© by Yerl

That’s whole purpose of a Gated Community is to give its residence not only a feeling of, but actual privacy and security.

I watched the thirty something jog around our private park, very tall probably over 6′ long blond hair held with a band making it flow and bounce behind her. Finely toned athletic body and more of her fair share of bosom and facially mind numbingly beautiful.

So beautiful in fact you immediately gave yourself no chance at all, the closer she got the more uncomfortable I got. She obviously felt secure in our park as she was so skimpily attired she would of been arrested elsewhere, I groaned at the sight. She padded past us with her Great Dane trotting on a leash dutifully by her side. She even smiled at us more at Hobo my old golden Labrador that sat quietly by my side also licking his lips at the sight.

I smiled back of course as I stared at her bulging camel toe in her thin grey shorts and her restrained perfect breasts and protruding nipples in her matching grey bikini top with a fair glimpse of boob side. I sat watching her and her colour co-ordinated dog as they jogged around the park and I sat drinking in the sight of her glorious body.

She ran up to the water fountain and I offered Hobo’s water bowl for her dog.

“Thank you, you’re so kind,” she purred stepping closer to take the bowl, I was expecting a strong Scandinavian accent but there was none. I could still see every detail of her glorious body in the fading evening light.

“You like ‘Eden Garden’ Estate then,” I said trying not to speak in a higher octave and sound relaxed even though I wasn’t.

“I do…, where else could I run around dressed like this and not get pestered,” she said still panting.

“You could run naked if you want, it’s allowed, expected in fact, some of our residents never ever dress while in the Park,” I rasped with a painful lump in my Throat and trousers.

“Really…, that’s just awesome, wow, it’s worth the fees then,” she chirped obviously impressed.

I held out my hand, “Go on take them off and run naked, I’ll wait here with Hobo.”

Without hesitation she slipped off her bra and dropped her shorts and handed them to me, I smiled as coolly as I could trying not to stare at naked torpedo breasts with large areola and pierced nipples but it was the sight of her hairless vulva and hypertrophic glistening dripping wet labia and the large pink pearl of her clit that made me groan out loud, fortunately it went unheard as she bounded off with dog in tow.

“Wow…, puppy isn’t this just fantastic,” she sang out excitedly.

I let go of Hobo’s leash and he bounded after her, all I could do was just groan as her breasts bounced up and down. I watched them run around the park a couple of times she even stopped to talk to another woman walking her dog.

Hobo trotted back to me after one lap, he like me preferred to watch, finally she came puffing back her face beaming, “That was just awesome and everyone is so friendly I expected to get a serve from the old lady walking her dog, but me

being naked didn’t faze her at all,” she giggled with delight.

She stood in front of my so close I could see every detail of her multiple pierced labials it was the I also spotted something as I handed back her clothes. What I had spotted were several large scratches on her hips and as she turned away to watch her dog take a drink from Hobo’s bowl she had a lot more scratches on her calves.

Then I just said it nonchalantly, “What’s your boy’s name?”

“It’s just Pup, I gave him a name but I never called him that, so now I just call him Pup,” she said with a beaming smile looking down at me still seated.

“I’m Rod, pleased to meet you and you’ve met Hobo,” I said holding out my hand to shake and shook and even her hands were perfect but I stifled that groan.

“Peyton, pleased to meet you Rod,” she said not trying to hide her naked charms from me.

“You really do need to get some booties for Pup, your hip scratches are going septic,” I said holding my breath trying to sound almost disinterested.

She had to twist her body and lift her breasts away to try and see the scratches on her hips, she touched them and looked at her wet finger tips.

“Damn…,” she cursed blushing and furrowing her brow, then looked back at Pup and took a deep breath of resignation and disappointment.

She looked back at me with embarrassed silence and put shorts back on to hide the scratches, she tried to say something but was too embarrassed.

“I only live over there, you can have a pair of Hobo’s booties and I’ll give you some Betadine for those scratches, I offered getting to my feet and realising I was only just taller than her. I gesticulated the direction and she followed, we laughed at our dogs antics as they ran across the park but she avoided saying anything or making eye contact.

She stood outside until I returned with a brown paper bag and showed her the contents, she studied the contents for a moment and took it from me and blushed again confirming her guilt. I gave her my card she took it but I held on and she looked at me straight in the eyes.

“Now Great Danes are big boys, if you ever get into trouble…, like being stepped over and tied and need help to disconnect give me a ring and I’ll come and help, for fucks sake don’t call your neighbours or an ambulance.

I let go of the business card, and she mouthed ‘Thank you’ silently gave me a peck on the cheek and left. I watched her walk up the street still topless saying hello to other residents as she went. I went inside my front door and slowly banged my head on the wall, ‘What was I thinking, I’m twice her age’, that could of gone so horribly wrong but fortunately it didn’t.

I watched Peyton run around the park sometimes naked sometimes dressed, I kept away deciding to walk Hobo at different times, I just felt uncomfortable trying to make contact with a woman less than half my age and well out of my league.

The weeks went by and I managed to avoid Peyton when I could otherwise just giving her a cursory wave as my heart did a back flip. Then one day she was conspicuous by her absence missing her daily run. It was quite late, I’d binged watched a Netflix series and it was now early morning and I was off to bed as the phone rang.

I looked at the clock, it was 12:30, I immediately expected it to be bad news and answered cautiously, “Hello…, Rod speaking.”

There was silence, I was about to put down the phone when I heard an exhausted gasp, “Rod…, it’s Peyton I need your help,” she groaned sounding in a state of exhaustion.

“O.K., Peyton, I know exactly what’s happened, has Pup stepped over you?”

“Yes…, Rod it hurts so, so much, apart from that it’s bloody wonderful!” sobbed Peyton in a laugh.

“How long how you been tied…,” I asked calmly.

