About this story

This is something like the Bonk only No Public Appearances stories that I’ve written. But for now, this one is different. The fantasy is real and the first part of the story describes the fantasy of a real woman that I chatted with online for a few years during the COVID lock down era. I met her the usual way, on an online BDSM site. It is her ultimate depraved fantasy that I coaxed out of her. She consistently stated that she want’s it to happen for real and would do so if the opportunity arises- which will probably never occur, if we’re to be honest.

The second part of the story is my totally fictional story about her fantasy coming to life for real. Like all my stuff, this is very light on story- being more of a description of perverted events. If you don’t like my other stuff, I doubt you will like this and can ignore it and save some time.

The Fantasy

I have no idea what her name really is. I chose Ruby randomly because it only has four letters and will be easy to type repeatedly over the length of this story. She lives about as far from me as is possible whilst still being in the same country. Isn’t that always the way? She’s a nurse, it’s remarkable how many of the most perverse women I’ve known are nurses. Anyone have a theory on this? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Does nursing attract perverted women, or  is there something about nursing that tends to drive them to perversity? We may never truly know. Some University should d a study on this.

Ruby is a big girl. Not just a bit taller than average, but also a bit on the overweight side of things. She is in her 40’s.

Her profile pics were eye opening. Once she had grown to enjoy chatting with me, over about a week, she began to show me her really extreme stuff. She doesn’t like ordering specialised sex toys much because she lives in a rural area without a dedicated shop for such things, and she doesn’t like the idea of the little local post office handling her mail order sex toys either. Hence, she uses household objects. Soon I had pics of her with both holes filled with large grapefruits, eggplants and the best one- her favourite sized bottle, all the way up in her ass hole. And, I mean all the way up…just a single inch of the neck peeking out.

She has been into hard core masturbation most of her life, ever since reaching sexual age in her teens. She wants a guy that can regularly fist her and stretch her holes. But, like I mentioned she lives remotely in a small community, which makes things difficult. Everyone soon knows everything about everyone in these small rural towns.

After a month, Ruby eventually sent me a low quality phone camera video of her masturbating on her hands and knees. Soon after orgasm she begins pushing a huge grapefruit out of her ass hole. It was stunning to watch as her anus begins opening, larger and larger, and her grunt of effort as the grapefruit pops out. But the video kept going. She was experiencing some difficulty, her body going through contractions like you see in child birth video’s. She rolled onto her back and started groaning. I realised, suddenly, that she still had something stuck further up inside her. She was massaging her belly to help push the object back down. She had to stop for a brief rest, whilst she fingered her clitoris. Soon she groaned and her body cramped up several times, followed by a different groan- one of relief. I saw her anus start opening and something peeking through it. She stopped for another rest and  some more clitoral work. Finally she braces for the final push and, with much deep breathing and groaning, a second grapefruit drops out. It was larger than the first one. Her ass hole looks destroyed, and I wish that the video had of gone for a bit longer.

I commented upon how she almost lost the second grapefruit. She told me about how she switched to grapefruits years ago after using apples. She inserted 4 apples and the first went so far up her colon that she couldn’t get it back down through her rectum. She almost had to go to her workplace to have it removed. Which would not be ideal. Luckily she just waited and the apple softened and with a lot of effort. and help from the previous days meal pushing from the other side- she finally recovered it. The grapefruits were originally too large to go too far up inside…but that seems to have changed now. She prefers bottles for her vaginal play and large fruits and vegetables for anal.

Just on a hunch I mention how her ass hole looked so loose from those two grapefruits that a horse could fuck her. I just had a feeling that this would bring a positive response, and it did.

Oh fuck sir, that’s what this filthy whore most desires!

I had a feeling this was the case from some subtle hinting and reading between the lines of some of her messages over the past month. I ask her whether she wants a horse to fuck her cunt or her ass.

Both holes, sir! Start with my cunt and then let it have my ass

Over the following week, or so, I put together ideas and scenario’s to her about how we could achieve her fantasy. She would then give feedback. When it came to my ideas about finding a way to control depth, she replied.

Sir, I want the horse to enjoy me as it wants, I just have to take it. If it damages me, then it damages me

So with another month of mailing back and forth we settle on the following extreme session.

-Ruby is to be prepared and trained to achieve her fantasy as safely as humanly possible. Both holes stretched and depth trained through heavy use and anal plugging. I won’t go into detail, but similar to my fantasy story Training for the Dream. Daily regular training. She accepts that this will likely modify and enlarge her holes permanently.

