© 2024 Rodeotexas and Cowgirlsrideharder
Originally Published 2013 as The Gringa Tourist, Revised 2015 as The Gringa Tourist Redux
Extensively Revised 2024 as The Gringa Tourist Forced Beast Show Redux 2024

License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold, copied, excerpted or given away to other people unless authorized by the authors. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

This eBook contains adults only erotica that some may find socially unacceptable and taboo in classification 

Note To Readers
If you ever want to get your wife or girlfriend to have unconventional sex, our advice is don’t bring it up, don’t talk about it, and whatever you do – Don’t ASK!  A woman either does it initially as an experiment when she is exceptionally horny for sexual release, or she could be encouraged by a very close friend or spouse or come across it on the Internet stimulating her imagination and curiosity.

A bit of build up to actual sex, but situations really matter sometimes…



Entering high school, my husband, Alex, became best friends with a guy named   ‘Steve’. Unfortunately Steve, while from a very affluent family, and being a very intelligent, personable and very attractive guy who never had trouble picking up girls, during his junior year in high school Steve was diagnosed as having borderline schizophrenia.

As time passed Steve became increasingly symptomatic and his disorder became harder to control with medication. Upon high school graduation Steve’s parents were thrilled that my husband Alex and Steve would share a condo at college, and that my future husband was such a great friend to watch out for their troubled son and make sure he took his meds.

When I met my future husband Alex, and Steve, in the beginning of our college sophomore year, we would hang together and go out on double dates. Alex and I became exclusive within two weeks of dating, then got engaged just three months later. Despite the extremely fast courtship both of our parents were thrilled with our engagement! Both sets of parents even hinting while we were dating that we should get married, having recognized, as we shortly did during our initial two weeks of dating, that we were perfect for each other!

However Steve never had a steady girlfriend, nor dated a girl more than half a dozen times. Steve was a fun guy but when drinking, which people who have schizophrenia should never do, or when he took take recreational drugs, again a huge No, No, Steve exhibited sexually dis-inhibited behavior.

My husband always tried to stop Steve from drinking or taking drugs but was unsuccessful, as were his parents. When drinking or high, Steve would muse about bizarre thoughts and outlandish ideas of wildly sexual natures, which we later learned affected a portion of sufferers of schizophrenia. However, as time went by, Steve’s schizophrenia disorder grew steadily worse…

His sexual musings grew darker and more violent, becoming dangerously bizarre. We all could not go out in a group because the women in our circle of friends were uncomfortable with Steve’s drunkenly unrestrained comments and discussions about sex and weird sexual fantasies.

My fiancé’ wanted me to move in but I wouldn’t because I became increasingly uncomfortable around Steve, sure that at times Steve had stood outside the bedroom door listening to my fiancé and I having sex, even seen nasty evidence of it in the hallway…

I began insisting my fiancé lock the bedroom door when I stayed the night, and I made it clearly understood that I will never be left alone with Steve in the condo or in a social setting.

Then there were the times we heard Steve having sex with girls in his bedroom, always a different girl, often times it sounded like the girl was not enjoying what was going on…

Over time, despite taking his meds on schedule, Steve’s sexually dis-inhibited behavior began making appearances even when he wasn’t drinking. His psychotic episodes became more frequent, his attention toward me became more fixated, and his musings of dark sexual fantasies became increasingly totally uninhibited and unrestrained in my presence.

To make the introduction to Steve short, his behavior and condition deteriorated to where he could no longer attend and pass his classes, his medication no longer controlling his symptoms, nor would he go to see his doctor despite Alex and his parents urgings. We lost track of the times when my fiancé and I had to go hunt for Steve and get him safely back to the condo, interfering with our own studies and class attendance. Eventually I refused to spend the night at the condo anymore.

Then after one episode at a party involving a drunken Steve and a coed, the police were almost called but we got Steve admitted to the hospital under a mental watch. Steve’s parents, between meeting the treating physicians and discussing his increasing symptoms with my fiancé and I, his lack of restraint drinking and taking party drugs, his parents had to finally face the horrible sad truth that Steve had reached the point that he needed full-time care.

While Steve was hospitalized and being evaluated, his parents requested that we pack up his belongings and send them on, realizing that the time had finally come to have Steve committed. Going into Steve’s bedroom we soon uncovered Steve’s hidden pornographic collection along with an assortment of dildos, some of them quite odd.

It was while sorting though and packing Steve’s things to send to his family that my fiancé and I were really shocked! We discovered the concealed high definition DVD recorder in his closet which connected to hidden high definition cameras and microphones in my fiancés bedroom as well as hidden cameras and microphones in Steve’s own bedroom!

Alex and I were even more horrified to discover Steve had a dozen DVDs that had been recorded of Alex and I having sex! And the hidden microphones in my fiancé’s bedroom had picked up our voices discussing our most intimate discussions! To our shock Steve had written labels on each DVD of us with bullet points of the video.

After fast forwarding and listening to a several of the DVDs we immediately destroyed the DVDs of us having sex. The immense shock of discovering this made Alex and I review everything that Steve had written or recorded. We certainly could not send his pornographic collection, anthropomorphic dildos and the dozens and dozens of sex DVDs, which included bestiality videos…

We threw all the other sex related paraphernalia into three file boxes for later sorting and tossing to quickly clear out Steve’s room and then moved the boxes into Alex’s bedroom closet.

Why did we do that? Well, it was a traumatic rushed time that went by in a blur. First getting Steve committed to the hospital on an emergency mental evaluation hold and then contacting his parents and getting them here, then even more traumatic discovering all of Steve’s secrets hidden in his bedroom. We just wanted to get it all cleaned up fast in case Steve’s parents wanted to come to the condo.

I will admit, Alex and I do like to watch some porn at times as a prelim and to give us new ideas to try, and at our age our hormones are at its peak, and the some of the sex DVDs in Steve’s collection were high quality productions of parody’s, fantasy and sci-fi that we thought we may want to hold on to.

But then there were Steve’s journals, which he had several of, that were most disturbing of all…

Frequently I had observed Steve writing in a journal. After what Alex and I discovered in Steve’s bedroom we thought it was a good idea to review those too before packing them up for shipment.

 Steve’s written musings and journals indicated sexual fantasies of a dark and often violent sexual nature, descriptive enough to be actually considered future plans…

To my and my fiancé’s shock, my name was mentioned numerous times in his sexual musings and journals, along with names of my girlfriends. To Steve’s credit, he is a very talented literature major and wrote beautifully for his class submissions, however his talent at darkly erotic writing found in his journals and in his muse notes revealed an extremely graphic and disturbing shade.

After what we found, when it came to Steve’s Alienware laptop, we thought it was best to just wipe the laptop completely clean. Alex took it to the university computer lab and had one of his graduate lab tech friends completely wipe it and then reinstall the operating software before sending it on to Steve’s family. Steve stayed there the entire time while the drive was wiped then reformatted to ensure no files were accidentally opened.

Alex and I were both incredibly shocked at what we found, read and viewed, only now aware of the acute physical danger that had jeopardized both of us as Steve’s mental state deteriorated. As you read this you will understand why Steve did not have a steady girlfriend, or went out on many dates with the same girl, and why I reasonably became so uncomfortable and feared for my own safety that it impacted my relationship with my future husband while Steve was still rooming with Alex…

Fortunately, Steve’s parents can afford the very best and spared no expense finding a top rated full-time live in mental facility that was a former small private college surrounded by a high wall and security entrances with guards.

My husband still keeps in touch with Steve, out of loyalty and as a great friend to Steve, as people who suffer from schizophrenia do not have many friends. Steve is happy where he is, but with the severity of his disorder the prognosis is doubtful he will ever be able to live on his own in society.

The story you will read below is one that Steve had written about me in one of his journals.

Why did I edit Steve’s story about me? I told my university psychology professor, Dr. Kate Temple, who maintains a private psychiatric consulting practice about Steve’s journals, and the extreme sexual fantasies he had written, about me…

As one of those mandatory liberal electives, I had selected one semester of psychology because of Dr. Temple’s reputation as a practicing psychologist and a renowned rape trauma counselor. Indeed I had previously attended one of her rape survivor guest lectures before entering the university accompanying one of my best girlfriends who had been raped.

Before Steve’s mental commitment, I had talked to Dr. Kate quite a few times about Steve’s increasing schizophrenic behavior, Steve not taking his meds, and his increasing lack of verbal and physical restraint. Dr. Kate too had become quite concerned about his increasing erratic behavior and warned me it seemed to her that Steve was on the verge of an impending psychotic break. She cautioned us to be careful and to quickly call 911 and not to try to handle Steve when it does occur, because Dr. Kate believed it was just a matter of time.

After I told Dr. Kate what we discovered after Steve was committed, the sex tapes, his journals, his sex stories, she suggested it would be therapeutic for me to edit the story as a way to purge our pent-up frustrations and anger with Steve, but to also remember that Steve had reached a point where he had to be institutionalized. That being schizophrenic and the associated unrestrained social behavior was something that he was born with, and as he sexually matured, his schizophrenia began to manifest itself ever more strongly and became ever more dominant.

Dr. Kate stated it was a common therapeutic practice to have patients write out their feelings, then have a ceremonial burying or burning of the written pages as a means of release.

Dr. Kate also advised us not to destroy Steve’s journals but to pack them up, that on our behalf she would contact the case doctors at the mental institution Steve was in and let them know about his journals and the content and determine if it would be beneficial as background for treatment or should be destroyed.

POST SCRIPT: After I had edited Steve’s story about me but before we could do a printout to conduct a ceremonial burning of the story, my laptop got hit by malicious malware that started copying my computer files and uploading to, wherever…

I was on the laptop at the time and tried to power it off but it wouldn’t respond. When I got ahold of Alex and told him what was happening he told me to unplug from the wall and pull the battery. I had already unplugged from the wall but in my panic forgot about pulling the battery.

Alex’s computer lab graduate friend removed the malware and analyzed what files and directories were uploaded. He determined that no personal identification had a chance to be uploaded. Pulling the battery had stopped the process before such personal information and picture uploads could begin.

Alex’s friend stated hackers go for easily and rapidly copied files first before pictures are uploaded because pictures are such large files thus take longer to upload. However his analysis of the files copied had included Steve’s edited story about me!

So since the story is out there, somewhere on the web, presumably posted to any numerous sex story websites, below is Steve’s dark sexual fantasy story about me, Samantha, with our edits…


by ‘Steve’

My old high school and college buddy Alex, and his wife Samantha, had visited me in South Padre Island while on their way back from a southwest road trip vacation.

It has now been five years since I met Samantha while attending Texas State University in San Marcos at a dance and since we graduated. Alex had been my best friend in high school and college, Alex and I sharing a two-bedroom, two and a half bath split-level condo, a bedroom on each level each with its own master bath. We did everything together including double dating and taking trips with our girlfriends.

After graduation, I moved to South Padre Island where my parents helped me financially to establish my own business, a management and consulting company for restaurants, bars and clubs on both sides of the US and Mexico border.

Alex and his wife Samantha live several miles outside of Fredericksburg, out towards Enchanted Rock State Park on the family’s large 4,000 acre ranch. From Facebook postings, Alex and Samantha had built a large custom Hill Country style home on a pink granite outcropping with fantastic views from all sides of their home. Alex is managing the family’s business and the ranch while his wife is a very successful interior designer.

However, the subject of this story is Alex’s gorgeous wife, Samantha, who is an incredibly hot statuesque blonde – Sexy As Sin!

During a couple of Spring Break trips with Alex and Samantha and me with different girlfriends that I have had, one to South Padre Island and another to Key West Florida, Samantha had easily won the bikini contests we pressured her into entering!

During the Key West Spring Break trip, one of the suntan product companies had tried to recruit her as a spokeswoman and model! However, despite the generous monetary offer, Samantha had quickly declined wanting to focus on completing her education and her future career, stating to us,

“I don’t want to parade around in a skimpy bikini at events when I well know what guys are thinking and lusting after when they see an attractive woman in a bikini!”

As I will attest, Samantha’s statement is all too accurate!

She outclasses any swimsuit, lingerie model or any centerfold girl I’ve ever seen!

Stunningly gorgeous face, five feet nine inches tall, 125 pounds, great athletic legs, slim hips, rock hard abs from top to bottom, nice thigh gap, and a cute little ass with buns hard as steel!

Samantha has a hard-ripped body from extreme workouts and from jogging eight miles every other day, tiny areolas and tiny nipples set upon large perky perfectly shaped DD cup breasts that are so extraordinary firm most everyone thinks Samantha has implants! And a most beautiful magnificent hairless pussy with meaty pussy lips nestled below a hollowed-out V pubic hair design which points to her most erogenous areas!

How do I know all these intimate details? Because surreptitiously I had installed three ultra-high definition color spy micro cameras with shotgun microphones in Alex’s downstairs bedroom – of course without Alex’s or Samantha’s knowledge!

I have had the hots, BAD, for Samantha since we all first met! My infatuated passion for Samantha irresistibly and permanently inflamed when we went to float the San Marcos river and I saw her barely wearing a very skimpy Rio-style bikini with tiny triangle tops – her gorgeous hard-ripped body showing each muscle definition group of her statuesque athletic torso!

However, at the outset, that bitch Samantha was only interested in tall, handsome, charming, personable, talented, smart, hunky cowboy Alex…

Alex himself always has been and still is a literal chick magnet!

Flocks of women always seemed magically drawn to him. It was because Alex is such a chick magnet was the sole reason I made him one of my best buddies!

I certainly wasn’t into any of that cowboy and rodeo stuff that Alex was involved with, and I and my other friends had no problem with trying to gleam any of Alex’s cast offs.

Alex married perhaps one of the most stunningly beautiful, sexiest women in existence – with the most incredible fantastic toned body and amazingly firm tits that had ever existed!

From the moment Samantha and Alex had met, they both madly fell for each other, getting engaged after only three months of dating! Samantha never showing me any interest except as a friend – and a very cool, distant one at that…

I came to believe she only did so to be polite because Alex was one of my buddies and we shared the condo together. After we first met, Samantha had ignored my many subtle overtones letting her know I was interested in her. Then a few weeks later in a private moment, Samantha flat out told me in no uncertain terms (i.e. harshly) she was only interested in Alex!

I never been rejected before! It was as if I had been slapped! I never had much difficulty getting dates even though none of my relationships ever lasted very long, especially once I became intimate with a woman. The lack of a steady relationship never really bothered me because I could easily pick up a chick, besides, the university years was that time of life to have as much fun as you can and screw as many women as you could!

Still, I began harboring a grudge at being rejected by Samantha…

During our time at the university I had amassed hours of secret video recordings of Samantha wearing either incredibly erotic lingerie, being totally nude, and of course Alex and Samantha fucking each other like rabid bunnies! Particularly enjoyable were the solo vids where Samantha got herself off with a double-headed dildo!

I recorded clear, very explicit 4K ultra-high definition video and sound showing Samantha is a sexual wildcat in bed!

Yep! I had secretly installed hidden ultra-high definition spy cameras along with shotgun microphones in Alex’s bedroom as well as mine when I had girls over!

Contrary to Samantha’s everyday behavior and dress, when it came to sex that girl is wildly uninhibited – even more so when drunk! I tell you Samantha fucks better than any porn star I had ever watched! The ultra-high definition videos and sounds also clearly and explicitly showed how incredibly tight her pussy and fantastic cute ass are, and the incredible muscle control she has over both her vaginal and anal muscles.

In real-time or video recordings, I watched Alex fucking Samantha’s tight pussy and gorgeous tight ass with his fat, long, nine-inch long cock while I jacked off my five inch cock.

I was totally, lustfully enthralled with Samantha’s totally unrestrained wild passionate fucking – even while being ass fucked! Each one of her screaming multi-orgasmic climatic shrieks repeatedly stabbing my heart…

Repeatedly over time watching the videos, my grudge against Samantha, and Alex, grew ever deeper and deeper, becoming a deep resentment that I kept well concealed from them…

What made my resentment all that much more was the knowledge of a confidence that Alex had revealed to me after too many beers and whiskey shots after he first started having sex with Samantha…

Samantha had told Alex she only had sex one time before with one other guy, a long-term high school boyfriend. She had stated the reality of that one-time previous experience was that he had popped off in his condom just trying to get the head of his dick into her very tight pussy! He was so embarrassed about being a quick draw he immediately took her home. Then the following week Samantha had broken up with him after catching him blabbing that he had fucked the hottest girl in high school!

After she had broken up with her boyfriend and then through her beginning university years until she had met Alex, Samantha had satisfied her sexual tensions with her very best girlfriends!

When Sam told Alex she was bisexual she had had stated in a matter-of fact tone,

“My girlfriends and I are not sluts! We are not about to go trolling for a guy for a one-night stand just to temporarily satisfy our horniness! My girlfriends and I figured it was okay to have sex with each other to relieve our pent-up sexual tensions, and by doing so, we all agreed it would later on negate a future fiancé’s inevitable and uncomfortable awkward question of our sexual history with other guys:

‘How many guys have you had before me? How was he compared to me? Were any of them bigger? How did it feel? Did he make you cum? How many times?’.”

“Plus, we all wanted the idea of being able to fully give ourselves to our future husbands without the guilt burden of having much sexual intercourse experience with previous guys – as well as our own inevitable secret comparisons with how big and how good our fiancé is compared to previous guys we had slept with. Then there is the added benefit of knowing dating a guy who kept pressuring for sex despite being told you weren’t ready or weren’t sure yet, not sure he was the special one, that alerted us to quit dating him because he sure wasn’t that right, special guy!”

Watching the sex videos of Samantha and Alex, Samantha clearly had learned a thing or two or three from her girlfriends! She exhibited natural skills and intense passions that exceeded the best porn actresses – especially when she had been drinking and or had taken a hit of Ecstasy!

During our time at the university, I had hoped that one night, Alex and Samantha would get so damn sloppy drunk that I could slip each of them a couple of Quaaludes, then get them back to the condo, giving me an opportunity to tap Samantha’s incredibly pussy and tight ass! The Quaaludes, combined with being heavily intoxicated, ensuring neither one would remember the next day what happened the night before…

Yeah, I’m the type of guy who does things like that, even if it’s to one of his best buddies and his drop-dead gorgeously stunning fiancé!

This was our university years and it was meant to be fun time! Getting all the pussy and ass you could until the inevitable future drudge of graduation, getting a job, getting married, kids, blah, blah, blah!



Unfortunately, the opportunity never arose for me enact my little Quaalude scheme to enable me to dip my wick into Samantha’s wonderful, incredibly talented pussy as well as tap that hard as a rock, fantastic tight little ass of hers. Now, two years after graduation, I still held an unhealthy, unbreakable infatuation with Samantha…

I still frequently watched my videos of her, fantasizing about doing Sam in every imaginable way and with all my various dildos! Watching porn videos, I have yet to come across a porn actress that met or exceeded Samantha’s wild exuberant sexual talents…

But now the opportunity had arisen!

Alex and Samantha’s return southwest road trip vacation had coincided with annual Spring Break and the hordes of college students that come to South Padre Island.

We’ve been having a few drinks at the bar at the Isla Grand Hotel where they were staying and we decided to go across the Mexican border because Samantha wanted to do a little bargain shopping.

Alex and Samantha were well aware I do a lot of cross border business and that I knew the Mexico side very well, including where all the best bars, dance clubs and restaurants are, and I readily agreed to act as their guide.

Unbeknownst to Alex and Samantha, I had become a silent part-owner of a very popular club for Spring Breakers on the other side of the border – where Samantha was sure to attract the most attention…

The Isla Grand Hotel bartender, being one of my buddies, he made sure the drinks were pretty stout, but I deliberately paced mine. Alex and Samantha were caught up in the Spring Break festive atmosphere and Samantha was a bit drunk by the time when we left to travel the 32 miles to Mexico using the hotel shuttle.

Samantha was wearing a short thigh-high, floral print, lightweight sundress with a deep plunging neckline showing a generous amount of her amazingly firm double D cleavage! Strappy heels and a white hat with a huge brim completed her outfit.

After a little bargain hunting in Matamoros and evening had arrived, I suggested a local upscale club (my club!) to get out of the heat. Unbeknownst to them, the club is a combination dance and strip club…

Upon arrival, Samantha slightly balked about going in when she realized the dance club was also a strip club, but then a bunch of Spring Break college students, half being female coeds in a loudly partying mood barged in past us. I persuaded Samanatha to at least look in.

Upon seeing the exuberant large college crowd inside and that it was very upscale on par with expensive high-end dance clubs in the States, Samantha relented and we all went inside…

Despite being in Matamoros Mexico, most of the crowd inside the club were Spring Breakers wildly partying away.  Two, nice-looking, nicely attired yet tall and beefy bouncers manned the club entrance.

The two bouncers ensured that just Spring Breakers, other American and European tourists, and only the most very well-heeled Mexicans were allowed entry into this very exclusive club. Once we entered, Samantha’s reservations vanished as she saw the club was packed with a majority of Spring Breakers, about three hundred plus, easily half being female coeds.

Indeed, the club is just as upscale as any high-end club in the States! The same high-end sound system, bubble and fog machines, laser and strobe lighting special effects – except there were a lot of strippers in various stages of undress! Six strippers were on the stage and around two dozen other strippers mingling with the dancing crowd! And they were not Mexican stripper’s either, nor were the circling scantily clad or topless serving hostesses or all-female bartenders – they all had European features.

However, Samantha was noticeably taken slightly aback seeing one immense wall…

The wall was almost completely covered with bras and panties tacked upon it! Underneath each set of feminine intimates was a mounted 8 x 10 framed photograph, however we were too far away for Alex and Samantha to make out what the pictures were of…

Most of the strippers were from Spain, Greece and Italy that the club owner had recruited. Desperate, pretty, young women trying to escape Spain’s grinding 24% unemployment rate. Greece and Italy too, with severe economic and unemployment issues, offered a plentiful recruitment pool so only the most beautiful women were employed at the club. Moreover, the club paid them extremely well, on par what high-end strip clubs in the states paid, and they got to keep all their tips, and were also provided generous health benefits, all the staff eager to keep their highly paid and beneficial employment…

The bar was immensely long at 75 feet, and nine very busy topless female bartenders in just G-strings were working the bar.

We walked over to the bar and ordered drinks, and it was also where I caught the eye of my friend the club co-owner; I slightly tilted my head toward Samantha and Alex…

Our drinks arrived, and a topless waitress in a very abbreviated mini-skirt seated us at the bar at three seats that had surreptitiously come open. Samantha and Alex got up to dance and I stayed behind to keep our seats. After dancing in the midst of the energetic crowd, Samantha and Alex returned thirsty and quickly finished their drinks. Without asking, I signaled for another round…

My club business partner and co-owner wandered over and introduced himself to the three of us, giving me a knowing smile. He was not Mexican but from Spain, tall, good-looking, expensively dressed, with an aristocratic appearance.  His father was a diplomat to another country so my business partner, in order to keep his anonymity, set up a series of dead-end shell companies to purchase and operate the club. Still in a further protection of his anonymity, my business partner affected an air by adapting Mexican slang to disguise his high-born Spanish origins.

I knew in the worst case legal scenario if the extent of the club’s true operations and activities were ever discovered, his father’s diplomatic immunity extended to immediate family members.

My own silent partnership was also through a series of off-shore shell companies that only briefly existed to establish my co-ownership before those temporary companies were closed, thus frustrating and dead ending any trace by legal authorities in a worst-case scenario.

The club co-owner inquired if everyone is having a good time, the co-owner beaming as he hears positive affirmations from Alex and Samantha, then stating if there was anything we needed we were to flag him.

The owner instructed the bartenders that we were guests and to keep tequila shots always in front of us along with our drinks of choice. As he departed to circulate around the club, he leaned over and whispered in my ear,

“Damn amigo! I wish I had your blond goddess gringa friend working in our club! She Is Absolutely Stunning!”

