© by Rodeotexas and Cowgirlsrideharder
Originally posted in 2023, Revised 2024


Almost two years ago, when she was twenty-two, Katelynn graduated summa cum laude in four years with both a Bachelor of Science and a master’s degree in Agri-business. After a short stint of a few months working for one of the mega agri-business’ corporations and not liking corporate life, Katelynn had come back home to the family ranch and resort outside Aspen to work while she decided about her future…

Beginning in her university junior year, Katelynn had begun to be head-hunted by a host of big agri-business conglomerates like Archer Daniels Midland, Adecoagro, Agria Corporation, and Monsanto, but even way back when, she knew a corporate life, even an agri-business one, was not her lifestyle, she enjoyed nature and being outdoors every day too much to be an office jockey.

Her parents owned a combination ranch and small resort fourteen miles outside of Aspen, Colorado where they bred Arabian horses and a few miniature horses, the ranch consisting of 37,375 acres, that had been handed down through the family since 1884, each generation making the ranch ever more successful.

Katelynn’s  parents wanted her to take over the business operations of the ranch and resort full-time so they could start traveling around the world, something they had for years delayed doing to get their ranch/resort successfully established, then with its ever-increasing reputation for quality lodging, outdoor activities and five-star meals, their small resort had grown with the addition of more cabins and family lodges to become a year-round operation with twenty-five cabins and five lodges with eleven full-time employees on their 5,000 acre ranch, all of which were usually fully booked out year-round. So, her parents had always long put off their own needs and put Katelynn’s needs and the guest’s needs first.

Now, it has been almost two years since graduation and admittedly, she greatly enjoyed running the ranch and resort and interacting with the guests, plus what other area of the country could she possibly move to that would offer the same recreational opportunities, not to mention the gorgeous scenery! A few months ago Katelynn had a business meeting with her parents.

Her parents had allowed Katelynn free rein for almost the last two years running the ranch/resort, and her marketing ideas had substantially increased the revenues of the ranch/resort. Additionally, her ideas for additional resort activities had the guests raving, and they in turn had so many referrals they had to put potential guests on a months-long waiting list.

The ranch/resort offered trail riding in the summer (winter time they shipped their horses south to the Texas Hill Country), mountain biking, hiking, and camping excursions. In winter guests could go snowmobiling or cross-country skiing or sledding.

Katelynn lived in the first guest cabin her parents had ever constructed, despite the large rambling custom timber frame and native stone ranch house, she preferred her privacy. Katelynn had furnished the 1,200 square feet two-bedroom cabin to her own tastes with custom made furniture. One of the two bedside tables in her master bedroom had a hidden, biometric locked drawer where she kept one of her Sig Sauer P226 pistols and a small assortment of sex toys. After all, her body in the prime of her years, had urges that needed to be satisfied, and she has been way too long without a serious boyfriend. Katelynn was determined to not have sex with another guy until she was sure he was the “Right” one and they would be together – forever…

In the nearly two years since she had been home after university graduation, Katelynn had three short-term boyfriends, but none of them turned out to be Mr. Right. When each of them began pressuring her soon after dating to either go beyond light petting or to have sex, she had broken it off, or they did realizing she wasn’t going to give in. Dates with a few other guys did not pan out either, it seemed after a few dates guys seem to think a girl was obligated to put out, or at least get to second base. Katelynn was not one of them…

Katelynn wasn’t naïve about sex, no she greatly enjoyed it, she believed she had a have a higher than normal sex drive, hence her collection of sex toys. In the past, she had two long term boyfriends whom she had sex with; one in high school whom she had dated in her junior and senior year, and the second long-term boyfriend while attending university.

While dating her boyfriend in their junior year of high school, Katelyn had kept the physical aspects of their relationship to light caressing and groping. However in their high school senior year Katelynn had given in to his unrelenting pressure to go further…

Having been persuaded by her boyfriend’s declarations of profound undying love, of a forever commitment to her, occasionally the times they were making out, she consented to either jacking-off or sucking-off her boyfriend while he finger-fucked her. However, the first time she had intimately felt his erection she was very disappointed… It felt that at most it was somewhat, hopefully, maybe, possibly, near four and half inches in length, and it wasn’t, couldn’t, be called in the farthest reaches of imagination girthy either to make up for what he lacked in length…

Katelynn being a reader of Cosmopolitan magazine and its articles on sex, when the time came when he successfully persuaded Katelynn to actually have sex, she had hoped the old saying “it’s not the size but the motion” that would make up for what her boyfriend lacked in having an average sized penis.

Back then Katelynn had thought she knew what love was and she fully trusted her high school boyfriend. She had listened to him repeatedly profess his deep and everlasting love for her, how he had talked about how he looked forward to them going to the same university and getting engaged, then upon earning their university degrees getting married. It was only these oft repeated professions that she let them get as intimate as they did.

It was after a party near the end of their senior year of high school, she and her boyfriend both had a few too many alcoholic drinks, it was then Katelynn finally relented to have sex with her boyfriend. After all, they were going to get engaged when they entered the university, then get married upon graduation…

However, the first, and only time they had sex, if you can call it that, her boyfriend had popped off in his condom as he was trying to wedge the head of his dick into her abnormally tight, narrow pussy!

His penis was so sensitive and he was so embarrassed that he had popped off so quick he was unable to get it up again in a timely fashion despite Katelyn’s manual and oral manipulations! The fact was that he had much more to drink than she did that severally hampered his recovery efforts. By the time he thought he physically could get an erection again it was time for him to take Katelynn back home to meet her parents strict curfew.

It always annoyed Katelynn that her parents, while always polite with her boyfriend, always seemed non-committal and ambivalent in their opinions and feelings for him, despite her parents knowing that he had spoken of a permanent future for them. Her parents only once telling her that while she was very mature and circumspect for her age, she was still young and try not get too serious with any boy until she at least got midway through college.

Katelynn reasoned that her strict early curfew was her parent’s way to reinforce their beliefs for her not to get serious with a boy. However, Katelynn thought it was slightly contradictory because her parents had gotten engaged after only four months of dating and only three months since her parents high school graduation!

However within a week came the shocker! One of her best girlfriends told her that she had heard that Katelynn had finally done it!

Despite being one of the most popular persons in high school, Katelynn was a very private person! She was highly mortified that this was now known. Katelynn grilled her girlfriend who told her she had heard it from another girlfriend who was friends with another girl who was dating her boyfriend’s less than sterling best friend…

Yeah, that particular bastard!

His parents owned one of the ski resorts in the Aspen area. He too was a very popular guy, in his own mind God’s gift to women. He was less than moral, having repeatedly hit on her even while dating her boyfriend of nearly two years. Katelynn was well aware of her boyfriend’s best friend’s tendency to gossip, as too did his current girlfriend.

Having known him all her life, Aspen being so small, 7,000 population, she knew his history of going through a succession of girls to find out if they put out and if they didn’t, dumping them and going on to another.

Katelynn confronted her boyfriend who initially tried to deny it but he was well aware how Katelynn valued her privacy. Katelynn grew ever more infuriated with his outright lying denials, finally he admitted he had told his best friend. With his confession Katelynn lit into him, telling him exactly what she felt! After all, Aspen Valley High School only had a total student body of 550 students in four grades!

“How many others do you think your best friend and his girlfriend had blabbed to that you and I finally had sex? I know you didn’t do full disclosure about how you prematurely ejaculated just trying to put it into me! What about the town? How many do you think will soon know since Aspen is so small and I and my family are so well known, not to mention yours?” Katelynn hotly stated.

Immediately after their blowout, or rather her blowout, Katelynn broke up with her long-time high school boyfriend. While the thought did briefly cross her mind to be vindictive, Katelynn was not that type of girl.

Katelynn thought about scheming with her two best girlfriends to spread around how her ex-boyfriend had so quickly popped off just trying to get the head of his penis into her, how he could not get it up again he was so embarrassed let alone drunk, how his penis was well below average size in both length and thickness. But for her, it was satisfying enough just to think about scheming but not actually carrying it out that allowed her to release some of her pent-up anger, which was helped by thinking about his physical inadequacies and disappointing his future girlfriends!

However, despite having broken up with her boyfriend, Katelynn was again immensely hurt a few weeks later when she learned that her ex-boyfriend was accepted to a college in Washington State…

That lying bastard!

He lied to me and led me on the entire whole time we have been dating!

Saying whatever needed to be said to be my steady boyfriend just to get into my pants!

He never intended to go to the University of Colorado with me, never applied! Always meaning to go out of state somewhere.

Damn! How Naive Have I Been!!! RAT BASTARD!!!

While at the University of Colorado, Katelynn again had a disappointing relationship, but this time, along with a bit more maturity, she was truly heart broken. From near the end of her freshman year to her junior mid-year junior Katelynn had dated a guy whom she thought she would marry.

They even seriously talked about it, he had been to the family ranch several times and her strict parents actually liked him. However as their university junior year mid-terms arrived, he was given an opportunity to study abroad in Eastern Europe to complete his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Architecture and Urban Design, and he accepted it…

He wanted Katelynn to go with him but after researching her own educational opportunities where he would be living and studying, Katelynn learned there was no opportunity to complete her degrees in her chosen field, and she was too heavily invested with her Agri-business master’s degree curriculum plan.   And while she was interested in touring Europe one day, she wasn’t interested at all, even for a short while, to live in Eastern Europe. After much soul searching and crying, Katelynn had recalled that on more than one occasion, her boyfriend had hinted that he was not sure where he wanted to settle down after graduating, in the states or possibly Europe, and Europe he had hinted more than once…

Katelynn could not imagine herself living anywhere that was not near or in the high, snow-capped Rocky Mountains. The lure of the mountainous large family ranch outside of Aspen and family ties, despite her strict yet loving parents, had a very strong draw. Additionally the world seemed to be getting ever more extremist with each passing year, and in the mountains of Colorado she found peace and solitude which seemed far away from the troubles of the world.

Katelynn is strikingly beautiful. Being a long-haired light brunette, with hair that cascaded to the middle of her back, startling ocean blue-green eyes that pierced any guys heart.  Despite her striking beauty and extremely high level of intelligence, there was not a pretentious bone in her body, the only thing Katelynn could complain about was being constantly hit upon.

Katelynn is a beautiful young woman. She could enter a crowded room and part it like a wave, a following sea of appraising looks and envious stares, Katelynn seemingly projecting overwhelming sexual aura.

Katelyn has the incredibly toned athletic body that women were jealous of; double D breasts that often gives the mistaken impression she had implants because her breasts were so firm! A trim narrow waist and hips, flat muscular six-pack abs, a cute tight ass with small butt cheeks that are hard as steel that turns heads for miles around.

Being twenty-four years old, Katelynn kept her well-toned, willowy five foot nine inch lithe body in great shape with yoga, core training and stomach crunches, long hikes and jogs in the high Colorado mountains, riding horses, mountain biking, and in winter, skiing and snowshoeing the back country. Her tough physical conditioning had sculpted her tall wiry and athletic silhouette into irresistibly inviting curves.

Back when she first entered the university, tired of waxing and shaving, Katelynn had all the hair on her legs and underarms removed by laser – including her pubic area, leaving just a small narrow hollowed out V pubic hair design which seemingly pointed to Katelynn’s most erogenous areas…


Ever since Katelynn’s years in high school and still after graduating from the university, her girlfriends would on occasion jokingly remark there was just something about her…

Katelynn seemingly possessing an overwhelming, irresistible, sexual allure, and of course, possessing a very voluptuous, hard-ripped lithe body overflowing with temptations.

When it first happened, Katelynn was surprised it was a girl that was seriously flirting with her!

Until then she had never given any thought of herself as straight, bi-sexual or a lesbian. In fact she never had given a thought to a person’s sexual orientation, she believed in a live and let live philosophy, having always wished for a kinder, gentler world.

Then when other flirting occasions happened, she found she liked being flirted with more by girls rather than boys! Boys relentlessly and tirelessly flirted with her when she was out and about, however it seemed every boy came on too hard, with inept approaches and with stupid starter conversations, as they had only one intent, one thought, one goal, as her damned ex-boyfriend had in high school…

So when a girl flirted with her Katelynn she learned to flirt back, even enjoying the occasional light, intimate touch and a playful kiss, however, there remained a slight hesitancy so things never went beyond just dirty dancing and some girl groping…

After the breakup with her college boyfriend, graduating with a master’s degree and moving back to the ranch, Katelynn finally realized how isolated and lonely she was, after all she lived on huge ranch fourteen miles outside of Aspen. Her girlfriends in the Aspen area were busy with work and their own boyfriends so she couldn’t hang with them as much as she wanted too, and she herself was super busy running the multi-thousand acre ranch and resort operations and going to all the area functions in Aspen, Steamboat Springs, Denver and elsewhere in and out of state to showcase and promote the ranch and resort operations.



What really hit Katelynn was going back to her cabin in the evening and being totally alone. To that end that she decided to adopt a pet for companionship. While the ranch had a ranch dog, Atlas, a Great Swiss Mountain dog, he was a working dog that guarded the small herd of miniature horses and the Arabian foals from coyotes, black bears, and the occasional mountain lion, and Atlas stayed with them in the pasture full time.  Atlas had been trained to, on his own, to herd the miniature horses and Arabian horses to the stable every evening and he slept with them.

To that end a visit to the homeless pet shelter had resulted in her selecting a rather large, no, make that a huge, brown and black brutish looking dog. It wasn’t what she had in mind for a pet at all. She had arrived at the shelter with the idea of something small and fluffy. Something to keep inside as a lapdog. This huge animal was none of these things! His shoulders were at the height of her hips and he looked like he weighed close to 180 pounds if not more.

‘Brutus’, Katelynn instantly thought of a name for the dog as Brutus, it just flashed into her subconscious. The name seemed to fit the rough, fierce looking huge animal. Despite his fierce appearance, he had climbed on the chain-link fence begging to be adopted. There was something about the huge very affectionate needy dog that immediately appealed to Katelynn. She didn’t know what that something was, but it was immediate. It was like oysters Katelynn thought. You can’t stand the sight of them but you must have them and she knew she must have this huge, fierce looking dog.

Brutus was alert, healthy, heavily muscled and demonstrated vitality. The shelter staff believed he was a cross between a Mastiff and a Great Dane. He stood on his hind legs, front paws gripping at the chain-link fencing of the exercise yard. His huge head and bright eyes looking straight at the young woman on the other side of the fence. Many people had passed by the kennels looking over the assorted castoffs for a potential pet but huge hulking intimidating Brutus was always overlooked in favor of the cute fluffy yapping ones.

Former experience had given Brutus a total disrespect for humans, with one exception, and that woman had looked a lot like this young woman that was now gazing at him deep in contemplation…

Memories of the woman who had previously raised him and the way she had treated him came back to the huge dog. She had been kind and affectionate, and he and the woman, eventually had crossed beyond the border of what humans considered appropriate, many times…

They had been awkward at the beginning. To neither of them was it a natural thing but they had quickly worked it out and in the end he and the woman had found that they complimented each other quite exceptionally well…

Brutus once again remembering, and longing for, the feeling her tight, wet warmth tightly clutching him and her smooth, firm buttocks molded against his hot groin as she knelt under him, both tightly locked together as he pumped her full… Remembering how her tight pussy had actively milked him as her pussy repeatedly tightly contracted around his long, thickened cock as she repeatedly and loudly orgasmed…

Then his mistress had brought a man to the house and he became a frequent visitor, then his mistress and the man had married. Then one time the woman’s husband had caught them. It had resulted in a brutal kicking for Brutus. The young man was shocked and outraged with the taboo sexual act he caught his newly married bride wantonly engaged in!

He was more shocked and dismayed realizing he could never match such a virile male, possessing a huge cock that was several inches longer than his own and much thicker that he had witness wringing from his beautiful wife one immense screaming orgasm after another, especially when she had been knotted…

Brutus’s immediate eviction from that comfortable home had been sudden and painful. Never before had Brutus been subjected to violence and the memory and the hurt remained permanently with him. Now he was here in this shelter, and while the staff treated him nicely, adoption looked uncertain at best, not many people, especially families with young children wanted such a huge intimidating dog for a family pet.

Looking at this young woman gazing at him in thought, Brutus saw in her his previous owner and the memories had come flooding back to him. Now he had felt the stirrings of an insatiable need and his natural instincts took over…

Brutus felt his loins becoming aroused, accompanied by that delicious tight feeling as blood began to fill and infuse his penis as it pushed from its moist sheath. The cool air on his peeking redness felt good.

Brutus, standing up on his back legs, his head came to her own height Katelynn observed. Huge dog indeed! Looking down the length of his body for previous injuries, obvious lumps, judging his coat and conformation, Katelynn saw the tall animal’s peeking penis tip. Observing its implied length she was little bit shocked that it suggested to be much, much longer than a majority of men! The swelling thickness through his sheath emphasizing his maleness, then Katelynn shook her head wondering what the hell was she even noticing it for and why the shelter had not yet neutered him.

If Katelynn had known of Brutus’s past history she would never had decided to choose him as her pet but yet choose him she did…

So Katelynn decided on the huge dog to be her companion. The animal shelter issued a voucher to have Brutus neutered with one Aspen’s veterinarian clinics since they were in-between veterinarians. On the ride back to the ranch with Brutus Katelynn decided to have Brutus trained as a guardian dog; far too often she had been subjected to unwanted advances, persistent advances, by all the rich seasonal residents and tourists that flock to Aspen year-round. Their persistent advances even more drunkenly obnoxious with all the festivals and parties that go on in Aspen, however it was one of her jobs to set up a vendor booth at these venues to promote the family’s ranch and resort operations.

When Katelynn brought Brutus home, her parents were shocked at his size remarking good naturally “Good God Katelynn, don’t you think we have enough horses already!” It was all in good fun as her parents already had Atlas, their Greater Swiss Mountain dog.

Twice a week Katelynn took Brutus to a K9 trainer to teach him to be a guardian protection dog. Everywhere Katelynn went so too did Brutus; all around the ranch and into Aspen, waiting patiently in the rear of her Range Rover for her to return. He went with her on all her walks, when she went jogging, went mountain biking, and accompanied her when she rode one of the ranch’s Arabian horses. He slept on a pallet next to her bed, but he quickly gained a tendency to sneak up onto Katelynn’s king-sized bed which resulted in a light scolding, but Katelynn never made him get off. When Katelynn sat on the couch in the main living area of her cabin Brutus was right at her feet or more likely up on the couch with her taking up the remainder of the couch.

As the days and weeks passed, Brutus began pushing his boundaries a bit more and more. At times Brutus got a little too forward; laying next to her in bed when they had retired to bed for the night, Katelynn usually slept with just her panties on. Brutus would at times try to lick her bare breasts or get in a quick intimate lick on her upper thighs or exposed ass cheeks when Katelynn was walking around her cabin in skimpy panties and a tee-shirt, or when she was drying off from a shower. It seemed to Katelynn Brutus was a master at sneaking up on her from behind when she was bending over drying herself off or had a leg propped up on the counter drying off…

The first time it had happened was after she had stepped out of the shower.  Like she always has done, she had propped up one leg on the toilet to dry off, and just like that from behind, Brutus’s powerful tongue was on her openly exposed pussy! Katelynn was so stunned she froze for just a split second. His cold wet nose was shoved between the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks and his long, hot tongue had slapped between her legs against her pussy! Two or three strong, stunning strokes covered her from clit to anus!

Katelynn was literally stunned! Not just the sudden presence of a foreign and animate object between her legs but also because it was so hot and wet and forcefully firm against her sex! Katelynn shrieked and spun around and looked down to see Brutus looking up at her with what looked like a smile on his face!  His huge tongue out, his mouth was open, panting.

“Jesus Christ, Brutus! What the fuck?” Katelynn hissed. “You Can’t Do That!”

Upon seeing his expression Katelynn laughed and grabbed his huge head in her hands, caressing his head.

“What’s gotten into you…”

Katelynn started to say, however Brutus cut her off as he stepped forward and again intimately pushed his nose against Katelynn forcibly pushing her backwards against the bathroom counter and began licking her again! Katelynn’s hands were still on his broad head and she tried to push him away but he was being very insistent and with his very large powerful body it was difficult for Katelynn to push him away as he continued licking! Thanks to Katelynn’s thigh gap his tongue was reaching under her in full, firm strokes against her labia and clitoris.
The sensation was unlike anything she’d ever felt before! Even as she continued struggling to deflect his head away from her pussy she felt a tingling in her clit that began blooming into wringing pulses of pleasure with Brutus’s persistent licking of his powerful sinuous warm tongue that had by now split her hairless labia apart so his long powerful hot tongue was rasping over her exposed clitoral hood!

As Katelynn struggled to stop him she had to lift one leg and scoot sideways as she pushed him away. However spreading her legs only gave him more area to work with and by the time she was out of his reach her nearly hairless pussy was smoldering.

“Brutus What The Hell!” “That’s a big NO NO!” Katelynn was breathing hard, her heart was racing.

“Jesus Boy! What the hell gotten into you?”

Brutus looked at Katelynn quizzically, his tongue making lapping sounds in his mouth.

“Brutus! Go Lay Down!” Katelynn said firmly with a scolding tone.

Brutus reluctantly turned and walked slowly into the bedroom to find his bed.

“Fuuuck….” Katelynn breathlessly exhaled. She turned back to the bathroom counter trying to figure out what she had been doing, her mind reeling, her pussy throbbing…

Suddenly Katelynn needed to sit, her legs were shaking, her heart pounding.

Katelynn’s memory flashed back to a previous time back when she was attending university. She and her roommates had been out clubbing and drinking then had come back to the sorority house pretty hammered, plus the Ecstasy they all had taken was having a marvelous effect on them all!

She and her roommates were not quite ready for bed yet and after changing into their sleeping attire she and her two girlfriends began cruising the Internet in their room, for drunken giggles they had clicked on a few porn websites. To their surprise one web link had automatically redirected them to a bestiality website…

For a few moments she and her two girlfriends were shocked speechless but as the images came up they all spontaneously cracked up in laughter! They thought the comics were hilarious! Then they dared to click on a video clip and were astounded and shocked watching a beautiful woman getting licked by a large to a body trembling, toe curling orgasm!

Then they were stunned watching the dog fucking her brains out as she screamed out multiple orgasms! They were stunned and flabbergasted at the knotting and pull out sequence! They dared each other to click on another video clip, stunned, they watched another beautiful woman getting her brains fucked out and knotted by a Great Dane! By her reactions she certainly enjoyed it and the three watching girls could tell she was not faking it either!

Katelynn and her girlfriends could not get over the knotting sequence, each secretly imaging how large the knot must have swollen up inside the woman, then, still amazed how large it still was after it had reduced enough in size to come out of her pussy, plus they discussed that the overall length of the cock and knot of the Great Dane had to be well over nine inches!

They were all astounded at the knotting sequences; how large in size the knots had swollen, actually locking dogs and women firmly together, and the incredible orgasms that the women had after being knotted.  That led to an intimate discussion how big of a cock their previous boyfriends had and how good a lover they were, remarking amongst themselves the Great Dane’s cock had to be at least four to five inches longer than any of the boyfriends they certainly ever had – and much larger in girth!  Seemed all their boyfriends had average or near average size penises, not cocks, because they all agreed that only big ones, six inches or more in length, could be called cocks…

After they finished watching the videos they curiously surfed the Internet a bit more. There were web pages and web pages of information on bestiality! Videos, stories, artwork, comics and “how to guides”, and unbelievably, canine and equine dildos for sale! They couldn’t believe that so many women, attractive women! Had sex with animals! They watched a couple more videos in silence, of attractive women laying on their backs, one a small horse fucking a woman, the other a miniature horse. All three gasp out loud seeing the large flared penis heads come out of their pussies immediately followed by a deluge of cum pouring out!

They then discussed why women really do this; for what reason would a woman allow a dog or a horse to have sex with her, how does this happen? One girlfriend said they must have been paid porn actresses, the other girlfriend said they couldn’t be, they were amateurs based on the home settings they were filmed in. They all agreed that a canine cock, when fully engorged, was about the ugliest penis they had ever seen, all three of them reached a consensus that based on watching the women on the videos, despite being fucked by grotesque non-human doggy penises, the women they viewed had received the most intense rapid fucking from a very large cock and experienced huge orgasms being fucked so hard from it and then climaxing again, more than once, when knotted, and besides, the women seemed to have received great oral too.

Katelynn kept her thoughts mostly to herself when they discussed how good a lover their boyfriends/past boyfriends were; when quizzed by her friends, she gave a general response they were good, never quantifying exactly how many boys she had been with.

Truth was, Katelynn’s first boyfriend in high school was very below average in length and girth, and the first and only time they tried to have sex he had popped off just trying to enter her and they never had sex again, having broken up with him for blabbing to his best friend that they did have sex. Katelynn always considered the time in high school didn’t count as actual intercourse because he had popped off just trying to get the head of his cock into her. Later, even with her college boyfriend, who has an average sized penis, he too never lasted long enough for her once intercourse began, not anywhere long enough at all…

Both her previous boyfriends had blamed, and at the same time complimented Katelynn, that her pussy was exquisitely very tight and she is exceptionally skilled at sex, how extremely enthusiastically passionate and physical she is when having sex! Katelynn knew she had an abnormally tight, narrow muscular vagina from her gynecologist’s statements. So Katelynn was always left hanging, wanting a lot more when her college boyfriend quickly popped off – and it happened every time they had sex! Katelynn had recognized some time ago she had a higher than average sex drive, thus had led her to start buying a few sex toys to give herself relief with…

During the bestiality discussion with her roommates Katelynn silently recalled helping out with the stud Arabian and miniature horse breeding activities at the ranch. Breeding health procedures advise that the stallion’s genital areas be washed beforehand including the penis to remove any contaminants, which required a bit of manipulation to get the studs to start dropping their penises.

How on more than one occasion, when washing the penises of the equines prior to breeding, the stud’s penises went from being flaccid to the beginnings of an erection, Katelynn she had felt her pussy become warm and moist… Katelynn also recalled being secretly embarrassed by her unnatural arousal and wondered how it had happened; each time she became aroused she attributed her unnatural arousal to the similarities in appearance of human penises and equine cocks, except of course equines being much longer and much thicker, also she reasoned it was due to her being in her young prime, raging hormonal years and not having a boyfriend at the time.

Katelynn recalled the first time she masturbated a stallion to collect his semen into a condom so they could process, sell and ship it without having the stallion actually cover a mare, in this case the owner’s mare was several states distant. Just before he ejaculated, she was quite startled when the head of his penis flared three times its normal size to a mushroom shape! Then nearly eight ounces of ejaculate filled the end of the condom!

Katelynn couldn’t help wondering what the flaring sensation felt like inside to a mare, as well as the copious amount of hot semen being ejaculated inside the mare. Then another time when she was alone at the stables grooming one of the Arabian stallions. She had just finished bathing him and as breeding health procedures called for, she had stroked his sheath to get him to drop his penis so she could wash it too. In doing so, she found herself again getting unnaturally aroused.  Then, just for fun and giggles, she had stroked and jerked the stallion’s cock till he had achieved an erection, then she had jacked him off completely!

How amazed she was with the explosive force of the stallion’s ejaculation! Shooting a powerful copious stream of semen out for over ten feet! Once again Katelynn wondered what the mare feels when a stallion powerfully erupts inside her…

Katelynn shook her head, “Damn! What crazy memories popped up! Damn Dog!”

After she regained her composure she grabbed her wet washcloth and swiped it several times over her pussy and ass. She grabbed her robe and put it on. Katelynn walked into the bedroom room and found Brutus lying on his bed, giving her a forlorn look. She knelt down next to him, sitting on her heels. She reached out and stroked his head, then dug her fingers into his neck.

“It’s okay Brutus.” she said. “It’s just that I’m not that kind of girl…”

Brutus looked at Katelynn. His tongue came out and kissed her knee.

“Kisses. Yes kisses are good. Good boy. Cunnilingus on the other hand …. well that’s good too, just not from you…”

Katelynn’s conversation with Brutus was interrupted due to Brutus lowering his head and he began licking the inside of her upper thigh. Katelynn instantly pulled back.

“Really, Brutus, you don’t know when to quit, do you?”

Katelynn scratched the top of his head and stood and went about getting dressed, making sure Brutus stayed put…

But yet Brutus strongly maintained memories of his previous owner and their activities together and he sought future opportunities to lick Katelynn’s intimate areas…

Each time Brutus managed to sneak a lick Katelynn either initially just giggled or laughed and then pushed his persistent nose away giving Brutus a light scolding. However, Brutus started more frequently rubbing his huge powerful body up against Katelynn, often times his very large pink penis on show. His display was embarrassing for Katelynn if others were around, especially when her girlfriends were over visiting or spending the night, but she pretended she didn’t see it.

However, in a unguarded moment when more than a few alcoholic drinks had loosened lips, a couple of her girlfriends joked about what a well-hung dog she had causing Katelynn to furiously blush to the hilarious amusement of her friends!  But Brutus did not confine his intimate attentions to solely Katlynn, he also pestered her girlfriends the same way, catching more than one unawares when they were spending the night while wearing skimpy sleep attire or coming out of the shower!

Her girlfriends too laughed it off, but mercilessly kidding Katelynn that she had a really horny well-hung dog and she better get him fixed sometime before an accident happens! Stating this more than once with laughing leering looks…!!!

When bathing Brutus, as Katelynn did every other week, he loved his baths, Katelynn as a matter of course being a ranch girl and tending to the ranch’s stud breeding stock, also washed his sheath. The first time she had bathed Brutus she idly realized his sheath and what it contained was much larger and longer than most men’s penises!

During his subsequent baths when washing his sheath she had felt Brutus’s penis began swelling to a very impressive size, times when the tip of his cock peeking out. Then too, when Brutus demanded a belly rub, a few times she had distractedly rubbed Brutus’s sheath fleetingly, either with her hand or bare foot when she was sitting on her couch, again feeling his penis begin swelling. Her eyes lingered on the tapered tip and she wondered what her silly dog was thinking. Was he thinking about sex or was it just a natural reflex thing?

Brutus could have answered her thoughts if he could have communicated with her in a human way but of course he couldn’t. He was doing all the instinctive canine things to stimulate his new young owner, rubbing, nudging, licking and sniffing. It helped him at times when Katelynn retired for the evening back to her own cabin, she usually just wore a tee-shirt and thong panties when lounging around, giving Brutus several opportunities to try to lick her from behind or in front. Each time Katelynn laughed and gently pushed his muzzle away, lightly scolding him when he persisted anyway with his tongue until Katelynn had to close her legs or had to raise up from bending over from doing something.

Brutus looked on Katelynn as a replacement for his other young mistress. He had become used to human female attention that he had received from his past mistress and needed, desperately, for this human female to take his other mistress’s place…



One day late in the summer Katelynn went on an afternoon jog on Aspen Mountain, running up and then down the Ajax trail with Brutus, as always tagging along.

“Hey Steve! Take a look up there,” James pointed through the trees, “Isn’t that super-hot bitch Katelynn Skaggs jogging with that huge mutt?”

“Where,” Steve replied as he looked around confused.

“Up there dude!” James pointed, “Just below the ridge there.”

Steve peered up the slope through the thin covering of Aspen trees. “Yeah! Looks like her, never seen her in short jogging shorts before but that sure looks like her sweet cute ass!” Steve replied as he peered harder at the tall, willowy lithe young woman who jogged with a huge dog through the woods.

“Damn, just look at her! Her cute ass is so firm and muscular! Her ass cheeks don’t jiggle a bit – and those fantastic tits of hers! I’ll tell you again, she must have implants!

Her perfect breasts are too large and firm! Hell, they are hardly moving up and down as she is jogging!” James exclaimed.

Both parents of James and Steve, were long-time members of the Snowmass Club, as were Katelynn’s parents. The parents of James and Steve were extremely uber-affluent, with second residences in Aspen.  So over the years Katelynn had the unfortunate experience of more than once of having to fend off their repeated attempts to get her to go party with them and go out on dates.

“Let’s catch up and say hello,” James suggested.

“I’d like to do more than say hello…” Steve replied as he threw a small stone into the creek and they began a route to intercept Katelynn. His friend, James laughed at Steve’s implied inuendo.

“Yeah! Me too but that won’t happen!’ James replied. “That huge dog of hers may have something to say about that! That damn dog of hers is always with her and is very protective, won’t let anyone close to her unless she commands it.”

“Yeah well lets go and see if she’s mellowed some since the last time we tried to get her to go “party” with us…”

Concentrating on her run Katelynn hadn’t seen the two young men lower down the slope. She was out here for some ‘me time’. Time to think and just be with Brutus. A few months after having adopted Brutus he was fully bonded to her, actually, Brutus and Katelynn had taken to each other in the first week of their new arrangement. Katelynn was overjoyed at the dog’s apparent loyal affection, he was always there beside her.

Katelynn and Brutus came around a bend in the trail and saw the two young men sitting on a large boulder watching the joggers go by, or rather, watching just the female joggers… She recognized them immediately and gave a deep sigh at the upcoming unwanted encounter.

Both James and Steve were obnoxious, living the uber-rich playboy lifestyle. They both flaunted their wealth and both drove brand new jacked-up, tricked out trucks. James in particular thought he was God’s gift to women and he was genuinely surprised when Katelynn rebuffed him when he tried to hit on her the first time they had met several years ago.

She still clearly remembers the first time she met James. Yes, he was exceedingly handsome and charming in a certain way, certainly had a great physique, but after talking to him for a few minutes she started to pick up some vibes off him that James was a pretty slimy character. As their first conversation continued, his talk and manners clearly revealed what a spoiled, rotten, self-centered entitled asshole he really was.  The last few years since she had moved back home, whenever she was at the club and James was there too, he still persisted in hitting on her, trying to get her to go out on a date or join him at some party.

Katelynn thought she would just run past them, ignoring them completely, however they were too well known to each other at the Snowmass Club so she couldn’t do that. The best she could do is keep the encounter short. As Katelynn and her dog come closer, James and Steve slid off the boulder and stood there watching her approach.

Katelynn steeled herself for another of their unwanted advances…

“Hi Katelynn!” James hailed.

“James, Steve, what are you two doing here? I’ve never seen either of you jog or hike before.” Katelynn inquired.

“Well we come up here on occasion to look at the scenery…” James stated as he looked Katelynn up and down with an undisguised lecherous look that Katelynn immediately knew what was on his sorry mind, Katelynn conscious her tiny nipples were hard from her exertions and her nipple outlines were visible tenting her nylon/lycra jogging shirt despite its built it support. Brutus next to Katelynn, pressed his body against her, staring at the two young men. His body tensed, ears pricked, his tail curled…

“Hi Katelynn,” Steve half raised his hand.

“Hi Steve” Katelynn replied coolly. She looked a little flustered at the same time, as if the last thing she had expected was to meet these two rich yahoos out here.

Katelynn stroked Brutus along the neck gently, having felt him vibrating tension as he pressed against her leg. She whispered, “Steady Brutus” Obviously Brutus was a good judge of character too or else he had sensed her own dislike and tension.

“Haven’t seen you at the Club in a while.” James stated.

“Been really busy at the ranch as always, business is great, so I haven’t had an opportunity to come into town much.” Katelynn didn’t elaborate.

“Uh huh, well it’s nice to see you again,” Steve attempted to be friendly, “Nice dog.”

“Yes he is.” Katelynn anxious to move on.

“Where you heading Katelynn?” James asked.

Katlynn looked at James at such an inane question. You either went up or down Aspen mountain, clearly she was coming down the trail! “Just jogging with my dog that’s all. It’s usually quiet out here, or it used to be…”

Katelynn replied as she again caressed the broad head of her huge burly dog as Brutus sat beside her. Brutus nudged her hip with his muzzle, Katelynn ignored her dog’s nudge but Steve, maybe three feet lower on the mountain trail than Katelynn and her dog was quick to see the huge dog’s penis poke out a little from his sheath. He nudged James and inclined his head to draw his friend’s attention to the dog.

“What’s your dog’s name,” Steve asked.

“Brutus. I haven’t had him for long. I got him from the animal shelter a few months ago.”

“Nice! The name fits, he is certainly one of the largest dogs I had ever seen, clearly he must be some kind of Mastiff and Great Dane mix.” Steve sensed he was onto Katelynn’s favorite topic so he persisted to push the conversation further in the dogs direction…

“He seems to be taking to you alright then, a bit randy though.” Again Brutus nuzzled Katelynn’s hip affectionately. Feeling her face blush a bit with Steve’s obnoxious statement, Katelynn eased Brutus’s head away gently but firmly.

“What do you mean?” Katelynn snapped back rather too sharply, embarrassed by Steve’s statement, exasperated with having her run interrupted and having to endure inane conversation with these two bozos. Steve pointed to the hind quarters of the dog.

“Red lipstick popped out when you patted him, and he has a massive set of nuts on him so obviously he hasn’t been neutered.” Steve grinned laconically with his implied reference…

Katelynn looked down at the dog and despite trying not to, her blush deepened further angering her, hoping it was not noticeably to these two jerks.

“Your still as disgusting as you always were Steve!” Katelynn admonished.

Hey girl it isn’t me with my dick hanging out, it’s your dog and his huge red rocket you should be cranky at!” Steve curtly replied.

James suppressed a snigger behind his hand even though he was mad at Steve for mouthing off and spoiling his plan to make yet another attempt to convince Katelynn to go out with him. Steve grinned broadly at Katelynn’s embarrassment. Still blushing and feeling a bit flustered with Steve’s crude comments, Katelynn turned and moved off and resumed jogging.

James turned to Steve when Katelynn walked away. “For Christ sake Steve, I said let me do the talking,” Steve shrugged, and James called after Katelynn.

“Hey Katelynn, wait up a just moment, I promise I won’t keep you.” James assured as he trotted to catch up with her. Katelynn didn’t look back but stopped. James scampered after her. “Sorry about Steve,” He apologized, “He can be crude sometimes.”

Katelynn blandly looked at him expressionlessly…

Admittedly, James was really handsome, but he and Steve were the typical spoiled, entitled rich young guys with associated snobby attitudes, all of which were instant turn-offs for Katelynn.

Truth be told, she preferred down to earth cowboys.

“James, try to teach Steve some manners! He was being crass as well as ruder. With his parents social status, as well as yours, he damn well knows better! Aspen is a pretty small town after all! It reflects poorly on you when Steve pops off like that…” Katelynn said, then she turned and resumed jogging.

James, slightly stunned and embarrassed, got mad. He walked back to join Steve and remarked heatedly to Steve,

“I’m tired of that super-hot bitch ignoring me! One of these days I’m going to fuck her brains out! Whether she wants it or not!

Steve grinning replied “Yeah, she’s so fucking super-hot I wouldn’t mind sloppy seconds or thirds either! Damn! I would love to fuck that fantastic cute tight ass of hers! I sure would make her squeal loud and long!!!”



A couple weekends later Katelynn decided to go for a long hike up to one of the ranch’s old line cabins that was located about five miles from the ranch headquarters. Since she was not going for a run, Katelynn decided to just wear an old pair of her low-rise cutoff jean shorts, a loose top and athletic bra, and her hiking boots.

It had been months since Brutus had felt release and he knew that the uncomfortable tightness in his groin would only get worse. With his sensitive nose, he had detected that she was at her most fertile time of the month. Perhaps today, on this pleasant walk, he could convince his new mistress. Last night, he had gotten up hearing her moans from the bed, the smell of sex permeating the bedroom, her hand thrusting an object into her body. When he tried to ease up on the bed his mistress had commanded him to get down. His previous mistress had shown him that humans, unlike his kind, liked to mate in private, however it was just his new mistress in bed alone, yet the mating smell was present which had stirred his instinctive sexual desires.

After a few miles Brutus began sensing the heat building up in his new mistress’s body, particularly between her legs, finally, unable to resist the tantalizing odor he was picking up, he boldly pushed his cold wet nose into her groin, his nose sliding under the hem of Katelynn’s very short loose cutoffs, contacting where her thong barely covered her pussy…

Startled with the cold sensation and the very intimate prodding, Katelynn spontaneously giggled and gently push Brutus’s persistent nose away from her.

“OK Brutus, enough of that.” she admonished him quietly.

Katelynn figured that his shoving his nose up into her shorts had been inadvertent, he was just excited to be on a walk with her, as he always was when he was outdoors, especially when they went for a run. But he sure seemed to be doing it more and more often and it was becoming a real problem, and very embarrassingly, to her girlfriends as well.

Yes, Brutus was convinced…, from last night’s heady bedroom pheromones, the remembered smells and noises his previous mistress had similarly made, that his new mistress is ready to be mated…

As they walked, Brutus again nudged her and then snuck another lick in on the inside of her exposed thigh, again close to her barely covered crotch. Katelynn shuddered a little but Katelynn kept on walking, rationalizing that if she ignored Brutus’s attempts at intimate licking he would soon stop trying. However, Brutus and his highly sensitive nose had detected almost instantly a change in her body odor and a few minutes later he tried licking Katelynn again…

Katelynn stopped and patted Brutus. “What are you thinking boy? If you keep on being so intimately persistent with me and my girlfriends, I may have to resort to having you neutered after all, but I really do not want to do that…

It seems that you can always sense when a guy is hitting on me and you interpose yourself between me and the guy. You show your very protective side making them shy away. However I’m afraid that if I have you neutered you’ll no longer be so scary and intimidating. You keep up that intimate nosing, and I’ll have to talk to the vet about giving you an anti-libido shot or pill to calm your horniness, if there is such a thing…”

The old path to the line cabin climbed in elevation, the path became a narrow ridge track that then headed down to a spring-fed creek and then up over another ridge where the line cabin lay about a mile further. Katelynn’s pace quickened as she heard a distant rumble that made her look up to study the gathering dark clouds.

“Looks like we’re going to get one of those surprise summer storms in a little while boy.” She remarked to Brutus. “We better hustle on to the cabin and hole up there until it passes, the cabin is closer and we’ll never make it back home before the storm breaks.”

Sensing her pace change, Brutus stood back up and became increasingly frisky as they quickly negotiated the rutted track to the line cabin. Brutus strained at his lead with enthusiasm as he bounded up the slope. At times, almost pulling Katelynn off her feet! Lightning flashed followed by a rumble of thunder, not yet close but moving quickly, the mountain air already quickly cooling from the approaching storm. Brutus bounded and strained at the lead until he reached the top of the incline where Katelynn managed to finally stop the enthusiastic flight. She patted the heaving sides of the huge dog and gave him a squeeze about the neck with both arms. The wind gusts increasing.

Suddenly Brutus’s snout went up the loose hem of her shorts again! This time before she could react, his tongue had darted out and snaked its way across the fabric of her barely covered crotch licking her thong panties! Katelynn jolted upright from the sudden sensation of his hot tongue against her barely covered sex! Brutus giving her two quick licks with his long, powerful hot tongue before she was able to push his massive snout away! Even through the fabric, his hot tongue in the chilly mountain air caused a shock like sensation to race through her as her abdominal muscles involuntarily contracted, his tongue making way too much intimate feminine bare skin contact!

Damn It Brutus STOP! You’re getting really, really bad about that!”

The sudden very intimate intrusion left Katelynn flushed and embarrassed! She was surprised and puzzled with her surprising physical reaction to the sensation of Brutus’s tongue! Katelynn pushed on, more hurriedly now to distract herself from the bare hints of unnatural arousal Brutus had stirred within her…

When Katelynn saw the narrow runnel that emanated from a spring a little further up the slope, she slowed and asked Brutus “How about a drink fella.” They stopped and Brutus drank greedily. Seeing that the dog had finished drinking she tugged at his lead. “Come on Brutus” she encouraged, and Brutus sidled along her side rubbing against her leg as he ambled alongside her. Then Brutus made another move, getting a couple of knee buckling swipes of his long powerful tongue in across the bottom curves of her ass cheeks and thong covered pussy before Katelynn could sidestepped away…

“Brutus STOP DAMN IT!!” Katelynn said in a raised voice as she forcibly pushed Brutus away again. Annoyed, she continued, hurrying along having realized the mountain thunderstorm storm was moving more quickly than she first thought, and she could see it growing bigger from the updrafts from the mountains.

The rumbling of the storm drew closer. The wind increasing, the air getting even more chill, it was going to be nasty for a while as Rocky Mountain summer storms can be that developed rapidly. Most often they usually dissipate in an hour or two but she could tell this one was building up even more energy and was covering the mountain range and she thought it may last until evening.

The thunder rumbled and rolled, it was moving even much more quickly Katelynn realized. Then, a few minutes later, a cold deluge was unleashed instantly soaking Katelynn before she could pull her poncho out of her pack. As typical with mountain rainfalls, the rain was cold and the temperature dropped rapidly. Fortunately, the cabin was now close and Katelynn decided to run for it rather than take the time to mess with the poncho, she and Brutus were already soaked.

Despite being old, the line cabin had been renovated and modernized for continued guest use for hikers, snowshoers and cross-country skiers. It was a sturdy log and stone structure with a large combination living/kitchen area with sofa and chairs, two bedrooms and a bathroom.

Katelynn keyed in the combination on the front door electronic lock and she and Brutus went into the cabin’s interior. A quick look around and Katelynn determined the ranch staff had kept the cabin sparkling clean and in shape, fully stocked with canned goods, and a small selection of liquor and wine.

The cabin has a two-way radio for emergency usage, cell service is spotty to non-existent in the mountains. Katelynn was glad for reaching the cabin quickly, this was going to be one of those big mountain thunderstorms. She turned up the thermostat off the maintenance setting to turn on the heat.

Katelynn checked in with the ranch headquarters to let them know she was holing up in the cabin until the storm passes. The ranch staff informed her that it looks like they may have to come get her as the weather report said the storm was continuing to build and would last for several hours. Rather than have one of the ranch jeeps rut up the primitive mountain road in rainy weather, Katelynn told headquarters she would stay the night and hike back in the morning.

Katelynn took off her soaked clothes and dried off, then putting on one of the guest plush terry cloth robes in the bathroom, then she toweled off Brutus. Brutus then followed close behind Katelynn as she took her wet clothes and placed them in the dryer and the towels in the washer. As she was bent over Brutus he shoved his head under the hem of the short thigh-high robe. Katelynn was startled when she felt his cold nose on the back of her thighs as he began sniffing. Katelynn quickly straightened up and pushed his head away.

