© by Rodeotexas and Cowgirlsrideharder

License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold, copied, excerpted or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

This eBook contains taboo adults only erotica.

Parts of this story are not fiction…

Note To Readers – If you ever want to get your wife or girlfriend to have unconventional sex, our advice is don’t bring it up, don’t talk about it, and whatever you do – Don’t ASK!  A woman either does it initially as an experiment when she is exceptionally horny for sexual release, or she could be encouraged by a very close friend or spouse, or come across it on the Internet stimulating her imagination and curiosity.

A bit of build up to actual sex, but situations really matter sometimes…



Starting at the end of my sophomore year of high school I began taking advanced placement college classes (ACP) including the two summers remaining of high school, graduating with honors. This allowed me to enter the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs as a junior beginning my second semester – two and half years of college, five semesters already completed! However, still it was mandatory for me to attend Freshman orientation, which is where I first met Danielle, Erica, Kelly and Erin, or rather I first saw my future fiancé and wife ERICA!

As I was standing on the stairs scanning the auditorium for a place to sit, a few seats away from where I was standing I first saw Erica for the first time sitting next to three other extremely attractive young women, all four were engaged in conversation with each other. My eyes passed by Erica about two feet then immediately reversed back to do a second look at the incredibly beautiful long haired blonde!

Now I have never believed that nonsense about love at first sight, or mutual attraction at first sight, but today I would be proved wrong!

Erica seemed to sense she was being looked at and looked around and saw me standing about ten feet away, all six foot four inches of me! Looking at her full on I couldn’t drag my eyes away from this beautiful goddess!

Erica gave me a slow, amused smile while holding my gaze…

I returned a direct smile at her with the best one I could muster, however, I felt myself blushing from my impolite staring! I guess my blush was visible because her amused smile got bigger with mirth showing her brilliant white perfect teeth.

The three other beautiful girls sitting adjacent to Erica, whom she had been engaged in conversation with, saw that Erica’s attention was being diverted and they looked in the direction that Erica was looking and clearly saw it was me she was looking at – with my height I can’t be missed!

My past girlfriends considered me especially handsome and very well built with broad shoulders, broad chest and a slim waist, and I work out several days a week. Plus with my cowboy boots on and cowboy hat I appeared even taller than my six feet four inch height! Two of the girls with Erica also stared at me with what I assumed was an appraising, obvious, speculative look, and the other girl had dropped her open slightly!

Right at that time two students rose up from two rows down from the four girls and walked down the stairs to a lower row and sat back down. I immediately made for one of the vacated seats, sat down and took off my hat.

All during the orientation presentation I sensed the four girls at one time or another staring at the back of my head!

One time the feeling I was being looked at grew so strong I couldn’t ignore it. I turned my head around looking back up to where the four girls were sitting and I saw Erica looking at me. Again she gave me a big smile – then a wink!!!

Okay, there is no way any guy cannot know that a wink with a smile meant come and introduce yourself!

After the auditorium presentation there was a mandated guided tour of the campus so the audience was broken up into groups of fifteen each led by a guide, I made sure I was in the group with the four girls!

Egads! Three of the girls were exceedingly tall, around five feet ten inches or so, while the fourth girl was petite at about five feet two inches. Closeup all four were even more exceeding beautiful with great figures that clearly indicated they all worked out.

The guide was another coed with an exceedingly bright bubbly personality who kicked things off by having everyone introduce themselves and their intended degree major. After introductions, the guide led off and it seems that Erica and I gravitated toward each other with her three friends, Kelli, Erin and Danielle in tow. As Erica and I merged to walk together she looked up at me, smiled, and Erica said “Hello Callan…”, and I replied grinning “Hello Erica…”

After the tour was over the group broke up. I turned to Erica and said,

“I know this seems forward having just met but would you consider meeting me for coffee next week?”

Erica looked at me for just a moment before she gave me a bright smile and replied,

“Callan. I think I would like that very much…”

My heart thumped and I felt another blush come on making Erica smile even bigger seeing my flush! We compared our class schedules and to our mutual surprise we discovered that we shared two classes together, along with her friend Kelli, the petite one.

The following week we met for coffee after the last class of the day that I shared with Erica and Kelli. There was a coffee kiosk on campus nearby that we walked to (including Kelli). While Kelli was a petite beautiful girl with a knockout body, I really was only interested in tall, incredibly beautiful statuesque Erica!

Over two slow lingering cups of coffee, Erica, Kelli and I discussed where we were from.

I learned that Erica, Danielle, Kelli and Erin were sharing an off campus house together. The four of them had known each other for several years having gone to the same summer camp, and Kelli and Danielle were both from Aspen who have been best friends since elementary school.

All four girls I learned were extremely smart and very focused on their studies, having taken AP classes in high school they were entering the university as either second semester sophomores or first semester juniors.

Erica planned on graduating with her undergraduate and master’s degrees in interior design in three years instead of the usual six, and Danielle, Erin and Kelli having earned full scholarships and entering as juniors were majoring in Physical Therapy and were hoping to earn their undergraduate and doctorates in physical therapy in three years as well. This I thought to myself explained their great physiques! They all worked out hard and frequently.

It came my turn to explain to Erica and Kelli what I plan on majoring in.

I explained to Erica and Kelli I entered the university in the beginning of my second semester as a junior thanks to all the ACP classes I took in high school. My future plans are to graduate with a doctorate in veterinarian science in three to four years instead of the usual seven to eight years, which included my remaining one and a half years of undergraduate and then post graduate veterinarian school.

“It’s doable but I won’t have much of a social life taking twenty plus hours a semester, not including all the labs, however I graduated high school with honors and I and my parents and advisors believe I can do it.” I stated.

Over the next couple weeks we met for coffee a few times, sometimes with Kelli tagging along, or walking on campus going to class I would run into all four girls and we would stop to chat briefly and twice we all ate lunch together. The third week I felt comfortable with my classes and the amount of homework and labs I was assigned (I was taking a 22 hour class load plus five hours of labs!)

Finally I was able to meet with Erica alone (seemed Kelli looked for any excuse to tag along with us) and I suggested meeting at a brewery that weekend…

Erica looked at me without responding, just a little smile on her face, making me nervous… I have never once been turned downed for a date!

“Why Mr. Callan, are you asking me out?” Erica asked with an amused voice.

For some reason I started blushing which made Erica’s smile even more enchanting. For the first time ever I stammered saying,

“Yes, if you would like to…”

“Well Mr. Callan, I seem to recall you saying a few weeks ago that you are taking a heavy class load and that you wouldn’t have time for much of a social life…”

Okay, for the first time ever a girl stopped me cold! Calling me Mister Callan! Then Erica repeating what I had earlier said her that I wouldn’t have much of a social life due to my class load.

It seemed I couldn’t form a coherent thought to speak, to reply, as Erica kept looking at me with an amused coy smile…

Instead I found my blush deepening! My face and neck turning red! My palms began to sweat! Time began to creep then stop! Erica sat there continuing to look at me with that oh so enchanting coy smile and one eyebrow arched impossibly high – the first time I ever was flustered around a woman! Then finally letting my discomfort go on long enough Erica said,

“Well, it’s about time you finally asked me!” Erica laughingly replied. Then she added, “However, I rather you pick me up since this is an actual date, rather than having to meet you. If that is alright?”




That weekend I picked up Erica at the house she shared with her three roommates, and I also met Atlas – Erin’s huge Great Dane!

Kelli, Erin and Danielle were not at home, I presumed either out on dates, working out or doing something else but I did not inquire nor even think of inquiring with my full attention focused on Erica trying to make my best impression!

Erica was dressed to go out simply but attractively. Wearing leather sandals, tight fitting low-rise hip-hugger jeans that hugged her slim hips and the shapely curve of her cute firm ass and a loose fitting colorful blouse with a hint of lacy bra showing a bit along with a tantalizing peek of the swell of firm generous breasts (I hate the 80’s comeback fashion of high waisted jeans and shorts, luckily it again proved to be a short fad and is quickly going back out of style again!!!)

Leaving the house Erica paused seeing my truck parked in front impressed with my custom late model fully loaded diesel three-quarter ton, four wheel drive crew cab FORD truck with the Platinum trim package and custom rear and front bumpers with winch.

Erica asked if it was a graduation present. I replied,

“Well in a way it was, to me. My family has a ranch where we raise cattle and some horses.”

I notice Erica’s full attention instantly became riveted when I said ‘ranch’, and her attention sharpened even further when I said ‘horses’.

Didn’t most girls have their interests peaked when ranches and horses are mentioned!

I explained to Erica, “I saved all my money working and I had good investment advice too and I was able to pay cash for the truck.”

With an appraising look at me it seemed that Erica was suitably impressed with my work ethic. On the drive to the brewery Erica started asking questions about the ranch and horses…

Previously having coffee and lunch with Erica she had inquired where I was from. Being raised conservatively as to relating personal information with strong work ethics running in the family, I was just somewhat vague that my family lived near Crested Butte. However the last few weeks with Erica I had sensed that things were going extremely well between us, more so than any other girl I had dated, so now I gave her some more personal information; I told Erica,

“Unfortunately I am an only child, and my mom was unable to have any more children,” which earned me a sympathetic look. I continued saying,

“My future plans are after I earn my degree and passing the state veterinarian board exam enabling me to be a practicing veterinarian, I plan to move back to the family ranch where we breed and raise Wagyu cattle, some Arabian horses, and on a very limited basis miniature horses, and also provide veterinarian services to other local ranchers since there is a shortage of veterinarians in Colorado.

Eventually my parents plan for me to take over the ranch operations so dad and mom could start to travel while they are still fairly young. The ranch consists of 34,000 which has been in the family since the 1870’s, and the ranch also adjoins a national forest and wilderness area so there is a huge amount of land to ride horses on!”

It was quite amusing seeing Erica’s shocked and awed face hearing how large the family ranch is!

Erica commented how she thought Arabian horses were the most beautiful of breeds, so sleek and somewhat dainty looking. I replied,

“Well yes, Arabians are relatively small in stature and very refined in conformation. A common myth is that Arabians are not as strong as larger breeds, however, Arabians are noted for a greater density of bone than other breeds, short cannons, sound feet, and a broad, short back, all of which give the breed physical strength comparable to many taller breeds of horses! Arabians excel in endurance and competitive trail competition because of their stamina and athleticism. Arabians are extremely intelligent, and the best ones are also very affectionate and will look after their rider.

As for our miniature horses, there are two main types of miniatures, the refined and sleek Arabian look and the stockier Quarter Horse look, and of course with the ranch breeding and raising Arabians we kept to the refined Arabian look” I explained.  I told Erica that the ranch has a website if she wanted to see pictures of the horses and she immediately took out her cell phone and went to the website.

“My word Callan! These are the most beautiful horses I ever seen! And the miniatures! They look just like the Arabians but so small! I was expecting to see something like a Shetland pony with round bellies!

And the pictures of the ranch! Your family ranch is incredibly beautiful! The mountain setting and pastures!” Erica enthusiastically exclaimed.

Erica, as you can see, the miniature horses have the same conformation as the Arabians, it just looks like someone used a shrink ray on an Arabian and reduced it down! The ‘A’ division miniature horses are 34 inches or less in height, while the ‘B’ division allows for slightly bigger variations: 34-38 inches in height at the withers. Miniatures weigh around 150-250 pounds when fully grown.” I explained.

I did not go further into any further details about the ranch and its operations; that our Arabian’s and miniatures are prize-winning horses and that we sell our Arabian’s world-wide, including the miniatures. That our Arabians sell for the mid-six figure range while the miniatures sell on average in the mid-five figure range, and that our Wagyu cattle are sold to exclusive steak houses throughout the country.  No, past experience taught me to keep these exclusive details close-hold until I got to know Erica a whole lot better, and only if we later develop a relationship – and a serious one at that…

Arriving at the brewery we walked in and who would be there but Erica’s three roommates!

I sensed this was planned as Danielle, Kelli and Erin waved us over to their table which just so happened had two empty seats…

Over the last couple of weeks I sensed Erica’s three roommates were also interested in me as evidenced by their light flirting and tonight was no exception, all that is except Kelli who came on strong with her flirting during my second coffee meet with Erica and since then has never let up. Erica’s three roommates were dressed casually but sexy with tight low rise jeans and tight fitting shirts all showing a generous amount of very firm decolletage.

We were at the brewery for several hours, eating, playing pool and other games that the brewery had, but it was annoying as there were a never ending stream of guys that came up to Erica, Danielle, Kelli and Erin hitting on them even though it was quite clear that big, tall rugged me was with them. After the first two hours of this even the girls were getting annoyed but it was amusing to watch how they turned down the guys hitting on them – all of them!

That is, until one large dude who was drunk and obnoxious began hitting on Erica while she was walking back from the bar with another pitcher of beer…



The dude started following Erica trying to talk to her, then he made the mistake of grabbing her elbow and held onto it to get her to stop to talk to him, and in the process of grabbing Erica’s elbow he made her lose her hold on the pitcher of beer and still he would not let go of Erica!

Well, that royally pissed me off!

I was raised proper and women should not be man-handled, especially by strangers – especially by drunk strangers!

I got up to intervene to stop his manhandling and though I could not hear due to the noise level of the crowded brewery I could see ugly words were being exchanged between Erica and the drunk dude as Erica repeatedly jerked her elbow away and drunk, obnoxious dude kept grabbing her elbow again!

The female manager of the brewery came up to drunk dude and Erica just as I arrived to hear the manager tell drunk dude to leave the customers alone and to leave the brewery. Well he just got even more belligerent then. He glared at me when I told him politely, but calmly, to let go of the lady and suggested that he do what the manager requested.

He was a few inches shorter than I was but he was a good thirty pounds more than my two hundred twenty pounds and he was in good shape. I could sense it coming…

I was already on my guard. He took a swing at me and I grabbed his fist then twisted his arm up and behind his back instantly bringing him to his knees with my thumb pressing on a certain nerve on the back of his hand keeping him immobilized with tears crowding his eyes…

The entire crowded brewery instantly quieted, shocked at my fast take-down reaction immobilizing the drunk bully. Keeping my pressure point on his hand I instructed in a calm voice for him to slowly get up then start walking to the door, still keeping his arm behind his back, I escorted him out the door.

I stayed at the door for about a half minute to make sure he was walking away and turned to go inside then I saw that everyone in the brewery was staring at me and then they began applauding!

I looked at Erica and she was standing there with a shock and awed look on her face! I glanced over at the table where the girls were sitting, their jaws dropped open!

I went back to Erica and asked her if she was okay and she stammered out a ‘yesss’ and I walked her back to the table, Erica looking up at me the entire way with a stunned expression on her lovely face. I went back to the bar to get another pitcher of beer where the manager thanked me and said our tab was on the house!

Back at the table Danielle asked me how I learned to do that. I explained that before my father came back to home to the family ranch he was in the Army for twenty years in Special Forces. He was a hand to hand combat instructor as well as firearms instructor who taught me how to defend myself, to quicky immobilize an opponent, and to shoot extremely well with pistols and rifles.

Well, it seemed by their expressions Erica, Danielle, Kelli and Erin were clearly impressed – and not one more guy that night came up anymore to hit on the girls!

This was the first time I spent more than one hour with all four girls and we all got along extremely well and stayed till the brewery’s closing time, all four a bit tipsy when I took them home – another confirmation that Danielle, Kelli and Erin had intended to crash my first real date with Erica, they had taken an Uber to the brewery when each one of them had their own vehicle…

The next few weeks Erica and I were able to go on a few solo dates in addition to meeting more frequently for coffee and having lunches together, sometimes with one or more of her roommates joining us. I caught several envious looks from people of me being with one or more extremely beautiful girls!

However, there was a growing issue – Kelli. She was incessantly flirting with me…

I noticed at times Erica grew annoyed with Kelli, no longer amused at Kelli’s blatant attempts to get me interested in her, and Kelli’s flirting seemed to only intensify when she realized I only had eyes for Erica.  After Erica and I had our third real date we both knew it was serious and we began exclusively dating each other, not that either Erica or I had gone out with anyone else since we first met!



Just into our first month of dating, Erica first met my parents by video chat, and I could tell my parents were suitable impressed! My parents for the first time ever with a girl I dated!

Likewise Erica was surprised how young and very attractive my parents were, both mom and dad were just forty years old. I explained my parents got married right after graduating high school and had me a year later.  There were weekly video calls with my parents with Erica participating, each call lasting a bit longer than the previous one, with the exchange of some personal details of both parties. Then in one solo call near the end of our first month of dating, mom and dad informed me that they will be coming to town the next weekend to meet Erica in person, basically stating they could tell Erica and I were getting pretty serious…

Yeah, I was nervous all that week waiting for my parents to arrive, and so was Erica…

Mom and dad arrived that Friday and took Erica and I out to dinner at a very exclusive restaurant. At first Erica was a bit overwhelmed walking into a very expensive restaurant thinking she hadn’t dressed well enough, then being handed a menu without pricing!

The dinner turned into a long, lingering three hour dinner in which a lot of family information was exchanged by both parties, I positively knew my parents really liked Erica because they never share personal information with anyone!

Saturday morning, my parents and I went to pick up Erica and they got to meet her three roommates, Kelli, Erin and Danielle, and of course Atlas the Great Dane.

Evidently my parents instantly hit it off with Erica’s roommates and my parents graciously invited all four girls to late breakfast! During breakfast, mom and dad learned that Kelli, Erin and Danielle were on full scholarship which greatly impressed my parents. Of course as I already knew, my parents would insist on picking up the breakfast tab and based on all the engaging conversation and laughter that had occurred, that mom and dad also liked Erica’s three roommates.

After breakfast, we dropped off Kelli, Erin and Danielle back at their house, dad surprising all four girls by inviting them to dinner that night which they eagerly accepted.  My parents invitation to all of them was another positive confirmation they really liked the girls – I well knew the invitation would not have been otherwise extended.

Mom, dad, Erica and I then went sightseeing, ate lunch, did more touristy stuff with continuous conversation with no awkward periods of silence. Late that afternoon we dropped Erica back at her house to get ready for dinner.

My parents then drove me back to my condo to drop me off to get ready before they went back to their hotel, The Broadmoor. On the drive over, mom and dad both stated how much they enjoyed meeting all four girls, and spending last evening with Erica and today, they also commented that they could discern that Erica was ‘extremely special’, which they blatantly emphasized with huge smiles…

That evening I picked up Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle for dinner. They had been previously informed to dress nice but not which restaurant we would be dining, which caused consternation in all four girls wanting to know how dressy the restaurant was.

I told them use their judgement which did not ease their consternation, only making it worse to my amusement!

Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle were surprised when I pulled into the entrance for the Broadmoor Resort, all four a bit overwhelmed with the grandeur of the very exclusive resort, then they were really overwhelmed when they learned my parents had arranged for private dining room with a dedicated chef and wait staff!

After a long dinner we all adjoined to the Summit Lounge for after dinner cocktails. The waitress kept circling frequently and as soon as she saw a cocktail near empty she brought out another one without asking.

I paced myself and kept it to two cocktails with a soda in between since I was driving later to take the girls home. A couple hours later the alcohol had loosened the girl’s tongues and everyone had a great time! It helped that my parents were very attractive and stylishly dressed just being forty years old and having me at a young age.

The next morning I met my parents for breakfast at The Broadmoor and then the three of us took a walk around the resort. Mom and dad took taking turns talking and our conversation went from generality to serious…

Dad stated, “Son, you have always been very mature for your age, a hard worker at the ranch, perhaps the hardest of all our staff. Knowing things that needed to be done without being told, your maturity in supervising the ranch staff and greeting guests and prospective buyers for our horses. Your achievement in graduating high school with the highest honors and with five semesters of college credit! Then setting yourself a very tough goal to be a veterinarian to not only help with the ranch’s livestock but the neighboring ranches as well since there is such a shortage of vets in the area. That also shows how sociably responsible you are! While you have only been in college a few months now, your perseverance is still showing by the high grades you are achieving – all the while maintaining what your mother and I perceive to be a deepening relationship with Erica…”

Then mom continued saying, “Callan, any parent would be concerned seeing their child getting serious with a girl at your age and away from home just beginning college, however as your dad stated, you’re not an average child. No, that’s not right, you’re not an average young man – and neither is Erica…

In a lot of ways, you and Erica are just like the way your dad and I were at your age except we had known each other since kindergarten, starting dating in junior high, and got married immediately after high school and your dad enlisting in the Army instead of going to college with his exceptional grades.

As you know, your maternal and paternal grandparents, great grandparents and great, great grandparents have known each other since the beginning of the establishment of the ranch in the 1870’s, were best friends, and helped supported each other in growing the family ranches. Your dad and I getting married was a wish and then finally a dream come true for the past two generations. Those years of your grandparents and their parents growing the ranches was instrumental in enabling your grandparents and your dad and I to be so successful today for our family ranch having a worldwide reputation for excellence.

Callan, we are very impressed with Erica’s manners, her humor, her maturity, her intelligence, and how she and you are both maintaining excellent grades despite an incredible course load while developing a relationship.

Callan, looking back at our own relationship, your dad and I would be hypocrites saying you and Erica are too young to be getting serious with each other especially considering your course loads, especially when your dad and I see such similar interactions that you and Erica have with each other that your dad and I had at your age and still do!

With that said, your dad and I look forward, with high hopes, to where you and Erica’s relationship may lead to…

So, with that said, in another few weeks, if both Erica and you still see yourselves progressing to a deeper relationship, we would like for you to extend an invitation to Erica to come out to the ranch for a weekend – oh, and at a later time, you can invite Erica’s three lovely roommates as well!

We enjoyed meeting Kelli, Erin and Danielle too – they were all a hoot! And it is clearly obvious how much they care for each other and Erica! Besides, the ranch will be great place to decompress from all the college stress that you all are under, and you make sure that they all feel welcome to come to the ranch anytime any of them feel a need to get away to decompress.”

Well I can understand my parents welcoming attitude for Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle. My parents always wanted more children but unable to do so naturally. And with Dad being a retired Special Forces soldier he was gone a lot so fostering or adoption would not have been practicable.

So in their own way my parents generous invitation for Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle to come to the ranch anytime they felt the need to decompress was a way to fill the huge ranch house with the additional children they never could have.

So, with our relationship rapidly deepening during following month, at the beginning of the third month of Erica and I dating, I took Erica to the ranch…



The family ranch and it’s 34,000 acres are set in the Rocky Mountains outside Crested Butte, the ranch containing towering mountain peaks and deep sheltered valleys. We departed Colorado Springs early and Erica grew ever more nervous on the nearly four hour drive to the ranch as we drew near.

Turning onto an unpaved, improved county road we went for several miles before turning into the ranch…

After traveling two miles on the ranch Erica was very quiet, constantly turning in her seat trying to see everything as I described the history and geology of the ranch, pointing out a couple old precious metal mines, the forested mountain slopes, Erica staring in amazement at the sleek Arabian horses in the pastures. At one point I stopped the truck near some Wagyu cattle explaining their history, with the cattle coming up to the truck expecting some range cubes. Then we drove another couple of miles when Erica stated,

“Callan, I had no idea! I knew that 34,000 acres was a lot of land but we have been driving on the ranch for several miles now!”

“Well yes, it is quite large when you look at a map with its flat dimensional representation, but it’s even larger in land area if you consider all the vertical mountain topography!”

We continued driving another couple of miles and crossed a low mountain pass and began our descent into the valley where the ranch headquarters were. Catching the first sight of it stunned Erica making her gasp!

The old ranch house had long been converted to a bunkhouse by my grandparents. My grandparents then had built a modest timber-frame and native stone lodge several hundred yards away on the opposite side of the valley that formerly was four bedrooms, five bathrooms with a large living area, of five thousand square feet.

With the ranch becoming even more successful when my parents assumed operations, in order to accommodate frequent guests and clients, my parents had enlarged the lodge to 11,500 square feet with four additional bedrooms each with its own master bath, another guest bath, and had modernized the lodge. My parents also had installed a free-form horizon heated pool and a spacious twelve person hot tub/swim spa.


Additionally the ranch had gone completely off-grid. Four large solar arrays automatically tracked the sun in conjunction with a 150 KW vertical axis wind turbine generator sited on the valley ridge, with a propane powered 200 KW backup generator that provided redundant power for the ranch during heavy snowfalls.

An 8,000 square foot matching timber-frame and stone climate controlled stable was located a few hundred yards away that held not only stalls and a tack room, but also an office, complete master bath, a set of bunk beds, a wash station, a breeding and semen collection station, and a preservation lab and cold storage cooler for semen samples.

Additionally there were two three bedroom, three bath guest cabins sited on a small pond in the valley, two other cabins for the ranch hands, and a climate controlled utility building that housed a snowplow, snowmobiles, ATVs, two tractors, and the ranch’s trucks, all the structures with matching timber-frame and stone construction.