-The priority is the horses enjoyment, not her own. She wants the horse to take her as it wants without restriction. Even if it damages her sexually, she just has to take it.

-She hopes for a horse owner that has several horses, after I explain that horses don’t generally last long sexually. She wants three horses ideally, the first for her cunt, then the other two for her ass hole which we are training for maximum depth.

-She wants the horse owner to standby with smelling salts to bring her around if she passes out. Ruby insists upon feeling the whole ordeal.

-She will have a safe word to end proceedings at any time. Ruby insists that she will not use it, however. It finishes when the horses finish and have fully enjoyed her.

-Ruby is to be mounted face down over a soft padded bench and loosely bound so that she has some wiggle room, but totally unable to get away. We plan to use a bar over her hips and shoulders to prevent the horse dropping onto her and crushing her. Ruby emphasises that any damage to her is done by the cock alone and not being crushed.

-She will have a hole in the bench to allow a powerful want vibrator to stimulate her clitoris and help her orgasm. She hopes to orgasm, but if it’s too painful and she cannot then it doesn’t matter- as noted above the priority is for the horse to enjoy itself, not Ruby.

-The session will be filmed. One single copy will be auctioned to the highest bidder. This is why ruby asked for the vibrator to help her orgasm- she desperately want the viewer to see her brought to orgasm from being fucked by a horse.

-After the session, we will take her for any medical attention needed.

Would Ruby really go through with this? Probably not, though she constantly says she would. I think she would truly fuck a horse, but maybe not as per the above session. I wanted to chat by phone to hear it from her mouth. She described the above session in her own words. She tells me to let her know if I really do find a suitable horse owner and she will take long service leave from work.

Honestly though, where and how was I ever going to find a horse owner? I cannot just go door to door and ask every horse owner if they would like to watch some woman get fucked up by their best stallion. I never had any real belief it could happen, it was just fantasy, and Ruby probably knew this as well.

The following is the totally fictional story about Ruby’s fantasy session coming to fruition after all.

The Session

I found the horse owners more by luck than anything. I was chatting to a pair of sisters on a BDSM site. They had both had a few too many red wines with their dinner and were giving me their sickest sexual fantasy: to see their horses fuck some woman within an inch of her life.

Ladies, this is your lucky day! Of course they sobered up and thought I was just full of shit. So I got them in contact with Ruby and, a month of chatting and phone calls later, there was Ruby on my doorstep. Taking all of her many years of long service leave that is owed to her.

Sir, I’m here. Will you train me to be fucked by horses?

Six months later, we’ve done about as much as we can to have ruby ready.

The property is a small horse farm, near another small rural town. It’s a day drive from where I live, so the horse owners are having stay with them for the duration of our session.

The two horse owners are twin sisters, both are trained nurses, though currently retired and looking after their small property full time. The sisters are 50 years old. Again, with the filthy nurses! Having women with medical experience is quite welcome, if truth be told, due to the nature of what we’re doing.

The sisters are quite small, the same cannot be said for their four stallions. The sisters have never fucked a horse themselves, but have long wanted to see their stallions fuck another willing woman. The sisters almost had an orgasm on the spot when they heard that Ruby planned to take the final two horses up her ass. The stallions have never fucked a woman, though the sisters regularly masturbate their cocks by hand- so the horses are used to being sexually handled. Hopefully they are quick learners, but hey, all animals know how to fuck.

Soon enough we have Ruby strapped into her fucking bench that we put together. Her wrists and ankles are cuffed to shackles on the bench using velcro cuffs. The velcro holds securely when wrapped around itself several times, and is soft so that it doesn’t slice or cut the flesh if Ruby starts thrashing during the fucking to come. The bench is well padded. The woman’s hips and shoulders are protected by simple metal curved bars, sort of like protective roll cage in a race car. They are held in place by quick release pins, for if we need to remove Ruby quickly. As mentioned already, the padding and protective bars are to protect Ruby from getting crushed. Ruby has a rubber cylinder placed in her mouth to stop her biting her tongue off in her ecstasy or pain. At her own insistence, there is absolutely nothing from preventing Ruby from being damaged if the horse tries to force himself too deep or too hard with his cock. We just have to hope that our training of her holes will be adequate.

The cameras are set up, One camera is set to show a close up of her face, the other a close up of her holes and the final one a broad shot showing all of the action.