“About three hours I think, maybe longer, I thought his knot would have released me by now,” groaned Peyton in obvious stress and discomfort.

“Right it’s important you stay calm and still, especially…, when I come into your house you must restrain Pup from pulling out of your vagina, manoeuvre him so he’s against a wall or chair, if he pulls his fully inflated knot out it will ruin him and your gorgeous cunt forever,” I croaked at the thought.

“He’s not…, not in my cunt, he’s in my anus, oh, Rod I’m in big trouble here, please come quickly, 44 Apple Circle, there’s a key under the flower pot by the back door, be careful not to wake the neighbours,” she stuttered in obviously pain and exhaustion.

“Obviously Hobo’s booties have worked out well, I’ll be there in 5 minutes,” I asked.

“They certainly have.., everyday…, three times on a Saturday and twice on a Sunday…!” gasped Peyton with a slight giggle and groan.

I grabbed some night and day cold tablets hopefully I would not need to use them on Pup, grabbed a torch and left Hobo asleep on his bed with a biscuit if he wakes up. I walked down my street, Eve Street then into Apple Circle passed numerous houses until I arrived at Peyton’s place. I studied the neighbours house it was all in darkness so I stealthily tip toed down the path opened Peyton’s rear garden gate and slipped into the garden.

Sure enough there was a plant pot next to the back door and underneath a key. This was going to be the hard part not panicking Pup to pull out in trying to defend his mistress. As I crept down the hall way not actually knowing what room Peyton was in, I heard some low groaning then Peyton coaxing Pup to stay still.

I followed the sounds and found the coupled lovers in the lounge room, I could immediately see both where totally exhausted. Peyton was on her knees and her head cradled in her arms on the floor, her incredible svelte body was glistening with perspiration that was running in rivulets off her nipples.

I gasped on how incredible her breasts looked hanging down as bulbous globes under her body but what really stunned was the huge pool of Pup’s semen on the floor. Although Pup’s butt was firmly planted against Peyton’s, obscuring a view of her vulva I could see a steady flow of Pup’s semen into a puddle under her.

By that observation it confirmed she had vaginal intercourse before being sodomized and tied together. I first put my hand on Pup to comfort him as he was panting and obviously quite physically stressed hence his lack of reaction as I entered the house.

“Wow pet, you have got yourself in one hell of a pickle, I saw you missed your walk, you must of been at this for hours by the state of you both,” I comforted her taking the opportunity to stroke her shapely butt.

She lifted herself up with a painful groan, “Thanks for coming around Rod, I was starting to get worried about Pup,” she groaned collapsing back into her arms.

“I’ll just get a bowl of warm water and bathe your butts and get Pup to relax, don’t go away.”

Peyton gave a half-hearted laugh and arched her back in pain and discomfort of it all. I came back with a water bowl for Pup that he lapped at immediately slowing his distressed panting. I lifted his tail to see his knot was firmly in Peyton’s anus stretching it to near destruction.

She must have found it still arousing because her labials were still erect and her introitus was gaping letting Pup’s semen steadily flow from her vagina in a long thick stream. On closer inspection I could see her massive inch and a half long clitoris was still erect, its tip almost glowing pink.

I bathed them both absolutely relishing every delicious moment and cleaned up the puddle of semen, “Look pet his knot is still rigid and you are still aroused and he’s detecting that.”

“I know, I know it hurts like hell but it’s the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had!” gasped Peyton.

“So you’ve been at this for hours before he anally knotted you?”

“I had a lingerie photo shoot today and seeing all the other models naked and in sexy lingerie and in stockings and suspenders by the time I got home all I wanted was to be fucked. Those bitches they guessed I’m lesbian and they just taunted me some even flashed their gash at me,” she sniffed.

“Yeah…, that sort of behaviour would set me off too,” I sighed and she gave me a halfhearted giggle as I imagined a room full of naked catwalk models with their legs wide open.

“So what we going to do?” she sniffed again and I handed her a box of tissues.

“Well I’m going to have masturbate your clit and play with your nipples until you cum probably twice, then hopefully you will relax and then he should too and let you go,” I said deliberately not mentioning the cold and flu tablet that would help deflate his knot.

“Sounds like a plan, go ahead…,” she said obviously now extremely tired.

I kneeled beside her and fondled her dangling breasts and toyed with her nipples, “You can squeeze them really hard, I rather like that.”

I didn’t need asking twice as I twisted her nipples and squeezed her breasts and she groaned in ecstasy, with one hand I took hold of her erect clit between my first finger and thumb and masturbated her. It took a few minutes for her to start to orgasm and in that time I noticed Pup was wearing Hobo’s booties and I smiled to myself, gawd this was magic.

“Yes…, yes, yes,” groaned Peyton as her glorious body writhed under my grip.

“We’ll go again…,” I said wanking her clit even harder, two more minor orgasms and she collapsed back into her arms.

“I’m done…, that’s it there’s no more..,” she sighed.

“Right keep perfectly still, don’t move a muscle especially any sphincter muscles, now we wait,” I instructed and she sighed again and let her relax and I reluctantly let go of her breasts and nipples and finally her still erect clit.

I eased myself into an armchair to admire the scene in front of me, I contemplated openly masturbating but thought that wouldn’t help in calming Pup’s arousal.

After five minutes she went to speak but I put a finger on my lips to silence her as I guessed she felt some movement of Pup’s knot in her rectum.

In another five minutes of silence and with a pop and a splutter an ejection of semen that squirted across the room Pup withdrew his massive 10″ penis and deflated knot from his exhausted mistress’s anus.

Peyton collapsed onto her side and I watched the semen continue to run from both her vagina and anus, and Pup collapsed also but to lick his genitals clean.

I helped Peyton to her feet and carried her into her en suite and supported her until the shower water ran hot, I watched in awe as the water cascaded over her beautiful body. She attached a metal phallus to the hand shower and douched her vagina then squatted down to give herself an enema flushing out her rectum.