“Damn It Brutus! I told you to stop doing that!

DAMN! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!” Katelynn said in a loud exasperated voice.

Brutus backed off, but not far. Katelynn then went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. Brutus still kept close to Katelynn, making a lot of soft whimpering sounds. In the kitchen, Brutus began repeatedly walking back and forth halfway across the room, scared of the booming storm Katelynn thought. Keeping an eye on him, Katelynn turned to the cabinets to look for a wine glass, standing on her tip toes to search the higher shelves.

Before she realized it happened, Brutus again had shoved his snout back under her robe, his tongue lashing out licking Katelynn’s bare pussy with long powerful strokes! Shocked, Katelynn yelped and felt every muscle in her body tighten from the intimate touch. Katelynn pressed her thighs together in order to stop him as she shoved his head away from her nearly hairless crotch.

Getting over the shock, Katelynn placed her hands either side of the dog’s huge head and looked directly into his big brown eyes. “What’s going on in that little pea brain of yours Brutus? How come you don’t listen when I tell you that you can’t lick me there?” Katelynn asked.

Brutus didn’t understand of course, not the words anyway, with her soft tone speaking to him, he did sense that the young woman was showing confusion. His ears pricked up and his tail wagged and he made a grunting whine. Outside the wind was whistling through the trees as the temperature outside continued to drop quickly.

Katelynn couldn’t shake the feel of Brutus’s long raspy hot tongue running across her hairless labia. She knew she should have been disgusted by it, but she wasn’t, Far from it, she was puzzled, for some weird reason, although unnatural, it felt pleasant, like when her old college boyfriend would gone down on her, and he was damn good at sucking her clit while fingerfucking her pussy and ass making her have some pretty intense orgasms.

Unnerved, Katelynn realized Brutus had made her a bit aroused, like when Brutus had managed to get some licks in on her bare pussy and ass that first time a few months ago when she had stepped out of the shower and was drying off…

“Damn! I Sure Need To Find A New Boyfriend!” Katelynn exasperatedly exclaimed trying to dispel her unnatural arousal and past memories of having sex with her old college boyfriend, and the more recent memories of Brutus’s licking…

Katelynn found a large wine glass and filled it and carried it and the bottle into the main living area. She turned on the sound system and selected some New Age relaxation music, then she sat on the large leather couch and arranged the mound of throw pillows to recline against. Brutus sat down besides the couch, his huge head resting on the sofa as he gazed up at his mistress. The wine was especially good and before she knew it she had to refill her glass. As she sipped her wine, Katelynn relaxed, feeling the wine suffuse through her body warming her.

Tentatively, Brutus licked Katelynn’s leg then looked up at her. Goose bumps covered Katelynn’s skin due to the coolness of the room, the cabin not yet got quite warm enough. Out of the blue, a crash sounded like a rifle discharge, but louder, immediately followed by something that sounded like the rendering of timber. The sound made both Katelynn and Brutus jump. Lightning had struck close by. Katelynn had seen a close lightning strike on a tree before, living in an area with tall trees all around almost guaranteed that, especially in the mountains and the cabin’s metal roof. Brutus was trembling with fear, tail down, ears back, while Katelynn cuddled his massive frame.

“Hey where’s my big brave boy then?” Katelynn chided the big dog as she would a child. “It’s only a storm baby, I’ll protect you,” She giggled.

For a while both Brutus and Katelynn sat as the storm raged outside, Katelynn sipping her wine, now her third large glass, which had emptied the wine bottle. Occasionally the wind rattled the doors and windows and Katelynn shivered. When she did Brutus seemed to snuggle closer, his warm broad head in her lap.

The thunder and the lightning continued unabated and the cold mountain rain continued to fall in sheets dropping the outside temperature. Katelynn was glad of her decision to stay the night, there was going to be no time soon that she would be able to leave the cabin. The dog, gaining courage, lifted his head and looked at Katelynn who had reassured him during the worst of the storm. He raised up and licked her face and Katelynn melted.

“I love you too baby. Storms scare you don’t they?” The dog licked her again and then stood in front of Katelynn, whining softly.

“I know, I know, they sometimes scare me too,” Katelynn repeated as she cradled Brutus’s head in her lap. For a while, Brutus continued to tremble then slowly settled. His closeness to his new gentle mistress stirred him, he felt his groin tighten as his testicles rolled and shortened…

Katelynn was slouched on the sofa reclining against the throw pillows fully relaxed now, the full bottle of wine had relaxed her and the alcohol content had warmed her as well as making her somewhat inebriated, the propane gas heat had quickly warmed the room, and along with the soft music, both combined to make her drowsy. She finished off her wine. “Might as well take a short nap, it is still early afternoon, and we will be here overnight…,” Katelynn thought.

Having loosely tied the sash with just one crossover, unheedingly Katelynn paid no attention that her robe had openly parted, the room now being comfortably warm and the alcoholic warmth suffusing her body. Her legs spread out in front of her, one leg partially dangling over the edge of the large couch as she sprawled back upon the couch reclining against the fluffy pillow cushions. As her eyelids drooped, Brutus moved his muzzle ever closer to her Katelynn’s body, then, he sniffed at the sweet female smell coming from between her thighs…

Katelynn was drifting off, her hand idly stroking Brutus’ huge head, her hand movements gradually slowing as alcohol-induced sleep and the warm cabin began overtaking her. This petting action Brutus interpreted as encouragement for what he was doing and continued to slowly explore.

From previous experiences with his former mistress, Brutus understood that when a female responded to his advances she would accept him, maybe not immediately, but she would eventually not completely reject him. At least that is what his doggy brain understood…

Slowly sliding his nose under Katelynn’s parted robe, Brutus tentatively began running his nose along her hard, flat tummy, then his lolling tongue began to ever so lightly lick Katelynn’s flat taut muscular stomach with long languid warm wet strokes making Katelynn giggle sleepily.

With his cautious tentative licking, the slight tickle sensation diminished to nothing, Katelynn didn’t bother stopping Brutus, choosing not to interfere with her relaxation, imminently fixing to nod off completely. The very light pressure of his long, slow strokes of his languidly caressing warm tongue across her hard, flat stomach felt nice, almost similar to a light massage she thought. Gradually, Brutus slowly worked downward toward her navel, across her navel, then incrementally preceded further downward toward the sash of the loosely tied robe. Katelynn easing her feet out straight before her, settling in a more comfortable position for napping.

Brutus eased his muzzle into the valley between Katelynn’s hip and her muscularly firm flat belly pushing the sash even looser, his broad head easing her robe wide open, the edges of the heavy robe slowly parting, then, sliding completely aside…

Brutus’s big heavy warm head rested across Katelynn’s upper thigh as his tongue slowly explored ever lower Katelynn’s hard flat abdomen in long wet languidly lashing strokes…

Outside the rain continued to tumble down. Occasionally the gusty wind and rain rattled the front door of the cabin. Katelynn relaxed even further as the wine fully took hold and sleep began over taking her even though she felt the caressing of Brutus’s hot tongue getting intimately nearer her womanhood.

Katelynn’s drowsy eye lids began fluttering as a prelude to dropping off into sleep, Katelynn, in her sleepy alcohol stupor, allowing the dog to continue with his slow languid licking of her lower abdomen; the warm languid licking further relaxing her…

Slowly, ever so slowly, as Katelynn fell into slumber, her long, toned legs began relaxing, the decrease in pressure allowing her thighs to part just a little. However, a little was all the invitation the enamored and aroused dog needed… Along with her parting thighs came the increase of aroma that flooded his sensitive nostrils with Katelynn’s feminine musk.  Then Brutus’s tongue reached what little pubic hair Katelynn had remaining, with a slow lick, his tongue began tracing the hollow V design of her pubic hair…

Katelynn suddenly gasped and came awake from her light slumber when she felt his raspy tongue swipe along the full length of her sex! The intimate contact making her legs spasm, jerking up and open as if a switch had been thrown!

Stunned, Katelynn reclined there though three more full swipes of his warm raspy powerful tongue before she finally came to her senses at the same time as Brutus once again swiped his broad, warm, raspy tongue, this time his muscular tongue fully parting her labia as it languidly swiped up through the full length of her sex then rasping over her clit!

The sensation was, again, arresting…

“Oh God, Brutus, I told you repeatedly you can’t do that!” Katelynn slurred, as she squirmed on the couch to move away.

Katelynn went to push Brutus away and close her legs but she couldn’t!

His broad head and thick muscular neck prevented her from clamping her legs together!

Another, slow languid swipe up through her parted sex and over her clit and Katelynn startled with sudden surprise – the sensation of the beginning of arousal! With each successive lick her weakened intoxicated will crumbled ever further…

Brutus’s tongue was now lapping quickly in short powerful strokes over her clit!

His tongue uniquely hot and remarkably on target!

Katelynn could feel her clit becoming highly sensitized!

She glanced down and again was startled to see her clit was starting to swell, already fully emerged from its clitoral hood!

Katelynn lifted her feet to the couch as she again firmly pushed against Brutus’s huge head to dislodge him from his oral ministrations, however, for the first time ever, she heard Brutus let a low growl freezing her in place.

It was Katelynn’s turn to shiver, with fear…

Brutus had never growled at her before!

She was sure that Brutus would never hurt her, however, the deep baritone animalistic growl had instinctively let loose within her a primal fear that demanded she not do anything further to antagonize him! After all, she only had Brutus a few months now and she still wasn’t sure of all of his behaviors.

Katelynn bit down hard on her lower lip and she shut her eyes in frustration as she ceased her efforts to push Brutus away…

Again, Katelynn flashed back to that previous time back at the university when she and two of her girlfriends were drunk and flying high on Ecstasy and were cruising the Internet in their sorority room looking at porn websites and one web link had automatically redirected them to a bestiality website…

They had watched a couple of amateur videos of pretty women getting licked, then getting their brains fucked out by two huge dogs, getting knotted – one woman by a Great Dane with a cock almost ten inches in length! And by the intensity of their orgasms and the way their bodies had trembled, all three of them well knew the women were not faking it!

Katelynn came back to the here and now from her musings, which had the unwelcome effect of generating even more conflicting thoughts stirring her unwanted arousal even more she belatedly realized! Her mind was imagining all sorts of things! Damn Her High Sex Drive! Her damn dog was again getting her unnaturally aroused!

Contrary to common rational sense, but still a bit afraid from his earlier growl, Katelynn gradually ceased trying to stop Brutus’s licking.  With a groan of defeat and rising arousal, Katelynn slowly untensed her legs…

Brutus’s broad head slowly pressed between Katelynn’s knees. When his mistress didn’t further resist, Brutus further pressed forward wedging his snout between her thighs pushing her thighs further apart, forcing Katelynn to open herself further to his lascivious tonguing… Her surrender offered the powerful demanding tongue full access to her most secretive erogenous places. The more Brutus insisted on inserting his hot searching tongue the more Katelynn’s alcohol weakened willpower retreated…

Katelynn’s mind reeled as she tried to justify what she was letting happen, what she couldn’t stop, what the burning desire that had by now began hotly pulsing in her pussy that demanded of her, a release – A Sexual One!

“No”, she told herself, “no, no, no. This is so wrong but I can’t believe how great it feels…,

It’s, it’s just oral after all…” she rationalized…

“Oh Damn It! It’s not going to hurt anyone and no one’s going to know… just,  this,   once…”

Katelynn sighed to herself, expressing defeat as she eased the sides of her heavy robe fully aside in the now very warm cabin…

Watching his mistress fully expose her long, lean athletic body, Brutus was only distracted for a moment. Recognizing his new mistress, like his former mistress, was now offering him full access to the thing he most desired stirred his hormones further causing his penis to protruded from its sheath a little further. He wanted desperately to mate, and with Katelynn’s involuntarily sexual responses releasing female sexual pheromones into the air that filled his sensitive nose, the thunderstorm outside was no longer a distraction…

With her coerced acquiescence, Katelynn untensed and relaxed…

Brutus’s powerful tongue darted forward, flicking from her anus up through her slit exposed by her openly parted swollen labia and then crashing over her now fully exposed engorged clit causing the veins in Katelynn’s neck to stand out and her toes to curl, sending an instantaneous jolt of erotic pleasure up Katelynn’s arching spine, the tiny nipples on her extraordinary firm DD breasts instantly grew diamond hard! Unconsciously Katelynn couldn’t help moaning from the intense sensations as she clutched at the cushions, her cute firm ass lifted hovering in air, before flopping back to the couch…

“If that first wide-open lick felt that good she dared not dream of what this beast was going to do now that she was giving herself over to this forbidden feeling!” Katelynn thought astounded!

“No… Don’t think about what is doing it…” She whispered to herself as she clenched her eyes till she was seeing stars trying to not see and ignore knowing it was an animal giving her pleasure…

The first wide-open stroke of his tongue had been the beginning of a veritable onslaught as Brutus began lapping at her furiously! His strong rough tongue forcing its way between her cunt lips, torturously stimulating the ultra-sensitive inner flesh, rocking Katelynn with a mix of intensely erogenous sensations as his powerful pink serpentine tongue repeatedly darted out swiping at her tight anus then up through her openly parted pussy folds then rasping over her fully exposed engorged throbbing clit while he alternately lapped at her flowing sex juices.

Katelynn groaned from the lavish attention given to her pussy by his slathering serpentine tongue. Her eyes opened and started watching that broad powerful tongue swipe up through her swollen openly parted labia and over her now engorged pulsing clit. Her cheeks flushed pink from the naughty mix of pleasure and the utter shame of unnaturally enjoying it…

Katelynn bit her bottom lip to stave off the urge to want more…

Surely it was all just a mistake she thought, after all, she was an unwilling participant forced to do so by her dog’s threatening growl, even though to her intense disbelief, she found her arousal rapidly escalating as his tongue repetitively and tenaciously slathered along up through her parted ass cheeks over her sensitive aching pussy and then her throbbing swollen clit then darting back down to her anus and dragging his broad powerful hot tongue upwards again….

Katelynn’s legs were growing shaky as Brutus’s assault on her pussy continued in full force as he lasciviously licked the sweet nectar flowing from her honey pot. His slippery tongue darting between the cleft of her parted ass cheeks swiping upwards from her tight asshole up through her swollen parted labia then over her exposed swollen throbbing clit with every single long dragging lick, Katelynn belatedly realizing she had tilted her pelvis upwards to easier facilitate his powerful tongue to swipe in-between her parted ass cheeks over her anus then up and over her now hot steamy aroused pussy…

Brutus was enjoying the open offering before him. The open swollen female flesh all pink and pretty kept giving delicious nectar to his long demanding tongue as did the heady feminine sexual pheromones that was copiously been generated that filled and wafted through the warm air filling his nose, his senses, stimulating his arousal…

His rough strong tongue put pressure on Katelynn’s outer labia lips, stimulating the flesh underneath. Katelynn quickly shot right past the arousal stage straight into the early stages of a rapidly building orgasm! She gripped the sofa cushions, bracing herself for what she knew was going to be a powerful climax!

Katelynn lay her head back on the sofa with her eyes again closed tight. “This Is So Wrong!”, she thought, but so deliciously divine…

She knew she should somehow stop Brutus but instead she found herself completely relaxing and opening herself up even more as intense pleasure suffused through her as she felt the burgeoning orgasm growing and growing. It was a contradiction of feelings. She knew it was very unnaturally wrong but she wanted more, so much more feeling her imminent orgasm grow and grow…

The warm, long slashes of the slightly rough textured tongue lashed her from tight anus to her swollen protruding clitoris following the trail of her copiously running nectar that seemed never ending. Katelynn closed her eyes even tighter and could feel the pressure building in her groin, and some place, even deeper…

As Brutus worked his magical tongue along her openly parted slit from puckered asshole to Katelynn’s now fully exposed swollen throbbing clit, Katelynn trembled and unconsciously began spreading her legs further apart to allow Brutus’s tongue better access.

Despite her own disbelief, Katelynn slowly reached down and spread her swollen outer lips so Brutus could make better contact with her engorged clitoris and inner lips, the sexual sensations became insanely intense exposed in this way. The course texture of his tongue on the sensitive inner flesh was sort of a seriously erotic torture. It was almost more than she could stand! Every time the tongue hit her extended pleasure button on its journey of discovery between her labia, she gasped. Her head tipped back, tilting her hips up now rocking in rhythm to his insistent licks.

As she felt her impending orgasm fixing to erupt all she could think was “What A Tongue!

“Ohhh, Ahhhh, LICK ME!

Katelynn cried out as her toes curled as her sexual tension exponentially grew and grew!

With her impending climax all thoughts of unnatural pleasure were temporarily forgotten!

Her legs began trembling! Her spine began tingling!

Then, just as another clap of thunder shook the cabin, Katelynn’s entire body began violently trembling and jerking! Her heated steamy groin clasped and unclasped! Her legs stiffened and began shaking uncontrollably as her body began repeatedly bucking up at the sudden intense electrifying sexual energy exploding from her reproductive system as a prolonged orgasm began racking her gorgeous body!

Her orgasm was like a seizure smashing over her! Searing through her hotly throbbing, pulsing pussy upwards to her clenching abs, muscles contracting and releasing, her bared hard nipple DD breasts heaving as Katelynn threw her head back and let loose a piercing orgasmic scream that joined with the rolling thunder outside as stars and colorful supernovas exploded behind her tightly closed eyes!

Her long, toned athletic legs caught up in the orgasmic blast, kicking up and out, ending with toes tightly curled, her back arching, her naked ass rising from the couch vibrating uncontrollably several exhausting times as she felt a succession of clicking spasms of electric intensity repeatedly rack her tall willowy lithe frame as Brutus kept on slurping away at her pussy, lapping up all the juices that oozed from her cunt.

Katelynn was in an incredible state of ecstasy!

She moaned involuntarily as additional orgasmic spasms wracked her gorgeous body as Brutus kept up his unceasing stimulations tonguing her pussy. The dissonance between pure sexual pleasure and the shame of depravity conflicted Katelynn as it seemingly intensified the orgasm, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d come so forcefully or so quickly…

“Jeeesssssuuusssss…” Katelynn hissed. Her face flushing red, neck muscles straining, and veins popping up beneath her skin as she AGAIN for the second time came violently hard! The world spun and she again saw stars and colorful exploding supernovas as her eyes rolled and her lithe taut body convulsed again and then again on the couch with her intense orgasms that also pulsed more feminine pheromones into the air. Her violent thrashing finally loosed Brutus from his oral ministrations. Katelynn twitched and spasmed sporadically as Brutus attempted to continue to assault her steamy slit with his slobbery tongue.

“What the *ah* fuck just *uhn* happened?” She asked rhetorically, posing the question as to how a dog – A DOG!, could so easily get her off…

One orgasmic spasm after another, so intensely, had repeatedly racked her body that Katelynn couldn’t comprehend if she was having one continuous orgasm or one intense rolling orgasm after another!

A sudden reproachful burning realization struck her what she had just allowed to happen.

“Oh god, oh … my … god! That didn’t happen! It couldn’t have, It’s Not Right! Oh! Damn, Damn DAMN!”

Yet Brutus still continued his oral ministrations…

His long powerful tongue, hot and dexterous, passed between her openly parted swollen labia plunging onto her sex searching out the crevices and undulations, futile trying to get his broad powerful tongue past her narrow, abnormally tight vaginal entrance, unsuccessfully trying to bore his tongue into her writhing body before pulling his tongue back and then again swiping it up between Katelynn’s parted ass cheeks up through her swollen openly parted labia then over her swollen protruding throbbing clit driving her almost mental with the intense pleasure it was imparting.

Katelynn was completely helpless! Devoid of volition!

Unable to do anything except to lay quivering on her back with her arms by her sides. So total was her condition, even her breathing was intermittent, timed with Brutus’s tongue, gasping in ragged gulps of air as his tongue left her body, her breath expelling in a whoosh each time his tongue hit her highly sensitized swollen throbbing clit on its next pass. Her heart rate was through the roof! Her rapidly beating heart pummeling her ribcage from the inside and throbbing her swollen clit with each pulsing beat! Her flat muscular stomach clenching and unclenching uncontrollably as subsequent climaxes galvanized her rasping through her taut quivering body in waves of sexual delirium.

As Katelynn came down off her multiple orgasms she admonished herself…

Shocked at having climaxed so hard – multiple times! From oral sex – and whom who had given it to her….

Still, Brutus continued to try to lick, but once that last jolt of pleasure faded, Katelynn began pushing him away, her entire body now feeling too sensitive for even her to touch.

“No Brutus No, that’s enough…

Only when Brutus’s tongue left her splayed open pussy was Katelynn able to start coming down from her spectacular high…

As Katelynn lay there her mind whirled…

Unsure how to process what had just happened. “Could she have stopped it? Was she depraved by getting off by a societal taboo? She had never felt quite so wanton, let alone perverse! Brutus was so insistent, so immune to her resistance, so determined and powerfully strong, and he did growl at her, once, when she tried to push his huge broad head firmly away, and it had scared her so deeply she stopped trying to push him away…

It seemed he had decided he was going to lick what he wanted to lick almost from the moment he placed his head between my thighs, or before…

And the fact that what she had just experienced was all so raw, so sexually primal, only added to the wanton sensuality. What had happened was way outside clean lines of acceptable interaction, un-nuanced by rules, bending only to laws of chemical and hormonal sexual interactions that were never intended to intersect or collide.”

What just occurred replayed in her mind again. Despite twice weekly K9 training sessions, it occurred to her that when Brutus was aroused, he was hardheaded ignoring commands, other times he was okay following commands. Just as worse, she was unable to control herself with her own arousal in her sleepy alcoholic stupor! Damn Her High Libido!!!

A hot spasm of panic gripped her chest! Katelynn closed her eyes, shutting out the vision. Yet she still felt her heartbeat pulsing strongly in her still swollen pulsing clit, her labia still tingling, still hotly aroused. She had only climaxed like that when her old college boyfriend had sucked and hummed on her clit while he fingerfucked her pussy and ass at the same time, certainly not on his dick since he always, always came way too quickly before she could climax, usually having to use one of her vibrators or dildos to finish getting off…

“DAMN! I Really, Really Need a New Boyfriend!!!”

Katelynn reached between her legs to run her finger tips over her swollen pussy lips. They were so swollen and tender and wet, still openly parted like a flower bloom. Keenly aware of the tight fist of another impending orgasm, fully charged and fizzling again at the base of her spine that needed to be quenched, then, becoming shocked again realizing she was thinking unthinkable thoughts that were enhanced by remembering the videos that she and her girlfriends had watched that one drunken night back in college…

As Katelynn lay slumped on the sofa lost in post-orgasmic bliss musing her confused thoughts, her legs spread open, one leg on the couch, the other on the floor, trying to decide whether to release that other impending orgasm she felt laying just underneath the surface by masturbating herself and if she would fill guilty in doing so considering what had just occurred…

However Brutus, stirred further into action by the heavy musk of feminine sex pheromones that now fully permeated the warm cabin, took that decision away from Katelynn!  Suddenly Brutus reared up placing his paws on either side of Katelynn long, lean athletic body! His huge bulky muscular 180 pound body pushing in-between her widely spread legs!  Shocked, Katelynn realized he was trying to mount her missionary style!

Adrenaline ricocheted thru her system! In an instant everything changed as panic seized her! Brutus’s fore paws were tightly against either side of her bountiful firm DD chest, his surprisingly very heavy 180 pound weight and frozen panic pinioned Katelynn in place on the overstuffed cushions of the large couch, Brutus outweighed Katelynn by more than 50 pounds!!

Quickly Katelynn glanced down past her wide spread thighs and her eyes went wide with shock seeing the thick pink pointed tip of Brutus’s gigantic dong extending out at least six inches from its hairy sheath looking like a fat crimson rocket – aimed directly at her still smoldering pussy just a scant couple inches away!

What was already showing was longer than her college boyfriend’s full erection of five and half inches, and she knew there was still a lot more hidden in his sheath!

Brutus started slight hunching motions forward, closing the distance…

The mere sight of the tip of his cock beginning to arrow ever closer to her splayed open pussy Katelynn felt her vaginal muscles start instinctively contracting!

OH FUCK…” was all she managed to squeak out realizing what was happening…

“Having involuntary oral was one thing, Brutus screwing me is something else!” Katelynn thought. Quickly she sat bolt upright and instinctively shot one hand down to deflect his searching cock, blocking access to her pussy. but inadvertently she accidentally grabbed hold of his thrusting penis!

When Katelynn gripped it, Brutus began powerfully and frantically humping away at her fist! Katelynn was scared to let go afraid if she did that he would manage to rape her!

His growing cock was already huge and was already just started to squirt hot copious precum from its tip! The sheer frantic force of his powerful humping and his immense weight forced Katelynn to continue holding on his thrusting cock to keep it deflected away from her pussy!

Katelynn’s thoughts raced! Her beloved pet was going to thrust that red, hot, monstrous slab of canine cock inside her and start raping her if she couldn’t stop him somehow – and the best course for now was to hold on to it and keep it pointed away from her pussy!

Yet Brutus’s sheer strength, 180 pound plus weight and bulk made that extremely difficult as he energetically jabbed his cock repeatedly towards her openly exposed sex just a few inches away! His rear legs walked toward her, again closing the distance between seeking red rocket and open target to two inches, Katelynn feeling his powerful haunches flexing almost spastically, searchingly…

Katelynn felt Brutus pressing himself closer… In desperation she raised both feet and braced them against his hind legs and tried to push him back or off balance enough to push him away. Instantly she realized this was a horrible mistake!

Brutus’s frenzied lust to fuck her combined with his strength and 180-pound weight was too much for Katelynn and succeeded with Brutus pushing Katelynn’s thighs wider apart bringing his thrusting heated groin and its huge heat-seeking red rocket even more dangerously closer to her openly exposed sex…

His thrusting seeking cock began jabbing at the back of her thighs, then closer, the cheeks of her ass…

In a split second she had felt it!

A hard, hot tip about the thickness of a man’s thumb jabbing into her ass cheek!

Then, even more alarmingly, against her tightly puckered anus!

It was like getting stabbed with a hot poker!

Katelynn jerked and gasped at the intense sensation of something so rigid so intimately prodding at such a tender vulnerable area! Thankfully her frantic jerking was just enough this time to avoid his cock rampaging into her tight ass!

Over and over he jabbed away at Katelynn with his growing, thickening, lengthening hardness trying to find and sink his huge canine cock into her pussy – or any place else the way he was battering at her!

The harder he thrust the more desperately Katelynn tried holding onto his slippery cock while the massive dog stubbornly bucked his huge cock ever closer towards her open sex! Katelynn acutely felt copious hot pre-cum jetting against her inner thighs and ass cheeks, then startled, she felt hot precum begin blasting directly against her splayed open pussy shockingly close! Felt the copious precum began flowing down between her ass cheeks!

The harsh brutal sensations of Brutus trying to find her pussy or any other entrance with his greedy stabs was making Katelynn’s heart furiously race! Suddenly and shockingly Katelynn felt the hot squirting tip of his cock press against her labia lips!

That was certainly too damn intimately close to the entrance to her tight pussy!!!

Quickly Katelynn again deflected his heat-seeking red rocket, this time up and away before it could home in on her pussy or her ass…

Now Katelynn’s fist was blocking the entry to her pussy, but momentarily Katelynn was stunned feeling the animal heat and the immense size of his huge sexual organ now suddenly surging up in-between her openly parted labia sliding roughshod against her still swollen exposed clitoris!

Katelynn dared not let go!

Knowing that if she did, with his powerful rampant thrusting his huge cock would spear into her!

His cock thicker and much, much longer than any of her dildos!!!

Way, way longer and thicker than her old college boyfriend’s dick!!!

Repeatedly Brutus’s thrusting cock thrust powerfully back and forth through her fist with his cock sliding directly up in-between her splayed open labia and over her clit! She realized Brutus’s immense weight and strength was keeping Katelynn’s hand trapped tightly between their two bodies and Katelynn had to endure the slick feeling of an animal masturbating himself through her hand and against her splayed open pussy. Worse, she sensed the sliding action of his huge heated cock against her pussy was provoking unwanted stimulation directly against her swollen exposed clit!

As Brutus fucked her fist she could feel his cock quickly swelling, expanding and lengthening even further in her frantically clutching fist! The lump at the base of his cock was out and pressing into the bottom of her fist. It felt as if at least eight inches of cock was thrusting out the top of her fist! Katelynn was startled feeling how much larger it had grown in length and thickness, astounded at how really hung Brutus was! Much, much, much longer and much thicker than her two previous boyfriends she had sex with…

Damn! Knot and all, Brutus cock must be nine inches in length! Katelynn shockingly realized.

With adrenaline racing through her system causing time dilation, it seemed to Katelynn an inordinate amount of time was passing with Brutus still just as energetically trying his damnedest to fuck her while jet after jet of hot copious precum was shooting out blasting her splayed open labia and exposed swollen clit. Katelynn tried her best to ignore the feeling of his huge thrusting jetting hot thick cock thrusting through her fist then rapidly sliding up between her openly parted labia and over her exposed clit but she and every woman in her prime years could not ignore direct clitoral sexual stimulation and Katelynn recognized this natural fact…

Tried as hard as she could, Katelynn could not ignore or fight what she was feeling, intensifying…

Her body instinctively naturally reacting with ever growing sexual arousal…

Then, Katelynn felt a sudden surge of very intense arousal…

What The Hell??? A dog is trying to rape me and I’m getting turned on by it???

Disconcerted feeling herself getting aroused, Katelynn counseled herself that it was a woman’s instinctive biological reaction to a huge cock trying to fuck her, though it was unnerving that an involuntary autonomic sexual response in her was being provoked by an animal…

Humiliating conflicting thoughts and feelings began erupting into existence even as she felt herself getting ever more and more involuntarily aroused from the provocative sexual stimulation, with startlement, realizing she was actually getting extremely horny from it…

Shockingly, Katelynn felt her sex again begin to strongly pulsing with hot desire!

Felt her pussy again become infused with heat becoming steamy, her tight vaginal passage again begin to seep with female lubrication from the intense primal sexual sensations of a huge cock trying its damnedest to fuck her!

Then, with heightening arousal and intensifying sexual mists conjoining with past remembrances of college videos of the same situation she was now in flooding her vision, Katelynn felt incessant, insidious natural urges begin emerging within her…

 Growing ever more dominant…, obfuscating her judgment of her situation…, impulsively inciting her to fulfill her own primal sexual neediness of feeling something fucking her!

Eliciting orgasm after orgasm after…

Despite the unnaturalness of the situation Katelynn’s intense autonomous sexual urges for intercourse rapidly escalated…

Her hotly aroused body incessantly and relentlessly demanding to feel a real cock repeatedly thrusting up into her to release her pent-up sexual frustrations! Longing to feel her tight pussy once again explode time and again from real live actual intercourse and not from a dildo! Then, only after she had done it, with shock, did Katelynn realized she had involuntarily re-positioned her fist to increase the sensations of the thrusting jetting cock to repeatedly hit her swollen fully exposed throbbing clit…

Now, Katelynn sensed the feeling that every time Brutus thrust his still thickening, still lengthening cock through her fist, the in stroke would begin dangerously close to her vaginal entrance before his cock would slide up between her openly parted vaginal folds and then over her throbbing clit, only her frantically grasping hand gripping his slippery cock kept it from going inside her…

Sudden visualization of her shocking predicament blasted into Katelynn’s mind bringing some reasonable sense of awareness back to her! Again, futilely, she tried to dislodge Brutus but he was way too strong, way too powerful, and way too heavy! Katelynn realized his weight on top of her was pushing her ass deep into the overstuffed cushions of the couch so she was unable to escape let alone trying to reposition her body even just a little to avoid his rapine thrusting toward her tilted up pelvis! Katelynn realized she had to ride it out while trying to keep his cock deflected from the entrance to her pussy until Brutus got through fucking through her hand…

Interminable long moments later Brutus stopped humping and finally stood still leaning heavily upon her, then once again Katelynn was startled feeling even more powerful jets of hot copious cum begin blasting out as Brutus started cumming on her – On Her Pussy!


Jet after hot copious jet explosively erupted from the tip of his cock directly and repeatedly blasting her swollen exposed clit! The copious cum then running down between her openly parted labia to hotly course down over her tight anus.

The hot spurting jetting stimulation was too intense for Katelynn to ignore, akin to one of her body sprays of her walk-in shower hitting her clit that she occasionally used to get herself off! Katelynn felt another surge of arousal flush hotly through her body.

Subconsciously she felt her hand firmly pressing his spurting cock in-between her parted labia allowing his cum to repeatedly blast her hard protruding clit, then before she knew she was doing it and it came as a shock she actually was doing it, instinctively, Katelynn began humping her unbearably aroused pussy against the massive spurting hot shaft, sliding his swollen immensely long cock up and down her openly parted labia and over her highly aroused throbbing clit!

Katelynn felt so incredibly horny yet disgusted at the same time but unable to stop herself! Humping, Humping, Humping! Humping her hotly aroused pussy against his immensely swollen huge cock! With her higher than average libido, undeniable temptation was there, it drew her to indulge herself…

Whatever moral qualms Katelynn had felt before, again faded in alcohol loosened inhibitions combined with a red sexual haze of intense arousal laser focused on an urgent need for sexual release! Only an unsolicited low moan of arousal alerted her to what she was subconsciously doing, still, she could bring herself to stop as she felt a long delayed orgasm began surging up from her steamy heated loins…

But then Katelynn felt how inadvertently close she had moved the tip of his immensely swollen nine plus inch long cock incrementally ever downwards! Suddenly realizing that in the throes of her impending climax she was now feeling the thickly swollen tip pressing against her abnormally tight, narrow muscular vaginal entrance! With immense shock Katelynn felt powerful jetting squirts of hot cum now blasting against her vaginal entrance!

Brutus shifted and leaned more heavily upon her!

Panic seized Katelynn as she began feeling unrelenting increasing pressure of the fat bloated tip as it pushed forwards pressing inwards against her resisting tight, narrow muscular vaginal entrance! Began feeling hot squirting jets shoot inside her!

Then, Katelynn acutely felt the pulsing tip of his nine plus inch long cock incrementally beginning to breach into her despite her tight, narrow muscular vaginal entrance!!!

Rapid jets of hot squirting slippery cum begin flooding her vagina!!!!

Katelynn’s panic instantly escalated releasing a renewed flood of adrenaline that shot into her system and Katelynn jerked his huge, swollen canine cock away just in time as she began feeling the initial beginnings of more than just the tip of Brutus’s cock begin to stretch and enter her despite how extraordinarily abnormally tight her narrow and muscular vaginal entrance was…

The shock of almost committing bestiality brought her back to her senses…

In her intense arousal and alcohol impairedness, how she had almost inadvertently allowed his hot incredibly thick, immensely long nine plus inch cock into her very needy pussy, and if she had, whether she had the will power to stop and yank it back out, or being on the brink of another orgasm, fully indulging to release her long delayed orgasm…

Another shocking realization struck Katelynn like a hammer!

That some may consider she may have already committed bestiality even though full-on penetration and intercourse had not occurred – just having oral performed upon her by an animal and humping her pussy against an animal’s cock some may consider bestiality!

This disturbing thought instantly quelched any thought of having another orgasm…

When Brutus’s copious flow slowed to a dribble, Katelynn released his cock and Brutus removed his front legs off the couch dropping back down on all fours. He wandered over to the corner of the room and began to lick himself, leaving Katelynn sitting there smeared with dog cum. She looked down at herself seeing her lower abdomen liberally coated with dog cum, her pussy soaked with it! Her labia swollen, openly parted, a rivulet of dog cum trickling down between her parted labia! With a start, also feeling copious dog cum oozing out of her vagina…

Katelynn felt really kind of grossed out at this point.

It was bad enough she couldn’t stop her dog from eating her out, but that she even began enjoying it no matter how hard she tried not to but her unnaturally high libido had defeated her! Not to mention the full bottle of wine she shouldn’t have drunk!

But then, however inadvertently, she’d given him a hand job!

Worse, he had come dangerously close to FUCKING her!!!

Then he came on her pussy! In Her Pussy!!! 

Then, In her Own Intense Arousal, She Had Almost Let His Huge Cock Go Into Her!!!

This is so disgustingly depraved!

Especially depraved since she had become intensely aroused by an animal!

Feeling his huge doggy cock rapidly thrusting sliding back and forth pressing hard and between her openly parted swollen labia and over her swollen hard clit, she couldn’t help feeling sudden surges of intense arousal when his cock started blasting hot copious cum directly onto her pussy…

She knew her body was instinctively and autonomously being involuntarily responsive to sexual stimulation. Knew that hardly any woman in their prime sexual years couldn’t resist becoming aroused when subjected to sexual stimulation, especially if they have been drinking and/or taken one of the party drugs. Katelynn finally rationalized that between all the wine she drunk, her higher than normal libido, and the fact she hadn’t had sexual relations for quite some time except with her toys, all had conspired to allow her to become aroused, by a dog

Katelynn felt a desperate dire need of a long, hot shower to wash the whole disgusting episode off her and away from her, physically and mentally…

Katelynn got up and realized she will have to clean the couch off and the floor too but first came that long hot shower. Brutus got up and followed behind her. Sneakily he lashed out his long powerful tongue lavishing that huge broad tongue up between Katelynn’s generous thigh gap firmly lashing her still sensitive pussy startling Katelynn and making her shudder…

“BRUTUS STOP! DAMN IT!!!” Katelynn pushed his persistent muzzle away and gazed at him, shocked to see his cock still fully exposed in all of its immense size…

Including the hugely swollen knot, indeed Brutus’s cock had to be nine or more inches in length! The knot still swollen to the size of a large lemon!

Her college boyfriend had an average erection of somewhere between five to nearly five and a half inches in length, though it wasn’t very girthy, and her high school boyfriend’s was less than four and a half inches in length, or even less, and it was a pencil dick too!

A dog having a much larger penis, much, much longer and certainly much thicker than her only two serious boyfriends, for some reason, despite the current circumstance, she thought was funny…

“That is a ridiculously large and very ugly cock you have there Brutus! You look like a cartoon with that thing!

However, Katelynn was still unsettled with her thoughts and what had just happened… She got some bath towels out and got into the walk-in shower and turned the full body sprays on full force blasting the cum off her body, then she backed up to one of the wall mounted spray heads to allow it to flush the cum out of her vagina, then she turned around and thoroughly soaped up and vigorously scrubbed away at her flat stomach and pussy.

After several long minutes Katelynn got out, dried off, and retrieved her now dry clothes from the dryer and put them on. For the remainder of the day she kept a whining, persistent Brutus at arm’s length. That evening she made him sleep on the floor when he tried to sneak up on the bed. By late evening the storm had passed and the next morning they hiked back down to the ranch headquarters.

That night back in her own cabin Katelynn found herself tossing and turning in her bed unable to sleep. Brutus again tried to sneak up on her bed but she made him sleep on his pallet. What she had allowed to happen had been her worst of being a single woman. She well knew alcohol made her horny, blaming herself for drinking an entire bottle of wine and her higher than normal libido that had weakened her inhibitions, combining with flashbacks of the kinky memories of her and her two girlfriends that one time watching bestiality videos.

Yet oddly, she realized she had experienced some of her best orgasms ever by oral, which again made her flash back to the women in those beast videos getting licked by dogs getting the women aroused and climaxing, and both she and her girlfriends knew they were not faking it, as only women can know….

Katelynn felt a degree of self-loathing for letting it happen but even now she couldn’t stop thinking about how it had felt…

That powerful, delightfully warm broad tongue lashing her aroused pussy and the tongue very forcibly trying, trying, trying unsuccessfully to slip past her tight, narrow vaginal entrance that further stimulated her with the tonguing exertions to do so. Fitfully Katelynn fell asleep only to wake at first light again thinking how wonderful it really felt and the incredible orgasms she had experienced…

Yes, she realized it was perverted to have allowed a dog to do that to her, actually, she rationalized she did try to stop him but he had scared her when he growled at her! The first time he had ever done that directed toward her! Besides she rationalized, Brutus was too strong and outweighed her by over fifty pounds for her to able to stop him from licking her and then trying to fuck her… In the end, who did it hurt? It was only oral licking…, and she had managed, barely, to prevent him from rape fucking her… However, Katelynn resolved she would not allow it to ever happen again.

Katelynn then started thinking she really needed to start dating again, maybe joining one of those dating websites so she could winnow out suitors beforehand, instead of meeting them cold turkey and later finding out they were not serious boyfriend and husband material. Also there were several of her local girlfriends with standing offers to set her up on double dates with them.



To Katelynn’s great annoyance, despite continuing K9 training and his obedience to K9 commands, Brutus now seemed to be even more persistent in seizing opportunities to try to lick her when the occasion arose, and no longer was he so easily deterred…

On several occasions Katelynn had to firmly push him away and give him a stern scolding. With his increasing male sexual behavior towards her and her girlfriends, Katelynn sought counsel from the ranch veterinarian who was also a long-term best girlfriend of hers, Samantha, at twenty-nine years of ages, was five years older than Katelynn. Like Katelynn, Samantha had grown up in Aspen and had returned home after she graduated with a doctorate degree in veterinarian science and became a partner in a veterinary clinic.

Katelynn explained to Samantha that Brutus was getting more and more intimately persistent with her and her other girlfriends, it was quite embarrassing, and there had been a very close call one time. Brutus being huge, powerful, heavy and hard-headed it is extremely difficult to deter him when he gets that way despite all his K9 training.

Samantha explained there was no anti-libido drugs for male animals, the only solution is desexing them to reduce their instincts, however neutering does not eliminate them completely. If male animals are not desexed well before they reach maturity, like Brutus, they will always retain some of their male sexual instincts.

Samantha explained that “male dolphins and unneutered male dogs have very strong instinctive sexual tendencies and are the most promiscuous of all animal species. Truly they are the male sluts of the world, willing to fuck anything, regardless of species, if given a chance…

Dolphins and porpoises are the only known animal species that have sex for pleasure. Male dolphins and porpoises are widely known trying to mate with swimming women, and if they are wearing bikinis, especially a thong or micro bikini, the prehensile like capabilities of their twelve to fourteen inch cocks easily slips under a skimpy bikini like it isn’t even there! There are numerous well documented instances when male dolphins and porpoises have been successful in their endeavors! I have even come across a couple of videos of happening on the Internet!” Samantha stated with a chuckle.

“Research has determined that dependent upon the breed, a dog’s nose is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. So when an unneutered male dog senses a female is coming into heat, or is in heat, or is sexually aroused, they will try to mate with it regardless of the species – hence their embarrassing behavior with women.

Since Brutus is at least one plus years past his full maturity, if I go ahead and neuter Brutus, he will still be inclined towards showing unfavorable entire-male behaviors of aggression toward other males and dominance. As you know Atlas, the ranch’s Great Swiss Mountain dog is not neutered. That is because studies have long shown that unneutered guard dogs make the best guard dogs, including guarding flocks and herds.” Samantha explained.

“I was sure hoping you could give him a shot or something to reduce his horny behavior! I really don’t want Brutus neutered because some of his male traits are positive – he is a very good deterrent against unwanted suitors.”  Katelynn replied laughing.

“Yeah, I have the same problem myself, even getting hit on when my boyfriend is standing next to me!

It’s this town!

All the rich seasonal residents and all the rich tourists that come here year-round. Seems the richer you are the more you believe you can get away with, including bad manners and behavior. After all, Aspen is a small town with less than 7,000 fulltime residents.” Samantha answered in reply, then she continued saying,

“Katelynn, being with you at the ranch, I know you help out with the stud breeding activities, manually collecting semen when the stallion is not actually covering a mare. The only solution with Brutus is that when he gets to be too much at times, that you consider masturbating him. That should settle him down for a while…”

Katelynn couldn’t help developing a blush, and Samantha being the good friend she is laughed at Katelynn’s reacting embarrassment saying,

“Good Grief Katelynn!

Jacking off horses by hand to collect their semen, it’s no different than jacking off a boyfriend!

It will be the same doing Brutus.”

Yet despite how hard she tried, Katelynn couldn’t shake the memory of what happened up at the line cabin, no way could she tell Samantha just how near a thing it was that almost went waaay too far…

Katelynn thanked her best friend for her advice and left, telling Samantha she still had to do a few things in town. As the days and next few weeks passed, still, unbidden memories of the events up at the line cabin kept peskily popping up despite how hard she tried to banish them.

Then one evening coming back from a ranch cookout for the guests, Katelynn was feeling pleasantly tipsy from a few too many beers. She smelled like smoke from the campfire. Back at her cabin home Katelynn strip her clothes off and took a shower. Katelynn had a walk-in shower with full body sprays.  As she felt the needle-like warm sprays caressing her body she turned the controls to begin pulsing streams of water from the six jets. As she turned to wash off, one pulsing jet hit her pussy and she paused to enjoy the feeling. When drinking she always gets horny and tonight she had a couple too many…

Katelynn angled herself so the pulsing jet hit her clit just right, it was not the first time she had gotten off in the shower. After a few minutes of somewhat assuaging her arousal she stepped out of the shower and paused in front of the mirror, admiring how well-toned she kept her tall, lithe nearly twenty-five year old body.

Katelynn placed her hands on her large firm DD breasts, caressing them for a bit, thankful once again that despite being large they were so firm and perky they didn’t sag one bit. Her tiny pink nipples turned diamond hard from her caressing. Katelynn took a deep breath filling her lungs, making her round breasts raise up higher. Her hands gently glided down her rock-hard flat stomach, to her thighs and then around to her cute firm hard as steel ass cheeks. When her hands reached upward again, Katelynn’s right hand was drawn up to her still aroused sex, lightly touching herself, her fingers lightly on her clit.

Katelynn shuddered, groaning a little of the pleasurable feeling. Katelynn closed her eyes, one hand massaging her firm breasts and caressing her diamond hard nipples, the fingers of her other hand circling her clit. She slowly ran a finger up and down her slit, barely bumping her clit but still feeling it again become swollen and erect, felt her pussy grow warm and moist. Little waves of pleasure spread from her groin over her flat stomach and into her nipples, making them even harder. She realized there was no stopping now, she knew how this was going to end – her in bed with her favorite dildo…

Katelynn felt her taut body trembling with sexual arousal. Damn she needed to find Mr. Right! Difficult as it was, Katelynn stopped playing with herself, reserving that for bed when she will use her never-fail-to-get-her-off self-thrusting vibrating rabbit dildo!

