©  2016 by glyn613


It’s a beautiful Spring morning in the southern San Juan mountains of Colorado. Alisha Moore-Braxton sits on the patio of her home, sipping a gourmet cup of coffee, watching the elk grazing in a pasture near her home. She is analyzing the events of her life that brought her here and wondering why and what made her do the things she has done.

Alisha grew up on the Singletree Ranch near Alamosa, Colorado, the oldest child of Anne Moore and Robert (Bob) Moore. She has one sister, Cody Lyn and no brothers. Bob has spent his lifetime building his ranch and it is one of the largest ranches in Colorado, rivaled only by the extensive Alejo Ranch in Northern New Mexico. Alisha and her sister were always two of the most beautiful girls in the Alamosa area, Alisha being all cowgirl and Cody Lyn being mostly a “girly girl”. Alisha’s interests had always been the ranch, working on it like one of the men that worked there for years. She had always been special to the guys that worked there and they would protect her like their own daughter. On the other hand, Cody Lyn never took much interest in the ranch or the ranch animals, she would rather be at a social gathering or shopping or just hanging out at the mall with her friends. For that reason, Bob had made his intentions clear, when he died, the ranch would belong to Alisha and there would be a cash settlement given to her sister. Bob was always very proud of his daughters, but always had shown a preference to Alisha and had taught her to shoot, hunt, ride, rope, wrangle and work the cattle on the ranch. At a very young age she was a very accomplished horseman and had competed in some rodeo events while Cody Lyn always chose the ways of a “city girl”.

Alisha and Cody Lyn were both very smart, easily learning most anything they that came before them. Alisha attended Texas Tech and received a degree in Psychology and Sociology, later receiving her Masters Degree from the University of Texas, while Cody Lyn attended Colorado State University and received a degree in fashion and design.

Alisha’s mother, Anne, is a psychologist in Alamosa and has her own practice. After Alisha received her Masters, she returned to Alamosa and joined her mother’s practice. After her graduation, Cody Lyn had worked for a firm in Denver for a couple of years and not really caring for the profession she had chosen, returned to Alamosa. When she returned to Alamosa, she had enrolled in Adams State University and studied Accounting. She graduated, attained her CPA and went to work for a local firm.

Both girls had always been close and had similar other interests, mainly men, partying and other abstract things. Even in High School, the two nearly always went out together, they went to school events together and even double dated most of the time. Even in those early years, both girls had an obsession with sex and had lost their virginity by the time they were fifteen. They had experimented with sex together, late at night after their parents had gone to bed. Little did they know then, that they would both travel through a lifelong sexual odyssey.

After she returned to Alamosa, Alisha dated Dayle Thomas, a very successful music promoter and manager. Alisha loved him very much and gave him her all. Her obsession with sex made it easy for her fuck him or give him oral sex any time he wanted. Almost always, she gave him oral sex when he arrived home each day. Soon the new wore off and Alisha found herself at home alone, wondering where he was.

Alisha worked at her mother’s practice and attended classes at Adams State, trying to achieve her PhD. She was so very smart and had always carried a 4.0 in her studies throughout her school years and was always the pride of her professors. She had a magnetic personality and men had always pursued her, for her beauty and for the pleasures of her body, which she almost always surrendered to them. However, even though it appeared that they had conquered her, the reality was, that she was the conqueror, always planning to fuck them from the beginning, just to satisfy her insatiable sex appetite. After the experience with Dayle, she just wanted one thing from any man, his cock. She was a superb lover and always got all she wanted from every man, while first and foremost, satisfying her own desires. She and Cody Lyn had similar sexual desires. Sometimes they would pick up a guy at a bar and both of them would fuck and suck him till he could hardly move. In many ways he was a really lucky guy, to have two absolutely beautiful women fuck him into oblivion. But sooner or later the reality sat in, that they had used and abused him.

Alisha always worked on the ranch when she didn’t work at the practice, working cattle alongside the men that worked for her father. She pulled her own weight and the men respected her for it. They all found that she knew what she was doing and they could rely on her to give it her all. All of the cattle were moved to the high range during the summer months and home in the fall, by means of a cattle drive. From the time she was a teenager, she went on the cattle drives, working like any of the guys. When she was 19, she was on the drive, working as she always did. Bob always hired some extra hired hands to help. The drive to the high country usually took 4 days. He had hired two men at the last minute that he didn’t know. They were drifters and both had shown a real interest in Alisha in the first couple of days of the drive. They were in their mid twenties, and both were good looking guys, in a rugged sort of way. On the third day out, Alisha was feeling the grit and grime of the trail drive and wanted to wash the dust off. She told Bob that she was going to up the river a ways and take a bath. She had done this before on the drives and Bob really didn’t think anything of it. She walked about a quarter mile above the camp, took her clothes off and got into the river. It was cold, but she enjoyed the feeling of the cold water. She washed her hair and bathed and got out of the river and began drying off. At nineteen, she was a beautiful girl, long brunette hair, a figure that a beauty queen would envy and large, perfect breasts. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from the back and pressed a large knife blade against her throat. Alisha knew better than to try to resist when the advantage was not in her favor, so, she just stood there quietly and listened to her attacker. “You are such a stuck up bitch…..I’m going to fuck your ears off and you’re gonna like it. If you resist, I’m gonna cut you,” he told her. He told her to get down on the ground and not move. At this point, he removed his jeans and underwear. In the bright moonlight, she could see that it was one of the drifters that Bob had hired and she could see that his cock was huge. She thought to herself, he’s not going to fuck me, I won’t let him. She jumped up and started to run, but he reached out and grabbed her hair and pulled her to the ground, then got on top of her. She was struggling when he put the knife blade against her throat again……she immediately stopped struggling. She could see a smile on his face as his cock penetrated her. He had began to fuck her when all of a sudden, he was yanked off of her and she saw a shadow beating her attacker. Alisha got to her feet and saw that it was Jake, one of the men that had worked on the ranch for many years. He had knocked the drifter out with a piece of wood.

He told Alisha, “You get dressed, darlin’, and get back up to the camp. I’ll take care of this son of a bitch.”

She gathered up her clothes and ran back to the camp, still scared and shaking. When she arrived at the camp, all the guys were sitting around the fire talking. Bob saw her come in and asked her if she had completely polluted the river, which got a big laugh from the guys. She didn’t say a word and went to the chuck wagon. Bob sensed something was wrong and went to her. “What’s going on Pumpkin?” She turned to him and hugged him close, she had started crying. “Tell me, Alisha, what’s the matter?” Alisha began to tell him everything, when Jake came into the campsite with the drifter. He had beat the guy to a pulp and dragged him back to the camp. Bob was furious, the other guys restrained him before he killed the drifter. He soon regained his composure and sent one of the hands down to bring the sheriff back. He thought that he should be back to the camp by first light. In the meantime, they tied up the offender till the sheriff arrived. The next morning, the sheriff and a deputy arrived and took the drifter into custody. The sheriff asked Bob, “What the hell happened to that guy, he looks like he’s had an accident?” Bob told him that the guy had tripped in the dark and skinned himself up, to which the sheriff just grinned. Bob told Ben the whole story. Ben told him not to worry about it, it would be taken care of. Bob Moore was a very influential man in this area and there was not a doubt the drifter was about to spend a long time in prison for his transgression with Alisha. After the fear subsided, Alisha was just mad and decided to finish the drive. The full time hired hands had known Alisha from the time she was a baby. She grew up around them and they loved her like their own, it was like she had fifteen dads. Jake had seen Alisha leave and figured what she was going to do. After a little while, he saw the drifter leave the camp, so, he decided to investigate and make sure the guy wasn’t going to harm Alisha. It was a good thing he did, otherwise the drifter would have brutally raped her and no telling what else. Alisha found Jake later that morning, gave him a big hug and thanked him for helping her. Jake grinned sheepishly, and told her, “it wasn’t anything, little girl, don’t fret yourself about it.” Alisha was grateful and she would have a special place in her heart for Jake from that day forward. A few months later, the drifter was sentenced to 34 years in the state penitentiary. That was several years ago, before she started college.

Alisha’s marriage to Dayle was tumultuous, to say the least. Her obsession with sex drove her and she would give any kind of sex to Dayle at any given time. Alisha was very happy with Dayle and loved him very much. And, in the beginning, he was crazy about her and did everything for her. Their sex life was one to be envied. There wasn’t anything kinky enough for Alisha, she’d do anything for him. Most evenings when he arrived home, she would be naked and on her knees waiting to give him a blow job. With a beautiful, sexy wife like her, most any man would be more than contented, but not Dayle. After a while, it all got old to him and he started staying out, fucking other women and, in general, ignoring her. Alisha ignored the signs and told herself that he was just working hard. Well one night, someone called her and told her that he was at his office having sex with his secretary. Not totally believing, she went to his office and let herself in. She found Dayle fucking two of his secretaries. Alisha lost it and told him it was over. Time passed…..one night she had just got out of the shower. It was late and she heard Dayle come in. He had been drinking quite a lot and came to the bathroom where Alisha was drying herself off. He stood in the doorway, looking at her naked body, and became quite excited. He went to her and told her that he was going to have her, and there was nothing she could do or say that would stop him, after all, they were still married. She told him to go to hell, so he dropped his trousers and underwear and stepped out of them. He went for her, grabbed her and dragged her to the bed. There he jumped on her and began to have his way with her. She resisted and screamed at him, but to no avail, he continued fucking her till she felt him start cumming inside her. After a few minutes, he got off of her, slapped her a couple of times and turned her over on her stomach. Then he slammed his cock into her ass and fucked her till he came again. The pain was excruciating. When he got off of her this time, she was so pissed, she grabbed a picture on the dresser and slammed it into his head, cutting his forehead open. She grabbed a towel from the floor and ran from the house before he could recover from the blow. She ran to a neighbor’s house, told him what had happened and that she needed a place to hide. Darrin Taylor had known Alisha since they were in High School. He told Alisha to come in, she would be safe there and he would call the police. Alisha pleaded with him not to involve the police, that Dayle didn’t know what he was doing. Darrin argued with her, but to no avail, Alisha always got her way and she didn’t want the scandal this could cause, anyway, she’d make the bastard pay……dearly. The next day when Dayle left the house, she went home, packed up all her clothes and went to her Mom and Dad’s house. Some time ago, Alisha had came to the realization that her marriage was over and had taken a large amount of cash from Dayle’s safe in their house. She knew that she would need money if she left him so she took the $250,000 that was in the safe and put it in a safe deposit box at her uncle’s bank. When Anne saw her bringing her things into the house, she asked what was going on, so, Alisha told her what had transpired the night before……Anne was furious and told her that she could stay as long as she liked. That same day, Alisha met with her lawyer and instructed him to file for divorce. Dayle tried to call her all day, but she would not answer the phone. After that, Alisha threw herself into her work and spent all of her spare time working around the ranch. She knew the ranch would someday be all hers…….she loved the ranch as much or more than Bob did. She talked with Bob about her visions for the future of the ranch. He mostly agreed with her, but knew the ranch would have to grow larger to accommodate what she wanted to do.

Alisha knew that and had her eye on an adjoining ranch that might come up for sale. It belonged to Ralph Marrs. He had inherited the ranch from his dad and worked it all his life, but his children had left the Valley to pursue their own careers. Ralph had asked Bob if he might be interested in buying it when he decided to retire. Bob had told him that he would sure like to have a shot at it. So, Alisha was considering trying to buy the property and merge it with the Singletree to create the largest ranch, not only in this state, but the largest in a 5 state area. Now, with the divorce, she should have ample cash to pull the deal off…..but only time would reveal that.

Alisha had huge, sound plans that would make the Singletree Ranch one of the first to use technology to manage the cattle and the breeding. This would guarantee buyers of high quality, uniform yearlings each year, thus, making the bottom line increase some 4 or 5 times what it currently did. Selective artificial insemination and meticulous records would be the key to the plan. Alisha had it in her head and wanted to implement it……….and Bob was on board with it. Alisha thought that if she were to be able to buy the adjoining ranch, she would quit the practice and devote all of her time to ranching. This was her plan, now, she had to make it happen.



Alisha loved to ride and owns 6 horses. All the horses are highly trained and have their own respective qualities. Her favorite was a big sorrel stud named Jack. Jack had the best qualities of all the horses she owns. When she was younger, Jacks mother had been killed by a bear which orphaned her foal. Bob was going to have the foal put down, but Alisha begged and begged him to let her raise the colt. Bob knew that this would be a huge job and tried his best to talk her out of it, but she wouldn’t give up and eventually Bob gave in. Alisha was devoted to the colt and raised him to maturity. Jack was a very big horse and was as fast as the wind. Alisha could rope off the big sorrel, herd cattle and do generally any work that she needed to do with him. She liked to just go ride him on the ranch, checking the cattle, but mostly just riding for pleasure. From Jack’s point of view, Alisha was his favorite person in the world. Sometimes, he would jump out of the corral or out of a pasture, just to follow her like a dog. She was his best friend and he was hers. When she rode him, it was as though they were one. The love shared between them was something special, like he knew she had saved his life. No one else could ride Jack, he definitely was a one rider horse. Several times some of the hired men would try to ride him, just to end up with a mouthful of dust after he bucked them off.

There was a lake about an hours ride from the corrals. From time to time Alisha would go to the lake on a warm summer day and swim there. She always swam naked as she was always the only person in the area. One day, she had gone to the lake, stripped and went for a swim in the cool waters of the lake. Alisha had always liked the cold water, it didn’t bother her as much as it did some people. There was a boat dock there that she would lay on after her swim and work on her tan, which was flawless. One day, as she was laying in the sun dreaming of the future, she opened her eyes and there stood a very handsome young man with a great build. Her clothes were a couple of hundred feet away and he stood between her and them. He was staring at her, enjoying the vision of her perfect body. “Would you like me to rub some sun block on your back,” he asked, smiling and taking in the view. She got to her feet, and looked at him. Wow, she thought to herself, he’s a great specimen of a man. “No,” she said to him, “who are you and what the hell are you doing trespassing on this ranch?” She just stood there, naked, defying him. “I’m just here looking at the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in a long time.” He walked toward her. She backed up, but the end of the dock was there. He reached out and took her hand and pulled her to him. His eyes were beautiful, she didn’t know what to do. His lips parted and he pulled her closer and kissed her. “I’d sure like to make love to a beautiful woman like you,” he said after kissing her. She wasn’t real sure about this, but she surely didn’t want to miss out on having a quick romp with this guy. He pulled her to him again and kissed her…..this time she wrapped he arms around him and returned the kiss. He took her hand and led her off the dock and to the tall grass next to the lake. He kissed her on her neck as he squeezed her perfect breasts. He continued his kisses down to her tits then went onto his knees and put his tongue to her engorged clit.
It had been a long time since she had had a man and she was responding quickly to his touch. Her pussy was wet, very wet. He continued running his tongue up and down her slit and flicking her clit as he slipped two fingers into her hot, wet vagina. She could tell that he was experienced, his fingers found her sensitive g-spot and massaged it until she was so aroused she thought she might cum. The stranger motioned her to the ground as he removed his clothing. She looked at him in the bright sunlight, what a body he has. His cock looked to be about 8 or 9 inches long and thick. She raised up on her knees and went to it, taking it deep into her throat, then sucking it as it went in and out of her sensuous lips. She could taste the telltale taste of pre-cum oozing from it’s head. She loved the taste of a man’s cum…..she always had. She loved to take it in her mouth and swallow every drop, savoring it like she would a good bottle of wine. She took his cock from her mouth and looked up at him. “I guess that since we are going to fuck, my name is Alisha, what is yours?” He smiled at her and said, “It’s Justin, Justin Tomlin. I’m very pleased to meet you.” They laughed as he went to his knees and kissed her again. They lay down on the grass, continuing to kiss, his hand between her legs, rubbing her clit and sliding his finger up and down between the outer lips of her pussy. She was feeling great and wanting him inside her. He rolled over on top of her, she feels his huge cock enter her, going in and out of her, slowly, steadily. She is so turned on and this feels so good, she thrusts her hips up into him, trying to get his cock as deep inside her as she can. She wraps her long legs around his ass and pulls him into her further, she is cumming, and wants every centimeter of his cock inside her. She feels his cock spurting hot semen against the back of her vagina, it’s so hot and she feels his dick pulsing as it continues to spew hot cum inside her. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him to her. They are both moaning as their orgasms overcome them, till finally, the orgasms end and they both lay there, motionless, his cock still inside her. She can feel his cum running out of her and down her ass. Who is this Justin, damn he is good, she thinks to herself. After a few minutes, he pulls out of her and gets up. She asks him, “what are you doing here, where did you come from?” He looked at her and said, “I just went to work here this morning, I’ve been up here gathering strays today. I was on the ridge and saw you ride up to the lake. I watched you strip and go for a swim, so I thought I’d get a closer look. I can’t believe how beautiful you are……who are you anyway?” She laughed and said, “You just fucked the boss’s daughter.” Justin looked surprised and scared at the same time. “Oh damn, I didn’t know, but, I’m not sorry. Damn, you are good.” She told him not to worry, she had enjoyed him too. They got dressed and rode back to the ranch. Bob was at the corrals when they rode up. He said, “Well Alisha, I guess you’ve met our new man, Justin. Justin this is my daughter…..you’d better not get any ideas.” He laughed, joking with Justin not knowing what had transpired at the lake. If he had, Justin might just get fired on his first day. As they unsaddle the horses, Cody Lyn drives up and gets out. She tells Alisha that today is St. Patricks Day and there is a party down at St. Ives, why don’t you get ready and go with me. Alisha thought about it for a little bit, then decided she would go. They went to the house and got ready.

Anne had dinner ready for them before they left. Alisha was wearing a short black dress with a low cut back and a scoop top, showing a good bit of cleavage. Cody Lyn is wearing a white dress with a low cut v front. Both are wearing high heels and look like a million dollars. Anne looks at them and whistles. “The men are all are definitely in trouble tonight, looking at you two.” she laughed. They finished dinner and took off to town. They would arrive early, but they figured it would give them time to have a couple of drinks and loosen up. They got to the bar and found a table near the back, away from the bandstand and the loud music. They ordered drinks and talked. Cody wanted to know who that good looking guy was at the corrals. Alisha told her that he was a new hired guy. Cody looked at her and said, “I’m gonna have his cock, damn he’s good looking !” Alisha shook her head at Cody and thought, she’d crap if she knew I had fucked him today. He he he. They continued talking trash and drinking. The waitress brought them another round and told then that the two guys at the bar had bought them. Alisha looked and saw Jason and Michael Preston, two old friends they’d grown up with. Alisha and Cody had both dated each of the guys and they both had lost their virginity to them. Alisha told Cody, “Well look there who sent the drinks, damn, I haven’t seen them in a long time.” Michael was a doctor in Alamosa and Justin was a lawyer in Denver. They were walking toward the table, smiling. The girls got up and hugged Jason and Michael when they arrived. Alisha told them how good it was to see them and would they like to join them. Of course, what guy in his right mind wouldn’t want to join these two beauties. It looks like the evening is going to be fun after all. They all reminisced about the old days and laughed and teased each other. After a while the band showed up and began setting up. Cody asked Alisha to go to the “little girls room” with her and Alisha agreed. As they crossed the dance floor, Alisha saw an old friend in the band. She stopped and said hi, she didn’t stay long, he had to continue setting up. The girls went on to the restroom, Cody asked, “Are we going fuck them tonight, I’m sure horny.” Alisha told her, “whatever happens will happen, I don’t really care one way or the other.” Cody rolled her eyes and called her sister a party pooper. They finished up in the restroom and returned to the table to find that Jason and Michael had ordered another round of drinks along with some shots of tequila. Alisha asked, “What are you guys trying to do, get us drunk and take advantage of us?” To that comment, the guys laughed and said, “Hell yes we are !”
After a while the band started so Alisha and Jason went to dance as did Cody and Michael. It’s a good, slow belt buckle polisher……fun she thought. As they danced, Alisha could feel Jason’s manhood pressing against her. He was not trying to hide it at all. As they danced, he asked her if she would spend the night with him. Alisha thought about it, then told him that she would. He smiled at her and she could see the desire in his eyes. The feel of his hard cock pressing against her was making her get wet. Her desire was rising and she knew that they would have to leave soon. After the song was over, they returned to the table. Michael told Jason that he and Cody were going over to his house. Jason replied that he and Alisha would be going over there also and he would ride over with Alisha. Cody and Michael left while Alisha and Jason decided to stay for a while. They danced and talked a lot about the past and the times they had shared. Jason asked her if there was a chance they could get back together. Alisha told him that it would be something that she would have to think about. After all, she was still married and she didn’t know how long it was going to take for the divorce to be final. Jason said, “Alisha, if you tell me there’s a chance, time makes no difference, I’ll give you all the time you need…….Alisha, I’m still in love with you, I’ve never stopped loving you.”
She felt that it was too soon to make any commitments and told Jason that only time would tell. He said he understood and would give her the time she needed.

Alisha was starting to enjoy her life again. She was addicted to sex and she knew it. She knew what she wanted from men, and she was going to have it. If this thing with Jason turned out to be something she wanted, then it would happen, if not, she would use him for sex………..it was all very simple in her mind. Jason asked her if she was ready to leave……….she is very ready. Right now all she has on her mind is to have a cock inside her giving her pleasure. She wanted his cum in her mouth, she wanted to taste it……..she loved cum. When they arrived at Michael’s house, Jason came around the truck and opened her door. As she slid out, he put his arms around her and kissed her passionately, their tongues probing the other. She immediately opened his jeans and went down on him, taking his cock deep down her throat. Jason could do nothing but moan and grasp her head, pulling it on and off his throbbing dick. He was so excited that after a short time he filled her mouth with his sperm. Alisha loved it and franticly sucked on his cock, getting every drop of his sweet cum. After he finished he pulled her jeans down to her knees, bent her over the drivers seat and slid his throbbing manhood all the way into her hot, inviting pussy. A wave of pleasure swept over her as he plunged his hard cock in and out of her. His hands were on her hips pulling and pushing her. His cock was touching all the right places inside her and she knew that very soon she would cum. After a few more minutes of intense fucking, she started to cum, a long powerful orgasm that continued as he fucked her hard and fast……..then she felt him discharge another full load of cum inside her. It was hot and she could feel it running out of her pussy and down the inside of her leg. Jason was bent over her back, moaning as his cock pulsed and spewed his love juice into her. When they recovered, they pulled their jeans up and went into the house. When they entered they heard Cody and Michael in the living room. Thinking they were just talking, Alisha and Jason walked into the living room and saw Cody bent over the back of the couch and Michael fucking her hard. Neither of them heard or saw Jason and Alisha, so they backed out of the room and went to Jason’s room Within a minute, they both had stripped and were in the bed making love. They screwed nonstop for the next two hours, after the orgasms, they both fell asleep in each other’s arms and awoke the next morning as the sun began to come up.

Alisha awoke first, she had always been and early riser. She stood at the window watching the sun come up over the Sangre de Cristos. She loved this time of the day, everything was new and starting over. The air was crisp and the morning colors of dark blue, orange, red and gold shown beautifully above the towering mountains. She loved the San Luis Valley, it had always been her favorite place on earth. While she was in college in Texas, she couldn’t wait to get back to her home in the mountains. As she stood there, naked, she heard Jason stirring. In a little while he got out of bed and joined her. He gently kissed the back of her neck and said, “Good morning beautiful lady.” She turned to him and kissed him on the lips. He stood and looked at her perfect body in the early morning light. Her breasts were magnificent. Her figure, unsurpassed and her legs are long and slender. Jason savored her every curve as he ran a single finger down from her chin, across her nipples, to her navel and stopping on the clean shaven outer lips of her pussy. Her tan was perfect, not a flaw anywhere, no bra lines or panty lines. Her ass was perfectly formed……..she was the perfect example of a woman. Jason’s hand cupped over her smooth pussy, his cock started to harden, as the thought of being inside her filled his mind. His gentle touch aroused her senses and fired desires deep within her. She kissed him again and pulled close to him. She felt his warm body and the hardness between them………her vagina dripped with her wetness and the semen that Jason had deposited in her just hours before. She leaned back against the wall as Jason lifted her leg and slid his cock along her wet slit and into her waiting pussy. He fucked her slow and deliberate, long slow strokes, his cock touching places inside her that pleasured her beyond description. His dick was very hard and it spread her very wide…….she felt totally full of Jason. She started to cum and felt Jason plunge deeply into her, then she felt the warm sensation of him ejaculating inside her. His cum was running out and dripping on the floor as she felt his cock continue to pulse and squirt inside her. When it was over, she dropped to her knees and took his softening cock in her mouth, licked and sucked all the cum from it she could, then took it deep into her throat and began to make it hard again. She intently massaged his balls as she sucked his cock. As she slipped a finger across his scrotum and to his ass hole, she took his cock deep into her throat and plunged her index finger into his ass. She felt his ass cheeks pucker and felt his hot cum shooting into her mouth and throat. Jason was unloading every drop of cum he had and she was swallowing it as fast as she could, not wanting to waste a drop of that precious fluid. After he finished cumming, she stood up and kissed him again. She looked at his spent cock as it drooped down between his legs. She smiled and said, “Let’s take a quick shower and go eat something, I’m famished.” Jason thought that was a good idea. They showered together, rubbing the soap all over each other, Alisha was feeling that longing feeling between her thighs again, but, she was starving. They dried off, wrapped towels around themselves and went to the kitchen.

Alisha found eggs and bacon and began to cook them while Jason made orange juice and toast. The smells of the food cooking drifted throughout the house. In short while, they heard voices coming, it was Michael and Cody. They walked into the room totally naked. As Cody walked past Jason, she pulled his towel and watched it fall to the floor. She stopped and checked out Jason’s cock and said, “If I’m naked, you’re going to be naked too.” Then the little bitch pulled Alisha’s towel off from behind. Immediately Michael stared at me enjoying the sight of her naked body. She just continued cooking and shortly we all sat down to eat. The food was fabulous. Alisha was so hungry she could have eaten almost anything. After they finished eating, they sat drinking orange juice and joking about the previous evening. Cody came around to Alisha, put her hand behind her head and gave her a deep wet kiss. She pulled Alisha close and whispered in her ear, “want to turn these guys on, let’s give them a show.” She stood up and kissed Alisha again and began to nibble on her nipples, while fingering her. The guys couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Alisha put one leg up on a chair as Cody went down on her. Alisha was feeling wonderful and moaning with pleasure. She glanced at Jason and Michael, they both had a huge hard on and were thoroughly enjoying watching the two women pleasure each other. Alisha took Cody by the hand and led her to the couch in the adjoining living room. Cody sat on the couch as Alisha got down on her knees and began to lick Cody’s smooth cunt. She was so engulfed in giving Cody pleasure she didn’t notice Michael getting down behind her. She felt a cock sliding into her……it felt damn good, but it didn’t fill her like Jason did. She turned and looked and saw Michael. He was smiling and said, “I just couldn’t pass up a piece of your beautiful ass, hope you don’t mind…….” Alisha grinned and went back to working Cody over. While she had turned to Michael, Jason approached Cody and had began feeding her his cock. She was sucking it madly, holding his balls in her hand. After about 15 intense minutes, Alisha felt Michael cumming inside her and saw Jason cumming in Cody’s mouth and on her face. Cody’s tongue was working fast, licking the cum from her lips and Jason’s cock. Michael’s hands were on her hips, holding her tightly to him as he continued to fill her with his hot cum. Alisha was cumming and saw Cody releasing at the same time. They were all feeling so much pleasure. It was quite a sight seeing them all having orgasms, pleasuring each other beyond their wildest dreams. When everyone uncoupled, Alisha turned on Michael and began to suck him off, while Jason came around and began to fuck Cody. The musical chairs continued for the next two hours, all sharing each other in sexual bliss. Alisha had went into the kitchen to get a glass of OJ and watched as Jason sat in a chair and Cody straddled him, his cock in her pussy, Michael came up behind her and penetrated her ass hole…….both guys were fucking her at the same time and she was yelling with pleasure, wanting them to give her more. Alisha sat on a bar stool and watched as they all humped their brains out. The double penetration of her sweet sister lasted for over half an hour till both guys unloaded inside her. Cody looked like a piece of meat in a sandwich. Alisha giggled as she watched, her pussy was running with her juices and Michael’s cum. When the men finished with Cody, she flopped on the couch, totally worn out. Alisha noticed that the guy’s cocks were both still rock hard. Michael looked at her and motioned for her to come to them. “You don’t think you’re going to get by without both of us having you do you?” Michael sat in the chair with his cock standing erect. Alisha smiled and reluctantly walked to him, having never ever been double penetrated before. She straddled his cock, taking it deep into her pussy, Jason came up behind her and slid his cock slowly into her ass hole. In a few minutes they were all fucking and groaning. Alisha had never felt anything quite like this before. The guy’s dicks were only separated by a thin membrane inside her. She felt both of them sliding in and out of her, the thought of having two men at the same time turned her on more. It hurt a little, but the sheer pleasure of it overcame any discomfort she felt. She began to have an orgasm, it was so intense……….when the guys began to cum it pushed her over the roof. It felt so good, but she felt totally spent. When the men pulled out of her all she could do was roll over to the side and lay there, motionless, unable to move. She could feel their cum running out of her, she was spent and done screwing, she had to go to work in a couple of hours and didn’t know how she was going to function. She needed to get to the shower, clean up and get the guys cum out of her so it didn’t run out of her the rest of the day. The two men stood, looking at the two exhausted women lying on the couch. They were grinning as they talked, proud of their conquest………little did they know that Alisha had had plans to fuck them since she first saw them at St. Ives………….and she had exceeded her goal many times. The guys had given her all the pleasure she could handle for one day. As she recovered, she got to her feet and went to the shower. Cody Lyn was still passed out on the couch as Michael began to fuck her again……… Jason watching and waiting his turn with her. Alisha went to the shower and cleaned herself inside and out. Just as she finished dressing, Jason came into the room. “Do you have to go so soon?” he asked. She told him that she had clients coming in this morning and had to go. Alisha asked if Cody had ever woke up. He told Alisha that he was cumming in Cody as she came to, wanting more.
Michael was hard again by that time, and was fucking her as Jason came to the bedroom.
Alisha kissed Jason. “How long are you here,” she asked him. “I need to leave today, but, I’ll come back on Friday night, if you want me to.” he said. She smiled at him as she kissed him again. She backed away from him and said, I have strong feelings for you Jason, I do want you to come back, I want to see if we can get back to where we were before. “ He smiled as she left the room. When she got to the foyer, she saw Cody on top of Michael still fucking like a bitch in heat. She waved at Cody and told her she would see her later. Cody just waved at her. As she left, Jason was coming back to the living room, ready to fuck Cody again. Alisha knew that Cody would probably continue to take them on for most of the morning……….she was addicted to sex as much or more than Alisha. Secretly, Alisha wanted to stay and continue to give herself to the two guys also, but her work ethic was stronger than her desire to get laid.

Alisha went home, showered again and gave herself a good enema and douche. When she got home, she just didn’t feel totally clean. She got dressed and went to the kitchen and poured a large cup of coffee, thinking about the events she had participated in. With her coffee fix in hand, she went to the office and began her day. Anne didn’t say much, she just stayed away from Alisha, not wanting a confrontation about where she had been all night. Alisha sat in her office, working on her second cup of coffee. She wondered what was the matter with her, to have participated in that sexual orgy. Two men at once, Damn, what was she thinking. It really bothered her how, in the heat of the moment, she would participate in such a thing………..there was something the matter with her and she had to figure the whole thing out. Her first appointment for the day arrived, so she tried to put aside that awful scene of her being fucked by two men at once. Was she a whore, she pondered, or maybe just a pervert……..she didn’t know.

Her appointments went slowly all day. She was tired from lack of sleep and just wanted to to go home. When the day did end, she went home, grabbed a sandwich and went to bed. Every time she visualized the scene of her being pounded by two guys, she almost got sick to her stomach. Oh well, the week was over and she could spend the weekend working on the ranch and relieving her tensions. When morning came, she pulled the covers over her head and went back to sleep, arising at about noon. Anne was worried about Alisha, she just didn’t act like this, something was the matter. When she went to the kitchen, Anne greeted her and handed her a glass of iced tea. Anne told her that Jason had called earlier and he was not going to be able to come this weekend and he would call her later today. At this point, Alisha really didn’t care. She asked Anne if Cody was here. Anne told her that Cody had been here for a little while and that she and Michael had gone to Santa Fe for the day. Alisha decided to go to the ranch office and see her Dad. He understood her and talking to him always made her feel better. When she got down to the office, Bob greeted her with a smile and a warm welcome. They talked for a while and like she thought, it made her feel better. She didn’t tell him anything about her sex addiction, but just talked about the ranch and her plans for the future. Bob asked her to go to town and pick up a pallet of feed that he had ordered at the Coop. She thought that would be good for her to get out and get busy. She arrived at the Coop and backed her pickup up to the feed warehouse door. When she got out, Fred Monroe the feed warehouse manager, came out the door to greet her. “Hello Alisha, it’s always so good to see you…….did you come after that pallet of feed your Dad ordered?” he asked. “Yes, I did Fred, and how are you doing today?” Fred was an older guy, but he had always had a desire to go to bed with Alisha. He always made some subtle suggestion to her, and truly, she liked it. She had heard the rumors about Fred, that he was a ladies man, he had a big cock and he knew how to treat a woman. He looked at Alisha with desire in his eyes. She was wearing tight jeans and a white tank top that showed a lot of tit. She had no bra on and, since the day was a little cool, her nipples were very noticeable . As one of the employees loaded the pallet in her pickup, Fred was making small talk with Alisha. “When are you going to go out with me Alisha? I think we could have a really good time together. You are so beautiful and desirable, how about it?” Alisha leaned against the hood of her pickup and smiled as she looked into Fred’s deep blue eyes. She thought to herself that he might just be one good lay. She had heard that he had an eleven inch cock, two and a half inches in diameter. She would love to have a cock like that, she had never had one that big. As he talked, she fantasized what it would be like. She continued to look at him and said, “when do you get off today, Fred. I just might like to come out to your house and let you buy me a drink.” Fred’s eyes lit up at the mere thought of getting in her pants. “I get off at noon today…..want to come over about 1 and we can sit out by the pool and enjoy a few beers and a beautiful day.” She was having an itch between her legs that she really wanted to get scratched….and she thought that Fred might just have the right thing to scratch it with. “Ok Fred, I’ll be over about 1 and I’ll bring my bikini. Fred took another long look at her, smiled and said, “You know Alisha, swim suits are optional at my place. No one else will be around today. Alisha knew that Fred had been married to a really beautiful woman, but, she took off with a car salesman and divorced Fred. Fred had been single ever since. “What the hell,” she said, “I’m game.” She thought that she might just get a great fuck out of this. She was horny and she could feel her slit getting wet, just thinking about this encounter. She told Fred she would see him about one as she got in her truck and left. She got back to the ranch and unloaded the feed. She went to the house and got a sandwich. Anne was getting ready to go to town and do her weekly shopping. Alisha brushed her teeth and told Anne she was going in to see a friend and she would be home late. After Anne left, Alisha got in her truck and drove to Fred’s house.

Fred lived about five miles out of town. His house was secluded and not much traffic ever went out in his area. When she got there, he was standing out in front of his house. She stopped beside him, smiling. She asked him where the best place to park was and he motioned her to his garage. “I’ll just close the door and no one will see your truck. She parked and he closed the door and invited her inside. He had a beautiful home, large privacy fenced back yard with a pool and hot tub. The place was beautifully landscaped and made you feel like you were somewhere on vacation. Fred escorted her to the back yard and asked her if she would like something to drink. She told him beer was fine. He went to the house to get the drinks. When he came out, he found that Alisha had taken her clothes off and was sitting in a lounge chair. He looked at her, enjoying the sight of such a beautiful woman that he hoped he’d be inside of sometime this afternoon. He told her, “You are one beautiful woman Alisha, are you just teasing an old man, or are you serious?” “I’m as serious as I can be, Fred. You have made passes at me for years, now, I want to spend the day screwing your balls off.” Alisha had a bad habit of being rather frank when it came to sex and she was horny. The events she had participated in a couple of days before, had faded away and the desire to have a man inside her surpassed her desire to try to stop indulging in casual sex. “Now Fred, let me see that cock I’ve heard so much about…….I want to see if it’s as big as rumors have it.” Fred laughed as he removed his clothing. When he dropped his underwear, Alisha gasped at the size of the tool that stood up in front of him. The rumors were wrong, his cock was at least 13 inches long and very thick. Fred grasped his manhood and asked her if she thought she could handle it. “I don’t know yet Fred, but I’m damn sure gonna try.” Fred came over tto her lounge chair, looking at her perfect body. He took her by the hand and led her into the house to his bedroom. She pulled the covers back and laid down on the cool sheet. Fred went down between her legs and began to lick and suck her pussy. Damn, she thought, this guy is damn good with his tongue……..she spread her legs wide apart and let him do whatever he wanted to do to her. She was becoming very wet when Fred crawled on her. He supported his upper torso with his arms as the mushroom head of his cock searched for the entrance to her vagina. Soon, his huge tool found the entrance and slipped inside, going places in her that no man had ever been before. He was gentle, sliding his cock in her very slowly so as not to hurt her if he bottomed out. She felt his cock pushed against the farthest reaches of her love tunnel and he began to move in and out of her. He had the thickest cock she had ever had and it spread her vaginal opening so wide that it hurt a little. As he pumped his tool in and out of her, he told her she was the tightest woman he had fucked in quite some time. She was in ecstasy as he fucked her. The feeling of a cock that big was pushing her toward a quick climax. Fred was sucking on her tits as he plunged his huge tool into her. She began to cum and Fred felt it as her pussy contracted around his cock. He kept fucking and pushing her to orgasm after orgasm. Fred was a master at fucking, he didn’t cum, he just kept pumping her as she came over and over. When he did cum, Alisha couldn’t believe it. His cock swelled even larger as he pushed it in her as far as it would go. She felt his cock pulsing as it spewed large amounts of cum into her insides. She knew that soon she would overflow as the strong, thick streams of cum continued to stream into her pussy. His cum was hot, she wiped up a few drops that was running out of her with her fingers, then licked it off. She wrapped her legs around his ass and put her arms around his neck and pulled as close to him as she could, continuing to feel him ejaculating while she was still cumming. Fred pulled out of her and asked her if she wanted anal, she smiled and rolled over, keeping her legs close together. Fred straddled her and slowly slipped his huge cock into her ass. When it was all the way in, Alisha couldn’t believe the feeling she was having. It felt like his cock was going to come out her mouth, she couldn’t believe how big it is. Fred gave her a royal fucking……..she came three more times before he unloaded inside her ass. When he pulled out this time, his cock was starting t soften. Alisha got up and went down to his cock. She took it all in her mouth and down he throat. She held it there, moving her tongue back and forth along the bottom of it. It was way down her throat when she felt it explode. It was like a fire hose, shooting hot streams of cum into her mouth and throat. Alisha was happy, she was swallowing all she could, but a lot was running out the corners of her mouth and down her neck onto her tits. Fred pulled out of her mouth, while his cock continued to spew sperm all over her face and chest. His cum was really thick, like thick gravy. She loved it…..the taste was terrific and she wanted it all.

Alisha had received everything she wanted from Fred. She was a little upset with Jason because he had not returned from Denver like he said he would. She had been looking forward to seeing him again as there was still a flame burning for him. She realized that it wasn’t just lust, but she still had feelings for him. Their sex was great. Then there was the kinky stuff she enjoyed. The memory of having Jason and Michael, both inside her at the same time, made her desire rise, plus the idea of revenge sex for his not coming back pushed her to fuck Fred again. There was no doubt that Fred was a real stud and she knew she was just getting started. Fred was lying on his back, she had his dick in her hand, jacking him off, spitting on it for lubrication. It was remarkable that a guy Fred’s age could stay hard as long as he is. What the hell, she thought as she straddled his throbbing manhood. She lowered herself down on it and began pumping up and down on it. Fred was definitely enjoying the fuck. He was very vocal, moaning and telling Alisha how much he liked fucking her. Alisha liked the dirty talk while she was having sex. Fred continued to tell her how beautiful she was, how great her tits were, how he loved her ass, how sexy she looked with his cum all over her face and body……..he just went on and on, Alisha exploded, she was squirting all over Fred as she continued to pump his cock, feeling her orgasm clear down to her toes. Then again, she felt him begin to cum. With her orgasm subsiding, she pulled off his cock and went down and took his cum in her mouth, swallowing what she could and letting the rest run out and drip down onto his cock and balls. When he finished ejaculating, she went down and licked up the spilled semen from his balls. Amazingly, his cock was still rock hard. She asked him how he kept his cock hard. He just laughed and replied, “Pharmaceuticals! Cialis is a wonder drug…….40 mgs of this substance will keep me hard for 4 to 5 hours. Without it I would have been done the first time I shot my load in you.” Whatever it was, Alisha knew she loved it. He was getting to his knees as he told her to get up on all fours, “I’m gonna fuck you like a dog, bitch……….spread those legs and take this……..he slid his thirteen inches into her again and began humping her like a dog. He had his hands on her hips and she could feel his dangling balls slapping against her clit as he rammed his cock in and out of her. The feeling of his balls banging against her, along with his thick cock spreading her hole so wide it was rubbing her clit also, made her blow another orgasm……….her body was shaking as the contractions overcame her. Fred was shooting his load inside her again. Her head was hanging down and she could look back between her tits and legs and see his cock slamming in and out of her and his balls swinging like a pendulum. She could see the streams of his cum slithering out of her and onto the bed. He finished cumming and she fell forward onto the bed, exhausted, she could feel her heart pounding and hear herself breathing like she had just ran a marathon.
Fred said, “hey bitch, don’t think I’m done with you so quick.” She was lying on her stomach, she felt him pull her legs together and slap her hard on her ass several times. The spanking he was giving her inflicted moderate pain, but at the same time felt good and she liked it. She felt him straddle her and spread her ass cheeks, then his cock went into her ass again. He was sliding in and out of her as he continued to slap her ass hard. The stinging sensation and the sensation of his cock penetrating her gave her a pleasure she had never experienced before. Again she started cumming……..damn this guy is a real stud, she thought, he just keeps making me go off. He pulled out of her and jacked his cock, unloading his load of jizz all over her back and ass. As he towered above her he said, “I love shooting my load all over a beautiful woman’s body………Alisha liked it too, it was a kinky sensation. Alisha had gotten all she wanted and more and it was time to go. When she got off the bed she went to the bathroom and started the shower. She looked at herself in the mirror. As she looked at her naked body, she thought, why did I do this again. She felt cheap and disgusted as she looked at herself. She got in the shower and washed all the dried cum off her skin and cleaned out as best she could without a douche bag. When she finished her shower, she went back into the bedroom to find all her clothes. Fred was still lying on the bed watching as she entered. Her body looked amazing, everything about it was perfect and he had just ravaged it for the past 5 hours, fulfilling a fantasy that he had wanted for a long time. There was one thing Fred knew, that Alisha and the other women he had fucked didn’t know, he had a hidden camera in his bedroom that recorded his conquests. Alisha finished dressing, went to the bed and kissed Fred. “Let’s do this again sometime,” she said as she started for the door. “Any time Alisha, you’re always welcome.” She went to the garage and opened the door. She looked around the countryside as she backed out and seeing no one, she sped down the road. She thought to herself, that’ll teach that fucking Jason not to not come back………but, deep inside she knew she had a real problem and it was out of control. All it took was the suggestion of sex and she was ready to go…….and it really didn’t matter who the guy was as long as he had a cock. She was confused and distraught. “I have to get this under control before it destroys my life,” she said to herself.

As she drove home, her phone rang. Caller ID showed it was Dayle. She wondered what he wanted. When she answered it he made a little small talk then told her that he had completed all the papers for the divorce settlement and signed them. He told her, that after consulting his accountant, he was giving her a 4.25 million dollar, one time cash payment, plus giving her 10,000 dollars a month for maintenance till the divorce was final. She told him that she felt that he was being fair and would also sign off on it. It would probably take about 6 months to finalize the divorce, he told her. When she hung up, Alisha was ecstatic, she would have enough money to buy the Marrs Ranch and have plenty left over for buying stock and operating. Plus she had the quarter million she had taken from the safe and a 300,000 dollar house that was all but paid for. She was going to be fine. She drove to the house and went in. Bob and Anne were inside fixing dinner. Cody came in behind her……all bubbly and acting weird, as usual. Alisha went up stairs to shower and douche and get ready to go out, she didn’t want to stay at home tonight. She didn’t know what she would do, but, she would find something. She put on her jeans and boots and a white silk blouse. She went braless and left the top two buttons open. It showed just a little cleavage and she would open another button when she got where she was going. As she came out of her room, Cody was coming up the stairs. “Where are you off to?” she asked. Alisha smiled, “I really don’t know yet, just somewhere I can find a stiff cock.” Cody laughed at Alisha and told her that she could join her, she was going to Justin’s apartment. Alisha looked shocked, “Have you hooked up with him already?” “No,” she said, “tonight will be the first time.” Alisha told her to play it cool and have fun, who was she to tell Cody to steer clear of Justin. Right now, she was still pissed at Jason and was out for revenge sex tonight. She went on down stairs and had dinner with Bob and Anne. She and her Dad talked about the Marrs Ranch. Bob asked her if she still intended to try to buy it. Alisha had been thinking about it for the past few days. “Dayle called me today. He has signed our settlement agreement and has agreed to give me 4.25 million and 10,000 per month till the divorce is final. So Dad, it looks like I can pull it off after the divorce is final.” Bob smiled, and told her that that was a really generous settlement and that he had not expected Dayle to be so generous. Alisha explained that he had a lot of guilt about what he had done to her and that was probably the reason. Bob looked puzzled, “Just what did he do to you, Alisha?” “I’m not going to discuss it Dad, it’s over and it’s going to make things easier for me in the long run, so, I’m not going to discuss it any farther.” Bob told her that he would respect her feelings and he would not bring it up again. Bob thought that they should have a meeting with Ralph sometime soon and get the the ranch under contract……..Alisha agreed and asked him if he would contact Ralph and set up a time. Alisha was thinking it was time for her to go on the prowl, she was wanting to get fucked and time was wasting. She excused herself and left. She thought she would go out to Chili’s and check it out. Maybe she could find one of the college studs, she wanted to be a cougar tonight, he he he.

When she arrived at Chili’s, it was crowded. When she got inside, she found one of the small tall tables in the bar was empty, she seated herself and ordered Patron on the rocks. Her waitress there was an acquaintance, she had a class with her at Adams. Alisha scanned the room, there were a number of qualified candidates. She would finish her drink and see if anyone of them made a move. There was a football game on the TV’s in the bar, so she acted like she was interested. She ordered some chips and salsa also. She noticed some of the guys there checking her out, but she acted like she didn’t notice them, continuing to sip on her drink and snack on the chips. About the time she was about to finish her drink, a man approached her table with another drink in his hand. “Mind if I buy you a drink and join you?” he asked. Alisha was a little unsure of what to do, this guy was black. She had always been curious about black guys, the stories were all pretty wild. She told him that he should sit down. She would talk with him for a while and see what happened. He told her his name was JD and he was a senior and a football player at Adams. He was a very big guy, not fat but muscular, she could tell he was in fabulous shape. He was a very handsome man and from their conversations, she could tell that he was a very intelligent person, unlike a lot of football players. He told her that he wanted to be doctor and would be attending the University of Texas Medical School next year. Alisha was impressed. They talked for a quite a long time, having a few more drinks. She was really liking him and she was getting in the mood to get out of there. She went to the restroom and when she Oreturned he asked her if she would like to get out of this place and go somewhere more private. She smiled at him and asked him if he was trying to seduce her. He just laughed, looked up and down at her and said, “Do I have a chance?” She put her purse over her shoulder, stood up and said to him, “I think that you have a very good chance.” He grinned and got up, she was glad she wore her boots with heels, at least she was almost as tall as he was. They went out to the parking lot. She asked him where he lived. He told her that he lived in a dorm and he would have to get them a room at a hotel. They decided on the Fairfield Inn. Alisha told him that she would meet him there and she would get the room. She knew that college guys were always short of cash. They drove their vehicles to the hotel. She told him to wait outside till she got the room. She would call him and give him the room number, he could then come up. She went to the desk and got a suite with a king size bed. She had put together a small bag she called a fuck kit. She had been screwed enough lately that she wanted to be able to completely clean herself up after a sex session. She had a douche bag, makeup, a blow dryer, perfume, lotion, brushes and combs, all the things a woman needed to completely clean herself after a wild sex session. She called JD on the way up and told him she was in 414 and he should come on up. She opened the door and went in, beautiful room, she thought to herself. She put her bag down and opened it. She also had a bottle of Patron in there. She grabbed the ice bucked and went down the shall to the ice machine. She had just finished filling the ice bucket when JD got off the elevator. He was smiling and she could see the bulge in his pants…….it looked huge. She was hoping that the stories about black guys were true. They talked as they went to the room. Inside, Alisha got two glasses out, put ice in them and poured a double shot of Patron in each glass and sat down at the table. She took her boots off and sipped her drink. JD wasn’t sure what to do, she told him to make himself comfortable. She began to unbutton her blouse, showing about half of her breasts. He smiled at her nervously, slipped off his shoes, pulled his shirt over his head and dropped his pants. He sat down at the table with her. She could see the head of his cock protruding from under the waist band of his underwear, she was getting hot and knew that this was going to be a good night. She stood up and removed her blouse, releasing her shapely breasts, JD’s cock had climbed out of his underwear and had grown in length to 6 inches above his navel. When she dropped her jeans, she could see that JD was getting excited. Alisha liked to tease guys. She didn’t remove her thong. She walked to the bed and pulled all the top covers completely off the bed. She came back to JD, bent down and kissed him She could see a large length of his cock up and out of his underwear. She kissed him on the chest as she lowered herself to her knees and grasped the waistband of his shorts, pulling them off of him. What she saw shocked her……….his cock looked like it was as large as a small horses. She thought that Fred was big, but this guy had to have a 15 inch cock and it was as big around as her forearm. She didn’t know if she could take it all or not. She had helped horses breed before and it was like taking hold of of a stud’s dick. Man, what a dick. She ran her tongue up the shaft from his balls to the head. He was oozing out cum, she hungrily licked it off, the taste was super and turned her on more. She took what she could in her mouth and started giving him a blow job. She could tell that he felt good, he was groaning loudly. She was holding his balls in one hand, they were like holding two grade A Large eggs in one hand. All of a sudden, his legs got stiff and she felt cum squirting out of his cock. She caught some in her mouth and felt him trying to hold it back. She pulled it out of her mouth and told him to just let it go, then started jacking him off and sucking it at the same time, she felt him relax and the cream started rolling out of that big black snake. She was able to catch a lot of it and swallow it, but there was a lot that overflowed her mouth and onto his stomach. After he stopped cumming, he apologized to her, he said that the sight of her naked body and her expert blow job pushed him so far he just couldn’t control it. She laughed and told him, “You’re going to cum a lot tonight honey, don’t worry about it.” She went back to sucking him, his cock stayed hard. She stood up and pulled her thong off as he watched. She went to the bed, crawled on it, laid down and spread her legs. She motioned to him and said, “Ok JD, let’s see if I can hold all of that dick of yours, take it slow. JD got up and crawled up to her…..he just couldn’t get enough of looking at her, she was so beautiful and so willing, he wanted to fuck her. He leaned down and licked her pussy and clit, she was running like a river. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit, then started putting it inside her. It stretched her wider than she had ever been stretched before, she thought to herself that this must be what childbirth feels like. He continued to slowly pump his cock, going in a few inches at at time. She couldn’t believe it, it took a little while, but she took it all……….God it felt so damn good to have that much cock inside her. She could feel his balls on her ass. He started fucking her, at first just short 3 or 4 inch slides, after a little while, he was making 12 inch thrusts in her, she was about to go nuts, she had already came 4 times and was beginning the 5th. JD had the biggest cock she had ever had inside her and it felt the best of any cock she had ever had. It is true, size does matter. After about 20 minutes of fucking, JD let his load go. It was hot, filling her vaginal cavity to capacity and running out of her and down her ass crack. JD was truly enjoying fucking this good looking white bitch. He asked her if she wanted more……..Alisha looked up at him, smiled and said, “give me some more of that black cock, you haven’t worn me out yet.” With that statement, JD got her up on all fours and doggie fucked her for the next hour, again filling her little white cunt with his hot jizz. JD had gone as far as he could, his cock went soft and nothing Alisha would do to it brought it back up. Alisha asked him she wanted to rest for a while, because she needed to take a break. He smiled and told her that this was the longest he had ever screwed a woman and that she was the best he had ever had. He told her that no woman he had ever been with had been able to take all his cock and he felt great. She turned on the tv and found a music channel. They sat at the table, both naked, sipping Patron and talking. She really liked JD, he was a cool, somewhat shy guy that she had felt comfortable with. After an hour or so, JD got hard again, so they went back at it for the next 2 hours. JD’s cock went soft again. He told Alisha that she was the best piece of ass he had ever had, but he had to go because he had an early class tomorrow. She told him that she had enough also and they should get together again sometime. He agreed to call her soon. Alisha decided to just spend the night here at the hotel. She went to the shower and gave herself a good cleaning then crawled into bed. Damn JD had given her one of the best fucks she had had in a long time and she did want some more of it sometime in the future. It didn’t take long and she slipped off to sleep. She awoke the next morning around ten. She got out of bed and got ready and drove home. No one was around when she got there, so, she went to her room and changed into some work clothes. She wanted to talk to her Dad because he had had a meeting with Marrs and she wanted to see what had transpired.

She went down to the office, Justin was in the office telling Bob about finding a dead calf up toward the lake. It had been half eaten by, what appeared to be, a mountain lion. Bob told Justin to tell all the guys to start carrying a rifle when out on the ranch, they needed to get this cat before it did a lot of damage. Alisha had seen things like this happen before and she knew if they didn’t get the cat, he would continue to kill livestock rather than feed on wild animals. Justin gave her a smile as he left the office and went about his duties. Alisha and Bob talked about the Marrs Ranch. Bob told her to make an offer on it and told her that he thought Marrs would take 1.95 million for it, and that would include all of the stock except for 6 horses. He was willing to take payment in thirds and stretch the payments out for a year. She knew that she would get the settlement from Dayle within the next 60 days so she went to the computer and typed out an offer for Marrs, then signed it. Bob told her to get in his truck and they would go over to Ralph’s house and give it to him. Alisha really loved her Dad, and he thought the world of her. He asked her if the deal went through, what she would do about the practice. She had thought long and hard about that. She had decided to leave the practice and devote her time to the ranch. Bob told her that her Mom was going to support her decision because she knew how Alisha loved the ranch and Bob needed the help. When they got to Ralph’s house, they got out of the truck and went to the door. Ralph greeted them, and asked them to come in and sit down. Alisha presented her offer to Ralph. He opened the envelope and read the offer. He sat and thought for several minutes. “You know,” he said, “this is one of the hardest things he had ever had to do…..selling the ranch. He had grown up on this ranch and when his parents had died, he continued to run it. He looked at Alisha, looked at Bob and said, “I’m going to sell to you guys. When do you want to close on it?” Bob looked at Alisha as he told Ralph that it needed to be at least 60 days so Alisha could get the funding. Ralph told them that he would have his attorney draw up the papers and they could get together and sign them in a couple of weeks. Alisha was bursting with happiness inside…..she was trying not to show her excitement but it was becoming more apparent. Ralph told hem he would call when he got the paper work and they could all come sign the contracts. Everyone was happy, including Bob. He was about to see his ranch turn into the biggest ranch in Colorado and New Mexico. The transition had began and he was happy about it. He knew that Alisha’s ideas would take a lot of work to implement, but, they were sound and would move the new Singletree Ranch into a new era. He was excited as she was.



Bob and Alisha went home, both really excited and talking a mile a minute on the short drive. When they arrived at the house, Anne had arrived home, so they thought they had might as well, tell her now. Anne had always knew that Alisha would eventually go to the ranch and leave the practice. She had prepared herself for this day so it wasn’t any big deal to her. She told Alisha that since she had expertise with a few “special” patients, she would hope that Alisha would come help her when the need arises. Of course, Alisha agreed to do this for her Mom. Anne told her that she had her eye on another psychologist that she could hire to pick up when Alisha decided to leave. Everything was going Alisha’s way. She would receive her PhD after the first of the year and also close the deal on the Marrs Ranch. She told her Mom that she would plan toward leaving the practice at the end of January, that would give everyone two months to get all their affairs in order. While they were talking, Alisha’s phone rang, it is Jason. Alisha really didn’t know if she wanted to talk to him or not, she was still pissed at him for not coming back down on Saturday. After the initial “new” wore off, she wasn’t sure she really wanted to continue with him anyway. She had passed on him once, maybe that was a sign to her to just let it go and move on. Thanksgiving was approaching and she though she would devote her time to her family and her careers. She was invited to a party next week that she was looking forward to going to. Perhaps she would meet her Prince Charming there, he he he. No, she really didn’t think that Jason was the one. She had gotten what she wanted from him, now it was time to move on. She would deal with Jason tomorrow.

As they ate dinner, Bob and Alisha talked about the new era the ranch was about to enter. They decided they needed to hire a Ranch Manager to take care of the day to day operations, while they took care of implementing the new things they were planning. Alisha told Bob that she had been watching Justin and how he took care of business. She told Bob that she had found out he had a Masters Degree in Animal Husbandry. She thought they should talk to him about the position and see if he would be interested. They decided to talk to him on Monday and see what he thought about it. Cody was more than happy to hear their decision. She had been seeing Justin for the last couple of weeks and was really starting to fall for him. It was highly unlike her to fall for anyone, she, like Alisha , was in the habit of using men for her own pleasure. Of course, she had been receiving a lot of pleasure from Justin, but, she was just starting to have real feelings for him.

Monday morning came, a beautiful November day was beginning. The forecast called for a winter storm to arrive late in the week. It was the first of the season, winter was arriving. The ranch was prepared so no one on the ranch was worried. Alisha and Bob sat eating breakfast and discussing what they wanted to say to Justin. Anne told Alisha that she would start phasing Alisha out of the practice so she could devote more of her time to the ranch. Alisha saw Justin’s truck arrive down at the barn. She got up and phoned the barn. When Justin answered, she told him that she and Bob wanted to talk to him, so, he should come to the office in about a half hour. He was puzzled, but agreed. When Alisha and Bob got to the office, Justin followed them in. After the usual morning pleasantries, Bob told Justin to sit down, that he and Alisha had something they wanted to discuss with him. After about an hour of explaining what was going on, they asked him what he thought. He said he would like a little time to think about it and that he would give them an answer in a couple of days. They agreed and Justin went on about his work day.

Justin was a real cowboy. He had been raised on a ranch in Kansas. He had 4 brothers that worked the ranch with his Dad. He knew the ranch wasn’t big enough to support 5 families, so he decided to go out in the world and make something happen for himself. He had worked at some really large ranches and had a lot of experience. What Bob and Alisha had laid out for him, interested him. He could see the advantage they would have in the market place after these changes were implemented. Plus, he really liked Cody and hoped that they might get get to know each other much better. He knew that she was a great lay…..she did things to him he had only dreamed of and never experienced before. He thought she liked him too, so he thought staying here might be just what he needed to do. What Bob and Alisha had offered him was one hell of a deal and he knew that he would probably accept their offer. However, he did want to fully consider it. They want him to sign a five year contract, so, he should be prepared to stay if he accepts it.

Alisha’s phone rang. She could see it was Jason calling again. She decided to answer it and see what he had to say. When she answered, he sounded upset and his attitude did little more than continue to piss Alisha off. She listened to him rant and rave about her not answering her phone till finally she butted in. “Jason, we had a good time the other night, but, the more I think about it, I don’t think that we will ever have more than that. You didn’t come back as you said you would, so, it kind of seemed to me that you really didn’t want anything to do with me.” He tried to talk sense to her about it, but, her mind was made up, so, she cut him short and told him not to bother her any more. He didn’t understand how she could shut him off that easily. He just knew that he had to get back down there and talk to her before she had much more time to think about it. “I’ll be there on Thursday, we need to talk. Alisha listened and told him that he was wasting his time, she didn’t want anything more from him and really didn’t want to see him. Jason was pissed now, he realized that he had been used and it really didn’t set well with him. He was going down there and talk to her face to face, whether she wanted to or not. Alisha hung up. Her mind was made up……..he was not for her.

Alisha went out to the corrals to see Jack. He was standing at the fence looking lonesome. Justin was at the barn and saw her talking to Jack, so he went over to talk to her. He told her that he was glad that he was able to talk to her alone, away from her dad. He wanted to know if she thought they could work together, having the history they had. She grinned and told him that the problem wouldn’t be her but Cody. She wanted to know if he could handle Cody. He looked at her puzzled and said, “What are you talking about?” Alisha laughed and told him that she and Cody talk and she knew that he was fucking Cody. He had been caught, not knowing how good the two girls got along. “Heck Justin, maybe you’d like to try us both on at the same time one of these nights.” she said to him. Justin was completely caught by surprise, what could he say. He shook his head and looked her up and down, “Alisha, I’d love to fuck both of you at the same time, that would definitely be heaven.” She was still grinning and giggling, “You just might get the chance sometime, Justin.” She told Justin that she thought he would be great at the job and she wanted him to take it. “Justin, I can separate work and pleasure. There may be times we fuck, it won’t be on the job, though, and the next day, things will be like we didn’t, can you handle that?” He said he could so she told him again she wanted him to take the job. He told her he would do it and laughed as he told her he liked the perks.

Alisha went up to the house, Cody was coming downstairs as Alisha came in. “Cody, I have to tell you something. A few weeks ago I fucked Justin up at the lake. That was before you knew him. I just wanted you to know that, cause I’ve just hired him as Ranch Manager and we’ll be working around each other a lot. I don’t have any designs on him as a boyfriend, but I might like to share him with you sometime, if that’s ok. Cody just laughed, “Hell Sis, I was going to ask you if you wanted to do a threesome with him, shit this is going to be fun.” They both agreed that it didn’t make any difference to either of them if the other one fucked Justin, it was open season on him………..that lucky bastard…….
Alisha spent the rest of the day on the phone arranging to buy more stock. She would have to almost double the current herd, then she had to talk to Bio-Gen and work out the logistics for the artificial insemination she wanted to use on the cows. So much to do and really not a lot of time to get it done. She knows she can handle it…………..

When she got home that evening, she got there just in time to sit down and eat dinner. Everyone was in a good mood, a lot of positive things were happening. Cody had a date, Anne and Bob were going to a movie and Alisha, well, she had absolutely nothing to do…………and she liked the idea of being home alone and maybe just watching tv or reading. She had a little homework to do, but that wouldn’t take very long. She thought back to the other evening with the black guy. Damn, she couldn’t get the size of his cock out of her mind………and she couldn’t believe she took it all. She had never had a cock rub her clit like that one did, while stimulating her g-spot……..that thing was huge. She wondered if she would ever have a chance to take that cock again. Oh well, there are more big fish in the sea. She wasn’t looking forward to Jason coming. She would just have to stick to her guns and ignore him. Anne asked Cody who she was going out with tonight. Cody told her that Michael had asked her out and they were going to a play at Adams State. She had no sooner stopped talking and Michael was driving up. She was on her feet and out the door in a flash. She told her Mom and Dad she would do the dishes, they should be on their way so they weren’t late. Within a few minutes, they were gone. Alisha finished the dishes and went up and took a shower and put on her flannel pajamas and came back down to watch some tv. She found a good movie and curled up on the couch with a blanket and settled in to watch it. It was nice to be here alone for a change. She had just relaxed and started getting into the movie when someone rang the door bell. She got up and went out and found that it was Justin. He told her that he had found another calf killed, and it was a big cat that did it. She asked Justin to come in and asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee or something stronger. He told her coffee was fine. They sat at the kitchen bar and talked about the kill. Alisha had seen this before. She told Justin to tell all the guys to arm themselves while they were out on the ranch. If they got a shot at this killer, they should take the shot. Justin apologized for disturbing her, but he wanted to let Alisha and Bob know about what he had found as soon as possible. Alisha didn’t mind Justin stopping by, matter of fact, when she found it was him the first thought on her mind was fucking him again. Their conversation drifted and soon they were laughing and talking about a lot of unrelated things. Alisha got up and walked around the bar to where Justin was sitting. She pushed up close to him and kissed him. “Justin, it’s a lot more comfortable here than it was up at the lake, want to fuck me?” He asked where Bob was and Alisha told him that Bob and Anne were at a movie and wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours and Cody was out on a date. Justin didn’t waste any time, he kissed her and slid his hand up under her pajama top. His hands felt good on her breasts. They were warm and knew just how to touch a woman. He was kissing her on her neck as he slid his right hand down her side and into her pajama bottom, to her hot cunt. His finger slid down her slit, across her clit and into her wet pussy. She could feel herself getting wetter and the waves of pleasure were flowing all over her. Justin grasped her by the hips, picked her up and sat her on the kitchen bar. He pulled her flannel bottoms off, spread her legs with his hands and buried his tongue in her pussy. It felt so damn good, she yelled with pleasure as he continued to suck on her clit and assault her pussy with his tongue. He lubed up his index finger with her juice and slid it into her ass hole about two inches. His mouth worked her over and all of a sudden she felt herself cumming. She had leaned back on her hands and was totally enjoying what he was doing to her. After she came, she was grinning as she got down off the bar and led Justin to the living room where she removed her top and removed his jeans as he was taking off his shirt. She pulled his underwear down and took hold of his hard cock and began to suck it. It felt good to slide it down her throat and it really felt good when she felt him shoot his load into her mouth. He was cumming so quickly, it surprised her and she didn’t catch all of it in her mouth. It tasted good and was hot………..felt good going down her throat. She swallowed all of it and told him, “Man, that was fast.” He looked down at her and apologized for going off so quickly. She went up to him and kissed him, straddling his cock and sliding down on it. She began moving up and down on it, looking him in the eyes and said, “That’s all right darlin’, this is what we’re here for, the fuckin’ “. She was moving up and down on his hard cock enjoying every inch of it. Justin was feeling great too. He was holding her tits in his hands and squeezing them gently. Alisha was getting close to an orgasm. She sat down all the way on his cock and could feel it throbbing inside her, his balls were on her ass. She fucked Jason this way for at least an hour when she started cumming. The contractions of her pussy on his cock pushed him over the edge. He could feel the big load of cum traveling up his cock then exploding inside Alisha. It was a huge orgasm, cum was running out of her and down over his balls. She felt each pulse and each squirt of semen inside her vagina. When they both regained their senses, they looked at each other and kissed a long, wet kiss. Alisha got up off of Justin and told him they needed to end this, Bob and Anne should be home soon and he should go. He agreed. He really didn’t want Bob to catch him screwing his daughter, it might be a sticky situation and right now, he didn’t need that. He put on his clothes, kissed Alisha and left. Alisha put her pajamas back on and cleaned up the cum on the couch that had run out of her. She went upstairs and douched, otherwise Justin’s cum would continue to ooze out all night. Damn that was a good fuck, it really hit the spot and she didn’t have to entertain a man all night. She went back downstairs and popped some popcorn and went back to the tv. In about half an hour, Bob and Anne came in and joined her. She told Bob that Justin had came by and what he had reported to her. Bob was pissed. We need to go get that cat before he eats us out of house and home. Alisha told Bob that she told Justin to tell the guys to start carrying guns out on the ranch. She also told Bob that Justin had accepted the job offer they had given him. Bob was sincerely glad that he was going to take the position, he was sure that Justin would be a good fit. It was starting to snow lightly outside. Alisha told Bob that they should take her truck and go out and look for that mountain lion in the morning at first light. Bob thought that would be a good idea. “Lets take some traps and bait out to where that last kill was, he will probably come back to eat on it again…..we just might get lucky” They decided they would get up at 5 and head out. They all went to bed to get a little rest. It had been an eventful evening and she was tired.

As Alisha lay in bed trying to go to sleep, she remembered back many years when she was in college in Austin, Texas. She and a friend were out drinking in a bar one evening. She met a tall handsome cowboy in a little bar named Texas. It was a great place, many neon signs, country music and just a great atmosphere. She and the cowboy, Nate, had hit it off well and he asked her to come over to his place. She agreed and they left the bar. Alisha told him she would follow him, she didn’t want to be without a vehicle, just in case it didn’t go well He had a beautiful home in one of the nicer parts of Austin. They went inside and his big German Shepherd dog met them in the foyer. Nate told her that the dogs name was Jinx. He was a very friendly dog, matter of fact, the first thing Jinx did was stick his nose in her crotch and begin sniffing. Nate corrected Jinx. The dog went out of the foyer and to his pillow in the living room. Nate invited her to the bar in his living room. They talked and had a few drinks…..after a little while she got up and went to the couch and sat down. She liked Nate and she knew that this was going to be a good evening. Nate soon joined her, ha put his hand on her knee and kissed her very passionately. Well, one thing led to another and soon they were both naked making out like crazy. Alisha had had enough to drink and was feeling no pain. She got off the couch and onto her knees between his legs. She began to suck his cock and could taste small amounts of cum in her mouth as he oozed a little out as she sucked him. She was really getting into it, Nate had his hands on each side of her head guiding her head on off his cock……..she was loving every bit of it. She looked up at Nate, holding his cock and balls in her hands, and told him, “I want your cum in my mouth,” then went back down on him. It didn’t take long and he was spewing sperm into her mouth and onto her face. Alisha loved it, she loved the taste of cum and wanted every drop. All of a sudden, she felt something behind her, it was Jinx and he was licking her pussy. Nate had grasped her by the hair and was holding her down. She looked at Nate with a puzzled look on her face, then Jinx mounted her and began humping. Nate grinned at her and told her not to resist, just enjoy. She didn’t know what to do. Jinx had wrapped his front legs around her and she could feel his cock probing, trying to find her hole. He was humping her hard, then she felt it, his cock entered her pussy and he pushed it in all the way. She couldn’t believe that she was getting fucked by a dog and that Nate was holding her down letting him do it to her. The dog’s cock was huge, as big as a mans, she thought. Jinx continued humping her, driving his cock deep inside her, strangely, she was beginning to enjoy it and opened her legs wider to let him penetrate deeper. Nate’s cock was in her face, she was feeling so turned on, she started sucking his cock again while Jinx plowed her pussy. She felt something strange, Jinx had stopped humping and was standing still. There was something huge inside her. She could feel Jinx’s dick inside her, but there was something more that she couldn’t explain. Jinx’s head was over her shoulder, his tongue was hanging out as he panted heavily. Nate said to her, “Alisha, don’t try to pull away from him, he’s knotted you. A big knot has formed at the base of his cock, inside you, and it won’t go down till he’s finished cumming and it’s so big you can’t pull off of it till he’s finished.” She could feel Jinx’s cock pulsing and could feel super hot cum filling her. She went back to sucking Nate’s cock, and much to her surprise, actually enjoying the whole experience. It must have taken 15 minutes before the knot went down and Jinx’s dick came out of her pussy. When it did a huge gush of dog cum squirted out of her, at the same time, Nate shot a warm load of cum in her mouth. She raised up on her knees, she could feel Jinx’s cum running out of her. Nate was smiling, “Did you like it?” he asked. Alisha couldn’t believe herself when she said, “Yes I did.” Nate helped her to her feet and kissed her again. She could feel his hard cock between them. He led her to the side of the couch and bent her over the tall back. He slipped his cock inside her and began fucking her slow and easy. She was feeling really good and began to cum about a minute after Nate penetrated her. She noticed that Jinx was sitting a short distance away watching them. She could see his red dick sticking out of it’s sheath. She couldn’t believe how big of a cock Jinx had, heck it had to be 7 inches long. Alisha was lost in the moment when she felt Nate cumming. This had all been too strange. When Nate pulled out of her, he asked her if she wanted some more…………..from Jinx. She was still feeling light headed from the tequila and said,
“Why not!” He led her out into the middle of the room and told her to get down on all fours and crawl around, keeping her pussy away from Jinx. She did as she was told, Jinx knew what he wanted and was trying to get around behind her. Nate told her, “He will catch you, when he does, just relax and be still.” Nate was right, in a few minutes, Jinx got behind her and mounted her. He was humping away, she could feel his cock poking all around her hole till all at once, he found the mark and drove it home. He was humping her wildly, his cock plunging deep in and out of her, then she felt the knot begin to grow bigger and bigger until it wouldn’t come out and Jinx quit humping. She had climaxed twice before she got knotted. Jinx just lay there on her back, panting and cumming. She looked back between her legs and could see a stream of cum running out of her and onto the floor. Jinx crawled off of her, but couldn’t walk away, his knot was holding him inside her as he continued to cum. There they stood, ass to ass with his cock still inside her. Again, after about 15 minutes, the knot went away and he pulled out, Jinx’s cum squirting out of her. Damn, that dog had to have put a gallon of cum in her and it was so very hot, hotter than a mans. Nate helped her to her feet, cum running down the inside of both her legs. “Do you have somewhere I can clean up?” she asked. “Sure,” he said, “come with me.” He led her back through the house to a bathroom with a huge walk in shower. He went to a cupboard and pulled out a douche bag and handed it to her. “Here, you might need this. Jinx shoots a lot of cum, it will be running out of you for hours if you don’t douche, plus, I might want to eat you in a little while.” Alisha smiled, showered and douched.

She remembered every moment of that night. It was so perverted, but she had enjoyed every moment of it. She had always wanted to take on a big dog again, but had never had the nerve or the chance. She drifted off to sleep and the perverted dreams her subconscious mind yearned for.

The next morning Alisha awoke early, a while before sunrise. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen, the coffee maker had started at 4 and the morning “nectar of the gods” was ready. She poured a large cup, doctored it up and went back up to her room. She pulled the curtains to the side and stood sipping her coffee, watching the blood red color of morning appear behind the Sangre de Cristo mountains. She thought about the experience with the dog again. What a perverted thing, she thought. Then her mind wandered to her last year at UT. She had been living with Kurt Cramer for over a year. He was a great guy and had graduated from UT over a year ago. He was a petroleum engineer and worked for an oil company located in Austin. They were really close and she thought they were close to being married. She recalled the events of one evening, in particular, with vivid accuracy……………

I was going to meet my boyfriend Kurt’s best friend and fraternity brother for the first time. Kurt had wanted me to look amazing he had said. He had told me that all through college they had had a rivalry. So for fun I let him pick out my outfit.

I walked into the bedroom from the bathroom after having taken a shower and blow drying my hair, and smiled when I saw he had picked out my clingy black skirt that really hugged my hips, and showed a lot of my long legs. He had also picked out a red corset style top that I had never seen before. Next to the clothes I saw a white box with a red ribbon.

He was sitting at my vanity with a big smile on his face, “I bought you something that I would like for you to wear tonight.”

I opened the box to find a red lace garter belt with a matching pair of crotch-less lacey panties and a matching bra.

He was behind me and removed my robe. It dropped to the floor, and I felt his rough hands against my skin as he moved my long brunette hair to one side. He kissed the spot on my neck where it meets my shoulders.

“Can I put it on you?” he asked and nibbled my earlobe.

I let out a long sigh feeling warmth between my legs, and nodded.

He grabbed the panties and held them at my feet. I stepped into them, and he slid them ever so carefully up my legs. He kissed my inner thighs, and I let out a whimper. He looked up at me and smiled. The garter belt followed, and this time he kissed my stomach.

My skirt was slid up next. He turned me around to zipper me, and bit each of my ass cheeks so lightly. It tickled so I giggled. He spanked my ass in response.

He didn’t put the bra on, because the corset top had a built in bustier. He kissed my shoulders as he fastened the clasps in the back. He turned me around again, and reached into the top of the corset. He positioned my breasts so that they pushed up nice and high, and made my D-cups look more like E’s!

We were facing each other then, and our eyes were locked. I had never realized that getting dressed would be as much of a turn on as getting undressed. He kissed me long and hard then, and I wanted to claw his clothes off and fuck him right then and there.

He pushed me back down on the bed. Then turned to the dresser, and pulled out a pair of nude thigh high stockings. He knelt before me, and slowly rolled each one up my legs. He ran his hands up my right leg after the stocking was on and attached it to the garter belt, and did the same with the left. He had picked out three inch black heels for me to wear. Smiling, I stepped into them.

I felt like a pampered princess at that point. He stood before me, and pushed me back onto the bed. He lay on top of me, and we kissed. His hands roved my body, and I began to pull his shirt out of his pants. I wanted him so bad at that point.

He pushed himself off the bed, “We’re going to be late.”

We met his friend at a very fancy uptown restaurant. Kurt’s friend was very tall, and had shoulder length brown hair. He was introduced to me as Greg.

Greg’s brown eyes never left my breasts, especially when we shook hands, and they jiggled a little. I looked to Kurt, and saw the proud expression on his face.

Kurt had graduated the year before, and Greg was a senior that year. After they went over polite conversation about what each other had been up to they spent most of the evening talking about the fraternity and the new pledges.

By dessert I was feeling a little bit alienated, seeing as I hadn’t said much since the salad was brought to the table. However, I had enjoyed three, or maybe five, glasses of red wine.

Before I knew it, Kurt was closing the door to the car after I had climbed in. Dinner was over and I was a bit tipsy. I watched out the window as he spoke to Greg.

I was a little annoyed that I had been ignored most of the evening. I had decided that I was going to tell Kurt how annoyed I was when he got back in the car.

Just as I was about to open my mouth after he climbed into the car. He placed his hand on my thigh and kissed my forehead.

“Would you mind if we went back to the frat house. You can see where I used to live.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, “Actually I would mind! First of all your little friend’s eyes NEVER left my tits, and second of all you two didn’t acknowledge me all night!”

He squeezed my thigh, “I’m sorry baby, but you have no idea how happy that made me!”

I looked at him with my mouth agape.

“You are just that hot! Please, just one more thing for me. I promise I’ll pay more attention to you.”

He slid his hand up my thigh, and touched my naked pussy.


I smiled and kissed his lips.

“Alright, but you’re going to pay dearly for this when we get home.”

He smiled and started the car. “I can’t wait!”

We pulled up to a run down row house with three Greek letters on the front of it. The steps to the front door were painted the fraternity colors, and also had the letters on them.

As we walked up the steps to the door, Greg stood at the top with a big grin on his face. I felt his eyes go up and down my body as I climbed the steps.

It wasn’t that he was an unattractive man, I just didn’t like the way he looked at me.

As I passed him through the door I felt his hand squeeze my ass. I turned sharply to glare at him. He just smiled in return.

Kurt had entered before me, and tugged my hand forward. I decided that since I was only going to be in this house for a short period of time I would let that slide.

Greg had disappeared within the house as Kurt gave me the whole tour of the house. Kurt told me tales of his years there with each room. He told me of who lived where when he was there, and a little story of each person. I had never realized how much fun he had had while in college.

The last room he showed me was the biggest bedroom I had seen by far. There was a giant king size bed in the middle, and dark curtains on the windows. It was also the cleanest.

Most of the rooms were littered with empty beer cans and bottles, crumpled papers, dirty clothes, and posters with half naked women on them. This room was painted a light green, and the only furniture was the bed, a stereo, and a few mirrors on the walls, and one on the ceiling.

Kurt walked past me and sat on the edge of the bed. I stood in the doorway.

“What was this room for?”

It must have been the entire third floor of the house.

He smiled at me, “It’s the honeymoon suite my dear.”

I looked behind me. There was no one there, and I remembered that we hadn’t come across many of the houses residents during the tour. However, I had heard the door open a few times.

I looked back at Kurt and smiled, “What about Greg?”

He shrugged, “He’ll probably figure it out, but I’m sure he’s got himself busy playing some video game with the guys.”

I closed the door behind me. I figured that since he had so many memories from his college years there, I might as well give him one as well.

I walked over to the stereo and flipped the stations until I found a beat I liked. I turned to see his eyes were on me. I began to sway with the music as I walked towards him. I ran my hands over my breasts and gave them a squeeze when I faced him, with my back to the door.

I slid my skirt around so that the zipper was in the front, and slid the zipper down slowly. I turned facing the door, and slid the skirt down, bending over. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks, and remained there for a moment.

I stood up, and he put his hands back down at his sides. I sat on his lap and grinded my ass into his crotch. I felt that he had a semi, and reached behind for his hands. I put them over my tits. He pulled down the cloth covering them, and tweaked my nipples as I ground into him.

He was nuzzling my neck and biting my shoulders. I stood up and faced him. I bent down, and put his face in my breasts for a moment. Then I backed up and continued to move with the music.

Kurt stood up and I went over to him. He put his hands on my hips and the two of us moved together to the music. His hands went to my ass squeezing it, and slapping it playfully.

I knelt down before him, and unzipped his fly. I was delighted to see that his cock was outside the slit in his briefs as it sprung out free from the pants. I let his pants fall to his ankles as I began to kiss and lick the head of his hard cock. I heard him groan slightly as I flicked my tongue against the shaft of his cock.

I slid my fingers under the band of his briefs and slid them down his legs. He stepped out of them, and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I sucked on it as if it were a lollipop.

I looked up and saw that he was watching me. I winked at him, and he took off his shirt himself. I reached around and squeezed his ass as I took more of his cock into my mouth. I saw his fists ball up on either side of my head. I closed my eyes and took him all the way into my mouth, and dipped his seven inch cock down my throat.

I felt his hand on the back of my head, and it grabbed a fist full of my hair. He groaned as I began to pump his cock in and out of my mouth. He pulled my head back by my hair, and I opened my eyes to look up at him.

“Can I lay down on the bed?” he asked.

I nodded, and he flopped down onto his back. He curled a finger at me, and I crawled onto the bed. I was now on all fours with my ass sticking up in the air and I licked him again.

This time I cupped his balls as I took him deep into my mouth again. I had established a rhythm quickly. Turning my head slightly as I went down, and twisting my hand as my head went up. I never heard the door open, as all I could hear were his groans of delight.

I jumped when I felt the hand on my ass.

“What the-“

I turned and saw Greg naked behind me. His semi erect cock was in one of his hands, and his other was cupping my ass.

I looked up to Kurt with a pleading expression. The answer I got was his hand on my head shoving my head down on his cock. I tried to protest, but he pushed my head down so that his cock was down my throat. He grabbed my hair, and began to pull my head up and down on his cock.

I felt Greg’s large hands on my moist pussy lips rubbing them, and then spreading them. I wanted to tell him to stop, but something about it was a turn on. I didn’t know if it was that Gregg was playing with me, or if it was Kurt pulling head down onto his cock.

I heard Kurt groan and grunt like he never had before.

I couldn’t help but moan when I felt Greg’s tongue licking my lips. One of his fingers began to wiggle its way inside me, and I sucked harder on Kurt’s cock. Kurt’s hand wasn’t on my head anymore; he was now clawing at the bed sheet. His face was twisted in ecstasy as I took him deeper in my throat than I had ever before.

I gagged slightly. I felt a small orgasm building as Greg rubbed my clit with one of his fingers, and stuck his tongue into my pussy. I groaned and moaned onto Kurt’s cock.

Kurt suddenly pulled my head up and stood up next to the bed. I looked up at him unsure what to do as Greg continued to lick my pussy. He reached over and tapped Greg. Greg stopped, and quickly took Kurt’s spot on the bed.

I looked from Kurt to Gregg unsure what to do. What had I gotten myself into? I looked down at the cock in front of me, and felt Kurt’s hand on my head again. He pushed my head down so that my lips were against the head of Greg’s cock.

No words were spoken, and I took it into my mouth. As I sucked on the head it began to grow. Greg’s cock was longer than Kurt’s, but not as thick, and was much veinier.

I ran my tongue up and down the veins. Greg grabbed two fists-full of my hair and pulled my head down on his cock. He had control of how much went into my mouth. At first he started slow.

I felt two of Kurt’s fingers inside me. He wiggled them around and I moaned on the cock in my mouth. I couldn’t believe how it some how grew another half inch. Greg pulled my head down harder and I gagged on his long cock.

Kurt was pushing his fingers deep in me to match Greg’s pulling my head down. Another orgasm built up in me, and my body shook as I came on Kurt’s fingers, and choked on Greg’s cock.

Then I gasped when Kurt slammed his cock into me. He pulled my hips back, and thrust his cock inside. Soon Greg was groaning as every time Kurt thrusts forward I took Greg’s cock more into my throat.

I felt like a pig on a rotisserie, and had never felt so good in my life. My body shook quickly as I came again.

I felt something cool being poured between my ass cheeks. I couldn’t look back because Greg had pulled at my head and hair again. His cock was pulsing in my mouth, but I could tell he was holding back on his orgasm.

I felt a finger slide itself into my ass, and then a squirt of cum went down my throat. I gagged at first, but then swallowed as much as I could, but most of it dribbled out of my mouth.

Greg let go of my head, and turned to see that the finger working its way into my asshole did not belong to Kurt. A Rastafarian-looking black man with long dreds was poking his fingers into my ass.

I had never met him before, but he was very well built, and very naked. His cock hung limp between his legs. He squirted more cool liquid onto my asshole, and pushed two fingers into my ass. I groaned, and came again.

When I turned back to the bed in front of me I saw that there was a naked skinny redhead in front of me. I took his limp cock into my mouth, and quickly sucked him to life.

He was much smaller than Gregg. And I could take all of him into my mouth without gagging. I heard some more voices in the room, but didn’t care. Someone was now smacking my ass as Kurt’s cock grew inside me. I felt him squirt deep in me, and then he slurped out.

To my surprise he was replaced by a thicker shorter cock. I had no idea who was fucking me now. The cock in my pussy was being pumped in and out roughly. The cock would be thrust in and the two fingers in my ass would slide out. When the cock slid back, the fingers would be pushed deep in. I had experience with anal sex, and rather enjoyed it.

I saw a cock being jerked to life out of the corner left eye, and felt someone to my right pull at my nipples. I knew my ass cheeks had to be red by now because of all the spankings I was getting.

I felt another finger in my ass stretching it and squealed on the cock that was now thrusting into my mouth. The red head was pushing my head down, and fucking my mouth. I couldn’t concentrate on sucking his cock anymore. I was enjoying the anal pleasure, and the rough fucking I was getting.

The red head got up, and someone else took his place. I wasn’t paying attention then. I screamed as an orgasm rolled through my body and I shook. The cock inside me exploded. I heard the man behind me squeal, and he slurped out of me.

I felt a smaller cock take his place, and assumed it was the red head attempting to fuck me. I felt cum, mine and the others, dripping out and down my legs. I groaned into the new cock in mouth.

The red head came quickly, and he pulled out squirting his load into my asshole. The fingers in my ass slid out. The man before me climbed off the bed. I turned to see seven men in the room.

Kurt and Greg were idling stroking their cocks; the red head had taken a seat on the floor with a content look on his face; Rasta-man was licking his lips, I saw that it was his fingers slick with lube; the man who’s cock I had just been sucking pulled me off the bed; one of the others knelt before me, and began to suck on my clit; the other twisted and pulled on my nipples.

My knees began to tremble, and I was led back to the bed. I straddled the last cock that was in my mouth. He was thrusting inside me and I squealed. The man who had sucked my clit stood on the bed, and pulled my head to his cock. I took him eagerly into my mouth, and sucked on him with a new fever.

I grunted and groaned as the man pushed deep up into my womb. The other pulled my head closer to his body so that his cock was balls deep in my mouth. He pulled my head back and sprayed cum all over my face. It got up my nose, and in my hair. He let me go, and I felt another hand push me back down.

I screamed as the cock drove deep into my pussy. I felt four fingers pushing against my anus. It was the cock that I had yet to experience that was now being pushed into my well stretched ass. He slid the head inside me slowly, and I gasped. The man beneath me had stopped thrusting.

The cock in my ass was the biggest one I had had that night. It was worked in slowly. By the time it was balls deep I was crying. He pulled out slowly, and the cock in my pussy thrust inside hard. I thought it was almost out, when the cock in my ass was forced in hard. I cried out loud, and the two cocks began alternating.

The man on the bottom came quickly after that. Kurt replaced him, and began fucking me with new stamina. I was so weak from all the orgasms I had had that day that I couldn’t stop shaking.

The cock in my ass soon squirted, and cum dripped down mixing with the cum on my thighs. I was so stretched that Greg’s cock slid quickly up my ass in its place. He began fucking my ass hard.

He and Kurt were thrusting inside me at the same time, I could barely stand it. I couldn’t believe that I could cum again. This time there were fireworks and I passed out.

I awoke the next morning in the bed with Kurt. My hair was plastered to my head with dry cum. The room smelled of sweat and sex. Kurt was already awake watching me sleep. He kissed my forehead and said, “Thank you.”

I just lay there, still exhausted from the hard fucking I had gone through. I looked at Kurt and asked him why he did this to me.

He just smiled at me and told me that all the fraternity brothers bring their girlfriends here before they ask them to marry them.

I looked at Kurt, puzzled at how he could put the woman he was going to ask to marry him through something like that. He was still smiling as he rolled over on top of me and pushed his hard cock deep into my pussy. I was pissed as he continued to thrust in and out of me. In a short while I felt his cock swell and a load of hot cum sprayed all over the inside of my vagina.

He crawled off of me, stood at the edge of the bed and asked, “Alisha, will you marry me?”

I couldn’t believe his nerve, he lured me to this place only to be screwed by, I don’t know how many of his fraternity brothers, and I don’t know how many times. Then he asks me to marry him? I got up off the bed, gobs of co-mingled cum running out of me and down my legs. I gathered my clothes and put them on. I turned and said, “Kurt, go fuck yourself and all your fucking frat brats, we’re done.”

I opened the door to the room and stormed out. I started seeing the faces of the men that had fucked me last night, standing around the house as I went down the stairs and out the front door. Greg was sitting on the front steps.

“Good morning, Alisha, you don’t have to leave so soon, we can have more fun if you want to, you’re damn good and I’d like to do one more round with you.” He was laughing as I went down the front walk.

I turned, flipped him off and told him to go fuck himself also.

I went to the apartment and showered, totally cleaning myself up. I called the building super and had him change the locks, then I began packing Kurt’s things up and stacking them in the hallway. I was so mad and felt so betrayed……………..

The sun had started peeking above the mountains as Alisha continued to sip on her coffee and think about that betrayal. It still hurt that he had done that to her. Hell, all he had to say to her was, it’s over. She grinned and thought, it’s just another of life’s experiences that makes me strong today. She wondered where Kurt was today and what he was doing. She had mistakenly loved a frat brat that had no consideration for her. Oh well………

She finished her coffee and went to the shower, got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast and face the day. She had a lot to get done and was looking forward to the day and it’s challenges. She had to go to the Coop and get a pallet of feed. She knew she would see Fred while she was there. She thought back to that Saturday afternoon over at his house. She had really enjoyed that, he was such a good lover and she loved his cock……it was just the right size for her. Before she left, she and Bob talked a little about the purchase of the Marrs Ranch and what she needed to get done before it could happen. She told her Dad that she had signed the contract, now all she had to do, to finish, was to get the divorce settlement. She also had ordered a survey of the ranch boundaries. There had been some talk about a boundary discrepancy along the Rio Grande Forest boundary and she wanted it cleared up. She had also ordered an appraisal of the property, just for her records.