During the next hour, the three of us tossed back a few rounds of drinks, interspersed with Alex and Samantha dancing with each other, Alex and Samantha not knowing my drinks and tequila shots had been purposely watered down…

The club was lit lively with strobe lights and pulsing lasers, loud thumping dance music playing with a topless female DJ working the music. The huge dance floor was crowded and spilled over with boisterous dancers everywhere.

I took a surveying glance around the crowd and confirmed there appeared to be quite a few more women than men! The coeds were beach casually dressed – lots of bikini tops under tee shirts or beach cover-ups or wearing erotically sexy club dresses.



Unbeknownst to the Spring Break tourists, the bartenders were very slightly spiking the drinks of the college coeds and other women present who did not work at the club! Spiking with Ecstasy to ensure the atmosphere was extremely lively – and very uninhibited! The topless strippers on the dance floor were intimately dancing with the crowd, guys and girls alike, helping facilitate the uninhibited party atmosphere…

Bar coded wrist bands on the customers were scanned by the bartenders before each drink was mixed and then served, to make sure each female patron got just a bare minimal maintenance dose, but not enough for anyone to realize they were being drugged…

With lax Mexican law enforcement and easy bribe money eagerly accepted by the Mexican police to protect the club and what was occurring inside, the club also employing off-duty police and club bouncers, my business partner and I made sure that only a very few, highly select, and the very wealthy of their countrymen and women could enter the club.  The club’s long-played out ploy has worked successfully for quite a few years now…

With strippers on three stages putting on the shows, plus the two-dozen other topless strippers wearing just G-strings their bodies slick with aromatic oils, were circulating around the crowd dancing with women as well as men, encouraging them to dance, drink up and encouraging tipping the strippers dancing with them, the club was quite lively, the boisterous dancing party crowd a show in itself…

There was a lot of dirty dancing going on, with plenty of intimate caressing and groping, with frequent flashes and complete baring of intimate areas…

Samantha and Alex danced several times, then two gorgeous topless strippers wearing just G-strings joining them for the last two dances.. The strippers tried to let their hands roam freely but Samantha shyly stopped them whenever they tried getting too intimate, Alex less so…  After each dance Samantha and Alex return for a cold beer and tequila chasers.

I knew the club owner had ultra-high definition studio cameras of the type used to film movies covertly installed throughout the club; every square foot was covered and constantly monitored by camera operators in the security room who could pan and zoom in catching especially dirty raunchy action, including actual sex on the dance floor! We made a lucrative side profit selling adult rated Spring Break party videos filmed in our club…

I give my business partner club owner the “sign” and he called one of the topless bartenders over and whispered in her ear. Her eyes slightly grew big but then she nodded, acquiescing…

I had called my business partner before we had arrived to begin preparations for our arrival. Now one of his bartenders is serving Samantha a cold fruity drink in a frosty glass that was spiked with Ecstasy – and not the bare minimal maintenance dosage served to the other patrons, Samantha’s drink was very heavily spiked…

I and the club owner well knew the effects Ecstasy has upon women…

How this drug drastically affects women more than it does men…

It is termed a tactile love drug…

Users pair the drug with dancing at nightclubs or any other lively social setting where there will be plenty of drinking and dancing.  Users reportedly “feel” the music more and enjoy the sense of a loving intimate community that the drug creates.  Ecstasy is a strong inhibition suppressor and depending upon the dosage, can completely eliminate inhibitions, enhancing emotions and facilitating a boost in self-confidence.

The effects of decreasing inhibitions can lead to more sexual experimentation and risky sexual behavior that the individual may be interested in but normally uncomfortable in pursuing…

Ecstasy greatly increases a woman’s libido, acting as an aphrodisiac, with profound increases in sexual desire, arousal, and sensual intensity.  The drug also enhances a woman’s lubrication during sex and enables her to experience more intense orgasms.  When sexually stimulated, women under the influence of a large dosage of Ecstasy are physically unable to resist having multiple intense multiple orgasms.

Moreover, alcohol has a synergistic effect with Ecstasy…

Alcohol itself is a social and sexual “disinhibitor” because it increases sexual arousal and desire and decreases inhibition.  This is because alcohol increases levels of testosterone and estradiol.  Testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women and this causes an increased interest in sex.   Alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions and with enough alcohol consumption, lowers it to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners.

Yessss, my business partner and I were well versed on party drugs and the effects it has on women! Party drugs were first introduced into underground dance clubs in Europe before emerging into mainstream clubs then crossing over the pond.

I noted that with all the drinking Samantha and Alex had been doing, plus very lively dancing, Samantha is noticeably getting heated…

Oh yes, beautiful, oh so sexy Samanatha was looking flushed! The alcohol and Ecstasy both increasing blood flow to her lower body and to the surface of her skin, causing her to sweat quite profusely, clear evidence her body temperature is increasing, her rising temperature also enhancing the positive mood effects of the Ecstasy/MDMA…

Quickly Samantha finishes her cool fruity drink. Then after about five minutes had passed, she pulls her husband Alex back onto the dance floor, Samantha now unabashedly dirty dancing with him!

Then four topless strippers wearing just G-strings join in dancing with Samantha and Alex…

Now, with the very large dose of Ecstasy firmly taking hold, Samantha is more inclined to allow the hands of the strippers to freely caress her gorgeous body, but not too, too intimately. However, as the drug begins affecting her even more, Samantha herself is so inclined…

Samantha is obviously enthralled with the first-time novelty of her feeling up beautiful topless strippers wearing just G-strings who are dirty dancing with her and Alex!

One stripper moves behind Samantha pressing her mostly nude body against her and holding Samantha close…

As the stripper and Samantha continued dirty dancing, the stripper subtly gradually eased a hand ever closer to the deep plunge of Samantha’s dress, then managing to slowly slip her slim hand into Samantha’s low-cut quarter cup lacy demi-bra! The stripper managed to keep her hand cupped on Samantha’s extremely firm double D breast while they danced, fingertips gently moving in a circular manner. After several long moments Samantha laughs and slightly pulls away just enough to dislodge the stripper’s caressing hand…

Again, the stripper closes up behind Samantha while another stripper comes in to the front grasping Samantha hands, both strippers dancing with her. As they dirty danced with each other the stripper in front of Samanatha slowly starts sliding Samantha’s hands down her oil slick body till Samantha’s hands reach the stripper’s G-string, then, the stripper slides one of Samantha’s hands slightly down behind the miniscule piece of fabric…

Samantha allows her hand to be pushed further down, down, until she feels a moist heat, then laughingly while Sam still kept dancing, Samantha slowly draws her hand away…

Samantha slowly pulls away from the two sensually gyrating strippers and grabs Alex’s hands and they complete the dance. As the music sequenced into another track, Samantha leads Alex back to where I was sitting at the bar, and another round of frosty drinks already waiting for them – and another heavily spiked frosty fruity drink for Samantha…

Samantha quickly drinks down half her drink while Alex bolts a shot of tequila then gulps his frosty beer. Samantha then pulls her husband back onto the dance floor. As a new dance song began playing, four new strippers zeroed in on the dancing couple engaging them in another group dance, two on Alex, two on Samantha.

Samantha glances over at her husband seeing him unsuccessfully trying to fend off the two topless strippers dancing with him and with some success groping him! Samantha gaily laughing with amusement seeing how each of them react when they realize how very, very large her husband is…

Samantha keeps on dancing with her two strippers, watching what is happening with Alex and his two very attractive dance partners but not stopping it – even more boldly Samantha began getting in on it at the same time highly embarrassing her husband! Her bold actions increasing Alex’s chagrin making her laugh even more…

Another beautiful almost nude stripper dances in close in front of Samantha reaching out and grasping Samantha’s hips, Samantha responding in kind…

The stripper pulls Samantha in close as they began grinding against each other, the stripper’s hands inexorably sliding down past Samantha’s hips…

Past the hem of her short dress…

Sliding up the back of Samantha’s toned taut tanned thighs, pulling Samantha in even closer…

As they continued dancing, the stripper’s hands slowly slid ever further upwards, the short hem of Samantha’s sundress slowly rising…

The cute cheeks of Samantha’s tanned firm ass began showing, bare except for her tiny thong pink panties…

Samantha, well under the influence of her spiked drinks, apparently was heedless her bare ass was showing to anyone looking…

The stripper’s hands slowly reached the curve of Samantha’s firm bare ass, her fingers sliding up and up as they danced together, the stripper’s hands then cupping both hard firm, cheeks…

Samantha allows the beautiful stripper to keep cupping her cute firm ass while dirty dancing with each other, Sam seemingly unawares or now uncaring in her ever increasingly drugged and heavily intoxicated state that her cute firm bare ass is now half exposed to the dancing crowd…

Watching the stripper holding his wife’s ass cheeks as they danced, Alex’s eyes are glued to his wife’s half-exposed tanned ass! His eyes perceptibly growing larger as the stripper’s slim finger tips start inching toward the generous open cleft of her ass, and then began sliding a bit downwards…

The stripper begins dancing even more energetically with Samantha as the stripper, with one long immaculately manicured finger extended, gently begins easing her finger underneath Samantha’s thin thong, then began incrementally gliding her finger downwards…

The long slender finger easily slips between the generous gap of Samantha’s thighs firmly grazing her hairless pussy…

Feeling the stripper’s finger sliding directly against the bare skin of her pussy, Samantha glazed eyes slowly widened but still Samantha kept dancing…, moments later the stripper moved her hand in a direct fashion…, Samantha’s dancing suddenly faltered reacting to the stripper’s intimate action but quickly eased back into the dance rhythm! Moments later, Samantha’s slim hips began bucking! Her mouth making a surprised “O”! The loud pulsing music drowning out her loud gasp of surprise…

Before the stripper can make a more exploratory penetrating effort, Samantha laughingly breaks away and dances towards Alex, embracing him and kissing him long and deeply as they held each other tightly, their bodies moving as one…



The song ended and another song sequenced in, Samantha and Alex head off the dance floor back to the bar where I was for another drink, Samantha served another heavily spiked fruity cocktail that she quickly drinks, this drink spiked not only with another dose of Ecstasy, but also LSD…

When we all were attending the university, I had seen Samantha dance countless times with Alex and with her girlfriends – but never dance this dirty in a public setting as she had done this evening, nor certainly anything that sexually intimate as with the gorgeous statuesque stripper just now – certainly not with strangers…

I recall there have been exactly two times when I had seen Samantha and her girlfriends get very drunk and high, letting their hands freely roam while dancing…

Playfully copping tit feels and grabbing ass, but never as far as actually trying to finger each other’s pussies! Just daringly letting fingers creep towards those most intimate of all places, seeing who would laughingly cave in first – and this has only been at very small pool parties where everyone knew each other really well and have for a while, and only with Sam’s best girlfriends.

So, seeing the way Samantha was now behaving, watching what she was allowing to occur to her as well as to Alex, what she herself was doing, I knew the Ecstasy and the alcohol had her firmly within an unshakeable grip…

And now, in just a very few short minutes more, the hefty doses of Ecstasy and now LSD will have total complete control of her gorgeous body – and of her actions!

For you see, the added benefit of LSD was to ensure Samantha was completely compliant for the upcoming spectacle she will be starring in that I had planned for her…

Oh yes, gorgeous statuesque Samantha with the oh so perfect sexy body and her amazingly firm double D tits will be unable to resist her forced participation in our little stage show! The combination of the two drugs and being heavily intoxicated will launch unbearable and uncontrollable arousal that would involuntarily dictate her coming actions for the next couple hours…

LSD, not only being a well-known psychedelic and hallucinogenic drug, also stimulates and increases arousal and lowers inhibitions.  The LSD and Ecstasy combination greatly enhances the overall synergistic effects of Ecstasy and alcohol, LSD making women super horny more than they already are from just Ecstasy and alcohol alone!

I and the club owner knew well that “candy flipping”- combining these two powerful psychedelics, changes how a person sees reality. Immersing a woman who is candy flipping into viewing porn movies, or into dirty dancing – or even more lurid sexual situations! The two drugs and alcohol will eliminate inhibitions and temporarily suppress social defenses against societal sexual taboos making it easier to act out sexual fantasies. …

A woman candy flipping and placed in sexual situations, either visual, physically or both, will usually experience vivid hallucinations of fanciful, colorful, realistic explicit visions of every kind of sexual encounter that one can imagine as the drugs highly stimulate her body sexually creating irresistible “sexual hungers”, and causing tremendous waves of lust and rapture to run wildly rampant thru her body.

These overwhelming feelings of highly stimulated sexual excitement and extremely intense, unbearable arousal will lead to unrestrained and fully uninhibited sex! A woman’s body becomes so keenly aware that its whole surface and every sense is a highly sensitive erogenous zone that it can also easily lead to depraved sex as the body hungers and craves for more and more sexual stimulation and pleasurable sexual feelings! As added bonuses, a woman experiences an intensified sensitivity in inducing orgasms and repetitive orgasmic ability is greatly augmented!

Oh yes, stunningly gorgeous Sam was going to put on quite a show tonight…

However, there were two other things with Samantha that really had gotten to me over the years and that over time had festered…

First, ever since Samantha met Alex, he was the only guy she ever danced with. Second, I never could hook-up with one of Samantha’s gorgeous girlfriends despite how hard I tried! And considering how cool Samantha always had acted toward me then and now, I had my suspicions she warned her girlfriends away from me…

I watched as Samantha and Alex headed out to the dance floor, both badly stumbling and laughing on the way. After a few more songs they came back to the bar, a seventh round of tequila shots were had by everyone…

By now, Alex is pretty damn drunk with seven tall beers and seven shots in two hours, and Samantha’s eyes were glazed over. Sam was badly slurring her words and stumbling when she’s on her feet, sitting on the bar stool she’s weaving around…

Samantha asked one of the two attractive strippers standing next to us where the Ladies Room is. They responded telling her they will be happy to show her so she doesn’t get lost in the dense crowd. Both women taking Samantha by her hands lead her, badly stumbling, through the dense milling boisterous crowd, the three women quickly lost in the crush of moving, dancing, gyrating bodies…



With Samantah gone it is then I tell her very drunk and stoned hubby about the “South of the Border Show” that goes on in the club’s annex every other night… girls with doggies!

Alex gave me a very drunk, puzzled look. I had to patiently give him a bit more detailed explanation…

Soon an incredulous look of awe came over Alex’s intoxicated face! Needless to say I didn’t mention that it involved some of the very attractive European club hostesses that earned very hefty bonuses for their beastly performances!

And of course I didn’t mention that the strippers also earned hefty bonuses for “acting” reasons, which often times entailed unwitting Gringa tourists or coed Spring Breakers who’d been snatched from the streets, drugged, and made to perform, or a club customer that had gotten very carried away with drinks and drugs…

I suggested that while Samantha is visiting the Ladies Room that we sneak over to the door to the stage annex and take a quick peek inside…

Alex is hesitant about leaving Samantha, but I dragged him stumbling along, assuring Alex the friendly club employees will make sure Sam is okay as well as the club owner, pretending not to hear his objections about leaving Samantha behind…

The stage annex is very large and just as upscale as the main club/dance area, however it had only one lighted elevated stage with rising rows of seats on three sides. Three huge 200 inch 8K ultra-high definition flat panel JumboTron screens hung above the stage, and additional 8K flat panel JumboTron displays were in each corner of the room and midway along the walls giving very, very close-up shots of the stage action.

As I pulled Alex drunkenly stumbling into the crowded stage annex, his eyes grew wide seeing what was going on …

A large mixed-breed dog was in the process of pulling his swollen, dripping, eight-inch long cock out of a naked, very attractive European woman! She was on her hands and knees, her knees widely splayed out, the densely packed audience of Spring Break students with about an equal mix of sexes intently watching in intoxicated disbelief…

I glanced at Alex, clearly he was dumbstruck with what he was seeing, his jaw had unhinged and dropped open in astonishment.

In this annex room, free double shots of Tequila in blue and pink shot glasses were being handed out by topless waitresses to each person as they passed through the doorway.

I knew the pink shot glasses were strictly for the women in the audience; knowing each pink shot glass contained a full hit of Ecstasy mixed with Tequila, the blue shot glasses contained half a hit of Ecstasy for the guys. However, the waitresses were not refusing if a female customer asked for another, actually encouraging it by inquiring if they wanted another shot, nor were the customer’s bar coded wrist bands being scanned in the stage annex…

I pulled Alex toward the front row where two seats just happened to be unoccupied and reserved, courtesy of the club co-owner. I pushed Alex drunkenly protesting into a seat. The seat next to Alex was occupied by one of the club’s bouncers, as were the two seats directly behind Alex…

More than half of the front row seats had female coeds sitting in them, singled out by club employees as having come in to the club with other girls with no guys accompanying them, so all women were given preferential front row seating…

My business partner and co-club owner came on stage and announced:

“Tonight! A special amateur treat for you all from the United States! An extraordinary beautiful gringa wife will perform for us for the very first time!”



Thumping, pulsing techno dance music resumed loudly playing in the annex, then two familiar strippers walk onto the stage leading and supporting a badly stumbling tall, blonde young Anglo woman in a sundress with a deep tan – it’s Samantha!


Alex recognizing it is Samantha tries to rise but two sets of powerful arms from behind shoves him back down holding him in his seat, a third bouncer sitting next to Alex clamps a broad hand down on his leg!

Then a rope was tossed over Alex’s head and slid down to his waist and drew tight lashing him to his chair! In preparation the three burly club bouncers had been stationed there by my business partner…

“WHAT THE FUCK??? LET ME GO!” Steve yelled out badly slurring his words.

Seeing how incredibly gorgeous Samantha is, the boisterous Spring Break crowd. men and women alike, wildly erupts in cheers! Piercing whistles and enthusiastic cheering drowning out Alex’s infuriated shouting, his face red as he screamed at me to let him go!

With another enthusiastic roar of the crowd, Alex again valiantly struggles to break free while shouting at Samantha, his shouts drowned out by the loud body-thumping techno music and the cheering crowd, his struggles ineffective in his highly intoxicated state and stoned state, the three burly bouncers holding him in his seat despite Alex’s own considerable strength and size…

Samantha is obviously blinded by the bright stage lights and the pulsing strobe lights and lasers, disoriented by the Ecstasy and LSD cocktails and her alcohol consumption. Sam was unable to focus, obviously believing she was back in the dance area as was intended.

Then two strippers easily coaxed Samantha into dancing with them, amazingly getting Samantha quickly immersed into the music of the deep pounding body-pulsing rhythm…

The crowd started rhythmically dancing with the music, dancing in place as they stared at the stage.

Alex again drunkenly yelled at me,



“Oh, Alex my best buddy, you and certainly not Sam aren’t leaving yet! You see, our dear sweet gorgeous Sam is tonight’s main attraction!”

Oh I so did enjoy watching the shock come over Alex’s face, his eyes growing wide with the unstated implication, of what he had seen upon entering the annex…

“OH HELL NO YOU BASTARD!” Alex drunkenly yelled in my face as he mightily struggled to break free, quickly sobering up with the realization of the dire situation Samatha was in.

The strippers gradually eased Samantha into more erotic sensual dancing, then outright dirty dancing! Hands began roaming over Samantha, Samantha’s too…

Samantha’s hands began sliding over the stripper’s oil slick bare breasts, down slim hips, over firm asses, bare except for their tiny G-strings, the stripper’s bodies shiny with aromatic oils and perspiration from the vigorous dancing and the bright stage spots beaming down upon them.

Even as drunk and drugged as Samantha is, watching her dance, she is pure liquid motion – hot, sensual liquid…

Then one stripper began gradually easing Samantha’s short sun dress up her slim hips revealing Samantha’s toned athletic tanned thighs, then her cute firm ass began showing, bare except for Sam’s pink lace thong, the coed crowd growing more enthusiastic and boisterous seeing Sam’s gorgeous body become partially exposed…

The stripper eases the hem of Samantha’s dress down then wraps her arms around Samantha as they continued dancing. Then after several moments, the stripper slowly begins easing down the straps of Samantha’s dress over her shoulders, then one at a time, slowly slips the straps off her shoulders, and in Samantha’s highly intoxicated and drugged state dancing under the hot stage spotlights, her floral sun dress heedlessly completely slips off her body…

Immediately upon seeing Samantha’s magnificent hard ripped statuesque body the crowd began roaring with enthusiastic approval!

Sam, brightly shining with her own perspiration under the hot spotlights, now only clad in her pink, quarter cup lace bra and lace thong – more beautiful than any model in a high-end lingerie catalog or a men’s centerfold layout! Samantha, extremely drunk and high on heavy dosages of the two drugs was clearly seemingly oblivious to her disrobing, completely absorbed in the erotic sensual dance with her two nearly nude partners…

Mightily Alex again tried lunging up from his seat! His face a red strained rictus of fury! Yelling loud and hard at Samantha! But alas, big strong cowboy Alex was no match for the total strength and weight of three bouncers tied as he was to his seat! Alex’s shouts drowned out by the blaring music and dense shouting crowd of enthusiastic onlookers…

Exhausted Alex quit struggling. Looking at me Alex asked,

“Why Steve? Why are you doing this? To Sam? To Me! I have been your best friend since high school! Sam has always been nice to you! She has help me countless times to keep you on your meds. Gone with me countless times to look for you when you have been off your meds and brought you back to the condo. Do you realize how much trouble you will be in if you don’t stop this RIGHT NOW before it’s too late?”

“Dear dear naïve Alex, our dear Sam was only nice to me because of YOU! You should have seen how she repeatedly rebuffed me when I hit on her and flirted with her, and she had some nerve telling me off one time! How she had warned all her gorgeous girlfriends away from me. How she paraded around the condo in her sexy nighties when she spent the night.

And oh yes, what an incredible fuck she is! So loudly passionate! So totally uninhibited! I so enjoyed watching you two fuck each other’s brains out, the toys, the anal sex, I tell ya, Sam fucks better than any porn star I have ever seen!”

Another stunned look came over Alex’s face, then he said,

“You, you watched us???”

“Oh Alex, I did more than watch, I wacked off countless times watching you two get it on – and I also recorded it! You see I had hidden cameras installed in your bedroom that recorded every single viewing angle and every noise that you two made, especially Sam’s oh so very explicit vocalizations – that girl doesn’t hold back doing or saying anything when she fucks! She would make an outstanding porn star!”

The crowd’s roars and cheers interrupted our conversation as Alex and I turned our attention to the stage…

The front clasp on Samantha’s lacy quarter-cup demi bra had just been released and her bra was slowly being eased off! One stripper holding it and twirling it in victory, the crowd again roaring even louder! The roar grew even more wildly boisterous as the dancers slowly pull away from Samantha, revealing this blonde haired perfect goddess in her almost fully nude glory…

A stunningly beautiful woman that every man’s, and I’m sure a lot of women’s, fantasy wet dreams are made of…

Statuesque, Samantha’s fabulously hard-ripped body showing every core muscle group that was exceptionally defined from the very top all the way down to her tiny thong! Her fat camel toe clearly visible through the thin, clinging silk thong panty!

Sam’s flat, rock hard upper and lower abdomen! Her now bare oh-so-perfect extraordinarily firm perky DD breasts sweeping upwards! Her tiny, almost non-existent areolas and tiny diamond hard nipples! Her sharply contrasting tan lines clearly revealing Samantha wears very skimpy bikinis…

“You Psycho Bastard! Stop This Right Now!

What Did You Do To Sam!

She Would Never Do Anything Like This!

If You Don’t Stop This I’ll Make Sure You Will Regret It For The Rest Of Your Life!”

Alex threatened as he again furiously struggled to get free.

“Oh Alex, chill out and watch the show! It’s only the beginning! You see our dear Sam is not only drunk off her ass but she is also under the influence of Ecstasy and LSD that was put into her drinks! She is so spaced out heavily tripping she is going to go with WHATEVER feels good!

