounted her.

At 11:15 Sharon walked in and sat down on the couch beside me and gave me a kiss. I reached down and picked her feet up onto my lap. I removed her shoes and socks then began rubbing her feet and calves. Sharon just laid back and relaxed. After a few minutes of this I started rubbing higher until I reached her crotch. Sharon looked at me and said horny are we? I told her she knows she always makes me horny. Sharon said I have had a long day I need to shower and get into something more comfortable. With that she bent forward gave me a long passionate kiss then stood and headed for the shower. After about 20 minutes she reappeared in a tee-shirt and cotton shorts.

Sharon come back and sat down beside me again and we started kissing and rubbing each other. I then removed the shirt and started sucking on her rock hard nipples. Sharon has 36d tits with areolas the size of half dollars then setting on the areolas are nipples about the size of a grape. They are still fairly firm and proud even after having 2 kids. While I sucked on 1 nipple I tweaked the other with my fingers. I took my mouth and hands from her tits then eased her back and started removing her shorts. As I started pulling the shorts down her beautiful bush started coming into sight. Sharon keeps a full bush that is neatly trimmed. She then waxes from the top of her slit on down, she says that’s so I don’t get any hair in my pie. I took the shorts off and dropped them on the floor with 1 motion. I instantly dropped my face to her love hole. At first I just licked all around the entrance making her wait for the prize she knew she would get. As I licked I got closer and closer till I just touched her crack. Sharon let out a soft moan and reached down and rubbed my hair with 1 hand as she started rubbing a nipple with the other hand. I could see the wetness starting to form in her opening. I reached out with my tongue and licked her sweet nectar. I then spread her gash open and buried my tongue as far as I could inside her hot oozing pussy. After a moment of this I let my tongue drift up and against her clit. Again a moan but this time it was louder and deeper. She was now pulling my hair forcing my face into her cunt harder and deeper. Sharon started humping at my face as her first orgasm started rocking through her body. As her hot gooey juice started running out of her pussy and down my face. I reached up and inserted 2 fingers inside her pussy under my chin. I fingered her for a while then pulled them out. Now that my fingers was slick from her cunt I started rubbing her asshole with them. Sharon started pushing her ass back at my fingers. With all her cum and juice running down the crack of her ass there was plenty of lube. So I started pushing 1 finger at the tight little pucker of her ass. Between me pushing and her shoving her ass at my finger it went all the way in at one go. I started making circles with the finger after a minute of that I inserted another finger in. Now I had her asshole opened her love juice was flowing into her anus making her that much more lubricated. Then she started to cum again this one stronger than the last. After she had came down from that I removed my face and fingers from her body. I sat up and said I think you are ready for the fuck of your life. Sharon said you know I am big boy get up here and fuck my brains out. I then said hey I have a idea lets go out and fuck in the backyard under the stars like we used to do. She said lets go. We stood up. I undressed and we headed out the back door.

In the yard we embraced her tongue exploring my mouth, Sharon has always loved kissing after I go down on her. After a few seconds of this I got down on the ground on my back and said its all your baby ride away. She didn’t need any more prodding. She stepped over me dropped down across my cock. She grabbed it, aimed it and sat down on it imbedding it to the hilt.