Bob grinned, “I’ve raised a smart gal, looks like you have all the bases covered. Alisha thanked him for his confidence in her. “Also, Dad, I have a meeting with the Forest Service this afternoon. Two grazing permits, that border ours, are available. They consist of 5000 acres of prime grazing. I’m going to try to get them for us, do you want to come along?” He told her that he thought she could handle it, he had a meeting with Bob Bradley this afternoon. Bradley had called him yesterday and told him about a rustling problem he was having and wanted to talk to Bob about it. Bob thought it was important that he meet with Bradley as their ranches were adjacent to each other and the problem could cross over to the Singletree. Alisha asked him to keep her informed and she would take care of negotiating the Forest Lease.



She had called the Forest Service office last week and set an appointment up with the Forest Supervisor in Monte Vista. She had heard about the two leases coming available and wanted to be the first to get in line to get them. If she could secure these, it would complete her plan for expansion. First, she had to go to the Coop and pick up the pallet of feed she had ordered. Perhaps she would have a chance to talk to Fred while she was there. She thought back to that afternoon with him……..he had given her a good fucking that she would not forget any time soon. As she pulled up to the feed warehouse, Fred, seeing it was Alisha, came out to greet her. As he walked out, one of the guys that worked there walked out also. Fred told him to go get that pallet of feed and load it on her truck. Fred leaned against the door of Alisha’s truck and took a good look at her tits. She had very impressive breasts and liked for men to look at them.

“Hi Alisha, I’ve sure missed seeing your naked body over at my place. Why don’t you come over again sometime and let’s have some fun.”

She smiled at Fred, “I’ve been a little busy trying to finish up this deal with Marrs for his ranch. I think that I’ve about got it done and we do need to do it again. How about next Wednesday after work? Are you game?”

Fred smiled at her and told her that he would have dinner ready about 7 on Wednesday and the water in the pool and hot tub are perfect and swim attire is not required.

She smiled and said, “You’re on stud, I’ll see you then. When I get there, you’d better be stripped and ready for action ‘cause I want a lot.”

He winked at her as the feed was being loaded in her truck. He had the invoice for her, she signed it and she was on her way. She was ready for Fred again. Hell, she ought to take Cody with her and they could have a threesome. That’s something to consider, could be fun. She got back to the ranch and the guys unloaded the feed. She stopped by the office as Bob was leaving to go down to New Mexico to see Bradley. She went in to get the paper work she needed to take with her to the Forest Service. Justin was in the office. She was impressed. He was business and all business, no sexual innuendo or advances. They talked about what his job would entail. Alisha did a fast rundown on what she expected from him. She had told the other guys that he was the manager and they should listen to him like they did to her. She told him to continue to familiarize himself with the current workings of the ranch and she would go over everything with him tomorrow. Meanwhile, she wanted him to get all of the stock moved down to the winter pastures as there is a storm brewing in the Northwest that is headed this way.

“Let’s be prepared if this baby comes our way, it could be our first taste of winter. Just get all the stock moved down to the winter pastures, the guys know what to do, just tell them, I should be back by 4, I’ll talk to you more then.”

Alisha was good at keeping it all business also. All she needed was a pussy chaser sniffing around when there was work to be done. It appeared that Justin believed the same thing. This was going to be a good fit, she could tell.

She arrived at the Forest Service offices right on time. She went to Art Rivers office, the Forest Supervisor. When she walked in, he got up from his desk and greeted her. When he saw her come in, he thought what a beautiful woman she is. They sat and talked for the better part of an hour. When she left, she had secured the two leases. Art told her that he would have the contracts ready sometime next week and would bring them over to the Singletree office for her and Bob to sign. She was elated. This meant that her plans for the ranch were on track. She had a meeting with the representative from Bio-Gen next week also. She could get that contract firmed up then. She just didn’t know when the money from the divorce would come through. She had to talk to Mike, their lawyer, and see how that was coming along. She arrived back at the ranch at about 4:30 and Justin was waiting for her at the office.

“I’m glad you’re here, Justin, I have a little time and we can talk about your job here with no interruptions. They talked for almost two hours. Alisha outlined his job for him. There was nothing there that surprised him…….his job description was pretty much what he had expected. When they finished, Alisha had his contract ready to be signed. He signed it and she shook his hand and told him welcome. Before he left the office, she told him she wanted to talk “off the record” with him. He turned to her and said , “sure, what do you want to talk about.” She told him that she really appreciated his professional manner……like not talking about their personal lives on company time. He smiled, “it’s hard Alisha, but that’s the way we have to be to make this work. Whatever we may do during our personal time, shouldn’t be brought up during work hours.” They shook hands on it and left it there. This was going to work well she is thinking.

Alisha went to the house. Her mother was cooking dinner and having a drink. When Alisha walked in, she asked her if she wanted a drink. Alisha told her to make it a double Patron on the rocks. She had had a very busy day and those memories of college had reminded her of some of her, less than honorable, moments. She told her mother about the Forest leases and she was very happy for Alisha.
“Your dad will be so proud of you, like he isn’t already.” she laughed. She poured Alisha’s drink. Alisha took a big sip and settled down on a bar stool. They had not had a chance to talk since Anne decided to go ahead and let her leave the practice. They had a lot of catching up to do……..and they did. When Bob arrived home, they were both a little tipsy and giggling uncontrollably. Bob knew that he had better catch up with them or it was not going to be much fun. He poured himself a Makers Mark and joined in on the conversation. Alisha told him about the Forest leases and he was elated. They all were having a great time when Cody arrived. She was the only sober one there, she didn’t know what the hell was going on, but she had to be a part of it. They had dinner and a few after dinner drinks and a good family conversation. Soon everyone was ready for bed, so the party ended rather early. Tomorrow was going to be another one of those days. Alisha needed a new truck, a three quarter ton. Her half ton truck just wasn’t quite enough to do what she needed so she thought she would go by Town and Country and see what they had. She yawned as she walked up the stairs to her room. The Patron was doing the job and she was ready for some sleep. She stripped down and crawled between the sheets and immediately drifted off.

Again Alisha is up early. She showers, gets dressed and goes down to the kitchen. To her surprise, Anne is up and making breakfast. Alisha greets her and pours herself a large cup of coffee and commences to “doctor it up” as usual. Bob is the next one to arrive. They chat about the day and some general things about the ranch. Alisha tells Bob that she will be gone for a while this morning, she is going into town and see if she can find a heavier duty truck.

Bob tells her, “I heard that Town and Country has a new owner, just took over last week. They say he is a really nice guy and is making some deals that even the front-range dealers can’t top.”

“Well, I guess I might be shopping at just the right time.” she said.

Bob tells her he thinks she is making a good decision, as she will be need a truck that will handle the large trailers on the ranch.
She finishes breakfast and goes to the office to take care of a few things before she goes to town. Justin is in the office. He tells her that he has the guys moving the cattle to the winter pastures today and they should be finished before dark. “That’s good, “ she said, “If you need me, call me on my cell.” She had to stop by the bank and make a deposit and also see her lawyer and find out where the divorce is at. When she arrives in town she runs a few other errands and makes her deposit. When she stops by her lawyer’s office, Mike is just walking out of the door.

He smiles and greets her, “Hi Alisha, how are you doing today?”

She smiles and tells him that everything is fine with her. “I was just stopping by to see how the divorce is progressing.”

Mike tells her that Dayle is supposed to drop the settlement check off before the end of the week and that all the papers have been signed and filed. “The divorce could be final within the next week or so. I have the settlement contract signed and filed, so I can disburse the money to you next week sometime, as soon as I receive the filing receipt back from the court.”

“That’s great,” she tells him, “I need to close on that land deal I told you about within the next two weeks, this should be fine.”

She felt great, this means that all of her plans can move forward. Her next stop is Town and Country Auto Mall. When she gets there she goes to the Ford sales area. She gets out of her truck and goes inside. She sees a group of men talking in the showroom and sees a super duty truck on display. She walks over to the truck, opens the door and sits in the driver seat, looking it over. It is a really nice truck, just what she is looking for. It’s a three quarter ton super duty, 4 wheel drive, crew cab, King Ranch package, short bed, it’s white with a silver stripe along the bottom of the cab, above the step bars. It was all leather interior………it’s just beautiful and exactly what she is looking for.

Soon after she gets in the truck, a man approaches, “That’s a really nice truck, don’t you think? The King Ranch package has almost all of the options available, and, if I might say, a beautiful lady deserves a beautiful truck.”

Alisha climbed down out of the truck smiling. He was a very handsome man, very close to her age. He was dressed in slacks, boots, white shirt and tie. He had a very muscular build and dark, neatly trimmed hair. She didn’t know who he was, but, she was surely going to find out. A girl didn’t come across a man like this very often and she wasn’t about to let this one get past her.

He extended his hand, “My name is Colin Braxton, I’m the new owner of this dealership, and you are………………….?”

“Oh, hi, I’m Alisha Moore, I am co-owner of the Singletree Ranch….and I’m very glad to meet you, Mr. Braxton.”

“Please, call me Colin. When I saw such a beautiful woman in my showroom, I knew I had to take care of you personally. I’ve heard about the Singletree Ranch. Who is the other owner. Seems I have heard it is one of the biggest ranches in Colorado.”

“Well, Mr. Braxton……….uh Colin, thank you for the compliment, you flatter me. The other owner is my Father, Bob Moore………..and yes, it is the biggest ranch in Colorado.”

“What may I help you with today……Alisha…..are you in the market for a new truck?”

“Yes I am,” she said, “and I really like this one. I want to trade in my half-ton, I need a heavier duty truck.”

“I have another one, exactly the same, sitting outside…..would you like to take a test drive? I’ll go get the keys.”

He left her to go get the keys. She couldn’t help but notice how the other salesmen in the showroom were looking at her. She could tell that they all had wanted to wait on her, but the boss aced them out……he he he. He returned with the keys and a dealer plate and they left the showroom. He was correct. This one was an exact duplicate of the one on the showroom floor. He handed her the keys and they climbed into the new truck. Alisha turned on the key until the glow plug light came on, she was familiar with diesel engines, then started it.

“I can see you know about diesels, most women wouldn’t have known what the starting procedure is. You are really an amazing woman. I wouldn’t have thought you owned and operated a ranch, when you walked in.”

The truck engine was warmed up and Alisha put in gear and left the parking lot. She took it out on the highway and punched it. The Power Stroke Diesel engine roared to life and the truck shot down the highway, accelerating quickly to 80 MPH. She was impressed with it. She knew that this was the truck she wanted. The ranch had used Ford products since the beginning of time and she wasn’t going to change. She pulled onto the shoulder of the highway and made a u-turn and started back toward town.

Colin couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was absolutely beautiful, a great body, fantastic taste in clothes, and he had heard, a highly intelligent and smart woman.
“What do you do on the ranch, Alisha?”

“I do everything on the ranch. My Dad started me on the ranch when I was a teenager. I’ve worked cattle, working right along side of the men that work for me. I can ride, rope, brand, vaccinate, assist the birth of a calf, castrate……….really, anything that has to be done in the day to day operations. Now I am buying another ranch and my Dad and I are merging them. Dad still is going to be active in the management, but I am the Managing Owner and will oversee all the operations.” I also have a Masters Degree in psychology and sociology and am about to receive my PhD.”

Colin was visibly impressed. “Tell you what, it’s almost lunch time, what say I take you to lunch and we can talk a little more, I’d love to get to know you.”

Alisha smiled, “You are such a gentleman, Colin, I’d love to go to lunch with you. Where should I go?”

“Let’s go to the Cattails Restaurant………it’s quiet and intimate and we can talk without having to shout.”

Alisha pointed the truck toward the golf course and punched it again. She really liked this truck, maybe if she turned on the charm, he’d give her a good deal. They arrived at Cattails, Colin was out of the truck in a flash and around to her side. He opened the door, took her hand and helped her down out of the cab. They went inside and were seated by the windows. It was a beautiful setting…..looking out of the South windows. There were many large cottonwoods, the green fairways and greens with the Rio Grande River flowing through it. Plus, it was a beautiful day and she was having lunch with a very handsome man. “I really like that truck, Colin, what kind of price do you have on it?”

“Let’s not talk business right now, I’d rather get to know more about you better…..I’m going to give you a fantastic deal, that you can’t refuse, on the truck……..it will be my no haggle price for a very beautiful woman…….we can talk about that after lunch.”

Alisha knew she was blushing, he was sooooooo smooth, soooooooo handsome and she could tell he was a very intelligent man……just the kind of man she could make a life with…….just the kind of man she wouldn’t use. She wanted to get to know him, much better. Hopefully, this was the beginning of something she had been searching for all of her life……..she had to keep Cody away from this one. “And where are you from, Colin?” she asked.

“I was born in a little town, just outside of Los Angeles. My family moved to Dallas, Texas when I was four. I lived there after that. I attended the University of Texas at Houston and graduated with a Masters in Business Administration. My Dad had bought the Mercedes Benz dealership in Dallas when we moved there and has since bought 3 other dealerships in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. When I got out of college, I worked for him for several years. After that I decided to go out on my own. I was told by Ford that this dealership was for sale, I called the owner and presto, 7 months later I owned it. Are you a practicing psychiatrist also?”

She told him she was and was a partner in her Mothers practice, but was pursuing the ranch and only working on special cases, as needed.”

“Beautiful, smart, rugged…….and did I say beautiful………..Alisha, you are a man’s dream come true.”

The waitress came to take their order. They glanced at their menus and ordered. She asked them what they wanted to drink. They both ordered iced tea and the waitress left.

“Like I was saying, would you consider going out with me, lets say, Friday night. If you can get away about 4, we can have dinner at The Exchange in Denver.”

“In Denver? That’s a long drive, we will need to leave by 3 to get there for dinner, and, there’s a storm coming. Can’t we go somewhere around here?”

Colin was laughing, “Alisha, I have a jet, we can be in Denver in 15 minutes, after takeoff, I’ll have a limo meet us at the airport, we can have a wonderful dinner and be back before 11.”

Now Alisha was impressed. “I’d love to go to dinner with you on Friday, Colin.

Their lunches arrived and they chit chatted, laughed and got to know each other. Alisha had never met a man like Colin before. There had been a lot of men in her life, but she could tell that this one was special…….nothing like the random fucks she had known for the last several years. This was the first guy since Kurt that she had any romantic interest in. This could be the one, she thought, everything I like in one package, plus……..he’s rich, he’s not after my money, he has his own.

They finished lunch and went back to the dealership. They went to his office over in another building. “Alisha, the cost of this truck is $64,876.52. My cost on it is $38,214.
With prep, title, taxes and delivery, I’m going to let you have it for $35,000 even.”

Alisha almost fell out of her chair, “I know you said you were going to make me a fantastic deal, but………I never expected this, this is less than your cost.”

“I know Alisha, but I do get the hold back on it, it has to do with the floor plan costs.
After I take that off, 35 is my actual cost. Just don’t tell anyone around town about the price I’m giving you, it’s just for you and only you………..you see, Alisha, you have made my head spin and I am very interested in knowing you………much, much better.”

She smiled at Colin and told him he had a deal…….and ……that she was wanting to get to know him……..much, much better, also. She was on cloud nine, completely swept off her feet. She hoped that he was being honest with her, she didn’t know if she could take being used again. She had become a very bitter woman, using men for her own pleasure and discarding them, not willing to trust. Then, she had this addiction to sex to deal with. What if he heard about her promiscuity? She would handle the problems, one at a time and if this relationship went anywhere, she would pick the time and tell him the whole truth about herself. She knew that it could become a deal breaker with a man, but if she saw that he really cared about her, she would come clean when the time was right.

Colin told her he would have the truck ready by closing time. If you will come by about 5, it will be ready…….maybe they could go out to dinner and have a drink or two and talk some more. She thought that would be fantastic. They went to the finance department to finalize the paperwork. The credit manager asked her how she wanted to pay for the truck, she replied that, if he took cash, she would just write a check………which was ok with him. When he saw the price, he looked at Colin with a puzzled look on his face…….“I think you might have made a mistake, Mr. Braxton, this can’t be correct.” Colin looked at the credit manager and told him, “Cameron, it is exactly correct,” his voice was a bit stern and Cameron realized it was his mistake to question the boss. “ He finished up the paper work and Alisha signed it.

Colin escorted her to her truck and opened the door for her. “Well, Alisha, till 5. I’ll be counting the minutes. I am so looking forward to this evening. See you then.”

She said bye to him and left the dealership, a smile on her face and a happy tune in her heart. Damn, could she be so lucky to maybe have found Mr. Right. She was singing a tune as she got back to the office.

Bob definitely noticed her good mood and said, “Boy, are we feeling good this afternoon or what. You must have bought a new truck………..it has the same effect on me.”

Alisha nodded at him smiling, enjoying the moment to the max. It was about 3 pm and she just couldn’t wait. She was humming a tune to herself and walking on air around the office doing her work. Bob sat at his desk, shaking his head, “Ok,” he said, “tell me what’s going on, this is more than just a new truck, come on, tell your old Dad what is going on.”

Alisha burst out and told him that she had met the new owner, Colin Braxton, and that he was about the dreamiest man she had ever met and that he had bought her lunch and gave her a King Ranch truck for 35,000 and that he was taking her to dinner tonight and he was taking her to dinner on Friday……..in Denver……..and she was just so happy she could hardly handle it!”

Bob grinned and suddenly it all came together. She had met a man she was, evidently, very fond of……….well maybe the word isn’t exactly fond. He laughed and told her he was happy for her and when did he get to meet and scrutinize him. Alisha frowned at him, then they both laughed. “I’m sure that he is a good man,” Bob said, “I’ve heard some really nice things about him around town……..I’m happy for you.” Alisha rushed around and finished what she was working on. “Dad, I’m outta here, I have to go change and go get my new truck. They are putting in a gooseneck hitch and it will be ready at 5 and don’t wait up, I’ll be late.”

She danced out the door of the office past Justin, jumped in her truck and sped up toward the house. Justin was puzzled, what the hell was going on with her, he thought.

Alisha jumped in the shower and put on a really nice dress she had. It was a bit more conservative than she usually wore. The dress came to just above her knees and the scoop neckline showed just a small amount of cleavage. She wore her 2 inch heels and wrapped a scarf around her neck. She stood looking in the mirror at herself thinking if this doesn’t get his juices flowing, nothing will. She didn’t want to come on too strong tonight, she would save that for Friday……..that was “little black dress” night.
She arrived at the dealership right at 5. She went over to Colin’s office. He was coming out as she came into the building. His eyes lit up and almost popped out of his head when he saw her.

“My God, Alisha, you are absolutely ravishing, I’ll be the envy of every man in Alamosa this evening.”

Alisha was flattered, but, she already knew that. Colin brought out all the paperwork and the keys for her new truck. “Let’s take my car, I’ll bring you back to your truck later. I thought we’d go up to the Rio Grande Club in South Fork, if that’s ok with you.”

“That’s perfect,” she said. She took his arm and they went to his car, it was a Lincoln Mark IV. They drove to South Fork and talked all the way. They had so much in common, it was unbelievable. As they entered the Rio Grande Club, every man in the room turned their head to take a good look at Alisha, that made Colin feel really good, the fact that they all desired her and HE was the one with her. Colin could tell that he was falling for her, she was something very special and he was going to make her his………he could just tell…….they were made for each other. They were seated and he ordered wine. They talked, laughed and Colin could do nothing but take in her exquisite beauty. Dinner took 4 hours and for Colin it passed in the blink of an eye. He was totally captivated by her.

They drove back to Alamosa and talked all the way. Colin drove to the dealership and took Alisha to her new truck. They sat in his car and talked for at least an hour. She really liked Colin, and wanted to continue seeing him. He told her that it was getting late and maybe they needed to go home. She agreed. He got out and walked around to her door. He opened the door and took her by the hand and helped her out. Colin walked her over to her new truck. She turned to him and told him what a fabulous time she had. He had also had the time of his life. She opened the door and turned ot him again, this time he moved close to her and kissed her, so lightly on her lips. He said good night and helped her up into the truck. On the drive home she was so happy she could hardly contain it. She yelled and sang and whistled and in general was just about the happiest she had ever been. Hell, she didn’t even feel like she needed to fuck him…….and that was a first for her. She pulled into the yard and went in…….humming a happy tune as she danced up the steps.

When Colin drove away from the dealership, he was so happy he couldn’t contain it. He was listening to some good music and singing along. He was ecstatic with joy. Had he found the one or was it a mirage. He believed this was as happy as he had ever been. Friday was day after tomorrow, he didn’t know if he could wait to see her again. When he got home he couldn’t sleep, just thinking about her and her exquisite body. The way that dress fit her, leaving a lot to the imagination, was so sexy……..it fit her just right showing all her curves and accentuating her figure. And then there was all the conversation, hell they had everything in common………..she was great. He lay there thinking about her………..and several miles away……….she lay in bed thinking about him…….both wishing the other was lying there with them……….

The morning came, Alisha had slept in and it was almost 7:30. She bailed out of bed and jumped into her clothes. She grabbed a cup of coffee as she went out the door. The guy from Bio-Gen would be here at nine and she had a lot of prep to do before he arrived. As she ran out, her mom told her she had a really pretty truck. Alisha told her thank you over her shoulder as she went out the door. She got to the office and found that Bob was already there. He walked out, looking at her truck. “Boy, that’s a damn nice set of wheels you have Alisha. He told her he was going to take it for a spin and would be back in a little while. She told him to help himself and went inside. Colin was still on her mind, she didn’t know if she could wait till Friday to see him again or not. Maybe she would find something that needed attention on her truck later. That would give her an excuse to go see him. She had to get busy, she would work out the details of her problem with the truck, later.

Bob returned in about half an hour. He told her that he really liked that truck. He told her about his talk with Bradley. It seems that their ranch had been victimized by cattle rustlers. At this point they think they are missing around 150 head. They know that they were rounded up around the Gopher Springs corrals, loaded on trucks and hauled away over a three week period. None of the cattle have been seen anywhere. They figure they are being run on a ranch somewhere, using them to breed and then selling the calves. Bradley thought since they were stolen in the area just adjacent to us, we should be on the lookout too. Of course, we won’t have any cattle down there until spring. When we move cattle down there in the spring, we will need to put a couple of range riders down there with them. Alisha agreed with Bob about the range riders. She told Bob that she would go by Dave Smith’s office, the sheriff, and tell him what’s going on and see if he will deputize the range riders for us, to give us a legal status. Bob thought that was a good idea.

Alisha sees a pickup pull up in front of the office. “I believe that the man from Bio-Gen is here. Let’s see if he can put the last spoke in the wheel”

A tall, heavy set man entered their office. “Would you two be Bob and Alisha Moore?” he asked. Bob stood up and reached out to shake his hand. “You’ve found them, I’m Bob and this is my daughter, Alisha.” The man told them his name was Monte Allison, the representative of Bio-Gen. They shook hands and sat down to talk. Monte explained their program to Bob and Alisha about their artificial insemination programs and how they worked. When spring came, after the calves are born, the cattle get put on a high protein feed program to completely flush them and bring them in season, generally, all at the same time. Bio-Gen brings in the semen and the crew and breeds the herd. We come back in 30 days and preg check them and re-inseminate the open ones. We come back again in another 30 days and check those. If an of them are open we mark them for you so you can dispose of them and replace them with bred heifers. We use only the the best semen from the best bulls in the country. What you end up with is at least 90 percent of your cattle calved out in a thirty day period, the rest to finish up within the next 30 days. All the calves are uniform and bred to the best standards of the beef industry. We have a marketing team and buyers ready to buy all your calves at the top of the market. We have put together a program that benefit’s the ranch owner at least a premium of 25% over the market. We have a lot of clients and a list for you. You can call and talk to any of them. The list is complete. No one has been left off it. You can visit any of the ranches and see how it’s done and see the end results. We are a growing company for progressive ranchers. What do you think?

Alisha was the first to speak, “this is the best program I’ve seen out of probably 10 or 12. I like the idea of the calves all coming off at the same time and being uniform in weight and size. And the prospect of not having bulls to take care of year round is really good. They tear up more property than they’re worth, they’ve been a necessary evil as long as I can remember.”

Bob reiterated her words exactly. “I think we are going to go with Bio-Gen Monte, I have talked to some of your clients and they are all totally happy with you and the end results. I’m an old timer, but I can see the future of the industry is this and I think that we should get on board and get started now. My daughter has researched this program and we both think it’s the way to go. We’re in.”

Monte drew up the contracts and Bob and Alisha signed off. They all shook hands and the future had been planned. Alisha’s dreams were all starting to come together. All her dreams but one and she is working on that. Matter of fact, “Dad, I have to go town and have the stereo checked in my truck, I’ll be back in a while.” Bob grinned, the stereo sounded good to me when I drove it this morning,” he grinned again…….”guess you’d better get going before they close.” Bob wasn’t as naïve as everyone thought, he’d been young and in love and recognized the symptoms. He continued laughing.
Alisha climbed up in her truck and roared toward town……only one thing on her mind at this point……………

She arrived at Town and Country about 4:30. She went to the Ford service area and told the guy there that the stereo was going off then coming back on. The service manager told her it was probably just a connection and they would check it out. They would get right on it and it would take maybe 30 minutes. She said she would just wait for it…..she took off for Colin’s office. Hopefully she would catch him there. She got to his office and found him working at his desk. He had papers piled everywhere and was intently working on something. She tapped on the door jam and asked if any one was home. Colin looked up from his work……a big smile came on his face and he stumbled getting up.

“Alisha, it is great to see you. What are you doing today?”

“Oh, the stereo was acting up so I brought it in to get it checked out. Thought I’d come over and say hi while I was here waiting.”

Colin has a major happy on at this point. He hadn’t expected to see Alisha today, but she had been on his mind all day. “Hey, what do you say we go get a drink, hell it’s almost 5
and I can finish this tomorrow morning……..come on, let’s go, what do you say?”

Alisha looked at her watch and said, “Is it already that late, well, I can’t get anything else done today, sooooooooo………why not. What about my truck.”

Colin picked up his phone and called the service manager at Ford and asked about Alisha’s truck. He told the service manager that when he finished with it, to park it over by his office and leave the keys on his desk, they would be gone for a while. Colin took her by the arm and led her out to his car.

“Chili’s ok?” he asked. “That’s fine with me” she said.

Chili’s was just down the road a little way. They arrived before the 5:00 crowd started arriving so they easily found a table. They ordered and started talking nonstop. It was like they hadn’t seen each other for years. Their drinks arrived and the conversation continued. The 5:00 crowd was starting to arrive and it was getting loud. Alisha moved her chair closer to Colin so she could hear him. Colin was looking at Alisha very intently. Suddenly, he leaned to her and gave her a very intimate kiss. He pulled back, smiled and said, “I’m sorry Alisha, I just couldn’t help myself, you are so beautiful and interesting, I just got caught up in the moment…………hell no, I’m not sorry I kissed you, I wanted to kiss you, I hope you liked it as much as I did.”

Alisha had liked it, probably more than he did. She wanted to kiss him deeply last night, but refrained from moving too fast.

Colin asked her if she’d like to have dinner and she quickly accepted. He was smiling, happy as he could be. She was everything he wanted in a woman and she was a real woman, beautiful and tough. Man, how lucky can a guy get, he thought to himself.

He asked the waitress for menus as they ordered another round of drinks. The time passed quickly, their dinner arrived. The two of them never had to try to come up with something to talk about. It seemed that they talked constantly. They didn’t even notice the people around them. Soul mates maybe? Who knows, but it is very evident that they care for each other very much.

At about 11, they left Chili’s and went to Town and Country to get Alisha’s truck. It was parked by his office door. He went inside and retrieved the keys from his desk and took them to her. “Alisha, I’ll come pick you up tomorrow about 5, is that ok?” We should be at the restaurant by 7.” Alisha was looking forward to this date. It is going to be very cool. Before she left tonight, they embraced totally and kissed long and deep. She could feel him getting hard and that turned her on. She kissed him lightly as she got in her truck and went home. Again, when she got home, she was so excited she couldn’t go to sleep. She lay in her bed and fantasized about Colin, she wondered how well hung he was, what kind of lover is he, does he really like her…….she didn’t know it at this time, but she would have the answers to all of those questions tomorrow………….

Colin was having a similar time getting to sleep. He knew that he wanted to spend a lot of time with Alisha…….he thinks she is the one.

Friday morning comes and Alisha doesn’t have a whole lot to do today. She has to go get her hair cut and her nails done. She is going to look hot tonight… she wants to make sure she has Colin’s total attention. On the way to town, she passed Fred on the highway. He waved and smiled at her as he passed. She remembered that she had a date with him next week. The thoughts of his huge cock made her wet. She still thinks she may take Cody with her and give old Fred a threesome, she knew he could handle it. Good idea she thought. She got to the hair salon and went in. The place was busy… there were several women in there that were friends and others that she just knew. She didn’t know how, but, with all the screwing she had done, it had been kept very quiet. Most of the guys she had fucked, whether married or not, had not talked about it because they wanted to be with her again. They knew that if word ever got out, she would cut them off and maybe cut their balls off too. So, the women of the community held her in high regard, not knowing about her secret life.

All the women spoke to her as she came in. She had missed Anne sitting in the back under a hair dryer. Anne saw her and waved to her. Alisha sat down next to a good friend. Her friend immediately asked, “Are you seeing the guy that bought Town and Country? He’s a real doll, well are you?”

Alisha just shrugged and smiled as she looked at her friend out of the corner of her eye.
“Well…………yes I am.”

Her friend told her what a great guy he was and that no woman in the Valley had been able to even get to first base with him. She had heard that he had been married once a long time ago and that she had ran off with another man. Of course that was only an old wives tale. Alisha didn’t worry about that, hell she was still married, even though it wouldn’t be for very much longer. Her friend told her that everyone was talking about her being seen with him up at the Rio Grande Club and then at Chili’s……”Sounds like it’s getting kinda serious………..well is it?”

Alisha just smiled and didn’t say much more about it………….she just changed the subject. Her turn came so she got up and went to the beautician’s chair. She was glad that she was able to get away from her friend, she didn’t want to talk about Colin with other women, she just wanted to get closer to him, he would be the catch of the century. It sounded as though several women had tried to get with him and had not succeeded. That was good news, he must have seen something in her he liked………wow.

Her mom got out from under the dryer and came over to talk to her. The nail girl and the pedicure girl had come to the chair also. “Who are you getting all dolled up for, my dear, could it be that new man at Town and Country. You’ve been out with him quite a bit. Your Dad told me you were going to dinner in Denver tonight, is that true? That’s a long drive just for dinner.”

Alisha just smiled, “Mom, we are flying up in his jet, I’ll be back in the valley by 11. You’ll get a chance to meet him tonight. He is picking me up at 5.”

That made Anne happy. She always liked to meet the men that Alisha dated…….just so she could get an opinion of the guy taking her daughter out. There had been a lot that she hadn’t met……just the ones that Alisha was only going to fuck and dump. Alisha thought to herself that maybe she should confide in her mother and perhaps she could help her get over this sex addiction she has. Alisha knew that she was going to have to do something about it……….it’s something she can’t continue if she ever wants to get a husband and keep him.

The afternoon passed, Alisha got home and showered, double douched and took an enema. She wanted to be fresh and very clean. She combed her hair and put on her most special and favorite perfume. She was dressed in her bra and thong and a pair of silk stockings. She stopped in front of the full length mirror in her room, yes, I look good, she thought. Back into the closet, ah yes, there it is, her favorite “little black dress.” It fit her figure like a glove, mid thigh high and a v cut neck that showed just enough tit to make guys nuts, a low cut back…….a single strand of pearls, a diamond pendant for her dress, simple diamond stud ear rings and 4 inch heels and a long green scarf for around her neck.. Yep, that will do it, she is thinking. She puts everything on and stands in front of the mirror again. “Wow, I think I’ve outdone myself,” she says out loud, “this will give a devout priest a hard on.” She did look good, very good……and this is exactly what she wants tonight, it’s going to be a special evening. She hears the doorbell ring………she needs to stay up here for just a few minutes, so that Anne and Bob can meet Colin and get a little comfortable with him, after all, this could be their son in law to be. She laughs and grins.

She comes down the steps slowly, so that Colin can catch a good look at her as she approaches him. Bob and Anne are standing in the foyer talking with Colin. He sees her coming down the steps and can’t take his eyes off of her. “God,” he thinks to himself, “I am going to make this beautiful creature all mine, damn she is so damn sexy.”

Alisha gets to the bottom of the steps. Colin walks up to her and hands her a bouquet of flowers. “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady,” he says as he hands them to her. She briefly kisses him on the cheek and asks her mother to put these in a vase for her. Colin remarks that they need to be going so they go to his car. He opens the door for her and helps her in. As he drives down the driveway, he tells her how beautiful she looks tonight. She just smiles.

They arrive at the airport and she sees a jet sitting on the pad with a guy standing at the bottom of the steps Colin parks a short distance away and escorts Alisha to the plane. He helps her up the steps and they are seated. Colin tells the pilot that he is ready, so the pilot gets in and secures the cabin door. He goes up front and she hears the engines starting. This is very exciting to Alisha, so “continental” to be jetting up to Denver for dinner. She smiled as she was laughing inside. Colin had not taken his eyes off of her. He was totally under her spell. The jet started moving, in just a short time, the jet was taking off……….she could feel it leave the ground and she heard the landing gear come up. “This is so exciting,” she said to Colin with a big smile on her face. Colin was still looking at her, from head to toe, with a shine in his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I missed what you said.”

She repeated, “This is so exciting, Colin, I’ve never done this before……..I’ve looked forward to it since you made the date with me.”

He looked directly in her big blue eyes, “And it won’t be the last time we do this, Alisha dear, I will treat you like a queen.”

They talked while in route to Denver. In a really short time the pilot came on the intercom and said, “Mr. Braxton, we’re starting our descent into Denver, make sure you two are buckled in.” Alisha couldn’t believe it, “We’re already in Denver?”

“Yes,” he said, “fourteen minutes, this Gulfstream cruises at 640 miles per hour, it doesn’t take long to go anywhere. Do you like it?”

“I love it, Colin, this could become habit forming,” she laughed.

“You just get used to it, I’ll treat you like a queen.”

They pulled up to the FBO office. The pilot parked the plane and opened the door. When they got out of the plane, a stretch limo pulled up. The driver got out and opened the door for them. Colin told him to take us to The Exchange. They got in and Colin asked her if she would like a glass of champagne. She did……..he poured her a glass then himself one. They talked and laughed as they went across town to the restaurant. Alisha had two glasses of champagne by the time they got to the Exchange. The driver opened the door as they exited the car. Colin told him he would call him when we were ready to depart. The driver told him he would be close by.

Inside, the maitre d said, “Good evening Mr. Braxton, your table is ready, please follow me.” Alisha was smiling and enjoying every moment. The maitre d took them to a small table by a full length window. The view was fabulous. The restaurant sat up high and overlooked Denver……the view was breathtaking. The maitre d asked if we would like anything to drink, Colin told him to choose one of his finest bottles of wine, and not to spare the expense. He replied, “As you wish Mr. Braxton, I will bring one of the finest.”
Colin helped seat me and took the chair across the table from me. The light was soft and the atmosphere was intoxicating. Colin said, “I hope you don’t mind Alisha, I took the liberty of ordering for us when I made the reservation.” She looked at him smiling, “Anything you do is absolutely fine with me.” she replied.

They sipped the wine and talked, the hours passed rapidly. Colin had ordered a Chateau Briand steak for them and it was absolutely delicious and so tender she could cut it with her fork. The time passed, the conversation was spirited and the mood was definitely romantic. Alisha had not laughed so much in a long time. It was so good to be out with a man that made her feel like a high school girl again. No cares or worries, no thoughts of the ranch, her life or anything else, for that matter. All there is, is Alisha and Colin, no one else, nothing else. Colin gave her his total attention, continually looking into her eyes, into her very soul itself. After dinner, Colin summoned the limo and they went to the plane. In a few minutes they were in the air, returning to Alamosa.

“Alisha felt she was in a dream, “I wish this night didn’t have to end, I feel so good, so alive with you. I just don’t want it to end.”

Colin leaned over to her and kissed her deeply, one hand on her shoulder, the other on her knee. He pulled his lips away from her and said, “Alisha it doesn’t have to end, it can continue as long as you want…….will you stay with me tonight?” Alisha was jumping up and down and screaming inside, trying not to show her excitement to Colin.
“I’d love to stay with you tonight, Colin, tonight and every night.” He kissed her long and passionately, his hand moved half way up her thigh, his other hand behind her head, pulling her lips to his. His tongue darted into her mouth and teased hers. Alisha was very content and totally happy. This is going to be a night to remember, forever.

When they landed in Alamosa, they departed the plane and went to Colin’s car. He opened the door for her, but before she got in, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he kissed her, a long, passionate and very wet kiss. She knew she wanted Colin and she knew she was falling in love with him. She was breathing heavily and she felt herself becoming very wet.

Colin was feeling a lot of the same things as Alisha. He felt he was falling in love and he didn’t care…….he wanted her…….all the time. His cock was as hard as it could get, he wanted to make love to Alisha, slow and easy, enjoying her whole body. He helped her into the car and closed the door. He climbed behind the wheel and drove home. Alisha didn’t know where he lived, but she was about to find out. She wanted to get there and get as close to Colin as she could. She wanted to hold him and be held……..she wanted to feel Colin inside her. This was so different than the other guys she’d fucked, the key word here being “fucked”. There were feelings here, not just animal lust, but deep feelings for Colin.

They arrived at his home. It was just on the outskirts of Alamosa. There were just a few houses out here, all very beautiful. Colin pulled into a driveway, the garage door opened and he drove in. When he turned the engine off, he leaned over and kissed her again, then got out and opened her door and helped her out. He pushed her against the side of the car and kissed her again, then took her hand and led her into the house. They went straight through the house and to his bedroom. The lighting was very soft, they could just see each other. She kicked her heels off as Colin kissed her again and pulled her close. His hands sliding up and down from her ass to her breasts. He was lightly feeling her body all over………it was driving her wild. She felt him grasp the zipper in the back of the dress and pull it down. His hands went to her shoulders, his thumbs between her skin and the fabric of her dress. She felt him pulling the little black dress off her shoulders and down past her ass, it fell to the floor. She was busy undoing his pants, first the belt, then the zipper…….as his trousers fell to the floor she put her hand into his boxers and grasped his hard cock. It was wet on the end. He had removed his jacket and shirt and was working on removing her bra. Her luscious tits burst free from it, her nipples protruding straight out. She pulled his boxers down and went to her knees and took his hard cock into her mouth. She grasped his balls with one hand and held the base of his dick with the other. She slowly slid hid cock totally into he mouth and down her throat, she heard him moan and felt a small squirt of pre cum shoot into her mouth…..it tasted so good and she wanted more. She continued to suck his cock and squeeze his balls lightly, she felt another small hot squirt of cum. She rolled it around her mouth before she swallowed it and went back to feasting on him. Colin was in heaven, never had he ever received a blow job this perfect, it felt so good. He wanted her in the bed and he wanted to taste her juices on his lips. He grasped her under the arms and lifted her up, he kissed her and led her to the bed. He grasped the covers and pulled them completely off onto the floor. She crawled onto the bed……..Colin rolled her over onto her back and spread her legs wide as he spread her outer lips with his fingers and put his tongue deep into her. Alisha could do nothing but moan out loud with pleasure. Colin definitely had a very talented tongue. It was working her over from her sphincter to her clitoris. It would dip into her vagina and out. Colin had an exceptionally long tongue, she had not notice it before, but she was feeling it now and it was making her flow like a river. Colin began penetrating her vagina with two fingers as he licked and sucked on her clit. Alisha was going wild, lunging her hips up into him. Then she felt the contractions of an orgasm starting……..and oh damn how they were starting…….she lunged her pussy onto Colin’s tongue. She was cumming like crazy…….Colin could tell that he had pushed her over the edge and she was having an extraordinary orgasm. She was moaning loudly, completely lost in the orgasm she was having. Colin was enjoying giving it to her and stepped the pace up and slipped a finger up her ass. When he did this Alisha went off like a ballistic missle. Her body was twisting and turning, lunging upward. Her hands had hold of Colin’s head pulling him tightly to her smooth pussy. Her orgasm finally subsided and she lay on the bed, motionless.

Colin had never seen a woman have an orgasm like he had just witnessed, He crawled up over Alisha and straddled her limp body. He took her breasts in his hands and softly kneaded them, gently biting the nipples. Alisha felt it and started to feel that old itch inside her pussy. She pushed Colin over onto his back and straddled his loins, taking his hard cock deep inside her. Colin’s cock wasn’t huge, but it was big. It felt to be about 7 inches long and very, very thick. It felt so good inside her as she grasped his shoulders and slowly pumped up and down on his hard dick. She could feel it hitting all the right places inside her. His hands were on her hips and he was moaning like he was in pain, but pain was not what he was feeling. He was feeling her tight pussy grasping his throbbing cock and it felt wonderful. Colin had not ever felt this way about a woman before, it was something strange to him, like he was in a dream. He looked at Alisha’s beautiful body riding him like she would ride a good horse. Her eyes were not visible, she was definitely feeling a lot of pleasure, as he was. He lunged into her, wanting to get inside her further. Alisha was cumming again and running her cum out all over Colin’s balls……..then she felt him explode inside her with such a force, she felt she was going to get blown off of his cock. She could feel the powerful and hot streams of semen splashing all over her insides, totally coating her vagina, then running out onto Colin’s balls, co-mingled with her own juices. When they finished cumming, Alisha laid down on Colin’s chest and kissed him, his cock still inside her. His arms were wrapped around her body, holding her as close to him as possible. They lay there, motionless, for several minutes. Alisha rolled off of Colin onto her back. They both lay there breathing heavily like they had just ran a marathon. When they caught their breath and recovered some, they looked at each other and started laughing. Neither knew what was so funny, but laugh they did for the longest time, holding each other as they did.

When the laughing finally subsided, Colin got up on one elbow and took her hand. He looked deep into her eyes and said, “Alisha………I love you, I’ve known it since the first time I saw you walk into that showroom……I love you.”
Alisha lay there, listening, her heart pounding. Those are the words that she wanted to hear, that she had longed to hear. She, like him, had known from the beginning that their relationship would be more than just casual. She was so happy, she could feel butterflies inside her stomach. She grabbed Colin, pushed him down on his back, kissed him and said, “Colin, I am so in love with you too, and I’ve known it from the start also……..I want you in my life Colin, I want you there forever.” Colin sat up and looked at her in the dim light, “Alisha, will you marry me, marry me and be mine forever?” She said “YES” as kissed him again. He rolled her over onto her back and slid his cock deep inside her again. He was kissing her lips, squeezing and kissing her tits, slowly sliding his cock in and out of her, knowing he had the love of the most beautiful woman in world……………..forever. He kept telling her that he loved her and she was constantly telling him the same thing as they climaxed together, her legs and arms wrapped tightly around him as they mixed their sex juices together again. When they finished they just lay there, holding each other tightly, both totally happy in life. Colin reached over and pulled the covers onto the bed and covered them. They went to sleep in each others arms, still holding each other tightly as they slept. The moon and stars were shining brightly, an old hoot owl hooted in the distance, the sound of the river running filled the night air……and unknown to them at this time, two people have found a love that will endure everything that challenges them in the future.



Alisha woke first, very early as usual. Her head was still spinning from the night before. She got out of bed, without disturbing Colin. She put on Colin’s shirt and went to find the kitchen. She found makings for coffee and in a short while the coffee was brewed. She poured herself a large cup and, as usual, doctored it up to her taste. She walked to the patio door and looked out toward the Rio Grande. She slid the door open and felt the cool morning air rush in on her bare legs. Her dream had come true. She has found the one, the one guy in the world that she was meant to be with. She hoped that she could control herself and overcome the desire to screw random guys to satisfy her ravenous sexual appetite. Wait, Colin did ask her to marry him didn’t he? It wasn’t a dream…….Of course he did, don’t be silly, she thought to herself. She continued to sip on her coffee and enjoy her most favorite time of the day.

Colin succeeded in sneaking up behind her undetected while she pondered her life and drank her coffee. He leaned in and kissed her on the neck. Alisha wasn’t startled, she knew he would show up sooner or later. “And how is my beautiful fiance this morning?”
She turned to him, sat her coffee down and kissed him passionately. “I’m just fine, darling, absolutely perfect this morning………by the way, I haven’t told you that I love you yet today, so, Colin, I am madly in love with you and I’m so glad you came into my life.” Colin smiled and kissed her again. “And Alisha, I love you with all my heart and soul, and always will.” He kissed her again. Alisha looked seriously at Colin for a moment, “Colin I have to tell you something right now…….I’m married,” A shocked look came on Colin’s face, “but, my darling, my divorce will be final in about three weeks.” Colin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. “You scared the hell out of me, Alisha, I could see all my plans going down the drain, you are terrible.” They both laughed then they held each other close for a little while. Colin pulled away from her. “Alisha, let’s get dressed and go find you a ring, I want the whole world to know that I love you and we belong to each other, what do you say?” Alisha was all smiles, yes, let’s do it and we can go tell my family, I want them to be the first to know. She finished her coffee and went to the shower. He had a beautiful bathroom. The shower was clear glass on two sides with tile on the back side. It was long, so a shower door wasn’t needed. It had so many shower heads and they were all controlled by buttons on a panel. She was trying to figure it all out when Colin came in. He laughed at her when he saw the puzzled look on her face. He had to stop and look at her, standing there naked. “What a fantastic body you have, Alisha. I’ll never get tired of seeing you this way.” He dropped his boxers and came to the control panel and pushed a few buttons. There is a big shower head, about 18 inches across, that just rained down water on you. Alisha stood under it, Colin soon joined her, held her close and kissed her. She felt his cock getting hard, she leaned back against the glass as he lifted one of her legs up and inserted his penis into her waiting vagina. He knew just how to fuck her and it felt so very good. In a short while they both started cumming at the same time, they held onto each other, both in total ecstasy. They kissed and looked at each other, laughed and finished their shower. They were soon dressed and left for the jewelry store.

There was only one good jewelry store in town, Gemfire Diamonds, so, that’s where they went. Alisha knew the owners, a very nice couple from La Jara. Rebecca Jones saw Alisha walk in and immediately got a smile on her face. They went to different schools, but had known each other for many years. “Alisha, my dear, it’s so nice to see you. And who is your handsome friend?”

“Rebecca, this is my fiance Colin Braxton, Colin, this is an old friend, Rebecca Jones. We are looking for an engagement ring, Rebecca, can you help us?”

“Well I most certainly can. Are you two getting married? I’m so happy for you, here let me show you these.” She pulled out a couple of trays of rings, Colin kind of grunted and said, “Do you have anything a little larger and more elegant?” Rebecca smiled, “I sure do, here look at these.” She pulled a large tray out from under the showcase. Alisha almost fainted, the smallest ring contained like 5 carats of diamonds. She tried on several and found one that was absolutely gorgeous. Colin loved it too. We talked and looked at it some more and decided to get it. Colin asked how much it was. Rebecca looked and said, “It is $42,000.” Alisha almost fainted as Colin pulled out his credit card and told her that this would take care of it. Alisha whispered to him, “Maybe we should look at something a little less expensive.” Colin laughed, “No Alisha, this is exactly what I want to give you.” She kissed him on the cheek and happily put it on. She felt like a school girl, all giggly and giddy. Colin watched her as she held her hand out and looked at it again. He signed the credit card receipt and they were on their way. “I must say Alisha, that ring looks great on you and it will look even better on you wearing nothing else….ha ha ha.” he laughed. Alisha giggled.

They left Gemfire and went out to the ranch. They parked out front and went into the house. Anne was home but no sign of Bob. Anne came to the foyer to ask just where she had been all night, even though she already knew. Alisha stood with her hands behind her. Anne blurted out, “Just where in the hell have you been all night, young man why didn’t you bring her home……I worried all night.” Alisha was all grins, bouncing up and down and giggling at the same time. She pulled her hand out from behind her, showing the ring on her finger. Her mother’s jaw dropped open as the initial shock sat in. Then, slowly she took Alisha’s hand and looked closely as a big smile came on her face. “Alisha……………………..I…….I’m so very happy for you…..I am so very happy.” she turned Alisha’s hand loose and grabbed Colin. She gave him a long hard hug and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m just so happy for both of you, Colin, welcome to the family.” Mom was completely beside herself with happiness. She went to the phone and called Dad. “Bob, you’d better get up to the house right now,” she said then hung up on him. She was so happy she didn’t realize the way she told Bob to come to the house, he thought that there was a serious problem and came flying up to the front of the house. He jumped out of his truck and ran to the door. When he entered he looked somewhat puzzled. “What’s going on Anne, you sounded so urgent, what’s the problem.” Anne motioned to Alisha to show her hand. When she did, Bob got a huge smile on his face and started laughing. He looked closely at the ring and said, “Damn, Pumpkin, you need a wheel barrow to haul that thing around.” he was still laughing as he grabbed Colin, shook his hand and gave him a big hug. “You two have made me so happy. I just can’t express what I feel right now.” He had a tear welling up in his eye. Alisha knew he was very happy. “Well, come on inside, Colin, let’s talk and get to know each other, Anne, did you fix enough lunch for company?” Anne said she did. The all went into the kitchen, Alisha excused herself, “I need to change clothes, I will be right back. She went upstairs and changed, still so happy she could hardly contain herself. She put on her jeans and a white, long sleeve blouse, her boots, and went down stairs to join the others.

When Alisha got back down to the kitchen, Anne was putting lunch on the table. Bob asked Alisha about her existing husband. “When do you anticipate being free from him, any news on that front?”

Alisha told Bob that the divorce should be final in about 3 weeks and she and Colin weren’t talking about a wedding until Spring or Summer. Bob said he was just wondering, he didn’t want Dayle to cause any problems.

They had a nice lunch, Bob and Anne got to know Colin much better and were really comfortable with him. Bob hit Colin up for a new truck like mine…….Colin told him to come on down and he’d give him the same deal, now that they are relatives. Colin explained to all of us that he had no family left. His Mom and Dad were killed in an auto crash about 2 years ago and he has no siblings. He had inherited his Dad’s dealerships in Texas. He was moving forward on his own, so he sold them. There were 12 dealerships in all, most in the Dallas, Ft. Worth area, the rest scattered across South Texas. He had bought the dealerships in Alamosa, Salida, Gunnison, Canon City, Taos and Santa Fe. He was the sole owner and all were completely paid for. He told us that he really didn’t have to work, but, he didn’t know what he would do with himself if he didn’t have something to keep him occupied. He told us that he had been married several years ago, before he had done anything for himself. His wife ran off with one of his Dad’s dealership managers. They had no children and she divorced him about 6 months after she left. He had thrown himself into his work and didn’t have any social life. He said he was just a lonely guy that was married to his work……..that is until an angel walked into my showroom. When he saw her, he knew he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with……….and it seems, she knew she had found the love of her life, also. Colin was very comfortable with his family to be, but, he had not met Cody yet. He had a real experience waiting for him there.

After lunch, Alisha took Colin on a walk around the ranch. She took him to her office, then to the corrals, where he met Jack, Alisha’s other love. She could tell that Jack liked Colin. He hung around him, nuzzling him and softly whinnying as if to say, welcome. Colin told Alisha that he loved to ride horses. When he was little, his Dad had bought him a really good horse. He and Colin were best buddies. Colin had to sell him when he went to college, there was no one to take care of him. Alisha could tell that he was a horse person…….and that was another plus. They walked all around the ranch headquarters area and talked about their future. They settled on June 13 as their wedding date. It was on a Saturday and they could leave the next day for an extended honeymoon…….perhaps somewhere in Europe………Colin said he would surprise her. They stopped often and kissed each other, two lovebirds. Colin asked her if she wanted to live with him. Alisha thought about it for about ten seconds and told him, “Yes, I do…..more than anything else in the world. But one thing Colin, I want to build a house for us, one that is only ours and has never been anyone else’s. I’d like to build it on the new ranch I’m buying………..is that ok with you?” Colin thought it would be a great idea. Alisha told him that since it was on the ranch, she would pay for it. Colin told her that he would like to build it for her as a wedding present, if she would allow him. She said that she thought that was sweet. They spent the remainder of the day walking and talking and enjoying the day. She told him about her Dad’s wishes for the ranch when he was gone. She explained to him that her sister would get a cash settlement because she had no interest in the ranch………she was mostly a girly girl. Colin laughed and told Alisha that he was looking forward to meeting her “girly girl” sister. “After listening to you and your parents talk about her, she must be a handful.” Alisha told him that was an understatement. “And Colin, be prepared, she will try to fuck you……just want you to be informed and ready.” Alisha was laughing hard at the look on his face. They were going to have a good marriage, she could tell.

As they got back to the house, Cody was getting home. “And who, may I ask, are you.” Cody asked as she approached. “Cody, this is Colin Braxton…………my fiance.”

A long silence and an open mouth was all Cody could muster. “FIANCE?” she asks, “When did this all happen? Hi, I’m Cody, Alisha’s sister. WOW! This is great, I never suspected…………..damn, I’m so happy for you guys!”

Alisha just grinned as she listened to Cody rambling on. Colin, having been warned, just took Cody in stride. Cody ran over to Colin and gave him a kiss on the lips. Colin was totally surprised and really didn’t know what to think…….he just smiled and went along with her. Alisha looked at Colin and winked at him, “see what I mean?”

They all went into the house. Anne and Bob were sitting in the living room watching tv. Colin went to the bathroom and Alisha and Cody went into the living room. Alisha sat down next to her mom and dad, “I need to tel you guys something…….Colin and I are going to live together for a while…….I hope you don’t object, because, it’s something I’m going to do.” Anne smiled at Alisha, “Darling, you’re an adult and can make your own decisions. Your dad and I are not going to treat you like a child, it’s your life.” She also informed them that they had set the date of June 13. With that, Alisha smiled and hugged her mom and her dad. Cody was still bouncing off the walls, happy as she could be. “Gee Alisha, when did this all come about, I didn’t know you guys were serious, hell, you haven’t even known each other that long.” Alisha told her that it just happened and even though it makes no sense, they love each other. Colin came into the room and sat down next to Alisha. Everyone in the family was happy for them and hoped that what they felt was real and not just infatuation. Time would show that it was real.

The next day, Alisha packed up and moved her things to Colin’s house. He took the day off from the dealership and helped her. They had a wonderful day, enjoying each other so much. During the day, they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other…….making love 2 times throughout the day. That evening, Alisha fixed a great home cooked meal for Colin……..they went to bed and made passionate love for 3 hours, then, fell asleep in each other’s arms. Life is good, Alisha thought to herself.

The weekend passed and Monday dawned, they both had work to do and went on their separate ways to take care of their respective businesses. Alisha was as happy as she had ever been in her life. She was with her soul mate, the ranch deal would be final soon and she would be co-owner of the largest ranch in Colorado. Everything was coming up roses……….only one thing was clouding the horizon………..her sex addiction. She knew that she would not be able to resist going to Fred’s house on Wednesday. She tried to just tell herself that she should just be a no show and not give in to the temptation, but, somewhere deep inside she knew she had to have that fix……she had to quench that longing that gripped her. She didn’t know if she would include Cody or not at this point. That was something she would have to think about. She arrived at the office shortly after nine. Bob and Justin were inside going over the contract with Bio-Gen. Justin was not familiar with the process, but could see that it had the possibility of being a successful program. As Alisha came in, Justin smiled and told her. “I guess that congratulations are in order.” She smiled and told him thank you. They all got down to business talking about the Bio-Gen program. Alisha explained it to them in detail. It was approaching lunch, Bob and Alisha went up to the house. Anne had left lunch in the Crock Pot. While they were eating, her lawyer called and told her that the divorce hearing was scheduled for Thursday. She would have to be there at 1 pm. She hung up and told her Dad, “YESSSSS………..It’s all beginning on Thursday, the divorce will be final and I can finish up the deal on the Marrs Ranch.” She wanted to find a site to build the new house and get that started. This afternoon she had classes at Adams. She is wishing that the classes were over, she really doesn’t have time for them, but she doesn’t have that long left, so she has to finish up. Another 2 months and she will finish her PhD. She will tough it out. At least she will be finished before the breeding season. She won’t have time for classes then. When she finished lunch, she took off for class and told Bob she wouldn’t be back today.

As usual, the class was boring….it was a good thing Alisha was smart and that learning came easy to her. Some of the classes she had to take were completely useless to her, but required. While sat in class listening to the lecture, a guy that sat next to her slid a note over to her. She looked over at him and returned his smile as she opened the note and read it. His note was asking her if she would like to go get a cup of coffee after class. She was going to do that anyway, so she nodded yes to him. He immediately had a huge smile on his face. When the class ended, she turned in her seat and introduced herself to this handsome guy. He told her that his name was Jim Roberts and he was also working on his PhD. They walked to the student center and got acquainted. She had seen him in the class before, but had never interacted with him. He was from Utah and had spent his whole college career at Adams. She was surprised that she had never notice him before. They got coffee and found a table to sit at. He asked her if she would like to go out sometime. She showed him her ring. He smiled and asked her if it really made any difference. Alisha was a little put out at his arrogance. In the back of her mind she really didn’t want to alienate him, so she held her tongue. After all, he would probably be good for a quickie sometime, maybe even today. Again Alisha was getting that itch that she knew she should resist, but couldn’t.

“Well, it does make some difference……what do you have in mind?
Jim was still smiling, “I was thinking we might catch a little dinner and some drinks, then go back to my place for a while………I give a great back rub.”

Alisha gave him her sexy look as she touched her lip with her forefinger. “You know, I could use a good back rub, it’s a little tight…………….like me.”

That got Jim’s full attention, he wondered if she was just playing with him or if she was serious. He thought to himself, what do I have to lose……….might as well see how far it goes, maybe this babe is ready now…… “Mmmmmmm, that sounds inviting,” he told her, giving her his sexiest look, “maybe we need to go over to my place right now and loosen you up a little.”

Alisha got the drift and decided, why not. That itch was getting a little worse and she was wanting to satisfy it. “How far is your place?” she asked him, sipping her coffee.

“About two blocks, we can walk there in about 5 minutes, want to?”

Alisha got up from her chair and started walking toward the door, “Are you coming Jim, or are you staying here.”

He got to his feet and followed her. Could he be lucky enough for this beautiful babe to really want to go fuck him? “If we walk fast we can get there in less time, come on.”

Alisha wasn’t thinking of anything except getting laid and moving on with her day. A quickie would be in order and she probably should insist on a condom, she didn’t have time to douche and clean herself up after the sex was over and she didn’t know this guy at all, who knows. “Do you have protection Jim? I have to insist.”

He looked at her and smiled, “I was a Boy Scout, be prepared is my motto.”

It didn’t take long for them to get to get to his apartment. When they got inside, he locked the door and turned to her, she was stripped down to her underwear. Jim just stood there looking at her in disbelief. “Are you in a hurry Alisha……..damn, you are one beautiful woman,” he said as he was getting his clothes off. Alisha had taken her bra off and was pulling her thong down. She looked at Jim and said, “Yes, I don’t have a lot of time and we need to get to it. As he pulled his briefs off, she saw that he had a nice cock, not real long but thick, maybe 6 inches or so. She went to his bed and lay on her back. She spread her legs and started playing with her clit. Immediately, she felt her juices start to run. She fingered herself some, which really turned Jim on. His cock was so hard he could hardly stand it. The sight of this beautiful, perfect woman lying in his bed, spread eagle and fingering herself was truly pushing him over the edge. He went to his dresser and pulled out a condom, he tore it with his teeth and slipped it on. Alisha spread her legs further and motioned him to crawl on her, which, he did. As he lay down on top of her, Alisha grabbed his cock and guided it to her pussy, then pushed her hips up, sliding onto his cock. Jim went to work pumping her. She wrapped her legs around him and wrapped her arms around him. He was slamming her hard and she liked it, she was cumming and his thick cock was pushing her right into her second orgasm when he pushed all the way inside her and froze. She could feel his cock pulsing…….she knew he was shooting his load. She started thrusting her hips into him as she began to cum again. Jim was moaning and groaning as he continued to cum. She was glad he was wearing a rubber. At least she wouldn’t have to clean up before she went home. She knew that Colin would want her tonight and she was ready for him too……..this was kind of a little warm up. Jim had stopped cumming and was just lying on top of Alisha breathing hard. He rose up and asked her, “Did you get it babe?” She couldn’t believe that this guy couldn’t even tell when she was cumming. “Yeah, I got it good, now I have to get going, get off of me please.” Jim rolled over, off of Alisha. She got to her feet and started getting dressed. It hit Jim all at once, she had used him……this was a fuck and run. He really didn’t mind, she was a good looking piece of ass and he was glad that he had been lucky enough to score once. He asked her, “Want to do this again sometime?”
Alisha looked at him and said, “Not particularly, this was a one-time thing Jim, just a quick fuck……..thanks, see you in class.” She was dressed and out the door before he could even answer her. Damn, he thought, what a cunt……..but a good looking cunt……

Alisha was down the street and into her truck in a matter of minutes. She felt like shit, damn she had to stop this random fucking, it was going to ruin everything if she didn’t stop it. She thought about the fuck she just got, it wasn’t all that good, he had got her off a couple of times, but she’d had better. She sped down the street heading for Colin’s house. She knew he wouldn’t be there yet. She would have time to grab a quick shower and start dinner before he got there. When she got home, she saw she was right. She parked in the driveway and went in. She went straight to the shower and cleaned up. She was glad she had insisted on a condom, at least she didn’t have globs of cum running out of her. She was feeling horny and ornery. She put on a thong and a tiny bra and went to the kitchen to start dinner. Maybe Colin will want desert first, she thought to herself…….he he he. She almost had dinner ready when Colin came in. He took one look at her, and began taking his clothes off. “I’m gonna get you Alisha!”

Alisha smiled and started to run with Colin hot on her tail. He tackled her on the couch and started kissing her, she was feeling so good. She kissed him back and wrapped a leg around him along with her arms. They rolled around a little when she felt Colin pull her thong to the side and slip his cock into her waiting pussy. “MMMMMMMM, that feels good honey,” she told him. “You haven’t felt anything yet.” He started to pump her and suck on her nipples while biting them tenderly.” Alisha immediately went to orgasm and started bucking like a bull in a rodeo arena. Colin was enjoying the ride and knew he would cum quickly tonight…………and he did. Alisha felt his warm cum filling her, she felt his cock pulsing as it continued to shoot hot streams of semen into her. When they both finished, they just lay there in each other’s arms, exhausted.

“You ready for dinner?” she asked

“I guess I should be, I just had desert.” They both started laughing. Alisha got off the couch and put her bra on then went to the bedroom to get her lightweight short robe. She liked this robe, it showed off her long shapely legs and if anything came up, like a cock, all she had to do was bend over and her ass was totally exposed and ready for business. She came back to the kitchen and put dinner on. Colin came in, wearing just his underwear and sat down. As they ate dinner, Alisha told Colin that the divorce would be final on Thursday… she had to be in court at one pm. Colin told her that that was great news and did she want him to come. She told him that it was not necessary, but if he wanted to, he should. “You would have a chance to meet Dayle, not that it’s important or anything, you’d just know who he is in the future.”

“If I get back in time, I have to go Phoenix in the morning. I may have to be there a couple of days, I won’t know till I get there tomorrow. I have a meeting with Ford credit on our floor plan… it’s time to rewrite it. I may not be back till Thursday night. “ Alisha told him that it was perfectly alright for him not to be there, she just wanted him to know that he was welcome to come if he wanted to. Colin was finishing up his dinner, he looked at her and said with a smile on his face, “I do want to cum, Alisha, just not to a court room……………”

She smiled at him and dropped down to her knees and pulled his cock out of his underwear. It was soft, so she took it in her mouth and let her tongue work it over, soon, it was as hard as a rock and oozing pre cum that Alisha hungrily licked off its head. Colin was enjoying what he was getting, as his moans announced. Alisha continued to suck his cock, massaging his balls as she went up and down on it. She felt his cock swelling up and his balls getting larger…….then she felt him spurting hot cum into her mouth, which she swallowed as soon as it entered. She loved the taste of cum. Colin was so relaxed when he finished his climax. Alisha helped him up and took him to the living room. She sat him in a chair, pulled her thong off, untied the robe and straddled his cock. It was beginning to get hard again as she fed it up into her wet pussy. When it was completely inside her, she just sat there and could feel it getting bigger and bigger. That was a really hot feeling for her. She kissed Colin again and she felt his cock continuing to grow inside her…….she started a slow grind on him and began to cum. Her abdomen was contracting madly, the muscles around her vagina were clamping down on his cock and enticing it to unload again. He could feel her contractions and at the same time he could feel his sperm traveling down his cock and squirting into her hot pussy. Her contractions felt like someone was milking his cock, it was a feeling that he had never felt before. It seemed as though he couldn’t stop cumming, but soon those feelings subsided. Alisha was smiling at him and telling him how much she loved him. “Since you’re not going to be here tomorrow, I thought I’d get a little more to hold me till you return.”

Colin felt great and he knew that Alisha was the woman of his dreams, the one that would bear his children and be with him forever. He was as happy as a man could be. He didn’t know her deep dark secret and Alisha was wondering how she was going to bring it under control. She knew as long as Colin was ready to fuck her, she would be ok, but when she is alone and wanting, she would find any available cock and fuck it till she was satisfied, then leave the host with only a smile and a memory. She had to confide in her mother and see if she can help her.

They got up and went to bed and slept in each other’s arms…….totally in love and totally devoted to each other.

Alisha woke up early and went to make coffee. She liked living with Colin, he was easy to be around and he could and did take care of himself. He wasn’t one to expect her to do all the household duties, he did his share. She decided to fix breakfast. She started frying bacon while she drank her coffee. She scrambled eggs with green chili and cheese. The toast popped up when Colin entered the kitchen. “It sure smells good, darling. I’m starved. As they ate, Colin told her he was sorry he was probably going to not be here for her divorce hearing. Alisha understood and she really didn’t think it was necessary for him to be there. She Dayle had everything worked out….all that had to happen was the Judge to sign off on it. She told him not to worry about it. Colin told her that he had met with his attorney a few days ago. He told her that his attorney suggested he get a pre-nuptial agreement put in place before the wedding that would protect him and her, since they both had a lot of assets. Colin asked her to talk it over with her attorney and tell him what she thinks.

“Alisha, personally, I don’t see the need for one…..I don’t think we will have any problems and I think we will be together forever. I will honor your wishes, though, if you want one.” Alisha told him she would consult her attorney, but she didn’t think she wanted one either. “I want us to be partners in love and business. The two of us can’t be beat on either front, and together, who knows what we’re capable of. Colin kissed her and picked up his bag. “I have to get going, I’ll call you later, after we land. Tonight, we will probably go out to dinner and these things usually last a little late so don’t get upset if I don’t get in touch with you till tomorrow morning.” Alisha told him she had some work to finish up and she thought she and Cody might catch a movie.” He kissed her and was on his way.

Alisha had a lot to do today and then there was Fred……what should she do? She really wanted to just stay home and kick back, but that old itch would probably have to get scratched again. She had to do something to get over this obsession of sex with other men, she could really screw up a great relationship if Colin ever found out. She finished getting dressed and went to the ranch. She was about to get the computer program finished up for the breeding stock, a few more hours and it would be ready. She worked on it till noon when Cody came in all happy and bubbly. “What are you up to Sis?” she asked. “Just working, what are you doing down here?”

“I just thought I’d come down and see if you wanted to go to lunch somewhere.”

Alisha finished up what she was doing and told her, “Great, let’s go……..I’ve got something I want to talk to you about, anyway.”

They decided to go to the SLV Pizza Company. Alisha said that she had a craving for a New York Calzone and a beer. It was fine with Cody, she thought that sounded good too. Alisha had stirred her curiosity about what she wanted to talk to her about. They were seated and ordered. Cody couldn’t stand it, “what do you want to talk to me about?”

Alisha smiled and said, “Can you keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone what I’m going to ask you?”

“You know me Alisha, I’d never repeat anything you tell me in confidence. We both know all of each other’s secrets and that’s the way it will stay.”

Alisha told her, “About two weeks ago, I set up a fuck date with Fred from the Coop. The date is for tonight. I had no idea at that time I’d be engaged when today came around. Anyway, I want to go do it and I was wondering if you’d like to make it a threesome?”

Cody smiled, “I could use a good fucking, is he any good?”

Alisha told her about her afternoon with him and how he was still ready for more when she had to leave. “The guy is a real stud and he has a great cock.”

Cody smiled and said, “What about Colin, are you gonna fuck around on him?”

“Cody, I’ve got this problem, like I can’t get enough cock. I really don’t care where I get it as long as I get it……it’s kind of like drugs.”

Cody laughed, “Yeah, I know what you’re talking about, I get the same way, heck the other night I went down to the Pig and picked up a guy. He wasn’t bad looking and had a cock as big as a horse. I let him fuck me for a couple of hours, had a few orgasms and dumped his ass.”

“Well, Cody, are you in or out?” Alisha asked.

“I’m all in Alisha my friend, I need a little and this sounds like fun…..what time?”

Alisha told her she was going over to his place after 5. She would pick Cody up and they could drive over. Cody was excited, “Rumor has it that he’s good, I want to find out.” They finished up their lunch and went back out to the ranch.

Don’t forget Cody, “I’ll be ready to leave shortly after 5, don’t be late, OK?

Cody told her not to sweat it.

The afternoon passed rather slowly. Finally, it was time to go get ready. Alisha took off for town to go get ready. She called Cody and told her she’d be back in half an hour to get her. Cody told her she would be ready when Alisha got to the house.

It was about 5 when Alisha picked up Cody. They took off back toward town, both ready to have a lot of fun for the next several hours. Cody wore cut off jeans and a halter top, she said it looked sexy and would be easy to get off. They arrived at Freds, he had left the garage door up so she could park inside. When she pulled into the garage, Fred opened the door and stepped out. He was really surprised when Cody got out of Alisha’s truck also. “What’s this?” he asked as two of the most beautiful women in the area walked up to him.

Alisha smiled, “Fred, I thought you just might like to have a threesome……so I asked Cody to come along……………ok with you?”

Fred felt like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. “HELL YES, THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN.” They all went into the house. Alisha immediately stripped and laid her clothes on a chair. Cody didn’t waste any time doing the same. Fred stood there watching their clothes coming off, enjoying the sight. These two had the most perfect bodies he had ever seen. If you had put a bag over their heads, you couldn’t tell which was which. His cock was standing up, totally hard wanting to have a little taste of those pussies. Alisha went to the bedroom with Cody in tow. She pulled the covers off the bed and told Cody to lay down and spread ‘em. When Cody was laid down, Alisha went down on her and started eating her pussy. Fred was not going to be left out…..he walked up behind Alisha and started rubbing the head of his cock up and down her slit. The more he rubbed it, the hotter and wetter she got, then while she was sucking Cody’s clit and finger fucking her, he slid his cock in her pussy. He grasped her hips and started sliding in and out of her, a loud squishing sound filled the air as his cock plowed her. Cody was cumming as Alisha continued to work her over with her tongue and fingers. Fred was really getting into fucking Alisha…….Alisha felt an orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on Fred’s cock and squeezed his cock as the waves of contractions milked his cock. The sensation of this caused him to cum………and he came like a stud horse. Alisha had gobs of his thick cum dripping out of her as he continued to slam his meat in and out of her. When he finished Alisha stepped from in front of him and there, lying on the bed with her legs spread wide was Cody, her pussy glistening with her vaginal secretions. Fred stepped forward and slipped inside her……Alisha watched for a while then took hold of Fred’s balls. She lubed up her index finger and slipped it into Fred’s ass. When she had her finger inserted all the way, she started playing with Fred’s balls. All of a sudden his sphincter muscle clamped down on her finger and she felt his balls throbbing as he dumped a load of hot sperm inside Cody. Cody was bucking like a horse that had never been ridden. She was screaming and thrusting her ass into Fred, having a sensational orgasm while Fred pumped her full. Cody was behind Fred and when he withdrew his cock from her pussy, she saw a huge river of Fred’s thick, hot cum come oozing out and down onto the bed. Alisha loved the taste of cum and was not about to let this delicacy get away from her. When Fred stepped aside, Alisha went down on her and began to suck and lick all of the cum off and out of Cody. Cody continued having her orgasm when Alisha’s tongue started probing her pussy. Fred stood to the side, watching the two women going at it. His dick began to harden again. He started jacking it, while Alisha and Cody were writhing around. It was so hot that Alisha was eating his cum out of Cody’s pussy. He laid down on the bed and continued to watch. Alisha got off of Cody and motioned for her to sit on Fred’s cock. Cody settled down on his big dick and started pumping it, up and down. Alisha came around and straddled Fred’s head. She lowered her pussy down to his lips as he greedily ate it. She was facing Cody. They started squeezing each other’s tits and kissing. Fred was having a ball eating Alisha’s pussy while his dick slid in and out of Cody. He felt both women cumming, heavy intense orgasms. He was ready again and let it go. He flooded Cody’s pussy with his cream. It was running all over, he couldn’t stop shooting his load,, it kept going for several minutes then subsided. Cody was full of cum, it was running out of her all over Fred‘s balls. Alisha had squirted a few times and Fred had lapped it all up like a dog. All three of them needed a rest, they had all had some really good orgasms. Alisha went out of the room and headed for the pool. She knew that a swim would invigorate her quickly and she would be ready for Fred’s cock again. Cody and Fred were close behind her. Alisha dived into the pool and glided across to the other side. Fred did a cannon ball and Cody just eased into the pool. Fred and Alisha both swam around in the pool and Cody just hung around the edge, not wanting to get her hair wet. After about half an hour, they all got out and went to the kitchen for a beer. Fred walked up to Alisha with a cold beer in his hand. He touched and circled Alisha’s nipples with the cold bottle. Her nipples became really hard and it felt really good. She walked over to the table and lay down on in, with her head past the edge and hanging down. She opened wide and motioned for Fred to come to her. When he walked up she took his cock in her mouth and he started head fucking her. It was a straight shot through her mouth and into her throat. He was fucking her head hard, she was playing with his balls……in a matter of minutes he pushed his cock all the way in, down her throat and started ejaculating into her esophagus. She took a large load directly down into her stomach. When he pulled out, Cody went down on Alisha and began to suck and finger her pussy. Fred went around behind Cody and slid is cock into her ass. She wasn’t expecting it. Soon Fred’s cock was all the way inside her ass, his balls banging on her pussy lips. Fred was giving Cody a royal fucking, slamming his cock deep into her each stroke, holding onto her hips with his hands. All of a sudden, Cody felt Fred’s hot sperm coating the insides of her colon. He was moaning as he drained his balls inside her…..Cody was moaning as she was cumming. Alisha started to cum as Cody continued to lap up all the juices she could from Alisha’s pussy. In a little while they all went to the bedroom and crashed. That much hard sex was tiring. They all fell asleep. Alisha woke up after a while and felt Fred up close behind her fucking her in the ass……..she woke just in time to feel Fred shoot her full of his hot jizz………..the guy was an utter cum machine tonight. She didn’t know how much cum he had ejaculated, but she figured it had to be close to a half gallon. They all fucked and sucked each other for the next 4 hours, it was quite an orgy. They all got very tired and Alisha decided it was time to go. Cody wanted one more fuck so she grabbed Fred and took him to the couch. Alisha got dressed and watched Fred fucking her little sister. Fred was an animal. He had Cody bent over the back of the couch pounding her pussy like a jack hammer. Cody had got her rocks off a couple more times while Fred slammed her. Fred let out a shrill yell as he shoved his cock all the way inside her, shooting his load. Alisha could see Fred shuddering as he continued his ejaculation.

The two girls left Fred’s house and went to Alisha and Colin’s house. They went inside and cleaned themselves up, had a bite to eat then went to bed and to sleep. When they awoke the next morning, they both felt like they had been ridden hard and put up wet.
They were lazy and didn’t get up real quickly. A little more sleep and they were ready to go. Alisha dropped Cody at the house and went on to the office. She had a lot of stuff to do today and needed to get it done.

Alisha considered the events of the former evening and decided that she was not going to fuck around anymore. She had to stop being a nymphomaniac, She knows that she likes the sex she gets from Colin, it’s good and it means something, these other guys are just a fuck and that’s it. She knows that she has to get her desires under control, but doesn’t know how to do it………maybe her mom can help.

Alisha finishes up her work in about an hour then goes to see her Mom. When she gets to Anne’s office, Anne is surprised to see her here. “To what do I owe the pleasure of my eldest daughter’s visit today?” she asked.

Alisha shut the door to the office and sat down. “Mom, I have a major problem and I need your help.”

Anne could see that she was serious and she looked troubled. “If I can help you, I will, Alisha, tell me, what’s the matter.”

Alisha didn’t know where to start. She sat across the desk from her Mom, her head facing down. “Mom……..I don’t know where to start, so here goes……….Mom, I’m a sex addict. I don’t know any other way to put it. I go out with random men for the express purpose of fucking them then leaving……..there’s no love or even tender feelings for these guys, I just want their cock and cum and that’s it. I’ve found a man that loves me and will do anything for me, for his sake, I have to get this compulsion under control…………….can you help me? I don’t know what to do.”

Anne leaned back in her chair, thinking about what she had just heard. She knew that Alisha was very troubled about this condition and she knew that she could help her daughter get through this, but, Alisha would have to work at it hard. “Alisha, my dear, I’ll do everything in my power to help you get through this. We have to have some sessions and talk about what’s going on, and when we get to the root of the problem, we can work on it. Alisha, I’m so sorry you have been going through this alone, I want to help you.”

Alisha got up and went around the desk to her Mom. She was almost in tears when Anne hugged her and held her. After a short while, Anne looked at Alisha and asked, “How long have you been trying to deal with this by yourself, my dear. I wish you had come to me sooner.

Alisha told her that it had been going on for several years and was getting progressively worse. She told her Mom that she would do anything that she suggested. She just knew that she had to get past it. Anne held her daughter and reassured her. She knew what Alisha was going through. She had had a similar condition when she was young. She knew how to deal with this problem and would. After Alisha dried the tears and put herself back together, Anne asked her if she wanted to go to lunch, “We can go out to the Cattails, it’s quiet there and we can talk further. As they left for lunch, Alisha told Anne, that she was sorry she hadn’t confided in her sooner, but she was embarrassed and didn’t want to disappoint her. The relationship with Colin had brought her to the realization she had to do something and do it now. If she didn’t, she could lose the best thing she had ever had. Anne told her that whenever these urges come up, Alisha should call her, no matter what time it is. Alisha promised her she would.

After lunch Alisha went back to Colin’s house and rested. She was still troubled. Colin called when she got home. She was so glad to hear from him. “I miss you so much Colin, I wish you were here.”

Colin told her that he would finish his business in an hour or so and would be home tonight…….and that he missed her also.” When they got off the phone Alisha started cleaning house, that was one thing that would occupy her mind and help her maintain till he got home. She just had to get her life together now that she had someone worth fighting for……and this was a fight.

Alisha had a lot of work to do, in the months to come, on the ranch implementing the changes in the breeding program. She knew she would throw herself into her work and into her relationship and this would help beat her problem. She knew this obsession of hers was only in her mind and she could train her mind to get past it. Tomorrow was the beginning. After the hearing, she will have her money and from there, everything else will start. She is about to finish preparing dinner when Colin comes in. She runs through the house and jumps into his arms and begins kissing him. Colin wraps his arms around her and holds her tight. “It sure feels good to be home and get a reception like this.” he says as he kisses her again. Alisha is wrapped around him like an octopus, just wanting to hold him. When she finally turns him loose she leads him into the kitchen, dinner is ready. They have dinner and talk about his business and how well things are going. When the dishes are done, Colin has finished unpacking and went into the shower. They go to bed and just hold each other, no sex, they just want to hold each other and talk. Alisha feels so secure when Colin is close. She knows that he loves her and that she loves him. They go to sleep and Alisha feels safe and strong. She has a lot to overcome and she knows she will succeed.



Alisha walks into the courtroom. Dayle is sitting at the table with their attorney. She goes up and sits down next to Dayle and they talk like old friends. Colin has taken a seat back in the rear of the courtroom. As the judge enters the courtroom, they all stand. The courtroom is empty, except for the court reporter and a guard. The Judge reads through the paperwork on his desk and makes a short opening statement and asks Alisha and Dayle if they are both in agreement on the terms of the divorce. They both answer the judge that they are in agreement. After some further instruction on the terms of the settlement, the judge declares the divorce final and that all of the financial terms have to be completed within the next 5 days. Their attorney tells the judge that he has in his possession the check and paperwork to be signed and that he will file all the signed agreements today and will disburse the funds today also. They sign the papers and the attorney hands Alisha a check. Dayle comes over to her and hugs her and says, “Alisha, I’m so sorry for the way things turned out, I hope that we can always at least be friends.” Alisha told him that she harbored no hard feelings and she appreciated the way he had conducted himself through the whole divorce. She told Dayle to come with her she wanted him to meet Colin. When the two guys met, there was a little animosity, but nothing excessive.

They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Dayle wasted no time in leaving the courtroom. Alisha and Colin talked with her attorney for a little while then they left. Alisha went to the bank and deposited the check. She had enough money now to complete the ranch deal and pay for the cattle she had bought. Colin told her that he had to go to the dealership and do some work and that he would see her later.

Alisha had to go see Mr. Marrs and get a closing date set……..she hoped she could get it done as soon as possible. Mr. Marrs was ready to get the deal done, and agreed to meet at the title company on Monday to close the deal. Alisha had one more stop to make in town. She wanted to begin building their new home as soon as possible. She met with an architect and started planning the new home she wanted. After two hours, they had an outline of what Alisha wanted in her new home. The architect told her that he would have the preliminary plans drawn up by the middle of the next week so she could come back by and take a look and see if it’s what she has in mind.

She went by Colin’s office and told him what she had been doing and he was elated. “I was wondering when we would get started, I’ll go with you next week and we can see if we can get the house just the way we want it.” Everything was coming together. Christmas is getting close and she feels this will be the best Christmas she has had for a long time. She needs to go by the office and take care of a few things then she will go home. Hopefully, Colin will be there when she gets there.

She needs to get back into running to occupy her time and get her mind off of her problem. The best time to run is out at the ranch, there are several trails she can run close by the office. She could change clothes up at her folks house and shower when she is finished. The best thing to do is get some running clothes out at the ranch and set a time in the morning and just do it. She has always loved to run out at the ranch. She almost always sees wildlife, plus, it’s just a beautiful place.

As she drives home, Alisha gets a call from Justin. He tells her that he has found another calf killed. Again, it looks as though a mountain lion did it. Alisha tells him that they need to set out several wildlife cameras in the area and see if they can catch a picture of the cat. It might help them to figure out where the cat holds up. Justin told her that he will get it done at first light. As she pulls up on the driveway, Colin is getting home. They go in and fix dinner together. After the dinner dishes are finished, Alisha settles in a chair and reads a book she started a few days ago and Colin is working on something he brought home with him. Soon its bedtime………..both are tired and they go to sleep quickly. In the morning, Alisha has packed up some clothes to run in. No time like the present to get started.

As Alisha arrived at the office, Justin was talking to Bob about finding, yet another, dead calf. It also looked like it was killed by a big cat. Bob has decided to call in the Federal Trapper to see if they can catch this killer. One of the guys thought he caught a glimpse of the cat a couple of days ago, but it was moving so fast he didn’t get a good look at it. Now everyone carries a gun when they’re on the ranch. You never know what a cat like this one will do. She goes up to the house to change clothes and take a run. As she comes down the steps, she thinks that maybe she needs to take a sidearm with her. Alisha is a deadly shot with a handgun or a rifle. Bob taught her to shoot when she was 12.

As she leaves the headquarters area she is looking at the scenery and feeling the fresh air in her face. She always loved the mornings on the ranch, everything is fresh and smells so clean, the dew sparkles on the grass. The sun is so bright today, no clouds in the sky, just a beautiful San Luis Valley morning. She thinks about her addiction and the problems it could cause her if anyone ever finds out about it. She knows that her mother will do her best to help her through it and the fact that she, herself, is a psychologist should help. She stops on a ridge overlooking the ranch headquarters and takes a breather. She thinks that she should come up here and take a picture, it would look good in their new house.

Alisha continues on, enjoying the beauty of the ranch as she runs along. Every time she runs out here, she always sees something she has never noticed before. Like this morning, she notices a grove of aspens with a large rock outcropping hidden back in it. The colors surrounding the shape of the rock are just beautiful. She notices some movement in the aspens. It could be a young deer, there are several in this area. She only saw the movement for a moment then it was gone. She is looking at the snow up on the high peaks above the ranch. Soon the snow will be covering all of this area and she won’t be able to run up here till spring.

As she follows the road through the aspens, she catches more movement off to her left. As she looks to see what it is, she sees it is a mountain lion and it’s crouched down in the tall grass. Alisha is not one to panic, she has been raised hunting and being around the wild animals on the ranch. She keeps an eye on the area where she last saw the cat. It’s time to turn around and move away from this area. Most of the time a cat won’t attack a human, but there is always a chance it will. It has to be the cat that’s been preying on their cattle. Alisha pulls out the .45 caliber Sig Sauer and carries it in her hand as she runs along. She sees more movement on a parallel path to her, going in the same direction. Alisha has become somewhat anxious about the cat stalking her, but, she is aware and has the 45 ready to fire. She hasn’t seen any more movement in the trees or grass and thinks that the animal turned in another direction. As she looks in front of her, she sees the cat coming out of the trees directly at her. As the big cat leaps at her she fires three shots……..the cat hit’s the ground in front of her and rolls into her, knocking her to the ground. Alisha rolls when she falls, keeping the cat in her view. The lion is still moving, trying to get to its feet, she comes up on one knee and fires two more shots. Both bullets rip into the lion’s head and it falls, flopping in uncontrolled spasms. She knows that the cat is dying, but she is still wary till it is completely still.

Alisha’s heart is racing, she can hear it beating and feel the blood pulsing through her body. She sits back on the ground, trying to catch her breath, not completely believing what just happened. She was thinking how lucky she is that she hit the cat on the fly.

She hears a vehicle coming up the road, just beyond the next patch of aspens. It has to be one of the cowboys that worked there coming to investigate the shots and sure enough, it’s Justin and her dad, flying up the road. They see her sitting alongside the road and rush to her. As they get out, they see the body of the mountain lion lying about ten steps from Alisha. They could see she was still visibly shaken as they went to her.

“He came out of the trees at me………..I pulled up and shot and shot……..he…he just fell then tried to get….up and I shot him again. I was so scared……..Alisha broke down and started crying, putting her head on her knees. Bob knelt down beside her and kept telling her everything was alright, the cat was dead.

Justin had been looking the cat over………”Damn Bob, she put three shots in his chest, below his neck and two in his head.” Bob took the gun from Alisha and dropped the clip. “Five shots gone, damn Alisha that’s some good shooting, I guess I taught you well.” Justin smiled and commented, “I hope I don’t piss her off anytime, I wouldn’t have a chance.” He and Bob laughed a bit as they helped Alisha to her feet and into the truck. Alisha was still crying, the reality of what had happened sinking in. That cat could have killed her if she had not been armed. He heart was still pounding. “Dad, I want that bastard’s hide tanned and tacked on my wall……….will you take him over to Daniels and let him mount it?”

Bob told her he’d have the guys come back up here and take the cat over to the taxidermist.

When they got back to the office, Alisha told them she was going up to the house, change and go home…… She needed to compose herself. Alisha went home, showered huddled up on the couch and watched tv. In a little while, Colin came in. “Your Dad called and told me what happened, I had to come home to see how you are……….you doing ok?”

“I’m fine, just a little shaken up, I just can’t get the vision of that cat jumping at me, his eyes looking through me and his mouth open……..those teeth……….”

Colin sat down by her and held her. “I can only imagine how terrified you were….sounds like you are a good shot.”

“Yeah, and I’m gonna nail that cat’s hide to my wall!”

Colin laughed and told her that it appeared that she had already nailed his hide……they both laughed. Alisha was shaken, but she would be ok. “Tell you what, let’s go down and see that architect and see if he has anything done yet…..it’ll do you good to get out.”

She agreed so she changed out of her sweats and they took off to see the architect. Colin
decided to spend the day with her, just to keep her company. The rest of the day went well, they went out to dinner then went home. Alisha was still tired so she went to bed and went to sleep quickly.

The next days passed quickly. Suddenly it was the day to close on the ranch. Alisha had looked forward to this for some time, now it was reality. The closing went smoothly and by nightfall, she was the proud owner of the Marrs Ranch. There are several things that have to be done over there that have to be taken care of………she would start at that tomorrow. She also has an appointment with her Mom right after class. She didn’t look forward to seeing her classmate, Jim. She hoped that he didn’t think he was going to get to fuck her again………..it won’t happen.

Class went smoothly. Jim was absent, which relieved Alisha. The appointment with her mom went smoothly, they made good progress. Alisha felt really good when she left and went out to the ranch. She stopped at the office and asked her dad and Justin to go with her. When they got to the Marrs Ranch, there was a moving van out front of the house loading. All of the equipment was lined up for the auction coming up next week. Marrs had let all of his help go. They would have to hire two more people, but that wouldn’t be till spring. Mr. Marrs had told Alisha that he had all the maps of the property and she should stop by and he’d give them to her. They went down and checked out the out buildings and the corals. Everything looked good, she had bought all of the livestock on the ranch and they were all in the winter pastures near by the corals. Justin got a good introduction to the ranch from Bob and Alisha. They told him what needed to be done here, he could bring some of the guys over here later and they could get started. Alisha was happy today, she had put the thoughts of the cat behind her and was working toward getting the new ranch going……..this was going to be great.

She looked up toward the main road and sees Colin’s car coming. She had told him to come out and they would pick a place to build their new home. When Colin got there, he was happy to see Bob and they talked for a while. Bob and Justin took Alisha’s truck back to the ranch and she and she and Colin left in his car. Alisha took Colin to a place on the ranch that she liked. It sat up on high ground and overlooked a large meadow with a river running through it. You can see the foothills behind the meadow. Colin looked at it and fell in love with the spot. “You sure know how to pick a building site, Alisha, I love this place.” So, it was settled, this is where they will build their home.

The next day they went to their architect’s office and told him that they had selected the building spot. He told them he would go make an inspection of the proposed building site and let them know. All they needed to do now was find a contractor. Alisha knew of a guy she had gone to school with that had an excellent reputation in building. His name is Melvin Rogers, his office is only a short distance from the architect’s office, so they walked over to see him. When they got there and consulted with Melvin, he told them he would be happy to build their home for them. He needed to go out and look at the building site, so, they all got in Alisha’s truck and drove out there. When he saw the site, Melvin told them it was a perfect site. It had good solid footing and was on high ground, in case the river flooded. Melvin set out a few stakes and told them he would get the blueprints and come out and survey the area. He just needed to know which way the front of the house faced. They all went back to Melvin’s office and drew up the contracts for the construction. Melvin had called the architect and found out that he could have the blueprints the next day…..he was ready to start.