Upon arrival my parents enthusiastically met Erica, who understandably was a bit subdued with her surroundings, and it took her awhile to absorb everything and to regain her normal bubbly personality, granted it was a lot to take in.

I had previously learned that Erica and her parents were by no means poor, her dad and mom owned an environmental and engineering consulting firm with forty employees and had to constantly turn down work, but the size of our family ranch, its custom architectural amenities, and being sited amidst gorgeous towering mountains did have a profound effect upon all who visited.

After we got Erica situated in the lodge with her bedroom and had lunch, she was eager for a tour of the ranch. Dad and mom already had a couple of ATV’s up at the lodge and we rode down to look at the stables and met the ranch staff.

Erica was surprised the full-time staff were comprised of all cowgirls rather than boys, six ranch hands ranging in age from twenty to mid-thirties.

I explained they all are involved in taking care of the ranch as a whole, including feeding, semen collection, artificial insemination, breeding operations, maintaining the ranch structures, and taking guests out on horseback rides, ATV’s and snowmobiles. I could also tell Erica was a bit surprised that all six of the ranch hands were very attractive…

I continued explaining to Erica all the ranch staff are working toward or have a college or university degree and the ranch has a generous benefit and retirement plan, and that the ranch pays very well to retain staff. Starting wages were $45,000 a year not including semi-annual bonuses, profit sharing, and that we provided housing and meals if they want it at no additional charge, so we are able to be very selective in whom we hire and most of the staff are long-term employees. A couple have left after getting married, but a one staffer had stayed with us after she got married. They actually think of my dad as a surrogate father and make it a point of introducing him only to guys they are seriously dating.

Showing Erica the stable facilities and well out of earshot of the staff, with a sly look up at me Erica remarked the staff were all very attractive and appeared to be very fit, confirming my suspicion their attractive appearances did not go unnoticed…

I ignored Erica’s innuendo by saying,

“Over the past three or so decades there has been an increase of women becoming professional cowgirls, and ranch owners have found out, as we have long ago, women are more stable in the work professions – including ranching operations. A lot of cowboys still tend to drift from ranch to ranch every few years. Having a stable workforce enables staff to proficiently learn the operation, plus the guests appreciate having attractive female staff around…” I innocently remarked before I immediately continued discussing the ranch operations.

By the time the weekend visit was over, Erica and my parents were totally comfortable with each other. After lunch on Sunday with all the staff which was our custom. We bade goodbye to my parents.

Erica gave a huge hug to my tall rugged handsome dad (he was as tall as me!) then my mother tightly hugged Erica. To my surprise mom gave Erica a kiss on her cheek which instantly brought Erica to tears! Mom had never done that to any of my previous girlfriends before!

Then dad said to Erica,

“Erica, you come back as often as you want or need to get away from college stress to unwind, our home is your home – anytime!”

Then mom told Erica on her next visit to bring her roommates too! Erica hugged dad again and then mom. Mom held her tight, but then I saw mom whisper something in Erica’s ear…

Whatever mom said to her it made Erica happily cry!

On the drive out of the ranch I asked Erica what my mom said to her. Erica gave me a smile, and with a renewed glistening tear in the corner of her eye Erica replied,

“Your mom told me, that it was as if I was the daughter they never could have, and that they dearly hoped to see me again soon, and often…”

Well, I had to pull over and stopped the truck, for I too had tears blurring my vision!

My mother had been unable to have any more children after me, she could only have just one child due to severe medical complications, and I knew they had planned on having three children.

I well knew it affected my dad too but I also knew their tremendous love for each other – ever since their fifth grade of elementary school year, was made all that much stronger with my mom almost losing her life in having me, and I too felt everlasting deep guilt over that, as my parents knew…

Then Erica leaned over and held me tight, as tears ran down both our faces…



Three weeks later we went back to the ranch, this time with Kelli, Erin and Danielle in tow. They too were flabbergasted with the ranch! As with Erica, they were surprised that the ranch staff were all young, college educated women. But leave it to Kelli to make an insinuating remark…

I acted like I didn’t hear Kelli’s remark regarding me and the attractive ranch staff. With Kelli’s insensitive remark, Erin and Danielle jerked Kelli away from Erica and I and Erin and Danielle had a quick, quiet and intense conversation with Kelli. A few minutes later the three girls returned back to us, Kelli wearing a chastised look on her face…

With the exception of Kelli’s one snide remark, all four girls had a wonderful time at the ranch. Riding ATV’s, a horseback ride on exquisite Arabian horses, experiencing a real Western cook-out and campfire with my family and the ranch staff. Unfortunately due to time constraints and the size of the ranch they only saw a small portion of the ranch, it would take days by ATVs or a jeep to see it all!

Upon departure my parents and the girls all hugged each other – my parents especially with Erica! Mom and Dad told them to come back frequently and stay as long as they please! Well, that started Erica crying again and I even saw Kelli tear up!



One week later after all the girls visited the ranch and four months of dating – Erica accepted my marriage proposal!!!

In the succeeding months Erica and I made a trip back to the ranch at least one weekend a month, most times with Kelli, Erin and Danielle accompanying us. My parents welcomed Erica’s friends and along with Erica, mom and dad started treating them as the daughters they never had and always wanted!

However, something odd began after Erica and I became engaged…

Up to our engagement, Kelli, Erin and Danielle often playfully and outrageously flirted with me. After we got engaged, as time went by, when I was over at the girl’s house in the evening or spending the night, Kelli, Erin and Danielle began casually walking past me or sitting with us, wearing ever skimpier and skimpier revealing clothing, or wearing a towel walking around the house with nothing underneath, or short robes that clearly showed them wearing just thong or G-string panties, their robes loosely belted showing generous amounts of firm breast, and OOPS! My robe accidently parted!

When I took the four girls to the ranch and they went swimming or got in the hot tub at night, all four wore Brazilian style string bikinis which accented their gorgeous, hard-ripped athletic bodies and the minimal thong backs left bare most of their cute firm asses!

Now we all have gone to a few of the hot springs around Colorado on day trips and they wore more modest bikinis but not at the ranch! And when my parents were away for several hours or gone some weekends they wore some brand of barely there micro bikinis called Wicked Weasel which barely concealed but enhanced all four of the girls amazing sex appeal that hardly left anything to the imagination! Hell I’ve seen them in panties and skimpy bras that covered more than these micro-bikinis did!

And their lounge about the house attire became ever more risqué and their behavior escalated from outrageous flirting to risqué!

More than once one or more of the roommates had even playfully jumped into bed with us wearing nothing but skimpy see-thru lingerie and barely there panties, with Erica and I both naked under the covers!

After several times of this happening and Erica noticing my discomfiture every time, Erica told me they were intentionally teasing me after having seen the outline of my cock through my tight jeans and swim shorts – especially after Erica had told them how very large (porn star large – her words!) I was after they had pestered Erica after hearing her loud screams of pleasure emanating from her closed bedroom door yelling loudly for me to fuck her with my huge cock!

Yes, I’m one of those fortunate few who has been very well endowed, one of those lucky one in ten thousand men who have a nine inch long cock, that is two inches wide with a six and a half inch girth – which my fiancé Erica and all three of her gorgeous roommates have mercilessly, and enviously, have teased me about for three years! Some of their dares were quite outrageous as was the occasional groping!

Amazingly Erica was seemingly unconcerned with Kelli, Erin and Danielle risqué and teasing behavior, Erica laughing at my embarrassed reactions when they did something outrageously sexy!  I finally got somewhat use to their provocative behavior – except the times when they were wearing see-thru ‘fuck me’ lingerie and jumped into Erica’s king-size bed with us, with Erica and I naked under the covers watching a porn movie and one or more staying to watch the movie too, at times with Erica having one of her dildo’s out on the nightstand with a bottle of lube waiting to be used!

There were a few episodes of this when this had happened and one or the other girls had grabbed the dildo and went after Erica under the covers making them all shriek with laughter as a naked Erica jumped out of bed and Kelli, Erin or Danielle chasing her with the dildo!!!

After seeing this happen a few times with the dildo actually making brief intimate contact with Erica and the girls glimpsing me naked with a full-on two inch thick nine inch long erection before I could grab the covers and pull them back up, I began wondering how close the four of them really were…

This was especially brought home one time during the second year of meeting them when the five of us were watching a sci-fi fantasy porn movie together in the main living area…

Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle had all been drinking and were pretty drunk, all four of them were wearing ‘fuck me!’ lingerie – and not the kind of lingerie you buy at a mall but the kind you see in porn shops! They started cutting up with each other and me, then Erin went to her room and brought out a dildo that was nearly my size and started chasing Danielle around the room with it!

All the commotion got Atlas excited and he was running around the room galloping after Erin and Danielle and woofing at the girls! Erica and Kelli joined in and they caught Danielle and bent her over the end of the couch, pulled her G-string aside and held her down while Erin started fucking her with it with all four laughing hilariously!

I just sat there stunned watching a real life porn act happening in front of me feeling my semi-flaccid cock starting to get hard and I shifting my position on the couch so the girls wouldn’t notice!

After several thrusts Danielle managed to break free, grabbed the dildo from Erin and started chasing her with it! Danielle caught the top of Erin’s lingerie and the flimsy material tore fully exposing her fake breasts (Yes! Erin had enhancements!) as Erin kept running around the room shrieking with laughter!

Then it was Erin’s turn to be dildo fucked when Erica and Kelli grabbed a laughing, shrieking Erin and threw her on top of me and held her thrashing, almost completely nude body down on top of me and Danielle went after her with the dildo!

Needless to say my semi-flaccid cock went to full hard-on erection with a nearly naked Erin laying across my lap with her cute bare firm ass watching a large dildo being slowly fucked into her!

Yeah, more than once I wondered how close the four of them really were…

Oddly enough, Kelli, Danielle and Erin, all being exceptionally beautiful and popular, did not date that much, certainly never seriously, concentrating hard as they did on their studies to make high grades to graduate with honors, and I never did see a guy stay over or any one of them stay a night at a guy’s house, let alone have a boyfriend for more than a month or so, with long dry spells in-between.

Erica and I were the lucky ones to have found each other, both of us having innately recognized we were meant for each other!

Erica and I managed to keep our own grades up high despite our mutual distractions! Erica explained to me one time the other three girls had their sex toys to avoid romantic complications interfering with their studies, but after seeing their sexual antics with each other, I had suspicions a bit more than that may be involved…

But hey, even being from a conservative Western culture, that kind of thing never bothered me – not girl with girl! And certainly not with these four incredibly beautiful girls!

It was clearly obvious all four girls cared very deeply for each other, I never saw any of them in an argument, just on a very rare occasion Erica getting slightly annoyed with Kelli when her flirting with me got a bit too much even for her, and Kelli’s actions had to be very flagrant and very intimate, like the first time Kelli shoved her hand past my robe and inside my Under Armour Boxerjocks when we were sitting on the couch watching an adult movie with Erica on the other side of me and Kelli started jacking my cock while I was shocked motionless at her bolder than hell action!

But all Erica did was reach over, grasp Kelli’s arm, and pulled it out of my boxerjocks and she told Kelli “That’s enough…”

That’s it! That’s all Erica said! I couldn’t believe her tolerant attitude! I thought I was fixing to be in the middle of a wildcat fight!

Still, as Kelli, Danielle and Erin kept on with their outrageous flirtation and wearing extremely daring lingerie around me, Erica just laughed at all their flirting – even encouraging it! Seemingly highly amused at their antics!

One time after another such episode I asked Erica about their outrageous behaviors toward me and she stated,

“Callan, those three are my best and dearest friends and we have known each other for years and we all love each other dearly and they have come to love you too, in fact I think all three are in love with you!

You should have heard the comments they made about you when we first met, and since then! They were and are very sexually explicit! That’s okay! It doesn’t bother me! We four love each other and we all love you! Especially Me! Those three girls would do anything for us! And I them!



It was graduation day from the University of Colorado!

All five sets of parents came to see the five of us graduate with high honors. My parents had rented a limousine to pick us up to take us to graduation, then dinner afterwards, then club hopping. After the graduation ceremony the ten of us all had dinner together. My parents had met Kelli, Erin’s and Danielle’s parents at different times, and of course Erica’s, and they all got along great. All five sets of parents having previously accepted invitations from my parents to the ranch and have come to the ranch as a group more than once, and of course Kelli, Erin’s and Danielle’s parents have known each other for years.

After our parents went back to their hotels, my fiancé Erica, and her three university roommates and I went out clubbing and dancing to celebrate our graduation.

All four girls got pretty drunk, but that didn’t explain all their crazy, raucous sexy behavior. I realized they must have popped some Ecstasy too, again

The girls rarely partied but when they did they went all out! There were times I had to carry one of more into the house they shared and into their bedrooms they were so plastered. All four girls on rare occasions, when they were in a big party mood and really wanted to go all out, had used Ecstasy, but only when I was present to chaperone them and get them home safely, so I had never hassled them about taking E.

They were all, as I was, under tremendous stress with our heavy class loads and maintaining our high grades.

The girls had to maintain a ‘B’ or higher in all their classes while I had to maintain a minimum of a B plus in all my classes, and each summer we took summer classes. Then for our remaining time at the university there was the added stress planning our wedding, selecting a wedding planner and caterer, a venue, selecting dresses, flowers, invitations, etc., etc. – all during our final semester! Erica and I had set date wedding date for one month after graduation, and of course Kelli, Erin and Danielle were all bridesmaids.

Still, after three years of knowing Kelli, Erin and Danielle, I had observed that Kelli, Erin and Danielle had rarely dated, and at most only two or three dates with a guy before the girls stopped seeing that particular guy.

Erica once telling me they all were concentrating on their studies and did not want to get entangled in a relationship that may distract and take time from their studies and affect maintaining their minimum B grade requirements, then Erica added,

“But somehow Callan, you and I were seemingly drawn to each other the first time we laid eyes on each other during orientation, and despite starting our relationship and getting engaged four months later, it is clearly apparent that we helped each other focus on our studies rather than distract!”

All four girls had been very serious about their studies and making excellent grades. had completed their undergraduate studies and obtained their doctorate degrees in three years in physical therapy, and there were plenty of job opportunities in that field with Colorado having such an active recreational scene all year round. Erica had obtained her master’s degree in interior design.

Early in the morning we finally got back to the off campus house my fiancé shared with her three roommates. All four were so extremely drunk and flying high on Ecstasy they had to hold on to each other and I to my fiancé as they badly stumbled from the limousine into their house. However the four girls were still in a partying mood! They went to change out of their party clothes into their lounge about clothing.

Coming back out of their rooms I once again had to ignore their lounging attire they all were wearing…

As the past few years had gone by and we all gotten to know each other extremely well, the girls lounge about clothing had gotten ever skimpier and more abbreviated when I was around!

Certainly when food was being delivered whoever answered the door was quick to don a robe, and despite our engagement, Kelli, Danielle and Erin’s flirting had gotten progressively outrageous as well as very handsy – and Erica still just laughed at their flirtatious antics even encouraging it!

The girls decided to watch a movie and drink more champagne – as if they weren’t drunk enough!

While they searched for a movie to stream I went into the kitchen looking for something to eat. Erica, my fiancé, had made popcorn while opening a couple of bottles of champagne.  Coming back out of the kitchen with the popcorn Erica looked up from the love-seat and indicated for me to sit down with her.  Erin, Kelli and Danielle were sitting down on the other couch, a large couch that could sit eight people, all three sat on the couch cross legged and in very loose fitting skimpy clothing. Erica was wearing her favorite onesie, a semi-sheer soft lace zipper number that tantalizing hinted her tall, lithe gorgeous athletic firm body.

I was somewhat surprised the girls had selected a comedy porn video that had begun playing on the 85 inch 4K ultra-high definition smart television…

I knew the girls watched porn, I even had watched it with them numerous times over the past three years! Then afterwards, Erica and I would adjoin to her bedroom to release some pent-up sexual pressure! Their tastes in porn ranged from conventional boy-girl porn, girl on girl, parodies, anal porn, horror porn, sci-fi and fantasy porn.

Early on after Erica and I began having sex at the start of our serious relationship, and I had watched a porn movie with the other girls for the first time, I had remarked to Erica it seemed Kelli, Erin and Danielle did not date much and them watching porn must be hard on their libidos with no one to have sex with.

Erica had replied they all were concentrating on their studies and did not want to get entangled in a relationship that may distract and take time from their studies. Erica then stated all four of them had some sex toys to relive their pent-up sexual pressures – this after Erica brought out her own sex toys soon after we started having sex!

Having dated Erica since she entered the university and gotten engaged four months later after meeting her, I have gotten to know Erin, Kelli and Danielle extremely well, we all becoming best of friends. Still I was slightly disturbed how intimately affectionate they were with me and seemingly heedless of what little they wore around me in the house or at the ranch when my parents were away, or what was intimately carelessly shown…

Erin is a tall, very slim brunette and was very tan and had large fake very firm breasts (probably double Ds) that she got for her 19th birthday. If you ask me, she didn’t need the boob job, she was already an extremely attractive girl who may have crossed my dreams a few times!

Erin was wearing these loose booty shorts that were made of some sort of material like sweatpants, and a loose semi-sheer tank top with no bra that showed quite a generous amount of side boob which I had trouble trying to ignore. Her top so loose and all the girls still rowdy from flying high on Ecstasy and being very intoxicated, I believed (and hoped!) it would be just a matter of time before one of Erin’s fake boobs slipped out! As it was, Erin’s semi-sheer tank top revealed the curves of her generous breasts and her tiny nipples!

To Erin’s left on the couch was Kelli, a very petite blonde who has constantly teased me the past three years, and in teasing I mean sexually outrageously! Inadvertently on purpose flashing very intimate areas to me and wearing very skimpy, or shall I say scandalous lounge wear, around the house.

Kelli was wearing loose pajama pants and cropped tank top that bared all her firm flat belly along with some type of frilly low cut lacy see-thru bra that matched her eyes. Her hair is long and her body is small, with nice size firm breasts for someone her size, and she has a really sensual mouth that made my brain always wonder how those lips would look wrapped around my two inch wide nine inch long cock…

At the end of the couch was Danielle, a very tall, very sexy blonde Nordic goddess at nearly six feet with legs a mile long! She was wearing a tight pair of booty shorts and a tight wife beater semi-sheer T-shirt showing off her braless amazingly natural firm 34 DD breasts, her T-shirt so thin I could clearly see her tiny areolas and small nipples! Once again no need for a bra on girls night in.

Hell, after four years it is not as if I haven’t seen all four casually walk around in thong or G-string panties and see thru lingerie and sleepwear before!

On the love seat was my fiancé Erica. She too is a tall, lithe, very attractive blonde (and extremely smart as all four of them are) with great curves on her athletic body. Erica’s hips were slim, her waist small and her breasts were a slightly upturned perky 32Ds. Her teeth were so white that sometimes in the right light it hurt to look at them, with beautiful blue eyes and a cute, firm tight ass that just wouldn’t quit.

Yes tight! When she has been drinking Erica likes some ass play!

Amazingly before Erica had met me she has had only one sexual encounter with a high school boyfriend who had popped off in his condom just trying to get the head of his cock into her very tight virgin pussy! That following week she had broken it off with her immature boyfriend after hearing that he had bragged to his buddies that he had fucked the hottest girl in school!

In considering possible retribution, Erica had thought about truthfully saying to her girlfriends that his cock was just barely four inches long, that it could be classified as a pencil dick it was so skinny, and he had popped off just trying to get the head of his penis into her!

But as mad as she was and hearing the rumors started, Erica wasn’t vindictive. All she had said to her girlfriends when they had inquired if it was true or not,

“Well, you know how boys like to brag about things that may or may not have happened, and the more they brag about it the more it may be untrue…”

Erica had and left it at that, leaving the impression he is a liar, which was the truth since no actual intercourse occurred, so technically, Erica was still a virgin until she met me!

And me. My name is Callan. I’m six foot four, weigh 225 pounds and I work out intensely also having been blessed with a well-built body that easily takes to exercise, with broad shoulders, slim waist, bright blue eyes, and I have been told I have a great personality.

As I mentioned before, Erica and I have been together for three years now and we have sexually experimented many times in a lot of kinky manners – Erica having an incredible libido and a very active sexual imagination that exceeded mine! I had changed into sweat pants, a tank top and sandals from a change of clothing I keep in my truck.

The porn movie was a comedy mythological one featuring unicorns, werewolves and satyrs ravishing fair maidens with unrealistically huge penises that spewed out pints and pints of cum! The movie had Erica, Erin, Kelli and Danielle Oohhing and Aahhing at the predictable times but even I had to laugh at the absurdity of some of the scenes, and I was in a bit in awe of some of the actresses enthusiastically taking in huge cocks and having pints of white cum pumping into their pussies and even their asses to overflowing!

Oh I forgot, there is one other I neglected to mention who was always present, Atlas, Erin’s loveable goofy Great Dane, who had managed to get his large long bulk up on the couch and was now partially laying across the girls and was loving life fuller than any human ever has. Despite a Great Dane’s gentle nature, I was thankful he had proven to be a great guard dog, very protective of the four very beautiful roommates.

During the movie snacks and trash had accumulated to that of a frat house, and with the four girls still drunk off their asses and high on Ecstasy, it was clear no one wanted to clean up. It was also clear all four of them must have had more than one hit of Ecstasy!

The way they were still carrying on and acting up they must have taken another hit just before we left the last bar to go back to the house…



Kelli was the first to speak up and drunkenly slurred,

“Let’s play a game to see who has to clean all this up.”

We all agreed, Kelli continued saying with a devilish smirk, staring right at me,

“Okay, anyone here who has a cock has to clean up…”

The others laughed and all grinned in my direction of their approval.

Indignant and sarcastically, I flipped them all off and told them that Atlas would do a bad job of cleaning it up and I refused to do any cleaning on the basis that none of the mess was mine (I have a type ‘A’ personality and I am a neat freak!)

While I had been drinking too, I was nowhere near as drunk as they were, and I never have touched recreational drugs. Having graduated with a doctorate of veterinarian science which included numerous courses in pharmacology, part of our curriculum was studying recreational drugs and their effects. Veterinarians used controlled drugs, one of which was ketamine, a well-known party drug, and veterinarian clinics were often a burglary target.

Then Kelli stated in a slurred drunken voice looking right at me and giving me a wink,

“Callan, if you clean it up we can play any game you want…,”

I quickly glanced at Erica and she just drunkenly laughed, clearly not offended, highly amused of the suggestive innuendo by the tiny blonde.

Thinking it through quickly in my head I concluded that that might not be a bad deal with all these very incredibly attractive girls!

All five were very drunk, flying high on Ecstasy and high spirits with university graduation – and also I’m sure were pretty well stimulated watching a highly erotic fantasy porn movie! I knew Erica was with her wandering hand on my thigh, and higher…

The girls had a few board games, all of them found in adult stores and adult websites that on occasion the five of us had played together till Erica and I got to the point we had to adjoin to her bedroom to relieve our pent-up sexual tensions leaving the other three to their own ways to relieve theirs. Grinning, I looked straight at Kelli and said,

“Okay, I will clean up, then we all play Truth or Dare.”

Kelli grinned so salaciously at me in response it made Erica, Danielle and Erin crack up in laughter!

With no help from the girls as they refocused on watching the movie and cutting up with each other, the stage was set and I proceeded to gather up and throw all of the trash away and take it outside to the garbage bin.

I then rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.   Kelli yelled from the living area to open another bottle of champagne! The others chiming in as well!

Damn! Didn’t they think they were all drunk enough as it is? Plus the Ecstasy too???

The ‘E’ was still clearly heavily affecting them!

When I returned from the kitchen for the last time the girls had moved the coffee table to the side, and the couch and love seat had been moved farther apart. All four girls, along with ever present Atlas, were sitting in a circle on the floor with a spot left for me to join them next my fiancé and Kelli. Erin was opposite of me and Danielle had Atlas almost in her lap.

I sat next to the girls, all of them giving me goofy drunken grins as I settled in. Little blonde Kelli sitting to my right, looking right at me, badly slurring her words stated,

“Truth or Dare?”

“Since it’s my choice of the game don’t I get to ask first?” I said looking at Kelli, confidently.

“Ok Callan, you get to go first sweety,” slurred Erica, sitting cross legged, staring at me in a way that told me she was ready to jump my bones!

I had long discovered that alcohol gets Erica exceedingly horny, Ecstasy even more so! And we had been watching a very graphic porn movie!

While I was cleaning up one of the girls had started another porn movie! At one time or another during the previous movie during particular intense sex scenes I had seen all four girls with a hand buried deep in their laps pressing against their crotches! And I had stroked Erica’s pussy through her thin onesie making her bite her lip and more than once able to get her to let out small groans…, and I could see that the outside of her onesie had become sightly damp…!!!

“Humph okay,” I said brushing it off, trying to play it cool, “Dare Me…”

“Take off your pants, and leave ‘em off,” said a grinning lecherous Kelli.