As she stepped out of shower I handed her a towel and she dried herself off and I guided her to her bed and covered her up, I kissed her on the temple switched off the light and closed the door.

After leaving a note on the kitchen table I took Pup home with me walked him round the park slowly then took him home. After consuming Hobo’s biscuits he collapsed on the rug and slept soundly and I followed to my bed shortly after.



It was late in the afternoon before Peyton turned up at my back door totally naked but for her joggers and a bag full of take aways that she held up to offer to me.


“Actually I’m English,” I said in a mock posh accent.

“Oh…, very droll, how’s my boy Pup,” asked Peyton more seriously.

“Exhausted fast asleep on Hobo’s bed much to Hobo’s disgust, wow you’ve really taken to the naked life here then?”

“Actually I was all dressed waiting for the take-away to be delivered and then I saw a couple of ladies both naked walking their miniature poodle, so I quickly stripped off and accidently on purpose met them,” she purred smugly.

“And are they?”

“Are they what?”

“Lesbians of course,” I asked looking intently at her swollen labials.

“Geez…, what did I say last night?”

“Lingerie photo shoot…, girls teasing you…, well they probably weren’t teasing you at all but trying to seduce you,” I offered and she looked confused for a moment.

“Oh, bugger, you may be right there, one of them is a little gushing when we were getting changed, mmm, have to think about that, so how is it you knew exactly what to do last night, mmm…,” she asked sitting down and opening her legs enough for me to see her labials clearly.

“Not the first time I’ve had to intervene,” I confessed with mock pride and nodded to Hobo standing in front of Peyton and also looking between her legs.

“Is that true Hobo have you been knotting ladies, you naughty boy?” she chuckled leaning forward to make a fuss of Hobo making her breasts wobble while deliciously hanging down.

Hobo on cue pushed his snout between her long legs and gave her one lick, “Oh, no Hobo I’m far too sore, so come on tell me how many girls cunts has Hobo fucked then?”

“Eight…,” I watched her mouth fall open in shock, “and some of them are regulars,” I bragged, polishing my nails in mock pride.

“Really…, that’s awesome, any real hotties,” she asked opening her legs even wider as an invite me to tell her more.

“Yes…, all of them actually, because Hobo is really fussy, so I had to be absolutely selective,” I declared raising my nose.

“I bet you did, so what’s Hobo’s most important criteria?”

“Actually it really is his preference, the larger their labia minora the more the real estate the more there is to taste,” I declared watching intently for her reaction.

“You know I couldn’t agree more with Hobo, it is one of my parameters for mate selection, no pissflaps, no Peyton,” laughed Peyton stretching open her own labials to full stretch, ” actually after dogsex it’s my all consuming fetish.”

I knelt down next to Hobo to admire the glorious sight of Peyton’s enormous labials at full stretch, “Well it seems that the consensus of our preference is unanimous, the bigger the pissflaps the better!” I said reaching to hold her thighs wide open.

“So tell me more about Hobo’s harem girls,” Peyton purred.

“Well out of the eight Hobo he sees four of them regularly, Audrey needing the most attention, sometimes she’ll be here three times a week or not come for a month, she has her own house key and often stays the night,” I said not looking at her face but still admiring her gaping introitus.

“Oh…, so a few crumbs fall off the table then?” She grinned raising her eyebrows, “so what she like, sucking fucking and sodomy?”

“That’s what Hobo gets, it’s my job just to lick her cunt and anus nice and clean,” I sighed in mock disappointment.

“I bet you make a good job of that though, how old is she and she has a nice bod?”

“I’d say Audrey would be between our ages with a taut muscular body of a dancer, quite lovely,” I rasped getting closer to her vulva.

Peyton closed her legs and I looked up at her dejected, “So tell me about the other regulars?”

“Gillian the next most regular, once a week, regular as clock work, all to do with her cycle she reckons. A working mom no airs and graces, wonderful sense of humour, just adores deep throating Hugo.

Very controlled even takes his knot in her mouth. If you saw her in the street you wouldn’t think butter would melt in her mouth and she’s really pretty but she gives me a great head job while Hugo is fucking her and I fuck her while she’s sucking Hugo.

Then she goes home to hubby and her three girls who have no idea about her secret life,” I informed her trying to part Peyton’s knees.

“Wow…, that must be difficult hiding ones bestial desires and keeping them well hidden from her family and the other regulars?”

“Tina and Sally are a lesbian couple, mm…, I must be a lesbian magnet, actually quite young to be so into bestiality, they both had a play with a few ponies I understand.”

“How young and how often do you see them,” asked Peyton letting me ease her knees apart to view her glistening wet genitals again.

“Late teens, early twenties I’d say, they turn up on a random basis and take turns with Hugo, who they absolutely adore, nice girls but I’m not included like I am with Gillian. Shame because Tina has some awesome pissflaps…!”

“Really…, mmm, like to meet her, so who does Hugo like the most?”

“Audrey I think, she’s her own woman, my favourite is Gillian for obvious reasons but also because she runs this secret perverted life, she even works as a street whore sometimes just because she finds it sexually exciting, then comes here for a shower before going home to cook tea, oh, boy I just love Gillian so much…”

“As I said before, wow…, some special women there, so will you ring me if any of Hugo’s harem is coming to be serviced,” asked Peyton leaning forward kiss me on the forehead, “so shall we eat,” she said standing up and disappointing me yet again.

I was probably a little annoyed with not going down on her awesome vulva, I tried to hide it but obviously the disappointment was all over my face.

Peyton reached across the table and squeezed my hand, “Sorry I really find it difficult allowing men to touch me, Okay?”

“No…, not really!” I answered knowing I was pouting like a sulking kid, “ever since I first met you there’s not a minute of the day I don’t dream of sucking that huge clit and licking those incredible labials of yours or licking your anus.”

