
This a short follow on from Amazing Grace. It is a year after the events of that story.

A Call From Karen

The little farm stay is getting the occasional woman stay now. It takes time to spread word of mouth in an industry where we cannot really advertise. But we knew this would be the case.

Grace herself has a full a year of extra wear and tear, but absolutely not slowing down any time soon. We’ve grown quite close over the past 12 months. I’d even call it a relationship of a sort. Definitely not a traditional relationship, mind you. But, still a relationship of a kind. No sex between us, but that’s not much different to most married people after a few years anyway. Grace is entirely stallion only in that regard, and plans to be for the remainder of her days. And I’m perfectly fine with that.

In any case, as I told her recently, considering how loose Thane has made her- if I ever did put my cock into her, I’d have to send a text message to her phone to let her know that I’m in!

On that topic, what Thane has done to Grace over the past year…well let’s just say that Grace is one of the rare women that has a cunt that would cause most people to have a jump scare, if they were to see it. We currently have a Swedish lady, called Angelica, staying for a riding holiday with us. When she first set eye’s upon Grace’s gaped and loosened cunt she actually jumped back in shock. She cried out loud, and covered her mouth. Mind you, the way she has taken to Sherman fucking her, she won’t be too far behind herself soon enough.

Grace is now permanently gaped open and her cervix and uterus are beginning to drop down and can be seen up inside by a close observer. It’s both obscene and arousing at the same time to a person with the right tastes in fetish. I always tell her how beautiful she looks with her busted hole and she loves me for that, it arouses her immensely, knowing that I love what Thane has done to her. So I tell her often.

Thane can now slide into Grace effortlessly, and hump her without holding anything back. She no longer even needs me to get her prepared and ready, just some lube and away she goes. However, she likes to let me ready her still, because she knows that I love my job so much and she loves me making obscene comments about her busted cunt hole.

Today we are all lying near the pool. Both Grace and Angelica have taken the first stallion for the day, Grace with Thane and our visitor taking Sherman. We are all relaxing under the shaded cloth area around the little swimming pool. It’s too early for the girls to think of going for round two with the stallions just yet. That’s when Grace’s phone chimes to say that she has a text message. I know from the chime tone that it is from Karen. She always has something interesting to say.

This time it is a single picture. Whatever it is has Grace staring at it, eyes almost jumping out of her skull, and licking her lips. I ask her what it is. She doesn’t seem to hear me. I ask again, I click my fingers and finally wave my hand in front of her eyes. Finally she comes back to our world and just hands me her phone.

What I see is the most enormous horse cock that I’ve ever seen. I ask Grace what it is.

I don’t know honey, but I’m sure as fuck going to call Karen and find out

Fifteen minutes later we have the details. Karen has come into possession of a Shire Stallion. For those that don’t know, it is a type of draught horse, and also one of the largest horses in height and weight and cock size. Karen picked it up very cheaply, even though she has no use for it for breeding…she thought that Grace may have a use for it in a very special way. The stallion sold cheaply at an auction, no one really wanted the poor guy because of his size. Of course, Karen knew someone that would like him exactly because of his size!

Karen is on her way with the delivery, and should be here in three days. We consulted with our visitor, Angelica, as to whether she would be okay with another visitor here. We obviously have to value privacy of guests above all. However, she is more than okay with it, once we tell her about Karen and that she’s now practically a member of out team here.

Angelica herself has been here now for two weeks and just keeps extending her stay, which is perfectly fine as we have no other bookings in line right now. She is our  fourth paying guest, not including the original stay by the Scarlet Woman- who gave our operation a rating of 5 thumbs up, that’s out of 5. Angelica is a tall, strongly built woman, looking every bit the Scandinavian Shield Maiden that we love to picture Swedish women as.

Vlad the Impaler

There he is. He is…rather large, and that’s an understatement. Technically, he doesn’t have name yet, as he has spent years just running around in an elderly woman’s paddock. The woman passed away recently and he was sold cheaply to Karen. We do a quick send around for everyone’s choice of name. Being practical as always, I say Conan. You know, the destroyer. The other two just shake there heads. Angelica says Therion…which apparently means beast in Latin, but is often used in the biblical sense to mean The Beast. The lord of all darkness himself. Not bad. Karen’s breeding farm are still running through the names of tanks, so she comes up with Pershing. Well…it’s better than Panzerkampfwagen MkIV I suppose. Not by much though. Grace comes up with Vlad. Short for Vlad the Impaler. Because that’s what he’s going to be doing. Grace wins, because she is paying after all.

The delivery truck has gone, leaving Karen who followed in her own vehicle so that she could stay. The farm hands have proven quite able to look after her farm when she is gone. This is just as well as she has become a regular visitor here. The state of her butt hole can attest to that.