Without hesitation, I stood and removed my sandals then my sweat pants leaving me in my Under Armour boxer jocks and tank top. My boxer jocks were made of stretchy material which clearly molded the outline of my very well above average size cock…

I had already figured, or was hoping anyway, where this may go…

 Kelli, Erin and Danielle have been sexily teasing and flirting with me over the past three years, flashing intimate areas and groping, my gorgeous fiancé always laughing at their sexual antics! Now they were all extremely drunk and high off their asses, plus horny from watching a very graphic porn movie!

Hell I’ve seen each of them get horny when drunk, even more so when they have popped Ecstasy! One of the things I learned in my pharmacology courses was that ‘E’ was not only psychoactive but also a sexual stimulant – and that has been the times when they have been the most outrageously flirtatious! Handsy and flashing me along with grabbing my hand and placing it in intimate areas!

My fiancé Erica even encouraging it to get my blood up so I can later ravish her even more thoroughly!

Hell, I have seen all four of them on occasion wearing next to nothing drunkenly chasing each other through the house with dildos and intimately goosing each other with penetration!!!

So, if they all wanted to play one last flirtatious game before we all went our separate ways then fine with me, I’ll see how far with their dares they will go!

I was pretty curious because all four girls were more drunk than I had ever seen them plus flying high on Ecstasy to boot! And I was exceptionally curious how far my fiancé will let things progress before drags me off to her bedroom!



I sat back down between my fiancé and Kelli, acting oblivious to the lascivious looks all four girls were giving me…

It was my turn to ask,

“Okay Erin, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Erin responded, boldly staring at me with a huge grin.

“Erin, I dare you to go outside and stand in the middle of the street and flash all the neighbors, then you come back inside but you have to keep those glorious tits of yours fully bared!” I stated, anticipating my fiancé to say something or slug me in the shoulder…

The girls all giggled and laughed, my fiancé too, as Erin stood up, stumbled to the door and proceeded with the dare, stumbling out to the middle of the street, lifting the bottom of her tank top up exposing her magnificent breasts giving the entire block, including us, a good glance at her glorious fake 34DD tits!

But this late at night it was highly doubtful anyone was awake to see her…

Erin stumbled back in and sat back down grinning and laughing, then looking at me Erin pulled the edges of her loose tank top inwards exposing her magnificent breasts to full view again and keeping them bared! The new position of her tank top enhancing the view!

No, this wasn’t the first time I had seen Erin’s glorious tits fully bared or barely concealed by lingerie, but by god I did cherish every opportunity I got to see them! Fiancé or not, Erin’s breasts were AMAZING! So firm they hardly moved with their almost non-existent areolas and tiny nipples!

Then I quickly realized why they dared me to get down to just my boxer jocks, the girls were trying to see if they could get me aroused, and it was working…

Seeing Erin’s perfect bare tits got my cock growing, nothing too big yet but definitely visible in my tightly clinging stretchy boxer jocks.

I briefly glanced at my fiancé Erica and she looked at me with a very drunk silly grin then she leaned over and kissed me, her togue playfully darting in and out!

Then the game really started get interesting after that…

Everyone realizing how much fun it could be, and since we all knew each other extremely well after three years and had become best of friends, we weren’t that shy…

Erin dared Kelli to take off her cropped tank top exposing her bright green lacy see-thru bra and fit lithe petite frame.  Kelli grinning peeled her tank top came off revealing her quarter-cup demi bra that was so lacy it was see-thru! My eyes went straight for her covered tits and noticed the perfect small pointy bumps that were her hard nipples standing out showing that I was not the only one aroused!

Since it was no secret that this game was turning in a somewhat sexual direction, Kelli quickly broke the ice. Kelli dared Erica to unzip her onesie all the way and leave it open. Well, everyone knew Erica was not wearing a bra under her onesie! Hell, only Kelli was wearing a bra and a scanty one at that! Slowly Erica unzipped it to cat calls and hoots showing the rest of us her amazing perky cleavage from her neck all the way down to past her naval.

With all the booze, Ecstasy and the sexual tension, it was clearly making Erica, Danielle, Erin and Kelli fidgety! Erica, noticing this too, took it another step. Erica dared Danielle to rub her pussy through her clothing for two minutes!

We all closely watched as the tall sexy blonde closed her eyes and unabashedly began erotically rubbed her pubic mound! Two minutes later Danielle removed her hand to reveal a wet spot between her legs on her grey booty shorts!

Now it was Danielle’s turn. She looked at Kelli and asked, “Truth or Dare?”

In true fashion Kelli winked her wicked smile at Danielle and responded, “Dare Me Bitch!”

They stared at each other for a moment before Danielle told Kelli to take off her pajama pants, leaving her in just her lacy see thru bra and a very tiny black and pink thong.

Kelli did not hesitate to look right at Erica… “Erica I dare you to put both arms inside your onesie and place your hands in your crotch and you cannot remove your hands from your crotch area unless otherwise told by someone else.”

Now if my fiancé did as she was dared this would mean the top half of her onesie will have to be slipped all the way down to her waist fully exposing her breasts!  My very drunk and very high fiancé Erica stared at me and smiled her erotic sexy smile and then she slowly and sensuously slipped her onesie down to her waist! Both her hands went down into her crotch, a minute later we all could see the subtle motion of her hands that that she was playing with herself…

Erica stared so intently at me that I had no idea what was really going through her mind!   Her body fidgeted and wiggled as her fingers remained next to her nether lips. Without blinking Danielle drunkenly stated,

“I dare Erica to lay her head in your lap, Callan, until otherwise told.”

Even though it was actually Erica’s turn, she didn’t object to be temporarily out of the rotation and no one else objected either.

I felt a slight flush beginning as the girls giggled a little and smirked looking down at my lap.

The only one not giggling was my fiancé Erica, she was looking down at my crotch where a tent was beginning to be pitched that until now I had been semi-oblivious being too absorbed in the sexual antics and amount of bare skin being exposed by the four stunningly gorgeous women with me.

My fiancé Erica giggled, licked her sensuous lips slightly, hopefully to lessen the awkwardness I assumed, and slowly lowered her head onto my lap with my nine inch hard-on directly in her face! I noticed that Danielle smiled a truly devilish smile as she watched the intimate act happen in front of her Erin and Kelli.

Erica’s eyes didn’t move from my barely concealed cock for a good while, even while Erica asked me if I wanted truth or dare. Not to be lame and change the game, I confidently told her and everyone else, ‘DARE’, afraid of what I might have to do.

Erica stated,

“Callan, you can no longer touch yourself or anyone else with your hands for the entire game!”

Not sure how that was a dare, but I minded my Ps and Qs and just went with it, the others didn’t seem to have a problem as they sat there enjoying the awkward spectacle of my topless fiancé’s face and mouth less than one inch away from my barely concealed throbbing cock that was stretching and tenting my Boxer Jocks.

Trying to gather my thoughts and continue the theme, I looked at my fiancé. Her hands were still in her crotch, and they were not still…

Back of my mind I noted this game had started out more ‘DARE’ than ‘TRUTH” and was still progressing that way…

To get back at Erica, I dared Danielle to put a hand down inside Erica’s panties and feel if she was wet…

Danielle boldly accepted the challenge and without hesitation slid her outstretched hand into Erica’s onesie and began slowly feeling around, taking her time…

Everyone knew when Danielle’s long fingers made intimate contact because Erica couldn’t withhold the gasp and subsequent moan that breathily escaped her lovely lips as Danielle continued prolonging her probing explorations…

According to Danielle, Erica was “more than ready to get something long, thick and hard in her tight pussy!” making all the girls crack up with laughter!

At this juncture of the game I was quite surprised that Erica hadn’t stopped the game! Actually allowing Danielle to caress her pussy in front of everyone!

Continuing the game Danielle told Kelli,

“Deep throat a banana Kelli!”

Without missing a beat, Kelli jumped up wearing just her lacy quarter-cup see-thru bra and tiny thong panties saying as she did so,

“I have a better idea!!!

Then Kelli drunkenly stumbled down the hallway bouncing off the walls to the bedrooms she was so plastered! A minute or so later she came stumbling back with an immensely long double-headed dildo that must have been eighteen inches in length swinging from her hand grinning madly! Kelli sat down and stared directly at me as she opened her mouth and slid more and more of the dildo into her mouth and then down her throat!

Petite Kelli had skills! I thought as I watched more and more go down then come back up. Kelli continued this for a minute while the girls all watched her while I pondered this type of dildo…

Hell! Only women used this type of dildo to fuck each other with!

My mind churned with the possibilities why Kelli had one and whom of her roommates she may have shared it with!

Startled I began feeling precum start to bubble at the end of my cock making its way through the breathable fabric of my Jock Boxers, knowing it would be quite visible…

Kelli managed only to get about six inches down before she started gagging and stopped. Then Kelli slid the dildo back out. Kelli looked to Erica and said,

“Erica, you may remove your hands from inside your onesie to take it completely take off then lay your head back down in Callan’s lap facing his cock again!”

 Erica sat up then shifted from one side to the other as she slid her onesie past her slim hips, down her long toned tanned legs, then off her feet. Erica was not wearing regular or tiny thong panties but a minimalistic G-string mesh panty!

As my fiancé was laying back down my cock twitched and slightly hit her on the forehead! None of the others noticed this, but I felt my fiancé’s face and hot breath radiate around my engorged member through the thin stretchy fabric of my Boxer Jocks. Erica look at my hugely tented erection, then looked up giving me a sultry smile…, Erica laying in my lap wearing only a tiny, clearly soaked see-thru mesh panty that just barely covered her nearly hairless pussy!

Like a lot of young women tired of shaving and waxing their pubic area, Erica had undergone laser hair removal leaving her pussy completely bare except for just a tiny decorative design!

Danielle then dared Erica again…

“Erica, while keeping your head in Callan’s lap and still facing his magnificent erection, move your body next to Atlas and let him get a good long sniff of how ready you are for a good hard fucking!”

WHAT! I silently yelled out in my mind with the outrageous dare yet keeping my mouth firmly shut.

Surely Erica wouldn’t do this crazy dare and would now put a stop to the game!!!

Erica hesitated, her face blushing, nervously laughed, then I was stunned! Watching as my fiancé shifted her slim hips around to the Great Dane and followed through with the dare!!!

It was at this point it became absolutely clear how drunk and high my fiancé was! More than I have ever seen her! All of them!

With all the mixed drinks and champagne they had consumed I suspected that it must be the Ecstasy that they all had popped that has been preventing them from passing out by now. Hell, none of them could walk straight if they stood up now just as Kelli demonstrated a short while ago!

 Atlas moved a little, laying on his side, his head a foot or so away from my fiancé’s scantily clad pussy, but not moving his head closer to sniff Erica’s pussy…

But then Atlas began slowly showing his penis as it began emerging making the girls again crack up in laughter! Clearly the smell of horny females in the air was having its effect on him as well as me!

It was my turn again. To change up the game and divert attention away from the latest and outrageous dare to Erica, I chose ‘TRUTH’, hoping for maybe a question that would spice things up. I wasn’t disappointed. I also noticed Atlas getting interested as he had moved his head closer to my fiancé’s barely clad pussy. Erica turned to me as she began feeling Atlas’s hot breath on her wet mound and said,

“Callan, tell us what you would do to each and every one of us if you had us alone and naked.”

My heart skipped a beat as my brain slowly processed what I would say to my fiancé and her three best friends about fooling around with other women…

I recalled a few times when one or more of her roommates had barged into her bedroom wearing ‘Fuck Me’ lingerie, jumping onto the bed while we were naked under the covers watching a porn movie and then staying to watch it with us, at times cutting up with each other and with Erica.

Sometimes they even erotically play acted the action on the 85 inch UHD television – heedless of what got exposed – and Erica being completely naked while I kept my self covered to their amusement! Especially the time when Erin had grabbed Erica’s dildo off her nightstand and chased my naked fiancé around her bedroom jabbing her pussy with it!

After some of these inordinately frequent bedroom room invasions, more than once Erica had jested about me being unable to resist boning one or more of her gorgeous roommates if they had jumped me in bed with Erica there present and helping! They certainly tried their damnedest to pull the covers off me many times knowing I was naked!

Ah hell, I was just drunk enough…

“If I wasn’t engaged to be married I would bend each and every one of you over the end of that couch and pound my two inch thick, nine inch long cock into your tight pussies and maybe a tight ass or two or three!” I stammered out as I felt a hot flush blooming on my face with my bold response.

“Even your fiancé!?” yelled Kelli. And Kelli, Danielle and Erin cracked up laughing as both I and my fiancé turned slightly red. They knew I had ass fucked Erica several times – at her prompting! And she had enjoyed it! Erica had told them! It was evident there were no sex secrets between these girls!

Then Danielle yelled, “Hell! It’s more fun when more than two can play at the same time!” Danielle’s equally bold risqué statement made Erica and I blush even more!

I was surprised and shocked at Danielle’s bold statement and before I could come up with a response to reply, Danielle with a gleam in her eye saucily grinning told me to dare her!

Without missing a beat I told Danielle to take off her T-shirt and keep it off, fully exposing her large natural breasts…

Without any hesitation and while giving me a leering grin, Danielle slowly lifted her tight T-shirt up and over those marvelous double DD breasts of hers freeing twin girls to everyone’s view!

Seeing stunningly gorgeous Danielle boldly going topless with no hesitation and those glorious 34 DD tits of hers I felt a sexual tingle surge through me magnified by feeling my fiancé’s hot breaths on my thinly veiled cock!

My alcohol muzzled senses slightly cleared briefly enough to realize I better never again play a sexy ‘Truth or Dare’ game with my fiancé and her three gorgeous best girlfriends…

Then Erica jumped the que, seemed a lot of that was now going on regardless of who’s turn it was, Erica stating to Danielle,

“Danielle, since I had to take everything off except for my G-string, then you do it too!”

Erica was drunkenly giggling with her dare to Danielle, her giggles moving my fiancé’s pretty head causing my hard cock to wiggle to whomever may have been observant inadvertently stimulating me further…

Grinning boldly at Erica and I, with a sultry look, Danielle slid her shorts off revealing that she too wore a dental floss G-string panty in bright pink!

The Kelli said,

“Take your shirt off Callan…”

I was down to just my stretchy Jock Boxers clearly showing my tented nine inch long cock. I briefly wondered what happened to asking, ‘Truth or Dare’, it seemed the game had devolved to just commands to do what was told…



Then Danielle retaliated against Erica saying,

 “Erica, put your pussy directly in Atlas’s face and stay still despite what Atlas may do…”


I yelled in my mind! I realized I had gone slack jaw with astonishment, I quickly shut it before anyone noticed my shocked expression. I glanced at Kelli, Danielle and Erin seeing undisguised anticipation on their faces, hearing their crazy drunken giggles….

My fiancé started to blush despite being extremely drunk and high on Ecstasy. Erica glanced at me and quickly looked away. Then Kelli, Danielle and Erin started chanting “DARE! DARE! DARE!”

Was this some type of erotic kinky dare or an evil humiliation dare? Never have I witnessed any of the girls be nothing but loving with each other! Hell, they all have known each other for years! Were they just pushing sexual boundaries? They certainly were tonight, more than I expected them to do…

Hell none of us were strangers to bestiality, not with the freaking Internet…

One night while we were in her bedroom Erica was cruising the web for a porn movie for her and I to watch as a bit of prelim. One website had automatically redirected her to a bestiality website and as soon as the website popped up it started playing a short vid of a beautiful woman getting her brains fucked out by a huge dog and then knotted! The woman screaming out multiple orgasms that clearly were not fake!

Erica kept the website open watching the video and then she started laughing at my incredulous shocked reaction as she kept watching until the short clip was over! I was amazed at her own reaction not being instantly disgusted!

“You’ve come across this before?” I asked.

Erica started laughing again and stated,

“Erin, Danielle, Kelli and I have stumbled across these type of websites more than once while cruising for porn together. We have even read a few of the comics and stories, even watched a few short vids including one where a beautiful woman got mounted and fucked by a miniature donkey! We thought it was hilarious and were amazed all the women seemed to greatly enjoy it, the comics were funny, however, the stories were pretty damn hot…”

As time passed more than once when I was with them as the girls were surfing the web on the 85 inch 4K smart television for an adult movie to stream, they were at times automatically redirected to bestiality websites. Stunned I watched as they clicked on a few comics and briefly watched a couple of short videos all the while laughing their asses off! My fiancé Erica too! Laughing at my stunned expressions that they would be watching and reading this stuff!

Surely my fiancé wouldn’t do such a crazy kinky dare!

But then as I thought about Erica’s personality she always had a bold, confident personality, speaking her mind, always eager to try something new, willing without hesitation to do challenging outdoor activities.

Heck Erica could have been a professional skier she was so good, easily doing all the black diamond ski runs, and always tearing out on the ATVs or the snowmobiles at the ranch with me repeatedly telling her to slow down and take it easy.  Kelli, Danielle and Erin also shared the same traits and they all loved doing the same outdoor activities, I guess that was the reason why they all were best friends.

And then as I thought about it a bit more, all the occasions flashed in my mind how all four of them did such crazy sexy things with each other and tried with me numerous times!

Beyond the five of us watching porn together I had witnessed them chasing each other with dildos around the house and bedrooms actually making brief penetration! Unabashedly wearing ‘Fuck Me” lingerie, parading around the house in see-thru tee shirts and thong or G-string panties around me. Trying to get under the covers with Erica and I naked wearing their ‘Fuck Me’ lingerie and heedless of how much intimate skin was being shown – even flashing me! Groping me and Erica laughing about it – even encouraging it!

Erica again gave me a quick glance then just as quick looked away. Erica again hesitated as the girls continued their chanting interspersed with egging her on to do it, then Erica giggled a bit…

Then completely astounded, incredulously I watched as my fiancé very slowly moved her barely there scantily covered open mesh covered pussy next to Atlas’s nose, her mesh panty clearly wet from her playing with herself earlier then Danielle briefly fingering her…

Enticed by the close proximity of a horny female regardless of species, Atlas gently pushed his nose into my fiancé’s barely covered pussy making Erica loudly gasp and turn her blush to beet red! Then Erica giggled then burst out laughing making the others laugh too!

I just sat their astounded, fully realizing how extremely drunk and high all four of them were! Wondering how far my fiancé, Kelli, Danielle and Erin will let this game go, it has already far exceeded what I had expected and what my fiancé would do especially with her doing such an extremely kinky dare! How can Kelli, Danielle and Erin possibly beat the kinky dare Erica just did? But in my own alcohol fuzzy mind, my curiosity was winning over good judgement…

Then Erin stated her dare to Kelli,

“Kelli, take your bra off and keep it off!”

Without any hesitation Kelli took her bra completely off exposing her firm 32C breasts to everyone and we all got a great look at her pierced nipples of her perky breasts. Then she threw her bra at me! Then before anyone could say anything Erin leaned over and gave one of Kelli’s pierced nipples a little suck before sitting back down!

That clearly sent a spark through Erica because she took it to the next level stating,

“Kelli, go take off Erin’s shorts and her panties then finger fuck her pussy with two fingers until I say stop!”

Astounded I watched as Kelli quickly clambered over to Erin and slipped Erin’s shorts and panties off leaving Erin totally naked!

Erin too had a hairless pussy with just a landing strip on her pubic mound. Kelli grinning, spread Erin’s legs and began finger fucking Erin’s pussy! As her fingers entered, Erin let out a loud uncontrolled moan of pleasure thrusting her large firm breasts upwards!

I observed that it just took scant seconds for Kelli to easily slide her index and middle finger all the way in due to Erin’s obviously already wet and aroused pussy! Clearly the intrusion felt good based on Erin’s passionate moans and movements and soon Kelli was pumping away into Erin’s pussy and Erin was bucking her hips!

The amount of precum that was building on my breathable Boxer Jocks was on the ridiculous side and clearly visible! I kept catching Kelli, Danielle and Erin surreptitiously glancing at outline of my nine inch long tented erection concealed by my Boxer Jocks…

My involuntary erection and associated precum wasn’t just from seeing four incredibly gorgeous girls daring each other to incrementally disrobe with me present, and now watching totally nude Erin getting vigorously finger fucked by topless Kelli, Kelli only wearing a tiny thong, in what is turning out to me being present in my own evidently real-life porn movie here in the girls main living area!

However, it was also seeing the reaction of my almost nude fiancé with Atlas…

Atlas was repeatedly nosing and prodding Erica’s tiny G-string open mesh panty – the only thing she was wearing! His prodding nose had gradually inched the sides of my fiancé’s tiny panty inwards completely exposing both edges of her hairless labia which had visibly partly swollen! I also noted Erica was breathing a bit faster than normal and her tiny nipples were diamond hard, the room was a bit on the warm side….

Kelli looked over and saw Erica apparently fixing to get a taboo lick or two from the huge dog and she redoubled her fingerfucking of Erin making Erin repeatedly buck!

Kelli alternated looking at Erica and then at a moaning, bucking Erin fingering her and Kelli licking her lips in anticipation that really set me over the edge – I was fucking horny! And so were they! Totally wasted drunk and high on Ecstasy with them all getting carelessly and heedlessly carried away in front of me!

As Kelli thrust away into an ecstatically writhing Erin, Kelli told Erica,

“Erica, roll onto your stomach and continue resting your head in Callan’s lap with your lips right next to his magnificent HUGE erection!”

I was as frustratingly close to getting head from my fiancé as possible without actually getting head! At this point I was afraid that once Erica decided enough was enough and dragged me to her bedroom I was afraid I may pop right off as soon as I entered her insanely tight pussy!

Through the hard breaths and moans I hear Erin telling Danielle,

“Danielle, using only your teeth, pull down Callan’s boxers so we all can gaze upon his magnificent manhood!”

Okay, surely my fiancé would stop this now I thought. Now way would she allow another woman to pull down my tight fitting elastic Boxer Jocks even if it was one of her incredibly gorgeous best friends…

But I was wrong…

Erica hearing Erin’s dare to Danielle, I saw my fiancé without any hesitation glance up at me and hold my eyes…

Erica had that incredible lustful look upon her incredibly beautiful face that I was so enamored with and dearly loved and found fascinating when we get amorous – and this time I could tell she was going to allow it!

Each step a nearly nude Danielle took toward us caused her large firm pert bare tits to wobble and sway from her fit tan lithe frame, her nipple hard in the warm room. Danielle kneeled down beside us, she looked at Erica – they both grinned at each other! Then licking her lips Danielle lowered her head down next to Erica’s and before taking the stretchy elastic fabric of my Boxer Jocks by her teeth Danielle kissed my fiancé!

A very long lingering passionate kiss!

Needless to say I was stunned by this blatant open display of loving affection between my fiancé and Danielle!

I heard Erica moan into her roommate’s mouth as I watched Danielle’s long fingers slide down Erica’s back, over her firm cute ass then Danielle eased her fingers back under my fiancé’s thong, Erica spreading her legs widely apart, then and Danielle’s fingers once again started pumping my fiancé’s tight pussy causing my fiancé to moan and breath heavily onto my swollen member!

Short moments later Erica’s body started to visibly tremble as a prelude to an orgasm however Kelli’s ministrations had gotten Erin to be the first to get off as Erin suddenly bucked hard and let out a loud “OHHHH FUCCCKKKK!!!”, then a second or two later I watched my fiancé bucking her hips up and down as she came too!



My Boxer Jocks were still on but very tented, the elastic fabric tightly stretched around the outline of my nine inch long erection as my fiancé came down from what I would later find out to be her first orgasm but not the last of the night…

With my fiancé’s orgasm breaking their kiss, Danielle gave me a huge drunken grin then leaned down…

Danielle began slowly fidgeting with her teeth to grasp my waist band to pull my boxers up and over my hard cock, her large firm hard nipple breasts grazing my flat stomach sent my cock to throbbing and I again felt a bit of precum start to ooze out…

After much effort and issues with my not so willing to cooperate nine inch long erection inside my tight fitting elastic Boxer Jocks, Danielle was finally able to pull my boxers down to just below my balls freeing my raging erection exposing it to full naked view of her three roommates, and my fiancé, making all four gasp with its nine inch length and it’s two inch wide thickness and six and a half inch girth!

All four women, including my fiancé, I saw lustful glares blazing like a sudden super nova!

Sitting back up and sitting, Danielle looked at me and stated,

“Callan, take off your fiancé’s G-string then sit back down on the floor with Erica’s head back in your lap, her face toward your wonderful cock…”

My breathing got heavy. A brief thought crossed my mind that Erica’s three roommates wanted watch Erica and I FUCK!

What the hell ever happened to ‘Truth or Dare?

By now I was beyond crazy horny!

Watching my fiancé and her three incredibly gorgeous roommates and best friends unabashedly shedding their clothes in front of me then their subsequent outrageous and even kinky sexual antics with each other and with Erica – my cock was throbbing painfully visibly jerking with each beat of my heart!