Alisha and Colin were very happy with the way things were going. Their next stop was at a well driller’s office. He told them he would get the permit for the well and get started on it very soon. It should only take about 5 days to get the permit. He told them he would go out with the contractor and find out exactly where he needed to drill the well so he could put the exact location on the permit application. Colin and Alisha drove home, very happy with their decisions. The memory of the mountain lion had faced away. When they entered the house Alisha was dancing around in a great mood. Colin was very secure in his decision to marry Alisha, he thought to himself what a lucky guy he was to have a woman like her love him……..he would do anything for her, he just wanted her to be happy and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her……..it was going to happen, even though he didn’t know it at this time.

He went into the kitchen to get a beer from the frig. He was opening it when Alisha entered the kitchen……….totally naked. This was something that Colin did not anticipate. He sat his beer down as she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Colin was getting excited. Alisha had a body to die for…….all the perfect dimensions in the right places. She started removing his pants as he was getting out of his shirt. His pants fell to the floor and he stepped out of them as he felt Alisha removing his underwear and her hungry mouth taking his manhood completely inside it. He had an erection, but Alisha was making it harder. He knew that her giving him head was not going to last long…….he was starting to feel a big load of cum building up way down inside him……..the pleasure she was giving him was driving him to the edge…….perhaps he should slow her up………………….too late here it comes. Colin took her by the sides of the head and pulled her to him.

She had her hands on his balls gently caressing them as he felt the first rush of cum blow out the end of his cock and into her mouth. Alisha moaned and he felt her tongue working his cock over as he continued to ejaculate into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed all she could, the rest ran down her chin and dripped onto her tits. Colin, feeling super horny, bent her over the kitchen table and slid his throbbing cock past her pink outer lips and deep into her hot, wet pussy. Alisha screamed with delight as she felt his big dick drive deep inside her vagina and bump into the end of her cunt.

The pleasure of being inside her felt so good. He was banging her with long, deliberate strokes. The head of his cock would almost come out of her, when he reversed and pushed it all the way inside her again. She felt his balls bang against her clit when he was all the way in, it felt so damn good that she was beginning to cum, the contractions were gigantic, her stomach muscles were so hard they hurt………the orgasm totally engulfed her from head to toe. She was almost paralyzed, she couldn’t move, just could only lay there having one of the most fantastic orgasm’s she had ever had……..and to top it off…….Colin was filling her with hot sperm at the same time. He fell over on top of her, his cock still pulsing and throbbing inside her. She felt his warm cum running down the inside of her legs.

When Colin regained his strength, he raised up off of Alisha’s back and pulled out of her, his cock softened and is hanging down limp. “Looks kinda like a dead soldier there,” she said giggling. Colin grinned at her and said, “Dead soldier my ass!” Alisha took off running with Colin hot on her tail. He caught her at the edge of the bed and tackled her onto the top of the bed. Colin pinned her shoulders down and pushed his way between her legs. They were both laughing very hard as he pushed inside her again……Alisha’s eyes rolled back in her head as Colin started to fuck her again. She wrapped her long legs around his ass and pulled him deep inside her……her arms wrapped around him also. Colin was pounding her pussy hard, wanting to cum again. He felt Alisha beginning to cum, her pussy tightened around his cock so hard he could hardly move in and out of her……….then he blew his load………again……both of them moaning and groaning n ecstasy as they writhed around on the bed, both having the most fantastic orgasms that they had had in quite a while. Alisha was truly happy. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept soundly all night……….dreaming of their life together.

Morning came slowly to Colin and Alisha. It took them a while to wake up and get around to starting their day. It had been quite some time since Alisha has had a sex experience like this. She is totally satisfied. The thoughts of the encounter with the lion came rushing back to Alisha. In her mind she could still see the eyes of the lion looking intently at her as he leaped at her, his fangs glistening as he opened his mouth, ready to tear into her. She shuddered as she showered and thought about the experience. She knew it was going to take some time for her to get those visions out of her head. She had to change her attention from the attack…………suddenly she felt Colin’s hands on her breasts. That shocked her back into reality rather quickly. Colin had entered the shower, without her hearing him, and had eased up behind her. She could feel his rod against her ass, trying to find the entrance to one of her pleasure centers. She bent forward slightly and leaned against the wall. She felt Colin’s cock enter her again. It slid in all the way and she felt his balls against her outer lips, his swollen member going in and out of her wet pussy. It only took a few strokes and she began to cum……….then she felt that warm, filling sensation as his cock began to spew it’s hot load over her insides. “Now that is what I call a quickie,” he told her as he pulled out of her. She continued her shower and then washed herself out. Colin was out of the shower and drying off……..Alisha was not far behind………she had class this morning then had to see her mom again. She knew she was on the right track, she would kick this obsession.

Class went quickly and so did her appointment with Anne. During her appointment, Anne told her a lot of things that caused her to be obsessive with sex. Most of it is caused by Alisha’s need for affection. Evidently, while she was growing up, she never felt like her parents gave her the attention or affection she desired. Alisha had some problems believing that, her parents had always went out of their way to show their affection for both the girls, but Alisha evidently did not think that way. She had always thought she had to fight to get their attention and approval. That really wasn’t the case, but Alisha believed it. Bob had always thought the sun rose and set in Alisha. He always was teaching her something or another, like shooting, riding, roping or some other ranch life type job.

Alisha knew she could beat this thing because she had a guy worth fighting for. She was supposed to go look at cattle this afternoon, they needed another 300 head to get the herd to the size they would need. She needed to drive over to Pagosa Springs to look at a herd that was being sold. There are 150 bred 1st calf heifers, all from top blood lines. Justin is supposed to go with her to look at them. Hopefully, they will be back by dark. She meets Justin at the office and they take off. Alisha always liked to drive over to Pagosa, it was a beautiful drive. They talked about everything on the way over. Justin brought up sex and asked if Alisha still wanted to have a no-strings attached relationship, now that she was going to get married. Alisha really didn’t know what to say…..on one hand, she wanted to beat the thing, but, on the other she really did like fucking Justin……and ……..she knew he meant nothing to her. She told him that if she got the urge to get laid, she would let him know.

He told her that he really did enjoy sex with her, she is so beautiful and sexy. Words like these, really did turn her on. She could feel herself getting wet as they talked. “Well,” she said, “it might be ok to get it on once in a while, might keep us both sane.” Justin laughed and they continued their conversation. As they neared Pagosa Springs, there was a small lodge just outside town. Alisha was getting really hot and knew she wanted some cock. “What say we pull in here and get a room and screw for an hour or so……..then we can go look at the cattle.” Justin jumped at the opportunity……”Hell, I’ll even pay for the room,” he said. Alisha wheeled in and Justin went inside the office to get the room. In 5 minutes they were in the room and getting naked. Justin was hard as a rock and wanted to fuck her badly. Alisha felt the same way. She got on the bed on her back and spread her legs.

“Ok, big boy, bring that big cock over here, mama needs it.” Justin didn’t waste any time mounting her and sliding into her wet pussy. Alisha was moaning and moving her hips around in a circular motion, then pushing her pussy to him, trying to get all of him inside her. Justin was slow fucking her, long steady strokes. Alisha wrapped her legs and arms around him and pulled him close as they moved together, feeling all the pleasure they could. They must have fucked for the better part of an hour before they both had their orgasms, simultaneously. Alisha’s pussy clamped down on Justin’s cock and started milking the cum out of him. It seemed to her that his orgasm was everlasting, she could feel the hot spurts of cum hitting the back of her vagina……and it was making her cum more and harder. Finally, they both had finished and were just laying there feeling each other. Justin pulled his cock out of her. Alisha could see the threads of cum hanging from it as he stood up. She knew that her pussy was full of his cream, it was starting to run out and down her ass. She got up and went to the bathroom and pushed his cum out …..she couldn’t believe how much there was…….damn, she should have had him shoot it in her mouth so she could have savored the sweet taste of him before she swallowed it all. Oh well, some other time, they needed to get out to the ranch and look at the heifers. In a half hour, that’s where they were, talking like nothing had ever happened. It amazed her that after getting laid like that, thoughts of getting fucked again, really didn’t even cross her mind. Oh well, she just might not be able to shake this curse, it might go on for ever……….right now she didn’t care, there were cattle to look at and to be bought.

When she saw the cattle, she was highly impressed with the herd. It was a very young herd of cattle, mostly 3 and 4 year olds. There are actually 156 head. Alisha haggled with the owner for the better part of an hour. He was a handsome man about 40 years old that was selling out his ranch to move to a lower altitude because of his wife’s health. They continued to try to strike a deal on the cattle. There was one other herd they wanted to look at while they were over here. There were not as many and the herd tended to be a little older. As the time passed, Alisha told Justin that he should go look at the other group of cattle before it gets late. She told him she trusted his evaluation. Justin left and went to meet the other rancher.

Alisha and Terry continued their negotiations………..Terry asked her if she would like a beer or a drink. She accepted, so Terry brought out a bottle of Sausa Tequila. They negotiated and did shots. After about another hour, they were only a little way apart, but neither would budge and they were getting a little drunk. Terry poured another shot and said, “Alisha we’re only a little ways apart. Tell you what, due to my wife’s health, I haven’t had sex in about a year. If you have sex with me I’ll accept your offer.” Alisha shot down her tequila and smiled at him. “Well Terry, I need to see what you’re bringing to the……table.” Terry smiled at Alisha and stood up, unbuckled his jeans and let them drop. He stood there for a minute or so.

Alisha could see the huge bulge in his boxer briefs. Terry slowly pulled them down to his knees. A giant anaconda of a dick jumped out…….it had to be 12 inches long and very thick. Alisha’s mouth watered when she saw it and she could feel her crotch getting wet. “That’s a real nice tool you have there Terry, I think we have a deal,” she said as she removed her boots and stood up. “Now, Terry, here’s what you get.” Alisha removed her jeans and blouse, stood there for about a minute as Terry was kicking out of his jeans and removing his shirt. She slowly removed her bra then her thong. They stood there in the afternoon light just looking at each other. Terry moved up to her and kissed her. Alisha then went down to her knees and took the end of his monster cock in her mouth and slid it in as far as she could take it. There was still 4 inches of cock to go when she had to pull back. She spit in her hand and started jacking him off while she took about 5 inches into her mouth. She gave her a little pre-cum spurt or two which she lapped up like a puppy. Terry was a very muscular guy and strong. He lifted Alisha up to her feet, sat her up on the table, spread her long legs and slowly inserted his cock into her pussy. She could feel her vagina filling up with his cock as he pressed deeper into her until finally his balls were on her ass. She had been up on her elbows watching, but when he was all the way in, she laid back and put her feet up on his shoulders, enabling her to take more of him inside her. He reached around her legs and grasped her tits and began to squeeze them gently and roll her nipples between his thumb and index finger, meanwhile gliding in and out of her wet pussy.

Alisha felt wonderful as she thought to herself…….this fuck just made me $35,000. She was glad that she had sent Justin to look at the other herd…….she hoped that he would take his time and not come back too soon. Terry was slowly fucking her, both of them moaning on every stroke. Terry looked down at her, “Alisha, do you ever take it up the ass?” Alisha smiled back at him and said, “I take it any way you want to give it.” He grasped her calves and pulled his cock out of her. He spit a big glob of saliva down on her pussy and with one hand grasped his cock and smeared it down her crack. He put the head of his dick at her ass hole and began to insert it. Her sphincter muscle was tight and the big mushroom head of his cock was having trouble going in. He rubbed the head in her pussy and lubed it again, then went back to her ass. This time the mushroom head spread her ass and went in. Ever so slowly did it go in, stretching her ass to its limits…….then……..it was all the way in. She could feel his balls against her ass cheeks as he slid in and out. She pulled her knees to her chest and he grasped the backs of her thighs and continued ass fucking her…..it felt good, especially when he inserted his right thumb into her pussy and rubbed her clit with his other fingers.

Alisha could contain herself no longer, she had to cum and cum she did along with a few strong squirts that hit Terry in the navel and ran down. “I didn’t know you were a squirter, Alisha, this is even more than I bargained for.” He pulled out of her ass and put his cock back into her pussy and started to fuck her hard, all of a sudden wanting to cum and fill her. For the next 15 minutes he gave Alisha the fucking of her life. He would fuck her in the pussy for a little while then switch to her ass then switch back till finally his cock erupted in her like a volcano. She thought, ’he was telling the truth when he said he hadn’t had a piece of ass in over a year…………………it feels like he’s dumping a gallon of semen in me . Terry was pumping cum into her like a well. At one point he pulled out and Alisha saw long, thick squirts of semen shoot up onto her stomach and tits. He put it in her ass and fucked her some more as he continued to fill her to the brim with his hot jizz. When he finally stopped erupting, Alisha had cum all over her body……there was cum on the floor and the table. It was running out of her holes like a dam had just broke. Terry stood there, for a moment, just looking at her, lying naked in his cum with it oozing out of her. She raked up a wad of cum from her stomach with three fingers and licked it off. It tasted good so she raked up more and more, swallowing all she could get.

Terry’s cock had went limp when he pulled out of her, but, watching her eating his cum aroused him and his cock began to harden again. She ran her three fingers up her pussy then let a glob of sperm run onto them. She took that to her mouth and licked them like an ice cream cone. Terry couldn’t take it any more and put his cock inside her again and began to pump her rapidly. He looked at her smiling and asked, “Do you want this load in your mouth?” Alisha hungrily nodded yes.

Terry kept fucking her faster and faster till she could see on his face that he was going to cum again. He told her, “here it comes,’” as he pulled out and she slid off the table to her knees and took the end of his cock in her mouth just in time to feel the rush of hot cum begin to fill her oral cavity. She swallowed all she could, the rest ran out of her mouth and down onto her tits. It ran off her tits down her stomach and onto her shaved pussy. This load wasn’t as big as the first one, but there was plenty. When he stopped cumming, she scraped up all she could from her pussy to her tits and ate it too. She stood up and said, “Terry, that was one good fuck. I hope you felt like you got your money’s worth…….now, where’s your bathroom, I have to get cleaned up before Justin gets back.” He pointed to a door across the room. He watched as she walked away from him, he thought, ‘ that is one damn good looking woman and one hell of a fuck.’

Alisha jumped into his shower, washed off and pushed out all of the cum she could. She dried off and went to find her clothes. Terry had picked them up and laid them on the back of a chair. She had brought a handful of folded toilet paper with her. When she put the thong on, she put it in to catch the cum that was still slowly running out. She got dressed and kissed Terry again. While she was getting dressed, he went to his office and got a bill of sale, filled it out and signed it. Alisha was writing him a check when he returned to the dining room. “Well Terry, do you think it was worth it?” He just smiled and said, “You’re damn right it was worth it! Want to knock off another $10,000?” Alisha turned and looked at him…….”I don’t know if we have time or not, what do you have in mind?” Terry grinned and chuckled, “How about a blow job?” Alisha grinned at him and told him to get his pants down and bring it to her, she’d do it.

Terry walked to where she was sitting, undoing his pants. Again his huge cock appeared. Alisha thought to herself, this guy is giving away money today and I’m more than happy to take advantage of this deal……..he must really be horny. She took his cock in her mouth and began to suck him off. She had his balls in one hand, squeezing them gently as she stroked his cock in and out of her mouth. Terry told himself that he wasn’t going to blow his wad too quickly, he wanted to enjoy this…….as long as possible. However, he didn’t know about Alisha’s expertise with a cock. She felt his cock get harder, she knew that he was close, so, she pulled her old trick………..she slipped her forefinger up his ass about 4 inches and rubbed his prostate. When Terry felt this, he exploded in her mouth, there was no holding back.

Alisha slurped up his cum as fast as he shot it in her mouth. With her finger up his ass and her lips on the head and her other hand jacking him off. Terry was soon drained of semen and completely worn out. When his cock stopped jerking and ejaculating, he pulled his pants up and went back to his office to get another bill of sale. Alisha wiped off the few drops of cum that had escaped from her mouth and licked them off her fingers. She tore up the check she had written and wrote another one for the adjusted amount. Terry soon returned with the signed bill of sale. Alisha smiled and said, “Terry, it’s been a business doing pleasure with you…..and it sure was fun.” They sat and talked till Justin got back. She told Terry she would make arrangements with the trucking company and would let him know when they would arrive to load the cattle. Terry still was reeling from the fantastic sex he had just gotten. He would remember this afternoon, with Alisha, for a long, long time……….and yearn to have her body again.

She and Justin left Pagosa and headed home, it would take a couple of hours to get there……….Alisha felt terrible. She had betrayed Colin twice today. Would she ever be able to overcome this obsession? Could she continue to hide it from Colin? What would Colin do if he did find out? So many questions, she knew she had to keep it all to herself and not reveal it to anyone……she would overcome this……..and she would do it soon. Her mind wandered back to the events of the afternoon, Terry’s huge cock buried inside her, shooting his hot cum into her………and the feeling she had while it was all happening………damn she loved being fucked and enjoying the taste of a man’s cum. She knew she was not much more than a whore……but, a very rich whore.
Alisha and Justin arrived back in Alamosa at about 7 pm. Alisha dropped Justin off at the office then went home. Colin had dinner ready when she got there. “It’s been a long day honey, do you mind if I catch a shower and get comfortable before I eat?” Colin could see she was bushed and told her he’d keep it warm till she got there. She went to the bathroom, stripped and got into the Jacuzzi tub and turned it on. The jetted hot water felt good shooting against her. She laid back and closed her eyes and remembered the fucking she got from Terry. What a cock, she thought, I don’t remember a cock completely filling me like that before. The hot water felt good. She picked up the bar of soap and gave herself a good bath. She douched and cleaned out the remnants of cum that Justin and Terry had left earlier. She was tired and really just wanted to sleep, but, she was hungry also. She got out of the tub, put on her robe and went to the kitchen. Colin had steaks ready. He kissed her as he helped her be seated.

“Well, did you get any cattle bought?” he asked. “Yes, I bought a really nice set of bred young cows, they should be a really good addition to our herd. How are things at the dealership, been busy?” Colin told her that as the holidays get nearer, car sales will increase and that things had started picking up. He told her that Bob had been in to trade trucks, he really liked Alisha’s. He had made him a cost deal, just like he did with Alisha. Bob had told him that he’d be back in a day or two, he wanted to think about it.
Colin told her that she looked tired and should go to bed. That was just what was on Alisha’s mind, the fucking she had gotten from those two guys had taken a lot out of her, plus the long drive…….sleep would be great. When dinner was finished Colin told her that he would clean up and she should go to bed. She kissed him and went to the bed room, dropped her robe and crawled between the sheets. Ooooh this feels good. It didn’t take very long and she was sound asleep.

When the morning sun broke across their room, Alisha was out of bed and off to the bathroom to get ready. The cattle she bought should be arriving at the ranch holding corals about 10 am. She had made the arrangements with the trucking company while she was driving home yesterday. Justin had the guys standing by to work the cattle when they arrived. Colin was stirring. “So what are you doing today, dear?” he asked. We will be receiving the new cattle and getting them worked today. We will keep them penned till tomorrow then move them out to a winter pasture. What I like about these cattle is that they are already AI’d by the company I plan to use on our cows next spring. It will help us get going on the new program. It’s going to be a busy day. I have to figure the guys bonuses so I can give them out next week, Dad has gone down to New Mexico to see our neighbor, Mom has gone to Denver to do some shopping for Christmas. I have an appointment at the water office this afternoon to get the water rights squared away on the new ranch. I have a meeting with the architect and the well driller. The plumber is going to show up at building site to figure out where we want to put the septic system………….everything is going on at once and there doesn’t seem to be an end to it………I’m tired already……..ha ha ha.

They kissed each other and went on their separate ways to face the day. When Alisha got to the office, Justin was there. “And how are you this morning?” he asked. “I’m great,” she said, “how about you?” Justin told her he was just about to enter the information on the new cattle into the computer. He told her that the guys were going to take care of working the cattle when they arrived, they should finish with the cattle today. “I sure did enjoy yesterday,” he told her. “Me too,” she told him, thinking more about Terry. “How are you and Cody getting along,” she asked him. “We are good, she was waiting on me when I got home last night……….she stayed the night. We’re getting a little serious.” he told her. Alisha laughed and grinned at him, “and you were off fucking me yesterday…..that’s real cool.” He looked at her sheepishly, like she was getting on him for it. Alisha told him she was just kidding, “Hell, she was talking about us three having a threesome sometime, think you could handle two of us?” Justin smiled and told her he would sure like to try. “We just might have to give it a try one of these nights.”

Alisha thought she would try to see if Colin had any desires to have threesomes or swap women……….it would sure be cool if he had those desires too. She will figure it out.
Alisha told Justin she had to go to town and would be back later. He should get the guys started working the cattle as soon as they arrived. Justin said he would take care of it, not to worry. As she left the office, she saw the trucks arriving. She wished she had made the appointment with the water office a few days later, she would like to have helped work the cattle.

When Alisha got to the water office, she had to wait to see the District Water Superintendent. As she sat in the front office waiting, she thought back to Pagosa and Terry. His cock intrigued her. It was so big and had felt so good inside her, especially when it was pumping her full of hot cum. As she sat there, she felt moistness between her legs. Just the thought of that fuck made her hot. Her mind was wandering. She wondered if Colin had any impulses to get some strange. She didn’t know exactly how she was going to find out, but she would. The secretary told her that Mr. Goodwin would see her now. She went into his office, he got up from his desk and came around to greet her. “Ms. Moore, I’m Gerald Goodwin, I have looked so forward to meeting you, your reputation precedes you. It looks as though you and your father have put together a rather large ranch in the past months.” Alisha checked Gerald out….he was about her age, very good looking with a great build…….and no wedding ring.

“Mr. Goodwin, I must say, it’s a real pleasure to meet you. I have heard a lot of really good things about you. I trust that we can get my little problem taken care of without much ado, and please, call me Alisha.”

“Thank you, Alisha, please call me Gerald. I had no idea that such an intelligent business woman could also be so beautiful.”

“You’re too kind, Gerald. I need to get the water rights straightened out on the Marrs Ranch property. I think that there have been some small mistakes made in the recording of the deeds in years past. I have some affidavits pertaining to the water rights, with me today. Of course, they’re copies so that I can leave them with you. I have all of the originals, should I need them.

Gerald told her that the copies would be fine and that with them he could verify all of the water rights on the ranch. “We should be able to get this settled today so that you can continue to do what you need to do at the ranch. Alisha took the papers out of her briefcase and handed them to Gerald. As she bent over his desk and explained . He couldn’t help but see the majority of her perfect tits. She had intentionally worn a very low cut blouse and only an under supporting bra. She knew he was looking at her babies and she was totally enjoying being an exhibitionist. She liked it when men noticed her body. She worked hard at keeping it attractive, now Gerald was thoroughly enjoying the view he was being given. Alisha knew that she could use her body to get what she wanted from a man…………any man. She continued explaining the paperwork she had brought, but Gerald hardly heard a word she said………he was too interested at looking at her tits to notice anything else. Gerald couldn’t help but notice how her well her jeans fit and he could see those two little bulges between her legs. Damn, how he would have liked to watch her put those tight jeans on, damn………..he thought. When she finished explaining what she wanted, Gerald agreed with her and told her that he would prepare the necessary documents to get the problem straightened out. “It’s almost closing time, Alisha, would you like to go across the street to the Inn of the Rio Grande and get a drink with me?”

Alisha knew that she had this discrepancy fixed, now it was time to seal the deal. “Of course, I’d love to,” she said. They both got up and left the office and walked across the street. When they got into the Inn, they went to the lounge and found a table, in the back of the bar and out of the way. When they were seated, the waitress took their order and went to the bar to get it. Gerald was definitely fixated on Alisha’s beautiful breasts…..he could hardly take his eyes off of them. “Please don’t think me forward but, I must say, Alisha, you are a very beautiful woman and your body is exquisite. Are you married or attached?”

Alisha smiled and told him, “I am engaged to Colin Braxton, we are to be married next summer.”

Gerald didn’t care if she was married, single, engaged or attached, he was going to put the moves on this beauty and see if he could experience the pleasures her body could give him. Their drinks arrived and they continued to chat. “It’s too bad that a woman like you is tied down, I mean, unavailable. I’d love to get to know you, Alisha, I think we could be great friends.”

Alisha recognized what was going on and decided that she should take advantage of this situation and use it to get an edge for now and in the future. A good friend in the State Water Office couldn’t hurt. “Gerald, I may be engaged, but, that doesn’t mean that I have stopped living……….or looking around. I find that sometimes a little change of scenery is good, don’t you think?”

Alisha was leaning over the table and her luscious tits were more than noticeable. She pulled her upper arms a little closer to her sides and caused them to push out more, emphasizing her cleavage………..she could tell that Gerald was enjoying the scene also. As Gerald continued to look at Alisha’s tits, he could feel his cock getting hard. He had inhaled the first drink and had ordered another. Alisha scooted her chair closer to the table. She put her hand on Gerald’s knee….she could tell that he was getting excited. The waitress delivered two more drinks. Alisha moved her chair closer to Gerald. She felt one of his hands on her thigh. Her jeans fit very tight and she could feel every teeny movement he made. She felt her pussy getting hot and wet. She laid her hand over his hand on the table and gave it a little squeeze. His other hand moved up her thigh and was almost to her crotch. He could feel her engorged pussy lips pushing her jeans out. He stroked those bulges in her jeans and Alisha felt like she would cum if he continued. He looked directly into her eyes and asked her if she would like for him to get a room for them to go to. Alisha smiled, enjoying the feelings coming from him rubbing her pussy lips. “Gerald, I think that would be a great idea!”

Gerald got up and left the bar, went to the desk and got a room. He came back to the bar and told Alisha that it was room 119. She should take the key and go there, he would follow her in a few minutes. She looked around the bar, there were only 3 other people in there and they looked to be tourists. She took his hand and led him out of the bar.

They went to the room and went inside. Alisha went to the TV and turned it on and turned it to a music channel. She turned around, looking at Gerald and started stripping to the music, slowly. Gerald sat on the edge of the bed and watched. When she removed her blouse and exposed her naked breasts to him, he thought he would cum in his underwear, but somehow, he controlled himself. Alisha continued taking her clothes off till she was completely naked. She went to Gerald and began to remove his shirt. His hands went to her hips and pulled her to his mouth. His tongue darted in between her pussy lips and found her engorged clit. He grasped her but cheeks and pulled her pussy closer to his mouth. One of his favorite things in the world to do was eat pussy and he was helping himself to Alisha’s. Alisha felt her orgasm building and she knew if he continued she would cum……..then it happened. Her stomach muscles contracted violently as she began her orgasm. Gerald felt it and stepped up his attack of her pussy. As he licked her clit, he slid two fingers into her pussy and found her G spot. He rubbed that little fleshy spot hard, feeling her pussy contracting around his fingers and her pussy running hot with her juices.

Gerald licked her pussy, getting all of that sweet pussy juice he could suck up. Alisha finished her orgasm and took Gerald by his hands. She lifted him to his feet and removed his pants and underwear. She noticed a wet spot in his underwear and knew he was oozing pre-cum. She took his cock in her hand. His cock wasn’t that big, maybe 6 inches, but it was thick. As she stroked it with her hand, she felt him give up a small shot of cum. She went down to her knees and took it all in her mouth and began to suck it. Every time she took it all the way in, she could feel him give up a small shot of cum. It tasted wonderful, she wanted more. She continued to suck his cock faster and faster till she felt him tense and then that warm sweet taste filled her mouth. He was unloading a huge load of cum in her mouth. He was moaning as she continued to pump his cock and swallow all the cum she could. Her mouth overflowed and dripped down on her tits. She really likes cum and she wants all of it……down her throat.

When he finished cumming, he sat down on the edge of the bed, a little exhausted. Alisha went up to the head of the bed and stripped the covers off and crawled into the middle of the bed and spread her legs. Gerald took the hint and mounted her. His cock was hard and slipped easily into her hot waiting cunt. It wasn’t as large as she was used to, but, he damn sure knew how to use it. In just a little while she was cumming again. Gerald never let up, he just kept slamming his meat into her. She could see that Gerald was sweating as he pumped away on her. She knew that he was trying desperately to cum again. He kept fucking her faster and faster till he pushed his cock all the way in and froze. She could feel his cock spurting hot jizz into her……..it felt really good, she wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled him tight against her pussy as she felt him continuing to unload his hot semen inside her. When he finished he just laid on top of her, breathing like he had just ran a marathon. When he recovered, he rolled off of her and laid there on his back.

He looked over at her and told her that this was the best sex he had had in years………and he wanted more, if she felt up to it. He didn’t know that he was talking to the most horny woman in the State of Colorado. She rolled over on top of him, put his cock back inside her pussy. She sat upright on him and started to grind her pussy onto his cock. It didn’t take but a few minutes and he was shooting his load again. All he could think was how great this beautiful woman was in bed and how absolutely great her pussy felt wrapped around his cock. She could contract her pussy like it was milking his cock. She took every drop of his sperm that he had and wanted more. She fucked Gerald for the next two hours non- stop. They both had multiple orgasms and finally they both lay on the bed on their backs, exhausted, not wanting any more fucking.

Alisha got up and went to the shower and cleaned herself up. When she came out, Gerald was sleeping. She put her clothes on and wrote him a note thanking him for the wild sex and that he should call her sometime. She quietly went out the door, went to her truck and went home. When she got there, Colin had not arrived yet. He had left a voicemail on the phone telling her that he would be working late. Alisha felt guilty for fucking around on him…….she would go pick up some Colonel Sanders and go out to his office and surprise him. She got in her truck and went to the Kentucky Fried Chicken joint and got a bucket of chicken, and a couple of pops, then went out to he dealership. It was all dark except for a light in Colin’s office.

She got out with the dinner and went to the door. It was locked so, she went back to her truck and got the key to the door. She unlocked it, picked up the food and went inside. As she got closer to Colin’s office, she could hear that someone else was in there with him……a woman’s voice and she sounded like she was having sex. Alisha quietly sat the food down on the floor and crept up to his office door. She peeked around the edge of the door and saw Colin naked on his knees in front of his naked secretary sitting in a chair. He had his face buried in her pussy and she had her head laid back over the back of the chair. She was moaning loudly as he ate her pussy.

Alisha could tell that she was cumming. Colin got to his feet and pulled her up to her feet and bent her over his desk. He stepped up behind her and slid his cock inside her pussy and began to pump her. In a few minutes he slammed his cock all the way in her and let out a loud groan as he got his rocks off in her. He pulled his cock out and sat in the chair. His cock went soft. His secretary kneeled down in front of him and began to suck his cock till it got hard again. Alisha wasn’t mad at all, she just saw a door open that she had been thinking about. Maybe they could swing a little. She didn’t know exactly how to handle this. She peeked back in. Beverly had straddled his cock and was fucking him again. She went back and picked up the food, turned and walked into the office. When Colin and Beverly saw her they didn’t know what to do…….they just froze. Alisha acted like she was surprised and dropped the food. “Just what the fuck is going on here?” she asked. Beverly got off of Colin’s hard cock…….it was standing straight up, all wet with pussy juice and cum. Alisha smiled at them and told them, “Hey, don’t mind me, please continue…..I’d like to watch…….Come on Beverly, get back on his cock and fuck him good, I want to watch you do it !!!!!!!”

Beverly didn’t know what to do, there was no place to run, so, she did just what Alisha told her to do. Colin was in a state of shock, he didn’t know what was going on. Beverly began going up and down on Colin’s cock and in a few minutes, Colin shot his load again as Beverly got her rocks off at the same time. She got off of Colin’s cock and stood against the wall, not knowing exactly what to do. Alisha walked over to her and took her by the hand and led her over to the couch. She sat her down and went down and started sucking Colin’s cum out of her pussy as she played with Beverly’s clit.

Colin couldn’t believe his eyes, he thought surely that Alisha would have gotten mad and left the building, but it looked as though, she wasn’t mad. Beverly started cumming and Alisha continued sucking her pussy and playing with her big tits. Colin thought to himself, why not. He walked over behind Alisha and pulled her jeans down to her knees and slid his cock inside her and began to doggie fuck her. Alisha was feeling really good and continued to eat Beverly out, causing her to cum again and again. She was having orgasms also as Colin continued pounding her pussy.

Alisha felt Colin shooting his wad into her again……..it was hot and she could feel the spurts of semen bouncing off her insides and running out of her cunt, down her leg. Colin pulled out as Alisha got to her feet and sat down next to Beverly. She leaned over and gave Beverly a wet kiss, with tongue as she squeezed Beverly’s tits. Colin had sat in a chair and was watching.
Alisha sat back on the couch and looked at Colin and Beverly. “Colin, does this mean that you don’t want me anymore or what?” Colin shook his head no and looked directly into Alisha’s eyes, “Alisha I still love you and I want to marry you. I have wanted to tell you about my sex addiction since we became acquainted, but I was afraid that you wouldn’t understand.” Alisha looked at Beverly, “and what’s your story, my dear?”
Beverly was visibly scared, “Uh, Alisha, I, uh…….I’m married, I’m not trying to steal him from you, I just wanted a little on the side……you know what I mean don’t you?”

Alisha smiled at both of them. Its ok, I’ve been trying to tell you, Colin, that I have a sex addiction. And like you, I was afraid you wouldn’t understand. Colin came to Alisha, she stood up and they embraced. Alisha told them, “Hell, I’ve brought chicken, anyone want to eat and maybe fuck some more?” They all laughed as Alisha put the chicken up on the table in Colin’s office. Everyone sat down and ate their fill. Alisha got to her feet and took all her clothes off and went down in front of Colin and sucked him off. Beverly had laid on her back and scooted up under Alisha’s pussy and began to suck Colin’s cum out of her. The three of them had sex till almost midnight. Alisha asked Beverly about what her husband was going to say about her getting home so late. Beverly told her that he was out of town till Friday. They all got dressed and left. When Alisha and Colin got home they sat and talked about it for a while. Alisha asked him if would like to fuck her sister, Cody. His eyes lit up and he said, “Is that possible, Alisha?” “I think so, she’s as hot as I am for sex…..I just don’t want it to be a secret between us Colin, if you want to fuck someone, tell me and I’ll do the same….ok?”
“OK” he said. That being said, they went to bed and held each other tight. They both knew that they had found their soul mates and there would be nothing that could come between them.

When she got up the next morning, Alisha went into the kitchen and made the coffee. She wanted to talk to Cody and see if she was up for a threesome or maybe a swap. Alisha called Cody. The phone rang several times and Cody finally answered. “How are you this morning Cody,“ she asked. Alisha could tell that Cody was still half asleep by the way she was talking. “I just wanted to see if you would be up to fucking Colin?” There was a long silence on the phone then Cody blurted out, “Are you shitting me Alisha, you’d let Colin fuck around?” “It’s a long story, Cody, I’ll tell you sometime, but, I was thinking that maybe we could do a threesome, or, if you want, we could ask Justin to join in.” Cody was excited, she told Alisha that she would really like to do that.

It was Saturday morning and Colin wasn’t going in today. “Cody, why don’t you come over right now and let’s get laid.” Cody told her she would jump in the shower and be over in 15 minutes. Alisha went to the bathroom and got into the shower and cleaned herself up. When she got out, Colin was up. “Hey Honey,” Alisha said, “Are you up for a surprise?” Colin had walked over to the toilet and was taking a piss. “Yeah, I’m up for a surprise, what cha got in mind?” Alisha was still drying off. “Well darling, Cody will be over here in about 10 minutes and she’s ready to fuck……are you up for it?”
Colin wheeled around with a big grin on his face, “Are you kidding me? Are you serious? This can’t be real………..”

Alisha was laughing at him, “you’d better get a quick shower, she will be here soon and ready to go.” Colin dropped his underwear and went directly into the shower. Alisha asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee…..he told her yes. Alisha didn’t even bother to get dressed, she went to the kitchen naked and poured Colin a cup of coffee and refilled hers. She took it to him in the bathroom. Colin had just got out of the shower and was drying off. The doorbell rang…….”Must be Cody,” Alisha said as she went to the door. When she opened the door, Cody took one look at her and said, “Damn, you look like you’re ready to go. “ She came into the house and asked for a cup of coffee. Alisha told her she would get it for her and Cody should go into the bedroom and get her clothes off. Cody trotted to the bedroom as Alisha went for another cup of coffee.

When Alisha got to the bedroom, Colin had Cody on all fours on the bed at the edge. He had been eating her pussy and was standing up getting ready to penetrate her wet pussy. Alisha leaned against the dresser, sipping her coffee and watching her little sister get banged. Colin was giving it to her hard, then as Alisha watched, Colin began to shoot his load into s Cody’s hot little pussy. Colin must have been loaded for a bear, Alisha saw big gobs of his cum falling from her pussy onto the floor. Colin continued cumming for about a minute. He pulled out and a huge rush of cum came spurting out of Cody’s pussy.

“Damn that felt good Collin, let me suck you hard again so I can get some more of that cock.” Colin couldn’t believe his ears. Cody spun around and sat on the edge of the bed and took Colin’s cock in her mouth and began to suck it while she played with his balls. It didn’t take long and Colin had his rod hard again. Cody scooted back on the bed and spread her legs for him. He didn’t waste any time diving in. He was fucking her hard, Alisha could hear their flesh slapping as he slammed his meat in and out of her. It didn’t take long and Cody was cumming……..she was moaning loudly and yelling, “Fuck me Colin, fuck me………cram that meat in me……give it to me good you fucker……..ahhhhhhhhhhhhh shit I’m cumming!”

Cody was bucking like a wild horse, slamming her pussy up to Colin’s crotch, taking all of his cock in her as she could get. It was so exciting to Colin that he started cumming again, pushing his cock in her pussy as deep as he could. When the two of them finished their orgasms, Colin collapsed on top of Cody. She had wrapped herself around him and was pulling him as close as she could……Alisha continued to sip her coffee and watch the show. When Colin rolled off of Cody, Alisha put her coffee down and went to Cody’s pussy and started sucking Colin’s cum out of her, while licking up the cum that had ran out of her and down her ass. Cody started cumming while Alisha ate her pussy. Colin started getting a hard on again, just watching them. In a little while he was behind Alisha fucking her as fast as he could. Alisha was sucking out as much cum as she could and moaning while Colin fucked the shit out of her…………again……orgasms began around the board, everyone moaning and groaning and writhing around in ecstasy. When it was over, they all went to sleep, exhausted.

Alisha was the first to wake up. She looked at Colin and Cody lying next to her. What a morning, she thought. As she got off the bed she thought to herself how this all played out. Colin was as big of a whore as she was. Both of them had kept it really low key and no one else really knew anything about their little obsession. “This has turned out to be a real good deal,” she said to herself as she walked into the kitchen. She poured herself another cup of coffee and thought about the events of the last 24 hours. Colin had been fucking around on her as much as she had been fucking around on him…..this is hilarious she thought. Down deep, Alisha admitted to herself, I really like to fuck and a variety of men is what I want. However, I do want that one guy also……the one I want to live with the rest of my life. And……if he wants other women also, well, I think we might be made for each other. While she was thinking about all this, Colin came into the kitchen. “What you thinking about darling,” he asked her. “I’m thinking about us and this sex thing………what do you want to do Colin…..evidently, you’ve been screwing around for a while, do you want to continue or what?”

Colin thought for a moment, “Alisha, I enjoy sex and I like variety…….and I do love you…….kinda fucked up isn’t it.” “No, not really,” she told him, “I’ll admit to you, I like those things too…….and I do love you and I don’t want to lose you. Colin, I just want us to be very discreet about this thing, it wouldn’t do either of us any good to have our private lives become public…..know what I mean?”

Colin agreed with Alisha. “It wouldn’t be good if it got out…..Alisha, I’ve had this sex addiction for some time. I’ve always been able to find someone to get relief with, but none of them have meant anything to me………..until you. At first, I just thought you would be another piece of ass, but then something happened……..I can’t explain it but I knew you were the one I wanted, then as time went on, I was absolutely sure. I still have these urges to fuck………I had hoped you would be enough…….but I don’t know.”

Alisha knew exactly what he was talking about. “Well, Colin, I have to come clean with you too. I’ve been fucking around on you too……..same thing, when I want a cock, I go find one. A lot of the time I don’t have to go looking, it just finds me. I want to make it clear to you, Colin……….I want to stay with you and I want to marry you, but I also want some strange too. Do you think we can make this work?”

Colin thought about it for a moment and told her that he thought they could make it work, as long as they told each other about their other interests and even shared these other sexual partners with each other. Alisha agreed.

Colin told Alisha, “I think it would be hot to have to sit and watch another guy fuck you. It would make me super horny to watch you suck his cock and not be able to have you….just games, know what I mean?” Alisha sipped her coffee and smiled at him, “You mean like me standing in there watching you fuck my sister’s brains out and cumming all over her…….I think it’s hot too. We just might have a lot of kinky fun Colin………..we might even have to have your secretary over some evening and have her for dinner, he he he.” Colin laughed also and told Alisha, “Let’s just see where it goes, we may even want to stop it at some point.”

“I think that we can handle it, too. Alisha giggled, “Are you ready to get really horny Colin, you want to see if this is really what you want?”

Colin nodded yes, with a puzzled look on his face. Alisha picked her phone up and dialed someone. In a little while Colin heard her, “Whatcha doin’ doll.” she said. “Want to come over here and fuck me? I’m at Colin’s house…………..he’s here………..it’s fine Justin, just come on over and you’ll see what I’m talking about…….Cody is here too……….see you in a little while.” Then she hung up.

“Ok Colin, are you sure you want to watch me getting banged? It’s fixin’ to happen, speak now or forever hold your piece.” Colin was smiling, “Yeah, I think I’m ready to do this. Have you ever fucked Justin before?” “Yes I have, darling. If this is what you want to see, I’m going to do it for you.” A truck pulled up in front of the house. Everyone was still naked…..Cody was still asleep on her bed.

The doorbell rang, Alisha went to answer it. When she opened the door, it caught Justin by surprise to see her naked. “Damn, you know how to greet a guy Alisha.” Justin came in as she closed the door. “Colin came in and greeted Justin. Alisha walked over to Justin and kissed him as she started undressing him. “Might as well get those duds off, we’re fixin’ to get busy. She led Justin into the living room. “Ok Colin, get in that chair there and don’t get out of it !” He complied.

She went over to Justin and started sucking his cock. Colin watched intently. Alisha did everything to Justin’s cock that she possibly could making him begin to cum. She took his cock in her hand and started jacking him off while he shot his load all over her face and tits. She looked at Justin and said, “Ok, now that we’ve got that quick blow over with, I’ll get you hard, I want you to fuck me good, make Colin’s cock get hard while he watches you fuck me. She went back down on Justin and soon his cock was rock hard again. She bent over the back of the couch and Justin started fucking her hard, slapping her on the ass as he banged her. Colin was visibly excited. He leaned over so he could clearly see Justin’s cock sliding in and out of Alisha. His cock was hard and he was jacking himself off. Justin’s hands were on Alisha’s hips, pulling and pushing her on and off of his cock. In a little while, Justin blew his load into Alisha’s pussy and in a little while, cum was slowly dripping out of her pussy onto the floor. Colin was jacking off very fast and got his rocks off……….About that time, Cody came walking into the living room, yawning, seeing Justin “What’s going on………….Justin, what the fuck are you doing here?” He looked at her and said, “Well my dear, I’m fucking your sister right now and you’re next.”

At that point, Justin shot his load all over Alisha’s lower back and ass. She still had his cum on her face. Colin was going nuts. Alisha looked over at him jacking off, “Get that cock over here in my hot wet pussy, you cuckold, Colin jumped up and ran to Alisha and slammed his cock into her pussy. In a few strokes, he shot his load inside her. “I love it,” she said, “l want more, somebody give it to me. Justin came back over to Alisha and slipped his cock into her ass and fucked her long and hard till he filled her ass with his cum. Colin was fucking Cody in the ass and yelling like a cowboy riding a bull. Justin went over to help him fuck Cody good by double penetrating her. It was a regular orgy and everyone was happy and getting all they wanted and as Alisha watched, she was thinking how well all this is coming together.

Alisha had engaged in many perversions throughout her life. She was always ready to push the envelope when it came to sex. Many times she recalled that night in Austin when she got fucked and knotted by a dog. When it was happening, she was a little apprehensive, but in the years since, she had had a secret yearning to do a big dog again, something like a Great Dane or St. Bernard……a real big dog.

As she watched Cody getting fucked like there was no tomorrow, she got this old feeling of wanting a dog to fuck her again, after all, she was a bitch in heat. There is a neighbor two houses down, Connie, that asked Alisha to take care of her dog while she went on a month long cruise to Europe. It’s a Great Dane and was really friendly toward Alisha when Connie came to her house to ask for her help. The Great Dane, Spartacus, immediately had come to Alisha and put his nose in her crotch. When she petted him, he really got excited and wanted to play with her. There was something in his eyes that bothered Alisha, something like he knew she had fucked another dog and he wanted a piece of her ass too.

While he was there, he had a huge hard on, he had about 8 inches of dog cock and it wasn’t even totally hard. The knot that had started was almost as big as a baseball. She thought, if that was inside me, no way I could get away till he was finished with me. She was getting horny thinking about Spartacus………Justin came over to her, “Where are you at beautiful, you look like you’re a long way from here.” She replied, “Oh, I was just thinking about fucking you again, maybe a DP with you and Colin.” Justin smiled and led her to the bed. He sat down on the edge and laid back. Alisha got up on her knees straddling him and slid his cock deep inside her. Justin yelled at Colin, “Hey Colin, she wants another one up her ass, are you ready?” Colin was smiling wide as he came up behind Alisha and slid his cock into her hot little ass and began fucking her long and slow. Justin was doing the same thing…….he and Colin could feel their dicks rubbing against the other inside her, with just that thin membrane between them. Alisha felt great, she was cumming when Colin penetrated her ass. When he started moving, she started cumming heavier, she was squirting on Justin and he was loving it. As she was getting humped by the two guys, her thoughts went back to Spartacus. She was going to do it. She’d find some time when she went to feed him and let him dog fuck her. “Yessssssss,” she yelled as the guys started cumming in her. She was having a huge orgasm herself as she thought about that big dog cock, knotted inside her and filling her to the brim. “OH, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,” she screamed as her two studs shot their hot loads inside her.

By sundown, they had all had all the fucking they wanted for a while. They decided to go out to eat and rest up. They all went to the Brewery and drank some local beer and had steaks. At this point, they all thought that life was pretty good. After dinner they all went back to Colin’s house and started where they had left off. They fucked and sucked till almost 3 am. That’s when the party ended. The guys just couldn’t get a hard on, as hard as they tried, their cocks said no. Justin and Cody split for home and Colin and Alisha took a shower and went to sleep. Tomorrow morning was a brand new day and who knows what might come up.



Sunday was a really lazy day, Alisha and Colin were both totally fucked out. Alisha thought to herself, I haven’t been fucked like that in a long time. Her thoughts went back to Spartacus. She had better check on this deal, she damn sure didn’t want to miss it. She told Colin she was going down to Connie’s house to get indoctrinated on taking care of her dog while she was gone. Alisha got to Connie’s house and rang the doorbell. No one answered, she thought she might be in the back yard so she went around to the side of the house and went through the gate. As she walked toward the back she could hear Connie talking.

When she got to the corner, she was shocked at what she saw. There was Connie on the grass, stark naked on all fours and Spartacus fucking the shit out of her. That explained why he had such an interest in Alisha when she came over to her house last week. She stepped back and peeked around the corner and watched. Spartacus had to have about an 11 inch cock and he had it buried in Connie’s pussy. As she watched, she could see the knot beginning to form. It was small, like a ping pong ball. Spartacus was pushing it in and out of her as it got bigger and bigger. On one plunge, he just stood there, his cock completely buried in her pussy……the knot swelling up. At that point she was really fucked, it wasn’t coming out till he was finished shooting all his cum inside her and the swelling went down. Spartacus had balls the size of a racquet ball and they were laying against her outer lips while Spartacus just stood on the ground above her…..he was that tall. He was panting and slobbering on her back. She didn’t move, just stayed on all fours taking all his cum. Alisha didn’t want to be caught watching, so she quietly backed out of the yard and went back home. “Well, did she show you what to do?” Colin asked. No, she wasn’t home, I’ll go back later.

Alisha waited for about an hour then went back down to Connie’s house. Connie was a divorcee and since Alisha had moved in with Colin, she had noticed a lot of different men coming and going. When she got to Connie’s house and rang the door bell, Connie came to the door in a robe. “Oh, hi Alisha, did you come down to see what to do for Spartacus while I’m gone?” “Yes, I have. I think I know how to take care of him, but I thought I’d better come down and get a key and you could show me where everything is.” Alisha went in and followed Connie to the back yard. She showed her a small closet that opened onto the patio where the food is. She showed her where the water containers were. There’s no need for him to go inside while I’m gone.

He has a big dog house around the side of the house where he sleeps. Connie got Alisha a key and showed her some plants she would like for her to water. All the while, Spartacus was laying on the grass just watching them. He looked tired. Alisha asked, “Is he tired to day, Connie, he hasn’t got up once since I got here.” Connie told her that she had been playing with him before she got here and he was just tired. Alisha walked out to Spartacus and kneeled down and began to pet him. He was lying on his side and she could see his dick. It was about half hard and still about 6 inches long and an inch or so thick. She could still see the look in his eyes like he knew he would be fucking her soon. Connie told Alisha that she was leaving on the early flight tomorrow morning and she would take care of feeding him tomorrow, she could start on Tuesday. Alisha told her that was all right then went home. She would have to go by and check on him tomorrow afternoon……he he he.

When she got home, Colin was watching a football game. He hadn’t moved all day. She walked into the living room and sat down beside him. “Are you tired, darling? Did you have fun yesterday?” Colin just smiled and nodded his head yes. “Alisha, that’s the most fabulous fucking I’ve ever done in my whole life. I should have leveled with you from the start, I’m sorry dear.” “Don’t worry about it, now we know and now we can enjoy it, together.” She saw his cock getting hard in his underwear. “She reached over and put her hand in his underwear and began stroking his manhood. He laid his head back on the back of the couch and started moaning. She pulled his cock out of his underwear through the fly and put a lip lock on it and worked the head over with her tongue. In a short time it was totally erect and she was deep throating it. Colin was in heaven. It didn’t take long and he started squirting hot sperm into her mouth. Alisha caught it all and swallowed it. When he finished cumming, she took it out of her mouth and milked it to get all his cum out. A big bead of jizz sat on top of his cock. She took her tongue like a snake and licked it off, then took it all the way down her throat again. It was driving Colin wild…….a few more strokes and he was cumming again. Damn Alisha, I don’t know how you do this to me, I look at you sucking me off, with my dick buried in your mouth and I just start cumming. Alisha licked off all the cum and smiled at Colin, “I love you Colin, I’ll do anything for you, all you have to do is ask…….always remember that dear, I’ll do ANYTHING.” She got up and left his cock on the outside of his underwear. “Just leave it there, I might want some more later.” she smiled as she went off to do some housework. Colin felt like the luckiest man in the world. He had a beautiful woman that he loved and that loved him………..and nothing was out of bounds. WOW, he thought, how can I be this lucky.

For the remainder of the day, Alisha cleaned house, cooked and did random things around the house. She gave Colin another blow job after dinner. She was still tired from the day before, she took a long Jacuzzi tub bath and went to bed. She had a lot of things to get done at the ranch tomorrow and she needed some rest.

Monday went along without incident. They got the new cattle settled into a pasture for the winter and she bought some additional feed that should get them through till next summer. She finalized the paperwork on the water rights on the new ranch and the contractors started breaking ground on her new home. But, today Alisha had an agenda that surpassed all the others. She was feeling naughty and intended to fulfill one of her perverted fantasies…………..and it waited for her at Colin’s house. She wondered why she had these off the wall desires, but she really didn’t care. She also knew she was not strong enough to not give in to these weird urges. She finished her work up around the office then went home early. Colin had phoned and told her that he would be going up to the dealership in Salida today and would be home late, but he would be home. Alisha drove home, driven by the urge to get over to her neighbor’s house to take care of her dog……….or should I say, have the dog take care of her.

It was about 3:00 when she parked in the driveway and walked to Connie’s house. She unlocked the door and went in. Though the patio door, she could see Spartacus standing looking at her through the glass. His ears were perked up and he was wagging his tail very rapidly. Alisha went through the house and opened the door and stepped out onto the patio. Spartacus came right up to her and put his nose between her legs and began sniffing. Her jeans were tight and she could feel his movements, which was arousing her. She patted him on the head and rubbed behind his ears with both hands. Spartacus was in a playful mood and started jumping around, running back and forth and barking. Alisha got down on the grass and started playing with him. She was down on her all fours crawling around playing. She could see that Spartacus was getting a hard on. She reached up under him and took his cock in her hand and began to jack him off. The sheath around his dick slid easily forward and backward and she could see that it was growing bigger and bigger. She crawled around on her hands and knees and Spartacus tried mounting her a few times, but she would pull away from him. Spartacus lay down, wagging his tail and looking at her. She crawled over to him and started stroking his cock, he rolled over on his side. By now, his cock was huge with a small knot. She started jacking him off again and he rolled over on his back with his back legs spread wide part. Alisha slid the sheath all the way behind the small knot.

What a tool. She was thinking about sucking his cock to see what that was like. She got her face real close to it, holding his dick in her hand. She thought, well, here goes and she took Spartacus’s cock in her mouth and started sucking it. Spartacus made some deep moaning sounds as she kept at it. She felt small spurts of cum in her mouth……..it tasted just like a man, just not as much of it. She stood up as did Spartacus. She walked back inside the house with Spartacus following her. He was visibly excited. Alisha took all her clothes off and got down on her hands and knees. It didn’t take Spartacus long to get into position and walk up over the top of her….his cock was poking around on her ass. She repositioned her pussy and in a little while she felt his cock begin to enter her pussy. When he felt it start in, he pushed it all the way in very quickly. His front legs clamped around her torso and he began to pump her hard and fast. Damn, Spartacus’s cock was as big as a lot of men she had had through the years and it felt great. She could feel his small knot going inside her and back out as he pumped her. She was feeling so damn good, she had an orgasm, then another and another. Spartacus was fucking her hard. He was panting heavily and she could feel him dripping saliva on her back as he fucked her. The knot was getting bigger all the time.

Suddenly she felt Spartacus stop pumping her and pushed his cock deep into her pussy. The knot was growing rapidly and it was huge, stretching the inside of her vagina. The entrance to her pussy clamped down on his cock behind the knot. She could feel his cock delivering very hot cum into her vagina. She didn’t move and neither did Spartacus. He was standing over her, his dick pulsing over and over inside her, She knew that he was filling her with his hot cum. After about 10 minutes she could feel that huge knot starting to shrink till finally his cock fell out of her. At the same time a huge gush of cum came shooting out of her and onto the floor. She had had 6 orgasms while Spartacus was inside her, wow, this had been fun, but now, she was feeling a little disgusted as her desire subsided.

Spartacus was behind her, licking his cum off of her pussy as it dripped out. She stayed on her hands and knees as he continued to lick her clean. It was starting to feel really good as his tongue continued to lick her pussy and stimulate her clit. She was ready to get dressed and go home and get a shower. She got up to her knees when Spartacus mounted her again and took her back down on her hands and knees. His cock quickly found its mark and he started fucking her wildly again. She tried to get away from him, but he had hold of her with his front legs and was humping hard…….she couldn’t get away from him. Spartacus held on to her, not letting her move as she struggled to get away from him. In a short time he buried his knot inside her again and she knew that she would not be able to get away from him till it shrank.

Again, she felt his hot sperm filling her insides. She felt helpless, it scared her that he could overpower her and hold her. She was afraid she was not going to be able to get away from him till he was totally done with her……..and she was right. Spartacus knew what he wanted and was taking it, again and again……..she couldn’t get away from this strong dog.

After two hours, Spartacus went out the patio door and left her alone. She quickly grabbed her clothes and went into Connie’s bathroom, sat on the pot and pushed gobs of dog cum out of her pussy. She wiped herself well and got dressed. She went out on the patio and saw that Spartacus was lying on the grass, panting and looking at her. She went to the closet and got food for him then filled his water container. He got up and walked over to her and licked her hand. It was like he was thanking her for a good time………she had enjoyed all of it, even though she felt helpless while he had his way with her. He went back out on the grass and laid down. She thought, now all he needs is a cigarette…ha ha. She locked the house up and went home, got undressed and took a shower.

She could see that she needed to take some socks with her the next time and put them on Spartacus’s front paws. He had scratched while he mounted her and she needed to protect herself. Shit, she thought, here I am thinking about the next time, she was a little disgusted with herself and actions……..really Alisha, a fucking dog…….you are a whore. She cleaned herself inside and out and put on her shorts and a tank. She would get dinner ready and have a drink and try to figure out what the hell was the matter with her.

Colin got home a few hours later. She had dinner ready for him and had kept it warm in the oven. She was sitting in the living room watching a show on TV when he got there. She got up and ran to him, kissed him and welcomed him home. Colin liked her actions, it made him feel good to know that she had missed him during the day……….and actually, he had missed her a lot. She was beautiful with a body to die for and he could have all of it he wanted.

“Alisha, we are purchasing another dealership over in Durango.” She looked at him puzzled, “Who’s we,” she said. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I saw my lawyer last week and I’m having him draw up the paper work to make you my full partner in all my dealerships once we are married. I want to share everything with you……..you are the love of my life and I will do anything for you, just like you told me that you would do anything for me.” Alisha had a tear in her eye when she hugged Colin tightly. “And that’s right, Colin, I’ll do anything you want for you.” They kissed and walked into the living room with their arms around each other.

Alisha stepped in front of Colin and put her hands against his chest. She smiled at him as her hands opened his fly and pulled his cock out……..it was getting hard as she went down on her knees and gave him a blow job. When she finished swallowing the cum he ejaculated into her mouth, she licked her lips clean, put his cock back in his pants, zipped him up and got to her feet.

“Now that I’ve had my appetizer, how about some dinner?” She took his hand and led him to the kitchen. Colin knew he was a very lucky man. As they ate dinner, she asked him about this new dealership in Durango.

He told her that the guy that owned it lived somewhere down in Texas and he thought it was too far away from him to take care of it the way he should. He had heard that Colin was buying some dealerships and wondered if he was interested. He had told Colin that he would be in Alamosa later in the week and they could discuss the sale. Colin had told him that he could stay at his house while he was here, that way, they could negotiate in private with no distractions. Alisha told him that was a good idea and that they could also take him out to her ranch for a break from the negotiations.

They finished dinner, cleaned the kitchen up and went to bed where Colin made love to Alisha like he had never done before. She felt like a real, fulfilled woman. Colin did love her and he showed it…….

The days of the week passed rather quickly. Alisha was busy, for the most part, at the ranch. She continued going by Connie’s house and feeding the dog. She was still a little apprehensive about letting him fuck her again, once he started, he would have his way with her till he had his fill. Maybe next week she’ll have another go at him…….

Everything on the ranch was coming along nicely. Alisha was looking for about another 1000 head of cattle. She had a a few leads she was checking out. Colin called her and told her that Jarrod Milner, the car dealer from Texas, was in town and would be coming home with him tonight. She told Colin she would do steaks for dinner and it would be ready about 6:30. Alisha finished logging in all the new cattle she had bought in Gunnison, told her Dad bye and took off for the the house.

She knew that Colin wanted to make an impression on this guy so she would dress comfortable, like shorts and a nice shirt she could unbutton and show a little cleavage. She had everything ready and the steaks on the grill when Colin got home with Jarrod. He took Jarrod and showed him his room and bath. Jarrod told Colin he would like to shower and put on something more comfortable before dinner.

Colin went to find Alisha. When he saw her, he told her he liked what she had on, “You really look sexy my dear.” He told her that Jarrod was going to shower and put on something more comfortable before dinner. Colin went to the bedroom and changed into a polo shirt and shorts.

In about a half hour, Jarrod came into the kitchen area. Colin asked him if he wanted a drink, he replied, “Yeah, I think maybe bourbon on the rocks. Jarrod poured him some Makers Mark, put in a couple of ice cubes and took him out on the patio where Alisha was finishing up the steaks.

Colin introduced Jarrod to Alisha. “I must say, it is a real pleasure to meet you Alisha, you are far more beautiful than any woman I have met in a while,” Jarrod told her. Alisha was an old hand at this game, she sheepishly blushed and told him thank you and that it was really good to meet him.

Jarrod and Colin sat down on the patio and talked business, while Alisha finished up the steaks. Jarrod watched Alisha almost the whole time he and Colin talked business. When she walked into the house with the platter of steaks, Jarrod’s eyes followed her all the way in the door. Colin noticed how Jarrod looked at Alisha and how his eyes followed her ass all the way into the door.

In a little while, she called them in for dinner.

As they all sat at the table, they chatted about a little of everything. Jarrod was in his early 50’s and had been married for several years. He told them that she was a very social woman and was on several committees and boards…….she stayed very busy most of the time. He told Colin again what a beautiful woman he had and he should feel really lucky. Colin replied that he knew that.

After dinner, Colin and Jarrod went into the living room and continued to talk business while Alisha cleaned up the mess. When she walked into the living room, the guys were talking price. Colin was offering 1.4 million and Jarrod was at 1.7 million. Jarrod got to his feet when Alisha walked into the room.

He was truly a gentleman. She told him he didn’t have to stand, to sit back down and continue what they were doing. “We are getting close,” he said, “but when a beautiful woman, such as you, enters the room……..she gets my full attention.”

Alisha thanked him and sat down. Jarrod looked seriously at Colin, “Colin, we’re close and I have an offer for you,” he said. Colin looked at Jarrod and said, “I’m open for an offer, what amount do you have in mind?” Jarrod sat forward in his chair and took a drink from his glass…..”Colin, I’ll take your offer of 1.4 million, but………..I want to sleep with Alisha. I’ve thought long and hard about this offer, she is the most beautiful and well proportioned woman I have ever seen. She is very intelligent and I can tell she is a fantastic business woman also.”

Colin didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t make a decision like that, he knew that Alisha liked to have sex and she had said she would do anything, but it was not his decision to make. Colin and Jarrod looked over at Alisha. She had been thinking that he would be a good fuck, but didn’t know if he was in to sharing.

She thought his offer was good, better than she did on the cows, $300,000 for sleeping with him…….pretty good deal she thought. And…..she was going to be an equal partner……..mmmmmm.

Colin was still looking at her, “Well Alisha, this would have to be your decision, I can’t make it for you, what do you want to do?” Alisha looked thoughtful, but inside she had made her mind up.

“Well Colin, Jarrod…..my answer is………………..yes I will.” Colin smiled ear to ear and looked at Jarrod who was smiling as well. Alisha said, “Just to be clear, I sleep with you all night for $300,000, is that correct?” Jarrod replied that she was correct. She stood up and walked over to where he was sitting, she took his hand and said, “Well I guess we should go get to it then.” Jarrod got to his feet and told Colin goodnight.

Colin was still smiling at the great deal he had just got and he had a secret that Alisha and Jarred didn’t know. He had a camera in that room with which he could watch the whole thing…..which really turned him on. Colin told them, “Good night, and have a good time.” Jarrod looked back at him and told him, “With her, Colin, I intend to have the time of my life!”

When they got to his bedroom, Alisha decided to break the ice so she put her arms around him and kissed him, with a lot of tongue. Jarrod kissed her back as his hands roamed her perfect body coming to rest on her breasts. Alisha ran her hands down his sides and grabbed him by the ass and pulled it to her. She could feel his erection pressing against her.

He was busy unbuttoning her dress while she unbuckled his belt, pulled the zipper down and let them fall to the floor. He had pulled the dress off her shoulders and pulled it down, letting it drop to the floor. Jarrod took a step back and let his eyes enjoy the sight of Alisha in a bra and thong. He removed his shirt and underwear.

Alisha took a long look at him. He had a muscular body and his cock was very good. It looked to be about 6 or 7 inches long and really thick. His balls hung down really far, about 3 or 4 inches. She peeled off her bra and thong and walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back. The lamp beside the bed was on……she told him she liked to see her partner while they fucked, so to leave the light on.

He said he liked to enjoy the view of a naked woman and if she wanted she could turn on all the lights, they laughed. Jarrod took her by the hand, pulled her to him and kissed her again. He put his hands on her midriff as he kissed her on her neck then on down to her tits. His tongue teased the nipples and gently bit them. Alisha felt a rush of desire run up through her body. He sat her down on the edge of the bed and went down on his knees…..”Alisha, don’t stop me till you cum at least once…go as many times as you want…………I love to eat pussy and I’m betting yours is as sweet as sugar.” With that, he buried his head between her legs and began to suck and lick her clit.

He had an exceptionally long tongue and she could feel it slide into her pussy teasing her G spot. She immediately began to cum. Jarrod felt her cumming and stepped up the pace. She was feeling terrific, his tongue was magical. She felt him grasp her legs and lift them up till they touched her tits. This gave his tongue access to the total length of her slit.

He ran his tongue down from her pussy to her ass hole. He stopped there and just barely penetrated her tight sphincter sending ripples of pleasure throughout her body. His hands found their way up her sides till they found the sides of her tits where he softly stroked them. His hands then went back down to her ass and then he slid them up her thigh to the back of her knees. He spread her legs wide and buried his tongue in her pussy again.

Alisha went off again, this time squirting a little onto his face. Alisha never squirted much, most of the time just about the same amount that a man would cum. Jarrod took it and swallowed it, licking up any remnants that remained. He then went back to eating her pussy. Jarrod was a master at cullingus and pushed Alisha over the edge several times, a few of those times she squirted on his face, which he liked.

Meanwhile, in the office……Colin had the door locked and was watching what was going on in Jarrod’s bedroom on his 60 inch flat screen. Colin had removed his clothes and was slowly jacking off as he watched his wife-to-be getting eaten. He knew the best was yet to come so he didn’t want to blow his load too quick. He got up and poured himself a drink and went back to his chair and continued watching.

Jarrod ate Alisha’s pussy for the better part of an hour and gave her at least 12 orgasms. Alisha had not had that many orgasms that quickly in her life. She raised her head up and told Jarrod, “Hey you, it’s my turn to taste your cum, and I am expecting a lot of it.”

Jarrod crawled up onto the bed and laid down, his cock standing upright, hard as a rock. Alisha crawled up to it and took it in her hand. She licked it from his ball sack to the head. She could tell that Jarrod was having a good time, there was quite a bit of pre-cum on the head of his cock. She licked it off and took his cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat. She loved to deep throat guys and hold it there, playing with the shaft with her tongue. It was more that Jarrod could stand, he let loose and began cumming down her throat. Alisha liked it when it happened like this, she never had to lose a drop, it all shot down her throat right down to her stomach……and she could still taste it.

When he had blown most of his load, she pulled her head back and began sucking the remaining cum out of his dick as she milked it like a cow. She caused Jarrod to cum three more times, each time devouring all of his cum. Knowing she had swallowed every drop, Jarrod was really turned on and told Alisha, “I want to fuck you……now.”

Alisha rolled over on her back and spread her legs to receive Jarrod’s cock. He slid right in, she was as wet as she could be. He slow fucked Alisha for the next two hours. He changed positions several times and finally had ended up doggie fucking her. Colin was watching intently and still jacking off. He could see Alisha’s big tits swing back and forth as Jarrod pumped her pussy. Jarrod would reach up and cup Alisha’s beautiful tits every now and then and he’d hear her moan with delight.

In one way Colin had a hard time watching another man enjoy his fiance’s pleasures and delights while he was locked away from her, but, on the other hand, it was so hot he could hardly stand it……….then, all of a sudden, he shot a huge load out on the floor. Damn that felt good and looking at Alisha getting banged by another guy was even hotter. He could see her ass spread, taking in Jarrod’s cock and her long dark hair hanging down. And those tits, those had to be his favorite part of Alisha’s body……so large and firm, the nipples all pink and sticking out about a half inch. Her areolas were pink and about an inch in diameter. He could see Jarrod’s hands on Alisha’s perfect ass, pulling and pushing her on and off his cock. He could hear Alisha moan and groan as she enjoyed the fucking she was getting. He should be the one fucking her this way, he thought. Then he remembered how much money this meant to him and Alisha and their future. $300,000 was a lot of money and if Alisha didn’t mind, he shouldn’t.

Jarrod was continuing his assault on Alisha’s pussy, then, he felt the pressure and pleasure building down deep in his cock and balls. Then it all exploded inside Alisha. To her it felt like a volcano erupting…….hot semen was bouncing off the walls of her vagina and running out around his cock and down the inside of her leg. He had pulled her ass back as close to him as he could get her so he was as deep in her as he could get.

When Alisha felt all this happening, her arms collapsed and she began an orgasm like she had never had before. When he began to cum he had slipped his index finger as far up her ass as he could put it. This really had pushed her over the edge. She felt or heard nothing, only the feeling of his hot cum spurting inside her and the feel of his cock throbbing every time he shot a stream. Jarrod was moaning and groaning loudly and Alisha was yelling, FUCK ME, JARROD……..GIVE ME ALL THAT FAT COCK AND FILL ME WITH CUM………GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!” And give it, he did, her vocal assault on him caused him to begin another orgasm and continue to shoot his hot jizz into her pussy. Alisha hadn’t stopped cumming either and was still being very vocal. All of this pushed Colin over the edge and he was cumming again also.

When it all ended, Jarrod and Alisha collapsed to the bed, his cock still buried inside her and large gobs of Jarrod’s cum were still running out of Alisha. Jarrod was whispering in Alisha’s ear…..”Alisha, damn……. you are hands down the best piece of ass I’ve ever had…….and I’ve had a lot.”

She said back to him, “Darlin’, we’re just getting started, I want all you got !!!!”

Jarrod rolled off of Alisha, they laid there looking at each other. “Alisha, roll over on your back. “ When she did he went down on her and began licking his cum off of her. He started at her knee and licked up the inside of her leg cleaning her……..then when he got to her pussy, he locked his mouth around her pussy and sucked as hard as he could, pulling his cum out of her. This felt so damn good to her and she thought it was so hot that he was doing this. He rose up and she saw that he had a full erection again. He laid down on top of her and began to fuck her again saying, “Alisha, you’re right, we’re just getting started and I’m going to fill you again.”

He fucked her this way for a little while then pulled out, raised her legs up to her tits, then she felt his cock at the entrance of her ass. He slowly penetrated her ass and then began to fuck her wildly. He’d fuck her ass for a little while, then switch to her pussy. He alternated back and forth and back and forth. He pulled out and dropped her legs. He brought his cock to her mouth and unloaded a huge load of hot cum into her oral cavity.

She could feel his big balls laying on her tits as his cock pumped her mouth full of his cum. She swallowed all she could, but the overflow ran down and onto her neck. He pulled back a little, grasped the outsides of her tits, pulled them together and began to tit fuck her. She raised her head and allowed the head of his cock to go into her mouth when he pushed it all the way forward. He fucked her this way for a little while then began to cum. He shot wads of his white semen onto her face. She licked all of it she could reach and swallowed it. He got off of her and laid on his back. Alisha sat up and wiped the cum on her face off and then licked it off her hand. She went down on him and sucked a little more cum out of his shaft, then mounted him. She began fucking him, slamming her ass down onto his balls.

She could hear her wet pussy going slush, slush, slush………….she was so wet along with all the cum that was still running out of her. His hands were on her tits squeezing them. He pulled her down on top of him and began sucking her tits and biting her nipples. His hands went to her ass, pulling it to him, fucking her hard. After a half hour of fucking like this they both got their rocks off again. Jarrod told her that he wanted to fuck her in a lot of positions. He then told her there was a lot of time till morning and asked if she thought she could handle it.

Alisha laughed out loud………”You’re the one that will drop before morning, stud, not me, you can’t give me enough dick.” He stood her up against the wall, raised one leg and began to give her another fucking. Alisha loved it all and wanted it all……….and Jarrod was trying to give all to her. Colin sat and watched thinking what a hot woman he was marrying. “Just think,” he said, “I get her for the rest of my life, I’m lucky as hell.

In Jarrod’s bedroom, the sex was non-stop. Alisha was doing what she did best. She could keep a guy going and keep satisfying herself time after time. At about 5 am, Jarrod gave out. His dick was sore and he couldn’t get a hard on. Alisha went down on him several times, but could not bring his cock back to life.

Jarrod stood by the bed looking at Alisha laying there naked. “Man, you are the best piece of ass I’ve ever had. Damn, I wish I had met you before Colin got you. Alisha, I appreciate everything you have done to me tonight, more than you know…….now it’s your turn again, I’m going to give you all the orgasms you want to finish this night out.”

With that he went down on her again and ate her pussy, it felt like they had just begun. He was a master at eating pussy, he made her cum 4 more times. She got off the bed and kissed him. “Jarrod, this has been great, not many men can keep up with me, you are one in a million and I’d fuck you again anytime you want, no charge lover…….just let me know.

She wanted to get cleaned up, she had to go to the ranch for an hour or so this morning. She kissed him again, a long hard kiss. She liked Jarrod, he had been so considerate of her and hadn’t treated her like a whore. It was alright for her to call herself a whore, but no one else can.

She went down the hall to her bedroom and to her surprise, Colin wasn’t there. She walked into the main area of the house and didn’t find him there either. She went to the office and found the door locked. She knew where the key was hidden so she got it and opened the door. When she went into the office, she saw Colin, naked and asleep in a chair. She looked around the room and saw the big screen on and the live picture of Jarrod’s room on it. She smiled, “that son of a bitch has a camera hidden in there, I wonder where else he has cameras.

She laughed about it and thought this could be a lot of fun. She could see where Colin had jacked off and shot his wad on the floor. He does like to watch me being fucked, I wish I had known and I’d have given him a real show. Oh well……….she woke him up and told him he needed to get ready for work.

He couldn’t believe that he’d fallen asleep in here. “Did you enjoy the show?” she asked. “Damn sure did, man you guys were a couple of dynamos. I think he got his money’s worth.” Alisha laughed, I’ll tell you Colin, this guy had a lot of stamina, not many men can stay with me on a one on one situation. Colin turned off the tv and went to their bedroom with Alisha. They both showered and got cleaned up. Alisha went to the kitchen and fixed breakfast. She wondered if Jarrod would stir till later. About the time breakfast was ready, Colin came to the kitchen and Jarrod arrived a short time later.

Jarrod walked over to Alisha and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “thank you my dear, I had a wonderful night.” He then walked over to Colin and told him, “thanks for allowing me to have your fiance last night. She is terrific and you’re a lucky guy.” Colin shook his hand and told him that he knew how lucky he was. They had breakfast and Colin and Jarrod went to Jarrod’s office to finalize the deal. Alisha went to the ranch and did the work she needed to get done, then went to town for a meeting with her accountant. When she finished there, she went home, took off her clothes and went to bed…….she needed some sleep after last night.

Alisha didn’t wake up till about 4. She decided that she would go down to Connie’s and feed Spartacus. When she got there, Spartacus was very glad to see her. He ran around and barked a little, trying to play. She got down on the grass and played with him, rolling and jumping at him. He ran circles around her then all of a sudden he mounted her. He was humping away. He couldn’t do much because she had her clothes on and he couldn’t get his dick in her.

Alisha started getting excited by the play and decided to do a quickie with Spartacus. She didn’t know it at the time, but Spartacus didn’t believe in quickies….. She stood up and removed her boots and jeans and got back down on the ground. Spartacus immediately mounted her and his cock quickly found her wet pussy and slid all the way in. Once the head went in her, he gave it a hard push and went in her all the way to the small knot. He humped her for a few minutes, Alisha had two orgasms, then she felt that large knot growing inside her. She thought she would just pull off of it before it got so big it wouldn’t come out. When she tired, Spartacus had different ideas and clamped her with his front legs and held her. She couldn’t get away.

Spartacus definitely knew how to fuck and not let his bitch get away. Now, this was going to take a while, till his knot went down. She could feel his super hot cum filling her.

After about 20 minutes the swelling went down and his cock slipped out of her with a huge gush of his cum spurting out at the same time. Spartacus began licking her pussy, she couldn’t believe how good it felt, she had two more orgasms while he did that. She needed to get home, so she stood up and picked up her jeans. Spartacus jumped up and put his paws on her shoulders, his cock hard again and squirting cum on her legs. She reached down and took his cock in her hand and gave him a hand job. He liked that….continuing to shoot small spurts of cum on her legs. Alisha pushed him off of her and then pushed him down on the ground. He rolled over and exposed his hard cock to her. She couldn’t resist, she took him in her mouth and began sucking him off.

He did like that and began humping her head. He pushed his cock deep into her mouth up to the knot, which was growing rapidly. He was continually shooting cum in her mouth. The knot was so big it wouldn’t go in her mouth. Damn, she thought, no wonder I couldn’t pull of it when it was inside me, this thing is huge. In a little while Alisha was able to get to her feet and get her jeans and boots and go inside. She shut the door and went to a bathroom to clean up a little before she went home. She looked in the mirror, she had cum all over her face and on her shirt. She had cum running down her legs out of her pussy. Damn, she needed a shower so she just decided to shower at Connie’s. When she got cleaned up, she went home to start dinner. As she left, Spartacus was standing outside the patio door whining for her. “No more today mister, see you tomorrow.”

When she got home she went to the bathroom and took a shower and douched to clean all of Spartacus’s cum out of her. At least he didn’t scratch her today……but the fucking he gave her was good…….she was still feeling a little repulsed about what she did, but on the other hand, she liked it. She got out of the shower and put on her sweats and went to the kitchen.

She fixed hamburgers and was finishing up the French fries when Colin came in. Much to her surprise, Jarrod was with him. “We have a little work to finish up in the morning, then we’re gonna fly over to Durango tomorrow when we get finished, you want to go look at your new dealership darling. I’ don’t have a lot to do tomorrow….sure, why not.”

Jarrod walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. “I’ve thought about you all day long, Alisha, not many women have that impact on me, you’re something special.”

She grinned and thanked him for the compliment, “How’s your cock, still sore?”
He laughed and told her that he had recovered. She had done some extra burgers to freeze, so she had plenty. They all had a beer and talked over dinner. When dinner was finished, Alisha cleaned up and went into the living room with the guys. She wasn’t wearing any underwear under her sweats, her nipples were showing nicely. She had the top zipped down about 6 inches, so a little of her tits were showing along with a nice looking bit of cleavage.

Jarrod couldn’t help but look at them when he looked at her. Alisha didn’t mind, hell he had seen a lot more of her last night. They sat there for about an hour, talking and laughing. Alisha was thinking about last night. She thought that she wouldn’t mind it if he wanted to fuck her again tonight……….maybe she could manipulate a threesome……mmmmmmm, now that’s an idea, she thought.

She got up and went to the kitchen to get another beer. She asked the guys if they wanted one and they both said yes. While in the kitchen, she lowered the zipper on her top about an inch and went back to the living room. She handed the beers to them and sat down on the coffee table, close to them.

Jarrod got up and went to the bathroom, leaving Alisha and Colin in the living room. Colin looked at Alisha and told her how sexy she looked. “Want to have sex later?” he asked her, “think we should invite Jarrod to join us tonight. Alisha smiled and said, “why not, he’s a lot of fun. I’ll bet a dp with him will feel really good to both of us.” Colin agreed with her. When Jarrod returned, he sat down and began drinking his beer again. Alisha winked at Colin and asked Jarrod. “Well Jarrod, would you like to join Colin and I in our room tonight, I can handle both of you, if you don’t mind being naked with another man and sharing my body with him at the same time.”

Jarrod smiled very wide, “I’d love to, that would be fantastic.” Alisha added, “Just one thing, tonight isn’t a marathon like last night, we’ll fuck for a couple of hours then its sleep time, I’m still tired from last night.” Jarrod agreed with her. Alisha got up and said, “Well guys, let’s go get to it, there’s a lot of fun to be had ……….we might as well get started.

Jarrod said he would go undress in his room and join us shortly. Colin went to lock up the house and Alisha removed her top and walked down the hall to her room. Jarrod still was spellbound by her beauty and the look of her naked body. She went to her room and removed the covers from the bed, took off the sweat bottoms and stretched out in the middle of the bed. Jarrod was the first to arrive, he had a huge hard on. Colin was right behind him taking his clothes off as he walked. When Colin had removed his clothes, he and Jarrod got into the bed on either side of Alisha.

The games did begin at that point, she was sucking Jarrod off while Colin was eating her pussy. When they were all well aroused, Alisha got on top of Jarrod and put his cock in her pussy, Colin got up behind her and put his cock in her ass, then the fucking began…….so much moaning and groaning. Alisha was the meat in a sandwich and she loved it. The two guys were thoroughly enjoying her body also. They all had a big orgasm then switched.

They all fucked for the next three hours then Alisha told them she needed to go to sleep, the fun was over. Everyone was ready to stop……Jarrod went to his room, and Colin rolled over and went to sleep. Alisha went to the shower and cleaned the cum out of her ass and pussy then went to bed and slept very soundly. She had been having a lot of fun these last few days, now it was time to sleep.

The sun rose above the Sangre de Cristos as Alisha watched the beautiful red sunrise. She sipped her coffee and thought about her life. She reflected on her actions, how she had allowed herself to do some really perverse things. She thought about just how fucked up she is, her sexcapades were endless. She’d fuck any man, almost. She had fucked dogs, she’d fucked herself………what was next she wondered. At times like this, when she could be honest with herself, she really hated herself for the things she has done……..and she knows these things are not going to stop any time soon.

She heard Colin stirring and went to say good morning. He was brushing his teeth when she came into the bathroom. “Good morning, Love,” she said to him. He uttered something through the toothpaste and brush, it sounded like good morning. He rinsed his mouth out and said “good morning my dear.” She asked him when they were going over to Durango. He told her he would call her, but it probably wouldn’t be till around noon. “Good,” she said, “that will give me time to do what I need to do at the office.”

Colin looked at her, “Alisha you’re beautiful, no matter what time of day, with or without makeup……..I love you. What you have done for me these last two days I’ll never forget, you have made us a lot of money with your actions and you have built a strong relationship with Jarrod that could very well be very beneficial to us in the future.”

Alisha went to Colin and gave him a big kiss. “I told you I’d do anything for you Colin, and I meant it………anything.” She kissed him again and went to the kitchen. She didn’t have time to cook today so she grabbed a granola bar and left for the ranch. It took her a couple of hours to finish up her data entry. Colin called, so she left for the airport. When she got there, the plane was ready and Colin and Jarrod were on board. She got on board and took her seat. It took them 15 minutes to get to Durango. They went to the dealership where Jarrod introduced them to the management team. Colin talked to them for a bit, assuring them that there would be no changes made for the time being. He would be back in a week or so and talk with them individually and tell them how he wanted to run this dealership. They got back on the jet and flew back to Alamosa. Colin had told Jarrod that he would have the pilot fly him back to Texas. Colin and Jarrod shook hands, Alisha got a hug and a kiss from Jarrod, then he left for home. Colin told Alisha, “We’ve got one more, now that makes 9. They were both very happy, so they decided to go out to dinner and celebrate. They arrived home at about 11 and went to bed.

The weeks that followed passed rather quickly. Christmas was coming in a week and everyone was getting into the Christmas Spirit. Alisha and Colin had decorated his house. One might think it was a little excessive, but pretty. Cody was giving away pussy……….the spirit was in her…..ha ha ha.

Anne and Bob had decorated their house and it looked really nice. Alisha didn’t have a lot to do right now, so she had taken some time for herself. She went to the office almost every day and took care of whatever business needed to be seen to. Alisha still had to make a trip out to Kansas. She had been informed that the cattle she was interested in had been foreclosed on and the bank wanted her to come out and see if she could make a deal on them.

The bank would have full possession of them by the 10th of January, so she needed to get out there soon, maybe she will get Colin to let her use the jet or maybe he would even go with her and see what she does. While she was thinking about it, she decided to drive to the dealership and talk to him about it.

When she got to his office he was going through a pile of papers. He gave her a big smile when she came in. “What do I owe this visit to my beautiful lady,” he said to her.

“Oh, I wanted to ask you something, so I decided to come by and do it in person………Could I use the jet this week for a day? I need to go out to Wichita and look at a herd of young cattle. They’ve been foreclosed on and I need to move quickly…..you could come too, if you wanted.”

Colin got up out of his chair and came around the desk to her and kissed her. “Sure, you can use it anytime you want….and I’d love to go out there with you……..maybe I could get an idea of what you do.”

Colin pulled her close and kissed her again. “It’s so good to see you, I find myself missing you a lot during the day. “We do have kind of busy lives don’t we?” she said, “we need to do more together, other than fuck.” They both laughed.

She told him that she wanted to go out to Wichita day after tomorrow. Colin said he would arrange his schedule and go with her. Since it was almost quitting time they decided to go out to Chili’s and have a few drinks and dinner. Colin rode with Alisha to Chili’s. While she drove, Colin played with her leg and boobs. She told him that if he continued he might have to get over in the back seat and do her. He just laughed and said, “OK !” She gave him a look, you know, one of those looks. He decided it was a good time to shut up. When they got to Chili’s, they saw that it was quite busy, but decided to go in anyway. The hostess found them a tall table in the corner of the bar. They ordered drinks and talked.

Alisha noticed their contractor sitting across the room. He saw them and came over to say hi. He sat down and wished them a Merry Christmas and told them that they were making good progress on the house and if the snow stayed away, they might have it sealed up in a week or two and they could begin the finish work. Melvin had been a classmate of Alisha’s in high school. They had dated some when they were seniors and they had screwed several times, but broke up before their senior year was over. Melvin had always had a thing for Alisha, but she had lost interest in him. Alisha told him that she would be out in a few days to look things over with him……she had seen a couple of things she wanted changed. “No problem, come on out and show me and I’ll see to it that it gets changed.” he told her. Melvin left and she and Colin continued their conversation.

“Hey Alisha, do you think we should ask Justin and Cody over before Christmas, I’d sure like to play with her again.” Alisha grinned at him, “You like my sister more than me?”

Colin began back pedaling, thinking he had said the wrong thing. Alisha laughed at him and said, “GOTTCHA !” “Damn it Alisha, you did it again, I thought you were pissed.”
“Well dear, I think it would be a damn good idea, we haven’t had any strange in a month or more, I think the last one we hooked up with was Jarrod.”

He thought about it and told her that it had been Jarrod and it had been too long. They decided to see if Justin and Cody wanted to come over on Saturday afternoon…..they could have dinner, drinks and fucking, not necessarily in that order. They laughed and discussed things that might make the evening a little more interesting. Alisha said she would see Cody tomorrow and see if she could get things set up.

They ordered dinner. It was a nice evening, just the two of them and no rush. When they got home, Colin made love to Alisha, it was just like a love story, slow and easy with a lot of feeling and tenderness. It wasn’t like just fucking, it was with feeling, deep and romantic. Alisha liked it.

The next day out at the ranch she saw Cody and asked her if she and Justin wanted to come over on Saturday for fun and games. Cody smiled with that naughty look in her eyes. I’ll tell Justin, we’ll be over about 3. I think that we are going to have a ball………or four…..he he he. Alisha just laughed.

Cody asked her what she was doing for the rest of the day. “Nothing really, I have to go feed Connie’s dog. She will be back on Sunday.” Cody said, “I’m not doing anything either, mind if I tag along?” Alisha told her that she didn’t have a problem with it, it would be nice to spend some time together. They got in Alisha’s truck and took off. Cody kept telling Alisha that they should go get laid. Alisha just smiled and shook her head. They got to Connie’s house and went in. Cody looked around and said, “hey, this is a great house, wish it was mine and she had a better one.” Spartacus was standing outside the door looking in and whining. Cody saw him and said, “What a pretty dog.” Alisha laughed to herself. Cody went to the door and opened it, Spartacus came to her and put his nose in her crotch and sniffed her pussy. Cody giggled and pet him, rubbing him behind the ears. She got down on one knee and hugged him.

“I just love this dog, he’s so affectionate.” Alisha thought, yeah and he’ll fuck you till you scream too……..she giggled. Cody was having fun playing with Spartacus…….she had always loved dogs. Cody went out in the back yard and was running and playing with him. Spartacus jumped up on her and pushed her down. She was laughing as she rolled over on her hands and knees getting up. Spartacus took advantage of the situation and mounted her, locked her between his front legs and started humping her, trying to put his cock through her jeans. Alisha stood on the patio and laughed.

Cody couldn’t get up, Spartacus had her. Cody was laughing, thinking he was just playing with her. Alisha got to her and helped her to her feet. Cody saw Spartacus’s huge cock and gasped. Man, I’d like to have one like that this afternoon.” Alisha thought for a moment……..”would you like to have that one?” she said. Cody looked at Alisha a little puzzled. “What do you mean, sis? Like, you mean, like fuck Spartacus?”

“That’s exactly what I meant, you wanted to try something different?” Cody got this naughty smile, “I think I might like to try it once, it might be fun, you want to try too, sis?” Alisha laughed, “I’ve already had him a couple of times, it’s really naughty, but it is fun.”

Cody smiled, “OK, what do I do next?” Alisha told her to come in the house and get naked. She then went and got a pair of socks and put them on Spartacus. “These are to keep him from scratching you. Alisha tied the socks on his front paws. Cody was naked, Alisha told her to get on her hands and knees and play hard to get to by turning a lot and not letting him get behind her till his cock got really hard. Cody did as instructed and Spartacus would lick her pussy and she would turn. He would catch up and lick her pussy some more, she would turn. Alisha told her to not turn this time, let him lick all he wants, then he will mount you. Cody did as instructed. Spartacus licked her a lot, she was getting really wet, then, he mounted her and put his cock inside her. He locked his front legs around her and started humping her. He never let his cock come out, he just slid it in and out, rather rapidly. While he was fucking her, Alisha told her that she would feel something very large inside her in a little while and she shouldn’t try to pull away, just stay on your hands and knees and let him finish cumming, the knot will go down in a little while. Cody was giggling as Spartacus was humping her.

Alisha could tell that Cody was cumming, her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was moaning loudly. Spartacus was starting to knot her, she could feel it getting large and said how good it felt. She told Alisha, “Damn, his cum is super hot, I feel like I’m full of it.” Alisha told her that when his dick came out there would be a gush of cum.

Spartacus had stopped humping and was laying on Cody’s back shooting his load into her. Alisha knew he would be done soon, so she took her clothes off and got ready to fuck him too. Cody was really feeling good, the knot was starting to shrink and cum was running out of her in a small stream. Spartacus was slobbering all over her back, his cock slipped out and a huge rush of dog cum came splashing out. Spartacus got off of her and walked over to Alisha. She had sat down on a chair and was watching. She was running wet after watching her sister get all that dog dick.

Cody had really had a good experience and was sitting on the floor. Spartacus went to Alisha and started licking her pussy while she sat in the chair. It felt really good and Alisha came once. Spartacus sensing there was another hot pussy ready to be fucked started climbing up on the chair getting his cock closer to her pussy. Alisha scooted down with her ass on the edge of the chair. Spartacus moved in closer and soon found the glory hole with his hard dick. Alisha wrapped her legs up around him and pressed her pussy up tight to him. Spartacus began to fuck her…..she was so close to him he couldn’t come out. He was licking her face while he fucked her. She wrapped her arms around him too and soon he couldn’t get away from her. She lunged her pussy up to him as he humped her. Alisha was cumming big time, over and over while that huge dog dick was pumping her full of dog cum.