Feeling her needy arousal increasing, Katelynn hurried her shower and stepped out to dry off. Propping one long athletic leg up to dry it off, she felt a lick at the back of her thigh. Brutus had wandered into the bathroom, Katelynn thought he was only interested in the drops of water on her skin so she didn’t pay him a great deal of attention in her rush to get dried off and to her trusty dildo to get herself off.

Brutus licked again and again, randomly over the back of Katelynn’s thighs still catching the drops of water that ran down, and yet she still paid him little attention as she leaned forward to dry off her foot, her mind on an urgent matter to get to…

Brutus’s tongue seemed to follow Katelynn’s movements as she continued drying off, his tongue kissing at the crease at the bottom of her rear and the back of her right thigh. Katelynn made a halfhearted effort at stopping him by swatting at his nose telling him to go away before returning her full attention to drying off.

In Katelynn’s later hindsight, this was where things went from innocent and probably very ordinary, to more outside the line… AGAIN!

Katelynn’s distracted swipe at his muzzle had pushed Brutus more toward her center, his next lick ran up the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks catching both cheeks at once! It was enough of a lick to cause Katelynn to sort of pause in place while she tried switching her mind from the subject of imminently using her dildo and the realization that Brutus was up to his intimate tricks again!

Before Katelynn had processed a single thought his next lick dropped lower, landing just to the left of her labia lips into the crease of her inner thigh and pubic area. By this time Katelynn had processed enough to shift her ass away and reached a hand down to again push his muzzle firmly away from her crotch saying as she did so “Whoa boy! No! No! NO! Damn Brutus! How many times do you have to be told not to do that!”

Hearing her scolding tone Brutus didn’t move, but he also didn’t lick again allowing Katelynn to focus on drying off. However, hard-headed Brutus, picking up on Katelynn emitting sex pheromones from her arousal, a few moments later, another lick landed in the same place as the last, followed by a rapid second lick that landed almost squarely on her pussy lips and then shot up toward the crack of her ass. Katelynn’s froze at the intimate contact in that sort of “hello” shock as Brutus took advantage of her frozen state to give another lick directly on her pussy!

Katelynn stood and turned toward Brutus again scolding him. Brutus stopped trying to lick her and just stared back at her, sitting back on his hind legs. Well aware of his intimate persistence by now when he gets this way Katelynn wrapped her towel around her and she reached for her blow-dryer knowing he didn’t like the air blowing in his face before moving it to dry her hair. Brutus backed off a few feet then sat down again watching his mistress begin drying her hair.

Katelynn leaned back against the counter, her head back and rolling to each side as she slowly worked her hair dry as Brutus sat a few feet away watching…

Katelynn once again made the mistake of paying him no real attention focused now on her hair, allowing him unimpeded access to her skin, this time planting a lapping lick that slapped directly at her already aroused clit! Katelynn was startled feeling his broad, powerful tongue slithering right between her pussy lips that were already puffy and damp from her earlier arousal and play in the shower…

Startled at the touch Katelynn jumped up with a shock looking down at Brutus, standing there with his head tipped to one side. Katelynn sternly stated, “You can keep your nose out of there you PERVERT!”

However Brutus was becoming increasingly excited as Katelynn’s sweet sexual scent filled his nostrils as her autonomous responsive carnal arousal wet her vaginal slit. Katelynn turned around again and propped her leg up on the bathroom counter and bent over to finish drying her long hair, inadvertently giving Brutus another opportunity. He snuck in another lick, a good one, his long powerful tongue splitting the lips of her labia apart of Katelynn’s still aroused pussy!

Startled again by Brutus’s renewed assault, Katelynn’s foot slipped and instead of coming off the counter for her to stand up right her foot slipped forward into the sink momentarily causing her to be caught and having to reach one hand up to brace herself on the wall to keep from falling, however Katelynn was now spread-eagle in a vertical position that allowed Brutus full unrestricted wide-open access and he rapidly began assaulting her slit again…

“Damn it Brutus Stop That!” Katelynn admonished trying to regain her balance and pulling her foot out of the sink and standing upright again, well-aware of the heated flush suffusing her pussy…

Katelynn mentally caught herself…

Uncomfortably laughing a little at the situation of her body again responding to an animal’s advances, aware she had become even more aroused than when she was in the shower, this time awkwardly so…

Brutus made another move toward her but Katelynn roughly pushed him aside.

“STOP THAT!”  Giving Brutus a stern admonishment with as much force in her voice she could muster. Her shove had turned Brutus sideways and he backed away from her harsh voice and sat back down looking at her. Katelynn glared at her dog to emphasize her command but her eyes were caught by the distracting enormous red glistening penis gently pulsing underneath her sitting dog…

Again startled and confused by the sensation, Katelynn felt another sudden warmness spread throughout her groin as a slight tingle in her pussy sent shivers up her spine. She shivered and shook off the sudden increase of unnatural arousal, blaming it on the alcoholic buzz from the few too many beers she had at the ranch cookout this evening. However, her eyes kept betraying her, flicking back down now and then to Brutus’s enormous baby maker.

“Shit! He must have at least five inches showing!”

Katelynn clearly remembering he has much more than that, thanks to getting drunk on wine up at the line cabin a few weeks ago, knew he was much, much bigger than the majority of men…

Katelynn wet her lips gulping once more as she stared at his flexing maleness. Her heart beat a bit faster of this seemingly captivating taboo of a primal attraction to a grotesque looking, obscenely large and frightening cock that was in some unreasonably way unnaturally arousing her…

Again Katelynn blamed herself for having a few too many beers at the cook out knowing alcohol made her horny, and then getting further aroused in the shower. Her emotions were mixed, she still had the urge to punish him for being so unruly, but after her conversation with Samantha she thought she understood how Brutus must feel, what guys feel who go too long without sex, a case of blue balls…

“Damn It! I better take Samantha’s advice and jack him off so he will quit pestering me for a while…”

Katelynn felt shocked at her decision, yet she rationalized it was the thing to do, after all it was the professional advice from her best friend, Samantha, the veterinarian,, her alcoholic buzz lessening her inhibitions a bit helping to make the decision easier. Katelynn knelt down, the action causing her towel to fall off…

“Oh what the hell, I needed a towel under him anyway so I don’t have to clean up a mess later.”

Katelynn battled conflicting thoughts even as she found herself reaching with her hand closing her eyes and letting her hand slowly and gently grasp his sheath, slightly startled at the heat emanating from it…

“Whoa, your cock is warm… and really heavy.” She caught herself saying as she lifted up the hefty floppy pink vein covered cock. Slowly she began to move her hand back and forth along his sheath feeling its impressive length and growing thickness. Despite herself, feeling his cock getting bigger, Katelynn felt a growing fascination with what she was doing. Katelynn repositioned herself so that she could have a better view of his cock emerging from its sheath. Emboldened, Katelynn slid her soft warm slender fingers down to where his penis was exposed and lightly wrapped her fingers around his throbbing hot cock…

As she raised the tip of his cock Brutus instinctively humped against her hand, Katelynn could feel the beginning swelling of what will later become the knot inside his sheath jutting forward slamming into her grip. Katelynn’s eyes went wide as she immediately released her delicate grip. Katelynn realized she had made Brutus flinch in sexual excitement. She had had that same effect with her two previous boyfriends she had been sexual with, just by touching them…

Katelynn stared at his throbbing masculinity, convincing herself with little difficulty to go through with it…

“Fine Brutus! I’m doing this for you so you can quit pestering me and embarrassing me and my friends.”

Katelynn increased her stroking of his sheath, rapidly at least six plus inches of his cock emerged, swollen and reddish pink, and then it began leaking precum – a great deal of thin watery precum, feel the warm slippery fluid coating her hand. Katelynn again noticed the way his cock was still growing and swelling in girth, now considerably much, much larger than her two previous boyfriend’s cocks, throbbing and glossy with precum lubrication. She stared at his growing penis, ashamed yet unable to avert her eyes with what she was doing. Then, a tingling sensation once more welled up in her vagina, already building up from when she had played the water jet against her clit minutes ago when she was teasing herself in the shower, feeling her pussy now begin suffusing with heat and growing moist…

Katelynn bit her lip shaking her head trying to get rid of the feeling of growing arousal which suddenly had arisen higher within her. Brutus sniffed at the air lowering his head, looking back between her parted thighs, smelling her arousal…

Oh, What The Hell Am I Doing???!

Katelynn said to herself as she looked on in amazement at the growing size of his cock, and for some unnatural reason, she felt herself getting even more aroused, wondering how she could be getting horny from jacking a dog off!  But almost as if in a trance, her hand just wouldn’t let go…she really WANTED to see how big his cock would get – again!  It kept growing, then pre-cum was no longer leaking but began jetting out in powerful squirts…

Tightening her grip Katelynn started to jack Brutus energetically. His cock began hammering in her grip as Brutus energetically fucked his swelling cock through her stroking fist and his cock grew ever bigger. Katelynn decided she needed a better position than kneeling and she sat down next to Brutus, sliding a leg under Brutus so he was standing astride her thigh…

Watching his cock grow ever larger and grotesque in appearance, now close to nine inches in length, feeling his swelling knot getting huge, Katelynn inhibitions slightly began to fade, helped by the flitting images of Brutus giving her oral a few weeks ago back up at the line cabin and the huge orgasms she had experienced, remembering the videos she and her girlfriends watched that one night back in college, while all of them drunk and flying on Ecstasy…

Just as Katelynn completed the thought, a long powerful hot jet squirted onto her heaving hard nipple breasts…

“OH!” Katelynn gasped.

But she did not relinquish her grip or her jacking as she continued to jerk his now nine plus inch long cock as she kept it levered down away from her face – aimed at her heaving breasts as it continued to explosively squirt powerful jets of hot precum coating her breasts! Her hard tiny nipples were dripping milky liquid and running between her cleavage down the flat plane of her taut muscular stomach!

She felt the copious warm liquid course over her almost hairless pubic mound and then, acutely, felt his watery hot pre-cum flow down across her pussy coating it, coursing in-between her now swollen, openly parted labia lips directly into her exposed open furrow. Then her jerking hand jacking his cock caused an errant jet of hot pre-cum to arrow in-between her spread legs and blast directly against her pussy and now swollen exposed clit, the sensation causing her to let out a guttural aroused moan…

A look of awe came over Katelynn’s face; she had jacked off her two past boyfriends, but never had she seen a man shoot out such a great amount as this, only an amount far larger when she had jacked off the stud stallions for semen collection. Again Katelynn was amazed and astounded at how really hung Brutus was!

Overall, including his frighteningly huge knot, his ugly cock was way over nine inches in length and his equally ugly knot had swollen to the size of a baseball! Then before she realized it, Katelynn was suddenly conscious she was playing with her pussy! Still, at this point she couldn’t stop now, extremely horny as she had become, rubbing her swollen clit she began sliding a finger in and out of her aroused pussy….

Ewwww! Katelynn suddenly realized she was finger-fucking dog cum inside her! And she was covered in dog cum too, feeling and seeing it dripping off her hard nipples.

What The Hell Am I Doing? YUCK!”

 Katelynn rose up and shoved Brutus out of the bathroom shutting the door on him and then got back in the shower and rinsed off. After drying off again, still incredibly horny, Katelynn hurried to her bed and her favorite toy…

By now Katelynn was feeling very, very incredibly horny and she really needed to take care of her sexual neediness!!! She reached into her drawer for the bottle of Bad Dragon lube and her self-thrusting vibrating rabbit dildo, laid back on the bed and started to play…

It didn’t take long before she was again dripping wet due to the buzzing rabbit ears against her swollen exposed clit, her tiny nipples were hard as she pinched them and then she began inserting her self-thrusting dildo between the lips of her swollen pussy, gradually getting use to the two-inch thrust strokes of the dildo, slowly working the six inch long dildo ever deeper into her abnormally tight pussy…

You could hear the wet squelching of her pussy as the thrusting dildo worked its magic with its long two inch strokes, the rabbit ears vibrating so wonderfully against her hard clit and her dildo fucking her Katelynn was oblivious to anything around her, totally unaware that Brutus had wandered back into the bedroom…

Readers, you well remember how deep the need to climax is…

It feels like it is in the pit of your soul and you know that need to orgasm is so bad you just have to keep going until you explode and Katelynn was getting there fast!

Lying on her back Katelynn let her upraised knees fall outward opening her thighs wide allowing the self-thrusting dildo to pound six inches deep in her pussy feeling the tip prodding against her cervix, she was shaking with full on passion moaning loudly.

Katelynn slowly pulled the dildo out until she hit that magic spot and tilting the mechanical dildo she forced the end hard against her G spot. She was in heaven as the ripples of the fast approaching orgasm began to build in her, her cries of arousal became louder and louder. As the full force of her orgasm hit her Katelynn was powerless at this point so completely absorbed was she in her intense climax.

Now only another woman can understand that when one of the super powerful orgasms hits your body it takes on a life of its own. Wave after wave of pure lustful pleasure flowed through Katelynn, her breathing became erratic, her legs went stiff with each passing moment, her long, lean taut shuddering body locked in that moment of total orgasmic cum lust and she was not going to stop as she was easily multi-orgasmic!

As her cascading orgasms exploded Katelynn gripped the bedding with one hand while she pounded her dildo in and out of her hot tight pussy as she was overwhelmed within the intense throes of her multiple orgasm! The primal sexual recesses of her subconscious had taken over shuddering deep in her core.

Then, Brutus made his move again….

Dimly her mind screamed out that to let Brutus lick her again was wrong!

Brutus got in three long lascivious licks dragging his tongue over Katelynn’s engorged exposed clit before Katelynn could impatiently forcibly shove his huge head away hard with one hand loudly shouting,

“Damn It Brutus Go Away! Let Me Finish Cumming! Go To Your Bed!!!”

After she calmed down a bit from her multiple orgasms Katelynn realized that when his tongue had lashed over her swollen clit she was struck with an electric jolt of pleasure intensifying her orgasms! Again disgusted with herself and with Brutus, Katelynn padded back to the bathroom to cleanse her dildo, chiding herself. Right then and there she resolved never, ever to let it happen again!

Maybe she had better get him fixed, but Samantha had warned her since he was now fully grown that if he did get neutered, at his age he would still have urges and still exhibit unwanted male behavior.  Katelynn decided the next time she jacks him off it will be outside and wearing clothes!



One weekend, Katelynn’s parents and ranch/resort employees were all away on a one-week vacation so no guests were staying at the ranch that week. Katelynn had to attend a fund-raising event at the Aspen Snowmass Club for a charity and since she was on the charity committee she had the obligation to attend. Since this was a dressy affair, Katelynn chose a Gucci one shoulder asymmetric gown featuring a high thigh slit with matching shoes and a Gucci clutch purse. As usual, she always took Brutus with her for company whenever she went into town. This evening was no different, taking Brutus to the country club, where he would wait in her Range Rover until the event was over and they returned back to the ranch.

After the fund raising was over, Katelynn was obligated to stay and chat with some of the more ostentatious donors who had only contributed to raise their own self-importance in Aspen’s high society circle. She received numerous compliments on her dress. A few mixed drinks later Katelynn was feeling relaxed. The club bartenders were excellent and knew her on sight, always friendly, in fact she sought them out on other occasions when she wanted to break away from a boring group discussion or a persistent unwanted suitor.

Katelynn had just finished her third drink and she had told herself she should have stopped at two because she had more than a good buzz going on and had drunk them faster than she should have. She suspected the bartenders also made her drinks a bit more special than the other members since she was always nice to them and tipped well. She would have to be extra careful with her drive back to the ranch so she didn’t attract any attention from a patrol car. She was making her way through the crowd to go back to the bar for coffee to help with the drive back when once again she was accosted by James…

“My Oh My! Katelynn you look absolutely stunning! Enchanting Even! Easily by far you are the most beautiful woman here, no, make that all of Aspen!” James emphatically gushed.

“James, not again! The answer is NO and always will be NO!” Katelynn exasperatedly replied.

James, acting like he didn’t hear a word pushing a new full drink into her hand saying “my poor amends for my repeated bad behavior for hitting on you… I’ve come to realize it was extremely bad manners and I apologize for offending you with my repeated attempts to get you to go out on a date with me.” Katelynn was surprised to see it was her favorite drink. Seeing her questioning look James said

“Ah, the bartenders informed me of your drink preference…”

Katelynn thanked James for the drink and turned away to mingle but James was having none of it. He started making small talk with her about the charity and how was the family tourist business going, expressing that he was glad she had decided to stay in Aspen and run the family resort instead of moving away and working for one of the agricultural conglomerates.

Katelynn wondered how James knew so much about her personal life, instantly her unease about him increased exponentially…

After another minute or so of his nonsense gabbing, Katelynn realized that yet again, James in a roundabout way, was trying steer the conversation in convincing her to go out with him. Katelynn began looking for any excuse to breakaway. His slick smarmy manners has always been an instant turn-off for her, and now his knowledge of her personal life made her even more uneasy.

To her relief one of the donors came up to speak with Katelynn and Katelynn excused herself from James much to his visible annoyance, thankful she could get away from the snobbish entitled jerk.

Fifteen minutes later, in horror Katelynn realized something had been slipped into one of her drinks!

She wasn’t sure which drink, since she had a few drinks after the fund raising event had been over, setting the drinks down unattended a few times before coming back to them. The event had been well attended so there was a pretty sizeable crowd.

Katelynn had paced herself, only allowing herself one drink every forty minutes or so with a glass of water in-between and making sure she had eaten at the club before the fund raising event started.  Then Katelynn realized the timing was suspicious with James, having recently giving her a drink since it had been awhile since the last cocktail she had finished. She wouldn’t put anything past that slimy entitled spoiled bastard, especially how he has been hounding her for years to go out with him…

Katelynn felt herself becoming flushed, a sense of euphoria edging in, sensations of lightness and floating. With a shock Katelynn recognized the effects of Ecstasy!

However unknown to Katelynn, James had given her a cocktail that he had very heavily spiked with Ecstasy along with two other hallucinogens – LSD and Psilocybin. The three hallucinogenic drug combination was known as ‘Jedi Flipping’.

Psilocybin was easily available in Denver which had decriminalized it in 2019. James knew the Ecstasy would affect Katelynn first, getting Katelynn to relax and create feelings of empathy and intimacy. It would also increase her sociability and closeness so he could keep her engaged and ply her with more spiked drinks until she was thoroughly plastered, and then the LSD and Psilocybin would begin to kick in. Being the helpful concerned friend he is, he would help her outside to get her home…

James, having successfully done this several times before when he was at the university and jet-setting around the world, knew the cocktail would soon induce psychoactive effects, and in heavier dosages, as he had given Katelynn, would act as a very effective date rape drug inducing periods of memory loss as well as making girls wantonly horny – which he had planned all along for this super-hot bitch!

No longer will he be denied the pleasures of her exquisite body…

There have been countless nights when he had jacked off fantasizing about Katelynn, even when fucking another girl he had imagined he was fucking Katelynn, encouraging him to fuck all that much harder, and James was not a considerate lover, only his pleasure mattered, the harder and rougher the better, and the word ‘NO’ held no meaning when he was fucking…

James had remarked to Steve, on more than one occasion, he was going to fuck Katelynn one day – whether she wanted it or not!

And tonight was The Night…

The Ecstasy already affecting her, Katelynn was already beginning to err in her judgement, thinking she needed to get out of the Snowmass Club and drive back to the ranch before the Ecstasy fully kicked in and she began hallucinating. Most of the people at the fund raiser were out-of-town residents/club members and guests of those club members, so practically strangers, and those she knew she did not know them well. Katelynn started making her way through the crowd to the exit, glancing around the crowded ball room trying to discern who was furtively watching her, giving her a clue who had spiked her drink…

She saw that bastard James talking up two girls, noticed though that he had his eyes firmly fixed on her, tracking her through the large room…


Katelynn had used Ecstasy a few times in college when partying with her girlfriends. She also knew the drug made her insanely horny, as it did her girlfriends, as Katelynn and two of her best girlfriends had surprisingly found out one night when all three of them wound up in bed having girl sex with each other!

Katelynn had never thought of herself as bi-sexual or a lesbian, in fact she never had given a thought to a person’s sexual orientation. If a friend was a true friend, she didn’t care what their sexual orientation was.

However, having sex with her two best girlfriends was not just a one-time thing…

Katelynn nor her two best girlfriends were sluts, they were not about to go out trolling for a man for a one-night stand just to temporarily satisfy their horniness! They all agreed that by doing it with each other it would later on negate the uncomfortable inevitable questions every future boyfriend, fiancé or husband asks:

‘How many guys have you had before me? How was he compared to me? Were any of them bigger than me? How did it feel? Did he make you cum? How many times?’

So on several subsequent occasions, Katelynn and her girlfriends had sex together… She had been attracted to girls before, even sexually once or twice when she was drunk, but frequent sex with her two best girlfriends was definitely not something she ever thought would happen to her, let alone something she would willingly join in on, or actually really fully enjoy…

Women intimately and instinctively know best how to pleasure another woman better than a man ever could! And a variety of sex toys and strap-on dildos made it even more interesting!  She and her girlfriends continued getting each other off until they all graduated with their master’s degrees and went their separate ways, or had found a serious boyfriend…

Katelynn herself only has had two long term boyfriends she had intercourse with, one in high school, though she always believed her one and only time to try to have intercourse then never counted since he had popped off in his condom just trying to enter her, and then they had broken up immediately afterwards.

The second one was a boyfriend in college whom she thought she would marry – until he decided to go to Eastern Europe at the end of their junior year to finish his undergraduate and a master’s degrees in Architecture and Urban Design. During their time together he had dropped broad hints that he would probably stay to live in Europe after he earned his degrees. After they had broken up and he had gone to Europe, Katelynn had plenty of casual dates afterwards, however she had refrained from any type of sexual intimacy with guys until she was sure “Mr. Right” had come along, and so far he hadn’t…

In a raising panic feeling the drugs suffuse through her, Katelynn reached the ballroom exit and made her way through the bar area to the front entrance. She glanced back at the ballroom exit and saw James emerge, tracking her…  Katelynn exited the club and she hurried to keep their distance separated and make it back to her vehicle. Brutus, ever alert, started excitedly barking seeing his mistress walking unsteadily toward him, bouncing on his front legs, his 180 pounds of enthusiasm making her vehicle’s suspension visibly rock.

Katelynn hurriedly pressed her key fob several times unlocking her Range Rover and making the SUV repeatedly beep its horn and flash its lights which exited Brutus even more. As Katelynn neared her Range Rover, Brutus’s barking got louder and more frequent as she grew closer. Reaching her vehicle, she paused and saw James in the parking lot. He had stopped and was staring at her, James realizing she was not alone…

James began cussing he couldn’t get to Katelynn in time before she reached her SUV to act as a concerned friend because of that damn huge dog of hers, he had another vial of his drug concoction ready to force into her mouth to have his way with her and ensure temporary memory loss. He had no doubt Katelynn would let her damn dog out if she felt threatened. Though James didn’t notice and didn’t know about them, he also was in full view of one of the newly installed high definition security cameras in the parking lot…

Katelynn glared at James and shot the bastard the finger and climbed into her Range Rover and drove off. Brutus immediately sensed something was wrong and started whining, repeatedly nudging Katelynn. James momentarily thought about following Katelynn but her giving him the finger he thought otherwise, her display of contempt for him clearly demonstrated she knew that he had drugged her.

James slightly worried about it then blew the thought off, the drug combination had worked well for him in the past, none of the girls he had drugged had remembered what had happened, and he always carried a bottle of douche with him when he was on the prowl to flush any remaining residues out of their ass and pussy and carefully redressed the girls afterwards.

As Katelynn felt herself become increasingly euphoric, she thought she could make the fourteen miles back to the ranch before the Ecstasy fully kicked in. But five miles away from the ranch she was in serious doubt about making it even to the ranch entrance…

Katelynn felt a whole body buzz warmly suffusing through her, she further slowed down her driving despite her sense of urgency to make it to the safety of the gated ranch entrance. In hindsight, Katelynn knew she should have gone up to the bar and had one of the bartenders call the club manager, EMS and the police. She knew the bartenders and manager would have protected her…

To focus her attention on her driving, she started think what sorry bastards James and Steve were, resorting to drugging women to have sex with them. Steve, yes, he was very crude and repugnant. No reasonable, decent girl with any sense would go out with him.  James, as attractive and personable as he was, Katelynn was sure he got plenty of sex all the time without having to resort to drugging women but his actions tonight proved otherwise!

Damn spoiled rich kids!

Just because they were super rich and their parents had influence they think they could get away with anything! Well, she and her parents were long-time good friends with the county sheriff, several of the deputies, and the Aspen police chief! Tomorrow she would call both departments and make appointments to see them after she went to her doctor to get checked out and exactly determine what she had been drugged with! Right now she just wanted to get back to the safety of the ranch…

As she drove, Katelynn couldn’t come up with enough adjectives to describe what a reprehensible human being James and his ilk were. However, her focus was rapidly diminishing as the dissociative properties of the Ecstasy and the other drugs begin affecting her more, the drugs rapidly asserting their grip upon her mind, and making her body react…

Katelynn felt her body temperature rising as in a fever! Sweat was breaking out, the music playing and the dashboard lighting seem surreal. As she continued driving she felt the Ecstasy slowly further affecting her rational thinking, becoming more difficult to drive, unable to maintain concentration with feelings of dissolution kicking in.

Suddenly Katelynn realized she had begun hallucinating!

Katelyn then knew she had been giving some combination of drugs! She had never gotten this fucked up before on Ecstasy alone! Katelynn slapped herself trying to gain focus to make it back to the ranch, she opened her window to let the cool mountain air blow in her face.

A few miles from the ranch entrance, Katelynn suddenly felt a heated flush course through her body!  An acute feeling of incredible arousal surged through her in conjunction with her libido rocketing off into orbit! Never had she felt so overwhelming and uncontrollably horny before!  Whatever she had been given, she knew it had to be a combination of something that would make her delusional, divorced from reality and stimulate her libido. From previous experience she well knew that Ecstasy exponentially escalated her already naturally high libido…

With each slow passing mile she felt the drugs drastically escalating her sexual libido and her body growing uncomfortably warmer. An intense heat began blooming in her loins immediately followed by a sensation of her pussy becoming steamy moist, then, an unbearable need to be fucked took hold…

As the slow minutes passed as she neared the ranch entrance, the need to be fucked grew exponentially, soon, the only thing she could think about was getting home as quick as she could, shedding her clothes to cool off her drug-heated body, and using her favorite dildo and fucking herself with it until she could fuck herself no more…

Thanks to the drug-induced time lag, what seemed to be an unbearable eternity, Katelynn finally pulled into the ranch entrance. She pushed the control button on the Range Rover’s overhead console for the automatic gate opener and the huge double gates slowly opened.

Inching and weaving along on the internal ranch road Katelynn made it as far as the stables located several hundred yards from the front entrance of the ranch before she decided she better pull into the stables and stop, knowing she could go no further in her drugged state.

Dimly, Katelynn realized she had been hit with a very heavy dose of very potent Ecstasy, and pretty positive that another type of psychoactive date rape drug had also been added. It was a miracle she made it as far as she did, however, she also knew that with her rapidly deteriorating condition, she could not further navigate the nearly three additional miles of twisting, hilly internal ranch road to reach home.

The stables had an office with a shower and a large and very comfortable leather couch that Katelynn could crash on. She decided that if she felt herself feeling even further affected she would call 911, if not, she would rest there until the effects of the drugs started passing in a few hours…



Upon reaching the stable, Katelynn had to sit for several moments to gather herself to get out of her vehicle, when she did, she badly stumbled getting out of her Range Rover and then with great effort, slowly she unsteadily weaved her way toward the stable entrance followed by a concerned, whining Brutus.

Atlas, the ranch’s Great Swiss Mountain dog came out of the stables to eagerly greet her, inadvertently with her unsteady drugged state, Atlas’s enthusiastic greeting knocked Katelynn over onto her hands and knees, both Brutus and Atlas licking her face in concern.

With great effort, Katelynn got back up on her feet then weaved her way into the stable and barged through the office door leaving it wide open, her mind now fully awash with colorful psychedelic miasma from the hallucinogenic drugs that she had been plied with. Her body felt like it was on fire and growing hotter, she knew that Ecstasy elevated a person’s body temperature and the way she felt now she knew she had been slipped a huge dose!

Katelynn breathed heavily. Sweat fell off the tip of her nose and chin. “It’s hot in here. I’m getting dizzy. It’s difficult to stand.” Katelynn’s only driving thought was to shed her clothes as fast as possible and get under a cool shower. Tripping on the psychoactive drugs, thoughts of calling 911 wisped away in a colorful mist…

Stumbling toward the couch, Katelynn shed her clothes off until she was completely naked. Completely unsteady on her feet and tripping from the drugs, Katelynn collapsed onto the cool leather of the huge couch to rest a moment before heading to the bathroom for a cool shower. By this time sweat was beading up coating her long, lean body in a sheen. The longer she rested on the couch, the weaker she felt, colorful psychedelic hallucinations now blasting her mind almost non-stop as she floated in a psychedelic miasma, unable to muster the energy to get back up…

In her drug-induced relaxed state, Katelynn laid slouched upon the couch with her legs spread apart in front of her, feet on the floor, to help shed the drug stimulated heat emanating from her body in simmering waves, tripping hard, totally unawares….

To Brutus, with his prior human female experience, seeing Katelynn sprawled out in front of him in this position was all he needed. With fully open access he began licking Katelynn’s upper inner thighs…

Feeling Brutus’s heated tongue on her already hot flushed body Katelynn’s eyelids fluttered open and reality crept back into her consciousness. Something was very wrong…

Brutus! Damn It! He had his head between her legs and was licking her – AGAIN!


Weakly, Katelynn futilely tried pushing Brutus away but Brutus was insistent…

Katelynn was bewildered, confused with what was happening, befuddled at her own reactions or rather lack of reaction, she felt so damn weak. Despite Katelynn being in outstanding athletic condition, in her severely drug-weakened state, she was unable to push Brutus’s powerful broad head from between her upper thighs, her futile efforts only seemed to encourage Brutus to wedge his head further up between her inner thighs spreading them further apart as he continued licking further and further upwards…

“That damn Ecstasy James slipped me is really strong, he must have slipped more than one hit into my drink, and he must have drugged me with something else in addition to the Ecstasy… I, I need to call 911…” Katelynn muzzily thought, however her drug addled mind had become too hazy to coherently analyze her fleeting thought further let alone call for emergency help…

Momentarily Brutus gazed at Katelynn. His keen nose, taking in the heady point source of steamy sex emanating from her over-heated loins, rekindled the fairly recent strong memory of licking his new mistress up at the line cabin and since then how she had twice given him a type of relief for his instinctive sexual need – but not as satisfying as his previous mistress had done by having allowed him to mount her…

Inclining his head to watch his new mistress as she lay back on the couch, almost passive but not quite, legs openly parted, was this an invitation as his previous mistress had done? This position was familiar, having mounted his previous mistress in this fashion more than once as well as the more natural one for him with her on all fours.

However Brutus was not one to dwell on such things and complicate what was clearly visual and olfactory obvious, his attention fully upon his human mistress lolling on the couch before him, her pussy engorged and pink, already open from his external stimulation of her upper inner thighs.

Brutus moved in, tongue lolling, his broad head pushing Katelynn’s legs further apart, he swiped his long, powerful tongue from in-between the cleft of her ass cheeks up over her labia and over her hard protruding clit…

Katelynn startled with the intimate contact, yet in her drug-stimulated intense arousal she was unable to repress the groan of the intense sexual sensations Brutus’s tongue had generated, her pelvis instinctively tilting up to the firm point source that now was languidly further stimulating her intense arousal…

No Brutus stop, go away, leave me alone… Katelynn slurred.

Again Katelynn weakly physically resisted but she had no strength! Her drug-addled mind could not form a continuous enough presence of here and now except for the intense sexual pleasure that had begun centering in her mind and that pulsed hotly in her loins…

The Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin combination had lulled Katelynn into a dream-like uninhibited state and had skyrocketed her libido, more so than she had ever been, an incessant, relentless throbbing heat pulsing within her highly aroused pussy that demanded sexual release…

Briefly, Katelynn’s mind momentarily cleared as she sequenced from one colorful psychedelic trip into another, momentarily reflecting there is no way on earth that she would have allowed what was happening if her inhibitions hadn’t been lowered by the psychoactive drugs…

In her drug addled and highly aroused state Katelynn was unable to resist desiring to again feel that long, broad powerful tongue languidly stroking her incredibly horny pussy as it did weeks ago back up at the line cabin, its tip rubbing, probing, lashing wetly across her pulsing swollen clit making it tingle, her tingle, bringing her to climax….

“Maybe… just… one…. more…. time…..”, then she would go take that cool shower…

Brutus was getting excited remembering his previous mistress in this very position multiple times and her own positive reactions. He began licking every exposed bit of Katelynn’s intimate flesh with obsessive enthusiasm eliciting more moans from her. Katelynn closed her eyes the better to concentrate on the delicious ministrations of his long powerful long tongue, then another brief remembrance arose up through the drugged, colorful miasma fog of her mind…

Katelynn remembering that time she and her two girlfriends were in their sorority room cruising the Internet and for drunken giggles had clicked on a few porn websites where one weblink had automatically redirected them to a bestiality website. For a few moments she and her two girlfriends were shocked speechless, but as the images came up they all spontaneously cracked up in laughter.

The cinema of her mind replayed the erotica of the bestiality images and the short video clips they had all watched; the beautiful women being fucked by nearly ten-inch long cocks and then knotted, how both women had intense repeated orgasms from the lightening-fast brutal fucking and then even more orgasms from being knotted. Then Katelynn began imagining herself in those crazy videos that further stimulated her, she didn’t know what it would be like for herself, idly maybe she would like it, maybe she wouldn’t…

Instant anger rose for brief moments in Katelynn heavily drugged confused brain! That she was even thinking about bestiality! Unwillingly her dog was again performing cunnilingus upon her was horrible enough! Damn! the Ecstasy drug combination was making it harder and harder to think, to be rational, to resist…

“No I can’t! It’s not right, its perverted…” Her drug-fogged mind mindlessly protesting but there wasn’t a lot of conviction behind her muddled thoughts, weakly she tried resisting but could not summon enough strength to stop Brutus…

“I’m so fucked up by the drugs I was given…, my thoughts are all discombobulated, I can’t think straight…, can’t even get off the couch I feel so weak…”

Moments more passed with Brutus continued exploring Katelynn’s hotly aroused secreting vagina, Brutus lapping furiously now sensing and tasting his mistress’s escalating arousal. The prostrate young woman felt her sexual tension growing as she descended even further into a dream world dictated by her drug induced immediate sexual pleasures…

As Brutus worked away at her, Katelynn’s pussy was naturally autonomously responding to the oral ministrations. Her juices started to flow more freely and her labia became engorged with her blood, openly spreading apart as if to give the huge dog greater access…

Katelynn felt the heat build inside her, felt herself opening to the animal. Felt his tongue going deeper, seeking the source of the flow of nectar that had started to run from her. As intense sexual heat suffused through her she felt herself responding physically to the dog’s tongue. She gritted her teeth and again weakly told herself that this was dirty and perverted, that she could not allow herself to receive pleasure from what was happening to her. But even as she made the resolution, her body instinctively betrayed her…, her hips tilted back, moving her pussy closer to the source of the sensations that were causing her arousal…

A low moan escaped from Katelynn’s lips. She was finding it more ever difficult to concentrate, to focus her resolve on denying the guilty pleasure that was radiating from her heated highly aroused loins in waves. She closed her eyes. Her breathing became more rapid, her tiny nipples hard as diamonds as a wave of intense arousal washed over her.

Katelynn whimpered loudly, then whimpered again as Brutus’s rough tongue raked her protruding clit, lashing it powerfully. Katelynn screamed out a drug stimulated body-shaking involuntary orgasm and yet Brutus still persisted lashing her swollen protruding clit while she was in the throes of her immense climax. To stop Brutus from stimulating her further Katelynn rolled over, however the sweat coating her entire body let her lower body slip off the leather couch to where she was on her knees and she was resting her top half on the couch…

Brutus’s eyes immediately locked onto Katelynn’s tight curvaceous ass as she lay half on the couch and half off, in a bent over position on her knees, her small muscular ass cheeks naturally parting open, her tight anus and swollen, aroused pussy on full display…

Almost before Katelynn realized it Brutus was back in behind her licking her ass and puffy folds of her dripping wet vulva…

“Brutus… stopppp…” Her voice low and haughty. She had to pause to pant between those two last desperate words to save some dignity…

Brutus didn’t listen. His tongue kept smacking against her highly aroused pussy, Katelynn’s eyes were heavily lidded and fluttered with lust, mind fogged over with drugged influenced sexual bliss, now finding herself spreading her knees apart in complete surrender as she arched her back to better facilitate the fantastic oral she was receiving.

When Katelynn parted her thighs even wider and tilted her pelvis up, Katelynn exposed the entirety of her pussy! Brutus shoved his tongue between her splayed thighs making Katelynn moan loudly and without shame as another building orgasm teetered on the precipice. Brutus’s tongue found zero resistance now as he pushed past her open petals to rake at the pink center of her slit…

Once his coarse muscle was scouring the sensitive center of her inflamed sex the intensity of Katelynn’s pleasure surged to far, far greater heights!

Her long athletic legs began trembling as her loud moans echoed in the stable office…

The moments to catch her breath were far and few…, nothing was sacred as Brutus occasionally licked deeply into the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks teasing her tight anus, then dragged his long, powerful broad tongue back into her spread open pussy, grinding it all the way to her most sensitive vastly swollen protrusion…

Katelynn noticed just how hotly her pussy was pulsing from his oral. Yet it wasn’t just her sex, her body was hot all over, feverish from being heavily drugged and from the exquisite oral experience; her mind addled with lust, the drugs making her yearn to experience more! Another wave of pleasure grew at her swelling pulsing clit as his rough tongue slathered her hot yearning tight narrow hole with saliva and drank the nectar gushing from her. The electricity of her growing pleasure was super charged and begging to explode. Her moans were untethered and free. Her legs shook and her knees buckled as another intense involuntary orgasm thundered through her body…

Fuck… me…” Katelynn squeaked as the orgasmic tidal wave rocked through her while raking her mind through the fiery coals of sexual passion of past remembrances of hot passionate sex with her college boyfriend. Katelynn’s body shook tremendously as she bucked and writhed as she knelt bent over the couch, her toes curling and legs trembling.

The very properties of the drugs were causing her body to betray her mind… or was it causing her mind to now agree with her body? The three potent psychoactive drugs had rapidly escalated her primal subconscious desires for sex. Her womb tickled as an electrified warmth radiated throughout her body acutely feeling an aching need to feel a hard long, thick cock inside her, thrusting into her, drowning out almost all rational thought remaining in her heavily drugged stupor…

“Please,” she whispered. But “please” what? “Please stop?” “Please don’t?” “Please go faster?” Katelynn was no longer sure. She floated on a sea of sensation, riding psychedelic and intense sensory sexual sensations, completely at the mercy of drug-induced forces beyond her control, as yet another intense orgasm began to build…

Brutus licking the swollen flesh of Katelynn’s labia paused. He sniffed long and hard at the dripping openly parted vagina as he stared at her flowered opening. Yes… his new mistress was more than ready, he knew she was going to be just as physical as his former mistress…

Katelynn felt the wonderful cunnilingus stop just as her burgeoning orgasm was fixing to erupt! Without thinking, Katelynn instinctively spread her knees farther apart, trying to entice the licking to continue. “So close,” she thought…

Katelynn felt a heavy paw land on the small of her back…

Despite the psychedelic fog she was floating in, she knew what Brutus was trying to do, like he almost succeeded in doing a couple months ago up at the line cabin…

Katelynn shivered at the near incident, slightly rising up on her elbows Katelynn reached back with one hand and weakly slapped savagely at the sexually excited animal…


Despite her weakly uttered harsh words, certain that she was now ready, Brutus quickly mounted Katelynn! Brutus’s hulking 180 plus pounds of weight fell onto her back knocking the wind from her as her face and chest slammed onto the couch, Katelynn’s mind jolted then acutely reminding her of the dire jeopardy she was now in while in this vulnerable compromising position…

Instant shock ran through Katelynn that her beloved pet was trying to FUCK her!

Brutus’s forelegs were tightly wrapped around Katelynn’s slim waist in a vise-like grip! Katelynn acutely felt his furry sheath smacking between her widely parted thighs, tickling her sensitive flesh, tracing ever higher towards her hotly aroused sex as he was pushing and pulling her into position to fuck her, to RAPE her…

This was indecent, obscene, perverted!

“NOOOOO! No, Brutus you mustn’t! No. No. Nooooo!!!”

Katelynn struggled and screamed and tried to break loose but none of her weak efforts did anything more than tire her heavily drugged affected body out! She felt his claws scrap the bare flesh of her hips then recircle her slim waist as he repositioned his hold, not a lot but enough to keep her aware of what was happening! Enough to focus on the fact she was being taken against her will

– BY A Dog! HER DOG!

Katelynn shrieked and shuddered, unable to believe that this was actually happening to her. Everything was so unreal!


More shuffling of claws as Brutus shifted more behind her slim, firm hips and pressed forward…

Then Brutus began to thrust…, prodding…, poking…, as his front paws tightly clutched her in an unbreakable grip! She felt Brutus’s fur on the bare skin of her back! Felt the pointed hot monster meat move higher up her thighs! She tried to twist away from his hotly seeking penis as panic ruled her actions as she felt Brutus’s penis further slipping up her leg seeking her entrance…

This couldn’t be happening! This has to be a nightmare! A hallucination! Anything but this!!!

Then Katelynn felt his penis stabbing forward more insistently now…

The first prod against her firm ass cheek felt slippery and wet, a startling feeling of warm fluid jetting against her ass! His PreCum!

Brutus dropped his front legs down between her ribs and her flared hips and was dragging her back against him! Pulling himself into the fleshy firmness between the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks copiously spraying her with his fine lubricating warm precum…

“Eeeee!” Katelynn loudly squealed in panic as she wriggled her hips around feeling Brutus’s dangerously prodding near her anus! Shivers raced up her spine as the dog’s searching hot cock wreaked havoc with her nerves as she imagined his huge cock raping and knotting her ass!

BRUTUS Get Off Of Me Right Now!” Katelynn tried to sound stern but her drugged voice was weak. Brutus wasn’t listening, his senses filled with the smell of Katelynn’s sex pheromones, he kept on humping…

Katelynn felt a sudden intimate jab at her sensitive puffy pussy with his hard member! She sucked in a sharp breath, her mind focusing on how far off he was but still worryingly close to her tight ass. Then, as if in confirmation, Katelynn felt a burst of hot precum blast directly against her tightly puckered anus, then another burst directly against her pussy! Felt the warm liquid saturating her pussy and dripping off! Then just as suddenly Katelynn felt the tip of his inhumanly hot cock begin repeatedly intimately prodding her pussy seeking her tight, narrow entrance!

One again, futilely, Katelynn tried to get Brutus off her but she was too weak from the drugs and alcohol to get him off!! After a minute or so of struggling, yelling, flailing her arms, and trying to kick Brutus away from her, Katelynn grew rapidly exhausted and out of breath, feeling as if she hadn’t an ounce of strength in her to fight back! It was all gone…, the heavy dose of Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin slipped to her had left her totally weak and unbearably aroused more than she had ever felt before…

Brutus had his new mistress in his firm grasp and he began prodding even more rapidly in his animalistic lust. Then remembering his former mistress he slowed his thrusting and he began to lower his hips to adjust his angle, shuffling, then almost too easily, Brutus felt the tip of his cock dipping into his mistress’s sloppy open folds, too high…

Brutus whimpered, adjusted slightly, then gripped Katelynn even tighter. The next stab was too low but felt close, then several more stabs of his pointed penis tip making Katelynn flinch and yelp.

OH DAMN! Her Own Dog Was Going To Actually Rape Her!!!

This has to be a nightmare! A hallucination! Anything but this!

His jutting penis was stabbing forward more insistently now. She felt the heat of the rigid shaft slip past her juicy folds. There was nothing she could do or prevent but ready herself for what was surely to come…

Brutus’s thrusting, seeking cock repeatedly slithered along Katelynn’s inflamed pussy, between her swollen openly parted folds, sliding against her swollen exposed clit then sliding out along her vaginal mound before withdrawing and thrusting anew.

Katelynn involuntarily moaned feeling the inhuman heat of his slippery red cock stimulating the aroused folds of her vagina – it felt enormous! Knew it was enormous! Inches and inches longer than her college boyfriend! Inches and inches longer than any of her dildos!

She felt that hot fleshy tip prod her pussy again, felt his heat-seeking red rocket begin centering in on her tight portal with each thrust! Felt the heat of the rigid shaft again slip past her juicy openly parted folds but this time she felt the inhumanely hot tip of his penis seat itself directly at the tight narrow entrance to her vagina!

Gods This Was It!

She knew it was coming, but still Katelynn wasn’t prepared for it! Another thrust and the tip of that hot wet huge animal penis hit its target! Katelynn gasped feeling the brief momentary hot shallow invasion but Brutus’s cock was thrusting so fast it withdrew before it barely entered but it quickly probed again! In The Same Spot!

Feeling the hot, tight entrance of his mistress, now sure he had found his target, Brutus thrust hard and forward! Driving his swelling purple pole deep into his mistress as Brutus instinctively tried to shove his nine inch long prick as far into Katelynn’s insanely tight cunt as he could!

The piercingly deep penetration of his red rocket once again knocked the wind from Katelynn as she gasped from his hard thrust! Her mouth dropped open and her eyes rolled back at the sensation of her huge dog’s cock slamming into her well-lubricated vagina. It felt incredibly hot and it seemed to fill every crevice, stretching her out more than she had ever been before by her former college boyfriend or any of her dildos!