And I was just drunk enough…, and Erica was so freaking drunk and stoned on Ecstasy that I believe she wouldn’t care if we did fuck each other in front of her best friends!

And I’m sure we would have put on a great show for Erin, Danielle and Kelli!

Erica is extremely passionate, almost violent in her love making with me! Hell, she fucks better than any porn movie actress I had ever watched!

It seemed some variation of the ‘Truth or Dare’ game was still being played, now more like commands though. The four of them have gotten me way beyond curious with anticipation, and I was drunk and curious enough to see how this ‘game’ will eventually play out!

Yet, in my intoxicated fuzzy mind I felt a bit of trepidation lurking in the back of my mind…,

Of possible later fallout come morning if things got even crazier than they have already become…

Still, my trepidation and some semblance of reservation was suppressed by the fact my fiancé had yet to stop anything and Erica was obviously still fully engaged enjoying the ‘game’ despite how risqué and explicitly kinky it has become…

I reminded myself that when Erica says enough, then we will go no further…

Danielle slowly quit pumping her fingers into my fiancé’s pussy then slowly eased her fingers from Erica’s dripping slit, in response Erica letting out a groan of disappointment…

My hands moved to Erica’s sides and I grabbed hold of her G-string waistband and began to pull it down before Danielle stopped me and drunkenly stated badly slurring her words,

“Callan, remember, you can’t use your hands at all unless told otherwise…”

I lifted my fiancé’s head off my lap, Erica still laying on her flat muscular belly. I moved behind her kneeling then bent over at the waist and used my teeth to grab the waistband of her red mesh G-string. I began to pull it down over her slim hips, down and past her tiny tight firm cute ass, then her long slender athletic legs and off her feet.

It never fails to happen…

Seeing my stunningly gorgeous fiancé totally nude and aroused, her legs spread open, her hairless pussy clearly showing her now fully swollen aroused labia and wet pussy, my cock erupted a little with precum and dribbled onto the floor…

Hell! I firmly believed my fiancé could have easily been a supermodel if she wanted to be, and her three best friends Erin, Danielle and Kelli were more attractive than any swimsuit model I had ever seen in advertisements!

As I was instructed, I sat back down cross-legged and Danielle told Erica to replace her head on my lap facing the outline of my tented cock in my Boxer Jocks. With my mind racing what to say next continuing the ‘game’, I remembered how outrageously Kelli had constantly flirted with me, and how Kelli and her roommates all intimately played grab ass and tits with each other!

The way I have seen all four girls act with each other over the past three years, more than once I thought one or more of them may be bisexual – and now Danielle and my fiancé’ Erica too! This gave me an idea… I looked at Kelli and said,

“Kelli, I dare you to get behind Erica and give her a good lick from front to back…”

To my great surprise with no hesitation Erica raised up on her knees, head and chest down, spread her knees widely apart and watched Kelli move behind her, then Kelli moved her face down to my fiancé’s totally hairless pussy!

Erica tilted her pelvis, raising her ass upwards and Kelli gave a great big lick ending right at her tight little rose bud!

At the touch of Kelli’s tongue on her most erogenous areas Erica moaned with pleasure, Kelli licked her lips and licked again, then again! Her tongue working my fiancé’s lovely pussy and ass, scant moments later Erica then started gasping as Kelli delved her tongue into Erica’s pussy!

Kelli stopped for a brief moment, saucily grinning at me making sure I was intently watching, then she thrust her tongue into my fiancé’s tight ass! Erica loudly gasp and her taut lithe sexy body trembled!

Lifting her head, Kelli looking right at Danielle grinned as Danielle wasn’t holding back at all. Danielle had pushed her G-string panties fully aside totally exposing her hairless pussy and her hand was rubbing away at her clit!

Now I saw that besides Erica, Danielle and Erin also must have had laser hair removal too with only a decorative design was left on their pubic mounds, I suspected that Kelli had too and I was hoping to find out…



Clearly Danielle watching Kelli go down on my fiancé Erica had gotten Danielle even more horny, and well my cock agreed too! Kelli’s grin got even bigger and she stated to Danielle,

“Danielle, take off your G-string and I DARE YOU to fondle Atlas’s balls…!”

Once again I was shocked at the extreme turn the ‘game’ has taken, surely Danielle wouldn’t…

Danielle, giving me just a brief glance, shyly grinning, hesitated only for a moment, then Danielle slid off her one remaining piece of clothing, now totally nude, rose to her hands and knees, crawled over to the huge Dane and then Danielle cupped his nuts and began massaging them!

Again I was surprised at Danielle’s concentration doing this kinky act! No compunction in doing so!  The huge canine’s red rocket began to extend a little bit more, long moments later the tip released a bit of precum!

I watched this socially taboo act and my own balls began to dance themselves wishing Danielle was caressing my balls!

Oh the pleasure he must be feeling! All I get is my fiancé literally blowing her hot breath on my painfully throbbing erection! Her lips only an inch away from my throbbing, jerking, weeping cock!!!

Danielle began a good rhythm of massaging Atlas who just had a bath that day, he clearly wasn’t complaining. Danielle looked up from the huge dog and said to Erin,

“Erin, you do the same to Callan – I want you to massage his nuts too!!!”

Obviously Erin wasn’t thinking clearly, hell none of them were! As drunk and high and rowdy as they all were and horny as hell to boot!

With my doctorate in veterinary science I well knew Ecstasy drastically escalates a woman’s libido and by now I was positive all four roommates had taken more than one hit of ‘E’ the way they were acting! Plus alcohol and Ecstasy has a synergistic effect upon each other!

Tonight Erica, Danielle, Erin and Kelli’s inhibitions had decreased, then completely evaporated due to their heavy intoxication and the synergistic effect with Ecstasy, enhanced by all four having been best friends for years.

Kelli and Danielle, both being from Aspen, have been best friends since grade school, then the four of them growing close during their years attending summer camp together, then even closer during the three years they have lived together.

All four were incredibly drop-dead gorgeous – and I was extremely lucky to be engaged to one of them!

I rationalized Kelli’s outrageous dare to Danielle was due to their long-term friendship – all their outrageous dares to each other tonight due to becoming best of friends!

Erin’s hand moved as if she had no control over it and she began to caress my nuts through my boxers.

It felt amazing!

Having Erin’s hands massage me so tenderly while my fiancé blew hot air all around my throbbing erection. More precum was escaping, only now the boxers weren’t there to catch it, so part of my cock started to glisten as copious precum began to slid down my nine inch long visibly throbbing shaft. Unsolicited moans of grogginess and happiness escaped my mouth. Then Erin drunkenly stammered her words,

“Erica, slowly give your fiancé a blowjob while I massage his nuts – but don’t make him climax!

Music to my ears! Finally I get some real action from two incredibly hot and horny women!

Erica raised up on her knees and my fiancé licked the leaking tip of my raging hard-on a few times before slowly sucking my cock head into her mouth. She knelt there with her head slowly bobbing with my cock in her mouth, throbbing with each squeeze Erin provided, licking all the sides of it with her skilled tongue, sucking the head hard…

I felt more of my precum escaped again, this time into my fiancé’s mouth, as Erica bobbed her head lower and lower until half of my nine inch long cock was in her mouth and touching the back of her throat!

Erica was no slouch giving head and knew how to deep throat me but it was still uncomfortable for her, so for the time being she was content with bobbing on my cock while Erin massaged my balls.

Slowly removing her head from my cock for a moment of air, Erica said to Kelli,

“Kelli, Get Totally Naked…”

Kelli taking her one remaining article of clothing off, her tiny thong, I noticed Kelli was getting a more devious look in her eyes…

As Kelli’s thong panties came down and off I was greatly surprised that not only were Kelli’s nipples pierced but also her clitoral hood! It was a vertical clitoral hood piercing and she had a double-jeweled barbell inserted.  A large diamond rested directly in front of her clitoris that would rub directly against her clit when stimulated!

After Erica watched Kelli get naked she resumed slowly sucking me some more. Erin slid her other hand over my fiancé’s cute curvaceous firm ass and then Erin began to play her fingers on my fiancé’s pussy and now her tight ass too! Immediately I felt the results! My fiancé began working my cock harder!

Then Kelli, with that devious twinkle shining in her drug-glazed eyes, slurring her words stated to Danielle,

“Danielle I dare you to not only play with Atlas’s balls but also stroke him to an erection…”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!

Kelli stared with amusement at Danielle with her dare, Danielle staring hard right back at Kelli…

Then with a quirky, almost a smile, Danielle removed her hands from Atlas’s balls and then she grasped Atlas’s sheath and slowly started to stroke by skinning his sheath back and forth making more and more of his penis to appear!

Gradually picking up pace, Danielle began jerking off the huge dog! Her eyes intently watching as his cock began to fully emerge, her eyes growing big as did Kelli, Erica and Erin’s staring at her taboo action!

I was astounded Danielle was doing it!

Damn! Damn!! Damn!!!

Danielle’s actions made me realize how really freaking drunk and stoned Danielle and the others were!

As more and more canine cock appeared I realized Atlas’s erection was just as big as my own nine inch long erection!

As for myself I was still the only one that still had a piece of clothing on, my Boxer Jocks had been pulled down to just below my balls by Danielle early using just her teeth. I was surrounded by four incredibly beautiful young women, all now totally naked who were all stumbling drunk off their cute ass’s flying sky high on Ecstasy and none of them could talk without badly slurring their words – and all four were incredibly horny and daring each other to do crazy sexual things to each other!!!

Kelli, Erica, Erin and I watched as Danielle skimmed her hand back and forth, her hand bottoming out at the base of the huge Dane’s erection where I could see a small bulge, the bulbus glandis, beginning to develop.

As a newly minted veterinarian I knew the Great Dane breed will have a bulbus glandis that would swell to the size of a baseball. The purpose of the canine bulbus glandis (the knot) is to lock (the tie) himself tightly to the bitch he was mating with to ensure all his sperm was shot into her and keep any male competitors away until he had finished his breeding. The locking (the tie) is completed by circular muscles just inside the female’s vagina which tightens thus preventing the male from withdrawing. The female circular muscles also contract intermittently, which has the effect of stimulating ejaculation of sperm, followed by prostatic fluid, as well as maintaining the swelling of the penis and therefore the tie, for some time.

Atlas’s precum began to shoot out the pointed end…

Danielle’s face and her subsequent actions said it all about how drunk and stoned and horny she was…

Danielle scissored open her long legs around Atlas who was still laying on his side, having spread her legs widely apart she then scooted closer to the dog to facilitate jacking off the Great Danes’ huge cock! Astounded I watched as she moved so close the tip of his cock was just a scant few inches from her pussy!!!

Danielle moved her hand faster and she was rewarded quickly with a large powerful jet of precum that shot directly straight up between her widely spread legs directly blasting her aroused pussy and drenching it! With the warm wet impact Danielle eyes partially closed and her mouth openly parted as a barely audible groan sighed out between her sensuous lips…

Besides Danielle’s facial reaction, it was easy to see that Danielle was incredibly physically aroused! Her hairless labia had swollen and openly parted! Her clit was swollen hard and visibly protruding!

Another jet of precum erupted from Atlas’s huge long cock and impacted her splayed open pussy and exposed swollen clit!

Danielle let out a louder low drawn out moan of lust. Her legs began to quiver, her other hand moved downward and Danielle began rubbing her clit, heedless of the canine precum now saturating her glistening aroused pussy…

I suspected, as everyone else did, that Danielle was ready for more, probably up for possibly anything…

I knew Erin, Kelli and Erica were also way beyond primed and ready!

The four not only by being heavily intoxicated but flying high on more than one dose of a psychoactive sexual stimulant!

With my doctorate in veterinarian science I knew with their heavy intoxication the alcohol had fully eliminated their inhibitions, and their two or more hits of Ecstasy acting in synergy with the alcohol had intensified the effects clearly escalating all their libidos to unbearable and irresistible levels – all their actions to this point has proven that not one of them could stop even if they tried until each had gotten relief from their sexual neediness – evidently by any possible means!

All four women’s needy lusts had been further inflamed by watching a hard core porn movie with fantasy mythical creatures with huge cocks ravishing fair maidens pumping them full of pints of white slimy cum! And a second hard core porn movie has still been playing during the ‘game’!

Already Danielle’s actions to this point had proven had extremely drunk, stoned and horny she was jerking a dog’s cock to a huge erection rivaling my own huge cock, then letting canine precum squirt on her pussy, then Danielle rubbing her precum covered clit!

And it was clear my fiancé, Kelli and Erin were equally extremely drunk, stoned and horny being totally enthralled watching Danielle and Atlas with their drug and lust glazed bright eyes…

When Danielle could finally regain some composure, she looked up from what she was so intimately doing and saw her three best friends staring at her with undisguised lust, Danielle started blushing amazed at how naughty she had gotten, then Kelli leaned over and gave Danielle a long sensual kiss while Kelli started playing with Danielle’s slick precum pussy fingerfucking her!

Breathlessly Danielle broke off Kelli’s lingering kiss, licking her lips, and grasped Atlas’s cock again! Then Danielle looked at Erin and told her,

“Erin, stroke Callan’s cock while Erica sucks him off..”

And with barely noticeable hesitation, Erin, as had Danielle, had moved a bit more closer to full immersion of this real life sexual fantasy…

Erin’s undulating hands slowly stroking my nine inch long shaft kept meeting Erica’s soft lips, pushing more and more pre cum into my fiancé’s mouth. This continued as I contemplated what Erica would have me or her other roommates do next. All I could do was sit there and enjoy the oral as all the girls teased me and Erica and Erin pleasured me. Then to my increasing surprise and disbelief, Erica stopped sucking my cock and then my fiancé told me,

“Callan, eat out Kelli as she stands over you!”

I was shocked motionless at my fiancé’s instruction and Kelli was quick to react and take advantage of my condition despite being drunk and stoned off her pretty cute ass…

Kelli, with a huge grin, crawled over from Danielle over to me and stood up and straddled my face and Erica and Erin in my lap. Kelli was dripping wet with arousal and sexual excitement, I caught a hint of perfume in her erogenous area as my tongue found the sweet spot and quickly I had the petite blonde moaning and writhing on my tongue!

Erica more than once stated I give great oral!

Shocking me one time saying that to Erin, Danielle and Kelli with me present making them all look at me then laughing at my embarrassed reaction.

I darted my tongue in and out of Kelli’s tight wet honey hole tongue before moving and slightly nibbling and sucking on her swollen protruding clit, moments later Kelli grabbed the hair on my head hard! Her body couldn’t handle it! Her legs began trembling then shaking so badly Kelli had to stop me before she fell down! I looked up, her flat muscular stomach was fluttering and Kelli was breathing hard heaving her firm hard nipple breasts up and down!

I smiled, knowing I had done another good job…

Before Kelli moved away, I looked over at Danielle, she was still slowly stroking Atlas’s cock! I told Danielle,

“Danielle, caress that gorgeous body of yours so we all can watch…”

And Danielle didn’t disappoint either! Temporarily releasing Atlas from her clutches, Danielle slowly raised to her feet, moving her hands over her long smooth athletic legs, resting and rubbing her hairless pussy, then moving her hands up further…

My eyes followed her hands from bottom to top, her slender fingers moved over her firm athletic tanned contrasted skin upwards to her taught fit flat muscular tummy and up to her firm double D breasts where she squeezed them ever so slightly, then her fingers began playing with her hard tiny nipples, pinching them a bit and Danielle moan a little from her sensual self-caress…

I looked up into Danielle’s face and saw the exhilarated look of intense drug-enhanced pleasure on her beautiful face as she stared at me inducing another little surge of pre cum to shoot under Erin’s fingers and into my fiancé’s talented mouth…

My eyes came back down to Danielle’s hands as she sensuously and unabashedly caressed herself in front of me and her three roommates putting on quite an erotic display! This was a sight to behold, as I had forgotten my duties to Kelli and she had disappeared from my peripheral vision. Suddenly I felt a new sensation…

Breaking my daze of looking at the tall gorgeous Nordic blonde as she erotically caressed herself, I looked down and saw Kelli lying next to Erin on the floor, with my right nut at her lips! And before I had to time to react, Kelli sucked and it disappeared into her mouth!

My head shot back at the unexpected pleasure, right into Danielle’s waiting tits! She had moved over me and I got a mouthful of firm double D breast!

I alternated sucking one hard nipple then another as Danielle stood bent over me with her legs spread widely apart ass out in the air! My brain was awashed with pleasure! Erin and my fiancé were jacking me off into my fiancés mouth while Kelli sucked my balls into her mouth while Danielle stood above me so I could suck on her bountiful firm tits – I didn’t think it could any better or crazier than this!



“Uhhhuhhhhhhh….” moaned Danielle as my lips and tongue whirled around her tiny diamond hard nipples. My brain fuzzy brain finally came back to reality as my cock started throbbing even harder as Erica began energetically sucking me off.

“Uhhhh… ahhhhh… ooohhhhh…” moaned Danielle again, “Good boy…. ahhh… right … ahhh.. right there!”

HUH??? My brain inquired…

I released Danielle’s nipple from my mouth and looked up at her face, Danielle’s head was all the way back as she bent over me, her pleasure wasn’t just from me sucking her nipples – it was from Atlas licking her sopping wet pussy!!!

The huge Dane was standing right behind Danielle! His muzzle buried deep between her firm parted ass cheeks! I could see his tongue disappear inside her on every lick, and each time Danielle shuddered and swayed above me!

I couldn’t resist, I raised a hand up and began playing with Danielle’s swollen clit from the front while Atlas ate her out from behind!

As soon as I started paying with her clit Danielle’s legs buckled and her arms almost gave out as the huge dog ate her out and as I played with her clit! Her moans got louder and her spasms got harder as Danielle became the third one to get off in our daring sex game! I decided Danielle had moved to the first place position with her taboo yet highly erotic actions!

I was quite surprised that Danielle had not stopped Atlas but even let him openly continue with all four of us watching Atlas and I bring Danielle to a shuddering climax!

However I was not quite that shocked thanks to all the alcohol I had and the girls sexual hijinks so far, all of us having just watched Danielle being dared to jerk the Dane to a full erection, then Danielle, in her highly intoxicated and drug enhanced arousal, had let canine precum squirt onto her pussy and then her rubbing her precum covered clit and then Kelli fingerfucking her…

Not one of them were naïve about beast sex…

As all young liberated educated women of this age with raging hormones and modern media on the internet, as I had seen more than once with my own fiancé and her roommates cruising the web looking for porn for us to watch, they had come across bestiality websites and even watched a few videos and read some comics laughing at my reaction they would do such a thing!

At the time I thought they were just doing it to embarrass me, now reality is clearly evident – one or more of Erica’s roommates are into it!!!

With trembling legs Danielle crashed to the floor, her tall, lithe athletic body still shaking from her intense orgasm from the Great Dane licking her and me playing with her clit. I took a deep breath as the space around me was suddenly vacated and nothing but hot wet musty air that smelled of sex filled my lungs.

It smelled amazing…

My gaze faded slowly from the gorgeous writhing statuesque blonde haired Danielle when my body convulsed from the shock of my other nut slipping into Kelli’s hot wet mouth!

More precum escaped my hard member into my fiancés mouth as she resumed sucking me. She let the precum slide from her mouth and down my member till it slid to Erin’s hand where she used it as extra lube making her hands move even faster as she pumped my cock into Erica’s mouth.

I gasped for air as Erica and Erin and Kelli brought me to the verge of an intense orgasm but I held back climaxing knowing if I did I wouldn’t be able to get it back up again quickly as alcohol always delayed my recovery, usually I’m ready to go again in fifteen minutes! I really wanted this to last as long as possible and I had an inkling that so too did the girls.

I felt another spurt of precum escaped and my fiancé let it slide down to Erin’s hand, so much that it covered Erin’s hand.

Erica pulled her mouth off my cock and looked at Erin and stated to her,

“Your turn…”

The look Erin had was one of lust – intense drunken lust!

Erin looked up at me and I saw a incredibly beautiful face of pure bliss as I was getting serviced by three amazingly gorgeous women, just because one was my fiancé clearly had no effect on me or the others as my fiancé was able to make the naughty dare!

My nuts throbbed in Kelli’s mouth as my fiancé Erica grabbed the base of my shaft and aimed the broad head of my cock to Erin’s lips…

Erin’s head slowly lowered to my broad cock head as she lifted her eyes and stared into mine…

Erin then lowered her head some more, sensuous lips wrapping around my sensitive head. Her tongue whipped back and forth across the top of my head as she took in more and more of my shaft into her mouth. Soon Erin was half way down my cock, lubricating my entire two inch wide phallus with her aggressive tongue. She started to move back up, still her eyes were locked to mine. My cock slowly reappeared from her mouth as she took a deep breath and smiled, still looking at me…

This was it! There was no way I was going to be able to hold back now with gorgeous Erin blowing me! Her perfectly white teeth glistened as they moved closer to my cock as she was ready to bob my nob yet again. My fiancé’s hands slowly jerked me towards Erin’s mouth, trying to pump my hot precum into her. Kelli had taken my nuts out of her mouth and was massaging my nuts more and more, egging the white sticky fluid to come racing out of me. It was then that I knew what they wanted, they wanted me to cum and they didn’t care how they got me to do it! Well in reality I wanted to cum too, but not just yet…,

I wanted to hold on a bit longer to see how much further this amazing, crazy sex fantasy will go!

Erica grabbed my cock harder and squeezed it, trying to force precum out. I felt Kelli suck both balls into her mouth again and then flicked them with her tongue. Her mouth really did a number on me as I felt them begin to throb. It was going to be both Erin and her talented mouth along with my fiancé that was going to send me over the edge!

Erin’s eyes were locked to mine and she was slowly going back down on my head. I felt the tip slide past her lips and over her tongue. She pushed down further, sliding past my ridge and moving it to the back of her throat. Her tongue moved around my cock as if it were a wave, she kept pushing deeper than before. Five inches of my thickly engorged shaft went into Erin’s mouth, slowly – and she wasn’t stopping!

More and more went down. My fiancé’s hands had to slow their pumps as Erin’s face got closer to the base, Erica looking intently at me, it was then I noticed that Erin was pumping a finger into my beautiful fiancé’s pussy! Glancing at Kelli and I saw she was rubbing her clit fast and furious while with her other hand her finger was pumping in and out Erin’s pussy! Soon my cock was almost completely in Erin’s mouth as she tried to deepthroat me! I felt the back of her throat on my head slowly slide on my head before she stopped and bottomed out, so to speak.

Erin held her head there, trying to force more of me down, but she just couldn’t go any deeper until Erica put her hand on the back of her head and forced the rest of my nine inch cock down her throat!

Erin gagged around my two inch thick nine inch long member but quickly became accustomed to the intrusion. She bobbed up and down a few times, now used to taking my entire cock! My orgasm became imminent! My balls were throbbing in Kelli’s mouth, my cock was pulsating in Erica’s hand as she jacked me, and the thought of Erin swallowing my load and all gorgeous naked three girls frigging each other or themselves was about sent me over the edge despite trying to hold back…



“WOOF!” loudly went Atlas startling all three girls off my cock and me away from my impending climax!

“WOOF! WOOF!” continued the huge dog as we looked over at him in startled confusion.

It took me a second to realize what I was seeing…

Danielle was bent over the edge of the couch with her legs widely spread apart, her swollen openly parted pussy fully exposed to view, her gorgeous face resting on a pillow and looking back towards Atlas who was dancing behind her as if he was about ready to go for a walk. He couldn’t contain his excitement. He wiggled back and forth barking as if to illustrate his exuberance.

“Come on Atlas…,” slurred the tall naked beautiful blonde Nordic goddess as she patted her cute firm ass. “Come on…”

Danielle patted her firm cute ass a few more times…

In my lustful drunken daze, I couldn’t understand what was happening until it finally came to fruition with Kelli’s outspoken lustful words…

“Get Some Boy!” said Kelli before reaching out a hand for my throbbing balls again. Her hand found its mark and she grabbed hold slightly to continue the massage she had started earlier…

Kelli’s hot soft hand renewing my ball massage focused my alcohol fuzzy mind that I was surrounded by four incredibly beautiful fully naked, extremely drunk and horny women flying high on multiple doses of Ecstasy who apparently were up for anything – especially Danielle!

Firm perky breasts were everywhere! Resting on my leg, separated by my shin were Kelli’s firm tits, her head turned to the side watching Danielle encouraging Atlas to continue his oral! My fiancé Erica sat to my side had renewed stroking my cock looking at Danielle, her pert 32D boobs heaving up and down as she panted from hot arousal we all were experiencing as well as Erin’s renewed vigorous fingerfucking my fiancé’s pussy! Erin was resting her elbows on my thigh, her firm large breasts raising up and down as she breathed in the scent of my sloppy cock, her hard nipples rubbing against the carpet as she was looking to her side at Danielle and Atlas as well while Kelli also was vigorously fingerfucking Erin’s pussy!