She then started rocking back and forth nice and slow. After a short time of this I seen Brutis starting to come this way. I reached up and grabbed Sharon by the shoulders pulled her down and started kissing her deeply. I was excited waiting for her startle when Brutis’s cold wet nose touched her ass. I almost couldn’t contain myself in anticipation it seamed like forever. Then all at once Sharon yanked her head up and swung around as if someone had just stabbed her. She told Brutis to get the fuck away from my ass. I then said Sharon let him lick it what could that hurt? She was very hesitant but finally leaned forward to give Brutis a clear shot at her asshole. Just like a trained animal he came back and started sniffing and then licking her asshole. At first she didn’t seam to like it but either I moved just right or he hit something just right because she took a deep breath and I could feel her body relax. Now that she was liking the licking she went back to fucking me with long hard strokes. I could tell she was getting ready to cum again and I hoped that would be when Brutis tried to mount her because she wouldn’t be able to resist. Just on cue as Sharon started breathing deeper and groaning Brutis jumped up on her back. She started to fight him but her orgasm froze her and that was all the time he needed. After a few wild strokes and misses he hit his mark. As his doggy cock started in her brown eye she climaxed again. She was screaming some in pain but mostly in ecstasy. She then started to fuck me harder than I have ever been fucked it was like she was going to tear my cock off at the base. Then I could feel Brutis’s knot starting into her asshole. Sharon stopped moving and took a deep breath and just held it for what seemed 2 minutes. As she exhaled and totally relaxed brutis’s knot locked in. Sharon then started cumming non stop. She was back to trying to tear my cock off with her pussy. I knew I couldn’t last much longer my balls started to tighten up and I could feel the rush of sperm running up the length of my cock. When the first shot hit her insides she came again. Just then Brutis let out a moaning yelp and just stopped moving. Then I could feel his cum filling her asshole as the membrane between it and her pussy started to smash down on the head of my dick more. Then I could feel it running out her pussy and down my balls into the crack of my ass. Sharon was still cumming like a geyser. After a minute Brutis pulled his cock from Sharon’s cum filled ass with a loud plop. And what seemed like a gallon of doggy cum ran out and covered my shriveling cock and nuts. When we had finally came down back to realization we got up and headed for the shower. In the shower I washed my wife’s abused body. After the shower we went to bed then Sharon asked me what just happened? I told her that we just found a new sex toy. We both laughed and went to sleep.


Part Three

The next day is Saturday. My wife is the only one that has to work today. John is not coming home until Sunday night. So Sue and I will be the only ones home for the day. When I awoke at around 8:30am I just laid in bed and thought of all that went on the night before. I fucked my step daughter and set my wife up to be fucked by our black lab Brutis. What a evening that was, My cock starting to stir as I thought of all that sex.I got out of bed and headed to the shower. I was in the shower about 5 minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I stuck my head out of the shower and said yeah?? I heard Sue’s voice come back through the closed door telling me she had to piss bad would it be ok for her to come in and use the potty?? I said yeah its unlocked. I kept my head out as she walked in, damn what a sight she was wearing her night shirt I could tell there was no bra under it because her tits swayed with her movement. As I looked lower I seen there was no panties on either as I could see her half inch wide love trail. She smiled at me when she saw me admiring her pussy. I smiled back and pulled my head back into the shower stall. My cock was already standing up hard as a rock. I heard the stool flush and Sue said thank you for letting me go then the door open and close. I was kind of disappointed because I was hoping she would hope in with me. I finished showering stepped out and dried off. I then put on some deodorant my jean shorts and a tee-shirt. I looked in the mirror, brushed my hair then turned and walked out the door.

Sue was in the kitchen making breakfast. As I stepped into the kitchen I could see Sue was still dressed the same. Sue came over and gave me a big wet passionate kiss. As we stepped apart she smiled and said breakfast would be done in a few minutes, and that the newspaper and a cup of coffee was waiting at the table. I smiled and said Thank You then turned and walked to the dinning room table. As I sat down the memory of last night at this very spot made me start thinking of what had took place. That made me smile and my cock twitch slightly. As I opened the paper Sue brought the food in so I pushed the paper aside. Sue sat my plate down and pulled out the chair next to mine and sat down facing me with her legs gapped open. I could see her puffy lips and just a hint of the wet pink love canal. We ate our breakfast without another word being said. After we finished I sat back and started reading the paper. Sue cleaned up the table and put the dishes in the dish washer. Sue then came back in and said she was going to shower. I mumbled a ok as I read the paper.