In this position, his knot was a couple of inches inside her, sealing her pussy off so his cum couldn’t escape. She could feel the super hot cum filling her completely, then running out and down on the floor. Cody was going nuts enjoying the show. She was down on her knees where she could clearly see his cock pumping Alisha’s pussy. In a short time, the knot went down and his cock slid out, along with a huge rush of white semen.

Cody caught a handful of his thick, white cum. She brought it to her mouth and tasted it with her tongue. “This tastes just like a guys cum, it’s good,” she said as she licked it all off her hand. Spartacus had licked the cum off of Alisha and was on the hunt for more pussy from Cody. She was on her knees by Alisha, Spartacus came up behind her and pushed her down on her hands as he mounted and started fucking her again.

He was ramming his cock in and out of her viciously, trying to get all his cock into her. In a short time, he pushed his cock deep into Cody’s pussy and locked her with his knot again. He was holding her tight with his front legs………Cody couldn’t move, he wouldn’t let her…….he had her and she was his till he was finished with her. Alisha noticed a worried look on Cody’s face. “What can I do, I can’t get away from him.” she said. Alisha told her to just relax and enjoy it and that she couldn’t get off that knot if she wanted to……“it’s too big to come out of your pussy and he won’t let you go till he’s finished with you.”

Cody just stayed on her hands and knees and let Spartacus have his way with her…….there was not much she could do about it. Alisha went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up and got dressed while Spartacus was filling Cody’s pussy with his hot cum.

In a little while, the knot shrunk and his cock fell out of her pussy. Cody slowly got to her feet, Spartacus came to her and licked her pussy clean. She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up and got dressed. When she came out, Alisha was cleaning up cum from the floor, there had to be a half gallon of it. Spartacus was out in the back yard looking in, probably thinking he wanted to do screw these two some more. Alisha giggled, “how did you like it……..did you have fun?” Cody giggled, “I’ve never done a dog before, it was really kinky and a lot of fun, I’d do it again if I had the chance.” Alisha giggled again at her sister’s enthusiasm…..hell, she liked it as much as Alisha did. Fun fun fun………… Alisha got the cum cleaned up and they left. Cody was talking about buying herself a big dog, it would be nice to have all the cock I wanted, any time of the day or night. “You’ll have to train him, I think Connie trained Spartacus . I saw them doing it one afternoon before she left I thought, why not, he won’t tell anyone, ha ha. Now Cody, you know we have to keep this to ourselves don’t you?” “I wouldn’t tell anyone, they would think I’m a pervert……of course, I am.

You know what Alisha, I’m going to tell you my secret……..I fucked that little pony down at the tack room one day.” Alisha couldn’t believe her ears, her little sister had fucked a horse……..”I may have to try that, how big was his cock?” Alisha asked. “Oh, I’d say about 14 inches long and about 3 inches in diameter, it’s huge and when he cums, I’ll tell you, it’s like milking a cow, there’s a gallon or more in one shot. I had my friend Joan with me, she had done a pony before and she showed me how to do it. Alisha couldn’t believe it. “We will have to go down there one day when everyone is gone and I’ll show you how, it’s damn good Alisha, and you talk about different, wow, it’s different.

Alisha knew that she and her sister were cut from the same mold. All these years, she thought Cody was just a little girly girl………hell, she’s a full fledged beastialist. Alisha felt naughty and the thought of fucking the Shetland pony excited her……not that’s a real cock for a real pervert. “Cody, I think that everyone is gone from the ranch, mom and dad went to New Mexico, Justin is in Denver and the guys should all be done for the day and gone………..want to go now?” “Cody smiled her naughty little smile and said, “Hell yes, let’s go get it.” so away they went.

They arrived at the ranch and went down to the horse stables. Cody was giddy, as usual. “come with me and I’ll show you how we did it. They went to the far end of the horse barn. In the last stall there is a long bench, about 2 ft high along the back of the stall. “What we did was bring him in here. We got his front feet up on the bench and tied him to the ring on the wall. We played with him till he got hard then got on the bench under him. The height is just right. Once we put his cock in, he went to fucking. If you keep your pussy about a foot from the edge, he can’t put it all in you, only about 12 inches. So, what do you think?“

Alisha pondered it and said, “Let’s get that little fucker in here and get him going.” They went out into the pens and found “Biggie” and brought him into the barn and into the stall. They looked all around the ranch and not one person was there. When they got him into the barn, Cody got his front legs up on the bench and tied him. She went down on her knees and started playing with his cock…..in a matter of minutes, he had it ran out about 2 feet. Cody told Alisha to keep jacking him and she would be right back. Alisha took hold of Biggie’s dick and started jacking him off with both hands. Cody got back in a few minutes with a bucket of warm water and some soap. She soaped up Biggie’s dick and washed it, then rinsed it off. “Now he’s good and clean, I used disinfectant soap, just don’t want to take any chances…..Alisha agreed. Cody got down on her knees again and got Biggie really hard. When she started sucking him off, he got really excited and started moving back and forth.

Cody got up and took her clothes off and got on the bench under Biggie. She guided his cock to her pussy and started working it in. Since there wasn’t a lot of lubrication, it took her a little while to get it in, plus her pussy had to stretch quite a lot for that horse cock to slip in. When she got it in, Biggie started pumping, rapidly. It was a good thing that Cody was back from the edge or he would have rammed it all in her. He kept fucking her hard, then all of a sudden he stopped and gobs of cum came running out of her, around his cock. Alisha could see his cock pulsing as he shot load after load of cum into her. His cock began to go soft.

When Cody got out from under him and stood up, cum came running out of her like someone turned on a faucet…….long streams of gooey white gobs of horse cum ran all over her legs and down to the floor of the stall. Cody was still giddy, ”hell Alisha, I came three times. She was licking some cum off of her fingers……..and you have to taste it Alisha, it tastes better than a man’s cum……here, take a taste.” She held out two fingers with a big wad of cum on them…..”go ahead, taste it.” Alisha reluctantly licked some of it off her fingers and much to her surprise, Cody was right, it did taste good, very good.

Cody was squatting in the corner of the stall, pushing out all the cum she could. “Ok Sis, it’s your turn, give it a try. Alisha took her clothes off and got down on her knees and started sucking Biggie’s cock…..he still had a little cum left and let it go in Alisha’s mouth. Alisha had cum running all down the front of her, all the way to her pussy. She gagged a little as she had to swallow some of it. She was amazed how good it tasted.

She slid under Biggie and started sliding his cock into her. When Biggie felt it go in her warm pussy, he began to fuck. She was back quite a way from the edge so that she didn’t get 2 feet of horse cock shoved in her. Biggie was pounding her with about 12 or 13 inches of his cock…….Alisha was cumming over and over again. The huge diameter of his cock was rubbing her clit just right and driving her over the edge and giving her multiple orgasms……….then she felt him unload in her.

It was the weirdest feeling, it was like someone put a water hose in her and turned it on. It was like she was having a douche, her vagina was totally full, to the point of expanding. When there was enough pressure built up it was running out of her around his cock…….like a river. When his cock went soft and fell out, a huge gush of cum literally blew out of her and all over her legs. His cock got hard again and he started trying to find her pussy, It was sliding over her pussy and stomach and was shooting small squirts of cum all over her torso. When it did find the entrance to her pussy, he shoved it in as far as he could….Alisha felt like someone just drove a truck up her pussy, she yelled loud……ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..it didn’t hurt, it just pushed her into a super orgasm. Biggie was shooting cum like a fire hose, his cock came out and really hosed Alisha down good……she had cum all over her. When Biggie’s orgasm stopped and his cock went soft, Alisha got out from under him. She stood there, covered in cum from her tits to her feet. “Damn,” she said, “it’s a good thing there’s a shower down here, I really need it.” Cody agreed. She needed it too. Cody untied Biggie and left him in the stall. Cody and Alisha walked to the shack, a room where people stayed while the mares were trying to foal.

They both showered off the cum and finger cleaned themselves to get all the cum out of their vaginas. When they finished cleaning up they went back to the stall to get their clothes. When they walked in, Biggie had other plans for them. His cock was hard and he wanted some more pussy. Cody laughed, “Watch this, he did this the last time too.” she walked over to the bench and leaned forward, putting her hands down on the bench and standing. Biggie came up behind her and reared up and mounted her. She bent forward some more while his dick searched for the entrance to her pussy. When it found it, he rammed it in her and started fucking her hard. She must have been taking 15 or 16 inches of his cock.

She was yelling with pleasure as he fucked her mercilessly…..that huge cock ramming into her time and time again. Alisha could tell that Cody was cumming hard, over and over again. Biggie was unloading another huge load of sperm, there was white gooey cum running out of her again and down her legs as he continued to pump her. He made one last lunge and his cock fell out and at least a half gallon of cum shot out of her pussy and onto the floor of the stall. Alisha was spellbound, she didn’t know what to do except watch. Biggie got back down on the floor and Cody stood up and spread her legs and pushed cum out of her pussy again. “Well, I guess I need to go shower again, he’s a horny little fart and I don’t know where he gets all that cum from, but he shoots a load like that every time he cums.

Alisha had gotten dressed and picked up Cody’s clothes and took them to her in the shack. When she got out of the shower, she got dressed and went out and put Biggie back in his pen. She went back in and cleaned up all the cum soaked straw that was in the stall and replaced it with fresh straw.

Alisha was sitting on a stool in the hallway. “I would have never believed this, I thought that women getting fucked by a horse was just an old wives tale……this was something else. They went out and got in Cody’s truck and went back to town. Cody had decided to come spend the night at Alisha’s. When they got there, Colin was driving in. Alisha went over to him and kissed him and gave him a hug.

“What are you doing here, Cody?” he asked. “Oh, Colin, I decided to come spend the night here tonight, thought we might have a threesome………….” Colin’s eyes lit up and Alisha just rolled her eyes……like they hadn’t had enough fucking today already. Colin sniffed Alisha, “What you guys been doing today, riding?” You guys smell like a horse. They both laughed and said, “Yep”.

Alisha told Colin she was going to get a shower before dinner, as did Cody, “Mind if I shower with you, sis?” Not at all, come on. They went to Alisha’s bathroom, stripped and got into the shower, soaped up good and cleaned themselves thoroughly. They both douched twice and cleaned themselves out really good. Cody borrowed a robe from Alisha and went out to the kitchen where Colin was cooking steaks for dinner.

Colin made the comment that they smelled a lot better. They both just laughed at him. They had dinner and went to the living room and found a movie. They all watched it and went to bed. Alisha was thinking about the day. “Damn, what perverts we are. I think we would fuck just about anything that walks. It’s time to go to sleep……it’s been a big day.” Alisha’s pussy was stretched so wide that she didn’t know if it would ever get back to where it was this morning…….she just needed sleep right now.

When Alisha awoke the next morning, she went to the kitchen for coffee. There on a bar stool, Cody was getting fucked by Colin. Alisha smiled and shook her head as she went to the coffee pot. “You guys doing ok?” she asked. They both smiled and continued fucking. While she poured herself a cup of coffee, they were both cumming and moaning. Alisha sipped her coffee and watched. Colin pulled his cock out of Cody and walked over to her and kissed her, “Good morning beautiful, want to be next?” “I think I’ll pass this morning,” she told him. Cody was in a good mood and walked around in the kitchen naked. They were just one big happy, perverted family.

Alisha got dressed and got ready to go to Wichita to look at the cattle she wanted to buy. Colin came into the bathroom, “Why are you in such a rush this morning,” he asked. “Did you forget, we are going to Wichita today…….did you forget?” “Oh shit, I did forget Alisha, I have to be here today, I’m sorry. I’ll call and have the plane ready when you get there.

Cody popped in, “where are you going today?” Alisha told her that she had to go to Wichita. “I wish I could go, but I have two appointments today. Alisha breathed a sigh of relief. “Colin, can you give her a ride this morning, I’m running a little late.” “Sure,” he said, “I think I’ll take her for another ride, if you don’t mind dear.” “Go ahead, Colin, she needs to get fucked good, she hasn’t had much lately.” Alisha giggled as Colin took Cody over to the bed to fuck her.

Cody was all bubbly again. She jumped into the middle of the bed and spread her legs wide for Colin. Colin had a hard on immediately and crawled on and put it to her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close to her as he pounded her pretty little pussy. Alisha was leaving, you two have fun, I have to go make some money.” She was laughing as she left. She went to the airport. The plane was ready and Jeff was patiently waiting for her.

“Wichita, Ms. Moore, is that right?”

“Yes it is Jeff, how long will it take?” “About an hour and a half.”

“I think I’ll take a nap, just holler at me when we are getting close.”

“Will do, Ms. M.” Jeff disappeared in to the cock pit and Alisha settled in for the trip. The plane wasn’t even off the ground and she was asleep. Yesterday had been tiring.

The flight lasted a little over an hour. Alisha awoke when the plane touched down. When Jeff opened the door, Alisha got out and one of the guys from the bank was there to meet her. He was a guy about forty, tall, thin and good looking. Alisha thought that she wouldn’t mind doing him……but this was business. He introduced himself as George Bailey, she told him to call her Aisha. They got into his truck and drove about 5 miles out of town to a fenced pasture.

Alisha saw a really good looking herd of cows. George told her that they were from 3 year olds to 5 year olds. The cows were all black Angus and had all been preg checked and all had calves. Alisha walked out through the cattle and took a close look. She spotted a couple of sick ones, but nothing really serious. There were 150 head of cattle and they were asking 1400.00 per head. Alisha knew that come spring, when the cows calved, they would be worth up around $3000 per pair. She would have to pay about a $1000 in shipping costs. This would be a good deal if she could get it done.
They went back to the office at the bank. She offered the bank $1200 each. They thought about it and came back at her with 1350 per head. She haggled with them for the next hour. She ended up buying the herd for $1300 per head. George asked her if he could buy her lunch, she accepted. Alisha hadn’t had a lot to eat today and was getting hungry.

While they had lunch, she found out that George was divorced and had been with this bank for almost 15 years. He had two kids that lived with his ex wife over in Emporia. George told her it was too bad she wasn’t staying over till tomorrow, he would take her out and show her the town. Alisha giggled and told him she had to get back to Alamosa and prepare to get the cattle shipped, otherwise, she just might stay.

They finished lunch and George took her back to the airport. George told her what a nice plane she had. Alisha explained that it belonged to her fiance, she had only borrowed it today. He laughed and told her he wished he had someone he could borrow a Gulfstream from. He told her that it was really the Cadillac of Jets.

“What does your fiance do Alisha?” he asked.

She told him that they owned 9 car dealerships in southern Colorado and he ran that part of their business. George told her if they ever needed any financing on anything, he would sure like talk to them. Alisha told him she would keep him in mind. She bid him goodbye and got onboard the jet. Jeff fired it up and away they went, back home.

Alisha caught a few winks on the way home. She was getting close to getting the cattle numbers she wanted……….she needed about another 100 head and she would have the ranch stocked. She got hold of a truck broker on the plane’s phone and made arrangements to have the cattle picked up and hauled to Alamosa. They should arrive early next week.

It was getting close to 4:30 when the Gulfstream touched down in Alamosa. Alisha felt that the day had been successful. As she drove home, she wondered what Colin and her sister had been doing today. When she got to the house, Colin’s car was parked in the garage. When she entered the house, she could see no one, but could hear voices coming from the back part of the house, maybe in the play room, she thought. She put her purse and keys down on the table and walked back to see what Colin and Cody were up to.

When she walked in Colin had Cody bent over the pool table fucking her hard up the ass. They were so far into what they were doing they never knew she was there. Alisha went behind the bar and poured herself a double Patron and watched as Colin unloaded his load up Cody’s ass. Once they both came back to earth, Alisha said, “Is this all you two have been doing all day?” They were both startled, having not heard her come in.

Colin pulled his cock out of Cody’s ass and walked over to her. He gave her a kiss and poured himself a Makers Mark. Cody walked up and sat down at the bar, “Why don’t you pour me one of those,” she said to Alisha. Alisha obliged. “I went to work for a while and Cody stayed here. At about 3, I decided to come home. I figured you would be here around 4 or so. When I got here, Cody was shooting pool naked, so I decided to pass some time till you got home.

Alisha really didn’t mind Colin fucking Cody. Their relationship was good and she really didn’t worry. Hell, when he hooked up with Alisha, he got Cody too, kind of the best of both worlds. Alisha got her phone out and called Justin. “Do you have time to come over here, I need to tell you about the herd I bought today and tell you all the particulars.” Justin told her he would be there in 5 minutes, he was close to her house. She told Cody and Colin to continue their interlude, she would catch up after she did some business with Justin.

“I bought another herd of Angus cattle today and I had to take care of the logistics today. Justin arrived and rang the door bell. Alisha went to the front door and let him in. Alisha told him what had happened and that the trucks would be arriving with the cattle day after tomorrow.

They needed to be worked and she wanted them penned for 48 hours before turning them out into holding pasture #2. I want them all ear tagged and implanted so I can do the data entry next week. Justin told her he would take care of it. She asked him if he wanted a drink, he accepted. They walked back to the play room and he saw Colin lying back on the pool table and Cody giving him a blow job. Colin just waved at him and laid his head back down. Cody never looked up and kept sucking his cock. She was bent over the pool table with her legs spread showing her dripping pussy.

Alisha shook her head and smiled. What will you have. Justin told her that Patron sounded good. Alisha poured him a double on the rocks. “Want to hang out here and play with us tonight?”

He took a sip of his tequila, smiled and said, “I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.” Alisha smiled and began to disrobe. “Might as well get into the swing of things.” she said.

Justin took the hint and began removing his clothes. When he was undressed, Alisha pushed him down in the bar stool and went down on him. She had been wanting for his cock ever since he got to her house. His cock tasted good and the taste of the small drops of pre-cum that oozed from it turned her on. She knew that after taking on Biggie and Spartacus, she needed a man’s cock and a man to caress her and appreciate her as he took her body.

She heard Justin moan quietly and felt his cock swelling a little, she knew that he was going to give her his load of sweet cum very soon. She continued to suck and deep throat his cock. His cock was deep down her throat when she felt him start to cum. She held it there, controlling her breathing so she didn’t gag. He was blowing his cum straight down to her stomach. When she felt him stop pulsing, she took it out and licked the remnants of cum from it. She played with his balls and could smell the musty smell of a man. It turned her on more. She took his balls in her mouth and caressed them with her tongue. Instantly he was hard again. He lifted Alisha up and took her to the couch. She laid down on her back and Justin crawled on her and slid his cock deep into her wanting pussy.

It felt so damn good to both of them, they were both ready to have a good fuck. Alisha and Justin fucked for over an hour, slowly, deliberately and changing positions many times. She was on her knees with her cheek on the arm of the couch. She could feel Justin’s cock bumping against her cervix, she was full of cock and loved it. He had hold of her hips pulling her onto his cock when she started to cum.

She felt the explosions of pleasure popping all over her body. Justin felt the contractions of her muscles sending vibrations throughout her midsection that pushed him to cum. She felt his cock spewing hot sperm and filling her belly. Justin must have had a lot of cum built up. His cock just kept pumping his hot cum into her. When they had finished, Justin collapsed on top of her, his dick remained in her, still twitching. The small movements of his twitching cock pushed Alisha into another orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on his semi-hard cock making Justin get hard again. The two of them were feeling so good that Justin began pumping Alisha again, within a minute, they were both cumming together.

Colin was watching Justin fuck his wife to be and give her paramount pleasure. When he pulled his cock out of Alisha, his thick white cum oozed from her vagina like lava flowing from a volcano. Alisha was exhausted and laid there on her belly breathing hard. Colin was sitting next to her with his semi hard cock glistening with their juices. The picture that presented itself to Colin gave him a rock hard erection. He had to have a piece of that hot ass, right now. Alisha was completely exhausted and couldn’t move, the cream pie that Justin had left behind slowly oozed from her already wet cunt.
Colin moved forward and pulled her legs further apart. He eased up on his knees and slipped his 8 inches inside Alisha and began fucking her hard. Alisha, being totally exhausted from getting a royal fucking from Justin, couldn’t move, she just lay there and took it. She felt her body involuntarily cumming again as his cock pierced her hot pussy. In a minute or so, Colin added to the cream pie flowing from Alisha. When he pulled his cock out of her, more thick, white cum was flowing down her crack and puddling on the leather couch. Justin had sat right next to them watching, his dick getting harder and harder as he watched.

When Colin pulled out, he saw the white lava flowing from her engorged pink lips. He swung around and mounted her again and fucked her hard, slapping her ass as he probed her vulnerable pussy with his 9 inches of hot meat. All Alisha could do was moan when she felt another cock enter her. She was in just the right position. When their cocks penetrated her, they hit her directly on her g-spot and caused an orgasm. She was cumming like there was no tomorrow.

Every probe by Justin’s cock hit right on the target and stimulated her more. She had had so many orgasms her strength was totally used up. Justin felt another wad of semen forming deep inside his body. Slowly the warm sensation spread up the length of his cock and erupted into Alisha’s already cum filled vagina. She could feel the head of his cock pressing against her cervix and his hot sperm shooting through the small opening. She could feel a hot burning sensation as his semen entered the cervix. Alisha just lay there, motionless, moaning in total pleasure, cum flowing from her. She was so exhausted she still couldn’t move, the orgasms were so intense it zapped all of her strength.

When Justin pulled out, Colin was hard and went right back in. Alisha knew now what a bitch dog felt like when a pack of males caught her vulnerable. Each taking their turn with her.

Cody was sitting on a barstool watching, rubbing her clit rapidly, cumming repeatedly. The sight of what was happening to her sister had her so excited, her fluids were flowing from her pussy and down her leg. She wanted some of that cock. Alisha was getting all the good stuff. She got off the barstool and went over to the couch. She laid back over the armrest with her legs spread and up in the air. Justin saw her wet pink lips, glistening with moisture and open for the taking. He stepped up and planted his root deep into her hot box. She wrapped her legs around him as he began screwing her hard and deep. Colin finished with Alisha and fell back onto the floor, watching Justin’s cock slide in and out of Cody’s tight little pussy. Alisha just laid there, moaning in delight, a river of cum running from her sopping wet pussy. It took Justin about 15 minutes of hard fucking to deliver a load of hot cum deep inside her tummy. When he pulled out, his cock flopped down and a thin stream of cum ran from her lips.

Colin was right there to fill the abandoned hole. Cody had been cumming almost continuously since Justin had penetrated her. When Colin went in her spasms continued, she was almost to the point of convulsing when Colin unleashed a torrent of hot man juice into her.

Her body stiffened and her muscles contracted, she was totally exhausted. When Colin pulled out, her legs fell to the floor, limp and lifeless. Colin and Justin sat at the bar, their dicks wet with co-mingled juices. They looked at the two young women lying on the couch, totally used up. They grinned and toasted each other. They could see their cum running out of Alisha and Cody’s well fucked pussies. They felt really good about themselves… they had out fucked the Moore sisters, something that had rarely ever been done.

When Alisha awoke the next morning, she was in her bed, Colin asleep beside her. She could feel a huge wet spot under her ass and her pussy felt saturated. She figured the tequila had gotten to her last night. She pulled the covers back and swung her legs off the bed and got up. As she stood, a huge gush of cum came gurgling out of her and ran down her leg in torents. “Shit, what happened to me last night,” she said to herself as she walked to the bathroom, cum leaking out of her like a broken radiator. She needed to pee so she sat on the pot. Her pussy bubbled and gurgled last nights cum out into the toilet as she let her urine go. She had to have a douche, she flushed the toilet and turned on the hot water in the shower. In a few minutes she had the water adjusted to her liking and was in, letting it run over her entire body. It felt so good. She shampooed her hair, lathered her entire body and rinsed it all out. She applied conditioner to her hair and just stood under the hot water enjoying the feeling of it. After a few minutes she rinsed out the conditioner and got out and began to dry off.

Colin came in, moving slowly. Alisha had regained her strength and was feeling really good. Colin took a piss and went right into the shower. When he came out, he looked refreshed and alive. Alisha looked at him and asked, “What happened last night, I think I blacked out. I remember Justin fucking me on the couch, then when I orgasmed it was terrific and everything after that is foggy.” Colin looked up and down her perfect body. “After Justin finished with you, I watched as he pulled out and his cum was running out of you, it turned me on so I stepped up and fucked you good too…….then it was him then me then him then me, taking turns with you. Then Cody got into the action, so Justin and I took turns with her till she passed out. You and Cody weren’t able to get to your feet, so Justin and I carried you two to your beds. Justin is with her in the guest room. I never heard a sound out of you all night, however, I did hear Cody yelling something about ridem cowboy sometime later.”

Alisha’s pussy was sore, between the fucking she got last night and the bestiality escapade she and Cody went on, her pussy had been abused hard in the last week and needed a little rest. She was dressed and headed for the kitchen when she heard Cody yelling something in the guest room. The door was open so she walked over to see what the problem was. Cody was sitting on Justin’s erect cock bouncing up and down on it…..”Ridem Cowboy” she was yelling. Justin saw me standing there and smiled. Alisha went back to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast, she thought everyone needed it this morning. It was soon ready and the smell of the bacon and coffee had drifted throughout the house. In a short while, everyone was present at the breakfast bar. “I trust everyone had their fill last night, I know I sure did.” Alisha told everyone. All she heard were grunts and moans. She had work to do, so she told them all she would see them later and away she went on her daily quest.

Alisha was a little giddy as she crawled in her truck and roared out the driveway. Damn, those two guys had actually fucked her to submission last night. She had never been fucked that hard by only two guys. Amazing. And the amazing thing was that they did it to her and to Cody too……..at the same time. Her man was a real stud and she knew it. Then you throw Justin into the mix, hell he’s another stud, it was more than she could handle…….and she hated to admit it.

Alisha got to the office and found her Dad thumbing through a stack of papers. “Whatcha doin Dad?” she asked, smiling brightly as she walked in. “Damn, you look like the cat that ate the canary, Pumpkin. I’m just going over the feed invoices. We’re spending a lot of money on feed, but, we have a lot more cattle than before too.” “Well Dad, we have about another 150 head on the way, I bought that herd I went to look at yesterday. When I saw them, I knew they were perfect for our needs and I only had to give $1300 a head for them.”

A big smile came on Bob’s face, “Damn, Pumpkin, you stole them, how’d you get out of Kansas without getting put in jail.” he said laughing. Alisha knew she had done well. “Plus, this guy works for Farm Credit out of Wichita, he said if we have any banking needs, we should contact him. It never hurts to have another source for capital.” Bob was very pleased with his daughter, she was one of the smartest people he had ever known and she had a real knack for business. Even after the shipping expenses, she had bought the cattle for $45,000 dollars under the market……hell of a fete for a woman, he was very proud of his daughter and he knew he had made the right choice in who was to inherit the ranch. He knew that Cody was too much of a girly-girl to manage a ranch like he and Alisha were building. He told Alisha how proud he was of her and what a good job she was doing. “I feel very secure in the fact that you will be running this ranch when I’m gone…..I’m leaving it in good hands.” She went to her dad and was giving him a big hug when Justin came into the office.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” he said as he came in.

“No,” Bob said, “I was just telling her how happy I am with her and the way she runs this place.”

“I agree with you, Bob, she damn sure knows her business……made a hell of a deal on those cows in Kansas.”

Alisha told Bob that she had called him last night when she got home so he would know what to do with them when the trucks started arriving.

“See what I mean Justin, she was running the ranch first, before even telling me that she had bought them…..she’s got a good business head on her shoulders.”

Justin smiled as he thought to himself, “She has a damn good head on her shoulders and it’ll take my whole cock, clear down her throat.”

“That’s what I admire about her, sir and why I love working here.” Alisha gave a little glare to him, not approving of the way he put his statement.

Bob told them he had to go to the Bank and wouldn’t be back for the rest of the day. He was doing partnership on some cattle going into a feedlot in Clovis, NM with his buddy Bob Bradley, our neighbor to the south. When Bob left, Alisha chewed on Justin’s ass about his “Snickering comment”. “Our deal was that our sexual encounters are completely separate and secret, when we have sex, it’s not to be referenced in any way, shape or form…..Do you understand? My Dad is no dummy, I think he may have inklings of what I do, but if he suspects that you are fucking his daughter, he will fire you in a heartbeat. If he finds out you’re fucking both of his daughters………..he and the regular guys on this ranch will bury you on it………and I’m not kidding, I’m serious as hell.”

Alisha drove her point across to Justin and he did believe every word she said. He had heard stories about guys that had crossed Bob Moore, some had never been heard of since their transgression. “I’m sorry Alisha, I just didn’t think,” he told her. “I’m only going to say this to you this one time, if you don’t think in the future, it could cost you your life, keep that in mind. No one messes with Bob Moore’s daughters, nobody.”

Alisha had instilled the fear of God in Justin, and he was grateful for the advice………he was also grateful to Alisha for sharing her body with him. She was terrific, even though he and Colin had fucked the two women into submission last night……..what a fucking night. He hoped that there would be more of those nights in their future. Alisha stopped and kissed him on the lips, I like you Justin and I like fucking you, hell, even Colin likes you, let’s not mess up a good thing……………be sure to go over to Monte Vista and talk to those two farmers about raising sorghum for us next year. I’d like to put up two thousand tons of silage next summer and I think we need to contract it, see what you can work out.”

It was about 11 am and Alisha thought she would go home and clean the house after last night. She didn’t want her housekeeper to see the evidence of what went on. When she got home, no one was there…..she went in and called, just in case Cody was still hanging around. She loved her sister, but sometimes she just needed to get away from her. She walked through the house and not finding Cody, she stopped into the guest bedroom and stripped the bed. She could see cum stains dried on the sheets. Damn, those two guys really shot them full last night, she didn’t know where they kept it all, he he he. She went to her room and found a bigger dry spot on her sheets, she stripped them and took them all to the laundry room and started the washing machine. She went into the play room and checked it out. There was a big spot of dried cum on the pool table, the couch had a couple of big spots and there were numerous gobs of dried cum on the floor, everywhere. “Looks like someone had a good time here last night,” she said to herself as she began cleaning.



As she was finishing up, her doorbell rang. When she opened the door, it was Connie, her neighbor, with Spartacus. “Alisha, darling, could you do me a big favor…..I have to go to Denver right now……..could you keep Spartacus for me till tomorrow about noon…….he really likes you.”

Perverted thoughts crossed her mind as she told Connie, “I’d be more than happy to keep him for you, you know that……..I just love him.” Connie thanked her and handed the leash to Alisha as she ran to her car. Alisha brought him into the house and closed the door. She removed the leash and went down on one knee and hugged him.

“Hi big fella, I can see you’re happy to see me,” she said as she looked at his pink cock coming out of its sheath.

Spartacus followed her around as she finished cleaning up the game room. As he smelled around the room and the spots on the couch she had cleaned, he got visibly excited……the smell of sex was still in there and he knew what had happened there. He felt that it was his turn with her, after all, she was his bitch.

He put his nose into her crotch and was sniffing and licking her jeans. “Want a little of that, do you? Well, let’s see what we can do about it,” she said as she went to her bedroom. She looked at the clock……..it would be 4 or 5 hours till Colin got home, she had plenty of time to enjoy his huge cock. As she undressed, Spartacus became more excited, his ears were perked up, his eyes were bright and he was panting heavily…….he knew he was going to have his bitch real soon.

As she sat on the bed, removing her socks, he came up to her and began licking her pussy. His rough tongue felt good on her sensitive lips and the treasurers that lay within. She was running like a river in anticipation of having his cock buried in her pussy. She could see his dick coming out of i’s sheath, it was getting bigger as he licked her private area.

She remembered his claws and put socks on his front and back feet to keep him from scratching her perfect skin. He was getting a little more excited as she took hold of his cock, which was at least 10 inches by now and still growing. She started jacking him off. She crawled around on the floor on her hands and knees, Spartacus knew that the time had arrived.

He went around behind her and licked her waiting pussy a few times then mounted her. She looked back between her legs and saw his fully hard cock lining up to her waiting pussy. In one stab, he hit the glory hole and drove it home. It was a good thing she was super wet and his dick had its own slime on it……it slid in without any pain. It did spread her pussy wide, she had forgotten how thick it was. He had his front legs wrapped around her thighs in the front of her hips, locking on to her.

As his cock entered her hot sperm receptacle he went crazy, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. He had been slamming her for about five minutes when she felt the knot starting to form. As it got bigger and bigger, he pushed it in and out of her, then, she felt him push hard and the knot entered her pussy, stretching it to its limits.

Damm, she thought, that thing is huge and it hurts some, but, at the same time his cock had swelled up and filled her vagina. He was still pushing into her, when she felt the hot sensation of being filled with his cum. She knew from the past that she couldn’t pull off the knot till he was completely finished filling her and the swelling went down. After a few minutes he tried to uncouple. When he pulled it hurt like hell. He swung his leg over her ass and they stood there, ass to ass waiting. She could feel his dick filling her with his puppy juice. As she looked back she could see that her tummy had pushed out some from being filled up. She was feeling a tightness that she knew would go away as soon as his cock came out.

At least 20 minutes had passed and they still hadn’t separated. The knot felt as large or even larger than before. Her arms had gone weak and she had laid her cheek down on the tile floor. She could look back between her legs from time to time and see that her tummy was continuing to swell. As she lay there waiting she heard a vehicle pull up. “OH SHIT, WHO IS THAT !” she said to herself.

She tried to pull away from Spartacus, but was unable to. She was still being held by his huge knot. She heard the front door open and Colin’s voice, “Alisha, are you here? I’m home.” She was in a panic……..what would he say about this, oh shit, he would probably throw her out and not want to see her again….all kinds of scenarios went through her head……..she heard him coming toward the bedroom…….”OH SHIT!” she said as he walked into the room.

There was little Alisha could do at this point. She was just there on her hands and knees locked to a Great Dane by his huge, orange sized, knot inside her pussy. She felt so helpless and vulnerable. Colin was visibly shocked when he saw what was happening. “ALISHA, WHAT THE HELL……..” he said as he inspected the coupling. “I had no idea you were into bestiality……..damn, our relationship just gets better and better all the time …….DAMN !”

His attitude caught Alisha completely by surprise, she had thought that he would surely get rid of her when he found out her little secret, but instead, he loved it. She could see a huge bulge growing in his pants, she could tell that this turned him on, damn, they were meant for each other.

Colin inspected the dog knot buried in her pussy and told her how big it was. Alisha felt the knot receding, then in one fell swoop, it flopped out and a huge gush of dog cum squirted out of her. Alisha fell to the floor, once released from Spartacus. She was tired and he knees hurt. She looked around and saw that Colin had taken his clothes all off and his cock was standing at full attention. He was kneeling in the gush of dog cum on the floor and was pulling her ass up, preparing to slide his cock in her super wet cum receiver.

“Not now Colin, please,” she pleaded as she felt his cock enter her pussy and begin to pump her. He had hold of her hips and told her as he fucked her, “I can’t help it Alisha, the sight of that big guy buried in your beautiful pussy made me want you bad, right now………” his voice tapered off as she felt him release a gush of his cum inside her.

She had had so many orgasms, she was exhausted. Colin pulled out and stood up…..Alisha remained on her knees, with her cheek on the tile floor. When he walked over to the edge of the bed to sit down, Spartacus had got up and walked over by Alisha and growled at him, showing his teeth. This scared Colin and he backed off from Alisha. Spartacus was pissed, this was his bitch and Colin didn’t have any right to fuck her.

Spartacus walked up behind Alisha and began to lick up the cum that had ran out of her, down the insides of her legs and on the floor. He had licked her good and she had had another orgasm from his tongue. When she was cleaned up, Spartacus mounted her again and drove his eleven inches deep into her……..he was holding her tight as he drove his cock deep into her, then the knot began to form again. He pushed it into her and held it there while it inflated again…….there was nothing she could do but submit to his will.

After about 15 minutes, the swelled knot went down and came out of her pussy along with another big gush of dog cum. Spartacus walked into the next room. Colin felt it was safe to help her up and see if she was alright. She was leaking out large amounts of cum as she walked to the shower. She sat on the bench in the shower, crying. Colin knelt in front of her and kissed her. “Alisha, that was so hot, I can’t believe that we both are into the same things, we have so much in common…..it makes me love you more.” Alisha wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. We are two of a kind, my love, we are.

Alisha recovered and showered and cleaned herself up while Colin cleaned the mess up on the floor. When she finished her shower, she put on some panties, just in case Spartacus wanted inside her again……the nylon would stop him. She put on a sweat suit and went to find Colin. He was sitting in the kitchen, feeding snacks to Spartacus.

“I thought I’d make friends with him, since we’re sharing the same bitch.” he laughed. Alisha had to laugh, she did see the humor. “What is he doing over here anyway?” Colin asked.

“Oh, Connie had to go do Denver this afternoon and asked me to watch him till she got back tomorrow. I just thought I’d have a little fun this afternoon. I had no idea you were into bestiality, Colin.”

He smiled at her, “It’s not something you advertise now, is it?” She laughed and said that he was probably right. “What else have you fucked, Alisha? What else do you want to fuck?”

Alisha smiled at him and told him about the incident in Austin years ago when she was raped by a dog and how when she went over to Connie’s house to see where his feed was, she saw Spartacus screwing Connie in the back yard. She told him that this had brought back the memories of the incident and she decided to try it again while Connie was gone, to see if she had liked it or had just imagined it……..I liked it so I have continued it.

Cody also likes animals. She told me about fucking that pony out at the ranch a long time ago…..she and one of her friends. We waited till everyone was gone last week and went out there and the pony did both of us……it felt really good. Colin was getting a hard on just thinking about it.

“I’d love to watch you get filled with horse dick and cum sometime dear, will you show me?” I’ve just seen it on film, never up close and personal.”

Alisha hugged him and kissed him, “We’re one kinky couple aren’t we Colin?” He smiled at her. Alisha hugged him again and kissed him deeply, “I love you Colin, and like I told you before, I’ll do anything you want me to, all you have to do is ask.”

They had dinner and talked some more about their animal fetish. Colin told me that he had a friend over in Utah that had a boar that would fuck a woman. He had a rack built for the woman to lay on, with a rack above her for the boar to lay on, so he didn’t crush her.

“Would you do that for me Alisha, and let me watch.” She held him close and said, “I’ll do anything you ask Colin, anything………set it up and I’ll do it.”

Colin was very happy with her. She was learning that he liked to watch her getting fucked, by another guy or……..an animal. Then he liked to fuck her…..sloppy seconds. But also, he liked to make love to her…….he had done it several times, he was the most tender and compassionate of a person she had ever met, and probably the kinkiest person she knew, excepting Cody.

“I know that we are going to be very happy together, we are both so damn open minded.” She said.

Colin put Spartacus out in the back yard, he was starting to het horny again, but, Alisha was not ready to do him again right now. Colin went back into the office……..he came out smiling from ear to ear. “I called Jeremiah, out in Utah, it’s all set up, we can go out there tomorrow. Alisha giggled, thinking how kinky things would get now that Colin shared her interests. They went to bed and Colin made love to her as passionate and personal as it gets. The old adage that there is someone for everyone is true.

The next morning they were up early. Colin had a few things to take care of before he could leave, as did Alisha. She got in the shower and cleaned herself up good, then called Justin and told him what she wanted done today. He told her that one truckload of cattle had arrived and the guys were starting to work them. The other trucks would be arriving about every hour. She told him that she would be back tomorrow and that she was going with Colin to look at another dealership. She called her Dad and told him what was going on. He told her that was fine, he would take care of things till she got back.

Alisha packed an overnight bag, just in case she needed it. Colin came back home and picked her up to go to the airport. She had packed him an overnight bag also. Colin told her that he had a video camera, to record the action for them to enjoy later. She told him that was ok, but she wanted a vault to put the tapes in, he agreed.

They got on the Gulfstream and took off. They flew to Logan, Utah. Colin had a car rented so they went to the car rental to pick it up. They got in the car and took off. Colin told her that he had known this guy for many many years. They had met at a national car sales symposium and found that they had some common interests.

Colin had been out here before and watched some human/animal interactions. Jeremiah Collins owned several car dealerships throughout the Salt Lake City area. He was very rich and a close business associate of Colin’s. Colin assured Alisha that he was very trustworthy.

He told her that he was married with 3 kids. He also told her that he might want to fuck her too, if Alisha agreed. She hugged Colin, I think I might want both of you to fuck me before the pig does, ok?

They drove about 30 miles out from Logan to a small ranch. It was about 5 miles off the main road……. out in the middle of nowhere and very isolated. As they drove up, Alisha saw that there were several new outbuildings and several corals with different animals in them.

Colin saw Jeremiah standing alongside his truck outside one of the buildings. When they got out Jeremiah came to Colin and hugged him and shook his hand. Colin introduced Alisha to him. Alisha noticed that Jeremiah was a very good looking man about 40. He looked to be in very good shape. He looked at Alisha and told her what a beautiful woman she was. “So you like animals, Alisha?” he asked.

“Yes I do. I’ve only been around horses and dogs so far though.” She couldn’t help but notice how he was checking her out.

“Let’s go inside, Bruno is in here…….I’ll show you how this works……………..by the way, all of the help is off today, so no one is going to be around at all.”

This made Alisha feel a little more at ease. They went into the building. There were no windows and the door was heavily secured from the inside. The lights were on and there were a lot of theater type seats surrounding a pen in the middle of the building. Inside the pen was a padded bench about 5 ft long. It was about 18 inches off the ground. About a foot, just above it was another steel bench, well supported. The floor was covered in Astroturf.

“This is where you will get it Alisha. You will lay on the bottom bench. Your legs will be spread wide and raised above you. They will be in these racks and will be strapped in. Your pleasure zone will be at the edge of the lower bench. The boar will come in and probably will lick you a lot then when he is ready, he will jump up on the metal bench above you. You will be protected from his weight and his sharp hooves.

He will then take his time and penetrate you with his long, skinny, corkscrew dick. Don’t be alarmed when it goes inside you, he can control the movements of his cock without humping his ass…..a boar is a little different.

Then once inside you will feel him searching for the entrance to your uterus, through your cervix. It may burn a little, but let me assure you, you will love the feeling and probably begin multiple orgasms at this point. Most women do. He will noticeably fill your tummy with sperm, you will see it begin to rise when he begins. The ejaculation can last up to 30 minutes, so be prepared for many orgasms. What do you think?”

Alisha smiled and said it sounded like a real adventure. “How many times can I do it?” she asked Jeremiah. “We don’t recommend that a woman do it more than twice in a day. He will fill you, and I do mean fill you. You will see your tummy rise about two inches. When he feels the end coming, he will start to withdraw his cock a little at a time. At this point his system starts to mix in a thickener. By the time he comes out of you, he will have sealed up all the cum he has put in place. It’s nature’s way of making sure his little swimmers stay in place to impregnate all the eggs that a sow has produced, which can be up to sixteen.” You will be able to walk around without a drop spilling out. Then when you are ready, you can hover over a toilet, stick in a finger and break the seal and it will all run out. Any more questions?”

Alisha looked at Jeremiah and Colin. “What does this cost?” Jeremiah smiled at her, “no money my dear Alisha, I just want to fuck you first, the smell of a man’s cum will drive the boar wild and he will want to over mark you with his cum.” Alisha looked at us, “Well, lets get this show on the road, by the way, there are no cameras in here are there?”

No Alisha we make sure there are none on the premises. This building was swept this morning, as it is every day I have a client. Colin told me you two want to film it, and that is ok. My wife likes for me to film her when she takes one of the animals here, we keep our library locked in a vault……we are very discreet here.”

Alisha felt much better. There was a bench and table just outside the pen where Alisha took her clothes off. Jeremiah watched and commented to her, “You are one beautiful woman Alisha, you and my wife could be sisters. I think you two should meet soon, I think we have a lot of the same interests.”

Alisha felt very comfortable with him. The building was warm, so she was comfortable naked. Jeremiah and Colin both stripped and she was led to the rack. Jeremiah helped her slide in under the metal rack till her ass was right at the edge of the leather bench. He took her legs, one at a time and put them into the racks, her legs were spread wide, outside the metal rack above her and her knees were about 18 inches or so above her torso, her legs were bent at the knees 90 degrees.

When she was in place, Jeremiah started stroking his cock, preparing to fuck her. Colin was doing the same. Somewhere out of her sight, she could hear the boar grunting, he could smell her pussy fluids, which were running rampantly out of her. The boar was getting very anxious and noisy.

“That’s good Alisha, you’re good and wet, that makes things very easy. Jeremiah brought up a small pillow to put under his knees and raise his cock to the level of Alisha’s glory hole. Colin had set up the video camera and was taping. Jeremiah slid his 8 inches into her and started pumping. He had hold of her hips pulling himself into her.

After about 10 minutes, she felt him cum and heard him moan. “Damn, Alisha, you are so tight and firm, that was great. Alisha still had not had an orgasm, she thought that she was just nervous. Colin got down and slid into her cum canal. He fucked his bride to be for a good fifteen minutes, he felt Alisha cumming and let his go at the same time. Alisha had a great orgasm……..she was calmed down now and ready for the pig fucking.

Colin and Jeremiah had put their clothes back on and Jeremiah went to the pen in the back of the building and brought in the boar. He explained to them that the boar had been cleaned thoroughly, inside and out. The boar was a big boy with balls the size of pineapples. He strutted around the pen sniffing, looking for the pussy he was smelling. He stood about three ft at the shoulders and was long. He found Alisha’s pussy all wet and waiting for him. He walked up and smelled it first. Then his tongue came out and he licked it really good, tasting the guys cum and Alisha’s sweet pussy juice.

After about 10 minutes of licking, he jumped up on the top bench, his front legs stretched out in front of him. His corkscrew dick came out of the sheath and started searching for Alisha’s sweet pussy. He walked forward on his back legs, getting closer and closer to Alisha. Finally, he his cock contacted Alisha and his dick started sliding in and out of the sheath and twisting. It was spewing cum out in small spurts, lubricating the area he was about to penetrate. His cock seemed to have a life of its own as it searched for the entrance to her sperm receptacle. In a little while it found the entrance and pushed into her……..still searching for the entrance to her womb……the small hole in her cervix.

Alisha could feel the corkscrew head feeling around inside her vagina. It located her cervix and the corkscrew head searched for the opening, when it found it, the end screwed itself into her uterus. As it slid further into her, she had a burning sensation, it hurt but felt good at the same time. She began to orgasm, as she felt his hot semen filling her cavity.

He was standing still, only his dick was moving around inside her. Minutes passed and Alisha could feel her insides being filled with his hot cum. She looked down at her tummy and could see that it had risen slightly and that she was starting to feel full. 15 minutes had passed and she could feel the boar’s cock still pumping his hot cum into her uterus…….it must have expanded a lot, her whole tummy had expanded, she looked as though she was gaining weight.

Another ten minutes passed and he continued pumping her full of his hot juice. She had climaxed countless times and was somewhere off in la la land. She felt the boars cock starting to slide out, slowly. The cum he had injected into her up to now had felt thin and watery, but now the feeling had changed, it was feeling more gel like. As the end of his dick pulled back into her vagina, she felt it beginning to to be filled. Her tummy was rising more. He pulled his cock out some more until he was at the entrance. It spewed a thick gel there and then returned to the boar’s sheath.

The boar crawled off of the rack and went to sniff and observe the outside of her pussy, to make sure it wasn’t leaking and that all his seed had remained inside her. He walked over across the pen and laid down, looking exhausted. Alisha felt like her whole body cavity was full of pig cum. Her stomach was bloated up, full to capacity. She didn’t know how many orgasms she had experienced, but there had been a lot and she felt great.

Jeremiah and Colin helped her off the bench and to her feet. “How do you feel Alisha, did it feel like you thought it might?” Jeremiah asked her.

“I haven’t had that many orgasms at one time in my life…….it felt so wonderful…….the sensation of being filled to the brim with his cum was great…….I want to do it again.” Colin was still filming. Jeremiah told her that to keep from making a mess here in the pen, she should go to the toilet and puncture the seal the boar had put inside her and drain out. If she wanted to, she could shower and douche before the next session.

They followed her into the toilet and Jeremiah guided her to stand over the toilet bowl. He slipped his finger inside her and once the seal was broke, about a gallon of pig cum drained out of her. As the cum drained Alisha saw her tummy shrink back to its normal size. She went into the shower, washed off and douched.

They went back out into the pen. Porky was still laying on the far side sleeping, regaining his strength. Jeremiah and Colin helped her back into the rig. They both dropped their pants and fucked Alisha again. When the smell of her pussy and their cum drifted around the pen, it was just a matter of seconds and Porky was on his feet looking for that female to breed.

He quickly found her and began the same routine again. He licked her pussy for a little while before mounting the rack. He walked forward with his hind feet till his dick slipped inside Alisha once more. It screwed itself through the hole in her cervix and into her uterus and began pumping. Alisha felt like her insides were on fire again, but the pain soon subsided into pleasure as her uterus was filled to the brim with his hot cum. This time it took almost 45 minutes to complete. This time she was being filled fuller than before. Her tummy was stretching upwards a good three inches.

This must be what it feels like to be pregnant, she thought. Colin was filming everything. Alisha was cumming so much she was almost in a drug induced state of pleasure and pain. Porky began pulling back and sealing her up like last time. Again, he stopped to inspect his work before he went to take a nap. Jeremiah and Colin helped Alisha out of the rack again and helped her to the toilet. Again she hovered over the toilet bowl and drained the pig jizz out. She showered and douched and put her face back on.

Jeremiah asked if she would like for him to show her the farm, in case there was something else she might like in the future. She thought that would be nice. They walked around the buildings and over to the pens. He had a regular zoo out here. He had llamas, goats, wolves, bears, a zebra, horses, ponies, one of the biggest dogs she had ever seen, bulls, a kangaroo, a camel, several donkeys, a tiger, a gorilla and some different varieties of chimpanzees.

He had a building with large snakes. That really turned Alisha off. She thought the gorilla looked cool. Jeremiah told them that all the animals were totally docile and had all been born in captivity and raised around humans. One of the chimpanzees followed along the cage sniffing her as she walked by. Jeremiah told her that he fancied her…..he could tell by the way he was following her and sniffing. If you want Alisha, we can go over there and he’ll do you in about ten minutes. They all just had their baths early this morning, so he’s clean.

Alisha didn’t know what to say. Colin was grinning at her and urging her to do it if she wanted. Alisha told him she had had all the animals she wanted for today and she wanted to go. Jeremiah told her she could come back anytime she wanted, just give him 24 hours notice. We also have get togethers out here a couple of times a year. If you want to share with other people with the same interests, let us know and you can come out. We’ll do our next one in June.

Colin and Alisha got back into their car and drove toward town. Alisha was really quiet and it worried Colin. He asked her what is the matter, she just sat there and didn’t want to talk. When they got to the airport and got on the plane, Alisha got in her seat and buckled herself in. The plane left the ground and Alisha began to cry. Colin was visibly bothered and continued to ask her what the problem was. She wrapped her arms around him, crying and whispering in his ear……….”I feel so dirty, letting dirty animals take my body, I just am feeling like a dirty whore, Colin………I’m afraid you won’t want me any more after the animals have had me.”

Colin reassured her that he loved her and that he enjoyed watching her get screwed by different animals. He calmed her down and sat next to her, continuing to reassure her it was ok. By the time they got back to Alamosa, she had gotten over her small dip of depression and was back to normal. They went home. Alisha didn’t want to see anyone else today.

The next morning, Alisha was back to her old self. She did breakfast with Colin having business conversations about all their business holdings and what their plans for them are. Alisha told him that she still had to buy another 200 head of cattle and she would be set. Everything was to begin in the spring when the cows started calving.

Colin told her that he was keeping his eye out for more dealerships that might come available. They decide to set their wedding for May. They were going to build one very large business, one that would be the envy of anyone. Colin is acquainted with one of the top attorney’s in the country and suggested to Alisha, that they consult with him and consider having one Mother Corporation that owns the other corporations they control. There are many tax advantages and limits on personal liability. Alisha agreed they should start doing something now……they would soon be married and need to protect their assets and hedge off the taxes. Colin told her he would have his friend come here and they could have a day or two to talk and plan their strategy.

Before she left for the ranch, Colin reassured Alisha that he did indeed love her and he wanted them to be together forever. Alisha held him close and kissed him. “I know, my dear, I know………There were just too many things yesterday that overwhelmed me……I’m ok now.” She kissed him again and drove to the ranch to check on the new cattle……she hoped they were all here by now..

At the ranch things were busy as a beehive. All of the cattle had arrived and the hands were busy working them, preparing to turn them out in the holding pasture tomorrow. Alisha drove up at the corals and climbed up on the fence, looking the new herd over. The State Brand inspector, Sid Jenson was there as was the State Veterinarian, Jess Johnson. They were doing their respective inspections on the new cattle. Justin was with them giving them the information they required.

Alisha walked by them and told them good morning. They stopped and acknowledged her and visited for a short time. When she moved on toward the working chutes, Sid said to the others, “Justin, I don’t know how you get any work done around here, I wish I had a boss that looked like that, damn she’s beautiful…….and to be so damn smart………that’s a combo you don’t see every day. She will make this one hell of a ranch with all she has planned.”

Justin just smiled, “Yeah Sid, you’re right, she is one hot number, but all business. She‘s probably the smartest and best boss I’ve ever had……and she’s tough too, she can do anything there is to be done around this ranch, herself. The guys that work here all hold her in the highest regard and they trust her implicitly.”

Jess chimed in, “And from what I’ve heard, you don’t want to cross her either, some say her wrath is worse than a hurricane…..personally, I don’t ever want to find out.” They all laughed and went back to business.

Alisha looked the cattle over really close. She was on the ground, on top of the fences and chutes and walking around among them. If there was a problem, she saw it and marked the cow on the rump with a piece of red chalk for the hands to take care of. Alisha was very proud of herself and the job she could do.

However, her mind drifted back to yesterday and the experience with the boar………the feeling of that boar cock inside her filling her belly to its capacity with his hot sperm. She had never felt a sensation like that in her life………and she wanted to feel it again……but meanwhile, she wanted to fuck men………..a little bit of the animal sex went a long way.

Bob came down the corals to find her. “Damn, girl, you did one hell of a good job with this herd. I watched them coming off the trucks yesterday, not a bad cow here……I always knew I was right about your abilities……I’m proud of you, Pumpkin.” He walked on through the cattle in this pen and over by Justin and the State guys.

Alisha was satisfied that everything was going well here and decided to go to the office and start entering the data she had into the computer……they should finish getting the rest to her by the end of the day. She was happy with her life……..it was going just as she wanted. She had an appointment with her mom this afternoon and another class at Adams. She should have everything done here by noon, maybe she should call her mom and have lunch before her appointment.

When she called Anne, she was elated to talk to her daughter and go to lunch with her. They decided to meet at “Clancey’s” for lunch, it was usually quiet. She began imputing the new data from yesterday…….this shouldn’t take but an hour or so. She was working steadily when Cody came in.

“Hi Sis, how’s it hanging?” she merrily blurted out. Alisha knew she might as well quit till she left, her mouth would be running a mile a minute. “I’m fine, what’s got you in such a good mood?” Cody pulled her coat off and slumped down in a chair. “I’ve been laid so much lately, I’m just happy as hell, I feeeeeeel good.”

Alisha smiled and told her that that will always make your day good. Alisha told Cody that Colin knew about the two of them doing Spartacus and Biggie. Cody’s mouth dropped wide open. “How the hell did he find out about that?” she asked.

“Well, she began, Connie brought Spartacus over for me to babysit while she made a whirlwind trip to Denver. It was early in the afternoon and I had finished cleaning up the game room after the other night. Spartacus was making advances on me so I decided to let him do me, I had plenty of time before Colin got home. Welllllll, we got down in the bedroom and he fucked me good. He put in his knot and began cumming…….We had been hung up for quite a while and there was no sign of it breaking for a while when I heard Colin’s car drive in the yard………he came in and got the full scene….me and Spartacus but to but and dog cum dripping out on the floor.”

Cody was totally shocked, “Damn, what did he do?” she asked.

“He started smiling and checking out the knot, up close. He came around to me and told me hot and horny it made him and he loved to watch women have sex with animals. When the knot popped out, he was naked and fucked me right there in the middle of a puddle of dog cum……..hardest he’s been since I’ve known him.”

Cody started smiling, “so you told him about me and you?” “Yes, I did…….he said he’d like to watch both of us getting banged by dogs sometime.” He loves this stuff as much as we do.

“Alisha, you’re one lucky bitch, you know that? Colin has to be the coolest guy in the world, he is kinkier than we are.” she giggled.

“Alisha then told her about what she did yesterday, “Cody, you won’t believe how good it feels, I must have had over 25 orgasms………getting filled by a boar is an experience. That guy out in Utah has all kinds of animals, all you have to do to have relations with one of them, is fuck the owner. He oversees the interlude and keeps you safe.”

Cody listened intently, very interested. “I’d like to do that Sis, let me know if you go back.” Alisha told her that the orangutan was one animal she was intrigued with. As I passed his cage, he eyeballed me and showed me his 10 inches of cock………..then he smiled at me…….I dreamed about him last night…..I may have to go back sometime and see if I can take it, but for the near future, I want men.”

Cody was giggling like a schoolgirl. Alisha told her that she had heard of people that were really into this, but really never believed it till now. Anyway, we can always have access to Spartacus and one of these Saturdays, when everyone is gone again, we’ll have to take care of Biggie again……Colin really wants to watch that.

Cody was getting giddy again……”Yeah, I’d like for him to watch.” The two of them laughed their wicked little laughs. Alisha had to go, she asked Cody if she wanted to go have lunch with their mom with her….she declined…….she said she was having lunch with Justin at the Holiday Inn………room 323.….she laughed and they went on their separate ways.

Lunch with her mom was a pleasant experience for Alisha. Sometimes she didn’t want to be around her mom…….they could be a lot alike at times. Alisha wondered if her mom had the same kinky desires as her. She knew Anne had been pretty wild in her younger days, she just hadn’t ever heard exactly what she had done. Someday she would find out.

They went back to the practice and spent the next hour discussing Alisha’s sex problems. All during the session, Alisha didn’t dare talk about her animal perversion, her mom would have disowned her. After all, the animal thing was a hobby…….at least that’s what she is telling herself. As Alisha left her mom’s office, she wondered if she would ever be normal or if she would be this way forever……only time would tell.

Alisha then went to class at Adams. The student that had picked her up a few months ago and taken her to his apartment after class, was present. He remembered her using him for his cock, then leaving him as soon as she got her rocks of. He sat giving her dirty looks during the whole class, but Alisha didn’t care. She had got what she wanted and really didn’t give a damn whether he liked it or not……..hell, he should be happy he got to fuck the most beautiful woman in town…………She ignored his looks and laughed at him for his stupid attitude. Alisha knew what she did, from time to time, just to get some cock, and she probably wouldn’t change. She laughed, I wonder If I could use him again, then leave before he cums……..he he he……that would be funny as hell. One of these days………..

When class was over, she went back out to the ranch. The hands only had a dozen or so cattle left to work. She was glad. She had to go to the bathroom, so she went to the office. When she finished and stood up, she was surprised to see some of the gelled pig cum come dropping out of her. Damn, how long does that stuff stay in place she thought. She thought she had douched it all out, but she guessed that Jeremiah knew what he was talking about, it can stay in a woman for 3 or 4 days. Alisha was ready to go home so she left. She stopped by the building site on the way home. Melvin was still there, finishing up for the day. The house was coming along really good. Most of the framework was up and they had started putting up the celotex. Melvin told her that he should have the house closed up in about a week.

Melvin and Alisha had dated back in high school. He remembered fucking her back then. She had always been beautiful and had always had a knockout body. He asked her, “Alisha, what say we go out some day after work and have a drink, we could talk about old times, maybe even get re-acquainted.”

Alisha thought to herself, “might be good for a quick fuck one of these days.” “Sure, I’d like to get re-acquainted with you. We used to have a lot of fun together, especially in your back seat…..”

Melvin instantly got a hard on. “How about right now?” he asked. “Why not………let’s go. I’ll meet you at St Ives.” That sounded good to Melvin, he thought this might be his lucky day.

As she drove to the bar, Alisha thought that it might not be a bad idea to get a hold on Melvin, so he would get the construction finished quicker and maybe give her some extra benefits for her money.

They arrived at St. Ives before the after work crowd got there. Alisha ordered her favorite, Double Patron on the rocks. Before the waitress walked away she ordered a second one. Alisha took the salt and lime then shot down the double and wiped her lips. Melvin couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. She was great in high school, but now that she had grown up, Alisha was absolutely a living doll.

How had he lost her back in high school? He had asked himself that question so many times but couldn’t ever figure out why. Unknown to him, Alisha had always used guys for her pleasure then dumped them when she tired of them. Today, she wasn’t as bad, but, she would still use men. For some reason, Colin was the exception……even she couldn’t explain it.

Melvin and Alisha talked, reminisced about the past and laughed a lot in the next hour or so. They both drank quite a bit and were really feeling good. Alisha was leaning far over the table listening to Melvin. He couldn’t help but notice her perfect D breasts half protruding out of her blouse. He was fixated on them and told Alisha that they were the most beautiful tits he had ever seen.

She grinned and blushed a little and thanked him for the comment and asked him if he would like to see all of them. Melvin almost fell off his chair.

“Hell yes I’d like to see all of them, Alisha, I’d love to see you naked again. She smiled at him and told him she needed to go to the bathroom and would be right back. Melvin was planted in the chair and not even an earthquake could get him to move right now. Alisha blew him a kiss as she went to the restrooms.

She was a manipulative woman at times. Once in the restroom, she called Colin. When he answered she asked him, “Colin, would you like to watch a guy do me tonight?” Colin didn’t hesitate, “Shit yes I would, do I know him?”

Alisha laughed, “you know Melvin, my contractor and my old boyfriend, well we were talking about the house, we went to have a drink and discuss it further…….now he wants to fuck me. I thought that you could go to the house and turn on the video equipment and watch, I’ll tell him you’re gone.” Colin was noticeably excited and told her everything would be up and ready by the time they got there.

Alisha returned to the table, Melvin watched her walk toward him. She stopped and kissed him, a deep long kiss, and said, “Let’s go over to my house, Colin is gone. Will your wife be looking for you?” Melvin was excited, “I’ll call her and tell her I’m working late and won’t be home for a while.” “Great, follow me over to my house.”

Alisha got her purse and went out the door with Melvin behind her. When they got to the house, Alisha didn’t open the door to the garage, Colin’s car was in there. She got out and met Melvin as he came around his car. She kissed him again and squeezed his package, which was rock hard.

Melvin grasped her breasts and squeezed them as he kissed her neck. Alisha giggled and led him to the front door, then down the hall to the guest bedroom. Once inside, she shut the door and took her clothes off. She knew that Colin was watching and put on a good striptease for him. She was right, Colin was sitting at his desk watching it all on the big screen.

Melvin wasn’t wasting any time getting his clothes off, he wanted a piece of this exotic beauty, man she had really grown up well.

Alisha went to the bed and pulled the covers back and crawled into the middle of the bed and spread her legs wide so Melvin could see her puffy pink lips and delicate inner lips. Melvin could see the wetness beaded on her flower petals and dived in with his tongue to gather all her sweet nectar he could get. Alisha was over the edge with pleasure……Colin was slowly stroking his cock, watching with great interest.

Melvin licked her pussy and clit, many times his long tongue would dart into her hot, wet love canal. Alisha began to cum, a methodical, slow orgasm, starting deep inside her, then radiating outward. She gushed a wave of pussy juice out onto Melvin’s face, which he eagerly licked up. When she finished, she pushed Melvin over on his back and took his cock in her mouth and began to take it down her throat, tasting his sweet pre-cum as it oozed from the end of his cock. She knew he was very close to a climax, so she picked up the pace and her talented tongue worked up and down his glistening cock till it erupted a glorious spew of white, hot, sperm laden cum. Alisha gulped it down as fast as he could ejaculate it into her mouth.

It had been a while since she had a good portion of man cum and she was enjoying every hot drop. When he stopped flowing, Alisha went to him and kissed him, he could taste his cum as they kissed.

Alisha smiled at him and started kissing his chest, down to his belly and finally back to his resting manhood. She kissed it on the head and picked up a lingering drop of sweet cum with her tongue. She kissed his tool and licked it up and down, then took both his balls into her mouth and caressed them with her tongue. His tool began to awaken and rise. His balls came out of her mouth and with the tip of her tongue, she licked from his ball sack, up the underside of his cock back to the tip, where she collected another drop of cum that had escaped his throbbing meat.

In one quick movement, Alisha straddled his midsection and took his cock deep inside her in one stroke. The sheer pleasure of this movement took Melvin’s breath away. His hands went to her voluptuous breasts and cupped around them. As she began to rise and fall on his glory pole his hands slid down her sides to her hips and around and grasped her beautiful ass.

Alisha slowly moved up and down on his hard dick, savoring all the pleasure she could from it. At the bottom of the stroke she could feel his big, hard balls touch her ass. If she leaned just a slight bit forward, his cock rubbed her engorged clit, making her begin a series of deep orgasms.

His mushroom head cock rubbed her g-spot perfectly, extenuating every movement she made. Melvin couldn’t believe the pleasure she was giving him. Her orgasms were causing vibrations deep inside Alisha that his cock could feel. As he felt these sensations emanating from deep inside Alisha, it pushed him to one of the most fantastic orgasms he had ever experienced in his life. He pushed his cock deep into her, spewing hot cum, it’s head pushed slightly into the orifice in her cervix and began to deposit his sperm directly into her uterus.

After the experience with the boar, she was more sensitive to the inner feelings of intercourse. As Melvin continued to deposit his hot seed into her depths, Alisha was feeling more than she had ever felt before. The sensations continued giving her multiple orgasms. Her tummy muscles were spasming, massaging Melvin’s cock. Melvin had never delivered this much cum in his life.

Alisha continued the slow grind on him, her hands rested on his breasts and were gripping them tightly, hurting him some, but he didn’t care. “FUCK ME MEL, SHOOT ME FULL OF YOUR HOT CUM, FILL ME TILL I RUN OVER……FUUUCCCKK MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” she was screaming.

Melvin was obliging, his balls and dick were delivering up one of the largest man loads that had ever been injected into Alisha. When the orgasms subsided, Alisha collapsed on top of Melvin, his spent cock remained inside her.

Colin had the capabilities of zooming in with the camera that was installed. He had zoomed in to Alisha’s ass and had watched as Melvin’s cock was expanding, pulsing and delivering wads of hot cum into his wife to be. He could see the thick cum slithering out of her, around Mel’s cock, over his balls and puddling on the bed sheets. Colin let go of a load of hot cum, it spewed out the end of his steel rod all over his desk……what a performance his soon to be wife had given him……she was terrific….and she knew exactly what he wanted to see and hear.

Melvin and Alisha stirred after 20 minutes or so, they were both exhausted from the sexual exertion they had just experienced. Alisha raised her ass and as Melvin’s cock flopped out, a torrent of his cum gushed out of her and onto his balls. She raised up erect on her knees and let the thick white goo stream out of her pussy onto Melvin. She inserted two fingers deep in the milky stream and took them to her tongue and tasted the sweetness of his semen. She naughtily smiled behind her fingers as her tongue licked his cum. She leaned forward and kissed Melvin again. “Lover, you really should go soon, Colin will be home in an hour or so. Melvin didn’t waste any time, he surely didn’t want to be caught with Alisha, he didn’t know Colin that well, but he wasn’t going to take the chance of infuriating him. “God, you’re good Alisha, so much more than when we were in school. I hope we can do this again.” Alisha rolled over on her side, still licking his cum from her fingers, “You can bet on it lover, and it won’t be long……you’ve got a great cock and I love the taste of your cum, I love a man’s cum in my mouth.”

Looking at Alisha lying there naked and licking his cum off her fingers almost pushed Melvin to disrobe and take her again, but his better judgement won out. “You can let yourself out, can’t you, lover, I’m gonna lay here for a while and taste some more of your gift before I get dressed.”

Melvin knew that he had better go and go quick, before he had to mount her again. “Good night Alisha, see you soon,” he said as he departed the room. She heard the front door open and close. She rolled over on her back on the bed. In a few minutes, Colin entered, naked with a hard on that wanted to be satisfied. Alisha opened her arms and her legs and said, “Ok my love, I’m yours now, take all you want.”

Without words, Colin crawled on top of Alisha, rested on his elbows and kissed her deeply. “I love you so much, Alisha.” he said as his cock slipped deep inside her and he began to make love to her. Two and a half hours later, they finished making love and slept, holding each other as close as they could. They are two twisted people that have found common bliss and a love that won’t soon die. Stranger things have happened, but not recently.



During the weeks that followed, Colin and Alisha worked hard on their respective businesses and their relationship. Colin bought two more dealerships and Alisha found the rest of the cattle she needed to complete her plan. The ranch was moving forward and soon spring would be here and a new cycle of life would begin. They didn’t socialize with anyone, they spent all of their free time together locked in sexual bliss fulfilling each other’s sexual desires. Alisha has continued her therapy, she and her Mom feel she is making giant strides forward. Her attitudes toward men, has improved, but she still craves sex with other men and animals. She would do anything for Colin, she had told him as much, and he used this to fuel his own twisted desires. They really weren’t good for each other, but fate had connected them for whatever reason……and….. as we all know, fate is fickle and sometimes has a twisted sense of humor.


The mountains hadn’t changed much over the years, Alisha noticed as she finished off the cup of gourmet coffee she was drinking and stepped into the kitchen to fill it again. The herd of elk, grazing in the meadow below her home, had moved along a few hundred yards, but were still unconcerned. Alisha loved her home, it was her dream house, built to her exacting specifications. She walked back out on the patio and continued to watch the elk, which had become alerted to something. She looked along the tree line and saw a couple of coyotes looking for a morning snack. When they disappeared into the aspens the elk went back to their routine. So many things had happened throughout the years, but she regretted nothing, it had made her a stronger woman and she understood almost everything that had happened in her life. She smiled as she remembered her wild younger days…


Alisha was up early, as usual. She laughed as she thought about Melvin running for his life after he had just got, probably, the best piece of ass he had ever had in his life. The sex that she and Colin had after Mel was fantastic. She fixed breakfast for them and read the latest Valley news in the paper. Colin bounced in whistling a tune. He went to her, kissed her, took her hand and danced around the kitchen with her. “My, but you look happy this morning,” she said. “Well, I’m in love with the most beautiful woman in the world………….and she loves me……..that’s all a man could ask for.” He talked about yesterday afternoon and how much he had enjoyed watching her fucking another guy…..”you made me very happy, Alisha. You can do that anytime you want.” Alisha knew she would, it was like a license to fuck whoever she wanted. She got up close to him and whispered, “maybe I’ll bring a black guy home sometime, one with a horse cock…….would you like that?”

Colin almost shot a load in his underwear, ”OH YES, you can do that anytime you want, matter of fact, please do it for me sometime.” Alisha grinned, “Anything for you my love.”

He reminded her that he would like to watch her fuck Biggie sometime and that he would like for Cody to be there too, it was fine with her. Alisha smiled and nodded yes. She kissed him and told him she had to go to the bank then out to the ranch and that she would talk to him later. “I’ll check and see when everyone will be gone from the ranch and I’ll set it up.” He slapped her on the ass as she walked by and told her he loved her.

Alisha was interested in letting Biggie fuck her again, but not as much as she wanted to fuck a boar again. When the new house was done, she might have to buy some pigs on the pretext of having some for meat……she could train her own boar and have him any time she wanted…….she was wet.

Alisha was as happy as she had ever been, she was singing to a song on the radio as she drove up to her office. She got out and went into the office singing. Bob looked up from his computer and said to her, “Sounds like someone got laid last night, ha ha ha “ She frowned at Bob, “Dad, you’re a dirty old man, you know that?” He just laughed and went back to his work, giggling under his breath. One thing about their relationship, nothing was out of bounds…….either way. Alisha had told him the same thing several times. One thing was for sure, they thought a lot of each other.

Alisha booted up her computer and checked her emails, then went to entering data into the breeding program she had been working on. Her thoughts drifted back to that big boar that covered her in Utah. She could still feel the feeling of her insides being completely filled with pig cum. Next time she didn’t want to douche it out, she wanted to feel all those little pig swimmers inside her for a few days. She continued her data input until about 11 and decided to go look at the new house…..and check out Melvin and see how he was doing, she was in a giddy mood and might just tease him some..he he he.

When she got to the building site, Melvin was Johnny on the spot to get to her. He gave her a tour of the house and the progress. She told him that it was really going to be fun when it was almost completed and he was working alone on finish work. She winked at him. His coveralls had a huge bulge in the front, Melvin saw her staring at it. “I think that Colin will be gone all night sometime next week, what do you think,” she asked him, wanna fuck me again?” He smiled wide and nodded yes, “Just let me know.” She waved at him as she left and started for her house.

Alisha was getting at a point she was really feeling like binge fucking. She always started getting super horny when she was ovulating, and that time was either near or here. She had been thinking about another clandestine interlude so Colin would be happy. She has a class shortly and there’s a black guy in it that might just be a candidate. It wouldn’t hurt to check it out, she thought.

On her way to class she called Colin and told him about her plan…….he was very excited……a beautiful white woman with a hung black guy, it was his fantasy come true.

When she got to class, the black guy was there, sitting in the back of the auditorium. The seats up front were pretty crowded so she thought she would go sit by him and strike up a conversation. As she walked close to him she asked, “Is anyone sitting here.” He immediately smiled and said, “no, you’re welcome to sit if you want.” Alisha grinned at him and sat down and organized her notebook and prepared to take notes. “Hi, my name is Alisha, I just hate to be crowded” she said pointing down to the front of the auditorium.” “Yeah, me too. I’m Henry.”

They chit chatted till the lecture began. The class was short today and when it ended, Henry asked her if she would like a cup of coffee. She smiled her best smile and accepted. It was a nice day as they walked over to the Student Center. She had never really looked him over that well till now. He stood about 6’3” and weighed, probably around 240 pounds……all trim and lean. He told her that he had played football for Adams but had to drop out because he felt he was neglecting his studies.

They arrived at the Student Center. He told her to go find a table and he’d get the coffee. She watched as he walked away, nice butt, she thought. She found a table in a quiet corner and sat down. As he walked toward her she could see a huge bulge in his sweats….it looked good to her. They talked for quite a while. Alisha was wearing a really low cut tank under her jacket. She took her jacket off and hung it on the back of the chair. As she talked to Henry she leaned over the table, leaning on her elbows. She could see that Henry was admiring her fantastic tits. She caught him looking down her front and smiled at him as he looked away, thinking she had caught him. He was a little embarrassed. She giggled a little and asked him, “Well Henry, did you like what you saw?” He sheepishly looked back at her and nodded yes to her. “You are a really good looking girl and you are put together real good.” Alisha was still smiling at him. “Well, Henry, I have to confess something to you, I’ve noticed you for a long time. I’ve fantasized about your beautiful body and what it would be like to be with you……………….naked. I only got up enough nerve to come talk to you today, now I’m a little embarrassed being so forward with you.” She looked down at her coffee.

He put his hand on her shoulder, “Alisha, I’ve noticed you since the first day of class and never had the nerve to say hi to you, then when you asked to sit down today, well, I felt this must be my lucky day.” Alisha looked up from her coffee and looked him deep in his eyes, her lips slightly parted. “Do you want to come with me over to my place, where we can be alone?”

His eyes sparkled and opened wide. A wide smile came on his face and he told her he could think of nothing he’d rather do. Alisha told him that she had to go to the restroom and they would go as soon as she got back. He was happy, just thinking about the possibility of riding her for a while.

When she got into the restroom she called Colin and told him the good news. He was beside himself, she could tell he was jumping for joy. He told her he would be home in about 10 minutes and would have everything set up and ready. After the interlude with Melvin, Colin installed 4 more cameras in the room so he could get better views of the action.

Alisha went back to the table and smiled. “Are you ready?” she asked. He smiled and said, “Oh yes, am I ever ready.” He followed Alisha in his car to her house. When they got there, she took his hand and led him to the front door. She unlocked it and led him inside, then locked it. She led him to the guest bedroom and shut the door.

Henry knew why she brought him here and wasted no time pulling her close to him and kissing her. She gave him some tongue and he became very excited. Her hands went to his crotch and grasped his manhood……she could tell he was huge. She hoped that Colin was there and had his video equipment running.

Henry unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off of her. As he was undoing her jeans, she removed her bra. She finished removing her jeans and pulled her panties down and let them fall. Henry was getting his clothes off as he watched her. When he dropped his boxers, Alisha gasped. His cock had to be at least 12 inches long and she couldn’t touch her fingers together as they encircled its girth. Alisha wanted that cock inside her, but first she wanted to see how much of it she could take in her mouth.

She dropped down to her knees and took that big black snake in both hands as she licked the drop of pre-cum off of it’s pointed head. Henry moaned when she took half of it into her mouth. She held it there for a moment, then began to slowly work it further down her throat. She was good at a deep throat and continued taking it down, further and further.

She could see she only had about 2 inches to go, but there was no way she thought. His cock was already in her esophagus. Hard as she tried she couldn’t take it all down her throat. As she pulled off of it she gasped. Henry was definitely pleased. He lifted her up to her feet and said, “I’ve never been much on blow jobs, I’m really partial to tight, white pussy.”

Alisha led him to the bed and told him to be easy, she didn’t know how much of his dick she could take. He assured her he would be gentle. She laid back on the bed as he crawled over her. He had a magnificent body, very muscular and toned. His skin had a shine to it. She ran her hands over his body as he placed his joy stick between her soft, pink outer lips. She spread her legs further to give him easier access. He put the head inside her, she held her breath as he pushed it slowly inside her.

She was soaking wet, her cum was running down her crack. He would go a little way inside her then withdraw so his cock would be well lubricated. He’d then slide it gently back in further than the last time. His cock was spreading her vagina wide. Finally, he had his cock in her all the way, she could feel his huge balls on her ass.

He was supporting himself with his arms fully extended. Once inside her he let himself down on his elbows and began to pump his piston in and out of her love canal. Alisha was totally out of it, enjoying the extreme pleasure his huge cock was giving her. He would reach down from time to time and bite her hard nipples gently, sending electric shocks throughout her writhing body. Her legs were wrapped around his tight ass and were pulling him as close to her body as she could get him. She was moving in rhythm with him as his huge cock ravaged her pussy and pleasured her.

His lips kissed hers and his tongue found her ear and burrowed into it sending shivers down her spine. She could feel her orgasm building, getting closer and closer. She could feel his cock expanding more, growing inside her…..she knew his balls were full and were preparing to flood her insides with his hot, sweet, sperm laden cum. Her only regret was it wasn’t going down her throat into her tummy. Henry was moving faster, long stroking her pussy, then faster………she can feel his muscles tightening and there is a gutteral groan coming from deep down inside him. He lunges into her and she feels his warmth filling her insides as her orgasm consumes her, waves and waves of contractions and spasms rock her body and she can feel a mixture of his and her fluids escaping her pussy and running down her ass crack. As she bucked under him, her body was twisting and pushing under him, convulsing as multiple orgasms consumed her. Her arms and legs are locked around his body as he rode her like a prize mare. When the fireworks were over, they both lay there, breathing heavily.

Colin was viewing the rodeo from a camera directly overhead. He shot his load while looking at this big black stud lying on top of his spread eagled wife to be. Alisha is on her back with her legs spread as wide as possible and her arms around his torso. He is lying on top of her with his legs together and his cock buried in her spewing its hot load of cum deep inside her. The contrasting colors of their skin is a sight that turns Colin on. As he squeezes the last drops of cum from his rod he thinks, “Damn she knows how to fuck a guy and take everything he’s got.” ………..

This little rodeo had took a lot out of Alisha, she really doesn’t know if she can go again. Henry is coming back to himself, he raises up off of her and pulls his cock from her sloppy wet pussy. There is a suction sound as his cock slides out and Alisha feels a rush of hot, sperm laden semen gush out of her onto the bed. Henry looks at her with wild eyes, “I hope you’re ready beautiful, I’m not done with you yet.” His cock was still rock hard and standing up past his navel.

He rolled her over and pulled her up to her knees. His hands spread her wide open and she felt him lubricating his fingers with the juices running from her pussy. She feels a finger going up her ass and lubricating it. Then, she feels the head of his black snake at the opening to her ass. It starts in slowly, stretching her hole, she feels like the skin around her asshole is tearing slightly as his big cock continues its journey up her colon.

It hurts and she is grimacing as it slides steadily inside her. She is very hot and the cool sheet feels good against her cheek. She raises up slightly and looks between her breasts back at her pussy mound. She can see his giant balls swinging like a pendulum as he fucks her slowly, but steadily. Then she feels his balls lying against her clit………..he is all the way in and starting to pump her, his hands on her hips, pulling and pushing her on and off his big cock.

Alisha has began to cum again, once, twice………now starting the third. Her head is spinning, the extreme pleasure of her orgasm is overriding the pain she feels from her tissues being torn. She feels his cock expanding again, here it comes she thinks. No sooner said than done, his cock is pulsing, pumping her ass cavity full of his seed. She is exhausted and just lays there receiving his cum………..I’m just a piece of meat on his stick, she thinks to herself.

When Henry finishes unloading his load, he pulls out of Alisha and she drops forward on her stomach, exhausted. Henry looks at the white, female body he has just taken. He can see his cum running out of both her holes and it turns him on again. His cock is still hard and he needs more release, she has him so worked up. She is so good looking and she is his prize and right now, she is his bitch. Alisha feels Henry pulling her legs together as she lays on her stomach. He lifts her ass up and pushes a pillow under her stomach……her ass is up in the air. He straddles her on his knees and slides his cock back into her wet pussy, fucking her mercilessly.

Alisha doesn’t even know what’s happening to her at this point, she just knows that she feels fantastic, Henry is her stud horse and he can do to her whatever he wants. Three hours later, Henry is spent. He gets off of Alisha and stands looking at her ravaged body. She is lying on her back, sleeping, her legs spread, his cum running out of both her holes. She has cum on her face, all over her tits and all down her stomach. Henry is proud of himself, he showed this white girl a good time……….and she has showed him a greater time. He gets dressed and leaves.

Poor Colin, he has beat his meat so much he can’t hardly walk. He has watched every stroke that Henry pumped in her from 5 different directions. He shot his load several times, but his cock is still hard as a rock wanting to fuck her. Alisha awoke and realized that Henry had left. She felt his cum running out of all her holes and saw she had cum shot all over her body. She thought to herself, Colin should love this one. She continued to lay there, waiting for him to come in and make love to her.

Colin opened the door he saw Alisha lying on the bed with Henry’s cum running out of her and all over her body. As he looked at her, his cock became so hard he thought it would split. Alisha held her arms up and said, “Come on lover, your turn, and I can’t wait to have you inside me.

With that, Colin leaped on Alisha and kissed her, sliding inside her as he did. She felt so warm, wrapped around his cock and her lips were sweet. Colin fucked Alisha for the next two hours, never changing positions. Her legs were wrapped around him and she moved with him with every stroke. They kissed, hugged, held each other close, and had their orgasms together. After a little rest, Colin got off of her and they walked to the shower and cleaned themselves.

Alisha was starved so they went to Sonic for a burger and fries. They talked about this episode and decided that once with the black guy was enough. Again, Colin assured her that he loved her and he thanked her for what she did for him today. Alisha told Colin she was the one that should be thanking him, “Hell, I got serviced good by that black stud, he took all I had and then some.”

Colin’s cock started getting hard just thinking about it. They finished their dinner and drove home. Alisha showered again and cleaned herself good for the man she loved, she knew he wanted her again and she wanted to be perfect for him. They went to bed and made love again. Colin was very considerate of her and so tender. Alisha’s body felt constant pleasure as he made love to her. They screwed for the next two hours, then slept soundly till the next morning. Alisha had not ever been as happy as she is now…….her life is coming together and she is starting to see the future.

As the morning sun rose above the Rockies, it found Alisha naked, sipping an exotic blend of coffee and staring out the window, watching the red hues stream across the sky.
Colin as still fast asleep, laying naked on top of the covers. Alisha looked at him and knew, without doubt, that he was the one, the only one.

Her addiction to sex really didn’t bother her as much as it had in the past. She had found that this, so called, obsession, of hers really was adding to their happiness. Colin loved what she did and it brought them closer together every day. She had gone for long periods of time not fucking anything but Colin. Their sex life was good, but sometimes a little variance in their regular routines brought them both a lot more pleasure. A month and a half had passed and she had had only Colin.

He liked to take her every day, sometimes three or four times……and she loved every minute of it. Lately, he had been hinting he would like to watch a boar fuck her again, and she was beginning to desire the same thing. She had thoughts of doing a boar from a farm, not a trained boar, but one that would take her like he did his sows. She had done a little searching and had maybe found the perfect place, but she still had to do some further investigation.

She sipped her coffee thinking about the boar, her pussy was beginning to feel warm and her juices were starting to run out of her. With her free hand, she rubbed herself till she felt the pangs of an orgasm envelop her. Her hot moisture, dripped from her hot pussy as she completed. Her thoughts went back to finding that place she could go, get in the mud and fuck like a real pig. It was still arousing to her.

She had found a small pig farm down near San Acacio. It was for sale and she had possibly made a deal to buy it. She had met with the current owner and made an offer maybe today she would hear whether he accepts it. The operation is a farrow to finish operation and is moderately profitable. It is staffed, so no one from the ranch will be involved. She has thought it out, the staff works very early on Saturday mornings taking care of the animals, then from 10:00am Saturday till 12:00 noon on Sunday, no one is there. It is located in a remote area and believes it may very well be the perfect setup for her perverted plans.

Colin is all for it and has checked out the books and found them to be in order. With a few new ideas, the pig farm can become more profitable with a little work and a few changes. It could be a profitable playground for her and even Cody, if she’s still interested. She hasn’t mentioned anything about it to anyone around the ranch, and won’t till sometime in the future. She is excited to know if her new “playground” will become reality. She saw some of the boars when she toured the facility. She had went into the boar pens and found them to be very docile. She had scratched their backs and heads and had no problems with them. Some of the boars must have caught her scent, they kept wanting to put their noses in her crotch and followed her like she was in heat. She figured it must be because she was ovulating and they knew she was coming into season.

The sun is up and brightly shining. She sits her coffee cup down and looks at Colin lying there in the early morning light. He must be having a good dream, his cock is hard and standing up. She has this need within her that she needs to satisfy. The masturbation she just did wasn’t going to suffice. She approached the bed and put her hands at Colin’s side. She leans forward across his naked body and licks the tip of his cock…….he stirs slightly. She smiles and takes the head of his dick in her mouth and swirls her tongue around it……….still not much reaction, but a bit of pre-cum has formed on the head.

Alisha takes more of his cock into her mouth, then removes it. Colin moves just slightly. She grasps his balls and takes his cock completely in her mouth. It has comfortably slid down her throat and she holds it there. Still no movement. She thinks, “Is he dead?” and laughs to herself. She climbs on the bed and is on all fours over him, still sucking his cock deep down her throat and caressing his balls. Not seeming to arouse him she decides she will just take care of her needs since he won’t wake up and fuck her………She decides to straddle him and ride his cock till she satisfies her lust. She mounts Colin and is riding up and down on him, feeling like a million. While in the passion of screwing him, she notices that his eyes flickered……she thinks to herself, “that son-of-a-bitch, he’s been faking it, that bastard, I’ll show him.” She is starting to feel an orgasm building, so she picks up the pace, secretly watching his eyes. She sees that he has cracked them slightly and watching her body move. She puts her hands down on his breasts and starts to squeeze…….still no reaction. He he he, she is thinking. She starts to dig in her fingernails…….still no movement. The one thing that Alisha does know is that he is seriously ticklish under his arms. She waits till the time is right and pokes both her index fingers into their respective armpits and slams her pussy down his dick.

Colin almost jumps out of his skin laughing and trying to get away from her busy index fingers. He is squirming and grabs her by the waist and rolls her over on her back and never loses the sex connection. They are both laughing very hard and Colin continues to fuck her hard and has her arms pinned down. He knows that there is a spot at the nape of her neck that she can’t stand to have sucked on, so, he goes there and starts to give her a hickey.

Alisha goes wild, bucking like a rodeo bronco. They are both laughing their asses off and Colin continues his assault of her super wet pussy………..then all of a sudden it comes on both of them……huge orgasms. Alisha is convulsing all over and Colin is unloading a huge load of his sperm into her. Alisha wraps her legs and arms around Colin and pulls him close to her tightly. She is bucking and convulsing having one of the best orgasms. They are still laughing while wave after wave of orgasm engulfs their bodies. One more huge buck and they both roll off the bed and fall on the floor, but they stay connected and cumming, still laughing. When their orgasms are over, they both just lay there connected and continue to laugh very hard. Colin looks deep in her eyes, their laughing stops………..he kisses her deeply and she returns his kiss with her tongue sliding into his mouth.

Her arms wrap around him and they stay this way for minutes. His cock begins to harden inside her again. He begins to slowly fuck her, and within minutes they both cum again. They laid there on the floor for over half an hour. Colin looks at her, “Alisha you are wonderful and I love you so much……..I’m so happy you are in my life.” He kisses her and gets off of her and helps her to her feet.

She sits beside him and they begin to giggle again, falling back onto the bed laughing hard. The phone ringing breaks their jovial mood and Alisha walks over to the dresser and answers it. She feels cum running down her leg and tries to stop the flow as she answers the phone.

“Hello, this is Alisha,” she says. The voice on the other end of the line says, “Alisha, I’ve decided to accept your offer for the swine farm. When would you like to close on it?” Alisha is smiling, hopping up and down while Colin’s load is streaming out of her and down both legs. “I’m so glad to hear that, Mr. Butler, would you like to close tomorrow, I think I can get everything set up for, let’s say, noon…….tomorrow at Mountain Title.”

Butler told her that that would be fine and he was looking forward to seeing her again. She thanked him and hung up. She is so happy and jumping up and down telling Colin the good news. His cum is continuing to fall out of her pussy in globs. She jumps on him kissing him, just being happy. Colin gets hard again and sinks his cock in her wet pussy again.

They both are laughing and kissing each other as they fuck away the whole morning. Alisha now has her “pleasure farm” and can continue to make her husband to be happier. They both are thinking the same thing as they reach their next orgasm.

After the sex marathon, Alisha and Colin clean themselves up and go about their daily routine. Alisha’s first stop is at her attorney’s office. She instructs him to draft the necessary documents for the closing on the pig farm and to set up a closing at the title company tomorrow at noon. Mike told her he would get it done and he’d see her and Colin there tomorrow.

Alisha and Colin talked about the purchase and decided to split the cost between them. She calls Colin and lets him know that everything is set and he can arrange his schedule and she will also. Both are already thinking about the pleasures that will ensue.



The next day Colin and Alisha met Mr. Butler at the title company and closed the purchase. That morning, they had gone to the bank and opened a new bank account for “P.A. Swine Ranch”, a name that they thought would be appropriate……it stood for Pleasure Acres Swine Ranch, a name they decided to keep to themselves. They both funded the account with enough money to completely purchase it and fund the operations for six months, till the changes they wanted were made and it could start making money.