Brutus had thrust so much into her with one thrust she could feel the tip of his cock touch her cervix, forcing it out of the way as it thrust all the way into the deepest part of her! Then, Brutus began the fucking of her life! His humping was furious in its pace! Deeper, thicker and harder than she had ever experienced before! His thrusting movements violent and furious! His haunches flicking wildly, his legs and feet jerkily pushing forward. His forepaws gripped Katelynn tighter as he held her in place with her upper body tightly pressed against the couch.

 The physical violence of her canine rape terrified Katelynn!

She tried to scream but was unable with nine plus inches of swelling canine cock plunging lightning fast raping into her spasming pussy!

The sound choking in her throat, let alone catch her breath from the brutal pounding she was being subjected to!

Never had she anything anywhere this deep up inside her!

She tried twisting her slim hips away to remove his impaling rampaging swelling cock but as forcefully pinned as she was against the couch with his heavy 180 pound weight pressing against her back it was futile and grew even more hopeless as Brutus savagely pummeled her tight, narrow pussy!

Rapidly fucking his swelling canine penis in and out of her quickly awakening cunt! Brutus going hard and deep like this was his one and only shot, his front paws gripped her waist tight as a majority of his weight rested on her back!

Intense fear and anxiety subjected Katelynn to time dilation, the apparent slowing-down of time as her drugged mind tried to understand what was happening and in effect drawing out the rape situation she was being subjected to…

A dog, a fucking huge dog, HER DOG was on her, INSIDE HER!!!  FUCKING HER!!! RAPING HER!!!!

And. She. Couldn’.t Do. Anything. About. It!!!

Her limbs were weak, powerless from the drugs, she was nothing more than a hot tight pussy for her dog to fuck – to RAPE! Recalling the conversation that she had with Samantha; ‘that given a chance a horny dog would fuck anything…’

This is so fucking disgusting she thought but with the drugs in her system, in disbelief she felt her pussy quickly moisten to further accept her dog’s huge cock!  Her mind simply refused to process any drug-stimulated sexual pleasure her body sent its way but her body responded involuntarily to the intense sexual stimulation…

Katelynn grunted as her huge dog inched forward filling her tight pussy. He was moving ever faster inserting more and more of his massive cock into her pussy, already reaching much further inside her than her college boyfriend or any dildo had ever before…

“OHHHHHHHH!!!” Katelynn breathlessly expelled her breath, feeling Brutus’s rapine cock fill her, plunging straight up to the to the furthest depths of her vaginal sheath! Brutus could feel her warm wet swollen folds tightly wrap around his shaft, the inside of his mistress’s tight pussy tightly gripping his sensitive cock flesh in a suctioning embrace as he furiously thrust ever deeper into Katelynn.

The brutal thrusting of his cock went deep, as deep as anything she’d ever felt! The girth had ballooned to the thickness of one of her dildos! The hard tip of his cock banged ruthlessly against her cervix! Pulses of pain shot through her gut with every thrust. The base of his cock banged hard against the tender, swollen lips of her labia as if trying to squeeze inside, threatening to split her open. The brutal force of his thrusts were tremendous and unmerciful.

Katelynn’s eyes were wide with disbelief! Nothing could have prepared her for the frantic lightening pace he set as he plundered her intimate depths, ramming his ever swelling cock into her tight, narrow cunt like a knife through butter, shocked at how easily it had slid into her!

The loud slurping sounds of her tight hole wetly churning amidst his deep panting over her head and the sudden huffing moans was utterly profane. Her entire body jolted under him when his furry hips savagely connected with the firm cheeks of her ass, his hips jack hammered forward smacking and slapping Katelynn’s ass faster and more furious and more brutal than she had ever been fucked in her life!

Katelynn quickly felt his driving shaft still swelling within her tightly clutching confines growing ever larger as his brutally driven cock became even more engorged. He was huge! Going deep and stretching her tight, his length and girth was already certainly much, much longer and much thicker than her college boyfriend and any of her dildos!

Katelynn cried out in ragged, involuntarily bursts with each brutal thrust and depth of penetration he was inflicting in her. She felt hopelessly panicked, trapped as she was deeply impaled on his enormous raping cock! Her mind tilted out of control with signals urging her to escape.

Futile she again struggled to get away from him, shifting her hips and pushing with all her strength to move away.

Uhhh! Get Off Me You.. Aaaaah!! .. BASTARD!!!  Katelynn breathlessly yelled at Brutus.

Yet Katelynn felt his ever swelling cock filling her from her abnormally tight vaginal entrance to just below her navel while spreading and compressing every internal organ around it! She cried out wildly from the shock he brutally delivered to her system as a chaotic mix of pain and pleasure began bursting suddenly between her widely spread legs as Brutus gripped her even more tightly and rapidly fucked her like a jackhammer!

Katelynn acted on reflex, again trying to pull away from the brutal pistoning source, but he yanked her right back into his bucking spring loaded hips. Her frantic screams crudely interrupted by the force of him ramming his scorching hot organ deeper and deeper, coring out her abnormally tight and narrow cunt with his girth, snarling while he mercilessly rape fucked her pussy.

Violently Brutus jack hammered his monstrous swelling cum cannon against her cervix. The red pearlesque tip repeatedly banged and slid across her fleshy cervical mound dancing across the tiny narrow entrance to her womb with every relentless mind numbing jack hammered thrust forward. This mammoth stretching cock filled her entirely! Touching places she never knew existed! Feeling Brutus thrusting his nine-inch long cock fully into her while simultaneously knocking the wind from her. Sloppy wet slapping sounds emanated from between their genitals as they violently coalesced. She could feel his cock still growing expanding rapidly with every cervical punishing thrust as Katelynn rotated her hips forward slightly to ease the violent pummeling she was receiving. Her eyes were wide with fear, anxiety and awe as she stared forward, the dog’s feral growls and how brutally forceful he was being with her body frightened her.

Katelynn, tripping hard on the drugs, was in too much in shock to process much except that her beloved dog was brutally rape fucking her with a cock much, much longer and thicker than she ever had before, and her heavily drugged affected body was on auto pilot responding to sexual intercourse – unwanted or not!

Katelynn shivered, and a tear rolled down her cheek…

The mental effect, the thought that she was being raped by an animal, enhanced the purely physical sensation of his huge thick inhuman cock moving deeply inside her, that she was being forcibly engaged in a societal sexual taboo!

Again in vain Katelynn tried twisting her hips to free herself of Brutus’s fiendishly tied flesh, to escape this alien member, but she was too incapacitated by the drugs, Brutus too heavy and powerful, and he had her too deeply impaled on his rapidly thrusting penis…

Brutus continued fucking Katelynn savagely! Spearing her pussy walls from all directions and driving them outward. The wet lewd slurping noises her abnormally tight cunt was making as the dog’s huge cock rapidly pistoned in and out of her Katelynn tried hard not to ignore. The dog’s cock drilled the deepest parts of her vagina, filling her completely. She arched her back further to ease the pressure, but this only further excited the huge animal and he began fucking her even harder!

“No no no no no… get off meeee…” Katelynn sputtered fearfully, feeling an intensely growing discomfort, instantly remembering the shape and monstrous size in which Brutus’s penis had swelled to previously when she had jacked him off. Yet even as his engorging cock grew hotter, inflating ever more in girth and length with his thunderous heartbeat and every thrust, Katelynn shockingly sensed an overlapping extraordinary pleasure that had begun welling up within her…

Fear and disbelief still controlled her but Katelynn was horrified feeling herself beginning to sense pleasure, unable to stop the intensifying feeling let alone ignore due to the drugs stimulating her arousal. In dejected acceptance Katelynn closed her eyes hoping this would somehow let her re-enter her drug induced hallucinations and allow her to ignore what was giving her ever more increasing pleasure…

With her closed eyes, Katelynn’s foggy mind desperately grasped at colorful fleeting hallucinations. In this state of disbelief she realized the massive cock thrusting deep inside her was even more pleasurable! She could feel and hear her pussy wetly squelching with each deep thrust due to all the copious hot precum she felt jetting deeply into her! Acutely began to feel her drug-stimulated body sexually responding to the heated rampaging assault seizing her mind, the sex stimulating and consciousness altering drugs allowing intense sexual sensations of rapidly increasing pleasure to seep through.

With each deeply felt penetrating thrust Katelynn’s resistance lessened. Brutus’s rapacious pace increasing as was her own wetness. With the sex-enhancing mind altering drugs affecting her Katelynn could feel every sexual intimate detail and yet her mind could not grasp actual reality! Again the searing, ever-swelling rod thrust deep as her resistance fully crumbled and immense pleasure forced its way through flooding her drug addled mind.

Katelynn clutched at the couch from the intense shocks of pleasure which began bursting from her heated loins! She felt Brutus bottom out into her tight depths, Katelynn’s swollen pussy lips swallowed his nine-inches whole! His organ reaching further than any average human dick ever could, touching her in places that made her eyelids flutter and making her loudly gasp!

The squishy tip of his cock shoved into the crevice against the back wall massaging her cervix with his squishy tip as his shaft furthered lengthened and curved following the natural contour of her now fully elongated stretched out vaginal sheath.

With all this, little hallucinogenic flashes of memory began erupting of the previous lickings that Brutus had given her and she remembered enjoying that despite the wrongous of it, remembered that drunken time back in college when she became involuntarily aroused watching those bestiality videos with her roommates. It helped ease her tension a bit but she still wasn’t sure what she was feeling – except overwhelming unnatural arousal flooding her body… Again Katelynn tried to slide forward to escape the unnatural act and the rampant rape of her body but Brutus just grabbed her hips and pulled her back for another deep thrust.

“Aaaaggggggghhhhhhh Gawd Dammit Get Off Me!”

Katelynn yelled in a brief moment of lucidity even as she felt something changing between her legs…, the pleasure she felt was intensifying even further! Her mouth gaped in disbelief when she keenly felt his cock surge with increasing thickness. The way his member pushed at her sensitive insides made her moan like a depraved whore and she spread her knees further apart to better accommodate his increasing size. The sensation of him getting larger inside her each time he plunged into her core was so alien to her while it pushed at her tightly clenching vaginal walls. With every fresh throb, he stretched her open a little more, increasing the raw intensity of this feral bestial rutting.

Katelynn knew she wasn’t in control of her body! Things were happening and her body was instinctually sexually reacting to the intense brutal intercourse she was receiving. The overdose of Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin and their synergistic action vastly heightened her sexual sensations to her pet’s immensely huge nine inch long cock rapidly raping in and out of her tight pussy transforming an otherwise horrific and disgusting perverted experience into an intensely pleasurable one…

The positioning of Katelynn leaning against the couch on her widely spread knees allowed Brutus’s cock to drive all the way up inside Katelynn! Brutus danced on his back feet as his cock further swelled and he thrust even harder and more rapidly as he fully rutted Katelynn!

Katelynn didn’t have time to think straight as the only thing flooding her mind was the enlarging phallus expanding her tight vaginal entrance to the bulging contours of its swelling flesh and the loud sloppy wet squelching sex sounds squishing forth from her abnormally tight cunt as his punishing cock rapidly pistoned in and out of her tight pussy with lightening-like speed! Katelynn unintentionally moaning, unable to resist the physical pleasures being wracked upon her drug influenced ravished body! Her pussy was quivering as her core continued to betray her – her tight sex took it all, relishing the pounding she was receiving!

Katelynn’s warring mind reconciled that what was happening she couldn’t prevent or stop; the mind altering and sex stimulating drugs had made it inevitable… The pounding sensation of pleasure assaulting Katelynn making her unable and unwilling to resist, feeling her mind and body involuntarily give herself fully to the depraved act of intercourse with another species!

Yet, she was shockingly unprepared and was distressed feeling a rapidly escalating wanton sexual neediness quickly arising within her on a level so deep within, so primal, so intensely, that she could do nothing to control it, let alone attempt to suppress. Each thrust now beginning to get her closer to an irresistible and irrevocable orgasm! She knew she would be cumming soon, felt her impending orgasm rapidly escalating to a peak far faster then she had ever felt before! She well knew that once she felt the fringes of an orgasm start beginning, there was no stopping it…

“A goddamned dog is making me feel this way!!! Like I’m just another bitch in heat!”

Katelynn’s eye lids fluttered as an escalating continuous flow of raw sexual energy jolted from her inflamed battered love tunnel to her brain. “Ohhh godddd,” was all she was able to manage as she felt Brutus’s swelling penis repeatedly drive deeply into her tight, slippery vaginal sheath with lightning speed, felt his cock tip repeatedly nudge against her cervix as the huge dog hammered into her without mercy. With the raping dog cock hammering her dripping pussy, Katelynn creamed in anguish and intense pleasure as her body continued betraying her…

She felt her legs begin trembling as her body violently quivered with the ripples of perverse pleasure that continued to wash over and through her, her swollen pussy hotly pulsing and clenching with drug-induced neediness and wanton desire…

As she felt an impending involuntary orgasm rapidly rising up with astonishing swiftness a guttural moan involuntarily emerged, she felt the wave build, so, so quickly…

The feeling of having an inhumanely hot thick, long cock buried and brutally thrusting so deep inside her was overwhelming! Katelynn felt an uninhibited intense arousal explode within her, driving her instantly to the brink of orgasm! With the huge dog having his way with her, she hated every second that part of her body loved it!  The nerves in her pussy tingling with every retreat and reentry! Pleasure or no pleasure, however, she would not – would not – allow herself to experience an orgasm from something so depraved and disgusting! Her pussy loudly squelched with each long brutal thrust, tightening briefly with every impact, but she would not cum to the likes of a dog’s cock.

No matter how much her body was signaling otherwise…

“NO!” she thought, “I can’t! I mustn’t! Not with a DOG!”

But it was too late…

Katelynn felt her climax building then crashing over her; sudden lightning struck her womb with an explosive bang and her mind blanked and buckled as the explosive orgasm she was futilely attempting to hold back ripped through her trembling shuddering body as searing waves of intense pleasure began pulsing her throbbing clit that rolled out to all parts of her body.

“AHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCCCKKKKK!!!!!!” Katelynn loudly screamed out as her body-shattering orgasm thundered through her body, making her toes curl and her thighs and taut muscular stomach quiver with violent tremors.

“Arrrh! Arrrh! Arrrh!” Katelynn whimpering with each furious thrusting drive of the rapidly swelling penis that prolonged her involuntary orgasm. As only another woman can understand, Katelynn was powerless from this point on, when a super powerful orgasms hits you, your body takes on a life of its own…

The feeling in her hypersensitive throbbing clit was indescribable…

“Oh God! Oh, God. Ohgodohgodogoddddddd!” she squealed loudly. Her vagina was gripping so tightly around his cock that it felt like she was being turned inside out on every stroke! It was stimulating places in her that her previous college boyfriend nor her dildos had ever touched before! She had never felt pleasure this intense before in her life!

Small moans came from Katelynn’s throat as she continued to be mercilessly fucked at light speed!  Her tight pussy screamed with the rapidly expanding strain of his swelling cock as it continued stretching her tight entrance and her equally tight and narrow vaginal sheath way beyond her college boyfriend or any of her dildos ever had!

Her mind wanting to resist this powerful physical pounding assault upon her pussy, in her pussy by this weird shaped and oddly stimulating hotly squirting penis, but it only added to the intense sexual sensations she was being subjected to!  Acutely Katelynn felt each thrust, each hot precum squirt as Brutus continued raping his cock in and out stuffing her pussy…

Katelynn felt Brutus pressing closer as he thrust his groin rapidly, jack-hammering his hot swelling cock ever deeper and deeper into her tight, convulsing pussy. She felt his peculiar shaped cock sliding in and out of her hungry pussy, shocked in disbelief at sensing that she wanted more…

Katelynn tried again to fight the sensations that had been awakened inside her body from the spurting cock rapidly pistoning in and out of her pussy, but the heavy dosage of the psychoactive drugs made her efforts futile…

She had to be honest…

Yes, this was utterly depraved and humiliating, but she hasn’t been fucked this vigorously or brutally ever before with a real live cock or dildo of this size, but god help her she was loving every moment! The feeling of this fat long hot squirting cock brutally rapid fire fucking her was overwhelming and sensations swept through her like never before! Her throbbing pussy felt like it was dripping with liquid heat! It was both mental and of course, physical. It was unbridled primal lust in its purest sense…

Katelynn felt her tight pussy further stretching on his ever swelling cock, feeling and loudly hearing her tightly grasping pussy sucking on his retreating cock as he pulled back out until only the tip of his pre-cum squirting cock was encased in her pussy lips, poised to rush back up into her – then slamming the entire length of his nine inch long cock into her pussy again and again and again!

Katelynn could feel her own pussy juices and his precum gushing out as his cock rapidly fucked in and out… It added to the sickening mounting pleasure she was feeling – as well as sensing another unwanted orgasm rapidly building!!!  Her mind reeling of this huge dog raping her – and she deriving pleasure from it!  Her legs had been forced wide apart and she was being wildly fucked with unbelievable bestial energy that was rapidly driving her towards another unnaturally powerful climax!

Oh Damn It!!!

Can’t…can’t…can’t last…

Acutely Katelynn felt her body involuntarily responding sexually, rebelling against her mind’s rejection of the situation… Feeling her pussy getting tighter from the swelling of her vaginal tissues by the rushing inflow of blood and hormones suffusing them despite her repulsion at the forbidden act happening to her, finding herself going to that place only a woman who is getting fucked hard and fast can go…

She didn’t want to focus on this perversion anymore!

Yet the intense physical pleasure was overwhelming!

Whimpering from the unwanted realization that pleasure was overriding her uncontrollable situation, Katelynn stopped thinking about how wrong this was, finally allowing her drug affected mind go free, disassociating mentally from the physical, letting her mind blank out, blank out completely, except for the feelings of the immensely pleasurable fucking sensations that was fully overwhelming her moral inhibitions…

Unresisting now, Katelynn allowed her drug stimulated highly aroused body to involuntarily respond as it wanted to! Quickly her drug addled mind was lost in a rapidly growing paroxysm of hotly aroused primal lust and intense pleasure!  Of the intense incredible pleasure surging in and out and through her swollen pussy as his swelling girthy and lengthy cock rhythmically rapidly pistoned in and out!  It was impossible to ignore these incredible pleasurable fucking sensations ripping through her body!

In further disbelief, Katelynn felt her body involuntarily arching her back, tilting her pelvis and her pert ass upwards to facilitate even deeper penetration of the immense ravishing bestial cock into her hotly aroused pussy as waves of shuddering ecstasy washed over her…

With repositioning, her swollen protruding clit was now pressing against his cock as it rapidly surged in and out of her pussy, her hardened hypersensitive swollen clit throbbing violently with her beating pulse as it rode the bumping thrusting shaft.  Brutus fucking her like a machine ramming his cock home with rapid-fire strokes! He seemed not to tire but went on and on at the same fast lightening pace! Katelynn melting under his continuous brutal assault! Her pussy burning with the inhuman heat of his thick surging cock in her.

Then Katelynn sensed yet another impending orgasm rapidly building with astonishing speed!

She knew that inevitably she was going to be forced to yet again cum on this damn raping dog cock!

Never have she been able to stop an orgasm once she felt a climax building!!!

Katelynn’s mind narrowed to a cone of sensations focusing on the intense feelings inside her pussy as the swelling spurting cock rapidly surged in and out. As his canine cock continued swelling inside Katelynn’s pussy, stretching her wide, she could feel every twitch and pulse of his huge nine inch long cock! As Brutus’s cock dragged along the strained walls of her stretched vagina, Katelynn could no longer resist the impending orgasm that would soon crash through her.

Katelynn felt her body preparing for the waves of pleasure that would rush through it when her involuntarily forced orgasm would make her feel like she was exploding from the inside out! Felt the climax rising from deep inside her, as overpowering in its impact as the first orgasm she had…

Her taut muscular belly began quivering and her intense climax was upon her before she even knew it! It shot through her body like bolt of lightning and she barely had time to cry out…

“Oh Fuck! FUCK!! FUCK!!! I’m Cumming Again!!! NNNNNNNNNNN!!!!”

Katelynn’s body began its orgasmic dance; bucking and gyrating, throwing her head up and down, making her shudder and quiver as she lost all control of her drug influenced body. Her fabulous firm DD breasts jumped forward and back as they dangled in the air below, unfettered in their beauty as they swung in perfect timing with the rest of her. Her stunningly gorgeous face displayed her drugged passion openly, her mouth wide and gasping, her expression nearly desperate as she felt the seemingly never-ending immense orgasm sweep through her as she had never before experienced!

Katelynn felt the orgasmic convulsions completely taking her over as she fought to stay upright, not allowing herself to collapse as Brutus kept brutally fucking her. She felt her cunt muscles repeatedly constricting in orgasmic throes squeezing the raping cock while at the same time the huge canine thrust his ever-swelling rod continually in and out of her, refusing to be distracted from his determined purpose…

Katelynn’s pussy ached and her nerves were screaming in pleasure in response to the brutal rapid fucking she was receiving!  She could feel his cock still growing in girth! How much thicker can it get???  Desperate moans spilled from her sensuous lips as she felt his cock further expand to the point that she felt as if the walls of her pussy were straining to hold his girth. Katelynn’s face flushed red with humiliation as she reveled in the sensation of his titanic breeding tool stretching her so obscenely.

Then, Katelynn became aware of the sensations of a slight bulge at the base of his cock now being rapidly fucked in and out of her tight pussy…,

The swelling bulge sending even more pleasurable waves through her as it rapidly rippled in and out of the tightly stretched entrance of her pussy increasing the incredible pleasurable sensations she was feeling!

The small bulge of his cock was rapidly slipping in and popping quickly out of her tightly stretched vaginal ring with each rapid thrust and withdrawal, Katelynn acutely feeling the lump becoming slightly more engorged with every thundering powerful lightning quick stroke into her!

Brutus bulldozered himself to the hilt! Pushing his still somewhat small squishy ever expanding knot into her tightly gripping pussy before pulling it out and slamming it back in! Wet sucking squishy slurping popping sounds increased in rhythm and loudness as their two forms furiously collided into one another! Katelynn moaning uncontrollably, laying her head down against the cushion as she was continuously brutally rape fucked hard against the couch!

Several fiercer thrusts later with the ever swelling bulge now forcibly being shoved in and then forcibly being yanked out had Katelynn gasping air into her lungs as her hips bucked wildly as another sudden huge climax erupted within her body! Lightning-quick, two intense climaxes quickly followed!  Katelynn could do nothing but quiver as wave after wave of involuntary contractions overtook her body!

Katelynn convulsed helplessly with her intense orgasms!

Shuddering in drugged out ecstasy as the rapid double orgasms took full control of her body and her mind!

It was all encompassing!  A kaleidoscope of colors bursting in her head as the two incredible orgasms racked her body from head to toes!  Her fingers tingled and her vagina spasmed uncontrollably as it repeatedly convulsed around this damn raping dog cock, sending repeating shock waves through her lower body!  Her nipples were painfully hard and her breasts felt like they would burst – and Brutus still just kept on furiously fucking her with incredible speed and stamina! Katelynn sensed Brutus seemed to be fucking her for an inordinate amount of time… this was not going to be over as quick as she initially believed!

Every hard, well bottoming thrust in sent those delicate swollen pussy lips pushing back and curving inwards enveloping and warmly embracing the root of his invading raping member. With every re-positioning out stroke Katelynn’s swollen labia stretched and distended gripping the curvature of his engorging girth reluctantly letting go with a loud sucking slurp!

Be it fate or luck or maybe a bit of what nature instinctively intended, Katelynn unconsciously arched her back even more and tilted her pelvis further upwards in response to the brutal pussy pounding she was receiving! Realigning her tight, narrow fuck tunnel perfectly with Brutus’s pistoning flesh so that his very next thrust sent him so deep that his furry testicles slapped against her clean nearly hairless pubic mound with an audible SMACK!

As his large swollen balls pulverized her protruding swollen clit Brutus feeling the constricted space of Katelynn’s tight cunt quivering and tightly gripping him as her repeated cascading orgasms spasmed around the strained girth of his manhood, sensing increasing resistance slamming his ever swelling knot in, immediately started thrusting even brutally harder! Deep, and short, sensing this might be the last opportunity to knot this extremely tight bitch!

Katelynn felt the bulge slowly getting bigger, getting harder to go in and harder to yank out of her abnormally tight narrow pussy. Then Brutus gripped Katelynn even tighter and began to fuck her with berserker fury!

Katelynn had to spread her knees as wide apart as she could to handle the onslaught and his weight!  All she could do was grit her teeth and try to ride out how badly it hurt to have something so large being thrust into her then violently being yanked out of her pussy!

Her eyes fluttered as Brutus ruthlessly pounded away at her tight fuck hole with his growing tie!

The stable office filled with Katelynn’s frantic muffled cries as she clawed at the couch in pain!

Even her pussy loudly protested the girth currently widening her birth canal as he shoved into it with a wet squelch only to yank it back out with a painful slurping pop!

Then Brutus snarled as he seemingly got violent in this inhuman mating!

Katelynn’s cunt throbbed from the fattening knot which was absolutely wrecking her tight, narrow entrance! Brutus pulling it out and pushing it back in at that jackhammer speed, making it feel as if she were giving birth to his fat monstrous cock over and over!

Suddenly, the bulge seemed too big to enter!

Katelynn felt it now slamming hard against her pussy entrance, no longer going in.

It now felt huge too…

Remembering the baseball size it had swollen to when she had jacked him off, with wide eyes, Katelynn felt scared and panicked once more!

“If he knots me he really might hurt me!

No telling how huge that knot will swell up inside me if he gets it in!”

Whimpering, Katelynn held herself up with one arm as she reached under trying to stop the knot from entering but was unable to firmly grasp his slippery, rapidly thrusting cock. Sobbing now, Katelynn braced herself back up against the couch with two hands…

“God, that knot is going to hurt!!!”

Gulping, Katelynn felt the hard knot banging ever harder at her tight narrow entrance, trying to force its way in!

Her heart painfully thumping hard within her chest, Katelynn gritted her teeth and squeezed her Kegel muscles with everything she had trying to prevent it from being forced into her!

Katelynn felt Brutus regripping her, his claws suddenly and painfully digging into her like knives as he pulled her hips hard up into him as he jack-hammered his cock into her pussy! The pain of his claws digging into her sides momentarily distracting Katelynn from concentrating on her Kegel muscles to prevent the knot from going in…

Then with acute pain, Katelynn felt her tight pussy entrance began stretching, stretching wider than she had ever been – even during a gynecological exam!

Brutus tightened his hold and with the enormous strength of his hind legs thrust hard trying to force her tight narrow vaginal entrance to open much, much farther than it has ever been…

“Oh My God!!!” Katelynn screamed out! Her head fell forward in a gasp then lifted again, her eyes widening at the feel of Brutus trying to knot her…

“Oh, JESUS!!” she wailed as her feet pummeled the floor with fluttering kicks, feeling the pressure building and building as the huge dog pushed his swelling bulge ever harder against her…

Katelynn’s pink petals were stretched wider than they have ever been before!

Her vaginal doorway was trying to resist, but could not possibly stand up to the power of the huge dog…

Katelynn felt herself slowly opening for him!

Yielding, spreading herself around the massive knot as it incrementally began relentlessly invading…

“It’s Too Big! I Can’t Do This Anymore! It Hurts! Fuuuuuuck! GET OFF ME!!!” Katelynn screamed out in panic! Yet Brutus was relentless, his grip too tight and powerful…

Katelynn cried and gasped and whimpered, her eyes welling up, her chest heaving deeply. She realized the futility of resisting and tried to relax and let her body be ultimately violated…

She braced herself…

She had definitely never felt anything like this before! But in her drug stimulated uncontrolled arousal, she gave herself unto it.., fighting the pain and discomfort, yet the intensely aroused part of her wondering what it would feel like to complete the bestial coupling…

Gritting her teeth, gasping, and finally deeply inhaling, and taking in great gulps of air, she began taking in the dog’s swelling knot:

“nnnnnnNNNNNUH! aaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Katelynn loudly cried out feeling a sharp but brief pain as with a wet pop the hard knot breached her abnormally tight, narrow opening, her swollen labia closing around it with only the very root of his nine plus inch long cock shown glistening and red.  Then Katelynn felt his knot began quickly swelling even larger inside her! Now fully enveloped behind those swollen dripping pussy lips, no longer able to pop back out of her clenching vice tight cunt, they were locked firmly together…

His painful insertion was the one she dreaded most as the unfathomably large, swollen hard knot barely fit within the tight confines of her overly stretched battered pussy and was now firmly stuck inside her…

Katelynn let forth a terrible squeal of agony when he tried to yank his entrenched knot out as Brutus prepared to thrust again! The force of which lifted her knees fully off the floor by her squelching pussy before dropping her back to the floor!

Katelynn gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes tight, groaning against a tumultuous mix of pain and pleasure of his still expanding long fat cock which was stretching her even further as it settled and flexed behind her swollen pussy lips, pushing her tight vaginal ring outwards against the bulging curvature of his knot as the tip of his cock compressed her womb towards her stomach.

Being the first time in her life to ever have anything even remotely as thick and long and fat inside her tight narrow vaginal sleeve, Katelynn helplessly strained with great effort, trembling, taking quick raspy laborious breaths trying not to freak out from fear as she felt his knot swell ever larger inside her…

Then, Brutus began pumping her tight pussy again…

Katelynn felt the movement was different now, felt his cock was now fully locked into her, his knot was far too large to dislodge from her quivering wet swollen sex. As the huge dog rocked his hips thrusting into her, her entire body moved! She tried to stay with him now, pumping right along with him, trying to adjust to the immense swollen width of his knot inside her.

As he pounded into Katelynn Brutus’s testicles bounced and wetly slapped against Katelynn’s copiously dripping slit, her pussy repeatedly making a sloppy sucking sound as his knot squelched inside just past her taut pussy lips. Katelynn’s vagina was glistening and swollen, the massive bulk of dog knot visibly bulged terrifyingly large beneath her pubic mound.

It seemed as if his cock was bending up and down, like a coiled spring, entirely filling that very confined sacred space! Her eyes rolled back as Brutus no longer fucked her with pounding hard spring loaded pistoning lunges but began sawing his meaty tie in her abnormally tight hole back and forth! Grinding his sheath against her swollen protruding clit as the tip of his cock stirred against her cervix.

Beads of sweat appeared on Katelynn’s flushed face as she felt herself slowly being compressed and stretched along the deep contours of his firmly imbedded monumental girthy red fleshed rocket. Katelynn felt her vagina repeatedly convulse on his thickly embedded flesh, her legs twitching involuntarily as another lustful groan was forced from her throat. Her pussy mound bulged outwards with the pressure of his massively swelling knot and her toes curled in as the unrelenting pressure of his tie felt like it was filling and massaging all the space within her lower body! More white stars flickered in her vision as she began hyperventilating feeling him fully expanded and locked within her breeding hole. She yelped as the knot tugged painfully and at the same time she felt another shock of intense pleasure ripple up through her belly and along her spine…

Then Katelynn felt a peculiar sensation as Brutus’s doggy cock started becoming noticeably warmer, almost hot, as the hugely swollen knot bulged within her with no room left to go. Her mind turned to nothing more than white static from the insanity inducing internal pressure on the most sensitive erogenous place within her stuffed cunt – her G Spot…

Katelynn, feeling the knot further expanding inside her, filling her pussy to an impossibly tight fit, the swelling knot stretching her further pressing hard and inexorably rubbing her G-spot provoking yet another massive body-racking orgasm, Katelynn’s fifth orgasm…

Katelynn’s mind and body exploded!

All the power of a 4th of July fireworks all launched at the same time!

Her back arched violently with her drug stimulated orgasm and her abdominal muscles began contracting in a series of gut tightening convulsions. Pain and the immense pleasure of her earth shattering orgasm sent her over the edge again and again as Katelynn thrashed and humped back through her massive orgasm lost to everything but the intense pleasure racking her body.

Feeling his mistress once again climaxing around his cock, her tight, narrow vagina tightly spasming and contracting, spurred Brutus to resume rutting fast and furiously as his meaty cock became fully engorged deep inside Katelynn’s tight vagina as Brutus felt his own climax escalating!

Katelynn felt the expanding knot putting a strange type of strain on her cunt, it was a totally unique feeling! Almost as if her clitoris was being stimulated from below! The sexual thrill of it all greatly outweighed the discomfort involved. Actually, that intense pressure discomfort added to her sensual exhilaration. Katelynn felt her whole body lit up flushed with drug and sex stimulated heat! Her breathing was heavy and Brutus was still FUCKING her deeply despite his knot as Katelynn’s body flooded with unbearable arousal and incessant horniness!

With the combined psychoactive synergistic effects of the Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin, Katelynn’s heavily affected drugged mind had placed her in a demented sexual fantasy dream, Katelynn didn’t want to hold back her next orgasm, feeling it would be of epic proportions, and it came just as Brutus’s knot swelled to the size of a BASEBALL inside her!!!

With her sixth climax Katelynn literally cried out at the top of her voice and it just kept coming, the feeling of his hugely swollen knot growing during her massively intense orgasm just kept her orgasm going on for what seemed like an eternity, her tight pussy trying to contract but not being able to with the huge ball at the base of his cock wedged into it and the heat of his copious precum inside her body – and still Brutus kept up with his brutally rampaging rape fucking…

It was almost unbearable – Katelynn panted fast and heavily as the monstrously endowed dog continued rape fucking her hard!

She felt like she was giving birth – her insides wanting to bear down and push the huge swollen knot out of her body but it was just too large and firmly trapped inside her!

Even though there was barely enough room, she could feel the huge organ move back and forth inside her relentlessly rubbing against her G-spot!

Brutus’s shaft was buried deep inside Katelynn, deeper than she had ever felt a real penis or dildo go! She felt her vagina making perceptible rippling constrictions against the rapidly expanding penile shaft that had filled to fit her tight, narrow sheath!

Finally! Now snugly wedged, Brutus slowed his vigorous thrusting and Katelynn felt his pulsing heartbeats through his invasive hot hardness.

Suddenly his thrusting stopped.

She felt the heavy dog on her back suddenly tense as his strong thighs squeezed her thighs rhythmically, and then she felt it…

Her beloved pet, her dog, an ANIMAL, cumming inside her…

With the first explosive spurt of white heat deep inside, Katelynn screamed as she reactively orgasmed!

Nearly passing out from the drug-enhanced intensity of her massive climax!

Her taut lean body visibly shuddering as her guts exploded in a riot of involuntary contractions that effectively began milking his cock in rippling undulations of her muscular vaginal sheath!

 Powerful jets of copious hot steamy cum continued blasting deep inside her, the swollen pillar of pulsing cock firmly embedded in her tight narrow pussy rhythmically spewing hot steamy jets of cum! Every twitch and pulse his muscular cum cannon made was another explosive shot of watery dog cum! Worse, the tip of his cock was aligned directly against her cervix pressing hard against it, the very tip just slightly penetrating her cervical entrance! The tip held in place by the hugely swollen knot locked inside her so that with every explosive jet of steamy cum from his red hose was unleashed directly past the opening up into her womb!

Katelynn could repeatedly feel directed pointed jets blasting past her cervical opening directly injecting her womb! Filling her with an in-human warmth from the immense volume being pumped into her! A seemingly unceasing, pulsing, jetting flow!

The sexual overload was too much for her to take in! Her mental processes shut down leaving her body to work on instinctive and autonomous responses as her contacting pussy involuntarily milked his huge nine-inch long organ while he kept on filling her pussy with more of his cum in an orgasmic climax that seemed to go on and on without pause…

Brutus felt the girl’s tightness gripping and repeatedly contracting around him as he continued to discharge his thin, seminal stream into her. It had been too long for Brutus and he felt the gripping ache in his groin. The girl moaned and Brutus panted, if Brutus could have smiled he would have.

He had claimed this new human female and she was just as great as his first human female…

Brutus’s swollen cock had Katelynn so stretched out that she was aware of its every throb, twitch and even each jet of hot cum being pumped into her, doggy cum a lot warmer and much more voluminous than human cum, acutely Katelynn felt it filling her insides. The warm flush of foreign fluid flooded Katelynn and she felt weak. She was fortunate she had a couch to hold her up otherwise she would have fallen. Every couple seconds she felt the penis swell and throb and then she felt a new surge of warmth as it was jetted up inside her. It was weird so weird but felt so pleasurable…

Her vaginal sheath and uterus was full of liquid warmth, it was a pleasant tight fullness that felt better by the moment. It was in the weirdest way making Katelynn shiver with a new excitement, the feeling involved was indescribable! Being knotted was terrifying yet had awakened her to an unknown amount of immense pleasure she never knew existed.

The huge dog’s fury sheath tip tickled her labia. Katelynn knelt there with her upper body pressed down upon the couch, pinned down, literally, by Brutus’s 180 pound weight and the hugely swollen cock embedded deep and tightly locked inside her. Again she was caught up in yet another grinding, breath taking, ongoing rolling orgasm! And Brutus still kept on cumming right along with her!

That’s the difference, when a man cums, it’s a couple of quick throbs and it’s over. Brutus’s orgasm was steady and protracted, Katelynn realized, a unique contrast…

Katelynn sensed her body reacting by instinctive sexual reflex as Brutus settled on top of her, still cumming in her in what seemed to be slow steady pulsing jetting streams. Her hips involuntarily squirming, changing the pressure of his swollen lengthy cock deep inside her, Katelynn knelt there in disbelief feeling her vaginal muscles, of their own volition, repeatedly contracting, squeezing the thick raping inhuman member tightly locked with her. Feeling her pulsating cunt squeezing his penis by automatic reflex, hugging and sliding along his immensely swollen cock shaft..

 Katelynn disgustedly realized her pussy was milking him like a masturbatory sleeve as her body instinctively jerked him off inside forcing his cum even deeper up into her…

Brutus pulsed again but not as hard this time but still Katelynn felt it. How many times had he spurted into her??? Katelynn hazily wondered, it felt like it was a lot. And he still hadn’t finished!

Brutus lay still on her back for a few moments as he continued to pump his seed inside her. Katelynn reached one hand underneath her and felt that her pubic area had actually bulged from the knot that had swollen to such huge proportions inside her! Katelynn felt an enormous pressure building up inside her, realized his swollen baseball sized knot was so large inside her tight pussy that it did not allow any backpressure liquid relief to leak out…

A few minutes later Brutus grew restless on her back and started to lift his left hind leg, then he turned…

The huge knot rotation inside her pussy making Katelynn scream in painful sexual agony! The dog’s hugely swollen penis tugged and pulled but as soon as he was back on the floor with his butt against hers the discomfort ceased. She acutely felt his swollen knot stretching her! Feeling as if indeed it must have swollen to the size of a baseball inside her!

In this awkward humiliating position Katelynn felt a very strange mixture of pain and pleasure that continuously tugged and tormented her body. She realized her knees were not touching the ground! Her lower body was being lifted off the floor and was actually hanging in midair from the swollen girth of Brutus’s cock locked inside her vagina! Katelynn couldn’t believe she was locked to her dog in the most intimate humiliating way, on her knees, ass to ass… her ass held up by his knot…tied!

Tears once again streaking down her face completing her humiliation…

It took a few more minutes for Brutus’s knot to further reduce in size before it was able to come out – albeit painfully!

Brutus started tugging and would not stop…, Katelynn felt Brutus leaning his 180 pounds of weight forward, and he kept leaning…

The tugging intensified to an almost painful tearing sensation as Brutus’s knot pulled against the tight vaginal seal swallowing the root of his still swollen knot. “AGH FUCK!!!” Katelynn yelled out as the engorged monstrosity trapped within threatened to pull her vagina inside out with the weight and gravity of Brutus’s still hugely swollen size…

The pain and soreness of Katelynn’s small tight vaginal entrance flared to pin point painful brightness as her pussy was forcibly, slowly, spread open as his still hugely swollen knot gradually started to emerge!  Katelynn bore down with her vaginal muscles trying to keep the knot trapped a bit longer until it reduced further in size but her vaginal muscles were too sore and fatigued to prevent it!

There was an audible wet sucking noise as his knot painfully stretched her labia and pushed past her tight vaginal entrance. Thankfully due to the overload of drugs coursing through her system the pain was at a tolerable level even though the pain still brought Katelynn to tears.

All her efforts to stay with him failed, and with one hard pull and an intense brief flash of intense pain her tight, swollen cunt barely loosened just enough that the sledgehammer of a swollen knot forcefully popped out from her distended gripping pussy lips. Katelynn couldn’t help herself screaming with the knot’s sudden emergence!

Aieeeeeeeeee …..aarrrrggggh!!!”

A long painful groan escaped Katelynn’s throat as she felt the suction of his swollen serpentine length of his thick nine-inch long phallus slowly and sinuously slither from her tightly gripping pussy as his swollen cock slowly pulled out.  In her drug affected highly aroused body, time had slowed to an infinitesimal crawl, it seemed as if the damn monster dog cock was endlessly withdrawing…

His withdrawing cock produced prolonged rude sucking wet sounds as Brutus slowly pulled away.  Finally, Katelynn felt it slide totally out of her pussy with a gushing wet pop! Immediately upon full emergence she felt an immense gush of fluids suddenly explosively spew from her blood engorged vaginal canal, feeling herself emptying out as floods of cum poured from her sore, battered abused pussy!  Katelynn’s pussy deeply throbbed, her vaginal muscles burned from the force of the separation – she could only imagine this was what childbirth felt like!

Shocked to her core, fucked to exhaustion, sweat glistening and dripping from her spent, sore abused body, the extreme Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin combination dosage leaving her further weakened, Katelynn remained kneeling on her knees leaning against the couch afraid to move one way or another, as if she even had the strength to move! Feeling the full shocking impact of what had just happened descending upon her like a collapsing building…

How could she look at herself in the mirror anymore…?

All she would see would be the image of a beautiful woman, ME! Being fucked by a dog…

For however long her inhuman rape had gone on for she had acutely felt every inch of this living, pulsing, monstrous hot bestial thing inside her, rape fucking her… Ashamedly, she silently admitted to herself that the tight fullness of the thickly swollen and immensely long canine penis, throbbing, warm, rapidly raping in and out of her, had been undeniably pleasurable, especially when she felt him cumming inside her…

Katelynn’s head dropped and she began to sob, trying to rationalize with herself it was the drugs that had made her dog rape pleasurable…

Katelynn, through her tear blurred eyes looked down at Brutus who was licking his exposed red, purplish, raw looking ugly penis. That monumental piston all swollen and girthy dripped with sex juices as it hung down heavy under its own weight, still pulsing and twitching and bobbing slightly.

Katelynn’s eyes widened in astonishment seeing his immensely long and girthy nine inch long cock that had fucked her senseless!

Struck by its huge size and the thick ball like bulge that had tightly held it locked inside her just moments before.  It was immensely thicker and much, much longer by several inches than her old college boyfriend…

“Damn, cock and knot, I took in what must be at least nine whole inches of cock!

I can’t believe that huge thing was really all the way inside me! Can’t believe I could even take that much inside me!” Katelynn said out loud in an incredulous drugged slurred tone.

A sudden thought struck her, Brutus seemed to know exactly what to do, what he had done went beyond mere instinct…

There wasn’t much mucking about to find her pussy, he knew exactly what to do. It didn’t look like beginner’s luck the way he maneuvered himself. He has done this before…

With another woman…

“Well whoever owned him before taught him really well, that’s for sure.”  Katelynn wryly thought in disgust…



The heavy synergistic combination dosage of Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin had left Katelynn extremely weak, plus having been brutally raped by her beloved pet had further weakened her, the psychoactive properties of all three drugs still causing her to have psychedelic dissociative moments.

In her fucked-out exhaustion, Katelynn couldn’t summon the strength to get up, she remained kneeling, resting her upper half on the couch, fully in disbelief feeling an unbearable horniness still fully in possession of her despite having been rape fucked by her dog, shocked and incredulous of feeling an unbearable need to be fucked some more…

In brief moments of lucidity Katelynn knew her extreme horniness was being caused by the Ecstasy plus whatever other date rape drug had been slipped to her, plus her own high sex drive wasn’t helping matters, her already naturally high libido having been supercharged by the Ecstasy. The lips and walls of her vagina had never felt like this. She reached down to run her fingers through her swollen openly parted folds, her hand grew slick with Brutus’s copious emissions.

Her highly aroused needy cunt felt like a lustful inferno, her tripping mind seeing exploding fireworks fueled by psychedelic drugs, the drugs also stimulating and highly enhancing her sexual sensations.

Katelynn couldn’t resist playing with her swollen protruding clit, wishing she could have made it back to her cabin and one of her dildos…

As she played with her clit Katelynn could quickly feel yet another orgasm boiling in the base of her spine. As she worked her clit bringing forth her orgasm, Atlas, the friendly ranch dog, entered unseen through the open doorway…

Like Brutus except just a bit smaller, Atlas was still a massive dog by shear bulk, 150 pounds, 30 inches tall at the shoulder, a powerful Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. His wide barrel chest was supported on powerful front legs. His hind quarters were equally as strong and gave the appearance of being longer than the front legs under his tucked-up belly. His big square featured head was supported by a thick neck.

Atlas stopped unnoticed a few feet away behind Katelynn, confused. He wasn’t sure what his mistress was doing in that position, but he could smell the presence of female sex pheromones and of another dog coming from her, the strong smell of a female having just been bred. He followed his nose, smelling the intoxicating scent flooding out from between her legs. The intoxicating scent coming off her freshly fucked aroused cunt made him instinctively want to mount and breed her hard.

He tilted his head and looked at the tan-contrasted skin of his willowy mistress, never having seen her with her coverings fully off. He saw that her vagina was still wet and puffy, recognizing the similar sight and related smell from the ranch’s recently bred mares. Her smell was irresistibly enticing as he inclined his head one way then the other puzzling the situation as his intact male instincts asserted full control of his actions.

Atlas closed in a little, still unsettled, expecting to be pushed away but his mistress did neither, she was resting her upper body on the couch, eyes closed, moaning, while one hand was underneath her playing with her very swollen clit.