Dear, dear Alex, as everyone knows alcohol and party drugs lowers a woman’s inhibitions and can completely eliminate them! And well Sam and you both have had a lot to drink tonight! Plus you got a bit of Ecstasy in your Tequlia shots too but not as much as Sam did! The added bonus is Ecstasy and LSD makes a woman incredibly insatiably horny! And while you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of our gorgeous Sam fucking your brains out tonight like some sexual banshee, the same can’t be said for our beautiful Sam!

Another stunned look came over Alex hearing this as he dully stared at me. Then suddenly Alex again furiously strove to break free! Cursing at me and the three bouncers, dire threats vehemently hurled at the four of us.

The two strippers moved back into bodily contact with Samantha up on the hot stage, two sets of hands freely roaming Samantha from top to bottom, caressing Samantha’s sweaty slick breasts, caressing that incredible firm cute ass – her small ass cheeks tanned, toned and as hard as steel!

Samantha in her highly drugged and intoxicated state responded to the bodily caresses with her own hands freely roaming over the stripper’s bare breasts, hips and bare asses as they continued dancing with each other. Then one stripper slowly slides her hands down to Samantha’s hips, grasping the thin strip of Sam’s tiny thong, the stripper then starts gradually easing Samantha’s thong past her slim hips! Her thong is slipped past her thighs, where it then slides on its own all the way down Sam’s long, tanned athletically toned legs…

The Spring Break crowd went absolutely nuts!

Enthusiastically hooting and hollering – even most of the women in the crowd!

In her extremely drunk and drugged state up on the hot stage, Samantha was heedless of the magnificence of her total public nudity! Samantha completely absorbed in her erotic dance with the two strippers!

Samantha’s glorious pussy was completely bare except for an immaculately shaped decorative hollow V pubic hair design on her pubis! The design seemingly pointing the way to her most intimate and erogenous fabulous treasures!

I knew that Samantha had laser hair removal while she attended the university – another confidence unwisely shared by Alex after too many drinks and a little prodding from me…

Again Alex vainly struggled to break free while yelling with all his might at Sam but the loud pulsing thumping music drowned out his vocal efforts.

The slim, toned hips of all three beautiful women, Sam and her two dancing partners, continued swaying with the deep pulsating hypnotic beat of the loud pulsing, thumping music, gyrating lasciviously against the other, mesmerizing the audience with their beauty and sensuality.

One of the strippers broke free from their dancing and reached for a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic Suntan Oil sitting on the stage. She makes quite a production of sensually applying the oil until her entire body glistens with oil under the bright stage lights.

Then the stripper slips off her G-string! Palming a handful of oil, making sure she lingers on her own hairless pussy making it slick, the stripper then slowly leans forward with her legs spread apart until she is bent half-way over, then she directs a stream of oil between her parted ass cheeks…, the strong unmistakable fragrance of coconut tanning oil wafting over the wildly cheering crowd!

The Spring Break coed crowd roars with delight! Then the stripper poises, pointing the bottle at Samantha and the other stripper…

Another ebullient roar erupts from the crowd!

The now totally nude oiled-up stripper joins back in the dancing with Samantha and the other stripper, pressing her nude oil slicked body against Samantha’s own completely nude body! Samantha dancing even more erotically with her drunk and drug stimulated sexual arousal that has turned little Miss Naive into a totally oblivious nude slut for all the crowd and her husband to see! The three of them sliding their slick naked bodies against each other as they danced to the loudly pulsating body thumping music.

Then, the stripper held the bottle of sun tan oil up between them and let go a long continuous stream of coconut scented oil until rivulets were coursing down their all their gorgeous nude bodies….

The bright high intensity of the hot spotlights emphasized the oil glistening on Samantha’s tall, lithe, exquisitely toned body enhancing Sam’s burning sexiness! Highlighting the deep sun tan of Sams luscious, voluptuous, sexy hard body contrasting against the minimal white areas of her body where her skimpy bikini had barely covered her strategic assets!

Under the heavy influence of the two powerful psychoactive drugs and alcohol that Sam had been given, Samantha was unable to focus or concentrate, her numbed, foggy brain unable figure out why let alone comprehend what was happening. Tripping hard on the drugs, Samantha continued dancing with her two partners under the bright stage lights, swaying unevenly, stumbling drunk, mostly held upright between the two beautiful, nude strippers as the music pulsed and thundered as the crowd continuously cheered and cheered, the strippers holding Samantha in a sensuously slick oily embrace…

Three oil slick bodies pressing and erotically sliding against each other! Extremely intoxicated Samantha floating on waves of drug stimulated uninhibited sensual pleasure! Three nearly bare pubic mounds pressing firmly together humping against each other! Swiveling hips against each other’s firm bodies sliding pubic mounds up and down firm thighs, hands caressing everywhere…, everywhere!!!

As Sam and her two partners continued their sensual erotic dirty dancing, fingers teased, stroked and pulled…



Two sets of hands were paying attention to every one of Samantha’s erogenous zones! Tantalizing and further arousing Sam into a sexual delirium! Three sets of cute firm asses and firm tits being freely stroked by all three women as everyone, everyone, could see the extreme sexual hunger and sluttiness that has completely overtaken oh so gorgeous Samantha!

The atmosphere of the drunk and drugged coed crowd was now crackling with sexual tension as they floated on clouds of alcohol, Ecstasy and lust! The topless waitresses were still circulating through the crowd, passing out free Tequila shots, blue glasses for the guys that were slightly spiked, pink ones containing more of the spiked Tequila shots for the women, the waitresses making sure each woman in the crowd is targeted…

Then one of the strippers closes in behind Samantha, caressing Samantha’s firm, hard-ripped oil slick body and Samantha’s large fabulously firm perky breasts in their magnificent perfection, then, the stripper begins tweaking Samantha’s tiny hard nipples…

From the condo videos I had secretly recorded of Alex and Sam having sex, I knew Samantha loves having her breasts and nipples played with! She gets incredibly turned on having her nipples tweaked, the harder and the rougher the more turned-on she gets!

The stripper in front of Samantha leans forward to take one of Samantha’s tiny hard nipples in her mouth, kissing and sucking hard on it while another hand began sliding down Samantha’s rock hard flat belly…, sliding all the way to that most glorious of all pussies… Her thumb begins pressing on Samantha’s clit, rubbing back and forth slowly but firmly, Samantha lolling her head back in ecstasy…

Then one immaculately manicured and exquisitely long slender finger begins exploring…

Upon initially being penetrated Samantha’s hips very noticeably bucked and jerked feeling the impalement! Sam instantly responds by beginning to hump her tight pussy onto the stripper’s finger showing just how drunk and drugged up she was! Sam fully settling upon the questing finger as it begins slowly pumping in and out of her tight, hotly aroused pussy while all three continued dancing in a sinuous embrace…

So very, very soon Samantha’s hips were spontaneously bucking in sexual autonomous responses as the stripper’s long finger plunged in and out of her hot moistness…

The crowd roared seeing Samantha’s acceptance of being finger-fucked!

The crowd roaring even louder as they saw Samantha sliding her own hand over the stripper’s hip, grasping the stripper’s dental floss G-string, pulling on it until it broke! Then Samantha sliding her own hand over the cheeks of the stripper’s ass, one of her own fingers extended as Samantha begins her own exploration…

The crowd began roaring its approval even louder…

The stripper dancing behind Samantha starts sliding her hands down, reaching Samantha’s firm ass cheeks, she starts fondling and caressing them, then she too extends a finger…

The finger slides into the cleft of Sam’s firm ass cheeks, searching…

Suddenly Samantha’s hips began bucking violently! Feeling her fabulous tight ass being penetrated as well!

Samantha again bucking even harder as it penetrates ever deeper into her tight ass! As it gets pumped in even further, Samantha begins roughly finger fucking the stripper who is finger fucking her!

Samantha’s pussy and ass now simultaneously being finger pumped! Moments later, Samantha’s luscious sexy body begins trembling…, her knees suddenly bend, her body sagging but kept upright with both of her tight orifices plugged, then a tremendous orgasm visibly slams her body!

Sam’s shrieking OH FUUCK! orgasm clearly heard over the loud, pulsing thumping music and the noise of the ebulliently cheering crowd seeing and hearing her climax… the stripper being finger fucked by Sam also joins in with her own climax!

Of course the shotgun directional microphones aimed at the stage had clearly picked up Sam and the stripper’s orgasmic screams and then instantly rebroadcasted it thru the extensive sound system temporarily overriding the music!

I glanced at Alex. He was sitting in his chair like a hard stone statute staring at his gorgeous nude wife, a flabbergasted look upon his face watching Sam climaxing on a stage in front of a cheering crowd… I leaned over and said to him,

‘You might as well relax and enjoy the show, the real entertainment is fixing to begin!

I know! Let’s make a game of it! Let’s count how many times our gorgeous Sam has an orgasm!

As I just told you Alex, with alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/psychoactive drug combination as Sam has had, this greatly enhances the sexual stimulation and sexual sensitivities a woman feels, provoking her body’s autonomic sexual reflex to actively participate in to having sex! Whether she wants it or not!

And dear dear Alex, as you just have seen with our own precious Sam, a woman will not be able to suppress subsequent autonomous involuntary orgasms – even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force

A woman, like Sam, who is extremely intoxicated and/or under the influence of psychoactive sex enhancing drugs like Ecstasy and/or LSD, will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring – usually experiencing several intense orgasms!

So let’s start counting, shall we? That’s ONE!



Unbeknownst to Samantha – as if she could even be cognizant of the situation she was in, another totally nude stripper strolled onto the stage behind Sam – leading a huge Great Dane!  So tall his head came up to the stripper’s bountiful firm breasts!

Alex jerked with shock! His eyes grew huge! With a mighty lunge Alex again in vain tried to break free instantly recognizing what the next part of the show will be! Screaming so loudly at Sam Alex instantly strained his vocal cords! His voice grew so hoarse it became unintelligible, then barely audible. Fury masked his face as he glared at me as he hoarsely whispered dire threats. I just grinned at Alex and said,

“Alex, watch the show! As drugged up as Sam is she is sure to put on an even more astounding performance than she already has! Just listen to the crowd! How much they are enjoying it and HER!!!!

The two nude strippers pulled away from Samantha and turned Sam to the audience, exposing Sam’s gorgeous nearly hairless cunt to the huge dog and the audience….

The third stripper lead the huge Great Dane up to Samantha’s heated highly aroused cunt, her labia clearly visibly swollen…

Instantly the Great Dane had Sam’s highly aroused female scent and grew excited! Then the huge Dane begins lapping at her aroused dripping cunt with an immensely long, powerful tongue…

Immediately Samantha’s hips bucked feeling oral start being performed upon her! The intensely bright stage spot lights blinding Sam on the actual identity of who is performing such wonderful cunnilingus upon her…

Alex again tries surging to his feet before he is slammed back down in his chair by the three bouncers – and me! Another loop of rope thrown around him to tightly bind him to his chair. Stunned by my action Alex numbingly looks at me with incredible disbelief look of betrayal…

The Spring Break coed crowd again roared its vocal approval at the taboo act and began pressing closer to the elevated stage as the two strippers force Sam ‘s legs wide apart to allow the excited huge dog to shove its snout between her tanned thighs!

 Despite Sam’s highly drugged state and the blinding spotlights, Sam obviously somewhat sensed the cunnilingus being performed upon her was of an unnatural nature and an unnatural location – not being her husband and not being in the bedroom…

However, the blinding stage lights, the psychotropic sex enhancing drugs and alcohol, the roaring noise of the crowd and the blasting music, all conspired keeping Sam utterly confused, physically weak and psychedelically tripping, not allowing Sam to anchor her consciousness long enough for more than just a few seconds each time to establish where she was and what she was doing – or being done to her…

In Sam’s state of being emotionally confused and loss of control, Samantha began wailing and pleading with the three strippers to let her go! But the three women only held her firmly in place and continued to sensually caress Sam and each other as the huge dog continued lapping at Sam’s slick naked crotch…

The huge dog’s huge red cock began visibly protruding from its furry sheath!

Obscenely bobbing between its rear legs as it moved clearly visible to all the audience. Already six inches sticking out of its sheath – already longer than most men and more still to come!

As the huge dog’s powerful long tongue repeatedly swiped her pussy gradually Sam’s struggles weakened as the drugs and alcohol reasserted their control…

With the stage lights shining in her face blinding her, the psychedelically drugged and very drunk Sam gets mindfully lost once again, sensing what she immensely enjoys having Alex do to her, now not recognizing the difference between man or beast…

In her drug and alcohol stimulated overwhelming arousal, Samantha shuffles her firm, tanned thighs widely apart of her own volition to the renewed resounding cheers of the crowd giving the huge dog more access to her slick, hairless cunt…

Seeing the huge dog eagerly licking Samantha’s pussy between her widely spread legs and Samantha’s incredible intense look of unrestrained arousal upon her face, most of the young women in the crowd had intense looks of disbelief plastered on their faces! Their drunk and drugged curiosity had been too strong to resist! Drawn into the annex to see for themselves that these nefarious taboo shows actually existed…

Upon each female coed Spring Breaker entering the stage annex, they were being handed double shots of Tequila with full dosages of Ecstasy in them! Then additional spiked shots were freely handed out to all the women in the watching crowd by the circulating topless waitresses!

The alcohol and psychoactive drug stimulated their young feminine sexual curiosities and their own increasing arousal, visually enhanced by the stunningly gorgeous statuesque nude Anglo woman upon the stage having oral performed upon her by a massively huge Great Dane while three beautiful completely nude strippers caressed the stunning beauty and each other.

The drug and alcohol induced sexual fires of the spectator women watching the stage show increasing by the second preventing them from leaving the luridly arousing taboo spectacle…

Under the bright spotlights and the camera close-up zoom shots showing on the huge flat screen JumboTron monitors hanging above the stage, everyone could see Samantha’s slick, hairless cunt shiny and her labia swollen with arousal; the Great Dane’s long powerful tongue languidly dragging up through the middle of Samantha’s split swollen labia folds, her drug-enhanced hugely swollen clit clearly protruding out as she thrust her hips forward to encourage the dog to lick her to orgasm!

Samantha obviously too fucked-up with booze and the potent psychedelic hallucinogenic drug combination of Ecstasy and LSD to be cognizant of what’s happening to her, but that doesn’t hinder her model quality fantastic nude body from its involuntary incredible sexual responsiveness to the dog’s enthusiastic ministrations thanks to drug combination intensely stimulating her autonomic sexual reflexes…

Samantha’s body began shuddering and then she screams out another shrieking OH FUUCK! as a second orgasm slams her body! Again the crowd loudly cheering!

I looked over at Alex and mouthed,


Alex gave me a look that screamed pure hate…

With the boisterous audience loudly shouting its approval, one of the strippers hauled the dog away from Samantha as another stripper then pulls off a black satin sheet from a one foot high object that has been near the back of the stage revealing a small padded bench…

Oh my whatever will come next!

One of the strippers puts a blue and silver can to Samantha’s mouth and encourages her to drink, which Samantha hastily did in her drug induced overheated state emptying the can.

Two of the strippers then led a badly stumbling Samantha over to the bench and guided her onto her flat muscular belly across the narrow padded bench. The bench was only large enough to just support Samantha’s rock hard flat belly. Then from above stage structural support for the JumboTron screens hanging above the center of the stage, two ropes began lowering down, at the end of each rope was a fleece lined Velcro leather cuffs…

The two strippers then attached Sam’s wrists to the cuffs, arms in front of her, then the two ropes were remotely raised just enough to raise Sam’s upper body up in the air yet still leaving just her stomach laying across the bench.

Sam’s back was now arched forcing her gorgeous double D breasts to proudly jut forwards! Two of the strippers then went behind Sam and spread her knees widely apart and held her in that position that left her swollen highly aroused sex totally exposed to the huge dog, the closeup cameras and to the audience!

The disbelief on the faces of the coed women in the crowd were growing…

Dawning realization that Sam was in a bondage position! Watching this statuesque, incredibly beautiful young blond Anglo woman unresistingly led, badly stumbling over to the bench then cuffed and hoisted up, clearly drugged out of her mind, I’m sure thoughts of many in the college crowd were,

“She’s one of us…”

Oh yes, even the most ignorant of observers could easily discern that Sam was severally intoxicated the way she constantly stumbled, plus she must have indulged in some kind of illicit party drug to act as slutty as she was doing! And yes, I made sure the three strippers on stage each had a heavy hit of Ecstasy too so all four will give an outstanding performance of what I had planned to be the show of shows!

 A shotgun microphone on the frame was adjusted to be near Sam’s mouth, then a second shotgun microphone was adjusted near her pussy. With utmost clarity from the 8K movie studio quality cinematic cameras, each JumboTron screen monitor was then split into two screens, one screen showing Sam’s gorgeous face, the other screen provided an extreme close-up view of the open cleft of Sam’s cute firm ass cheeks, her tiny, tight asshole clearly visible, and her drug-heightened highly aroused glistening hairless cunt with swollen labia openly parted in arousal…

Samantha was firmly secured to the restraints so she couldn’t slip out of them, two of the strippers kept holding Sam’s knees widely spread apart as she knelt over the bench. If Samantha had tried, it was obvious she would still be able to freely move her hips…

Samatha weakly jerked at her cuffed wrists but all that did was titillatingly jolt her fabulous large firm breasts!

Despite repeated dosages of Ecstasy handed out to the female patrons, most of the women in the audience were visibly becoming uneasy seeing the huge, massive dog standing next to this bound, incredibly beautiful young blond Anglo woman strapped in a BDSM position, realizing this was really going to happen! Yet the female patrons were unable to turn away from the impending lurid taboo act…

Stark realization striking each one of the female coeds that Samantha is clearly extremely intoxicated and heavily drugged, having no cognition of what she is being subjected to! Samantha being bound in a BDSM position perfectly clarifying for each person in the crowd that she is a non-consenting participant! Being forced to do this! To be imminently raped by a very huge dog with a very huge cock…

I glanced again at Alex, sitting there in shock, staring at the stage, complete disbelief overwritten upon his face that this was really happening to his wife and to him…

Two broad beefy hands were firmly pressing down on Alex’s shoulders and one on his leg reminding him he is totally incapable and completely helpless in stopping what is happening, what is going to happen, to his incredibly beautiful loving wife…

I’m sure what has occurred up to this point had quickly sobered up Alex as I had planned, if not, I would have forced him to drink a caffeine/cocaine loaded energy drink like the one just given to his gorgeous dear sweet wife…

The huge Great Dane is well-trained and very experienced, he waited patiently for the instruction to mount the human bitch, continuing to whine excitedly. The nude woman dog handler lets free the Great Dane and he immediately goes back for Samantha’s pussy!

The huge dog’s enthusiastic renewed lapping of his long powerful doggy tongue quickly has the beautiful blonde wife again on writhing the edge of climaxing when the two strippers again pull the huge Dane away. Now Sam whined in frustration at the orgasm promised but denied, and the shotgun microphones clearly heard her shamelessly begging to be allowed to cum!

The insanely gorgeous American wife continued moaning in frustration while sensually wiggling her slim hips seeking that pleasure giving organ, every sound, every word, picked up by the microphone near her mouth, the crowd and her husband hearing her shamelessly begging to cum!

On command the huge dog leapt up! Mounting Samantha’s cute firm ass!  His bright red rocket already extending seven inches out from his sheath – much longer than most men’s, began poking away at Sam’s steamy cunt! Stabbing wildly all around her pussy and tight anus but continuously missing…

Alex hoarsely screamed his frustration!

Every tendon in his face and neck stood out in clear relief with the strain of his efforts! His face purple with rage!

Multitudes of male and female voices began loudly crying from the audience! Yelling for someone to help the huge doggy get it in!!!

However, something else is happening too…

My friend the club co-owner, long experienced in such things, had dosed gorgeous blonde Sam with enough of the two drugs to make her unbearably, overwhelmingly horny, but more so, thoroughly confused and easily managed for a while – but not through her entire “performance”…

He knows that having a woman regaining her senses onstage, suddenly becoming aware of her humiliation in performing a perverted sex act with an animal AND in front of an audience, makes for a much, much, more exciting and memorable performance…

My business partner and I both wanted Sam’s head to eventually clear, to begin to struggle and resist because the crowd would LOVE it! But not yet, not until she was helpless to do anything about her situation but whine, cry and plead…

 I knew the drink the stripper had given Samantha was a can of Red Bull Energy Drink – with an added hefty dose of 1000 milligrams of liquid caffeine AND cocaine to stimulate her to full awareness…

And that is just what’s happening now…

The huge surge of caffeine and cocaine was rapidly making Samantha aware of her situation and circumstances!  And while her head would clear from the drink, the two drugs would still keep her unbearable horny! Unable to suppress, let alone control, her involuntary autonomic sexual responses.

In dawning awareness, Samantha starts screaming out! Pleading and wailing for someone, anyone to help her! To make the huge Great Dane stop!

She felt the Great Dane’s fur on her bare skin. Acutely felt his searching penis move ever closer up her inner thighs to her entrance…

Sam suddenly tried again to break free of her restraints! Panic ruling her actions! Then Samantha felt the Great Dane’s huge penis further slipping higher up her inner thigh intimately close seeking her entrance and Sam went berserk trying to get free…

This couldn’t be happening! This has to be a nightmare, a hallucination anything but this!

His penis was stabbing forward more insistently now. But then one of the strippers gives in to the demands of the audience… reaches down… and guides the thrusting, seeking huge dog prick between the blonde’s swollen openly parted labia…

As soon as the huge Dane feels the heat of Sam’s tight cunt he immediately thrusts his powerful loins forward! Driving his huge cock right between Sam’s slippery labia! Samantha’s mouth forms a shocked silent “Ooohhh” feeling the huge inhumanely hot doggy prick ramming deep up her needy cunt…


Samantha screams out at the top of her lungs!

Flushed with shame and humiliation, Samantha began screaming out for someone, anyone, to make him stop!

“NO! NO! DON’T! Get Him OFF Get Him OFF!”

The now dense boisterous Spring Break college crowd, multiple full hits of Ecstasy now rapidly affecting and overwhelming most of the coed women in the crowd, are now clapping and cheering!

The crowd anxious to see this incredibly beautiful American wife with the absolutely stunning body becoming a bitch to this huge dog with its huge cock, and Samantha does not disappoint…

The audience’s eyes lustfully caressed the naked stunningly gorgeous woman as they watched Sam violently squirm and thrash under the furiously humping dog, ramming his huge enlarging cock ever harder and faster into Sam! His forelegs around Sam’s slim hips had locked them firmly together. His powerful loins brutally hammering against Samantha’s firm cute ass, his cock a rapid blur as it rapidly pistoned in and out of Sam’s drug stimulated heated cunt! The Dane’s huge cock now far longer than seven inches in length and visibly swelling in size!

The huge dog thrust more of his hot fleshy meat into Samantha gradually driving more cock into her insanely tight cunt! Sam squirmed and violently thrashed trying to escape! She is being RAPED by this ANIMAL and there was nothing she could do about it! With each pounding thrust of the huge Dane it forced Sam’s out jutting bountiful firm breasts to jolt erotically! Her tiny nipples diamond hard!

Sam thinking ‘this is so fucking disgusting and degrading’, but with the drugs and alcohol in her system, in disbelief Sam felt her pussy moisten even more to further accept the incredible length of the dog’s huge cock! And while her mind simply temporarily refused to process any pleasure her body sent its way, her body in sexual autonomous mode did!