There were over 200 pigs that would be ready to ship within the month, with several more coming off every 30 days after that. It was a small operation shipping over 15,000 head per year. Alisha and Colin thought they could get the numbers up to over 25,000 each year. But, their real goal was to have a place they could go get Alisha bred to a boar whenever they wanted.

The ranch had a breeding building that was heated. There was a holding area that was kind of a muddy area where they held the sows to be bred before they were hosed down and put into the breeding crates. This is where Alisha thought she wanted to play. The week passed quickly and Alisha and Colin drove down to the pig ranch in anticipation of getting Alisha bred. All of the employees had left the area and the gate was locked.

Colin unlocked the gate and closed it behind them and locked it with a different lock. From the gate to the operational area it was almost a mile. When they got out, they went to the boar pens and herded in three boars. Colin put them in the wash area and cleaned them up. The building was warm so there was no problem with Alisha getting too cold. There was a good grade of commercial carpeting on the floor. They decided to use the breeding crates this time, till they got more experienced.

Colin put a bale of hay in the crate for Alisha to lay on and the boar to get his feet up on. Colin had a thick leather coat to put over Alisha’s back, in case the boar put his front hooves on her back. Colin had called Jeremiah and got some pointers from him about how to do this. Jeremiah said it would work ok, but that Alisha needed to understand, a herd boar will be a lot rougher than their trained boar. They understood, and moved forward.

Alisha had brought a soft blanket to lay on the bales so she wouldn’t get poked and scratched by the straw while she was getting bred. Everything was ready, Alisha took her “doggie style” position on the bale and had her leather jacket on. Colin had gone to the supply room and got a bottle of the “sow in heat” scent and swabbed a liberal portion on Alisha’s ass and pussy.

When the boars in the pens got the scent of this they started getting excited. Colin asked her if she was ready and she said yes. He turned out one of the boars. It was a Chester White and weighed about 300 pounds. He walked around the area sniffing, till he got a direction and ran up behind Alisha’s beautiful ass and put his snout up between her lips and began sniffing and licking.

Colin saw his corkscrew cock emerge from its sheath and at the same time the boar jumped up with his front legs and put them on Alisha’s back, the common breeding stance of boar. His belly was lying on Alisha’s ass and he was walking his back legs forward while his cock searched for Alisha’s warm pussy.

Colin could see that Alisha was dripping wet, plus the boar was squirting pre-cum out all over her ass and pussy. His corkscrew cock twirled and probed for that warm glory hole. Alisha spread her legs further and moved her ass around to help him get lined up. In a few minutes, he found it and he slipped his cock deep into Alisha’s hot cunt. He humped hard and went in deeper.

Alisha was feeling his cock moving around the inside of her pussy, searching for the entrance to her uterus. It was twisting its corkscrew head and moving in and out. The boar’s cock found the small hole in her cervix and screwed itself through the opening, Alisha felt the light pain this caused when he pushed his cock deep into her uterus and began to pump his piggy seed into her.

The boar’s head was just above her head, he was slobbering his white foam down on her while he grunted quietly. Alisha could feel her tummy getting warm from his cum. Colin was watching every movement. Alisha was having orgasm after orgasm from the delightful feelings she was feeling from the boar injecting his cum into her. Colin could see a small thread of cum running out of her pussy and onto the floor. As he continued filling her, she could feel her tummy pushing out from the quantity of cum she was receiving. The ejaculation had lasted for almost twenty minutes when she felt the boar pull his cock back through her cervix and continue to fill her.

She could tell that the texture of his semen was changing to a thick gel. As the gel filled the front of her cunt he moved further out of her, filling her void with more of his sealing gel till he pulled all the way out. The boar then dismounted her and went to lay on the other side of the pen. Alisha was finishing up her 8th orgasm and was still adrift on a pleasure cloud.

Colin went to her and helped her get up off the bale, “How was it Alisha, are you ok?” he asked. “She smiled at him as he removed the heavy leather jacket and she sat on the bale, “It was fabulous, I came so many times and it felt so good, and I feel full of his cum.”

They looked down at her tummy and it looked as though she was about 5 months pregnant. They could see the thick sealing gel pushing slightly outside of her pussy “No doubt about it Alisha, you are totally filled with pig cum. You don’t want to do another one do you?” She laughed, “I don’t know where I’d put it, so I think I’ll go douche it out and empty myself so I can take the other two boars.” Colin helped her to the wash area and washed her body with the warm water, then he turned the volume of water down and Alisha pushed the hose up into her pussy. The gel wasn’t set completely and washed out slowly. She cleaned out her cunt then used the thin tip on the douche bag to penetrate her cervix and wash the pig sperm out of her cervix. After a little while she was cleaned out and ready to go again.

Colin was totally worked up and really wanted a piece of Alisha before she gave herself to the boars again. She laid back on the bales and Colin fucked her for the next half hour, shooting his load deep into her. Once relieved, he smiled at her and told her that he loved her. She was happy that that she could make him happy. When they finished she put on the leather jacket and went to the muddy holding area.

Colin’s cum was running out of her as she got down on her hands and knees and crawled around in the mud. Colin released the two boars, they were a little smaller than the other one, weighing only about 250 pounds. They could smell the sex on Alisha and were feverishly looking for that sow to breed.

One of them found her and smelled her pussy. Alisha spread her legs and braced herself for the mounting. In short order, he mounted her, wildly humping her, his corkscrew looking for that hot pussy to penetrate. He soon found the entrance to her cunt and pushed his cock into the outer area of her pussy. Alisha was dripping wet and having her first orgasm as the boar found the hole in her cervix and pushed into her uterus. He immediately began to pump his sperm laden semen into her womb, slobbering on her and grunting as his huge balls pumped the hot fluid into her. Alisha had begun her third orgasm from the feeling. Colin could see the boars cock sticking into his future wife’s pussy. He knew that the boar was totally enjoying Alisha, he pulled his hard cock out and began to jerk off.

He removed his clothes and went out to Alisha and presented his cock to her mouth, he sat back and she took it and started sucking him off. She was cumming on a regular basis as the boar continued to fill her pussy and her mouth was full of Colin’s cock. The boar was finishing up and pulling out of Alisha, the other boar had been standing behind her, pacing, waiting his turn with her. In just a few seconds he mounted Alisha and pushed inside her, penetrating the fresh gel cum that the other boar had injected into her. He quickly found the entrance to her uterus and pushed in and began filling her.

The cum from the boar was being pushed out of her in a stream, along with globs of the sealing gel. Colin began to cum and Alisha, off in a misty, semi-conscious ecstasy began swallowing him as fast as he could shoot it in her mouth. She was cumming, moaning and groaning and feeling nothing but the pure pleasure the pig was giving her as he filled her cunt with his piggy seed. Colin had got up on his hands and knees and was trying to kiss Alisha when he felt the other boar sniffing his ass. He was kissing Alisha. He turned and slapped the boar’s snout thinking he would go on about his business. He would never be so wrong in his life.

He went back to kiss Alisha again when the boar mounted, his feet up on Colin’s shoulders. Colin tried to crawl out from under the boar, but, this was the exact action of a sow and the boar walked along behind him with his hind legs. The boar was too heavy for Colin to push off. He was beginning to panic as the boars cock was out, twisting and pushing, trying to find a pussy. Before Colin could react, he felt the cock push against him, squirting pre-cum all over his ass. He tried to keep his legs together but he felt the boars cock enter his ass hole and probe deep into him. He felt the boar’s cock probing and twisting deeper and deeper into his bowels until it was fully extended.

The boar began to fill him with his semen and Colin couldn’t do anything about it, he just stayed still and let it happen, there wasn’t a lot he could do at this point. The other boar had finished breeding Alisha and had wandered off. Alisha was beginning to come back to herself after being through so many orgasms. She was weak and fell down on her front in the mud. She looked up beginning to regain her senses when she saw what was happening to Colin.

Even though she was just coming down from one of the better fucks she had ever gotten, she started to laugh…….Colin didn’t see what was so funny. The boar was finishing up with him and dismounted leaving some hoof scratches on his back. Alisha had gotten to her knees and was still giggling. Colin picked up a handful of mud and threw it at her, splashing it all over her face. She grinned through the mud and returned the favor. For the next 20 minutes they had a mud fight and laughed and chased each other around the pen, both dripping pig cum down their legs from their holes.

After a while, they went to the wash rack and cleaned themselves up. Colin thought it looked hot to see Alisha’s tummy extended out, full of pig cum. It took them almost an hour to get themselves cleaned up and most of the pig cum washed out. Alisha giggled and asked Colin, “how did it feel to have a pigs cock up your ass, ha ha ha ha ha.”

He looked at her and said, “Not as good as you felt I’ll bet.” They laughed and finished cleaning themselves up, got dressed, put the breeding barn back like it was and put the three boars away.

On the drive home, Colin and Alisha were both still horny and even though she had had countless orgasms, she wanted him again tonight, after she thoroughly cleaned herself. The night was young and they still had business to transact, in the bedroom.

Things with Colin and Alisha went smoothly for the next month or so. Their businesses were all running smooth and profitably. Calving time is fast approaching and the new program will soon be put into action. Colin’s car dealership has expanded by two bringing the total dealerships to 14. The pig farm is very profitable. The changes that Alisha and Colin implemented worked very well, bringing their annual output up to almost 45,000 head a year. Alisha has been back to the farm a few times on the day the employees are all gone and got fucked by a very big boar. She found one on the farm that could stand above her and not have to put his feet on her back, he weighed about 400 pounds and when she got bred, her tummy looked like she was 7 months pregnant. She loved the feeling of being so full of pig cum. Knowing how many little pig swimmers were cruising her insides turned her on and made Colin horny.

She told Cody about the farm and the experience…….she is very anxious to experience being fucked by a big boar and is constantly asking Alisha to take her down there. That day is coming soon….Alisha is really busy right now at the ranch. Colin and Alisha have been fucking each other and have not brought in any third parties in quite a while. Life is good for them all and they are all enjoying life.

Spring is knocking and Alisha is feeling as fulfilled as she ever has. On one Saturday morning she and Colin were having breakfast and talking when the doorbell rang. Colin answered the door and there stood their neighbor Connie. As usual, she was in a tizzy and had to go to Denver overnight. She needed for Alisha to babysit Spartacus. Colin smiled and told her that Alisha would be glad to take care of Spartacus for her. Connie thanked him and ran to her car and left.

When Alisha came to the front door and saw Spartacus, she smiled and said, “How long do we have him this time.” Colin smiled and said, “Overnight my darling, can you think of any way to entertain him?” Alisha was dressed in a t shirt and panties, Spartacus noticed immediately. Alisha laughed and ran toward the bedroom with Spartacus hot on her trail and Colin following. When Alisha got to the bedroom Spartacus immediately put his nose in her crotch and began licking her panties and sniffing her pussy through them.

She could see that about 8 inches of his red cock was sticking out and he was jumping up on her being very playful. She pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. Colin took a seat on the bed as Alisha laughed and got in the doggie position. Spartacus was very horny and went for the prize. When he mounted her, Alisha spread her legs wide for him and dropped down on her elbows, giving him a clear shot at her wanting pussy. She could feel her wetness dripping down her legs as Spartacus inserted his huge slick cock deep into her pussy.

This time it felt somewhat different, his cock was much deeper than usual. As he humped her she was cumming non-stop and running down her legs in torrents. Colin was horny watching Alisha get slammed with that big doggie cock. Alisha felt Spartacus’s cock getting bigger and she could feel his knot swelling as he continued to pound her pussy. The knot slipped inside her and continued to grow to the size of an orange. She pushed her pussy back against Spartacus and he pushed his cock into her uterus as he began to cum.

Alisha could feel his hot semen filling her tummy. It was the first time she had her cervix penetrated by a dog cock, that’s what felt so different this time. Spartacus soon pulled his leg over her ass and they were standing ass to ass. Alisha had came several times and the feeling, every time one of them moved, pushed her to another one.

Colin was taking his clothes off waiting his turn to fuck her. She looked so hot with her ass tied to Spartacus, small drops of cum dripping from her impaled pussy. The knot began to shrink and soon they heard the “swoosh sound” of his cock falling out and a gush of his cum rushing out of her pussy. Alisha smiled as she saw Colin coming to her with his cock hard and ready to fuck her. She moved slightly to get away from the large puddle of cum on the floor.

Colin buried his big cock deep into her slick, hot cum filled pussy and began to pound her sex hole viciously. In a few minutes they were both cumming and feeling totally fulfilled. When Colin pulled out of her, Spartacus had recovered and was ready to mount her again. He hit the mark on the first push and drove it home. In a matter of minutes he had knotted Alisha again and was pumping his bitch full of his hot sperm. Alisha was having a great time again. Orgasm after orgasm racked her body time and time again making her weak.

When she and Spartacus separated this time she went to the shower and cleaned herself so that when Colin got her again, he didn’t get sloppy seconds. The rest of the day, Colin and Spartacus fucked Alisha non-stop…..after all Spartacus would be going home in the morning and Alisha had no idea when she would get him again. After Connie picked him up the next morning, Colin and Alisha stayed naked all day and fucked randomly till dark. It was a good weekend.

Spring has arrived. Out on the ranch the cattle are starting to calve. The weather has held well and everything is moving smoothly. Alisha has always loved this time of year, as the new calves are born and soon are running and playing. This year the calving will be a big job because of the numbers of cattle they have acquired. Justin has done a good job of scheduling the hands so the cows have 24 hour supervision. There have been few incidents and so far all the calves have lived.

While she is out among the cattle, her mind thinks about the many sexual experiences she has had with animals in the last year. She knows, in her own mind, that this is a perverted thing she is doing. And she knows that her other games are also very perverted. If these obsessions and perversions of hers were to ever become known, well, there is no telling what might happen. Then, on the other hand, damn she likes it…….it makes her feel good all over, and to Colin it’s one big turn on. She is torn between her own lustful satisfaction and knowing that she shouldn’t be doing it. It’s a dilemma she won’t soon find a solution to.

Actually, she can do without the animal sex, but the human sex is what she is really in to. Tomorrow, Colin wants to go on a short trip so she can pick up a stranger in a bar, take him to a motel room and he can watch the guy fuck her. She is really not against doing this, she gets to pick the stud to service her while Colin hides in a closet and watches……then when the other guy leaves, he can fuck her as much as he wants. For her, this is the best of both worlds, she can fuck a different guy, and still screw her fiances’ brains out too. Tomorrow………yes tomorrow she gets some strange again……..YES !

Colin has to go look into the possibility of purchasing another dealership over in the 4 Corners region. He has told Alisha that he wants her to go with him and watch her fuck a stranger in some small town. He is so happy that she wants to go with him and do it. They will drive, he has chosen Buffalo Thunder Casino at Pojaque. It has several people and plenty of bars and restaurants. It’s a perfect place. He doesn’t know why, but it turns him on so much to watch his beautiful Alisha get ravaged by some stranger. He likes to see her take the guy’s cock in all her holes and likes to see her receive his hot cum inside her or get it shot all over her beautiful body…….the most erotic thing about it is, she likes to be degraded this way. He loves her so much and can’t wait to marry her…..they were made for each other.

The day passes quickly and the morning finds Alisha sucking Colin’s hard cock. He has his head buried in her pussy. They both reach their orgasms, he sucks all of Alisha’s sweet pussy juices from her as she cums as she is taking all his cum down her throat. When they finish, they roll over on their backs exhausted. Colin looks at Alisha and asks her if she still wants to go through with the game this evening……..she is ready and has been since she learned of it. They get up and shower and pack for an overnight trip. It’s a beautiful day and they leave. Colin has an appointment at the prospect dealership in 4 hours. They take off driving both of them anticipating the events of the evening to come.

Colin is on time for his appointment and he and Alisha meet with the owner of the dealership. After a few hours of talking and getting the numbers, they shake the owners hand and tell him they will be in touch after they do some calculations. They leave the dealership and drive to Buffalo Thunder.

They check in and go to their room. It’s perfect. The room has a huge king size bed and the closet is large and is located across the room from the bed. It has a louvered door so Colin will be able to see through it. There is an outside entrance and it’s around back of the building, in a low traffic area. Colin sees that everything is perfect. They get cleaned up and change clothes. Alisha is wearing a very provocative dress, its skin tight and fits all her curves like a glove. Her high heels accentuate her long legs and ass. It shows a good amount of cleavage and is hem line is half way up her thigh…….very sexy.

Alisha looked luscious, 32 and as trim as ever, with those huge blue eyes and long brunette hair and a body any man would kill for. She has never once questioned a fantasy Colin wanted to fulfill, and gladly played into it. He is no different when it comes to her fantasies, and boy does she have an imagination sometimes. They decided it was time to play out their favorite fantasy, he was going to get to watch Alisha fuck another guy!

The Casino had a very nice bar (one of several), and Alisha went in first, as planned. Colin held back a few minutes then entered the rather dimly lit room. It came as no surprise to him that she had already drawn two men to her barstool. He could see that they were very interested in her. Colin just passed by and took a seat at a table. These men were huge, fully six foot two, and a solid 230 pounds easy. He wondered which one she would choose take back to the room.

They had been in the bar about an hour, sipping drinks. Colin was watching the two men charming his wife to be, when Alisha gave him the secret sign that she was headed back to the room. He paid the bar tab and left, going to the room and secreting himself in the roomy closet, sitting on a chair. Though the louvered door, he could see almost the entire room. “This is gonna be good and I’ve got a front row seat.” he said to himself.

He heard Alisha’s voice outside the door, high pitched and giddy as she gets when she is drinking, then heard the key in the door. He knew then it was too late to back out now, and he was sure that he didn’t want to. He wondered again which one of the two men she had picked, when the door swung open the answer became apparent… she chose BOTH of them!

The door closed with a loud thud and both men were on her like stink on shit. One of the guys, Bart, seemed to be the leader, and the other guy, Jeff, followed every command. Bart told Alisha to perform a strip tease for them and turned on the radio to give her something to dance to. Alisha performed marvelously, and he was proud of her.

She stole glances in his direction and winked when she knew she could get away with it. He knew she was enjoying herself, as he was surely enjoying himself, and wanted her to have fun with this fantasy. Bart and Jeff were obviously enjoying themselves, as they cheered Alisha on. She had dressed for the occasion, and now she was down to her stockings, garter, and high heels.

Bart told Jeff to fix them some drinks, which he did, and then Bart went after Alisha. He held her tightly and told her she was going to get the fucking of her life. She then slid to her knees, her face right in front of Bart’s crotch. She pulled down the zipper, and pulled out the most massive cock she had ever seen. She gasped and wondered if she could take it all.

The dick before her MUST have been a foot long! With both hands gripping the thing, Colin could see her eyes open wide as she gazed at this monster. Alisha began to lick it with long strokes, attempting to take a portion of it into her mouth. Bart grabbed her head with both hands and tried to force several inches down her throat. Jeff returned with the drinks and the blow-job was interrupted.

The two guys took off their clothes, and then placed Alisha on the bed, then laid down on each side of her. They began to suck her excited tits and Colin could tell by the way she moved that she really enjoyed it. Meanwhile, their hands were not idle. They slid up and down her legs, and finally joined forces at her pussy. She spread her legs wider, allowing them better access, and Colin a better view.

They, of course, thought it was because she wanted them to continue their actions and readily complied. She was so wet, that squishy sounds could be heard over the radio! She pulled Jeff on top of her, and he put her legs over his shoulders. Colin couldn’t have hoped for a better position to place her in to give him such a good view.

She reached between her legs and guided Jeff’s massive cock to her wet pussy. He began a slow plunge into her. She began to pull him in with her hands on his hips, urging him in further and further. She began breathing hard while he was only half- way in, then began moaning loudly as he approached full penetration. When he was balls deep in her, she tossed her head back and forth on the pillow, writhing with pleasure as he fucked her.

Jeff began to pick up the pace and soon had a quick rhythm going. He threw back his head, let out a yell that you would expect to hear in a cowboy movie, then he began to cum in torrents, so much so that Colin was able to see cum squirting out of her as he continued shoving his cock into Alisha’s pussy, over and over.

He fell on top of her and Bart pulled him off to allow him access to Alisha. He picked her up with one powerful arm, and turned her over, setting her up on all fours. He then brought his massive dick to her well soaked and lubed hole and began to inch forward into her. Alisha later said that it was like being fucked by a telephone pole, only smoother.

She gasped. She wiggled. She fought to escape, but Bart was holding her and there WAS no escape. Finally he was balls deep in her little cunt and asked her how she liked having a man‘s cock. She pleaded with him to just allow her time to get use to the size of his cock, but he began to plow away. She told Colin later that the pain was incredible, but finally it began to feel comfortable, then very good, and ultimately fantastic. She told him that she had never came so many times during a fuck, her orgasm seemed to be endless..

Bart moaned and groaned and began to unload his bucketful of cum inside my bride to be, then collapsed on the bed. Alisha rubbed her pussy, and felt the slimy mess the two men had produced. Jeff had recovered by now and was anxious to have Alisha suck him off. She would have accommodated him immediately, but she had to have some time to recover from the hard fucking she had received from Bart. Jeff told her that it was ok and said he would be right back, pulling on his trousers.

No one moved when he opened the door, and thankfully this was a very secluded part of the hotel, because he left the door wide open. When he returned, he had several long lengths of rope with him. He began to tie one end to Alisha’s right wrist.

Colin debated long and hard about stepping in and stopping this, but decided that Jeff was big and would be mad enough to really make trouble and besides, he enjoyed bondage movies, and rape scenes, and was about to be presented with one in real life. He decided that it could continue as long as Alisha was still going along with it and didn‘t say the “safe“ word. Later, Alisha said she almost stopped it herself, but when she saw the ropes, but thought Colin might like a bondage scene.

Jeff dragged Alisha over to a luggage stand, you know that little frame with the straps across it you find in hotel rooms, and laid her over it. He tied her right wrist to the left frame leg, and crossed her left arm over to the right frame leg. Then he pulled her legs up and tied her knees to the front and rear bars respectively. Alisha looked very much like a brood sow, tied that way.

Then Jeff took up a position in front of Alisha and, holding her head up, fed her his cock. She was in a good position to take more of his dick, and he gladly gave her as much as he had. She choked at first, but Jeff worked with her, and they soon established a rhythm. Alisha said she felt that he would be gentle and not hurt her.

Bart had recovered, and seeing the new scene before him, had an idea. He called someone on his phone, and was heard to say, “BRING THE BOYS OVER TO ROOM 191”. It looked as though Alisha was in for a good old gang bang. He hung up, then knelt down behind Alisha, and brought his now fully rejuvenated dick to her well-fucked and dripping pussy. This time she couldn’t wiggle to establish a comfortable fit. But just the same, she enjoyed the fucking she got. After about fifteen minutes, a knock on the door distracted the two of them and Bart opened the door. In walked two huge Labrador Retrievers and a woman holding the leashes.

The dogs strained at the restraint, pulling furiously toward Alisha. The smell of sex hung heavily in the air and it was a good bet the dogs were picking up on it. The woman holding the dogs tether looked quite refined, though strong enough to hold these two big dogs back.

She allowed the dogs to pull up to my Alisha’s cunt, and both of them began licking her pussy in long, though speedy licks. Alisha couldn’t do anything but moan around Jeff‘s big cock, which was still buried deep in her mouth. The woman told the dogs to sit, and they did immediately. No question that these dogs belonged to her, and they knew who was boss.

She then began to take off her clothes, and soon was standing in nothing but her stockings, garter, and high heels. A bit older, perhaps, than Alisha, but every bit as attractive and her body was lean and trim. Colin couldn’t take his eyes off of her sexy body and her impressive six pack. She then told Bart to come over to her and began to suck his cock. She took more of him than Alisha had, and didn’t seem to mind the strain. Maybe she was used to it. Anyway, while on her knees sucking Bart’s tremendous dick, she snapped her fingers twice and one of the dogs got up and took a position behind her, and began licking her cunt and ass.

The other dog looked at his “master” and when she nodded, he got up and headed for Alisha. Now both women were getting licked stem to stern and obviously enjoying it. They didn’t know it, but Alisha loved getting licked and fucked by a dog.

Jeff began to speed up his pumping, and loudly moaned when he unloaded his hot load of sperm. Alisha couldn’t keep it all in her mouth, and large globs began to run down her cheek. Jeff pulled away, and Colin thought that with her mouth now free she might say the “safe word“. But instead, she encouraged the dog to lick faster! She was headed toward another orgasm, Colin didn’t know how many orgasms she must have had tonight. Now, she was soon to be fucked by a dog!! That dispelled any thoughts of breaking this up.

The other woman was also getting hot and wet, if the way the dog was licking her was any indication. She was wiggling her hips, and the dog was keeping up with her. But just as it appeared that she was about to cum, the dog backed off and just sniffed. Then the dog at Alisha’s cunt did the same thing. These dogs had been trained!

When the women calmed down a little, the dogs again attacked their respective pussies. What precision!! What a scene!! Colin wanted desperately to jerk off, but was afraid that he might get carried away and make a sound, or otherwise make it obvious that he was hiding in the closet.

When the woman who had brought the dogs had calmed down for the third time, she concentrated on Bart’s cock, and brought him to a screaming climax. The dog on Alisha walked around to the front of her and began to lick Jeff’s cum from her face, she was tied so well she could not pull away.

Then the dog jumped up and started feeding Alisha his dog dick, and what was even more amazing, she was opening her mouth to take it! The dog stood there with his front paws on Alisha’s back, pumping his dick into her mouth. The other dog mounted his masters head and began fucking her mouth also. They were a well trained team.

The dogs were building to their own climax, speeding up their humping, when almost as though on cue they jumped back, walked around to the rear of their bitches, then began licking till the women were hot and wet, then they climbed aboard. They had no problem acquiring penetration. Alisha let out a squeal that said told me that she had been penetrated. then both dogs settled into a steady, almost furious pace. Colin had seen this before, and thought that the dogs might scratch the women, but that probably had been trained out of them also.

Bart and Jeff were just sitting, drinking and taking in the erotic scene and cheering the dogs on. Jeff needed another blow job, and stepped in front of the woman whose name we never did find out. She went at his cock with a vengeance! The dog had his paws in the middle of her back, pumping her hard. Jeff quickly blew his load of hot cum down the woman‘s throat, then sat back down, but the dogs never missed a beat.

The woman moved over to where Alisha was tied and kissed her while her dog pumped her and her other dog fucked Alisha, she reached under Alisha and stroked her clit.

Alisha almost passed out with this added stimulus then came again with the longest Colin had ever seen her have. As she came her dog began to fill her cunt with his hot spunk and from the position Colin was in, he could see the dogs large knot. His cock became bigger around than a grapefruit! As the dog finished cumming, he stayed in place, mounted on Alisha. Had he tried to pull out, he probably would have taken some of her insides with him. The other woman’s dog was not too far behind, and they explosively came together.

When the knots shrank, the dogs slowly withdrew their cocks from the girls, and Colin watched the thick dog cum run down Alisha’s shapely legs. He could not see the other woman’s pussy from where he was hidden, but was sure it, too, was flowing dog cum like a river. The dogs licked their doggy cum from the women’s cunts causing them to moan with pleasure.

One of the dogs seemed to sense that something was wrong, and began to look around, leaving Alisha alone, the first time she was left alone since she got here. The dog nosed the closet door open that Colin was hiding behind. Bart jumped up like he had seen a ghost. Quickly recovering his senses, he ran over to Colin, grabbed his arm and jerked him onto the floor of the room.

Everyone began at once asking what the hell was going on, so, Colin told them the story. Well, Bart and Jeff said they had really enjoyed fucking my wife to be, but didn’t like the idea of being spied on and they were going to teach him a lesson. The woman stopped them and had them strip him . She told the two guys to watch this and she went down on Colin’s cock and almost sucked his balls out the end of his dick. Colin was feeling real good when she straddled him and dropped her dripping cunt down on his hard cock then began to fuck him silly. Alisha, still tied up, watched the whole thing through her foggy eyes and managed a wink at him. Colin came so hard that he almost pushed her up off of his cock. She came hard also and drenched his midsection with her cum. The woman smiled and asked if he had enjoyed it….. Colin nodded yes. She then told the two guys to take some rope and tie him across a chair in much the same fashion Alisha was tied. She smiled at Colin and said, “I hope you enjoy this as much.” Then she laughed.

The woman motioned to her dogs and they went into action. They worked on Colin, just as though the script was started again, and he was sure it would be played out the same way. He was not wrong, one was on his ass and the other was on his head. They proceeded as expected and soon dog cum was running out of his ass and his mouth. The pain was momentary and fleeting. The animals strength was difficult to deny, but it was really an erotic experience, though one that he would only want to go through once.

They all had a good laugh, then the two guys left, and took the woman and her dogs with them. They said that they were going back to the bar, and tell everyone about the experience, and where to find us, so that we should expect company soon. They were still tied, and in the dark, as they turned off the lights to make it more difficult for them to escape their bonds. It took what seemed like several hours for Colin to untie himself, and, when he did, he looked at the way Alisha was tied and when he saw her bare ass and pussy sticking out, he just had to fuck her from the rear, her favorite position. She moaned and groaned and yelled that he was still the best fuck around. They both had a huge orgasm.

It seemed that he was stalling a little, hoping that “company” would arrive soon to continue fantasy fucking Alisha, but they never arrived. He thought that no one believed the guys when they told them the story. So, he fucked Alisha again like never before and pumped his hot cum into Alisha’s sweet pussy again. When he shot his load, it felt like the end of his dick tore open and his balls were shot through the end of it. God, she has a beautiful ass, he thought to himself.

He untied Alisha, hugged her, let her know that he loved her and was happy that all of this had happened, that his every fantasy was realized and then some. He told her that he hoped that she was happy about it, too. That’s when she told him,……. she laughed a little then said that she had arranged the whole thing for his benefit and she hoped that he had enjoyed it. Then she kissed him hard and told him she loved him more than anything in the world and she would do anything just for him. But it was far from the end of their fantasy chasing……..He might just have a surprise for her………..next time…….he he he.

Colin and Alisha got up early the next morning, fucked and drove back to Alamosa. Alisha teased him all the way home……this is the first time he had seen the “practical joker” side of her. He had immensely enjoyed the show she put on for him and the bondage fucks he took from her, it was really hot, as she was also. I’m sure that Jeff, Bart and their girlfriend all had a good time with them and a good laugh…….that’s ok…….he is still deeply in love with Alisha and will do anything for her also. When they got home, they took a shower together and went to bed, making love till the wee hours of the morning………happier than ever and still laughing about the trick Alisha played on him…..



The calving season is going very good at the Ranch. Bob and Alisha have been out riding the different herds and checking the new calf crop. Alisha’s new feed program has been successful. They are almost 70% calved out and have not lost any. The weather has been great, excepting three or four days that storms have plummeted the area.

“Alisha,” Bob said, “you’ve done a real good job with this new program you’ve instituted. I am really impressed, I don’t think I would have ever moved this direction had it not been for you and your insight. I’m really proud of you.”

Alisha smiled, approval from her Dad meant everything to her. She spurs Jack and they break into a gallop going to the next calving pasture. Bob watches Alisha as she rides flawlessly. He also notices how well she fills out her clothes and the way her ass looks in the saddle. All he can think is that he wishes he was 40 years younger and she wasn’t related to him. “She would be one fun piece to have.” he said to himself. “I’m jealous of these young guys.”

Little did he know that she was so kinky, that if given the opportunity, she would fuck him. But, he would never find that out, or would he? Bob knew he was getting older and he yearned to have a younger woman, perhaps he needed to take a trip out to Nevada again and go to the Bunny Ranch. About once a year he liked to go out there and get himself a 28 year old for a week and clean his tubes out. The time for that trip was nearing.

He loved Anne very much and would never leave her. She was a very well put together woman……for her age. Bob was having a hard time accepting age, you might say he was having a later life crisis. They arrive at the next pasture and check out the calves and cows……..”They really look good, Alisha, this is going to be a really successful program, I believe.”

She pulled Jack up and turned to Bob. “Is there something wrong Dad, anything you want to talk about. You seem a little detached……not all here.” Bob stopped beside her. He did have a lot on his mind and he didn’t know if he wanted to share it or not. “Well, Pumpkin,” he said, “yes I do. It’s not something that’s easy to talk about, but I’m having a problem with growing old. I’m not attractive any more, I’m a little overweight, I just am not happy right now.”

Alisha realized that this must have been bothering him for quite some time. “Dad, you are still attractive and you’re not overweight…..heck, you’ve had the same size clothes as long as I can remember. Men get more attractive as they age, more worldly and virile.” she told him, “This will pass Dad, most men go through it, it’s more about mortality, isn’t it?”

“I suppose so, Pumpkin, I just need an ego booster, I guess.”

Alisha grinned and giggled. “My Dad…… I think he needs a younger piece of ass.” She giggled again.

Bob grinned and looked sheepishly at the ground, feeling a little embarrassed…….she was right though, that would cure a lot of his problems.

“You know Alisha, I feel a little embarrassed talking to you about this, but, your mom and I have been together a lot of years. We still love each other, there’s no doubt about that. but, she has lost interest in sex and she only gives it out when she thinks it’s time……I have nothing to say about it. I figure it must be because I’m not attractive to her any more……..or at the worst…….she is screwing someone else.”

Alisha was a little set back by her Dad’s statement. “Do you think she is seeing someone else on the side?”

“I don’t know for sure, but there are times she is just ‘not available’ and she won’t tell me what she has been doing……I just let it drop.”

This troubled Alisha. “Well, Dad, I’ll keep my eyes open for you, it’s probably nothing and you’re overreacting.”

Bob nodded his head. “Pumpkin, I’m going out to Vegas for a week, I need to just get away. I presume you are going to be here to take care of the ranch while I’m gone?”

“You bet Dad, I’ll be here, take whatever time you need…..and remember, you can talk to me about anything, no need to be embarrassed about anything.”

“That’s why I picked you to have this ranch, Alisha, you have a good head on your shoulders and I know we can talk about anything, me to you or you to me…we’ve always been close, since the beginning, since the first time I held you. Just know, I love you Alisha and I’m really proud of you.”

Alisha’s eyes began to tear, something that rarely happened. They leaned to each other from the backs of their horses and hugged. “Just remember Dad, What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?”

He grinned at her and said, “You can bet on that.” They laughed and rode back to the office. Bob unsaddled the horses and Alisha went to the office and continued doing data input on the herd. She was glad Bob was going to go to Vegas for a few days, she knew he would probably get an escort while he was there and would probably fuck till the cows came home. As far as she was concerned, she thought it was ok if he got a little on the side. Hell, if he wasn’t her dad, she’d fuck him…….hmmmmmm…….no get that off your mind Alisha, she thought.

She had a lot of work to get done before the breeding season. She had a meeting with BioGenics next week. May will be here before anyone realizes, that’s when they will start breeding the cows. She will break the herd into three breeding groups after the calves have all been born. Next year the whole herd will be calved out within a 30 day period. The calves will all grow evenly and will be able to be marketed at about the same time. It’s going to be a great program.

About the time she is finishing up, Cody pops in being her usual bubbly self. “And how is my big sister today?” she asked.

Alisha knew she was just a bubble head sometimes. “Don’t you work anymore Cody?” she said, “Seems like you’re always around.”

Cody just laughed and told her that she had been on vacation for the last week and had one more week to go. Then she got to the point. “Alisha, I want that experience with the pig, I think it sounds really cool and I really want it.” Alisha grinned, “Ok, sis, clear up your time on Saturday afternoon. The crew will all be off and we can go down and get you bred.”

Cody was ecstatic, “I am so ready to do this. Is Colin going to be there?” she asked.

“Yes, I think he will be there to give you the scent. He’ll have to fuck you and shoot cum in and on you to give the boar the sign you’re in heat.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll be ready. You gonna pick me up?” she asked.

“Yes, we’ll pick you up and bring you home, matter of fact, you probably should spend the night with us…….Mom will think you’re sick if you go home.” Alisha told her.

Cody left and Alisha thought, “She is going to be nagging me all the time, I know she is going to love it.” Alisha had to set her mind into just staying away from the pigs. She absolutely loved the feeling of being totally filled with cum, to the point it pushed out her abdomen. Then there was the feeling of that twisty cock going at her……she could feel her crotch getting wet just thinking about it.

She needed to get her mind elsewhere. She thought back to her dad’s suspicion that Anne was screwing someone else. Well, she’d look into it. She could understand that when two people have been married a lot of years, they could become bored with each other and look for some other excitement. Well, she would keep an eye on the situation and see what was going on.

The week moved along and Alisha had her office work caught up with. Bob had left midweek and went to Vegas. Justin and the hands were taking care of the calving. It was Friday, only a skeleton crew was working as the cattle were almost calved out and she thought that the guys needed to start taking some time off after the good job they had done. It was late and she was finishing up for the day when Justin came in.

“Well, boss, it looks like we have had a successful calving season, how about a drink?”
He pulled a bottle of Patron from behind his back.

“That looks damn good, Justin, I’ll get us some glasses.” Alisha went over to the kitchen area and found two “double” glasses and brought them over to the table. She poured them half full and sat down in the chair next to Justin. They talked for a while and had several drinks. Colin was out of town till tomorrow morning, so she wasn’t in any hurry to get home, after all, it had been a long week and she needed the down time.

“Alisha, you are so damn beautiful,” he said looking at her from head to toe. “I have been so lucky to have found this place. Then you and your dad gave me the chance to help you run this place………damn you’re beautiful……and to be so smart also, that’s a hard combination to beat.” He leaned forward in his chair and took her hand. “I’m also damn lucky to be able to have sex with a beautiful creature like you…….I can’t seem to get enough of you…………and your sister, well, that’s a dream come true.”

Alisha was blushing as she listened to Justin praise her. She was beginning to feel that familiar wetness between her legs. Justin was pouring another drink and Alisha was starting to get horny. “So, what’s the deal with you and Cody?” she asked him.

“Alisha, I’m going to ask her to marry me, I wanted to see what you and Bob thought about it first. I haven’t seen Bob lately, so I thought I’d talk to you. It seems that you and Bob usually feel the same way about things. I was glad you were alone this afternoon, I want you to know how much I like being able to fuck you and Cody and the fact that Colin doesn’t mind if we all share each other……..I really like that. The night I had you and Cody both in the same bed at the same time, well, I have to tell you, that was the best sex I’ve ever had……you two girls are the absolute best………and Alisha, I want you now. I just sit close to you and I get hard.”

Alisha sipped her drink and smiled at him. She got up and went to the door, locked it and pulled the curtains. She turned around toward Justin and began to slowly take her clothes off, starting with her blouse. She kicked her boots off and unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them to the floor. Justin sat back in his chair, sipped his drink and enjoyed the view. Alisha knew that she had a great body, and she worked to keep it that way. She liked to be desired and now that Justin wanted to marry Cody, they would be able to have their relationship continue…..she could keep it all in the family, as so to speak. Justin savored the moment as he watched Alisha remove her bra and drop it to the floor followed by her thong. Justin’s cock was about to bust out of his jeans. He kicked his boots off and took another drink. Alisha came to him, got down on her knees and started to open his jeans. She could see the huge bulge wanting to be released from its confines, so she grabbed the waist band of his jeans and pulled them off. Justin had pulled his shirt over his head. Alisha grasped the waist band of his boxer briefs and pulled them off and sat there on her knees admiring his beautiful cock and licking her lips.

Alisha took the bulbous head in her lips and licked circles around it…….probing the slit in the end with the tip of her tongue. She slowly advanced the shaft into her mouth and down her throat and held it there while she stroked the shaft with her talented tongue. She grasped his balls and started to pump his member in and out of her mouth, tasting the small shots of pre-cum he rewarded her with.

Justin was about to lose his mind. He took Alisha by the shoulders and lifted her to her feet as he stood. He turned her and laid her back on top of the desk and pulling his chair up between her legs. He sat down in the chair and pulled it up close to Alisha, putting her legs over his shoulders. As his tongue dived deep into her warm smooth pussy, he heard her begin to moan and her hips began to grind on him. Justin felt her clit harden and begin to protrude from her moist folds. He wrapped his lips around it and sucked on it like a starving puppy, flailing it with his tongue. He felt a gush of warm liquid from Alisha and opened his mouth wide to receive all of it as he went back to attacking her lovely pussy. He felt waves of vibrations coming from her body as he continued to eat all of that sweet morsel.

Alisha was having her second orgasm and was arching her back up and her thighs were squeezing his head between them. His tongue was darting all over her love mound and dipping into the sweetness that flowed from her. Justin stood up, leaving her legs over his shoulders opening her pussy wide as he pushed his hard cock into her in one continuous motion.

When she felt him enter her, Alisha began her third orgasm, her back arched again and she pushed her hips toward his loins as he continued to slide in and out of her in long slow strokes. Alisha loved the feel of his cock as it slid out of her and then returned within her once again. She was beginning to cum when she felt him push deep into her and hold it there as hot jets of his cum coated the walls of her vagina and filled her depths. He held still, his cock swelling and pulsing inside her sending her into an orgasmic fury.

When all the action subsided, Justin pulled his semi-hard cock from her sopping wet pussy and sat down in the chair, and pushed back from Alisha. Her legs fell limp to the floor and she laid there breathing heavily, his spent semen dripping from her wet folds.

Her hand went between her legs and scraped up a large amount of cum and delivered it to her lips. She loved the taste of cum and had been robbed of that pleasure when Justin interrupted her cock sucking and began to fuck her. Her other hand went to her slit and gathered another quantity of cum as she sucked her other fingers clean.

After she licked the second load from her fingers she sat up and slid off the table to her knees between Justin’s legs. She took his flaccid penis in her hand and licked it clean, then to his balls and pubic area, licking her lips when she finished. Justin was totally spent, his cock did not react to her tongue caresses. She leaned in to him and kissed him, putting her tongue deep into his mouth. She stood up and smiled and went to retrieve her clothes that were strewn about the office. Justin felt completely satisfied. He got to his feet and got dressed also.

After they dressed themselves, Alisha opened the curtains and unlocked the door. She went back to her chair and poured another drink and sat down. She smiled and looked at Justin, who had just poured himself another drink and downed it, and said, “Well, now that we have all that tension out of the way, let’s talk about you and my sister.”

“He laughed out loud and smiled at Alisha, “Well, do you have any objections to us getting married……I do love her, you know.”

Alisha told him that as far as she was concerned, they would be great together and she knew that Bob would give him his blessing also, as he was very fond of Justin and thought he was a big asset to the ranch……..plus, she wanted to fuck him once in a while and didn’t want to see him leave…….ha ha ha

Justin blushed slightly and told Alisha that he intended to ask her tonight, they had a date to go out to dinner. Alisha thought about the activities planned tomorrow afternoon and figured she could get it out of the way early as they would probably want to go out tomorrow night. Justin asked Alisha, “ Will I be able to talk to Bob, is he around?”
Alisha grinned, knowing he was probably shacked up in Vegas, fucking the shit out of some twenty something beauty. “He won’t be back till mid-week, but I know that he will be happy for you.”

“And Alisha, Cody has told me about the arrangement you and your Dad have concerning the ranch……and I want you to know, I have no designs to change that, I like what I do and I want to continue it. I have an important job here and I want to go forward with it. Cody has her career and I want her to pursue it and excel at it.”

Alisha smiled at him and told him she appreciated his candor. She told Justin that she wished only the best to them and she was sure that Cody would accept his proposal. Justin downed the rest of his drink and told her that he need to get going, I need to clean up before we go out……..and by the way, thanks for the fantastic sex.

“Any time Justin, you know I like having sex with you and you know this won‘t be the last time.” she told him smiling naughtily.

Alisha felt good after the drinks and sex. She thought she would go out to Chili’s and eat before she went home since Colin wasn’t here tonight.

She arrived at Chili’s at about 6. The 5 o’clock crowd was there and the place was really busy. When the hostess greeted her, Alisha asked to be seated at the bar. There were some empty stools at the southwest corner so she took one there and asked for a menu. She ordered a double Patron on the rocks and went about looking for what she wanted to eat. She hadn’t had anything since breakfast and was starving. She settled on a rib eye and French fries. She sat there sipping her Patron and watching a basketball game on the TV when she felt hands on her waist and someone kiss her neck. She turned to see her ex, Dayle, standing there.

“How are you doing beautiful?” he asked as he took a seat next to her.

“Well, hi Dayle, you startled me…….I’m doing fine, how about you?” she replied to him, smiling. She hadn’t seen him for months and thought he looked really good.

“Oh, I’m doing well, been out of town for a couple of months, just got back. I’ve been on the road with Shania Twain doing her comeback tour. I saw you come in and thought my prayers had been answered, I really wanted to see you.” he told her.

He ordered them both another drink and told her how beautiful she was. “I must have been out of my mind to let you get away. I heard you’re getting married soon. Do I know him?”

Alisha grinned at him, “yes I’m getting married in a couple of months and I don’t think you know him, unless you’ve bought a new car lately.”

“I haven’t bought any new vehicles in a while, does he own a car dealership?”

“You might say that, he owns 15 of them right now, matter of fact, he’s out of town right now finishing up the purchase of another one.” she proudly said.

“And the practice, you and your mom still got it going?” he asked.

She grinned, “Well, Mom still has the practice, I only work there on special cases, I’ve bought the Marrs Ranch and merged it with the Singletree. Dad and I run it together. I’ve changed the breeding program and feeding program, it keeps me busy……oh, and I bought the pig ranch down at San Acacio.”

“Dang Lisha, you really surprise me. Of course, I know your dad was going to give you the ranch when he passed away, but, you’ve already surpassed that. I’ve always known that you were extremely sharp, along with being an extremely beautiful and shapely……Like I said, I’m a fool.” he confessed to her.

He asked her if she would like to join him at his table and he would buy her dinner and they could catch up. She thought that would be nice. They ate their dinner, had drinks and talked for the next two hours. Dayle kept enjoying her beauty and finally asked, “How about you and me go over to my place and make love one more time, just for old time sake?”

Alisha was half expecting this, from the conversations they had been having. She thought long and hard about it and decided that it would be a bad idea. It was completely out of her character, but she felt this is one fuck she should pass up. “Dayle, I have to say no, I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

Dayle forced out a meager smile, “I do understand, Alisha, after the way I treated you, I can’t blame you………but I had to try, I hope you understand and don’t hold it against me.”

She took hold of his hands across the table and said, “You know, someday it might happen, but a lot more time has to pass before I will even consider it……till then, we are just friends.”

They had another drink and continued their conversation for the next hour, then Alisha excused herself and went home……….alone. She thought about his intimate question and shook her head, she wouldn’t have minded screwing him again, but, she wasn’t sure what his intentions were, he could have tried to screw up her life again, she just wasn’t sure of him yet and what his intentions are when it comes to her. She pulled into the garage and closed the door, got out and went inside. She got into the Jacuzzi tub, turned it on and relaxed there for the next hour……..it was really soothing. She had dozed off and was awakened by a noise in the house. She was startled and scared when Colin came walking in.

“Hi Alisha, I got everything finished up and decided to come on home and surprise you……and I can’t think of any way I’d rather find you.” he told her checking her out.

Alisha jumped up out of the tub and went to him, soaking wet, and gave him a big welcome home kiss. She began taking his clothes off, pressing her lips to his while their tongues entwined. In a matter of minutes she had him stripped and was on top of him in the bed fucking his brains out……..then they made love for the next two hours……..she was really glad to see him.

They woke up on Saturday morning, lying in each other’s arms, secure in the feelings of love they had for each other. Alisha slipped out of Colin’s arms and went to the bathroom and began to get herself ready for the day. She wondered if Cody had accepted Justin’s proposal and wondered if Cody still wanted to go to the pig farm. Colin heard her getting ready for the day, so he got up and came to the bathroom. He told Alisha good morning then went to the toilet to take a piss. He looked over his shoulder and asked her, “Have you heard from Cody, does she still want to go down to San Acacio?”

Alisha told him about her conversation with Justin and said she wouldn’t speculate right now, but, she would probably be hearing from Cody very soon, one way or the other. She had no sooner got those words out of her mouth, than the phone rang. Alisha looked at her caller ID and said to Colin, “We are about to find out……..Hello Cody, how are you this morning?”

Colin watched Alisha as she talked to Cody. “Well congratulations sis, I’m happy for you…….Yes…….we will be by to pick you up about noon, just tell Mom that we’re going to Antonito to eat lunch………ok, see you then.”

Alisha hung the phone up and looked at Colin, “She accepted Justin’s proposal and she is getting married……….and she is ready to get fucked by a boar………so our afternoon is taken.”

They got ready for the day and went to have breakfast. “Hey Alisha, are you going to fuck the boar today?” Colin asked.

“I don’t know right now, I’m thinking I don’t want to today…..but, I’ll make my mind up by the time Cody gets finished.” They finished up their Saturday morning chores, then, it was time to go pick up Cody and go to the Pleasure Farm. Colin was feeling a little horny and looking forward to fucking Cody. She was beautiful, like her sister. If you put a bag over their heads and stood them side by side naked, it would be hard to tell them apart……..fantastic bodies…….. He thought to himself, “Old Bob sure knows how to grow them.” They went out and got in Alisha’s truck and drove out to the ranch to pick up Cody.

When they reached the ranch, Cody came bouncing out the door her usual happy, bubbly self. She crawled in the back seat and said, “Hi you two, I’m ready and anxious to go get bred.” We turned out of the drive and headed for San Acacio. Alisha asked her what she told Mom. She told her that Anne was still in bed and that she had came in quite late last night. Alisha asked Cody if Anne had said where she was and all she told her is that she had some work to finish and stayed at the office. Alisha was thinking to herself that maybe her Dad was right. “Well Cody, are you happy to be getting married?”

Cody busted loose talking about Justin and how happy they were going to be and what the wedding was going to be like and on and on and on. “Yeah, you might say I’m excited Sis……you gonna be my maid of honor?”

Alisha laughed and told her she wouldn’t miss that for the world. Alisha then started going over what was going to happen to her today and explaining, step by step, what would be happening to her and what she would be feeling. Cody listened intently and told Alisha that she understood. “You gonna get bred too sis, I’d like to watch that.” Alisha told her that she didn’t know right now. They arrived at the pig farm, the gate was locked and the crew had left for the day. Colin got out and opened the gate and Alisha drove through. Colin locked the gate back with a different lock and they drove the mile down the breeding building. Alisha took Cody inside while Colin went out and found their favorite boar……the real tall one. He brought him inside to the wash area and cleaned him thoroughly. Cody’s eyes got really big when she saw the size of this guy. “Damn, Alisha, did you take this big guy…….he didn’t hurt you did he?” she asked, her voice somewhat shaky. “I sure did sis, several times, he’s a real stud and he’s so tall he will stand over you and not put his feet up on your back, like the smaller ones do. He’s good too, he hits the mark quickly and gets it into your uterus pretty fast. Now, sis, get your clothes off, and we’ll get started.

Cody stripped down as did Colin removed his clothing also. They both played with Cody sexually till she began to feel good and started to get wet. Colin had Cody lean forward over the railing while he slid his cock inside her and began to fuck her. Alisha played with Cody’s tits and kissed her while Colin plowed her pussy. Alisha felt Cody orgasm as Colin dumped a load of his sperm in her. When she stood up, his cum began to run out of her pussy. Alisha had the sow scent and spread some on her pretty ass, which soon would be the target of her big boar.

Cody got down on her hands and knees in the fresh straw while Colin released an excited boar. Hogzilla, as Alisha called him, came into the pen smelling the sow scent, knowing there was a sow in heat that he needed to breed. He found Cody’s ass and put his snout up in it and began to sniff and lick it. Cody was a little apprehensive and began to move forward on her hands and knees. The boar had seen this resistance before and pursued her. He got over the top of her and his corkscrew cock came out and began searching for that hot little hole he wanted to get inside of.

Alisha told Cody to stand still and get ready. Hogzilla found her tight, pink pussy and inserted his twisting cock into her. Cody jumped a little as his cock twisted and probed her insides looking for that little hole in her cervix. Cody was having an orgasm while his cock felt around inside her. When he found the hole in her cervix, his cock twisted through it into her uterus and with a final lunge, he was in position to begin breeding this sow.

Cody felt some pain when he entered her uterus, but as soon as he started pumping his sperm laden semen into her, the pain subsided and she began another orgasm. From here on, she stacked one orgasm on top of the last and was feeling more pleasure than she thought was humanly possible. Cody stood still while Hogzilla continued to fill her womb with his seed.

This had been going on for over 40 minutes when Cody asked Alisha, “Damn, how much cum does this big piggy have?” Alisha told her that he had a lot and she would look like she was 4 or 5 months pregnant when he finished with her. Cody felt Hogzilla’s cock slide back out through her cervix, but continue pumping his hot semen. She told Alisha that it felt different, it seemed thicker. Alisha told her that he was shooting his gel into her and sealing the sperm in her womb so it didn’t escape and he would be assured that she would have his progeny. Hogzilla kept pulling his cock back and filling her with the gel till he was completely out of her. He grunted a couple of times and walked to the other side of the pen and laid down and started a nap.

Alisha and Colin helped Cody to her feet and to a seat on a bale to let her regain her strength. Hozilla watched her closely. Cody looked down at her tummy and was surprised to see how far it had swelled out……she really did feel filled. Alisha told her that that her belly was completely full of Hogzilla’s piggy juice. Cody felt all warm inside in addition to being over filled. Alisha took her to the wash rack and helped her clean up. She put her finger up into Cody and broke the gel seal and let the pig cum start draining out of her pussy. Cody couldn’t believe how much cum was in her as she stood and watched it gush out of her onto the cement floor of the wash area. When it had mostly drained out, Alisha put the smaller hose up inside her and hosed the inside of her pussy out with the warm water till she didn’t see any cum or gel coming out any more.

She asked Cody how she liked the pig fuck and she was ecstatic about it, saying it was the most erotic feeling she had ever had with anything, including Biggie. “Are you going to get bred Alisha, I’d like to watch it happen instead of feeling it happen and not be able to see anything……please sis, please I want to watch.” Alisha thought for a minute and told her, Ok sis, I’ll do it so you can watch.”

Alisha took all her clothes off and leaned over the rail while Colin gave her a good fucking. Instead of the sow scent, he pulled out and ejaculated all over her ass, which Alisha spread all over her butt with her hand. In a few minutes the scent of her pussy and the Colin’s cum reached his nostrils and he got up, feeling really horny. He went in search of that hot pussy he was smelling and found it. Alisha was down on all fours…..he saw that sow pussy there in front of him, he sniffed it and licked some of the cum off her ass then mounted her and immediately found her warm, willing pussy. In one probe he found the cervix and screwed on through it into her uterus and began to fill her. He thought that this sow was really easy, she didn’t even move on him.

In about half an hour Alisha had been filled with his hot cum and her pussy had been sealed up. He had had enough, so he went a few steps from Alisha and went to sleep. Cody was having a fit, having seen and watched his corkscrew cock go into Alisha and fill her. Cody looked at Alisha’s pussy and saw the gel holding her pussy open and sticking out of her. Colin and Cody helped her to her feet and took her to the wash rack where she cleaned herself out completely while Colin put the boar away.

Alisha had had no less than a dozen orgasms and was still feeling exhausted. She got all the sperm and gel washed out and got dressed. They got into Alisha’s truck and drove back to Alamosa. Cody was going to spend the night with Alisha and Colin and Justin would be over later. Cody was exhausted from the pig fucking and really didn’t know if she felt like doing anything with Justin tonight. Alisha told her she would be ok once she got a good shower and douche and had a good meal. Cody’s head was still spinning, she fell asleep on the drive home and dreamed about that corkscrew cock that had filled her.



It took about an hour to get back to Alamosa, Cody woke up as they pulled into the garage. They all got out and went in and went to the showers to completely clean themselves up. When they were all spic n span again, they went to the kitchen and Alisha fixed grilled cheese sandwiches. They all talked about the experience.

Cody asked, “should I tell Justin…..or not.” Alisha told her that she would keep it between the three of them for the time being, till they could figure out what Justin would think about it. It had to be a secret for now. Cody agreed and said she wouldn’t mention it to him. When dinner was finished, Justin arrived and the four of them sat in the living room talking about their engagement.

Justin told Alisha that he had been out at the ranch checking on the hands and seeing that everything was ok. He had seen Anne leaving as he drove in. He told her that it was odd that she was leaving the ranch that late. Alisha knew it was out of character for Anne, she was going to have check this out a little closer and see if she was meeting another man……..

Cody and Justin went off to the guest bedroom. Alisha looked troubled and Colin was concerned about her. “What’s up Alisha, you look like you have a problem.” Colin said to her.

Alisha told Colin what her dad had suspected and then she told him about the little things that had been going on. “I just need to get to the bottom of this, just to know.” Colin told her he supported her and asked her what she was going to do.

“Colin, I’m going out and see if I can find her vehicle. I just have to know what’s going on.” Colin told her he would go with her to give her moral support, if nothing else. They got in Alisha’s truck and went to the ranch to see if her vehicle was there. She found that it was not at the ranch and it was after 10 pm. Alisha went back to town and began cruising the bars and motels. After about an hour, she found Anne’s car at the Inn of the Rio Grande.

“This can’t be what I think it is. Colin, can I get one of your demo’s from the dealership. I need a vehicle that Mom won’t notice…..I’m going to park here and see what happens.” Colin told her to drive out to his office and he would get her the key to one of the demos. Within 15 minutes they were back in the Inn’s parking lot in a new Ford Edge, sitting a short distance from Anne’s car. They sat there for over two hours, it was approaching 2 am and Alisha was tiring of sitting. Colin had dozed off and was quietly snoring. Then Alisha saw it. Anne came out of the hotel with someone else. Alisha had parked in a dark area of the lot and couldn’t be seen. Anne got to her car and unlocked the door. Alisha watched as her Mom put her arms around this guy and kissed him……it lasted for a minute or longer. She got in her car and left.

Alisha watched as the guy walked across the lot and got in a truck and drove away. She followed. “Colin, that vehicle has a Town and Country sticker on the tail gate, can you find out who it belongs to?”

He strained to see the license number on it, “Get me closer so I can get the license number and I’ll figure it out for you.” Alisha punched the edge and got up very close behind the truck at a stop light. Colin got the license number and told her, “now I can get the name for you.” Alisha backed off some and followed the truck till it pulled in a driveway and the driver went inside. She cruised on by and they went to Colin’s office.

Colin sat down and booted his computer, entered some data and sat back and waited for it to compute. The truck was owned by David Lee. Alisha recognized the name as a professor from Adams State…..a PhD. Well now that she had the information she needed, what does she do with it? She and Colin went home and went to bed. Alisha was much too troubled to make love tonight, and Colin understood. She laid there till almost 5 am, not sleeping, running it all over and over in her head. She woke up at about 8 and went to the kitchen to make coffee.

In Alisha’s practical mind she could justify her Mom’s affair. Anne had been married to her Dad at a young age, attended a lot of school and the pursuit of her career had filled her life for a long time. She had never taken the time to just have fun or have a wild sex weekend or anything like that, it was always business first and family. Alisha decided to just let it go for now and only observe….but most important thing , she would keep it to herself.

In a short while Cody and Justin emerged. They were both all smiles, presumably they had wild sex all night long. “Good morning, Sis. We came looking for you guys last night to swap for a while, but couldn’t find you anywhere…….where did you guys go?”

“Colin needed to do something at the office, so she decided to go with him and keep him company………sorry, maybe we swap some other time.” Alisha replied, “I need to go out to the office for about an hour today and do a couple of things, what are you guys going to do today?”

“Not much,” Cody said, “I have to go up to Creede and meet a couple of friends for lunch, just visit and catch up on each other……then come back down and go over to Justin’s.”

Justin told Alisha that he was going out to the ranch and check on the guys and make sure they weren’t having any problems. There were only two guys working today as the calving had slowed considerably. “I have several pages of data input for you, too…..I’ll drop them by your office before I leave.” he told her. Alisha also wanted to just drop in on her Mom and visit a little. She hadn’t just sat and talked with her for a while.
When she got to the ranch, Alisha stopped at her parent’s house, to have a cup of coffee and visit with her Mom. Anne appeared to be in an extraordinarily good mood this morning. She was having breakfast and asked if Alisha wanted any. She told her she would have some toast and jam with her coffee.

They talked for almost an hour. Alisha asked her if she had heard from Bob. Anne told her that she had a message on the phone when she got home last night.

Alisha played dumb, “You were out last night?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I had dinner with an old friend last night and got home about 10.”

Alisha knew this was a lie, but played along. “Who was the friend?” she asked.

“It was an old girlfriend from college that was passing through town.”
“Oh,” said Alisha, “that’s nice….did you have a good visit?”

“Oh my yes, we talked and talked and talked, it was so nice to see her.”

Alisha decided to just play it cool. “Well, Mom, what do you think about Cody’s news?”

“I just think it’s wonderful, he is such a nice young man. I can’t believe both of my babies are getting married, how fast you two have grown up, it seems like yesterday you two were both playing around on the floor….I just don’t know where time goes. One day you’re young and have your whole life in front of you……then all of a sudden you’re old and ugly with not a lot to look forward to…..I guess I’m just being cynical.” she said.

“Oh, Mom, you’re not old and you’re definitely not ugly and there is a lot to look forward to, why, you and Dad are at a place you can go anywhere and enjoy yourselves, heck, you should have went to Vegas with him and had some fun…..in and out of the room…..he he he.” She laughingly said.

Her Mom blushed and said, “Oh…. Alisha………I’m too old for that.”

Alisha grinned at her and said, “Mom, you’re never too old for that, I think I’ll be very active till I die……if not…..I’m going to be sadly disappointed .”

“I used to feel that way, Alisha my dear, but I just never had time, there were so many things to be done and not enough time.”

Alisha laughed and said, “Mom, I always make time……….sex is the most wonderful feeling a woman can have, especially when you have a good man to share it with. I can just never get enough.” Alisha could tell her Mom was somewhere else all of a sudden. “Well, I have to go to the office and do some work, so I’d better get going……..so I can get finished and go home and have some fun,” she laughingly said.

Anne grinned, blushed and said, “Oooooooh Alisha……….”

Alisha left laughing and went to the office.

Anne filled her coffee cup and sat down. Her mind wandered back to last night. She thought, “If Alisha knew what I was doing last night she’d never speak to me again.” Her breathing became deep as she remembered the feeling of David’s huge cock buried deep within her wet pussy. He was such a good lover and made her feel young again. She remembered back to last fall when she had gone over to Adams as a guest lecturer in his class. He recognized her high stature in her profession and wanted to give his students some practical insight to the career they were pursuing. After the class, he had some time and asked her if she would like to go over to the Campus Café and have a cup of coffee and talk, he’d like to get to know her better. The conversation was so stimulating and he was such an interesting man……smart, worldly and very handsome. When he talked of his travels and experiences, she hung on his every word, beginning to fantasize touching his chest and broad shoulders. She watched his lips move and imagined them pressed to hers as his hands felt her body all over. He had seen her detached look and asked her if she was alright. She snapped back to the present and told him she was fine and to please continue. He had a class soon and she had a patient appointment, so they politely said good bye and went their separate ways.

About a week later, he called her and asked her if she would like to go to lunch with him, which she eagerly accepted. She had fantasized being with him in a motel, ravaging her naked body. Anne had a great body, just like her two daughters. She was in her mid 50’s and really a striking beautiful woman, however she felt her age made her not attractive any longer. She worked out two days a week at Curves and kept herself in really good shape. Now, she thought, a man finds me attractive. It made her wet and hot between her legs again, something she hadn’t felt for some time. She and David went to lunch at a little restaurant on 6th Street. It was quaint and usually not very busy. They talked and laughed over their lunch. When they finished, they both had a refill of iced tea and sat talking. Anne was fantasizing again and she could tell that David had a look in his eyes that she recognized……..lust. He was a little serious and asked her, “Would you consider going out with me some evening, maybe go have a dinner and drinks?” She took a deep breath and looked down at the table, a little embarrassed. She thought for a moment, and nervously looked back at him. “I would love to,” she said.

A smile came over David’s face as he asked her, “When would you be free?”

She knew that Bob would be out of town the following Friday and that would be a perfect time. “How about next Friday?” she said.

“That would be perfect, my wife is out of town for the next two weeks and I’m totally free.” he said with anticipation in his voice.

Anne was feeling a definite wetness between her legs as she sat there. She was happy that another man found her attractive enough to want to go out with her……and she felt he wanted her body also. She definitely would not stop him from taking her if he tried, she knew that.

They left the restaurant and went back to their daily routines. Her phone rang about two hours later, it was David and he asked her what time she would like to go out on Friday. She told him she would meet him in the parking lot out at the airport, she felt she could leave her car there and no one would notice it. He told her he would be there at 7 and he was looking forward to it. He told her that they could go up to South Fork for dinner and go from there. She was eager for the rest of the week to pass……she had this wanting feeling deep inside her and she felt she wanted it satisfied. That was the first of many times they would meet.

She snapped back to reality and continued remembering the night before. David was laying on top of her, sliding in and out of her slowly. His huge cock, it was at least 10inches long and 3 inches across, was in full contact and rubbing her engorged clit on every stroke, and his big mushroom head was contacting her G spot every stroke also…… She had orgasmed three times so far and was working on another one. Anne, like her daughters, was always capable of multiple orgasms and she took good advantage of it whenever she could.

Anne had beautiful breasts, 36 D’s with large nipples and a dark areolas an inch in diameter. David had been nibbling on them and flicking them with his tongue. He pulled out of her, got off the bed and took her hands, leading her to the couch. He sat down and had her sit on his hard cock with her back to him. His legs were close together, hers were spread across his. As she moved up and down his hands wandered from her tight waist up to cupping her beautiful breasts.

Anne was remembering his tender touch, her eyes were closed as she put her hand down between her legs and rubbed her crotch slowly up and down. Her mind went back to the night before…………she felt his cock begin to enlarge and felt it throb and pulse as he spewed his hot semen deep into her.

She was right at the edge and immediately began to cum herself, her hot juices running out of her and down on his balls. She remembered how he hadn’t gotten soft and lifted her off his cock and bent her over the table in the room and slid back inside her and began the cycle all over again. She came many times and felt so good.

Back in the present, she felt that her jeans had become completely soaked. She got up and went to her bedroom and took them off, her panties were also soaked………she pulled then down and let them fall, lying back on the bed rubbing her clit with one hand and inserting three fingers into her hot wet cunt. In a few minutes she had reached that place of bliss and pleasure as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

Meanwhile, Alisha had gotten to the office and began to enter more data into the computer. She was very close to having all the records complete. She saw Justin’s truck pull up in front of the office. As he got out she looked at his great body, she was feeling a little horny and hoped he would give her a good fucking while he was here. It’s not every woman that gets to share her man with her sister and get her sister’s man too…….pretty kinky, but great.

Justin came in with more records he had picked up from the guys on today’s shift. He laid them on her desk and sat down across from her. “Well, what’s up Alisha….you haven’t been yourself since last night?” he asked her.

She looked at him, asking herself if she wanted to share her suspicions with him. “Well, Justin, I think mom is fucking someone besides dad…..and I think it’s been going on for a while. That’s where we went last night, to see if we could find her. I saw her with a professor from the university, they were coming out of the Inn of the Rio Grande at 2 am.”

“So what,” he said, “she deserves a life too doesn’t she. Geez, what do you think she would think about our swapping partners?” he told her.

“Well, when you put it like that, it is her life, just like our lives are ours to do what we please with.” Alisha reasoned.

“Will you promise not to get pissed if I tell you something, Alisha?” he said to her.

“Justin, we’re the best of friends and I feel like we can talk frankly to each other about anything, without anyone getting pissed…..sure you can tell me.” she said to him.

“Well, Alisha, I fucked your Mom when I first went to work here…..before I knew you and Cody. She was out riding one day, up by the lake where I first met you. I stopped and talked to her and before we knew it, we were naked in the grass fucking like a couple of high school kids. I know where you and Cody get your bodies and looks from, she is beautiful from head to toe and one of the hottest women I’ve ever been with.”

Alisha grinned from ear to ear, “Why, you dog you,” she giggled, “you’ve fucked all the Moore women, you cad you.” she teased him. “Well, I know Dad goes out to Vegas a couple of times a year. There’s this twenty something escort out there he bangs the whole time he is there. I guess as long as they are happy, what the fuck. Speaking of fuck, would you like to give me a quickie while you’re here, I’m kinda horny.”

Justin smiled wide, stood up and unbuckled his jeans, “Why don’t you must bend over the desk and lets get it on, I’m ready!” he said as his hard cock jumped out of his underwear.”

Alisha got up and locked the door and closed the curtains. She pulled her jeans and panties down around her ankles and laid forward over her desk. That was all of the invitation Justin needed, he walked up behind her and slid his throbbing cock deep inside her, then gave her a fantastic fucking. It was only about 5 minutes till they both dropped their rocks and felt total satisfaction. They pulled up their underwear and jeans, unlocked the door and opened the curtains, then sat down and talked some more.

“WOW,” Alisha said, “that was great……you’re fantastic Justin, thank you. I wish I had a little more time and we’d get it on for an hour or two.” We’re going to have to all get together soon and have a fuck night…I really like having sex with you.

Justin smiled, “You ain’t so damn bad yourself, Alisha. I love the way you take my cock and the way your pussy milks it when I’m cumming…….I’ve never been with any woman that can do that….it feels fantastic.”

“Have you guys thought about when you’re getting married yet?” she asked him.

“Not yet, we haven’t thought about it.” he told her

“Heck, maybe we should have a double wedding……hell, we could have a double honeymoon too…….now that would be kinky.” she told him.

Justin smiled and scratched his chin, “You know, that would be really fun……get one room with two king sized beds………..musical beds.” He laughed

Alisha was smiling, thinking that might just be one hell of a honeymoon…..all of them in one room. She was kidding at first, but the more she thought about it……..she is going to bring this up to Colin and Cody and see what they think.

Alisha and Justin both feel really good after the little office break. Justin has to go meet Cody and Alisha needs to finish her computer work. When she finishes, she gets in her truck and starts home. About two miles down the county road she passes the truck she saw last night headed toward the ranch. Alisha sees the driver and it is David Lee. She decided to go by and see how construction is going on the new house.

She decides to waste about a half hour, then go back to her parents house. When she gets to the building site, she is really surprised, the outside looks finished. She parks and goes in. As she walks through the house, she is very impressed and surprised how far along it is. Every room she goes through she falls in love with. If Melvin continues at this rate, it will be finished within the month. She will have to come out and talk with Melvin next week and see what his thinking is.

She looks at her watch, about 40 minutes have passed, it’s time to go back and see what she can see. In her mind she hopes that her Mom is having a good time, she deserves it. When she drives up to the house, she sees the truck parked out front. She gets out and goes into the house, like she always does. When she is inside the house is quiet, no one in sight. She nonchalantly walked into the kitchen and got a glass of tea from the refrigerator. She quietly calls for her Mom….hearing nothing she wanders back to the entry hall and calls for her Mom again……still nothing. She hears something faintly in the living room, so she walks that way. The closer she gets the louder it gets, it’s her mom and she sounds out of breath.

As Alisha walks into the living room she sees her Mom bent over the back of the couch, with David behind her fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Alisha looks at Anne’s body, she is beautiful, she thinks to herself…..for a fifty year old woman she isn’t bad. Anne’s eyes are rolled back in her head and she is breathing like she just ran from the barn to the house. David has hold of her hips and is pulling her on and off of his big cock.

Anne opens her eyes momentarily and sees Alisha standing there. She had a look of terror on her face when she saw her. David was still pounding his cock into her and hadn’t seen Alisha yet. He noticed that Anne was moving differently and opened his eyes……..he then saw Alisha. Surprised, he pulled out of Anne. Alisha couldn’t take her eyes off of his 11 inch cock, glistening with Anne’s juices coating it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…………….” she said as her Mom stood up, trying to cover herself.

“Oh Alisha, I’m the one who’s sorry, I know what this must look like, but, I didn’t expect you to come back………” Anne was pleading, still trying to cover herself up.

Alisha’s gaze drifted back to David’s shinning cock. She took a drink of her tea and sat down. “Professor,” she said, “cover up your tool and Mom, compose yourself. I have to say I was somewhat shocked when I just came in, but you know, you two are adults and I presume you know what you’re doing, so who am I to judge, hell I’ve screwed a married man before too, Mom. So, please, go back to what you were doing, and I’m going to go home and screw my fiance. Mom, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She turned and started for the door. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned it was Anne, standing there naked. “Alisha, I am so sorry….” she started. Alisha cut her off, “Mom, I want you to be happy, if this makes you happy, more power to you……hell, looking at his cock, I might just join you,” she laughed. Anne, sensing that Alisha approved, thanked her for being open minded and not condemning her. “Are you going to say anything to Bob?” she asked.

“No, Mom, this is your business, if you want to get laid, go for it. If Professor Lee floats your boat, do it. Mom, you’d die if you knew all the men I’ve fucked, you know about a lot of them. Like I’ve always said, if it feels good, do it.” Anne hugged Alisha and thanked her for understanding. Alisha stood back and looked at Anne’s naked body. “Mom, I must tell you, you are one hot woman, I don’t care what you think. I look at you and I see me…….I love you Mom, you and David go have some fun, I’m going home, talk to you tomorrow.”

As she drove away, a thin smile came across her lips. “I hope she enjoys fucking as much as I do, she deserves it. She pulled into her driveway and went inside……and there was Colin, sitting on the couch with a hard on.

“Come in Alisha, I’ve been waiting for you, you beautiful piece of ass, I love you and I’m in dire need of you.” he said as she came toward him.

“Well my o my, you long dicked man of mine, I think I’ve got just what the doctor ordered for you.” She walked toward him taking her clothes off, dropping them to the floor and smiling wide. “Would you like the pleasure of my face lips or would you like the pleasure of my pussy lips? The choice is yours,” she said as she presented her naked body to him..

He was enjoying the eye candy and said………..“BOTH, PLEASE !”
Alisha went to her knees in front of him and took his hard cock down her throat. Colin loved it when she deep throated him. She held it there for a minute, enjoying feeling it jerk and swell. She slid her mouth off his hard cock and began to lick it like a lollipop, watching drops of pre-cum pop from the dick slit, and removing them with her tongue. Colin had laid back enjoying the pleasure that Alisha was bestowing on him. He thought, “I’ll let her get the cum she wants, then I’ll go down on her and get her cum in my mouth, she is so tasty.”

She worked his cock over with here succulent lips till he gave her his gift. As he released his flood of sweet cum, she put her index finger up his ass and massaged his prostate. This is a feeling like no other, he thought, my Alisha is so talented on so many fronts. She took all the cum he released and swallowed it like candy. She caressed his cock and balls for a few minutes, licking the remaining beads of cum that emerged from the end.

Once she had him hard again, she straddled his erect cock and sat slowly down on it till she felt his balls against her perfect ass. She did a slow grind on Colin, him holding her waist and caressing her nipples. Her hands and arms were resting on his chest supporting her as she pumped long, slow strokes on his manhood. After a full hour of grinding, kissing, feeling and caressing, they both had extraordinary orgasms that were so powerful the earth shook under them. They both were suspended in a flurry of orgasmic eruptions that they felt for what seemed like hours. They collapsed in each others arms, exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, not to awake until early the next morning.

When they awoke the next morning, Alisha kissed Colin and told him she loved him. She got off of him and they went to the shower and prepared for the day. At breakfast, Alisha asked Colin what he thought about having a double wedding with Justin and Cody. He smiled wide and told her he was all for it. The four of them could have a really good time together, he thought. Alisha said she thought they could really have a good time if they took a double honeymoon. Colin liked that idea. Alisha told him that she had discussed it with Justin when he dropped off the cow data yesterday.

“I was going to see what you thought about it when I got home last night, but, you distracted me, rather pleasurably I might say. He smiled and told her that if Cody was willing, they should get together and discuss it. They both had a lot to do this week, so when they finished breakfast, they went to their work.

When Alisha got to the office the next morning, Anne’s car was parked out front. She and Alisha hugged when Alisha went into the office.

“I just had to come talk to you before I went into town. I think I owe you an explanation.” Anne timidly told her. It’s not that I don’t love Bob, because I do……I do very much. It’s just that our sex desires have gone different directions. I don’t love David…. he is just a fuck buddy. He still loves his wife, but she doesn’t put out either. We met when I did a guest lecture for his class. We had coffee together after the class and one thing led to another and we were in bed together. Alisha, I need intimate sex, someone who takes his time with me and is conscious of my needs. Your Dad doesn’t give it to me that way…….he is always in a hurry or tired……I hope you understand, nothing will change as far as our family is concerned, I promise you.”

Alisha listened, understanding the whole thing. “Mom, you know I’m a really sexual woman, I crave it, I crave the intimacy from the man I’m with. I know what you are talking about, just don’t worry, I will not mention this to a living soul, it’s our secret and if you continue with it, it’s fine, you can even use me for an excuse. I just want you to be happy Mom, whatever it takes.”

“I know how close you and your Dad are, Alisha, and I didn’t know what you were thinking when you left yesterday, so I had to talk to you before Bob returns. By the way dear, I know what he does in Vegas, I’ve known for a long time. It’s what he needs and I won’t deny him his fun, I know he won’t leave me either because, he does love me, I know that.”

Alisha and Anne hugged and Anne went on to work. Alisha smiled and continued her data input. She finished her computer work and decided to go out and ride through the cattle, it is such a beautiful day. She rode through all the cows and watched the calves running and playing. She loved the animals and she loved this ranch, it means more to her than anything on this earth. The ranch simply is her life. Jack is enjoying the ride too. When his owner is with him, it makes his day. No one else on this ranch means anything to Jack, he is truly Alisha’s horse. Alisha spurs him into a full gallop. She is laying down close to his neck as they fly across the meadows, moving as one….one might say, poetry in motion.

Justin is in one of the pastures checking the cows and see’s Alisha and Jack flying across the meadow. He smiles and shakes his head. He can’t help but notice how smoothly they move together. He goes back to his work. As they approach a fence Alisha keeps Jack running full out. When he gets to it Jack jumps the fence, clearing it by at least three feet. He lands safely on the other side and continues running toward the barn. It’s a great afternoon.

When they get back to the barn, one of the hands takes Jack to cool him out, unsaddle him and groom him. As she walks back to the office she sees Cody standing out front. She is happy and tells Alisha that Justin had mentioned to her about a double wedding. “I’m so happy that you want to do this…..Can we all go on a double honeymoon too? That would be fucking great as far as I’m concerned.”

Alisha smiled and told her that she and Justin should come over and they could make plans. The girls decided they would get together about six and go out to eat. They decide they will talk it out over dinner. They go into the office and continue their conversation. Cody asks her if she knows if there is anything wrong with their Mom. Of course Alisha promised Anne she wouldn’t tell anyone and she thoroughly intends to keep that promise. “No, I don’t know of anything, maybe she’s just tired, I know she has been working a lot lately.” Cody replies that is probably what it is and drops the subject. Alisha is done for the day and tells Cody that she is going home to get ready to go out. They decide to just meet at the golf course at six.

When she gets home, Colin is driving in also. “Hi Colin, how was your day?”

“It was great, I got so much done today, not many interruptions.” he told her.

“I told Cody we’d have dinner with them at the golf course at six, is that all right with you?” she asked.

“Sure, that’s fine, I’ll go in and shower and change and we can go.” he said to her raising his eyebrows and smiling.

“Later, buster,” she said, “if I have sex with you, we won’t get there till 9.……I really need you tonight……I’ve thought about you all day.” she told him.

He smiled and went to get ready, Alisha right behind him.

They got to the golf course a little after six. Cody and Justin were already there. The four of them had drinks, ordered diner and talked about the double wedding idea. It was unanimous………there will be a double wedding…..AND….a double honeymoon. Colin told them that they would take his Gulfstream and go to Hawaii. He knew a guy that would find them a furnished house to rent and they could all stay together…..which everyone was 100 percent in favor of.

Everyone input their ideas about the amenities they would like in the house…..Colin took notes. Cody was smiling, “Just think, we can switch partners all we want and get all the fucking we can handle.” They all liked that idea. Alisha quietly told them, “We are just a big bunch of perverts aren’t we………and I love it.” They all laughed. The wedding date was set for May 20th. Now, they just to have a family meeting out at Bob and Anne’s and inform them of the double wedding. The rest, well, they don’t think they should inform Bob and Anne about these plans…these plans are best kept between the four of them.

After dinner the four of them all go to their homes. Everyone is too tired to get into a big swap tonight. When Alisha and Colin get home, they decide to go to bed, they’re both worn out after last night. Alisha has a meeting with Ben Williams from BioGen tomorrow at lunch. She needs some rest , the sex has been hot and heavy for the last week and she has really been used up. Colin says to Alisha, “My dear, I love you so much, I realize you need the rest, and the truth be known, so do I. Let’s just sleep, we have a lot of time to have sex.” Alisha smiled and kissed him as she stripped and got into bed. Within
minutes, they were both sound asleep……and it wasn’t even 10 yet.


Not knowing it, Alisha and Colin have committed to each other deeper than either of them have ever done with anyone in their lives. Unknown to her at this point her obsession with sex has subsided. Now, she only has sex because she loves it, including the sex with animals. She feels that the intimacy of sex and the pleasures it gives her make her whole. She does, however, enjoy being dominated, somewhat, by Colin….especially when he wants her to fuck strangers while he watches. She thoroughly enjoys the sex, but does it mainly because she is deeply in love with Colin and she feels that it’s her duty to make him happy, thus her repeated comment, “I’ll do anything for you Colin, anything.” Colin is truly, deeply in love with Alisha also………and he will do anything for her. He knows she is beautiful with an absolutely perfect body. Watching someone else take her beautiful body, gives him a sexual rush that he can only satisfy with Alisha. They both have perverted desires in sex and their perversions haven’t started to reached their apex yet.


Alisha is up and gone early. She has a lot of preparation to do before the BioGen representative arrives at noon. She will need to have her breeding schedule finalized and ready to send with him so they can schedule their personnel to be at the ranch on the right days. The breeding dates are very important to the success of their breeding program so that they can plan their marketing strategies. She has a lot to get done. As she goes to the ranch, she passes by the house that Justin lives in, it is owned by the ranch and sets back away from the rest of the buildings at the headquarters. She notices that Cody’s car is parked there and that Justin hasn’t left for work yet, but, she thinks laughing, it’s only 6:30 am, Justin probably still has his cock in my sister. As she passes her parents house, David is kissing Anne on the front porch…….she thinks, “Cutting it a little close time wise aren’t you Mom.” Alisha drives up to the office and goes in. She knows that she has at least two to three hours of work to finish up her breeding schedules and Justin still hasn’t brought the last data for her yet……..”Damn,” she says out loud. She has quite a bit of data to start with, but will need what Justin has in the next hour or so.

Justin shows up at about 8 and comes in the office with the remaining data sheets. “Say, Justin, how many cows haven’t calved yet?” Justin pulls his notebook out of his hip pocket and flips through the pages. “It looks like…………45 as of last night, Alisha.”

“Well Justin, today I want you guys to separate out all the cows that haven’t calved and pen them in the corals. If they don’t calve today, we’ll send them to the livestock auction and replace them with young pairs.”

Justin made notes in his note book and told Alisha that he will get it done.

Alisha also told him to go through the separate groups of cattle and group them by the dates the calves were born so that all the calves in the new groups were born within 5 days of each other.

Things were starting to come together at last. Alisha has completed her breeding schedules and still has time before Ben from BioGen arrives. She and Justin sit and talk about the breeding program and the next step of the feed program she wants instituted this week. “Justin, I’ll have the recipe for the new ration for you later today so you can get things set at the mill and start it tomorrow.” Alisha told him.

It was getting close to noon and Justin told her that he had to get out with the hands and get things started. Alisha walked out with him to his truck telling him some details. She looked up the driveway and saw a white pickup coming toward the office. She could see the BioGen logo on the door. Justin told her, “Later Boss,” and left for the corals.

In a few minutes, the BioGen rep drove up to the office. Alisha watched as a tall, good looking guy in a cowboy hat, boots, jeans and a light weight jacket, approached her. He reached out to shake her hand and introduced himself as Ben Williams, the area rep for BioGen. Alisha introduced herself and asked him to come in the office. They discussed the program at length and she showed him her breeding schedule. He looked it over and told her that it was easily doable. This made her a happy camper. Ben asked her if he could take her to lunch and they could talk more about the program, which she accepted. They got into his truck and went to town, Alisha suggested Cattails Restaurant at the golf course as it would be quieter and the rush should be over by now.

After they were seated at Cattails, Ben told her what a stunning woman she is and that he had not expected to meet such a vivacious woman running such a large cattle ranch. Alisha played the role and pretended to be somewhat embarrassed and lightly blushed. She told him thank you and that he was too kind. Ben asked her if she was married or otherwise attached and Alisha told him she was engaged and would be married in May. Ben volunteered that he was single and didn’t have a regular girlfriend. He told her he was on the road so much that it wasn’t conducive to a long term relationship.

Alisha, with her vast experience with men, was reading between the lines. He was coming on to her, following the textbook approach, so, she played along thinking, “I’d love to fuck this beautiful hunk of cowboy.” She had noticed a huge bulge in his jeans as they drove to the restaurant and wondered how many inches of sweet meat he had confined in that small area. The conversation changed from business to that of a personal nature.

“Well Alisha, I’m going to be down here a lot in the next couple of months, do you think that even though you’re engaged, we might get together sometime?”

Alisha, at this point, knew exactly what he was hinting at…….he wanted in her pants. As she looked into his eyes she knew that she would like to be in his pants also. She thought to herself, “this guy is a perfect victim for Colin and I and our little game of ‘watch the guy fuck Alisha.” They continued their conversation and Alisha said to him, “If I’m hearing you right, Ben, you want to go to bed with me, am I right?”

Ben looked long and hard at her, “Yes, Alisha, I’d love to make love to you…..you are so beautiful and desirable, I’ve been lusting for you since I first laid eyes on you.”

“Well Ben, I think you and I should go somewhere and get better acquainted, what do you think?”

Ben’s eyes lit up as he looked from her face to her breasts. “Where would you like to go?”

There’s no one at my house and I’m not expecting anyone, want to go over there?” she asked him, smiling.

Alisha excused herself, telling him she had to go to the restroom. When inside, she called Colin and told him she had a new cock wanting to screw her. Colin was excited and told her that he could be to the house and get everything running in 15 minutes and could she not get there before then. Alisha told him to get moving, she would have another glass of tea… that should give him time. Colin said, “Go for it honey, see all of you in a little while.”

She went back to the table and found that the waitress had filled her tea glass again, so, she sat down and began to sip at it and continue the sexy conversation with Ben. After 10 minutes of her teasing, Ben’s cock was hard and it was very uncomfortable in his tight jeans. Alisha finished off her tea and asked him if he’d like to go……he smiled and as he got up she saw the bulge in his jeans had grown by huge proportions.

They got into Ben’s pickup and drove to Alisha’s house. Alisha teased him on the way there, she leaned over the console and rubbed her hand across his bulging jeans. She got a couple of moans from him…..she just smiled and continued. They parked in the drive way, Alisha led him to the front door. She unlocked the door and turned around just in time to get a wet kiss laid upon her parted lips. Ben pushed her against the wall while he kissed her and cupped her breasts. His hands went to the buttons on her blouse and began to open them, followed by his lips kissing around the edge of her bra. His hands went to her ass and pulled her to him as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and attacked her tongue. Alisha put both hands to the outside of his jeans and squeezed his cock aggressively. He began to open her jeans………that’s when she stopped him and said, “Not here, let’s go inside and get naked, I want to swallow your cock and the cum it is going to deliver into my mouth.”

With that, he backed off and Alisha opened the door, took him by the hand and led him into the guest bedroom. She had no sooner closed the door and Ben was half undressed. Alisha began to peel her clothes off, keeping her bra and panties on. Ben was removing his shirt, his boxers were still on. Alisha went to her knees and pulled the boxers to his ankles, then took his huge cock in her mouth and began to noisily suck it, drooling her saliva onto the floor. Ben was moaning and fumbling with her bra. Alisha could feel her hot cunt dripping her cum out and soaking her panties.

She kept aggressively sucking his cock, deep throating him as much as she could. His cock was only about 7 inches long, but was as big around as her wrist. When she took him down her throat, she could feel the front of her neck enlarge as she took his thick cock down deep inside. She had grasped his ass cheeks and was holding him in her mouth, she wanted to drink his cum, she wanted to taste that sweet semen and swish it inside her mouth before she swallowed it all down into her stomach.

As she continued her oral assault on his plump penis, she felt small squirts of cum hit the back of her throat……..then came the tidal wave of his thick, white cum, gushing into her mouth. She swallowed the first torrents as rapidly as she could, she didn’t want to waste a drop. There were small threads of his cum, oozing from the corners of her mouth as she continued to squeeze his balls and tongue the underside of his engorged throbbing meat, feeling each pulse of cum push the length of his cock and dump into her oral cavity.

Ben thought he had died and went to heaven. He was finished shooting his load when he grasped Alisha under the arms and lifted her to the bed in one fell swoop. He tossed her into the middle of the mattress, grasped her feet and spread her legs wide and looked at the wet folds of skin inside her sweet pink pussy lips. Alisha noticed that he had not lost any of his erection as he crawled onto the bed and hovered above her waiting body. He took a moment and looked at every inch of her naked body lying under him………..how beautiful she is, he thinks. He lowers his ass down and rubs the head of his cock up and down her wet slit, separating the rose petals that surround her pleasure channel. His big piston begins to push inside her very slowly. He is enjoying watching it penetrate her and seeing her face as it goes deeper and deeper till his balls bounce on her ass cheeks. Ben lowered himself down onto his elbows, he licks her erect nipples and watches them spring back as his tongue loses contact with them.

Alisha is going out of her mind with pleasure, his thick cock has filled her pussy and is rubbing spots inside that are driving her to an explosive orgasm………..a big, big one…….and there it is, a runaway freight train of an orgasm. She arches her back and bucks her hips to meet his thrust. His balls bang onto her ass. Ben has raised his torso up onto his hands and Alisha has spread and pulled her knees up toward her tits, pushing her pussy up to Ben, giving him the deepest access to her wanting cunt. She feels Ben shove his cock as deep into her as he possibly can and then she feels the hot sensation of him filling her love channel with his sticky seed. Alisha wraps her legs around his tight ass and pulls him into her. They are both having super hot orgasms, cumming with each other, moaning, groaning and writhing on the bed.

When their orgasms tail off, Ben is lying down on top of Alisha, his cock still buried inside her, her legs are spread out wide as are her arms. They are both breathing like they just ran a mile at full speed, sweat is dripping off of them both and his cum is seeping out around his dick and down onto the bed. Alisha can hear Ben quietly saying, “OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK……ALISHA, THAT WAS FUCKING FANTASTIC, YOU ARE THE BEST PIECE OF ASS I’VE EVER HAD……..IN MY WHOLE LIFE……..DAMN!” He rolled off of her and lay on his back.