One of the twins is leading the first horse inside the small barn that we are using. The other sister reaches under the bench and turns on the wand vibrator that is mounted so as to rest against Ruby’s clitoris. It’s a very powerful vibrator, mains powered, not battery! Ruby is already writhing and grinding her clitoris onto it. As she hears the hooves of the horse behind her, Ruby begins shaking, sends a stream of urine onto floor and groans around the rubber blocker in her mouth.

One of the twins can’t help adding some commentary Look at the whore, she’s so excited that she just pissed herself!

It’s my turn to do something. I get behind Ruby with the large sports bottle containing the premixed X-Lube, which we’ve mixed thicker than usual so that it doesn’t run out or get absorbed too easily. I dump half the contents of the bottle into Ruby’s cunt and push my hand up inside as it begins pouring back out. Using my fist I slowly work the lubricant all the way to her depths. Soon enough, I have her as slippery and loose as she is ever going to be. The average woman has a vagina length of 8 to 10 cm only. I know from training her hole that Ruby is much deeper than that. I’ve spent 6 months loosening and training her cunt the best that I can. She is as ready as I can make her.

The first of the stallions is now led over the bench and one of the twins starts working it’s cock. It doesn’t take long, the horse is used to being handled sexually and seems to have worked out that something awesome is coming his way. The twins start guiding the cock to its target. The first horse is the smallest of the four. The cock is still many times larger than any woman should want to take, but nature never adequately took into account the levels of perversion that the human female can be driven to when her brain is given the time to wander.

The cock slides in relatively easy. In all honesty the cock is no larger than my clenched fist that I have been training her with during the fist training- in girth anyway. The length could prove to be a problem for her.

The stallion is very eager and is soon dropping it’s haunches down to thrust in deeper.  Ruby’s cunt is able to take slightly over half of the length, so the brutal thrusts are pounding hard against her cervix and making her scream. As an animal, the horse didn’t bother wasting any time easing the female into the ordeal. Initially Ruby looks pained, but soon she is humping back against the cock and grinding with the little slack we allowed her in her restraints. In my experience,, a woman that is actively pushing onto her penetration and grinding her hips is enjoying herself and wants more. Don’t take my word for it though, the sisters seem to agree.

Look at the fucking whore go, she’s fucking LOVING it! What a filthy slut!

Both the sisters are fingering their own cunts. This is their fantasy too, remember?

The stallion is soon approaching his release window and redoubles his assault on the wonderful pleasure hole he has found himself buried in. Each thrust hits home against Ruby’s cervix with a thumping noise. She soon spits out the rubber stopper in her mouth to add some commentary of her own.


Ruby soon has a full orgasm, her eyes flutter and begin rolling back, but she screams, full voiced, and manages to stay awake to feel the horse follow her, with more colourful commentary from the sisters.

There he goes…he’s unloading into her! Fuck this is amazing

Imagine what that big flared cock feels like inside her cunt!

Ruby is groaning, maybe from the size of the flared head stretching her inside or hot semen being pumped into her, or both, we don’t know. Soon a stream of semen begins to leak out around the shaft of the cock and Ruby’s loose cunt. Still the cock stays in her, we can see the shaft pulsing as it pumps it’s load into the woman as deep as possible.

Finally, Ruby’s cunt lips expand as the flared head pops out and falls away. Bringing with it a spray of semen onto the ground. Three times Ruby involuntarily clenches her cunt and sprays three streams of horse semen out behind her. Finally she seems to be empty.

The twin sisters are masturbating furiously, bringing themselves to their own climax. The horse wanders off and Ruby and the sisters are quietly recovering.

Just for a second, I thought maybe it will end here, everyone happy and sexually satisfied. But soon enough Ruby speaks up.

Bring in the next horse please

The second horse is soon led inside. It is the horse with the second largest cock. The order that Ruby wanted the session was; smallest and second largest up her cunt and the second smallest and largest up her ass.

One sister leads the new stallion into position whilst the other retrieves the rubber mouth guard and puts it back in. The new cock is substantially larger, more in girth than length- the length being irrelevant anyway, since Ruby couldn’t take the entire length of the first cock. She’s going to feel that extra thickness though.

The scream, muffled by her mouth guard, tells us that she definitely felt that cock going in! Just like the first horse, once this one feels the tight hot hole clamped around its cock, it immediately begins fucking as deep as it can. The thrusting is so hard that Ruby is beginning to go limp and her eyes are rolling. The twin at the front is getting ready to use smelling salts as per Ruby’s own instructions. However, Ruby clamps her teeth down on the mouth guard and screams until she gets back in control.

