I’d lived in Alaska for just over twelve years – had built a nice cabin, learned to hunt, fish and trap for food supplies, furs to trade for necessities and all in all I’d enjoyed a hard life but one that was so rewarding.

This year had been a successful food gathering effort, freezers were well stocked for the winter, the fishing for salmon had been good, along with several hundred pounds of various fish – killing two large caribou plus one deer gave me the red meat the winter would require for me – that is why when an opportunity to hitch a ride on a small plane to a good bear hunting area, I jumped at it – a full week, a nice sized bear would top off my winter needs as well as give me extras for some of the elderly in the area.

Landing in an open bowl type of area … watching my ride take off, knowing I was all alone for a week … my first goal – setting up a nice camp area – that was not far from the drop off area – once I had gathered a good supply of firewood, the sun was setting, I figured I’d relax by the fire – then head out early in the morning to see what I could find.

The night was quiet, giving me a chance to sip some tea, while I thought about my life – I was in my mid thirties, keeping myself in good shape, long blonde hair – most times in a ponytail … I was my own boss, seeing a few people on an occasional basis – making me laugh, thinking how long it had been since I’d enjoyed any good sex – several years for sure – finally I was ready for bed, stripping down to my panties only … the fire would give off some heat all night, slipping into my heavy duty bag, fluffing the end a few times …. Stretching out to relax before slipping off to sleep – For some reason I was surprised at how hard my nipples were – massaging them, triggered some excitement between my legs … slipping one hand in my panties, the other one teasing the nibs on my breast – it had been so long since I’d enjoyed a good body shaking orgasm -for some reason tonight I was really aroused. Slipping my panties off … opening the bag – pumping two fingers in and out of me rapidly – pulling on one nipple, had small moans and whimpers – while my hips were bouncing up and down on the surface –

Just as I exploded, the much needed release, a low growl, outside my tent stopped everything. in place, my body shaking, breathing heavy – my eyes not able to focus like they should have been –

A scratching sound, told me something very large was near my tent – My rifle and pistol were inside with me, picking up the pistol, throwing the covering off of me, yelling for whoever was out there, better be gone when I come out.

Nude, still enjoying the glow of the much needed orgasm, pistol in hand – opened the tent, stepping out – the fire was still giving off some light … several things hit me at the same time.

First a large figure was standing maybe fifty feet away – he wasn’t moving, had to be at least 7 feet tall – his eyes glowed from the fire – while I tried to figure out what he was, the strangest, strongest scent I’ve ever encountered – flooded my body when I inhaled it.

He had pissed all around my tent, the whole area, the fire showed how much he had marked this area – by the time I had inhaled the strong odor a second time, it was too late for me to counter what the odor was doing to me. My nipples instantly became like rocks, a sudden moisture coated the already aroused area between my legs … my eyes lost focus, hand with my gun dropped to my side – what was happening to me was so sudden … I couldn’t stop.

Slumping to the ground, free hand rubbing frantically between my legs – breathing now coming in rapid pants instead of breaths – barely able to see him, move much closer …. He was tall, covered from head to toe in a soft hairy fur like look – I had heard stories of some strange creature that walked upright like a man, in these areas – but most believed it was just a story to be enjoyed around campsites – but now in these hooded eyes, he looked all too real for me – but the strange scent had me so aroused, defending myself would have been impossible.

Finally falling on my back, watching in terror, as he moved effortlessly around me, it was obvious how turned on he had made me – small little whimpering sounds kept coming forth … then he was gone.

I was thankful it wasn’t too cold, otherwise the length of time I laid there nude, could have frozen me … instead when I finally moved back inside the tent, it only took a few plunges with two fingers in and and out of me to enjoy a second climax that evening.

Laying on my back, enjoying my own juices as I licked it off my fingers … what I had seen, the effects his scent had on me, made no sense – why had he done it, when I was so helpless, why hadn’t he taken advantage of me – what was he — all questions I had no answers to.

Being completely exhausted, sleep came easy – I think I slept more sound than I had in years. Waking refreshed – staying in my panties only, I refreshed the fire – slipped on some sweats – fixed a nice breakfast – the scent was still present, this time making my whole body feel a comforting glow – by mid morning I was ready to see what the area would offer in my hunt for meat.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to come upon the perfect bear for my freezer so close to my camp – the shot was easy, he went down instantly – by early afternoon I had him skinned out, the meat in bags, that I could hang in a tree by my tent – rolling up his hide to tan it later – I made several trips back to the camp with my prize – fixing an early dinner of fresh fish I’d caught after the bear had been taken care of – the sun was starting to settle – the creatures scent was still having some effects on me … since the evening was pleasant and no one was around, stripping down nude – massaging my boobs, teasing each nipple, while rubbing between my legs – just as I was getting close to enjoying a good explosion – he suddenly appeared, moving quickly towards me – my pistol was by my side, but he hadn’t been aggressive last evening – there wasn’t any worry he’d change this time.

This time the light was much better, as he came closer, that’s when I saw the enormous size of a cock he was packing. It hung limp well over two feet long, but was coming alive the closer he got to me – HIs body carried the same scent that had affected me so strongly the previous night. My eyes were losing focus the closer he got, but I could see he had some features of a man, his hands different, much larger, one long middle finger that looked like it had multiple joints – the thumb was different – but I wasn’t sure why it was like this –

Just having him this close, had me flying in an erotic zone that I’d never been in at any time – When he started marking all the area around the tent, inside it, all over my sleeping back then finally all over my bare chest, between my legs –

This plunged me into a sexually erotic feeling – my hips writhing from side to side – both hands pulling on my boobs – I was not prepared for him to kneel down next to me, that unusual long finger pushing deep inside me – the funny thumb massaging and teasing my clit – his hand was made to excite and stimulate a human female – my back arched … screaming – that damn digit was twisting from side to side, up and down – doing things to me, in my wildest dreams – never knowing this was even possible –

The longer that thing was in me, the higher and higher I was climbing – this new scent was all over me, it was all over him – what it was doing to me, what his hand was doing – head rolled back, thinking that this would never end, that the climax wasn’t going to be enough – no matter how many times I exploded.