Samantha grunted as the huge dog inched forward further filling her tight cunt! He was moving ever faster inserting more and more of his massive cock into her pussy. Fear, disbelief and embarrassment still controlled her but her drug stimulated arousal sensed pleasure! Sam closed her eyes hoping this would somehow let her re-enter her drug-induced hallucinations to escape the fact she was in a live sex show with a dog in front of a large crowd! Their loud cheers of encouragement further humiliating her…

With her eyes closed Sam’s foggy mind did futile grasp at intermittent mild hallucinations. In this state she began to realize the thrusting cock felt, wonderful…

She could feel her pussy moistening further with each thrust, could feel the huge’ dog’s hot precum shooting up inside her, dimly realizing the squirting sensation was pleasant…

Sam’s drug-stimulated body, already automatically responding to the heated sexual assault, began to get through to her mind, which due to the sex stimulating drugs, began allowing unwanted pleasure to seep through…

Sam, despite now being fully aware of her degrading situation thanks to the caffeine and cocaine jolt to her system, the psychotropic sex enhancing drugs were still fully physically affecting her body and mind…, the American blonde could no longer deny the pleasure the huge doggy cock is wringing from her overly stuffed heated cunt…

“Aahhhhh….  Ah! Ah! Ah!  Ahhhnnn…!

The shotgun microphones clearly picked up Sam’s vocal utterances, amplifying and loudly rebroadcasting every groan, moan and exclamation she made through the club’s extensive sound system! With each rapid penetrating thrust Sam’s resistance lessened! The Dane’ pace was increasing as did her wetness, a copious mix of doggy precum and vaginal lubrication dribbling from her tight cunt. The sex-enhancing drugs affecting her making her acutely feel every inch and deep thrust of the huge rampaging canine cock!

The nerves in Sam’s pussy were acutely tingling with every retreat and reentry! The shotgun microphone placed near her hips picked up the loud liquid squelching of her tight pussy as each thrust rammed into her, her already tight cunt tightening briefly with every brutal thrust.

Over and over the searing, ever-swelling canine rod thrust ever deeper as Sam’s resistance crumbled and intense sexual pleasure forced its way through flooding her drug addled mind. Each thrust now driving her ever closer to an irresistible involuntary orgasm!

Confused and drugged, but still hopelessly horny and now desperate to cum, Samantha began pushing her slim hips back against the dog’s thrusts! Her grunts and moans of pleasure were being rebroadcast through the speaker system loud enough to be heard over the crowd’s loudly shouted encouragement! Her tight pussy visibly quivering in the televised close-ups as her tight sex took it all relishing the brutal bestial pounding with an immense cock longer than most men!

Now the huge dog really pounded Samantha’s tightly clasping pussy with lighting fast thrusts! Sam’s firm large breasts rapidly jolting in time with each thrust was erotically mesmerizing! The Great Dane’s ears flat against its huge head and lips drawn back in a parody of a smile as it furiously humped the beautiful lithe statuesque woman who erotically twisted and writhed in sexually passionate responses below its speeding furry loins!

The female coed crowd seeing Samantha now trying to fuck back began shouting even louder encouragement to her!

“TAKE THAT HUGE COCK! FUCK THAT HUGE COCK BACK!” The boisterous crowd repeatedly shouted out! The women’s strident shouted encouragement drowning out the guys!

The club and it’s annex was kept purposely on the warm side for the comfort of the nearly nude and nude strippers, also to encourage the patrons to drink, but also to encourage the female patrons, with Ecstasy stimulated overheated bodies, to want to loosen or even shed some clothing! With periodic glances of the crowd I could see women with deeply unbuttoned shirts revealing generous expanses of breasts, even several sets of bras removed being swirled around in upraised arms – including panties!

A close-up camera view showed Sam’s drug and alcohol stimulated engorged clit clearly protruding vastly swollen to an even larger size due to the drugs! Her suspended arched position forcing her protruding swollen clit to ride upon the thickly swollen cock as it rapidly thrusts in and out…

“Oh, god, god, god”, Samantha moaned, the microphones loudly broadcasted….

Her sweaty body began wiggling and shaking as if she was having convulsions!

Suddenly Samantha wailed loudly!

Her cute firm ass tilting further upwards into the huge rampaging doggy cock!

Her body quivering as Samantha’s drug and alcohol stimulated body betrays her yet again as another powerful orgasm began ripping through her dog-stuffed cunt…

Ohhhhh FUCKKKK!!!

The microphones and the loudspeakers loudly broadcasting Samantha succumbing to her intense body-racking orgasm! The alcohol and drug stimulated crowd roaring with delight hearing and seeing her shrieking climax!

Samantha had felt the wave build, so quickly… building and then crashing over her like a tsunami!

She felt her legs shake as her taut lithe body violently quivered with ripples of perverse pleasure that continued to wash over and through her, her swollen pussy hotly pulsing with drug-induced neediness and wanton desire.

Confused and embarrassingly mortified, but thanks to the extreme amount of Ecstasy and LSD flooding her system, the drugs were still making Samantha hopelessly insanely horny beyond belief and desperate to cum yet again and again despite of what was making her climax!

Samantha’s firm slim hips kept forcibly pushing back against the dog’s thrusts fucking back against the immense canine cock! Her grunts and moans of pleasure loudly broadcasted by the microphone to the crowd who kept shouting crude vulgar encouragements to both the huge dog and Samantha! Oddly, like the many shows before, it was the women in the crowd who were more strident in their obscene encouragements than the guys!

The three nude strippers kneeling next to Sam watching and still caressing each other, now knew Sam was totally involved with being doggy fucked!

Two of the strippers let go of Sam’s knees and ankles and Sam kept her knees widely spread apart! Not even attempting to close them!

The three strippers kept a watchful eye to see if they needed to spread Sam’s knees apart again if she attempted to close them but a few seconds more of watching, they knew they could resume their caressing of each other…

The sheer intensity and rapid fire of his nine inch long, swelling thick cock pumping into incredibly gorgeous Samantha coupled with the taboo act itself had fired up the audience!  The alcohol and drug stimulated crowd seemed to pulsate! Screaming shouts and encouraging yells continued pouring from the mixed coed crowd as they swayed dizzily on their feet in the highly charged sexual atmosphere.

I took a quick surveying glance of the crowd, as I and my business partner had hoped, I saw several couples intimately caressing each other! Some women openly playing with their boyfriend’s exposed stiff erections while boyfriends had hands up girlfriend’s skirts or down their pants, hands inside shirts! Then, another sudden loud wail from the beautiful American blonde burst from the loudspeakers overriding the music as Sam’s voluptuous hard lithe body began quivering as yet another intense drug stimulated orgasm overwhelmed her…


Samantha’s responses didn’t go unnoticed by her husband…

Alex has ceased struggling to break free, powerful hands were still clasping his shoulders and leg ensuring he kept his ringside seat. Alex, staring in shock and horror, stared at what his beautiful wife was undergoing – being raped by a huge dog with a huge cock – apparently now enjoying it!

Alex watching his wife, her knees and legs now free of restraint, physically responding – now fucking back as well as she got! Samantha’s body appearing to have taken on a mind of its own! Seemingly hitting her with a barrage of intense, repeated shrieking orgasms…

Occasionally Alex’s eyes were drawn up to the huge ultra-high definition 200 inch flat panel JumboTron display screens showing an extreme close up view of the huge nine inch long doggy cock brutally slamming in and out of his wife’s tight, dribbling, frothy cunt…

Samantha was continuously moaning and groaning and grunting as the Great Dane slammed his huge long swelling cock in and out of her tight cunt! As he pounded her tight cunt at a remarkably rapid pace Samantha attempted to keep up the thrusting by furiously humping her own cunt as fast as she could back at the huge animal!

Samatha’s enthusiastic fucking back enthralled her intoxicated and drugged audience with lustful fascination! The crowd surged closer to the stage, bodies pressing tight against each other…

Then a growing, swelling, menacing looking knot started visibly forming at the base of the dog’s huge cock! Samantha’s ecstatic moans began increasing! Strung together into a long continuous one…


The swelling knot bumping her engorged protruding clit with every thrust as it rapidly slid in and out of her tight frothy pussy!  The huge dog fucking Sam so hard and fast with the now added stimulation of his slowly swelling knot rapidly going in and out of her tight pussy that there was nothing Samantha could do but repeatedly orgasm! Copious sex fluids spraying out every time the huge Dane pulled his swelling knot out of Sam’s tight cunt!

The animal’s ever-swelling knot was working Sam’s overly stuffed snatch into a series of repeated cunt-clenching screaming orgasms that had Alex’s hapless wife flopping around on-top of the bondage sex bench with her drug heightened intense climaxes…

The audience surged up right against the stage, eager to see if the gringa’s tight, glorious cunt can take the doggy’s fat knot! The huge powerful animal ramming into her ever harder as his knot visibly swelled larger and larger, pushing and pulling the ever-swelling knot in and out of Sam’s dilating vagina, then, it grew too large to go in, but still the huge Dane persevered…

In her orgasmic frenzy, Samantha worked her heated pussy back hard against the large knot as best as she could as the still furiously humping animal jack-hammered forwards trying to force his knot into Sam’s tight pussy! It took the Great Dane almost a full minute of working against Samantha’s tight opening before her red, swollen cunt slowly started further dilating to open up for the knotting…

Then, Samantha began painfully screaming…

Feeling the huge bulk starting to dilate her constricted opening, stretching the narrow entrance to her tight pussy like it has never been before!

“Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggg ggghhhhhhhh!”

Sam erupted at the top of her voice! Emitting a sudden piercing painful shriek as the ever swelling knot suddenly slid in! The fat swollen knot popped in past Samantha’s over – stretched pussy lips locking the huge dog and woman together! Stretching her abused pussy to its limit!

The drunk and heavily drugged crowd went wild seeing Sam successfully knotted!

Feeling having successfully tied his bitch, the Great Dane renewed berserker fucking of this incredibly tight clenching hot pussy! With a frenzied surge the huge dog began pounding Samantha’s clasping cunt like a pile-driver! With each powerful thrust violently jolting Sam’s body back and forth like she was a ragdoll!

Samantha’s sweaty hard body was jolting and shaking like she was having convulsions! Her outthrust large firm breasts erotically jolting back and forth in sharp, jerky motions with each powerful lunging thrust, her tiny nipples diamond hard…

The huge cocaine and caffeine jolt of the energy drink now had Samantha acutely aware of what was happening to her…

The perverted, degrading shame and humiliation of being brutally fucked by an animal with a huge cock and having multiple involuntary orgasms from it – in front of an audience! Fully aware that due to the drugs she had been given she was unable to suppress let alone control her involuntary sexual responses to the intense sexual stimulation!!!

Despite Sam now being fully aware of her degrading situation, the remaining effects of the drugs wouldn’t allow Samantha to deny the pleasure that the hugely swollen doggy cock was wringing from her well-stuffed pussy…

Flushed with shame and humiliation, Sam began begging someone, anyone, to make the huge dog stop but her stunningly gorgeous body kept visibly betraying her as it physically continued to involuntarily sexually react to her violent bestial coupling!

The huge still swelling knot lodged within Sam was exerting an enormous pressure in her pelvis, pressing and rubbing hard against her G-spot!

The animal’s fat knot working her overly stuffed snatch into a series of loudly vocal intense pussy-clenching orgasms that left the helpless beautiful gringa wife flopping around on the sex bench like a hooked fish!

Samantha felt that the humiliation couldn’t get any worse, but then huge Great Dane began to howl and hammer her crotch even harder! His knot swelling even larger inside her! You could actually see her pubic mound now bulging from the huge growing mass lodged within her! Samantha now screaming feeling the huge knot swelling inside her getting bigger and bigger!

Then after several moments, the huge dog gave a huge lunge violently jolting Samantha and making her scream out at the top of her lungs!

Then the huge dog began holding himself as deep inside her as he could pulling against her! Explosive jets of hot wetness suddenly began flooding Samantha’s tight cunt as she acutely felt the huge dog explosively emptying his huge balls in her once-proud glorious beautiful pussy as evidenced by her wailing scream of…

N-nnnnooooo!!!  OhmyGod noooooooooo!

H-he’s cummming…  he’s cumming in my my p-pussy!”

Samantha’s sweaty face flushing bright red, tears streaming down her cheeks…

“Ohhh ahhhh, he’s cumming in meeeeeee!

But then, the copious flood of hot dog jizz deep inside Sam ignited yet another intense involuntary climax between her widely spread thighs…


The poor shamed American wife’s body jerked around like a slutty sex puppet with her lustful scream! The cameras showing a close-up view of her vulva as it began visibly strongly pulsating around the thick shaft that was buried in it, her sheath instinctively MILKING the huge ugly canine invader! The immensely swollen knot lodged within Samantha pressing and rubbing against her G-spot continued involuntary promoting additional orgasms…

I glanced over at Alex, his jaw had dropped, renewed dejected disbelief upon his face with his wife’s spectacle…

One of the huge JumboTron flat screen monitors above the stage suddenly switches to a split screen of a couple fucking! The female coed in a mini-skirt leaning against a support column with her arms outstretched at the edge of the crowd, her legs spread wide apart while a guy energetically plows into her from behind! The guy fucking her so hard one of her large hard nipple breasts pops out of her cropped ruffled top! The fucking couple both intently watching a nearby large flat JumboTron screen monitor mounted in a corner of Sam being knotted!

Two other guys nearby watched the fucking couple while they themselves were stroking exposed erections! Another nearby couple lustfully looking on the fucking duo while hands intimately caressed each other, the girl stroking the guy off while the guy has his hand up under her abbreviated club mini-dress finger-fucking her, the monitor stayed locked on the scene…

One of the nude strippers unwraps a towel and pulls out a medical cold pack. This she places on the Great Danes’ nut sack and shaft, the cold expediting his knot to go down or else he would have remained knotted to Samantha for ten or more minutes!

Still, when the huge animal begins working his immensely swollen knot out of Samantha’s over-stuffed snatch, Samantha begins excruciatingly shrieking with pain as his still swollen knot begins spreading her narrow vaginal entrance way beyond normal elasticity…

Slowly, the huge dog extricated his still too large knot out of Samantha’s lewdly slimed snatch, Samantha painfully screaming loud and long with its incrementally slow forced emergence!

The Dane’s huge crimson cock popped from Samantha’s pussy with a loud sucking sound with Samantha shrieking as the knot was forcefully pulled out! When Samantha finally came unplugged, cum literally exploded gushing out of her tight, ravished pussy! Copious dog-cum poured from her ravished pussy like a waterfall! His huge, swollen cock dangled garishly beneath him and the apple shaped knot seemed to punctuate it’s sexual power!

The boisterous lustful crowd erupted in female gasps and male cheers!

Knot and all, the Great Dane’s cock is nine inches in length! The knot still swollen to the size of a very large lemon! With its long length, I imagined that the tip of his cock had to have gone past through Sam’s cervical opening and had directly ejaculated deep into her womb!

I think every woman in the audience audibly gasped seeing what Samantha had been royally fucked with…

I can vividly imagine how huge the knot it must have swollen up inside Samantha – the size of a large apple!

The incredible, inexorable pressure it must had been placing against her G-spot provoking her additional involuntary orgasms…

But I well knew beforehand Samantha could handle the Great Dane’s lengthy cock…

Back when we were attending the university and after about a year of Alex and Samantha dating and becoming engaged, one of my secret videos had captured gorgeous nude Samantha on her hands and knees measuring Alex’s erection….

Alex’s huge cock is nine inches in length with a width of one and a half inches and a girthy circumference of five inches!

An image that each time I recalled it, stabbed me in the heart…

A cock of the size I had repeatedly wished for ever since I began jerking off!

Fervently began wishing for ever since the first time I had sex with a girl, unable to get her off with my skinny five-inch long cock, and then each subsequent time thereafter when I had sex with a girl, rarely getting them to climax…

Then I began fucking their tight ass’s whether they want anal sex or not! That got them screaming and violently physical adding to my enjoyment!

The unknown factor was if Sam could accommodate the Dane’s huge knot…

Based upon previous doggy shows at the club, most women, if they had enough to drink or were high enough, the alcohol and/or the drugs prevented them from getting too tense and were able to take a Dane’s knotting.

It’s a shame that Sam was one of these, I really wanted the bitch to suffer and scream taking that huge knot instead of having a massive orgasm from it. Oh well, guess I will have to make do with her abject humiliation…

My musing was broken by the crowd cheering wildly!

As Samantha’s dog show had continued, word of the beautiful blonde Gringa’s unwilling participation and incredible performance had spread from the adjoining stage annex to the main club area!

The annex audience had grown densely packed as more and more Spring Break college students, male and female, crowded into the annex to watch the young American beauty forcibly defiled and publicly humiliated by a huge pistoning dog cock!

Those that couldn’t get seats packed the aisles and leant on the walls, their avid eyes watching every move up on the stage or on one of the huge 200 inch high definition JumboTron monitors!

Now, the packed house cheered wildly at Sam’s acute embarrassment and extreme humiliation as she sagged weakly across the sex bench. Weak legs still widely spread apart, her abused swollen crimson pussy lips gaping open with drools of dog cum dribbling from her thoroughly ravished cunt.

Alex sat there completely stunned! Dejected shock marring his handsome face as he stared at his incredibly beautiful nude wife and her ravished cunt. I imagined his mind was in complete turmoil having seen his wife brutally raped by a huge dog in front of a wildly cheering audience and completely helpless to stop it, Alex mentally tortured and confused witnessing her multiple climaxes from her forced animal rape, something I’m sure he will never forget, at least that was what I hoped for – both of them!

Samantha was still crying, then she began screaming again and violently jerking on the wrist cuffs that was keeping her upper body suspended. Sam screaming for someone to free her!

Sam began jerking hysterically at her cuffed wrists trying to get free! Sam started to bring her knees together but the three stripper renewed their holds on her knees and ankles keeping her thighs spread wide apart! With Sam’s athletically toned and tanned long legs held splayed wide open, her doggy-jizzed ravished snatch was lewdly zoomed in on close-up on the JumboTron displays for everyone in the audience to clearly see in ultra-high definition!

Samantha’s renewed screams broke Alex out of his shocked state; again he violently tried to break free, yelling at the bouncers and me to let him go!

Sam hearing her husband’s voice, frantically Samantha looks around for her husband and sees Alex violently struggling in a seat in the front row, tied into his seat by a rope and also being physically restrained by three beefy men sitting behind and by him!

Then Samantha’s eyes grew wide seeing me sitting there next to Alex, grinning.

I gave Samantha a little wave…

Instantly Samantha realized she and her husband had been set up!

Emerald green eyes flashed fire and threw blazing daggers in my direction!

I chuckled at Sam’s recognition; that this was payback for ignoring my affections, keeping me at a cool distance these past five years, warning her gorgeous friends to stay away from me…

Then, Samantha closed her eyes in shame, tears running down her cheeks, feeling the copious dog cum still running out of her ravished pussy…

I bet that Samantha was thinking “at least it’s over with…”, believing she’d been degraded and humiliated more than any woman can possibly be, that she’d be allowed to leave…

Again, Samantha started violently struggling to break free of her suspended cuff restraints, screaming out,


I saw that some of the coed female university students in the crowd, not yet fully affected by their heavily spiked Tequila shots, started shifting uneasily, fully realizing that Samatha’s violent efforts and screaming to be freed meant she had been drugged and forcibly raped by the huge dog…

However, the three beautiful nude European strippers on stage with Samantha did not make a move to free her, instead, they stood there, expectantly

One of the nude European strippers stood nearby, waiting for a signal from me which I gave her. The three strippers removed Sam’s restraints and helped her to stand up. Sam dizzily stood up, swaying on her feet, though still held by the three strippers.

With Sam upright, copious rivulets of doggy spunk dripped from her swollen gash and puddled on the floor at her feet! Sam closed her eyes in shame, the tears running down her cheeks as she could feel the doggy fuck juice running out of her sore twat. I could just gleefully imagine what she was thinking – ‘these perverted people had already forced me to be raped by a dog. What more could they do to me?’



The club owner came back on stage and his voice boomed into the microphone,

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Since this incredibly gorgeous gringa wife gave us such an excellent show, we decided to give you another treat!

A special Encore performance will now be presented for your pleasure!

The dense crowd suddenly started clapping and wildly cheering once more!

My oh my, this was a surprise!

My business partner and I had discussed that after Samantha completed her humiliating performance with the Great Dane, she and her husband would be free to go, in fact I already had a Taxi waiting for them behind the club.

My curiosity was peaked as I settled back to see hopefully what I suspected to be offered up! Perhaps another naïve pretty Spring Break coed had been coerced, as had Samantha…

The lights dimmed in the annex then a spotlight snapped on….

It was then made clear that Samantha will still continue to be the entertainment…

Something big and furry clomped onto the stage led by two other totally nude European strippers…

 Oh my Goodness, I thought. This is a Surprise It’s a fucking donkey! LITTERALLY!

  A small, very obviously male donkey was being lead toward Sam by the two pretty nude strippers…

NO! NO! NOT THAT! Samantha hysterically screamed out!

Despite her heavily drugged and intoxicated state Sam put on a very impressive demonstration of struggling trying to free herself from the three strippers holding her…

Alex made another valiant attempt to rescue his wife but after a violent struggle the two bouncers behind him and the third sitting next to him firmly pressed Alex back into his seat and held him there and tighten the rope around him even tighter…

Alex looked at me, renewed rage upon his face! Then big, strong handsome Alex surprised me by actually pleading with me to let Sam go.

I couldn’t help the smirk that came across my face…

“Oh Alex, we can’t disappoint the audience now can we?

Not after Samantha gave such an excellent performance, in fact, the best we have had here at the club yet! Did you see your lovely wife actually start fucking the Dane back!

I just knew Sam would be an insatiable sexual wildcat with a little pharmaceutical encouragement!”

Looking back up at the stage I actually realized it was a burro, the miniature breed of donkey common in Latin America, but the distinction meant little to heavily drugged but now a very alert hysterical Samantha…

The burro was swiftly tethered to a ring on the stage floor and Sam was forced over to the Burro and then she was forced down to lay on her back on the stage and then Sam was pulled under the burro! Samanatha screaming and yelling all the way! Valiantly struggling but the drugs and alcohol and her brutal doggy rape had her in a weakened state!

One of the nude strippers now brought forth one of those slanted sex pillows and placed it under Sam’s back – elevating and tilting Sam’s pelvis upwards…

Samantha hysterically called out to the crowd in a confused babble to help her! One of the strippers then places a strap across the burro’s back at his hips. The strap had an adjustable loop on either end. One at a time, each of Sam’s feet was forced thru each of the loops and Velcro fasteners secured her ankles to the loops.

Now Sam’s long tanned athletic legs were raised high on either side of the burro’s flanks! The wedge shaped sex pillow tilting her cute firm ass up toward the burro’s belly! To the audience nearest Sam her position almost appeared to be begging to take the beast’s huge cock although I and the boisterous audience knew the opposite was true…

I knew Samantha was still pretty damn drunk, and the repeated heavy doses of Ecstasy and then the doses of LSD administered to her was still keeping her weak – and unbearably horny as hell – as previous experiences with other unwitting women had proven!

I well knew the two psychoactive sex enhancing drugs will keep Samantha unable to suppress involuntary sexual responses to sexual stimulation! I also knew the caffeine and cocaine drink was making her ever more alert even though she was still tripping on the LSD and Ecstasy!

The burro looked clean and very well cared for, his coat was shiny, as if he had just been bathed and brushed. His balls were huge! Disproportionately huge compared to the small size of the burro, they hung like two coconuts, fully swollen with equine spunk…

Samantha continued her ineffective struggles as a renewed flood of tears began streaming down her cheeks…

Sam’s deep shame and embarrassment was compounded by the loudly jeering crowd still seeing her totally nude, her legs now held high up on the burro’s flanks and lewdly splayed wide open underneath the burro. Dog cum still dripping from her red swollen pussy running down the open crack of her cute ass for the entire alcohol and drug stimulated boisterous audience to see, now eagerly awaiting to see her raped yet again by another animal with an even bigger cock!

Again I could imagined what oh so beautiful Sam was thinking,

‘These perverted people had drugged me and let a huge dog rape and knot me!” Incredible disbelief clear on Samantha’s stunned beautiful face that now they were actually going to let a donkey fuck her???