Unlike the smaller horse, where Ruby was pushing back and riding the cock, this one has her pulling away against her restraints and her face is contorted. No safe word comes forth, so the show goes on. Tears are soon streaming down her face, each punch to her cervix is making her writhe in pain. Again she spits out the mouth guard.

Fuck me…you fucking beast…fucking rip my cunt open! DO IT! FUCKING TEAR MY CUNT!!!

Both sisters are out of their mind with lust from the show, this is better than their wildest fantasy happening in front of them.

Fuck Yeah! Tear the whore’s cunt up!

Suddenly, ruby screams and begins frantically trying pull from the cock, but unable to do so because of her restraints. Her eyes are frantic. The massive cock has flared deep inside her and the horse has begun unloading its seed. Unlike the first horse, the flared head of this cock isn’t comfortable for Ruby at all. All the time that we can see the shaft pulsing and pumping, Ruby is trying to pull forward to get the massive flared head out of her. When the horse finally tries to oblige it takes several attempts to pull it’s cock out of the hole it just ruined.

The horse wanders off, and one of the sisters has enough faculties left to inspect Ruby , who is lying there sobbing. The twin sister groans and involuntarily begins fingering her own cunt.

Oh god he really did it, he tore her cunt!

Suddenly, Ruby erupts into an orgasm when she hears the diagnosis, her first orgasm since the first horse fucked her.

Fucking hell, the whore gets off on having her cunt torn! Look at her go!

The tearing isn’t too bad, no worse than often occurs during child birth. The bruising will be painful in days to come though. Ruby is given some pain relief and asked if she is still going on.

Yes…bring the next one in to fuck me up the ass please!

One of the twins goes out to bring in the next horse. It is the second smallest, larger than the first one Ruby took in her cunt, but not as large as the one that tore her.

In the meantime, I get to work preparing her anally for what is to come. I dump another sports bottle full of X-Lube up her ass and quickly work my fist in before too much of lubricant gets a chance to pour back out. I concentrate on working the lube right up inside as far as it can go, she is going to need it. I also work on any groups of muscles to soften and loosen them so that she provides as little resistance as possible. Ruby has been secretly inserting large things in her ass since she was a teenager, my training simply took her further and concentrated on the depth conditioning she would need to take horse cocks..

Soon, she has my arm to the elbow, just like we’ve trained many times over the past months. I pull out and get a soft PVC ball that I once sliced off a really large anal bead toy- the balls being around 2.5 inches diameter. I clench the ball in my fist, dump another bottle of lube into Ruby’s gaping hole, and slide back in to my elbow. Soon I’m giving strong deep thrusts. The noise made by her lube packed fuck tunnel is obscene. Soon, Ruby is humping back to get me deeper. As her breath starts to get rapid, we hear her ask for the horse.

The twins have already readied the next horse with their hands. So, without delay it is led into position and guided straight into the waiting ass hole.

The horse goes in quite easily, Ruby is so loose and ready from my preparations. Because those preparations almost had her reaching orgasm, just five thrusts from the stallion has Ruby thrashing in her restraints as the orgasm is finally released.

Ohhh FUCK that’s good! Fuck…that’s good…fuck it hurts so good!

Well, that’s what we think she’s saying around her protective mouth guard.

The horse has barely started though. Soon it’s own lust takes over and it begins dropping it’s haunches and holding nothing back. Ruby is yelling in discomfort as each thrusts slams all the way home. I hear another squeal, that comes from one of the twins this time.

Oh god…she’s taking the whole fucking cock… the whole fucking thing! he’s just slamming her with it! She just swallowed it all the way up her fat ass! What sort of filthy sick whore loves this?

Both twins furiously working their own cunts, so they clearly love watching the show.

For a minute the stallion drives into Ruby’s loose hole, without holding back. It makes a sickening thump sound every time he hits against her ample buttocks. Each thrust initially brings a cry from Ruby and a spasm as she jerks in her restraints. Her mouth guard has been spat out again. Soon the cries of Ruby turn to deep moans, then grunts and then whimpers. Her head is starting to loll around and her eyes are fluttering. She’s almost gone, a fraction away from passing out. She doesn’t quite make it. Just when we thought she was about to go lights out The stallion drove one last time, all the way, and stopped. As the cock starts pulsing, Ruby lets out a shriek and starts thrashing. The head of the immense cock has flared deep in her guts and is pumping out it load.


