We’re in front of a pharmacy, talking to a big woman – big boobs, wide bottom, and a round (not huge) belly.  A perfectly respectable shape for a middle-aged mother of two (mother of three if you count her step-daughter).  Her hair is short and dark and frames a face that’s both happy and easy to look at.   She wears a dark and light blue coloured outfit – work uniform.

“My name is Nikki Shinton, I’m 42 years old, I’m a pharmacist, and I’m from Stoke-on-Trent.”  She says with a strong, but clear accent.

We watch as she goes about her daily business, working behind the counter, serving customers, advising them, filling prescriptions, etc.  All the time hearing her in voice-over.

“I’ve been married for 21 years.  Half my life.  I have a great relationship with Peter.  We’re very compatible.  We have three beautiful children and a good life…  But there’s always been something missing.  I have a very healthy sexual appetite – I love it.  And so does Peter.  We like the same things for the most part…”

Have you told him about your…  ‘Fetish’?

“No.  I’ve never told anybody about my fetish before.  I suppose I thought no one would understand.  It’s normal for me, but I worry that it might change people’s opinion of me.  It’s been a part of my life since I was quite young.   It’s always been there, on my mind, but never talked about.“

How did you first get turned on to bestiality?

“When I was a lot younger, still a kid, I went to a party, and my friend’s dog tried to mount one of the other of the girls.  Nothing happened, but I could see his cock sticking out and it got me quite turned on.  I couldn’t understand why it turned me on, but it did.  For years I thought I was the only one…  Then I started looking around on the internet and found that there were plenty of women who were turned on by it.”

And now you want to take it a step further?

“I want to take it several steps further.  I want to take it as far as it can go.  I figure that this is my big chance.  If I don’t do it now, I can’t see when I would ever do it.”

The family have no idea what’s going on.  We’ve told them that we are making a show about working mothers who make their marriages work.

We interview Peter, her husband, a respectable type.  “Nikki is an amazing mother and a wonderful wife.  I’ve never wanted for anything with her.  I was married once before and that was a disaster, but Nikki – if I had to design the perfect wife and mother, it would be just like her.  Intelligent, considerate, and, umm, ‘fun’ to be with.”

We talk to 19 year old daughter Elizabeth, “Mum once told me that life is full of frustration, but it’s the way you deal with that frustration that determines whether you have a good life or not.  I’ll never forget that.  She married quite young, and ended up with a 4 year old to look after from dad’s previous marriage, and then I came along a 18 months later…  So I suppose she’s had plenty of frustrations.”

16 year old Cal, her son.  “She’s the business.  Couldn’t ask for a better mum.  She never does anything stupid to embarrass me like some of my friend’s mums.  One of my friends – his mum is a like a total slut and everyone knows she sleeps around…  Everyone rips him about it all the time.  Mum would never do anything like that to me.”

23 year old step-daughter Sarah, looks into camera with a glint in her eye.  Pauses a long time before talking.  “No…  I don’t think so…  I don’t think that’s why you’re here at all.  I know what you’re here for…  I know what show she’s applied to be on.”  She smiles to herself and nods.  “Yeah, we and my friends have seen the advert and we’ve had a good laugh about it…  Yeah – she BELONGS on that show.  She’ll love it!  I hope she does.  I look forward to seeing it.”

Which show?

She smirks and shakes her head.  “You know which show it is.”

Back to Nikki, outside the pharmacy.

“My name is Nikki Shinton, and I want to have sex with a dog.”

And we’re in a car, heading out of Stoke toward an undisclosed location.  Nikki drives and talks to a camera in the corner of the windshield.

“I talk to people online about these fantasies all the time, and they are very supportive.  But I don’t know how to tell ‘real’ people about them.  I’m so scared of how they’d react.  So I want to just do it, and then by the time everyone has seen the show it will be too late – I won’t be able to back out.  I’ll have to talk about it, and suffer the consequences.”

The car pulls up outside a motorway motel.  Nikki gets out and walks into reception.  We continue to listen to her voice-over.

“I hope it’s not an anti-climax.  I hope the dog feels as good inside me as I’ve always dreamed it would.  I hope it lasts a long time.  I hope it’s hard and fast and I really get to enjoy myself.”

Inside one of the rooms – the door opens and Nikki enters.  She reacts to something that is off-camera – a gasp, a smile, and a “yyyeeaaaassssss”…  We look around and see a big, powerful, Boxer dog standing on the bed, looking at the door as if he’s just been caught somewhere he shouldn’t be.  It’s Bruno – and his owner, Drew, is sitting on a chair on the other side the bed.