The other two nude strippers now only had to hold Samantha’s wrists as Samantha continued to violently struggle trying to break free. Some of the less affected women in the Spring Break college crowd, realizing that Samantha was actually being prepared to now be raped again this time by a burro, started trying to leave, but the dense press of the boisterous eager crowd into the annex from the club prevented any that were standing from reaching the entrance. There must be over 300 people now crowded into the annex to see the show, those sitting in the bleachers also were unable to leave due to the dense crowd…

A nude stripper applied thick lube to her hand and started expertly jacking the burro! Quickly his cock started dropping till about eight semi-flaccid inches were showing, then it began gaining an erection…, swelling to the thickness of a woman’s wrist! As it grew even thicker and even longer it came arrowing forth aiming between Sam’s spread open thighs ever closer to Samantha’s slick, wet swollen pussy, Samantha still violently thrashing about trying to break free and screaming to be freed…



The scene of this nude, incredibly beautiful statuesque blonde with her hips held suspended under a burro, violently struggling to break free while the huge long cock of the burro was arrowing between her widely spread legs ever closer to her slick hairless gorgeous pussy, all seemed to intensify the highly charged erotic atmosphere of the Spring Break college crowd…

The dense energetic crowd, drunk and sexually stimulated by full dosages of Ecstasy, surged right up against the stage! The women in the crowd showing disbelief of the size of the burro’s growing erection and the small narrow target of Samantha’s pussy!

The burro had obviously been well-trained, familiar in mating with human females. His long cock rod further extended from its sheath and stood rock hard under his belly, nearly level with Samantha’s juice-slicked over-heated cunt, the drugs having drastically escalated Sam’s sexual arousal and sensitivity.

Do you know how big a burro’s erection is? Even a small burro???

Despite its small size, the stud Burro was generously endowed with a very thick, fourteen-inch long erection! The fat thickness of the burro’s shaft approximately two inches across! Thicker than even studly Alex’s one and half inch wide cock!

Unbelievably the boisterous energetic crowd grew even more so! The crowd’s unrestrained passions inflamed by the irresistible visual combination of graphical sexual taboo and a highly arousing scene that drew the drunk and drugged rowdy Spring Break college crowd closer in pressing against the elevated stage and each other to watch the burro preparing to fuck incredibly beautiful Samantha with its huge fat long cock…

It was a scene that has been repeated many times here at the club but tonight this seemed to me to be the most enthusiastic crowd ever! I could only assume it was because Sam was so stunningly beautiful and her body, oh man, her hard sexy lithe ripped body with her gorgeous extraordinary firm double D tits and her cute small ass with cheeks hard as steel, I imagine she was the dream fantasy of every male and I suspect a lot of females too!

A quick glance up at one of the 200-inch ultra-high definition monitors mounted above the stage showed that one of the covert cameras focused on the frisky fucking couples off in the corner, now showing a second guy now plowing into the same girl with her arms and hands braced forward against the support column! Her legs widely spread apart with her ass tilted up into the guy behind her, a third guy looking on as if awaiting his turn!

Likewise the other second couple were no longer content with just giving each other hand jobs, the guy was now behind the coed in the club dress fucking her so hard one of her braless breasts had jostled free out of her plunging dress! Every one of their eyes still intently focused on another large-screen monitor set in the corner showing a close-up of the burro’s massive erection arrowing ever closer to Sam’s glorious swollen cunt…

The stripper guided the blunt tip of the burro’s cock against Samantha’s pussy, the sudden huge, inhumanely hot stiffness poking between her swollen, still openly parted cunt labia instantly gained the beautiful American wife’s attention! Samantha loudly screaming upon feeling the intimate contact…

“Ohhhh, ohmygawdddd!” Samantha wailed!

“P-pleasssse somebody! somebody h-help meeeee! 


The boisterous, densely packed energetic college crowd was continuously roaring and cheering now! Impatient to see that huge slab of burro-meat split Sam’s swollen cunt lips and slam deep up into her dog jizz-slicked cunt!

But the gorgeous blonde wife was still furiously struggling to free her bound feet held up high on the burro’s flanks and the strippers holding her wrists! Sweat pouring from Sam’s face and from her lean luscious taut body with her efforts, the hot bright spotlights and the overdoses of Ecstasy causing her body to overheat.

The nude stripper reached between Samantha’s widespread thighs…, guiding the broad fat tip of the animal’s dripping cock head into helpless Sam’s pussy gash…

The stripper then began sliding the huge blunt tip up and down between Sam’s still swollen openly parted labia several times, Samantha’s body visibly shuddering feeling the huge rubbery head of the monster cock dragging against her pussy as she violently tried twisting her hips away.

“OOOhhhhhhhnnooooo!!” wailed the helpless wife! The stripper played the head of the burro’s cock against Samantha’s clit, rapidly strumming the broad head across Samantha’s fat, exposed clitty, further exciting the pink nubbin as it fully thrust out swollen fat and proud from between her steamy swampy cuntal labes…

 “N-nnooooo, pleassssse d-dont”….aaaghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Sam screamed an orgasmic cry! The nude stripper had forced Sam to climax from the clitoral stimulation! The gorgeous blonde American wife lost control of her limbs as her hotly aroused cunt exploded in another powerful orgasm!

A sideways glance at Alex, sitting rigidly in his chair staring up at his wife, disbelief all over his face…

Then the stripper positioned the burro’s broad cock tip directly against the entrance of Samantha’s tight cunt holding it in place!

Feeling this Sam gave out an audible gasp that the microphone picked up, Samantha whole luscious body instantly went rigid! Readying herself what she knew was to come and unable to prevent…

I could vividly imagine Samantha feeling the heat of the rigid shaft slip past her juicy swollen folds, then the broad equine head being seated directly in place at her tight vaginal entrance…

The stripper started jacking the burro’s fourteen-inch long cock…, the contrast in size of Sam’s small pussy and the long equine cock with its two inch wide thickness amplified by the close-up high-definition televised camera views…

  Feeling Sam’s vaginal heat and wetness, the burro thrust his haunches forward….


Sam loudly shrieked out!

 Again the burro thrust, twice, three times! Trying to force the huge blunt tip of his equine cock into Samantha’s swollen pussy! Samantha shrieking each time as she felt each thrust ramming the huge blunt head of his equine cock against her tight vaginal entrance, but despite her earlier fucking by the Great Dane, her narrow vaginal entrance resisted the massive invader…

The burro thrust again and again trying to ram its way in to Sam’s tight pussy! With a camera focused on her gorgeous face there was no missing Sam’s expression when she was suddenly penetrated! Her eyes rolled into her head as her body jolted as the broad blunt spongy pliable tip of his equine cock brutally speared a couple of inches into Samantha’s dog-slimed pussy tunnel!  Samantha instantly emitting a piercing shriek!


“Aaahhhhhgawwwd n-noooooooooo”


The only thing that stopped the burro’s massive cock from going in further was its two inch thick width and Samantha bearing down with everything she had to prevent further penetration!

Samantha was visibly struggling to clamp down with her strained pussy muscles to keep anymore of the beast’s thick cock from penetrating any deeper in to her over-stuffed aching cunt! But the psychoactive drugs she had been given made it difficult to concentrate. And to confuse things further yet, her cunt was still in-heat from the doggy fucking she’d just received and from her most recent orgasm! Her clitty was visibly swollen fat, and throbbing – still needing more cock!

Then, with a snort, the burro thrust again cramming a few more hot, hard, equine inches into Sam’s tightly clenching pussy canal…

“OH… MY… GOD!!! Samantha loudly howled as the muscular animal thrust again brutally stretching her tight, narrow vagina to drive further up into her aching Gringa twat!

It was very clear to all the spectators that Samantha was violently struggling to clamp down with her strained cunt muscles, to keep more of the beast’s massively thick cock from penetrating any deeper into her sopping cunt!

Sam’s eyes bulged wide with the pressure she intensely felt within her! Her mouth was hanging open in a silent squeal. Sweat poured off her face and dripped onto her large firm hard nipple titties, however the heavy repeated dosages of Ecstasy and then the LSD given to Samantha in her spiked drinks and still being extremely drunk made it difficult for her to concentrate.

Then with a snort, the burro again thrust into Sam’s cunt! Cramming yet a few more hard, hot thick inches into her clenching cunt canal…


With each subsequent thrust the burro buried his huge burro cock a bit deeper into beautiful Samantha! Each thrust eliciting a piercing shriek from her…


The broadcasted loud wail brings a huge cheer from the delighted, intoxicated and heavily drugged sexually charged college coed audience!

The huge JumboTron display screens clearly showing this burro brutally stretching Sam’s tight cunt to PENETRATE further up into her!

Poor Samantha, I imagine it felt as if a baseball bat was being repeatedly slammed up her cunt!

In an odd twist of circumstance, the slimy doses of doggy jizz still internally coating the insides of Sam’s cunt were acting as a lubricant, along with the thick lubricant the stripper had smeared over his shaft before she started jacking him making it easier for the burro’s thick cock to slide slightly in and out forcing its way ever deeper into her amazingly tight cunt!

“OH MY GOD!!! Samantha again howled as the small muscular animal thrust again! Brutally stretching her vaginal width to its limits as it drove further up in to her aching cunt!

Slowly, inch by massive inch, the burro’s gigantic cock visibly began to wedge its way further into Sam’s drug stimulated overheated steaming tight pussy!  Samantha, feeling her cunt gradually being stuffed to the brim with the huge cock wails and screams her outrage!  Her taut tanned slim thighs flashed and her heels drummed at the burro’s flanks…

Aieeeeeeeeeee!   Argggggghhhh     “Nnnaaaaaaahhhh”

Samantha continuously wailed. Gushes of cunt juice flooded her tight cunt to protect against the huge raping equine invader further lubing the burro’s strokes! More thick burro-meat wedged into her tight pussy forcing her pink cunt flesh to turn whitish-pink as they stretched painfully.

The drunk and drugged sexually charged crowd were clapping and cheering enthusiastically! Avidly watching the hot blonde’s tight swollen overly-stretched cunt steadily climb up more and more of the animal’s huge fourteen-inch long cock thrusting into her like a piston rod! Enjoying her shame, humiliation, and the highly erotic spectacle…

Samantha’s fat, erect, clitoris was mashed against the pale pink meat of the animal’s shaft. The burro simply by shuffling its hooves made the gorgeous Gringa wife rock back and forth enough to excite her needy pussy against her drug-fogged will! Everyone in the crowd was staring between the gorgeous blonde’s long, toned, shapely legs to where the huge burro cock was violating her tight swollen cunt! We all wondered what would happen next…

With about eight fat inches now buried up into Sam’s gorgeous tight cunt, the burro started settling into rhythmic thrusting…


Samantha explosively grunting with each rhythmic thrust ramming into her!

Sam no longer able to form coherent sentences while the burro’s huge cock reamed her tight cunt! Her large fabulous firm breasts erotically jolting with each hard, deep thrust! Her tiny nipples diamond hard…

Still, Samantha violently struggled to free herself but now eight plus inches of burro cock was impaling her and going ever deeper!


I could tell by the intense look on Samantha’s face that the physical exertion of the burro was stretching her further than she had ever been stretched before! Even more than her husband’s fat, nine-inch long cock!

One of the strippers leans down to Samantha’s ear and speaks to her, Samantha responding to her words by shooting the nude stripper a baleful glare…

Then, with obvious reluctance, Samantha quits struggling to break free and the two strippers holding Sam’s wrists completely let go! Then Sam voluntarily grasped hold of the burro’s two front legs…

I knew what was told to Samantha…

The same thing all the college coed women and female tourists are told who unexpectedly find themselves coerced into the same predicament…

“If you actively participate the sooner you will make the burro cum and this will be all over for you, then you and your husband will be free to go…”

“If you don’t actively participate, we will be forced to bring another dog…”

“And this one will fuck that cute little ass of yours! If you thought a Great Dane’s knot felt huge lodged in your tight little pussy, you can’t even imagine what it would feel like having your cute, even tighter ass knotted!!!

However, as with the Great Dane, I knew the burro had also been given a hefty dose of Viagra to make him last longer, plus the burro had another little something else…

With each deep long thrust Samantha explosively exhales, no longer screaming, resigning herself to her fate until the burro climaxes and is finished. Each powerful thrust lifts her hips up, jolting her large firm, hard nipple breasts.

The beautiful helpless blonde wife panted and groaned as her once-proud tight Anglo cunt is being slowly stretched and temporarily ruined by the huge equine cock working its way in and out of her swollen slimy pink fuck slot, the camera showing a close-up view of Samantha’s over-stuffed snatch sliding up and down on the fat, long equine cock shaft. But now something else was happening too that I saw…

From the front row seats I could see that my best buddy’s wife was now no longer fighting to resist…

Samantha’s face was getting more flushed and her eyes were half-closed, heavy-lidded and glazed over. Her mouth hung slack jawed, drooling and half-open, her body was freely perspiring, sweat dripping off her…

Samantha began loudly emitting a steady groaning and moaning…

Her long blonde hair was plastered to her pretty, sweaty face, and each time the burro cock slammed into her, her body quivered and twitched, then, her taut abdominal muscles began fluttering…


The friction of the burro’s massive fuck-rod dragging across Samantha’s fat clitty was clearly stimulating her! The audience could see Sam’s fluttering cunt lips around the burro’s cock, his two inch wide cock now sliding ever more easily, deeper, harder and faster into the Gringa blonde’s creaming fuck slot as her heels drummed at the burro’s flanks!

Clearly to everyone watching and everyone was! The formerly innocent American goody-goody wife was getting aroused from being burro-fucked!!

More and more of Samantha’s straining cunt was being skewered onto the big burro’s cock! Over nine inches were now plowing into Samatha! Sex fluids spraying out with each thrust! Evident of the copious amount being generated by both beast and woman…

Those of us in the first few rows could see Sam’s gorgeous cunt clearly…her fat pink swollen cunt lips oval tightly around the thick pink burro meat, her obscenely swollen clitty sticking out from between her swollen openly parted hairless labia like a little penis! Each ramming thrust into her was sending waves of unbearable pleasure ripping through Samantha, sounds of pleasure that Sam was now clearly vocalizing!!!

With a microphone placed close to her overly-strained pussy, the sound system loudly broadcast Sam’s tight cunt loudly slurping and sucking around the swelling equine cock as the huge organ now easily fucked in and out of her tight pussy! A second microphone placed near Sam’s head was amplifying the wails and sexual groans of the amazingly beautiful statuesque young woman forced into pleasure against her will!

I couldn’t take my eyes off the highly charged erotic scene up on the stage as my best friend’s wife writhed in ecstasy with her pussy stretched and full of burro cock! Neither could visibly stunned Alex take his eyes off the performance his wife was giving!

The densely packed audience was ebulliently loud with sexual excitement! The mixed sex coed college crowd of Spring Breakers wanted to see how much equine cock stunningly gorgeous Sam could take in! The guys and gals alike shouting encouragement to Sam and the hostesses yelling out a repeated refrain of,


One of the studio quality high definition 8K cameras had zoomed in and was providing a close-up view of Samantha’s fat pussy lips fluttering back and forth in time to the rocking rhythm. They were hugely swollen now, red and shiny with frothy cunt juice. Her clitty had swollen obscenely, visibly poking up between her labia!

One of the strippers decides to help Samantha along and begins vigorously massaging Samantha’s hard clit! Sam’s hips instantly bucking with the contact! Then with her other hand, with a long finger extended, the stripper slipped her long finger between the open cleft of Sam’s ass cheeks and began prodding her tight anus! With Samantha’s drug-enhanced sexual stimulation, it only took a very, very few seconds…

“Oh God n-noooo!” Samantha suddenly wailed, then,

Nnnaaaaaaahhhh OHHH FUUUUCK !!!

Samantha explosively climaxed!

Her hips bucking up in orgasmic reflex enabling more burro cock to go in!

The crowd clapped and cheered enthusiastically hearing and seeing Samantha’s intense climax!

This incredibly hot bitch cumming helplessly on a fat long burro’s cock!

Sam no longer unable to control herself or resist denying her drug-stimulated perverted sexual needs!

Gushes of pussy juice flooded from Sam’s cunt further lubing the burro’s strokes as the huge orgasm rippled through Samantha’s gorgeous firm body making her shake and quiver all over!

Sam’s orgasm facilitated even more burro-meat to wedge into her tight cunt forcing the pink pussy flesh to stretch painfully! The close-up camera shots broadcast on the mega JumboTron flat screen monitors showing Sam’s cunt muscles repeatedly spasm! Repeatedly clenching that burro’s huge cock with her intense orgasm!

Sam’s intense orgasm allowing the hot American wife’s cunt to unbelievably swallow even more of the animal’s thick cock deeper into her! It looked like ten inches of equine cock was now fucking Sam and she was taking it!!!

The stripper stimulating Samantha suddenly began rapidly thrusting her long oiled finger rapidly in and out of Sam’s tight ass! In response Sam yelling out,


Then Samantha screamed out as another involuntary orgasm thundered through her gorgeous body! The club sound system loudly broadcasting Sam’s renewed orgasmic cries!

The crowd was continuously cheering enthusiastically yelling at Sam to FUCK THAT COCK! Avidly enjoying watching the highly erotic taboo performance of the blonde Gringa’s swollen cunt swallowing even more of the animal’s huge cock! The bitch was yet again cumming helplessly on burro’s long, thick cock! No longer unable to control herself or deny her perverted need…

“Yeahhh!” yelled a strident female American-accented voice over the clamor,

“FUCK That Hot Bitch! Ream Her Cunt OUT!


In response to the female cheerleader in the crowd the assembled coed college students again roared their own encouragement to the laboring burro!

The stripper stopped rubbing Samantha’s swollen clit and jacking Sam’s ass, looking pleased she had gotten Samantha to rapidly cum twice!

I glanced over at Alex; his mouth had hinged open with disbelief seeing his gorgeous wife intensely climax by a burro raping her – TWICE!

Everyone in the audience now stood or sat in rapt attention or crowded close to the stage anxious to see how much burro cock the gorgeous American slut could take up her straining cunt and to see if she will climax again! The sexually charged audience long captivated by the intensely decadent erotic entertainment…

Watching this incredibly beautiful young woman with the most perfect hard body and the most beautiful, large, extraordinary firm, perfect breasts being brutally raped by the burro – no longer being held, no longer trying to break free, repeatedly climaxing being fucked by a burro!

Poor, poor Samantha, I could vividly imagine she had never felt so full down there in her life!

The burro’s cock was way deeper inside her pussy than any dildo had ever penetrated – even her own husband’s thick, nine-inch long cock! I should know from the hours of video recordings I had amassed watching Sam and Alex fuck and the toys Sam had enthusiastically used!

The small burro’s heavy haunches kept thrusting forward! Its powerful muscles clenched prior to each thrust! Each battering, ramming thrust incrementally driving its engorged thick cock ever deeper and deeper into Samantha’s defenseless overly-stretched swollen cunt, then pulling anywhere from six to eight inches out before thrusting again into Sam! Each thrust jolting and lifting Sam’s hips up along with her long athletic legs kicking up around the burro’s flanks…

Again the stripper leaned close to Sam’s ear, reminding her and reinforcing what she had told Sam earlier…

“If you actively and energetically fuck the burro back the faster he will cum and the faster this will be over for you!

And if you don’t, well, there is still the second Great Dane waiting to fuck and knot your cute little ass…”

Amusingly I watched as Sam shot the stripper another glaring look…

Ah some women! Despite how drunk and high they are, some still needed to be reminded to put on a good show for their adoring audience!

But then, I also knew that like the Great Dane, the burro too had been given a burro size dose of Viagra! Plus, before the burro was led out onto the stage, a desensitizing agent had been put on his cock to make him last longer!!!



Evidently heeding the stripper’s suggestion, Samantha began exhibiting slight voluntary motions – she began tentatively lifting her hips up in time to meet the burro’s thrusts!

Samantha again exhibiting voluntary sexual responsiveness as she did with the huge Dane!

Then, Samantha began moving her tight, lithe athletic body under the burro, trying to fuck back

In response the crowd went wild!

Her husband’s eyes grew huge in disbelief!

Samantha’s extreme alcohol intoxication combined with the huge amount of sex stimulating drugs Ecstasy and LSD still coursing thru Sam’s system, clearly to all watching, was still drastically escalating Sam’s intense arousal!

With the two psychotropic sex enhancing drugs and alcohol synergy effect, despite the caffeine and cocaine stimulants, Sam was completely unable to resist her body’s drug stimulated involuntary sexual responses!

The burro’s heavy haunches thrust forward as its powerful muscles clenched, driving its engorged cock deeper and deeper into Samantha’s defenseless frothy cunt! Then the burro began to fuck Sam in earnest!

Amazingly Samantha began meeting his fuck-strokes with equal gusto! Rocking her cute firm ass backwards at the burro as his two inch wide long cock plunged into her over and over and over!

At this point I couldn’t decide whether Samantha had chosen to expedite her embarrassing ordeal so her humiliation could end that much sooner so she and Alex could escape, or in her psychoactive drugged fogged state, was Sam abandoning herself to the drug stimulated intense sexual sensations! I suspected it was the latter based on previous shows here at the club by other unwitting drugged up female patrons…

Like the other spectators, I was now as excited and anxious to see Samantha take as much equine cock as possible up her tight swollen hairless beautiful cunt which had by now formed a strained, white oval around the two inch thick pink meat of the burro’s cock! I well knew Sam could easily take her husband’s thick nine-inch long cock and fuck it like a porn star, and we have just seen her take an equally long Great Dane’s cock and surprisingly its huge knot!

Gradually Samantha began meeting each thrust a little more forcefully until she was actively fucking herself onto his massive cock! Rocking her cute ass backwards at the burro as his wide, long fuck-tool plunged deeply into her! Pushing her hands against his front legs driving her taut trembling gorgeous body onto the long, thick impaling cock! Arching her firm ass up to get the full force of his deep thrusts! The slick swollen lips of her steaming pussy sucking, pulling on his throbbing prick…



Samantha began breathing even harder now, grunting with her exertions, moving and rocking her hips faster and faster – if she wasn’t enjoying it she sure was putting on an incredible act!

One of the overhead 200 inch JumboTron stage monitors split into two screens, with one screen focused on the action of the couple fucking in the corner, suddenly switched views of yet another couple fucking standing up! Long seconds later the camera switched to yet another couple fucking! Then one of the stage JumboTron monitors split into multiple views of the three couples fucking!

Samantha’s taut body was flushed red dripping with sweat, alternately her gorgeous lithe body would go limp with the burro’s withdrawal and then rigid as the burro’s cock thrust back in, her lithe body quivering as the burro cock now easily drove up the loudly grunting blonde’s overly stretched snatch!

His sloping cock, two inches thick, was connecting the two like a firefighter’s hose!

Only about a quarter of his massive fourteen inch long cock is left showing when he fully thrusts in, and with each withdrawal, six or seven inches comes loudly sucking out of Sam’s tight cunt before slamming back in rocking Samantha’s hips upwards with the immense power behind it!

Then the burro began pumping at Sam with such rapidity that she couldn’t help loudly crying out with each thrust! Rolling her hips up against the swelling cock fucking her so brutally that she can barely stand it!

Samantha’s cuntal inner labia were stretched whitely tight around the burro’s two inch wide shaft, straining to accommodate the full girth of burro meat slamming up her tight cunt, drools of slimy cunt juice hung from her labia lips churned into a foamy, sticky-white froth copiously dripping down between her widely parted ass cheeks.

The burro continued thrusting at Sam! Instinctively trying to bury even more of his massive cock up her tight cunt!  The intoxicated and heavily drugged blonde being bounced back and forth underneath like a slutty sex-puppet further exciting the sexually charged crowd as Samantha erratically continued trying to fuck the massive cock to hurry the end of her humiliating ordeal….

I was quite astounded and very pleased to see how the combination of Ecstasy and LSD was affecting Samantha along with her being sloppy drunk; the alcohol, Ecstasy and LSD intensely sexually stimulating her beyond her mental and physical control!