Alisha sat up on one elbow and looked up and down at his body, stretched out. He is wet with sweat all over and his semi-hard cock is laying on his abdomen, wet with their cum, glistening in the light. She goes to it and begins to lick it clean. She gets up on her knees between his legs and continues to lick his cock and balls, removing the remnants of cum from his cock and balls. She takes both his balls into her mouth and sucks on them as she puts her finger up his ass. His cock immediately returns to its hard and erect state. She sucks it violently and makes it stand. Alisha pulls herself up onto the head of his throbbing rod and slides down on it till she feels his balls touch her perfect ass……then she begins to fuck him steady and fast, reaching around and grasping his balls in her left hand. He right hand is busy quickly rubbing small circles on her clit………she goes into another, earth shaking climax.

She can hear the squishy sounds her sopping wet pussy is making as his cock plunges into her time after time……then he blows his load into her trembling cunt, enhancing the waves of pleasure she is feeling. When the seas have calmed, Alisha stands up and wipes a handful of his cum from her dripping cunt and licks it all off. She looks down at Ben and says, “Well Ben, we’ve both got our rocks off good, we need to get back to the office and finalize our deal………that sound good to you?” Ben just nods, unable to speak clearly, he has never seen a woman like Alisha Moore………..one minute passionately fucking his brains out, yelling and screaming for him to fuck the shit out of her, then the next minute, she is all business. She is one hell of a woman, he thinks to himself.

Alisha goes into the bathroom and cleans the cum out of her pussy as Ben gets dressed. Alisha comes out, still naked. Ben gets another look at her perfect body before she gets dressed. That is a sight he won’t soon forget. Once dressed, they drive back out to the office and conclude their work. Ben asks her is she wants to go out tonight for dinner and another fuck. She smiles and tells him, “Sorry, lover, I can’t ……my fiance will be home tonight and I know he will want to have me in his bed…….thanks for the invite though…..it’s been fun. Maybe the next time you’re down we can do this again,” she smiles her wicked little smile at him and winks. “Damn,” he says, I’m getting hard again, shit!”

Alisha excuses herself telling him she has to go. She kisses him on the cheek and they go to the door. “Hey Ben, if there is any more paperwork you need, just let me know, bye,” she says as she gets into her truck and leaves. Ben just stands by his truck watches as she drives away, “What a woman,” he says out loud. He gets into his truck and points it toward Monte Vista, he has an appointment there tomorrow morning……he might as well get a room over there. His cock is still hard and he knows he should pull over and jack off and get rid of that load that is building, that will make him more comfortable………..

Alisha gets home and knows that Colin probably has blue balls by now, after watching the fuck fest that went on in the guest bedroom. She goes inside and hollers his name. She hears him answer from their bedroom. She is stripping as she walks down the hall leaving her clothes where they fall. She enters the bedroom and Colin is on the bed, naked, his cock beckoning her to climb on…….which she does. In a matter of minutes, Colin is spurting his rich sperm into her hot pussy and Alisha is feeling her earthquake orgasm one more time. Colin knows that no other woman in the world could do the things Alisha does……….she is so fucking good………shit, he wants her again, so he rolls her over on her back and mounts her, slamming his cock deep into her hot pussy again. This time they fuck for over two hours before going to sleep in each other’s arms again. Alisha has again given Colin his ultimate desire…….he again watched a good looking man ride his bride to be and fill her beautiful, perfect pussy with his hot sperm. He is happy and life is good.

The week passes pretty quickly. Bob has returned from Vegas and seems to be happy and in a good mood. Alisha hasn’t said anything to him about anything she saw while he was gone. “Well Dad, how was the trip.” she asks.

“It was great, made $25,000 on the craps table, saw several shows, partied a lot, even went out and went fishing on the Colorado below Hoover Dam.…….it was great, as usual.” he replied to her.

Alisha knew that he had not mentioned one thing……..that he’d got his brain fucked out by that twenty something chick he always had while he was out there. To Alisha it really didn’t make any difference if her parents were fucking around, they had level heads and would not put any of their assets at risk………basically they were both really greedy and couldn’t face losing anything to anyone outside the family. Alisha filled Bob in on everything that had happened on the ranch.

“You just keep reaffirming everything I know about you, Pumpkin. You damn sure know what you’re doing around here. I went out this morning and looked at the calf crop. it’s great……and then I think about what next year will bring when you have the whole year to get it done. I looked at the cows that haven’t calved yet, pretty small group. Justin told me that you had told him to get them to the sale ring and buy pairs to replace them. You will have all the cows evened out and ready to start the new breeding program with all the cows coming in heat at the same time. Brilliant, Alisha, absolutely brilliant…..Hell, I can start going to Vegas more. The way you run this place, I can retire !”

Alisha felt good that Bob knew that she could run the place. She asked him if Anne or Cody had told him the good news. He looked at Alisha with a puzzled look, “No, what news?”

Alisha grinned, “Cody and Justin are going to get married.”

“Well, I’ll be damned………I couldn’t have picked a better guy for her myself. That makes me happy as hell. When are they getting hitched?” he asked.

“We are going to have a double wedding, Dad. You get to walk both of us down the aisle at the same time.” she anxiously told him.

“That’s great. What is he going to do about his job?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

“He wants to continue doing what he is doing and he wants Cody to pursue her career. He said he had no designs on being an owner of the ranch, he just wants to play an important role here. I think that there are several ways to approach this, Dad. After a while, maybe he can buy some land and we can set up a limited partnership with him, that way, our ranch stays in tact, and his ranch could be separate, yet merged with us on a year to year basis……..what do you think about that?”

“As usual, Pumpkin, you are thinking in the right direction. We’ll just sit back and see what happens.” Bob told her as he got his hat and headed for the office door. “Guess I’ll go up to the house and see how Anne’s pulse is………I never know what to expect anymore.

Alisha grinned at him and said, “Good luck”.

He smiled and went on his way. Alisha knew that Anne had been screwing David almost every day since he had been gone……but again, she really didn’t care one way or the other, she just wanted her parents to be happy, whatever it took.

In the weeks that followed, things were very busy on the ranch, preparing for the breeding season. Alisha continued her pursuit of making Colin happy, she got laid a lot by many different guys….while Colin watched their cocks ravage her body. Of course, Alisha got a lot of pleasure out of it herself every time but once……..she got slapped around by one of her lovers who liked to give out very rough sex. He had started out by just spanking her bare ass, which Alisha really didn’t mind, but it escalated into him slapping her face, then he hit her in the stomach with a closed fist…….that’s when Colin stepped in and cleaned his clock……….that’s when Alisha learned that Colin is a third degree black belt in Twi Kon Do and was more than able to defend himself or her, should the occasion ever arise. Clearly this guy was a full 6 inches taller than Colin and outweighed him by a good 50 pounds. Colin beat him to a pulp……he didn’t just beat him, he really hurt the guy telling him, “You can fuck my woman and make her feel good, but, you don’t hit my woman, you don’t mistreat my woman unless you want your ass kicked and your balls removed.

It shook up Alisha when he brought out a knife, “You might kill the son of a bitch, Colin, I have found you and I don’t want to lose you, please don’t castrate him, you will be in a lot of trouble.” Colin looked at Alisha and nodded his agreement with her and put the knife away. While the guy laid there on the floor, Alisha walked up to him and kicked him in the balls………twice. That was all the get even she needed. Alisha is lucky that she hasn‘t come across a guy like this before. She knows now, that Colin can and will take care of her should she get into trouble again.

Colin got the guy to his feet and took him to the front door. He told him he never wanted to see him again or something bad was sure to happen to him. He pushed him out the front door onto the lawn and threw his clothes out as well. After a little while, they heard his truck start and drive away…..never to be seen again.

Colin took Alisha into the bathroom and cleaned her face where it was bleeding and put a small band aid on it. Alisha grabbed Colin and said, “thank you for saving me, I wasn’t sure where that was going to end.”

He pulled her close and kissed her and told her, “Alisha, when I saw him hit you in the stomach, I knew I had to stop it all right then, I thought he was going to continue beating on you till he grew tired of you. I’ll take care of you Alisha, don’t ever worry.”

They went into their bedroom and Alisha disrobed Colin and pushed him down on the bed. She went to his cock and began to give him a blow job like none he had ever had. When he came, Alisha took his 8 inches down her throat and he shot his load of hot cum directly into her stomach. Then she got on top of him and pleasured him for the next two hours. He’d get close to cumming, she would stop and delay it then begin again. When she finally did let him cum, it was a gusher that resembled an oil well blowing. He filled her to the brim…..soon it was running down his balls onto the bed. Alisha smiled, kissed him and went down and licked his genitals clean. She had found that Colin was her protector and she would continue to do whatever he wanted her to do.



For Alisha and Colin the world was theirs. For them, life was good. Each had found the ‘soul mate’ they had searched their whole lives for. Their businesses were prospering and expanding. They were more than compatible, one’s desires mirrored the other. To them sex was a huge game and the biggest turn on either could ever want. Now, with Cody and Justin getting married and their sexual desires and habits being ever as strong as Colin and Alisha’s, the sex games would continue and grow. Justin’s views were almost as perverted as the others, but no one knew what his thoughts were on fucking animals. Cody was into dogs, horses and pigs as was Alisha, but her desires there were much greater than Alisha’s.

Several times she had Alisha take her to San Acacio on those clandestine Saturday afternoons so she could fuck the boar again. She had gotten where she didn’t want to clean out, she wanted to be filled with pig cum and keep it for the two or three days it took to go away. She has not said anything to Justin about her kinky desire to fuck animals and he has never given her a hint about whether he would go for it or not….so Cody is waiting and listening for any hint of his feelings on the subject. But……in the mean time Saturday has come again and Cody and Justin are going over to Colin and Alisha’s for dinner and a sex marathon. As Cody and Justin arrive, Colin is grilling the steaks and sipping on a drink. Alisha is finishing up dinner in the kitchen. Cody goes to help Alisha while Justin goes outside on the patio to visit with Colin.

They all had drinks and talked and flirted. When dinner and the dishes were done, they all stripped and paired off. Justin and Alisha went into the living room and began kissing and feeling the other’s body. They stood face to face, they would kiss then back off and let their hands explore the other’s body. Justin put his hands on either side of her head and began to run his fingers through her hair and massaged the back of her neck. Alisha had both hands on his cock and balls, stroking and fondling. Justin’s hands went down her neck and out to her shoulders and down her arms then to her breasts.

He cuped both her breasts and pinched the nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. He watched the nipples as they grew harder and harder. Alisha’s hands had made his cock hard. Her fingers found the drops of pre-cum it expelled and rubbed it all around its head, her other hand gently squeezed his balls. His cock jerked and pushed more pre-cum out. His hands had found her swollen pink outer lips and were caressing them, spreading them exposing the folds of skin of her wet inner lips.

Colin grasped Alisha’s hips and lowered himself to the floor. His kissed her mound and touched his tongue to her engorged clit……his tongue rubbed small circles on her clitoris and she gasped as his tongue slid further down her slit and found the entrance to her dripping pussy. He clamped his lips around her clit, licking it while he slid two fingers up into her hot cunt. He sucked, licked and probed her intimate parts with his fingers and tongue till Alisha let out a moan and began to cum. She squirted all over his face and chest and he eagerly drank up all her cum he could, continuing to stimulate her and furthering her orgasm.

They were quite a sight to see, him on his knees eating her like a steak dinner…her legs spread wide apart, his hands on her hips and her hands on his head, pulling him to her. He wanted her badly as she writhed through another orgasm, he turned her and pushed her up on the cushions of the couch on her knees. She lay forward on to the back of the couch as Justin walked up behind her and slid his hard dick back and forth through her slit, the head massaging her clit as it moved. Alisha went into another orgasm and was yelling,

With that tongue lashing, he rammed his cock all the way into her drenched pussy and felt the head hit her cervix. He pulled it out and pushed it in again, wedging the head of his cock partially into the cervix. On the third try, he entered her uterus and began to fill it with his hot juice of passion. Stream after hot stream of his jizz erupted into her most inner self. She had felt pain as his cock pushed through her orifice, but soon the pain subsided and intense pleasure flowed through her body from head to toe.

Justin pulled back and pushed his hard manhood into her again, squirting sperm all over her insides. The volume of semen was so great that it was freely running out of her pussy and down the insides of both her thighs. She was having an exquisite orgasm, her abdomen was having severe contractions and her body shook. All these vibrations Justin felt in his cock and it pushed him directly into a second consecutive orgasm. Alisha spun around when she felt him dropping another load and took his cock into her mouth and began sucking it like a vacuum cleaner, before she got it into her mouth, Justin shot several shots of cum on her face and tits. His thick cum dripped off her chin and off her nipples as she sucked him dry and swallowed it all.

On the floor, Colin had fucked Cody in all her holes and shot wads of his cum into two of them. Cody was hungrily sucking him trying to get his load into her mouth. Like Alisha, she loved the taste of cum and wanted this load down her throat and into her belly……….then all of a sudden, she got it…….Colin filled her mouth till his cum ran out the corners of her mouth and dripped down on her beautiful breasts. She moaned as she slurped it all up and sent it down her throat into her stomach.

Everyone was spent, they all had had multiple orgasms and had used up all their strength. Colin lifted Cody up to her feet and took her to the couch where Justin and Alisha were sitting. Alisha was stroking Justin’s cock and it was beginning to harden again.

Colin had Cody sit on Justin’s cock, taking it up her ass. He moved into position between her legs and put his cock into her open pussy………..the double penetration began. At first, Cody felt like she was going to be split up the middle, but as they pumped in and out of her, the discomfort disappeared and pleasure overcame her. She started cumming, her body convulsing with pleasure. She was in the middle of an extreme orgasm when she felt Colin and Justin coating her insides with their hot cum. She had so much cum running out of her that a large puddle appeared on the floor. The two of them withdrew their cocks from Cody. Justin motioned to Alisha to take Cody’s place. She slid her tight ass down on his big cock, then Colin inserted his meat into her pussy. They fucked her hard for several minutes, pushing her into orgasm as they blew their loads deep inside her. Cody and Alisha were full of sperm from the two men and now when they stood, gobs of thick cum ran from their gaping pussies and asses, down the insides of their legs and onto the floor……..they definitely are two beautiful cum buckets.

The two women looked at each other and laughed. They laid down on the floor in a 69 position and sucked the cum from each other’s pussies, swallowing all of the juices they could get. Colin and Justin sat on the couch, watching and jacking off their hard, throbbing rods.

After the two beauties emptied the cum from each other. they crawled up in front of their two men, took their cocks in their mouths and sucked the hot cum from them. They had been so turned on by the two ladies, they had pleasured themselves to a point they needed release…..so Alisha and Cody sucked their cocks till their hot, thick cum filled their mouths……..then they eagerly swallowed it all. After all this hard action, they all showered and went to sleep.

In the weeks that followed, the only sex that Alisha had was with Colin. She was going through a period of uneasiness with her open sexual attitude. Her lustful feelings for strange men and animals had subsided considerably, much to her surprise. In her mind she had realized just how perverted she had become and that she should just settle to be with Colin. Alisha had been very busy at the ranch so her mind had really been occupied by work and not pleasure. Colin had made several suggestions that she hook up with someone so he could watch or even go next door and get Spartacus and let him enjoy watching her getting fucked. Alisha told him that she was busy with things at the ranch and just didn’t have the time for these activities right now and in addition to that she was tired and needed her rest. Colin understood and didn’t try to browbeat her about it. On the other hand, Alisha made herself available to him whenever he wanted it and the sex they had was always excellent for both of them.

Alisha was elected as President of the Valley Cattleman’s Association at their annual meeting. There were several meetings she had to make throughout the year as part of her job as president. The first meeting was in a couple of days and Alisha was going. Colin told her he couldn’t go because of some business meetings he had to go to in Dallas. He told her he would have Jeff take her to Denver in the jet then he could come back and pick him up and get him down to Dallas for his meetings. When his meetings were finished he would fly to Denver and pick up Alisha then they could go home. Alisha thought it was a good plan.

On her way home, she decided to stop at the new house and see how things were coming along. She hoped that they could move in soon and get out of town. Alisha preferred to live out in the country, she liked to be able to go out and run on the ranch, she liked to be able to go out and target shoot, without having to drive several miles to get out of town. Plus, she just didn’t like her neighbors to be able to watch whatever she was doing As she drove up she noticed that Melvin was still there. She was glad he was still here, she had a few things she wanted changed and she needed to talk to him about them. Once inside, she found Melvin working on some trim work. He was noticeably glad to see hervit had been a while since he had been able to be alone with her and he really wanted to get into her pants again.

“Hi Alisha, it’s good to see you. What do you think about the house?” he asked her as she came in/

“Melvin, I think it’s beautiful, you’re doing a great job. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change, but it’s nothing major.” She took Melvin through the house and showed him the things she was talking about.

“This will not be very hard to do, Alisha, we’ll try to get them done early next week. So, how have you been………you look great, as usual.” he said to her, looking at her from head to toe.

Alisha could see what was on his mind by the way he looked at her. It had been quite some time since she had fucked anyone but Colin and she was thinking she was wanting a little strange again. She looked at his jeans and could see he had a hard on. It made her hot to think she had this effect on men. She had the time and it would feel really good to have a different cock inside her. She smiled her sexiest smile at Melvin, put her hand on his shoulder and said, “What do you have in mind Melvin?” she asked him,visibly looking at the bulge in his jeans.

“Well beautiful, it’s been a while since we’ve had sex, how about it…..all the carpet has been delivered and is piled in the other room.” he told her as he cupped both her breasts.

The feeling of him squeezing and rubbing her tits made her begin to get wet. She moved close to him and gave him a wet kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth and teased her tongue. She took his hand and led him into the other room. Melvin unrolled one of the rolls of carpet. The house was warm so Alisha began to seductively take her clothes off, never breaking eye contact with Melvin.

He fumbled with his clothes trying to get them off quickly. Alisha laid down on her back and spread her legs wide, giving Melvin an unobstructed view of her inner lips and the entrance to her wet pussy. He finished getting his clothes off and got down on his hands and knees between her legs. He stopped and licked her wet slit and flicked his tongue on her clit. Alisha moaned and moved her hips up to him, pushing her pussy to his lips. He kissed her mound and continued kissing her up to her navel, to her stomach, then to her tits.

He gently nibbled on her nipples, they were very hard and standing erect. He looked at her full breasts and large areolas, his tongue worked them over as Alisha felt the sensations emanating from his touch…….she moaned and pushed her pussy up to touch his cock, wanting it inside her.

Melvin felt her wetness touch the head of his cock, he lowered his hips and slid inside her in one stroke. She was so wet there was no resistance till the head of his dick bumped her cervix. He supported himself on his elbows and pumped her steadily. Alisha wrapped her legs and arms around him and pulled him close to her. The thrill of having another man after all this time was bringing her to her first orgasm. As she came, she bucked and yelled, her muscles contracting with all the pleasure she was feeling. Melvin was enjoying the ride and never broke his stride. Alisha almost immediately went into another orgasm.

“FUCK ME MELVIN, FUCK ME…FUCK ME..FUCK….ME. STICK THAT BIG COCK ALL THE WAY IN ME YOU STUD. I WANT TO FEEL ALL OF IT…….FUCK MEEEEEEEEE.” Alisha yelled She was having an extraordinary orgasm and lost all control.

Melvin continued to slam his meat deep into her as she yelled. He could feel the cum building deep inside his balls and moving up through his cock. His molten cum erupted inside Alisha, spewing against the walls of her vagina and coating her insides with the thick fluid.

Alisha could feel his cock pulsing as he moved it in and out of her. His hot sperm was flowing out of Alisha, past his cock and running down her crack. Melvin had not had a woman in over a month and he had a surplus of cum built up and was dumping it all in Alisha. As their orgasms came to an end, Melvin raised up on his hands and knees, his cock making a slurping sound as he pulled it out of Alisha. His cum was running out of Alisha in torrents. A large puddle of their juices was standing on the new carpet. Alisha just laid there spread eagle, more cum running out of her. She smiled at Melvin and said, “That was a great fuck, where the hell did you get all that cum from, I feel full of it.” Melvin grinned as he got to his feet and helped her up. His cum was still running out of her and down her legs.

“Alisha, the plumbing all works so you can clean yourself up if you want.” She went into the bathroom and found some paper towels. She wet them and wiped herself clean. She sat on the toilet and pushed gobs of cum out of her pussy. She wiped herself dry and went to find her clothes. She got dressed and helped Melvin roll the carpet back up after which he kissed him and thanked him for the fuck, then went home. She thought to herself, “I’m back and ready to get some strange…..it’s been too long.” She pulled up in her driveway and went into her house…………very satisfied.

When she went in, Colin was at home fixing dinner. She went to the shower to freshen herself up after her little romp with Melvin. Cum was still running out of her and her panties were soaked. After about 15 minutes she had cleaned herself out and was nice and fresh for Colin…….she knew he would probably want to fuck her later. When she went to the kitchen, dinner was ready. She sat down and Colin served her dinner and poured the wine. He sat down, first kissing Alisha. “And how was your day dear?” he asked.

She replied, “Things are starting to quiet down a little, but we are fast approaching the breeding season and it will be balls to the wall for three weeks when that happens…..oh, I went by the house on the way home. I think it should be done in a couple of weeks. I showed Melvin what we want changed and he said he would get it done early next week. I think it’s going to be beautiful when it’s finished…….I can’t wait. When do you want to go buy furniture?”

“If you want, when I come to Denver to pick you up, we can get a car and go do it then.”
He told her.

“I think it would be fun, let’s do it, maybe get a room over at the Brown Palace and come back the next day……what do you think?” she anxiously asked him.

“Nothing I’d rather do than spend the time with you, away from everyone we know. I’ll plan on it and arrange my schedule.” That being said they finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Alisha had put on shorts and a tshirt after her shower. She had went into the living room and sat down, flipping through the tv channels. Colin came in and sat down by her.

“Honey, do you feel like having company tonight?” he asked.

Alisha looked at him with a questioning look on her face. “Who is coming over?”

Colin smiled at her, “Well, I invited Beverly and her husband over. Beverly had such a good time with us, she has talked her husband, Bobby, into swapping with us and she asked me about it today………..so what do you think. I know you really haven’t been into the kinky sex for a while, so I told her I’d check with you when you got home and see what you have to say about it.”

Alisha smiled at Colin, “I have been a little off the outside sex for a while, I know. I need to get back in the swing of things……go ahead and call her and have them come over, I need a good fucking. I don’t know her husband, or what he is like.”

Colin told her, “I saw a picture of him on her desk, he is a good looking guy, trim and muscular. She said he has a 6 inch cock and it is very thick. From her description, I think he must be a good fuck……I guess you’ll find out.”

Alisha laughed, “Yes, I guess I will. Do me one favor though, let’s all fuck in the same room, I don’t want to be alone with a guy I haven’t ever been with before…..you know, just in case he turns out to be a weirdo.”

“Ok, Alisha, I know what you mean, especially after that one guy. I’ll be close for you.” He called Beverly and told her to come on over. Alisha wanted to have a drink and visit some before she fully committed to screwing his secretary’s husband. He looked at her and whistled, “I think you’re dressed great for this…….you’ll give him a hard on the minute he lays eyes on you.”

Alisha pinched her nipples so they would be aroused and hard when Beverly and Bobby arrived. In a few minutes they arrived and Colin answered the door. Alisha was sitting at the bar. Her body was noticeably aroused. She had been thinking about a man she didn’t know and it was making her wetter than she has been for quite some time. As Beverly and Bobby entered the room, Bobby got a good look at Alisha. He couldn’t believe his eyes, she was the portrait of the perfect woman…..those tits peeking out under the tshirt and those legs………wow what a woman and he has the chance to fuck her tonight…………he thinks how glad he is that he let his wife talk him into this. Alisha stands and greets Beverly and Bobby. Bobby is visibly taken by Alisha’s beauty and is becoming very aroused.

“Would you guys like a drink before we get started?” Alisha asked. She knew that her short shorts let a little of her cheeks hang out, so she turned and walked to make the drinks. “What would you like?” she asked. Bobby’s eyes were checking her out as he said, “I’d like you, Alisha, and I’d like you soon.” She smiled and poured him a Patron, then walked up to him, took a sip of the tequila then pressed her lips to his and pushed the tequila into his mouth, followed by her tongue. She had took a good look at him and wanted his naked body next to hers. “I’d love another sip, if you please.” he said. Alisha repeated her previous action, only taking a little more Patron and taking a little longer with her tongue down his throat.

Colin and Beverly had hooked up and were swapping spit. Alisha took Bobby by the hand and led him into the guest bedroom, followed by Colin and Beverly. Once inside the bedroom, Alisha wrapped her arms around Bobby and kissed him deeply again, pressing her excited nipples into his chest. Slowly, she removed his shirt then opened his pants. As she slipped his zipper down, she slid her other hand inside his underwear and took hold of his cock.

It wasn’t as big as some she had had, but it felt nice. She went down onto her knees as she pulled his pants and underwear to the floor………he stepped out of them and kicked them aside. There he stood, completely naked, his thick cock standing vertical. She looked across the room and Colin had Beverly stripped and was on his knees licking her pussy as he finger fucked her. Alisha looked up at Bobby and stood. She stepped back a couple of steps and stood looking at Bobby’s naked body……..it was nice. She pulled her tshirt over her head and pulled her shorts down. Bobby thought he had died and gone to heaven.

Alisha came back to him, went to her knees and took his cock in her mouth and began to suck him off. Bobby moaned loudly as she grasped his balls and took his cock down her throat. She had plunged his cock deep in her mouth twice and she felt him letting his load of hot cum go…….she was in heaven now, she loved a man’s cum so much and she didn’t even have to work hard to get his.

His cock swelled and pulsed his hot sperm into her mouth. She was swallowing as much of it as she could. It was more than she could handle so a lot of cum ran down onto her excited breasts. She felt his cock begin to soften, this had to be stopped, she was excited and wanted him inside her, fucking her into an orgasm. Alisha lubed her index finger with Bobby’s cum, then slid it into Bobby’s ass. He jumped, surprised at this move but he couldn’t move, she had him by the balls and was not turning loose.

Alisha fucked his ass with her finger………his cock immediately began to harden….it even surprised Bobby. She licked his balls and the underside of his cock up to the bulbous head. She knew right where to lick him to bring the desire back into him. That little spot on the underside of the head at the Y is so sensitive. When her tongue tantalized it, she felt his cock grow to its maximum and tasted a drop of cum that appeared.

She took his hand and led him to the bed. She laid down on the bed and pulled him down on top of her. He immediately was inside her fucking her hard. Alisha looked and saw that Colin had Beverly bent over the dresser and was taking her from the back. Her big tits were squashed out from under her and she was telling Colin to “Fuck her good”……….and that’s exactly what he was doing.

Colin looked at Alisha and winked at her and smiled. She saw his lips move, “I love you Alisha.” She smiled at him and lipped, “I love you Colin, I want you Colin…………” At this point he filled Beverly’s cunt with his hot love juice. Alisha grinned at him…………she felt Bobby spewing cum inside her as she began to cum.

His thick cock was touching places inside her that felt damn good. Bobby collapsed on top of her, breathing hard. She pushed him over on his back and went down on him again. Immediately, he was hard. Alisha had gobs of cum running out of her. She took her finger and lubed her ass with his cum. She rubbed some on his cock and sat on him, reverse cowgirl style. Colin saw this and took the hint……….Alisha wanted to be double penetrated, so, he slid up between her legs and pushed his dick deep inside her. Colin was fucking her hard as was Bobby. Their dicks were sliding together, with only a thin membrane between them inside Alisha. The erotic feeling of this pushed all three of them to orgasm very quickly.

They were all moaning and Beverly was between all their legs letting her tongue stimulate all three of them. As they all started cumming, Beverly was licking up any cum that leaked out that she could get her tongue to. The movement of her talented tongue on them, enhanced all their orgasms. The moans and groans sounded like someone was dying. Alisha could hear Spartacus howling in the yard next door. He was hearing what was happening and knew he’d like to be involved……….too bad Spartacus, it’s not the right time or place, she thought to herself.

Then a naughty thought came across her mind, she wasn’t that fond of Beverly and thought she might just bring Spartacus in and let him have her…….this would make her feel good. When they all got unwrapped from each other, Alisha winked at Colin as she went out the bedroom door. Beverly and Bobby were lying on the bed with their eyes closed, thoroughly exhausted. Colin walked over to Alisha, “Looks like Bobby was doing you good, did it feel ok to you?” “Yeah,” she said, “just wait, I’ll be right back.”

Colin saw the devilish look on her face as she went out into the back yard. There was a gate between the yards, out at the back. She opened the gate and Spartacus was more than ready to get some human pussy. She took him by his collar and walked him into the house. He wanted so bad to lick her pussy, but she wouldn’t let him…..he was confused, she never had refused him before.

Colin got a smile on his face when he saw her coming with Spartacus…….he knew what Beverly was in for now. Alisha took Spartacus over to the sleeping couple. She took some of the juice from Beverly’s pussy on her hand and let Spartacus lick it off. All of a sudden he wasn’t interested in Alisha any more, there was some new human pussy here he needed to claim. Alisha made him lay down, which he obediently did. She woke Beverly and led her off the bed. She must have been a little drunk from the tequila still and didn’t resist when Alisha asked her to get down on her hands and knees.

When Alisha had her in position, she told Beverly to be very still and just enjoy. She looked at Alisha with a puzzled look on her face. At that point, Spartacus mounted her and on the first try, buried his cock deep into her pussy. Her eyes got really big and she let out a little painful “Uhhhhh”. Spartacus knew exactly what he was doing and was humping her hard, slowly building his knot. Beverly was saying, “No…..no……I can’t fuck a doooooooog……..ahhhhhh, damn this feels good. Bobby had been awakened by his wife’s voice and was staring at this huge dog fucking his wife like a bitch. “What the fuck,” he said, then he started to get hard watching his wife getting 10 inches of dog dick. Spartacus was at the point of putting his knot inside Beverly. She was pushing back onto his cock when Spartacus pushed the knot inside her and held it there while it swelled up the size of a grapefruit.

Beverly was moaning and pushing back against that big knot, taking all the cock inside her she could. It was then that Spartacus began to squirt his super hot cum into her uterus. Beverly felt it and pulled forward, unable to get away from the knot. Alisha knelt down and told her not to try to move, she wouldn’t be able to till he was finished with her and the swelled knot began to deflate. In the mean time, she stayed still, feeling Spartacus filling her insides with doggie sperm. When the knot and dog cock came out, there was a huge rush of dog cum squirting out of Beverly’s stretched out cunt. Bobby was hard as a rock and very aroused. Alisha told him to get behind her and fuck her good……which he rapidly did. He was slamming his cock in and out of her sloppy wet cunt, fucking her like Spartacus had. He had her by the hips, her head was down on the floor. When they both came, they collapsed onto the floor, Bobby’s cock staying inside Beverly while they both moaned and groaned.

Colin told Alisha, “That was a dirty trick, I doubt she has ever fucked a dog before and it was happening to her before she even knew what was going on………I loved it, I loved every bit of it.”

Alisha laughed under her breath, “Did you have the recorder on?”

“Damn straight, Alisha, this should be a good movie for us to watch the next time we want to fuck, don’t you think?”

Alisha nodded yes as she wrapped her arms around Colin and kissed him, wrapping one leg around him. Colin took the hint and put his hard cock in Alisha’s slit. His cock found the entrance to her love canal and pushed in. In a few minutes they were both cumming hard. When they finished, Bobby and Beverly were fucking again so Colin and Alisha went to the shower and fucked as the water ran over them. It had been a good night and they were all satisfied. Bobby had fucked the most beautiful woman in the world tonight and was more than happy. Beverly had an experience she had never even dreamed of……………she was very happy and considering a Great Dane of her own. What a night. Beverly and Bob left and Colin and Alisha went to their bed, fucked again and went to sleep, connected.

The next morning Alisha packed and got herself ready to go to the Cattleman’s meeting in Denver. Colin wanted her one more time before she left, so they fucked three times, just to make sure they were both satisfied

When they got to the airport, Jeff had the plane ready to go. Alisha kissed Colin and got on board. Within 10 minutes Alisha is on her way to Denver. She reads the material for the meeting as they fly over the Rockies. In 20 minutes Jeff is on final for Arapahoe County Airport. When they land, Colin has a limo waiting to take her to the hotel. After Jeff and the driver put her luggage in the car, Jeff is off again to go pick up Colin and head to Dallas. The driver takes her out to The Castle, a luxury hotel on the North side of Denver. Alisha gets checked in and unpacked. The meetings don’t start for another 4 hours so she decides to take a nap, she is still a little tired from last night.
Alisha strips and crawls in the bed and in a few minutes she is asleep. The sleep is great, she is more tired than she knew.

When she woke up, it was an hour till the meetings start. She gets up and showers and dresses then goes downstairs to the restaurant and gets something to eat. She feels a lot better now. Alisha stops at the desk and asks where the meetings are being held and is directed to a meeting room at the back of the hotel. As she walks in there are several people in there, a few that she recognizes.

A tall older man greets her as she comes in and asks her name. He searches through the files on his table and finds her meeting packet and her name tag. She finds a seat and sits and starts to look through her packet. A guy about her age takes a seat next to her and introduces himself as Jerry Johnston from Meeker, Colorado. He and his family are the third generation to operate a ranch there. He asks her where she is from. Alisha tells him about her ranch and family and that she is from Alamosa.

“I’ve heard about that ranch and its beautiful owner…….and now that I meet the owner, I see you are a very beautiful woman. Not very often you find that combination.” Alisha smiled and told him, “Why, thank you Jerry, you’re very kind.” The meeting is called to order and they turn their attention to it.

After 3 hours the first session ended. Jerry asked Alisha if he could buy her a drink, so they went to the bar and found a table. They ordered drinks and began a conversation about ranching, their common ground. The drinks arrived and the conversation continued. More drinks, more conversation. After a while, they were both getting a little high and the conversation moved on to things of a more personal nature.

Jerry is married with 3 kids. Alisha told Jerry about her upcoming wedding and her husband to be. They both had a few more drinks then, Jerry put the moves on Alisha.
Jerry leaned over close to Alisha. She felt his hand on her knee and saw a wide smile on his face. He told Alisha, “You know that we both want the same thing, don’t you? We need to go up to my room and get better acquainted.”

Alisha smiled at him as his hand moved up her leg, “I know what I want…..what is it that you want Jerry, tell me.”
Jerry’s hand moved a little further, Alisha decided that she really wasn’t happy with the way things were going, something was wrong, she thought. “Well Alisha, I think you want me to fuck you……and ……..I’m ready to do what you need.” Jerry said with confidence.

Alisha laughed, “You think I want you to fuck me…….is that what you said?” She shook her head. “It ain’t gonna happen cowboy……and that’s a fact. I’m going to go to my room and go to bed………….by myself !”

With that, she got up from the table and left the bar. Alisha was thinking to herself, “This guy thinks he’s God’s gift to women, he’s a little too much for me.” Alisha entered the elevator and leaned against the back wall, feeling a little light headed. Before the door close completely, a hand stopped the door and it opened. Jerry stepped in as the door closed.

Alisha was feeling more dizzy now and starting to realize that something was not right. Jerry asked her if she was feeling ok as she started to fall. Jerry caught her and held her up. He asked her what her room number was, he would help her get there. She was barely able to tell him. He took her key from her pocket as the elevator stopped at her floor. Alisha felt terrible, she was numb, her legs felt like jelly and her head was spinning. Jerry got her to her room and helped her to the bed. She saw him go to the door, close it and lock it. Everything seemed to not be real, where was she……these things were going through her mind.

She felt her clothes being taken off. “What’s happening?” she slurred. She heard a voice from somewhere far away, “You’re fixin’ to get fucked, that’s what’s happening.” Alisha then knew what was happening, she had been drugged……….she can’t move her arms or legs, there’s nothing she can do…………..then she felt a cock slip inside her pussy and a man laying on top of her, fucking her.

”NO, NO, I DON’T WANT THIS, YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME !” she screamed. Alisha heard a distant voice saying, “Just lay back and enjoy the ride, it’s gonna be a long night and there’s not a lot you can do about it.” Then she heard laughter………and felt hot cum being spewed into her pussy. She could barely see Jerry getting off of her, she tried to move but couldn’t. She could hear a knock on the door and more voices…….then she felt another cock go inside her and a voice saying, “Damn, she’s good looking and a fine piece of ass too, this is going to be a great night.” She felt more cum shooting into her pussy……..then another dick and more cum, another dick and more cum…….her body was betraying her, she had had many orgasms……….and was being raped and could do nothing about it. She could hear voices and feel cocks pumping her over and over again……sometime later she passed out.

Alisha woke up the next morning, laying on the bed spread eagle and naked. She had a terrible headache, she sat up wondering what had happened to her. She felt wetness under her ass and wondered, “Did I piss in my bed? Then she saw that there was a wet spot on the bed at least 2 ft. across and she had gobs and gobs of cum running out of her. Then it all started coming back to her, how she felt in the elevator and Jerry getting on, then how she started feeling really out of control of her body and men’s faces looking down on her and the feel of cocks inside her. “DAMN, THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS DRUGED AND RAPED ME, THOSE SONS OF BITCHES, THEY DON’T KNOW WHO THEY JUST FUCKED WITH !” she screamed out loudly.

Alisha had no idea how many guys had fucked her, she vaguely remembered their faces. “Fuck it, I’m going to make them all sorry. She got up and went to the shower and cleaned all the cum off of her body and out of her body. She got dressed and went down to the meeting, which she was late for. She walked into the room like nothing had happened and sat down next to Jerry. A speaker was talking about something, she really wasn’t listening. She leaned over to Jerry and kissed him a long hard kiss on the lips. He was pleasantly surprised and smiled.

She said, “Did you guys have fun last night? She looked around the room and noticed 6 guys looking at her with smirks on their faces. She smiled at all of them. She leaned over and whispered to Jerry, “I had so much fun last night, I want it again tonight……….all of you again tonight.” Jerry was immediately happy and she could see a large lump in his jeans.

“Are you serious, “ he asked, “you really want to do it again?” he asked her.

“Damn straight, you didn’t have to drug me last night, I’d have done it anyway and let me tell you, it would have been a hell of a lot more fun with me moving.” she told him. “Tell you what, at break bring all the guys over and we’ll all go have a private conversation, ok?”

Jerry grinned ear to ear and told her, “Go out to the little sitting area outside and I’ll bring them all out there and we can talk.” Alisha knew the trap was baited and she would soon know all the participants from last night. She was still pissed and knew that her revenge would be sweet. At the break she went out to the sitting area and took a seat on the couch and waited. Then the guys started coming out of the meeting room. Now she knows who they all are. There are six of them. They all sit down and they start talking.

“She smiles her best smile, “You guys want to do it again tonight, with me wide awake?” They all smiled and nodded yes. “Well, it’s going to happen, all of you can fuck me and I’ll suck you off too, I want your cum……can you guys handle a woman that isn’t drugged?” she taunted.

One of them said it wasn’t their idea to drug her, he wanted her wide awake and moving.

“Well, that’s what you’re going to get tonight boys, we’re gonna have a good gang bang and you guys are going to try to satisfy me.” she said.

It was all set up. Alisha had the plan. She wasn’t going to the meetings for the rest of today. She was going to go buy some hidden video equipment and tape the whole thing. She was going to fuck them alright, but good. She got a cab and asked him to take her to a good electronics store…….which he does. After about an hour inside, she has all the equipment she needs. When she gets back to the hotel she gets it all set up. It’s all wireless and the cameras are all well hidden from sight. The scene is set….now down to the restaurant and get something to eat, then something to drink…..this is going to be fun and she will have the last laugh. The meeting breaks for the day and all her guys come to the bar and find her there. They all sit down and order drinks. Alisha smiles and guards her drink. After about an hour, she tells them, “Well boys, got your dicks loosened up, I’m hot and ready to have your cocks……..all night.”

They all finished their drinks and went up to Alisha’s room. She went into the bathroom and used the remote to start the system she had installed. She put the remote back in her pocket, flushed the toilet and went back out in the room. Everyone was naked, so, she proceeded to remove all her clothing and pull all the covers off her bed. She sat on the edge and told them to come to her. As they crowded around jacking their cocks, she started sucking them off to get them all real hard. When everyone was fully erect, she scooted her ass back onto the middle of the bed and spread her legs, “Come on guys, it’s time to fuck and I want a lot of cock tonight. Jerry crawled on her and started fucking her while she sucked another guy off. Alisha had many orgasms and was really having a good time. The guys were shooting their loads in her pussy, in her mouth and onto her beautiful toned body.

It was a gang bang like you’d see in a porn movie and Alisha was really enjoying it. At about 4 am the guys all gave out and left. Alisha laughed to herself as she shut the system down and pulled the recorder out from under the bed. She hooked it up to the TV and turned it on. The movie is great, all of the guys faces are plain as day. She packed up all of the electronics in the suitcase she bought and smiled. The meetings will be over by noon tomorrow and Colin will be in tomorrow afternoon at about 2. “Let the fun begin,” she laughs, “there will be hell to pay……and I’m the devil !”

Alisha got herself cleaned up and went to sleep. She is up early, with a smile on her face and her plan in her mind. She gets to the meeting and sits at a table with all her lovers and gets their addresses and phone numbers. “I can’t wait to come to the next meeting and see you guys again,” she tells them while she thinks how she will probably never see any of them again.

The meeting breaks, Alisha gets her bags and the limo shows up for her. As they drive out to Arapahoe County Airport to meet Colin, Alisha decides she is going to tell Colin the whole story……then tell him what she is going to do.

The jet is parked at the airport and Colin and Jeff get into the limo with her. They drive to the Brown Palace. The bellman takes their bags up to their room. Colin has reserved a room for Jeff and tells him to just put everything on the room and he will take care of it.

Colin and Alisha go to the restaurant for dinner. After they are seated, Alisha tells Colin, “I’ve got to tell you something Colin.” He lookes at her a little puzzled and says, “Well, dear, I have to tell you something too……I’ll go first.”

“Alisha, I fucked a woman while I was in Dallas, can you forgive me?” he says.

“Well Colin…….you know that’s not a problem with me, of course I forgive you….was it good?” she replied and laughed. “Colin, I fucked 6 guys at once.”

He looked at her and smiled, “Did you have fun?”

“As a matter of fact, I did,” she said………then she told him about getting drugged and raped and how she set them up the next night and filmed it all.

Colin asked her why she didn’t call the police…..she told him she really didn’t want any publicity about the incident and she planned to send a CD to all of their wives. Colin laughed and told her that was really getting even……and one hell of a dirty trick. She told him that she wanted to ruin their marriages, she didn’t appreciate being raped.

Colin was serious all of a sudden, “Alisha, I may take care of that little son of a bitch myself……..like he might not have any balls left when I’m done with him, him raping my wife to be pisses me off big time.”

Alisha just shrugged her shoulders……their meals arrived.



Colin made love to his bride to be that night and showed her so much tenderness and love. The sex was great for them. After the events of the last couple of days, they were even closer than before. They have breakfast then go to Akia. After 7 hours there they have all of their furnishings bought for the new house and go to the airport to fly home. In an hour they’re in Alamosa and headed home. They’re ready to stretch out and relax, it’s been a long and eventful weekend.

On Monday morning Alisha is off to the office to catch up on data entry. She is the only one in the office, so she makes 7 copies of her “Denver Sex CD” and addresses 7 envelopes to the wives of the guys that took advantage of her. She puts them in padded envelopes and puts the postage on them. Jake, one of the hired men is taking a trailer load of open cows to La Junta to sell at the auction. She goes to the corals and asks him to mail all of the envelopes for her from La Junta, which he tells her he will do. As Jake drives out, Alisha grins and thinks to herself, “Now, you guys are going to get yours, explain that movie to your wives you sons of bitches.” Alisha laughed to herself all the way back to the office.

The day moved along. Alisha finished her data entry and decided to take Jack and go look at the cattle. She just wanted to get out on the ranch, it was such a beautiful day. It was about 45 degrees, full sun and the sky was a beautiful deep blue. The snow up on the high mountains glistened in the bright light. This was what it was all about…..the natural beauty that is the ranch she loves so much. As she rode through the different pastures, she assessed the quality of the cattle that she had bought. Even if she said so herself, they were some of the best in the state…….and they would get better.

As she rode toward the building site, a herd of elk wandered along slowly eating the dry grass. She thought to herself what majestic animals elk are, so proud, beautiful and graceful. As she goes around a point of aspens, a flock of wild turkeys sees her and takes to the air. Alisha smiles as they fly toward the trees. There are so many types of wildlife on the ranch. Watching all of them is one of her favorite pastimes.

ack is feeling good and wanting to run, so, she puts a spur in his flanks and away they go, gliding through the meadow……..she thinks she sees Jack smiling as he runs full out, his eyes are bright and he breathes in time with his stride. The only sounds she hears are the beat of his hooves and his steady breathing……..right now, all the world in sync for Alisha. Somewhere down deep she feels that her life is changing and that her old ways are being left behind as she races on, toward her goals and happiness. Happiness………..that’s something she hasn’t thought about for a while, something she will begin to pursue with all her being.

Alisha rides up to the new house. It looks terrific. Melvin and his crew have done a fantastic job on it. She dismounts and goes inside…no one is here so she has a good chance to look everything over really good. It looks as though Melvin has corrected the things she wanted done. He has done such a nice job on the finish work. Also, it looks like they are laying the carpet, most everything is done. Hopefully, they can move in sometime next week or maybe even later this week. All of the furniture they bought in Denver will arrive here a week from today. She thinks it’s time to start packing things up at the house. Alisha is thinking she won’t start any landscaping till it warms up in the spring…….she has some real good ideas for that. She wants a pool, a hot tub and a grotto in the back, she can picture it in her mind. She has looked everything over and it’s all to her liking, she will have to tell Colin to come look at it.

Jack is getting impatient, he looks like he wants to run so Alisha gets on, sets the spurs and away they go in a flash. Jack likes to run, especially in the winter. As fast as he is, it doesn’t take long and they are back at the headquarters. Jake is back from La Junta and tells her that he mailed her letters for her at the post office. He takes Jack and tells Alisha he will take care of him for her.

When Alisha gets back to the office, Bob is there with Justin and they are going over the count on the calf crop. Alisha walks in and tells them both hi.

“You look like you’re in a good mood today, everything going smoothly?” Bob asks her.

“Just went out and looked at the cattle, then rode over to the new house to see how things were coming along…….I think I can move in next week…….I can’t wait. What are you guys up to today.” she says to them.

“We’re just looking over the numbers on the calves so we can give a projection on income this year.” Bob told her.

“Dad, it’s looking real good, I think.” she replied.

“Yes it is, if on this first year we do this well…….hell, next year will be something else. Alisha you’re a genius, I don’t know if I would have ever figured it all out if you hadn’t been here…….Justin, she is a brain, better always listen to her.” Bob complimented.

“I know Bob, she knows a lot about ranching and how to make it work, I’m learning a lot from her.” Justin told him.

Alisha grinned and nodded at them, thanking them.

“Well guys, I’m outta here for today, see ya tomorrow.” she said as she went out the door. She wanted to talk to Colin about the house and maybe bring him out to look at it. Her next stop, the dealership and Colin’s office.

When she got to Colin’s office, she stopped and talked to Beverly. Beverly told her what a good time she and Bobby had had the other night and hoped they could do it again sometime……”Heck Alisha, you and I should get together and let them watch sometime….I like to watch Bobby jack off and catch the cum in my mouth when he unloads……” Beverly said.

Alisha smiled and nodded at her as she went on into Colin’s office. “Hi darling, I’ve been out to the new house and I think we can move in next week, want to go out and look at it?” she asked him.

“Sure, why not……..let me finish up what I’m working on and we can go.” he said as he took a few more notes from the file in front of him. “I’ll be done here in about 5 minutes, I’ll hurry.” he said.

When Colin finished they went out to the new house. Driving up to it, it looked great. Colin hadn’t been out there in a while and was really impressed at the way it looked now. “Alisha, you’ve done a great job directing this project, it looks fantastic, I love it.” he said.

They went inside and looked it over room by room. It was 99% finished. Every room looked really great. “I’m sure glad you came up with Melvin for the contractor, he is really good at what he does.” Colin told her. While they were standing there, Bob and Anne drove up and came to the door. Alisha let them in and they wandered around the house looking at the finished product.. Anne and Alisha went off into the kitchen area while Colin and Bob went to the garage and shop area.

After some talk about the house, Alisha asked her if everything was alright when Bob got home. “Oh yes,” she said, “he is fine, he made around 45,000 gambling and I suppose he got his brains fucked out……but that’s alright, I did too, heee heee heee.”

Alisha told her, “As long as it’s what you want, you should do it. I’m not one to give advice though…..I love cocks! I love the feeling of the hot flesh in my hands as I slowly suck on one and love the feeling of one when it is between my big tits, not to mention the feeling one gives me as it slides in and out of my pussy. I love to suck on a good sized cock and taste the hot cum as it spurts its love juices in my mouth. I also love to have my pussy licked and sucked on. I am a total sex addict…..and I love it!

Anne looked at her and said, “Well, Alisha, you come by it naturally, when you first told me about your problem, I knew that I had had the same desires for years and had satisfied those desires many times. There’s nothing the matter with wanting to get fucked, it feels good and relieves stress. David and I found each other and have satisfied each other’s sexual needs for a long time……we’re just fuck buddies, nothing more. I know you understand Alisha, that’s why I feel I can talk to you about it.”

“Thanks Mom, I appreciate you telling me, it makes me not feel like a total slut…..but, I’ve been doing a lot better lately…….hell, Colin gives me a lot of cock, but I still need a little more once in a while. Colin doesn’t care if I fuck other guys, as long as he gets to watch……then he fucks me after the other guy has finished with me………it’s really kind of hot……. you know, the other guy’s cum running out of me and Colin using it for lube……we have really great sex that way.” Alisha confessed to her.

“Damn, Alisha…………that’s making me wet just hearing about it…….I can’t believe we’re having this conversation…….we’re both a couple of perverts.” she laughed. “Maybe the four of us should get together sometime…….I really like to fuck and I’ll bet David would just love to have a beauty like you and I know I’d like to do Colin, he’s a hell of a hunk.”

“Mooooooomm”, Alisha screeched, “You really want to do something like that.?”

“Why, hell yeah…..Alisha, you’d like David, he really knows how to fuck a woman, he will go down on you and make you cum 4 or 5 times before he goes in……then you’ll cum many more times before he blows his wad. The end of his cock turns up about an inch and he’s about 7 inches long. That turned up end rubs your g spot perfectly and it’ll drive you nuts……what do you think, want to give it a try sometime?……..is Colin good, he looks delicious.”

“Yes Mom, he is a great fuck……I just don’t know what he will think about doing my Mother……….better let me feel him out.”

“Ok dear, just let me know and I’ll set it up with David.”

Colin and Bob walked into the kitchen, so the girls had to end their conversation. Anne quietly told Alisha that she’d be in touch. Bob and Anne decided it was time to go so they said their goodbye’s and left. Alisha and Colin headed home ready to move in to their new home. The furniture should all arrive next week and they should be able to get moved in by the end of next week.

“I guess I need to start packing up the things we want to move.” Alisha told Colin.

“Yes, I’ll plan on taking some time next week and help you.” he told her.

So, the plan was set. Most of their time next week will be devoted to getting moved and settled in. Alisha has contacted a realtor about selling the house that she had bought and furnished in anticipation of her divorce. She will have to add Colin’s house now and try to divest themselves of these real estate holdings and apply the proceeds to the new house. Alisha and Colin happily discuss the new house and how they can’t wait to get moved in and out of town.

When they arrive home, Alisha has a message on the phone from Jerry Johnston, the guy from Meeker that had drugged her at the Cattleman’s Association meeting in Denver. The message said, “Hi Bitch, I hope you’re happy with yourself, all of our wives received a video of us fucking your slut pussy. Most of the wives took the kids and moved out, thanks to you. Just thought I’d let you know that I’m gonna fuck you up somehow bitch.” Then he slammed the phone down. Alisha smiled…..she realized that her plan worked and she was getting some sweet revenge on these guys that took her without her consent. “Revenge is a good thing.” she said.

Colin was pissed when he heard the message. “Alisha, I’m gonna fuck him up, you just leave it to me. I have friends that take care of shit like this.”

“Now Colin,” she said, “they’re getting theirs, this is exactly what I wanted to happen. There’s no need to take this any further.”

Colin went to the bar and poured them a drink and said, “Alisha, this guy is not going to stop, there’s no telling what he might have on his mind……I’m a little worried about what he might try to do to you……something in his voice………I’m going to discourage him from trying anything.”

Alisha laughed it off saying, “Ok, Colin, do whatever you think you need to.” She thought it would all pass in a few days. She wasn’t worried, Jerry was just mouthing off because she had gotten the last laugh on them. She and Colin sat at the bar drinking their drinks and talking about the incident. Colin walked around the bar to her and sat his drink down. He embraced her and kissed her deeply. She felt him begin to undress her. As he was unbuttoning her shirt he said to her, “Alisha, I’m so in love with you and I’ll do anything I can to protect you. He removed her shirt and bra then her jeans. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed.

He stood by the bed as he took his clothes off and then removed her thong. He stood and looked at her naked body lying on the bed. Alisha loved Colin and it really turned her on to have him stand and look at her this way…….so much desire in his eyes. His cock had reached a full erection and her pussy was running with her hot juices. He reached down and spread her legs, looking at her puffy lips, glistening with moisture. He crawled between her legs and slid inside her and began to fuck her slowly and sensuously……..long slow strokes. He was supporting his upper body on his arms and looking deeply into her beautiful eyes.

Alisha was feeling so much pleasure, his cock was so hard and filled her vagina completely. Suddenly a warm rush came over her as she felt herself slip into wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. Colin leaned down and took a nipple between his lips and teased it with his tongue……her orgasm intensified as she felt him release a huge rush of hot cum inside her……..he lowered his body down on top of hers as she wrapped her legs around his ass and her arms around his torso, pulling him further into her.

She felt his big dick pulsing and spewing his hot seed, coating her insides and oozing out of her pussy around his hot cock. In her orgasmic stupor, she uttered into his ear, “Colin, I love you, I want you to take care of me for the rest of my life, I feel so safe in your arms, so secure, so satisfied.

Colin started pumping her again, having not lost his hard on. He pumped her pussy hard with his engorged cock, she could hear the slurping sounds of it as it went in and out of her. She could feel Colin’s muscles tensing as he fucked her intensely, faster and faster……….she was cumming again, thrusting her pelvis up to meet him, wrapping her legs around him tighter, taking him inside her as deeply as she could. Again, he exploded inside her, shooting his hot cum deep within her womb. He was laying on top of her, cumming, saying, “Alisha, ooooh Alisha, Alisha, Alisha I love you, I love you so much, oh Alisha fuck me hard, Ahhhhhhhh damn I love you!”

He had completely collapsed on top of her and they lay there, breathing hard, out of their minds with the intense pleasure they are feeling. His cum is slowly oozing out of her and down the crack of her ass. They both drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the great sex they had experienced together.

Alisha awakened sometime later and found that Colin wasn’t in the room. She got up and went into the bathroom to pee and clean Colin’s cum off of her ass and legs. She could barely hear him talking to someone and, when she finished wiping herself off, went to see what he was doing. As she went into their office, he was just hanging up the phone.

“Who were you talking to dear ?” she asked.

“Oh, it was nothing, just some business I had to take care of …….I’d almost forgotten to take care of it today.” he told her.

As she had walked to the room, she thought she had heard him say something about a visit, but couldn’t hear it clear enough to know what he was talking about. She was curious but really didn’t want to push the issue……after all, it was probably just nothing.

They went into the kitchen and had a snack and then went to watch the news on tv. When the news was over, Colin asked her, “Alisha, do you have a copy of that cd you sent up to those guys wives?”

“Yes I do, would you like to see it dear?” she said.

“Yeah, I think I would.” she replied.

Alisha went into the bedroom and retrieved the cd and took it to Colin in the living room. He put it into the cd player and they sat back and watched it. Colin got extremely excited watching those guys gang bang Alisha. In a little while she could see his cock bulging under his robe. With a smile on her face, she opened his robe and took his stiff cock in her hand, then, she took his cock into her mouth.

She began to suck him, teasing the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue. As the movie played, he took hold of her head and held it as she continued to take him deep in and out of her mouth. It didn’t take long till she felt him shooting his hot load of semen. She was taking it all, savoring the sweet-salty taste of it as she swallowed it. When he had finished cumming, she licked the shaft clean and sucked any remaining cum from his softening member. She lifted his cock and licked any remaining cum residue from his balls. All the time, she could hear him moaning with pleasure. The movie was still playing with three of the guys taking her at the same time. Colin’s cock began to stiffen again.

“I want to fuck you Alisha, get up on your hands and knees.” he told her

Alisha willingly complied and felt him slide his 9 inches of thick cock into her again. He held her hips tightly and fucked her as he continued to watch the guys on the cd take his wife to be over and over. He drooled a big gob of saliva onto her ass and lubricated her ass hole, sliding one, then two, then three fingers into her tight sphincter, spreading it open and lubing it. He then slid his cock into her ass and began to fuck her hard. The guys on the cd were cumming all over Alisha’s beautiful body as he shot his wad of hot jizz deep into her bowels. Alisha had cum three more times herself and was exhausted. They lay over on their sides on the couch in the spoon position. Colin fucked her three more times that evening while they watched the carnage on the cd.

They both awoke the next morning still on the couch. Alisha rolled over and kissed Colin, then looked deep into his eyes. “I do love you Colin,” she kissed him again, “and I always will. You make me feel like a woman, a complete woman in every way. I want to be with you always.”

He looked at her and said, “I feel the same way Alisha, I love you more than life itself.”

She got off the couch and went to take a shower and get ready for the day. Colin went into the bathroom also. They would have a good day together, starting to pack things in preparation for moving.

As Alisha was packing a box of her things, she came across a box filled with old pictures. She sat down and started looking through them. Colin saw her looking at them and sat down beside her and looked with her. Alisha told him about each picture they looked at. She found one picture of an old friend of hers. She stopped and held the picture and told Colin that her name was Melissa and they had been friends since childhood and that she had moved from here several years ago.

Alisha told him, “We had a lot of fun together back then. I remember several great weekends we spent together. My ex-husband , Lyn, and I were having some problems right then, so I was over at her house telling her about the latest turn of events. She asked me if I would like to spend the weekend with her.

It turns out that she was a member of a hunt club that owned quite a bit of property up in the mountains near Creede and the club held hunts every weekend during the summer. They were called hunts, but they were really sex hunts. Everyone would go up to the property, strip, and run through the woods. The guys would find the girls and fuck them like animals then move on.

I was a little shocked because I didn’t think Melissa was into that sort of thing to begin with and I had never heard about a club like that. She told me one of her friends had told her about it when she was in high school and she had joined when she turned 18. She had gone to hunts several times a year since then. As I sat there listening to her talk about it I was getting more than a little wet thinking about what it would be like. Then she offered to have me come as her guest and participate in the next hunt.

I probably had a goofy look on my face as I sat there looking at her not knowing what to say because she started laughing and told me to just let her know if I was ever interested as she didn’t need an answer right then.

I thought hard about it for quite a while and eventually decided I wanted to try it so I called her and we set a date to go up the following weekend. I told Lyn that she and I were going to have a girls weekend out and that he should get together with his old friends and have a good time. I packed a small overnight bag that night and did nothing, but think about what would happen almost every second till the day we left for the mountains.

Melissa picked me up and as we were driving there she explained the hunt rules to me which were: no clothing allowed other than shoes, no talking between the hunters and the prey, once caught the prey does whatever the hunters want, when the hunters are done with the prey they will release them so other hunters can catch and use them, hunters are not allowed to hurt or abuse the prey, prey cant clean themselves off till the hunt ends, no one can stay in the meeting/supply clearing.

When we got to the mountains she drove down what seemed like an old logging road and through a gate leading a small parking area where we stopped and got out. All that was there were a couple other cars, an old wooden fence and a small bench surrounded by a lot of trees. She shut the car off and asked me if I was ready. I gave a really quick look around the lot and nodded yes. She smiled and told me not to worry it would be fun and then got out of the car. I got out and we went to the trunk of the car and when she opened it she started to take off her clothes so I did the same thing. Before long we were standing behind the car with only our shoes on.

She smiled and closed the trunk and told me to follow her into the woods as she headed down a small path. Just after we got out of sight of the car I heard the sound of car tires crunching the gravel in the parking lot behind us. We kept going for quite a while until we entered a small clearing next to a pond. Almost immediately a large hand grabbed my hair from behind and pushed me down to my knees.

My friend looked back and smiled as she ran off. Within seconds a large muscular naked man was in front of me pushing his cock into my face and then he shoved it into my mouth. So I sucked on his cock till it was quite hard and he pulled me up by my hair and moved behind me. He bent me over as he pushed his cock into my extremely wet pussy lips. He pushed it hard making it slide all the way inside me. He pulled back out, pushed it into me again and then started fucking me hard. I came almost at once and within a few minutes I felt him finish as his cum squirted deep inside of me. He held me in place for a minute before he pulled out and ran off down the trail my friend went down.

I stood there for a second as cum dribbled out of my pussy and down my legs before starting across the clearing for the trail my friend used. I only got to the edge before another man appeared and grabbed me. This man pushed me down to my knees and grabbed his cock and started slapping me in the face with it before sliding it across my lips. I opened my mouth and he slid the tip of his cock in before grabbing my hair with both hands and pushing his cock into me as he pulled my head making me gag. He pulled back and pushed it into me again as he started fucking my mouth and within minutes he came shooting his cum down the back of my throat. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and rubbed it on my face leaving a trail of cum as he smiled down at me. He let me go and ran into the woods. I jumped up and ran down the trail my friend had used within seconds I felt another hand grab me.

I swung around and It was my friend who was pulling me off the trail. We went a little ways off of it and she stopped and whispered to me “having fun?” To which I nodded yes and I pointed at her and mouthed “are you?” She smiled and pointed down to her legs which were already glistening with cum and nodded yes. I giggled and she turned and we headed back up to the trail.

For the rest of the day we ran through the woods getting caught and fucked by a bunch of different men. I only saw one other girl besides my friend, but I was fucked over 10 times that day and I think she was fucked at least that many times herself.

We stopped by the meeting/supply area (a place for food and blankets) that night and ate some food and grabbed some blankets and headed back out into the woods where we pulled together some leaves and put our blankets down to sleep. It was very dark out as there wasn’t a moon up that night.

I fell asleep almost as soon as I put my head down and woke up in the middle of the night shivering so I decided to move next to my friend and got up and grabbed my blanket and started fumbling around to find her. Instead I ran into some guy who grabbed me and bent me over. His cock was already hard as he pushed it into my crotch. He missed my pussy so I reached down and guided it into me. He just kept pumping it into me till he was all the way in and then started fucking me hard. I braced myself against a tree as he fucked me. I felt him shooting his hot cum inside me then I felt a hand slide up my leg which totally freaked me out.

It was my girlfriend’s hand….. we were having sex right next to her and didn’t know it. I just stood there as the guy ran off, dribbling cum onto my girlfriend. I found my blanket and put it over my girlfriend and I. We cuddled up next to each other and drifted off to sleep. I woke again later that night as I felt someone’s hand rubbing my pussy and spreading my legs. I let them play with it before realizing it was my friend’s hand.

I laid there letting her finger me as I smelled the strong odor of sex we both had on us. I leaned forward guessing where her mouth was and kissed her. She stopped rubbing my pussy for a second and found my lips kissing me as I slid my hands over her body softly caressing it as I did. She started rubbing me again and I quickly found her pussy and slid my fingers between her lips slowly caressing her clit as my fingers moved back and forth. I was so horny I wanted to lick her pussy.

I slid down kissing her body until I got to her pussy sliding my tongue across her lips before I found her clit. Her pussy was wet and smelled of old sex as I flicked her clit with my tongue. I slid down sliding my tongue into her pussy and was immediately rewarded with a globs of old cum which I eagerly sucked out of her. I know it sounds gross, but I at the time I loved it. Before long I could feel her body quivering and hear her moan lightly as she came. I moved back up and kissed her with my juice covered lips before she pushed me back and moved down to my swollen pussy and she licked me until I came.

We kissed for a while and cuddled before falling asleep in each other’s arms. We woke the next morning just as it was turning light out. We picked up our blankets and headed back to the meeting/supply area to get some food and put back our blankets. We quickly ate and headed back out to the woods, but I had to go pee so we ducked behind some trees off the trail and started to relieve ourselves when a couple guys grabbed us both in the middle of it and shoved their cocks in our faces. You would think they could have wait till we were done, but they didn’t.

I opened my mouth and was sucking my guy’s cock while I watched my friend suck the others guys cock and within minutes we were both getting fucked, standing right next to each other. Once they shot their loads in us, they traded and made us suck their cocks, to get them hard again, then they fucked us. The rest of the day we stayed together getting fucked over and over. A lot of guys caught us and we were fucked at least another 12 times before a siren sounded signaling the end of the hunt.

We hiked back out to the car pulling the grass and leaves out of our hair as we went and stood in the parking lot getting dressed as other women came out to their cars and did the same. We headed for home covered with cum and the smell of sex on our bodies. We stopped at her house so I could wash off before going home. Lyn would have came unhinged if he had seen me this way. I ended up staying another night at her house, reliving the fun we had together the night before.

Melissa was a wonderful lover and this was the beginning of a new relationship for us. I also became a member of the hunt club and Melissa and I spent many weekends up there together till she moved away. I haven’t been up there since Melissa left. I still get correspondence from the club from time to time and pay my dues……….you should join too….. we could go up there together and get all the fucking we would want.”

Colin had listened to the story with great interest. “I think that would be a great idea Alisha, when do they start?”

“They wait till about the first of June, so the snow is gone and the weather has warmed up. The best time to go up there is in July, August and September……it’s warmer then. I should be getting my dues notice soon and I‘ll propose you for membership.” she told him.

Colin smiled, “Great……I’d love to do that, it sounds like a lot of fun.”

“It is a lot of fun, there are over a hundred members. The place consists of over 700 acres of land. Now, it is all fenced and you have to have a key card to get through the gate. I guarantee, a person can get all the fucking they want.” she told him.

They both laughed and decided that they would get involved in it this year and maybe even mention it to Cody and Justin.

“One other thing I want to mention to you, Colin. I had a long conversation with Mom before they left the new house yesterday. She wondered if she and David could swap with us sometime…..she really likes you and wants to get to know you intimately. I told her that I’d talk it over with you……..just tell me what you think.” Alisha said.

Colin thought at length about what Alisha had just said to him. “Alisha, you know what, you’re mom is one hot woman for her age. She has a body that’s every bit as hot as yours and Codys. If you don’t have any problems with it, I sure don’t. I’d love to fuck her……..and…….who is David?”

“I forgot to tell you about him. He’s a guy mom is having an affair with…..great looking guy, a little older, but built well. I’ll talk to her on Monday and tell her we’ll get together soon……is that ok with you?” she said.

“Sounds great, I’m ready.” he said

Alisha and Colin continued looking at her pictures, talking about them and laughing a lot. They finished looking at the pictures and packed a lot of things. Colin suggested that they go over to St. Ives, have a few drinks and have something to eat. Alisha was all for that so they took off for St. Ives.

When they arrived they sat at the bar and ordered drinks. Alisha decided to have Patron on the rocks with a twist……her favorite drink…….Colin was having a gin and tonic. They talked and laughed for quite a while and had a few more drinks. They both felt they needed something to eat so they ordered burgers, which came out quickly.

Alisha had noticed a couple of guys eyeing her as they ate. She told Colin about it, he smiled and told her to just let happen whatever happens. Alisha smiled and played along. They finished their burgers and ordered more drinks. When the bartender delivered the drinks, he told Alisha that the two guys sitting at the table by the wall had paid for them. She turned and toasted them, and mouthed thank you. They responded with their glasses in the air.

In a few minutes one of the guys got up and came over to Alisha and invited her to join them at their table…….which was exactly what Colin wanted to happen. Alisha told him that Colin was with her so the guy told him to come over also. They picked up their drinks and moved over to the table. After some conversation, Colin and Alisha found out that the two guys worked for the State Education Department and were here to do a study at the college. We all sat and talked for quite some time. They introduced themselves as Troy Walton and Thomas Raines. Troy asked if they were married, to which Alisha replied, “No, not yet, but we’re going to one of these days. For now, we just like having fun.” Alisha felt a hand on her thigh and a finger drawing small circles on the inside of it. It felt good and with the combination of the Patron, she was feeling a little horny. The conversation slowly changed over to sex, which Alisha and Colin had no trouble talking about.

The whole thing was developing just as they wanted. The two guys were from out of town and were definitely interested in fucking Alisha. This was perfect. Troy continued playing with Alisha’s leg and slowly moving up toward her pussy. Her jeans were skin tight and she felt every movement. Colin winked, unnoticed, at Alisha and excused himself to go to the restroom. Thomas got up and moved to a chair on the other side of Alisha so he had access to her other thigh…..which he started massaging and slowly moving up her leg.

Alisha moaned a quiet little moan as Troy slid his fingers across her crotch. She was so wet from the stimulation. She looked at them and asked if they would like to go over to her place. They grinned at each other and accepted. She told them that Colin would be coming also, but that was no problem as he usually just liked to watch her take other men. They told her that that didn’t bother them at all. By this time they both were rubbing their fingers across her crotch area, making her juices run in torrents.

When Colin got back to the table, Alisha told him that they all wanted to go back to her place and did he want to come too. Colin smiled at her as they got up and went out the door to the parking lot. Troy was walking next to Alisha and when they got to her vehicle, he pushed her up against the side of it and kissed her and pushed his hard cock up against her. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and entwined his tongue with hers. Thomas was cupping her breasts and squeezing them lightly.

Alisha looked at them, smiled and told them to follow her, then the fun could begin. They all got into their respective vehicles and left for her house. When Alisha and Colin were inside Alisha’s truck, they laughed about what was about to happen. Colin told Alisha, “I love you dear, have a lot of fun with these guys, I’ll take my turn later, after they’ve gone.”

Alisha smiled at him saying, “Colin, I’m so in love with you too……I love it when you watch me getting fucked, it turns me on so much to know your eyes are seeing another cock using me and to know you are watching closely when they shoot their wads into me. I’ll be waiting to have you once these guys finish with me.”

They arrived at her house and all went inside. Colin excused himself for a few minutes to go turn on the video equipment while Alisha took Troy and Thomas to the guest bedroom. When they went in the bedroom, the two guys immediately began kiss her and remove her clothes. Troy told her what a beautiful woman she is while Thomas was on his knees pulling her jeans down and pulling them off her legs. Troy had removed her shirt and bra, leaving her standing there totally naked.

The two guys quickly disrobed as she pulled the covers on the bed back and crawled up in the middle of the bed. Colin came into the room and took a seat in a chair facing the bed. Troy and Thomas were on each side of Alisha kissing her and running their hands all over her naked body. Colin enjoyed the sight of her perfect naked body being ravaged by the two strangers. His cock was beginning to get hard as he watched.

Troy’s fingers were parting the swelled outer lips of her pussy and probing the wet opening of her pussy. Thomas was kissing her and squeezing her tits and rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Alisha was getting so hot and excited, her hips were bucking up against Troy’s fingers as he finger fucked her with three fingers. Alisha was moaning and groaning in total ecstasy wanting one of them to put their cock inside her……her pussy was running wet and wanting to be fucked.

She had the desire to suck a big cock and taste the warm cum in her mouth while having her pussy full of cock. The two guys got Alisha up on her hands and knees, Troy penetrated her cunt with his huge cock while Thomas kneeled at her head. He had a handful of her hair pulling her mouth to his hard cock. She took it all the way down her throat and was caressing the underside of his cock with her tongue as Troy was fucking her pussy with long hard strokes, his hands on her hips. Thomas had her head in both hands pulling and pushing it on and off his cock. She could taste the salty taste of his pre-cum oozing into her mouth………she was in heaven. She was feeling nothing but total pleasure from head to toe as the two guys cocks continued probing her body.

She glanced over at Colin, who had taken his clothes off and was stroking his cock as he watched Troy and Thomas fuck his wife to be. Alisha was having a super fantastic orgasm that was causing her abdominal muscles to contract and giving Troy a tighter pussy to fuck. She was moaning and her juices were flowing freely as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure flowed all over her body. She could feel Thomas’s cock begin to swell……she knew that his load of hot cum was about to erupt into her mouth…….she was ready and began swallowing his sweet cum as he pumped it into her oral cavity. He unloaded stream after stream of his thick white cum into her mouth. What she couldn’t get swallowed ran out the corners of her mouth and down her chin. She was also feeling Troy blowing his load deep into her hot vagina. His hot cum was fillling her womb to capacity, running down the inside of her thigh.

She was beginning another orgasm as she noticed cum spraying out the end of Colin’s cock. She had continued sucking Thomas’s cock getting it hard again. Troy pulled his cock out of her and it was replaced with Thomas’s. He immediately began to pump her, going deep inside her. She could hear the squishy sound of his cock plunging into her sopping wet cunt. Troy had taken a position at her head and was rubbing his cock against her lips. She took his flaccid cock into her mouth and began to caress it with her tongue…….it was just a matter of seconds till it was hard again and going down her throat. Alisha was beginning her third orgasm and was shuddering all over. The vibrations of her orgasm were traveling through her body and sending the two guys over the edge again. They were both spewing semen into her again at both ends……..her pussy running cum down her thigh and her mouth overflowing and running down her chin.

When Troy and Thomas stopped cumming they both pulled out of Alisha and collapsed on the bed, Alisha collapsing in between them. Troy was lying on his back so Alisha took his cock in her hand and began jacking him off. In a few minutes, he had rolled her over on her stomach and was lubing her ass with the excess cum that was running out of her pussy. She felt him start pushing his cock into her ass till it was completely inside her.

He was supporting his torso on his arms and began pumping his big cock in and out of her. He fucked her in the ass for over 15 minutes, moaning and groaning, then she felt him shoot his wad deep into her bowels and collapse on top of her. Thomas had gotten his cock hard again and told Troy to get off of her as it was his turn now. He fucked her good then finished filling her ass with cum and pulled out, exhausted. Troy and Thomas each fucked Alisha three more times, continuing to fill her holes with their sticky hot cum. They both had fucked her big tits once, shooting streams of their thick white sperm onto her beautiful face. Alisha had hungrily took all the cum she could into her mouth and then wiped up gobs of the thick juice and licked if off her fingers.

Alisha had truly become their cum receptacle…….she had their cum running out of her in streams. Colin had jacked off several times watching the two take Alisha over and over. Now, the two guys had grown tired of fucking her and left the house, proud of their conquest. Alisha was lying crumpled on the bed, completely exhausted, their cum all over her and oozing from her holes. Colin was still excited, he had not seen her be taken like this since they were down in New Mexico. He rolled Alisha over onto her back, spread her legs and inserted his hard throbbing cock into her sloppy wet pussy. Alisha could barely move after being fucked so many times, but was still able to wrap her arms and legs around Colin and give him the fuck he wanted. Colin was plunging deep into her, his cock dislodging the large quantity of cum that Troy and Thomas had deposited in her. Colin took her two times, emptying his balls inside her pussy also. After he shot his last load, he collapsed on top of Alisha and they slept till the next morning.

When Alisha awoke, Colin’s flaccid cock was still in her wet pussy. She rolled him off of her and got up and went to her shower. She stopped and looked at herself in the mirror as the water warmed up. She had dried cum caked all over her body, in her hair and running out of her holes. She was a real mess and wanted to be clean. She stepped into the shower and let the hot water run over body, soothing her and loosening the hardened cum. In her mind she felt like a worthless slut and not real proud of herself or her actions……but she remembered back to the night before and all the enjoyment and pleasure she had experienced with the two fuckers that had taken her over and over. Of course, she was a willing participant. She had also pleased Colin, the love of her life. She would do anything for him, all he had to do is ask and it was her command. She finished cleaning herself inside and out, dried herself off and crawled into her bed, pulled up the covers and went back to sleep. She was still so tired and sore……she needed some rest to recuperate.

Sometime later, Colin awoke and found Alisha gone. He went to their bedroom and saw that she was asleep in their bed. She was so beautiful, an absolute beauty queen. He was so lucky to have found a woman like her, one that would fulfill all his fantasies and needs without question. He knew that the love he felt for her was never ending and would last.

He went into the bathroom, showered, dried off and got into bed with Alisha and fell asleep. They didn’t wake again till well after noon. They knew that even though they had very perverted minds, they still loved each other very much and would stay together doing these same things over and over. Visions of the two men fucking Alisha over and over, taking her beautiful body for their pleasure time after time, shot through their minds as they lay there. Yes, they were meant for each other and this crazy lifestyle they were living.



Monday came and the real world returned. Their work awaited them and they faced it not looking back. After the weekend they had just had, they needed something to get their minds back on track again. Colin went to the dealership and Alisha to the ranch. They both smiled in their minds, knowing no one knew of their secret life, the sexually driven, perverted desires they both had when away from their respective professions. They shared these desires with Cody and Justin and now they would share with Alisha’s mother and her lover. But for now, it was time to run their businesses and continue their successful careers.

The breeding season was upon them at the ranch and most everyone was looking forward to it anticipating a very successful program. This week their first group of cows would be artificially inseminated followed by another group every 5 days till they are all bred. There will be preg checks on the cows 30 days after they’re bred and all the open cows will be moved to a separate calving group. Alisha is going to give the hands a class on how to use the I-pads when the cattle start calving next spring, which will make her job much easier. The weather is starting to warm up and Alisha is enjoying watching the calves play in the pastures. She thinks about Ben Williams and fantasizes about taking his cock again. She starts to feel a little wetness forming between her lips and thinks about getting Cody to come do a threesome with him…….that should blow his mind.

Justin comes into the office, followed by Ben. They weren’t sure about the breeding schedule and when to start flushing the cows. Alisha told them that BioGen would be there on Thursday to do the first group of cows, so they should flush the cows on Tuesday, tomorrow.

“They need the high protein flush two days before they’re AI’d.” she told them

Justin told her that he would see to it that Group 1 had the hot feed on time and he would take care of feeding the next groups on time. He and Alisha sat at her desk and filled out a calendar with the breeding schedule for Justin showing the dates he needs to flush the different groups and when BioGen will be here to AI the cows. Bob stood watching what was going on.

“Damn, this is too high tech for me, I was accustomed to the old way. Go out and feed all the cows the high protein flush then put the bulls in and let them go to fucking. It was pretty simple…….times are sure changing. I can see how this way will be much more efficient and how the end result will definitely be to our advantage…….just don’t know why I didn’t think of it……ha ha ha. Alisha just laughed and said, “You just liked watching the bulls fucking the cows, ha ha ha ha ha.”

Bob told them that he had to go down to New Mexico tomorrow with Bob Bradley to look at the cattle they put in the feed lot in Clovis. He told them that it was sure nice to be able to come and go whenever he wanted and know everything was being taken care of.

Alisha and Justin smiled and told him to enjoy himself, he deserved it. Bob bid them good day and told them he was going to town and join in a bull shit session somewhere.

After he left, Justin went over a few more things with Alisha then asked her if she wanted to go to lunch with him, which she did. They went out to Clancy’s at the Inn of the Rio Grande. They knew it would be quiet out there and they needed to talk about the wedding that was coming up. He told her that Cody was in town and would meet them out there. He and Alisha got in her truck and went to lunch. On the way to lunch, Justin told Alisha that he had went to the south range and noticed a lot of truck tracks on their property.

“I don’t know if it means anything or not, but after Bradley’s experience last fall with rustlers, I think we should keep an eye on that part of the ranch and make sure they aren’t setting up to hit us this spring when we turn out the cows and calves…….it’s suspicious to me.” Justin informed her.

“Good idea Justin, start sending one of the guys down there on horseback every day for the next couple of weeks. Tell them to ride up on top of Ute Ridge………they can see the whole area from up there. I want them to take the camera with the long range lens on it and some binoculars. Tell them no fires and have them stay up there till about 5 then come in.” she told Justin. “If those rustlers are still around, I want to get on top of this thing before we lose a bunch of cattle to them. If the guys see anything, tell them to just take pictures and note the time of day. We’ll get some electronic alarms and photographic equipment and saturate the area with them and see if we can get one step up on this gang.

“Will do Alisha,” he said as they drove up to the Inn of the Rio Grande. Cody was waiting out front for them………..they all went in and were escorted to a table. Cody was her usual bubbly self. Alisha could tell that she was excited about the wedding and was acting a little giddy, which was somewhat normal for her. Alisha told them that Colin had made arrangements for a house in Hawaii for their honeymoon. They decided that the wedding would be held at the Catholic Church in Alamosa and the reception out at Cattails. They could use the outside patio area for the entertainment and dance. Alisha suggested that they wait till the next morning to fly out to Hawaii, that way everyone would be fresh and rested……maybe……they all laughed. Justin said he thought that was a good idea. They made plans for about 200 guests. Cody was going to take care of the entertainment, Alisha would take care of the flowers and the arrangements with the church. Cody could take care of the menu for the dinner. Justin would take care of getting a steer butchered and cooked. Anne had volunteered to do the invitations, provided that Alisha and Cody got their name lists to her. Alisha asked Justin to arrange for the guys at the ranch to pick up the gifts and move them out to the office till they all got back from the honeymoon. They had lunch and finalized all the plans and decided to meet for lunch again in three weeks to make sure everything was done. Cody was grinning, “This honeymoon is going to be the best. I can just imagine all the fun we’re going to have.” Justin looked at Alisha and said, “I can too” Alisha just smiled and felt that wet feeling between her legs again.

When lunch was over, Cody went on her way to take care of some of the wedding stuff and Alisha and Justin headed back for the ranch. When they got back Justin took off to set up the surveillance on the south pasture and Alisha went back inside the office and went to work. After about an hour, she saw Colin drive up. She wondered what brought him out here this time of day. When he came in he kissed her and slapped her on the ass.

“What are you doing out here this time of day darling,” she asked him.

“Oh, no special reason, it was really quiet today and I thought I’d get out of the office and come out to see you,” he said.

“If I had known that, you could have gone to lunch with Cody, Justin and I……we were the plans for the wedding……you remember, it’s only a month away.” she told him grinning. “Or are you getting cold feet?” she giggled at him.

Colin just laughed and said, “No, I haven’t forgotten…….I wish it would hurry up, I want to make you Mrs. Alisha Moore Braxton as soon as possible…….I can’t wait.”

Alisha smiled, got up and went to him and sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He looked at her and said, “If you keep this up you’re going to get bent over your desk and fucked silly.”

Alisha got up off his lap and went and locked the door and pulled the shades. She looked at Colin smiling as she undone her jeans and pushed them and her panties down around her ankles…………..she gave him one last look and bent over her desk, her beautiful ass and pussy only inches in front of Colin. He smiled as he stood up and pulled his pants down……..his cock was extremely hard. He walked up behind her and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her wet slit and teasing her clit. Alisha felt the head of his cock at the entrance to her vagina and felt him sliding it inside her very slow, making sure his cock was properly lubricated before he went all the way inside her. Alisha pulled one foot out of her jeans and panties and spread her legs wide, taking all of his cock she could. Colin slowly fucked her……she could feel the head of his cock rubbing her G-spot and his balls banging against her engorged clit.

He had his hands on her hips pulling her to him on each stroke. Alisha had reached across the desk and was gripping the far edge of the desk. She was moaning as he continued screwing her slow and easy. She was getting close to an orgasm and felt his cock starting to swell. Her orgasm began, wave after wave of pleasure swept through her body as he started to shoot his load of hot, sticky semen deep inside her cunt.

Their orgasms continued for several minutes. Colin reached forward, up her sides and gave her tits a little squeeze before he pulled his cock out of Alisha. This sent shivers up her spine as her orgasm finished up. Colin pulled his pants up as Alisha got back to her feet. He stood there looking at her naked lower body and saw a big glob of his cum drop out of her onto the floor. Alisha grunted, “I wish you had to put up with your deposit. Colin smiled at her as he pushed her back down on the desk on her back. He pulled a chair up and started licking her pussy with his tongue. Alisha almost immediately started to cum again as he locked his lips onto her pussy and began to suck all the juices out of her.

She let go a small squirt into his mouth as he sucked his cum out of her and licked her whole pussy clean. He felt her cumming and continued to ravage her clit with his tongue until all her contractions subsided. He saw a few small streams of cum on her upper thighs and licked them clean for her too. Alisha was in heaven, never had a guy done that for her before……..it was so hot she was thinking to herself. Colin put his right hand on her tummy and told her to push as he locked his lips on her pussy again. She did as he asked and he pushed down with his hand on her tummy. Another stream of his cum came sliding out of her into his mouth. He stood up and pulled her to her feet and kissed her, pushing the cum in his mouth into hers. Alisha greedily swirled it around her mouth and swallowed it and kissed Colin again, tonguing the interior of his mouth to get all the cum she could.

Alisha pulled her panties and jeans up and closed them. She took hold of Colin again and kissed him deeply and told him, “Thank you Colin, I’ve never had a man do that to me before…….the feeling was fantastic and I loved it……….I love you.”

Colin hugged her and went to open the shades and unlock the door before someone came and got suspicious. They stood and looked at each other and held each other tight. Colin told her he had to get back and left. Alisha felt fulfilled……Colin was quite a guy and she knew she wouldn’t ever lose him. About a half hour after Colin left, Anne arrived at the office.

“Hi Alisha, how are you doing today.” she asked.

Anne asked her, “Did you talk to Colin about getting together with David and I?”

“As a matter of fact I did Mom, he’s all for it, he said you have a body comparable to mine and that he thinks you’re very hot, he really wants to fuck you.” Alisha told her.

Anne was smiling from ear to ear and asked, “Well, when do you want to get together with us, soon I hope, I’m really ready to do this and so is David. He said he thought you were one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen and he’d love to make love to you.”

“Well Mom, how does next Saturday night sound?” Alisha asked her.

Anne thought for a moment, “I think that will work just fine……….I’ll tell Bob that I have a seminar to attend in the Springs next weekend…….I guess it’s ok if we stay with you guys till Sunday.”

“Yes, if it goes like we usually do with Cody and Justin, we’ll all screw till the wee hours of the morning.” Alisha told her.

“You guys swap with Cody and Justin? I would have never suspected. Of course you know that Justin has fucked me don’t you……that kind of surprised me. What all do you guys do, you know, so I don’t get surprised.” Anne asked.

“Well Mom, anything goes……be prepared to give and receive oral sex, have anal sex and many times the guys do a double penetration on a woman. Sometimes the guys like to watch the two women pleasure each other while they jack off…….think you can handle that?” Alisha told her.

“I’ve done all of that stuff and like it all…….will you have a problem if you and I have to do each other?” Anne asked.

“No I won’t mom, I think you’re a hot woman also with a very attractive body.” Alisha told her.

Anne smiled and said, “I guess this is kind of perverted, but it sounds like a lot of fun. You know, Alisha, I really didn’t have much of a sex life till the past few years and I’m having to learn it all…….I can’t wait, just treat me like any other woman and tell Colin not to let up on me, he can take me any way he wants.”

Alisha smiled and said. “Come over about 6 and we do steaks and have a few drinks first, that should take the edge off before we get to the sex.”

Anne agreed and told her she was looking forward to it so much and that David is very excited also. She walked over to Alisha and gave her a kiss on the lips and slid her tongue into Alisha’s mouth. The kiss lasted for well over a minute and she caressed Alisha’s breast.

When she finished she said, “I thought I might as well start getting ready now, this is going to be a new chapter………my daughter, my best friend and my lover…..sounds good doesn’t it dear?”

Alisha was taken back for a second but then smiled and kissed Anne, grabbing her by the cheeks of her ass as she tongued her. “You’re right Anne, might as well get used to it.” They both laughed and came away from this meeting with a new view of each other.

When Anne left and went to her house, Alisha got on the phone and called Colin and told him about the date she had made with Anne and David. Colin was excited, “I think this could be a whole lot of fun…….are you alright with it dear, if you’re not, just say the word and we’ll stop it right here.”

“I’m fine with it Colin, mom and I have always been close, this might bring us even closer together……..like maybe we have been alike for a long time but just didn’t know it. “ Alisha told him. They said bye and Alisha began to get ready to go home.

So it was set. The perversions expanded to another plane. Now Alisha will be pleasuring her mother and the channel from where she came. Alisha thought about this aspect but it didn’t really bother her, she would just look on Anne as a good friend and pleasure her like she did Cody. Now there’s another thing to think about. How will s Cody take this. Alisha felt she would be ok with it, but she would have to be careful when she told Cody about it. Alisha was finished with her work for the day and headed out the door to go home. Justin was driving by and stopped to tell her that the surveillance for the south pasture was set to start in the morning and that the high protein feed to flush the cows had arrived this afternoon. He would take care of feeding it.

Alisha got in her truck and started home. Bob was driving in as she was leaving. He waved and continued to the house. Alisha turned onto the county road and punched it. She was ready to get home and relax a little……it had been a tiring day.

When Alisha got home, Colin was preparing dinner and told her to go into the living room and relax, he would take care of everything. He didn’t have to tell Alisha twice, she got a beer out of the frig and went to the living room and began to watch the news She was really beat and settled down in a recliner and took a long drink of beer. On the news there was a segment on a shooting out on I-70, west of Denver. It appeared that the driver of a west bound pickup truck had been shot from another vehicle as it passed the victim. Alisha was thinking that no one is safe anywhere anymore. Then the newscaster said the victim was Jerry Johnston of Meeker. Alisha almost choked on the drink of beer she had just took. She listened more intently. There were no witnesses and no suspects, it looked to be a random killing, the police had speculated. Alisha couldn’t believe her ears……the guy that had drugged her and instigated a gang rape of her was dead. She wondered, is this just a coincidence? She yelled at Colin to come in there and when he arrived she told him about the news segment. He shook his head and said, “Well Alisha, I guess he got his. Did they say anything about who did it.?” he asked.

“No, there are no witnesses and no suspects,” she told him.

“Well, all I can say is I’m glad he’s dead after what he did to you……that was unforgivable. All he had to do was be nice to you and you‘d probably have fucked his brains out,” Colin stated.

“That’s so right,” she said, “Oh well, at least he got what was coming to him, the rat bastard. I had already fucked all their marriages up………I’m ok with it, revenge is sweet.”

Colin went back to the kitchen and Alisha continued sipping her beer. Was this a coincidence, she asked herself, and if it wasn’t, who was responsible? Could Colin have had such a thing done? She just couldn’t believe he would. She would keep an eye on the news and see what developed.

Colin called her for dinner. She slugged down her beer and went to the kitchen. Colin kissed her and helped seat her then served her……..it was one of her favorites, orange chicken and a really nice white wine. She loved Colin so much, he took care of her so well and made her feel so good. She was ready for the wedding, she wanted to be tied to Colin, she wanted to be all his, for him to do with as he wants.

In business, Alisha was a ruthless business woman. She could hold her own against any man. In her private life she was totally submissive to Colin…..she had never been that way with any man before and she didn’t fully understand it now. Oh well, at least he didn’t put her in a collar and leash and beat her with a whip and tell her she liked it. The sex with other men was ok with her….she really liked to fuck, suck and swallow men’s cum and Colin seemed to like to watch as other men plunged their cocks into her time after time. He always came to her after she had been fucked by someone else and gave her fantastic sex. She did love him and loved the sex. It was what she wanted.