“Is this the lucky doggy that’s going to fuck me?”  Nikki asks with a huge knowing smile.  “Or am I the lucky lady who this doggy is going to fuck!?”

Bruno cocks his head on one side, confused by the words.  He’s used to action.

What do you think?

“Ooooh, he’s a handsome boy!”  Nikki laughs.  “I think we can have a lot of fun together…”

She walks to the bed and leans down to the dog, stroking his head, then back, getting her face close to his.  She’s watched a lot of videos and she knows what she wants him to do…  He obliges, licking her face – slobbering and slapping his tongue around infront of and on her face to be more accurate.  She opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out flat against her chin – letting him lick that, and lick inside her mouth, as he wishes.

Next thing we know she’s undressing.  Her blouse and pants have already been removed, folded and placed on a chair opposite the bed.  She’s there in her best black panties (which are almost swallowed up by her big butt), and a classy looking black bra that strains to support her big boobs.  Her body is large, as are her thighs, but they aren’t obese – pleasantly rounded, overweight, but not so fat that they sag too far.

The whole time she is undressing, Bruno is bouncing around her feet, jumping up onto the bed, then down again to do another lap of the room.  Drew is encouraging him the whole time, “Who’s this?” “What do you do to sluts, Bruno?” “Fuck time, Bruno…”

Nikki hooks the gusset of her panties to one side and stands with her legs apart, bending her knees a little to open her thighs and offer her pussy to the dog.  He takes the invitation, sloppily licking at her pussy and sending shivers of delight through her, causing a little giggly scream.  She lets him lick as long as he likes – and he likes – until her legs begin to wobble.

“I think I need to sit down…  “  She says as she staggers away from the licking and flops down on the edge of the bed.  Bruno follows and keeps trying to lick at her pussy.  She unfastens her bra and removes it, letting a large pair of boobs sag and swing slightly.

Drew notes that Bruno’s cock is beginning to show.  “He’s ready”.  Nikki reacts by removing her panties altogether.

“If you stick your arse on the edge of the bed and lay back your belly won’t hang down and you won’t look so fat.”  Drew says with a complete lack of tact.

Nikki shuffles closer to the edge of the bed and leans back, letting her legs open wide.  She puts her left arm across her chest, under her boobs, supporting them, the hand groping and squeezing the right, playing with the nipple.  Her right hand is down between her legs, rubbing her fleshy, cleanly shaved pussy.

Bruno doesn’t need to be invited – he steps up, half jumps on the bed, his front paws landing either side of her wide hips.  His hind paws still on the floor.  He’s a big enough boy that this position leaves his cock more or less level with her pussy.

He begins pumping his cock at her – hitting against her inner thighs, her bum, her pussy lips…  Looking for the right spot…

Nikki raises her knees a little, changing the angle of her sexual quarter…  Raising her arse just a little.  Her knees in the air, legs apart, opens her butt-cheeks just a little.  The tip of Bruno’s cock banging against her bum more now, slipping toward the crack with each thrust.

“You be careful or he’ll end up in your arse…”  Warns Drew – resulting in the most peculiar, hopeful glance from Nikki.  “Is that what you want?  You dirty dirty whore…”  Smiles Drew.  “Bring your knees up to your tits.”

She does – knees to tits, wrapping her arms behind the knees to support her legs, her arse fully exposed now hanging over the edge of the bed.  Bruno pumping at his – his cock hard but still quite slim, and…  “Ooooooaaaaaaahhhhhh” she moans, screams almost, as it finds it’s target.  A little brown star of tightness.  The tip pushing in, the shaft following it – and suddenly she has a dog’s cock up her arse.   “Mmmmmmnnnnnnnn, uuuuuhhhhhh, yeeaaaaaaaaaa…”  She moans, words failing her.

Bruno fucks her hard in her arsehole.  Short, fast, deep thrusts – almost trying to jump onto the bed with her as he seeks to get closer and push deeper.  His cock is still growing as he pumps into her.

After less than a minute of furious action, with an endless stream of moans and squeals from Nikki – he stops pounding her.  His knot has grown inside her arse, locking him in place.  There’s no need for him to pound her any more – he’s where he wants to be, and he stands over her, looking around like he knows he’s the king!

She has her hands on his back, on his thighs, stroking him closer and holding him tight – two fistfuls of short haired dog.  Still gasping and moaning as he pumps his dog sperm deep into her arse.

Where is he?

“In my arse…  He’s in.  My arse…”  She can barely catch enough breath to form words.