Suddenly Katelynn felt her thighs being forced apart by a huge hairy head! Her eyes flashed open and looked over her shoulder seeing Atlas’s huge broad head behind her. Katelynn tried to close her legs but she was too weak as were her weak efforts to push his questing nose from encroaching upon her pussy…

Atlas lowered his nose toward the juncture of her widely parted legs. It definitely had a strong smell of another dogs semen, was this a female? She was definitely giving off the right pheromones for a female in heat.

Atlas looked at the hairless, fleshy, openly swollen pink gash of wetness. It sort of glistened with a sweet inviting look. Yes, this was a female human that had been bred very recently he was sure of that.

He was checking out the human bitch in every detail. Her smooth hairless body was strange and yet alluring to him, her kneeling presentation somewhat familiar. He sniffed her butt then Atlas pushed his wet muzzle between Katelynn’s widely spread thighs and up against her highly aroused distended pussy and gave her an expansive lick…

“Oh My God, STOP, PLEASE! Not again….” Katelynn weakly moaned.

His mistress wriggled but didn’t growl or move away, just weakly pushed against his head but not hard enough to discourage him nor did he hear any harsh scolding commands issued. Emboldened and now totally confident that what he was looking at and smelling was a female’s vagina swollen in heat, he closed in on the swollen slash fully exposed by his mistress’s widely spread tanned naked thighs…

Katelynn shuddered again at Atlas’s brief contact. Katelynn sighed and struggled to contain her sob’s, disbelief that another dog was being sexual with her but the extreme dose of Ecstasy and whatever other drugs was still dictating her highly aroused body and she was too weak from the drugs and her dog rape to muster up effective resistance, let alone have the strength to move from her kneeling position…

Then Atlas again began licking the back of her thighs then the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks moving his tongue slowly toward her pussy…

Katelynn’s flat tummy tightened and fluttered with apprehension…

Again she faced one big tank of a beast. Then the dogs broad powerful long tongue slathered across Katelynn’s still swollen vaginal folds and she shivered. With a little, almost imperceptible, whimper, her bottom lifted with each lash of Atlas’s tongue, his tongue repeatedly lashing her swollen protruding clit, then dragged through her parted swollen vaginal folds and then up between up open cleft of her cute ass. Atlas’s early confusion gone as he languidly gave her pussy and ass long lashing strokes.

In disbelief, Katelynn felt herself parting her knees spreading them apart a little more!

Even in her psychoactive drugged stupor, Katelynn realized she couldn’t control herself! The Ecstasy and whatever else the other drugs were had lit a sexual inferno within her that was still blazing out of control despite just having been brutally rape fucked by Brutus!

She thought how she had felt when Brutus had thrust into her not more than a half hour ago and she groaned with the memory of it as Atlas’s tongue parted her labia minora and tried to follow the wet nectar that had started to flow again, a sweet cocktail of Katelynn and Brutus’s leavings.

Katelynn managed just enough strength to briefly raise herself up on her arms and looked down, all she saw was her own chest with its perspiration glow from the artificially created flush the Ecstasy had given her elevating her body temperature. She could feel her own heart beats as her large, firm hard nipple breasts heaved up and down in time with her heavy breathing.

Atlas tongued Katelynn several times tasting her feminine ambrosia, under the ministrations of the dog’s powerful tongue Katelynn couldn’t help having another involuntary orgasm! His doggy brain and taste receptors told Atlas that this was how a female in heat should taste and smell and she was behaving like a female in heat, her pheromones were telling him she was more than ready to be mounted…

Atlas withdrew his head and cocked it one way then the other taking a long look at the open pink petals inches in front of his nose. A bead of clear nectar was about to drop from it. He took one long last lash of his powerful tongue making Katelynn flinch in her post-orgasm hypersensitivity.

Atlas shuffled in behind Katelynn. Without a tail as an impediment he had full access to her small, tight slit. He put his front paw over Katelynn’s flaring hips and with more grace than his large body style suggested lifted himself onto her small rounded firm ass…

NO! NO!! NOT THAT AGAIN!!! Katelynn weakly moaned as she weakly tried to escape.

Atlas’s hips were thrusting forward even before his front legs closed around Katelynn’s narrow waist! The dog’s hind feet shuffled forward and his hips continued their rhythmic swing, the pink tip of Atlas’s penis was out and jabbing in the general direction of Katelynn’s swollen goodies.

Katelynn felt his weight pressing her forward and down at the hips, again she was tightly pressed against the couch by the heavy weight of another huge dog on top of her, too weak to fend him off, weakly she twisted her hips from one side to the other trying to avoid the heat seeking red rocket seeking its target. Then the front legs of Atlas moved to more firmly clasp about her slim waist as Atlas dragged himself up against her firm butt in search of her pussy.

The huge dog searched and prodded. Katelynn felt the penis tip slid across her smooth butt cheeks with just the slightest hint of friction on her skin. Then his, as yet only partly protruding penis, slid into Katelynn’s parted butt groove not even close to where he wanted to be…

Barely realizing in her drug addled mind she was instinctively doing it, Katelynn eased back toward the swinging hips. She arched her back to raise her hips, wanting any cock right this moment to assuage her drug stimulated needy horniness more than she would ever admit…

Katelynn took a deep breath and exhaled. All she could think was that she needed to come again and then some more!

Needed to cum under another brutal onslaught of a savage massive cock fucking her!

Regrets she would figure out later…

At this point, so far gone in the psychoactive grip of the heavy combination dosage of Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin, Katelynn was behaving like a wanton succubus! All she wanted was the feeling of another cock fucking her, even a canine one, just as Brutus had been inside her, stretching, knotting, pulsing, filling her a short while ago…

Once again Katelynn spread her knees widely apart… She eased back a little more as Atlas’s front paws gripped and pulled at her hips, squashing her butt to his groin.

Atlas moved his hunched haunches down and further under Katelynn. Again he was pulling and thrusting, Atlas was now heading directly toward her puffy swollen vulva, and Katelynn felt it too…

Atlas now slipping up and back in Katelynn’s groove but he was now too far under her to be able to penetrate. Atlas shuffled then he paused as he shuffled to line himself up with her pussy. Atlas’s searching penis tip dipped into Katelynn, she felt the slippery intrusion and held her breath with anticipation, then the prodding appendage was gone, the heavy beast slid reluctantly from her back once again.

Atlassss…” Katelynn said in a quivering drug-weakened voice…

“Fuck me. Fuck me now Atlas…

Atlas was frustrated as was Katelynn but then he remounted again…

Katelynn’s breathing was rapped with unnatural drug stimulated sexual excitement. She felt Atlas’s canine cock began hotly jetting between her parted ass cheeks with its doggy, lubricating cum, then even closer, squirt directly against her anus!

For one crazy moment Katelynn thought about ass fucking, being one of those few rare women who actually enjoy it…

Then Atlas’s prodding searching penis again shallowly dipped into Katelynn once, held for an instant then came out. Katelynn moaned as she felt the brief heated penetration, feeling a jet of hot precum blasting into her escalating her neediness to be fucked some more…

Now that he realized he had found the portal, Atlas jabbed a second time but deeper this time and he felt the warm clutching dripping vagina tightly clamping on his warm penis tip. Then Atlas’s animal instinct and reflexes took over…

Feeling the wet heat of her swollen pussy lips kiss the tapered point of his cock he launched himself forward, his rear legs coming off the floor with this powerful thrust. His hips exploded in a flurry of motion as he fully drove himself instinctively into his target…

Katelynn couldn’t contain herself and cried out loud as his cock bottomed out at the back wall of her vagina! Instinctively arching her back tilting her pelvis back towards him presenting Atlas with full access…

Katelynn felt his cock swelling to gigantic proportions inside her almost instantly!

His cock tip hammered at the bottom of her vagina over and over drawing shocked and involuntary cries from her. Everything became involuntary as he vigorously drove into her receptive horny pussy!

Katelynn’s orgasm exploded and she felt the world start once again spinning away as her body reacted to the massive sexual stimulation it was receiving. Her orgasmic convulsions were violent! Her cries renting the air!

Atlas feeling his cock swelling, expanding deep inside his mistress’s tightly gripping contracting pussy, he was driven in sexual desperation to go deeper…

Katelynn could only breath in loud gasps and grip the couch while sharp, involuntary groans came forth from deep within her as Atlas brutally pounded his cock into her over and over!

Atlas’s cock strained and extended deep into Katelynn’s tightly clutching pussy as his hips thundered rapidly thrusting his very large cock into her, stretching, pushing, expanding as it did. He felt the need to dominate and Atlas whined loudly with his controlling pleasure of victory. Katelynn was trembling under him and Atlas could feel her pussy clamping down ever tighter on his tightly fitting penis. Frantically and brutally, Atlas furiously raped his swelling cock in and out of Katelynn! Ravishing her drug stimulated highly aroused body…

The hammering of his inhumanely huge canine cock was overpowering! Stroke after furious stroke pounded Katelynn with overwhelming fullness, each deep thrust resolved in blinding succession of waves of pleasure! Repeatedly Katelynn cried out in shock as short, ragged breaths flowed out as loud whimpers as yet again she experiencing the raping brutality of a huge mass invading her taut belly.

Atlas could hear the low burbling groans and grunts and several protesting screams of the human female who flinched and wriggled under him. Unable to hold back his own demanding sexual neediness Atlas mercilessly hammered his hips with a mechanical fervor! His penis was still thickening and he felt the pleasant ache at the root of his engorged shaft that was extended to its limit from his groin. He could penetrate no further and the friction of his engorged spear had begun to extract another feeling from his groin, an intense building pressure that needed release…

Atlas continued to flex and hump at a lightning fast pace! He walked closer and shifted the angle of his hips. The next flurry of thrusts went even deeper! Bashing brutally into Katelynn’s already sore cervix! Katelynn feeling his cock expanding further and further with each brutal pounding thrust into her tight loudly squishing sex!

The pain and shock and surprise from the tip of Atlas’s cock repeatedly bashing against her sore cervix forced loud yelps and grunts from Katelynn as she tightly clutched the couch cushions and dropped her head to the couch to steady herself against the violent hammering of his cock deep inside her. Her drug addled mind raced trying to process the sensation but could not. Her mind again started to blank, then, her mind simply followed her body’s instinctive sexual reactions…

In her hallucinogenic state, almost as if watching herself from outside of her own body, Katelynn was stunned. What had happened to her, was happening to her yet again! Being heavily drugged, what she was now doing because of the drugs…, she must be crazy, this was so not her…

Yet even this thought quickly passed completely out of existence as Katelynn groaned with intense sexual pleasure even while she was enduring the brutal onslaught of the huge dog’s powerful hips as he seated himself well within deep into her secret place…

Atlas continued strenuously humping Katelynn, his large dangling balls slapping against Katelynn’s exposed swollen clit invoking a series of electrically charged sensations that sent tingles through her entire body.

Katelynn felt unsteady as she passed into yet another psychedelic sexual hallucination!

At this sexually unrestrained moment she wanted this brutal rutting to last forever!

The steady slapping testicles against her swollen clit with the lengthy meaty mass brutally thrusting hard and fast into her needy vagina had started to evoke tremors that ran along her spine as a prelude to another orgasm! Her massive orgasm suddenly exploded! Katelynn screamed as she came yet again on a massive canine cock…

Katelynn’s every sense was alive with feeling! Inside she was conscious of the expanding penis pressing against the walls of her narrow vaginal sheath, then swelling even more stretching her tight vaginal sheath while the swelling knotty gland was repeatedly slamming against her already sore pussy trying to gain entry…

As yet another orgasm took her Katelynn felt herself vibrate!

Muscles all over her body quivered. She moaned loudly, a deep, almost animal-like sound as she felt her vaginal muscles pulsing on the huge cock, pulling it further into her hotly aroused pussy! Feeling this Atlas further increased his pace as he felt her pussy tightly squeezing his cock!

“Oooooooooo,” she moaned, “Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeee! Oh, that feels sooooo gooood!!!”

Katelynn tossed her head back and forth, feeling his balls slapping her swollen clit on every stroke. She instinctively bucked her hips trying to get even more cock into her pussy! She could feel the tip of it bumping into her cervix on every stroke and his swelling knot slamming against her tight vaginal entrance heightening her drug-stimulated arousal to even higher levels!

Atlas kept on pounding his cock into his young mistress! Pouring it to her as fast as he could! He arched his back and rocked his hips back and forth, moving eight inches of his cock in and out of her tight pussy on each powerful stroke!

Katelynn’s world had dwindled down to the massive heated cock plunging into the innermost reaches of her tight vagina. She held no thought in her head except colorful psychedelics swirls and the powerful sensations of getting the greatest fucking of her life crashing into her! Her drug-altered sense of time seemed to be infinitesimally slow enhancing each raping fuck stroke as immersed she was in a matrix of drug-heightened arousal…

Katelynn again felt a repeated tremendous bludgeoning pressure against her tight, narrow vaginal entrance as Atlas repeatedly tried to force his swelling knot, about the size of a large lemon, into her over and over, stretching her already brutalized opening!

Katelynn felt his bulge batter its way past her tight vaginal entrance! Stretching her most tender vaginal vestibule where her nerve endings were on fire with sensation!

Then an intense flare of pain blazed through her cunt as the bulge fully entered inside her!

For the second time knotted!

Katelynn heard herself release a low guttural scream as if been struck when it fully entered. Her breath caught in her throat and she struggled to breath against the sudden, overwhelming fullness in her belly. Atlas’s unrelenting domination of her cunt was complete, all the while he continued to hump wildly, pushing his still expanding fullness into her…

“No… Noooh… please donnnt …” Katelynn pleaded as she felt the movement of Atlas’s growing knot rubbing her most sensitive place, her G-Spot! Katelynn repeatedly moaned as she felt his knot continuing to swell ever larger inside her, pressing and rubbing ever harder against her G-spot with its continuing expansion.

Katelynn reached down with one hand again feeling her bulging pubic mound and her distended vaginal lips, acutely felt the knot he’d forced into her inflating to a tremendous size! Its hot pulsing mass pressing tightly against the walls of her vagina. But what she felt in all its most intimate detail was the swelling knot pressing and rubbing hard against her G-spot which sent frequent exquisite jolts from her groin to the base of her spine…

Then her eyes rolled back and her toes curled…

Katelynn knew what was happening, she was letting herself fully succumb to the rising climactic sensation that her highly aroused sex was willing her to let loose…

She felt so slutty!

The huge dose of Ecstasy and the other drugs seemingly had erased all her inhibitions making her feel a certain erotic pleasure that was unbelievable in its intensity!

She was, in a perverse way, receiving a nefarious (wicked) pleasure while being pleasured wickedly herself, Atlas giving her pleasure, her tight vaginal neck aching and throbbing with a pleasant soreness.

Katelynn bit her lip feeling the pressure inside the neck of her vagina increase with a dull aching pleasure, tight, ready to explode in climax! Her head spinning from the psychoactive drugs, the drugs making her unbearably, irresistibly horny, her highly aroused body stimulated by tingling charges that shot from her inflamed groin to every part of her body. It was a weird mixture of pain and soreness that enhanced her pleasure.

Her mind reeled at the absolute taboo perversion and animalistic lust which was utterly dominating her!

Then sudden hot flashes and intense sexual electricity rapidly began escalating again!

She felt an amazing tension building between her legs from getting so roughly and violently rape fucked!

With an involuntary response Katelynn began pushing right back into his lunging hips! Desirous moans seeping out of her sensuous lips, lustfully hungering for the huge orgasm that was building up in her core!

Atlas growled seeming to sense her rising peak and began fucking her all the harder!

What was merely tingling on the fringes of her body and mind all of a sudden knocked down the door with a battering ram…

Resonating deeply from her core yet another immense drug-heightened orgasm ripped through her taut lean athletic body! Katelynn’s vision narrowed into a dark tunnel nearly blacking out from such an intense release! She could only release a long drawn out orgasmic scream being so utterly ruined by his huge raping cock thrusting in and out of her with lightning speed.

Katelynn uncontrollably convulsed in his restraining paws as Atlas himself let out a mighty groan when Katelynn’s narrow vaginal sheath started contracting powerfully! Her narrow vagina rippling around his cock pulling at his shaft, encouraging his own release!

Katelynn’s tightly contracting vagina erratically clenched at him, milking around the hugely swollen male organ as she bucked ferociously and came again and then again! Her intense orgasmic peaks only seemed to goad Atlas to fuck her even more furiously! Her orgasmic cries reached even louder pitches as the sensation of intense discomfort and incredible pleasure rattled her drug-addled brain which she found both frightening and deeply arousing!

She couldn’t help but wonder how something so huge could feel so damned good…

With a final hard shove Atlas slammed the squishy tip of his canine cock against her unprotected cervix! The tip breaching her cervical opening with an odd mix of pain and pleasure almost pushing its way into her womb!

Then, Katelynn felt elongated pulses moving from the root of his cock that swelled his knot slightly even more with each pulse, then she felt the pulses coursing up through his immensely swollen shaft surging into her heated loins that then began volcanically exploding past her cervical opening as inhuman hot cum began jetting directly up into her womb triggering yet another massive drug-heightened orgasm in Katelynn as she shuddered and jerked with each orgasmic contraction!

To Katelynn, the powerful jetting spray of hot cum deep inside her felt like a hot water enema searing the depths of her pussy! She came instantly! Her climax flashing in her brain like a Roman candle firing exploding balls of colored fire again and again behind her eyes as Atlas’s hugely swollen cock pumped stream after copious stream into her!

Again, and again Katelynn felt repeated hot eruptions deep inside her happening every couple seconds, the explosively powerful jettisons of copious cum blasting past her cervical entrance directly up into her womb!

Katelynn found the heaving oscillation from his hot pendulous swollen penis in her overly stretched vagina stirring inside her an intense pleasure! A familiar warm pressure began to intoxicate her body radiating electrifying tingles outwards from her filling womb. The copious liquid heat building inside her felt intense!

After a moment the intense heat and pressure and pulsing of his knot against the inside wall of her vagina created yet another hot pulsing in her anus. She could feel the tip of his cock just past her cervical opening as it spewed its copious semen directly up into her womb!

The sensation of fullness, of increasing pressure already almost unbearable, continued to increase with every powerful pulse, with every jet of hot copious cum filling her! Katelynn closed her eyes and found herself bucking in time with the hot pulsing sensations deep within her core stimulating yet another monstrous body-racking orgasm which she couldn’t help herself screaming out…

“OH YES! … YES!! … YES!!!”

Katelynn fervently repeating the yes with each pulsing discharge of Atlas’s cum!

“Oh My God!” Katelynn breathlessly uttered as her eyes again rolled back in her head as she panted then regained her composure one more time,

“It’s like before! Just tight and achy. Damn! I feel so stretched out but in a pleasurable way…”

Katelynn reached one hand back to feel the overly stretched opening to her pussy. She ran a finger between her swollen lips and could feel the top of the hot ball of hugely swollen knot buried inside her, felt the huge bulge behind her mounded pubic area. It was impossibly huge and hard inside her! Felt his cum leaking out and running down her thighs and dripping onto the floor.

Deep, heaving orgasmic contractions began yet once again to convulse her…

Seemingly to jerk savagely at the raw fibers of every taut muscle in her long, lithe athletic body!

Her arms gave out! Now she laid on her face against the couch cushion. Her mouth opened to emit loud ragged screams with each arc of exploding ecstasy as her tight pussy instinctively squeezed piteously against Atlas’s hard, invading knot as it throbbed. Atlas yowled with the pressure! His feet pranced and stamped, he tugged at the immovable knot firmly locked inside this tight female that was uncomfortably squeezing his swollen organ.

Atlas felt the human female’s pussy repeatedly tightly contract! Squeezing his cock for long moments, actively milking him by instinctive autonomic sexual reflex as his cock continued pulsing and expelling more semen into her tightly clutching pussy as he continued filling her swollen tight, tender sleeve in steady rhythmic spurts.

The current explosion of sexual electricity coursing through Katelynn’s firm nubile lithe body felt like it was the first of her life, or so she thought…

However it was the last within a continuant chain of unending drug stimulated ecstasy which had been ongoing one after the other for the better part of several minutes. Where one ended another began and she sensed she had more than she could count still waiting to rip through her quivering body!

The pulsing missile of hot enormous swollen cock buried so deeply inside of her had stretched out the walls of her vaginal sheath tightly along the contours of his veiny bulbous monstrous cock encasing it like an elastic glove so that every nerve ending in her reproductive center was reaping the enormity of pleasurable benefits from his every throb, twitch, pulse, and jettison of cum which Atlas continued unleashing into her vulnerable vaginal sheath and womb.

After long moments of clenching and releasing his thick shaft and knot with her orgasmically contracting vaginal sheath, the thought struck Katelynn that she was subconsciously milking his ejaculate directly up into her womb since she felt the tip of his cock was in her cervical entrance, her body automatically doing this on its own in an instinctive sexual reaction! Felt that there was so much cum being forcefully expelled into her that it was already flooding through her fallopian tubes, overflowing, and filling the gaps between his hot throbbing shaft and her overly stretched out pussy walls…

Eventually Katelynn felt her powerful autonomous vaginal contractions began to subside, replaced by low rippling spasms of pleasure…

Katelynn closed her eyes and focused on breathing through this. She and Atlas held that position, Atlas on her back, his cock buried and knotted tightly in her, his copious cum filling her, for what seemed like, forever…

Then as his copious warm squirts diminished in strength and volume, Atlas grew restless…

And despite enjoying the wonderful sensation of his cock still being actively milked by the still orgasmic female he was tightly tied to, Atlas lifted his left front paw across Katelynn’s, and as the knot twisted and tugged as he turned, Katelynn trembled as more shooting shocks of electrically charged joy racked her drug-stimulated highly aroused body…

As Atlas turned he pulled Katelyn totally off the couch!

Katelynn caught herself on her hands, now she was on knees and hands tied with the huge dog ass to ass!

Her firm cute ass tilted up hung up by the knot!

Katelynn’s weakened arms gave way and she slumped forward, the dog’s knot still firmly embedded inside her spasming vagina. Her whimpers became a cry, then a scream, as her body convulsed with yet another monstrous drug-stimulated orgasm! Her taut, lithe body racked with uncontrolled muscle contractions that caused her to shudder, shake and writhe on the stable office floor.

Atlas looked at Katelynn in the throes of yet another orgasm, her hot tight pussy clenched and unclenched on his blood engorged penis and he felt her drawing his already embedded shaft deeper into her pussy…

Atlas wasn’t at all comfortable with the clinging tugging female he was tied to, he moved first one way then another in an effort to be free of her but every time he did she tightly spasmed even more…

Katelynn lost all physical control as she writhed on the floor! She wanted it to end but each time she thought she was coming back under control Atlas moved and her now oversensitive dilated sex exploded with another lightning bolt of painful pleasure!

Atlas moved, Katelynn reacted!

When Katelynn clenched down Atlas moved!

Sometimes Atlas whimpered as he gave a little puppy yelp as Katelynn clenched down hard on his sore penis. Both the dog and girl were in a cycle of action and reaction that diminished as Katelynn slowly got control of herself through willpower and exhaustion as the drugs began to wear off.

“Fuck me” She moaned, “This feels ssssso *uhn* fucking good! FUCK! I can’t *hhhnnn* take much *agh* morrre… please… you huh-huh-have to pull out ssssoon.” Katelynn whispered through exasperated breathes…

Finally, Katelynn on her knees, laid on the floor breathing heavily, Atlas stood for many minutes occasionally looking at the tightly knotted girl behind him until he finally decided that for the time being they were not going to be separated so he laid down as well.

Katelynn felt liquid heat spreading in her core radiating outwards throughout her taut quivering belly. So much of his copious sperm had been pumped into her she could feel liquid pressure in her womb! His voluminous liquid trapped within by his enormous plugging knot. Her eyes fluttered again and mouth gaped open when she felt the low point of her stomach getting firm against her hands. Fat beads of sweat rolled off her drug heated body making her tanned flesh glisten.

‘Oh fuck! I can’t take much *uuuhhnn* Fuck Me! Much more of thisss!

For maybe five minutes more the two remained tightly coupled until both showed signs that things needed to end…

Atlas began by turning from one side to the other, Katelynn moaned each time he did before the dog finally stumbled to his feet awkwardly making Katelynn yell out and Katelynn rolled up onto her knees in an effort to lessen the painful discomfort that the moving dog was causing her tender, abused pussy. Then she managed to regain her hands and knees but her knees were tender and they hurt too. Atlas began pulling away forcefully, Katelynn winced and clamped down preventing any change in their situation. After several more seconds Atlas tugged again, it hurt them both, Atlas whining uncomfortably.

He was hurting as well and Katelynn knew it, She just wanting this all to end and for that to happen she knew she could not clamp down as a reflex when the knot moved. She had to relax herself, not tense up knowing it would be hard not to as his knot coming out would tremendously hurt like it did with Brutus, her pussy was even more sore now from her second doggy rape…

The next tug from Atlas Katelynn was concentrating, and instead of the reflex clutching of her vagina she resisted the forceful tugging of Atlas in the hope it would help their separation. She felt her self being tugged backward and her penis filled vagina expanded to what seemed to be an incredible excruciating degree!!!

Tears started coursing from her eyes!

She bit down hard on her bottom lip as his lubricated cum coated knot slowly slid out of her tight, narrow love canal as if she were giving birth to his cock! Katelynn moaned as she gripped her hands tightly as she incrementally painfully released the still enormous knot within her…

Katelynn moaned then screamed out in pain as Atlas whined and yelped, then with a wet slurping sucking sound emanating from her tight pussy the still too large swollen knot and distended eight inch long cock began slithering from Katelynn’s swollen highly abused pussy followed by a waterfall of cum which splashed onto the floor followed by the feeling of complete emptiness within her.

With tears streaming down her face Katelynn looked at the dangling appendage; both the penis and still astoundingly large lemon sized knot were a bleached looking whitish purple with thin traces of red veins. Katelynn groaned at the ugly sight of it, stunned at the understanding of what had been in locked into her and had passed back out of her tight narrow vaginal entrance, it looked still so engorged! Not for the first time this night Katelynn wondered how it had all fitted inside of her…

Katelynn’s legs gave out and she exhaustively slumped to the floor, she lay still, unable to move, totally drained…



A while later, Katelynn’s swirling vision began to slightly clear, the hallucinations had noticeable diminished but she was still tripping periodically, keeping her mind unbalanced as she faded from reality to fantasy back to reality.

She noticed Brutus laying in the room but Atlas was not. With a determined effort Katelynn got to her hands and knees but she stayed there for several moments exhausted and dizzy from just this slight effort. Brutus seeing her rise into a familiar position got up and came over and started licking her face.

“No, Brutus, No, let me get up…” Katelynn weakly pushed Brutus away.

After some moments in her kneeling position gathering her strength, Katelynn was stunned when Brutus suddenly tried to mount her again!


Katelynn collapsed onto her stomach. She thought it best to belly crawl to the bathroom and the shower to keep Brutus from trying to mount her again. Her sorely abused pussy felt as if it was on fire. She started belly crawling, damn Brutus trying to lick her ass and pussy the entire way, trying in his own way to get Katelynn back into a mounting position…

Brutus was familiar with Katelynn’s tactic. His previous mistress had unsuccessfully tried the same thing the very first time he had tried mounting her, but he knew he could defeat his new mistress’s position. Brutus straddled Katelynn’s legs, his forelegs going to her hips, then he dug in tightly gripping Katelynn’s slim hips…

Katelynn yelped from the pain of Brutus’s claws digging into her skin. She bucked her hips trying to dislodge Brutus but in effect it raised her hips up enough to allow Brutus to easily lift her hips further upwards with his powerful forelegs pulling Katelynn’s cute ass into an optimal mounting position!

Brutus, now fully recharged, started humping Katelynn’ firm cute ass! His cock was already partially erect and out of its sheath. Katelynn could feel it repeatedly jabbing in-between the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks dangerously close to her anus!

Then Katelynn screamed loudly feeling the tip of his cock hit her tight anus! Felt the veiny cock trying to force itself into her ass! Unfortunately, or fortunately, her anus was well lubed by her own pussy juices and the copious cum remnants from the two dogs…

Brutus applied more pressure trying to force the extremely tight opening. Felt his purple cock being forced into her tight anal opening! Katelynn experienced acute pinpoint pain radiating from her tight anal entrance! Katelynn doing her best to clench her anus! She was in total panic mode!

Brutus knew he was close to penetration and kept humping his member in! Little by little, the lubrication allowed more and more access!

Katelynn felt how the pointy head of the cock was forcing itself through her tight little sphincter despite how hard she clenched!

The struggle took seconds but due to time dilation from the drugs, it felt like tortuous minutes to Katelynn! She felt every moment, every fraction of an inch, of her anus being forcibly expanded in the face of merciless raping dog cock! Felt the tip of his cock again begin to squirt hot precum directly injecting it into her rectum!

Katelynn had long ago closed her eyes clenching tight every part of her body as best as she could which was not much due to the psychoactive drug cocktail. She forced her sphincter as tight as possible, clenching so hard it was sending pain signals through her whole body!

She was so focused on trying to prevent entry she had even stopped breathing! But the brief moment when she finally exhaled, she unintentionally relaxed her body just for a second. And that was all it took…

Brutus forced his dog cock inside her ass!

Katelynn’s eyes shot wide open screaming in pain!

When the pointy head had pushed itself through, the rest of the canine cock followed with its full nine inch long length!

Katelynn still kept trying to clench her ass tight but it was far too late now. The only thing she managed to do with her clenching was stimulate Brutus’s cock! Brutus had conquered the final tight obstacle and he had fully buried it into Katelynn’s tight ass!

Brutus started to thrust his hips back and forth while shooting hot precum inside Katelynn. Now that the inhumanly hot cock was fully deep inside her, she acutely felt every hot pulsing jet of precum shooting into her ass! She was so wrecked and strung out on drugs that she didn’t realize it then, but without that constant lubrication, Brutus might’ve done some serious damage to her ass…

Katelynn’s sensitive nerve endings around her tight anus felt every inch of his swelling cock. She felt her anus expanding further while the dog kept hardening, and she felt that she was already past the limit she could take! Her college boyfriend’s cock was not thick nor was it anywhere near as long as Brutus’s!

Brutus picked up the pace of his thrusting…

The constant precum lubrication, despite her extreme anal tightness, ensured Katelynn’s anal co-operation and proof that a beastly cock could piston in and out of her tight ass with increasing tempo!

Quickly Katelynn was being ass raped!

Once again brutally pounded with an unreal speed! Brutus’s cock was slamming through her tight asshole deep into her rectum! Katelynn busily gasping for air while at the same time sobbing in defeat being raped a third time this night by two huge dogs!

Katelynn was not only mentally wrecked, but her body had given in as well… She realized there was no point clenching anymore, no use fighting against being raped again. So now, to lessen the pain, Katelynn did her best to relax. Her face and chest planted on the bare floor, her ass held high up by Brutus’s forelegs into his raping cock…

Oddly, when Katelynn gave in again to her doggy rapist and relaxed, she felt an unexpected sensation to replace her resisting spirit. At every thrust, Brutus’s heavy balls kept hitting her pussy and still swollen protruding clitoris.

Also, from this position his fat swelling cock was hitting her vaginal walls inside her ass. Under the sex-enhancing drugs, this stimulus was starting to have a pleasantly surprising effect on her body…

Katelynn was not mentally prepared, nor could she as drugged as she was, and she started to moan under this pleasure…

She thought that she could not have sunk any lower with degradation. She was no longer just sobbing but started to tear up for real when she understood what was happening to her body. The faster she was being rape fucked in the ass, the louder she started to moan! Katelynn couldn’t hold back her drug-stimulated arousal…

This acceptance in his mistress’s behavior did not go unnoticed by Brutus. He had picked the pace before, but now he added more force to his thrusts! Now her started to rape Katelynn’s tight ass as fast and hard as he possibly could!

Without any warning, Katelynn suddenly climaxed! She did not know that she could orgasm from anal, but that misunderstanding was being cleared most brutally – it had to be the drugs Katelynn thought…

She had let her old college boyfriend fuck her in the ass a few times when she had been drunk, but his cock was average size in length, about five and half inches long, but not thick at all. She had been able to cum being ass-fucked by her boyfriend but only by using a vibrator against her clit.

Katelynn’s continued grunting was only matched by the loud panting of the huge dog above her. Unintentionally, her sphincter kept contracting with spasms, milking the huge cock while it was sawing through her tight anus. This sensation was driving Brutus to an even higher state of frenzy! He was ready to start insemination, but there was one technical matter to be taken care of before that…

Katelynn felt added pressure at her tight anal opening which forced her from the blissful drugged state she was in. The pressure was becoming somewhat painful…

‘It cannot get any bigger, right? My tight ass cannot take much more,’ Katelynn thought while she grew alarmed again. ‘Maybe he is preparing to cum again?’

Then Katelynn again remembered, ‘The Knot!”

“Oh, Please, God NO!!! It Will Tear My Ass!!!”

With this realization Katelynn’s moaning no longer sound pleasurable anymore, and it was obvious that her ordeal had become uncomfortable for her. She could acutely feel a beginning bulge on his cock as it repeatedly raped its way in and out of her tight anus!

Katelynn did not doubt the determination of the huge powerful dog, he had already clearly demonstrated that already tonight! He and Atlas had each brutally raped her once already and now Brutus was raping her again – this time in her tight ass!

Katelynn was conflicted what she should try to do. She well knew Brutus would do his best to force the knot in as well.

“What do I do??? Do I try to relax further and let in while it is still small enough not to hurt me too much, or do I try to clinching again to try to keep it out? What will hurt less?”

Katelynn realized that with her still highly drugged state she was in and as weakened as she was from the drugs and worn out by her two doggy rapes,

“That no matter what, he will force it in! He will fucking do it no matter what…”

To preserve her already quickly brutalized ass, Katelynn decided to humiliate herself once more…

She started to relax her whole body so Brutus could push the beginning knot inside before it swelled any larger, now the size of a very small lemon…

Katelynn justified this by constantly saying that it will hurt more if she let the knot grow any bigger, that if she waited any longer, the ever swelling knot could actually rip and tear her anus…

Katelynn started to focus on getting more aroused to distract from the impending knotting. The cock was still hitting all the right spots. By matching the rhythm and pushing her backside against the dog’s cock, she was trying to enjoy as much she could as she began furiously rubbing her clit…

Katelynn pushed back the nagging voice, which told her how wrong this was. Rationalizing that in her drugged and weakened state that there was no way she could have resisted being raped – by anyone or anything! In a way she was thankful it was her two dogs that had raped her and not that bastard James who had drugged her…

Katelynn relaxed her body concentrating on her actions, rubbing her clit fast and hard as she continued humping back against the raping cock. Precum kept squirting out mid-thrust from her ass. She was well lubed for what was to come, she had to hope it was enough… The rock hard cock did its own part applying enough force by rapidly pistoning in and out through her tight anal opening. Then a moment of panic happened realizing the swelling knot was no longer being yanked in and out of her ass – it had swollen too large!!!

The growing knot kept pounding against her tight anus blocking final access for Brutus frustrating him! Katelynn felt his still swelling knot hammering harder and harder at the lubricated entrance of her tight anus! As Brutus kept brutalizing her anal opening Katelynn felt her sphincter begin painfully expanding slowly as the swelling bulge kept battering away!

Brutus’s brutal slamming continued harder and harder until Katelynn’s fatigued anal opening finally gave in! She shrieked loudly in a pain filled wail as the swelling knot forcibly smashed into her anus and began to go in!

Brutus’s cock pushed deeper than before and Katelynn’s ass was painfully filled to an excruciating point that she did not know was humanly possible!

She thought the knot was at the base of the cock but she was clearly wrong. When the knot fully penetrated past her sphincter into her rectum, a couple more inches of previously unburied cock was pushed in as well! Then she realized the added length penetrating her was due to the wide width of Brutus’s knot!

Katelynn gasped for air being suddenly filled up but there was no time for her to recover before Brutus resumed raping her! The still swelling knot now too large to come out exerting more and more pressure inside her rectum! Katelynn could feel the bulge uncomfortably stretching her! Katelynn resumed rapidly rubbing her clit to take her mind off the growing pressure and fullness inside her…

Katelynn forced herself to a higher and higher level of arousal. She did not have any choice! Then she felt Brutus’s hot cum starting to explosively gush way deep up into her rectum which triggered an explosive orgasm in Katelynn!

So much doggy cum was being ejaculated into her she felt like she was getting a warm water enema!

The sheer volume of cum being shot inside of her surprised her even further. It felt like her cascading orgasms was ravaging her entire body from bottom to top! It was like every part of her sensitive body was contributing to this mind-shattering climax!

Katelynn’s face turned a bright red color and she even had trouble breathing. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and her mouth was wide open trying silently to scream from the pleasure racking her body that was convulsing with orgasmic waves originating from ass and pussy!

With her hazy drugged mind, Katelynn was still able to feel the shame and degradation of again being forced to climax being raped by a dog, yet her drug stimulated arousal still kept her climaxing, and all the while, Brutus kept pumping more cum nine inches deep inside her…

The knot held everything inside…

Katelynn felt she was being filled to the limit by the copious hot canine sperm, and even after a few minutes she still felt the cock making a pumping motion inside of her. She kept feeling the after quakes of her massive drug stimulated cascading orgasms for a long time…

She could acutely feel how deeply Brutus’s cock was embedded inside her, but when he unsuccessfully tried to pull out she clearly felt waves of incredible pain and pressure!

How long is he going to be knotted to my ass???

How much is it going to hurt when his knot comes out???’

Katelynn wondered silently. Then she remembered that she had been tied for quite some time to Brutus and Atlas when they had raped her earlier this evening. By this time Katelynn was completely exhausted by her ordeal, again she was humiliated and embarrassed in the position she was in – face and chest planted on the floor, her knees widely spread out under her while her ass was being held high up in the air, her tight ass hugely knotted by a nine inch long canine cock…

Again Katelynn started to feel pain all over her body. Her pussy was tremendously sore and burning, it felt as if hot coals were inside it. Her position was uncomfortable the way her knees were spread wide apart and for so long. She tried to move her arms and legs. The knot firmly embedded inside her preventing her from changing position.

Second thoughts occurred… “Maybe if I had just tried to prevent the knot from penetrating me, I might be free already. Maybe I would not hurt this much. Maybe… maybe… maybe…”.

Ten long painfilled minutes later Brutus again started trying to pull his still too large swollen knot out of Katelynn’s tight ass…

Under Brutus inexorable tugging, Katelynn felt excruciating pain as her sphincter slowly began expanding once more and finally allowed the still too swollen knot to slowly exit, Katelynn screaming loud and long with streaming tears coursing down her face again having something still swollen to the size of a large lemon being pulled out in acute excruciating detail as if razor blades were cutting her anus!

Once freed of the knot Katelynn completely collapsed on the floor sobbing in pain. Never had she had anything near this size go in let alone come out of her small, narrow tight ass!

When the head of his cock had finally slipped out from Katelynn’s ass copious amounts of cum squirted out. Again she felt a sudden emptiness inside of her when everything was removed at once. A huge amount of cum still remain inside which kept oozing out from her badly abused anus.

Katelynn turned her head and looked at Brutus standing next to her panting hard, seeing the monster cock that had raped and knotted her pussy, and now her ass…

His nine inch long cock still fully exposed, the knot now reduced to the size of a small lemon…

 Katelynn didn’t want to think about how big it was when it was fully inside her. Nor did she want to think what it had done to her anus and rectum.

Katelynn laid there for a long awhile on the floor, her pussy and ass on fire and incredibly sore, curled up in a ball as confused thoughts and periodic brief colorful hallucinations coursed through her still drug-addled mind, thankfully she felt the drug effects further diminishing…

Katelynn was totally exhausted, nauseated and badly in need of a shower. A few more minutes later she began crawling to the bathroom…



Once at the office bathroom door she grabbed the frame and door knob and slowly pulled herself up. Katelynn stood there on trembling weak legs staring down at her body and the floor in disgust. Her flat muscular belly and inner thighs glistening from the copious surplus of dog cum that had gushed from her when she had stood up. She knew there also had to be two puddles of it by the couch where the two dogs had raped her. Her pussy and ass were incredibly painfully sore. She felt as if she had been bludgeoned by a baseball bat in both places. She reached a hand down to feel. Her hand came back up coated with dog cum, traces of blood in the slimy remnants…

Both dog’s still way too enlarged canine knots had, twice, been painfully extricated from her abnormally tight pussy before they had time to fully reduce in size, and a third time from her tight ass!

Katelynn thought that explained her bleeding.

Shutting the bathroom door to keep the dogs out, she shuffled slowly to the shower, again noting with a painful grimace how extremely sore she was, her vagina and ass felt like red hot coals were embedded. Aware that she was walking rather stiffly, legs further apart to protect herself from further discomfort, “truly, the ultimate ‘walk of shame she thought…”

She really needed a long, hot shower and a good lather of soap for her sweaty body and shampoo for her tangled hair, and most of all she really, really wanted, needed, to douche all the dog cum still residing in her but that had to wait, wait until more of the drug’s effects wore off so she could drive up to her cabin.

Katelynn turned on the shower, climbed in and then slumped to the floor where she remained there for a very long time letting the hot water beat against her…

An hour later and dressed again, Katelynn felt she could continue up the ranch road to her cabin. She still felt woozy but was no longer having hallucinations. Atlas was bedded down in the stables she saw. With a firm stern command to Brutus she ordered him to load up in the Range Rover. She drove very slow taking it easy driving the remaining three miles of internal ranch road to her cabin.

Upon entering her cabin and going to her bedroom, with another stern voice, Katelynn ordered Brutus to his pallet and then Katelynn went into her master bath and shut the door behind her. She stripped her clothes off and examined her nude body in the full length mirror, a frown of disgust seeing all the painful vividly red claw scratches on her hips and belly.

Katelynn took another shower that was equipped with a hand-held bidet wand and douched her vagina clean, barely able to tolerate the pain of doing so she was so incredibly sore. Just before she got out of the shower Katelynn also slid the bidet wand into her equally sore ass and let it stay there until she could tolerate it no longer.

Clenching her ass tightly closed she walked over to the toilet to expel the water and dog cum remnants. Again she noted traces of blood in the toilet bowl. Still feeling unclean Katelynn got back in the shower. Several minutes later Katelynn got out and dried herself off, wrapping her hair in a towel, and putting on her robe, then went back into her bedroom. Brutus started rising from his pallet but Katelynn sternly told him to lay back down.

Turning off the bedside lamp Katelynn collapsed into bed with continuing tortured thoughts…

What was she thinking letting all this happen to her?

Yes, she knew it was the heavy dosage of Ecstasy and whatever else James had been drugged her with that had done it, the drugs eliminating her inhibitions and artificially inflaming her arousal and libido to the point where it was unbearable. Then Brutus had started licking her, and she couldn’t help but give in to her body’s relentlessly demanding escalating sexual desires, never intending to have allowed it to go beyond cunnilingus…

However the two dogs had other ideas…

Brutus, and then Atlas had raped her, then again, Brutus…

Despite the extenuating circumstances, the psychoactive drugs had taken her to another plane of perverted intense sexual pleasure and she had been tied THREE times for god knows how long.

Katelynn felt abused, degraded…

These wonderful dogs of hers had brutally and viciously taken her, raped her….

Her brain exploded with anger, not at the two dogs, but at herself…

In her drug induced extreme arousal and horniness, she wondered if she had actually allowed the dogs, animals, to provide her with sexual relief from her drug-stimulated unbearable horniness???


She clearly remembered trying to keep Brutus from mounting her, trying to shove him away. Atlas however, she was so weak by that point from Brutus’s rape and the drug effects, not so much…

Ashamedly, Katelynn had to admit that in her drug-stimulated horniness, she had eventually allowed herself, no, that’s not right…

The drugs had rendered herself unable to stop the two dogs from raping her!

The drugs had made her unable to refrain from repeated orgasms from the huge canine cocks raping her and then the repeated orgasms from those obscenely huge knots that sets dogs cocks apart from men’s penises that had locked inside her rubbing and pressing hard against her G-spot!

The memory of what had been done to her kept playing over and over inside her head!

God, she had never been so thoroughly fucked before!

Never quite fully been taken as two dogs, animals, had taken her!

Never filled so fully or brought to so many multiple orgasms, orgasms so intense that were all enveloping and consuming that had left her completely sexually spent and euphoric!

Despite knowing she was a victim of rape drugs, nevertheless Katelynn found herself cursing herself and her body for betraying her. And what made it worse is when Atlas tried to retreat from her…, he was stuck, she was knotted… But that’s not what bothered her, what made her sick to her stomach was that she didn’t want him to pull out… In fact, she had clenched her Kegel muscles tight! Straining to hold onto him so she could have one last orgasm….

Katelynn then cursed herself again, suddenly realizing that in the midst of her orgasms and feeling both dogs ejaculating inside her, that her vaginal muscles, on their own volition, had been repeatedly clenching their cocks, working it, massaging it, her vaginal muscles had been instinctively milking their spewing cocks in autonomic sexual reflex…

When Atlas did finally pull out, and she doesn’t remember how long he was stuck in her, nor did she care how long they were locked together, she recalled missing the feeling of that huge cock fully embedded and locked inside her, feeling the tip of his cock actually just past her cervical opening, hotly squirting directly up her cervical canal and into her womb! The huge swollen knot pressing and rubbing against her G-spot promoting even more orgasms…

Then when Brutus had raped her the second time, this time her ass, how she had furiously rubbed her clit to orgasm…

With her tortured recurring thoughts and recriminations, exhaustively Katelynn fell asleep.



The next morning Katelyn noticed she was still bleeding from both her pussy and her ass. While it was disconcerting to have essentially been raped by her two pets, she was more concerned with what she had been drugged with, certainly something more than Ecstasy alone, and she desperately wanted James caught and punished.

Katelynn called her gynecologist Hailey, a long-time family friend who for years has acted as an older sister to her, as Katelynn had no siblings. Katelynn called Hailey up on her personal cell and asked to see her professionally later this morning, explaining that something had occurred…

Hailey, sensing the tension and trepidation in Katelynn’s voice, told her to come in right away and she will have her receptionist move her appointment schedule around.

Due to her deeply raked up sides by the dog’s claws which still felt like fire, Katelynn put on a lightweight dress and flat shoes instead of her usual boots and jeans attire. For once she left Brutus at the ranch, locked into an empty stall at the stables, and then she drove into Aspen for her medical appointment.