Samantha was tightly gripping the burro’s front legs – actively fucking herself onto his massive shaft! Actually forcing his fuck-shaft ever deeper and deeper into her frothy tight cunt! As she pulled away her swollen cunt labia tightly drew back along the massive swollen shaft before again humping herself onto the animal’s massive cock!

Sweat dripped off the blonde wife’s hard, voluptuous statuesque body as Sam strained to fuck her tight pussy with the beast’s baseball bat-like cock in her attempt to hurry the end of her humiliating ordeal.

The audience could hear the loudly broadcast wet, squishy sounds as the huge cock now easily fucked in and out of Sam’s tight cunt… and of her wails and sexual moans of the statuesque blonde wife forced into drug stimulated pleasure against her will…

Clearly visible, the burro’s cock was way deeper inside her tight pussy than her husband’ own massive nine-inch long cock had ever reached!

And it was only because the alcohol and the Ecstasy/LSD combination was sexually stimulating Sam for her to even be able to accept such a monstrous length and thickness into her…

The silhouette of his thick, long cock bulging her hard, flat belly actually was showing as it repeatedly thrust into her displaying the extent of its deep penetration! With the end of each thrust, over ten amazing inches must have been fully embedded within Sam’s tightly clasping swollen cunt!

Samantha’s fat cunt lips were fluttering back and forth in time to the rocking rhythm, hugely swollen now, red and shiny. The drugs had swollen her clit obscenely, clearly visibly poking up between her hairless labia! Her crotch copiously coated with a slimy white frothy goo, the mix of burro pre-cum, doggy sperm and her own vaginal secretions!

“Unghhhh—unghhhh—unghhhh…” Samantha grunting each time his cock-head bottomed out impossibly deep into her cunt!

Two of the four 200-inch JumboTron monitors mounted above the stage was now switching scenes faster and faster, showing more and then even more Ecstasy influenced couples fucking in various positions! A lot of them with various amounts of nudity revealed, all staring while fucking either at the stage or up at one of the huge monitors showing close-ups of Samantha actively fucking the burro back……

Samantha was now forcefully bucking her hips upwards! Meeting every powerful lurching thrust into her tight cunt! Her face had taken on a strained countenance of the upmost concentration in her strenuous attempts to end her ordeal…

Or was it her concentration intent on having another orgasm…!

Then, Samantha’s face betrayed her… displaying a mask of pure lust!

This was no play-acting—it was clearly obvious that Samantha was now enjoying getting fucked by the burro despite her earlier pleas for help!

“NNnhggggghhh, aaghhhhhh, unnnnhhh, unnnnnhhh!”

Samantha loudly groaned out with sexual pleasure! The incredibly gorgeous blonde was no longer even able to form words… only guttural grunts and sexual moans of psychoactive drug-stimulated mindless pleasure! I could tell Sam was close to losing it! Close to cumming like she had never before!!!

I took another quick glance at her husband Alex, sitting like a statute, staring up at his wife with incredible disbelief and rage showing on his face!

Samantha’s swollen fat cunt lips were tightly stretched snug around the burro’s shaft, frothy cunt juice dripping down between the open cleft of her cute firm ass cheeks forming a puddle on the stage floor. Her extraordinarily firm double D tits jolting in sharp arcs wildly to and fro from her frenzied fucking back against the massive thrusting cock! Sam’s tiny nipples engorged and diamond hard! A red orgasmic flush was spreading at her throat down to her bountiful firm chest! The burro now thrusting brutally hard into her! Instinctively trying to bury more of his massive cock up her tightly constricting cunt! Sam being bounced back and forth like a slutty sex-puppet!

As the burro thrust between Samantha’s widely parted thighs I began taking pics and video with my cell phone – I did it just to further piss off my best buddy Alex!

I will use my cell phone images to get some ‘cooperation’ from Sam and Alex in exchange for keeping her beastly rape and the club action confidential. And of course I knew that an 8K ultra-high definition video recording was also being made by the movie studio quality cameras used for the JumboTron monitors, another lucrative black market profit we made selling videos of the club’s beast shows!

A quick glance around the densely pack crowd revealed the strong hit or hits of Ecstasy in the Tequila shots given to each woman as they entered the annex had firmly taken hold…

Several couples were openly fucking! Others openly groping each other! Gratuitous amounts of bared intimate flesh showing evident of suppressed sexual inhibitions having been fully released! Alcohol and drug-stimulated female passions having been inflamed to the point of being unbearable flamed into a sexual inferno from the visually explicit erotic live sex acts occurring on the stage and even around them in the densely packed sexually charged ebullient crowd!

There were multitudes of intimately caressing hands, even girls intimately caressing other girls in the standing crowd! In the tiered stands, coeds were sitting in boyfriend’s laps, squirming, skirts rucked up while they eagerly stared at the stage! Other couples with guys behind girls thrusting up into them! Young, firm breasts bared as well as bare female derrieres throughout the seething sexually inflamed boisterous crowd …

Alex, completely stunned with deep shock on his face, was now just passively sitting in his seat staring with incredible disbelief! Staring and listening at his incredibly gorgeous wife Samantha actively fucking the burro with everything she had…


Samantha groaning with her physical sexual efforts! Her eyes heavy-lidded and drug glazed, drool dripping from her open slack mouth! Her gorgeous body covered with a dripping sheen of perspiration under the hot stage spotlights, her long blonde hair hung about her beautiful face, Sam vocally grunting and babbling each time the massive burro cock brutally thrust in reaming her tight frothy cunt – and Sam, doing her energetic damndest to meet each thrust!

Samantha now rapidly pushing and pulling hard on the burro’s front legs adding to the quickness and depth of his thrusts! Her cute firm ass bucking up and humping back hard against each thrust of the massive equine cock!

Samantha loudly moaning and groaning as yet another impending orgasm approached! Her sexual vocalizations leaving no doubts with anyone in the audience that she was certainly now enjoying the brutal, bestial fucking she was getting by the burro…

Her husband Alex knew it too…

There was no question about it, his wife wasn’t being hurt, she was being pleasured and enjoying it! Immensely

Samantha’s body was again beginning to visibly tremble as a prelude to yet another climax! Her long legs began quivering, her eyes began rolling into the back of her head, then, Sam lets out a climatic scream of Ohhhhh, FUCKKKK!!!  while arching her back into the thrusting monster cock as a thunderous earth-shattering body racking orgasm rocks her to her core – almost immediately followed by a scream from the audience!

One of the coeds in the tightly packed crowd audience was being forcibly pressed against the edge of the stage! Her elastic spandex top had been pulled down completely exposing her large breasts with two guys lewdly mauling her!

Even as I watched they yanked her shorts down and ripped her thong off to the side! Their own shorts have been dropped freeing raging erections! The sexually charged crowd tightly pressing in on the three of them watching the beautiful coed’s imminent rape as well as the continuing bestial action on the stage…

Then short seconds later several other women in the densely packed crowd started screaming! Their own sexual assaults beginning! Then even more feminine screams began as alcohol and drugged inflamed passions were triggered by the erupting sexual violence that began spreading like wildfire throughout the densely packed intoxicated and drugged sexually charged crowd!

The JumboTron split screens began rapidly flashing between the numerous ongoing sexual assaults! I again was pleased my business partner and I invested in several movie-studio cameras to record the club actions, the black market sales have already paid the cost of the 8K ultra-high definition cameras multiple times over!

Fights began breaking out between single men and couples trying to stop the assaults, but there were not enough to stop them, and there were easily more women than men in the club…

Then, Samantha went multi-orgasmic screaming! Cumming continuously as the small burro continued plowing her tight cunt provoking a cascade of orgasms!

Samantha was loudly squealing like a stuck pig as she furiously humped herself back on the gigantic cock fucking her enhancing her body-racking orgasms! She was taking most of that huge cock and raising herself up to the burro for more! Her whole gorgeous body visibly shuddering under the intensity of her own massive drug-stimulated orgasms!

Thanks to the strategically placed shotgun microphones broadcasting to the drunk and drug sex inflamed audience and the close-up camera views, the audience could hear and see the lewd, wet, squishy sounds as the huge burro cock continued fucking in and out of the gorgeous American’s tight cunt provoking orgasm after orgasm! The loud orgasmic wails and sexual groans of this incredibly beautiful statuesque wife forced into pleasure against her will…

Sam’s enthusiastic orgasmic cries loudly broadcast over the club’s sound system further stimulating the sexual violence in the drug stimulated crowd!

Then a fight broke out right next to us to Alex and I!

Three men fighting! One of the men trying to prevent the forceful rape of a screaming coed! Her slinky party dress had been partially torn off exposing her bare breasts and her panties were in the process of being ripped off her luscious body drawing the three bouncers’ attention of the pretty half nude coed.

Then another Great Dane bounded out of the darkness onto the stage chased by a nude stripper! Four laughing pretty female coeds started crawling up onto the stage dragging a fifth hysterically shrieking attractive coed in a mini dress with them!

Fighting and struggling, the four laughing female coeds stripped the hysterically screaming furiously struggling coed completely nude!

The four coeds then forced her over onto the bench holding her knees widely apart! The nude stripper caught the Great Dane and led him over to the hysterically sobbing coed…

The huge dog began licking the coeds widely exposed pussy and ass making the coed shriek and lunge from each lash of the powerful tongue! With each lascivious canine lick the girl violently bucked her luscious voluptuous body! Valiantly she struggled to free herself but with four girls holding her in place the struggling coed efforts were futile! Then the Great Dane mounted her…

Feeling the massive weight upon her the coed began shrieking with fright!

Shrieked each time the heat seeking red rocket thrust intimately trying to hit his target!

Twisting her nakedly voluptuous body to escape the hotly stabbing canine cock!

After several thrusting attempts and to renewed shouting encouragements from the lustful crowd to Let The Huge Dane Fuck Her!, the nude stripper reached down and guided the heat-seeking red rocket into the cringing coed’s hairless narrow pink pussy slit…

The Great Dane lunged forward!

An ear-piercing shriek erupted from the impaled coed!

A shriek that temporarily rose even above the pulsing pounding music and the exuberant drug-stimulated lustful screaming crowd!

Instantly the Great Dane began rapidly and brutally fucking the continuously screaming coed! Each of his eager thrusts spreading her cunt wider and wider apart with his thickening canine shaft….

Too late I noticed the attention of the three bouncers in charge of Alex was fully diverted now focused on the gorgeous coed now getting gang raped right next to them along with the new spectacle of a very attractive coed getting raped by a Great Dane up on the stage just scant feet away!

The coed’s large taut breasts danced beneath her writhing torso moving in time to the glistening scarlet cock of the huge dog as it rapidly brutally pounded in and out of her pussy like a piston! A relentless nine-inch long hot poker of animal flesh burying itself ever deep within her cunt!

Then the coed getting gang raped right next to the bouncers was suddenly hoisted up in the air forcing her legs to come around the big guys waist as he began fucking her standing up! Then another guy came up behind the coed and began forcing his substantial cock into her ass! Her continuous screams becoming ever more strident as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper into her ass as she was being DP’d!

The three bouncer’s inattention allowed Alex to again try to break away…

Alex managed to get the rope slid up his chest and over his head then tried leaping up to the stage just as the burro brays and starts giving huge brutal thrusts into Samantha! Sam shrieking,


Samantha mumbled some incomprehensible sentence then her eyes began rolling back in her head! Her gorgeous sweaty body began jiggling and convulsing like she’s having a seizure! Her magnificent firm double D titties rolled and shook colored now by a faint redness which spoke to the genuineness of her involuntary autonomic sexual responses to the burro’s enthusiastic fucking!

“G-gonna c-cummmm AGAIN!!!

The incredibly gorgeous American wife’s eye’s further rolled back in her head as her sweaty taut body continued jerking and convulsing like she was having seizures!

A bouncer grabbed Alex pulling him back into his seat just as Samantha emits an even louder piercing shriek as she felt the head of the burro’s cock suddenly hugely flare deep within her!

The head mushrooming to three times its size exerting tremendous internal pressure!

Samantha’s hands clenched into fists began furiously beating against the mat!

Her suspended heels drumming a furious tattoo upon the burro’s flanks!

Braying, his furry body trembling, the burro began explosively blowing his copious load into Sam! The beast’s coconut-sized testicles began visibly contracting pumping their copious greyish-white load up the hot blonde’s degraded fuck slit!

“Oohhhhh…N-nooooo, noooooooo!

H-he’s Cumming In Meeeeee!!!”

Samantha screamed out at the top of her lungs!  The swelled mushroom head tight in her vaginal sheath forcing all his copious cum up into her uterus!

Sam feeling the burro’s volcanic eruption flooding her triggered yet another massive body-racking orgasm as Sam let out another long drawn out piercing orgasmic scream of,


“Aaaagggghhhh, nnnggghhhhh”

Samantha mindlessly loudly wailed as the massive equine penis kept exploding again and again deep up in her taut, fluttering belly!

The poor freaking screaming beautiful wife totally out of her psychoactive drugged mind feeling her abused and degraded cunt pressurized with ounces and ounces of inhumanly hot equine sperm flooding into every bit of her most intimate sacred area bloating her womb feeling as if a balloon had been inflated with warm water within her…

Vividly I could imagine Samantha’s acute feelings of sensation of the volcanic explosion of copious hot cum being forcibly directed up into her womb!

Still, I was astonished to see Samantha rolling her hips in sexual response! Her tight hairless cunt repeatedly contracting – actively milking that two inch wide fat burro cock for all that it has!

Again one of the dedicated close-up studio cameras showed Samantha’s powerful cunt muscles repeatedly clenching the massive cock! Her cunt actively milking it of every drop! Her vulva pulsating powerfully around the thickly swollen equine shaft that was buried in it! With each milking contraction her vulva gripped and slid in and then slide out around the shaft, sucked in and then slid out, sucked in and then slid out…!

Now I absolutely knew – as did her dear loving husband and everyone else in the alcohol, drug and sex fueled crowd…,

That while Samantha had taken the stripper’s advice to actively fuck the burro to hurry in getting her ordeal over, at some point, the extreme alcohol and drug intoxication had allowed her sexual inhibitions to be fully overwhelmed thus freeing primal sexual responses from deep within her to where Samantha began actively fucking the burro – for pleasure

Her alcohol and psychoactive Ecstasy and LSD drug intoxication, her many intense body-racking orgasms, and now the enormous equine cum load being pumped into her had Samantha completely enraptured with uncontrollable lustful sex!

Then, Samantha’s alcohol and drug stimulated arousal brought on yet another enormously intense orgasm!

Now more and more feminine shrieks began erupting from the densely packed raging crowd watching Samantha! Then shrieks and screams began rolling one into another! The seething boisterous unruly crowd in sexual turmoil! The JumboTron spilt screens rapidly flashing from one rape scene to another occurring in the sexually charged drugged crowd!

The coed being raped on the stage by the Great Dane was no longer being held, and no longer was she screaming…

The statuesque brunette was now resting her upper body on her forearms, her knees widely spread apart! Her cute little firm ass tilted up into the brutally rampaging doggy cock to better accommodate the brutal pounding of the Great Dane’s huge nine inch cock ravishing her pussy!

The coed’s lush lean taut body twitched and writhed uncontrollably as the Great Dane gave pile-driving thrusts into the deepest recesses of her copiously dripping frothy cunt! Her large firm tits jolting in quick rhythm with the huge dog’s thrusting! The camera close-up showing the involuntary clasping tightness of her hot little cunt repeatedly contracting around the thickly swollen canine cock…

From close-up, two of her ‘friends’ were fingering banging each other watching the swelling dog cock rampaging in and out of her pussy. Her other two ‘friends’ were intimately involved with the gorgeous nude stripper, the stripper being finger-fucked by one girl and the other girl caressing the stripper’s breasts even as the stripper was baring the breasts of the coeds for some play time too…

In Samantha’s artificially enhanced drug stimulated sexual arousal, Samantha instinctively kept up her nefarious sexual pace! Still fucking herself humping her hips onto that massive cock as she hung suspended beneath the belly of the beast as her body helplessly accepted each thick spurt of equine seed full up her convulsing tight cunt as spurt after spurt of burro slime flooded her uterus!

Each visible contraction of the burro’s massive balls sent another powerful stream of jizz shooting into the quivering woman’s overly-stretched pussy! Samantha continued jerking and spasming mindlessly with successive convulsive orgasms! Her toned tanned arms and long lithe legs twitching as her thoroughly ravished vagina was pumped over-full of hot burro semen!

The semen jetting past her cervical opening filling her womb as the flared head of the equine cock had momentarily locked inside Sam ensuring the burro’s copious sperm was forced deep inside! Samantha’s womb forced to expand faster and fuller than nature intended as the copious sperm was continuously pumped up into her! The thick girth of his massive penis further acting much like a cork between Samantha’s widespread thighs preventing it from dribbling out…

Sam’s womb swelling full of equine fuck slime, the helpless wife’s formerly flat, rock hard lower belly was actually began visibly developing a small bulge! Each contraction of the burro’s massive balls sent another powerful stream of jizz jetting into the quivering wife’s ravished vagina. Finally, when her womb could absorb no more jizz, her taut, lean body violently contracted as if giving birth!!

Suddenly streams of burro jizz sprayed lewdly from between Sam’s tight, overly stretched seal of her swollen cunt triggering another wild climax in Sam! Copious cum dribbled down those perfectly toned tanned thighs dripping down in slimy strings onto the stage!

Seemingly, Samantha’s screaming climax also caused the coed being raped by the Great Dane to climax too!

At last the burro’s balls seemed to have emptied but still Samantha continued to shake and quiver on the deeply embedded burro’s Viagra enhanced still engorged tool as Sam worked off the final spasms of her series of successive orgasms…

Moaning loudly, Sam’s mind still fully under the thrall of the sex stimulating psychoactive drugs, Samantha was still weakly thrusting her firm slim hips up against the burro’s belly, trying to coax yet another orgasm from her sexually ravished body! Then, physically and mentally exhausted, Samantha ceased her efforts…

Placidly now, Samantha’s lower body hung beneath the belly of the beast, the burro’s Viagra enhanced stiff erection still deeply impaling Sam on what appeared to be more than ten inches of equine cock! His cock keeping her hips suspended up in the air along with the flank straps holding Sam’s ankles up in the air.

Alex’s stunningly gorgeous statuesque blonde wife seemingly only semi-conscious now, the alcohol and drugs and orgasmic sexual excesses completely claiming her…

Then, the burro’s cock began slipping from Samantha’s thoroughly ravished pussy…

The huge flat panel JumboTron screens were still showing close-up views of the battering punishment Samantha’s hugely swollen pussy had been subjected to…

The 200 inch 8K ultra-high definition monitors now showing the immensely swollen Viagra enhanced two inch thick equine cock as it slowly, incrementally, sinuously, began snaking out Sam’s red ravished tight pussy…,

Inch after slow thick inch slowly emerging till at least nine plus long immense inches are showing, just the still hugely flared penis head remaining embedded in Samantha’s tight cunt…

The burro tugged backwards raising Samantha’s pelvis higher keeping it held up, then the hugely flared head began incrementally easing out of Samantha’s tight cuntal entrance…

First one edge slowly appeared, and then the other…

Now Samantha began continuously shrieking! In Pain! As the still hugely flared head slowly emerged from her too tight overly stretch cunt! The flared penis head stretched her cunt opening to its maximum dilation! The large dosage of Viagra given to the burro beforehand maintaining his erection and flared penis head!

The intense physical effects of the drugs and alcohol, combined with Samantha’s extreme tightness, slowing the withdrawal of the still immensely flared spongy head of the equine cock from Samantha’s extremely tight vaginal entrance!

Then suddenly, the immensely flared head came free…

With a loud obscene ‘plop’ clearly picked up by the shotgun microphone, the burro’s flared knob slid free from Samantha’s overly-stretched cunt!

An immense flood of equine cum came exploding out of Sam’s abused, battered cunt! The spongy head hugely flared to the size of a man’s fist!

As a final humiliating insult, the now free still erect cock sprung up slapping the burro’s belly, the huge fourteen-inch long erection, now free of Samantha’s tightly constricting pussy, began releasing trapped sperm held within the equine shaft that briefly spews out enough to thoroughly coat Samantha’s heaving hard nipple double D breasts and her flat hard-ripped stomach…

At a signal from the club owner, the two hostesses undid the flank straps holding Samantha ankles under the beast’s furry belly letting her sag down onto the stage floor.  Samantha appeared to be only semi-conscious, unable to move for herself…

The strippers knew the routine…

They spread the gorgeous blonde’s long tanned athletic legs lewdly showing Samantha’s cunt temporarily gapped open! Sloppily drooling thick white gobs of equine semen. The raging sexually charged crowd erupted into a thunderous roar even as a multitude of feminine shrieks from countless coed women in the crowd being continuously raped pierced the din of the speculators’ noise!

The show now over, except for the Great Dane just now having knotted the coed inducing her to resume loudly screaming! The bouncers released Alex who then tried taking a swing at me but the bouncers caught him before he connected.

I laughed in Alex’s furiously raging face and again he lunged toward me! With a huge smirk upon my face I told Alex,

“Behave Alex, or else I may release a smoking hot recording of your incredibly gorgeous wife in action on the World Wide Web! Now Sam and you may go…”

Renewed shock came over Alex’s face with my threat. Glaring at me with murder in his eyes Alex then scrambled up onto the stage to his wife while the raging lustful crowd long had erupted into sexual pandemonium! Most of it forced upon unwilling women too drugged and drunk to put up much resistance; multiple hits of Ecstasy in too many tequila shots consumed while watching Samantha’s incredible sexual performance that had uncontrollably stimulated sexual arousals to unbearable levels…

It appears the club co-owner and I will be getting plenty of great action scenes for the illegal rape videos we sell overseas and in South America!

By far I believed this will be our greatest production! However he and I already previously agreed that Samantha’s own performance, her facial features will be blurred in the recorded 8K ultra-high definition video – except for my very own personal copy!

Gotta have a little blackmail material you know in case Alex tries to come after me!

I watched as Alex and another nude stripper pulled Samantha to her feet, they both had to hold her up. Samantha stood on rubbery legs as seemingly a cup or more of burro semen gushed from her abused cunt! Samantha seemed to be looking right at Alex, but her unfocused drug-glazed eyes were unblinking, her facial expression blank…

In no way was Samantha able to walk by herself, let alone stand unassisted after her huge reaming and her multiple body-racking orgasms exhausting her body, she too was still too drunk and highly stoned with huge doses of Ecstasy and LSD still intensely affecting her too…

After a few seconds of Samantha being held upright by her husband and the stripper, incredible shock began filling Samantha’s face marring her incredible beauty…

Dawning realization of the perverted, degrading shame and humiliation of being fucked by two animals in front of an audience – of her abhorrent acts of actually fucking the animals back!!!

It was then Samantha’s legs buckled completely. Alex caught his wife and scooped Samantha up in his arms, copious cum still oozing out of her ravished cunt…

Another stripper gives Alex a large towel along with Samantha’s sundress and sandals, then she led Alex carrying Samantha off the stage and into a hallway where the stripper’s dressing room is located and the rear exit from the building.

There, as previously arranged, a generously paid taxi driver who also worked at the club part-time waited for the expected couple who will helpfully hustle Samantha and Alex over the border and back to their hotel on South Padre Island.

The club co-owner walked up to me handing me a Cuban cigar and said,

“Well my gringo friend, she was definitely the hottest gringa by far you have ever brought us!

It’s a pity we blurring her facial features in the digital recording to conceal the identity of your gorgeous gringa friend in the new movie we are compiling – she would have made us even more money if our paying customers could see her facial expressions! Truly, she is the most exquisitely beautiful woman and the most enthusiastic I have ever seen!

When she had eventually and inevitably had given in to her drug-fueled sexual desires and let herself go – Her performance! Her Passion! Magnífico!

Yet as we talked, seemingly, the show was not quite over…

In the drug fueled sexual atmosphere rampaging around and on the stage, four of the nudes hostesses grabbed one of the four coeds up on the stage who had forcibly dragged the fifth coed up on the stage to be raped by the Great Dane!