She quickly goes silent as she passes out finally. The twin sister that’s attending to her at the front, immediately does as she was instructed and brings ruby back around using salts. She also puts the mouth guard back in for Ruby to bite down on.

Ruby is back and writhing on the end of the cock as it finishes pumping semen into her. Soon enough the stallion is finished and begins its long withdrawal. Initially it brings a groan of relief from Ruby, as the enormous flared head is pulled back, then another cry of pain as it passes through the tighter constraints of her pelvic opening and back to her rectum. Finally the anus stretches open as the cock drops out. Surprisingly, there is no huge spray of semen…just a short dribble. It seems as though the semen is still trapped deep up in her colon.

Ruby is still writhing, groaning and deep breathing for some time, even after the cock is removed. It’s not that the cock was too large for her, I trained her with larger over the past 6 months. It was the power and ferocity that the stallion was slamming into her for the past 5 minutes that has left her in her current state.

The twin sisters, being retired nurses, have a good supply of medical equipment and pain killers that they have secured over the years. They still have good contacts at the local hospital and pharmacy. They give Ruby something a little stronger as pain relief and start a conversation with her.

Despite the third stallion being a somewhat painful fuck for her, she has held up well,  no serious damage, and is asking as to whether the horse enjoyed her. The twins tell her what she wants.

Oh baby, he enjoyed you alright, he was eager for another go! You’ve found a lover for life with that boy.

This pushes Ruby to start grinding on the vibrator again, the pain relief is kicking in and she’s getting aroused once more. Seeing this, the sisters quickly step in.

We’re leaving things here though, right? Three stallions have been through you, you are one filthy whore, what a show you put on for us. Our fourth boy can wait for another day right? He’s huge, bigger than the one that tore your cunt…

You could tell that the sisters were just giving the official party line, they really wanted to see their biggest horse really fuck Ruby up for their own sick fantasy. Luckily for them, Ruby is on the same wavelength and is eager and horny and raring to go. Her stronger pain relief has fully settled in.

The sisters quickly spring back into action, just in case Ruby might change her mind. I dump more X-Lube into Ruby’s ass, which is so loose now that the sports bottle just slides up inside. I leave it lodged in her huge ass and go around the front to see how she is doing. She just looks up at me and says Thank you. I pull the bottle out, she is as ready as can be, it now only remains to see if ready is going to be enough.

This time the twin sisters bring the horse around in front first, and prepare his cock so that ruby can see whats coming. The final stallion isn’t that much longer than the first three, but it is substantially thicker. Ruby groans, empties her bladder, again, of every last bit of piss and rubs her pussy against the vibrator. She is shaking in anticipation as the stallion is led behind and over the top of her protective cage.

For the first time, Ruby has has trouble getting the head of the cock inside her. Even with all of the training we did, this is bigger than what she normally takes, bigger than any of our training toys. Sensing the heat of the pleasure hole under him, the stallion begins trying to force himself in. With a nasty thrust, and a scream from both Ruby and the sisters, the horse does force himself inside. The sister stationed at the rear gives her running  commentary.

Fuck…oh fuck…did you see what he just did to her ass hole…oh fuck…fuck he’s ruined her!’

Both the sisters are furiously masturbating themselves. They won’t admit it, but this is what they really wanted to see all along with this fantasy of theirs. They wanted to see, not just their horses fucking a woman, they want to see them really fuck her up.

Ruby is groaning, losing her strength and going limp in the restraints, yet still awake and feeling it all. The stallion, like any animal, just wants to get in as deep as it can and unload its seed. He soon finds himself held up at the next obstacle and he solves it the same way as before- with force. He pounds in suddenly another 6 inches deeper , this brings another scream form both Ruby and the twins. The twins have stopped even pretending to care for Ruby now, they are gone in their own lust.

Oh fuck yeah, FUCK THE BITCH RIGHT UP! Good boy…really FUCK her hard!

Again the stallion has found it’s progress stalled. Seeing that it worked the first two times, he just forces himself in deeper again. He’s in all the way. Both of the twins have their hands over their moths to stifle their own scream as the cock drives all the way home and begins the first of 2 minutes of powerful thrusting.

Oh fuck…fuck…the filthy whore has taken all of it…he’s destroying her with his cock! He’s going to fuck her to death!