After dinner, Alisha went in and took a bath in the Jacuzzi tub. The hot swirling water felt great. After an hour she got out and went to bed. She was really beat. Colin came to bed with her and kissed her goodnight. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed about Jerry Johnston and the bunch that gang raped her. In her dream they just kept fucking her time after time, never stopping, their cum was running out of her and filling the room, she was feeling like she would drown in it…………….she woke up, sweating, her heart beating rapidly. Once she realized it was a dream she settled back down and went back to sleep. Deep down it bothered her that Colin might have had something to do with Johnston’s killing. She slept well the rest of the night and awoke refreshed. She and Colin had breakfast and went to work.

When she got to work there wasn’t a whole lot to do and it was a nice day so she decided to take Jack out and ride the cattle. She went to the corals and saddled Jack. She put on her spurs and chaps and headed out. The cattle looked great and the calves looked really good. Alisha noticed all the wildlife. There were so many elk still down low, they hadn’t started migrating back up the mountain yet, a sure sign that winter may not be over. The elk are so graceful when they move she thought…..a whole lot like Jack when he runs.

Alisha made a wide circle on the ranch while checking all the cattle. She loved this ranch and knew she would always be a part of it. There was a beauty about it that was indescribable, a peace about it that soothing to the soul and a timelessness that stretched out over the ages. She had grown up here, this land was a part of her being and her husband to be recognized her love for this land and never tried to compete with it. She turned Jack toward the headquarters and spurred him on. Jack loved to run and he took off like the wind. Not a fence could hold him, he would leap over them with ease and Alisha had the feeling they were flying. She loved to ride Jack and he loved to be with Alisha, he had proved that over and over again, she was his human and he was her horse.
The two of them were like one when they were together. Alisha and Jack literally flew into the yard at the headquarters coming to a skidding stop. Alisha dismounted and pulled the saddle off Jack. He stood there looking back at her as she brushed him down. She took the reins and led him around the yard, cooling him out, then went to the office.

She closed everything up and went to town. She had a few errands to run before she went home. When she got them done she went to the house. Tomorrow the furniture for the new house will be delivered. She will spend most of the day there, arranging the furniture. She has decided to call the moving company and have them come pack the things at Colin’s house……she just doesn’t have time to do it herself. This way she can have the moving boxes put where they belong. Anne and Cody have told her they will be there to help her put things away. Hopefully they will be totally moved in two weeks.

The next morning she went to the new house and waited for the trucks to arrive. She and Colin bought all new furniture for the new house. Once they have moved in they will have an auction to liquidate all the old furniture in Colin’s house and her house. Hopefully the two houses will sell soon and they won’t have to deal with them. About 11 o’clock the first truck arrived. The driver and his helper unloaded the furniture and took it out of its boxes. They put it into the house where Alisha told them she wanted it. At about noon, another truck arrived and began to unload. By three o’clock all the furniture had arrived and had been placed inside the house. Colin came out about 5 to see how it all looked. He and Alisha loved the way the furniture fit the house.

The movers will be at Colin’s tomorrow to pack up and move the things they want to keep. It’s getting closer. Alisha has contacted and hired three more people to help her put the new house together. The movers will work on one room at a time tomorrow and move it to the new house as they finish each room. Alisha hopes they can have the house put together before Saturday when Anne and David are coming over.

The next days pass quickly and the moving goes smoothly. On Friday everything is moved and put away. Alisha, Anne and Cody have been hanging things on the walls most of the day on Friday. There will be a little to finish up on Saturday, but they should be done by noon. On Saturday morning the three of them finished up everything and Justin comes over to pick up Cody. They have plans to go to Buffalo Thunder Resort this weekend. The women show Justin the new house before he and Cody leave for New Mexico. Anne had brought her bags with her as she told Bob she was going to the Springs for a seminar. Bob and Bob Bradley had gone to Clovis, New Mexico this morning to take care of some business with their cattle in the feedlot there.

At noon Colin arrived home. Alisha and Anne had lunch ready when he got there. He told Alisha that he didn’t have to go back to the dealership today and could get into the garage and put his shop together. He had been working on it in the evenings this week and almost had it done…..he should finish it today.

Alisha had to drive over to La Jara and pick up the beef she had butchered and get it into her freezer. She asked Anne if she would like to ride with her. Anne thought that would be great to go with her.

They went to La Jara and Colin finished his putting his shop together. Alisha and Anne got back and got the beef put into the freezer in time to shower and get ready for the upcoming evening. David was supposed to arrive around 6. Everyone was a little anxious for this evening. At about 6, Colin got the grill going……the women were working on the rest of the meal. Colin made a big pitcher of his famous margaritas and poured them all one. At about 6:15 David arrived. Anne introduced him to everyone and Colin poured him a margarita also. Colin and David went out on the patio to do the steaks and talk. Colin really liked him and they had a really good conversation about business, then it slowly moved over to sex.

“So, how does this work….I’m kind of new to this sort of thing?” asked David

Colin told him that they would all get better acquainted over dinner and then they could go to the bar in the play room and have a few more drinks. “Once the edge is off, things will take take their own course, you’ll see how easy it will flow. If you want everyone can be in the same room or we can split up into two different rooms……hell, we have 5 bedrooms in this house and they all have king size beds. Alisha and I have just one rule, no one uses the bed in the master bedroom……that’s our private sanctuary.”

Alisha and Anne came out on the patio to visit while the steaks finished up. David was checking Alisha out from head to toe…..she could see a bulge in his pants and knew he was getting excited. They talked about the new house and how well it was laid out. The steaks were ready so Colin took them off the grille and they all went inside. They had a wonderful time at dinner and drank two bottles of wine. When dinner was over and the dishes in the dishwasher, they all went into the play room and got comfortable around the bar area. Colin continued building his fantastic margaritas and it wasn’t long till everyone’s inhibitions were disappearing.

Alisha got up and poured herself another margarita and came back and sat down close to David and began talking to him while Anne and Colin were paired up at the bar getting close. Alisha noticed that David was being a little shy and she was going to have to make the move on him. She took a big drink of her margarita and sat it down. Alisha was wearing one of her little black dresses. Standing, the hem was half way up her thigh and the top was cut to about 3 inches below her tits. When she sat down next to David, her dress came way up and left very little to the imagination.

David put his hand on her thigh and started slowly rubbing the inside, moving up toward her pussy. Alisha leaned in close to him and kissed him and put her hand behind his neck. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and teased his tongue. That was all he needed, his hand immediately moved up to her panties and he began to stroke her outer lips through them. Alisha felt a rush, and she could feel herself getting wet. They continued kissing while David rubbed her pussy till her panties were sopping wet.

Alisha unzipped his pants and put her hand inside. She was pleasantly surprised at the size of his cock. It was long and thick. David was oozing some pre-cum out……she could feel that his underwear was wet. After rubbing his cock for a little while and getting him more excited, she fished his cock out of the fly and went down on it and started by kissing it on the head. She could taste the salty taste of his pre-cum. She grasped the shaft and slid the head of his member into her mouth and began teasing it with her tongue. She moved her hand down further and took it all…….clear down her throat. She heard him moan and felt a small amount of cum shoot into her mouth. She knew she had better not push it right now, he was about to cum and she didn’t want to ruin it for him.

She stood up in front of David and started a slow grinding dance to the music. She started doing a strip tease, looking directly into his eyes. She could see that his cock was standing straight up as she dropped her little black dress to the floor. Next she unfastened her stockings from her garter belt and pulled it down and kicked it across the room. David had his cock in his hand and he was stroking it slowly. She put her foot up on his hip and began rolling her stocking down. She took it off and did the other one.

She stepped up onto the couch and pushed her wet pussy against his face. She felt his tongue stroking her lips through her wet panties. She rubbed it against him for a little while then got back down on the floor. She kneeled down in front of him and unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. She slowly pulled them off of him then went back to his cock and deep throated him again. She pulled her mouth off his cock and pulled his underwear off.

David had a really nice cock it looked to be about 8 inches long and about two inches in diameter. She straddled his legs and began taking his shirt off. She looked over at Colin and Anne. Anne had her head buried in his crotch, sucking his cock like a woman possessed. They were both totally stripped and Colin had his head laid back moaning as she sucked his rod.

Alisha looked back at David. He had taken her bra off and was sucking her massive breasts and pushing his cock up against her wet panties. She stood back up and removed her panties then straddled his cock on her knees. He had his face buried between her tits and had his hands on her ass. She raised up just enough to get the head of his cock to the opening of her pussy, then slid down on it very slowly.

David let out a deep groan and she felt his cock unloading inside her. She kept pumping his cock while he was shooting his load. His cum was running out of her and down on his balls. She felt her orgasm coming and when he started sucking her breast and grasping her ass cheeks she blew. Wave after wave of orgasmic contractions shot through her body and she started to squirt. This was something new to David, he had never had this experience before, only heard about it. Alisha had a double orgasm then leaned over and pulled his head in between her tits. She backed off and looked at David and smiled.

“David………that was damn good. I didn’t know if I would ever stop cumming.”
He was grinning from ear to ear and looking Alisha over good. “Alisha I can’t believe how beautiful you are……..all over. I’m sorry I went off so quick, it was just the thought of my cock being inside your beautiful body and you fucking me so good……I just couldn’t hold it.”

Alisha got up and took him by the hands. “Let’s go to a bed where we can really fuck…..we’ve both got our rocks off, now we can settle in and do some real slow fucking……..I want you in me again, now.” She led him down the hallway to the first spare bedroom, pulled the covers off the bed and laid on her back with her legs spread. David just stood there, looking at her naked body……his cock started to rise as he went down on her and sucked on her clit. Things were fixing to get hot in that room.

Meanwhile back at the bar, Anne was just getting the first squirts of Colin’s load. Colin had been looking at her body since he got all her clothes off. She had a body that could be a twin to Alisha. For her age, she was fantastic. Her tits didn’t sag at all and had to be at least 36 DD’s. She had six pack abs and an ass to die for. Her figure looked like that of model. He knew that she had to be at least 56 or 57 but he could tell that she had taken very good care of herself. Her skin was tight and she had a flawless tan. He couldn’t wait to penetrate her shaved pussy and see how tight she was.

“Anne, if you keep sucking like that you are going to get a mouthful of cum.” he said. When she heard that she grasped his balls and started deep throating his cock, looking up into his eyes. He couldn’t take any more, he felt a load of hot sperm coming up from deep inside him, then he shot it into her mouth and down her throat. Anne could suck cock and swallow cum every bit as good as Alisha. She was taking all he could shoot and not losing a drop. When he finished his orgasm she stood up and kissed him, putting her tongue deep into his oral cavity. He stood up from the barstool and took her hand. He smiled and led her down the hallway toward an empty bedroom.

They stopped at the door of the room David and Alisha were in and saw David on top of Alisha, her legs and arms wrapped around him. He was pounding her pussy with long hard strokes and Alisha was yelling “DAMN IT DAVID, FUCK ME, CRAM THAT BIG ROD ALL THE WAY IN AND FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME……..FUCK DAVID, FUCK ME GOOD, GIVE ME ALL THAT BIG COCK, SHOOT ME FULL OF YOUR HOT CUM YOU STUD, I WANT IT ALLLLLLLLL………GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEE NOWWWWWWWW DAVID, I’M CUMMMMMMING……OH GOD I’M CUMMMMMMMMMING……..FILL ME UP….I WANT YOUR CUM NOW……OH GOD I CAN FEEL IT…….IT’S SO HOT……SHOOT ME FULL.

After watching them, Anne wanted Colin’s cock. She grabbed him and dragged him down the hall to the next bedroom. She stripped the top covers off the bed and pulled him down on top of her. She grasped his cock and guided it to her wet vagina. When he felt where it was at he shoved it all in her in one stroke. She felt his balls bounce on her ass. She wrapped her legs and arms around him as he began long stroking her hot, wet pussy. Colin couldn’t believe how tight and firm her pussy was…..he was having a great time with Alisha’s mother………..she damn sure didn’t feel or look like any 56 year old mother….she was definitely one good piece of ass and he was going to get as much of it tonight as he could……and Anne was definitely going to get all of his cock she could get tonight also. They were fucking like two teenagers out for their first time. The squishy sound of his cock going in and out of her super wet pussy was filling the air along with her telling him, “Fuck me good Colin…….fuck me real good……your cock feels so good inside me….it’s touching places in there that have never been touched before and it feels so damn good…….damn Colin, I’m cummming, I’m cummming, I’m cummmmmg.
Cum in me Colin, fill me up with that sweet cum, I want it running down my ass crack. She was thrusting her pelvis up to meet him on every stroke, her legs pulling him deep into her hot vagina. Colin let go of a huge load of sperm, shooting the hot streams of jizz deep into her womb and coating the walls of her vagina.
He could feel the muscles in her abdomen contracting and her vagina clamping down on his cock as her orgasm continued. She pulled Colin down to her breast…….he took a mouthful and began to gently chew on her nipple, teasing it with the tip of his tongue at the same time. Her orgasm intensified and she was about to crush him with her legs and arms. She could feel cum running out of her pussy around his dick and down her ass crack.

Colin was moaning as he continued to shoot his load. Their orgasms ended and Colin collapsed on top of Anne, his dick softening and sliding out of her pussy. A huge wad of his slick cum ran out of her and down her ass. Colin pulled away from her and rolled her over on her stomach. He straddled her legs and fingered her ass hole, lubing it with his cum that was running out of her. He put two fingers inside her ass and lubed it good. He put the head of his hard cock at the entrance and started pushing it into her back door till his balls were against it. Anne was moaning as he began to slowly fuck her. She pushed her ass up to him, wanting more cock inside. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her up to her hands and knees……..now she had it all. He leaned forward and grasped her tits as he began to plunge in and out of her faster and faster. He was getting close to putting a wad inside her…….he grasped her breasts and pulled her back against him as he shot hot cum deep into her bowels………Anne was quivering as she came also. When they finished their release they collapsed down onto the bed, his cock still inside her.

The sex continued nonstop for the next three hours. All four of them were fucking their brains out and getting all of the pleasure they could handle. They all decided to take a short break and went out to the kitchen to get some iced tea. No one put any clothes on. Colin was still admiring Anne’s body…..it was almost perfect, like Alisha’s. David was still eyeballing Alisha, comparing her and her mother. He couldn’t tell the difference, they were almost identical………what a pair of …….mother and daughter……WOW !……….. he was thinking.

They all poured some iced tea and stood around talking and laughing. Alisha and Anne both had big streams of cum running out of them and down their legs. They decided to go shower and freshen themselves up for the next round of sex. Colin and David decided to do the same thing.

Colin asked David, “Think you’d like to double penetrate these gals tonight?

David looked at Colin with a question on his face, “What’s that, I don’t think I understand.”

Colin grinned, “Well David, one of us fucks her up the ass while the other one fucks her pussy………it feels real good. There’s only a thin membrane between our cocks, we can each feel the other and when we all three begin to cum……..it’s really good.”

David smiled, “Hell yes, I’m in.”

Everyone went and showered. The women douched and cleaned all the cum out of their pussies and asses. When they were all clean they all came back to the kitchen. The guys had fixed some nachos grande so they could regain their strength a little.

Colin looked at Anne, “Think you might be ready to let David and I double penetrate you?”

She grinned wide and said, “I’m up for anything you guys would want to do.”

They talked and joked around some more while they ate nachos and drank tea. Now, it was time for Anne to get a first…….she was going to take care of both the guys and Alisha…………at the same time………then, it would be Alisha’s turn. They were all horny and ready to get back to the fucking, sucking and cumming……it was going to be a long night.

They went to a bedroom and David laid down on his back, his feet on the floor. They got some lube and lubed Anne’s ass and slid his cock up her ass, then she laid back on top of David, he started fucking her. Colin stepped up between their legs and put his cock inside her pussy and started fucking her also. Anne had never had anything like this before, she was totally full of cock. Colin told Alisha to get up and straddle her head and let Anne eat her. In a matter of minutes they were all being pleasured one way or another. They were one large mass of sexual pleasure. They all pleasured each other for the next half hour then Anne began to cum, her body shuddering with each contraction. Colin and David both began to cum at the same time, their dicks each stimulating the other. Alisha soon began to cum and drop shots of her cum into Anne’s thirsty mouth. Everyone was cumming and feeling pleasure at the same time. When the orgasms subsided, they all separated and rested.

After about 20 minutes David looked at Alisha and said, “Your turn beautiful, I want in that tight pussy of yours.”

Colin laid down first on his back and Alisha took his dick up her ass, David walked up and slipped his hard cock inside Alisha’s pussy and began to fuck her and squeeze her beautiful tits. Anne straddled her face and fed her a cum filled pussy. Alisha loved every minute of it…..two big dicks inside her plunging deep into her insides and a cum filled pussy to eat……..she loved the cum and went about sucking every drop out of Anne while teasing her stiff clit with her tongue. Anne was enjoying the head and the guys were definitely enjoying using Alisha. Their two big cocks were rubbing against each other. Anne began to cum and was very vocal about it. This pushed the rest of them into orgasm. Alisha was cumming and squirting all over while Colin and David were shooting huge loads of their hot sticky semen deep inside Alisha. She was yelling again, “FUCK ME YOU TWO STUDS, GIVE ME THOSE BIG COCKS AND FILL MY BODY WITH YOUR HOT CUM…….SHOOT THAT CREAM IN ME AND MAKE ME CUM………FLOOD MY PUSSY WITH YOUR JIZZ…….DAMN THIS IS GOOOOOOOD.

They all finished cumming and separated. They broke off into couples and all fucked on the same bed……..Anne thought this was hot to watch David fucking Alisha right next to her while she was taking Colin’s cock. They all fucked like this till almost 4 am. Colin and Alisha decided to go to bed as did David and Anne. They all went to their bedrooms. They all showered and the women douched and gave themselves enemas to get all the cum out of their bodies. When they were clean, they all went to bed and slept in each other’s arms. They all slept till well after noon. Alisha was up and started cooking burgers for them all. Everyone had all the sex they wanted. Alisha asked Anne if they would like to do this again sometime and include Cody and Justin. She and David were all for it. David was thinking how great it would be to have all three of the Moore women……..three of the most beautiful women in the San Luis Valley. He was in, he was addicted to their pussy……he was thinking about how to get rid of his wife so he could try to get Anne as his. Little did he know that she would never leave Bob.

Everyone was totally fucked and very happy. Alisha told them that she would see if she could set up another night with Cody and Justin in the next couple of weeks. After everyone finished with the burgers, Anne and David left to go home……Colin and Alisha went back to bed and slept till after 5. They got up and ate again, then went back to bed and made love for two hours. They then went to sleep and awoke at 7 on Monday morning, ready to start another week.

When Alisha got to the office Bob was there going over some records. Alisha greeted him and sat down at her desk. Bob got up and went to the coffee pot to get another cup of coffee.

“Hey Pumpkin, want some coffee?” he asked.

“Yes, that would be nice, you know how I like it.” she replied.

He fixed the coffee and brought it to her desk and sat down across from her. As he was sitting there, sipping his coffee, she asked, “Something bothering you Dad?”.

“No, not really, just can’t figure your Mom out. Ever since I got back from Vegas, she has been giving me the cold shoulder….still no sex and none in sight.” he told her.

“Well Dad, she probably knows about that little hottie in Vegas that you see when you go out there……probably figures you got enough ass in Vegas to last you.” she told him.

“You’re probably right…..but Alisha, I still think she is screwing someone else, just can’t figure out who or when she does it. I think I need a fuck buddy here, some woman that wants to have sex with no strings attached. I’ve always liked to have sex on a regular basis………….damn it’s nice to be able to talk to you like this. You and I have always been able to speak our minds to each other about any damn thing we want to talk about without being embarrassed or anything else. A woman like you is what I want….got any friends that want a sex buddy?”

Alisha laughed, “You’re right Dad, we’ve always had something special between us, more than just a father-daughter relationship…..it’s like we both know how the other feels and what it takes to satisfy them…….maybe we were lovers in another life.”

They both laughed, Bob told her, “If we were lovers in another life, I’d never have forgotten a beautiful and built woman like you. You would be a dream come true…..I’m jealous of Colin, if you want to know the truth.”

“Well Dad, I’ve always thought you were one hunk of a man, so handsome, rugged and strong……….and at your age, you’ve got the body of a young guy….any woman would be glad to have you as a fuck buddy, hell, even me.” she told him laughing. She knew she was revealing too much. She didn’t want it to be obvious that she was flirting with him. After all, she had always fantasized about him fucking her……a little perverted, but a real fantasy. She knew it wouldn’t ever happen, but she would always have her fantasies. She got up and went around the desk to him and held her arms out. He got up and she hugged him……but, he was really giving her a hug…….more so than she had gotten before.

He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “You’re one hell of a woman Alisha and I love you very much.”

“I love you too Daddy, I’d do anything for you, I hope you know that.” Alisha told him, still kind of flirting. She noticed that he was looking at her tits. She had on a low cut tank under a light flannel shirt jac that showed at least half of her boobs. She didn’t mind at all…….she really kind of liked it, the fact that she could turn him on. He sat back down and took a drink of his coffee. Alisha sat back down at her desk.

“Did you know that Anne is going to Denver to a seminar next weekend?” he asked.

“No, I didn’t………I’m by myself next weekend too, Colin is going to Detroit on Thursday and won’t be back till the next Tuesday. He has a meeting with Ford, something about bringing all the dealerships in under one name or something like that. If you wouldn’t mind, I might come over and spend the weekend with you. Since I’ve moved out here from town, I’m a little uneasy about staying by myself.”

“Damn, I’d love to have you come over, I don’t really want to be alone either, heck, I think it would be good for both of us…..we might even get up on Sunday morning and go down to New Mexico and gamble some.” he told her.

“That sounds great Dad…….it’s a date. I’ll come over on Friday and stay, I think it will be fun….I always like to spend time with you….you know you’re still my favorite guy don’t you.?” she said still flirting.

They sat there and talked about almost everything. At about ten, Justin came in.

“Alisha,” he said, “we’ve had a little action over at the south pasture. Jed saw two pickups come through our gate. They went up that little box canyon where we round up the cattle in the fall. He said that the pickups stayed in there for over 5 hours then left. Do you want to go check it out and put out some motion sensors and trail cameras?”

She looked at her Dad and told him, “You were gone when we found out that there had been some traffic over in the south pasture area. I had Justin send one of the guys up on Elk Ridge and keep an eye on what’s going on. I was thinking it might be those rustlers that Bob was telling you about. Now that we know someone is doing something down there, I think we need to put up the motion cameras and the motion sensors down there so we know what’s going on before we put cattle down there. I don’t want to lose a bunch of cows, we’ve got a lot of money invested.”

“Good idea Alisha, I think that’s what we need to do. After talking to Bradley’s about what went on down there last fall, I think that those damn thieves will come back to an area they know well. Keep me informed about what you find out……I want to nip this thing in the bud before we take any losses.” her Dad told her.

Alisha went back to the storage closet at the back of the office and took out 5 satellite motion sensors and 5 camouflaged satellite trail cameras and gave them to Justin. “Don’t disturb anything, send two guys down there tomorrow with this equipment and have them walk in through the trees and set them out a half mile either way from the gate those assholes are coming in through.”

“I’ll take care of it boss, want me to go down and check out the box canyon?” Justin asked.

“I think so, come in from the North and walk down in there through the trees, at least you’ll have cover if they suddenly show up……..be careful and take one of the satellite phones with you so you can call out of there if you have to……..and I’ll say it again, be careful.” Alisha instructed him.

“I will Alisha,” he told her as he left the office. “See you Mr. Moore.”

Bob asked her how the breeding day went last week. She told him all about it and that it had been successful…..BioGen will be back tomorrow to do the next group. Justin fed them the flush ration this morning so they should be ready to go tomorrow morning.

Alisha and Bob continued the conversation that Justin had interrupted. Alisha was thinking about seducing her dad this weekend. She knew it was perverted, but she really didn’t care. If she could cause it to happen, she’d love it. Her Dad was the one other person in this world she would do anything for. She loved her Mom and was holding her secret. She knew what Anne was doing this weekend and it wasn’t a class. She just wished they could work out their problem, but she knew that probably wouldn’t happen. She knew what Anne was doing and wasn’t going to tell Bob about it. She was thinking that if she could get her Dad in the mood, she could be his fuck buddy. Of course, if it did come to be, she wasn’t going to tell Colin, this is one thing that she would have to keep to herself and only herself.

The week continued, it was very eventful. The surveillance down on the south pasture was paying off. They had some really good pictures of the people involved in the trespass. Justin had found that someone had built a make-shift coral in the box canyon that would hold the cattle in there till they got ready to move them. They had fixed it so a portable loading chute could be used to load trucks. Alisha had informed the sheriff about what they were finding out. He was going to just let them continue till they started trying to take the cattle, then he’d nab them. Alisha kept subtly flirting with her Dad throughout the week. She could tell that he was slowly starting to think about fucking her…..she could see it in his eyes when he was secretly looking at her. Of course, Alisha had been dressing sexier this week also

Friday arrived, Alisha was finishing up some paper work about the breeding that BioGen had done this week. She sat at her desk and pondered the upcoming weekend. On Wednesday she had put some pictures, that Colin had taken of her during one of their wild evenings, in a small handbag she brought to the office. They were in a specific order. They showed her naked, posing differently, some showing her great boobs and some showing her beautiful pussy. She purposely left the bag on her desk hoping that Bob would look in it and see the pictures and when she checked it, she saw that someone had indeed changed the order of the pictures. She said to herself, staring out at the cattle in the near pasture, this is going to be a wild weekend, I can just feel it. She smiled as she went up to the house preparing to get laid.

Monday morning came and Alisha arrived at the office very early. She poured herself a cup of coffee, sat at her desk looking out the window at the beautiful morning. She was smiling, fulfilled again and recounting the events of the weekend in her head…..her fantasies had come to be………

She was thinking, looking back, my constant arousal wasn’t lost on my Dad and our flirting became even more daring over last week until I finally upped the ante by leaving the pictures of me on my desk. I don’t really know what I was hoping for, but I really wanted him to see them. More to the point, I wanted him to see me naked.

When I got to his house Friday night I could tell that he had seen the pictures because they weren’t in the specific order I had purposely left them in. All kinds of thoughts went through my head that night. Was he shocked? Did he like them? I even wondered if he had jacked off to pictures of me. I could hardly believe it, but at the same time I was sure that he had. I guess I should have been afraid or even disgusted, but all I really felt was a creeping excitement that refused to go away.

So, by Friday, I was so excited that my whole body was tingling and my head was swimming from the fear and excitement of what my perverted desires were driving me to do. I was dying for my Daddy to touch me, but I was totally frustrated by how to get him to do it.

That night, when I would have normally put on the jersey I usually wear before bed, I chose instead, a tight fitting spaghetti strap top that formed up against my boobs and caused my pert nipples to be easily visible through the thin fabric. The top didn’t come down far enough for me to get away with only wearing panties though, so I slipped on a some thin pink cotton shorts that hid little more of my legs and hips then the panties alone would have. I had made up my mind to do more than just tease him this time and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was sure he’d take notice.

Grabbing my brush from the bathroom, I came out into the living room where Dad was sitting in his recliner. As I came out of the hall, his eyes got kind of big and I watched happily as his gaze traveled up and down my body. I walked up close until my thighs were touching his chair and handed him my brush. “Hey Dad, would you please help me brush my hair out? It’s full of all kinds of static and tangles and I could really use some help with it.”

“Uhm, sure Alisha. I’d be glad too” he said to me as he took the brush and sat up in his chair.

Once he was upright, I sat down on the chair between his legs with my back to him and fluffed out my long brunette hair for him. As he moved forward, I scooted my butt back a little until I felt the material of his sweatpants touching the bare skin of my lower back. Just thinking about his cock being so close to me had my heart pounding in my chest and my pussy was already wet enough to make my panties damp.

I glanced down at my titties as he worked on my hair and I was a little shocked at how far my nipples were protruding from underneath the fabric of my top. Between that and the telltale aroma of my wetness filling my senses, I had become dizzy with excitement and was finding it difficult to breath.

I love having someone brush my hair for me. Feeling them lifting my hair as they run the brush down my back is one of those sweet luxuries that really makes me feel feminine and beautiful. So when Dad took hold of my shoulder to steady me, I arched back toward him without thinking and he leaned back too, I felt something hard under his pants just brush against my ass. Oh my God!, I thought, his cock is hard! Oh fuck, I’ve given my own Dad a hard on!

Once I felt his dick touch me, even for that short moment, I knew I had to feel it again. I shifted how I was sitting slightly, rolling my hips up and back until I was pressing my butt into his crotch. Fuck, I’ve got to tell you that I’m getting wet now as I’m thinking about it, but back then, as it actually happened, my breath froze in my throat and I swear my heart must have skipped a beat as I felt the long underside of his cock fall against the top of my ass.

I was so focused on the sensation of his erection at the small of my back that I didn’t even notice that Dad had stopped brushing my hair. I moved my hips up and down a bit, savoring the light pressure that his cock put on my skin until Daddy took hold of my hips.

“Alisha, um, that’s not a good idea, Pumpkin.”

I froze right there, not daring to move for what seemed like forever. Then I slid off of the chair onto my knees, facing him. “Did I make you hard Dad?” I whispered. I couldn’t even meet his gaze because my eyes were locked on the bulge his cock was making in his pants.

“Oh, damn Pumpkin, I’m sorry I…” he was sputtering and trying to close his legs, but I was too close and all he ended up doing was pressing his knees into my sides right by my tits.

I interrupted his attempts to explain himself by holding my hand just inches away from his package. “Can I touch it? I really want to, Dad.” Without waiting for him to answer, I started tracing the outline of his penis with my fingertips. “Wow, you really are hard. Am I doing that to you?”

Dad leaned back into his chair and gripped the arms so hard that I swear his knuckles were turning white. “Alisha, oh my God. Do you know what you’re doing, Pumpkin?”
I was so scared right then that I couldn’t speak so I just nodded my head and started squeezing his cock through his pants. In fact, I hadn’t been this terrified or excited since the day I had lost my virginity. I lifted up high on my knees so that I could use both hands and started to pull the waist band of his sweats down. “Can I see it Dad? Just for a second?”

“Oh shit, Alisha. This isn’t a good idea. It really isn’t.” As he protested, he rose up out of the chair and let me pull his sweats down past his knees, and there it was, right in front of me.

“Oh wow Dad, it looks so hot and it‘s so big.” I held it with both hands and gave it a few strokes, fascinated by how the skin of his shaft rode up and over the head.

By now he had given up his protests and just let me play with him. “Is this the first time you’ve done this?” he whispered.

I smiled up at him, knowing that there was no point in pretending to be something I wasn’t when he was about to find out the truth anyway. “I’m not a virgin anymore, Dad and haven’t been for a long time……… you feel much bigger than the guys I’ve been with before.”

I can’t really say that was completely true because I‘ve had some really big ones, but Dad does have a really nice cock. Whether it was my compliment of his equipment or my admission that I had been fucked several times, he stopped trying to talk and just sat back to let me explore his toys.

When I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth, he groaned in surrender to me. I can’t even begin to explain how exciting that was, and fuck, I’m so wet now just thinking about it.

It was happening! I thought with a huge rush of excitement. I was doing it! I was having sex with my father and he was going along with it! My heart was pounding so loudly that I could hear my blood rushing in my ears.

His cock was so hard I thought I could feel it throbbing in my mouth as I licked his head with my tongue. I took a breath and sucked as much of him into my mouth as I could, swirling my tongue around his shaft and letting my drool run down onto his balls.

I loved how his dick felt in my mouth. The sponge like thickness of his head and the tangy flavor just made my pussy ooze with its juice. I ran my lips up the underside of his shaft and flicked my tongue on the little spot under the head that guys find so sensitive. I felt very pleased when he started thrusting his hips up, trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth.

As I lost myself in sucking him, I felt his hand begin to caress my shoulder and I pulled up and off of his penis.

“Oh yes,” I said, “please touch me, Daddy. Touch me like a woman. Touch me like you want me.” When I guided his hand to my boobs, he fondled them and tweaked my nipples through the cloth, making me swoon from the contact.

I sat back on my butt and gave him my most sultry look as I slowly pealed my top over my head, revealing my boobs to him. Knowing that he had already seen the pictures, I was really glad to be able to let him see them for real. I crawled into his chair and offered my breasts for him to kiss and suck.

Up until then, Dad had been very quiet, like he was shocked by my behavior, but having my tits in his face snapped him out of it and he buried his head in my cleavage. He licked and sucked at my tits with fevered lust and I arched back as he found my nipples with his mouth. It felt so fucking good to have him biting my nipples and feeling his moustache tickling my skin as he rubbed his face all over my heavy breasts. I wrapped my arm around his head, holding myself to him as he feasted on me.

He switched from one tit to the other, again and again, driving me crazy with his mouth until I reached down with my free hand and started pulling on his cock. I whispered at him, just loud enough for him to hear me, “I want you to fuck me, Dad, will you do that for me? Do you wanna fuck your little girl?”

He stopped kissing my tits and stared with this look of complete shock. Then he put his hand on my mound and stroked my clit through my damp shorts and panties. “Yeah, okay Pumpkin. I can’t believe you want me too, but yeah, I’d love to fuck you.”

I was shaking with fear and excitement as he rolled my shorts and panties down over my butt. When they dropped to my knees, I got up off the chair and kicked them away, leaving myself totally naked in front of my father. I turned around slowly so he could get a good look at me. “What do you think, Dad?”

“I think your beautiful Pumpkin, I‘ve told you that for years,” he told me as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away. Kicking off his pants, he sat back down on the edge of his chair. He put his arm around my lower back and roughly pulled me close so he could finger my pussy. As I felt his hand creep between my thighs, I spread my legs as much as I could and gasped as I felt his finger go up inside me. His finger pushed in and up till he found and massaged my super sensitive g-spot.

All I could do was hold onto his shoulders and rise up on my toes as he started banging my pussy with his finger. His face was buried in my chest again and he sucked on my tits, making me shake violently as he continued to finger fuck me.

The truth is that most young guys have no idea how to touch a woman, but Dad knew just how to touch me, curling his finger inside me and using his thumb on my clit until all I could do was lean against him, moaning into his ear. He must have felt me getting weak in his arms, because just before my knees gave way, he stopped, picked me up and laid me on the chair.

Dad grabbed me and pushed my legs up, lifting my ass until my pussy was wide open to him. “When did you start shaving your pussy?” he asked as he settled down on his knees.

I held my knees against my chest as I felt him start to kiss the inside of my thighs. “Mmm, I’ve been shaving for several years now” I told him. “There are lots of things about me you don’t know yet.”

Anything else I might have said was lost as he spread my pussy open with his hands and began licking me with long strokes of his tongue. I could feel his tongue pushing in and lathering my hole and then slide up and over my clit, making me squirm and tremble under him. Dad used his whole mouth to cover my sex and bathed it in the wet caresses of his tongue.

He pulled on my labia with his lips, making me buck against him as I cried out in near orgasmic fever, sucking at my juices like he wanted to drain my pussy. Despite his efforts, I just got wetter and wetter and soon I could feel it trickling all the way down to my ass.

Daddy seemed to notice this too and chased the fluid with his tongue until he was flicking it right on my butthole. “Ohh gawd that feels good” I moaned as Daddy probed my backdoor with the tip of his tongue.

“Never had that done before, eh?” he grinned as he asked.

“No, I haven’t, and don’t fucking stop!” I yelled at him.

“Interesting” was his only response and then he went back to rimming my behind until I could have sworn he was tongue fucking deep into my tender ass.

Now, as good as that felt, and trust me when I say that if you haven’t tried it you should, I had been riding the edge of orgasm for so long I was almost frantic with frustration. I began rubbing my clit quickly, trying to push myself over the edge. Dad continued tonguing my ass as I rubbed my clit, until my body pulsed and I finally started cumming in waves that rolled through me until I was completely out of breath.

After I came, I was expecting Daddy to be all over me but all he did was lightly stroke my legs. His hands moved up my thighs and caressed me all around my pussy without actually touching it, making me want to squirm right off of the chair. My pussy was purring and my whole body felt limp and relaxed.

When I finally opened my eyes, Dad was still sitting on the floor with a big shit eating grin on his face. “Wow Alisha, you are so beautiful when you cum.” Then it’s like he just realized what we had done and he got real concerned. “Are you okay Alisha? We can stop if you want.” I sat up and slid off of the chair in front of him and said “No, Dad, I don’t want to stop, that was fucking amazing! You made me cum so damn hard!”

My pussy was itching to be filled as I sat up and saw that his cock was still hard as a rock. One look at it almost made me drool in anticipation of fucking him and I slid off of the chair in front of him. Taking his penis in my hand, I squeezed and stroked it a few times. I wanted him to fuck me more than ever, but my orgasm had cleared my mind some. I spit on my palm to moisten it and then lubed his shaft by stroking him with my saliva lubed hand. “Dad, we don‘t need any condoms, if that is what you’re thinking, the Doctors have told me that I cannot have children, just fill me up.”

He brought my mouth to his and kissed me like he never had before, using his tongue and lips to suck my breath away. “No problem baby, I had a vasectomy ‘bout ten years ago so we‘re double covered.”

“Mmm, in that case we can do whatever we want, can’t we. Lay down, Dad, I want to be on top this time,” I told him as I scooted up over his cock.

He held his shaft up as I reached down and spread my pussy open with my fingers. My heart was beating so fast and my whole body was trembling as I lowered myself onto the thick head of his cock. I looked at him, feeling as frightened and sexually hungry as I can ever remember being since the day I had lost my virginity.

When I felt my pussy actually touch him I used my fingers to push his head into my hole and sank down until I felt him enter me. I held him there, with probably just his head inside me. “Oh fuck, do you feel that, Dad? I’m so fucking wet right now!”

He may have said something back, but I really don’t remember. He raised his hands up to steady me and I held them with my own as I sank down on him a little more. I loved how it felt as his cock started pushing into me and I started moving up and down, letting my pussy stretch open to accept his shape until I finally felt him slide all the way in.

Once I had him inside me, I just started rocking and grinding myself against him, loving the feeling of being stuffed full of his cock. He let go of my hands and held my hips, trying to get me to start that fucking motion that guys want so much, but I resisted. I leaned over and to let him kiss my wanting boobs and he put an arm around my back holding me against his chest. In that position, he was able to start flexing his hips and pumping his dick in and out of me.

He was holding my butt down with his arm, drilling into me as hard as he could. All I could do was brace myself with my arms and bury my head in his neck, moaning loudly every time his cock hit home. I felt his hand creep lower toward my asshole and when he forced his finger inside me I almost jumped out of his grip.

I felt a hot stinging sensation that made my ass wiggle and suddenly what had been a pleasantly hard fuck became a mind blowing ride that made me shudder each time he worked his finger into me. I was losing the strength in my arms and my body started to spasm uncontrollably until Dad rolled me over and threw my ankles over his shoulders.

I whined at him over the loss of having my butt frigged, but forgot about it the moment he drove his dick straight into me. With my legs up like that, I could feel every inch of his thick cock as it moved into my pussy. My boobs were bouncing so much I had to hold on to them and I pinched and twisted my nipples as Dad pounded his cock into me as hard as he could.

His hands were holding my calves so tightly it hurt, but that only added to the intensity of the fucking he was giving me and a delicious pressure began building in my belly as I started what I knew would be an incredible orgasm. I cried out to him, ”FUCK ME HARDER, OH FUCK YES, DADDY, FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRLS PUSSY JUST LIKE THAT!”

I remember hearing him grunting and I knew he must be close. Wanting to come with him, I started rubbing my clit frantically. At that moment, he pulled my ass up off of the floor and slammed into me hard, spraying his cum up into me. Oh fuck, I still remember the feeling of him holding me there so tightly, with his cock fully immersed in my pussy while he filled me with his cum.

It was all more than I could stand and just as he sat my butt back on the carpet. I felt my orgasm explode from inside me. I was moaning nonstop as I convulsed on the floor as my second orgasm of the night pulsated through me.

We ended the night sleeping together in his bed. We fucked all day on Saturday and into the night. I came so many times I lost count. I became his personal cum bucket for the weekend. I swallowed so much of his cum that my stomach felt full. When I stood, I had cum running out of all my holes and down my legs. He told me that that was sexy. But through it all, Dad taught me so many things about my body that I might have taken years to learn otherwise. He allowed me to experience my desires without the fear of rejection. He thought he was the first to take my ass, and he accepted some of my other, darker fantasies without judging me. I love him dearly as a man and always will.

I‘m sure that in the years to come, our sexual relationship will cool, but, we will get together from time to time and have unrelenting sex to satisfy our deep animal desires. If I can make my Dad happy, that’s what I want to do, after all, my Mom has, for all practical purposes, dumped him…….for this I can’t support her, but I will continue to love her. Those who will find fault in this can blame it all on me. Dad would never have touched me as a lover if I had not done what I did to lure him to me, so, the blame is on me and I proudly accept it as a very perverted daughter. I just want to continue to fuck him whenever he wants me, and, just as I will do for Colin, I’ll do anything for him, anything. Our first interlude ended and we both had learned things about the other that would be everlasting.

As a new week began at the ranch, Alisha snapped out of her deep thoughts as Justin comes into the office. “Just thought I’d check with you Boss about what we’re going to do about those thieves down south. Bob thought we should take all the guys down there, capture em and hang em………I know that’s not what you want to do and I really think that Bob is just joking.” he told her.

Alisha laughed, “If you think he is kidding, you’d better rethink it……..he is as serious as the day is long and I really think that back in the early years, while he built this ranch, he’s done it more than once. Old wives tales say that there are bodies buried all over this ranch, bodies of the men that tried to steal it from him………..and no, we’re not going to do that, I’ve talked to the sheriff and we’re going to keep an eye on the situation and let it go till we catch them with their hands in our pie.”

Justin smiled and told her he would keep the surveillance going…..we’ll get the sons of bitches red handed. Are you keeping the video surveillance going and saving it?

“Yes I am, I installed a 10 terra bite external hard drive and am recording everything and cataloguing it on a daily basis……we’ll need it all for evidence.” she told him. By the way Justin, I’ve got a question for you. It seems that Mom has a lover. Colin and I entertained them a week ago with a swap. Do you think you and Cody would like to join in next weekend for a weekend swap. I know you have fucked Mom and enjoyed it, I thought I’d let you see if Cody would like to get involved……David, her lover, is a great guy and a fantastic fuck, I know she would like him. Why don’t you talk to her and see if she wants to.”

“I know she’ll go for it, she likes to fuck around like the rest of us and she doesn’t have a problem with Anne, I know that. She told me once that she needed to get her Mom laid cause Bob didn’t take care of her anymore.” he said.

Alisha laughed to herself, “That’s probably true, just let me know so I know how to plan it.”

Justin told her he’d talk to Cody and get back with her. He had a lot to do so he left, just as Bob arrived. When her Dad came in he was whistling and had a big grin on his face.
“Good morning Pumpkin………..by any chance, do you feel as damn good as I do? I want you to know that I had a wonderful time this weekend. I never, in my wildest dreams, ever thought I’d ever fuck my own daughter……but I think that it’s the most satisfying, exciting and erotic thing I’ve ever done. You are beautiful Alisha, from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, and I‘ve personally inspected every inch of you. I have to say, you are one fabulous woman and I love you and I want to fuck you again.”

Alisha was smiling and blushing at the same time, “Thank you Dad……..you have a great body too, and that cock of yours is really something else…….it filled me completely and felt so good inside me……..you will fuck me again, I assure you. Let’s just say I’m your new fuck buddy…….when you feel the need to be inside a woman, just tell me, I like to fuck as much as you do and this will be our dirty little secret.”

Bob took hold of her shoulders and pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply and she slipped her tongue between their lips and entwined with his. Life, as they knew it would never be the same, but it would be good, maybe even a lot better.



The wedding was approaching very quickly now. The breeding was continuing on schedule and going very well. BioGen had returned and started preg checking the cows and finding they hadn’t missed any to date. So far, they had a 100% pregnancy rate. Justin came by yesterday and told Alisha that Cody wanted to do the swap this next weekend……….she was excited that Anne was involved and really anxious to meet her lover……so it was set, it would all happen this Saturday.

Alisha was still remembering last weekend with her Dad. Every time she thought about it she got sopping wet remembering how passionately he had fucked her and all the orgasms he had given her. Since then he had been a lot more affectionate toward her, coming in the office in the morning very happy and kissing her and caressing her body. Alisha loved it and had started dressing a little more provocative than she had in the past. The guys at the ranch really enjoyed seeing her like that also……she showed more of her body than before and morale was at an all time high. Her jeans were so tight you could sometimes see her outer lips bulging slightly. The tails of her shirts were short and one could sometimes see her beautiful figure with ease. Many days, she went without a bra and her nipples would show through her shirt. All in all she had become a very sexy boss.

She sat at her computer, working, as her Dad came in. She was going to get a cup of coffee and asked him if he would like her to pour him a cup also. He told her that he would like that. When she brought the cup to him, he sat it down and put his hands on her midriff and pulled her to him.

“Alisha, everyone on the ranch is away from here working. I’d love to fuck you this morning, we won’t be disturbed as we’re the only ones here.” Alisha kissed him a long wet kiss, sending her tongue to the back of his mouth. He pulled her close to him and looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes. “What do you think?”

“I think I’ve been thinking about screwing you all week……..let’s get to it while we are still by ourselves.” she said as she locked the door and pulled the shades. “What do you think, a quickie?”

He smiled at he as he unbuckled his jeans and stepped out of them. Alisha had opened her blouse and exposed her braless breasts walking back to him. She unbuckled her belt and opened her jeans and removed them. “Bob had removed his underwear and his cock was standing totally erect. Alisha knew she was wet and bent over her desk and spread her legs wide, exposing the tender inner lips of her glistening pussy.

“Ok Dad, I’m ready for you, go for it and fill me up, I need you inside me.” she told him in a sultry voice.

Bob stepped up behind her and rubbed the bulbous head of his cock up and down her slit a few times to lube it, then he started pushing it into her love channel till she felt his balls bouncing on her clit. He started pumping her and all she could do was moan and groan with delight as she felt him fill her with his cock over and over again. She felt him exploring her ass with his finger as he fucked her. He slid it down into her wetness a couple of times then fully inserted it into her asshole. The feeling of his cock pounding her pussy and his finger deep in her ass was pushing her toward a big O. She lifted herself slightly off the desk top, her Dad’s hands went to her tits and grasped them, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. She looked down between her tits and she could see his big balls rocking back and forth as he fucked her.

With one hand she reached down between her legs and grasped his balls gently. She could feel that they were swelling, preparing to fill her tight pussy with thick ropes of his gooey cum. Her pussy was purring as he picked up the pace……..she knew that they were going to cum together. He was moving faster as she felt the rippling waves of her orgasm begin deep within her body. He suddenly pushed his cock all the way inside her and she felt him shaking as his dick erupted shooting huge streams of his hot sperm deep in her womb. No one but a woman would know the intense pleasure of feeling that hot fluid filling her insides as her orgasm pushed wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body.

She collapsed down onto the desktop and her Dad lay down on her back breathing hard, his cock still injecting his love juice inside her. When their orgasms subsided, he stood and pulled his cock out of her dripping pussy. She stood and felt a rush of his hot cum run out of her well fucked pussy. She reached down with her hand and caught the hot sperm that was dripping from her pussy and licked it off. She put two fingers in her pussy and let more of his cum run out into her hand, which she licked off and swallowed as she looked into her Dad’s eyes.

Her Dad watched her clean herself and eat all his cum she could retrieve. She then kneeled in front of him and began to lick their juices off of his cock and balls, then taking his flaccid cock into her mouth and milking all the remaining cum out of it and swallowing it. The vision of his little girl cleaning and sucking him with her tongue caused his cock to become full erect once again.

“Damn, Pumpkin, I haven’t had this happen in a long time, you are making me feel so damn good.” he quietly said to her.

She looked up at him, her eyes smiling as she sucked on his cock. She grasped him by the hips and pushed his ass up against the desk as she continued to deep throat him and squeeze his balls.

She pulled away from him and said, “Now, I’m gonna give you something I doubt you’ve ever had.” She wet her index finger. She started pushing it up his ass as she took his cock back into her mouth. She finally got her finger lubed enough to fully insert it and begin massaging his prostate. That was all it took, he began to spurt hot cum into her mouth. She was swallowing as much of his load as she could, the rest was running out the corners of her mouth, down her chin. She felt his orgasm end and licked his balls and cock clean. She got up and wiped the streams of his cum from her chin and licked it off, swallowing every last drop. She then finished cleaning herself up with a Kleenex and put her clothes back on. By this time, Bob was dressed again also, he came to her and pulled her to him, squeezing her ass cheeks as he kissed her. He could faintly taste his cum in her mouth.

“Thank you Pumpkin, you are fantastic…….you make an old man feel young again.”

“No, thank you Dad……..you make me feel terrific…….and just for your information, you’re not an old man, you’re only old if you think you are and after what we’ve done in the last week, you should be thinking of yourself as a very virile sexy lover……..I just love making you feel good.” she told him.

“I think I’ll go out for a ride and look the stock over, want to join me?” he asked her.

“I think that I would like that a lot, Dad, but I have to be back here by 1 o‘clock, Cody is coming by to finalize the plans for the wedding. You are going to get to walk your two beautiful and sexy daughters down the isle in a couple of weeks.” she replied, “think you can handle that?”

“I’m really jealous of your husband, he will have you all the time.” he told her.

“Yes he will Dad, but, you can have me any time you want also……I love fucking you, a real man that knows how to treat a woman and Colin still has a lot to learn.” she confided in him.

They went to the corals and saddled up their mounts and went out into the ranch to look at the cattle, the ranch and check on the guys. It was a beautiful morning, in more than one way.

They checked everything out they wanted to see. Alisha needed to get back to meet with Cody. Time had flashed by, she and her Dad had been out over 4 hours. He told her that he was going to stay out with the hands and help them finish doctoring some sick cattle they had found. Alisha told him she would see him later and spurred Jack toward the office. She was going to be late, but she knew that Cody would wait. She gave Jack his head and spurred him again. He was off like the wind. When a fence appeared, he flew over it as if he had wings and never slowed a bit. They stayed at a full gallop all the way to the office and when they got there Cody watched with interest as they slid to a dusty stop in front of the office.

As Alisha got down off Jack, Cody told her, “Damn, I wish I could ride like that, I should have learned when I was young instead of hanging with my girlie friends in town……I admire you Alisha, you are one fantastic big sister and I love you.”

Alisha took hold of Cody and pulled her close and hugged her. “I love you too Cody, and I’m really proud of my little sister and what she has become……..a beautiful, sexy and talented young woman. Now we will be married at the same time and have this memory for the rest of our lives. Then there’s the honeymoon where we will fuck our men silly, they will fuck us so much and so good, we’re going to feel like their queens.”

They went into the office and finalized the plans for the wedding, which was not quite two weeks away. They were both ready to take this giant step in their lives and were growing impatient waiting for the big day.

“Is this for real Alisha, does Mom really have a lover and are they really going to swap with us? I think this is really fantastic and really kinky. Justin said you guys swapped with them two weeks ago, how is her lover, is he good, how big is his dick, does he know how to fuck a woman good?” Cody excitedly asked.

“Slow down a little Sis,” Alisha told her, “Yes, we did swap with them and David is good looking and in shape, he is good, his cock is about 8 inches and thick and boy howdy, does he know how to fuck a woman. There’s a lot to be said for a guy that’s a little older, he fucked my brains out and I came almost constantly……..I know you’ll like him”

“Great, I’m ready for a new fuck and I know how good Fred was and he was a little older, he almost fucked me to death that day. If David is half that good I’ll be happy.”

“And Cody, Dad doesn’t know anything so don’t slip and tell him, there would be hell to pay for all of us……OK?”

“Got it Alisha, it’s our little secret. And by the way, Justin told me that he had fucked Mom one day when he first started here, I never would have guessed we got our horniness from her, I always thought it was Dad…….I guess we got it from both of them., huh?”

“I think so Cody. I just know that Mom had a great time with Colin…..he poked it in every hole and she was wanting more. Then when David and Colin DP’d her, I thought she was going to lose her mind. Those two screwed the hell out of her and I stood over her head and she sucked the cum out of my pussy, kinda kinky huh,” she giggled, “I liked it, and let me tell you one more thing, if you put the three of us side by side naked with bags over our heads, I don’t know if anyone could tell us apart, Mom looks great.”

Cody smiled and told Alisha that this was going to be fun and that she was looking forward to it, “Hell, Alisha, I’m getting wet just thinking about it. Fuck am I ready.”

“Ok Cody, I need to get going, I’ve got several things I have to get done before I go home. I’ll let you know when to come over on Saturday. Dad should be here soon, if you want to talk to him. Colin is still in Detroit till tomorrow night so I have to run a couple of errands for him.” Alisha told Cody.

“Ok Sis, I’ll let you get going……I have some errands to run also, I’ll see you later.”

Alisha took off for town, she had to go to the hardware and get some picture hanging hooks and had to go to the grocery store, then go to the dry cleaners. She needed some new panties and bras………she had enough time she just needed to keep moving.
On her way to town her cell phone rang, it was Bob. She wondered if he was wanting to come over to her house and fuck her tonight……..once the gate opened, the horses got out, she was laughing as she answered the phone.

“Hi Pumpkin, hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.” he said.

“No Dad, I’m still driving to town, what’s up?” she asked.

“Well, I was wondering if I could come over to your house tonight since Colin won’t be there and keep you company……your Mom has a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce tonight and won’t be home till late.” he said to her.

“Sure, I’d love for you to come over tonight, I’m sure we can find something to do.” she told him giggling.

She could tell that he was in a good mood and very happy. She honestly wanted him to come over, she was like an addict looking for her fix. This thing with him was good and she wanted to get with him any time he was available.

“Why don’t you come over about six, I’ll do us a couple of steaks and get out the Crown.” she told him.

“Sounds like a date, darlin’, I’ll get cleaned up and be over.”

She smiled to herself, knowing she was going to get his cock again tonight….it just kept getting better and better. She got to the grocery store and went in. She was in a hurry, she wanted to get home in time to get a shower, a douche and an enema. She wanted to get really clean because she knew he liked to rim her.

Alisha got home at about 5 and got two steaks out of the freezer and poured herself a double Crown and went to the shower. Alisha wanted to look really good tonight……she wanted to turn him on the minute he walked through the door.

She spent quite a bit of time in the shower. She used a new lavender scented body wash, it smelled so good and when she douched she used a peach flavored douche that tasted and smelled heavenly. She wanted this night to be special. She used her best perfume and combed her long silky hair out. After she put on her makeup, she stood in front of the full length mirror naked and admired herself.

There was no doubt, she was one of the most beautiful women around. She put on a thin tank top, a lacey thong and a pair of short silk shorts. She looked at herself in the mirror again and saw a beautiful seductress standing there. Satisfied that she looked great, she went to the kitchen and began to grill the steaks on the JenAire. She fixed baked potatoes a tossed salad and some fresh broccoli with some fresh ground ginseng on it. This should spice things up a bit, she thought. It was 5 minutes till 6 and she saw Bob driving down the lane to her house. She quickly sprayed some Febreze around the area to freshen the air then went to the door when he rang the bell.

When Alisha opened the door, her Dad stood there looking really hot. He had on a new pair of jeans, his full quill ostrich boots, a trim fitting white shirt, his NFR team roping buckle and a new Black Stetson hat. She looked him up and down, “WOW DAD, you look terrific, damn you’re handsome. I’ve always gave the edge to a real cowboy and man, you look fabulous…….come on in.”

As he walked through the door, he removed his hat…..something the younger cowboys and the drugstore variety have forgotten how to do. He looked at her and whistled. “Alisha, he said, you are absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with. You are put together so damn well, it’s no wonder that all the men do a double take at you when you walk by…..and to see you in this attire, welllll, it gives me a boner just looking at you.”

Alisha took his hat and put it on the shelf in the entry area, upside down like all real cowboys and cowgirls lay there hats down. She went back to him, put her arms around his neck and gave him a very long, wet kiss….all the time pressing her warm body close to him. His hands went around her back then settled down on her butt-cheeks and squeezed. She could feel him becoming aroused and didn’t want to really push it right now, they needed to have dinner first. She pulled back from him and said, “dinner is ready, let’s eat it before it gets cold…..do you want a Crown first.

“Yes, that would be nice, just over the rocks please.” he said.

Alisha poured him a double and took it to him. They sat at the dining room table and talked about the ranch and laughed at old memories….all the while keeping the later events of the evening in mind. As he ate, Bob continued to admire Alisha’s body as she sat in the chair or when she went into the kitchen to get something. When she walked away, he couldn’t help but notice her great figure and perfect ass. He knew that he would be inside that body soon, and his hard cock was telling him it was ready. They finished dinner and Alisha put the dishes into the dishwasher. She poured them both another double Crown and they went to the living room and sat down. Alisha thought to herself, A little booze and a little chit chat, then let the fucking begin……….

When they got to the couch, Bob kicked his boots off and sat down. Alisha sat close to him on the couch as they sipped their Crown. Bob’s eyes continued to undress her as they sat there. She looked at their glasses……about a shot left in both. She held her glass up to toast her Dad saying, “To this new relationship with my father, we shall be closer in this life, than anyone else.”

To that, Bob touched her glass with his and they both shot it down and sat their glasses on the table. Alisha slowly crawled across the couch, on her hands and knees, to Bob. She kissed him passionately………..his hands came up off his lap and grasped her breasts. Her nipples were pushing hard against her tank. Bob gently pinched them and rolled them back and forth between his thumb and index finger, causing Alisha to let out a quiet moan. He cupped her tits and gently squeezed them, then moved his hands to the bottom of the tank, took hold of it and pulled it up and over her head.

She broke her lip lock just long enough to get the tank off, then went back to the kiss. Bob moved his hands up her sides, across her breasts, down across her taught stomach then to the waist band of her silk shorts. He hooked his thumbs in the waist band and slowly pulled them down over her beautiful ass to her knees. He ran his hands over her ass and down her thighs then back to her hips, up her sides and to her aching tits.

Alisha was going out of her mind from the feel of his hands caressing her body. She sat back slightly, and unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. She stood up in front of him and kicked her shorts away, then grasped his jeans and pulled them off. She stood there with nothing on but her thong.

She could see a big bulge in his underwear. She leaned forward and unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him. She reached down and pulled his boxer briefs down his legs and off. She stood there and looked at his hard cock, a little bit of pre-cum glistened on the tip. She hooked her thumbs in her thong and pulled it down and kicked it off, then got on her knees in front of Bob and took his cock in her mouth.

Moans of pleasure came from her Dad. He laid his head back on the couch as his cock slid in and out of Alisha’s talented mouth, her tongue caressing its length and removing any drops of pre-cum that appeared. She was holding his balls in one hand and the base of his cock with the other as she relentlessly sucked and licked his expanding member. Alisha knew that if she kept this all out assault on his cock going for very much longer, he would explode in her mouth.

She knew that when he got really excited like this that he would ejaculate prematurely if his cock slid into her wet pussy, so, she thought it was best if she pushed him over the edge and had him cum in her mouth now so when he penetrated her hot, wet box, he would take some time to cum again and their enjoyment would last.

Alisha lubricated her finger with her juices and saliva and probed his butt hole till she got about half of it in. She spit on it again and pushed her finger all the way inside him and started rubbing his prostate, then deep throated him and squeezed his balls lightly. Within seconds he was shooting a hot load of cum down her throat. She pulled back slightly to catch his cum inside her mouth so she could taste it’s sweetness before she swallowed it down. Bob continued to shoot the hot streams of cum in her mouth for several seconds, she could feel his balls swell as his orgasm continued.

When he finished cumming, Alisha smiled at him as she jacked him off, squeezing every last drop of sperm from his softening cock. “Did you like that Dad?” she asked.

“Yes my dear, I loved it.” he replied to her. She stood up and took him by the hands and pulled him up off the couch and led him to her bedroom. After her shower she had opened the bed. She crawled onto the bed followed by her Dad. He laid next to her and kissed her as he moved his hand over her naked body and down to her mound. He moved one finger down one side of her pussy lips, then over to the other, finally pulling them apart with two fingers. He slid his finger up and down her wetness then grasped her hard clit between his thumb and forefinger and slowly rolled it back and forth.

Alisha was feeling the pleasure he was giving her. He got up on his hands and knees and crawled down to her feet, then pulled her legs wide apart, exposing her pink inner lips and the entrance to her love canal.

He laid down on his chest and buried his head between her legs. He pulled her outer lips apart with his fingers and drove his tongue into her wet pussy, sucking all her juices out that he could get. His lips encircled her engorged clit, while his tongue flicked it rapidly. While his mouth worked on her clit, she felt him slip two fingers into her pussy and begin to finger fuck her, hitting that wonderful G-spot each time the fingers fully penetrated her.

Her juices were running like a river, she could feel them running down her crack. Her Dad raised up and grasped her under her knees and raised her legs up and back toward her tits. He held her by the underside of her thighs and attacked her pussy again with his mouth and tongue. He would push her legs back toward her tits and expose her tight little ass. He went down with his tongue and licked her juices from her crack, then put the tip of his tongue in the center of her ass.

It flicked like the tongue of a snake and began to spread her sphincter muscle and enter her ass. He would bring it back out and circle her hole then probe back inside her. She felt him push a finger inside her, then two, spreading the sphincter wide and relaxing it. He would let her legs back down then press his tongue deep into her pussy.

Alisha was intoxicated by the pleasure he was giving her. She knew that an orgasm was close at hand. He covered her pussy with his mouth, his tongue darting in and out of her and flicking her enlarged clit. He pushed two fingers into her ass and sucked on her clit causing the pleasure explosion deep inside her body. She felt herself squirting, she never squirted much more than a man would cum, so it didn’t drench everything in its wake. Bob was able to capture her squirt in his mouth and drink it down she felt wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure flow through her body. She was groaning like someone was beating her while her Dad continued to pleasure her with his tongue and mouth.

When her orgasm subsided, Bob mounted her, pushing his blood engorged cock deep into her hot wet pussy. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close to her as she began to cum again. She could hear the skin of his pelvis slapping against her ass and feel his big balls slamming against her ass……”OH GOD, THIS FEELS SO DAMN GOOD DADDY, FUCK ME GOOD DADDY!! FUCK ME HARDER! SLAM THAT MEAT INTO MY HOT CUNT! I WANT YOU TO FILL ME WITH YOUR HOT CUM !!!!!!!!!!!

Another orgasm consumed Alisha as her Dad shot stream after stream of his gooey white cum deep inside her pussy. Alisha could feel the hot spurts splashing against the walls of her uterus. She felt it start running out of her around his cock as he pounded his hot meat in and out of her like a piston in and engine. In a few minutes, their orgasms subsided and they lay there, Bob on top of Alisha, both gasping for breath, their hearts beating violently.

Alisha held her Dad close to her with her legs and arms. With his dick still inside her, they both drifted off into a short nap, recharging for the next round of animalistic and unrelenting sex…….the night was yet young.

They woke up in about half an hour. Bob rolled off of Alisha and lay on his back. Alisha rolled over on her side and kissed Bob on the cheek and said, “That was absolutely great Dad, I haven’t came like that in a long time.”

He smiled at her and put his hand on her ass and squeezed, “Tell you what, Pumpkin, I don’t know where you learned sex, but you are really, really good at it…..I can’t get enough of you.”

“Thanks Dad,” she said, “let’s go have another drink and then resume, what do you say?”

“Sounds good, I need a little time to recoup before I’m able to fuck you again.” he told her.

Alisha stopped off by the bathroom and pushed out as much cum as she could and washed her legs and pussy off so she would be fresh when they came back in the bedroom. They just left their clothes off and went to the bar. Alisha poured the drinks and they sat at the bar and talked.

Bob couldn’t get enough of looking at Alisha. Her tits were so perfect, they were big and stood straight out, no sag in them. Her stomach was tight and he could see the faint outlines of her ab muscles. She was shaved and her skin tone was beautiful…..and her legs were long and nice. As he sat there looking at Alisha’s beautiful body, he thought back to when he had first saw Anne naked. She could have been Alisha’s twin, they looked so much alike.

As they sat there Alisha asked him, “Hey Dad, I see you shaved your pubes, when did you do that? I think it’s hot when a man shaves himself down there. I never did like to give a guy head if he had a big bush around his cock. Those little hairs always get stuck in my teeth…..and I don’t like that. So thanks for doing it.

“Not a problem Pumpkin, I’ve always thought about it and when I saw you were shaved, I just had to do it, so, when I got home this afternoon, I went and done it.” As he took a drink he asked Alisha, “Do you think we should be doing this, I mean, we could get in a lot of trouble if anyone ever found out…..and …..its… kind of something that’s just… not done, you know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean Dad, it’s just something that fathers and daughters don’t do……..normally. But you know what, they don’t know what they’re missing. The sex we’re having is the best I’ve ever had Dad, and I love you more for it. When you’re inside me, we can’t get any closer and I feel safe with you. Some of the guys I’ve been with, I didn’t feel really safe with, like, I never knew just what might happen. I feel good with Colin, I know he will take care of me and protect me and we have good sex, but nothing to compare what you and I are experiencing. So, Dad, don’t beat yourself up about it, what we’re doing may not be right, but it’s damn sure not wrong either. Just so you know, I want to continue, I want to fuck you and suck you any time I can, ok?”

He took another drink and looked at his shapely daughter, “Alisha, I’m really ok with this. Down deep inside me, I’ve wanted to do this for a lot of years, probably since you were 18 or 19, and never thought that you’d want it too…..And I don’t want to stop either, I like giving you pleasure and I love knowing you like the pleasure I give you……and Lord knows Alisha, you give me an abundance of pleasure, more than words can express and I just love looking at you naked.”

Alisha drank down the last of her Crown. She spread her legs wide on the bar stool and put her arms on the arm rests. She scooted her ass to the edge of the chair and said, “Ok stud, here it is, come and get it…………………I need you bad.”

Bob finished his drink and sat the glass on the bar, he stood up and stepped up to the front of Alisha’s bar stool……his cock was fully erect and he could see the pink inner folds of skin around her love tunnel, glistening with her juices. He took his manhood in his hand and rubbed its bulbous head up and down her soft pussy then slowly pushed it in till his balls lay on her nice round ass.

Alisha gasped as he penetrated her. She wrapped her long legs around his ass and pulled him in closer. Bob grasped her by her sides and commenced to slow fuck her, watching her eyes as they rolled around in sublime ecstasy.

Bob leaned into her and kissed her swollen nipples and gently chewed on them, sending shivers down Alisha’s spine. She held his head in her hands as the oral assault on her boobs continued. Her Dad’s dick was so deep in her pussy that she could feel it bumping against her cervix, the head attempting to penetrate its small opening.

Alisha was lost in a realm of total pleasure as Bob’s big cock continued to slowly slide in and out of her soaking wet vagina. She could look down and watch as her Dad’s cock disappeared into her spread open vagina. It would come all the way out and she could see it glistening, covered with their combined juices, then feel it go inside her, filling her void to capacity.

Her body was reeling from the intense pleasure she was feeling…….then that climactic feeling hit her as a surge of warmth filled her insides and pushed her into an orgasmic stupor. She looked at her Dad’s face and his eyes had disappeared from sight, his mouth was open and he was drooling saliva down onto her mound. His engorged cock was erupting, filling her with his super heated semen.

She gritted her teeth and her whole body tensed as she began to cum. She put her arms around Bob and pulled up close to him, pressing her hard, erect nipples into his chest and squashing her full breast between them. She felt as though she had left her body and drifted in the air above.

When their climaxes stopped, Bob lifted her ankles up onto his shoulders and pressed his, hard phallus into her tight ass. He slowly pumped it in and out in very short strokes, his thick penis catching the juices dripping out of her wet pussy……lubricating them as he drilled deeper into her colon. When he attained full penetration, he just stood still, she could feel his cock throbbing inside of her.

Then he began to fuck her, with long hard strokes, grasping her by her calves as he plunged deep into her stretched ass, all the while rubbing her engorged clitoris with his thumb and slipping it in and out of her well fucked pussy. She felt it again…….that explosion of pleasure deep inside her…….her muscles tensed and she began to shake all over as the orgasm spread like wildfire throughout her torso………she squirted on Bob as her climax continued. Then she felt her Daddy shoot his hot juice deep into her bowels, filling her till it started to run out and puddle on the floor beneath her ass. They held each other tight as they kissed passionately, lost in the orgasms they were experiencing.

When Bob pulled his softened cock out of her ass, a gush of his cum ran out of her and onto the floor. He sat back in his barstool and wiped the sweat from his forehead…..still breathing hard. Alisha stood to go behind the bar and pour them another Crown. When she stood, a huge gush of his sperm came out of her and ran down her legs. She looked down as it came out, then looked at her Dad. “boy when you unload you really fill a girl to the brim don’t you?” she jokingly said to him.

He laughed, also watching his cum run out of her, “I did shoot quite a load didn’t I…..I don’t think I’ve ever cum so much with anyone else…….it’s just you that brings the best out in me. She went behind the bar and retrieved a bar towel, moistened it and wiped herself clean. She poured them another double and came back around the bar. Alisha took a sip of her drink and sat down.

“Hey Dad. I’ve got a question for you, you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to……Do you have any desires to fuck Cody?” she asked

He looked at her rather seriously, “To tell the truth, Pumpkin, no……you have always been my favorite daughter. You love animals, you’ve always took an interest in the ranch and worked hard out there from the time you were a young girl. We were always close and talked a lot. It seems you confided in me and asked my advice quite regularly. You were always my girl and I was always very proud of you.

Cody, on the other hand, was too good to work out on the ranch and she didn’t really like animals. We never talked too much, she seemed to always confide in your mother and ignore me, I think because I am a cowboy. She has never been interested in the ranch, that’s why I told you two, the ranch will be yours and I’ll give her 5 million dollars. She is a beautiful young woman also, but I don’t have any desire to fuck her, I’d never enjoy it like I do with you. I‘m glad that you pushed the issue and we did it. Speaking of doing it, let’s go back to the bedroom, I’m going to have to go home soon and I just can’t get enough of you.”

They went back to the bedroom and Alisha told him to get on his back. His cock was hard and she straddled it a lowered herself down on it till he was completely inside her. She put her hands on his chest and began to raise and lower her ass on his erection, she heard a slurping sound as his cock slid in and out of her. She laid over forward and started kissing him again while he caressed her tits and played with her nipples.

This was the best fuck of the night, slow and easy. Neither of them rushed it and it took over an hour of slow steady fucking to bring them to another orgasm. They both had an earth shaking orgasm, one that rocked their worlds. Alisha dismounted and laid on her side looking at him. She smiled and told him to lay still as she went down and tongue cleaned his dick and balls, which brought him to a full erection again. She looked up at him and he was grinning saying, “I just can’t help it, honey, you just bring it back to life so easily.”

Alisha laughed and went back to giving him a blow job. She loved to suck cock and even more than that, she loved the prize she got at the end. Her favorite taste in the world is the taste of cum, ooey gooey cum. She loved swishing it around in her mouth, tasting it, feeling its thick texture, then the look on her guy’s face when she swallowed the whole load while looking deep into his eyes. She felt that one of the biggest compliments to a man is to swallow his cum while he watches. She was really enjoying taking his cock deep down her throat. She picked up the pace and felt his cock suddenly start to expand again, and here it came, another tasty load of hot semen. She gulped it down then commenced to suck every last drop out of his cock. She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow.

“Well Dad, are you satisfied, or, do you need some more of my pussy.” she asked

“I want some more of your sexy pussy, but I need to go home….your mom should get home soon and I don’t want to have to come up with a lie to tell her.” he said.

“Well Dad, just tell her you were over here having dinner with me and talking. Tell her Colin was in Detroit, so I asked you over for dinner since she had a meeting. You just don’t have to tell her about the desert.” Alisha was giggling.

Bob started laughing, “and that was the best part of the meal, several courses of desert.”

Alisha giggled at her Dad then kissed him a long extended kiss. “Dad, I’ve really had a good time with you tonight and my body feels like, you know, fucking good. When you want me, just ask, I’m yours…….and Dad, I’m not telling anyone, this is our little secret and as long as we are discreet, no one will ever know.”

“That’s why I love you Pumpkin, we are so much alike.” he told her.

“And I love you Dad………I’ll clarify it, I love you Dad, I’m not IN love with you…..there’s a big difference.” she told him.

“And I feel the same, my dear.” he said.

Alisha got up off the bed as did Bob. He went into her bathroom and took a shower to get the smells of sex off of him so Anne wouldn’t get suspicious. He got out of the shower and dressed. Alisha put on a robe and walked him to the front door. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him goodnight. He gave her a little squeeze and told her he would see her tomorrow. Alisha closed and locked the door and went to take a shower and clean herself before bed. She went to the bar and cleaned the cum from the floor and put the cum soaked towel in the laundry. She washed up the glasses and straightened up the room and went to bed. Colin would be home tomorrow afternoon, she was missing him terribly. She went to sleep thinking about the fantastic shagging she had gotten tonight and looking forward to the next encounter.


Alisha is still sitting out on her patio enjoying the morning. She has remembered so many things that she has done in her lifetime. Some good, some bad and some self destructive. Her memories of the seduction of her Dad are vivid and she still is not sorry she did it. To her, some of her fondest memories of her Dad, are of him fucking her in all her holes. Sometimes she wonders if it was her that seduced him or if he let her believe it was her that did the seducing. All in all, they both enjoyed the sex that they shared…..but neither really ever realized that they were both sex addicts, always on a quest to satisfy their insatiable obsession. She gazes out at the elk in the meadow, one bull has mounted a cow and his cock is fully visible to her. She remembers the sight of her Dad’s cock, glistening with their juices, pumping her pussy at a feverish rate till he froze, his cock pulsing and pumping her most intimate parts full of his thick semen. As she sits in her chair, she can still feel him inside her and she longs to have him there again, holding her close to him and feeling his hot cum filling her belly. If only the past years could return and she could do a few things differently.


Alisha was up early the next morning having breakfast and preparing for a very busy day. She had a meeting at the bank at 9, then she had to see her accountant at 10:30 then she had a lunch date with her Mom. The afternoon would be tied up with BioGen, she wanted to observe the AI process and get a little more familiar with it……her Dad is supposed to be there also to observe.

She would really rather be out doing anything other than all this stuff this morning. Maybe it will go quickly, she is looking forward to lunch with Mom…..she wants to see how her pulse is beating. She is laughing to herself as she drives down the street and says, “Alisha, it’s not every girl that has had consensual sex with both her parents……….I’m such a perv…….but I love myself.”

She pulled into the parking lot of the bank and went in. She got her business done at the bank then went to the accountant’s office and laid out how she wanted to manage their profits, then went to Anne’s office to pick her up. When she gots there, Anne was still with a client so Alisha went to her own office to wait. As she goes through the door, she sees that nothing has changed, it still is just as she arranged it. There haven’t been any special clients that needed her expertise so she hasn’t been in here for a while. She hears Anne escorting her client to the front door so she goes out to meet her. “Hi Mom, you ready to go?” she asked.

“Just let me get my purse,” Anne said.

She emerged from her office and the headed out the door. “What say we go to the new restaurant at the Stadium……I’ve heard it’s really good.”

“Sounds good to me,” Alisha said.

They got seated and ordered their drinks, then looked the menu over. When they settled on what they wanted, Anne asked her, “How are the wedding plans coming along?”

Alisha told her that everything was finalized and they were ready for it to happen. “Dad and I talked about his part when he was over for dinner the other night and you know what you’re doing so we’re almost done and ready for the hitchin’ ” Alisha said. “I really am ready to do this. By the way Mom, how does this Saturday night sound for getting together again, Cody and Justin will join us and we can have a 3 way.”

“Oh my Alisha,” Anne said, “I’m so glad that Cody has agreed to be a part of this, it’s going to be fun to be involved with my two beautiful girls and their guys. David had such a wonderful time with you, he still talks about it…….and Colin is fabulous, you’re a lucky girl Alisha. I’m looking forward to having Justin again, he has such a nice cock and knows how to use it too. What time on Saturday?”

“I think maybe about 7. I’m not going to do dinner again, we’ll just have drinks at the bar then go from there. What are you going to tell Dad?”

“Well, it seems that he and Bob Bradley are going down in New Mexico to buy some more yearlings to go into the feedlot at Clovis. He said he would be back Sunday evening, so, I have all night Saturday and David’s wife will be out of town till next Tuesday….can David and I stay at your place all night Saturday?” she asked.

“I’ll set the swap up for an all nighter and we can have a brunch on Sunday. If I can get you and Cody out from under whoever you end up with on Sunday morning, you can help me fix it, I’ll get all the stuff and have it there.” Alisha told her.

“That will be perfect dear, I’m ready for some good sex again, did I tell you that I got some female Viagra to help me along?” she said.

“Noooooo, you didn’t, I didn’t think you needed any help the way you performed last time. Heck, you kept up with me easily.” Alisha kidded her.

Anne grinned and waved Alisha off. She really just wanted to be super ready for three guys. She was thinking about the DP she did, now there will be 3 guys and she can have one in her mouth at the same time……and while it was going on she would like to be able to watch Alisha and Cody go at each other. No doubt, Anne was almost as perverted and obsessed as Alisha.

“Mom, I’ll get everything set up and I know we’ll have a lot of fun……then we have the wedding the next weekend and the four of us will be gone to Hawaii for a week on our honeymoons. You will have to be with Dad that weekend, so you guys had better get all the screwing in you can this weekend.”

“There’s no doubt about that, dear, no doubt at all.” Anne grinned.

They finished lunch and Alisha took Anne back to work and headed out to the office. She needed to get there by 1 pm when BioGen arrived so she could get better acquainted with their breeding procedures. Bob should be there too…..she grinned and wondered if he would want to get in her pants again today…….he is so horny and I love it, she thought to herself.

When she got to the ranch, she could see that BioGen’s vans were parked down by the corals and they were setting up. She could see the guys bringing in the next group of cows from the pasture. This was going to be a real educational day. As she pulled up, she saw her Dad driving up behind her. When he got out of his truck, they greeted and Alisha asked him, “did you get into any trouble last night when you got home?”

“No,” he said, “she didn’t get home till well after midnight, said that she and some of the other members went out after the meeting and had a drink at Chili’s. You know Alisha, she can do whatever and whoever she wants, I really don’t give a fuck anymore. Hell she can fuck he whole board of directors if she wants. I’ve decided I’m going to enjoy the rest of my life and not stress about her. I’ve got Patti out in Vegas, I’ve got you here and I’ve met this woman down in New Mexico that takes real good care of me……so, I’m going to quit trying with Anne.

I doubt that we’ll get a divorce or anything like that, but I think I’m going to move into another bedroom at the house. I know that she won’t do anything to screw up the business end of this family, she thinks too much of you and Cody to do that. So I would presume that we’ll just lead separate lives together. But don’t let any of this bother you or Cody. I just want you there when I need you……..all this still ok with you Pumpkin?”

“Yes, Dad, you two have to manage your personal lives, it’s not up to me or Cody to try to interfere……you two just do whatever it takes to make yourselves happy…..and you know, I will be here to take care of you……………… and ALL of your needs.” she told him.

“Speaking of needs, want to have a quickie later?” he asked her, checking out her cleavage.

“You bet I do……..but it will have to be a quickie, I have to meet Colin when he gets back. He wants to go over the new structure for the dealerships he worked out in Detroit. He said it would take us a while and since I am half owner, he said I need to understand what he did.” she said.

“I didn’t know that you were half owner of all the dealerships too…….damn girl you’re soon to be one of the richest women in Colorado. Somebody told me that they thought you and Colin had bought that hog operation down in the south end of the valley, is that right?” he asked her.

She wondered who told him about that, “Yes it is Dad, we bought it a few months ago, thought we’d change the way it’s run and get it to making money, then maybe sell it to a corporate hog farm somewhere. So far, the changes we have made have increased the income by almost 80%. In this short time, it’s really turned around from showing a loss to showing a good solid profit. Last month alone, we cleared over $70,000. We have put quite a bit of money into the operation and hired a new manager, but the profits its making are more than supporting what we put in.”

“Why didn’t you say anything about it to me, hell, I would have helped you guys.” Bob asked her.

“Nothing personal Dad, we just wanted to do it on our own and if it failed, we didn’t want anyone to think we were stupid, so we kept it quiet……….sorrrrry……….just don’t take it personal, we didn’t tell anyone.” she told him.

“It’s no problem Pumpkin, I understand. But anyway, with that kind of income and improvements, it should be worth a pretty penny by now…..you guys gonna keep it or sell it?” he asked.

“The value has increased dramatically, we had it appraised a couple of weeks ago and they valued it at $2.7 million. We are in the process of another expansion to be completed by July. That should add another $1.5 million to it. We don’t know if we really want to sell it or not. We had an inquiry from Premium Standard Farms down in Texas whether we’d be interested in selling or not. We haven’t responded yet.” she told him.

“Damn girl, you are one hell of a business woman and with me and that husband to be of yours involved with you, you are going to be the richest, the most beautiful and powerful woman in Colorado…….I’m so damn proud of you.” he complimented her.

“And one more perk we just became aware of……….we found out that the land the hog farm is situated on has gas under it. We’ve been approached to lease the mineral rights so they can do some exploratory drilling. There are over 3000 deeded acres there and we own all of the mineral rights. It’s all Chico brush so drilling won’t harm anything…..we’d just exclude the land the actual buildings are on and a little of the adjacent land so we could do our expansion without any problems…..so that’s something else to look at.” she told Bob.

“You’re building an empire Alisha. I think that both of you are smart enough to manage it correctly. Again, I’m so damn proud of you……” he said.

They saw that the BioGen team was ready to begin the AI process, so they went over to the corals and observed. The area rep was there and eyeing Alisha and smiling at her She knew what he was thinking…..something like, “Yeah, bring that brunette over here and put her in a chute and I’ll breed her myself while I’m here.”……..he just had that look on his face. She went over and greeted him, “I’ve missed you the last several times you’ve been here, I’ve been pretty busy.”

“I’ve been looking for you when we were here but never did see you or your truck. I was hoping we could get together and have a drink……or…….something.” he said to her.

“That would have been nice, but, work first. Hopefully, we can get together sometime during the breeding when you’re here.” she told him.

“How about tonight? I’m free and staying over till morning.” he stated.

“Can’t tonight, my fiance has plans and it’s going to take some time, maybe next time…..oh hell, I’m getting married that next weekend and will be gone to Hawaii for a week on our honeymoon…..but I’ll try to get together with you after that, we’ve still got another 3 weeks of AI till we’re finished.” she said.

“Getting married?” he said with a puzzled look on his face, “I didn’t know you were tying the knot, I guess you won’t be messing around then,” he said.

“On the contrary, my man and I have this little arrangement, we both still get to fuck whoever we want, whenever we want……nothing like a little variety to make the heart fonder,” she told him laughing.

“Well then, I’m up for it, I’ll be ready and willing when you get back.”

“One more thing darlin‘, Colin will probably want to watch us fuck, I hope you don’t mind performing in front of another guy………do you?” she told him smiling.

“I don’t mind as long as I get to get inside you, you’re well worth it Alisha,” he told her.

Alisha went over and began to observe the AI process with her Dad. They stayed there till all 200 cows were bred, then wandered up to the office. They sat and discussed what they had observed, waiting for everyone to leave for the evening so they could have their clandestine fun. By 6:00 everyone was gone. Alisha went to the door and locked it and pulled the shades. She turned around and looked at her Dad, “Are you ready?” she asked.

Bob smiled and started removing his jeans and boxer briefs, Alisha stripped so he could see all of her. She laid back on her desk and spread her legs. Bob put her ankles on his shoulders and slid his hard cock all the way into her dripping wet pussy.

“I’ve been thinking of this all afternoon Dad, see how wet I am?” she cooed.

“My dick sure went in easy, you are really wet and the vision of you naked gets my dick so hard it wants to split apart,” he said as he began pumping her with his hard cock. The pleasure she was feeling was a great end to the day, she did know though, that she had to be ready to perform for Colin later, he would be horny after being away. Bob continued screwing her for the next 20 minutes. His climax filled her with hot sperm one more time. She had a great orgasm, not a stupendous or out of the galaxy type. After all, it is just a quickie and not a long full blown fuck. When they finish, Bob pulls out stands back and watches his cum run from her wet pussy.

“I just love to look at that creampie when we’re finished. It looks so damn hot to see my cum running out of your beautiful cunt……” he told her.

She stood up and put her hand under her dripping pussy, “Think that’s hot, watch this !”
She pushed and pushed till most all his thick, white cum had puddled in her palm. She brought he hand up close to her mouth, leaned over and began to lick it up and swallow it down. She licked her hand clean and put her index finger inside her pussy then brought it up and sucked it like a cock. “How did you like watching your little girl eating your cream pie?” She didn’t have to hear what he thought, she looked and his cock was rock hard again. “I can’t let you leave like that Dad,” she said as she went to her knees in front of him. She took his total length into her mouth and began working it over with her tongue and mouth. She grasped his balls and began gently squeezing them, once even taking both his balls totally inside her mouth while she jacked him. She deep throated him a couple of times and then teased that little spot just under the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue. In a matter of minutes, she had a mouthful of his delicious cum and she greedily swallowed it all…….licking her lips as she stood up.

I hope you didn’t mind Daddy, I just didn’t want you leave like that and have blue balls……plus the taste of your cum made me want more, he he he,” she said as she began to put her clothes back on.

“Alisha, you have to be the best cock sucker I’ve ever been with, I felt like I was going to blow my balls out the end of my Johnson, you’re so damn good. Thank you my dear, you make your old man feel pretty special.” he said to her as he left the office.

She had to get going, she was to meet Colin in about 15 minutes. Sucking Dad’s cock used a little more time than she thought it would, but, it was well worth it. She loved eating cum. She thought to herself, I’d like to get cum from 25 guys in a glass and be able to drink it all. Have a gang bang, but have them mostly shoot their wads in a container…..mmmmmm, that sounds yummy, I’ll have to talk to Colin about it and see what he thinks.

She drove up to the dealership and saw Colin sitting at his desk. When she went in, he got to his feet and met her in front of his desk. He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately then held her close in a hug. He backed away from her, holding her hands, and looked at her from head to toe. “Damn I’ve missed you my love.” he said.

“Oh Colin, I’m so glad to have you home, I want to get you into bed and welcome you back as soon as I can.” she said to him, looking deep into his eyes.

“That’s a date dear, but first, we need to go over all this paperwork on my desk and I need you to sign two places.” he told her as he pulled a chair up to his desk. He explained, in detail, how the whole process would work after merging all of the dealerships together. Everything would run from one central computer server located here. He was going to build another building just to house the servers and other tech components. All the dealerships would be linked together, including a database for the current inventory at all of the dealerships so if they needed to find a particular vehicle for a customer, it could be done from any of the computer terminals at any dealership. Then all the bookkeeping components would be merged into one. All invoices would be received and paid from one location. He would better equiped to manage their business and not have to travel so much. Plus, from his office he could monitor every location through the security cameras at the dealerships. “It’s state of the art Alisha, I need you to spend some time with me getting a basic knowledge and understanding of how our business works, you know, just in case something happens to me……..I don’t want you to be at the mercy of some ruthless individual trying to take advantage of you should I not be here.”

“Ok Colin, I’ll plan some time with you after we get back from Hawaii. Things should slow down at the ranch till we get ready to move the cattle up to the high range. I’ll plan on it then. Are you planning to come out and see what I do too, darling? You know, the same is true for you, you need to know what I do and get the basic knowledge of running a ranch.” she told him.

“I will do that Alisha, you’re right I need to know that too. Maybe when you guys move the cattle up to the high range, I can come along and try to help.” he volunteered.

“I think you would like it, Colin. It’s a lot of work, but at the same time it’s a lot of fun. We could even, maybe, you know, have sex under the stars…he he he, “ she said.

“Now that I could handle for sure,” he laughed.

They worked at Colin’s office for the next two hours familiarizing Alisha with the new format for the dealership. When they left there, they went over to Chili’s and had dinner and a few margaritas. When they got home, Alisha told him she wanted to shower since she had been in the cattle pens all afternoon. He told her that he would shower in one of the other bathrooms and meet her in the bed.

Alisha cleaned herself completely, after her quickie with Bob then went to the bed and stood there, naked looking at the man she loved. He was so damn good looking, a man any woman would be proud to have. She could see a big bulge under the sheet and knew he wanted her. She slowly crawled on top of him, with the sheet between them. She could feel his excitement against her stomach as she kissed him and caressed him. They held each other tight and he ran his hands all over her bare skin, feeling her full breasts and the cheeks of her beautiful round ass.

He rolled her over and lay on top of her and continued kissing her, taking his warm kisses down to her waiting breasts and nipples. He rose up and removed the sheet from between them and took in the total beauty that he saw lying on the bed. From her beautiful face down across her magnificent breasts to her flat toned stomach……then to that fleshy mound just above the place that gave him so much pleasure. He legs were long and slender and perfectly shaped.

He reached down and pushed her legs further apart and laid down between them. With his fingers, he separated the puffy pink outer lips that surrounded her pleasure hole and looked at the light pink folds of skin that lay between them. Alisha is so beautiful between her legs, he thought as he gently licked those delicate folds of skin that guarded the orifice he intended to enter. Above all of this, under a hood, stands a small protrusion that when caressed with his tongue, will drive waves of pleasure throughout her luscious body. He lightly licked her clitoris and watched as it grew and hardened. How it stretched out in front of her lips getting hard, the same way his cock was hardening.

He gazed at that small woman penis in amazement. How could such a small thing give so much pleasure to its owner. He took it between his lips and sucked on it as his tongue flicked across it, making Alisha arch her back and moan in total bliss. He continued to tongue the small penis as he slipped two fingers into her wet cunt. He found that small fleshy area about 3 or 4 inches inside of her that he knew would send shivers up her spine when he massaged it.

Alisha spread her legs further apart, arched her back and pushed her pelvis into his probing fingers. Her head was writhing back and forth and she was moaning in a deep soulful groan. He put his hands under her ass and lifted her up off the bed then slid a pillow under her. He pushed her legs further apart and began to lick her from her ass hole to her clit in long broad strokes. He teased her ass with the tip of his tongue, feeling the sphincter muscle contract as he tried to probe her ass with his tongue. His fingers were busy probing her vagina and rubbing her clit……..Alisha was moaning loud, almost yelling…..COLIN, THAT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD, I LOVE YOUUU SOOO MUCHHH…..AAAAH, OH SHIT, I’M CUMMING COLIN, I’M CUMMMMMING, AAAAAAAAAAAAH, FUCK ME, FUCK ME QUICK COLIN, I WANT YOU INSIDE ME, NOW COLIN, NOW, FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEE………

At those commands Colin came to his knees and slammed his hard phallus deep into Alisha’s hot wet cunt making her scream his name that much more. He had tantalized and pushed her into an earth shaking orgasm that had her muscles tensed hard. Her vagina had clamped down hard on the length of his penis, while wave after wave of vibrations shot through her body and into Colin’s hard cock.