“Please be patient with me, believe me you’ve got lot closer to me than any male than any man has ever got and I really do like you a lot, hang in there Mr. Dale keep me on your bucket list.”

I was completely overwhelmed and found it difficult to even speak so I got up and offered some bottles of wine and she pointed to one and I opened it all without speaking.

Peyton saw I was struggling, “So has Gillian got a bad marriage, is that why she looks for so much sex outside of home?”

I had two attempts to speak and started to feel embarrassed, “No, no, she’s far too sweet and a such a lovely person to have conflict with anyone and she is just so pretty. No, I just think she is just sexually insatiable, she told me of some of her other sexual sorties, wow, some rather risky,” I managed to croak out.

“Oh, yes, tell me more?”

“Like climbing over a fence to suck and masturbate a horse and wow, got herself fucked by a boar. Turned up here in a hell of a state, I had to wash her clothes twice and she kept dropping out lumps of congealed semen from her vagina all over the kitchen floor, Hobo cleaned it up.

The boar’s penis actually penetrated her uterus and filled it with congealing semen she said it took days to come out,” I rasped swallowing hard reliving the moment.

“Yes, I’ve heard that, I seen some great videos of women being boar fucked, look I just got to meet Gillian can you arrange it, she sounds if she would have sex with me also,” asked Peyton with a raised level of interest.

“I’ll do that, she’ll be round here in a shot I’ve already told her about you, so…, would you have vaginal intercourse with boar…?”

“Do you think Gillian could arrange it, of course I would, definately, I’ve fantasied about that so much. I tell you what if I get to be boar fucked you can do whatever you want to me, as many times as you want,” she announced reaching across the table to squeeze my hand again but this time more insistently.

“Wowie…, no pressure then!” I gagged suddenly getting my appetite back and grinning like the idiot I was, “a toast, to Peyton being pig fucked!” and we chinked our glasses together and giggled.



Gillian had given me a phone number on her secret phone and to phone her only on certain days and times. Occasionally she turned up wearing a light uniform with no badges or logos, I guessed she was a nurse or carer and I could only phone her while she was on night shift.

Normally she would just turn up, the only reason I would need to phone her was if I was going away with Hugo or if he was ill. It was frustratingly over a week before I finally managed to get in contact with Gillian at 1:00am.

“Gill it’s Rod…, Hugo’s dad,” I whispered hesitantly.

“I did recognise your voice Rodney, is Hugo alright are you alright?” the sweet voice replied on the other end of the phone that made my heart flutter.

“We are both fine, now you know I love you very much but I’m afraid I’ve let you down a little,” I stuttered wondering if this was the right approach.

“So this is confessional time is it, go on.”

“Gill, I let my own sexual aspirations compromise your very secret perverted sex life,” I confessed with increased clumsiness.

“Spit it out Rod before someone comes in!”

“Sorry…, I told some one about you being pig fucked…,” I blurted.

“Oh, Roddd…, that’s the one thing I really needed to keep so secret,” growled Gillian, “who did you tell…?”

“I told Peyton and she wants to meet you and talk about the possibility of her being boar fucked…,” I blurted waiting for admonishment.

“That Catwalk model that runs naked around the Park, and she’s into bestiality?” asked Gillian sounding much more interested as I heard her close a door and lock it.

“Oh yes…, in a big way, I helped her disconnect when she was anally knotted, anally with her Great Dane I might add, and she dog fucks daily, I even gave her a pair of Hugo’s booties…,” I paused, “the ones you made for him…,” oops.

“Fortunately I have another pair I keep with me for any strays I meet,” confessed Gillian with hubris.

“Oh…, we fuck stray dogs as well do we? I’ll tell you what, you help me get Peyton boar fucked and I won’t say a word to Hugo about you being unfaithful to him,” I demanded putting on a faux menacing voice.

“Oh…, you brute you have me, now, how can I refuse, tell you what, I finish at 6:00am I’ll come round can Peyton be at your place that early, I’ll have a quickie with Hugo now you’ve got me all wet talking about getting porked,” purred Gillian.

“Thanks for that, don’t forget to take off your panties before you get here Hugo will jump on you the moment you get here.”

“Taking them off right now they’re soaking wet anyway, we’ve got a new young aide and she’s so hot, see you just after six, oo, looking forward to meeting Peyton, see you got to go,” rasped Gillian pulling off her panties and throwing them into the rubbish.

I put down the phone to give Hugo a bath much to his disgust of having a bath in the middle of the night but I wanted it just right for Gillian’s first meeting with the beautiful Peyton. I left it to 4:00am before I phoned Peyton.

“Ugh…, hello, Rod, something wrong?” groaned Peyton groggily.

“No, no it’s all good, I finally got in contact with my gorgeous Gillian as she is on a night shift the only time safe to contact her. She’s really keen to meet you so she wants to come for a quickie with Hugo and talk to you in the time before she has to get home, she finishes at six and be here shortly after can be here then?” I said not knowing how Peyton would respond.

“I’ll come now, naked be alright or do you think that’s too much?” asked Peyton breathlessly.

“You naked can’t possibly be too much, piggy is on his way and then it’s all yummy for me,” I crowed hopefully.

“You may get a tasty breakfast, if it works out well with Gill, on my way.”

I just groaned as Peyton rang off and tidied up the house and fussed around. It was less than ten minutes before Peyton tapped on the back door then let herself in. Hugo rushed up to meet her and as she bent over to greet him, I ducked down to get an awesome view of her anus and vulva and she waived an admonishing finger at me.

“Just checking out my breakfast,” I stumbled swallowing and Peyton reached behind her to part her buttocks and gape and flex her anus, “oh, dear,” I said sitting down after seeing right into her gaping cavernous anus and she laughed at me as I was quite shaken.

I made some coffee and we sat down at the table and Peyton parted her legs to let Hugo lick her copious labials.

