I’ve been working on an oceanic research ship for several years – being a female working in a dominant male crew, was not a negative from my standpoint …. Plenty of attention, as much close contact as needed – the sex was always ready when I needed that strange itch taken care of.

One of the main problems we have diving for the data needed to continue to move ahead – are the oxygen tanks we have to carry – even the best have a limited time we can spend in the water –

That was why we were so excited when our lab came up with a system that could be implanted in our lungs, somehow converting salt water into breathable oxygen, allowing us to stay in the water for an unlimited amount of time.

I immediately volunteered to be the first person to try this procedure out. The operation was not a difficult one, after a few weeks of recovery – an extensive testing program took place so I could get used to having my lungs fill with water, not panicking, but allowing the small device to take over, converting breathable oxygen needed to sustain me.

The testing phase took several weeks, eventually, I could enter the chamber, inhale the needed water, wait then start breathing normally.

That was followed by my first ocean dive – it was flawless, allowing me to explore the area we were working – I didn’t have to come up for air or be limited by time, as long as I needed to be down there the better.

I loved being down there, without the heavy tank and gear, I could move around easier, it was so peaceful, the various fish seemed to love swimming around me … the longer I stayed out, the more at ease everything was becoming.

Finding myself not only being out there during our various shifts, I would play out there during my free time – we had a couple more people who tried the operation, but becoming comfortable with filling your lungs up with water, the staff quickly found out some could do it, most could not.

It was not strange to have various companies come to us with proposals of promoting or testing their products. These ranged from skin products that could be used while swimming to sports products and so on, one that I loved was a fishing lure company with a product that could be sprayed or applied on lures to attract more fish – they asked if I’d try it, watch what the fish did, how they responded then report this all back to them.

The first time I tried this product, I spread some on a lure looking item, as well as having some on my finger tips. Some of the fish were attracted to this new scent, but what felt really strange was the way they nibbled it off my finger tips.

That evening I had hooked up with one of the visiting members from our base company – he was good looking, had a unique way of teasing and massaging my nipples … making me squirm from side to side. My eyes rolling up in my head, I told him the way he worked over my nipples felt similar to what the fish had been doing to my fingertips, then giggling, “but not as sexually exciting as what was happening to me at that moment”

HIs answer was what opened a whole new world for me, “Maybe you should dive nude, put some of that stuff on your nipples and see what happens”

What he said, the way it came about, needed time to think through completely, but his cock was so hard, it was pressing into me, sliding back and forth between my legs …. I needed that deep inside me, hopefully what had been suggested would wait until I’d been fucked really, really good.

The next day, one of the young ladies was helping me get ready to test a different product, the fish lure jel was on the table, slipping it in a fanny pack I carried, deciding to dive topless this time, I plunged into the water, with only a small bikini, a belt and a new product someone wanted tested.

Successfully completing that day’s assignment, I moved out of the camera’s vision, took out the gel, applied a good amount to each nipple, then waited to see what would happen.

I had just finished applying the cream-like substance, when a whole school of small fish attacked me, swirling around me, as many as possible trying to get to the substance, while at the same time, shooting me into a sexual orbit – I had no idea it was even possible. The way they attacked me, not only my nipples but small little sucking contact with my whole body – my arms, chest, tummy, back, neck, arms – the ear lobes made me lose sight, my eyes floating up in my head

Once they were on me, they didn’t move away, even after the substance was gone – they kept looking for more. Had I been standing, the attack between my legs, all up and down my thighs would have collapsed my legs – but the water kept me shaking from the new sensations taking place.

Other than the small bites, licks and kisses between my legs, nothing else was touching me, but suddenly, to my surprise I enjoyed one of the most satisfying orgasms I’ve ever experienced.

My juices triggered a new excitement in the school, now moving between my legs, my pussy lips are always super charged, these little mouths, lips and small teeth nipping all over, made me squeeze my legs, both hands trying to push them away – the more I tried to stop them, the more aggressive they were becoming . There were so many of them, they were making contact with every erogenous zone on my body

I think they triggered one more explosion, before they finally moved on to some other place to enjoy, it took me the longest time to finally get dressed and head back on the ship.