OMG The Air! The warm room was flooded with female musk! The girls heavy intoxication and heavy dosage of psychoactive sexual stimulant had escalated their libidos to astronomical levels! I was drunk enough to be intensely curious how much further this would progress…

It wasn’t until the realization hit me that each of the girls had long been more than ready to fuck that I FINALLY comprehended what Danielle was trying to accomplish…

“WOOF!,” proclaimed the huge anxious dog. His tail wagged and his feet couldn’t contain his excitement. He jumped up on top of Danielle’s back mounting her! Atlas began humping the air madly with his partially protruding red rocket searching for a warm wet ready pussy!

My jaw must have been on the floor watching this spectacle! I managed to look away for an instant and saw Erin, Kelli and my fiancé Erica lustfully gleaming with excitement in hopes of seeing Danielle getting her brains fucked out by the huge dog with an equally huge cock and watching her reaction to being knotted!

Atlas’s thrusts kept missing their mark, covering Danielle’s inner thighs in clear doggy precum! Danielle’s breathing was frantic and extreme with excitement! Atlas thrust again and again with his protruding red rocket trying hit his mark!

“Good boy Atlas, good boy…” I heard Danielle state drunkenly slurring her words badly….

I couldn’t tell who covered her legs more with their slippery clear lubricant, Atlas’s precum or Danielle’s own copious secretions!

“UH!” Loudly escaped Danielle’s mouth as Atlas found his mark for an instant, penetrating her shallowly, then pulling out again. His brain processed it a little too slowly and resumed humping madly thinking he was still inside the tall statuesque gorgeous blonde…

His large hard canine cock poked her toned tanned muscular leg a few times and even knocked at her back door once or twice too evidenced by Danielle’s quick forwards lurches before he slowed his pace and realized he had missed his mark.

Danielle was panting in drug stimulated lustful excitement, her huge canine friend was more than ready to take her around the world and this made her wetter than ever!

More than once this evening I wondered how much Ecstasy the four of them had taken to be so carried away as to be openly sexual with each other and me – and doing beast sex in front of me! Hell it must have been at least three hits of Ecstasy plus they all were sooo freaking drunk!

Atlas jumped off of Danielle’s back and immediately started to lick her sweet spot making Danielle widen her stance even further, her gorgeous lean taut body trembling with sexual excitement – and the other girls as well…

Atlas licked Danielle’s visibly swollen, aroused pussy for a minute or so, giving the other girls time to resume their sexual teasing with me before Atlas was ready to mount willing Danielle again…

My cock was getting slobbered on by all three girls this time. They were all taking turns sucking my head into their mouths, while the other two licked the sides of my member and soon I was back on the path to cumming into one of their lovely mouths when we heard Danielle loudly utter,


Atlas was at it again! On top of Danielle’s back humping away! His partially protruding red rocket seeking, searching…

Atlas kept missing, stunned I watched as Danielle tried reaching back to find his member and guide him in but he was just too large of an animal and was being too rambunctious to make that work easily from her position. Every once in a while the tip of his precum squirting cock would just momentarily enter Danielle’s sopping pussy making her moan deeply each time but he was so excited his ever lengthening cock would come right back out.

Despite my fiancé Erica, Erin and Kelli working my cock over I couldn’t take my eyes off incredibly gorgeous nude Danielle committing a bestiality act right in front of me! In front of us! Despite the extreme taboo nature of it I couldn’t help but find it extremely arousing – and evidently Erica, Kelli and Erin did too as they were intently watching Danielle and Atlas while playing with my cock!

Danielle panted in heated sexual pleasure and frustration. She raised up onto her hands and looked over her back, aggravated…

BOOM!!! The new position did the trick!

Atlas found the sweet spot! With one thrust from his powerful hind legs he pushed his entire member into the beautiful leggy blonde’s waiting pussy!

His fully erect, nine inch member forced its way into Danielle pushing all the air out of her lungs and almost the eyes out of her head! Danielle couldn’t make a noise as the air struggled to re-enter her lungs while the 170 pound Dane began fucking her silly!

“OHHH FUCCCK YESSSS!!!” Danielle exuberantly screamed out!

Atlas’s lightning fast pile driving thrusts pushed him deeper inside Danielle! His huge dangling balls slapped on the outside of her swollen pussy lips and against her swollen protruding clit enhancing her pleasure even more!

Danielle uttered a loud guttural moan of pure sexual pleasure that unfortunately made Erica Kelli and Danielle release my cock from their hungry mouths so they could watch…

Danielle was getting pummeled with nine inches of long, thick, and hard dog cock pistoning in and out of her hairless sopping pussy! Canine precum and Danielle’s own copious lubrication was tricking down her fantastic toned long legs! Atlas nuts swayed back and forth following his hips. Danielle’s mouth gaped as she gasped for air with each lightning quick pounding thrust! Her eyes slowly lost focus and moved to the back of her head! Danielle’s large firm breasts jostled as did her body during the raging hard bestial fuck! Her loud moans turned more and more pleasurable starting over each time a thrusted hip hit her shapely firm ass. She stayed on her outstretched hands braced against the couch armrest using the couch to take most of the thrusting power allowing her to enjoy the hard brutal doggy fucking even more!

My fiancé continued to jerk me off while Kelli played with my balls while they watched Danielle getting her brains fucked out by a huge doggy cock! Gradually, we watched as Danielle relaxed her arms, bending over more and more until her bountiful chest was resting over the armrest with her ass tilted high up unto the rampaging canine cock! Then, my fiancé stopped playing with me first…

Erica’s hand moved from my cock to her pussy where she started rubbing herself fiercely! Her breathing turned to moans as she watched the huge dog fuck the living hell out of her best friend!

Slick, wet pussy in one hand and firm perky 32D tit in the other, Erica brought herself to near orgasm before stopping, then astounded, I watch my very drunk and stoned fiancé wobbly stand up and stagger over to the bestial lovers…

Erica laid herself down on her back on the couch, widely spreading her legs in front of Danielle’s gaping, moaning mouth. It took the bestial ravaged girl too long to realize what was in front of her before Erica grabbed her head and shoved Danielle’s face onto her waiting pussy!

Danielle’s lustful moans were muffled by Erica’s pussy but were replaced by Erica’s own squeals from Danielle beginning enthusiastic oral on my fiancé! Eating out Erica while taking the Dane’s huge cock rapidly and brutally fucked deep in her sopping wet pussy, his hard pounding thrusts into Danielle forcing Danielle’s head to rapidly jolt again and again into my fiancé’s pussy stimulating Erica even more!

DAMN!  The realization then struck me why Kelli, Danielle and Erin, with the exception of my fiancé Erica never seriously dated – all four were bisexual! And evidently Danielle must have found a substitute live cock for a human one – one without messy human relationships!

Soon Danielle’s moans turned louder and louder as her pleasured noises turned to an almost scream when Danielle jerked her mouth away from my fiancé’s pussy! Erin lifted her head from my cock to see (along with me) Atlas’s swelling knot trying to force its way into the pleasure stricken girl! Kelli had moved down to Erin’s wet pussy and was eating her out while Erin blew me, but when the knot finally had forced its way into the tall leggy statuesque gorgeous blonde – everything else stopped!

Danielle’s screams of pleasure had turned to guttural moans of pure bliss as Atlas knotted then moments later began unloading into Danielle’s sopping dripping pussy!

We all could see Atlas’s huge balls repeatedly contracting as he pumped his copious load deep up inside Danielle, filled to the brim with swollen canine cock, his knot hugely swelling inside her unable to come out, his knot pressing hard and rubbing her G-spot provoking even more screaming orgasms from Danielle as she was being pumped to overflowing with canine sperm…

Danielle’s beautiful blonde head was thrown backwards as she felt jet after jet of hot doggy cum explode up into her sending her over the edge with multiple cascading body-racking screaming orgasms! Then Danielle’s moans became muffled again as she lowered her head to resume eating out my fiancé! Copious sperm repeatedly shot deep into Danielle’s visibly contracting pussy by the ounce as her pussy instinctively milked his huge organ as the hugely swollen knot kept every ounce inside of her!

From my anatomy classes I knew the human vagina has a similar structure as a canine vagina. Both human and canine female circular vaginal muscles help hold the enlarged knot in (usually the knot bulbils glandis has swollen too large to come out anyway) and with Danielle clearly have intense repeated orgasms her vaginal muscles  were repeatedly contracting around Atlas’s embedded cock, squeezing it as her orgasms in autonomous reflex milked his hugely swollen cock which was having the effect of stimulating ejaculation of sperm as well as maintaining the swelling of the penis and therefore the tie, for some time!

Then astounded I watched as my gorgeous fiancé Erica began to climax on the mouth of the statuesque blonde!

Erica’s taut lean athletic body contorted and writhed under Danielle’s evidently very talented oral ministrations as Danielle continued tongue fucking Erica and sucking her clit! Erica’s pussy covering Danielle’s face in her slickness as Erica pinched her tiny nipples with one hand while her other hand stroked Danielle’s head…

Then Danielle began sucking hard on Erica’s swollen clit while Danielle began fingerfucking Erica’s pussy AND tight ass sending wave after wave of pleasure rocketing through my fiancé’s entire trembling body making Erica climax again and again and again!!!! All the while Erin, Kelli and I could see Atlas’s huge balls still rhythmically contracting continuously pumping sperm into Danielle’s beautiful statuesque athletic body, her whole body trembling with ongoing cascading orgasms as Danielle continued vigorously fingerfucking Erica!



Erin turned to Kelli, whose mouth had returned to Erin’s wet pussy and whispered to Kelli,

Your turn...

Looking up without removing her mouth, Kelli stared into Erin’s eyes and shook her head, humming quietly before releasing the brunette’s box from her teeth and Kelli said badly slurring her words to Erin,

“Not until you fuck Callan, then you can eat me out…”

What did I just hear!?

My alcohol addled brain was fuzzy and I was mesmerized watching an incredibly beautiful girl getting her brains fucked out right in front of me while my fiancé was being eaten out at the same time by one of her best friends but I hazily thought I heard Kelli tell Erin to FUCK me!


However I didn’t have much time to think what my fiancé’s reaction would be seeing this but before it began to happen…

 Erin stood up in front of me facing away from me, her bare cute ass was directly in my face, her long slender legs soaked on the inside from her highly aroused pussy screaming with drug stimulated heated lust for my touch. My badly impaired alcohol brain and reflexes were too slow to process and then act as Erin slowly lowered herself down in front of me, straddling my legs with hers; the lower she squat, the more her sensual firm curves were revealed!

Her slender toned legs bent more, leading to her slim firm hips, the perfect shape of her taught firm ass driving me wild, her thin waist only accented everything else as they approached my rigid, painfully throbbing cock. Erin’s firm muscular back widened as my eyes approached her lovely shoulders, revealing the outside curves of her big fake tits.

Erin’s lustrous brunette hair was slightly messy from all the foreplay but now every part of her gorgeous body had one mission: to fuck her male best friend’s nine inch long two inch wide raging hard cock!

With the moaning in the background slowly fading away, I was suddenly faced with Erin’s gorgeous sweet hot ass about to engulf my thick, long raging hard-on! Her hands grabbed my cock and aimed it… I couldn’t recognize anything that was happening other than Erin’s soft hands on my painfully throbbing cock as she guided it to her hotly aroused pussy.




What we have been doing has been bad enough in our badly inebriated state, and in the girls case also incredibly stoned on multiple hits of Ecstasy, and I believed that come morning all of them will be ashamed, extremely embarrassed with regret what happened, and how it may impact their relationship with each other, but the most important of all – my relationship with my fiancé!

And if my extremely drunk and stoned fiancé won’t stop this from going further to the ultimate betrayal of our relationship I will before we all regret any more than we already will!!!

I slid my hands under Erin’s firm cute ass stopping her from lowering herself onto my erection…

She pushed down and I felt the tip of my cock barely touch her hot pussy and I almost lost it right then and there but I just barely managed prevent penetration…

Erin gave me a puzzled highly inebriated look…

Then I told her,

“I’m sorry Erin I can’t do this! What we all have been doing has been extremely wild and crazy and sexy as hell but I can’t go any further and cheat on Erica….”

“But, But We All Agreed! This was our graduation present to you!” Erin exclaimed.

WHAT THE HELL!!! Was the only thought that filled my mind! Then I heard my fiancé speak to me, or tried too she was so badly slurring her words, I looked over at her laying on the couch, Danielle’s face still in Erica’s pussy while Danielle was evidently still tightly knotted to Atlas…

“Callan, it’s okay my dearest love!

This is your graduation present from all of us because I along with Erin, Danielle and Kelli love you so much – So Enjoy!”

Needless to say I was floored! Stunned! They had preplanned this!

And incredibly my fiancé agreeing to it!!!

Before I could come to my drunk senses I felt Erin settling her hot wet pussy onto my throbbing cock… centering the broad tip of my cock against her tight vaginal opening…

But despite how wet and incredibly horny Erin was, as with any other girl I had sex with, despite how aroused they were, or drunk or high or how much artificial lube was used, Erin too had great difficult working my two inch wide thick long cock into her tightness!

Erin continuously emitted lustful groans with her extreme efforts to start fucking me! I was stunned and amazed that in her intoxicated and drug-fueled lust Erin was a sexual banshee with her vigorous violent efforts to work all my thick, long cock into her hot tightly gripping pussy so she could start to actually fucking me!

I looked over at my fiancé still laying on the couch with her legs widely spread out…

Erica was staring at me and Erin watching my thick nine inch long cock slowly reappearing and then disappearing into Erin…, I saw Erica bite her lower lip in obvious consternation, evidently second thoughts about allowing Erin to fuck me…, saw her consternation increase as she watched as Erin’s pace pick up and soon Erin was riding me hard with complete wanton drunken abandon!

Right in front of her three best friends!

Then Danielle buried her face back into Erica’s pussy and again started going down on my fiancé breaking Erica’s concerned attention of Erin and I – all the while Atlas was still tightly knotted to Danielle…

I was astounded and extremely aroused by Erin’s violent sexual efforts and after very long moments she had managed to work all my cock in!

I felt my nine inch long erection bottoming out inside her, her rippling pussy gripping my two inch wide shaft in a vise-like grip! With her extreme lustful exertions as my cock repeatedly hit her deep and hard and Erin got used to the size of my member inside her. Her head slowly rolled back, her dark hair was in my face, her eyes rolled back farther, and soon she was covering my cock with her juices as her tight vagina began a rippling series of contractions around my shaft!

Clearly Erin’s wanton actions as she forcibly fucked herself up and down my nine inch long cock stretching her pussy tightly was pure lust for her as she bounced up and down on me fucking me violently hard as if she was riding a bucking bronco in a rodeo!

Erin’s moans could be heard around the world I thought! It took almost no time before the novelty of what we were doing to fade away for Kelli and she got bored…

Kelli crawled down below us and attached her lips to Erin’s swollen clit and began sucking her clit hard while Erin enthusiastically fucked me in a reverse cowgirl position! Kelli and I both giving Erin what had to be the most intense orgasm of her life the way she loudly screamed and her body racked with multiple orgasmic convulsions and still Erin kept pumping herself up and down my long thick cock!

Erin’s warm cum drenched my cock and balls as she came all over me and Kelli’s mouth. Her moans of pleasure got the attention again of both Erica and Danielle, who both looked over at us and while both quivered at the erotically charge scene, I still glimpsed some consternation in my beautiful fiancé’s face…

I myself was not sure which was more erotic…, the tall statuesque Nordic blonde goddess with her amazing double D breasts that had gotten brutally fucked by a huge Great Dane making her climax multiple times and was still tightly knotted to him, or watching one of my fiancé’s gorgeous best friends eating Erica out to more than one orgasm, or one of Erica’s gorgeous best friends fucking me, her fiancé!

All this was occurring within six feet of each other, and as I found out, the party was only just beginning…



“AHHHHH!!” again Erin loudly screamed out as my cock twitched inside her creaming convulsing tightly gripping pussy as she again orgasmed on my cock as she kept hurling herself rapidly up and down my shaft fucking me…

“Ahhh… ahhhhh… ahhhh…. more….. uhhh…. MORE!!!” Danielle again orgasmically screamed out being filled with dog sperm, Atlas’s still tightly knotted to Danielle, his huge baseball size knot inexorably pressing and rubbing hard against her G-spot provoking more orgasms…

Erica and Kelli were the only ones not getting any now, but that didn’t last long as I knew the kinky nubile little blonde Kelli probably had some mischief planned based on her past outrageous flirtatious history with me…

Erin kept bouncing up and down my hard throbbing cock, trying to get to another orgasm from just my thick nine inch long cock alone. Kelli had removed her mouth from Erin’s clit, allowing me to have my fun…

Heedlessly drunk, my own intoxication delaying my climax, and evidently my fiancé’s approval for one of her best friends to fuck me, I put my hands by my sides and pushed down onto the floor thrusting and bucking my hips up and fucking Erin harder yet!

Erin let out a little yelp as my cock head knocked hard at her cervical entrance, and soon I was pummeling her hot tight pussy faster than anything she had experienced so far! I knew that only her extreme intoxication along with the Ecstasy allowed her to be fucked this hard and able to take in my huge cock completely for the first time. Her large DD tits heaved up and down despite their artificial firmness, her slender flat muscular stomach showed the hints of my cock ravaging her, her legs buckled underneath her slender frame and soon she was completely in my control…

I fucked the living hell out of her! 

My huge cock made long deep strokes into Erin’s tight eagerly waiting dripping wet hole, quickly retracting and then repeating all over again. The same could not be said for Danielle who was still tightly tied to Atlas, though I don’t think she minded the way I saw her body occasionally shudder every now and then as she kept experiencing drug-stimulated orgasms and from the huge canine knot locked inside her rubbing against her G-spot. Danielle was still bent over the couch with the 170 pound huge dog draped over her back, still tightly knotted with a huge cock and huge knot buried deep inside her…

I couldn’t describe the emotion on Danielle’s face. Something like bliss with a little bit of relief and ecstasy mixed in. Danielle’s breathing was hard and a yet soft; yet it was something that didn’t quite hold my full attention since I had gorgeous Erin with the big firm fake tits riding me like a bucking horse! My hips bucked underneath her faster and faster making Erin loudly cum again, her generous lubrication making my thick long cock thrust into her tight pussy slightly easier…

Then I noticed my fiancé was no longer laying on the couch and not in my view!

I looked around while I kept pummeling Erin into cascading orgasms. Kelli were nowhere to be seen too!

Just as I started to become frightened that my fiancé had finally realized that this was all a horrible mistake and had left I suddenly I heard loud moans coming from my fiancé!

I turned my head around as much as I could without screwing up my screwing (lol) and saw Erica on her knees and elbows, looking back at Kelli as Kelli was shoving that immensely long double headed dildo inside her exquisitely tight back door!

Hell it must have been eighteen inches in length! A sex toy made for women to fuck each other with at the same time!

More firm confirmation of the four best friends bisexuality!

“Ahh… Kelli not so … ahhh… hard…. ahh!” loudly moaned Erica badly slurring her words.

I watched as Kelli thrust the dildo deep into my fiancé’s tight ass with her left hand while her right hand played with her own clit! Kelli was kneeling behind Erica fucking my fiancé’s tight cute ass with the long double headed dildo looking like a mad woman!

Each time Kelli thrust the dildo into Erica Kelli’s firm tits bounced and shook, showing the effort she was using to fuck my fiancé’s tight ass!

The look on Kelli’s face almost showed aggression…

That must have come from me for so long ignoring Kelli’s flirtations and outright veiled suggestions to have sex with her but never taking her seriously and then Erica and I getting engaged to Erica. But still the dildo was there…,

My incredibly gorgeous fiancé was allowing petite little Kelli to play dominatrix shoving nearly half an eighteen inch long dildo in and out of my fiancé’s tight little ass!

Slowly more and more was disappearing inside of my fiancé’s tight ass! Erica’s moans grew more pleasured as the artificial fucking continued…

I watched this with incredible amazement! My fiancé now being fucked by ten inches of an eighteen inch long dildo deep in her taut trembling body! Kelli continued to play with her own clit before she turned around ass to ass with my fiancé’, moved closer, then inserted the remaining seven or eight inches of exposed dildo into her own pussy and started fucking herself and Erica!

Erica’s tight ass was gripping the dildo so hard it was not moving as Erica vigorously rubbed away at her clit as Kelli repeatedly banged her small cute ass against my fiancé’s cute firm ass thrusting the dildo in and out of her pussy as Kelli vigorously frigged away on her clit!

I was astounded how Kelli and Erica both quickly got off with their loudly heard orgasms that shook both their gorgeous trembling bodies!

Erin still bounded up and down me, still feeling her cum escaping and coating my cock. She grabbed my hands off the ground and pulled them to her fake DD tits; I squeezed them for the very first time and boy were they amazing! They were incredibly firm, enjoyable and the perfect shape thanks to the expensive plastic surgeon who did an outstanding boob j enhancement on her. Erin turned her head around and looked at me through the corner of her eyes, her head slightly tilted back, and loudly moaned out,

“Callan! Cum inside me soon! I’m fixing to cum again!!!

Erin’s firm bountiful perfect breasts bounced a little as she began grinding on my cock, trying to milk hot jizz from me. In a daze, I again looked at my fiancé taking an immensely long double headed dildo in her tight ass while Kelli fucked herself with the other end of the dildo! Danielle was slumped over the couch, still tightly knotted being pumped full of dog jizz, her large firm tits lifted and lowered on the couch as her deep breaths finally began catching up to her. Erin leaned back, putting her head on my shoulders right next to my face and loudly moaned out again,

“Cum Callan, NOW! Cum Inside Me!”

I could no longer hold back despite how drunk I was that has been delaying my orgasm, Erin’s tightly clutching pussy felt almost as fantastic as my fiancé’s! I again starting bucking like a bronco with Erin astride me making Erin repeatedly scream as she began climaxing once again on my cock, her orgasmic contractions squeezing my cock hard!  Her orgasmic screams and her tight rippling contractions repeatedly squeezing my cock sent me over the edge!


My long delayed ejaculation was initially a bit painful as it violently began surging up my nine-inch long shaft! Burst after burst of pleasure geysered up escaping my hard painfully throbbing cock! My pulsating copious ejaculations exploded up into Erin’s tightly contracting pussy triggering Erin to have a simultaneous orgasm! Again Erin loudly screamed and her taut lean gorgeous body violently trembled as she felt my hot spurts blast deep up inside her, followed by even more cum as her tight pussy massaged my thick cock with her cascading orgasmic contractions milking my two inch thick nine inch long shaft.

Erin’s body continued rocking in my lap as I held her large, amazing tits firmly in my hands, pushing her down harder onto my cock, trying to breach her cervical entrance. Explosion after explosion of jizz continued to burst inside her as I pulled her down harder and harder as her gorgeous body trembled and writhed on lap.

Erin released a loud drawn out guttural moan as my cock throbbed inside her deeper than ever before as I held her forcefully down on my lap! Only her extreme intoxication and drug-stimulated arousal had allowed me to be able to fully enter her and fuck her as hard as I did!

Quickly I felt and heard Erin have yet another orgasm! I bucked up hard into her a few more times to enhance her climax! Felt her tight pussy repeatedly contracting milking my cock to squeeze every bit of jizz out of me!

Our cumming together had coated the carpet beneath us…

Danielle looked over at us fucking, Erin deliriously moaning with lust filled rolling orgasms which evidently caused Danielle to have yet another intense screaming orgasm!

However this time Danielle’s scream scared Atlas into jumping off of her!

Danielle screamed loud with pain as Atlas’s still too-swollen knot yanked free from her badly abused tight cunt with a loud ‘plop’ noise followed by torrents of cum hitting the floor!

Thankfully I could see that Atlas’s formerly huge baseball sized knot had receded in size enough to allow the pull out, but still showing the true size of his nine inch long member – the same length as mine!

Atlas’s knot had shrunk down to the size of a large lemon, causing Danielle pain with its still too large extraction by the way she had screamed! I could only imagine what it had felt like having swollen up to the size of a baseball inside her!

Then a realization struck me!

NO! I realized.

His cock was a bit longer than mine!

Once he had knotted Danielle, with the base his knot inside her, his overall length of buried knot and all was over nine inches!!!

The fantasy flashed through my mind of what I could have done and could do if I had the ability to knot a girl!!!

My two inch thick cock buried nine inches deep inside her pussy, the swelling bulge of my burgeoning knot swelling and swelling ever larger as it was thrust in and out of her pussy causing her incredible pleasure until it swells to the point it is forced in past the tight narrow vaginal entrance and then becomes too large to come out! Now locked inside, my knot would continue to swell even larger, pressing inexorably hard against her G-spot, rubbing firmly against it, provoking orgasm after orgasm from her…

Kelli looked over and saw the cum gush from Danielle’s abused cunt, then saw Atlas’s large cock and Kelli orgasmed just then staring at the large lemon sized knot behind the nine plus inches of spurting dog meat! Kelli came so hard I could see her copious pussy secretions dripping down onto the floor!