When Sue reappeared from her shower she was wearing a pair of shorts and a tight tank top. I could instantly tell she had no bra on as her tits swayed with every step she took. I was done reading by now so I moved into the living room. I sat down on the couch and Sue sat right beside me. We started talking about different things. Then I remembered the snake. So I asked Sue why the snake?? Sue looked me in the eye and smiled then told me it feels better than anything I have tried. WHAT?? No way I then exclaimed. Yes way Dad it’s AWSOME. Sue then said let me show you what I mean, jumped up and left the room. After a short time she returned with the snake. I said YOU ARE NOT Shoving that thing in me so how are you going to show me?? She said its easy Dad watch his tail. I looked down at his tail and it was vibrating and swinging in a circular motion. I said ok so what?? Sue then said it does the same thing inside my pussy it absolutely throttles my G-Spot.. It makes me cum like a river, just non stop. Well now when I looked at the tail I could now see what she meant. I know my wife cums like crazy when I am fingering her G-Spot while working her clit over. Damn how the hell did you think to try that I asked?? She then told me she always was holding the snake letting it slither through her fingers when she noticed how the tail always did the same thing all the time. So I thought what the hell and the first time I was the only one at home I tried it. I have been doing it for over a year now it is the best way to masturbate. Sue then looked at me and asked would you like to watch me do it??

I didn’t even have time to answer and she was up taking her clothes off. I just sat there and watched. Sue laid down on the couch with her head at the other end and her sweet pussy facing me as she spread her legs wide open. I could see she was soaking wet as there was pussy juice running down her crack to her asshole. Sue took the snake and put the tail by her snatch. The snakes tail was doing its circles and vibrating. Sue grabbed the very end of the tail and shoved it inside her wet gash. As soon as the tail started in she shoved more in with the other hand. I would guess the snake was in about 4 inches or so. It was no time and Sue was starting to moan and hump her pussy at the snake. Within what I would guess was 2 minutes her legs went stiff, her eyes rolled back and she went into convulsions. I knew she had just had a massive orgasm. I just then realized I was rubbing my massive hard cock through my shorts. I stood up never taking my eyes off of the snake that was making my step daughter cum like a freight train. I yanked my clothes off then stepped forward and reached out and squeezed one of Sue’s tits as I tweaked her nipple. Sue opened her eyes looked at my cock standing at attention. She then reached out and grabbed it and guided it to her hot wanting mouth. I leaned over so as I was leaning on the back of the couch with my cock aimed straight down into her mouth. I started fucking her mouth slow at first. But as she started another orgasm I started driving a bit deeper now hitting the back of her throat. I was picking up speed and was feeling the tightening in my balls. I stopped and told her that when she gets off again I am going to bury my cock into her throat and cum. She mumbled a ummhuu around my swollen shaft. I then started driving faster and faster. Again I could feel the cum wanting to release. I was just wondering if I could hold out until she came again when I heard her start moaning and feel her tensing up. With that I pumped as fast as I could and just as I started to cum I crammed my whole cock down her throat. I was shooting load after load down her throat as I felt her body shaking with bliss from her own cumming. After about 25 seconds I pulled my cock out of her throat and up to just her mouth she kept sucking it milking it for all it had to offer. Sue was sucking my shriveling cock so hard it was hurting. I finally pulled out of her mouth with a loud slurping sucking pop. I stood and seen she had removed the snake also. There was so much pussy juice and cum that it looked as if she has pissed all over the couch. I sat back down when Sue got up and took the snake to the bathroom then put him up. As she returned she said I always clean him up it would be hard to explain all the pussy on him. We both laughed as she sat back down.

As we was setting there calming down hugging and kissing the phone rang. Sue got up and answered the phone she talked for a few minutes then hung up and came back and sat down. I asked who was it?? She then said it was Mindy. And that she was coming over in about 2 hours. Mindy was her best friend she was 18 I would guess her at about 5’8” 140lbs. about a 38d. I then asked Sue has Mindy done the snake?? Laughing she said no I have not showed her the snake toy. But I bet she would because I know she has fucked her dog before. Hell we have both fucked her dog. I looked at her and said is there anything you have not done?? She thought for a minute and said yes only one thing that I want to but haven’t ever had the chance or the guts to try. Up till yesterday there was 2 but I scored 1 of them last night. Sue then leaned over and gave me a quick kiss and stood up grabbed her clothes then headed for her bedroom. I reached down and started putting my shorts back on. Hmm wonder what Mindy would be like??


