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Madison stayed on the bench most of the day while servicing 12 large dogs.Most inside her vagina but a few got slotted in her ass.All was caught on film from start to finish and while the dogs were knotted inside her.No one thought or cared about the damage that these dogs might be causing while they breached her womb on quite a few occasions.Ramone watched most of the dogs on her but was called away a few times to touch base with Dr Paul and Jeff as to what they were going to mate the sisters to next.When the last dog of the day dropped out of her,there were spots of blood on the bench underneath her as well as inside the bowl they had placed between her legs.Being told this, Ramone made arrangements for her to be taken back to the infirmary so she could be checked out internally.

Becky was not as fortunate as there was no plan to take her out of the ape cage until the next morning.Neither sister saw each other as Madison was taken off the bench and led away.The ape continued to mount Becky on through the afternoon and into the evening.His fascination with her nipples thankfully weaned away with minimal damage to them and like her sister his aim sometimes missed and she was taken anally quite a few times.While Becky did get some rest when the ape was through with her to grab a leaf or fruit,she was heavily scratched from it’s nails and being dragged around through the branches.There was a small outcropping of stones made to look like a spring that Becky could at least get something to drink during her ordeal but other than liquid she hadn’t had anything in her stomach since before her being tied down with the snake.

Walking into the infirmary room where they put Madison,Dr Paul and Jeff watched her for a minute laying on her back.One of the nurses came in and advised that she had given her a pain killer as well as a shot in case there was an infection with her bleeding.Walking over Dr Paul removed the blanket covering her and lifting apart her legs,he saw how bruised she was around her vagina and between her legs,not to mention the scratches on her hips and outside of her legs from the dogs claws.Looking at some blood on her labia,Dr Paul reached forward and with his fingers spread her apart a bit but couldn’t see any bleeding on her lip.Asking the nurse if there was a speculum handy,reaching into a drawer she pulled one out and handed it to Dr Paul.Inserting it inside Madison,he started to open the jaws opening her up so they could find where the blood was coming from.Peering inside her,he noticed that there was some blood dripping from her uterus but with the pounding she had taken with 12 large dogs,it was to be expected,so not finding any rips or tears in her canal ,he released the jaws and pulled them out of the girl.

Looking at Jeff,Dr Paul explained that he went through the same concern with Becky and administered synthetic prostaglandin to her to relax her uterus so it could accept a larger penis and avoid damaging her.This was something he had worked on after he retired but was never put forth to the FDA for approval.A quick injection prior to intercourse would last for at least 24 hours and would allow almost any size animal penis to be used on a girl. Walking into the room,Ramone asked how she was doing and being told she would be okay after some rest and having the drug administered prior to her next movie,she should be okay in a couple of days after her scratches were dressed.Ramone advised that he just left Becky and the ape and being certain she would be hungry when they brought her out in the morning,he had collected the drainage from Madison that went into the bowl and had a bottle of at least 2 quarts of dog cum for Becky to have for breakfast.The 3 of them turned and walked away from a sleeping Madison to have a drink and see what they had on film from the two sisters.

In the morning while Madison was still asleep,they removed Becky from the ape’s cage and put her in a bed beside her sister.Becky couldn’t tell where she was and Madison not being awake,neither sister knew they were together after so long being apart.Ramone walked into the room and after fastening Becky to the bed,placed the feeding device that he had filled with her sister’s co-stars cum inside her mouth and attached it to her head.After all was in place he poked Becky in the ribs a couple times until she woke up.Opening her eyes Becky saw Ramone standing over her,then felt what she had in her mouth.Looking up she saw the bag filled above her and saw Ramone slowly turn a tap.”Look beside you Becky,do you recognize who’s beside you” and turning her head saw her sister asleep.

“Now,while your sister is sleeping,we know you have not had anything solid inside you”,then laughing said “other then an ape’s cock”,we have put together some protein for you” and just as he said it,she could taste the cum hitting her tongue.Knowing what it was from the last time they did this to her,Ramone leaned near her ear and asked if she could taste her sister in the mix.Swallowing her first mouthful,turning her head and looking at her sleeping sister,tears started to fall from her eyes,thinking how many dogs they made her fuck to get this amount saved.Seeing Ramone start to walk away,he stopped and turned,”Becky,make sure you drink all of that or your sister will”,then he walked away while Becky’s breakfast continued to drip into her mouth.

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