Upon arrival at Hailey’s obstetrician/gynecologist medical practice Katelynn was immediately shown to Hailey’s office. Hailey was far from being an older, middle-age professorial/doctoral looking individual, being age thirty-five she was ten years older than Katelynn and still single.

Hailey is a frequent visitor to the ranch to go horseback riding and during the winter months enjoying the winter activities.  Hailey herself was beautiful and tall, about five feet ten inches, with reddish-blonde hair, large firm breasts and a hard-toned body from extensive workouts.

“Hailey, at the fund raiser at the club last night, someone, and I’m pretty sure I know who, drugged me so he could rape me…

I’m pretty sure it was that slimeball bastard James who has been pestering me for years to go out with him. I remember him giving me a drink from the bar saying it was amends for hitting on me trying to get me to go out on a date all those times. Then I remember James following me when I was leaving the club, then following me out in the parking lot and watching me drive off…”

The way that drink affected me it had to be more than one psychoactive drug!

Fortunately I was able to get away.

Thank God Brutus was in the SUV with me and he scared James off from approaching any closer!  I almost got to the ranch before the drugs fully affected me. After I see you I’m going to the police department to file a report…”

“DAMN IT KATELYNN!” Hailey erupted. “You or a Snowmass employee should have called 911! No telling what you were hit with or what could have happened to you trying to get back to the ranch!

Most date rape drugs start affecting women within fifteen to thirty minutes. Thankfully you are here and alright! I know who you are talking about, he is a creep! And his parents are those real uppity ‘I’m richer than you’ snobs. Hell! Almost all of Aspen knows who James and his parents are because they are so rude to everyone! James has hit on me too! More than once and I’m ten years older than he is!

Katelynn, for its small size, Aspen has way far more than its share of drug-induced rapes!

Words fail me to say how sorry I am it had happened to you – or to anyone! I suppose it’s because of all the tourists and the uber-rich seasonal residents and their wild out of control children. There is an extensive party and drug culture here, unfortunately Aspen has the same big-city problems with drugs and rapes.

Now listen, let’s go to an exam room. I’m going to do a full blood and drug metabolite panel work-up. Katelynn, coming to me so soon was smart! The analysis will show the decomposition products of the drugs that were used to spike your drink or drinks, identifying exactly what was used.

When the results come in I will call you and with your permission I will send a copy of the analytical results to the police chief, whom you know is my cousin. I will call him and make sure he’ll handle this personally as I know he already would insist on doing so knowing you and your family as well as he does! Hopefully the Snowmass surveillance system caught James in the act of spiking your drink and then stalking you!”

“Hailey, I, I, also need a vaginal and rectal exam…

You see, last night I made it as far as the ranch’s stables, by then I was hallucinating so badly I couldn’t drive anymore. The drugs made me feel like I was burning up! I went to take a cool shower in the stable office. I got my clothes off but then I collapsed on the sofa I was so weak and tripping so hard. But, but then, I, I, did get raped…, by Brutus and Atlas, I’m, I’m, still bleeding…”

At this Katelynn burst into tears. Hailey held her and stroked Katelynn’s hair until Katelynn quit sobbing. Then Hailey stated,

“Katelynn, being the only obstetrician/gynecologist in Aspen, and since it is such a small town, you will be shocked to hear this, but you are not the first patient of mine that this has happened to! In fact you will be even more shocked when I tell you that I have had several patients that this had happened to. You even know a few of them! But of course you know I can’t divulge their names due to medical confidentiality.  And I have seen several wealthy seasonal residents for the same reason!

Some were the results of being intoxicated or high on drugs or both, other cases when a couple got heavily involved with sex and their dog decides to join in and their pet mounts her and the dog is too big and strong to get off in time. Others, well, it just happened…

Katelynn, the majority of women in their prime sexual years, when subjected to physical sexual stimulation, are unable to suppress instinctive arousal, and with continuing stimulation, nor are they able to suppress the subsequent autonomous orgasm that usually occurs, even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force or by rape. And if a woman is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs it makes them even more susceptible, as unfortunately you found out.

Listen Katelynn, back when I was attending the university, one day I had some time between classes. There was a renowned marriage counselor and sex researcher from Texas by the name of Dr. Kate Temple giving a guest lecture, so I thought ‘what the hell? It should be interesting.’

I was so impressed by her lecture that I bought one of her books entitled “Human Sexuality Throughout The Ages”.

In her book Dr. Temple has a chapter on bestiality, this chapter described how prevalent it was throughout history, and how it was an accepted societal norm around the world, that is, until Christianity arose and then missionaries started traveling to other countries asserting their influence as it not being a Christian practice. Now it is firmly indoctrinated in Christian morals as a sin and a societal taboo.

In this chapter Dr. Temple restated a currently accepted hypothesis that is widely supported by historical researchers, archaeologists, anthropologists, and social psychologists:

‘That Christian religious scholars and leaders created this position because in part it was instituted by jealous and insecure men who had penis envy and were alarmed at the sexual responses and passions that could be unleashed from a woman by an animal other than a human male! In response, men shaped their religious tomes and texts that animals and humans were separate, and humans thus should not have sexual relations with animals.’

Katelynn, Dr. Temple’s book states these suppression’s were and still are cloaked in religious writings, suppression’s that were fictitiously created by jealous men and perpetuated through the ages – a form of forced social conditioning of bestiality being a sin.

Then, along with misinterpreted and/or misbegotten religious beliefs and teachings, patriarchal societies began severally repressing women through extreme societal mores – another form of psychological conditioning.  Additionally, family and patriarchal societies not only imposed their socially conditioned ideas upon women but also upon the child.  At this stage in their lives, children have not developed their intellect to a high degree and are more controlled by their emotions and adult peer pressure, thus easily influencing or distorting the way he/she perceives his/her image.

With the mental conditioning we all have been subjected to, that is why the psychological trauma of being raped by two dogs struck you so hard!

The chapter describes that starting back in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, published research and statistics indicated that, on average, one in twelve humans has had sexual contact with an animal! In today’s perspective, that is equivalent to same sex contact between a man and another man, and an even greater frequency of sexual contact between two women in today’s ever more increasing acceptance of same sex relationships – especially between two women.  Then with the advent of the Internet, bestiality has become once again prevalent in society. A simple web search will come up with hundreds of porn sites containing bestiality movies, comics and stories to show how prevalent it is.

Tell you what Katelynn, that chapter is pretty extensive. I have that book in my office if you would like to read it. It was pretty enlightening and actually very entertaining! It has helped me counsel my patients that have found themselves in the same circumstances that you have experienced. I assure you that once reading it, your mind will be set at ease and we can talk again over a few drinks and not in a medical office!

Katelynn, I have taken to heart what Dr. Temple said at the lecture and what is written in her book. It’s what I tell my patients who had found themselves in similar circumstances as you. Dr. Temple states…

“If it physically and mentally harms no one and no thing, and is safe and consensual,

Do what feels good…!!!

Don’t over-think it!

Open your mind and just go with the moment!

Let your body and mind indulge in what it is naturally craving at the time!”

Katelynn and Dr. Hailey then went into one of the exam rooms. Hailey had to use a topical anesthetic because she could already see how badly bruised Katelynn’s vagina was and the blood spotting. Just as Dr. Hailey expected and had seen with her previous patients, Katelynn’s vagina and rectum had sustain microtears from the dog’s bulbus glandis being forcibly withdrawn before being adequately reduced in size.

After the physical exam was completed and blood was drawn for analysis Katelynn dressed and was escorted to the lobby and out to her Range Rover by Dr. Hailey who gave her a long hug. Again Dr. Hailey stated,

“Katelynn don’t let what happened to you by the two dogs worry you – believe me it’s not all that uncommon!

After seeing several patients for the same issue as you, curious, one time I played with some statistics factoring in the small size of Aspen’s population, census data, and the number of patients I had seen for the same issue. I ran the numbers three times with different inputs with full-time and then seasonal residents and the number of patients I have seen for the same issue as you and it still came out with the same averages – one in eight women!

So relax! Now, I have called ahead to my cousin, he is immediately expecting you at the police department, I only told him you were drugged last night with date rape drugs but that you managed to get away from your would be rapist and you think you know who it was who had spiked your drinks. I also told him I put a rush on the blood samples with a legal chain of custody and he will be forwarded the analysis as soon as I get it.”

At The Aspen Police Department

Katelynn met with the Dr. Hailey’s cousin the police chief and his lead detective, a woman whom Katelynn also knew. Katelynn fully explained last night’s events at the club and whom she thought had spiked her drink and the way James had acted.

Hearing his name the police chief and the detective silently glanced at each other, a name they already knew and were suspicious of but kept their thoughts to themselves for the time being in front of Katelynn.

The police chief told Katelynn that the Snowmass Club had recently upgraded their security cameras system.  The club had installed numerous covert and overt security cameras throughout the property, cameras were now inside all the rooms in the buildings and outside on the grounds and parking lots. Additionally, the system is one of the newest ultra-high definition digital systems available with low-light and infrared capability that saves up to three months of recordings. After we are done here they will go over to the club and download yesterday’s recordings. They also told Katelynn the Aspen police department has a cooperative agreement with the FBI to enhance images if need be.



Indeed, Katelynn did borrow Dr. Hailey’s book…

That night she read the chapter regarding bestiality. The narrative stated it is necessary to put aside culturally and religious acquired biases to achieve an objective perspective on what constitutes “normal” and “deviant” sexual behavior.  That sexual practices and societal mores have varied widely in the course of human history and in different cultures.  That our present concepts of normal and deviant behavior cannot be divorced from the value systems of contemporary society.

Since value systems are always in the process of evolution and change, we must be prepared to face that some patterns of sexual behavior currently considered deviant may not always be so regarded, and in the future may change into some degree of acceptance, either on a individual personal basis or more widely on a social basis.

The chapter on bestiality described how “Animal” instinct is no different from “Human” instinct.  Humans are scientifically classified as animals.  It is only the intellect, the magnitude of, which separates humans from all other animals. Natural instinct exists in humans just as much as any other animal. There are certain sexual behaviors and basic biological imperatives that we are genetically hardwired to have or tend towards that are evolutionary remnants from our more primitive ancestors, and autonomic sexual instincts are amongst our innermost and strongest primal instincts.

Sexual instincts are susceptible to certain priming factors, releasing and directing impulses of internal as well as external reactions responding to sexual impulses or stimuli. That NO ONE is entirely free from unwelcome sexual thoughts, urges and impulses because of the fact that these sexual inclinations/proclivities are part of our heritage/genes embedded within our brain stem and limbic brain, often termed our “reptilian brain”.  Both these parts of the human brain are the oldest and most primitive parts of our brains and these parts are largely unchanged by evolution.

Evolutionary brain science confirms that the deepest and most difficult to control urges are those whose territory resides within the fortress of the ancient parts of our brain, amongst which is food, anger and sex. When those drives take over, we are no longer in control. Inclinations toward excess with regard to food, sex and feel-good substances are deeply rooted within these primitive areas of our brain. As modern man has progressed – but more importantly, as society has evolved, emerging society started repressing these primitive feelings, desires and emotions, and this is still true today, however there are still permanent remnants in the primitive areas of our brain that are released on occasion.

For example, the Victorian period in England which gave rise to Victorian morality severally repressed sex and love and the open expression of both. Yet England during the same period had bloody and violent colonial expansionism and wars. Some social psychologists position the theory that some of this violence, the urge for conquest and territory, was in reaction to sex and love being repressed!

The emotions of sex, love and violence all derive from our most primitive feelings, desires and emotions, and with the proper triggers employed, can be suddenly released. Moreso, there is one particular evolutionary remnant that is deeply recessed within the human species, and it has been repressed by current modern society in most parts of the world. It is the deeply recessed autonomous primal sexual responses that is within each of us, a remnant of our primitive self as we clawed, fought, and screwed our way up the evolutionary tree.

There are recessed evolutionary remnants within each of us that is the natural desire to have sexual pleasure and to release sexual tensions. These sexual proclivities are present as an inherited genetic trait that lies physically within the primitive areas of our brain, the brain stem and limbic brain, and it is also present psychologically.  Psychologically it lies within our psyche, buried deeply within the unconsciousness of most human beings.  Extensive research has shown these genetic and psychological proclivities are especially prevalent within women…

Society often tends to forget that the human species is also scientifically classified as an animal, which by evolutionary accident has become what we are today.  Yet a remnant core of the primal beast is still physically within us but deeply buried in the primitive area of our brains. However due to societal pressure and mores our brains allocate an inordinate amount of its energy and function to repressing and denying our still existent natural primitive animal instincts.  In other words, humans are still animals who mentally deny our own animality and try to repress their natural physical animalistic tendencies and desires.  Nevertheless, we still feel our physical natural animality and we project it into our external world; it is omnipresent in our art, science, literature, mythology and our dreams.

Further, when the nucleus accumbens portions of the female brain is sufficiently sexually stimulated, it results in the vivid fantasies women creatively imagine, the rear entry sexual position women subconsciously and instinctively undertake – and the deeply repressed intense sexual urges that are temporarily freed and then acted upon.

The chapter described the extensive cave paintings and carvings discovered in Europe and Asia, dating from 40,000 to 25,000 ago, that depict humans and animals having sexual relations. Moreover, the fact that these drawings are so extensive, widespread and prevalent shows that it was an integral part of a clan’s family history.  Researchers have concluded that this indicates prehistoric man was not bound by any self-image about sexuality, that bestiality was a common sexual practice in ancient times!

Throughout modern antiquity, bestiality was a very widespread and commonly accepted practice.  This is evidenced by the many surviving frescoes, friezes, tiles, sculptures and pottery depicting bestiality, as well as other numerous archaeological discoveries.  Bestiality has long been portrayed in art, literature, and mythology.

The researchers William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson stated:

“Bestiality existed as a rather widespread practice in all the nations of antiquity of which we have adequate records.  Where it is not specifically mentioned, it may be legitimately inferred on the basis of the over-all archaeological evidence.”

Indeed the overall historical archaeological evidence is overwhelmingly conclusive.

Bestiality themes are rich in Greek and Roman mythology, portraying females having sexual relationships with horses, apes, bulls, goats and wolves. These animals were worshipped as fertility symbols, and as gods disguising themselves as animals. Ancient Greeks engaged in public bestiality during religious celebrations such as the BACCHANALIA, in honor of the god Bacchus, and in the Temple of Aphrodite, who is the Greek goddess of copulation, and during festivals honoring Eros, the Greek god of erotic love and passion and sex.  In classical Greco-Roman tradition, gods appeared regularly as animals to have intercourse with humans, the offspring of these couplings rising to be heroes, having characteristics of animal strength as a result of having an animal ancestor.

Numerous written historical documents exist showing Roman emperors, their wives, and Roman society as a whole, enjoyed bestiality.  It was a prevalent practice in Roman society as it imitated the lives of their gods. The Romans commonly had public displays of bestiality acts at the Coliseum, the Circus Maximus, and at smaller theatre venues – similar to going to watch a small play, and at lavish private parties the wealthy held. As the Roman Empire expanded outwards from Italy all the way to England, these Roman bestiality societal practices also spread. However the European tribes then in existence to some extent were already practicing bestiality as was the rest of Eurasia and Africa.

During the time of the Middle Ages, bestiality was most widespread from the fall of the Roman Empire in AD 476 to the discovery of America by Columbus.  Animals were common everywhere and often shared the same roof with barns attached to houses as it was a common architectural style. This is because in winter, the body heat from animals helped warm the attached houses.  It was a common belief back then that sexual intercourse with animals was thought to have been healthy and a cure for many diseases.

As countless women over millennia had discovered, the shape of a canine penis with the knot inserted intensely stimulates both the clitoris and the G-spot in any sexual position leading to very intense orgasms, especially in the rear entry or doggy style position.

With equines, except for the length, it is the equine penis being in similar appearance as a human penis, along with the powerful thrusting, the massive girth when it swells approaching climax, feeling the coronal head of the penis hugely flaring inside the vagina upon climax, which in function along with the power of the ejaculation forces all the copious semen to shoot directly into the womb, and the immense quantity of ejaculate that women find so pleasurable.

In today’s modern times, there are case histories of women inadvertently or purposely having intercourse with dolphins and porpoises!  Dolphins and porpoises are one of the few species documented to have recreational sex for pleasure! There is evidence that sex with cetacean’s dates back to ancient times based on mythological stories as well as numerous examples of ancient art depicting it.  Women have discovered today’s skimpy bikinis are no obstacle to horny cetaceans! String, thong and G-string bikinis are quickly bypassed by the prehensile flexibility characteristics of cetacean penises.

Women describe sexual encounters with dolphins and porpoises as brief but very intense and stimulating due to the muscular ten to fourteen inch long prehensile flexible thick penises that undulates powerfully inside the vagina and ejaculates an immense volume of semen with great force!  In addition, if there is more than one male dolphin around, which there usually are because they swim in family pods, a woman has found herself experiencing intercourse multiple times before she makes it back to shore!

The casual attitude toward animals and sexual relations began to change when early Church fathers wrestled with classical Roman, Greek and Druid heritages and selected those elements they thought suitable for Christianity, discarding the powerful sexual mythology such as depicted by Satyrs, Minotaur’s, Unicorns, and the half man/half beast Greek god PAN.  Historical scholars and researchers believe the discarding and suppression of the sexual mythology was in part instituted by jealous and insecure men who had penis envy and were alarmed at the sexual responses and passions that could be unleashed from a woman by an animal other than a human male!

There is an abundance of years of research and archaeological evidence from all around the world that leaves no doubt that bestiality has always been an integral part of human life!

Scientific data gathered over the last sixty years has firmly proven that with our rapidly changing and enlightening modern society – and the internet, bestiality is once again becoming more common – a natural modern societal progression that has been assisted by the increasing disproportionate birth ratio of human females to males!

Throughout the world, there is a disproportionate ratio of women to men, currently averaging five women to each man. In Europe and North America, this ratio is even higher. Nothing takes the place of a real penis. And with not enough men to do the job…, women turn to the next best thing!

Women during the centuries have had to find alternative and creative sexual outlets and marital conventions due to the unequal female to male ratio and also due to societal repressions of sex.  Amongst these are rediscovering natural urges and desires that for centuries had been artificially repressed within them by puritanical social conventions!  Safely satisfying their sexual urges knowing they cannot get pregnant by another species.

This is occurring ever more frequently as societal mores continue to change and evolve as new attitudes, or re-discovered attitudes, are accepted, and today’s modern society continues to transition to a more enlightened and sexually more liberal matriarch society.

One of the interesting things that sex researchers around the world have noted, as indeed fans of romance fiction and women’s erotica literature have realized, that during the last few decades romance fiction has evolved as much as other genres. Normative heroes and heroines and the accompanying sex between them have been joined by sexual relations with werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, dragons and aliens to name but a few.

Although these new protagonists function under the same laws as more normative characters, it is plainly obvious that this additional trait seems to belong dominantly to paranormal romance fiction – bestiality!

In folklore and literature, bestiality is often romanticized as the seduction and coitus by a large, virile beast of an ultimately not unwilling human female!  The animal may represent the power of free unrestrained and totally intense sexuality being imparted to the woman, and the woman being set free in her own unrestrained sexuality to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of raw primal sex!  All these different protagonists symbolically represent powerful hyper-potent male creatures having extremely intense passionate ravenous sex with human females!

Literature drawing attention to women having consensual, or initially not so consensual, sexual relations with another species, is seen by sociologists as an empowering mode of modern sexuality for female literary characters as well as the female reader!  To a lesser extent, newer science fiction genre during the last thirty-five years has contributed as well, with aliens, creatures, and monsters ravishing women in novels, graphic comics, and movies.

Hence, romance fantasy and women’s erotica novels have long been creating another in-road for bestiality by planting the seeds of curiosity, fantasy, and desire in female readers, and it is clearly evident it is becoming a mainstream social norm as exhibited by the rapidly increasing number of websites and sales of sexual fantasy paranormal genre geared toward women readers involving various creatures and animals.

For years, romance fiction and women’s erotica literature by far has made up the largest share of genre fiction on the market, allowing women to freely explore their hidden sexual desires and fantasies without risk of physical harm or social rejection, thus allowing them to be more creative in their own sexual lives. Fantasies are an essential part of our sexual repertoire and is associated with a healthy, happy sex life.

The ability to fantasize, to daydream, to explore internal worlds of imagination, is a valuable, even critical component of the human mind. It reflects our ability to manipulate thoughts, ideas, perceptions and reality, all within the private confines of our own minds. Sexual fantasies are inherent extensions of our capacity for creativity, the very imaginal creativity that is present in the worlds of artists, painters and composers.

Sexual fantasizing can be healthy, particularly for a reasonably healthy couple that are open to each other’s fantasies and even fetishes, and couples use their increased sexual excitement to move toward, rather than away, from their partner thus strengthening their relationship.

The content of these fiction books influences the thoughts and perceptions of millions of readers around the world, making it into a very powerful social medium, therefore influencing the perceptions that readers have about social constructs and relationship standards and expectations.

It has been well researched and documented that explicit sexual writing in this genre of paranormal books, including bestsellers and graphic comics that include bestial or other-worldly creature content, subconsciously lead women to ease their own sexual inhibitions and be open to exploring new possibilities in their sex life!

A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.

Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset. This includes women who watch horror movies.  While this may seem disturbing and weird, it has been well researched with several studies that most women who watch horror movies become aroused! This also includes porn movies that have science fiction, fantasy or medieval themes, movies that include themes of space creatures and aliens raping and ravishing women, including horror sex movies with monsters raping and ravishing women.

The most powerful sexual organ is between our ears, not our legs. Sexual fantasies are maps of desire, mastery, escape and obscuration; they are the navigational paths we invent to steer ourselves between the reefs and shoals of anxiety, guilt and inhibition. Sexual fantasies and erotic dreams, especially when accompanied by orgasm and perspective, can help release the stress and trauma of the past.  They can also help relive good sexual memories. Everybody fantasizes – if he or she is sexually alive.

A woman’s wild erotic nature often emerges in animal sex fantasies which connect us to our remnant primal animal nature. Having animal sex fantasies doesn’t (usually) mean you want to have sex with animals in real life.  Your imagination may just revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of the act!  Research studies over the past 35 years show an average of 45% of all women have fantasized about having sex with animals, and 40% of women fantasize about watching other women having sex with animals. Horses, dogs and dolphins figure commonly in women’s bestiality fantasies.

Women having sexual fantasies that include animals is a safe mental escape from the pent-up physical and mental stress imparted by outdated and misbegotten society rules, regulations and imposed values, as well as societal psychological conditioning – the human sexual oppression that lurks within us!  It is our subconsciousness casting off the bonds of sexual denial and constraint to free the inherited genetic relic of our primal animalistic nature that over the centuries we were forced to both deny and ignore due to the inverted precepts of religion and patriarchal and/or puritanical societies.

Countless women have discovered, in that chance moment when the opportune happens, that they are greatly shocked at their less than strong resistance and at their apparent lack of disbelief that it is actually happening! For men, it is the extreme eroticism and enjoyment of seeing their wife or girlfriend intensely pleasured in ways they themselves cannot do, often fantasizing themselves in the role of the animal, the stand-in for the large male phallus that is so forcefully and pleasantly pleasuring the wife or girlfriend. Plus it removes the insecurity factor and threat if it was another man involved!

In most instances while watching their wife or girlfriend, men themselves experience a primal sexual urge welling up within which then leads to very intense follow-on sex! This increased sexual passion is automatically triggered due to an autonomic primitive biological and sexual response that still resides within all men termed ‘Sperm Competition Cue’. All across the animal kingdom, when a male sees another male mate with a female, this triggers greater sexual arousal in the viewing male so that he might pursue sex more vigorously and produce more sperm than his competitor in order to increase his chances of impregnating the female.

The majority of human beings never live according to their own natural nature.  Sexual relations with an animal for sexual relief are perfectly normal and are natural instinctive urges and desires!  These feelings are an actual physical as well as a mental component of our human makeup.  Only with today’s modern enlightening society and rapidly changing societal mores are women once again free to fully unleash and explore their sexuality, to release ages-long socially repressed natural instincts and tendencies – and to fulfill perfectly normal desires!

Changing traditional attitudes toward normal and natural sexual desires is in itself a mind expanding experience.  Over the years dating back to Sigmund Freud, there is research that points out that the suppression of some secret inner desires actually leads to mental disease! Still, it will still take time to discard the straight jacket of centuries of social constraints about sex, and for societies to accept the well-documented, normal and natural sexual desires that lie deep within each of us. By just being aware, modern society can start to undo some of the misguided and erroneous social conditioning that we all have been subjected to for centuries. Based on all accumulative research data gathered from around the world by different researchers, it’s conservatively estimated nearly half of all women actually have had at least one or more intimate experiences with bestiality!

The chapter ended with the written words that Dr. Hailey had told Katelynn at the office:

“If it physically and mentally harms no one and no thing and is safe and consensual,

Do what feels good…!!!

Don’t over-think it!

Open your mind and just go with the moment!

Let your body and mind indulge in what it is naturally craving at the time!”

Lying in bed after reading the chapter, Katelynn relived memories of her hallucinogenic nightmare of the night before, how her body had so willfully responded to drug-induced bestial sex…

Sure she well understood how the heavy dose of Ecstasy and the other mystery drug or drugs had nearly eliminated all her inhibitions, the drugs having drastically stimulated her arousal and greatly magnified the sexual sensations.

However, after talking to Dr. Hailey and reading the chapter, Katelynn still felt remnants of unease…

That she had climaxed repeatedly and intensely from being raped-fucked by her two dogs…

However reading the chapter, she now understood how her body could and did instinctively and autonomously react the way it did. And what most societies today consider unconventional sex and a societal taboo use to be common in past ages. How subtly and pervasive it still exists in fantasy and erotic romance literature, horror and science fiction movies, and of course how prevalent it is on the Internet with all those websites.

After more reflection on what she just read and rereading a few sections, Katelynn realized she was no longer quite so stressed about what happened…

Five days later Dr. Hailey called Katelynn and asked her to come into the office for a follow-up.

“Katelynn, just as you and I already knew, you were drugged with more than just one drug. You were hit with a dangerous heavy combination dosage of three psychoactive drugs – Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin. All three having a strong synergistic effect with each other! This drug combination is popularly termed ‘Jedi Flipping’.

This combination produces an unusually euphoric psychedelic experience. Euphoria comes from Ecstasy (MDMA), which instigates an overwhelmingly positive, upbeat, and empathetic mood as well as being a powerful sexual stimulant. Both LSD and psilocybin inspire long-lasting visual and aural hallucinations in addition to being powerful sexual stimulants in themselves.

No one who has been subjected to a heavy dose of any one of these drugs let alone two or all three at the same time can be held responsible for their actions or what happened to them! So Katelynn, you need to be at ease! There was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened!

Three more weeks passed since Katelynn had been raped by her two beloved pets…

During her waking hours she nary gave a thought anymore to what had happened except when Brutus tried being fresh with her earning him a sharp rap on the muzzle and a harsh scolding. However, there were times at night when Katelynn experienced reoccurring dreams filled with vivid images and remembered sensations of the two huge dicked dogs that had ravished her drugged stimulated highly aroused body…

Her vivid dreams had reeled at the unconventional sex that had been forced upon her, the drug-stimulated animalistic lust that had had utterly dominated her body that had fully unleashed her own primal unbridled lust…

Each time she had these dreams, an unbidden sexual excitement arose that she wished would go away but was unable to suppress. Each successive dream grew more palpable, suffusing throughout her body making her feel an erotic needy itch deep within. And far too frequently, Katelynn had felt her pussy quiver, grow heated and moist at the memory of repeatedly being savagely taken by her two dog’s voracious lusts, fucked and knotted into ecstatic senselessness by their astoundingly huge cocks…

Then one night Katelynn woke from yet another dream, the dream so vivid and realistic her extreme arousal had awoken her. She reached into her drawer and brought out one of her dildos to reach the orgasm that she was fixing to have in her dream. As she laid there thrusting her dildo in and out of her hotly aroused pussy contemplating her dream and the part of it that had gotten her so extremely aroused, a strange thought shockingly hit her…

“Would she do it again?

Especially after what she had read in a book authored by one of the world’s most renowned human sexuality researchers???

Katelynn looked up toward the ceiling and gave the question a great deal of thought…

Before she got Brutus, she would never consider doing what she was thinking!

Yes, to be honest, there were times before she got Brutus that she had gotten aroused helping with the stallions semen collection and breeding activities – but an equine penis looked so remarkably human-like except for its extraordinary size, and of course, when the stallion climaxes and the corona of his penis head dramatically flares in size.

Then there was that time when she and her college roommates had gotten drunk and high on Ecstasy and they had looked at Internet porn and accidentally came across that bestiality website and they had watched some of the videos. She had to admit back then she had felt herself becoming aroused.  After all, she was just an average woman with sexual desires, albeit with a higher than normal libido than most young women…

She now knew from the chemical analysis of her blood panel the additional date rape drugs besides Ecstasy were LSD, and Psilocybin derived from ‘Magic Mushrooms’. Both drugs not only being psychoactive mind altering drugs but also sex enhancing stimulants that had skyrocketed her arousal.

It was just a vague notion that Katelynn could hardly admit to herself, but she had never experienced such epic orgasms before! Considering the huge size of her dog’s cocks, the incredible, hard pounding lightning fast pace of their thrusting, the large knots pressing and rubbing hard against her G-spot, she came to the startling conclusion that even without being drugged, she thought her orgasms would still have been epic and numerous…

In disbelief, Katelynn was shocked she was even thinking this and how it all had begun!

She had been drugged by James who had intended to rape her! Instead, because of James, she’d become a victim of rape by her own two dogs! Forced bestiality!

The two dogs were immensely strong and vastly outweighed her. In their canine arousal both dog’s had turned domineering and would not listen to her commands to stop and get off, and she herself was too fucked up by the drugs to stop them physically even if she could have!

The two normally loving dogs had become so focused with their single-minded vicious sexual behaviors it had scared her! Their still way too swollen knots coming back out had been tremendously painful to the point it made her cry and bleed and had caused vaginal and anal microtears!

No, despite what Dr. Temple stated in her book, today’s society still considered bestiality something outside societal norms. The aspects of questionable morality and the societal acceptance of it still consciously remained deeply ingrained despite what she had read.

Thinking again of James, Katelynn was instantly disgusted! Upset and disturbed with her thoughts, she found it too hard to concentrate on getting herself off and ceased her efforts…



One weekend Katelynn went to bathe her favorite two-year old Arabian stallion. There was an upcoming dressage horse show in a couple of weeks and she wanted his coat to be as clean, rich and glossy as possible so he would win another blue ribbon. She went down to the stable wearing cutoff jean shorts and a halter top knowing she would get wet bathing her favorite horse. It was a light weekend with no organized activities for the ranch guests, so all the employees were off and her parents had gone to spend the weekend with some friends in Durango.

Katelynn saw Pegasus out in the pasture and she let out a loud whistle. Pegasus came running to Katelynn as he had been trained to do. Katelynn led him into the stable and over to the wash station. She then got the horse shampoo/conditioner and bathed him thoroughly paying particular attention to his long mane and tail.

He will have to be bathed and conditioned again next week and then again the day of the horse show. As with all the breeding stallions at the ranch for stallion hygiene, the final thing for Katelynn to do was to mix a cleaning solution to clean his sheath and penis. She got a soft loofah sponge to wash with and knelt down and started washing his sheath with the warm water cleaning solution to get his penis to let down.  As his solid pink cock slowly let down from his sheath, once again Katelynn thought how an equine’s penis so remarkably resembled a human penis – except much, much longer and thicker!

Once his penis began letting down Kate encircled his shaft with the large loofah sponge and began slowly washing the stallion’s cock, between the thickness of the sponge and the swelling equine shaft this required both her hands.  As more of the stallion’s solid pink cock began to snake out then stiffen, gaining its full erection of about sixteen inches, startled, Katelynn felt herself becoming involuntarily aroused as she cleaned his cock! Kate’s washing motions got more and more languid, not fully cognizant she was focusing more on stimulation than washing…

Katelynn, enthralled and fascinated feeling such a powerful and massive male sexual organ that so very resembled a human penis, couldn’t help but feel herself become increasingly horny. Then the loofah sponge slipped from her hands and inadvertently her fingers partially encircled around the thick shaft…

Seemingly Katelynn was temporarily absorbed feeling the massive pink shaft throbbing, swelling and contracting in time with the pulse of the stallion’s mighty heart against her partially encircling fingers, feeling the animal heat rising from it. Kate could see her encircling fingers actually spreading 1 ½ inches apart each time the massive shaft throbbed and swelled. Enthralled with the sensation, Katelynn resumed sliding both her soapy hands slowly up and down his stiff, massive pink shaft with evident fascination – without the loofah sponge…

Indeed, seeing the display and feeling of such raw masculinity, Katelynn’s highly charged natural sexual instincts had kicked in; her tiny nipples had grown hard as diamonds and she felt her pussy getting steamy moist…

“Damn It! I Can’t believe This Is Happening Again! Getting freaking horny from jacking a horse! Damn It! I really need to find Mr. Right and get married!!!”

Katelynn was especially shocked with herself considering what Brutus and Atlas had so recently done to her but she seemed she could not control her involuntary arousal!

“Damn my higher than normal libido! Even though it’s a remote possibility, just in case I better go shut the stable doors so no errant guests come wandering in seeing me jacking a stallion off…”

Katelynn shut both sets of doors and for good measure shot the inside bolts to lock them. Then she checked to make sure all the stall outside doors were shut and locked too.

Then she went and got a bottle of J-Lube and squeezed out a generous amount of the thick, slick and stringy lubricant in her hand. Then started doing long slow languid strokes the entire length of the stallion’s erection…

While slowly stroking Pegasus erection, enthralled with the huge sixteen-inch long erection, only with dim realization did Katelynn become aware that her other hand had slowly drifted down to the leg of her loose cutoff shorts, then, she slipped her hand inside and past her thong…

Doing long slow strokes on the sixteen inch long pink shaft, Katelynn let her hand restlessly linger over her pussy, feeling its heat and her growing arousal, then she started slowly finger-fucking herself…

Feeling her hand movements constrained by her denim shorts Katelynn said to herself,

“Oh, what the hell! The doors are locked, no one is going to walk in and see…”

Katelynn stood up and skimmed off her shorts and thong, then she knelt back down sitting on her heels with her legs spread widely apart and resumed languidly stroking the stallion’s erection with one hand, at the same time, working on getting herself off…

Katelynn’s diddling hand was coated with lube and she found it easier to get her motor going, scant moments later she looked down between her legs seeing her clit prominently sticking out; hard and swollen, even larger than it usually is when she is aroused! Her labia were engorged and openly parted baring the entrance to her exquisitely tight love tunnel.

By this time the stallion was fully erect, his shaft was hard as a rock and throbbing mightily in Katelynn’s grasp. The shaft pulses were strong and powerful, jerking her encircling hand. An undeniable, irresistible heated lust brightly blazed in Katelynn’s lovely, startling ocean-blue eyes…

Recalling the first time she had jerked an Arabian stallion off into a semen collection condom for sale to other breeders, Katelynn was amazed at the explosive force of his ejaculation and the amazing amount he ejaculated! How the sudden huge flaring of the head of his penis before he ejaculated caught her by surprise. Then, a thought occurred to her, which stunned and shocked her so with its kinky perverseness that she debated even doing it…

Even though Katelynn knew the impossibility of it due to the equine cock’s huge two plus inch width, six and a quarter inch girth and her abnormally tight and narrow pussy, with her intense arousal, she couldn’t help but began wondering what it would feel like…

As she began thrusting a finger into herself Katelynn began fantasizing feeling an stallion thrusting into her, his flare deep inside her, then immediately following, the powerful explosive ejaculation that would volcanically erupt filling her tight pussy to overflowing…

Then the deeply embedded memory hit her which she more than once had unsuccessfully tried to bury, of being brutally raped-fucked by her two dogs…

Even though she was well aware that it was the heavy dose combination of Ecstasy, LSD and Psilocybin that was to blame for incapacitating her to the point of being unable to effectively force the two powerful dogs away, combined with the synergistic effects of the three drug’s with each other, the drugs had artificially stimulated her sexual arousal to such an extent it had become unbearable, the drugs had caused the body-racking monstrous orgasms she had experienced…

Then remembering certain passages she had read in Dr. Temple’s book, it was one of those really dirty wildly horny crazy thoughts that happen in the moment…

Imaging the feeling of being so freaking incredibly horny enough to actually rub her pussy and clit against the stallion’s erection…

Katelynn stood up, even though immediately she knew she was acting irrational, she also knew her extreme arousal was now dictating her actions…

“I would only be getting myself off by rubbing my pussy against his cock, as long as it is just masturbating then it really wouldn’t be committing bestiality unless intercourse was involved – and that is impossible! His cock is entirely too huge and my pussy is too narrow and tight for it to ever go in…” Katelynn illogically rationalized to herself.

Then Katelynn slowly bent over and then backed up..

Momentarily she hesitated, then she began straddling the stallion’s massively erect sixteen-inch-long cock erection between her legs…

As she slowly straddled the slick, massive phallus, she imagined what the erotic image of what she was doing looked like from afar…

The erotic image of a young, incredibly beautiful woman with a prize-winning multi-million-dollar stud Arabian with a massive sixteen-inch erection against her nude, voluptuous, stunning athletic body…

The strength of the stallion’s erection was so strong that even despite its sixteen inch length and heavy girth it pressed upwards up-in between Katelynn’s widely spread legs against her highly aroused pussy, Katelynn’s swollen engorged parted labia folds laying partly on either side of the massively wide shaft, pressing firmly upwards between her swollen openly parted labia…

Then Katelynn began slowly sliding her hotly aroused pussy back and forth along his thick, J-lubed slick shaft…

Immediately Katelynn’s horniness skyrocketed further!

Thoroughly enjoying the feel of the massive, insanely long, inhumanely hot, throbbing erection splitting her highly aroused swollen labia folds to either side pressing firmly against her pussy!

Momentarily Katelynn paused with just the head of his cock pressing up against her pussy, then she began rubbing the broad head around in her slick, hot swollen folds and against her swollen protruding clit, amazed at the contrast in size between the head of a human cock and an equine’s. Then in her extreme arousal, she couldn’t resist…

Katelynn guided the huge broad head to her vagina’s tight narrow entrance…

Momentarily she held it there, feeling how impossibly broad it was against her tight narrow entrance! Finding it more than a bit unnerving because it felt and looked just like a human cock except for being vastly oversized! Yet still feeling the huge tip against her tight, narrow entrance it instantly promoted the impossible fantasy of being fucked by it!!!

Katelynn felt her arousal further escalate…

In response Katelynn began sliding her hotly aroused steamy pussy ever faster back and forth along the stallion’s erection. Even as she did so she still tried to rationalize her unnatural arousal…

True, she acknowledged she did indeed have a higher than normal sex drive, but the kinkiness thing she had ever done was having sex with her girlfriends in college – but that was a means to relieve each other’s horniness and avoid awkward questions from future fiancé’s and husbands of:

‘How many times they had sex with another guy? How many guys did they have sex with? Were any of them bigger than me?’

The more she thought about it, and as no one would ever know, she rationalized it’s just her natural biological sexual reaction, and for the here and now, it satisfies a masturbatory need and avoids one-night stands or getting a fuck-buddy – both of which she wasn’t ever about to do!

Katelynn began sliding her hotly aroused pussy a bit faster along his erection, then a bit faster…

She began getting a look of utmost concentration on her incredibly lovely face with her tongue slightly protruding out, then, she slightly tilted her pelvis forward a little bit, ensuring her swollen protruding clit was pressing firmly against the stallion’s erect shaft as she continued sliding her pussy back and forth as she recalled a porn movie that had centaurs having sex with women…

After a few moments, a low long suppressed sexual groan slowly escaped from her parted sensual lips…

Katelynn was rocking her entire body back and forth as she slid her pussy along the slick and long massive equine cock, her hands firmly pressing the shaft upwards against the parted furrow of her glistening swollen labia and her hard clit, her encircling hands sliding along the lubed shaft jacking it off. A few more moments later an orgasmic prelude tremble ran thru her body…

Abruptly her long, low, drawn out groan stopped! Kate suddenly conscious of how vocal she may have been and trying to hide it – as well as what she was provoking from her highly aroused body…

There was no hiding her intense arousal… her tiny nipples were diamond hard, her labored respiration, the sweat beading on her forehead and her intense concentration, but mostly of all, her highly visibly aroused glistening pussy and what she was actually doing!

Her swollen parted labia were partly hugging both sides of the massive two inch plus wide thick shaft – rocking her hard protruding clit against it! It seemed just a matter of moments before Katelynn again started uttering little noises each time her protruding clit bumped against the prominently ridged cock head as she slid her pussy back and forth against it, her sliding to and fro action likewise noticeably speeding ever faster…

Having experience with the ranch’s horse breeding activities and on occasion hand masturbating stallions to collect their semen, Katelynn knew what it felt like when a stallion was fixing to blow, and Pegasus was near. And so was she…

In her extreme arousal, nearing the peak of her own orgasm, without realizing it, Katelynn widened her stance even more! Further guiding the broad blunt tip of his cock back against the tight, narrow entrance of her hot, needy pussy! Pressing herself firmly against the broad tip and picked up her jacking of the stallion’s thick shaft!

As if woman and horse were mind-linked, Pegasus started thrusting shallowly! Katelynn widened her stance even more and firmly planted her widespread feet, his thrusting skyrocketing her arousal!

Acutely Katelynn felt the alternating thrusting pressure of the wide blunt tip of his cock against her tight narrow entrance, each gentle thrust further stimulating her arousal!

She felt his cockhead repeatedly bumping firmly against her tight vaginal entrance! The enormous spongy pliable glans pushing and pushing and pushing fruitlessly at her tight, narrow opening!  His huge cock slightly bending under the pressure of his cockhead now tightly wedged against Katelynn’s extremely tight vaginal entrance!

Knowing there was no possibility of his broad bulbous cock head going past the tight, narrow entrance to her pussy and then into her, this further stimulated Katelynn!

Her very active sexual imagination running wildly rampant what it would feel like if she was fucked by it!

Vividly she recalled the short hard jabbing thrusts a stallion makes into a mare to make sure he was fully seated just before he ejaculates! Katelynn vividly imagined the hard, brutal fast fucking she would receive, which at some unknown point in her past sexual life, she had come to realize she greatly enjoyed just as much as a long, drawn out sensual love-making session…

Katelynn was nearing her orgasmic peak!

The vain thrusting of the stallion’s cock head trying to batter its way past her tight narrow entrance just escalated her extreme horniness even more!

Long moments later, while reveling in the extreme sexual sensations, to her incredible disbelief Katelynn felt the spongy pliable tip of his cock actually making some inward progress into her abnormally tight pussy under the stallion’s relentless battering! Felt her tight narrow portal incrementally spreading! Then to her stunned disbelief, Katelynn felt just the very tip of his cock head begin edging into her!

In a sexually charged instinctive reaction Katelynn spread her legs as far apart as possible!

Relentlessly the stallion battered away trying to get the broad spongy head of his cock into this hot tight hungry pussy!

Katelynn felt herself began to be incrementally spread a bit more by Pegasus’s cock!

Felt just the tip of his cock wedging a bit further deeper into her tight opening!

Momentarily Katelynn panicked feeling the tip wedge even further in! Spreading her!

Uncomfortably begin stretching her!

Then just as she was going to back away Katelynn sensed she had stretched as wide as she would and she was again reassured there was no possible way the two plus inch wide broad head of his cock could actually enter the abnormally narrow and tight entrance to her pussy…

Self-assured now, Katelynn resumed rapidly jacking his shaft with just the tip of his cock partially in her vaginal opening! Pegasus now jabbing at her with short hard thrusts, an unbearable, undeniable sexual neediness to feel her stallion’s explosive ejaculation against and into her hotly aroused very needy pussy…

Suddenly the Arabian stallion gave a snort and with an awed look on her face Katelynn uttered a loud


An astounded incredulous look came upon Katelynn’s face as she felt the cock head hugely flare against her pussy! Immediately following the flare an immense liquid force begin explosively ejaculating a long thick stream of copious cum directly past her tight vaginal entrance up into her pussy! Blasting hot cum up into her with the force of a champagne bottle losing its cork!

Katelynn immediately exploded with her own intense orgasm as she unconsciously kept jacking the powerfully pulsing shaft till his diminishing jets ceased ejaculating…

Even knowing the impossibility of ever taking an Arabian’s stallion’s cock into her, Katelynn couldn’t help but imagine what it would like herself to feel the flare deep inside her! Then that powerful explosive ejaculation filling her up completely!

However, without realizing it, Katelynn’s vivid sexual imagination had set a future course…

Weakly, Katelynn back away, stunned at the quantity of semen that flowed out of her pussy…



Back when Katelynn was attending university, her parents had conducted some marketing research and determined there is a burgeoning business in miniature horses, so her parents decided to also get into the miniature horse breeding business on a small scale in addition to their Arabian horses.

Unlike ponies, which are often stocky with short legs, miniature horses looked like a full-size horse—just shrunken down in size, sleek and muscular with excellent conformity like Arabians. This makes miniature horses ideal for people who live on small acreages where there would be no room for a herd of large horses. They also make excellent pets, therapy, guide and companion animals due to their gentle and affectionate social nature.

One of the ranch’s miniature horse acquisitions was a prize-winning stud named Satan who quickly became a favorite of all the ranch staff and guests due to his adorable appearance and sweet disposition. Satan was so named because he was exceptionally intelligent yet mischievous, he was always getting into things or places he shouldn’t, adept at lifting gate and stall latches.

One long weekend Katelynn’s parents and all the ranch hands had taken several of their horses to a show in Denver leaving only the resort staff and Katelynn at the ranch to take care of the guests. No horseback rides were scheduled for the weekend, the guests having checked out the ATVs or were out hiking or driving around doing touristy things.

While getting the horses ready to be taken to the Denver horse show an order had come in for Satan’s semen. An inventory check showed they were out of stock for Satan’s semen straws so it was left to Katelynn that weekend to collect his semen, divide it into straws, prepare them for storage and for shipment the following Monday.