Part Four

It was around 2:30 when I returned home from a round of golf. I was tired and thirsty so I grabbed a Diet Pepsi and headed to the back yard to lay in the hammock. Just as I reached the back door I seen Sue and Mindy sun bathing on the deck. Sue had just a pair of thong bottoms on and her top laying beside the chair. Mindy had on a pair of bikini bottoms that were rolled down to just cover her pussy I could see that she had a full bush, her top was also laying by her chair. Mindy had a sweet pair of tits they stood up firm even as she lay on her back. Her areola was as big as a silver dollar and a dark pink colored. Her nipples looked to be big around but not real long but they were not fully hard either. I stood there and looked for a few minutes as I was trying to decide what to do. I then got a idea and went into the other room. I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and dialed my home phone as I knew Sue would have the cordless with her. It rang and I seen Sue set up and reach down and get the phone and answer it. I said Sue I am at the backdoor and see you 2 laying there can I come out with you??

Sue held the phone away from her mouth and said something to Mindy, Mindy swung her head around and looked at me then smiled. She turned and said something to Sue, Sue then held the phone back to her mouth and said yes come on out. I hung up my cell and headed out the door.

As I approached the girls neither moved to cover their tits from my view. I said you both have extremely nice tan lines and chuckled. They both giggled and thanked me. Just as I started to set down Mindy asked me if I would please put some sun block on her?? I said sure I would I am at your service. Ohhhh did you say “stud service” Mindy asked. I looked at her and said any kind of service you want plain and simple. I then shook the sun block and squeezed some out into my hand. It was cool to the touch so I rubbed my hand together to warm it then started to rub the block into Mindy’s legs and stomach. I then squeezed some right onto her nipples the coolness made them perk up they got a tad taller but even more thicker than they had looked. I took my time rubbing it in and before long Mindy was slightly moaning at my touch. Then Sue spoke up and said “ HEY what about me” I want some to I don’t want to burn either. We all laughed as I headed over to Sue. As I started rubbing Sue I seen Mindy was watching me closely. I bent over and asked Sue what all Mindy knew about us?? Sue said she told Mindy every thing. That made me WAY nervous but also WAY horny. So as I got close to Sue’s upper legs I really rubbed her love mound extra long and firm. After a few I moved up to her tits but instead of rubbing sun block on them I lowered my mouth and inhaled 1 of them. I sucked and nibbled on it till the nipple was as hard as it could be. I then went to the other and done the same to it. After a couple of minutes of swapping back and forth I sat up smiled and removed my shirt. The girls started removing my shoes, socks and shorts.

When My hard on sprung into sight both girls dropped to their knees. 1 grabbed my balls and was squeezing as the other started licking my shaft around the base. I could see a big drop of pre cum forming on the end of my cock from my piss hole. Mindy seen it also and she bobbed her head down and sucked it right off of the tip. Mindy then began taking more of the shaft into her young hot mouth after a few strokes she pulled her face away and Sue then began sucking my cock. This is every mans dream to have 2 hot girls sexing him at the same time. After a short time Sue took her mouth off and stood up as did Mindy. Sue told me to lay down on the picnic table on my back.

I walked to the table laid down then looked back at the girls. They were talking to each other then came walking over to where I was at on the table. Mindy stepped up on the table at my feet and Sue at my head. Then they both straddled me and started to set down. As they got closer I could see them kissing and fondling each others tits. Sue sat down on my face. And Mindy on my cock. I couldn’t believe this NEVER in my wildest dream did I ever imagine that I would have a sweet wet pussy on my face and cock at the same time, I was in heaven. As Sue’s pussy enveloped my mouth Mindy’s pussy swallowed my cock.

