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Somewhere down under

Jessica Thompson splashed around in the small Australian river in frustration. She hadn’t gotten a single kangaroo to mate with her. As water ran in rivulets down between her breasts she shook her wet strawberry blonde hair violently, sending droplets in all directions. While she cleaned between her legs she glanced over her shoulder to where Eric stood in the shade of some scrub brush scanning the landscape with his piercing grey eyes. In that instinctive female way she was aware that she was being admired and couldn’t help showing off a little as she bent down with her back to him. Her rump was on full display and she could almost feel his eyes penetrating her pussy if such a thing were possible.

He never delegated this duty to any of his men and it was only just now occurring to her in the midst of her little taboo sexpedition that Eric liked her a lot. He was certainly handsome with his brown tousled hair, grey eyes and broad shoulders. But Jessica had never even laid with a man before. She lost her virginity to a stray dog when she was 18. And she’d never gotten off the bestiality train since. She vaguely wondered if that had been a mistake. What if she was actually missing something? Such thoughts plagued her as she stepped out of the river, bringing her impromptu striptease to an abrupt end.

As she reached for her towel to dry herself off an unmistakably angry rattling noise erupted from somewhere around the towel. At the very edge of the discarded towel a rattlesnake was coiled up to strike. After everything she’d been through, she finally knew what it was like to fear an animal. Thankfully she remained absolutely still as she stared at the villainous looking creature that was looking evilly back at her.

An almost imperceptible flash of light whipped past her ear and struck the snake causing it to start writhing all over the place. It was five seconds before she realized a rugged looking knife was buried in its head. Looking over to where Eric was calmly approaching her with his big game rifle slung over his shoulder and then beyond to the patch of scrub where he had been posted. “You must have thrown that knife from at least 25 to 30 feet away, that’s amazing!” Jessica exclaimed, unable to conceal how impressed she was. A-are you okay Miss Thompson? Coleman asked almost evenly. The slight catch in his voice made Jess realize that Eric was terrified for her.

He knelt down in front of her as he checked for injuries, running his hands up and down her legs carefully, maybe even sensually. His face was inches away from her clean shaven slit as he continued inspecting her body for snake bites. Jessica was naked and sopping wet with a heroic young man touching her gently, almost caressingly all over the place. It was a real romantic moment that shouldn’t be wasted and yet a woman who had been bred by all manner of critters was afraid to give in to it.

She really was wet, but not all of it was river water. It was a disconcerting truth that she was turned on by this man in a way no animal had ever accomplished . Perhaps she had already been headed in this direction for a while…. “You’re totally unharmed”. Eric sighed in relief, breaking in on her sex fueled thoughts. Jess barely heard him. He’s getting up! He’s leaving me! She thought. A rationally unexplainable panic was setting in as she realized that a beautiful opportunity was about to pass her by.

As Eric was getting to his feet Jessica’s hands shot out encircling the back of his head and pulling him down face first into her welcoming flower petals. Please don’t go, she whispered with ill concealed desire. It all seemed too potent to be spur of the moment. Emotions became clouded in the heat of passion that threatened to consume her. All she wanted was for that young man’s tongue to play with her cunt until she could no longer stand on her own feet.

Eric was not in a state of uncertainty at all. Someone he had deep feelings for was offering herself to him without reserve. Talking would just ruin it. His tongue had WAY better things to do….

He took it slow, savoring her extraordinary taste as his tongue roamed all over her valley. He would bring her right to the edge before stopping to kiss her nether lips reverently while she drifted back down only to start the climb all over again. She responded to his tactics with low moans as her hips bucked against his mouth in desperation. She didn’t know how much more she could take and he was giving no indication that he was going to stop anytime soon. “OOOOH! Eric!” She whined with need, as she once again reached the edge. But this time Eric allowed her to tumble off the edge as her climax nearly ripped her apart. “Have pity Eric”, Jess squealed as her knees buckled. Eric just followed her down like he was attached to her body. She collapsed on her back spreading her legs wide to give him uninhibited access to her pussy. She was physically giving him permission to do anything he wanted, and Eric didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation.

His right index finger joined his tongue in victorious conquest as Jess arched her back, climaxing even harder than she thought possible. He twisted and curled his finger in ways designed to drive her crazy, as she wriggled spasmodically. Her legs were trying to clamp shut and trap his finger inside as if unwilling to let the pleasure end. But it did end. Eric withdrew sucking on his index finger to get a final taste of her.

“ I shouldn’t have done that”. He said getting to his feet. “I was going to remain professional.” He added after a pause. Jessica lay on the ground panting, her damp body covered in dust and grime. Her heaving chest drew his attention to her boobs as he picked her up and carried her into the water to help her bathe yet again while he suckled on her perky tits


It was hours later when they finally returned to camp. Eric went to bed right after supper mumbling about something that needed immediate attention. Jessica smiled wistfully as he left, remembering that she had denied his request to “go all the way” with her. His cock was probably burning and throbbing unrelentingly, but she just wasn’t ready to give herself to him fully yet. Her mind turned to more light hearted things as she planned out how to get one of those kangaroos to hump her to satisfaction….


Early the next day, she sent her men out looking for a likely specimen while she masturbated at camp. The fresh pussy juice would help excite her kangaroo partner to the point of actually coupling with her. She glanced around to see if Eric was watching her but she couldn’t see him. She grunted in frustration as much as pleasure as she turned her thoughts back to the wild experience she was about to have. Eric had really complicated things for her emotionally and she needed simple straightforward sex with a beast now!

After 3 hours of teasing and rubbing her butt in its face a young adult kangaroo tried his luck and began thrusting into her waiting folds. Once inside he became a more eager participant as her moist inner walls engulfed his member entirely. His thrusts were forceful as he hopped around carrying her with him in his ecstasy. She was taken clear off the ground repeatedly as she rode his cock hard.

She had wanted it, now she was getting it! In the midst of a particularly mighty thrust Jessica’s eyes rolled back and she spotted Mr. Coleman watching in case of trouble. Knowing he was there made her feel so safe that it became easy for an orgasm to find her. She was suddenly emotionally aligned and ready to cum. It was instant and earth shattering when it arrived as she crumbled like a house of cards. Once things calmed down and the kangaroo was carefully disengaged from her vulva. Jessica decided to take a nap.

After that mind blowing orgasm she should have been blissfully happy. But all she could think about was how she was suddenly referring to Eric as “Mr. Coleman” in her head. Why was she distancing herself like this. Did his gentle sincerity differ too widely from the dominant nature of animals who were just taking what they wanted and moving on with their lives? Or was it actually because SHE was merely taking what she wanted and moving to another interspecies scenario. This last thought scared her more than she could express as she sobbed quietly to herself until she fell asleep.