“So what did you tell her?” she purred spreading her labials so Hugo’s tongue could fully penetrate her vagina.

I didn’t answer as I watched Hugo excitedly lick Peyton out, “First I told her I had broken my vow not to tell anyone about her Boar encounters.”

“Plural, encounters! How many times she been Boar fucked then?” asked Peyton writhing in ecstasy from Hugo’s deep tongue penetrations.

“Didn’t I say, oh, three times she has turned up here to clean up afterwards when I’ve been here but she has a key, so she can clean up after she does any street work so it could of been more than three times,” I groaned watching the size of Peyton’s nipples expand as she got closer to her orgasm.

“Wow…, what a woman, what else?”

“She wanted to know if you’ve had any bestiality experience, so I told her about Pup. I also told her that I wouldn’t tell Hugo she had been unfaithful to him by fucking stray dogs from the street as long as she helped me get you Boar fucked,” I related grinning.

Peyton immediately caught on and covered Hugo’s ears who was oblivious as he was trying to reach Peyton’s anus, “Sshh, Gillian fucks strays as well?” rasped Peyton in a loud whisper as she lifted herself in the chair to afford access to her anus and that was enough to make her orgasm and squirt over Hugo and send him into another licking frenzy that continued Peyton’s orgasm.

“Oh…, my I enjoyed that Hugo, now we’ve both been unfaithful to bestial partners,” Peyton groaned as the back door burst open.

Gillian burst through the door unbuttoning her uniform as she came in breathless, “Got off early all I could think of was getting Hugo’s cock in me,” she said as her eyes opened wide as she saw Peyton naked with her legs opened wide and her reddened aroused huge clitoris and labia. Hugo bounced over to greet Gillian already fully erect from licking out Peyton.

She fell to her knees in front of Peyton and with a second Hugo had mounted and penetrated her vagina as she groaned out loud in delight and ecstasy.

“Nice one Gillian pleased to meet another zoophile in action as it were,” chuckled Peyton reaching down to shake Gillian’s hand and I got up to close the back door.

“So pleased to meet ma’am why don’t you get a little closer so I can suck on that enormous clit of yours,” gasped Gill as Hugo thrust into her.

“No problem…,” purred Peyton slipping off her chair and offering her vulva to Gillian’s mouth.

I sat on my kitchen chair mesmerized; the two most beautiful women I had ever known in my life were both naked and engaged in perverse sexual activity In front of my eyes. Hobo seemed to respond to the moment and was fucking Gill’s cunt with more than his usual gusto, more than likely because Peyton was fussing and stroking his head as Gill sucked on her enormous clitoris.

The next ten minutes were as frenetic as you could get with both women almost screaming with ecstasy and Hobo panting as he knotted Gill.

Both women were breathless and exhausted and in that moment I was distracted and so was Gillian still with Peyton huge erect clitoris in her mouth and Hugo had her fully knotted and he stepped over.

“Shizen…, Rod, I’m tied, faack…, I said I’ll be home to take the girls to school,” complained Gillian vociferously.

Hugo immediately felt Gillian’s angst and pulled his knot out of her, making her squeal accompanied by a loud onomatopoetic plop followed by a huge gush of semen from her gaping introitus. That was too much for me, as Gillian rolled onto her back I dived in-between legs to lap up what semen I could and lick her awesome labials clean.

Gillian let me do that for a moment or two while she recovered from the sudden pull out from her vagina then struggled to her feet and sat down at the kitchen table. She put her head down on her arms on the table and shuddered.

“Faack…, that hurt, that really hurt, you’ll need to check Hugo I haven’t hurt him,” groaned Gillian.

Peyton got down on her knees to inspect Hugo’s still erect penis and slowly fellating him and licking him clean of semen and Gill’s juices then inspecting his knot closely.

“He looks O.K., but I think he should be excused duties for a few days to recover,” suggested Peyton getting to her feet to embrace Gillian.

“Sorry guys I panicked a bit there, I know Hugo is a bit sensitive that way, but I really need to get moving, I really have to protect my secret life and not being late is one way.

So Peyton you want to be Boar fucked is that correct? you know what a pigs corkscrew cock can do to your uterus, hurt you a lot more than Hugo did to me just then,” explained Gillian still panting from exhaustion.

“Peyton has promised me if you get her Boar fucked I can then fuck and suck her glorious cunt and anus,” I said also panting but not from exhaustion.

Gillian turned to study Peyton’s naked charms fondling her breasts and spreading her labials, “Tell you what beautiful, you let my best friend, that is Rod here, suck, fuck and sodomize you and I’ll arrange for you to meet Doris and her pet Boars but before then I’ll have to train you with a boar penis dildo, you up to that?”

“I take it it’s not that straight forward be Boar fucked then,” asked Peyton almost in a squeak.

“Definitely not, but you’ve been toying with the affections of our lovely man Rod here, so until you have totally submitted yourself to Mr. Dale, it’s no pork for Peyton,” chuckled Gillian waving a finger of admonishment at Peyton.

Peyton turned to look at me biting her bottom lip and reaching across the table for my hand to squeeze, then nodding in agreement.

“Good…, quick shower then home to take the girls to school,” blurted Gill heading for my en suite with Peyton following her.

“How many girls do you have?” gushed Peyton.

“Three, eight, nine and ten, all bloody gorgeous too.”

“So is it hands on, motherhood, if you know what I mean?” asked Peyton cringing.

“Wow Peyton you’re a bigger pervert than me, if you’re asking if I have sex with my girls, the answer is absolutely, no, jeez they’ve got my genes so eventually that will get them where we are now. Anyway hubby watches me like a hawk, gawd show me your clit again.

“Oh, sorry for asking, just thought for a moment,” offered Peyton guiltily leaning back against the vanity top to pull open her vulva to display her erect 2″ clitoris to its best effect.