Kelli pulled her pussy off her end of the dildo then turning around she grabbed hold of the shaft of double-headed dildo again and resumed thrusting it into my fiancé’s tight ass and the other end into Erica’s pussy!

Quickly Erica was cumming yet again as she rubbed away at her swollen clit! My fiancé’s taut, lean athletically ripped stunningly gorgeous body squirmed as it took more and more of the immensely long dildo up her quivering ass!

Kelli must be fucking twelve inches of dildo in and out of my fiancé’s tight ass now!!!



Things finally began to wind down, the girls sexually fatigued, sore, extremely drunk and coming down off their huge Ecstasy high…

The living room was heavy with the musty smell of sex and all six of us lay down to catch our breath. Cum dripped from both Erin’s and Danielle’s abused holes.

Erica lay next Kelli on the floor, dildo still deep inside my fiancé’s tight ass but slowly coming out. Erica’s arms and legs were wrapped around Kelli, massaging her body slowly while Erica’s face was at one of Kelli’s tits and was suckling one of her pierced nipples…

Erin leaned back against me, still straddling my cock. It was soft now but still inside her as her pussy continuously dripped the combination of my cum and hers, occasionally I could feel Erin’s vagina giving my cock a squeeze as if trying to entice it back to hardness. If I hadn’t been so drunk myself I could have been ready to go again in about fifteen minutes!

The only one of us doing anything rigorous was Atlas, he was sitting there cleaning his still engorged dick of Danielle’s sticky cum. The tall incredibly beautiful Nordic blonde lay slumped over the couch arm, unable to move her sexually exhausted body…

After a while all four girls slipped into exhausted into sleep in the living room…

First I carried my fiancé Erica to her bedroom, then Kelli to her room, then Danielle. While carrying Danielle to her room I could feel doggy cum still coming out of her! I laid Danielle on her bed then went and got a towel to lay under her ass to catch any more doggy secretions oozing from her pussy. Then I went back for Erin and discovered that Atlas had gotten a second wind!

There was Erin, on widely spread knees, head down ass up – and Atlas mounted above her pounding away at her sopping pussy!

Erin must have awakened and tried to get her drunk ass to her bedroom on her own and Atlas had mounted her knocking her over onto her knees!

Atlas was pounding Erin so hard that with each thrust Erin let out a loud scream! Since Atlas had previously serviced Danielle less than thirty minutes ago he had staying power! Just as I went to pull Atlas off Erin I watched Erin loudly scream again then again – orgasmic screams!!!

The view was mesmerizing!

Another incredibly beautiful woman with large perfect fake tits getting the hell brutally fucked out of her with a nine-inch canine cock and orgasming over and over!

The highly erotic view drew me in to get a closeup look at the action…

Stunned, I watched in disbelief as Atlas with a furious lightning fast and rhythmical cadence brutally fucked his swelling cock into Erin’s tight pussy!  Each powerful brutal thrust causing Erin’s taut trembling body to jump convulsively! His powerful hips like a jackhammer as he repeatedly slammed forwards, savagely fucking his cock into the tightly clenching depths of Erin’s sopping pussy, whipping it out and brutally slamming his whole nine inch long cock up into her pussy with lightning speed! Again and again and again…

Atlas’s large ball sack was resoundly smacking against Erin’s wet, dribbling pussy banging against Erin’s swollen protruding clit! Atlas kept pounding Erin so fast that all I could see was the blur of his thickening cock as it pounded her tight pussy just as hard as I did less than an hour ago!

Erin’s tightly clinging swollen pussy lips was loudly slurping around the swelling canine cock as it brutally jackhammered in and out of her with precum spraying out with each thrust, evident of the copious amount being pumped into her as he had done with Danielle!

Then I noticed Atlas beginning to again develop his canine knot…

A growing, swelling, menacing looking bulge forming at its base of his shaft, the swelling bulge bumping Erin’s swollen fully exposed clit with every rapid thrust as it slid into her pussy and then again on the way out.  Atlas fucking Erin so brutally hard and fast with the now added stimulation of his slowly swelling bulge rapidly going in and out of her tight pussy that there was nothing Erin could do but repeatedly orgasm! I quit counting her orgasms I was so stunned at how many she was having…

Evidently it was too much stimulation for Erin to resist – involuntarily or voluntarily!

Erin, let alone any other woman in a similar drunk situation compounded by being high on a party drug which stimulates libido and enhances sexual sensations couldn’t help themselves involuntarily orgasming!

Erin couldn’t resist repeatedly climaxing from the incredible sexual stimulation of the swelling bulge being rapidly being repeatedly pushed in and pulled out of her tight pussy, her sopping tight sex sucking and slurping with each deep thrust, occasionally, Erin crying out as yet another huge climax tore through her trembling, shuddering gorgeous body…

As his bulge continued swelling Atlas was now ramming into Erin ever harder! Pushing the swelling bulge in and out of her dilating vagina with increasing difficulty! Then, it grew too large to go in, now the size of a large lemon, but still he persevered…

Powerfully, Atlas kept thrusting his hips forcefully against Erin’s ass driving a deep grunt from her each time, her grunts coming faster and faster with each quickening thrust. His still swelling bulge began to get partially lodged ever deeper into Erin’s exquisitely tight, narrow vaginal entrance! It took Atlas several more brutally pounding thrusts of working his still swelling knot against Erin’s vaginal opening before she started dilating enough to open up for the knotting…

Erin began loudly squealing “NO! NO!! NO!!!” as she felt the huge bulge starting to dilate her tight narrow vaginal opening enough to begin being wedged inwards!

Felt her tight vaginal entrance incrementally being rammed open as if Atlas was a hydraulic press – and there was nothing she nor I could do!

Atlas’s bulge kept on visibly swelling!

His swelling bulge now thicker than my two inch wide shaft!

Erin’s tight pussy entrance was now stretched about three quarters of the way over his bulge before her extremely tight entrance reached the maximum it could openly dilate…

Atlas felt the strong resistance of Erin’s extremely tight narrow entrance and still he humped her even harder! Straining to get his canine bulge all the way into her tight pussy before it swelled too large to go in! Erin began stridently screaming in pain as his bulge made her entrance strain so much that it was white around the bulge!

Then Erin suddenly let out a piercing shriek of pain as her body jolted hard against the couch she was leaning against as Atlas pushed his swelling bulge at the base of his cock completely through her tight vaginal entrance of Erin’s spasming vagina – knotting her!!!

Erin’s drug glazed emerald green eyes went huge!

Her entire body stiffened under Atlas as he knotted her!

Erin squealing loudly!

An odd piercing shriek of pain with another emotion mixed with it – then astoundingly yet another body racking orgasm!

Instantly I saw Erin’ pussy clamp down on his thick cock with the huge knot now fully inside her! Clearly as the remainder of the invading dog cock and knot went completely into Erin, it had given her one of the most intense orgasms as I had ever seen with Danielle earlier!

Atlas stopped drilling Erin so hard now and began to pump his throbbing cock in short, sharp thrusts into her jerking Erin’s gorgeous body in short jolts as Atlas began climaxing…

Erin let out yet another orgasmic scream as her body visibly demonstrated she was violently climaxing yet again feeling Atlas jetting his hot copious load deep up into her!

Erin’s taut lithe body visibly violently trembling as she let out several deep


As Atlas kept on fucking Erin with short thrusts as the huge Great Dane kept on pumping his copious load into her… still fucking her even as he ejaculated! It seemed, endless….

I couldn’t believe that Erin had climaxed yet again!

She had so many orgasms getting dog-fucked just as Danielle had!

Then, I was shocked to see Erin’s vulva begin visibly pulsating around the thickly swollen shaft that was buried in it! Her vaginal sheath muscles Involuntarily were instinctively milking his canine cock!

It had to be the Ecstasy which had so sexually stimulated her stunningly sexy body I thought…

Long minutes later Atlas decided to turn backwards…

His rear leg lifting over Erin’s tight cute sexy ass as it turned, the bulge rotation inside her slippery tight channel making Erin scream in sexual agony…

The only thing Erin could do was just keep kneeling there with Atlas tightly knotted to her, speared between her legs by this huge dog!  Atlas now ass to ass with Erin! His hugely swollen cock tightly locked in her pussy!

Erin couldn’t help herself from gasping and moaning at the same time as every single motion Atlas made brought additional sexual sensations as his hugely swollen knot rubbed inexorably against her G-spot!

As time crawled by I could see by the reaction on Erin’s face and her occasional moans that she could still feel Atlas’s cock spasm from time to time pumping even more animal cum deep up into her pussy, the hugely swollen knot holding her so completely that she could do nothing but kneel in place.

However Atlas would not stay still…

Every now and then he was intent on testing to see if he could pull his knot out. I watched Atlas trying to separate from Erin, and each time she would yelp painfully. Long minutes later his swollen bulge reduced in size enough to do so…

I was astounded watching as his bulge began stretching Erin’s swollen pussy lips open trying to pull free – it was still so fucking huge! I couldn’t understand how she or Danielle could even pass something that big thru their vaginal openings…

UGHNNMMM!!!” Erin groaned squirming…

Atlas pulling hard trying to free himself….

I looked between Erin’s widely spread thighs to see her swollen labia rising outward between her thighs as it was being pushed and spread apart from inside her body! The sight of his hugely swollen knot pushing and stretching her vaginal entrance seeking release took on the kinky appearance of the birthing of his obscene penis as his still too-swollen bulge began crowning at her opening…

Suddenly semen and pre-cum gushed, sprayed and bubbled around the still too hugely swollen orb with loud wet slurping noises as Erin’s vagina finally began releasing Atlas’ cock…

With his knot the size of a large lemon passing through, Erin suddenly grimaced with pain. A prolonged loud, slurping, sucking noise as Atlas’s knot incrementally slipped from her tight vaginal entrance, Erin crying out with one last scream!

Surprisingly it was another oddly combined scream of pain and orgasm!

Erin’s red, swollen hairless labia clung to the remainder of his immensely swollen prick as it slowly, sinuously emerged with a loud prolonged slurping noise, followed by another insane deluge of cum exploding out of Erin’s thoroughly ravished pussy…

Momentarily stunned, I stared at what had so thoroughly fucked Danielle and now Erin!

I… I was flabbergasted!

This close up I couldn’t believe how huge the Great Dane’s cock was!

I mean, having been educated as a veterinarian I have seen a dog’s bulbus glandis, known as the knot, or dog knot, knew it is erectile tissue located at the bottom of the penis of dogs.  That during copulation, this tissue swells and locks up inside the female’s vagina.  When the knot is swollen inside the vagina, this also tightens up the vagina to complete the lockup preventing the penis from withdrawing until the dog has completed ejaculating inside.  But while I had treated many dogs and other animals during my education, I have never treated a Great Dane!

The massive vein-ridged bloated redness dangled garishly beneath Atlas…

Knot and all it was over nine inches in length!

The still swollen knot, again now down to the size of a large lemon to enable passage back out through the vaginal entrance, seemed to punctuate its sexual power…

Incredibility slammed me knowing that his knot had swollen to even larger proportions inside her to at least baseball size!

I couldn’t even begin to understand how it was possible for Danielle or Erin to even pass something the size of a large lemon thru their tight, narrow vaginal openings but she and Danielle both had done it!

I could only rationalize it was the combination of the girls being extremely drunk and high on Ecstasy that had allowed Atlas’s still swollen too large knot to pass thru – and had allowed their inhibitions to be totally eliminated in the first place to allow a dog to lick then fuck them…

I couldn’t help but let out a sharp intake of breath,

“Unreal…” I softly breathed…

No wonder Erin had been loudly moaning!

Suddenly, I was jealous!

Atlas’s cock was a bit longer than my own nine inch cock! And while my cock still had a much thicker girth than his – that blasted huge baseball sized knot rubbing Danielle’s and Erin’s G-spots had caused both girls to erupt in one of the biggest orgasms I had ever seen a girl have!

The thought of their immense ecstasy being the result of a dog using them for sexual gratification and release was more than a bit humbling!

With that final sexual act Erin exhaustedly passed out with her ass still up in the air and her head and chest on the floor…

But by now I myself had another raging hard on! I looked at Erin’s cute firm ass as she knelt there on her spread knees, her upper body resting on the floor, her muscular ass cheeks were openly parted and I could barely distinguish her anus…

A thought crossed my mind, torturing me with indecision – to fuck that glorious cute sexy ass of hers that she had shook in my face so many times and paraded in front of me in thong or G-string panties…

No, No I wouldn’t, not again…

Now, if that would have been Kelli kneeling there instead of Erin I would have had to think again because of the way she had outrageously flirted and teased me these past three years, and the even more risqué things she had done. Plus she had made me mad how sexually violent she had been towards Erica tonight…

I already felt a huge guilt trip over what had happened this night…

My fiancé watching me as I banged one of her best friends – even if it was with her approval!

No, I wouldn’t ever cheat again, even though my fiancé watched Erin and I fucking and never objected despite the consternation I saw come across my fiancé’s lovely face…

I gathered Erin up in my arms to carry her to her bedroom, a loud squelching noise from her pussy as I did so as her pussy burped out another large amount of doggy cum.

As I did with the other three, I carried Erin to her room and laid her on the bed and got another towel to place under her.

Then I cleaned up the mess in the living room as best as I could, sex fluid residues…, all the while tortured thoughts blazed in my quickly sobering mind, dreading the repercussions that sure would come when the girls woke…

I went to Erica’s bedroom and into her bathroom and took a long shower, then slowly crawled into bed with my fiancé trying to make sure I didn’t wake her, a dim possibility considering how wasted she was. Wondering all the while if I would be woken up by a flurry of madly infuriated beyond angry blows…



The next morning, despite how drunk I was the night before, I rose early as was my habit. Erica was still sound asleep so I dressed quietly and went to the gym for a workout and then for a run. Getting back to the gym I took a shower, got dressed, only then did I check my cell phone which I had left in the locker.

There were several missed calls and several texts, all from Erica. Thinking something was wrong I immediately called Erica without first listening to any of the voice mails she had left or reading her text messages. So therefore I was quite unprepared when Erica answered her cell and hearing my voice I heard her immediately burst into tears!

Erica was sobbing so hard her words were incomprehensible! I thought something terrible had happened! Finally I got Erica to calm down enough to coherently speak…

Callan! I thought you left me after what happened last night!” Erica sobbed out.

“Erica, whatever gave you that idea? Yes, what happened was way beyond crazy but you should well know by now how much I dearly love you – enough to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me! Nothing has changed sweetheart!” I replied.

“You, you sure? Erica asked in a quivering voice.

“Look, I’m going to get some breakfast for all of you and I will be back over, then I think we need to talk.” I told her.

Oh…, Ok…” Erica softly replied.

Arriving back at Erica’s, Danielle, Erin and Kelli’s house, I could tell that Erica had been and still was visibly upset, her eyes were red from crying, her face red too. Danielle, Erin and Kelli were awake too but were very quiet and subdued during breakfast, hardly no one would look directly at me… After breakfast I told Erica “Let’s go talk…”

I felt three pairs of eyes on my back as Erica and I walked to her bedroom…

Entering Erica’s bedroom and shutting the door Erica immediately fell into my arms with a death grip holding me and started bawling! I let her until she cried herself out. I got her a cold washcloth for her face. It was long minutes later before Erica could look up at me and was finally able to talk.

Erica started by saying,

“Callan, after the incident with my high school boyfriend, I promise myself I would have to be deeply in love with a guy and be absolutely sure he was equally in love with me, that he would keep our relationship and love life private, and most of all, that he was ‘My Forever One’ before I have ever had sex with him…

Callan, my old high school boyfriend had been the only guy I ever let get past first base and this has been true until I met YOU!

Callan, during the past three years Danielle, Erin and Kelli had considered you to be their best friend, male or female, they ever had besides each other and me. As you already know, the four of us have been best friends for years before going to the university. You have to understand that Danielle, Erin and Kelli love each other and me and you as family, well no, that’s not right, more than that, as you saw last night…

You see, being a typical clueless male, you didn’t pick up the hint over the years that Danielle, Erin and Kelli had also fallen in love with you too!

You didn’t pick up on the clues how they openly flirted with you, played grab ass, wore very skimpy and very revealing clothing while you were at the house, even all of us watching porn movies together! Being very beautiful women you just thought they were maliciously teasing you with their outrageous antics, flaunting their beauty and sexuality at you!”

“But Erica, you never objected! You even found it amusing and even egged it on more times than I could count! Even physically with the intimate touching you allowed – and their nudity!” I exclaimed while feeling my face grow hot.

“Callan, I know you and I are totally secure in each other’s love and will always be forever and ever! I also don’t have a jealous bone in my body in regard to my three dearest friends who I love – even Kelli the little shit that she is! She’s the one who fell for you the hardest!

Callan all the clues were there!

How neither Kelli, Erin and Danielle never really dated, certainly never had a serious boyfriend during these three years at the university despite how extremely attractive and personable they all are.” Erica stated.

“Erica, I just assumed they were just extremely focused on their studies as all of us were due to our accelerated graduation time frames and our heavy course loads, and they didn’t want to complicate things with a serious relationship until after graduation.” I replied.

“Callan, despite what you saw and experienced last night, you must know this so no hurt ever comes to my three dearest friends…,

Kelli, Erin and Danielle have had only extremely limited sexual experience with guys, all bad, even traumatic, which required therapist help – and you already know I certainly haven’t!

But it is not my place to tell you, it is theirs…

As you have seen these past three years, all of us have had to constantly fend off guys trying to hit on us, it has always been that way since we became of age to date. It is the main reason why we decided to attend the same university and live together, to protect each other. Their few brief dates they had while at the university quickly ended because guys started pressuring them for sex – some as soon as the second date!

But you and I had met right off and immediately fell in love with each other!

Over the next few months after we began dating Kelli, Erin and Danielle observed how you treated me with abiding love, kindness and sweetness and being kind and considerate to them as well – despite how outrageously they behaved!

Seeing what we have and what they never have had a chance to experience!

Not one has had a boyfriend who treated them the way you do me, it fact it was just the opposite!

Then your parents invited them to your wonderful incredibly fabulous ranch! And your parents treated them just as their own parents did with love and as part of the family! So, yes, all three fell in love with your parents. And Callan, their love for you, it was like what you and I have which they have never had a chance to experience!

Kelli, Erin and Danielle have had only heart break, physical pain and inflicted trauma from guys…

Nor did you ever pick up on the fact how extremely close the four of us really are…

Callan, as you saw last night, the four of us are bisexual…

Back in high school and attending summer camp together, due to all four us having had bad relationships, even traumatic ones, there had been times when Danielle and Erin had sex together during high school, and all four of us had sex together while at summer camp when we were camp counselors on our days off. There were times our raging teenage female horniness need to be slaked, and two is always better than one in getting yourself off!

Once you and I started seriously dating, my sexual participation with Danielle, Erin, and Kelli stopped!

Being bisexual has what enabled me, Kelli, Erin and Danielle to keep from having sex with another guy until I, we, found “The One” – AND I FOUND YOU!

We ‘re not sluts and were not about to go out trolling for a guy for a one-night stand just to temporarily satisfy our horniness! We all agreed back in high school that by doing it with each other it would later on negate the uncomfortable inevitable questions every future boyfriend or husband asks:

‘How many guys have you had before me? How was he compared to me? Were any of them bigger? How did it feel? Did he make you cum? How many times?’

Seeing my shocked expression, Erica gave me a tearful smile and stated,

“And Callan, like I just said, ‘You Are My Forever One…’”

“But what about last night?” I asked.

“Callan, like I said a few minutes ago, Kelli, Danielle and Erin also have fallen deeply in love with you too! But I was the lucky one! I love the three of them as deeply as they do me, the love arising and developing over the years from us having known and cared for each other for so long, then our love for each other cemented by having sex with each other…

Hell Callan! They even seriously joked that if it was legal they would marry us too so that we all could be sister wives!

And Callan, I told you, I am so secure in my love for you, and for them, that I don’t have a jealous bone in my body knowing you and I were destined for each other!

To be together for ever and ever!

Callan, last night started off as a joke a few weeks ago…, a graduation present to you to make up for all the sexual teasing they had done to you the past three years and the consternation it had caused you. But then the more the four of us joked about it, the less it became a joke, until it wasn’t…

Then we discussed it seriously…

We agreed it would be a one-time graduation present for you as long as I was present – and participating…

Danielle, Erin and Kelli actually drew straws to see who would get to fuck you! If I hadn’t been there to watch the drawing I’m sure they would have rigged the straws so they all got to fuck you and your wonderfully huge, thick long nine inch cock that you wield so well!”

“And Atlas…” I hesitantly asked.

Erica blushed and finally stammered out,

“That wasn’t supposed to happen!

Something you and no one else should have ever learned about!

But as freaking drunk as we were and so fucked up flying high on triple hits of Ecstasy as we were – none of us had taken a triple hit let alone a double hit before, well, it happened…

Erin had started letting Atlas do her in high school, then got Danielle to do it, then Kelli…

  Kelli lets Atlas lick her pussy until she climaxes, but she has never let him fully fuck her afraid of the knotting process, afraid of his knot swelling up to huge proportions inside her petite body, but she has ridden him cowgirl style so she can make sure his knot doesn’t go in…

That is another reason they never really dated during our time at the university, certainly never had sex with a guy since they have been here…

They already had a huge hot cock eagerly waiting whenever they had the need, one without all the messy boyfriend complications.”

“And, and you, have you ever….” I again hesitantly asked…

Erica’s blush grew deeper…, consternation clouding her incredibly beautiful face…, finally she stammered out,

“Well kind of, sort of, ONCE!  But Not All The Way – And I Was Forced…”

“WHAT???” I loudly exclaimed startling Erica.

“Callan, there have been occasions when Kelli, Erin, Danielle and I have been drunk and they tried to get me to allow Atlas to lick me and then see if I wanted to go further but I never did. And yes, I have actually watched them more than once get fucked by Atlas when we have been having sex together, with them rationalizing for me to do it as well with them stating,

‘It was much better than using a dildo, it is a real live cock that is hotter than a human cock, and much larger than the average human penis that ejaculates an immense quantity of hot precum and cum than any guy ever could! Erin and Danielle describing how wonderful his swelling bulge felt going in and out of their pussies, being knotted, with it pressing and rubbing against their G-spots inducing more orgasms…

But to answer your question…,

There was just the one time! And liked I said I was forced…

It was right after you and I both realized we were really serious about our relationship. We knew then but we both did not say it at the time that we both well knew that our relationship was heading to a life-long commitment to each other, and the weekend before we had made incredibly wonderful ecstatic love for the very first time and told each other we loved the other! Then the following weekend you had to go home to help out on the ranch – and as I just told you, I was forced

The girls and I had gone out dancing and we got really drunk and the four of us had taken Ecstasy. After the Uber had taken us back home the girls and I had sex with each other.  We were silly drunk chasing each other with dildos and fucking each other with them. Then Kelli, Erin and Danielle grabbed me and forced me to bend over the couch and got Atlas to mount me!

I struggled as hard as I could to break free while repeatedly yelling at them I didn’t want to do it but the three of them holding me were too much plus having a 170 pound Great Dane on top of my back!

Atlas started fucking me despite me trying to avoid it…

I finally managed to break free of their hold just barely before Atlas could knot me but it was a near thing!

Kelli, Erin and Danielle were rolling shrieking in laughter! They were sure I would let Atlas continue fucking me then knot me!  But the only thought going through my head was,


Initially I felt depraved and dirty but thinking on it the next morning while lying in bed, I realized the pleasure tempered my disgust, as did having seen on several occasions how much Erin, Danielle and Kelli enjoyed it!

I was so drunk, high and freaking horny at the time I have to admit his hot long swelling canine cock felt wonderful as did the sensation of his hot copious precum squirting inside me, as did the beginning of his bulge rapidly going in and out of my pussy….

Callan, to be totally honest with my soon to be husband, I’m unsure that if I hadn’t met you or wasn’t already absolutely sure in my heart where our relationship was taking us, as drunk and as high as I was, I might have let Atlas fuck me all the way…

But then, knowing in my heart that you were the one, having just made incredible love to each other the weekend before for the very first time, and with that beginning, I never felt to need to have my sexual urges satisfied by… unconventional means…”



Immediately after graduation Erica and I moved to the family ranch. One month after graduation near the end of June we tied the knot at the beautiful Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs!

Of course, Erin, Danielle and Kelli were the bridesmaids. We honeymooned in Bora Bora for a full week.  I was immediately busy as a veterinarian serving the local ranches having specialized in large animals (I get too emotional with dogs and cats and their owners!).

Erica quickly landed a job as an Interior Designer and her reputation rapidly grew far beyond the Crested Butte area. As far as Kelli, Danielle and Erin, all three had been headhunted while in their last year at the university by a physical rehabilitation company that had just started up a new location in Crested Butte and were looking for staff!