I was sucking and licking Sue’s pussy for all I was worth. Her vaginal fluids was trickling into my mouth. I could feel her pussy tensing up and her body start to quake. Her pussy began convulsing as she filled my mouth with her love juice. I was swallowing as fast as I could to keep from choking. I could also feel Mindy riding me like a wild horse. She was pumping my cock with her hot pussy. I could feel her body shuddering and quivering just before she flooded my crotch area with her fluids. All at once they both stopped stood up and switched places. Sue slid her hot wet pussy onto my hard cock. But what I was looking at was what I wanted as Mindy lowered her cunt onto my waiting mouth. Damn was it sweet. I was licking and sucking on her pussy and clit just enjoying myself. As Sue rode me she was moaning and groaning.

Mindy let out a scream and jolted so hard that it made me think I had bit to hard. But just as I thought that I seen Brutis’s tongue swiping a big lick at her asshole. I had not noticed him before that but he was standing with his front paws on the table just feasting away on her asshole as I was slurping her pussy. Mindy let out another squeal and absolutely filled my mouth with cum. It was running down my face and into my ears. I could feel Sue again have another orgasm. With this I could feel my balls starting to tighten up wanting to send several streams of molten lava through the end of my rock hard cock. The girls must have sensed this also as they both jumped off of me and headed for my cock with their mouths. Sue was licking the overflow of cum that had spilled down my balls. Mindy licked my cock from top to bottom and around the head. Then they switched and Mindy was on my balls with one of them in her hot mouth. Sue then took my cock into her mouth and began bobbing up and down as she was humming on it. Just as I was getting ready to explode they stopped again.

Brutis had reared up and was trying to mount Mindy. Mindy then dropped down on all fours to let Brutis take his bitch as deep and hard as he could. I told Sue to crawl under her and eat her pussy while Brutis was fucking her. Sue laid down on her back and slid under Mindy and started licking her hot wet being fucked pussy. As Sue was licking Mindy’s pussy I slid in between her legs and slammed my cock into het wanting pussy. As I started into it, it was pulling me in like a vacuum. Mindy had her face buried into Sue’s pubic area and was licking the top of my cock as it came out of Sue’s pussy before I crammed it back in again. I could tell Mindy was cumming again as she started bucking at Brutis very fast and hard. Then Sue’s pussy squeezed and oscillated as she was coming. Just as I started to cum I yanked my cock out and shoved it into Mindy’s eager mouth. I was send suck a big volume that she was choking and letting a lot of it run down her chin onto Sue’s pussy. About that time Brutis went off he started yelping and shoved in hard and held it there. After I was done I removed my cock from Mindy’s mouth and she licked it clean for me, then bent down and cleaned all she had let fall from her mouth and onto Sue’s pussy. I heard Brutis pull out his spent cock with a loud slopping noise. As Brutis went over and laid down and started cleaning the pussy and cum off of his cock. I sat down and watched to 2 girls cleaning each other out. What a sight these two sexy gals eating the spent cum out of each others pussys. After a while I went in and showered.


Part Five

It was Saturday Night at 7:15 when my wife got home she went straight into the shower. At right at 8 she was standing at my side saying she is ready. As every Saturday night we went out for supper at the local sports pub, they had the best steak dinner in town. When we got there I was told that there was a small $10 race to three pool tournament tonight. I consider myself a fairly good pool player so I entered the tourny. My wife said she was tired tonight and didn’t want to stay for the tourny so she would call Sue to come get her after supper. We had a few drinks with our supper, then when it was time for me to play she called Sue to come get her. I was in my second game when Sue arrived after my shot was done Sharon bought two 12 packs of beer, kissed me and left with Sue and Mindy. The tourny had started at 9 so at 11:15 Frank and I was on the last game. I broke made the 8 but scratched so I lost the match on the hill. I ended up getting $35 for finishing 2nd. I finished my last drink and headed home.

So I will tell you what was happening at home while I was at the pub. I learned this the next time I talked to Sue in private.
Note to reader in my state 18 is legal beer drinking age.