One of the ladies I work with noticed how flushed I was, offering to help me, when I told her what I’d done, she couldn’t believe it, but helped me get in a much needed shower – then get some food and drink – retiring to my bunk for some sleep that my poor body was begging for.

However the following morning while I was performing my duties, the thrill I had enjoyed kept my curiosity peaked, to the point, by the time my shift was over, I had a jar of the gel, was back in the water, this time applying it to not only my nipples but all over my super sensitive pussy lips that I had shaved – so they were as smooth as possible.

Just as before a school of hundreds attacked me, within moments having me on the edge – since I hadn’t put any gel between my legs the day before – it was only when I exploded that they moved down there – but now that was where their assault was centered. It only took a few minutes of this for me to explode in what had to be, at that time, the most unexpected but most body shaking one I’d ever enjoyed.

What I found out was unique by being assaulted by fish, they don’t stop fast, instead they just kept searching for more of the juices or the substances I’d applied.

How long I was floating in the ocean, legs wide open, arms floating to my sides … eyes floating up in my head — was lost, but after two more smaller explosions – I headed back on the ship – this time while I took a shower, realizing this was going to be an everyday event- I had plenty of the gel and I knew the school would always be ready.

For the next few weeks, the school grew larger, they seemed to be not only waiting but expecting me – one time I carried out the gel, but didn’t put it on, the school still attacked me, although they didn’t stay long – making me having to apply the product quickly – so they wouldn’t leave.

One evening just after I had relaxed from one of my normal sessions, I was looking at sex toys for some reason, when I came across the various size dildos including a few vaginal plugs. That gave me an idea, ‘what if I could get my pussy opening gapping at all times, what would it feel like to have the small fish inside me, destroying my insides.

Ordering multiple sizes – to ensure the muscles would become used to the expanded size, eventually allowing some of them in me. I received the package a couple days later, immediately inserting the smaller one, leaving it all day, then the second size bigger and so on – after a few days, I was able to slip in two then three fingers easily, but the opening was not gapping – along with my plugs came a huge long black rubber cock. It took several weeks before I could even get this monster in me, but when I did, then pulled it out, my pussy opening remained wide and inviting.

Leaving the huge beast in me for one full day, pulling it out, just before I joined my hundreds of little swimmers, lots of gel pushed up inside me – as soon as I was out there, they attacked me, this time swimming up inside – the new sensation of them biting, licking and sucking on my pussy walls, had me writhing in the suspended state – my whole body shaking, pulling at my breasts, thrashing my head from side to side, thinking, ‘fuck what the hell had I done?’

Inside me, they instantly triggered an orgasm, but unlike the one’s I’d enjoyed all my life, this one hit me, and continued to flow the juices – it felt like an explosion that had no ending …. The more liquid flowing, the more aggressive they were becoming – more and more trying to get inside me, expanding the opening and inside larger and larger until I was sure it had doubled in size.

Much more than I was ready for, my mind floated into an erogenous zone, leaving my body to the swimmers to enjoy as long as I continued to cum and flow. As near as I could figure, I was out of it for well over four hours – when I finally came back to my room, everyone else was sleeping peacefully.

I was so exhausted that the next day I called in sick so I could stay in my room and get some much needed rest. The feelings that they had triggered, kept coming over and over, my legs opening and closing while I lay on my back – even after this long of time the opening was still stretched, looking like I’d just pulled out the biggest dildo ever made.

Since I first started with the school, we had moved our location to a deeper part of the ocean, giving us access to study this area around five miles deep, although we were only working between a thousand to fifteen hundred feet.

I had no way of knowing this new location and my regular exercises with the small schools of fish had caught the attention of something much bigger.