Saturday Katelynn decided to get the semen collection done so she could enjoy herself the rest of the weekend and manage whatever issues may arise with the resort staff and guests. As with all their other horses, Satan was trained to come to the stables when whistled. Katelynn called up Satan and led him into the stables to the wash station and tied his halter off. As with all the breeding stallions at the ranch for stallion hygiene, Katelynn first thoroughly bathed Satan and then for the final process she used warm water and a cleaning solution to clean his sheath and penis.

While Katelynn had on occasion performed semen collection duties with the ranch’s Arabian stallions, this was the first time she had done it with Satan. As she cleaned Satan’s penis, occasionally stimulating him to get more and more of his penis to drop from his sheath to clean his entire penis, Katelynn found herself curiously comparing Satan’s penis size to an Arabian’s…

Katelynn stimulated Satan into an erection that she estimated was about twelve inches in length, with a width of one and three quarter inches, which equaled a girth of five and half inches. Once again Katelynn thought how an equine’s penis so remarkably resembled a human penis…

Thinking about some adult movies she had watched, Satan’s penis girth was equal or larger than most all porn stars, and Satan’s length longer by three or more inches than the longest porn stars she had seen…

  Thinking some more about the adult movies she had watched, both the regular couples type and the mythological or science-fiction porn movies with creatures with vastly oversized cocks ravishing women, again, it seemed as if Katelynn couldn’t control the insane crazy erotic thoughts going through her head! Nor the arousal and the sexual impulses she just begun experiencing…

With a start Katelynn amusingly realized she was playing with Satan’s erection rather than getting him stimulated to do a semen collection, however, there was just something that appealed to her in a bizarrely erotic way…

She knew it was because of her damn higher than normal libido!

But ever since she had been raped by her two dogs and the intense orgasms she had experienced, then her subsequent conversation with her gynecologist, Hailey, then reading the book by Dr. Temple that Hailey had given her, it seemed her nighttime dreams had become more inclined toward mythological or science fiction bestial sexual fantasies! And even in a crazy moment last month she had even acted upon it when she had jacked off Pegasus’s cock against her pussy getting him to blast his enormous hot load against her pussy! Pegasus’s ejaculation so powerful it jetted a hot copious stream of semen forcibly past her tight vaginal entrance up into her!

Katelynn idly rationalized that with her abnormally tight vaginal entrance and narrow vaginal sheath, along with her muscular vaginal control, just as she had experienced with the size of an Arabian stallion’s cock, Arabians being a small breed of horse, so too a miniature horse’s cock was still way too large to ever go inside her she thought. Satan’s erection was much wider in width than any of her dildos and certainly in length! So Katelynn continued rationalizing that there was no harm in fantasizing what it would feel like, nor again doing with Satan what she had done with the Arabian stallion Pegasus…

Ever since her dog rape a few months ago, Katelynn had not allowed Brutus to come near her when she was naked, and she kept him temporarily out of the bedroom on those nights she had to take care of her pent-up needs…

Katelynn stood up, even though she immediately knew she was again acting irrational, she also realized her higher than normal libido was again dictating her actions that were currently compounded by the fact that right now she was at her monthly horniest period just before she began ovulating… And her moral qualms about again masturbating herself against a horse’s erection was tempered by her conversation with Hailey and reading Dr. Temple’s book…

Katelynn walked over to either ends of the stables to lock the doors to ensure her privacy, checking the exterior stall doors as she went and locking those that needed to be locked, all the while thinking,

“This is absolutely the last time! I really, really need to find Mr. Right…”

Katelynn used some rough towels to dry off Satan then led him over to the breeding/semen collection area of the stables with the thick padded rubber floor mats and she tied Satan to a hitching post.

The ranch had just received a new shipment of saddle pads. She opened the box and pulled out several that she thought when stacked and she laid back on them would elevate her pelvis enough so she wouldn’t have to hold herself up when she masturbated against Satan’s erection. Katelynn then got some J-Lube from one of the stall cabinets then took all her clothes off. She stacked the saddle pads beneath Satan’s belly, then laid one pad next to the stacked pads under his chest to lay her back and head on.

Katelynn applied a generous quantity of J-Lube coating his partially exposed semi-flaccid cock thickly with the gel-like lubricant.  After making some height adjustments to the saddle pads Katelynn slid up under Satan onto the stacked saddle pads and laid down on her back then scooted down a bit and raised her ass up and rested it on the stacked saddle pads. Katelynn now laying on her back, her knees raised and spread wide on either side of the miniature horse’s sleek flanks, her pelvis tilted up by the stacked saddle pads.

Katelynn again began stimulating Satan’s semi-flaccid penis. In a quick positive response, Satan’s penis extended about three inches, his dangling cock brushing against Katelynn’s flat, muscular ripped stomach…

Katelynn giggled at the warm touch of his human looking cock as she continued slowly sliding her hands up and down his stiffening shaft. Under Katelynn’s manipulation Satan’s sexual instincts quickly kicked in, his testicles surged, his thick massive penis pushed further from its protective sheath. Katelynn could see his massive, dangling testicles and couldn’t help but wonder how much cum they held. As Katelynn continued languidly stroking his slick lubricated cock his massive penis was dropping further from its sheath, already ten or more inches were showing which quickly becoming a full hard-on erection…

Katelynn bit her lip in suspense, watching Satan’s cock swell to gigantic proportions! He stood, stiff-legged, over Katelynn’s spread – eagled gorgeous lithe athletic body. His massively thick, twelve inch long cock loomed over her, stretching from her smoldering hairless pussy up to her firm jutting breasts with their now diamond hard tiny nipples.

Despite being a miniature horse, watching him achieve a full erection, there was nothing miniature about his huge cock! Katelynn thought. Her entire world view narrowed onto twelve inches of monstrous size meat as she leaned back gazing at the monstrous erection pressing against her flat stomach, staring at the huge nearly two-inch wide broad head of his cock!

The sight of the miniature horse’s hugely extended cock sent shivers up her spine. Katelynn’s groin tightened and she felt her pussy tingle, then her pussy begin greedily pulsing with inflamed heated desire at the impossible fantasy of so much power servicing her…

In response to his cock being manipulated and picking up on the heady musty scent of female arousal, Satan started lightly thrusting, his cock sliding against Katelynn’s flat, ripped stomach. Katelynn squirmed several inches backwards and tilted her pussy up to where his erection was pressing against her pussy so it could slide against and up in-between the highly aroused already parted swollen labia of her pussy. She drew her breath sharply as she felt the thick hot shaft slip into and along her groove, then, the blunt head of his cock began plowing up between her swollen parted folds, banging against, then over, her swollen protruding clitoris. Katelynn started undulating her pussy against his lightly thrusting shaft…

Katelynn placed her hand further down his shaft pressing his erection against her pussy with the palm of her hand, her hand just behind the blunt swollen head of his penis while with her other hand she began jacking the midpoint of his twelve-inch long cock! As her arousal built, gradually, Katelynn pressed further down on the broad head of his cock so it would exert more pressure against her splayed open pussy and exposed swollen clitoris.

Satan’s thrusting motion increased slightly, his lewdly thrusting rod of rock hard heated horse flesh seeking to fulfill his sexual instincts, the blunt head of his cock pulling back almost all the way to Katelynn’s pussy before he thrust forward again. Katelynn adjusted her hold upon his cock alternating with moving the head of his cock up and down between her swollen, parted labia, and in very small increments, slowly circling the broad head of his cock against her abnormally tight vaginal entrance before allowing the hard glans to once again thrust and slide against and tease her hard, exposed swollen clit…

Katelynn’s concentration increased as she re-centered the head of Satan’s cock against the tight, narrow entrance to her sopping wet pussy, rubbing the broad head around and around, keeping it there…actually allowing Satan to start gently thrusting the wide, blunt head of his cock against the extremely tight entrance to her pussy while he thrust through her jacking hand.  She could feel how wet she was, sensing a slow, small rivulet running of her own lubricating secretions run down between the cleft of her ass cheeks…

Satan continued his gentle thrusting, the head of his cock now firmly centered against the opening to Katelynn’s tight pussy, her silky, swollen labia lips partially encircling the very tip of the conical head of his cock as if trying to completely enclose, then impossibly, allow it in…

Satan’s gentle thrusts slowly rocked Katelynn’s fantastic, voluptuous hard body erotically back and forth, the large meaty knob spreading her inner folds, each gentle thrust nudging the tight portal to her vagina further escalating Katelynn’s arousal…

Katelynn could sense Satan’s burgeoning frustration by the way he began thrusting a bit more roughly, oddly, she felt his forceful actions of his battering cockhead against her pussy inflaming her sexual neediness and desires even further!

Seemingly without volition, without conscious thought in doing so, in autonomic sexual response Katelynn spread her feet widely apart to fully expose her already flowered glistening sex, tilting her butt and pussy up a little more…

The miniature horse’s short thrusts grew more rapid and much, much harder than the dogs had hammered at her. A sudden series of machine-gun like hard pokes against her highly aroused pussy made Katelynn begin breathing rapidly, excitedly, her heated groin pulsed heatedly with hungry lustful neediness as she felt an orgasm start to build. Her highly aroused body was on cruise control and it automatically involuntarily responded by rolling her slim hips upwards to meet Satan’s huge battering ram of hot rigid miniature horse flesh.

For a moment Katelynn thought she would explode with sexual frustration if the miniature horse didn’t cum soon desiring to feel him blasting his hot load against and up into her hotly aroused pussy! In her annoyance of sexual frustration and neediness, Katelynn swore under her breath as she began jacking his twelve-inch long cock faster and faster! Imagining the head of Satan’s cock blasting his load against her hot, tight pussy, remembering the hot powerful jetting sensations up into her with the Arabian stallion…

How the Arabian’s sixteen-inch long cock pulsed and throbbed seemingly forever as his immensely broad flared cock head pressed tightly against her vaginal entrance jetting a huge copious hot load past her entrance and up into her! The resulting, amazingly intense orgasm she had! Afterwards, how a seemingly never-ending stream of hot cum had poured out of her!

Katelynn’s finger tips slipped a bit higher up his thick shaft encircling it, now letting Satan thrust his cock through her encircling hand to encourage him to ejaculate against her pussy, her hand sliding faster up and down to hasten him along…

Satan’s was by now doing much more than prodding the tip of his cock against Katelynn, the tip of his blunt cock now battering hard directly against the tight, narrow entrance to Katelynn’s sopping pussy! Satan was close, so close to cumming Katelynn sensed as her own impending orgasm was near peaking…

Suddenly, Satan gave a little stamp of hooves, rearing up slightly then giving a slighter harder humping motion forward…

“Oh! God!! Oh! God!!!” Katelynn heatedly exclaimed as her pussy continued dripping with expectation as her arousal intensified! Her hand frantically jacking Satan’s shaft with the increasing rise of her impending orgasm. Without thinking what she was instinctively doing, Katelynn arched herself to help the rutting miniature horse keep the cock head of its slickly lubed shaft aimed between her hot wet silky, swollen labia…

She felt Satan’s meaty knob spreading her inner folds, nudging the tight narrow portal to her vagina, the enormous glans pushing at her tight opening…

Felt the pressure on her sex increase…

Satan stamped his foot, jostling Katelynn, his huge cock slightly bending under the pressure of his cock head tightly wedged against Katelynn’s extremely tight vaginal entrance!

Then Satan stamped his foot again, jolting Katelynn’s one small point of bodily contact against the huge blunt cock head!

Initially, her abnormally tight yet elastic vaginal opening resisting the hard pressure of the bluntly-pressuring cock head, then, Katelynn felt the lubricated head of his cock start to go in, just a bit…

Katelynn felt herself momentarily tense with the immediacy of the possibility of actually being penetrated with something far longer and thicker than any of he dildos, however she was still confident she could prevent it from completely going in with her muscle control, besides, the sexual sensation of the spongy head of his cock just barely into her tight, narrow vaginal entrance was incredible! Further stimulating her own impending orgasm!

Momentarily the thought she was on the verge of, again, committing full-on bestiality intercourse briefly crossed her mind but Katelynn was too highly aroused now, her orgasm fixing to erupt, and she figured it would be okay to let Satan continue ramming the broad head of his cock against her pussy. Her abnormally tight pussy and her muscle control would keep his large head of his cock from further entering her, letting him continue thrusting through her hand until he came, besides, her impending orgasm was rapidly nearing its peak fixing to erupt and she didn’t want to do anything to hinder her orgasm…

Again, Katelynn’s entire world view narrowed onto the twelve inches of monstrous size meat as she gazed downward past the flat muscular plane of her stomach at the massive erection repeatedly thrusting hard directly against her tight pussy jostling her taut, lithe body with each thrust, her heated groin pulsing and tightening at the impossible fantasy of so much power servicing her…

And during that inattentive moment of Katelynn’s sexual fantasizing, Satan thrust again and Katelynn screamed out in pain and fright!

Feeling the bulbous broad spongy head of Satan’s cock further wedging deeper into her tight, narrow vaginal entrance!

His huge thick lubricated cock head squeezing into her abnormally tight, narrow but very wet pussy!

Feeling her abnormally tight, narrow vaginal entrance start to spread open beyond the width of any of her dildos or gynecological exams!

Katelynn started gasping “Oh God Oh God!” Her voice rising in pitch as her eyes doubled in size feeling herself being spread even further and further!

Her pussy made more elastic and pliable than ever by her smoldering desire! Her swollen cunt lips were spread wide, almost turning inside out as they pushed down against the spongy tip of that fat cock! So much pressure being forced against her and with her pelvis tilted up on the stacked saddle pads and her upper body reclining she couldn’t move enough to break away!

Instantly Katelynn flashed back when Brutus and then Atlas had painfully pulled their still too swollen knots out of her pussy and ass!!!

Katelynn began Lamaze like breathing, rapidly in and out, her voluptuous DD breasts heaving with each deep intake as she felt her super-sensitized hotly tingling vaginal entrance being forced incrementally wider apart! Still, she remained confident she could prevent it from completely going in, besides, the sexual sensation of his heated head barely entering was incredible!

Katelynn felt the incredible pressure increasing! Felt the knob slowly further opening her up little by little!

Then she cried out in renewed shock as she felt the head of his cock began incrementally breaching the abnormally tight, narrow entrance to her pussy!

Katelynn sucked in a huge breath then exhaled a loud Ohhhh, FUUUCCCKKK!” as she felt the spongy corona flange of the cock head slowly begin entering her…

Her flat ripped muscular belly began heaving in contractions! Her lungs expanded until she thought they would blow apart. Every muscle in her body stretched painfully and tensed as Satan continued to push its cock against her resisting pussy.

Now panicking, Katelynn tried moving again but with tip of Satan’s cock partially in her with her pelvis tilted upwards by the stacked saddle pads and the rest of her reclined body directly underneath the miniature horse with Satan’s legs boxing her in she was literally pinned in place! Unable to sufficiently move her pussy away far enough to dislodge Satan’s cock! Her frantic wiggling to prevent any further deeper penetration only served to enhance the pleasure her tight, grasping cunt was giving to the stud miniature horse!

Slowly the broad yet spongy cock head flattened in shape from the pressure Satan was exerting…

Katelynn felt the already enormous pressure on and in her sex increasing as she felt the knob continuing to incrementally open her up little by little! Katelynn realized she had underestimated how spongy and pliable the head and the corona of his cock is despite its broad size and her extreme tightness!

“OHHHHHH!” Katelynn cried, her body shaking mightily as she felt the bulbous tip further forcing itself into her tightly clenching pussy! She felt the pliable head of Satan’s cock slowly, very slowly, incrementally slipping pass the tight muscular constriction of her abnormally narrow vaginal entrance after the muscles ringing her pussy became fatigued, surrendering to the huge cock’s immense pressure!

Slowly her tight narrow pussy was being stretched almost as wide as when the two dog’s knots, still swollen inflexibly hard, had been painfully pulled out of her! Now Satan’s cock was stretching Katelynn’s tight, narrow vaginal entrance to her limits and maybe past those!

Her abnormally tight pussy valiantly resisted, protesting the bulbous one and three quarter inch width of Satan’s cock head, Katelynn intimately feeling her stretched vaginal opening rippling around the engorged head as she was forced to accommodate more and more of its entry…

Katelynn’s breathing became rapid and desperate! Her large firm DD breasts heaving as she concentrated bearing down with all her might trying to prevent further penetration yet feeling the J-lube coated head of his cock further incrementally slipping pass the tight muscular constriction of her narrow vaginal entrance! Then, acutely, Katelynn felt the last part of the crown of his cock head penetrating completely past her tight, narrow vaginal muscular ring! Now fully inside her Katelynn instantly felt the head of his cock rebounding back to its full blunt shape pressing firmly against the wall of her narrow vaginal sheath!

When this happened, an involuntary reaction, a loud, pure, involuntarily sexual moan of incredible intensity escaped Katelynn’s sensuous lips feeling the bulbous head of his cock fully lodged in her sexually aroused fully bloomed heated sex, her slippery frantic grip acting more as a guide rather than preventing more from sliding in…!

Katelynn’s body, sensing the massive intrusion, further penetration of his cock head was momentarily halted when her powerful vaginal muscles automatically tightly clamped down – trapping the massive invader within her constricted vaginal opening, her swollen cunt lips clamped around his massive cock shaft behind the buried knob, clinging and clutching in a taut collar.

“UHHHHHH!” Katelynn groaned as she grappled with disbelief that his cock head was actually in her! Her eyelids fluttered open as she spread her long shapely athletic legs far apart in a futile attempt to ease the massive pressure she was feeling within her cunt. She looked down, her pussy was visibly bulging with the fat bulbous head fully penetrating her tight vagina!

Despite feeling the shallow penetration of the head of his cock, Katelynn still believed her strong vaginal muscle control would prevent further penetration, that she could still jack his cock off and feel him blow his massive copious load into her with just the head of his cock inside her pussy…

The sexual sensations were incredible! Much, much too incredible! And way too irresistible… The incredible pleasure she was feeling displacing Katelynn’s sober, rational thought that with actual penetration of her pussy by an animal’s cock, she was now committing bestiality – AGAIN!!!

“Yes! OH YESSSSSS!!!” Katelynn moaned, feeling the knob of Satan’s cock head repeatedly begin pulsing just inside her vaginal entrance as hot streams of precum began shooting way up into her sensitive sheath! Katelynn loudly inhaled a breath being caught off-guard by the surprising new sensation. The knob kept pulsing and shooting more and more steamy shots up into her tightly stretched sex as other uncontrollable sexual moans escaped her sensuous lips.

Katelynn noticed a sheen of perspiration starting to appear all over her body as the miniature horse kept pumping warm fluid into her and she couldn’t stop moaning as the hot precum further fueled the sexual fire ablaze in her vagina! She felt that she was abnormally sexually excited, balancing on the edge of an immense orgasm that she knew would be unlike anything she ever had experienced before!

Satan, sensing a warm incredible tightness fully embracing the head of his cock, and despite Katelynn’s own self-assurances of her vaginal muscle control, with a wet squishing noise, Satan’s massive equine cock began incrementally slowly slipping deeper into Katelynn’s tight, narrow, vaginal sheath…

As Satan’s erection slowly slipped deeper into Katelynn, she acutely felt every single thick wide inch slowly go deeper…

Her eyes got wider and wider with disbelief with each penetrating inch! Panicking! Remembering how powerful a horse can sexually thrust, even a miniature horse like Satan!

And the twelve inch length

Katelynn bore down harder with her strong Kegel muscles as her sex stretched tightly around the massive liberally lubed invader as she acutely felt it incrementally penetrating her ever deeper! Katelynn’s abdominal muscles of her flat ripped stomach tightly constricted and began fluttering as she futily tried to prevent more from sliding in…

With his cock liberally coated with thick J-Lube, Katelynn could not any more move away to avoid further impalement or withdraw what was already impaled due to her reclining position under Satan with her pelvis tilted upwards on the stacked saddle pads and the upper half of her body resting lower on a single pad with Satan’s legs blocking her in!

Satan did another small hump and despite Katelynn bearing down on her Kegel muscles with all her might, she felt, and heard, two more inches slowly advancing further into her with a loud prolonged squishing noise! Katelynn’s face changing again when she realized the predicament she was in:

She realized she was solely mistaken that she could stop further penetration even with her powerfully developed vaginal muscles and her narrow muscular vaginal sheath…

She could no more stop Satan from pushing anymore into her or the fact that he would soon start actually fucking instead of just incrementally pushing his cock in with short humping motions!

As this abrupt realization dawned upon her, Satan humped another inch in with another loud squishing noise causing Katelynn to deeply suck in her breath! Satan’s cock head felt like a huge lump of molten iron inside her! Katelynn began to gurgle and wail as she experienced being stuffed to the limit full of rampant equine cock!

Unnngggg! Fuck Fuck FUCK!!! It’s So Huuge!!! Katelynn breathlessly gasped out…

Then, before Katelynn could gasp out anything else, Satan started slowly fucking her incredibly tight pussy…

Katelynn’s eyes shot wide open! Then she let out a guttural scream that filled the stables…

Loud repeated squishing fucking noises began from the tightly joined union…

Katelynn loudly gasping unable to speak with the massive shaft now FUCKING her…

Inch by increment inch, she was taking the miniature horse’s cock further into her abnormally tight pussy!

Felt her pussy spasm hard around the giant member as it rippled her vaginal walls as it was slowly withdrawn and then thrust back in! Each thrust a bit deeper into her spasming tightly contracting vagina…

Satan’s sexual instincts now took over and he reacted as a stallion naturally would, thrusting his hips forward, driving the massive rigid cock forward to make it go further into this exquisitely extreme tightness! Finding Katelynn’s narrow vaginal sheath incredibly hard to penetrate yet exquisitely pleasurable in its tightness and its now rapid spasming contractions relatedly squeezing his shaft stimulating and encouraging him further in his rutting!

In reaction to Satan’s thrusting Katelynn’s eyes flew wide open bracing herself against his thrusts! Trying vainly to control the depth of his penetration! She felt the huge cock spreading her open as wide as she could be spread! Katelynn felt an incredible pressure on her pelvis as the huge cock began plumbing ever deeper into her tight narrow vaginal sheath!

Katelynn desperately pulled air into her lungs! Rolling her head back again as she again exerted her tremendous vaginal muscular control to slow the advancement of the huge cock that had begun thrusting into her!

Satan actually FUCKING her!

There was not a doubt in Katelynn’s mind what was happening, nor would the immense sensation of the huge cock sawing in and out of her allow it!

Katelynn’s pussy started to instinctively cream as a protective measure with each successive thrust. Her cunt fluttered and Katelynn felt her lubricating fuck-juices pour into her cunt and then flood out of her and flow down and between her parted ass-cheeks, then partially along her backbone before dripping off onto the stacked saddle blankets. Satan took another stroke and his huge cock fucked in and out more easily…

Katelynn gasped in lungful’s of air, her nostrils flaring while the miniature horse repeatedly thrust into her! Stretching her outer cunt lips, pushing them apart, forcing them into a wide oval!

Katelynn’s eyes bugged out while her gorgeous face and upper chest flushed red with the hard fucking. Liquid began squirting out from around the miniature horse’s shaft as its thick member forced its way in ever deeper into Katelynn’s tight precum filled womanhood as he began thrusting ever harder into her! Driving his thick cock incrementally ever deeper into her tight, convulsing vaginal sheath…

Katelynn screamed and screamed again even louder as she felt herself being penetrated ever deeper! She was gasping from the bolt of white hot pain that stabbed through her as the miniature horse threw his hips at her in a powerful jumping lunge to drive himself longer and deeper into her tight, clutching pussy, Katelynn screaming out












With loud, wet squishing noises, Satan’s cock slowly slipped ever deeper into Katelynn’s extremely tight and narrow vaginal sheath…

As his swollen thick erection was being slowly driven ever deeper into her tight pussy, Katelynn felt every single inch as it slowly progressed inwards…

Her disbelief and trepidation growing with each inch as her sex stretched tightly around the massive invader as it incrementally penetrated her ever deeper! Her taut, trembling body jerking and jolting with each hard thrust as she was slowly impaled! Katelynn rolled her head from side to side, eyes tightly closed, her bent legs at the knees spread impossibly wide to better accommodate the massive invader…


Katelynn wailed as she mightily bore down to stop any further massive penetration…

Despite her discomfort Katelynn creamed with a combination of incredible sexual pleasure and pulsating pain as she was utterly stuffed full! She couldn’t breathe; she just held her breath as finally her cute firm ass settled back onto the stacked saddle pads. Oh god it was tight! Every twitch of her pussy sent bolts of pleasure surging through her body!  She felt so full she couldn’t move, her breaths began coming short and sharp as her body tried to adjust feeling the massive equine cock penetrating deeper into her, fucking her, her body trying to accommodate his length and thickness. She could feel every pulse of his massive cock as it throbbed with beastly desire sending little shocks into her body.

Then instead of short thrusts to facilitate penetration, Satan began fucking Katelynn with long thrusts…

Seven to eight inches of inch and three-quarters wide erection now began smoothly, repeatedly thrusting in then slide back out of Katelynn tight convulsing, spasming pussy, his broad cock head withdrawal stopped by the tight, narrow constrictive muscular ring of Katelynn’s vaginal entrance.

Several long thrusts in and out of her, Katelynn sensed that Satan couldn’t force any more of his twelve inch long cock into her – what he was fucking her with was plenty enough! Gradually she relaxed as the intercourse sensations grew ever more pleasurable.  Long moments later, Katelynn felt her abdominal muscles began tightly constricting and fluttering, always a giveaway to an impending orgasm.

Katelynn loudly moaned as her cock stuff tight pussy involuntarily began to repeatedly contract, clenching and milking the incredibly thick pleasure-giving rod as the massive shaft continue plundering ever deeper into her spasming tight pussy! It was so deep! So demanding! As the miniature horse continued thrusting in hard short thrusts pounding her tight spasming clenching cunt suddenly her brutal fucking provoked a massive explosive orgasm!

“Ohh, FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!!!” Katelynn cried out. “I’m going to come!!

OH FUCK!!!!”

“Ohhhhh, FUCK YESSSSS!!!!

Losing all control, Katelynn loudly screamed out as an immensely powerful orgasm shook and rattled her exquisite hard-ripped body! Her eyes closed, her mouth opened, and her expression got deadly serious as her entire taut, lithe athletic body made quick jerking motions with the spasms of her orgasmic convulsions! Her body, her being, fully in the throes of a massive orgasm in sexual autonomous response tried to further impale itself onto that relentlessly thrusting massive equine cock to heighten her climax! Every nerve ending in her body was tingling as a burst of electricity washed over and through her as she began bodily fusing with the miniature horse…

Fortunately for the benefit of both of them, Katelynn’s massively intense orgasm helped by sending her tight vaginal entrance into powerful gripping spasms, and after a particularly strong contraction, her tight, narrow vagina, for just a moment, relaxed just barely enough to allow even more of Satan’s massive cock deeper into her ….

Sensing the even deeper penetration Katelynn loudly wailed! Crying out as she again bore down with her Kegel muscles to slow the massive penetration,

OH DAMN! ITS SOOO FUCKING HUUGGGEEE!!! Katelynn cried out in the midst of her long drawn out orgasm, feeling herself began taking in even more of his huge battering cock…

Satan kept fucking Katelynn through her intense orgasm and just kept on going! With long thrusts filling her completely, Katelynn stretched out beneath him with her long, toned legs spread out wide as possible as waves of pleasure repeatedly washed through her as she felt another orgasm quickly began to build from her core and then just as quickly explode…

Katelynn’s head rolled several more times, her widely spread legs jerking as her second massive climax washed over her trembling taut body, her orgasmic jerking motions slowly driving herself even deeper onto the massive pole, firmly embedding Satan within her!

The broad blunt cock head of the miniature horse’s massive tool repeatedly pounded against her cervix nearly knocking the breath out of Katelynn with each brutal pounding ramming as Satan continued pumping in and out of Katelynn’s lewdly stretched hole!

The sensations inside Katelynn’s flat, taut quivering belly were beyond description as her equine lover slid almost all the way out of her, then thrust back in. Over and over Katelynn felt at least seven or eight inches repeatedly thrust brutally hard into her until she was beside herself with ecstasy! She couldn’t stop now even if she wanted to! Not with that much thick long cock impaling and raping her abnormally tight pussy!

With his own sexual desires and instincts highly inflamed, the stud miniature horse didn’t ease up on Katelynn! Satan he kept on overwhelming Katelynn’s inflamed swollen sex with heavy excited hard brutal thrusting that jolted her body while she wailed and her taut, lithe body shook violently due to the shock waves that went through her lean, lithe taut body from the bestial pounding she was taking.

Satan was brutal and fast! Erotic in a way…

Every fierce thrust Satan made, Katelynn scream loudly in ecstasy and had her panting heavily. Katelynn was thrashing in ecstasy as she rode on that deeply thrusting swollen equine cock, her head thrown back as she moaned like a wanton slut as his cock made its way even deeper and deeper into her slim, athletic, voluptuous body eliciting more and more orgasms from her body! Katelynn didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop! She wanted to collapse but the hotly pulsating massive cock meat which now seemed to form the rigid core of her being kept her climaxing over and over again…

Her feminine lubricating juices were being produced in overdrive to ease the brutal rampaging of Satan’s thick long deeply embedded shaft, her juices gushed out on every long out stroke, her added copious lubrication only increased the miniature horse’s ability to burrow deeper into her tight spasming pussy!

Each time he pulled his cock out, Katelynn’s tightly stretched pussy made loud sucking noises, then, equally loud squishing noises as he fucked into her again. Never had she imagined anything could fit so tightly or as deep inside her! An intense pleasurable tightness offset with a gliding, invigorating sensation!  Katelynn felt totally stuffed! Filled to the very brim with hot equine cock!

Katelynn slid her right hand down sliding through her brief landing strip of pubic hair and she began fingering her swollen protruding electrified clit. She wanted to make this last but knew her lithe taut athletic body, despite her excellent physical tone, could not long withstand Satan’s powerful brutal thrusts.

As she laid under Satan, Katelynn grit her teeth as she incrementally relaxed just enough to allow a bit freer flowing thrusting until she felt Satan’s rock-hard penis begin slamming against her cervical entrance!

Katelynn looked down as Satan thrust deep into her pounding her cervix, astounded seeing she was now being fucked with eight plus inches of his twelve-inch long cock into her! Thankfully she felt he was in as far as he could get, the rest of his long cock shaft would not fit! Satan, with his unrestrained animal instincts, was fucking her as hard as he could as quickly as he could, not understanding the concept of patience, trying to get all of his cock into this hot, tightly clenching rapidly contracting pussy that felt far, far more wonderous than any he had ever serviced…

Even though it was a bit painful, Katelynn still felt a satisfying sexual fulfillment, it felt sooo exquisite as the hot massive cock thrust into her filling her completely…

She paused in fingering her swollen clit and felt her vaginal entrance and her vaginal sheath itself tightly stretched to its maximum extent around Satan’s cock! The monster member stretching her vaginal muscles almost to the point of tearing! The incredible tightness as it slid in and out that repeatedly sent her soaring off into a sparkling orgasmic universe filled with colorful supernovas!

Reveling in feeling the miracle of incompatible male and female parts fitting together so tightly, moving together, uniting and re-uniting so perfectly that it seemed like ultimate harmony! Satan and Katelynn settled into a steady rhythm with Satan’s hips moving and Katelynn’s body jerking and jolting with each powerful thrust – eight plus throbbing inches of his thick cock fucking her!

Katelynn moaned and her body shook as she kept trying to buck her hips up against each pounding thrust! Thick white frothy ribbons of secretions were being pumped out by his pussy-filling plunger, Katelynn rolling her hips from side to side, winding her tight pussy around his cock, her face now a mask of pure lust…

She still couldn’t believe this was happening! It felt so incredibly fantastic as super intense sensations shot through her tingling shuddering quaking body as the thrusting battering ram of heated horse flesh continued provoking orgasm after orgasm!


I can feel his cock swelling even more! It’s getting so HUUUUGGGGE!!!!”

Indeed Satan’s cock was swelling in girth as a prelude to his ejaculation!

Now swollen to a width of two inches!

Katelynn braced herself carefully against Satan as the three-hundred-pound animal FUCKED her one-hundred-thirty-pound body! Her hands were both tightly gripping the edges of the saddle pads while she steadied herself with her widely outspread feet, her pelvis tilted up into the rampaging thrusting cock as her entire body rocked and jolted with each thrust and withdrawal. Her cries of intense pleasure came steadily and never stopped as she nearly took everything the miniature horse had for her.

Katelynn’s body was bucking and hunching now feeding her pussy to the fucking miniature horse even as the force of each thrust tilted and lifted her on his steel-hard stiff prick! As the miniature horse fucked her tight cunt, with each thrust Katelynn’s cute firm ass was being lifted off the stacked saddle pads!

Crazed by lust, Katelynn repeatedly cried out and whimpered as she ground her cunt around on his thick cock meat and pumped her heated loins wildly on that long sliding bar of thick rock-hard cock as she fucked his massive cock with frenzied twists of her slim athletic hips and upward thrusts of her tight cute ass.

There was not one ridge or vein on the mighty hammer-headed pulsing cock that she could not feel as the powerful muscular walls of her vagina clasped around it like an extremely tight-fitting elastic sleeve. At the very end of her vaginal passage, she could feel the huge rubbery tip throbbing against her cervix like a second heart in her body! The powerful pulsing of the thick shaft within her sent intense jolts of pleasure through her trembling body as she loudly moaned beneath Satan.

“OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!” Katelynn cried out, now not holding back in the least, as Satan relentlessly battered his huge cock against Katelynn’s narrow, tight cervical entrance, trying futilely to gain entry to allow further penetration deeper into Katelynn, still, Katelyn felt only eight plus inches sawing in and out of her incredibly tight pussy!

Then, as a prelude to his ejaculation, Satan began fucking Katelynn faster as his balls expanded and his creamy climax drew near! Buffeting her slim tall athletic body about, bouncing her pelvis up and down on his mighty cock as his powerful flanks thrust in and his haunches bucked, fucking his twelve inch cock in now to the three-quarter inch mark!

Satan repeatedly withdrew his cock out slathered with white creamy froth then thrust again reburying his cock head making Katelynn’s legs jerk spasmodically as Katelynn jerked her hips desperately up to meet his every slamming thrust! Grinding her nakedly writhing firm cute ass higher and higher in unsuccessful attempts to get more and more of his wonderfully skewering massive cock deeper up inside her…

A half-crazed ecstatic smile began playing across Katelynn’s sensuous curving lips as Satan now fucked Katelynn with horrendously long strong nine-inch thrusts! Katelynn desperately writhing body was beginning to quiver uncontrollably as creamy viscous fluids continuously oozed out from her hot vibrating pussy to cover his impaling rod with its sticky warmth.

Katelynn strained her arms against Stan’s front legs as she pushed herself upwards onto the pummeling thrusts! Each powerful thrust rocked her pelvis upwards lifting her small firm shapely ass completely off the stacked saddle pads and into the air!

Katelynn’s ecstatic expression was deadly serious now, the tone of her cries matching her wanton look. With each long rutting stroke of Satan’s hips Katelynn’s body jolted rhythmically with the pulse of Satan’s thrusting, emphasizing the writhing movement of her totally naked magnificent lissome body!

Katelynn was panting and moaning as Satan fucked her mercilessly as she actively thrust herself against his rampaging cock, Katelynn was amazed to feel a bit more of his cock progressively going in! Each time she met the thrust with her beautiful, tight cunt she could feel another fraction of an inch of the black and pink cock blast into her hot, tight spasming sheath!

Satan, used to having his semen collected at least twice a week or bred to a mare had staying power! It took almost another minute of Satan fucking and Katelynn’s fucking back with his large heavy testicles swinging closer and closer to her cute firm ass until finally his balls were soundly thumping against her with loud slapping noises which in turn spurred Katelynn on more! Now nine plus full inches was rapidly being fucked into her highly aroused splayed open hot tight pussy!!!

Katelynn’s began breathing harder and faster, almost panting. Her eyes were glazed over, rolling around in her head. Sweat streamed freely from her forehead and from her entire body! She slid her tightly clenching pussy up and down the animal’s stiff, throbbing rod. She knew she was close to cumming again, it didn’t take long… A few more fierce thrusts and she was gasping air into her lungs as her hips began bucking wildly….

“OH! OH! OH! OH!” Katelynn gasped out as the enormous cock massaged her insides! Katelynn feeling a tightness building in her lower torso, feeling the impending colossal moment soon approaching! Katelynn crying out each time she felt the ramming rod furiously rut into her and slam violently against her cervix! Despite the thrusting power behind it, the swollen immense bulk failing to batter its way past her narrow cervix.

Katelynn, fucking back for some time now, legs widely splayed open, hips jerking up and down bucking wildly as she repeatedly thrust her pussy onto the massive rampaging cock, pressing her back against the saddle pad wiggling her hot, pulsating cunt on his plunging equine cock as Satan reamed out Katelynn’s spasming contracting pussy as she dripped with glistening sweat…


“Ohh, Ohh, FUCK!

I’m Gonna Cum Again!!!

“NNNNNGGGGGHHHH!!!!!” Katelynn grunted loud and long as her pussy kept humping on Satan’s thrusting cock as her body blasted into yet another dance of spasmodic orgasmic convulsions!

Katelynn felt the rapid flush of heat, then the rush of tingles as every fiber of her being exploded in a thousand ways as Katelynn’s immense orgasm exploded rampaging through her body! Pinwheels of colors exploded in her vision! Her entire body shook and quivered as her back arched like a bow as her tiny tight pussy exerted powerful contractions around the still-rutting equine cock. Her body uncontrollably jerking and undulating as Katelynn let go of all control, allowing her natural instincts to fully take her…


And take her they did!  Katelynn nearly passed out with the intensity of her massive orgasm! Gasping every ounce of air out of her lungs, and then desperately sucking it back in! Then Katelynn seemed to suck in a huge amount of air, her hard nipple DD breasts heaving upwards as her back arched highly and then like a tornado she screamed out yet another roaring climax!!!


Katelynn’s large exceedingly firm breasts jolted repeatedly as another series of multiple orgasms intensely racked her lovely lissome hard body, Katelynn’s legs shot straight out as she let her passions take her, then another monstrous rolling orgasm slammed her!


Katelynn lost track of time…

She could not count her orgasms as they rippled through her, one following so fast upon the one before that she could not tell them apart! She was so full of cock that she thought her hips were going to jump out of their sockets, that her vital organs were being shoved out of place by his plunging cock-head!

Katelynn was nearly becoming faint as she came down from her sexual heights having experienced several monstrous orgasms! Her arms and legs went limp and Katelynn laid on top of the saddle pads as that last monstrous orgasm sapped most of her strength – yet the miniature horse still kept on rutting in to the sexually spent beauty to expel his full load as deep into her as he could…

As his own climax neared Satan snorted and his head nodded up and down repeatedly, then Satan began repeatedly ramming himself forward relentlessly! Lifting Katelynn’s pelvis bodily off the saddle pads with each immense thrust! Jamming his huge cock hard into her tightly rapidly contracting pussy! Katelynn spreading her legs as far apart as she could as she further tilted her cute, firm ass upwards trying to widen herself as much as possible…


Katelynn’s belly began to ache with Satan’s continuing hard thrusts, again and again, over and over again, pounding and filling Katelynn with now nearly ten full inches of thick, throbbing equine cock.

Katelynn was done!

She was becoming tremendously sore from the brutal pounding she was being subjected to! Just as she tried to pull herself forward to escape Satan’ still rampaging impaling cock she felt the beginning of, The Flare


Katelynn cried out as she felt the head of Satan’s cock suddenly swell larger!

His glans began hugely expanding! Katelynn instantly knew what was about to happen………….


Katelynn felt the swollen shaft deep within her begin to twitch and swell even further and knew Satan was near to cumming! She prepared as best as she could to handle the quick flaring of his cock head when he started to cum knowing it would suddenly increase in size to two and a half times when he began to ejaculate!

Katelynn heard Satan snort, then the chain of events that followed were far beyond any woman’s sexual fantasy! Yet another massively intense orgasm began thundering thru Katelynn with her anticipation of feeling Satan explode deep with her! Her explosive climax causing her vaginal muscles of her impossibly stretched pussy to tighten and repeatedly squeeze the hot swollen shaft within her spurring Satan to climax!

“HE’s GONNA COME!” Katelynn cried out.

Then, Katelynn felt a tremendous pressure suddenly mushroom inside her! Stretching her painfully as Satan’s deeply embedded equine cock head immensely flared against her cervix as his glans expanded to nearly three times its normal size!

In reaction, Katelynn loudly shrieked out in shock feeling the intense pressure seemingly threatening to rupture her narrow muscular vaginal sheath!

The Satan’s cock shot off like a cannon!

Katelynn shrieking even louder as she felt the sudden massive repeated explosive ejaculations of intense heat and immense pressure as his cock head began volcanically erupting with enormous gusher after gusher that explosively blasted its inhumanely hot liquid directly past her cervical entrance! Geyser after geyser of hot cum shooting deep within her! Filling and flooding her womb with nearly a pint of hot horse jizz!

Katelynn had been coming steadily and repeatedly herself!

Now that she felt the miniature horse shooting off into her, feeling the pulsing explosive jets blasting into her, Katelynn was wracked with yet another orgasm of proportions she had never before experienced!

Despite her expecting it, Katelynn was caught unprepared for the intensity of the climax that overtook her! The volcanic ejaculation inside her caused Katelynn to suddenly erupt with a piercing climatic scream that cascaded into additional screams as her feet drummed against the padded floor!

Katelynn shivered, shook, and screamed from the force of her release as it burned through her trim, lithe form, rattling her teeth and temporarily overwhelming all conscious thought as her pussy began gushing forth even more cream. Katelynn’s taut body repeatedly convulsively heaved as multiple screaming body racking orgasms exploded from Katelynn! Her whole body violently quivering, her vagina powerfully contracting uncontrollably as Satan’s cum filled every crevice in the limited space left inside her!

It was an amazing sight to behold!

One of the world’s most incredibly beautiful women with an astoundingly hot sexy body!

Katelynn orgasmically convulsed as the long drawn out thunderous earth shattering orgasm slammed her body even as Katelynn continued to furiously hump her hips up and down onto the massive cock now temporarily firmly locked within her due to the hugely flared cock head!

Her multiple, cascading orgasms roiled her violently trembling twitching body while her pelvis was held suspended in midair on the pulsating penis swollen deep inside her, the immense flared head locking them together as it continued spewing its immense load, her pelvis fluttering up and down as she wildly pumped her cute tight ass working her soaking cunt up and down the huge spurting prick, a rapturous look upon Katelynn’s incredibly beautiful face!

Katelynn felt the heavy liquid internal pressure build and build as an enormous load was continuously pumped into her tiny tight pussy!  Satan spurted jet after massive jet as an ecstatic Katelynn continued writhing from the ceaseless pulsating in her lower body! Katelynn could hardly believe it as she saw her rock-hard lower abdomen actually developing a slight bulge from all the hot fluid being pumped inside her swollen distended uterus!

She couldn’t help groaning as her womb swelled to hold all the copious fluid being ejaculated into her, then with no other place to go, it retreated back around the giant shaft and suddenly spurted out around its circumference at her abnormally stretched tight vaginal entrance in a thick geyser of whiteness! Her whole crotch foaming with cream as it flooded out, the thick fluid continuing to spurt out of Katelynn making a large white pool on the rubber padding of the stable floor…

Beyond her wildest expectations, Satan not only managed to get his massive equine cock into her super-tight pussy but Katelynn also got to experience the sensation of repeated huge loads of hot cum being blasted directly into her!!! His copious hot cum jetting past her cervix blasting into her uterus!

Katelynn’s whole, lithe, taut, gorgeous body continued to writhe with uncontrollable spasms as the muscular walls of her tight, narrow sheath instinctively autonomously started milking the thick cock for every bit of copious cum it could wring forth! Katelynn let out another lustful orgasmic scream as her swollen vulva visibly pulsated around the thick shaft that was buried in it, her muscular vaginal sheath instinctively continuing to milk the ugly invader…

Being an experienced miniature stud horse, it took some moments for Satan’s massive cock to start deflating while Katelynn shook and quivered uncontrollably, heavily panting trying to get her breath and senses back! The miniature horse’s slowly softening cock was still buried deep inside though still completely filling her.

Katelynn laid beneath her miniature horse she had just fucked…

Several long moments later Katelynn felt the giant rod buried nearly ten inches deep in her begin to very slowly and very sinuously begin to slip out of her still tightly clutching, still spasming pussy, wanting it to remain a bit longer…

The slow sensuous withdrawal of Satan’s huge cock renewed pleasurable feelings in her pussy. However, the still enlarged glans of the head of his penis became trapped at her abnormally narrow and very tight vaginal entrance, the head a vastly larger size than when it first went into her!

Satin began pulling further back, gradually exerting pressure, then even still more pressure, trying to dislodge his immensely swollen cock head past the tightly constricting bands of muscles that ringed Katelynn’s narrow vaginal entrance…

Then, incrementally one edge of the immense cock head began edging out sideways. Katelynn began grimacing as she again began to be spread wider than she had ever experienced! Tears sprang to her eyes and spilled down her cheeks as she felt like her pussy was about to tear…

As the miniature horse finally disconnected, Katelynn almost passed out from the momentary flash of intense pain as his still hugely flared cock head suddenly emerged from the tight, narrow entrance to her pussy like a cork from a champagne bottle! A loud plopping sound as it vacated her tight pussy and flung upwards squirting a stream of cum onto her flat rock hard stomach and up over her firm heaving hard nipple breasts as copious sperm continued to escape from his giant cock!