Colorado being such a recreational state a lot of sports injuries occurred. The three girls also quickly attained their massage therapist licenses to complement their physical therapy degrees. They found a condo in town that they rented and continued living together, along with Atlas, and still they seldom dated which quickly ended with at most three dates…

With Kelli, Erin and Danielle living near the ranch they were frequent visitors. It took just a brief time for my parents and the girls to grow very close to each other, and along with Erica, treated all four like the daughters they never could have!

My parents repeatedly chided them for renting the condo telling them they had plenty of living space at the ranch. However the girls knew the ranch often had recreational guests and livestock buyers lodging at the ranch and didn’t want to impose, however they did frequently spend entire weekends overnight when there was room, which just gave my parents more ammunition telling them they are here so much they might as well move in and would be welcome too!

For some time my parents had been discussing the idea of diversification by opening the ranch up more for additional recreational guests.

The ranch being as large as it was with 34,000 acres and adjoining a national forest and wilderness area, there were hundreds of thousands of acres of public land adjoining the ranch that guests could use for recreational activities.

The ranch received constant inquiries from travel agents and web inquiries about the availability of tourists having a ranch experience, riding horses, ATV’s, mountain biking, back country skiing and snowmobiling.

My parents, Erica and I were seriously considering to actually turn the 11,500 square foot ranch residence into a full time guest lodge and building two smaller houses for themselves and Erica and I on the ranch. Diversifying would also bring additional income to the ranch. The idea hit my parents to also get Kelli, Danielle and Erin to provide massages to the guests which they readily agreed to do if we went forward with the project.

I would be remiss in not mentioning that Kelli, Erin’s and Danielle’s flirtatious behavior was not tamped down when Erica and I got married – on the contrary it just grew even worse right after that certain night when we celebrated our graduation!

Normally, all four girls dressed modestly with up to date chic clothes and the usual at work attire. The sexiest I have ever seen them on the ranch was occasionally when it was warm and they would go horseback riding with thin shirts deeply unbuttoned with generous amounts of breasts showing in their low-cut lacy bras, and on occasion going horseback riding or on the ATVs braless!

Lounging around the horizon pool or in the hot tub/swim spa when my parents were around, all four wore skimpy sexy Brazilian string bikinis with skimpy bottom and top coverage that flattered and accentuated their lithe athletic bodies. However, when my parents were away for several hours or gone on a weekend trip and no other guests were staying at the lodge, Erica, Kelli, Danielle and Erin in the evening would lounge around the lodge in their sexy ‘fuck me’ lingerie!

At the pool or in the spa they all wore minimalistic micro-bikinis made by Wicked Weasel that barely covered their most intimate areas and barely covered their nipples!

Thankfully the pool and hot tub swim spa were concealed from view so the young (and attractive) female ranch staff didn’t start their tongues wagging!

The female ranch staff also used the pool and hot tub swim spa and they also wore sexy bikinis but not anything near as outrageously skimpy that Erica, Kelli, Danielle and Erin wore when my parents were not at the ranch!

To be more clear about Kelli, Danielle and Erin increasing flirtatious behavior with me, it was just a few months after Erica and I had married and we had moved to the ranch. My parents were gone for the weekend. As usual most weekends the girls spent it at the ranch with Erica and I, and that weekend no other guests or clients were staying at the lodge. We all had been riding horses all day. That evening I had cooked out for them and afterwards the girls wanted to get in the hot tub/swim spa for a long warm soak as they were still not use to hours long horse rides.

All four had already consumed a few mojitos before and after dinner. They went in to change and just as I expected, except for Erica, they came out wearing their Wicked Weasel bikinis carrying a fresh pitcher of mojitos, while Erica had a robe on. I went in to finish cleaning up and change into my swim shorts to join them.

Walking up to the twelve person hot tub/swim spa the air blower was on full roiling the water with bubbles making the water somewhat opaque. It was dark out, a beautiful starry night, the spa had alternating color lights softly diffusing the roiling water in time with the music playing, copious mists of steam emerging from the warm water in the cool night air making it look like a dense fog where I could barely make out the girls cutting up with each other in the swim spa.

The girls were lounging, drinking and talking. I slid in next to Erica – that was when I realized she was naked!

Well, Erica and I often got in the spa nude when my parents weren’t home, no big deal except my incredibly beautiful wife with her tall, lithe athletic body with her flat ripped stomach, firm 34D breasts and cute, tight hard ass with buns of steel never failed to stir me! And yes, I have to admit Erin, Kelli and Danielle in their Wicked Weasel micro-bikinis stirred me too despite how hard I tried to ignore their own gorgeous sexy bodies and their flirtatious and handsy actions toward me…

The girls quickly demolished the pitcher of mojitos and they asked me to fix another pitcher, their third… I obliged and got out of the swim spa. I came back out with a fresh pitcher and got back in, the spa still roiling with bubbles and the steamy mists obscuring the gorgeous figures of my wife, Erin, Kelli and Danielle.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. A few minutes later I felt my wife next to me gently start caressing my leg, inevitably I felt my cock stirring from her caresses. After several minutes, someone turned off the bubbles so we could enjoy the night sounds, starry sky and the soft music. With the roiling bubbles off the mists of steam also diminished. I heard an owl hooting close by and I opened my eyes to look, instead my gaze was diverted by the sight of now not one but four gorgeous nude women in the spa with me!

Seeing my startled reaction all four cracked up in drunken laughter!

“Well Callan, it’s not as if you haven’t seen all of us nude before – and doing even a lot more than that!!!” Kelli quipped.

Instantly graduation night vividly flashed into my memory! Then Kelli added,

“Hmmm, it seems not fair with you being the only one in here with clothing on…”

That must have been the cue for them, my wife included, as they swarmed me and yanked off my swim shorts!

I quickly tried to regain my composure but what man couldn’t help being excited being in a hot tub/swim spa with four beautiful naked women who were bisexual with each other!

Then before I could realize let alone react Danielle, the gorgeous Nordic goddess, quickly slid her tall, lithe naked incredibly sexy body into my lap! Straddling and facing me!

I knew I must have had shocked expression upon my face as well as looking slightly paranoid as Danielle began pressing her large firm naked beautiful DD breasts against my face and grinding her naked loins against me! And then just as suddenly and quickly Danielle started kissing me!

Deep!  Hard!  Squirming and grinding her small shapely firm naked ass hard in my lap!

As any man in his prime will say, it’s impossible not to get an involuntary erection with a gorgeous nude woman giving him a lap dance!

As Danielle straddled me, her eyes grew incredulously wide and her breathing rapidly increased by the second as for the first time ever she very intimately began feeling my two inch thick nine inch long cock surging to raging throbbing life against her nakedly bare erogenous areas!

As my cock became aroused, engorging and began rising I acutely I felt my cock head dragging against her hairless pussy!  Powerfully plowing up through the furrow of her labia parting her labia lips as it became erect then springing up to firmly press against her lower flat taut abdomen, pressing against her hard flat muscular stomach as she sat astride me, rapidly swelling to its full two inch thick six and a half inch girth…

While Danielle has seen me with an erection more than once, even watched me fucking Erin with it that one special wild graduation night, and occasionally groping me in fun, this was the first time Danielle felt just how large and thick my cock is intimately pressing against her pussy!

I noticed Danielle’s respiration drastically increasing, her tiny nipples were diamond hard!  Her large firm perfect 34DD breasts slightly heaving up and down she was taking such deep breaths as she stared downward thru the water at my swollen cock that reached way past her navel!

Then Danielle sat back with a broad intoxicated grin with her surprise accomplishment!

Her hard nipple breasts proudly jutting up in all their naked glory buoyed by the water!

As for myself I felt a hot blush seething upon my embarrassed face knowing my wife was right next to me!  Unable to control my involuntary erection that was painfully throbbing! Then Danielle began sliding her pussy up and down my thick, long shaft…

“It’s too damn bad polygyny is not legal…” Danielle cooed grinning sexily as she repeatedly slid her pussy up and down against my nine inch long erection.

I could not tell what startled me more! Danielle’s little statement or having my naked wife right next to me watching – and drunkenly grinning as Danielle sexually teased me, along with Kelli and Erin also naked in the spa with us grinning at me!

Then Danielle gave me what could only be a lecherous smile and began humping her pussy hard against my shaft! Pressing her pussy and her gorgeous breasts tightly against me!

The only thing that consoled me that I knew from previous experience that safeguarded me from Danielle, Erin and Kelli from actually trying to fuck me in the spa, let alone my sexy, horny wife Erica, that with my thick two inch wide and nine inch long cock it was impossible to fuck in the spa because the water removed all lubrication!

Seeing my extreme consternation Danielle finally relented and stopped humping my stiff cock and slid off me leaving me with a painful throbbing erection. Erica then leaned over and kissed me as she gave my cock a few strokes. Then my wife broke the kiss saying, with a highly amused coy smile, stated,

“Don’t worry Callan, I will take care of you later, or maybe, we all will…”

With Erica’s statement I don’t know what confused and concerned look instantly appeared on my face but all four girls cracked up in laughter!

I quickly reached for my bottle of beer and took a long slow drink to avoid having to stumble through with a reply, as all four were now hysterically laughing seeing my reaction!

However, that night in the swim spa seemed to set a future tone for further occasions…

When my parents were away on weekends or on a business trip, the girls would get in the spa or the pool nude and insist I do so too! While I conceded to be naked in the spa with them on occasion at night and always wearing my swim shorts in the spa before taking them off – I never did around the pool!

Still shy and reserved about being nude around three incredibly gorgeous nude women – hell my wife gets me aroused each time just seeing her naked, and how mortified I would be if one of the ranch hands came up to swim in the pool too and what they would think!

Yet their sexual hijinks continued – with my wife Erica egging it on and assisting!!!

And still the occasional kidding comment was uttered about being sister wives…



One day it all came to a head….

It was a weekend and my parents and all the staff were away for a horse show and wouldn’t be back until late Sunday, and no guests were at the ranch for a change. As usual Danielle, Kelli and Erin were staying at the ranch having come out Friday after work.

I barbecued for the girls Saturday afternoon at the outdoor kitchen situated by the pool. While I slow cooked I had a few beers while Erica, Danielle, Kelli and Erin laid around the pool in their barely there Wicked Weasel micro bikinis. After we ate and cleaned up I joined the girls by the pool and laid down on a lounge chair in my surf board shorts with another beer.

It was unusually hot day for being high up in the Colorado mountains and to my consternation all four decided to go total naked by the pool and shed their Wicked Weasel micro bikinis!

I was still disconcerted by Danielle, Kelli and Erin’s casual nudity around me at the ranch when my parents and the staff were away from the ranch, my wife’s evident consent with their nudity bothered me even more…

Their incredible beauty, including my wife’s, never failed to stir me, especially when they started horsing around in the pool with each other! I had to be careful not to let the other’s see my semi-flaccid cock tenting my board shorts…

As the afternoon progressed and got warmer I had a couple more beers and I got sleepy after having a good meal and the several beers that I had while cooking. I started dozing off in the lounge chair trying to ignore the antics of four incredibly beautiful naked women playing in the pool who had been drinking all day and by their antics, were getting pretty silly drunk…

Drifting off to sleep I vividly dreamed about what the four girls were doing, what they looked like nude, what they had done in the past…,

the vivid images of how all four were more beautiful than any swimsuit model or adult men’s magazine profiles…,

My subconscious arousal began breaking the surface into consciousness making me becoming dimly aware I was becoming uncomfortably aroused, I was semi-flaccid and growing, pressing against my board shorts…

 My eyes were closed, still mostly asleep, when I suddenly felt a violent tugging motion!

My eyes shot open and there was naked, grinning Kelli filling my vision! The heavy scent of Hawaiian Tropic banana scented tanning oil filled my nostrils, the tanning oil shimmering off Kelli’s incredibly toned naked petit physique!

Before my sleep and alcohol dulled senses could react Kelli with a huge grin straddled me! It was then I realized she had jerked by board shorts down to my thighs and she was straddling her hot oil-slicked pussy against my semi-flaccid erection! Her small firm oil slick ass shifting and moving around as she straddled me…

In horror, I felt my semi-flaccid cock instantly stirring quickly toward a full involuntary erection to her oil-slick naked ass and pussy moving and grinding against my cock!

Unbidden and unwanted memories repeatedly flashed into my mind all the times Kelli came on to me to get me to fuck her! All her flirtations and gratuitous nudity – and that one special graduation night when I saw her and my wife sharing an eighteen inch long double headed dildo!

I tried banishing the thoughts and vivid erotic imagery but it was too late compounded by this gorgeous totally naked young oil-covered woman squirming on top of me doing her damndest to get my cock into her petite body!

I felt my cock growing fully hard to its full two inch thick nine inch long fullness! Pressing ever harder against Kelli’s oil slick pussy! No matter how hard I’ve tried, I learned it was impossible to suppress my arousal let alone the accompanying involuntary erection around these four incredibly gorgeous women! Especially when you have an extremely attractive, athletically fit naked tanned oil covered woman grinding her bare hairless oil slick pussy against my erection trying to fuck me!

I Felt Kelli begin shifting her pelvis this way and that… trying to capture my cock!!!

Then I remembered my wife Erica, Danielle and Erin were at the pool too!


I yelled out as I wildly looked around for my wife! I was shocked to see my naked gorgeous wife casually reclining on a lounge chair nearby with a highly amused drunk grin upon her face and still she sat there!!!

Naked Danielle and Erin were sitting on a nearby chaise lounge together grinning their fool drunk asses off watching Kelli and I!

Erica highly arched one of her sensual perfect eyebrows at me and stated,

“Now honey, don’t go taking advantage of one of our drunk girlfriends…

As you well know, Kelli along with Danielle and Erin is just as sexually insatiably as I am, you don’t want to awaken all four of us sexual beasts at the same time to ravish you…”

“ERICA DAMN IT!  I don’t want to fuck another woman – especially our three best friends!!!


You are waay more than enough woman for me!  My very intelligent, incredibly beautiful goddess of a wife who can make intense passionate love and who can fuck like an insatiable sex crazed wild manic – no woman can make love or fuck like you can!!!”

But to my astonishment my wife’s drunken grin only grew bigger…

“I don’t know Callan… as you well know and have seen, Kelli along with Danielle and Erin can get pretty wild and crazy when they FUCK!!!” Erica sultrily responded.

My growing consternation that my wife was going to allow yet another of our three best and dearest friends have sex with me!

 “Please Callan, let me make it up to you for all the times I have teased you…” Kelli drunkenly slurred hotly in my ear…

Suddenly, I felt Kelli centering herself on my now oil slick cock head, begin pushing back hard against it…forcing… slipping in!!!


Finally, my sweet, dear naked gorgeous wife began taking her sweet time getting off her lounger before slowly sexily sauntering over to Kelli and I – but not before Kelli had forced herself half way down my thick cock furiously humping me trying her drunken damnedest to get all thick nine inches into her petite sexy body!

By the time Erica lazily sauntered over to us Kelli had fucked what felt like seven inches of me into her tight pussy helped greatly along by all that sun tan oil! My wife then excruciatingly slowly began pulling Kelli off me…,

feeling my cock slowly, exquisitely, slipping out of her tight rippling pussy…,

heard a loud POP! as my broad cock head came out of her tightness…

Kelli gave me a disappointed look – then burst out in tears!

Quickly she climbed off and ran stumbling up to the lodge…

I saw Erin and Danielle give me disapproving glares then they followed Kelli up to the lodge.

I looked at my wife… Erica was giving me a disapproving look too, then she heatedly asked,

“What’s the big deal Callan? Don’t sweat it, I certainly don’t!

You and I are totally secure in our love for each other! And like I have told you more than once, when it comes to our three best and dearest friends I don’t have a jealous bone in my body – as long as I’m present and participating!”

“But, but, Erica! Your My Wife! And our three best friends want to have sex with me!!!” I confusedly responded.

Erica grabbed a towel, wiped her eyes, then sat down beside me taking my hand stating,

“We need to talk…”

“Callan, I can tell by Kelli’s reaction she has never gotten around to telling you her story, and I’m going to assume neither has Erin or Danielle…

I had thought by now they would have so it is up to me to share their confidence with you because I don’t want to see any of them ever hurt like you just did to Kelli!

What Stories?” I responded.

“You remember what I told you long ago…

Kelli, Erin, Danielle and I are not sluts. We all have had extremely limited experience with guys prior to you – all bad! And like I told you, I was technically a virgin when you and I first had sex!

With my one previous sexual experience back in high school that went badly, I along with Kelli, Erin and Danielle refrained from having sex with any more guys until we all were sure we each had met ‘The One’ – and I was the lucky one!


However with that said, with you, Kelli, Erin and Danielle also feel that they each have met ‘The One…’”

Kelli reacted the way she did because she only had sex, once, with a guy – and she was raped! So understandably she reacted very badly when you rejected her just now, not only did you reject her physically but emotionally as well she is so deeply in love with you, as are Erin and Danielle…

Erin too only had sex with one guy. She had been to a party, someone spiked her drink, then her ex-boyfriend rape fucked her when she had been unable to resist – this after they had been broken up for a few months. Since their breakup he had been stalking and harassing her, spreading nasty rumors about Erin around school. Then when the big party happened and she was there, he took advantage of it…

Callan, you were the second guy Erin ever had sex with, luckily she got to enjoy it that time…

Danielle, her first time was with not one guy but was forced to be with two guys at the same time. They were extremely rough assaulting her until she quit resisting and still they brutally physically abused and hurt her badly enough she was hospitalized, her first and last time having sex with a guy.

Callan, I keep telling you over and over Kelli, Erin and Danielle love you as dearly as I do!

Why do you think they still have not dated any guys…

They feel as if we all are all one big happy family!

Except for you BONEHEAD! You have not realized it yet!

“Callan, how many times do I have to tell you to get your thick cowboy skull to accept the fact that Kelli, Erin and Danielle are my dearest friends and we all deeply love each other and you dearly – which I have repeatedly told you more than once – as you saw and experienced that special night of our university graduation!

What happened that night wasn’t because of all the alcohol and Ecstasy we had! It was because along with me, Kelli, Erin and Danielle, we ALL wanted to show you how much we loved you and each other!

Remember, it initially started out as a joke our graduation present to you, but the longer we discussed it, it soon became no longer a joke! Our graduation present to you was a huge undertaking and a lot of discussion occurred to make sure I was okay with it. We were all firmly convinced my deep abiding love for you and theirs for me and you would not be an obstacle. Erin picked the shortest straw to have sex with you and letting you watching all of us having sex with each other, but not let’s forget Atlas – even though that was NOT intended!

Callan, You have to think back during our time at the university and since then…

Have you ever see any of them flirting with you alone? Wear what you call “Fuck Me” lingerie when I haven’t been present? Any intimate sexual teasing, groping and hijinks that occurred, alone without me there? NO!

I have always present! Egging it on and laughing! Doing what I could to encourage it so it would eventually become clear to you how much I, Danielle, Erin and Kelli love you and each other so our relationship with each other and you could finally be fully unhindered!

As was the beginning that our graduation present to you was a joke – until it no longer was, the same goes with the numerous times Danielle, Kelli and Erin jokingly called themselves “sister wives” to you and me – Callan, it is no longer a joke

Like I have stated to you many times, Danielle, Kelli and Erin love you as dearly as I do, and seriously, if it was legal in this country, I would wholeheartedly endorse ALL of us being married to each other as they have so often repeatedly told me!

   Just so that we are clear, if they want to indulge with you on occasion, they may – as long as I’m there to participate!”

I sat there stunned trying to digest all that my sweet loving, unbelievable wife told me!

What it meant, what it foretold…

So many thoughts ran through my mind at lightspeed what my parents would think, their parents!!! Ramifications! On and On and On…

Erica, then grinned at me to ease the first and only stern lecture I have ever received from her as she reached for me and began caressing my suntan oil covered cock quickly bringing me to an erection despite my confused consternation…

Afterwards holding hands, Erica and I went up to the lodge to check on Kelli, then to have a talk with all three of them now that my eyes had been opened wide and acceptance had begun to set in…



A few months later Erin, Danielle and Kelli came to stay for a long holiday weekend. My parents had left on a trip, unusually there were no guests at the ranch for a change and all the ranch hands were off, still, there was ranch chores to be done.

I and the girls had done all the chores needed for the day and I was lounging around the pool enjoying a beer while the girls worked on their tans barely wearing their Wicked Weasel micro-bikinis. My cell phone rang and dad was calling. He told me they just got an urgent request from a client, and that I needed to perform a semen collection from one of the stud miniature horses today and prepare it for shipment for a customer whose prize winning mare had just came into season, then dad told me which stud the customer requested the semen sample for.

When I got up and started walking Kelli asked me where I was going. I told her what dad wanted me to do. Upon hearing this the girls all wanted to watch to see how it was done – joking they wanted to see a huge cock wanked off! All four got their sandals or flipflops on and jumped into the ATV with me, still wearing their Wicked Weasel micro bikinis.

After we arrived at the stables I told the girls to get Astra in from the pasture while I got things ready. Like all our horses, they have been trained to come up to the stables when a whistle was blown.

Astra was a pure white miniature stallion with an exceedingly gentle temperament, also one of our most expensive miniature horse studs. Once Astra was lead into the stables to the wash/grooming station I explained to Erin, Danielle and Kelli (Erica had already seen it done several times by now) how we prepare the studs for mounting or semen collection; how the horses are bathed and groomed every week, the special disinfectant soap that is used to wash the penises with and finally the fact that a horse penis looked and felt just like a human penis – except of course for the size! That the ranch cowgirls do most of the prep work; bathing, washing and actual artificial collection of the semen, then jokingly I stated,

“and as you know, women have a natural knack for this…”

Just as it did the first time I made that joke to Erica, it took Erin, Danielle and Kelli a couple of seconds to catch the innuendo making them crack up!

“You mean jack a stud off by hand?” Danielle exclaimed.

“Well yes, since the stud is not actually covering a mare, we don’t use a mounting dummy nor do we use an equine rectal electrostimulator, which looks just like a big chrome dildo that imparts a very mild low voltage repetitive electrical stimulation to a horse’s prostate and vesicular glands and seminal vesicles. We have found out that masturbating a stallion by hand is faster plus the manual method keeps the stallion much calmer.” I explained.

I then filled a bucket with warm water and added the disinfectant soap, then got a new sponge out along with a bottle of prepared J-lube.

“I wanna do it! I wanna do it!” Erin enthusiastically declared.

“I’ve never played with a real cock that large before, except of course, YOU Callan!”

Erin coyly stated with a huge grin. Reminding all of us again of that night we had celebrated our university graduation causing me to furiously blush with the remembrance, causing to girls to crack up in laughter once again at my expense, which they so seem to delight in doing…

“Well, okay then, but this is not play time! This is an important part of the ranch’s revenue and you need to carefully listen to my instructions, Astra’s semen goes for ten thousand dollars per straw.” I stated which shocked all four girls.

I explained the process to the girls, that we would use what amounted to was an oversized condom; “First use warm water from the hose and caressing his sheath to get Astra to start letting down his penis so it can be bathed with the disinfectant soap. Second apply the J-lube to his shaft then start to jack him off. Third when I see Astra is fixing to ejaculate slip on the condom and hold it tight while still continuing jacking his shaft. Fourth, after ejaculation is complete hand me the condom and use warm water to gently remove the J-Lube from his shaft before he fully retracts back into his sheath.” Then I further instructed Erin stating,

“Now Erin, when I see that Astra is fixing to ejaculate you need to quickly slip on the condom and then quickly resume jacking him off. Danielle, you may want to help either by holding the condom or help jack him off because when a stallion ejaculates it is with incredible force.”

“Umm, okay, why?” Danielle laughingly asked.

I explained to the girls that regardless of equine size, miniature horse or full-size horse, they all ejaculate about the same amount of semen and it is a prodigious amount – up to eight ounces of semen or 250 milliliters!  An equine is capable of explosively propelling its ejaculate in an open environment up to a twelve-foot distance!

Erin, with some undisguised eagerness, knelt down on her knees and started bathing Astra’s sheath with warm water and soap. Since Astra was used to being bathed weekly and masturbated couple times a month it did not take long for him to drop his penis from his sheath and start the beginning of an erection.

After I told Erin it was clean enough she rinsed off his semi-flaccid erection and then applied J-lube to his shaft and started expertly jacking his cock. Quickly Astra’s cock grew to twelve inches in length with a two-inch width, the entire shaft and head all white and pink.

Danielle and Kelli knelt down for a closer look, Danielle then started helping jack his cock. With Danielle’s hands slippery with lube I told Kelli she would have to hold the condom and be ready to slip it over his cock head to catch his semen and to hold the condom behind his cock head tightly so it doesn’t get blown off.