The four nude strippers pulled the struggling coed’s clothes off fully revealing the coed’s own beautiful firm body and large breasts!

The burro, thanks to the hefty dose of Viagra, was still maintaining an erection!

Then the screaming nude coed was pulled then pushed under the burro’s belly! Then the strippers forced the wedge shaped slanted sex pillow under the still screaming coed’s ass and held her in place! The now hysterically screaming coed’s legs were then secured held up on either side of the burro’s flanks with the flank strap, the coed’s legs now lewdly widely spread apart…

One of the strippers re-lubed the burro’s erection…

With one stripper aiming the burro’s erection, the other three strippers began rocking the partially suspended coed back and forth in small jerking motions! Eventually forcing his long, thick erection into the hysterical screaming coed’s pussy!

The deeper the burro’s cock went in the louder and more hysterical the coed screamed!

My friend and business partner continued distractedly talking,

“Ah well, the surprise of the four gringa coeds dragging the other coed up on the stage and forcing her to service the Great Dane will be a great addition to the new movie! It in itself is a rousing spectacle! Based on the crowd’s reaction the crowd loves it!

Four beautiful Anglo college girls forcing another beautiful Anglo college girl to get raped by a huge dog and now, one of those coeds herself now being forced to fuck a burro!

But you my friend, you saw it yourself as did the whole crowd! As it was with your beautiful gringa friend, this girl too with the Great Dane eventually gave in to her bestial sexual ravishment and orgasmed quite a few times! And I’m sure her lovely friend will do so as well with the burro – despite her very loud protestations!!!”

Then my business partner gave me a closer look, grinning and cocking an eyebrow at me, saying,

“The beautiful blonde gringa wife and her husband, friends of yours, Eh?”

“Use to be…”  I replied grinning.

I got most of what I wanted…

My revenge against Samantha for rebuffing my overtures, the hottest, sexist woman I have ever seen let alone met!

For Sam, warning all her hot friends to stay away from me…

Getting to see her reactions feeling every inch of that nine-inch long doggy cock and huge knot filling her up!

The two psychoactive sex stimulating drugs and alcohol highly stimulating her arousal making Samantha lustfully and wantonly Fuck Back against the two animal cocks! Forcing her to repeatedly orgasm on the huge doggy knot locked tightly within that glorious pussy of hers!

Of the burro’s huge cock dominating her stunningly gorgeous statuesque sexy body violating every inch of her tight glorious hairless cunt!

Brutally reaming her hot tight cunt over and over!

Seeing this unbelievably gorgeous statuesque woman with the most amazingly perfect body writhe and scream with multiple intense orgasms as she rode on those two animal cocks!

And eventually, Sam giving in to her own drug stimulated wanton desires – FUCKING THEM BACK

A sight and memory that Sam’s dear, loving husband won’t ever be able to forget…

For Alex, placating me all these years…

Samantha’s discarded bright pink quarter-cup sheer bra and lace thong panties, along with a framed and mounted 8×10 color photograph of Samantha in action, will be added to the club’s large trophy wall, along with the many mementos of other Spring Break coeds and their own action photographs. The only concessions to Samantha and the other coeds; their faces just slightly blurred to prevent positive identification, but not too much…

That’s the last I ever saw of Samantha and Alex, but not heard from…

The following week I got an email from Alex, threatening to beat me to every inch of my life if he ever saw or heard from me again…

It was an empty threat…

Probably scared to death I would post on the Internet Samantha’s little beasty show…

I laughed at Alex’s email, well knowing that a lasting permanent memory has forever been seared into both of their memories…

Of Samantha’s incredible, unbelievable sexual responsiveness being fucked and knotted by a huge Great Dane – then a burro! Of her multiple, body-racking orgasms, of her orgasmic screams each time she had climaxed…

Especially their memories that in Sam’s overwhelmingly intense alcohol and drug stimulated arousal, that Samantha had actively and wantonly fucked back both animals….

Idly, I began reminiscing about the dozens upon dozens of Spring Break coeds and tourists whose photos and lingerie mementos comprised the huge trophy wall at the night club…

Unwilling coeds and tourists who found themselves in forced bestial performances as had Samantha…

Once again I wondered, fantasized, if any of those coeds and tourists, despite their traumatic bestial rapes, had any of them actually been permanently “turned” by their experience???

That sometime later on, in an opportune moment, finding themselves in an intimate private setting, will they be unable to resist an intense sexual desire to again experience what it felt like???

I couldn’t help chuckling again…

I decided that next year on the first anniversary of Alex’s and Samantha’s trip across the border, I would send Samantha and Alex a compilation high definition DVD of naive Spring Break gringa’s and tourists who had found themselves up on the stage with the dogs and the burro…

The DVD near the end containing Samantha’s own two performances! Of her humiliating ignominious exit out through the hallway and out of the building…


I can just imagine the shock and fury if Samantha and Alex ever found out I was part owner of the club…

I was already looking forward to next Spring Break…., other pretty naive gringa’s that will inadvertently find themselves up on the stage almost every night…

There are always thousands of naive college students and tourists who stupidly ignore the State Department travel warnings, yet they still cross the Mexican border in search of a great party, and my club owner partner and I put on the best parties…



Undertaking editing Steve’s story about me and conducting a ceremonial burning of the printed pages as a therapeutic means as per my psychology professor Dr. Kate’s advice, I will be truthful that in doing so, it greatly disturb me since I was the subject of Steve’s dark sexual fantasy. His journal notes indicated, more than once, he actually had planned to drug Alex and I so he could RAPE me! But more disturbing was the fact that I found myself getting aroused by the story, repeatedly, in the days I spent editing.

Now Alex and I are not naïve about bestiality…

As all young women and men of our age with raging hormones and modern media on the internet, as I had seen more than once with my own fiancé and now husband, cruising the web looking for porn for us to watch, we occasionally had been automatically redirected to bestiality websites.

We even daringly watched a few brief video clips for grins and giggles, laughing why women would do such a thing!

When Alex and I first viewed a besti clip, we were expecting some trashy whore who had been paid to do it. Instead we were surprised it was a quite beautiful young woman doing it as were the few other clips we watched were – and the women sure weren’t faking their orgasms!

Alex and I even read some comics!

Then of course we all have been to high school and college parties and had overheard some catty conversations between girls talking about other girls at the party that are rumored to have done such a thing…

I went to talk to Dr. Kate about it, I mean, getting aroused about the content of Steve’s story, especially since I was the main subject of Steve’s dark fantasy…

Dr. Kate said that I, Alex and Steve have been on her mind quite a bit. How close a dangerous near thing Steve’s psychotic break had been and what could have happened, especially after reviewing some of Steve’s journals.

Dr. Kate stated that Steve, in his writings and in discussions with Alex and I, had exhibited psychopathy tendencies: superficial charm, lack of empathy, antisocial behavior, intense craving for excitement, novelty and reward, and narcissism. That it was just a matter of time before Steve had a psychotic break.

Dr. Kate and I then briefly discussed the unusual sexual aspects of Steve’s story…

Dr. Kate stated that of all aspects of human sexuality, bestiality may be one of the least understood, and from the earliest human cultures, nonhuman animals have been central to the sexual imagery and fantasy of humans. Dr. Kate then stated she was going to skip ahead a few chapters in her course later that week that will help me understand and be more at ease.

That Friday Dr. Kate announced there will be a class discussion on bestiality that elaborates more fully than what is covered in the chapter of our assigned course book on human sexuality. Fortunately the class was made up mostly of coeds who were serious about the class since it was being taught by Dr. Temple who was widely renowned in her profession.

Of course what few guys there were in the class couldn’t help sniggering hearing the chapter that would be discussed. The angry looks of the majority female class thrown at the few guys (who I’m sure only took the class because of all the girls in it) quickly had the guys refrain from any further remarks or derisive noises.

In the chapter discussion Dr. Kate explained that ‘today’s modern societal mores are in a continuous state of evolving change as new attitudes or re-discovered attitudes are accepted. Today’s modern society continues to transition to a more enlightened, sexually more liberal matriarchal society as the increasing worldwide birthrate gender ratio of more women than men are being born.

One of the interesting things that sex researchers around the world have noted, as indeed fans of romance fiction and women’s erotica literature have realized, during the last few decades romance fiction has evolved as much as other genres.

Normative heroes and heroines and the accompanying sex between them, have been joined by sexual relations with werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, dragons and aliens to name but a few.

Although these new protagonists function under the same laws as more normative characters, it is plainly obvious that this additional trait seems to belong dominantly to paranormal romance fiction – bestiality.

In folklore and literature, bestiality is often the romanticized seduction and coitus by a large, virile beast of an ultimately not unwilling human female.  The animal may represent the power of free unrestrained and totally intense sexuality being imparted to the woman, and the woman being set free in her own unrestrained sexuality to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of raw primal sex!  All these different protagonists symbolically represent powerful hyper-potent male creatures having extremely intense passionate ravenous sex with human females!

Literature drawing attention to women having consensual, or initially not so consensual, sexual relations with another species, is seen by sociologists as an empowering mode of modern sexuality for female literary characters as well as the female reader!

To a lesser extent, newer science fiction genre during the last thirty-five years has contributed as well with aliens, creatures, and monsters ravishing women in novels, graphic comics, and movies. Hence, romance fantasy and women’s erotica novels have long been creating another in-road for alternative sex by planting the seeds of curiosity, fantasy, and desire in female readers, and thus is becoming a mainstream social norm as exhibited by the rapidly increasing sexual fantasy genre geared toward women readers involving various creatures and animals.

For years, romance fiction and women’s erotica literature, by far, has made up the largest share of genre fiction on the market allowing women to freely explore their hidden sexual desires and fantasies without risk of physical harm or social rejection, thus allowing them to be more creative in their own sexual lives.

Fantasies are an essential part of our sexual repertoire and associated with a healthy, happy sex life. The ability to fantasize, to daydream, to explore internal worlds of imagination, is a valuable, even critical component of the human mind. It reflects our ability to manipulate thoughts, ideas, perceptions and reality, all within the private confines of our own minds.

Sexual fantasies are inherent extensions of our capacity for creativity, the very imaginal creativity that is present in the worlds of artists, painters and composers.

Sexual fantasizing can be healthy, particularly for a reasonably healthy couple that are open to each other’s fantasies and even fetishes, and use their increased excitement to move toward, rather than away, from the partner.

The content of these fiction books and other entertainment media influences the thoughts and perceptions of millions of readers and viewers around the world making it into a very powerful social medium, therefore influencing the perceptions that readers and viewers have about social constructs and relationship standards and expectations.

It has been well researched and documented that explicit sexual writing in this genre of books, including bestsellers, graphic comics, movies and animations that include bestial or other-worldly creature content, subconsciously lead women to ease their own sexual inhibitions and be open to willingly to explore new possibilities in their sex life!

A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts and desires, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset. This includes women who watch horror movies.  While this may seem disturbing and weird, it has been well researched by several studies that most women who watch horror movies become aroused.

This includes porn movies that have science fiction, fantasy or medieval themes, movies that include themes of space creatures and aliens raping and ravishing women, including horror sex movies with monsters raping and ravishing women.

The most powerful sexual organ is between our ears, not our legs! Sexual fantasies are maps of desire, mastery, escape and obscuration; they are the navigational paths we invent to steer ourselves between the reefs and shoals of anxiety, guilt and inhibition. Sexual fantasies and erotic dreams, especially when accompanied by orgasm and perspective can help to release the stress and trauma of the past.  They can also help relive good sexual memories. Everybody fantasizes, if he or she is sexually active.

Changing traditional attitudes toward normal and natural sexual desires is in itself a mind expanding experience.  Over the years dating back to Sigmund Freud, there is research that points out that the suppression of some secret inner desires actually leads to mental disease. Still, it will take time to discard the straight jacket of centuries of social constraints about sex formulated by male-dominant patriarchal societies, and for societies to accept well-documented, normal and natural sexual desires that lie deep within each of us. By just being aware, modern society can start to undo some of the misguided and erroneous social conditioning we all have been subjected to for centuries.’


Immediately after Alex and I graduated we got married. As you already read about, we settled down to a very happy life in Gillespie County Texas, North of Fredericksburg, on Alex’s family’s fabulous 4,000 acre ranch set in the rugged pink granite hills of the Llano Uplift.

One late beautiful evening after attending a destination outdoor wedding the charter van had taken us back to our hotel, Alex and I were feeling no pain. We both fell in bed, both of us pretty randy. As we laid there caressing each other’s bodies, Alex hesitantly posed the following question:

“Samantha, I had been worrying about something all this time…

When Dr. Kate Temple told us it would be therapeutic for you to read and edit Steve’s fantasy sex story he wrote about you, then conduct a ceremonial burning of the printout…

Despite the horrific sexual nature of it, at any point in the story, did you feel yourself becoming aroused, because I have to admit I couldn’t help myself reading it due to the writing was so visually and graphical descriptive…”

Well that certainly created a dramatic pause in our foreplay! My husband’s question caught me by quite surprise! However, I never had lied to Alex and never will, as Alex himself had so promised, so I told him the truth…

“Alex, I will always be honest with you as you had so promised to me…

Yes, there were times I became horny reading and editing the story, repeatedly so…

And honestly, there were two times when I had been editing the story when I had to stop to go get one of my “toys” to take care of “business” while I continued reading…

It disturbed me that I did….

In fact, I talked to Dr. Kate about it.

In the human sexuality text book that we had used in class there was an actual chapter on bestiality. After Dr. Kate and I talked, later that week Dr. Kate had an expanded lecture that went beyond what was briefly covered in the bestiality chapter that helped me better understand and accept. Dr. Kate emailed me her lecture and I saved a copy on my tablet. Do you care to read it?”

Alex replied that he would so I reached for my tablet on the nightstand and cued up the lectures notes and handed my tablet to him…

After Alex had finished reading he seemed a bit taken aback. It took a few minutes for him to digest what he had just read, and the longer I waited for him to say something the more worried that he would be upset. It sure took me several re-readings of the lecture to process what I read, and a few more private counseling sessions with Dr. Kate.

Finally Alex just said “WOW! I have always wondered about the seeming explosive amount of all the various type of media concerning this that has appeared in the last several years! From chic novels to television shows and movies and graphic comics, and all those numerous related Internet sex story and video websites you and I have come across!”

I knew then everything was going to be okay, well better than okay, because when my dear loving husband again held me close and resumed caressing me he said:

“Sam, you know those anthropomorphic dildos of Steve’s that we found you giggled about. I can’t forget the comment that you made when you saw them,

‘based on their interesting shapes and textures they must feel pretty interesting…’.

I could feel myself blushing as I softly replied ‘yes…’

“Well, you know, they do make anthropomorphic styles that squirt and have an inflatable canine-like knot that is pumped up..”.

With a twinkle in my eye and my best coquettish look I replied,

‘Sounds Like Fun!’”



Okay readers, time to dissect this story. The following is a brief summary of information from research articles and from medical, mental health and drug websites. Any medical, mental, social, alcohol or drug effects mentioned in the story are based on scientific research.

CONSCIOUS and SUBCONCIOUS LARGE PENIS ATTRACTION – Numerous research studies over the years show women have a conscious and subconscious attraction to large penises.  Researchers theorize that this is a natural effect of human instincts, emotions, evolution and survival, and that this trait is engrained into the female psyche.

To prove this hypothesis some research studies have used computer generated images of nude men of various heights, builds, and penis sizes but not in other qualities like facial attractiveness and hair to make the subject as asexual as possible to gauge women’s responses. Other studies have women reading or listening to literature with characters with, small, average and large penises and gauging their physiological responses.

These studies concluded penis size along with body shape is influential in determining attraction. Women’s apparent interest in penis size explains why human males have penises that are larger in proportion to body size than the penises of other animals.

The hypothesis is that since penises would have been readily visible for much of human evolution, prehistoric women would have selected for larger penises through sizing in addition to being associated with more orgasms, and this trait is still engrained by evolution into today’s female psyche subconsciousness.  Everyday examples of this evolutionary remnant:

being at the beach or at the swimming pool and observing women surreptitiously checking out a guy’s ‘package’, or women checking a male model advertising close-fitting underwear. It is naturally instinctive for women to do this upon seeing an attractive man, or a man with a much larger than normal bulge in his swimwear or underwear.

This evolutionary large penis size preference and associated primal sexual excitation trait, along with sexual inclinations, proclivities, thoughts, urges and impulses are part of our female heritage and genes, deeply embedded within our brainstem and limbic brain, often termed our “reptilian brain.”  Both these brain structures are the oldest and most primitive parts of our brains and are largely unchanged by evolution – and they control our most base primal urges, including sexual arousal.

Since early humans didn’t wear much clothing, male penises were obvious to women. Women chose their mates based on their physical size and the size of their genitalia. Thus sexual competition was and still is a key evolutionary driver via natural selection. These evolutionary decisions influenced the promulgation of bigger penises in the human species via natural selection. Longer penises evolved to deposit semen in the deepest parts of the vagina to promote more effective sperm retention.  Other studies indicate that evolutionary preference for a larger penis might arise because penis size is associated with higher rates of vaginal orgasm, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

When compared to other primates and other species not of the primate family, humans by far have the longest penises relative to body size. A wide penis puts more pressure on the vestibular bulbs situated on either side of the vaginal opening, which gives a pleasurable feeling of fullness at the vaginal opening. A wide penis also creates more tension on the labia, which, in turn, causes more tugging and movement at the hood covering the clitoris. This adds stimulation to the clitoris in addition to the surrounding tissues.

Women who use or on occasion use psychoactive sex enhancing drugs, these drugs synergistically enhance sexual arousal as well as their drug-altered perceptions of an over-sized penis.  Women are even more affected when these penises began achieving erections, women then are substantially greatly affected feeling these oversized erect penises touching and rubbing against their bodies while dancing, evoking primal sensations of extreme masculinity and power – a natural autonomic sexual reaction still ingrained within the female body from their earlier primitive selves. Subconsciously their thoughts are attaching themselves to the supersized penis a man possesses and therefore its inherent ability to give pleasure which stimulates their primal overt base sexual urges and raw sexual desires.  This sexual reaction is called a ‘supernormal stimulus’ which is defined as ‘an exaggerated response to a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved’.

AUTONOMOUS SEXUAL RESPONSE – In neurophysiological terms, bodily functions such as sexual responses are involuntary reflex events in response to a stimulus, the same reflex-driven system that underlies heart rate, digestion, and perspiration. Sexual arousal is housed in the autonomic nervous system. Sexual organs are designed to react to stimulation in particular ways – and that stimulation is meant to induce pleasure. The individual organs are not designed to differentiate between types of touch and the response is an automatic reflex. With alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, this greatly enhances the sexual stimulation and sexual sensitivities a woman feels, provoking her body’s autonomic sexual reflex to actively participate having sex.

If a woman is extremely intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs like Ecstasy or LSD, in most cases she will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring due to the drugs greatly heightening arousal and the sexual and sensual effects the drugs also greatly increase, usually with a woman experiencing several intense orgasms.

Alcohol intoxication and over-indulgence of psychoactive sex enhancing drugs causes a woman’s higher brain functions to be repressed, which allows their raw primal sexual urges and impulses to be fully unleashed – subsequently dominating their actions. If a woman has a naturally high libido, her sexually responses will be drastically escalated.

The majority of women in their prime sexual years, when subjected to intense physical sexual stimulation are unable to suppress instinctive arousal, nor able to suppress the subsequent autonomous orgasm that usually occurs, even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force. Unwanted arousal and orgasms during rape are examples of an involuntary physical response due to the autonomous sexual response. A survey of available research indicates over a quarter of rape victims are induced into climaxing and this percentage is believed to be actually higher.

In rape counseling sessions, this is usually the most devastating subject to address with the victim, rape trauma syndrome, to convince her it was an involuntary physiological response in which she had absolutely no mental or bodily control over.

RAPE FANTASIES – It’s common knowledge as well as scientific fact that every woman has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy. In our minds, we can engage in risky behavior without consequences and indulge our inner freak without judgment, allowing a woman to have the wild, dirty, raunchy ravenous sex she craves, without having to suffer the guilt that might follow. And this includes coerced or rape erotic fantasies. There are different levels of desire and of fantasy. Fantasy and sexual assault in one form or another are pretty common, but does that mean that any of us want to go out and be sexually assaulted? No, it doesn’t. The realm of arousal and the realm of fantasy can tell us something about ourselves psychologically without indicating that we really want to experience that thing, far from it. It’s the idea that the feeling of being desired is a very powerful one, a very electrical, sexually intense stimulating one. And at least at the fantasy level, that sense of being wanted, and being wanted beyond a man’s self-control is a really powerful sexually stimulating influence.

A notable finding is that women who reported being less repressed about sex were more likely to have erotic sexual fantasies, including rape fantasies, but were also more open to erotic sexual fantasy in general, and more likely to have consensual fantasies. Women who have frequent sexual fantasies also tend to have more positive attitudes toward sex and have a high self-esteem.

A University of North Texas study showed that overall, 62% of female participants reported having a rape fantasy of some type. Being taken forcibly is a fantasy that most couples and people have and many have experimented with it and even found enjoyment in “rape fantasy”.  This study and similar women sexuality studies show that over recent decades, instead of being driven by repressed sexuality, changes in attitudes toward sex have led to an ‘openness to sexual experience’, thereby rape fantasies derive from a generally open, tolerant and guilt-free attitude toward sex. The majority of women who imagine fantasy rapes are not fantasizing about a real life rapist – strangers, they are in context imagining a boyfriend, a lover, a husband taking them forcibly.  Moreover, women fantasize about this and encourage their significant other at times to take them hard and rough to spike their mutual sexual fulfillment of each other, to strengthen the emotional bonds of their relationships and their complete trustworthy intimacy of each other by fully and freely unleashing their sexual passions for each other.

FEMALE BISEXUALITY – Humans have had to adapt to a wide variety of ecological niches and we have done so with remarkable success.  This is in part due to women’s sexual plasticity, which allows women to calibrate their sexual behavior to fit their environment.

Same-sex and bisexual desire in women are two very visible products of our innate variability.  Extensive research over several decades has well documented that female bi-sexuality is definitively considered by the scientific and medical community as the norm.

Female bisexuality is as natural a sexual expression in women as is heterosexual behavior. Dominant bisexual genetic traits start emerging in the teenage years, coinciding with the beginning surge of our sexual hormones. Bisexual tendencies are compounded and enhanced by several factors: societal, lifestyle, biological, and environment.

In regard to female sexuality, women are more fluid in their relationships with other women as we crave friendship, affection, and beauty.  They are more open with each other, more comfortable with their nude bodies around each other, as well as being nurturing creatures. This makes women easier to approach to each other, and for women, it is more socially acceptable to be openly bisexual.

Research has shown that for most women possessing a high sex drive, there is an association with increased sexual attraction to women. Women have the capacity to fall in love with each other, which certainly removes obstacles that may stand in the way of letting bisexual feelings developing.

In human evolutionary history, female bisexuality has been positively selected, or given preference over heterosexuality. It is so common because it serves a function – the fact that men love it is a clue. To apply a modern analogy, most men are massively aroused by girl-girl sex as are most women, as the enormous popularity of lesbian porn attests, as does marketing surveys as to what type of porn women buy.

Bisexual women are more orgasmic, fantasize more about sex, and are more open to sexual experimentation. Usually bisexual women tend to be Type A/B personalities, more energetic and have high metabolisms. Compared to their heterosexual counterparts, bisexual wives have more stable, robust marriages, with marital sex that is more adventuresome and imaginative. This is because male infidelity is less of an issue because of the wild imaginative sex that a bisexual wife brings into the marriage!

THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL UPON WOMEN’S AROUSAL – Under moderate intoxication (0.8%) women can control their arousal. However, while women who are moderately intoxicated are able to successfully control their arousal levels as effectively as sober women, women that are highly intoxicated (10%) cannot do so. With this increase of blood alcohol content, unlike men, there is no alcohol-induced diminution in genital arousal; women do not possess an effective capability to control their arousal response at higher blood alcohol levels.