Gillian lent over to suck Gill’s clitoris while drying herself off, then waived her finger right in Peyton’s face, “Fuck Rod, else I’ll give that perfect butt of yours one hell of a spanking, you’re not a virgin are you, I’m mean with a man, are you?” asked Gillian seriously hanging up her towel.

“No, I’m not.., I lost it way before I should of and rather violently and no man has had me since,” stuttered Peyton dropping her head.

“You were raped…,” gasped Gill.

“Pack raped, not boys either, grown men…”

“How many men and how old were you,” probed Gillian softly.

“Six…, twice each and I’d rather not say how old I was, needless to say I spent a fair time in hospital and was pretty badly traumatised.”

“I bet you were, jeez, I’m so sorry to hear that Peyton, sorry I have to go, kiss, mmm, talk to later about all that but I still mean what I said about Rod, phone me at 1:00am tonight, got to go…,” instructed Gillian fleeing the bathroom so Peyton slipped into the shower.

“She’s gone then,” asked Peyton returning to the kitchen with just a towel around her head and sitting down at the table.

“Cooked brekkie or just cereal,” I asked after nodding to her question.

“She is just gorgeous, I can see why you love her so much, just cornflakes thanks,” said Peyton lifting up her breasts to examine them.

“I love you also Peyton, your breasts sore or something?”

“I know you do Rod, and you are the first man I have ever felt any affection for since…,” said Peyton but I interrupted.

“I heard you in the bathroom…, and your breasts?”

“Oh, yes…,” said Peyton glad that I changed the subject, “I’ve been masturbating a lot more and being fucked by Pup daily sometimes twice daily so my nipples are suffering from over attention.”

“Fold your arms behind your back and lean forward please,” I asked and Peyton immediately complied and her low hanging breasts just looked awesome, “mmm, doing as you’re told, I like that.”

“On pain of being spanked by Gillian,” laughed Peyton slowly swinging her dangling breasts.

“Just tell Gillian we fucked like rabbits after she left, so she can get on and organise your Boar fuck with Doris, sounds like a name you’d give a Sow, Doris,” I said chuckling to my own joke.

“Don’t you want to fuck me?”

“I do…, but I also don’t want you to re-live the trauma of your childhood,” I replied sounding perhaps a little pious.

“Really…, you’d do that for me, lie to your best friend, lie to Gillian?”

“I love you both, I’m in a quandary here I don’t to hurt either of you,” I said as Peyton caught her swinging breasts and lifted them up to support their weight to her obvious relief.

She sat back in her chair still holding her breasts, “Wow.., Rod, I really do appreciate what you are saying, gee, I’m so glad I met you,” whispered Peyton getting up to hug me.

She kissed me passionately as I fondled her naked buttocks as we parted she saw the tears in my eyes, “Oh, Rod I wish you had been my first instead of those six brutal men,” she sniffed and I hugged her again but this time more tightly.

“Cornflakes ma’am you need to build up your strength is you’re going to support a fully grown Boar on you,” I chocked as we parted both of us wiping the tears from our faces.

Peyton sat down and I served her a delicious bowl of cornflakes and poured in some milk as I did she reached for my fly and slid it down. Next moment she wrestled out my cock and started masturbating me in a moment I ejaculated into her bowl filling a spoon she had laid in there.

Peyton licked the end of my penis clean of semen and tasted my semen in the spoon, “Certainly tastes different to dog cum and I think you need to change your diet a little if I’m to be eating all your semen,” instructed Peyton as she continued to eat her semen covered cornflakes.

I immediately poured some cornflakes into my bowl and milk and got a nod of approval to add a teaspoon of sugar, “You’re going to eat all my cum?” I croaked.

“Yes, no wasting it by wanking over porn, it all goes in my mouth and maybe later in my anus the dogs will enjoy licking that out,” laughed Peyton giving me a glorious smile.

“They’ll have to beat me to it,” I chirped and we both chuckled.

” Actually that was truly delicious, cornflakes have never tasted so good and that’s one hell of a dick you have there Rodney,” purredd Peyton licking up every last drop of my semen I’d sprayed on the table.

“My pleasure, I’d never considered myself as condiments,” I chuckled.

“Well you are now,” she said smiling again, “Training, Pig Dildo, tell me more please.”

“Oh, it’s rather an elaborate piece of gear a tad expensive too. Don’t ask me how my Gillian met up with Doris and her pigs, I’m reasonably certain she actually runs a pig farm and the dildo is hers.

What it consists of is a silicone Boar penis obviously, and two rubber bulbs that are squeezed. The first one makes the faux boar penis erect and further squeezing makes it corkscrew. The second bulb which is considerably bigger than the first is filled with faux pig semen.

Gillian said it took some time to learn and stand her uterus being penetrated with a corkscrew silicone cock. At first she found it very painful but very, very exciting so she persevered,” I divulged as I watched Peyton’s nipples harden.

“I bet she found it exciting I’ve only ever pushed some thick urethral sounds into my uterus and that made me wince but orgasm of course,” purred Peyton allowing Hugo back between her legs.

“She progressed to using the faux semen injected into her uterus but she had to give that away as she frightened the life out of one of her daughters when she ejected a lump of congealed faux pig semen in the Kitchen. It took a bit of explaining I understand fortunately her husband never found out,” I explained with a grimace.

“Hooley, dooley that does sound fun, I’ve heard of women who have been ejecting lumps of semen from the vaginas days later,” giggled Peyton with delight, “talking about vaginas, I’d better go to work, it’s lingerie shoot today and think I’m really going to flash the gash in the change rooms and see what happens,” said Peyton getting up.

I gave her a hug and saw her to the door, then I was all alone with Hugo.

“What you looking at, you did alright today, fucking Gillian and licking out Peyton, what’s your secret, come on tell me?