How does that feel?

“Oooooohhhhhhh….  Amazinggggggggg…”

He continues to stand over her and empty his balls into her rectum.  His arse twitching with each squirt, his big balls almost pulsing.  Her gasping and holding onto him.  Gritting her teeth.  Straining against the size of this anal invader.  Pain.  Loving it…  In the midst of a long running orgasm that’s racing from her arse right up her spine and making her whole body tingle – her nipples are flesh bullets.

We move in for a rare close up – for educational purposes, you understand.  Camera right between her thighs, shooting between Bruno’s thighs, under his balls, and the graphic sight of her arsehole stretched around the base of his fat cock – his knot inside, opening her hole just a little.  Little bubbles and the smallest amount of slightly brown fluid seeping out.

She’s moaning and gasping the whole time – and holding him tight again.  Never letting go.  Looking up at his flat face.  And he couldn’t give a fuck about who she is or what she wants.  He just likes that tight feeling around his cock.

Without any warning – he jumps off, his front legs anyway, and flips around, almost doing a barrel roll, so that he is ass-to-ass with her – his cock still buried and locked in her arsehole.  The sudden movement makes her scream – part shock, part pain, plus a little more pleasure.  She’s pulled further off the bed, so she’s now taking her weight on her elbows and feet, supporting her body to keep her arse level with his cock.

The dog continues to stand impassively, locked to this large lady. Leaning slightly away from her – as if he wants to leave as soon as he can.  He’s had his fun.  He’s dropped his load.  He’s used this human slut.

She’s covered in sweat now, still shivering from the waves of pleasure that continue to run through her body – but now feeling the extra strain of the dog’s huge knot pulling against her arsehole from inside, having to allow herself to be slowly inched off the bed in order to take the pressure off.

She’s almost off the bed altogether when Bruno’s knot shrinks just enough to allow it to pop out.  The flaring of her arse as the big ugly ball of gristle and muscle passes through it is immense and she screams out again before being un-ceremonially dumped on the floor once there’s no support from the dog’s cock to keep her arse in the air.  It’s only now that we realise how much of her weight he was taking.

She’s sitting on the floor, legs apart, no strength left, covered in sweat, out of breath – watching Bruno stagger away.  Her eyes widening when she sees how big his cock is.  “He’s huge!”  She gasps.

He was even bigger 5 minutes ago…

She smiles.  “I’ve got to taste that…”

She rolls over and crawls after the dog, reaching him as he flops onto his side and begins to lick himself clean.  She takes over – holding the cock at the base, licking the shaft a few times as she build’s up Bruno’s confidence, and then wrapping her mouth around the tip and swallowing the whole shaft into her mouth.  After a couple of seconds she takes it out of her mouth and coughs, spits and wipes her mouth…  Then goes in for another mouthful.

She’s got her other hand down between her thighs, working her pussy, as she sucks.  She keeps going – sucking him and frigging herself – until she brings herself to a clitoral orgasm.  Then stops both, with the cock still in her open mouth and his jism spilling over her lips – lost for a few seconds in a moment of pure pleasure.

Minutes later – with Bruno finishing his clean up to her side, she sits cross-legged on the floor, naked and soft and round, and addresses the camera.

“It was amazing.  The slickness of it, the heat…  Even before it got to ‘full size’ it was the most indescribable feeling.”

And the taste?

“Ooh, that was a bit horrible to be honest.  I couldn’t resist, but after where it had been…  Maybe I’ll suck a clean one next time.  Urrgghhh…” She laughs.

Are you happy you came?

“I was happy every time I came.”  She says with a wink.  And that wink seems like a very good time to end the show, so we fade to black.

Video diary update: Nikki at home.  “As predicted, hubby not too impressed with finding out like this.  Cal’s not talking to me because all of his friends are teasing him about his mum fucking a dog on television.  Elizabeth has been a bit distant too.  But here’s the thing…  Sarah…  My delightful step-daughter…  Sarah keeps dropping comments about it.  I think she’s trying to embarrass or humiliate me, but every time she says something I get all horny again and have to go for some ‘private time’ to ‘think’ about what I did.  I actually like having her around now!  Best of all – a couple of customers have come into the pharmacy and recognised me from the show…  It’s just a nod and a wink, but it always gives me a thrill that these people know I’ve been fucked in the arse by a dog.  I hope more come in and give me a wink in future.”  She makes a point of moving closer to the camera.  “And if any of them have a dog that knows how to fuck…  Don’t keep it a secret.” And she winks to camera again.