Eventually he pulled out of me, when I was able to focus somewhat he was gone, but the need for some release was still with me – frantically plunging two fingers inside me – no matter how fast I pumped my body was not responding – only making me more uncomfortable with the need.

Crawling back inside the tent, my bag, the tent, my body – everything reeked of his scent – sheer exhaustion was the only reason I feel asleep eventually –

Waking late, it was a warm day, so no need to be dressed – staying nude seemed logical – Fixing something to eat, I knew I still had a few days before my ride back would take place – the need was still covering all of me … but slowly I got everything ready when the ride landed –

The days were much shorter now – so night came faster – my body needed him to help me take care of the growing need between my legs, so I settled down nude in a camp chair wishing, praying, hoping he’d come back, even though every fiber in me, as well as that small voice – all told me to stay away from him.

Looking around, one moment no one, then he was there – his eyes were empty looking, no real expression in them – stepping close to me, once again I could smell him, as before, it made me shake while liquid started to form between my legs. I have no idea why I did what I did, but reaching out, taking hold of that long shaft – it felt heavy, more muscular than anything I’d ever felt – but soft like and smooth – as soon as I started to touch it a creamy droplet formed on the head –

Common sense told me to stay away from it, considering all that had happened so far – but it had such a pretty green tint to it – without thinking I leaned forward, taking the tip in my mouth – the droplet had an immediate effect on all of me … spikes of need, waves of pure pleasure flooded all of me – his two huge hands rested on the back of my head … allowing him to hold me – so the cock could slip in much further – more liquid was produced – the shaft slipped further and deeper down my throat – the normal ‘gag-reflex’ didn’t trigger – when the entire length in me, he began to discharge load after load of his seed or whatever it was directly into my body.

The itch, the tingling – the increasing need between my legs only grew with more intensity while he continued to fill me with this strange liquid. My tummy filled then started to expand – although I’ve never been pregnant it felt like I was several months along – he slowly pulled out of me, allowing me time to let the effects of what was in me take over.

My eyes had lost all focus, mind only thinking of the need my body was craving. Laying me on my back on the small blanket I’d had on my body – it didn’t make any sense, but through the hazed eyes it looked like he was packing up my tent, the sleeping bag and all my other items.

So confused, but the increasing need for some sort of satisfaction had my body writhing from side to side, up and down – legs opening and closing

When all my things were packed and stacked near the meat – he easily picked me up – throwing my throbbing body over his shoulders – he was moving easily over the rugged terrain. I had no idea where we were going, not sure even what direction – but after climbing what felt like an up-hill path – we entered a large walk-in cave. I could feel an instant change in temperature – much warmer than the outside – laying me on my back on what felt like a soft moss substance.

He didn’t waste any time – instantly crawling between my legs, spreading them wide, he pushed a monster shaft all the way in with one motion. I’ve never felt anything so big, so long – it stretched me … stretched my body beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

The pumping was satisfying the that horrible need, the one that had been building since that first evening – but the itch, the trembling feeling was not being taken care of yet – he kept pounding in and out of me, until finally he stopped deep inside – the sudden feeling of warmth, much warmer than I ever thought was possible – all of this triggered the mammoth explosion that had been building – my juices mixed with his – a wonderful relaxing warmth covered every cell in my body – as soon as he pulled out, my body curled up, rolling on my side – sleep took over instantly.

Whatever this creature was, Big-foot or something like it had seduced me, than raped me – I had been taken someplace away from where people could find me … I should have been mad, upset, worried about what was going to happen to me – but I’d never been so relaxed, never felt the pleasure he had just shared with me, so I just slept.

Waking slowly … his strange finger was moving in and out of me, the thumb rubbing the clit area – soft and slow, already aroused to the point that I had been earlier – eyes wide open, looking at him …. This was the first time I’d really seen him with some sort of clear eyes. He was huge, covered everywhere with multi colors of gray hair – eyes seemed empty – it didn’t make any sense why he had seduced me – why I had been picked … then the strange scent that had started all of this was taking over again –

Before I could make any sense of everything, he started sucking on my nipples, his hand moving in and out faster – my legs spreading as wide as possible – suddenly he pulled his hand out, jumping between my legs – that monster cock entering me … this time the length and width was not as uncomfortable as the first time – As soon as the pounding started – everything that had happened vanished – wrapping my legs around his body, my arms locking around his neck – bouncing against him … this time when he exploded flooding me with his seed – I matched him with my own climax –

This time was different than before – this time his seed did something to me …. Some of my worries about being raped and kidnapped was not as much as it had been. Keeping him in me, the feelings making my body writhe around his shaft – it was beginning to feel more comfortable – somehow I needed more of him – praying this wouldn’t end, his juices were keeping me excited – it was becoming all I could think about, all that I needed.

Approximately three or four times each week, he’d slip the shaft down my throat, filling me so much that I felt like I couldn’t take another drop – the effects took over my body for multiple hours – between that and the fucking three or four times each day – his scent added to the seed pumped in my pussy – by the end of a month with him, I had forgotten who I had been, where I was at or even how I had gotten here.

The warm cave, had a small stream to bathe in, some fruit to snack on and him continually filling me with his addictive seed – every waking hour my body craved to have him in me, to have him fuck me … the arousal was always peaked, my body craved more and more to be used by him.

That day that I set up my camp was the beginning of my new life of submissive servitude a sex toy for him to use as my master.