Grace gets straight to her inspection. She has that dream like look of awe and wonder on her face. She circles around Vlad three times, before going under him to the business end- the back. Soon she has Vlad’s cock sliding out of its sheath. It just keeps on coming out, and coming out. Finally it appears to be at full extension. Both Grace and Angelica have gone pale in the face. Not Karen because she has seen it already.

Our Swedish visitor finds her voice first.

Holy…fucking…cunt destroyers batman…that thing is going to tear you open from your cunt to your ass hole…we’ll be standing by with the medical staple gun to staple you back together, okay?

It’s obvious that Grace didn’t hear a single word that she said. She is kneeling there like a Nun worshipping in front of her lord saviour. Her huge tits are heaving up and down nicely. We let her have her religious moment in peace for a few minutes. Finally, she recovers her wits and gets some words out.

Oh fuck me…oh fuck me…look at him…have you ever seen anything so…so…huge…and beautiful…and fucking huge…I mean HUGE…he’s going to smash my cunt beyond repair

She is drooling and panting. Her open gash is leaking fluids onto the ground under her. Angelica speaks up again.

You’re not really going to take him though…right? Would you even be able to walk after taking a cock that big?

It’s Karen that replies. Grace is off to la la land again, worshipping at her altar.

Yes, Grace is going to take him. Nothing could stop her now

Grace will be taking Vlad. But not today. It’s getting late in the day, and we want to make a special occasion of it tomorrow. We don’t want a rush job. Everyone agrees. Well, we think Grace agrees, she nodded anyway.

Later that evening, Grace is very quiet. She only says something to me right before bedtime.

After tomorrow…I’m never going to be the same again down below. That Stallion is going to smash my cunt to hell and then back again. It makes me so aroused, just thinking about what he’s going to do to me

I tell her truthfully that it makes me aroused what Vlad is going to do to her as well. She laughs at that.

You pervert! But seriously I love how you accept my lifestyle and how you love my busted hole. Thank you

Vlad Uses His Impaler

We get started by 8AM. Angelica is first up with Sherman. She takes our smallest Stallion relatively easily now and is working her way up to taking Thane as soon as possible.

Karen is next up, after a 30 minute break to get Sherman up and going again. Like always Karen takes, Sherman up her arse, and it has to be said that she is getting very capable. She has also indicated a desire to soon try Thane up her butt, which will be something special to see when she is ready. Judging by how loose her anus is now, that shouldn’t be far away.

It’s finally time to get Grace ready. This will be a two stage process. I prepare her like always, just like I do with all the women before mounting. Massaging and loosening their hole of choice. After that we get Grace ready for mounting by Thane, just like usual. With Grace bent over the usual soft mounting device, we guide Thane into her cunt and he goes to work. She gave up using a bra to stop her tits from slapping her face long ago. Not even sports bras could handle the load when Thane is slamming into her. So she is always tits out these days.

Thane is not difficult for her anymore. He slides in quite easily and Grace is soon taking him with grunts of pleasure, even though Thane is pounding into her hard enough to lift her toes off the ground, each time he thrust forward and upwards into her. Of course each thrust has her huge tits slapping into her face as well. Soon enough, Thane has finished and drops out to the usual spray of semen onto the ground. Grace is as open and ready as she will ever be.

She stays draped over the mounting cylinder, as we go and get Vlad ready to do his Impaling. Karen gets underneath him and slides his cock out of its sheath and immediately adds some commentary as we see the size of this cock up against the hole it’s going into. Even as busted and open as Grace’s cunt is these days, it still looks too tight.

No fucking way…it’s going to split her right up the middle…fucking, no way!

Grace is loosing patience.

Get him into me! I want to feel him rip me open!

We guide Vlad to Graces hole and he quickly gets a feel for the warm entrance and tries to thrust in. Three more time he tries and fails, the hole is too small and each thrust is pushing Graces entire body forward instead. I get at the front and try to brace her shoulders and push back onto Vlad’s attempt to get inside. Still no luck, though to his credit, Vlad isn’t giving up. He’s on a mission to get that hole wrapped around his shaft now.

After a few more tries, Grace tells us to get hold of her legs and force her onto the cock. I brace against her shoulders, Karen and Angelica each grab one of her legs and we lift Grace up and push back against Vlad’s cock. On the third try we finally get the monstrous shaft started. Grace screams with the full power of her lungs.


Vlad gives a another hard thrust to get in deeper. He drives 6 inches further into Graces ruined cunt which looks to be stretched 5 inches across. We hear something tear.


The next thrust lifts her off her feet momentarily and she drops 4 inches further down the shaft. Vlad’s thrusts are not rapid, but are delivered like someone trying to drive a fence post into the ground with a mallet. Grace has tears streaming down her face.