Kelli looked at me with a hesitant look then took hold of the condom, laughing about how huge it was. Then Erin exclaimed she was amazed feeling Astra’s thick, throbbing massive erection.

“Feels just like yours Callan except just a few inches longer!” Erin jested!

After a few minutes of jacking his shaft I said, “Now girls, Astra’s getting close. The main thing is to keep jacking him off and don’t be startled by his flare.” I cautioned.

What’s the flare? Erin asked.

“It is an equine evolution mechanism. Just before a stallion ejaculates the head of his cock flares to three times its normal size for two reasons; one, it temporarily locks the head inside the vagina to prevent withdrawal and two, the mushroom shape the head momentarily assumes is to ensure that most of the semen is forced directly up into the uterus. This was due to horses in the wild were always on the lookout for predators and that copulations were quick and inseminations had to be assured.”

Erin then directly look at my wife Erica, and with a highly amused smile on Erin’s face she stated to Erica,

“That sounds very intriguing! Wonder what it would feel like getting fucked by a miniature stud horse and experiencing the flare! Having all that hot cum blasted up inside you? Astra’s cock seems to be the same thickness as Callan’s own magnificent cock except Astra is just a few more inches longer than Callan…. Erica have you found out yet?”

Erin boldly jested with a big leering grin on her beautiful face shocking the hell out of Erica and I!

Erica immediately turned all shades of red blushing as she playfully shoved Erin hard!

Kelli, Erica and I watched as Erin and Danielle intently masturbated the stud miniature horse’s twelve-inch erection, Erin biting her lip in concentration. After a while I noticed Erin slowly began shuffling from one knee to another…

I could see Astra was fixing to ejaculate and I told Kelli to slip on the condom over his cock head and hold it tight. Astra’s cock head suddenly flared to a three inch width making Kelli, Erin and Danielle gasp out loud and then the explosive ejaculation began into the oversized condom! All four women intently watched the condom getting filled up with several ounces of warm semen. Seemingly enthralled, I had to remind Erin and Danielle to keep jacking his shaft…

After Astra’s ejaculation was finished, I again had to remind Erin to gently hose off his softening erection with warm water to remove the J-Lube before he fully retracts back into his sheath.

“Erica, after you and the girls turn Astra back into the pasture, why don’t you and the girls go on back up to the lodge while I’m finishing up. It will take me about an hour to clean up, separate, and prepare Astra’s semen for shipping and all that is boring work so no need for y’all to hang around till I’m finished.” I stated.

Erica, Kelli, Erin and Danielle walked away back to the ATV but before they exited the stables I heard all four giggling, then they all burst out laughing!

I wondered what that was all about???

Sunday arrived and Erin, Kelli and Danielle packed up to go back to their rented condo in Crested Butte. We all said our goodbyes, tight lingering hugs and unchaste kisses with each other…

However it was Danielle that got the last shot in saying to Erica,

“Erica, when you find out about Astra what It feels like let us know because after watching a few more vids on the Internet, Erin and I are thinking about it!”

My wife turned beet red and she playfully slapped Danielle on the shoulder while I had to turn and walk away too stunned to speak while Danielle, Erin and Kelli laughed their cute sexy asses off!



During the year we had a few more family discussions about turning the lodge into full-time guest accommodations. Business was increasing, not only with horse clients but with a lot of year-round recreational guests, so much so we had to constantly decline bookings.

The decision was made to renovate the lodge for full-time guest use. My parents would then build a smaller matching custom timber-frame and stone residence with three bedrooms and three master baths.

Then after a year, if we are still having to turn away guests, we will start building additional guest cabins to the two we already have that is always booked year around.

During the planning for the lodge renovation and building my parents a smaller residence, Erin’s, Danielle’s and Kelli’s rented condo burned down…

A fire had started in the garage of the adjacent condo that only saw seasonal use and the firewall was ineffective in stopping the fire once the blaze reached the two snowmobiles, the two off-road motorcycles and the gasoline cans stored by the non-resident owners in the adjacent condo’s garage.

Crested Butte, with a population of less than 2,000, had limited long-term rental properties. Most rentals were short-term for seasonal use. And the median price to buy a house ranged from $760,000 to 1.3 million dollars. However, my parents, having long considered not only my wife Erica but also Erin, Danielle and Kelli as the daughters they never could have, plus the girls were with us almost every weekend helping out around the ranch with guests and chores, mom and dad insisted the girls stay in one of the three bedroom guest cabins.

Moreover, mom and dad made an offer the girls could not refuse…

The ranch would provide financing for the girls to build, with no money down, a custom timber-frame and stone five bedroom/five master bath cabin on the ranch at zero percent interest rate no lending company could ever match, with deeded private road access. The ranch will retain the right to buy back the cabin at current real estate prices if Erin, Danielle and Kelli ever decided to move. With the girl’s incomes, the house would be paid off in less than ten years.

All of this has transpired during two years since graduation…

My mind finally fully accepted the notion that I was not in a monogamous relationship but a polyamorous one, and the joke about sister-wives was no longer a joke…

I acknowledged that Erica, Danielle, Erin and Kelli truly loved each other spiritually, emotionally – and physically…

Danielle, Erin and Kelli had fully demonstrated verbally as well as physically their wholehearted love for me and Erica, with Erica always present and fully participating during the more amorous times…

While Danielle, Erin and Kelli often told me “Love You” since our latter days at the university, I had mistakenly interpreted back then what dear friends tell each other…

After having my naïve eyes forced wide open by my sweet wife what the girl’s true meaning was, it took me few months before I finally got comfortable responding to Danielle, Erin and Kelli to their “I Love You’s” as comfortable as I was saying it to my wife Erica, even longer when we all started having sex together…

The four of us recognized that we wanted to make a lifelong commitment to each other – with the accepted provision that Erica was and always will be the primary spouse!

Surprisingly it didn’t take much research to discover that as of this writing, in these modern times, 47 countries still allow polygynous marriage including Bali and the Solomon Islands!

Mom and Dad were briefly shocked and flabbergasted when the four of us first broach the topic to them. Over the past few years my astute parents had not only noticed but recognized Danielle, Erin and Kelli’s affection for me and Erica was more than just the dearest of friends – and a few times they had actually joked about it!

As I mentioned earlier, my parents considered not only Erica but also Danielle, Erin and Kelli as the children, daughters, they never could have, plus the fact that for the last couple years Danielle, Erin and Kelli were at the ranch almost every weekend helping with the guests, ranch activities and the chores which made the acceptance easier. Then when we mentioned children in the near future there was no disguising the gleam of joy that instantly shone in mom and dad’s eyes! Still there was some hesitation and my parents wanted some confidential expert advice, not only legal but psychological…

Back while attending the university, Danielle and Kelli attended a week long guest lecture series on sexual awareness, abuse and assault by a renowned sex and marriage counselor from Austin, Texas by the name of Dr. Kate Temple. Danielle and Kelli had the opportunity to privately talk to Dr. Temple about their rape experiences.

Danielle and Kelli contacted Dr. Temple and explained our situation.

Dr. Temple had the five of us and my parents write out individual evaluations then Dr. Temple evaluated our responses and motives for this union, then she scheduled individual videoconferences with the five of us and my parents, then arranged to meet all of us in person.

Based on our individual evaluations and personal interviews Dr. Temple was assured that a polygynous marriage between the five us would most likely be successful! Mostly in part because Erica, Danielle, Erin and Kelli had known each other for years and had already been in an intimate relationship with each other since their high school days – Dr. Temple jokingly remarked that I was the fifth wheel that had been sucked into an existing already well-defined loving relationship the four of them already had with each other!

 Dr. Temple suggested having an all parent’s meeting at the ranch and she offered to moderate the meeting in person and conduct any counseling afterwards which we instantly accepted.

Meanwhile the legal issues had been worked out. The ranch had already been set up in a trust decades ago so that it could never be sold, partitioned or subdivided.  The trust had been set up so that each person marrying into the family agreed to never make a claim to any ranch assets, property or profits in case of divorce, death or remarriage, that the ranch would be passed on down thru the generations to the children.

The children’s spouses marrying into the family had to agree to the same stipulations. Only a few minor updates to the existing trust was necessary to preserve the ranch in perpetuity.

Additionally, since the ranch adjoined a Federal wilderness and National forest, in order to help preserve the ranch intact for future generations, my parents and I placed the entire ranch into a permanent conservation easement with the Federal government.

Additionally, my great grandparents had set up a financial trust to maintain the ranch in perpetuity for taxes and maintenance which had been fully funded by the profits from the old gold and silver mines on the property that had closed down several decades ago, and later modified to include salaries and benefits for up to twenty employees. With expert financial management over the past few decades the financial trust had grown exponentially.

Danielle, Erin and Kelli’s parent’s met at the ranch for a weekend with Dr. Temple so we could all discuss the situation and what hopefully our plans were.

I won’t bore you with the drawn out details of the initial reactions with the four sets of parents, but surprisingly after extensive counseling with Dr. Temple they all came around after extracting solemn promises from each of us this was a permanent arrangement and we would all be legally married in Bali.

Danielle’s parents and Kelli’s parents came around quickly.  In a roundabout way, they were finally getting a son-in-law just as they had given up hope and had accepted their daughters’ permanent same sex partnership.  Even though their daughters were entering into an unconventional marriage, they were eagerly looking forward to the grandchildren their daughters will bear!

Erin’s parents were the last to consent, finally seeing the truth how happy we all were together.  Erins’s mother finally relented with the realization of what beautiful babies the four of us would have!

With that occurring, there had to be some reshuffling of the living arrangements.

The eight bedroom 11,500 square foot lodge became primary living quarters for Erica and I, along with Kelli, Danielle and Erin. The cabin that had been built for Kelli, Danielle and Erin was converted to additional guest quarters. The ranch, still experiencing a growth in visitors and constant reservation turn-downs, plans were made and executed building eight additional timber-frame and stone guest quarters of two, three and four bedrooms, and one large guest bunkhouse for large families or groups. Then, as previously agreed with the prepared master plan, no more guest quarters were to be built to preserve the beauty and isolation of the ranch.

Two years after we all married all four girls decided to get pregnant at the same time so they could help raise and enjoy each other’s kids. Within a month, Erica, Kelli, Danielle and Erin all became pregnant!

Of course my parents were overjoyed, having the large family they were unable to have, and with four grandchildren on the way… if you catch my meaning!

Another bedroom and master bath was added to the lodge to accommodate four children.  Further expansion plans also had to be considered when even more children were going to be added after the births of the first four!!!

Two more years later, there were four more children born! Now eight brother/sisters, half-brothers/half-sisters swelled our hearts with joy! My parents created fully funded educational trust funds for their eight grandchildren.

Oh, by the way, shortly after we all married, I found out Erin, Danielle and Kelli were no longer jesting about Astra, you remember…, our stud miniature horse!!!



Okay readers, time to dissect this story. The following is a brief summary of information from research articles and from medical, mental health and drug websites. Any medical, mental, social, alcohol or drug effects mentioned in the story are based on scientific research.

CONSCIOUS and SUBCONCIOUS LARGE PENIS ATTRACTION – Numerous research studies over the years show women have a conscious and subconscious attraction to large penises.  Researchers theorize that this is a natural effect of human instincts, emotions, evolution and survival, and that this trait is engrained into the female psyche.

To prove this hypothesis some research studies have used computer generated images of nude men of various heights, builds, and penis sizes but not in other qualities like facial attractiveness and hair to make the subject as asexual as possible to gauge women’s responses. Other studies have women reading or listening to literature with characters with, small, average and large penises and gauging their physiological responses.

These studies concluded penis size along with body shape is influential in determining attraction. Women’s apparent interest in penis size explains why human males have penises that are larger in proportion to body size than the penises of other animals.

The large penis hypothesis is that since penises would have been readily visible for much of human evolution, prehistoric women would have selected for larger penises for size in addition to being associated with more orgasms, and this trait is still engrained by evolution into today’s female psyche subconsciousness.  Everyday examples of this evolutionary remnant:

being at the beach or at the swimming pool and observing women surreptitiously checking out a guy’s ‘package’, or women checking a male model advertising close-fitting underwear. It is naturally instinctive for women to do this upon seeing an attractive man, or a man with a much larger than normal bulge in his swimwear or underwear.

This evolutionary large penis size preference and associated primal sexual excitation trait, along with sexual inclinations, proclivities, thoughts, urges and impulses are part of our female heritage and genes, deeply embedded within our brainstem and limbic brain, often termed our “reptilian brain.”

Both these brain structures are the oldest and most primitive parts of our brains and are largely unchanged by evolution – and they control our most base primal urges, including sexual arousal. Since early humans didn’t wear much clothing, male penises were obvious to women. Women chose their mates based on their physical size and the size of their genitalia. Thus sexual competition was and still is a key evolutionary driver via natural selection. These evolutionary decisions influenced the promulgation of bigger penises in the human species via natural selection. Longer penises evolved to deposit semen in the deepest parts of the vagina to promote more effective sperm retention.  Other studies indicate that evolutionary preference for a larger penis might arise because penis size is associated with higher rates of vaginal orgasm, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

When compared to other primates and other species not of the primate family, humans by far have the longest penises relative to body size.

A wide penis puts more pressure on the vestibular bulbs situated on either side of the vaginal opening, which gives a pleasurable feeling of fullness at the vaginal opening. A wide penis also creates more tension on the labia, which, in turn, causes more tugging and movement at the hood covering the clitoris. This adds stimulation to the clitoris in addition to the surrounding tissues.

Women who use or on occasion use psychoactive sex enhancing drugs, these drugs synergistically enhance sexual arousal as well as their drug-altered perceptions of an over-sized penis.  Women are even more affected when these penises began achieving erections, women then are substantially greatly affected feeling these oversized erect penises touching and rubbing against their bodies while dancing, evoking primal sensations of extreme masculinity and power – a natural autonomic sexual reaction still ingrained within the female body from their earlier primitive selves.

Subconsciously women’s thoughts are attaching themselves to the supersized penis a man possesses and therefore its inherent ability to give pleasure which stimulates their primal overt base sexual urges and raw sexual desires.  This sexual reaction is called a ‘supernormal stimulus’ which is defined as ‘an exaggerated response to a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved’.

AUTONOMOUS SEXUAL RESPONSE – In neurophysiological terms, bodily functions such as sexual responses are involuntary reflex events in response to a stimulus, the same reflex-driven system that underlies heart rate, digestion, and perspiration. Sexual arousal is housed in the autonomic nervous system.

Sexual organs are designed to react to stimulation in particular ways – and that stimulation is meant to induce pleasure. The individual organs are not designed to differentiate between types of touch, the response is an automatic reflex.

With alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, this greatly enhances the sexual stimulation and sexual sensitivities a woman feels, provoking her body’s autonomic sexual reflex to actively participate having sex.

If a woman is extremely intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs like Ecstasy or LSD, in most cases she will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring due to the drugs greatly heightening arousal and the sexual and sensual effects the drugs also greatly increase, usually with a woman experiencing several intense orgasms.

Alcohol intoxication and over-indulgence of psychoactive sex enhancing drugs causes a woman’s higher brain functions to be repressed, which allows their raw primal sexual urges and impulses to be fully unleashed – subsequently dominating their actions. If a woman has a naturally high libido, her sexually responses will be drastically escalated.

The majority of women in their prime sexual years, when subjected to intense physical sexual stimulation are unable to suppress instinctive arousal, nor able to suppress the subsequent autonomous orgasm that usually occurs – even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force.

Unwanted arousal and orgasms during rape are examples of an involuntary physical response due to the autonomous sexual response. A survey of available research indicates over a quarter of rape victims are induced into climaxing and this percentage is believed to be actually higher and thus is underreported due to the rape victim’s hesitancy to admit they climaxed during their rape.  In rape counseling sessions, this is usually the most devastating subject to address with the victim, rape trauma syndrome, to convince her it was an involuntary physiological response in which she had absolutely no mental or bodily control over.

FEMALE BISEXUALITY – Humans have had to adapt to a wide variety of ecological niches and we have done so with remarkable success.  This is in part due to women’s sexual plasticity, which allows women to calibrate their sexual behavior to fit their environment.

Same-sex and bisexual desire in women are two very visible products of our innate variability.  Extensive research over several decades has well documented that female bi-sexuality is definitively considered by the scientific and medical community as the norm.

Female bisexuality is as natural a sexual expression in women as is heterosexual behavior. Dominant bisexual genetic traits start emerging in the teenage years, coinciding with the beginning surge of our sexual hormones. Bisexual tendencies are compounded and enhanced by several factors: societal, lifestyle, biological, and environment.

In regard to female sexuality, women are more fluid in their relationships with other women as we crave friendship, affection, and beauty.  They are more open with each other, more comfortable with their nude bodies around each other, as well as being nurturing creatures. This makes women easier to approach to each other, and for women, it is more socially acceptable to be openly bisexual.

Research has shown that for most women possessing a high sex drive, there is an association with increased sexual attraction to women. Women have the capacity to fall in love with each other, which certainly removes obstacles that may stand in the way of letting bisexual feelings developing.

In human evolutionary history, female bisexuality has been positively selected, or given preference over heterosexuality. It is so common because it serves a function – the fact that men love it is a clue. To apply a modern analogy, most men are massively aroused by girl-girl sex as are most women, as the enormous popularity of lesbian porn attests, as does marketing surveys as to what type of porn women buy.

Bisexual women are more orgasmic, fantasize more about sex, and are more open to sexual experimentation. Usually bisexual women tend to be Type A/B personalities, more energetic and have high metabolisms. Compared to their heterosexual counterparts, bisexual wives have more stable, robust marriages, with marital sex that is more adventuresome and imaginative. This is because male infidelity is less of an issue because of the wild imaginative sex that a bisexual wife brings into the marriage!

THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL UPON WOMEN’S AROUSAL – Under moderate intoxication (0.8%) women can control their arousal. However, while women who are moderately intoxicated are able to successfully control their arousal levels as effectively as sober women, women that are highly intoxicated (10%) cannot do so. With this increase of blood alcohol content, unlike men, there is no alcohol-induced diminution in genital arousal; women do not possess an effective capability to control their arousal response at higher blood alcohol levels.

For women, alcohol makes a woman feel more relaxed and in turn, be more sexual. Alcohol is a social and sexual “disinhibitor” because it increases sexual arousal and desire due to alcohol greatly stimulating the production of testosterone and estradiol.  Testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women and this causes an increased interest in sex.

Moreover, alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions, and with enough alcohol consumption, lowers it to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners. Extreme alcohol intoxication reduces and can completely eliminate a woman’s self-awareness – an alcohol blackout. With extreme alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, most women the next day cannot recall their rape, nor recollect the events that happened during the last few hours leading up to their rape.

The effects of alcohol and drugs reacting with each other is termed “synergistic”, an enhancing effect. Most commonly used in the clubbing/dance scene are drugs like Mephedrone, Ecstasy, LSD, or the Flunitrazepam class of drugs – otherwise known as roofies. Along with alcohol, these drugs are commonly known and used as date rape drugs.

ECSTASY – Known as: E or MDMA (or in America and Australia as X or XTC). Ecstasy is usually sold in the form of a tablet, or powder in a capsule, and can be obtained in a liquid form. It is a psychoactive/psychotropic disinhibitor drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. It imparts an altered state of consciousness and while under the influence changes the way a person feels and thinks.

Ecstasy causes the brain to release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin.  It eliminates anxiety and causes extreme relaxation.  It also increases a person’s susceptibility to peer influence.

Sound and lights are enhanced along with the stimulation of a high energy level and euphoria, the reason for E’s popularity with clubbers, along with a person’s enjoyment of being touched while under the influence of Ecstasy because the experience is magnified. Ecstasy greatly increases female arousal and libido with an increased sensitivity of touch, greatly reduces one’s inhibitions, and prolongs sexual endurance.  In women it reduces resistance, promotes sexual disinhibition and enhances receptivity to being sexual and enhances the sensual aspects of sex.

Ecstasy profoundly increases female lubrication, desire, satisfaction and orgasms are greatly intensified and prolonged.

Because Ecstasy is a disinhibitor it has been linked to causing people to act against their considered rational judgment by engaging in regrettable sexual encounters and also to rapes in which drugs are used as weapons. Oddly while Ecstasy has a profound sexual arousal and enhanced libido effects upon women, women experiencing more and stronger hallucinations and a more intense euphoric drug high than men, with the majority of men it has the opposite effect and tends to inhibit erections.

HIGH LIBIDOs – Research studies have been conducted on women with naturally high libidos, and on women who are hypersexual (or nymphomania) due to their physiology – but not due to a psychosexual behavior disorder. A high libido is distinguished from nymphomania if a woman can maintain control over their behavior and actions, versus a woman who cannot themselves control and restrain their sexual needs (nymphomania). These studies show women with high libidos excrete sex pheromones and copulins that are more intensely concentrated and thus more potent, that can readily sexually affect men and women in close proximity.

SEX PHEROMONES AND COPULINS – Pheromones are naturally occurring chemical compounds excreted by the endocrine system of the body and are chemical messengers with the potential to evoke physiological, hormonal and behavioral changes in other people around us.  The most cited examples are the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women living together and offices predominated by women employees who may all find cycles occurring at roughly the same time. The evidence shows the synchronization is done unconsciously by their pheromones.

All mammals have a vomeronasal organ (VNO), including humans.  Pheromone signals picked up by the vomeronasal organ are then relayed through nerves to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is well known for its ability to alter emotions, hormones, reproduction and sexual behavior.

Animal research has shown there is a distinct correlation of sex pheromones being detected by the VNO and resultant sexual behavior between males and females. However, in humans, VNOs were believed to be redundant anatomical relics leftover by the process of evolution and thus it was previously thought that humans were largely mostly unaffected by sex pheromones.  However, research conducted since the mid-1980’s have conclusively concluded that despite our diminished VNOs, humans are affected by sex pheromones but the exact pathway(s) that human pheromones take and the way our body processes them has yet to be fully understood.

It is a very well recognized fact that pheromones play a significant role in the life of animals and during the past twenty-five years, there has been significant increase in the number of studies conducted on human pheromones that show that pheromones have similar results upon humans.

Studies show that the human olfactory is one of the ways we detect pheromones. Using PET (positron emission tomography) scanning techniques to analyze the brains of men and women while they smelled natural and synthetically produced human sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, researchers have documented that men and women can in fact send and

receive subconscious pheromone signals, producing changes in mood, heart rate, breathing, and body temperature.  Several studies conducted within the last ten years show that an olfactory nerve may be the route through which pheromones are processed.

The 13th cranial nerve known by the name Nervus terminalis or Cranial nerve zero, as it is called, bypasses the olfactory area of the brain where scents are normally processed.  Instead, it is linked straight to the area of the brain (the hypothalamus) that processes sexual cues and creates attraction.

Studies have repeatedly shown that a man or woman wearing a synthetic or natural pheromone product, which is representative of their naturally occurring pheromones, experienced a heightened level of sociosexual behaviors, including attraction, triggering sexual excitement, kissing, sexual touching, and sexual intercourse.

Human sex pheromones are currently in trials to be used as fertility treatments for couples who want to conceive. Couples who are having sexual problems are now using pheromones combined with traditional therapy to enhance desire.

Copulins are an exclusively potent female group of pheromones and research has shown they cause feelings of arousal in men as well as women if present, with a resulting surge of testosterone production. As with men, testosterone plays a major role in a woman’s sex drive (libido) sexual desire, fantasy, being sensitive to sexual touch, and orgasm, all driven in part by testosterone levels.

WOMEN’S AROUSAL AND SUNTANNING – It’s common for women to become sexually aroused while laying out in the sun getting a sun tan. This is because intense sunlight boosts endorphins and testosterone production along with Vitamin D3, which is actually considered a hormone and not really a vitamin! It is a pre-cursor for the hormone testosterone.

The boost in production of these hormones stimulates the “Breed and Feed” part of the parasympathetic nervous system and also increases the sex drive, resulting in increased sexual desire and genital arousal.

Additionally, intense sunlight has a positive effect on melanin by stimulating its release from melanocytes, which also increases sexual arousal and appetite. One of the building blocks of melanin is tyrosine.  Tyrosine also has a tie with increased libido, because tyrosine is a building block of L-dopamine.

L-dopamine promotes sexual motivation and genital reflexes.  Research has found that an hour of sunshine can boost testosterone production by 120 per cent. The combination of sun and alcohol intensifies arousal.


Falabella Miniature Horses are the smallest of the miniature horse breeds having an erect penis length on average of twelve inches in length with a penile girth of five to six inches (approx. 1.5 inches wide to 2.0 inches wide)

Miniature Donkeys on average have an erect penis length of fourteen to sixteen inches with penile girths of six to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide).

Arabian Horses are the smallest of the large breeds of horses with an erect penis length of fourteen to eighteen inches with penile girths of five to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide), so a woman can accept insertion but has to be mindful controlling the thrusting and how much is going in.