Although Peyton did make me ejaculate on her breakfast then ate it, wow…, that was awesome. You stick with me Hugo I think we are going to do alright,” I chortled patting his head, “Oh, did I mention breakfast, come on then.”



It all went quiet for a few days and then I was watching some dogsex porn in my study and I heard a timid knock on the back door. I left the computer running and went to answer the expecting to see Peyton or Gillian but it was Tina.

Hugo almost leapt into her arms and then I realised she wasn’t alone but with a rather attractive tall skinny brunette who had an uncanny similarity to Tina.

“Hi Rod…, this is my mom,” and my heart sank.

I stepped back and let them both in Hugo was now in a state of excitement but actually read the situation quite well when Tina didn’t get down on her knees to be mounted.

“What a beautiful home you have Mr. Dale,” her mother commented as I led them both through to the lounge and offered them a seat.

Tina’s mother unbuttoned her coat and laid it over the back of the chair and I was surprised to see a woman of her age wearing a mini-skirt, displaying her incredibly gorgeous skinny legs.

“Can I get you a tea or coffee?” I blurted an octave higher than normal.

“No…, not now thanks, perhaps later,” she said as she patted Hugo who was sniffing deeply making Tina and myself blush.

“Mr. Dale…,”

“Rod please, how may I help you,” I said almost stuttering when I realised I could see her stocking tops and suspenders.

“Rod, oh, yes it’s Lucy, I know why my Tina and Sally come and visit Hugo and yourself.”

“Oh, you do?” I croaked now expecting a tirade.

“Mom, I can tell Mr. Dale if you want?” offered Tina with a nervous smile.

“No, no, this up to me, two days ago Tina caught me performing the perverted act of cunnilingus in the stables,” divulged Lucy her voice trailing out to a squeak.

“Personally…, I wouldn’t call cunnilingus perverted Lucy, more an act on consummate love on the most beautiful thing in the world, a woman’s vulva,” I replied heartfelt.

“But it wasn’t on a woman Mr. Dale…, it was on Adiva my beautiful arab Mare…!”

“Oh…, how utterly beautiful, well done Lucy, is that something you’ve done before?” I croaked.

“Oh, yes…, many, many times ever since I started riding as a girl,” laughed Lucy, now a little more relaxed.

“Did you know your mom was also into Bestiality Tina?”

“I wish, I would of raped her years ago, Adiva’s vulva is just all pink, her labials are huge and when she winks her introitus is utterly beautiful and gushes tasty cream!” also gushed Tina hugging and kissing her mom.

“When Tina caught me I was topless and covered in equine cunt cream, I thought she would explode and never talk to me again. But she didn’t she kissed me all over licked my breasts clean of Adiva’s cunt cream and sucked my nipples so hard.

Then we kissed passionately and began to strip each off and before you know it I was in a sixty nine with my daughter and I had her labials in my mouth.

It was just heaven, cunnilingus and analingus with my own daughter, we made love for hours before we even could talk because we were too exhausted to do anything physical anymore,” sighed Lucy grabbing Tina’s face and kissing her passionately again.

“I was so happy to find out Tina was also a lesbian, then we started talking about Bestiality and did some serious wanking as we talked about animals genitals and how fantastic they all were,” rasped Lucy going hoarse prompting me to get up and put the kettle on.

“So of course I had to tell mom about Hugo and being dog fucked, open your legs mom let Hugo lick you out,” instructed Tina.

Lucy slid down in her seat and opened her legs wide revealing her glistening aroused labials and Hugo didn’t need a second invitation and dived between her legs. She let out a long groan of ecstasy as Hugo’s experienced tongue pushed deep into her vagina.

Tina was smiling from ear to ear as she coaxed her mother to slide off the settee onto her knees and again Hugo knew exactly what to do.

“Coffee…?” I said to Tina and we sat at the table, “that seems to be going well,” I said nodding towards the copulating couple.

“I think Hugo has already knotted her, looks if we’ll be here a while, Hugo will do her a world of good, nothing like some vaginal pain to focus your mind,” laughed Tina smiling.

“I bet it was still a shock to find your mom licking out her Mare though?” I asked.

“Was it ever, it was actually quite lovely to watch but best of all was the sex we’ve had over the last few days. Can imagine what it’s like to lick out your own mother’s cunt,” purred Tina.

“Obviously something you’ve enjoyed, not something I’d ever contemplated, to be honest unless it’s your mother’s cunt of course,” I suggested hopefully.

“Well there’s your chance after Hugo’s finished she’ll love her cunt being licked clean,” said Tina with a big smile.

“What about yours you must be really wet by now,” I croaked expecting to be refused.

“Mmm, okay…, just this once, suck all my pissflaps into your mouth and chew on them, I just love that,” said Tina as she leapt up onto the table and spread her legs in front of me.

I had an hours of cunnilingus between the daughter’s hypertrophic labials and her Mother’s dog cum filled cunt.

We all sat around the table smiling at each other, “You could try Peyton’s Great Dane next his got a good ten inches and a knot the size of a cricket ball,” I chortled in hope.

“Perhaps, Hugo can get me ready for him, who is Peyton?” asked Lucy fidgeting.

“Probably the most beautiful woman on the planet, a catwalk model and a neighbour of mine, she’s a zoophile too, who is very keen to be Boar fucked and about to undertake some dildo training for the event,” I said realising I was bragging and shouldn’t of said anything.

“Oh, she’s so gorgeous, I’ve never met her but she’s the blond in the Givency stockings ad on the box,” announcedd Tina enthusiastically.

“Really…, do you fuck her cunt?” asked Lucy licking her lips.

“I wish, she was gang raped by adult men at a very young age so is a dedicated lesbian and zoophile,” I commiserated wishing I could shut up.

“Oh, dear…, how many men?” asked Lucy softly.

“Six…, had her multiple times over a whole day and anally and orally,” I divulged with a little relish.

“How…, old was she when…?”