As the girls got home they started having a few beers and watching a movie that Sue had rented earlier this evening. By now Sharon was feeling no pain as she has never been a big drinker. She was slurring a tad and giggling a lot. When a scene of the movie was two lesbians getting raunchy in bed. Sharon looked at it and said you know I have always been curious about doing that. I always figured it would be great because its like only a woman knows what a woman likes. Sue turned to Sharon and said Mom it is great Mindy and I have had sex with each other and we love it. Sharon’s mouth dropped open and she just looked at Mindy as Mindy shook her head yes and smiled. Sharon still just sat there and stared so Sue took the first step and said Mom just watch.

Sue stood up started stripping then told Mindy to take her clothes off also. Sharon sat there and watched as these to beautiful young ladies was taking their clothes off. After they was naked Sue stepped to Mindy and they started kissing. As the kissing got hotter they started caressing each others bodies. After a couple of minutes of this Sue broke apart from Mindy then reached down and moved the coffee table to the side of the room. Mindy knew why she had done this and laid down on the floor where the table had been. Sue now returned to Mindy and laid down beside her and they started kissing and fondling again. Sharon had now leaned over with her elbows on her knees and stared at what was happening on the floor in front of her. After a minute of the kissing and touching Sue pulled away from Mindy’s face and lowered her head down to Mindy’s tits and started sucking one. She had done this for a while then she sat up and told Sharon “reach down here and squeeze Mindy’s other tit as I am working this one over”. Sharon was in a trance and just did as her daughter had told her to do. She reached down with a shaking hand and when it hit Mindy’s hard nipple she yanked back a bit. Sue reached out grabbed her Mom’s hand and put it on Mindy’s tit and held it there. After a few seconds Sue could feel her Mother’s hand start to massage the warm flesh it was holding. Sue then released Sharon’s hand and started sucking the other tit again. Mindy was moaning with pleasure as both of her milk mounds were being tended. After a little while of this Sue started slipping her fingers into Mindy’s dripping wet cunt. Sue slid 2 fingers in and in no time had 3 buried into her best friend hot pussy. Sharon was now really kneading Mindy’s nipple making so big and hard it looked like it would explode. Sue took her face away from the tit she was sucking and told Sharon to get on the floor beside her and if or when she was ready she could start sucking the 1 she was massaging. Sue had just started sucking the tit she had been on when she seen Sharon lean forward and touch the other nipple with her tongue, She just held it there at first. As she got more courage she started sucking and nibbling on it, just like she liked being done to her own. Sue then took her soaking wet hand away from Mindy’s love tunnel and smeared the juice onto the nipple she has been sucking. Sharon watched as Sue then took the nipple back into her mouth. Sue then reached over and touched her wet fingers to the nipple her Mom was just sucking. This time Sharon didn’t need no encouragement she just dove right in and took the wet nipple into her mouth. As she was sucking the sweet pussy juice from the nipple she then slipped her hand down with Sue’s and started playing with Mindy’s slick slit. With the double feature Mindy was receiving she started to cum violently shaking, shuddering and screaming. After she came down from her sexual high she just experienced she just laid there in ecstasy. Sue sat straight up and told Sharon to take off her clothes. By now Sharon was just like a sex slave she would do anything she was told.


Sharon stood and started removing her clothes as she was told. After she was naked Sue helped her to lay down in the spot that Mindy had just be in. Sue just leaned down beside her Mother as Mindy went right to Sharon’s waiting love hole. As Mindy got to the gaping hole she could smell Sharon’s musky sex smell and see her juices flowing down between her legs. Sharon clinched her eyes closed as she felt Mindy’s hot breath on her tender pussy. When Mindy entered Sharon’s gap with her tongue, Sharon went into a orgasm. As she was screaming she felt a mouth on her tit she opened her eyes and there was her very own daughter sucking her nipple like there was no tomorrow. That made Sharon orgasm again even harder than the first one. After calming some Sharon spoke up and said” I want to eat a pussy right now”. With that Sue sat up crawled up beside her Mother’s head and straddled her face then set her wet eager pussy onto her Mother’s mouth. As soon as the pussy was close Sharon stuck her tongue into the opening as far as she could. As she entered the love canal with her tongue Sue’s pent up juice flooded Sharon’s mouth as and ran down her face. Mindy had now given Sharon her third orgasm in as many minutes. As she felt Sharon’s body bucking under her she reached her first orgasm and spilled even more love juice into her Mother’s mouth. Just then is when I walked in the house.