Ruby barely takes the first three thrusts into her ruined anal passage before briefly raising her head and passing out. The sister at the front immediately brings her back with smelling salts.

Once she’s brought back, I’m not sure what it is, maybe the pain killers have taken her to la la land or she has temporarily lost her mind from the extreme fucking- but Ruby is taking the stallion now as though she’s loving it. She is pushing back onto the cock, she is totally lost. Her face looks as though she is in another place. She spits the mouth guard out for the third? Fourth? time. The sister at the back, seeing this, almost passes out herself.

Oh fuck…oh fuck…is that fat whore…is she actually getting off on this?! She is! She is going for it! She’s out of her fucking mind!

Both the twins are going through their own orgasms now.

Finally, Ruby gives one final convulsion for today, and passes out. This time the twins are in no shape to bring her around. The stallion is dumping its load into her guts, as she lays almost motionless except for an occasional twitch. The stallion, finally happy that it’s completed its mission, withdraws from the limp body of Ruby. When the engorged head of the stallion pops out, I cannot believe that Ruby took that deep inside. Just like earlier, there is no spray of semen. Somewhere deep in her guts, Ruby has one mother load of semen inside her.

I let the horse wander off and try to shake reason back into the twins. We unlatch the safety bars and release ruby from the restraints. The twins bring her back around, as we help her up. She collapses onto the ground and passes out again. We carry her to the Range Rover out the front and drive her to the local hospital.

The staff know the twins and ask for a diagnosis.

Sexual misadventure with horses Is their reply.

The duty nurse is standing there with her mouth gaping open like a lunatic. The male doctor is calling to her.

Nurse….nurse!…NURSE!!! Get on the job!

As they inspect her, ruby begins coming around again, groans, cramps up, and sprays an immense load of horse semen over the doctor and nurse as they inspect her.

One Week Later

The two sisters and myself walk into Ruby’s room for our first allowed visit. She is awake and talking to one of the shift nurses. They are talking in hushed tones and the nurse looks to be very flushed, as she gets up and walks out to allow our visit in private.

The small rural hospital has kept the details of the incident hushed to protect all involved. Partly out of respect for the twins that are locals, and well known, and used to work here. Partly just out of protection for Ruby herself. It appears the details of the event are not going to become public. Something Ruby was prepared for anyway, but it’s good not to need to worry about it.

We sit in silence for some time before the twins can’t help themselves any longer.

You really did it. You fucked them all, they really fucked you up, but you did it! It was fucking amazing

Ruby asks if the horses enjoyed her.

You fucking bet they enjoyed you. They keep prodding around our asses now, hoping they can get some more

This makes Ruby beam.

I wanted them to enjoy me, that was the main thing

Ruby needs to use the bathroom and we help her out of bed. She is still walking doubled over from what the horses did to her. But she is at least back on her feet. She has stitches in her pussy, her anus and rectum. Her lungs are bruised from the depths that she was fucked up her ass. She even has a cracked rib from the the final stallion ramming her so hard. Add to that, bruised kidneys and just general internal bruising…she feels like a truck hit her. Nothing serious though.

Two Weeks Later

No more visits. We’re taking Ruby home today. Well, not home exactly, back to the sisters little horse farm for now.

Once again, the same young nurse is there chatting in hushed tones with Ruby. Again, her face is flushed as she leaves.

Ruby can almost walk perfectly upright again now. All the internal bruising has mostly gone. The doctor has left her with the warning of no more sexual intercourse with horses. Especially no intercourse with horses for at least a month or so. Otherwise she will be back here for longer.

Ruby ends up staying for some time at the farm…she likes it there.

Epilogue – One Year Later

Ruby still hasn’t left the little horse farm. She’s happy there. The video of the session was auctioned off for an immense sum of money- driven by the one single copy for sale and the fact that real video’s of a woman fucking one horse are rare enough, let alone four horses. Let’s just say that Ruby has enough to pay rent for a long time to the sisters…if they wanted to actually charge her that is. She pays rent in a different way now.

Just as I’m wrapping up this literary masterpiece of events that I’ve documented, my phone rings.

I answer, only to have it hang up immediately. One minute later, it rings again. This time I hear a female breathing raggedly on the other end, before hanging up again.

Again the phone ring and this time the woman gathers enough courage to speak.

Hello? My name is Bella…I work as a nurse at the hospital where your…friend stayed

A long pause follows, whilst Bella gathers all of her courage.

I want to be fucked by horses…can you help me…?’