“Won’t say but enough for her to spend weeks in hospital though, couple of lesbian nurses couldn’t keep their hands off her but actually helped her sexual healing,” I suggested.

“Risky but effective, perhaps I should of taken that step with you sweetheart?” said Lucy cuddling and kissing Tina.

“You would of been caught mom, like I caught you with Tinkerbell and I’d be in a foster home and you’d be in the clink,” scolded Tina.

“Yes you’re probably right but boy am I going to make up for lost time now, oo, I just l love sucking your cunt,” rasped Lucy.

“So do I, that is some awesome labia your daughters got there,” I chuckled.

“I think she got my mom’s genes down there, so when do we get to meet this goddess Peyton,” asked Lucy spreading her legs again for Hugo.

“Well she’s always wanted to meet Tina, as she has a fetish for large labia also but I’m going to delay your meet up if you don’t mind until she’s been Boar mated. That’s all she can concentrate on at the moment but the moment she surfaces from her latest fetish I’ll ring you.”

“That sounds good, no rush we have a lot to catch up on and Tina has her first lesson in Mare cunnilingus after she’s rimmed and licked the instructor first of course. It was nice to meet Hugo and yourself if you want to fuck me just give Tina a ring and I’ll come around better go now though, shopping to do,” explained Lucy.

“By shopping mom means dildo shopping, I’ve been promised a horse cock dildo,” laughed Tina kissing me.

“Just make sure its got a semen bulb on it, and if you by a dog one get one with an inflatable knot you’ll need to practice for Peyton’s Great Dane,” I suggested waving them goodbye.

“Wow, Hugo wasn’t that a turn up for the book, isn’t Lucy just gorgeous!” I gushed delighted.



She seemed to occupied my thoughts a lot recently all seemed to go quiet on the sex front it seems Doris was a little reticent on the idea of introducing a stranger to Silas until she actually met Peyton and she rapidly changed her mind what actually took place I have yet to find out.

Also Gillian was introduced to Pup and I wasn’t privy to that coupling either all of my nefarious contacts seemed to have disappeared. Apart from Tina’s friend Sally a fully-fledged fire breathing card carrying lesbian who insisted taking Hobo into the spare bedroom and locking the door.

All I got from her was her sounds of agony as Hobo pulled out his knot, I don’t think he liked her either, she wouldn’t even stay for a cup of coffee and all I got was a grunt of thanks so I told her not to come back again and she slammed the door and stormed off.

I was feeling right sorry for myself when there was a timid knock on the back door and there stood a rather disheveled looking anorexic Audrey, I was concerned about her appearance but Hobo wasn’t he hadn’t fucked in weeks and literally knocked Audrey off her feet and mounted her and fucked her like crazy then stepped over her exhausted leaving them tied.

“Shall I close the back door then?” I quipped going to the back door and seeing a collection of luggage.

I brought in the cases and took them through to the spare bedroom, getting back to the kitchen Audrey and Hobo were still tied so I took the opportunity to perform analingus on Audrey which was delicious. I then offered my erection and she gave me a glorious head job and exploded in her mouth as I heard the plop of Hugo’s knot being pulled from her introitus I literally dived between her legs to lap up all the tasty juices from both then collapsed back exhausted.

It was only then I realised Audrey had been crying, “What’s up pet, I haven’t seen you for months?”

“Oh, Rod I really fucked up this time!” sniffed Audrey still sitting on the floor her legs spread wide displaying her still leaking vagina and ample labials.

“I put your luggage in the spare room I guess you’re staying?” I rasped beckoning to squat on my face which she did and I finished licking her totally clean.

I got up and put on the kettle as Audrey still sniffing stroked Hugo as he licked her vulva clean too, “so…, you going to tell me?”

“My mother-in-law law caught me sucking off her pooch and insisted hubby throw me out, which he did!” she sniffed opening legs wide to let Hobo push his tongue right in deep.

“Bugger me I didn’t even know you were married, you used to come here so often and stay the night I just took you were a free agent,” I stammered.

“Well I am now, Kenny was always away on business giving me a lot of time to kill, we got invited to stay at his parents villa in Spain, they’re loaded, I thought they were quite liberal going to the local nude beach with them.

I was wrong there, oh, boy did she go off her face, even got rid of the dog, like it was his fault, stupid bitch!” growled Audrey.

I roared with laughter, “I bet she saw your humungous pissflaps at the nude beach and made her jealous!”

Audrey’s eyes lit up, “You could have something there, Kenny’s dad couldn’t stop looking at them and you’re right she had fuck all, ha, ha, yes…!” now Audrey laughed, “argh…, Kenny never was into pissflaps like you, I’m best out of it!”

“Bet he never licked your anus or drunk your pee either?” I grinned like the cat who got the cream.

“Mm, right again, never once so is that how I pay the rent, getting daily rimmed and occasionally using you as a toilet?” giggled Audrey.

“Argh, well your main task is to keep Hobo happy, secondly to keep those humungous pissflaps of yours on constant display but most importantly!” I rasped as she pulled her labials out wide.

“Good so far, don’t worry I’m up to Hobo’s demands and I’ll be thrilled to keep flashing my gash, that will be quite liberating but most importantly what?” chuckled Audrey tying her labia into a knot.

“Err…, umm…,” I hesitated.

“Tell me now what perversion do want?” purred Audrey.

“Not a perversion as such, more of a pain…,” I stumbled.

“Oh…, pain, you want to spank me, oh, okay, not too excessive though,” grimaced Audrey.

“No, no, I want you to cook!” I blurted embarrassed.

“Oh, Rod I love cooking but you can still spank me if you want!” laughed Audrey.

“No, no Audrey, I just want you to wear stockings and suspenders 24/7 your legs are so damn gorgeous!” I croaked.

Audrey roared with laughter and hugged me tight, “Of course sweetheart, I’d be delighted!”