For women, alcohol makes a woman feel more relaxed and in turn, be more sexual. Alcohol is a social and sexual “disinhibitor” because it increases sexual arousal and desire due to alcohol greatly stimulating the production of testosterone and estradiol.  Testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women and this causes an increased interest in sex.  Moreover, alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions, and with enough alcohol consumption, lowers it to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners. Extreme alcohol intoxication reduces and can completely eliminate a woman’s self-awareness – an alcohol blackout. With extreme alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, most women the next day cannot recall their rape, nor recollect the events that happened during the last few hours leading up to their rape.

The effects of alcohol and drugs reacting with each other is termed “synergistic”, an enhancing effect. Most commonly used in the clubbing/dance scene are drugs like Mephedrone, Ecstasy, LSD, or the Flunitrazepam class of drugs – otherwise known as roofies. Along with alcohol, these drugs are commonly known and used as date rape drugs.

ECSTASY – Known as: E or MDMA (or in America and Australia as X or XTC). Ecstasy is usually sold in the form of a tablet, or powder in a capsule, and can be obtained in a liquid form. It is a psychoactive/psychotropic disinhibitor drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Imparts an altered state of consciousness and while under the influence changes the way a person feels and thinks. Ecstasy causes the brain to release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin.  It eliminates anxiety and causes extreme relaxation.  It also increases a person’s susceptibility to peer influence.

Sound and lights are enhanced along with the stimulation of a high energy level and euphoria, the reason for E’s popularity with clubbers, along with a person’s enjoyment of being touched while under the influence of Ecstasy because the experience is magnified. Ecstasy greatly increases female arousal and libido with an increased sensitivity of touch, greatly reduces one’s inhibitions, and prolongs sexual endurance.  In women it reduces resistance, promotes sexual disinhibition and enhances receptivity to being sexual and enhances the sensual aspects of sex. Ecstasy profoundly increases female lubrication, desire, satisfaction and orgasms are greatly intensified and prolonged.

Because Ecstasy is a disinhibitor it has been linked to causing people to act against their considered rational judgment by engaging in regrettable sexual encounters and also to rapes in which drugs are used as weapons. Oddly while Ecstasy has a profound sexual arousal and enhanced libido effects upon women, women experiencing more and stronger hallucinations and a more intense euphoric drug high than men, with the majority of men it has the opposite effect and tends to inhibit erections.

LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE (LSD) – Is a psychedelic and hallucinogenic psychoactive/psychotropic drug, meaning it changes how one perceives reality. It is produced in crystal form and the crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste. Known as “acid” and by many other names, LSD is sold in small tablets (“microdots”), capsules or gelatin squares (“window panes”).

LSD is one of the most potent psychoactive compounds known. It induces a loss of ability to distinguish temporal or spatial reality.  Makes one susceptible to suggestion. It greatly increases arousal, heightens the sense of touch, and hallucinations can be erotic.

Acid makes colors more intense, psychedelic patterns appear (with eyes open or shut), things might seem to move or melt, you can hallucinate, feel you’re floating and time seems to slow down. A person may feel they are seeing a new reality and getting a different understanding of life.

LSD puts people in a very sensitive and vulnerable, position, an individual fails to appreciate dangers in the environment they may be in. Being another disinhibitor drug it clouds judgment about safe sex. LSD greatly decreases inhibitions and can eliminate them completely with heavy dosages and causes a sense of dissolution of boundaries.

Sex with LSD is greatly enhanced and intensified. It is a known ‘love-drug’ and works as an actual powerful aphrodisiac, probably the most powerful sexual releaser known today. It greatly boosts the sex drive and there is a significantly heightened performance ability – in both frequency and duration.

When sexually stimulated, women under the influence of LSD are physically unable to resist having multiple intense and prolonged orgasms. It is conducive to facilitating in acting out sexual fantasies and making fantasies more intense.

The effect on sensory-contact effect is greatly intensified but also is deeper. Since the essential feature of LSD effects is the stimulation of all sensory perception combined with the adverse effect of subjugating free will, sexual arousal can reach an unusually high degree which can lead to being induced into participation in sexual perversions and rhythmic sensual dances.

LSD may affect the perception of the sexual partner(s) by changing in age, appearance, or gender, may take on the features of mythical and historical figures or mythical creatures. No two acid trips are the same. It’s a very unpredictable drug; the effects depend on the amount of drug taken, the mood the person is in when taken and the surroundings, so “bad” trips can result. For the past two decades, there has been a huge resurgence in the use of LSD because of its extremely powerful sex enhancement capabilities and lately, for the use in treating military veterans who have extreme cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).

FREE WILL – the capacity for one to choose his or her course of action. Free will is closely related to two other important facts: freedom of action and moral responsibility. The frontal lobes serve the brain and personality, acting to process, integrate, inhibit, assimilate, and remember perceptions and impulses.

Disturbances in brain functioning, be it due to drugs, alcohol, injury, tumor, stroke, emotional trauma, seizures, or electrode stimulation, directly affect specific aspects of consciousness, including what has been referred to as “free will”.

The loss of free will are individuals who are compelled to behave against their will, who lost control over their will, or who suffered a complete loss of free will. The most common examples is the individual who is intoxicated or is under the influence of psychoactive drugs.

THE SEXUAL EFFECTS COMBINING ECSTASY AND LSD – LSD + Ecstasy (MDMA) is a common combination, sometimes referred to in slang as “candy flipping.” The term “flipping” comes from the subjective effects of using MDMA with a psychedelic in which the user may shift rapidly between a more lucid state and a more psychedelic state several times during their experiences. Flipping extends the experience as LSD lasts for about twice as long as MDMA.  This combination is a psychedelic amplifier or catalyst, enhancing the effect of psychedelics without changing their quality.

The two drugs have a synergistic effect upon each other when taken in combination. Ecstasy is used in combination to avoid “bad” LSD trips: once a positive mood is established by Ecstasy, the course is set for the LSD trip. Combing these two powerful psychedelics will act as a powerful disinhibitor temporarily suppressing social defenses against societal sexual taboos, often creating “sexual hungers” and visions of every kind of sexual encounter one can imagine with tremendous waves of lust and rapture which may lead to depraved sex.

Feelings of sexual excitement and arousal are intense leading to unrestrained and fully uninhibited sex, a person’s body becomes so keenly aware that its whole surface and every sense is an erogenous zone. People may experience an empathic quality creating profound sexual connections. The combined effects creates a sensual orgy of sexual intercourse that can undergo unimaginable enhancements of erotica and the exotic, and the state of sexual ecstasy can extend for hours. Repetitive orgasmic ability in both sexes is often greatly augmented.

Ecstasy pills are sometimes mixed with other active substances, most commonly amphetamines (speed), caffeine, & ephedrine (a natural amphetamine-like substance).

Ecstasy pills can also contain ketamine. Ketamine is a dissociative and can induce temporary short-term memory loss. Some pills have been found to contain DXM (dextromethorphan), a dissociative psychedelic found in some cough medicine and PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine), a highly toxic hallucinogenic stimulant.

SOCIOLOGICAL, SEXUAL ASPECTS AND AROUSAL OF DANCE – The historical sociological aspects of dance and the sexual arousal associated with dance portrayed in this story is accurate, as is the sensations experienced while dancing after taking psychoactive drugs. Dance was the first of the arts.

The dancer expressing his or her body as a vehicle to non-verbally express their emotions and desires, to making art visible though his/her body, also freeing that inner energy that enables the dancer to experience his/herself own sensations as well as the onlooker. Social dancing is an esthetic and joyous way for men and women to become closely acquainted, to live rhythmically together for a short period of time, a socially acceptable release of mental and emotional repression of our heredity sexual instinctual core. Modern dance allows sexual repression to come to the surface and be sexually liberated.

Dance is a stylized, rhythmically transformation of eroticism: wooing, courting, hesitating, promising, fulfilling.  Dancers note their boundaries in order to consciously extend a boundary or stay within it. By extending the boundary, they open up to the desires of their bodies and their state of arousal. Dance, like other forms with which we are familiar, enables women to communicate things to men that they might not otherwise feel comfortable saying, and vice versa.

Most interesting for our purposes is the fact that the music and dance ritual that accompanies the performance of the music encourages “sexual relations” in a socially acceptable context. So music and dance can act as a social lubricant that allows people to feel free enough to do and say things that they would otherwise be judged for. For decades, sociologists documented the dances of primitive tribes of Australia, the Malay Islands, Africa, North and South America regarding the love dances of these primitive tribes. Singing and dancing are still regarded as the preliminary to the sexual act.

The whole object of dancing is the mutual approximation and caresses of two persons of the opposite sex to create the state of sexual excitement.  With today’s modern enlightened society, this is extended to two people of the same sex dancing with each other, with sociologists having documented same sex relationships in primitive tribes as well, primarily amongst women.

Dancing is not only an incitement to love and preliminary to courtship and sex but is also a substitute for the normal gratification of the sexual instinct, procuring something of the pleasure and relief of gratified love and sex. For women, music and dance rank very high as an arousing experience: as high as sexual sounds and imagined scenarios.  Dance mimics the rhythm of your heart beat and your brainwaves – reaching the less reasoning, more animal/instinctive parts of your mind; the strobe and laser lights do similar things.  Dancing increases blood-flow through the entire body, including the genitals enhancing sexual sensation and arousal.  Dancing causes a massive endorphin rush. Also, while dancing, people sweat and give off all kinds of lingering ‘sexual cues’ (sex pheromones) that you don’t consciously notice – which helps a person to become sexually motivated by the things they DO notice, the lights, the beat; etc.  Research has found women are sexually aroused especially by bass tones. If a person ever had a sensual experience with a partner on a dancefloor, that is going to bond you to the sights and sounds in a big way too.

This is amplified by dance becoming more erotic in motion and touching becomes more intimate. Certain psychoactive drugs enhance sensitivity to touch, light, sound and decreases inhibitions, may include hallucinogenic properties, greatly increasing sexual arousal, overall, magnifying and enhancing the dance experience.

PARANORMAL ROMANCE IN NOVELS AND MOVIES – One of the interesting things that sex researchers around the world have noted, as indeed fans of romance fiction and women’s erotica literature have realized, during the last few decades, romance fiction has evolved as much as other genres.

Normative heroes and heroines and the accompanying sex between them, have been joined by sexual relations with gods, goddesses, werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, dragons and aliens to name but a few. Although these new protagonists function under the same laws as more normative characters, it is plainly obvious that this additional trait seems to belong dominantly to paranormal romance fiction – the bestiality genre.

In folklore and literature, bestiality is often romanticized seduction and coitus by a large, virile beast of an ultimately not unwilling human female!  The animal may represent the power of free unrestrained and totally intense sexuality being imparted to the woman and the woman being set free in her own unrestrained sexuality to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of raw primal sex!  All these different protagonists symbolically represent powerful hyper-potent male creatures having extremely intense passionate ravenous sex with human females!

By drawing attention to women having consensual, or initially not so consensual, sexual relations with another species, it is seen by sociologists as an empowering mode of modern sexuality for female literary characters as well as the female reader!  To a lesser extent, newer science fiction genre during the last thirty-five years has contributed as well with aliens, creatures, and monsters ravishing women in novels, graphic comics, and movies.

Hence, romance fantasy and women’s erotica novels have long been creating another in-road for bestiality by planting the seeds of curiosity, fantasy, and desire in female readers, and it is becoming a mainstream social norm as exhibited by the rapidly increasing sexual fantasy genre geared toward women readers involving various creatures and animals.

For years, romance fiction and women’s erotica literature by far has made up the largest share of genre fiction on the market, allowing women to freely explore their hidden sexual desires and fantasies without risk of physical harm or social rejection, allowing them to be more creative in their own sexual lives. Fantasies are an essential part of our sexual repertoire and is associated with a healthy, happy sex life.

The ability to fantasize, to daydream, to explore internal worlds of imagination, is a valuable, even critical component of the human mind. It reflects our ability to manipulate thoughts, ideas, perceptions and reality, all within the private confines of our own minds. Sexual fantasies are inherent extensions of our capacity for creativity, the very imaginal creativity that is present in the worlds of artists, painters and composers.

Sexual fantasizing can be healthy, particularly for a reasonably healthy couple that are open to each other’s fantasies and even fetishes who use their increased excitement to move toward rather than away from the partner.

The content of these fiction books, movies and adult comics influence the thoughts and perceptions of millions of readers and viewers around the world, making it into a very powerful social medium, therefore influencing the perceptions that readers and viewers have about social constructs and relationship standards and expectations.  It has been well researched and documented that explicit sexual writing in this genre of books including graphic comics and movies which include bestial or other-worldly creature content, subconsciously lead women to lose their own sexual inhibitions and be willing to explore new possibilities in their sex life!

A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset.

MODERN TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY – Modern current technology and societal changes has contributed to a dramatic societal change during the past century. Women are liberated and more accepting of sexual open-mindedness, sense of sexual adventure, sexual confidence, and sexual variation among many others.

Since the advent of the Internet it has provided an additional and significantly larger environment for individuals to discuss all sorts of activities, including sexual behaviors. The Internet accommodates a huge and wide assortment of pornographic materials oriented toward an individual’s sexual needs. In this regard, the Internet has made a fundamental contribution by connecting people who share certain ways of understanding these practices, structured around a new expression of identity, precisely at a time when sexuality has become one of the core defining elements in individual identity. And it is not constrained to just the Internet as exampled in the rise in furry fandom costumes, furry conventions, comics and videos.  Furries agree that they share an interest in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters that have human characteristics and personalities and/or mythological or imaginary creatures that possess human and/or superhuman capabilities. Corroborating this, studies have documented that women gain sexual gratification from inserting different styles of dildos. This may explain the large worldwide market for replica dog and other anthropomorphic dildos.

WOMEN’S AROUSAL WATCHING PORNOGRAPHY – While social constructs, stereotypes and pressures have certainly played a role in keeping women from being comfortable with porn in the past, the impact of those factors are diminishing over time. This is consistent with recent polls of women which showed millennials watched the most porn: 57 percent of respondents who enjoyed porn solo were aged 18-24. Among younger women, there’s less and less concern for such constructs, and more openness to erotic material and who are more comfortable with their own sexuality.

For the past four decades, numerous studies have been conducted on women’s arousal watching pornography. It was determined women tend to have more erotic plasticity than men — that is, they’re turned on by a wider variety of things. For example, while men tend to show physiological arousal only in response to erotic films depicting their stated sexual orientation, studies utilizing thermographs and plethysmographs—a device that sits inside the vagina and measures genital blood flow, revealed that straight women show similar physiological arousal patterns when watching clips from gay-male, lesbian, and straight pornography – including watching animal mating.

The great majority of women who have participated in sex surveys reported watching porn as a “fantasy escape” and it has helped them relieve stress. For many women, same-sex porn provides an opportunity to imagine what it would be like to be with another woman, even if they consider themselves strictly heterosexual.

The porn industry is notorious for exaggerating the penis size of actors. Still, there has been enough research over the years to determine that the average size of a male porn star is seven inches in length and close to five and a half up to six inches in girth (two inches in width). It is the rare actor that has a penis length greater than seven inches. Those profiled having much larger penises were mostly revealed to having fake prosthesis attached, to appear thicker or longer or both.

The average erection measures 5.1 to 5.5 inches, more toward the lower end of this range. The average circumference, or girth, of a resting penis is 3.7 inches (9.31 cm); for an erect penis, it’s 4.6 inches (11.66 cm).   A further breakdown is:  Around 6% of men (or 5 out of 100 men) have a penis measuring between 6.25’ and 7”, 2.27% of men have a penis between 7.25” and 8”, 0.7% of men have a penis measuring 9”, 0.1% of men have a penis larger than 9”.

PSYCHICAL BESTIALITY – is the practice which yields erotic gratification or sexual stimulation as a result of behavior in which animals figure, but in which there is NO direct physical sexual contact between the human and the beast. This would include, for example, sexual stimulation, sometimes to orgasm, as a result of watching animals copulate with one another – a practice to which has been given the formidable nomenclature “mixoscopic zoophilia”. Sexual stimulation is derived by watching exhibitions of bestiality, masturbation fantasies of animal-human or animal-animal sex relations, day-dreaming to orgasm, or excitation with bestiality fantasies.

Bestiality themes in books, comics, art works, photographs or videos provide an erotic stimulus. Erotic dreams with bestiality being the subject of the dream and dreams of humans being raped by beasts induce erotic stimulation and nocturnal emissions.


As noted in the section above, numerous studies show women exhibit physiological arousal watching or reading pornography, including pornography with implied or actual bestial themes. Inherent biological impulses spontaneously arise despite the sexual subject they may be viewing or reading.

What turns women on is different to what women wish turned them on, or how they politically or socially feel about it; women have a natural autonomous arousal response built-in despite the sexual subject.

Sex studies and surveys have repeatedly confirmed one unusual fact – bestiality is the most common uncommon turn-on. It is believed that innately recognized sexual features such as an erect penis, even out of their usual human context, stimulate women. A 2011 study on the pornography viewing habits of female adults documented that 16.5% of female pornography consumers reported that they had recently watched pornography involving sex with animals. Erotic imagination, sexual curiosity, and sexual arousal commonly overrides the natural disgust response, researchers found, and allows women to willingly engage in behaviors that they might normally find repugnant.

One-half of a couple may induce the other to watch or read pornography depicting women having sex with an animal. The female half of the couple may acquiesce due to curiosity or be drawn into it by the other partner encouraging it as an entertaining novelty. This part she may like to satisfy that curiosity. However, repeatedly watching videos or reading stories of this nature may desensitize the woman to this particular sexual act, or they may become more tolerant of the act. Eventually it may decrease her inhibitions to the activities depicted so she will engage in them, either willingly to some extent, or with some degree of coercion to bend or break what amounts to a misbegotten social taboo.

Again, part of this may be a curiosity factor to find out for herself if the sexual pleasure women exhibit in videos and stories is actually factual. Some attribute it to the embodiment of that primal animal urge to be fucked so badly by such raw animalistic power that it unleashes a woman’s own deep-seated primal sexual desires and responses that gets them going.  It’s the nature of the human psyche to find the taboo thrilling, even erotic.

This socially taboo erotic act may influence the wild, erotic nature that is innate to most women’s subconsciousness and consciousness. A woman’s wild erotic nature may emerge in animal fantasies, which enables a woman to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of the fully unrestrained primal sexual act itself.

BESTIALITY – Existed as a rather widespread practice in all the nations of antiquity of which we have adequate records. Where it is not specifically mentioned, it may be legitimately inferred on the basis of the over-all evidence. In ancient Egypt, the animal aspects of the gods insured that bestiality would be practiced both for religious and magical purposes. The representation of the Egyptian gods as beings of part-human forms was linked – a further impetus to bestiality – to the belief that living animals partook of the divinity of the gods and goddesses whose forms they shared.

This leads us to the realm of Greek and Roman mythology which is considered by scholars to provide the best evidence for the thesis that the incidence of bestiality among the ancient Greeks and Romans was high, and that the attitude toward this form of sexual expression was of wide-spread acceptance.  Greek and Roman myths contain many stories of gods who assumed the shape of animals in order to mate with mortals.

The satyr, a mythical being, half-goat, half-man, was noted for his virility and lasciviousness, and who exercised it freely with humans, nymphs, and other creatures.  Bestial intercourse related by the historians and mythologists: among them, the mating of Semiramis, legendary foundress of Babylon, with a stallion. From the union of Pasiphae and the bull was born the Minotaur, and the mythologists credited other bestial unions with bringing them into the world. Satyrs, Centaurs, and other strange and monstrous creatures. Author Robert Burton (*Anatomy of Melancholy*) adds to the list, saying that “women are inflamed with mad passions for beasts, hence Minotaur’s, Centaurs, Unicorns, Silvanuses, Sphynxes, etc.

Of the three great antique civilizations here dealt with, the Romans were the most lavish and factual in its recording of both public and private bestiality. In the case of the Sybarites, a whole population was given to it, noted for their sodomies and copulations with canines (as were the Moors in later times). On other occasions, bestiality was a spectator sport, as in the case of the exhibitions staged at the Roman Games; sometimes it was the voluptuous indulgence of noble Roman ladies; and sometimes even emperors were involved. The Roman emperor Nero, disguised as a wild beast, once invaded the arena at the Games to assault members of both sexes, a performance he concluded by casting off his costume and publicly falling into the embrace of Doryphores, his male lover.

 For the Roman Games, male animals of all sorts were trained from the earliest possible age to copulate with and even forcibly rape girls and women. Bulls, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, wild boars, zebras, stallions, donkeys, huge dogs, various kinds of apes, and other animals were taught to perform these functions.

Some of the more trainable and enthusiastic animal species were further tutored to commit sodomy on human males and females. Especially popular at the Games were representations of scenes from the sexual lives of the gods, a particular favorite being Pasiphae and the Bull.

From the ancient world up through our own time, in all countries – though more frequently in some than in others – bestiality was practiced, thought about, dreamed of, and emerged as myth, fairy tales, folklore, literature, painting, and sculpture. In modern times, the practice of bestiality has been reported with a greater thoroughness than was the case in the ancient world, and this despite the fact that in the West at least the practitioners have grown considerably more furtive.

Certainly, the past two hundred years have nothing to compare with the spectacular bestiality events of the ancient Roman Games, a phenomenon unique in all of history. In more recent times, fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind. It is, of course, true that mythology fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind.

This then leads us to a summation of the most recent studies of zoophilia since 1985. This summation indicates reported sexual fantasies having sex with animals (76 % males and 45% females) and watching other humans have sex with animals (35% males and 40% females).

A summation of studies summation conducted since 1985 found that in any general demographic population, overall rates of persons engaging in bestiality range up to 55 percent, with 37 percent of women in any general population having engaged in bestiality. What this means is 1 in 8 women have interacted sexually with an animal. So the gossip or outlandish rumor overheard at a party or amongst friends has a great chance of being true, more so, unknowingly, one or more of your friends may have engaged in sex with an animal!

Having fantasies about things we would never endorse or choose to do in reality, are not necessarily signs of psychological disturbance.  As far as people being considered deviant having sexual relations with an animal, recent research indicates the majority of people engaging in sex with animals do not suffer from a clinically psychological significant extent, and their social and occupational life etc. is not necessarily impaired. The majority of men (67%) and women (82%) placed themselves on a satisfaction scale anywhere from “extremely happy” to at least “generally satisfied/pleased”.

Additionally, studies have found that people who participate in bestiality, almost 50% were college graduates or above, 16% work in computer-related fields, 11% are artists, about 27% are students and about 7% work in animal-related fields, 9% work in animal-related fields and 18 % in the medical field. Bestiality is a sexual activity practiced by all sorts of demographic groups.

Still, there is a strong influence of old religious and outdated moral values/codes, condemning any kind of sexual contact with animals. Therefore mentioning bestiality frequently evokes rather emotional and extreme reactions. Even when scholarly research in this area is published, authors are faced, depending on the results, with criticism, and not just from their peers.

With the zoophilia or bestiality rate increasing in today’s age, researchers argue that zoophilia could be considered as an alternative sexual orientation. Zoosexuality needs to be understood within the context of recognizing new emerging sexual identities that are no longer restricted by a patriarchal system centered on reproduction.


Falabella Miniature Horses are the smallest of the miniature horse breeds having an erect penis length on average of twelve inches in length with a penile girth of five to six inches (Approx. 1.5 inches wide to 2.0 inches wide)

Miniature Donkeys on average have an erect penis length of fourteen to sixteen inches with penile girths of six to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide).

Arabian Horses are the smallest of the large breeds of horses with an erect penis length of fourteen to eighteen inches with penile girths of five to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide), so a woman can accept insertion but has to be mindful controlling the thrusting and how much is going in.