Now back in my own words as I am now home.

As I walk through the door I am floored at the sight before my eyes. There on the floor is my wife getting her sweet pussy licked and sucked by my step daughters best friend. On my wifes face sets her daughter feeding her dripping pussy to her Mother. I stripped my clothes off and my hardening cock sprung out of my boxers. I then walked over to where the 3 girls was I reached down and pulled Mindy’s sweet ass up into the air, crawled forword and crammed every inch of my cock into her wet steamy hot pussy. I was pounding her so hard that her face was banging into my wife’s pussy like a hammer. When Sharon felt this she pushed Sue up some so she could see why Mindy was doing this. As Sharon looked me in the eyes she just smiled and pulled Sue back down on her face. I was fucking Mindy as hard and deep as I could. She was moaning into Sharon’s pussy, which in turn made Sharon moan into Sue’s pussy. That then made Sue moan and groan as she was riding her Mom’s sexy face. Then Sue said lets change. We all sat up and started moving around. It ended up with Sue on the floor Mindy setting on her face and Sharon bent down eating her Daughter’s hot cunt from a new angle. I just eased forward and crammed my hard cock into Sharon’s wide open pussy. We all started rocking and moaning. Sharon was so wet and sloppy that every stroke I was giving her was making a sloshing sound. By now all three girls was having another orgasm. There was moaning and screaming all through the room. I then had a great idea I stood and left the room. I returned and I had a fuck partner. Brutis needed no prodding as he headed straight for Mindy’s backside as she was bent over Sue’s face. I then jumped right back on Sharon.

Brutis had hit the mark and was slamming into Mindy’s pussy as Sue licked his thrusting cock as it went in and pout of the hole he was fucking. Mindy let out a long wailing cry as sheer bliss over took her body. I then started feeling my nuts tightening up in preparation of their release. I stopped before cumming pulled out of Sharon’s pussy then moved Sharon to the side. As I done this I entered Sue’s pussy and started stroking as hard and fast as I could. After a few strokes I started blowing my load of cum deep inside her. I was sending volley after volley of hot cum into her hole. As I was shooting her pussy was milking every last drop it could get. Just as I felt I had unloaded all there was to give Sharon reached under my ass and squeezed my nuts and shook them, that made 2 more volleys explode inside this fuck tunnel. After I was done and my shriveling cock plopped out of Sue’s pussy Sharon pushed her way back to the bowl of honey that was Sue’s cum filled cunt. Sharon didn’t miss any as she licked all that was running down Sue’s ass. She then put her face into the pussy and sucked every drop she could get out and swallowed it greedily.

I now just set back and watched as Brutis pounded Mindy’s pussy like a runaway train. I could see that he had inserted his knot into her and was just starting to fill this young cunt with his prize of doggy cum. After a couple of twitches I could see dog cum running out and into Sue’s waiting mouth. By now Sue’s face was covered in juices both from Brutis and Mindy. Brutis stayed tied with Mindy for about 5 minutes before he finally got pulled out. When he pulled it Sue reached up and stuck her hand over Mindy’s gaping cunt. She then rolled Mindy onto her back and motioned for her Mom to join her at Mindy’s fresh fucked pussy. Both women dove face first into the doggy cum filled pussy before them. They was slopping around for about 2 minutes when finally they all rolled onto their backs and just lay there gasping. I stood and took Brutis back out back then returned sat down and it was a long time before anyone said a word.

The End