One day to recover was all I needed, however I kept my dildo in me, so there’d be no chance of shrinking back shut – I’d enjoyed what had happened, figuring the second time I’d be more prepared … As soon as my shift was over, I loaded my pussy with the magic gel, covered both boobs –

Covered in only a towel, I entered the water, immediately moving to the back side of the vessel where cameras weren’t installed. I had just come around the back side, suddenly something grabbed my legs, then my arms … they were tentacles but even though I couldn’t focus on what had grabbed me, it was large … well over six foot, from what I could see. Two more arms latched suction cups on each nipple, while one latched onto my clit …. The way it was using these cups to stimulate me, different than anything I could have imagined – just when I didn’t think anyway I could be more excited, one arm with loaded suction cups … pushed up inside my pussy. The cups latched onto the inside walls, the rhythmic sucking suddenly shot my eyes wide open, knowing I was in trouble, serious terrible trouble – the sucking inside kept going on, over and over, first one side then the opposite – the top and bottom, everywhere – my hips were pumping against that appendage … my legs would squeeze it, then fly open – nothing was helping me … I needed to cum so badly, but the sucking was not allowing it to happen.

I think that was when I realized while he was arousing me, it was also moving me away from the ship, away and deeper down in the dark depths – completely unknown to me. I wanted to fight, to stop this, but my arms and legs were secured and useless.

Eventually he pulled me into a large cave, it was dark, scarry – I was terrified- was this creature going to kill me?

I was breathing so hard, it was more like a pant – then suddenly the thing pulled out of me, for a moment I thought he was going to release me – but that fantasy only lasted a few seconds – with my legs pulled as far apart as possible – something huge, much bigger than the dildos or plugs I’d been playing with started to push deep inside me. Fortunately I was so loose there, this thing slid in without much discomfort – that’s when I realized it was his cock, the damn creature was starting to fuck me.

The school of fish had done things to me that made the inside of my pussy so sensitive, his size, the way it seemed to stretch, making contact with all of me – he was pushing all the way in, slowly, extremely slowly – being so long, it was entering places much deeper than anything had ever been.

A few strokes and my fear was disappearing, being replaced by arousal – an arousal different from any that I’d ever experienced. Each time he’d push in, I tried to move or wiggle my mid section to get a different angle – but he had me spread-eagled, floating in the ocean water, while he continued to use me slowly, in and out and in and out …..

My head seemed to be the only thing he didn’t have control over – I moved it all around, would have screamed – but no way of making any sounds under water, so all I could do was wait and see what he was going to do with me.

He kept this up for the longest time, eventually I felt the warmth of his seed flooding my insides, that is all it took for me to explode at the same time.

When he pulled out of me, it felt like the same school of small fish started to clean me, while I was leaking the combined juices. I needed to get away, but like before these little guys plunged me back into the erotic zone – once again my body betrayed me by exploding the juices that drove them more aggressive. They were inside me, now I could move, but what they were doing to me, had me opening and closing my legs …. The steady flow, continuous climaxes were taking place …

It was so dark, I couldn’t see anything, but I sensed his presence above me – just as his huge member slipped in my mouth and down my throat …. For some reason I didn’t gag, maybe the device inside me to allow me to live under water, had done away with that – whatever it was – it slid in deep down into my tummy area, where he immediately started flooding me with his nectar – so much that I could feel my tummy swelling, as if I was pregnant.

It didn’t make any sense at the time, the school had me flying in that erotic area – it seems they love the combined juices of the huge octopus like creature and the continual ones I was supplying –

When I was more than full he pulled out of me … about that same time, the little ones left – I could feel a ledge to my one side, sliding onto it …curled up on my side, sleepover took me quickly – my dreams were filled with strange sexual acts …. After a really good night’s sleep, I could feel him returning, just as the first time, arms and legs were secured, the suction cups on my nipples, my breasts, my clit and now other places like the area just under my ear lobes, the back of my knees – it seems he knew all the places that excite and arouse me – when he had me rocking – that wonderful beautiful cock, the one I had been born to enjoy, slipped deep inside me, again just like before in and out very slowly – the familiar feeling of a spiking arousal was taking place – when he emptied I exploded – the school of little ones were there to clean up and assault me just like they had so many times –

This routine took place at least three times before I was totally exhausted – when he emptied the wonderful content down my throat, it dawned on me, that was how he was feeding me – something rich and wonderful tasting – I was his fuck toy, he’d captured me, the school of small ones kept me excited and clean – he fed and fucked me multiple times each day, althogh I had no idea what was day or night – what way would take me out of the cave – for now, I loved how he fucked me, loved how the school triggered multiple orgasms and all in all a very nice life.