AHHHHHHH! Oh…god…oh…god…AHHHHHH!

It goes on like this for about a minute.

It may be a small mercy, but Grace is so tight around the cock that she brings Vlad to a rapid climax himself. Well that’s what we would have thought. Graces abdomen bulges out sickeningly as Vlad’s cock swells into its fully flared state and begins pumping semen into Grace’s smashed up cunt. Grace is writhing and screaming, her cunt is so stretched that it’s stretching her anus wide open as well.

Finally the cock starts to go soft, but it doesn’t begin to slip out. The still swollen head is stuck too tightly inside the cunt it’s buried in. We begin trying to pull Grace off to help the cock slip out. What happens is that, in out attempts to remove Grace, the tightness of her cunt stimulates Vlad into action once more and he goes rigid. He immediately begins his post driving thrusts again. With the addition of a huge load of semen inside, Vlad immediately thrusts in another 4 inches deeper than before, we hear Grace tear inside again.


Now that he’s torn her larger, Vlad really begins a a long series of nasty thrusts that punch up into Graces destroyed cunt. She’s loosing her strength and is only weakly screaming. Her eyes are starting to roll back in her head, despite her best efforts to ride it out.

Vlad soon squeals in pleasure himself as his cock erupts again, flaring deep inside and pumping its second load of semen. This time Vlad pulls away sharply and his flared cock pulls violently from Grace’s cunt.

We let Vlad wander away. All three of us carry Grace over to the waiting deck chair and place her down, legs apart. Grace weakly looks down to see the damage done, groans and says:

oh god…look what he’s done to me!

She orgasms at the sight, and finally passes out. Both Karen and Angelica look at Grace’s cunt.

Fucking hell…it looks like a fucking hand grenade went of inside…

Oh my god…he’s pulled her cunt inside out!

It’s true enough. The huge flared cock head has pulled Grace’s vulva all the way out and it’s now hanging between her legs fully prolapsed, dripping horse semen. Her deformed and stretched cervix is open and squirting out a steady stream of semen from her uterus as well.

Later that evening, Grace is back with us. She is sore, on pain relief, but content. She took him, she really took him. She has probably torn every muscle in her vagina, and stretched her cervix and will probably have a prolapsed cunt forever. But she took him.

And she’s planning to take him again, just as soon as she recovers.

The Stallion Club

The next morning Grace is walking in a splay legged shuffle with tiny 10 cm steps at a time. Now that she has cooled down she is very sore. Despite me working on her and massaging her back into shape to some extent the previous evening, her cunt is already dropping back down again. She has no muscle strength left to hold everything up where it’s meant to be.

She sits and exposes herself to me.

What do you think of my busted up cunt now, honey?

I tell her it’s more beautiful than ever and that I hope Vlad will keep going until he can fuck her easily like Thane does. This almost brings an orgasm from her. I can see her getting horny thinking about what Vlad has done to her.

Angelica, who was originally on a two month Australian holiday, ended up spending her entire holiday at our establishment. She did eventually take Thane. There is no going back to human cocks for her anymore. During the week after Grace was destroyed by Vlad, Angelica makes a casual comment about how we should have something like a badge or tattoo or something for women to mark themselves as part of our stallion club. If they want. Just imagine the little thrill of walking down a beach somewhere in the world and seeing another woman with the club badge and knowing she’s part of the club.

At that thought. Suddenly Karen gives a gasp and jumps up.

Fuck…I almost forgot in all the Vlad the Impaler excitement and all

She rushes over to her 4×4 and comes back with something. It’s a…branding iron? Yes, that what it is. On the end of the rod is a metal motif. It looks about 2.5 inches tall and is of a prancing stallion that Karen has somehow modified to have an enormous great cock. Karen beams at us.

I made it, cool huh?

I’m a bit doubtful…I mean branding, seriously? Who the hell would want that? Well, apparently Angelica wants that. She jumps up.

Fuck yes! Permanently marked as part of the best club in the world- the stallion fuckers!

Karen adds her bit.

It doesn’t have to be compulsory or anything, just the women that want to be marked as part of the club!

So there we are, an hour later with a fire going in an old split oil drum, with the branding iron glowing red hot. Angelica is bent over the mounting cylinder with her buttocks jiggling at me. She has her jaws clamped on a piece of rolled up leather.

I aim at the middle of her right buttock and hear the sizzle of flesh a smell like cooking beef! As well as an unholy scream of pain from Angelica. She quickly rushes to the little pool, grabbing a drink on the way, and gets in to cool her arse off. She has tears in her eyes, but is laughing.

The Stallion Club!

Karen follows shortly after.

To the Stallion Club!

Grace follows a bit more slowly…she is still sore from last week.

The Stallion Club, the best fucking club in the world!

Crazy bitches!