A thick, milky flood of equine-cum spouted like a geyser from Katelynn’s thoroughly ravished pussy! Her trembling thighs were flooded by the huge gush of horse semen which drained from her gaping pussy! A pool of cum pouring onto the floor and spreading between her long, toned legs still quivering from aftershocks of the multitude of tremendous orgasms that had nearly continuously racked her lissome body unto utter exhaustion!  Katelynn turned her head to the side and coughed, felt even more of the viscous equine cum ooze out of her and flow onto the floor…

Satan carefully stepped over Katelynn and then wandered off down the hall to his stall…

Exhausted by her brutal fucking Katelynn lay on the saddle pads, unmoving in a post euphoric malaise, breathing heavily, eyes closed, feeling copious, slimy discharges still running out of her ravished pussy…

She thought about what she had just done, it was so weird, so crazy weird, and so taboo

It was like being repeatedly pounded by an immense dildo attached to a pneumatic or electric jack hammer! The miniature horse’s cock felt like it had swollen way past the size of her thickest dildo, which had a width of one and a quarter inches, and her longest dildo was a six incher! Incredibly, it felt like she had taken in nearly ten inches of his twelve inch long cock! The combination of all had caused her to experience multiple monstrous body-racking orgasms…

There was no pulsing throb as she had felt when the two dogs had ejaculated inside her. With Satan, it was an immense pressure inside her when his glans had suddenly expanded instantly before he began ejaculating then immediately, a very distinctive explosive pressure of hot fluid bursting forth jetting forcibly past her cervical opening and flooding up into her womb followed by a warm wetness spreading throughout her lower abdomen, then, feeling an internal heated pressure build and build and build from all the copious cum being ejaculated into her!!!

It was, weird, surreal…

Katelynn was not one who would psychoanalyzed herself, however, she did realize that her attitude had changed, somewhat…

That despite her being drugged a couple months ago and the brutal circumstances with her two dogs, with the exception of the incredibly painful pullouts and their lust-filled single minded-viciousness, she had come to realize she had enjoyed being fucked by the two dogs, and now, a stud miniature horse…

She’d never experienced anything like it before; pure unadulterated, self-indulgent, hedonistic sex for its own pleasurable release. No worries about another person, emotions, performance anxieties, or romance, just Satan and her both getting off; and she had enjoyed it…

Katelynn realized she simply had a more needful need that that her sex toys hadn’t fully fulfilled. However, she was more than ever aware of what was solely missing in her life – it was that living, warm touch that her dildos could not provide but which in a perverse way Satan had provided. She missed the loving, caring intimacy only another human could give her…

Still, the ingrained social conditioning about what she had just done, again, disturbed her…

Katelynn resolved not to do it again, either with the horses or the dogs.

The dog’s especially…

 Brutus and Atlas’s single-minded determination when they had sex on the brain changed their personality. They had become vicious and domineering in their sexual behavior and had raped-fucked her! And when they had pulled their still too swollen knots out of her tight pussy and ass, it had been incredibly excruciatingly painful, causing her to bleed from microtears.

Since that horrible night, Brutus had become more persistent and forceful when he had sex on the brain! After a few near incidents she dared not be nude or walk around in her cabin in her thong panties afraid he would try to rape her again. A couple of weeks after she had been raped by the dogs she had jacked him off to calm his sexual behavior but he had mounted her. Luckily she was fully clothed but again Brutus had become aggressive and domineering, and had even growled at her…

Katelynn weakly slowly rolled off the saddle pads and on shaky legs stood up unsteadily. Looking down at the aftermath she realized she had some cleaning up to do. Some of the saddle pads had cum on them and she needed to hose off the floor, but first she needed to flush the residual semen out of her pussy with the hose, then get dressed then clean up the mess.

That evening back at her cabin Katelynn browsed the web.

She had remembered more than once coming across sex machines for sale on the sex toy websites when she had bought dildos. She spent a few hours reviewing and even watching some actual fucking machine porn videos in action. The best independent reviews (and porn videos) were for motorized thrusting machines that started at six hundred dollars or more!

Katelynn pondered how much to spend…

She already had a handheld thrusting dildo but it was limited to a one inch stroke. Fucking machines that had adjustable positions and had adjustable and greater stroke lengths were more expensive, and the more features they had of course increased the prices. Katelynn easily concluded she could well afford anything since she had no living expenses and the ranch resort was exceedingly profitable, her annual salary was well in the six figure range with annual bonuses for very good revenue years which all years to date have been. Katelynn finally settled on an eighteen hundred dollar electric linear actuator model that had a money-back guarantee and a five-year warranty. It could easily be mounted to the bed for stability and quickly taken off, had a remote control that could change the depth and the angle of penetration, had variable speed, could take a number of different dildo attachments, and one of the best features it was totally silent!



James and Steve were unaware that the Snowmass Club security cameras had recently been upgraded to ultra-high definition color with facial recognition as well as lowlight capability. Additional hidden cameras also had been installed inside the complex and outside as well.

Yes, the 4K ultra-high definition surveillance cameras did record James apparently spiking Katelynn’s drink but the district attorney stated it was not sufficient evidence since part of James’s action of actually spiking the drink were obscured, and James never had the opportunity to come in contact with Katelynn even though the cameras recorded James following Katelynn through the club and out to the parking lot.

There was another party coming up at the club for the young adult members and the police decided to set up a sting with the help of three attractive female police officers on loan from the Denver Police Department.

At the party, the three female undercover police officers mingled in the partying crowd while two other officers were in the Security room watching the multiple camera feeds along with the staff.

The 4K ultra high-definition surveillance system caught James spiking a drink, then James hitting on one of the undercover officers and handing her the spiked drink. James was quite surprised when he was arrested moments later, his fingerprints on the cocktail glass along with a clear high definition recording of him spiking the drink and then directly carrying it and handing it to the undercover officer. James was charged with possession of illegal drugs with intent to commit rape. Steve was not at this party and was not ever seen ever seen at the club again.

The next two months Katelynn indulged with Satan only once more, this time on her hands and knees with her cute firm ass tilted up into his rampaging cock!

But not with Brutus or Atlas though… Katelynn feared their sexual aggressiveness, and their knots had hurt tremendously when both dogs had forcibly removed them before they had reduced in size enough, causing her to bleed. All the while, Katelynn continued to have lingering doubts which occasionally surfaced from long-ingrained societal conventions, and after that second time with Satan, she never did it again even though she was tempted more than once because it was such an intense sexual release! Fortunately a short time later, Katelynn finally met Mr. Right, again


Years ago, a couple and their young son, Hayden, of junior high age, started coming out to the ranch twice a year, usually for two weeks each time, summer and winter vacations. Katelynn’s parents and the couple became great friends as did Katelynn and Hayden being the same age. During the first few years of Hayden and his parents coming to the ranch, both sets of parents watched with amusement how Katelynn and Hayden were very attracted to each other, then with their awkward beginning teenage years, the rapid developmental changes not only with their bodies but also their minds.

Just before entering 9th grade in high school, when Hayden and his parents came on vacation that summer, Katelynn and Hayden went to a summer dance. It was at this time that Hayden and Katelynn each had their first ever boy-girl kiss! Their first young teen kiss with each other had ignited a flame from an ember that had been residing in both of them ever since their preteen years! A flame so intense it shocked and scared them both, causing them to stop any more mutual exploration.

In high school, Hayden grew up to be a big strapping young man, bigger than almost all the kids his age, even a few years older than he! And we already knew Katelynn in her high school years developed into an athletic, outstanding beautiful young woman with a very voluptuous, hard-ripped lithe body who could more than compete with any supermodel or centerfold!

Summer and winter vacations, Hayden and Katelynn’s mutual crush on each other would again flame to renewed life when they were together then die down when apart until the next vacation visit rekindled their flame!

Katelynn and Hayden went off to separate universities and new, serious loves. Hayden by then had matured to a handsome, very personable six foot five inches of hard 235 pounds of sinewy muscle. Hayden met his fiancé at the university and immediately after graduation they had married and honeymooned at Katelynn’s ranch.

Katelynn and her parents went to the wedding however difficult it was for both Katelynn and Hayden for her to attend the wedding. However Katelynn chose not to be at the ranch during their honeymoon, knowing it would be awkward for all three. Well before Hayden’s marriage, Katelynn knew that neither Hayden nor herself could disguise from his new bride that there had been something between them, nor did she want any deceit between Hayden and his bride.

Sadly however, one year, later Hayden’s wife passed away due to a drunk driver, leaving Hayden devastated. At the funeral, Katelynn and her parents consoled Hayden, who had already burst into renewed tears seeing Katelynn and her parents at the service, then Hayden started crying again when he and Katelynn hugged each other, neither letting go for a very long time…

Katelynn and her parents told Hayden that he was welcome at the ranch anytime and stay as long as he wanted. For some years now, Hayden and his parents had been guests for free having grown that close in friendship with Katelynn’s parents.

A year after his wife’s death, Hayden was just going thru the motions of living…

His extremely well paying job enabled him to work from home or anywhere, with just occasional short business trips. However Hayden never resumed dating, even after a year had passed, despite his friends constantly trying to set him up.

During this time Hayden’s parents still came out twice a year to the ranch for vacations, and both Katelynn’s and Hayden’s parents had several long talks about Hayden’s continuing depression.

All four knew how well Hayden loved the ranch and the surrounding area, and the discussions centered on how despite Hayden and his wife having honeymooned at the ranch, that if they could get Hayden to come to the ranch again knowing it would resurface recent memories of a happy, loving time, they believed if Hayden would come out and stay at the ranch and immerse himself with the actual workings of the ranch life, not just the amenities it offered, it would help him find solace and restore his life balance.

Still it was another few months of hard convincing conversations with his parents before Hayden agreed to come back to the ranch. Initially he already had planned to stay just for a few days, the honeymoon memories were too recent, too painful, however, Hayden did not know Katelynn was now permanently at the ranch…

Hayden’s few days of stay became several weeks…

Long horseback rides and dinners together ensued, along with sitting around campfires with heartfelt discussions, and it was not long before simmering embers in both lonely hearts flamed anew, burning with an even more intense feeling and longing than ever before!

It was during one of those long horseback rides on the ranch to an isolated valley with hot springs forming a natural spa amongst the rocks that Katelynn found to her great amazement and immense joy that some big men do have equally big cocks! Hayden possessing a ten inch long, two inch thick cock!

Yet despite long delayed lustful passions, between Hayden’s huge, thick long cock and Katelynn’s tight, narrow muscular vagina it was an excruciatingly frustrating incomplete experience! Still the occasion began mending of one broken heart and one lonely heart, both made joyful, and two hearts were joined together for ever and ever!!!

After riding back to the ranch headquarters late that day, Hayden was surprised to see his parents had arrived. That evening going out to dinner in Aspen with both sets of parents, Hayden and Katelynn announced their engagement to the immense joy of both sets of parents!

It would be more than a few weeks of patience and plenty of lubricant before Katelynn could fully and freely experience the ecstasy of being fully and completely filled with Hayden’s glorious two inch thick ten inch long cock!



Okay readers, time to dissect this story. The following is a brief summary of information from research articles and from medical, mental health and drug websites. Any medical, mental, social, alcohol or drug effects mentioned in the story are based on scientific research.

CONSCIOUS and SUBCONCIOUS LARGE PENIS ATTRACTION – Numerous research studies over the years show women have a conscious and subconscious attraction to large penises.  Researchers theorize that this is a natural effect of human instincts, emotions, evolution and survival, and that this trait is engrained into the female psyche.  To prove this hypothesis some research studies have used computer generated images of nude men of various heights, builds, and penis sizes but not in other qualities like facial attractiveness and hair to make the subject as asexual as possible to gauge women’s responses. Other studies have women reading or listening to literature with characters with, small, average and large penises and gauging their physiological responses.

These studies concluded penis size along with body shape is influential in determining attraction. Women’s apparent interest in penis size explains why human males have penises that are larger in proportion to body size than the penises of other animals.

The hypothesis is that since penises would have been readily visible for much of human evolution, prehistoric women would have selected for larger penises through sizing in addition to being associated with more orgasms, and this trait is still engrained by evolution into today’s female psyche subconsciousness.  Everyday examples of this evolutionary remnant: being at the beach or at the swimming pool and observing women surreptitiously checking out a guy’s ‘package’, or women checking a male model advertising close-fitting underwear. It is naturally instinctive for women to do this upon seeing an attractive man, or a man with a much larger than normal bulge in his swimwear or underwear.

This evolutionary large penis size preference and associated primal sexual excitation trait, along with sexual inclinations, proclivities, thoughts, urges and impulses are part of our female heritage and genes, deeply embedded within our brainstem and limbic brain, often termed our “reptilian brain.”  Both these brain structures are the oldest and most primitive parts of our brains and are largely unchanged by evolution – and they control our most base primal urges, including sexual arousal. Since early humans didn’t wear much clothing, male penises were obvious to women. Women chose their mates based on their physical size and the size of their genitalia. Thus sexual competition was and still is a key evolutionary driver via natural selection. These evolutionary decisions influenced the promulgation of bigger penises in the human species via natural selection. Longer penises evolved to deposit semen in the deepest parts of the vagina to promote more effective sperm retention.  Other studies indicate that evolutionary preference for a larger penis might arise because penis size is associated with higher rates of vaginal orgasm, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

When compared to other primates and other species not of the primate family, humans by far have the longest penises relative to body size. A wide penis puts more pressure on the vestibular bulbs situated on either side of the vaginal opening, which gives a pleasurable feeling of fullness at the vaginal opening. A wide penis also creates more tension on the labia, which, in turn, causes more tugging and movement at the hood covering the clitoris. This adds stimulation to the clitoris in addition to the surrounding tissues.

Women who use or on occasion use psychoactive sex enhancing drugs, these drugs synergistically enhance sexual arousal as well as their drug-altered perceptions of an over-sized penis.  Women are even more affected when these penises began achieving erections, women then are substantially greatly affected feeling these oversized erect penises touching and rubbing against their bodies while dancing, evoking primal sensations of extreme masculinity and power – a natural autonomic sexual reaction still ingrained within the female body from their earlier primitive selves. Subconsciously their thoughts are attaching themselves to the supersized penis a man possesses and therefore its inherent ability to give pleasure which stimulates their primal overt base sexual urges and raw sexual desires.  This sexual reaction is called a ‘supernormal stimulus’ which is defined as ‘an exaggerated response to a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved’.

AUTONOMOUS SEXUAL RESPONSE – In neurophysiological terms, bodily functions such as sexual responses are involuntary reflex events in response to a stimulus, the same reflex-driven system that underlies heart rate, digestion, and perspiration. Sexual arousal is housed in the autonomic nervous system. Sexual organs are designed to react to stimulation in particular ways – and that stimulation is meant to induce pleasure. The individual organs are not designed to differentiate between types of touch and the response is an automatic reflex. With alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, this greatly enhances the sexual stimulation and sexual sensitivities a woman feels, provoking her body’s autonomic sexual reflex to actively participate having sex.

If a woman is extremely intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs like Ecstasy or LSD, in most cases she will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring due to the drugs greatly heightening arousal and the sexual and sensual effects the drugs also greatly increase, usually with a woman experiencing several intense orgasms.

Alcohol intoxication and over-indulgence of psychoactive sex enhancing drugs causes a woman’s higher brain functions to be repressed, which allows their raw primal sexual urges and impulses to be fully unleashed – subsequently dominating their actions. If a woman has a naturally high libido, her sexually responses will be drastically escalated.

The majority of women in their prime sexual years, when subjected to intense physical sexual stimulation are unable to suppress instinctive arousal, nor able to suppress the subsequent autonomous orgasm that usually occurs, even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force.

Unwanted arousal and orgasms during rape are examples of an involuntary physical response due to the autonomous sexual response. A survey of available research indicates over a quarter of rape victims are induced into climaxing and this percentage is believed to be actually higher.  In rape counseling sessions, this is usually the most devastating subject to address with the victim, rape trauma syndrome, to convince her it was an involuntary physiological response in which she had absolutely no mental or bodily control over.


It’s a fact that every woman has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy. In our minds, we can engage in risky behavior without consequences and indulge our inner freak without judgment, allowing a woman to have the wild, dirty, raunchy ravenous sex she craves, without having to suffer the guilt that might follow. And this includes coerced or rape erotic fantasies. There are different levels of desire and of fantasy. Fantasy and sexual assault in one form or another are pretty common, but does that mean that any of us want to go out and be sexually assaulted? No, it doesn’t. The realm of arousal and the realm of fantasy can tell us something about ourselves psychologically without indicating that we really want to experience that thing, far from it. It’s the idea that the feeling of being desired is a very powerful one, a very electrical, sexually intense stimulating one. And at least at the fantasy level, that sense of being wanted, and being wanted beyond a man’s self-control is a really powerful sexually stimulating influence.

A University of North Texas study showed that overall, 62% of female participants reported having a rape fantasy of some type. Being taken forcibly is a fantasy that most couples and people have and many have experimented with it and even found enjoyment in “rape fantasy”.  This study and similar women sexuality studies show that over recent decades, instead of being driven by repressed sexuality, changes in attitudes toward sex have led to an ‘openness to sexual experience’, thereby rape fantasies derive from a generally open, tolerant and guilt-free attitude toward sex. The majority of women who imagine fantasy rapes are not fantasizing about a real life rapist – strangers, they are in context imagining a boyfriend, a lover, a husband taking them forcibly. Moreover, women fantasize about this and encourage their significant other at times to take them hard and rough to spike their mutual sexual fulfillment of each other, to strengthen the emotional bonds of their relationships and their complete trustworthy intimacy of each other by fully and freely unleashing their sexual passions for each other.


Humans have had to adapt to a wide variety of ecological niches and we have done so with remarkable success.  This is in part due to women’s sexual plasticity, which allows women to calibrate their sexual behavior to fit their environment.  Same-sex and bisexual desire in women are two very visible products of our innate variability.  Extensive research over several decades has well documented that female bi-sexuality is definitively considered by the scientific and medical community as the norm.

Female bisexuality is as natural a sexual expression in women as is heterosexual behavior. Dominant bisexual genetic traits start emerging in the teenage years, coinciding with the beginning surge of our sexual hormones. Bisexual tendencies are compounded and enhanced by several factors: societal, lifestyle, biological, and environment.

In regard to female sexuality, women are more fluid in their relationships with other women as we crave friendship, affection, and beauty.  They are more open with each other, more comfortable with their nude bodies around each other, as well as being nurturing creatures. This makes women easier to approach to each other, and for women, it is more socially acceptable to be openly bisexual.  Research has shown that for most women possessing a high sex drive, there is an association with increased sexual attraction to women. Women have the capacity to fall in love with each other, which certainly removes obstacles that may stand in the way of letting bisexual feelings developing.

In human evolutionary history, female bisexuality has been positively selected, or given preference over heterosexuality. It is so common because it serves a function – the fact that men love it is a clue. To apply a modern analogy, most men are massively aroused by girl-girl sex as are most women, as the enormous popularity of lesbian porn attests, as does marketing surveys as to what type of porn women buy. Bisexual women are more orgasmic, fantasize more about sex, and are more open to sexual experimentation. Usually bisexual women tend to be Type A/B personalities, more energetic and have high metabolisms. Compared to their heterosexual counterparts, bisexual wives have more stable, robust marriages, with marital sex that is more adventuresome and imaginative. This is because male infidelity is less of an issue because of the wild imaginative sex that a bisexual wife brings into the marriage!


Under moderate intoxication (0.8%) women can control their arousal. However, while women who are moderately intoxicated are able to successfully control their arousal levels as effectively as sober women, women that are highly intoxicated (10%) cannot do so. With this increase of blood alcohol content, unlike men, there is no alcohol-induced diminution in genital arousal; women do not possess an effective capability to control their arousal response at higher blood alcohol levels.

For women, alcohol makes a woman feel more relaxed and in turn, be more sexual. Alcohol is a social and sexual “disinhibitor” because it increases sexual arousal and desire due to alcohol greatly stimulating the production of testosterone and estradiol.  Testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women and this causes an increased interest in sex.  Moreover, alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions, and with enough alcohol consumption, lowers it to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners. Extreme alcohol intoxication reduces and can completely eliminate a woman’s self-awareness – an alcohol blackout. With extreme alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, most women the next day cannot recall their rape, nor recollect the events that happened during the last few hours leading up to their rape.

The effects of alcohol and drugs reacting with each other is termed “synergistic”, an enhancing effect. Most commonly used in the clubbing/dance scene are drugs like Mephedrone, Ecstasy, LSD, or the Flunitrazepam class of drugs – otherwise known as roofies. Along with alcohol, these drugs are commonly known and used as date rape drugs.


Known as: E or MDMA (or in America and Australia as X or XTC). Ecstasy is usually sold in the form of a tablet, or powder in a capsule, and can be obtained in a liquid form. It is a psychoactive/psychotropic drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Imparts an altered state of consciousness and while under the influence changes the way a person feels and thinks. Ecstasy causes the brain to release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin.  It eliminates anxiety and causes extreme relaxation.  It also increases a person’s susceptibility to peer influence.

Sound and lights are enhanced along with the stimulation of a high energy level and euphoria, the reason for E’s popularity with clubbers, along with a person’s enjoyment of being touched while under the influence of Ecstasy because the experience is magnified. Ecstasy greatly increases female arousal and libido with an increased sensitivity of touch, greatly reduces one’s inhibitions, and prolongs sexual endurance.  In women it reduces resistance, promotes sexual disinhibition and enhances receptivity to being sexual and enhances the sensual aspects of sex.

Ecstasy profoundly increases female lubrication, desire, satisfaction and orgasms are greatly intensified and prolonged.  Ecstasy has been linked to causing people to act against their considered rational judgment by engaging in regrettable sexual encounters and also to rapes in which drugs are used as weapons. Oddly while Ecstasy has a profound sexual arousal and enhanced libido effects upon women, women experiencing more and stronger hallucinations and a more intense euphoric drug high than men, with the majority of men it has the opposite effect and tends to inhibit erections.


Is a psychedelic and hallucinogenic psychoactive/psychotropic drug, meaning it changes how one perceives reality. It is produced in crystal form and the crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste. Known as “acid” and by many other names, LSD is sold in small tablets (“microdots”), capsules or gelatin squares (“window panes”).  It is one of the most potent psychoactive compounds known. Induces a loss of ability to distinguish temporal or spatial reality.  Makes one susceptible to suggestion. It greatly increases arousal, heightens the sense of touch and hallucinations can be erotic.  Acid makes colors more intense, patterns appear (with eyes open or shut), things might seem to move or melt, you can hallucinate, feel you’re floating and time seems to slow down. A person may feel they are seeing a new reality and getting a different understanding of life.

LSD puts people in a very sensitive and vulnerable, position, an individual fails to appreciate dangers in the environment they may be in. Clouds judgment about safe sex. LSD greatly decreases inhibitions and can eliminate them completely with heavy dosages and causes a sense of dissolution of boundaries.

Sex with LSD is greatly enhanced and intensified. It is a known ‘love-drug’ and works as an actual powerful aphrodisiac, probably the most powerful sexual releaser known today. It greatly boosts the sex drive and there is a significantly heightened performance ability – in both frequency and duration. When sexually stimulated, women under the influence of LSD are physically unable to resist having multiple intense and prolonged orgasms. It is conducive to facilitating in acting out sexual fantasies and making fantasies more intense.

The effect on sensory-contact effect is greatly intensified but also is deeper. Since the essential feature of LSD effects is the stimulation of all sensory perception combined with the adverse effect of subjugating free will, sexual arousal can reach an unusually high degree which can lead to being induced into participation in sexual perversions and rhythmic sensual dances. LSD may affect the perception of the sexual partner(s) by changing in age, appearance, or gender, may take on the features of mythical and historical figures or mythical creatures. No two acid trips are the same. It’s a very unpredictable drug; the effects depend on the amount of drug taken, the mood the person is in when taken and the surroundings, so “bad” trips can result. For the past two decades, there has been a huge resurgence in the use of LSD because of its extremely powerful sex enhancement capabilities and lately, for the use in treating military veterans who have extreme cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).

FREE WILL – the capacity for one to choose his or her course of action. Free will is closely related to two other important facts: freedom of action and moral responsibility. The frontal lobes serve the brain and personality, acting to process, integrate, inhibit, assimilate, and remember perceptions and impulses. Disturbances in brain functioning, be it due to drugs, alcohol, injury, tumor, stroke, emotional trauma, seizures, or electrode stimulation, directly affect specific aspects of consciousness, including what has been referred to as “free will”.  The loss of free will are individuals who were compelled to behave against their will, who lost control over their will, or who suffered a complete loss of free will. The most common examples is the individual who is intoxicated or is under the influence of psychoactive drugs.


LSD + Ecstasy (MDMA) is a common combination, sometimes referred to in slang as “candy flipping.” The term “flipping” comes from the subjective effects of using MDMA with a psychedelic in which the user may shift rapidly between a more lucid state and a more psychedelic state several times during their experiences. Flipping extends the experience as LSD lasts for about twice as long as MDMA.  This combination is a psychedelic amplifier or catalyst, enhancing the effect of psychedelics without changing their quality.

The two drugs have a synergistic effect upon each other when taken in combination. Ecstasy is used in combination to avoid “bad” LSD trips: once a positive mood is established by Ecstasy, the course is set for the LSD trip. Combing these two powerful psychedelics will temporarily suppress social defenses against societal sexual taboos, often creating “sexual hungers” and visions of every kind of sexual encounter one can imagine with tremendous waves of lust and rapture which may lead to depraved sex.

Feelings of sexual excitement and arousal are intense leading to unrestrained and fully uninhibited sex, a person’s body becomes so keenly aware that its whole surface and every sense is an erogenous zone. People may experience an empathic quality creating profound sexual connections. The combined effects creates a sensual orgy of sexual intercourse that can undergo unimaginable enhancements of erotica and the exotic, and the state of sexual ecstasy can extend for hours. Repetitive orgasmic ability in both sexes is often greatly augmented.

Ecstasy pills are sometimes mixed with other active substances, most commonly amphetamines (speed), caffeine, & ephedrine (a natural amphetamine-like substance). They can also contain ketamine. Some pills have been found to contain DXM (dextromethorphan), a dissociative psychedelic found in some cough medicine and PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine), a highly toxic hallucinogenic stimulant.


Meth is an extremely powerful psychomotor stimulant that affects the part of the human brain that regulates the more primitive aspects of our mental process, the part that deals with such things as pleasure, sex, cravings, and instinctive actions without regard to reason, logic, or higher functions of thinking.  Meth is typically used for energy during dancing or non-stop sex.  Since the 1960’s it has been a popular prescribed weight-loss drug.  Meth heightens arousal, creates an extremely heightened sex drive, and increases sexual stamina.  Individuals who take meth typically go into sexual overdrive in terms of stimulation to have sex and having lowered sexual inhibitions.  While meth is working to increase sex drive in users, it is also providing the individual with a boost of self-confidence, stamina, and adrenaline.  Meanwhile, meth is also actively impairing one’s judgment, and meth users impulsively do sexual things while high on meth that they wouldn’t normally do.  Extreme forceful and/or physically aggressive sex for an extended period is common.

Studies have found that women metabolize meth differently than men, and therefore a women’s sexual experiences differs from a male’s experience.  In women meth has a more profound enhanced sexual motivation. Meth has been utilized as a type of date rape drug, due to the intense sex drive that women may ultimately experience when under the influence of the drug. Hypersexuality may be induced in women who abuse meth.

The fact that meth use increases sex drive, for men who chronically abuse meth, it also leads to impotence issues while also making it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection.

As a result of this, many male meth users often use meth in combination with erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra or Cialis, which is also associated with unprotected anal sex. The toxic combination of meth and Viagra or Cialis can also raise blood pressure to extremely high levels that can cause a longer lasting erection which may create permanent damage. Taking Viagra or Cialis in combination with meth also puts the individual at risk of a potentially fatal overdose, as both drugs raise blood pressure which could leave to a fatal stroke or heart attack. Some meth users may actually be able to maintain an erection and their sexual stamina for hours without ever being able to reach a point of climax. So while male meth users may use the drug to enhance sexual pleasure, long-term meth use can ultimately put an end to a healthy sex life altogether.

HIGH LIBIDOs – Research studies have been conducted on women with naturally high libidos, and on women who are hypersexual (or nymphomania) due to their physiology – but not due to a psychosexual behavior disorder. A high libido is distinguished from nymphomania if a woman can maintain control over their behavior and actions, versus a woman who cannot themselves control and restrain their sexual needs (nymphomania). These studies show women with high libidos excrete sex pheromones and copulins that are more intensely concentrated and thus more potent, that can readily sexually affect men and women in close proximity.

SEX PHEROMONES AND COPULINS – Pheromones are naturally occurring chemical compounds excreted by the endocrine system of the body and are chemical messengers with the potential to evoke physiological, hormonal and behavioral changes in other people around us.  The most cited examples are the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women living together and offices predominated by women employees who may all find cycles occurring at roughly the same time. The evidence shows the synchronization is done unconsciously by their pheromones.

All mammals have a vomeronasal organ (VNO), including humans.  Pheromone signals picked up by the vomeronasal organ are then relayed through nerves to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is well known for its ability to alter emotions, hormones, reproduction and sexual behavior. Animal research has shown there is a distinct correlation of sex pheromones being detected by the VNO and resultant sexual behavior between males and females. However, in humans, VNOs were believed to be redundant anatomical relics leftover by the process of evolution and thus it was previously thought that humans were largely mostly unaffected by sex pheromones.  However, research conducted since the mid-1980’s have conclusively concluded that despite our diminished VNOs, humans are affected by sex pheromones but the exact pathway(s) that human pheromones take and the way our body processes them has yet to be fully understood.

It is a very well recognized fact that pheromones play a significant role in the life span of animals and during the past twenty-five years, there has been significant increase in the number of studies conducted on human pheromones that show that pheromones have similar results upon humans. Studies show that the human olfactory is one of the ways we detect pheromones. Using PET (positron emission tomography) scanning techniques to analyze the brains of men and women while they smelled natural and synthetically produced human sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, researchers have documented that men and women can in fact send and receive subconscious pheromone signals, producing changes in mood, heart rate, breathing, and body temperature.  Several studies conducted within the last ten years show that an olfactory nerve may be the route through which pheromones are processed. The 13th cranial nerve known by the name Nervus terminalis or Cranial nerve zero, as it is called, bypasses the olfactory area of the brain where scents are normally processed.  Instead, it is linked straight to the area of the brain (the hypothalamus) that processes sexual cues and creates attraction.

Studies have repeatedly shown that a man or woman wearing a synthetic or natural pheromone product, which is representative of their naturally occurring pheromones, experienced a heightened level of sociosexual behaviors, including attraction, triggering sexual excitement, kissing, sexual touching, and sexual intercourse. Human sex pheromones are currently in trials to be used as fertility treatments for couples who want to conceive. Couples who are having sexual problems are now using pheromones combined with traditional therapy to enhance desire.

Copulins are an exclusively potent female group of pheromones and research has shown they cause feelings of arousal in men as well as women if present, with a resulting surge of testosterone production. As with men, testosterone plays a major role in a woman’s sex drive (libido) sexual desire, fantasy, being sensitive to sexual touch, and orgasm, all driven in part by testosterone levels.


It’s common for women to become sexually aroused while laying out in the sun getting a sun tan. This is because intense sunlight boosts endorphins and testosterone production along with Vitamin D3, which is actually considered a hormone and not really a vitamin! It is a pre-cursor for the hormone testosterone. The boost in production of these hormones stimulates the “Breed and Feed” part of the parasympathetic nervous system and also increases the sex drive, resulting in increased sexual desire and genital arousal. Additionally, intense sunlight has a positive effect on melanin by stimulating its release from melanocytes, which also increases sexual arousal and appetite. One of the building blocks of melanin is tyrosine.  Tyrosine also has a tie with increased libido, because tyrosine is a building block of L-dopamine.  L-dopamine promotes sexual motivation and genital reflexes.  Research has found that an hour of sunshine can boost testosterone production by 120 per cent. The combination of sun and alcohol will intensify arousal.


The historical sociological aspects of dance and the sexual arousal associated with dance portrayed in this story is accurate, as is the sensations experienced while dancing after taking psychoactive drugs. Dance was the first of the arts. The dancer expressing his or her body as a vehicle to non-verbally express their emotions and desires, to making art visible though his/her body, also freeing that inner energy that enables the dancer to experience his/herself own sensations as well as the onlooker. Social dancing is an esthetic and joyous way for men and women to become closely acquainted, to live rhythmically together for a short period of time, a socially acceptable release of mental and emotional repression of our heredity sexual instinctual core. Modern dance allows sexual repression to come to the surface and be sexually liberated.

Dance is a stylized, rhythmically transformation of eroticism: wooing, courting, hesitating, promising, fulfilling.  Dancers note their boundaries in order to consciously extend a boundary or stay within it. By extending the boundary, they open up to the desires of their bodies and their state of arousal. Dance, like other forms with which we are familiar, enables women to communicate things to men that they might not otherwise feel comfortable saying, and vice versa.

Most interesting for our purposes is the fact that the music and dance ritual that accompanies the performance of the music encourages “sexual relations” in a socially acceptable context. So music and dance can act as a social lubricant that allows people to feel free enough to do and say things that they would otherwise be judged for. For decades, sociologists documented the dances of primitive tribes of Australia, the Malay Islands, Africa, North and South America regarding the love dances of these primitive tribes. Singing and dancing are still regarded as the preliminary to the sexual act.

The whole object of dancing is the mutual approximation and caresses of two persons of the opposite sex to create the state of sexual excitement.  With today’s modern enlightened society, this is extended to two people of the same sex dancing with each other, with sociologists having documented same sex relationships in primitive tribes as well, primarily amongst women.

Dancing is not only an incitement to love and preliminary to courtship and sex but is also a substitute for the normal gratification of the sexual instinct, procuring something of the pleasure and relief of gratified love and sex. For women, music and dance rank very high as an arousing experience: as high as sexual sounds and imagined scenarios.  Dance mimics the rhythm of your heart beat and your brainwaves – reaching the less reasoning, more animal/instinctive parts of your mind; the strobe and laser lights do similar things.  Dancing increases blood-flow through the entire body, including the genitals enhancing sexual sensation and arousal.  Dancing causes a massive endorphin rush. Also, while dancing, people sweat and give off all kinds of lingering ‘sexual cues’ (sex pheromones) that you don’t consciously notice – which helps a person to become sexually motivated by the things they DO notice, the lights, the beat; etc.  Research has found women are sexually aroused especially by bass tones.

If a person ever had a sensual experience with a partner on a dancefloor, that is going to bond you to the sights and sounds in a big way too.  This is amplified by dance becoming more erotic in motion and touching more intimate. Certain psychoactive drugs enhance sensitivity to touch, light, sound and decreases inhibitions, may include hallucinogenic properties, greatly increasing sexual arousal, overall, magnifying and enhancing the dance experience.


Watching horror movies has been well documented as having a significant positive correlation between adrenaline and attraction, which means as level of adrenaline increased, so did the level of attraction, including significant increases in arousal.  It’s very natural for horror fans to be on the lascivious side. After all we spend so much time scaring ourselves with false starts that our bodies need some place to go with that pumping blood and flowing adrenaline. Sex is the only natural outlet. (I suppose you could go on a killing spree, but wouldn’t you rather just get naked and hook up?) So embrace what horror movies are: sex, violence, nudity and scares. In the words of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood: “Take my word for it: If you want to make out with a young lady, take her to see Dracula.”

Of course, if Bela Lugosi was living today he might say: “If you want to make out with a young lady, take her to see Zombie Strippers!”  Zombie Strippers!: A more perfect example of the pairing of sex and horror I cannot imagine.  Or consider the 2011 best seller erotic romance novel and 2015 hit movie ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ in which a woman explores her dark desires with a billionaire.  It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism.

Your significant ‘other’ may want to have her own dark desires opened and explored!


A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset. This includes women who watch horror movies.

While this may seem disturbing and weird, it has been well researched with several studies that most women who watch horror movies become aroused. This includes hard-core sex movies that have science fiction, fantasy or medieval themes, movies that include themes of space creatures and aliens or mythical creatures such as satyrs and centaurs raping and ravishing women, including horror sex movies with monsters raping and ravishing women.

This is an entirely perfectly normal female mindset and assists with one’s healthy sexual relations with their partner.  These type of movies influence part of our secondary nervous system that is responsible for directing our “fight-or-flight” instincts.

This peripheral nervous system also plays a role in our sexual arousal.  Being scared is a nervous reaction and is physiologically arousing, sexual arousal and fear eliciting similar physical symptoms. Our pulses and respirations start increasing as does the production of adrenaline which starts pumping through our bodies surging energy levels and along with fear also causes one to become horny and aroused.


One of the interesting things that sex researchers around the world have noted, as indeed fans of romance fiction and women’s erotica literature have realized, during the last few decades, romance fiction has evolved as much as other genres.  Normative heroes and heroines and the accompanying sex between them, have been joined by sexual relations with gods, goddesses, werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, dragons and aliens to name but a few. Although these new protagonists function under the same laws as more normative characters, it is plainly obvious that this additional trait seems to belong dominantly to paranormal romance fiction – the bestiality genre.

In folklore and literature, bestiality is often romanticized seduction and coitus by a large, virile beast of an ultimately not unwilling human female!  The animal may represent the power of free unrestrained and totally intense sexuality being imparted to the woman and the woman being set free in her own unrestrained sexuality to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of raw primal sex!  All these different protagonists symbolically represent powerful hyper-potent male creatures having extremely intense passionate ravenous sex with human females!

By drawing attention to women having consensual, or initially not so consensual, sexual relations with another species, it is seen by sociologists as an empowering mode of modern sexuality for female literary characters as well as the female reader!  To a lesser extent, newer science fiction genre during the last thirty-five years has contributed as well with aliens, creatures, and monsters ravishing women in novels, graphic comics, and movies.

Hence, romance fantasy and women’s erotica novels have long been creating another in-road for bestiality by planting the seeds of curiosity, fantasy, and desire in female readers, and it is becoming a mainstream social norm as exhibited by the rapidly increasing sexual fantasy genre geared toward women readers involving various creatures and animals.

For years, romance fiction and women’s erotica literature by far has made up the largest share of genre fiction on the market, allowing women to freely explore their hidden sexual desires and fantasies without risk of physical harm or social rejection, allowing them to be more creative in their own sexual lives. Fantasies are an essential part of our sexual repertoire and is associated with a healthy, happy sex life.

The ability to fantasize, to daydream, to explore internal worlds of imagination, is a valuable, even critical component of the human mind. It reflects our ability to manipulate thoughts, ideas, perceptions and reality, all within the private confines of our own minds.

Sexual fantasies are inherent extensions of our capacity for creativity, the very imaginal creativity that is present in the worlds of artists, painters and composers. Sexual fantasizing can be healthy, particularly for a reasonably healthy couple that are open to each other’s fantasies and even fetishes who use their increased excitement to move toward rather than away from the partner.

The content of these fiction books, movies and adult comics influence the thoughts and perceptions of millions of readers and viewers around the world, making it into a very powerful social medium, therefore influencing the perceptions that readers and viewers have about social constructs and relationship standards and expectations.  It has been well researched and documented that explicit sexual writing in this genre of books including graphic comics and movies which include bestial or other-worldly creature content, subconsciously lead women to lose their own sexual inhibitions and be willing to explore new possibilities in their sex life!

A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset.


While social constructs, stereotypes and pressures have certainly played a role in keeping women from being comfortable with porn in the past, the impact of those factors are diminishing over time. This is consistent with recent polls of women which showed millennials watched the most porn: 57 percent of respondents who enjoyed porn solo were aged 18-24. Among younger women, there’s less and less concern for such constructs, and more openness to erotic material and who are more comfortable with their own sexuality.

For the past four decades numerous studies have been conducted on women’s arousal watching pornography. It was determined women tend to have more erotic plasticity than men — that is, they’re turned on by a wider variety of things. For example, while men tend to show physiological arousal only in response to erotic films depicting their stated sexual orientation, studies utilizing thermographs and plethysmographs—a device that sits inside the vagina and measures genital blood flow, revealed that straight women show similar physiological arousal patterns when watching clips from gay-male, lesbian, and straight pornography – including watching animal mating.

The great majority of women who have participated in sex surveys reported watching porn as a “fantasy escape” and it has helped them relieve stress. For many women, same-sex porn provides an opportunity to imagine what it would be like to be with another woman, even if they consider themselves strictly heterosexual.

PSYCHICAL BESTIALITY – is the practice which yields erotic gratification or sexual stimulation as a result of behavior in which animals figure, but in which there is no direct physical sexual contact between the human and the beast. This would include, for example, sexual stimulation, sometimes to orgasm, as a result of watching animals copulate with one another – a practice to which has been given the formidable nomenclature “mixoscopic zoophilia”. Sexual stimulation is derived by watching exhibitions of bestiality, masturbation fantasies of animal-human or animal-animal sex relations, day-dreaming to orgasm, or excitation with bestiality fantasies. Bestiality themes in books, comics, art works, photographs or videos provide an erotic stimulus. Erotic dreams with bestiality being the subject of the dream and dreams of humans being raped by beasts induce erotic stimulation and nocturnal emissions.


As noted in the section above, numerous studies show women exhibit physiological arousal watching or reading pornography, including pornography with implied or actual bestial themes. Inherent biological impulses spontaneously arise despite the sexual subject they may be viewing or reading. What turns women on is different to what women wish turned them on, or how they politically or socially feel about it; women have a natural autonomous arousal response built-in despite the sexual subject.

Sex studies and surveys have repeatedly confirmed one unusual fact – bestiality is the most common uncommon turn-on. It is believed that innately recognized sexual features such as an erect penis, even out of their usual human context, stimulate women. Erotic imagination, sexual curiosity, and sexual arousal commonly overrides the natural disgust response, researchers found and allows women to willingly engage in behaviors that they might normally find repugnant.

One-half of a couple may induce the other to watch or read pornography depicting women having sex with an animal. The female half of the couple may acquiesce due to curiosity or be drawn into it by the other partner encouraging it as an entertaining novelty. This part she may like to satisfy that curiosity. However, repeatedly watching videos or reading stories of this nature may desensitize the woman to this particular sexual act, or they may become more tolerant of the act. Eventually it may decrease her inhibitions to the activities depicted so she will engage in them, either willingly to some extent, or with some degree of coercion to bend or break what amounts to a misbegotten social taboo.

Again, part of this may be a curiosity factor to find out for herself if the sexual pleasure women exhibit in videos and stories is actually factual. Some attribute it to the embodiment of that primal animal urge to be fucked so badly by such raw animalistic power that it unleashes a woman’s own deep-seated primal sexual desires and responses that gets them going.  It’s the nature of the human psyche to find the taboo thrilling, even erotic.

This socially taboo erotic act may influence the wild, erotic nature that is innate to most women’s subconsciousness and consciousness. A woman’s wild erotic nature may emerge in animal fantasies, which enables a woman to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of the fully unrestrained primal sexual act itself.


Existed as a rather widespread practice in all the nations of antiquity of which we have adequate records. Where it is not specifically mentioned, it may be legitimately inferred on the basis of the over-all evidence. In ancient Egypt, the animal aspects of the gods insured that bestiality would be practiced both for religious and magical purposes. The representation of the Egyptian gods as beings of part-human forms was linked – a further impetus to bestiality – to the belief that living animals partook of the divinity of the gods and goddesses whose forms they shared.

This leads us to the realm of Greek and Roman mythology which is considered by scholars to provide the best evidence for the thesis that the incidence of bestiality among the ancient Greeks and Romans was high, and that the attitude toward this form of sexual expression was of wide-spread acceptance.  Greek and Roman myths contain many stories of gods who assumed the shape of animals in order to mate with mortals.

The satyr, a mythical being, half-goat, half-man, who was noted for his virility and lasciviousness, and who exercised it freely with humans, nymphs, and other creatures.  Bestial intercourse related by the historians and mythologists: among them, the mating of Semiramis, legendary foundress of Babylon, with a stallion. From the union of Pasiphae and the bull was born the Minotaur, and the mythologists credited other bestial unions with bringing them into the world. Satyrs, Centaurs, and other strange and monstrous creatures. Author Robert Burton (*Anatomy of Melancholy*) adds to the list, saying that “women are inflamed with mad passions for beasts, hence Minotaur’s, Centaurs, Unicorns, Silvanuses, Sphynxes, etc.

Of the three great antique civilizations here dealt with, the Romans were the most lavish and factual in its recording of both public and private bestiality. In the case of the Sybarites, a whole population was given to it, noted for their sodomies and copulations with canines (as were the Moors in later times). On other occasions, bestiality was a spectator sport, as in the case of the exhibitions staged at the Roman Games; sometimes it was the voluptuous indulgence of noble Roman ladies; and sometimes even emperors were involved. The Roman emperor Nero, disguised as a wild beast, once invaded the arena at the Games to assault members of both sexes, a performance he concluded by casting off his costume and publicly falling into the embrace of Doryphores, his male lover.

For the Roman Games, male animals of all sorts were trained from the earliest possible age to copulate with and even forcibly rape girls and women. Bulls, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, wild boars, zebras, stallions, donkeys, huge dogs, various kinds of apes, and other animals were taught to perform these functions.

Some of the more trainable and enthusiastic ones were further tutored to commit sodomy on human males and females. Especially popular at the Games were representations of scenes from the sexual lives of the gods, a particular favorite being Pasiphae and the Bull.

From the ancient world up through our own time, in all countries – though more frequently in some than in others – bestiality was practiced, thought about, dreamed of, and emerged as myth, fairy tales, folklore, literature, painting, and sculpture. In modern times, the practice of bestiality has been reported with a greater thoroughness than was the case in the ancient world, and this despite the fact that in the West at least the practitioners have grown considerably more furtive.

Certainly, the past two hundred years have nothing to compare with the spectacular bestiality events of the ancient Roman Games, a phenomenon unique in all of history. In more recent times, fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind. It is, of course, true that mythology fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind.


Falabella Miniature Horses are the smallest of the miniature horse breeds having an erect penis length on average of twelve inches in length with a penile girth of five to six inches (Approx. 1.5 inches wide to 2.0 inches wide)

Miniature Donkeys on average have an erect penis length of fourteen to sixteen inches with penile girths of six to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide).

Arabian Horses are the smallest of the large breeds of horses with an erect penis length of fourteen to eighteen inches with penile girths of five to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide), so a woman can accept insertion but has to be mindful controlling the thrusting and how much is going in.