He had never in his life ever experienced the vibrations he was feeling emanating from her body. Those vibrations were stimulating his hard dick to the point he felt himself preparing to cum, even though he had not pumped her at all. Then, he shot a load of cum out of his cock that he knew had the pressure of a water hose and a volume to match. Alisha, in the midst of her internal earthquake, felt his hot sperm hit her cervix with such a force if felt like a cock trying to penetrate it’s small opening.

She wrapped her long slender legs around his ass and pulled him into her with dynamic force. Her arms were wrapped around his torso and were holding him so tight that he could barely breathe, and in the meantime, his cock was flooding her entire womb with his hot, gooey, white love juice. Alisha was still yelling in ecstasy, savoring every orgasmic shockwave that exploded within her. Their orgasms lasted for a full 4 minutes, cum flowed out of her like honey running from a hive. Colin was locked to her by her arms and legs……..he had never felt the strength she was displaying at this moment, but it was, by far the most intense fuck he had ever had in his life……and Alisha was feeling the same thing as her body was uncontrollably ravaged by the orgasmic waves pounding inside her.

When the storm quieted, they both lay there in each other’s arms completely exhausted from the intense pleasure they had both experienced. Colin managed to roll off of Alisha onto his side, but still holding her in his arms. Neither of them awakened until the sun was high the next morning. When Alisha opened her eyes, Colin was lying beside her, his arm across her breasts and a leg across hers. There were no covers on them, just wrinkled sheets under them. She felt a very large wet spot under her ass.

She removed Colin’s arm from atop her tits and slipped out from under his leg and got out of the bed. She could see the wet spot she felt, it was a full 20 inches in diameter…….she then felt Colin’s zest running down her legs. As she looked down she saw the white streams of his thick love juice flowing downward. She walked to the bathroom and started the shower.

When the water warmed she was under the rain shower head letting the warm water flow over her entire body as she leaned against the clear glass. Colin came walking into the bathroom. He walked into the shower with Alisha and hugged her from behind.

She quietly uttered, “Colin, what the hell happened last night, I’ve never felt anything like that before, I feel like I ran the Boston Marathon this morning. My muscles all feel like I‘ve been out weight training all night.”

Colin stood there holding her, “I don’t know Alisha, but something we did, I released a climax, that honestly, I still feel. I ejaculated so hard my balls are aching……no hurting is more the word for it…….and my cock is so sore I can hardly touch it.

They both stood there under the water, holding each other, trying to recover from the most intense pleasure either of them had ever experienced in their whole lives. When they got out of the shower, they both made calls to their offices and stayed home…….sick. They went to one of the other bedrooms, got in the bed and went to sleep, still exhausted. Whatever had happened, completely drained them of their strength and stamina. When they woke up the next time it was 4:30 pm. Slowly they both got up and went to their bedroom and put on robes and went to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink, to replenish their bodies. Several hours later, they were starting to recover and feeling strong again.

As they sat, watching the Denver news, a report was aired about the murder of
Jerry Johnston, the guy that had drugged Alisha and then he and his friends gang raped her. The reporter was saying that an arrest had been made. His wife had been charged with his murder. She had followed him to Denver, thinking he was meeting some other woman there. It was suspected that she thought that he was having an affair as she had received a CD in the mail recently showing him having sex with another unknown woman. She followed him and found he was staying at a local motel with a woman for two days. She had kept him under surveillance for the two days and had followed him as he drove back toward Meeker on I 70. When she saw no one else around, she pulled up beside him and shot six shots from a 357 magnum into the drivers window of his truck, killing him. She had then driven back to Meeker and went home.

Alisha, upon hearing this, felt a heavy load lifted from her mind. It hadn’t been Colin that had been responsible for his death, she sighed a sigh of relief and snuggled up next to him. Alisha had told Colin they would have a three way swap on Saturday, to which he was very pleased. “I’m looking forward to having your Mom again, she is one great piece of ass !” he said, “but nothing to compare with what we had last night.

“Alisha, that was the most intense and pleasurable experience I have ever had in my entire life, I just wish I knew how to do it again…….It may have been a once in a lifetime experience and if it was, it was the greatest.” Alisha agreed with him whole heartedly.

They watched some more late night TV then went to bed and slept till sun up the next morning, then it was back to work and two more days till the swap night. Alisha had to go out on the ranch today and check the groups of cattle that had been bred. She wanted to try to scan the ear tags with the portable scanner and see if the system was working the way it should.

She had a wireless scan system installed on the ranch in the area where all the cattle calve out. That way, when a calf is born, one of the guys puts a new ear tag in the calf’s ear and scans then pairs it with the mother’s ear tag. There are visual numbers on the tags plus a bar code. Any individual animal’s history can be accessed instantly, even out in the pastures.

Alisha invested in a technology of wireless communication that works anywhere on the base ranch property. She had radio repeater towers installed in key spots on the ranch that can pick up a handheld radio transmission or a data stream link from the hand held scanner. Then they can access the information they might need out on the ranch.

Any doctoring the animals receive is recorded by the scanner. The operator scans the ear tag, then inputs the data. When he pushes the send button, all the information he entered is transferred to the main frame computer in her office. They should be able to keep track of each individual animal. When they sell those animals, she can print out a history of the animal for the new owner to inspect. She has spent a lot of money on this system and it should pay for itself within the first year.

Her Dad can’t get his head inside it yet, but he is trying. She will have a couple of days soon to teach the ranch hands how to input the information or retrieve information about the animal they need to know. But today, she is going to put the system through its paces and see just how it works.

Alisha is uneasy about the presence of the strangers in the south pasture area. One of the hands is posted on Elk Ridge every day to keep an eye on what’s going on, plus, all the electronic surveillance input. This equipment all works on the same radio system the handhelds and the scanners work on. When they are in a part of the ranch where there is a blind spot and no radio service, they can use the satellite phones. Her prime goal is to have instant communication across the ranch. With these strangers roaming around, she has required each hand pack a hand gun and a saddle rifle. As remote as some of the areas on the ranch are, one needs to be able to take care of themselves till help can arrive. Today she is packing her .40 Sig Sauer. She just never knows where one of these creeps might show up.

She loads her saddle bags with all her equipment and heads out on the ranch. She packed herself a lunch because she doesn’t plan to come in till almost dark. She gave her Dad a handheld radio so she can check in with him periodically and test the radio system. Jack is ready, standing with his ears alert and keeping an eye on Alisha. she gets her chaps and spurs on and packs a jacket in case it gets cold later. Her Dad is close by and watching her, admiring how she dresses and looks. A black hat, long sleeve flannel shirt, jeans, chaps boots and spurs…..and oh yes, her .40 Sig on her hip. She looks just like the guys when they head out on the ranch to work. Her rope is hanging on her saddle and a rifle butt protrudes from its saddle scabbard…then her beauty shows itself…….what a good looking woman…..especially in her western gear.

She rides away from the headquarters and out to the first holding pasture to begin her day. It’s going to be a long one. The best part of the day is riding on the ranch enjoying the beautiful scenery that abounds here. She and her Dad believe that taking care of the land is their first and foremost goal. They practice conservation of the natural resources and try to keep vehicle traffic to a minimum, only on established roads on the ranch. The drainage from the old mines on the property are contained so the flows do not contaminate the flowing streams on the ranch. They allow logging on parts of the ranch where the trees need to be thinned, but do not clear cut any of the timber land. Their income from timber sales tops half a million dollars a year. It could be more, but they do not over cut the forest. Their ranch is a model for others in the area. Her Dad began the conservation approach to preserve the ranch resources and she is carrying on the tradition.

She has checked about half of the cattle and the radio system in several areas, she is close to the lake and thinks that would be a great place for lunch. She stops at the lake and pulls her lunch out of her saddle bags.. It’s a beautiful day and the sun feels warm on her skin. She wishes it was a little later in the spring so it would be warm enough to take a swim. She just loves to swim naked up here, it’s so peaceful and quiet. As she sits on the dock eating, she sees some of the ranch hands riding toward her. She says to herself, “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t get naked and get in the lake, these guys would have had the vision of their life.” She is laughing out loud as Jed and Hank ride up.

“What are you doing way up here by yourself and what’s so funny, Alisha,” Hank asked her.

‘Hi Hank,” she said, “Oh, I’m up here checking out the new scan system and radio system I had installed. Just took a break and having a little lunch and just had a funny thought when you guys rode up.”

“Mind if we join you?” he asked her.

“Not at all guys, step down and relax.” she told them.

Hank had worked for her Dad for as long as she could remember. He had taught her how to rope when she was about 16 and how to ride a cutting horse. He and a couple of the other guys had given her most of her knowledge about ranching and cattle. They taught her how to ride the barrels and how to sit a saddle bronc. They were like a dad to her, teaching, mentoring and challenging her as she grew into a woman. Her toughness came from them and they would protect her against anything bad that might come up.

She enjoyed sitting and talking with them. They laughed about the clumsy little girl she used to be and compared that little girl to the woman she had grown into. She felt good when they told her how proud they were of the woman she had become. She knew she would keep the ranch going, just to protect their livelihoods if not for anything else.

They finished their lunches, mounted up and went on their way. Alisha went to the next groups of cattle and checked them all out. She checked in, on the handheld, with her Dad a few more times. It was getting late and she had about a 7 mile ride to get back to the office. She knew that she had pushed her time to the limits.

She would have to hurry a little to get back before dark. She didn’t worry, she was on Jack and he would get her home. He could find his way on the darkest night. She remembered once when she was around 19. She had stayed up at the lake too long and darkness fell before she could get back to the corals. She became disoriented and panic took over her mind. She didn’t know which way to go and sat on Jack wondering where she was. She remembered something that Hank had taught her about a horse. “If you get lost, give your mount his head and leave him alone, he’ll take you home.”

So, reluctantly, she slackened the reins and lightly touched Jack with her spurs. He took off walking. She didn’t guide him with the reins and let him walk. In an hour or so, she saw the lights of the headquarters down below her. Jack had walked straight home and took her right to the coral gate. If she needed, she could do that again. She headed home. As the moon was rising, she arrived at the corals. She unsaddled Jack and put him away, then walked up to the office. Her Dad was waiting for her.

“I was beginning to get a little worried Alisha, didn’t know what had become of you.” he told her.

“Yes, I did press the time a little, but I wanted to get this all done today. I should have went to the herd that was farther out and started there and worked my way back. I’ll remember that the next time. But it was such a beautiful day I kind of got lost in it.” she told him.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure you got back ok before I went home. You take care and I’ll see you in the morning, Pumpkin.” he told her as he went out the door.

She put her .40 away and the radio and scanner and locked up and headed home. Colin would be waiting for her. When she got home, Colin had dinner ready and a cold craft beer opened. She was tired, her ass was sore from sitting a saddle all day, she hadn’t done that that for a while and had to get used to it again. She told Colin about her pain and he just laughed at her.

“Ok, my dear, drop your pants and I’ll rub it for you, maybe even kiss it and make it feel better.” he laughed.

“Sure you would……..you smart ass, I’m serious, my ass hurts,” she growled at him.

He was still laughing under his breath as she gave him one of her “fuck you” looks. She told him that she was going to take a shower and would be back to eat. She took her beer and went to the bathroom and decided to fill the Jacuzzi tub. When she settled down in the hot, jetted water, it felt so good. She took a long draw from the beer bottle and laid her head back and closed her eyes as the hot water swirled around her body. It felt so good.

She soaked there for about half an hour then got out and put on her short robe and went to the kitchen. Colin had made Orange Chicken, one of her favorite dishes. She took a helping and wolfed it down, she was hungrier than she thought. She finished off her beer and poured herself a glass of iced tea.

She and Colin sat and talked for over an hour about the ranch and what she had been doing all day. He told her he would like to ride with her when she did it again. She told him that it would be good experience to get to know how her new system worked and also how to get around on the ranch. He was genuinely interested in her work as she was of his. They were a good combination, kindred spirits if you will.

Colin put the dishes in the dishwasher, then led Alisha to the bedroom. He removed her robe and told her to lie down on the bed on her stomach. She really didn’t want to have sex tonight, but she wasn’t going to deny him. She felt him straddle her body and prepared to begin sex. Instead she felt him sit sitting back on her thighs and his hands massaging her back. He was talented with his hands, he made her muscles relax and worked out the knots.

He worked down to her ass and kneaded it, rubbing the soreness away. He worked on her back for over half an hour then worked her neck and shoulders, then her thighs, calves and feet. He never offered to touch her private parts, only her muscular areas. He retrieved some lavender massage oil and rubbed it into her skin while he worked the knots out of her muscles. The scent of lavender relaxed her immediately. It felt so damn good, soon she fell asleep and Colin covered her with the covers and got into the bed himself.

They slept peacefully all night. But after the rest, the morning came again and they had to pursue their careers. After the wonderful massage and a good sleep, Alisha felt great, her ass didn’t even hurt. She got up and fixed breakfast for them. They ate and went to their respective offices

It looked to Alisha that this Friday would be a fairly easy day. Bob had left for this trip with Bob Bradley, to New Mexico to buy cattle. “Buy cattle my ass,” she thought, “he’s going down there to get a piece of ass.” She laughed hoping he would have fun. All of the guys were busy out on the ranch today, so she had to go to the Coop and get a load of feed to flush the last group of cattle. She backed up to the flatbed gooseneck trailer and hooked it up and took off for town. It was going to be another beautiful day and she was really enjoying it. She thought back to last night and what Colin had done for her. He had been so sweet. He knew she was hurting and put his own desires aside to do for her. The massage he gave her absolutely was what the doctor ordered, it had loosened up those tight muscles of hers and relaxed her to the point she slept soundly all night.

She pulled up to the feed dock at the Coop. As she got out of her pickup, she saw Fred coming out to meet her. “Hi Fred, I need that last load of hi protein feed today.” she told him.

“It’s so nice to see you Alisha,” he said, “and I mean all of you. When are we going to get together again, I’ve missed that tight body of yours.”

Alisha smiled at him, “And I’ve missed that giant organ of yours too, Fred. What cha doin this afternoon, I’ve got an hour or so free about 2.”

“I can make myself free if it means being with you,” he said.

She didn’t want to spend the whole afternoon with him, but she would spend an hour getting her rocks off with him. He did know how to fuck, she’d give that to him. “Ok then, I’ll meet you at your place at about two……we’re going to have to get right to it, I’ve got a meeting at 3:30.”

“I’ll take anything I can get, damn you’re a hell of a woman, Alisha,” he said.

The trailer was loaded, she had 15 tons of feed on. She told Fred, “I’ll see you at 2.” She pulled her hat down and got in her truck and took off for the ranch. When she got back to the ranch, she parked the trailer and unhooked it. She went to the shop and got a tarp and put it over the feed on the trailer, in case there might be some moisture fall. She was done for the day, except for getting worked over with that giant cock of Fred’s. She saw that her Mom was at the house so she stopped by there to have a cup of coffee with her and make sure she and David were still coming over tomorrow.

Anne was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking coffee and watching Rachael Ray on TV when Alisha came in. “Looks like you took a day off,” she teased her mom.

“Yes, I had no appointments to day so I decided to rest up for tomorrow,” she giggled.

Alisha poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down . “So, I take it you’re coming tomorrow evening?”

“Well hell yes, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve got a free weekend, Bob told me he wouldn’t be back till Monday, so I plan of getting more sex than I can handle. I talked to Justin earlier as he rode by going to the south side of the ranch, he told me that he was looking forward to it also…..I tried to get him to come in and have a cup of coffee and a piece of me, but he declined saying he had too much to get done today.” she told Alisha.

“I guess I work him too hard,” Alisha laughed as she said it to her mom.

They heard the front door open and turned and saw it was Cody. “Good morning ladies,” she merrily said as she came in, “or should I say BITCHES….I hope the coffee is on, I need some.”

Alisha said, “it’s ready and it’s real good.”

Cody poured a cup and sat down with Alisha and Anne. “Are you two ready for tomorrow night?” she asked.

Anne looked at her and said, “Yes I am, I’ve finally found something I can share with BOTH of my daughters, or should I say, they can share with me, he he he.” she said.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun, having grown up fun with you and Alisha,” she told them. “Alisha and I have been doing this for a while, I’m so glad you’re joining our little group.” Cody told her.

“So, what are you two doing today, just hanging out or do you have something going on?” Cody asked.

Alisha told her that she had went to town and got a load of feed and really didn’t have anything else to do. She took a sip of coffee and got a devilish idea, “Are you two up for an erotic adventure?”

Cody’s eye’s lit up and Anne got a questioning look on her face. “I’m always up for something erotic,” Cody interjected. Anne said, “How erotic and exactly what do you have in mind?”

Alisha smiled, “Well, while I was at the Coop this morn……………”

Cody butted in, “You set up a date with Fred didn’t you, you slut.” She giggled as she said it.

“Well, if you’d let me finish, little slut………..while I was at the Coop this morning, Fred came out and was making a pass at me, like he always does. After we talked a little while, I agreed to meet him over at his place about 2. What I have in mind, is for the three of us to show up over there and get screwed all afternoon, what do you guys think, want to give it a try?”

Cody excitedly said, “I’m in, Fred has the biggest cock and damn he knows how to use it, makes a woman moan.”

Anne was smiling, “Have you two girls been with him before?”

Alisha sipped her coffee and said, “yes we have Mom, several times. Cody is right, he knows how to make a woman feeeeeeeel really good, over and over and over and over……”

“I don’t know, I’ve never really been involved in anything…….like this, but………why not, hell yes, I’m in too, let’s see if we can fuck him to death,” Anne giggled.

They decided to have lunch there and go over together. They fixed a light lunch and talked and giggled while they ate, in anticipation of a fulfilling afternoon. By the time they did the dishes and put them away, it was time to leave and head over to Fred’s house. They all were giggling like a bunch of school girls as they loaded up in Alisha’s truck.
It took about 15 minutes to get to Fred’s. As they drove up, as usual, he had the garage door up and was standing outside. They could see a questioning look on his face as they drove up. They got out and Alisha said to him, “I brought along a couple of friends, I hope you don’t mind.”

Fred stood there in shock, looking at three of the most beautiful women in the area, “Damn……………NO I don’t mind, my god, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven, I can’t believe this……..Just thinking about you alone, Alisha, was enough to give me a hard on all morning, but, all three of the Moore women……..at the same time……..this is a dream come true……….come on in and I’ll get us all something to drink……I just hope I live through this.”

They all went in the house and Fred poured them all a tall glass of iced tea. Alisha said to him, “Fred, I hope that you took the whole afternoon off, we’re here for the rest of the day.”

“I’ve got to make a call, and I’m free till Monday, if you all want to hang out.” he laughed. He went to the phone and told them he wouldn’t be back this afternoon. He hung up and said, “Ok, who’s first.” they all were laughing as they stood up and began to undress…….Fred was getting his eyes full as he fumbled with his clothes also.

In a matter of seconds, they all were stripped and standing in the kitchen. The three of them went to Fred and began kissing and caressing him, causing his 11 inch cock to stand erect, at full attention. Alisha was first to drop to her knees and begin to suck his cock and squeeze his balls while Cody and Anne kissed him and nibbled on his nipples. His hands were all over their tits.

Alisha stood up and Cody took her place sucking his cock. Alisha went behind him and explored his body with her hands while he passionately kissed Anne. In a few minutes, Anne took Cody’s place, taking his balls into her mouth and gently chewing on them while jacking him off. After a little while, they all retired to Fred’s bedroom.

Cody pulled the covers back and crawled on the bed. Fred leaned down and licked her wet pussy as he slid a finger along Anne’s crack and stroked her clit. Alisha straddled Cody’s head and let her lick her for a few minutes. They all pulled Fred down on his back and Anne straddled his hard cock and slid down on it, while Alisha straddled his head facing Anne and lowered her pussy down to his lips. Cody was kissing Alisha and Anne had two fingers inside Cody’s dripping pussy. Everyone was feeling good. Taking that big hunk of a cock inside her, Anne came very quickly as did Alisha. Fred’s tongue had drifted from her pussy to her ass, driving her over the edge.

Soon behind them, Cody had an orgasm. They all dismounted Fred and Alisha laid down on her back on the big bed. Fred immediately mounted her and began desperately fucking her, she could see by the intense look on his face that he was getting close to cumming. Anne and Cody had gotten into a sixty nine position and were pleasuring each other right next to them. Alisha felt Fred push his long cock all the way into her and begin to blow his hot load of sticky white cum. The warm sensation of him ejaculating in her and watching her mom and sister, pushed her into an orgasm that tightened all the muscles in her abdomen.

Wave after wave of orgasmic explosions inside her made her buck and moan. He pulled out of her and took Anne next. She and Cody had both came and Anne had rolled over on her stomach when Fred caught her and gripped her ass. He spread his legs on both sides of her legs and inserted his cock deep into her wet pussy. She gasped as he put it all the way in. Fred started pumping her, never losing his erection. Alisha looked at him and said, “Fred, how the hell can you keep it up after cumming as much as you did.”

He looked at her and said, “I knew you were coming over and I didn’t want to miss out on any time I could have, so I took a Viagra……those things will keep me hard and cumming for hours.” He kept pumping Anne, pushing her to a gigantic orgasm. He asked her, “Where do you want me to deposit this load of cum beautiful?”

Anne’s hands were gripping the top of the mattress and she was pushing her ass up into Fred’s cock, “Put it inside me Fred, I want to feel it coat my insides.”

With that being said, Fred began to shoot his cream into her. She felt the warmth spreading throughout her vagina and moaned loudly.

Fred pulled out of Anne and looked around for Cody. He bent her over the bed and slipped the length of his cock into her. As he pushed it in, it brought her to her tip toes. Alisha had gone down on Anne and was sucking all the cum out of her she could get. Anne was pushing the cum out of her vagina for Alisha. When she got all she could get, she licked Anne’s pussy clean and laid back on the bed.

“Now, it’s your turn Mom, clean me up.” Anne smiled and dived into Alisha’s pussy and began sucking the cum out of her. As Alisha pushed the cum out, Anne had slipped two fingers into Alisha drawing cum out of her. When she got all she could get, she licked Alisha’s pussy clean. They finished just in time to hear Cody screaming, “GIVE ME ALL THAT BIG FUCKING ROD OF YOURS, I WANT YOUR CUM FRED, I WANT YOUR CUM ON MY FACE AND IN MY MOUTH. SHOOT OUR CUM ON ME FRED, OH FUCK I’M CUMMING, FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE.

Cody had a huge orgasm and soon after she relaxed, Fred pulled out of her and rolled her over on her back. He straddled her stomach and put his cock between her big tits and began to tit fuck, pushing his long cock into her open mouth. After a few strokes, he began to shoot his load all over her face and mouth. She was swallowing all the cum she could get. In a minute, Fred had finished cumming and got off of her.

Alisha and Anne went up on each side of Cody’s face and began licking Fred’s cum off of her and tonguing her mouth as they licked. Fred stood back and watched, his cock still rock hard. Anne had laid on top of Cody, kissing her and fondling her breasts. Cody’s ass was still on the edge of the bed. Anne had walked up and bent forward over her, kissing her and fondling her breasts.

Fred came up behind her and spread her cheeks. He placed his cock at her ass hole and began to spit down on it. He slowly pushed his cock into Anne’s ass, pumping it slowly, goin deeper with each stroke till it was all the way inside her colon. He began to fuck her steadily.

She and Cody were still kissing and fondling each other’s breasts as Alisha got down on the floor and backed up under her mom’s pussy and Fred’s probing cock. She began to lick Fred’s balls and her mom’s clit. When Fred’s cock came out, Alisha would run her tongue along the underside of it, tasting her mom on his dick. Anne began to cum and had pushed her ass up against Fred. Fred began to cum again.

He pulled out and Alisha took it in her mouth and received most of this load of hot semen. Fred pulled away from them while the three of them untangled, waiting to see who would be his next victim. Anne and Alisha backed off and sat down in chairs, watching. Cody had rolled over on her back and spread her legs wide saying, “Come on big boy, you’re needed here.” Fred walked up to her and put it in. Cody wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled his torso down on top of her. She was kissing him as he plunged deep into her, feeling her push her pussy to him, wanting it all. Within minutes the two of them were moaning and groaning, cumming in unison.

When he finished filling her vagina, he pulled out and laid back on the bed, his cock going flaccid. They all knew that they had completely worn him out, Fred had shot his last load for today.

The three of them worked franticly trying to revive his dead cock, but to no avail. Alisha tried every trick in the book to get his cock hard again, but couldn’t. The three Moore women, all cleaned themselves up and left. Fred just told them bye, but couldn’t get up to see them out. As they drove away Anne said, “We took all the piss and vinegar out of poor old Fred, didn’t we?”

The three of them laughed all the way back over to Anne’s house. When they got there, Alisha and Cody decided to go up and take showers to make sure their afternoon romp wasn’t detected by their fiance’s. Fred had just done all three of the hottest women in Alamosa, or had they done him.

Tomorrow night was in all their minds as Cody and Alisha traveled to their respective homes. Anne cleaned up and got ready for David to come over. She thought it best to not tell him about the afternoon fling either.

Alisha got home and Colin had not yet arrived. She had stopped at KFC and brought chicken home for dinner. She went to the bedroom and changed into a sheer tank and her silk jogging shorts. It was very comfortable and she wanted to be ready just in case Colin wanted her. She was amazed how horny she still was. After the fucking that Fred had given all of them, a normal woman would be more than satisfied and not want any more sex for a few days, but she still wanted more dick. She wondered what is the matter with her, her obsession with cock was consuming her, she just never seemed to get enough, she always wanted more. She heard Colin driving in so she went to the kitchen to get him a beer from the frig. She arrived at the front door just as Colin opened it. Much to her surprise, he had someone with him, a tall good looking man about 40 years old.

“You didn’t tell me anyone was coming home with you this evening darling.” she said handing him a beer.

“I’m sorry Alisha, this is Howard Simms, a customer from over in the 4 corners area.” he told her. “I we ran a little late this evening, so I invited him to stay here tonight.”

“Nice to meet you Howard,” Alisha said, “I really wasn’t expecting company, I kind of dressed down to relax.”

He was looking at her and getting his eyes full, “That’s ok, Alisha, I don’t mind, at all.”

Colin led the way to the bar and asked him if he wanted anything. He told him beer was fine. They all sat at the bar and talked for a while. Alisha told them that she had picked up KFC, she would have cooked if she’d known Colin was bringing company.

Howard said, “That will do just fine for me, I don’t need much. She brought it to the bar and they all helped themselves. While she ate, she noticed that Howard kept looking at her tits and ass when he thought she wasn’t looking.

“And what are you doing here, Howard, getting a new vehicle?” Alisha asked.

“No, Alisha, I’m here to buy a fleet of 75 vehicles, I wanted to deal with the owner directly on this deal and we’re pretty close to making a deal. That’s why I’m here so late.” Howard told her. “Colin said that you were half owner and you would have the final say over the final deal and I must say you are a very, very beautiful woman, Alisha.”

“Well thank you Howard. And just where are we on this deal…….darling.” she said rather sarcastically.

Colin said, “Well Alisha, my last offer to him was 1.25 million and he is offering me 1.1 million. We’re 150.000 apart.”
Alisha smiled at Howard, “So, that’s not very far apart, surely you guys could make a deal.”

Colin said to her, “We’re stuck, neither of us will budge, so, I thought you could settle it for me, kind of like you closed the deal on the dealership down in New Mexico.”

Just then she figured out what he was doing, he wanted her to fuck this customer and get him to pay the 1.25M. She thought to herself, “I’ll bet I can get 1.4 out of this guy. Mmmmm, ok.”

“Alisha got up and moved to the chair next to Howard. “Well Howard, when Colin has a problem closing a deal, he brings the deal to me……I’m the closer around here. Now what do you think, do you want to pay 1.25M to Colin or pay 1.4M to me?”

She had leaned forward a little and put her hand on his shoulder while she was making the offer to Howard and he was taking in every bit of the cleavage she was showing him.

“And just why would I pay you 1.4M when Colin is offering the vehicles at 1.25M.” he asked her as he put his hand on her thigh.

Alisha knew she had him. “Because, with Colin’s deal, you don’t get anything but the vehicles…………and………with my deal you get all of this, all night.” she said standing and holding her arms out.

Howard almost choked on his chicken as he fearfully looked over at Colin, wondering what his reaction was. Colin was leaning on the bar smiling, “Are you interested Howard?” he said.

Howard sat there looking at Alisha, his eyes checking her out from top to bottom and a thin smile on his face.

Alisha was still standing, showing herself off to him. She could see Colin behind Howard, smiling and winking at her. Alisha reached down and grasped the bottom of the tank and pulled it over her head and tossed it onto her barstool. “Maybe I’ll sweeten the offer a little.” she said as he gazed at her beautiful big breasts.

“Damn, Alisha, you are driving a hard bargain, I just don’t know what to do……..what all do I get with your offer?” he said lustily looking at her.

“Well Howard, I guess you would get all of this that you want till sunrise.” she said as she pulled her shorts to her knees and kicked them away sanding there bare ass naked.

Howard looked over at Colin, “I’ll take the deal for 1.4M Colin, and know that it is the absolutely best deal on the table.”

Colin shook hands with Howard as Alisha moved up close to Howard and put her arms around his neck. Colin opened his briefcase and pulled out the contract, got a pen from his pocket and put in the figures. He pushed it over to Howard for him to sign. Howard took the pen, read the amounts and signed it.

“Now, where do we culminate this deal?” he asked. Alisha took him by the hand and led him down the hall to the first guest room. She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers off of it. She then walked over to him and removed his pants and shirt. She went down on her knees and pulled his boxers to his ankles and he kicked them away. He had a nice cock about 6 inches long and it looked to be about 4 inches in circumference. She took him in her mouth and began to suck his cock. She held him by his balls and licked it like a popsicle, keeping eye contact with Howard.

She could tell that he was very excited and just moments away from cumming. She took him down her throat and squeezed his balls lightly……he instantly shot his hot load into her mouth. It wasn’t a big orgasm, so she was able to hold it all in her mouth. She removed his cock from her mouth and opened it so he could see his cream lying on her tongue. She closed her mouth and swallowed, opening it up for his inspection.

Evidently, no one had ever done that for him before and he was smiling very wide and pulling her to her feet. He led her to the bed and as she lay down, he went down on her and ate her pussy like he was starving. Alisha was feeling good and running like a river. She scooted up into the middle of the bed and held her arms out for him to come to her.

He crawled on top of her and she felt his cock penetrate her wet cunt. She had her legs spread as wide as she could and her arms were wrapped around him pulling him to her. She wrapped her legs around his ass and began thrusting her pelvis into him.

They fucked hard, locked together, for the next hour. Howard kept looking at her telling her how beautiful she was and what a great piece of ass she was. She kept telling him he was a real stud and his cock felt great buried deep inside her. Alisha experienced 4 orgasms during that hour, each time clamping down hard on his cock and driving him crazy with her super tight pussy.

Howard pushed as deep into her as he could as he began a long, very wet orgasm. He was cumming very hard, his strong streams of semen were spraying all over her insides. He had filled her vagina and cum was running out of her pussy and down her ass. He had collapsed on top of her as his cock continued to deliver the gobs of thick juice into her.

When he finished he rolled over on his back. Alisha laid over on him and kissed him. Then she got a huge surprise…..he said, “ Alisha, bring that beautiful bare pussy of yours up here to my mouth, I want to suck my cum out of you.”

Alisha immediately complied with his wishes. She straddled his neck, her ass sitting on the top of his chest…..she scooted her pussy to his lips and he began to lick her clit and run his tongue up into her vagina. He sucked his cum out of her and swallowed it all. Alisha was cumming again and giving him a little squirt to go along with it. He gulped it all down as fast as she gave it to him. He put his hands on her ass and lifted her slightly while he licked the remnants of his cum from her puffy outer lips. When he finished she laid down beside him, then rolled onto her side, up next him and lay her leg across his wet cock and her head on his chest. He started rubbing the side of her breast as they lay there recuperating.

Both of them drifted off to sleep and slept for maybe 2 hours. Alisha had rolled over on her other side and Howard had moved up to her back, in a typical spoon position. Alisha was awakened by the feel of his dick entering her ass. It felt good and she didn’t move, she just let him continue to penetrate her. One of his arms was under her neck and his hand was squeezing her boob. The other arm was across her hip, his fingers rubbing her clitoris. It felt really good, he definitely knew how to fuck a woman and make her feel good. He fucked her this way for quite some time, kissing her on the back of the neck. Alisha came two times while he continued to pump her. An hour and a half later, she felt him spurting hot cum deep into her bowels. When he finished, he just laid there, his cock still buried in her ass. He was pinching her nipples and caressing her tits. She pulled off of him and rolled over and faced him. They kissed deeply and held each other close. His cock began to harden again. It was between her legs, sliding along her sopping wet crack, rubbing her clitoris. He continued to fuck her crack, slowly pushing her to orgasm two more times. In a few minutes she felt him shoot a load between her outer lips. It was hot and she felt it run across her ass cheek.

The two of them fucked and ate each other till the sun came up and illuminated the room. Alisha was exhausted as was Howard. Before she left the room, she gave him one last blow job and swallowed it all. He told her, “Thank you Alisha, I think you’re the most beautiful women in Colorado and the best fuck any man could ever hope for. I’ll be dealing with you again when I trade vehicles…..I like your style of dealing.”

She smiled as she left the room and told him, “I’ll make breakfast in an hour, if you’re up for it.”

He told her he wouldn’t be late.

Alisha was up and around, very happy and chipper. She was preparing breakfast when Howard came into the kitchen. He sat down and took a long look at what he had fucked all night……it had been well worth the $150.000 dollars he had paid for the privilege. No woman had ever made him feel as good as she had. He’d pay another $150,000 to have another night with her, hell, it was only corporation money he was spending, he could write it all off.

“Alisha, I have to tell you, I had a wonderful time last night and I want to do it again sometime. I will keep the image of your naked body in my mind forever. You are a beautiful woman with the body of a model…….Colin is a lucky man to be able to have you whenever he wants…….I’ll be buying all my vehicles from you in the future.” ‘Howard said to her.

“You’re too kind Howard, I just love to fuck, especially when it’s a handsome, virile man like you. I’ll be looking forward to another night of pleasure with you……..want some coffee?” Alisha asked him.

“Sure, black is fine,” he said as Colin came into the kitchen.

“How are you feeling this morning, Howard?” Colin asked him.

“Couldn’t be better, Colin, had a wonderful time last night, I’ll never be the same. I think I’d like to steal her from you, I know that for sure.” he told Colin.

Alisha served breakfast and sat down to eat. They all talked about business. Colin told Howard about Alisha’s ranch and her other business interests, plus the fact she would receive her PhD late in the summer. “She is a very versatile woman, and did I tell you, we are to be married a week from today.”

“Colin, you’re a lucky guy, she is definitely an asset to have. I think the two of you will be an unstoppable combination in business. They finished breakfast and Howard told Colin he needed to get going. “You can bet that I’ll be back to do a lot more business with you, I really like your sales staff,” he was laughing as he said it.

Colin told Alisha he would be back by noon and that if she needed him to pick up anything, just call.

Alisha had a lot of things to get done. She needed to change the sheets in the guest bedroom and clean house. She was glad she was not having to prepare dinner this evening, she had a lot to get done today. She put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen. She got a few things out of the freezer to make snacks for tonight then went about gathering the laundry.

She has an appointment with Mike Hockman this morning. He is a landscaper that she is hiring to do the yards around the house. The weather is beginning to warm up. She wants to get the landscaping done and finish off her new home and make it a real show place. The house is a little over 6,000 square feet living space, with an additional three car garage, a deck and flagstone patio. She is having a pool and hot tub installed and she is having a shooting range put in around back of the house. One of her favorite pastimes is shooting and she is putting in a range with electronically controlled targets, all integrated into the landscaping. Way out back on the other side of the house, she is having a tall hedge put in to block the view of a kennel and shelters for any “pets” she may want to keep. There will be a small building out there for storage for feed and other activities. She has drawn up a general diagram of what she wants and will explain it to Mike when he arrives. Hopefully, it will be completed by the time she gets back from their honeymoon or soon thereafter.

The day passes quickly. Colin came home at noon and has helped her get ready for the activities this evening. Mike arrived just after Colin got home. She explained her landscape diagram to him with a few changes that Colin wanted done. He told them he could get it done within a couple of weeks and would get started on Monday. Alisha still needed to get hold of the paving people and get the lane and parking in front of the house paved. That couldn’t be done for a while yet, the weather had to warm up a lot more first.

She went to the kitchen and prepared some snacks and Colin went to the liquor store to replenish the supplies in the bar. Alisha told everyone to arrive about 7 so they could have drinks and some snacks. She told everyone to dress down, as she wanted them to all undress when they arrive. She has turned the heat up some so everyone will be comfortable with nothing on. This should put everyone at ease right from the start, after all, they’d all soon be naked anyway. Everything is ready so Alisha and Colin go get ready for their guests to arrive.

Colin and Alisha have everything ready for the evening. They come out of their bedroom naked and go to the bar and get a drink. The door bell rings so Alisha goes to answer it. She checks throught the peep hole, to make sure that it’s not someone not invited, then opens the door for Cody and Justin. Justin squeezes her tit softly as he comes in, then kisses her on the cheek. She takes his hand and leads them to her bedroom so they can disrobe. “When you guys get naked, join us at the bar, what do you want to drink?” she asks.

Cody wants Patron and Justin wants Jack Daniels on the rocks. She goes back to the bar and tells Colin what they want to drink, when the doorbell rings again. Alisha goes to the front door, peeps out and opens it for David and Anne. David smiles wide when he sees Alisha is naked. She steps up to him and kisses him then gives her Mom a hug. She takes them to her bedroom for them to strip. “Ok, get naked then come to the bar, what would you guys like to drink?”

Anne told her that she would like white wine and David told her Crown and Coke. As they started to take their clothes off, she went to the bar and joined the rest. “David and Mom want a Crown and Coke and a white wine.” she tells Colin.

In a few minutes Anne and David come to the bar. This is the first time that David has met Cody. He is really enjoying looking at her. Colin comes around the bar and says, “Ok girls, I want you all to stand here next to each other.” The three of them giggled and stood next to each other. Colin said, “Look at that guys, put a bag over their heads and you can’t tell them apart………..they’re almost identical.

The girls were giggling as the guys were checking them out……..all of them had erections so the girls whispered to each other and each picked out a guy and went down and began giving him a blow job. Alisha had Justin, Cody had David and Anne had Colin. All the men were enjoying what they were getting while they continued sipping their drinks. David blew his load in Cody’s mouth rather quickly. She did good, not losing a drop of that wonderful treat. She licked him clean and stood up and kissed him, leading him out of the room to a bedroom.

Justin shot his load down Alisha’s throat and into her stomach. She had deep throated him when he went off. When Alisha felt what was happening she grabbed his ass cheeks and held him deep down her throat and let him cum. She stood up and led him out of the room to a bedroom.

Anne had been deep throating Colin and then sucking on his balls. She took him all the way down and slid her finger up his ass. It was more than Colin could handle, he started cumming in her mouth, she swallowed most of it, but some ran out around his cock and dripped on her tits. She cleaned him with her tongue, then wiped up the sperm on her tits with her fingers and licked it off. Colin took her hand and kissed her then took her to another bedroom.

In all the rooms there was moaning and groaning and the sounds of people fucking. Periodically, they would go back to the bar, get a drink and take off with a different partner. Justin and Colin double penetrated Anne while she sucked David.

Alisha and Cody had paired up in a sixty nine on the couch in the play room, David and Justin doubled on Alisha while she sucked Colin then David and Colin doubled on Cody while she sucked Justin off.

They all played till almost 3 am. That’s when everyone began to wear down and needed sleep. No one had paired up with their partner all night, except when the gal was getting dp’d. When they decided to go to sleep, no one slept with their partner.

In the morning, Alisha was the first to wake, as usual. She rolled over and took David’s cock in her hand and began to stroke it. When he got hard she went down and sucked his cock till he woke up. When he woke up, he was smiling and told her that that was the best wake up he had ever had. Alisha had him move down further in the bed and she straddled his face and went back to sucking his cock while he ate her out.

Similar things were going on in the other rooms. Colin was on top of Cody banging her brains out and Justin had Anne in a doggie position fucking her in her pussy and in the ass. The sex continued until well after noon. After a while, everyone was in the bar having a drink. Alisha told them she would fix lunch if anyone was hungry, Anne and Cody offered to help, so they went to the kitchen and fixed lunch. The guys all took a shower while the girls did the meal. As the women finished doing their part of the meal, they went to shower and douche also. Everyone had gotten cleaned up and came to the kitchen to have lunch.

It was a rather unique lunch, everyone naked, laughing and recounting the events of last night. All of us had a great time, a little perverted maybe, but it was satisfying and pleasurable for everyone. Alisha sits and thinks, I’ll be married this time next week, I can’t wait, I’m so ready. When lunch was finished and the dishes done, everyone went their separate ways.

Alisha and Colin sat out on the patio with a cold glass of iced tea and talked. She looked directly at him and asked, “Colin, are you absolutely sure you want to marry me, do you have any reservations, if so, I need to know right now. For some reason, I’m feeling really insecure right now.”

Colin got up and took her by the hands and pulled her to her feet. He looked deep in her eyes as he held her close and said, “Yes, I’m absolutely sure I want to marry you and I have no reservations at all about it. You and I are so very compatible. We think alike, we like to do the same things. We’re not concerned if the other fucks someone else, we know we love each other above everything else and that no one can come between us……yes…..I’m absolutely sure.”

Alisha pulled him close and hugged him tightly. She felt so secure with Colin and knew nothing could ever come between them. They went back to bed and made love, slowly and sincerely then fell asleep. They awoke at around 4 and lounged around watching TV till later that night. Tomorrow is another work day, they needed the rest after last night.



Alisha was up early Monday morning, and having finished breakfast and feeling really good, she was headed out to the ranch. Her cell phone rang. She looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was Brian Carter, a guy she met online a few years ago. Brian was from San Francisco and was an ex Navy Seal. They had chatted for a long time online and later met up a few times and had some really good sex. He had a really different cock. It was about 7 inches long and at least 3 inches in diameter. After he fucked her, she was always sore as hell for a couple of days because of it’s thickness. She wondered why he was calling.

“Hello, this is Alisha,” she answered.

“Hi Alisha, this is Brian, how are you doin’ beautiful.” he said.

“Oh, Brian, I’m doing fine, what are you up to?” she asked him.

“Well lover, I’m going to be in Colorado Springs later this afternoon “”and wondered if you might come and meet me…….we could spend some quality time together again, I’ve really missed seeing you.” he told her.

“Well, Brian, I don’t know, I’m getting married on Saturday and I have an awful lot to do, you know how it is.” she told him, but thinking about how she could pull it off.

“Oh come on Alisha, you know you want to come meet me, now, don’t you?” he continued.

“Well Brian, yes I do, I always like being with you, we have a really good time together, let me see what I can work out and I’ll call you in half an hour……ok?” she told him.

“That’s great, I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you…….half an hour, right? I fly out of here in an hour, so don’t take too long to get back to me, I’ll be in the air.” he said.

“I promise,” she told him, “I’ll call you back real quick, I’m getting excited.” she said as she said goodbye.

She got to the ranch and talked to Justin to see if he had anything pressing for her till tomorrow afternoon and he told her they were ok, everything was pretty well caught up. She knew her Dad wouldn’t be back till this afternoon. She went into the office and called Colin, “Hey honey, I just found out I need to make a Cattleman’s Association meeting in Colorado Springs this afternoon, I told them I’d be there. I just thought I’d check with you and make sure it’s all right with you if I go.” she said.

Colin replied, “You don’t have to ask me my permission, Alisha, you know that, if you need to go, by all means go, I’d never try to control you like that.”

“I know that darling, but I just thought I’d give you the respect you give me when you need to go out of town, that’s all.” she said.

“I love you Alisha, that’s all that counts. When will you be back?” he asked

“I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, they said we could take care of the business this afternoon, tonight and in the morning. I’ll call you when I get there.” she said to him.

“I’d appreciate that, so I know that you’re safe…….do you want to take the Jet?” he asked.

“No, that’s not necessary, by the time I rented a car I can drive over there, but thanks anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow darling.” she said to him.

When she hung up, she called Brian back. She told him that she had arranged everything and would meet him in Cheesman Park at 4 o’clock. The Double Tree hotel is adjacent to the park, we can stay there.” she told him.

“That’s great lover, I’ll call them and make a reservation for a suite, this is going to be a special night. See you there Alisha, I have to go, they’re calling my flight.”

After she got off the phone, she felt exhilarated and anxious. She hadn’t seen Brian for about a year. She really liked him, but he would never be more to her than a fuck buddy. She went home and packed an overnight bag, and changed into a sexy blue dress that looked great on her. She had sent Brian a picture of her in this dress and he had made many complimentary comments about it, telling her he’d like to take it off of her sometime. She was getting damp between her legs thinking about him stripping her.

She filled her truck with diesel and headed out. It was close to 12 pm and it would take her three and a half hours to drive over there, if the traffic wasn’t too bad. She would be there in good time. She tuned into Prime Country on Sirius radio and settled into the drive. The sex she is about to have, will be some of the best. Brian has always left her wanting more.

She is driving into the Springs, with anticipation. She pulls into the parking lot at the hotel and prepares herself for what’s coming. She takes a deep breath, it all begins.

The next morning as she is leaving she thinks to herself, how the night was absolutely fantastic. She can see Brian waving to her as she pulls out of the parking lot of the Double Tree, she recalls the events of the last 24 hours and is smiling wide. Her pussy is very sore, Brian is larger than most of the men she knows and as intense as their sex is, it’s sometimes a little much. She thinks back to yesterday……….

Traffic had been mercifully light, so I arrive at the park a half an hour early. As I park my truck my heart starts racing, because it looks like I’m not the only one who has arrived. But, I am here before our agreed upon time. As I look into the park, I see a man on a bench in the park with his back to the parking lot and it looks a lot like Brian from the back. My panties are wet in anticipation. Even from a distance he looks amazing. I pop a mint and exit my truck. To the left of me looming large over the park is the hotel, in front of me my prize.

I walk towards the bench. The closer I get I see that it is Brian. I hadn’t seen him for a while now. The gravel on the road makes a stealthy approach impossible and just before I’m next to him he turns around.

Brian greets me with a warm and welcoming smile. We exchange hello‘s and as he stands I walk up to him. Facing, smiling, we look into each other’s eyes. Standing a few inches taller than me, he could kiss my forehead by bending forward only slightly. He is as handsome and muscular as I remembered he was. I walk up to him and give him a
kiss on the lips, he kisses me back and thanks me for coming and we move in close for a hug. Moving my head to the side, I lay it on his chest and tell him it‘s good to see him. As our arms find comfortable positions around one another, he whispers, “it’s great to see you again Alisha, it‘s been too long.”

“Yes it has Brian,” I reply to him.

Our embrace loosens enough for our eyes to meet. He’s beaming and I’m doing the same. We take a step to our side and walk into the park. Not much is said. We talk about the usual how have you been nonsense. He puts his hands in his pockets and makes a bow with his arm. I take it and casually we stroll on.

Every minute or so he looks down at me in my sexy blue dress as I look up at him. “I’m really glad you wore that dress, Alisha,“ he said to me. It looks great on you and I’m looking forward to taking it off of you.”

We share a smile and I lean my head into his shoulder. We stop at a bridge across a little river. The foliage hangs low so that even if the park wasn’t nearly deserted, no one would see us. We both stare down at the water for a second and then turn toward each other. Looking into my eyes he inches closer. He feels my breasts against his body as our arms slide around our backs. When we can move no closer he tilts his head down and I meet him on my way up. A second later our lips touch. Very softly we make our first kissing motion with his lips gliding over mine . With every second that passes the kiss becomes more intense. More pressure is added and when our lips close and open again. He has a hand on my lower back pulling me into him and one stroking my hair. I am meanwhile pulling him into me.

Our kiss lasts only a short while. It’s wonderful and makes me feel closer to him than anyone else. When we break, Brian’s eyes stay closed for a few seconds and I read ecstasy on his face. When they open, it is accompanied by a smile.

He starts humming the shoop shoop song.

“ohuhwo,.. its in his kiss, that’s where it is.”

“Funny guy,” I say, “I want more.”

He leans down and he says,” No, I want more of you. The park is nice but what I want to do to you, I can’t do here.”

Arms locked we head over to the parking lot. We get our bags and go into the hotel. The lady at the desk tells us about the restaurant and breakfast and then wishes us a pleasant stay. To be honest I only heard every other word.

The elevator takes us to the top floor. Once there, I see only three doors of which 1003 is ours. Once inside I look around. I start in the bathroom with the huge tub and shower. He opens the curtains and stares outside while I do my little tour. There is a living room and a large master bedroom with a balcony. I finish by wrapping my arms around him from behind as he looks out over the balcony.

“This is a very nice room.” I say.

He turns to meet me.

“Glad you like it. I’ve had dreams about you in this dress. You are stunning.” he says

“I’ve only worn it once, to take the picture I sent to you. I wanted to save it for this occasion.“ I told him.

We kiss again. His hands, braver then the last time, feel me from the top of my head to as far as he can reach below. He feels my magnificent ass. At the same time as he rounds my globes, our mouths open and tongues touch for the first time. Ever so slightly at first, then deeper and deeper our kiss becomes. I notice that we are starting to breathe a little heavier. When we break, our eyes meet again. My hands are gripping the bottom of his shirt. I start pulling it out of his jeans and then releasing a few of the buttons so I can pull it over his head. My hands go to his naked torso. We kiss again but he soon breaks it off, turns me around and pulls me in close. He showers my neck with kisses all the while, his hands move from my stomach up towards my breasts. The combination of him cupping my tits and sucking on my neck is my first break and I let out an audible moan, after which I stumble a little forward. He catches me and pulls me close again. Stopping the kisses and moving his hands to my back he pulls the zipper of my dress down. When it can’t go any further, he slides the two sides off my shoulders and then down. The dress sticks around my waist. Turning me around again, he kneels in front of me to help the dress slide over my hips. It falls to the floor and he now has free reign to kiss my stomach.

While his lips enjoy the soft skin of my tummy, my hands caress his head and neck. He looks up and sees my breast clad in a sexy bra which matches the panties I am wearing. He tilts his head up and he can just about kiss the underside of my breasts.

I motion for him to stand, he does and our lips meet again. I unbuckle his belt and open his jeans. Finally, no longer held back by the restricting fabric he feels an urgent sense of release. He kicks off his shoes and I pull his pants down his legs until they fall to the floor. He steps out of them . He removes his socks and is left standing in only his underwear. He gazes at me standing before him. My soft features, the horny look in my eyes, my perfect bust, hips and legs. While he is ogling me, I’m removing my shoes. When done, we both look upon one another from a slight distance. The look in my eyes does not diminish, from which he extrapolates my firm intention to continue.

I offer him my hand and he takes it. He gets a slight surprise, that he is not led to the bed but to the bathroom and into the shower. I turn on the water and then back up to him. He knows what I want. He unclasps my bra and I let it fall to the floor. Then my panties are his next target. As they fall south he get an unobstructed view of my ass. It’s like the rest of me, wonderful to look at.

He stands and from behind, he now embraces me fully naked. His hands go where they want to and to his excitement, when they take a hold of their target, it is met with an encouraging moan. He slowly massages my breasts, clamping my nipples in-between his fingers. While kissing my neck he feels my hands move behind him and grab onto his last remaining piece of clothing. I start pulling them down but can’t get an angle on them. In frustration I moan, “You take them off.”

I step forward, away from his embrace and into the shower stall where I am engulfed by steam. He tells me that it is one of the sexiest things he’s ever seen. I turn and motion for him to follow me, not that he needed the invitation, He swiftly kicks off his last remaining clothing and he hurries in to meet me. He closes the stall door behind him and joins me under the warm stream of water. Our embrace is made difficult by his dick which is standing at full attention. With a gleeful look in my eyes, I take it in my hand and say, “it’s nice to meet you too.”

We spend what seems like forever exploring each other’s bodies. He touches every inch of his new lover and I do the same to him. Lust takes over and he wants to please me. With my back to him, he pushes me into the glass wall and kneels behind me. Literally kissing my ass, a hand moves from my knee, up to my thighs and where they meet he lingers. He caresses my lips, first the outer then the inner. When he feels my breathing quicken, he inserts a digit, lets it rest at the opening for a second and then pushes it in further. He has every intention of keeping this up until I cum but I turn and command him to his feet.

“If you kept doing that, I will get very weak and I will fall down.” I told him.

“He promises to continue when we are in a “more horizontal” position.”

Smiling a wicked smile I say to him, “now let’s see how you do on your feet.”

Now, I push him, against the wall and start kissing down his torso ending up on my knees in front of his very excited cock. I begin by lightly kissing, which turns into kisses with suction and end up with the head of his big cock, engulfed inside my mouth. What I do next is hard to describe but the combination of suction and my tongue is mind-blowing to him. He loses all sense of composure and self-control. What finally does it, is what he sees. He looks down and the site that greets him, are my eyes looking back at him, with joy in them as I take his cock deep into my throat. I am quietly moaning and loving the pleasure I’m giving him. He warns me too late to stop, but in time for me to pull back, as his cock explodes. Shot after shot of his hot cum land in my mouth and on my face and bust. His legs give in and he slides down the wall to the floor. He looks at my smiling face, covered in his thick, creamy semen. I scrape as much cum off my face as I can with my fingers and lick it off with my tongue……swallowing all I can get. I kneel over his lap and go in close and suck every drop of cum from his still hard cock. Closing my eyes I hang my head back and arch away from him. The remaining cum on my body is soon washed away.

He says, “I’m sorry for the……..,” and then he motions his hand over my face and breasts.

“Why…… didn’t you enjoy it, I sure did,” I told him.

“I’m not kidding when I say, that was the best blowjob I’ve ever had,” he told me.

“Thank you,” I said, “I enjoyed giving it and plan on giving you more.”

From this he realized that I had no problem with where he ended up ejaculating. In the shower it’s not as big of a mess, I thought to myself. We’re kissing while still on the floor of the shower. He moved away from the wall so my legs are now wrapped around him. The water is pouring over us and we are in heaven. A wet, sex filled heaven. It’s time to leave when his cock starts poking away at a place it’s not allowed to go yet. We dry off and this time he takes my hand and leads me.
The curtains are still open and the last of the spring sun is beaming in. Because we’re up so high with no other buildings around us we let the sun be light up of our lovemaking. He lays me face down on the bed and his lips and hands start pleasuring my body. From my neck to my toes I get kissed and massaged. Every once in a while when he moves from pleasuring below the waist to above it, his cock slips in-between my cheeks. My already heavy breathing is an audible reaction to his cock head slipping past my rosebud.

When he can’t take it anymore and his patience runs out, he whispers in my ear to turn over. I follow his command and when I’m on my back, he lays himself on top of me, keeping his weight on one of his elbows. Our lips lock and he feels my talented tongue again. The most amazing part is what I do with the rest of my body. I begin by wrapping myself around him, touching, feeling, scratching and clawing. It’s so wonderful when your partner is there with the same desire to please, as you.

As heavenly as this all is, he does feel he owes a debt to me, one he is most eager to repay. He loosens himself from my embrace and kisses his way down. He of course pauses at the magnificent mountains of my body, where he gives me a taste of what his tongue can do. Taking time to solidify the erection of each nipple, I writhe in the joy of what is being done to me. He thinks to himself, “if this is the reaction I get from sucking on her nipples, what is going to happen when I start to suck on her pussy?”

He grins and decides to find out. On the way down he discovers that my bellybutton is ticklish, which is fun and good for a laugh. I writhe around and giggle while he tortures me by licking the sensitive area. Showing mercy he moves down and reaches my smooth, shaved pussy. In anticipation I grab two fists full of covers. He positions his head in-between my legs and takes his first whiff of my pussy followed by the first lick of his tongue. Slowly his tongue moves from the entrance to my vagina up to my clit. There is a sharp intake of air when the tip of his tongue flicks over my most sensitive area. He moves down and concentrates on the outer and inner lips. His tongue is moving in and out of me. What he witnessed when he played with my nipples is many times amplified by what he is doing to me now. His tongue is as deep as it can possibly go inside my pussy and every indication that my body is giving him says, “please don’t stop, please give me more.”

And he did. Removing his tongue from my inner folds he proceeds with slow and gentle licking, up to my clit. My muscles tense up and he holds his tongue pressed down on the clit until I relax. When I do he starts moving up and down. From this point my orgasm is an oncoming freight train, unstoppable. I release the bed sheet and push his head down on my wanting cunt. His hands are holding me down onto the bed so he doesn’t lose traction. My body starts to convulse, my every muscle contracts and I scream out, “OH GOD, PLEASE DON‘T STOP, OH FUCK, I‘MMMMM CUMMMMMMMINNNNNG”

He looks up from between my legs and tells me that it’s not God but him doing this to me and laughs, then goes back to pleasuring me. I keep going for quite some time. When he feels me start to pull away a little, he releases my clit and lightly licks my lips. When most of the convulsions have stopped he kisses his way back up to my lips and deeply kisses me, then he says, “and just so you know, I thoroughly enjoyed giving that to you.”

While I am coming off my orgasmic high, he climbs of the bed and quickly reaches for his bag. He rips out a string of condoms and starts to open the packaging. I shout at him, “you can put those away, you don’t need them with me, I want you bareback so I can feel your skin and cum!”

As he tossed them onto the dresser I said, “Good, now get your ass over here.”

We start out with the basics. I spread my legs and he moves in. Leaning over me on his hands he positions his huge cock at the entrance to my love channel. He looks into my eyes and waits for my final permission. I gently nod and he moves inward. My legs spread wide to make room for him. We keep our eyes locked on each other. His eyes are screaming for pleasure, and mine are doing the same. He thrusts forward until he feels his pelvis touch mine. He’s all the way in and I feel his balls bang against my ass.

He lowers his body onto me and our lips merge. As we start to fuck we are now as close as two lovers can physically be. My hips meet his thrust and he switches from kissing my lips to my neck and breasts and back again. He never does the same thing twice, keeping me guessing. My closed eyes and open mouth create a facial expression of beautiful agony. I lift my left leg up over his shoulder. This gives him leverage to bear down on me even more.

It becomes even more enticing when he looks at my face as tiny muscles twitch and alter my expression constantly. He has missed this so much, the simple beauty of a woman in pleasure.

His rhythm picks up, which is such a welcome thing for me, that I dig my nails into his arms, arch forward and have a fantastic orgasm. It’s less intense than the first one but no less welcome. For a few seconds I open my eyes and find him staring at me.

“This is soooo good, thank you, thank you, thank you.”I cooed at him.

He stops me from speaking by connecting his lips to mine and having our tongues communicate directly. When we separate, I give him one final smile and close my eyes again. He moves my raised leg toward my other and turns me on my side. In this process he loses contact and slips out. As I look at him in displeasure he moves in close and re-enters me. Immediately my look changes back to the pleasured pain expression he was enjoying. This position gives him more control over his thrust and once again he increases his pace. Because of the perfect blowjob I gave him, his orgasm is far away, while my third is setting in. Minutes pass while he controls the pace and through that, my body. When he starts to feel himself get closer he changes it up one last time.

He turns me away from him and onto my knees. I don’t resist a bit and follow his every lead. He now has the beautiful view of a gorgeous woman kneeling in front of him, my ass proudly in the air waiting for his warm manhood. He doesn’t keep me waiting. We connect again and fuck on. He becomes a little more dominant by collecting my long brunette hair in one hand and pulling me to attention. I resist so little that he thinks I’m not here right now and my erotic submissive twin has taken over. Once more he feels and sees my body begin to orgasm. He raises his free hand above his head and when he thinks I’ve reached the high point of my orgasm, he brings it down hard on one of my ass cheeks. The sound of flesh hitting flesh fills the room, this is followed by a yelp and a loud moan from me. All this helps him to boil over and he too begins to cum. He releases my hair and grabs onto both hips. He accentuates every convulsion that his cock makes with a deep thrust. This primordial behavior feels good as I feel every stream of hot sperm he shoots inside me. Spent, he gently falls forward and forces me onto my stomach. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. Much to my dismay he exits from my wet pussy. This action turns me around. Our eyes meet and we share a long and deep post coital kiss. It’s very long, so slow and so very deep.

He falls into my tight embrace. Our arms lock around our bodies, legs intertwine and with my head buried into his chest we remain like this for some time. Breathing slows, the heart rate goes down and our muscles relax. This quiet embrace after sex feels like laying on a cloud. It feels so comfortable that it’s like we’ve been passionate lovers for years. When we’re fully relaxed we make eye contact, nervous smiles are exchanged, neither of us knowing what to say. He decides to avoid the heavy topics for now and asks if I would like to take a bath with him. I smile and whisper, “yes, very much.”

Once more breaking the embrace of this angel, he kisses me on my forehead and tells me that he’ll run the bath and get me when it’s ready. Before he leaves he loosens the covers on the bed and lays them over me.

The bath fills surprisingly fast. Within minutes it’s ready and he heads back to collect his lover. He takes my hands and helps me up.

“I’m a bit wobbly.” I tell him.

Holding both my hands he guides me to the bath. We step in and he lies down first. Making sure I don’t fall over, he helps me down as well. I’m on my back comfortably resting on his chest. My breasts stick out of the water, so he wraps his hands around them. After a nominal time of soaking, I speak first.

“How was that for you?” I ask.

“That was everything I hoped for and more.” he said.

”You are a wonderful lover. I’m so glad we did this.” I said to him.

“I was wonderful because of you, this was a takes two to tango situation and because of that it was amazing.” he complimented me.

“That’s nice of you to say,” I said, “This is the best I’ve felt in years.”

“Me too.” he said.

We leave the conversation there for now and enjoy our soak and the connection of our warm bodies.

“My fingers are getting wrinkly. I think it’s time to get out.” he says.

Sadly, I agree with him.

While drying me off, he kneels in front of me to get between my legs. A sharp breath of air inhaled by me tells him, to be extra sensitive. He is, and when I’m dry I take care of him. When we’re both bone dry he takes my hand a leads me into the bedroom, where he turns off all the lights and stands me in front of the window. Standing behind ne he wraps me up and kisses me gently on the nape of my neck. In the distance we can see the lights of the city. Standing there, stark naked with my body close to him, a fear creeps in his mind. Not enjoying that feeling he just comes right out and asks, “are you staying the night?”

I turn around with a confused look on my face, “Of course I am. What makes you think I would want to leave.”

Relief sets in and it shows on his face. My expression changes to a smile.

“I wasn’t sure what your plans were.” I said

“Well the most immediate plan is food, because I’m starving. After that, I want to spend the rest of the night like this. Naked and close to you.” he told me.

“That sounds like perfection to me.” I replied.

We get dressed all the while kissing and giggling like teenagers.

Just before we’re ready to go outside, he stops me and gently nudges me against the wall. Kneeling, he runs his hand up and under my blue dress. When he finds the fabric of my panties and he pulls them down. When they reach my ankles I step out of them one foot at the time. With the tiny piece of cloth in his hands he stands up to find a puzzled look on his lovers face. He pockets my underwear and says, “you’ll get those back later.” I want to know that you are sitting across from me with a bare pussy. We share a naughty smile.

Taking me by the hand we head down to the restaurant. We interact like lovers would in public. Touching and holding hands, smiling at every eye contact and when we think no one is watching, stealing a kiss. We wolf down our meals, all the while making jokes about how much we exercised and so rightly deserve them.

“We’ll need lots of protein,” he says.

With a fiendish smile I say to him, “I’ve already had a nice shot of protein today, thank you.”

His mind immediately goes back to the shower and he remembers the sight of my face and tits covered in his cum. He looks at me with a questioning frown on his face.

“The first wave found its way into my mouth. So I swallowed it. I have to tell you, I love the taste of cum and I want more,” I told him.

“You don’t taste so bad yourself.” he said.

“Thank you.” I told him

“No no, thank you!” he said.

A burst of laughter erupts from us. As we talk, his cock begins to rise again at the thought of me swallowing his cum.

With dinner over, we head back to our room. Once inside we quickly undress and fall onto the bed into a naked embrace. That’s when the urgency stops. We simply enjoy the closeness of our bodies and when it feels like neither of us want a more intense coupling, we turn off the lights and get under the covers.

Somewhere during the night he stirs in his sleep and wakes up. In his arms is his new lover, laying peacefully with her head on his chest. When he closes his eyes, images of the past day flash before him. The first kiss on the bridge, seeing Alisha naked, her eyes looking up at him while having his cock in her mouth and so on. He is getting excited again, his heart starts to race and his dick is raring to go. First let’s find out how deep Alisha is sleeping, he he says to himself. He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead. No reaction. Once more, but this time he rolls me off him a bit. I move but do not wake. He frees myself from my arms and moves down.

He gets himself in position and starts kissing my vagina the same way he had before. It doesn’t take long for me to react. The moonlight coming into our room illuminates my face just enough so he can see my eyes opening. When they do he doubles down on my clit. My breathing goes from zero to sixty in under eight seconds. Writhing in pleasure as before, he stops before I cum. He bends down to give my clit a few more licks. Unlike before, he gives me no time to adjust or prepare myself for what’s coming. My eyes and mouth widen in shock, surprise and pleasure. Quickly he increases the tempo and we start enjoying the feelings radiating from our bodies. The moonlight adds an additional element of mystery to our lovemaking. My eyes tighten shut and my breathing becomes erratic. An orgasm is not far off.

“I‘m cummmmmminnnnng!” I whispered in his ear.

He keeps his rhythm, giving me another orgasm. My eyes go wide open and stay that way. Also my left leg starts trembling after I come down a little. It doesn’t stop. When he slows his pace to help me with the leg, I dig my nails into his arms and stare at him intently, indicating that this was not what I want. When he goes faster again, I release the grip and the stare goes to a less intense level but remains locked on him.

Throughout this session we have yet to kiss. When he leans down to try, he gets the same reaction as when he slowed. It’s clear now, keep going until Alisha cums. He does grab my hands and pin them down over my head. This meets with my approval and gives him a better angle for insertion.

In this position we fuck until his blood begins to boil and he blows his pent up load into my dripping pussy. He ends again with thrusting down hard, all the while holding my gaze. It is incredibly sensual. When his balls empty out, I allow him to kiss me. My leg is still trembling. When he looks up again I close my eyes and pull away. He lets me go and I roll up into a ball. He doesn’t want to leave me. He places his body behind me and wraps me up. I turn quickly and we fully embrace. He whispers, “that was intense.”

Other than an acknowledging grunt, he gets no response. Entwined we fall asleep.

Waking, he is greeted by the light of the morning sun shining on the far wall, plus another sensation, a pair of lips clamped around his cock and a tongue, pleasuring it. When he looks down all he sees are the covers moving up and down. He pulls them up to get a better view. He’s greeted by the same pair of eyes as last time. As before there is no sense I will stop until my job is done. In no time at all, the pressure in him becomes too much. He tells me, “I’m cumming,” but this does nothing to slow me down. Even though he has cum so many times, he blows a huge load into my waiting mouth. I do not release him until every drop in his throbbing cock belongs to me.

“You are the best alarm clock ever!” he told me grinning.

We erupt into laughter. Still giggling we crawl back into each other’s arms.

“Good morning,” I say.

“Yes it is,” I reply, “Sleep well?”

“Yes, but someone woke me up during the night and screwed me senseless.” I said to him laughing.

“How rude! Where is this dude, I think I’ll give him a stern talking to.” he quipped.

“That’s okay. I just took care of him. He won’t be bothering me for a while.” I told him as I giggled.

“Well good. I’m very glad he is taken care of. Especially in the manner in which you did it.” l told me grinning from ear to ear.

“I’m happy you approve.” I said.

“Oh I do, and speaking of taking care of something…” he rolls me on my back and bends his head down, but I stop him.

“No, no, no, please,” I say to him, “I’m very sensitive and can’t handle another tongue lashing right now.”

He gets her meaning and comes back up. We lie awake for a while just enjoying the morning after a night of unbridled passion.

“I would like another bath, please,” I tell him

Happy to oblige he pops out of bed. While the tub is filling he takes care of some business and when he is empty and the bath is full he gets me out of bed. I’m more stable on my feet than last time, so we get into the large tub with ease.

“This is so much fun,” I say to him.

“What, the bath?” he says.

“No everything! You, this room, the sex, you and…… I did mention you didn‘t I?” I giggled.

“You did.” he said grinning.

“Oh….. and the sex. Did I mention the sex?” I said with a grin on my face.

“Yes, you did,” he told me, still grinning.

“It was fantastic. The way you’re dominant and gentle at the same time. The way you take me because you want to,
it’s all so,… just so.”

“Glad you liked it as much as I did,” he told me, “I haven’t been able to lose myself like that in a long time.”

“You do go somewhere else at a certain point,” I said, “like last night, when you held me in your gaze, or when you were pulling my hair while taking me from behind. When you spanked me during my orgasm I thought I would pass out….. I’m pretty sure that if you’d done it again, I would have.”

“To hard?” he asked.

“No! I loved it.” I said, “and for future reference, I like a little spanking”

“I’ve missed you and what you do to me, it’s been too long. Someone to be this passionate with is so rare and we have something special when it comes right down to it,” he said looking deep into my eyes.

I respond with a smile and wiggle my body into his. This gets a response from his big cock, which doesn’t go unnoticed by me. I turn around to face him and our lips lock. I move seductively over his body which brings his cock dangerously close to its most desired target. Then I moan in frustration and stop.

“I’m so sorry. I really want to do this again but I can’t. My pussy has been manhandled by an expert, twice in a short period of time and if we do this again, I’m not walking straight for a week. I will ease your hardness, when we get out of the water.” I told him, smiling.

I put my hand around his cock and licked my lips, smiling at him with a gleam in my eye.

“Next time you’ll just have to fuck me in the ass when my pussy is over sensitive,” I told him.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Ever done that, with a girl?” I asked.

“No.” he told me.

“Would you like too?” I said grinning.

“Yes I would, very much,” he told me.

“Good.” I said.

“Is that enjoyable for you?” he asked me

“If it’s done right and I have no doubt you’ll be able to do so, yes, very much!” I said.

“Then, my very best effort you shall have.” he told me.

With the offer for anal sex and a reference for a next time made by me twice now, he feels very secure in saying, “so, we should make plans for the next time then.”

“First thing when we get out of the water.” I said

We leave the bath and enter the shower to rinse off. I keep my promise. On my knees, I treat him with the entrance to my mouth. My amazing talent forces another orgasm out of him. He shoots many long streams of cum into my mouth and throat, which I greedily devour. For him it’s pure heaven. I tell him that I love the fact that he is so pleasured and I love being the one to have given it to him.

When dressing he found the panties he took off me in his pocket. When he tried to give them back I told him to keep them as a momento. I stuff them into his bag and tell him he can take a pair off of me each time we’re together and keep them to remember the occasion.

“With my upcoming wedding, I don’t know exactly when we can do this again, but just know, even though I’m married, it doesn’t mean I won’t ever meet you again……….I will, I’ll just have to be careful when and where. I hope you understand and are willing to go along with it.” I told him

“I’ll take whatever time with you I can get, Alisha,” he said.

Leaning against my truck, we make out a little in the parking lot. One final kiss and a promise to text later, I drive away. Brian is going back to San Francisco later today, I like being with him, he makes me feel good, but I could never love him or be with him on a permanent basis…..I love Colin too much. Brian is just a wonderful diversion, a fantastic fuck buddy……………………..

Alisha arrives back in Alamosa shortly after 1 pm. She goes home and does the laundry she soiled while away. She is leaving nothing to chance. After she has washed and dried all her clothes, she goes out to the office. She sees that her Dad is at the office when she drives up.

As she enters the office, Bob gets up and gives her a hug as she comes in. “How is my favorite girl doing today?” he asks her.

“I’m doing just great Dad, how about you, have a good time down in New Mexico? I asked him grinning.

“I sure did…….took care of a lot of stuff while I was down there.” he grinned.

“Did ya get your pipes cleaned while you were there?” I mischievously grinned as I asked him.

“You’re a little brat, Pumpkin. You keep this up and I’ll just have to spank you.” he countered me.

“I don’t really think we have enough time today for you to spank me Dad, you just don’t know what that does to me….” I said to him with a sultry voice.

“I’ll have to remember that,” he said smiling. “Where did you go yesterday?”

“Oh, I had a Cattleman’s budget meeting in the Springs yesterday thru this morning. It came up rather quickly so they called a special meeting.”

“Oh, and did you get your pipes cleaned while you were there?” he said laughing and slapping his thigh.

Alisha smiled at him and said, “Dad, you’re incorrigible, I’ll tell if you will.”

Bob just laughed, he really liked Alisha because they never gave each other any slack about anything…….and they could tell each other anything, that was the beauty of their relationship. “Ok, Alisha, I got my brains fucked out this weekend, you happy? Now, it’s your turn.”

“Well Dad, I got fucked so much that my pussy is sore as hell today and I hope it heals up before the weekend.” she said jokingly.

“We’re a real pair to draw to aren’t we, Pumpkin.” he said, “perverts on the prowl. Well, the big day is just around the corner, isn’t it. I doubt that we’ll be able to get together till after you get back from your honeymoon.”

“I suppose so, on Thursday, there will be our bachelorette party. Cody’s and my friends decided that we should have it together. I don’t know what our friends have in store for us, but I can just imagine…….I’m sure that male strippers are included in the festivities, knowing some of our friends. We’re having it over at Beverly James house, it’s out in the country so no neighbors will get pissed at the noise. Personally, I’d rather skip it, but, my friends won’t hear of it.” Alisha told him.

“Alisha, just know that I’m really happy for you. I think that Colin is a stand up guy and I think that the two of you will be good for each other.

Dad said he needed to go to town so he left. Alisha checked with Justin and everything around the ranch was under control, so she headed home, she was still a little tired from last night, perhaps the Jacuzzi tub will make it feel better.

Alisha sends Brian a text before she leaves the office to tell him she got home alright. He had made it back to San Francisco and was driving home through rush hour. She told him they would have to figure out a time and get together again sometime, and not let it be so long next time. He messaged her back and said he could live with that. She had to stop at City Market on the way home and get something easy for dinner, she really didn’t want to have to cook so the deli sounded good to her for tonight.

When she got home, Colin hadn’t arrived yet. She went in and filled the Jacuzzi, stripped and got in. The pulsating hot water felt great. She turned a jet toward her sore playground and let the pulsating water massage her. She had her head laid back and was totally relaxed when she heard Colin come in. She heard him call out, “Alisha……I’m home, where are you.” She yelled out she was in the tub.

Colin came in all smiles, “I am so glad that you are back, I missed you a whole lot, I’m so used to you being here, I just can’t stand it without you.” He leaned down and kissed her.

Alisha had risen up a little to kiss Colin and her breasts came out of the water. He looked at them and told her how beautiful she is. “Mind if I join you,” he asks.

“Not at all darling, come on in……………….and cum.” she told him.

That was all the invitation he needed, he peeled his clothes off and scooted into the tub behind her. She leaned back against him as his arms encircled her. She had laid her head on his shoulder. He was caressing her breasts. “You look a little tired,” he said to her.

“I am, a lot of driving in a short period of time plus we were up late last night working on the budget, so we could get out of there before noon, plus I didn’t sleep real well.” she told him.

He told her to scoot away from him and lean forward, he’d massage her neck, shoulders and back. Him doing that and the hot pulsing water, made her so relaxed she almost drifted off to sleep. Colin caught her as she started to fall forward. He pulled her back against him and held her. “You really are tired aren’t you?” he said. “Yes I am, it’s been a tiring couple of weeks, but I’ve got a lot done.”

They got out of the tub and Alisha knew that Colin needed some sexual relief. Her pussy was feeling much better, but, she thought she would try to satisfy him with a blow job.
They were drying off, Alisha turned and wrapped her arms around Colin and gave him a very long, deep kiss. She could feel his dick getting hard between them. She stepped back a step and smiled at Colin as she went to her knees and took him into her mouth. She grasped his butt cheeks and pulled him deep into her throat. Colin leaned back against the vanity and grasped it with his hands. Alisha loved to do this, she would sometimes rather suck a cock than fuck it. At least if she sucked one, she got the benefit of having all the cum in her mouth……………and she loved cum.

In a few minutes, Colin gave her the prize and released a wad of cum into her mouth. Alisha grasped the base of his cock and began to milk it, getting every last drop out of him. When she finished, she stood and wiped her mouth and kissed Colin again.

“Damn you’re good darling, I just can’t get enough of you…….and when you swallow my cum, it makes me so damn horny. Thank you, I know you’re tired and I won’t bug you any more tonight……we’ll have a lot of good sex when we get to Hawaii on Sunday…..I’m so excited to be marrying you……….I am in love with you so deeply.” He kissed her again and helped her on with her bath robe and put his boxer briefs and a t shirt on. They went to the kitchen and devoured all the food she had brought from the Deli.

They stretched out in the living room and watched TV. Alisha laid her head on Colin’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. She felt so secure and loved when she was with him. She looked up at him and told him, “Colin, I have a confession to make to you.”

“What is it dear, you can tell me anything, I hope you know that.” he said.

“Remember when that guy that drugged me got killed…….well…..I thought that you had had him killed and I was a little upset and scared. It’s not that I don’t trust you, I was thinking that you had gotten so mad that you might have had one of your friends do him in.” she told him.

“Is that all, gee Alisha, I thought you were leaving me or something, as serious as you were. But, to tell you the truth, I was considering having him taken out. The way he treated you, I wanted to nab him and give him a little torture, like having a bunch of big black guys beat him up and butt fuck him till he couldn’t stand……that’s about all I would have done to him, so don’t ever worry your pretty little head about me. I am still one of the good guys,” he laughed.

“I know,” she said, “and I love you for it. I’m glad you take care of me, Colin, I do love you.” she told him looking deep into his eyes. Colin held her close and they snuggled together for most of the evening.

Somewhere around 11pm, they got up and went to bed. Alisha snuggled up next to him, wrapping herself around him. They drifted off to sleep and when they awoke, the sun was up and they had not moved all night.

Alisha was up and fixing breakfast when Colin came in. “Good morning beautiful,” he said.

“Good morning love,” she said back to him, what are you doing do today?” she asked.

“Well, I’m driving over to Salida and clearing up a little problem over there. I’ll be back later. Other than that, I don’t have anything going on till Saturday, except for the bachelor party on Thursday night. There are a bunch of the guys from the ranch and a group from the dealership that are throwing it for Justin and I……….are you going to get mad if there are some strippers there?” he asked her not sure how she would react.

“That doesn’t bother me Colin, I don’t care where you get your appetite……….as long as you eat at home!” she quipped at him laughing. “I’m reasonably sure that mine and Cody’s friends are going to do the same thing……..so……….will you get mad, darling?”

“Not as long as you eat at home too……….” he said. They both got a big laugh out of it.

They went to work smiling, knowing that they would be bound together in a few days. Alisha was looking forward to being in Hawaii for a week. She knew she needed some rest……..she had been really tired lately.

When she got to the ranch, she saw that BioGen was there breeding another group of cattle. She would be glad when all the cows were bred and they could start working on pasturing the different groups of cows. She had it all in her head, but had not put it down on paper yet. “That’s a good project for today.” she said out loud.

She went into the office and sat at her desk, going through the mail. She found an envelope from the Hunt Club. She opened it and found her dues statement. There was a form for proposing a new member in with it. She filled it out for Colin, put her check in the return envelope with it and sent it off. The newsletter said that the first hunt of the year would be a half day hunt on June 13th and 14th. It would start at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday because the weather would still be a little chilly. That would be in 4 weeks……perfect. I think that Colin will love this……she will give him his membership for a wedding present, “I’ll see how good of a hunter he is,” she giggled.
She wrote the dates on her calendar and went to planning the grazing schedule.

She hoped that there would be enough water this summer, things were really dry right now and she didn’t need a drought screwing up all her planning. She worked to well after lunch, finishing the tentative schedule. She made a copy and put it on her Dads desk and Justin’s desk for them to look at and scrutinize.

She went outside, it was a beautiful day. She walked down to the corals and talked to Jack, who met her at the fence. She walked on through the lots and came across the pen where they kept Biggie. She crawled over the fence into his pen. He immediately came running up to her. “Are you horny, little guy, are you wanting a quick fuck…….well little buddy, you’re shit out of luck today.” she said to him. She rubbed his neck and back and he moved around really enjoying it. She looked down and he had about 14 inches of cock out. “You are such a horny little bastard aren’t you.” she said to him as she walked toward the gate. He came up behind and head butted her in the ass knocking her to the ground. Before she could get back to her feet, he was trying to mount her, his hard dick poking her ass as she tried to move. “Well you little bastard,” she said. She lay flat down on the ground and rolled under the fence to get away from the little fucker. “I’m glad I had my jeans on fucker, or you’d have drilled me.” she said dusting off her hat.

She heard someone laughing at her from across the pen. It was Justin cracking up. “I thought you were going to get screwed there for a minute, Alisha. Biggie had the idea right, just doesn’t have the capability of taking your jeans down.” he laughed. Alisha was dusting herself of, a little pissed that he was making fun of her.

“Want me to hold your clothes for you while Biggie has his way with you?” he laughed.

“NO………..and I don’t need your sarcasm either.” she told him.

“Well, Alisha, he’s just doing what you and Cody taught him to do,” he teased.

Shit, she thought, Cody must have told him that we fucked that damn horse. “What are you talking about asshole.” she growled at him.

“Alisha, don’t bull shit me, Cody told me all about how you two fucked the horse, the boar and the dog. I called her a liar so she brought me over here one night, late, and showed me that Biggie knew what to do……………….hottest damn thing I’ve ever watched. Oh, I had always heard that women sometimes fuck an animal, but I had never seen it. It was so hot that I just had to fuck her when Biggie finished with her.” Justin informed her.
“Damn,” Alisha said, “she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about our little secret, especially not one of the guys. I only did Biggie the one time,” she said.

“Want me to take him inside for you, there’s no one around today for the next couple of hours, I’d sure like to watch him mount you, if you don’t mind, it‘s not like we haven‘t ever seen each other naked.” Justin said to her.

“No, I don’t want to screw him right now, or you or anyone for that matter, plus I just don’t know if I’m really that much into animals.

Justin laughed, “Oh well, if you ever need someone to help you out with Biggie, just ask, I’ll be more than happy to cum.”

Alisha started walking back toward the office, still cussing Biggie. Justin came running to catch up to her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad, I was just tickled watching that damn pony trying to do you. He can be an insistent little bastard sometimes. I think Cody spends quite a bit of time with him, when no one is around. That’s why he is such an obnoxious little fuck.” Justin told her.

“Oh, I’m not mad at you, I’m just pissed at that cock sucking horse, that little fucker just wouldn’t quit……and you don’t mind Cody doing him?” she said

“No, Cody and I have a relationship a lot like you and Colin…..we are free to screw whoever we want. We love each other, that’s the main thing……like you guys, we have a really open relationship…….By the way, I am really looking forward to the honeymoon, I think that we all will have a lot of fun. I am really looking forward to spending time with you, I really like you Alisha, both in bed and out and I love working with you. You’re smart and the best boss I’ve ever had.”

“Well thank you Justin,” she said, “I’m looking forward to being around you a lot. I’m sure that Colin and Cody will be banging each other’s brains out, and I plan to take good care of you too…..but I want to just spend some time with you, messing around, if that’s ok with you.” she told him.

“I’m with you, I can just fuck so much then I need to get out and do something. I’ll look forward to us just spending some time, maybe out on the beach…..” he said to her.

They get to the office, get into their vehicles and leave. Alisha has taken off tomorrow, to get prepared for the bachelorette party.

Alisha spent quite some time in the bathroom getting ready for the bachelorette party. Cody had told her that they were going out to Beverly James’s house. There were no close neighbors to bitch about the loud music and noise that was bound to happen. Beverly had a new house, it was huge with a big covered flagstone patio. Inside there were 4 bedrooms 4 baths kitchen living room, laundry and a huge family room with a pool table and some other table games. Cody was going to come by and pick her up.

Alisha was wearing a new black dress she had bought before she left the Springs. She had searched the mall and found the perfect one. It was very short, about midway down her thighs. It has long sleeves, it is tight and fit her curves perfectly. The back plunged to her waist and the front was cut to the base of her sternum, showing a lot of her tits. Colin told her that she looked beautiful and she was turning him on just looking at her in that dress. She topped it off with black 4 inch heels.

Colin was dressed and some friends of his had just showed up to get him then were going over to Justin’s house to pick him up. They were going to a local bar first then to one of his friends houses to finish the night off. He told Alisha, “I have no idea when I’ll be home, darling, so look for me when you next see me.” His friends were all taking in the view of his bride to be.

They were all stunned by her striking beauty and especially by the dress.
One guy told him that if he were Colin, he wouldn’t go out with a bunch of guys, he’s stay right here and take care of her all night. Colin replied, “I get to take care of that the rest of my life……..let’s go.”

Alisha smiled, knowing that his friends couldn’t take their eyes off of her, “Same here Colin, I have no idea when I’ll be home…..have all the fun you want, darling.” She looked up the lane and saw the lights from Cody’s car. She got her purse and went out to meet her. Colin and his friends were going up the lane, turning onto the county road.

She got in with Cody. Cody was dressed in a similar outfit, except it was red, short, low cut and sexy. She turned around and went up the lane and headed toward Alamosa. When they arrived at Beverly’s house, there were several cars there, which surprised them, they were under the impression that it wasn’t going to be a big affair.

“Looks like half the City of Alamosa is here,” Alisha said as they drove up.

“Do we have this many friends?” Cody laughed.

They parked and went inside to find about 20 women, drinking and having a really good time. As they came in Beverly yelled at everyone, that the two guests of honor had arrived. Everyone, in the room, came over to tease them and wish them the best. They found the bar and poured themselves a double Patron on the rocks and started to try to catch up with the rest of the guests. As they looked around the room they recognized everyone that was there. Alisha and Cody both wondered just how many people Anne had sent invitations to. They looked up and here came their Mother. She appeared to be feeling no pain as she got to them and hugged them both and told them she loved them. “I’m looking so forward to you girls wedding. I think it’s so neat that you’re having a double wedding…..I just love it, and your Dad is so excited. He talks about it all the time, any more.”

Several of the guests came up to them and began talking. Alisha and Cody drifted apart in the crowd talking and laughing and drinking. The music was loud and everyone was talking and laughing. The door bell rang and since Alisha was close by, she answered the door. There stood two cops.

“I’m sorry to bother you ma’am but the music and noise have disturbed some of the residents over across the river and they have turned in a complaint. May we step in?

“Uh, I guess so…..this isn’t my house so I’ll need to get the owner.” As she turned around, Beverly and Cody were approaching her.

Beverly asked, “Officer, what seems to be the problem? We’re not doing anything wrong here.” Everyone there had stopped talking and was watching, wondering what was going on.

“Well ma’am,” he said to her, “There have been complaints about the noise and we were sent to investigate and quiet things down. Are you responsible for this party?”

“Well, not exactly Officer, you see it’s a bachelorette party for these two young women here.” she said pointing to Alisha and Cody.

“Well,” he said as he and his partner turned to Alisha and Cody pulling out their handcuffs, “Since you are responsible, I’m going to have to place you two under arrest.” The two officers took their arms and pulled them behind them and cuffed them. “Will you two ladies please come with me.”

But, instead of going out the front door, they started for the back of the house, Cody and Alisha had had just enough to drink that they were a little confused and worried that they were going to jail. The guests parted and there were 4 more police officers that had just came in the back door. One of them said to the two women, “Just a precaution, ma’am, in case things got out of hand. Alisha looked around and some of the ladies were bringing chairs up to where they stood. She and her sister were sat in the chairs and the music began again, loud and fast. Then the officers started dancing and taking some of their clothes off and throwing them on the couch…………

“Alisha and Cody started laughing, they knew they had been had by everyone there. The six male strippers were all working the room and most had taken everything off but their Speedo’s. Alisha and Cody were still handcuffed as the dancers moved in close to them from all sides. Their speedos were packed full of, what looked to be gigantic cocks. The men were rubbing up against them as they danced, then reached down and kissed them and fondled their breasts.

Alisha was trying to say, over the loud music, that she wanted her hands loose, but the dancers acted like they couldn’t hear her and all of a sudden, two of the men helped them stand. Alisha thought, “finally, I get my hands loose”, but, she was wrong. The dancers pulled hers and Cody’s dresses up over their waists and sat them back down in the chairs. Two of the guys turned around and started grinding their asses into their laps, then turned and went to their knees and began to kiss their thighs all the way up to their crotches then tongued them through their panties.

The crowd was going wild, hooting and hollering as the two women got tongued by the two muscular dancers. As the song ended, everyone clapped, whistled and laughed. One of the strippers stood the women up and took the cuffs off of them and told Alisha and Cody they were good sports about the whole thing. The two women got long wet kisses from the two dancers, then the music began again. Cody and Alisha pulled their dresses back down, a little embarrassed.

All of the women were seated in a circle around where the men were dancing. The dancing continued and all of the dancers took turns giving personal attention to the two guests of honor. Many of the women in the room had removed their dresses and had only their bras and panties on, letting the dancers fondle them. By now all the dancers had removed their speedo’s and were totally naked. There were women sucking their cocks and kissing them.

Alisha even noticed over in one corner, one of the women had her panties off and the dancer was pushing his hard cock in and out of her in time with the music. There was no doubt, things were about to get a little wild. There were women on their knees sucking the dancer’s cocks, sometimes three or four women on their knees, all taking turns. One of the dancers took Alisha by the arm and pulled her over by the couch. He was dancing, rubbing up against her, his hard cock oozing a little pre-cum. By now, the only women to have their dresses on were Cody and Alisha. Alisha noticed that Cody was getting the same treatment as she was.

The dancer went behind Alisha and unzipped her dress and began to pull it down off her arms, then down to the floor. She put her hand on his head to steady herself as she kicked her shoes off and let the dress fall to the floor. The dancer’s hands were all over her body, causing her to breathe deeply. She could feel that her panties were soaked. The dancer continued dancing. Alisha sucked his cock for a short time and tasted his pre-cum. Everyone was having a lot of fun. After a few hours, the dancers finished, got dressed and left.

All the women that remained were just dressed in their bras and panties and were still drinking. Most of them were feeling no pain when all of a sudden, about 12 guys came in the door off the patio. They were the remnants of the bachelor party crashing their party. The women all squealed and tried to cover themselves as each of the guys quickly paired up with one of the women. Alisha felt someone grab her from behind, she turned and it was Colin grinning and laughing.

“Caught you, huh?” he laughed. He pulled her close and kissed her and told her that he loved her. “Our party was dying, too many of the married guys had to go home, so we decided to crash your party and see what kind of things you women were doing……where are the strippers?”

Alisha was feeling no pain herself. “Oh, they all left a while ago and so did most all of the married women that were here. About all that are left are singles. They looked around the room. The women had all got turned on by the dancers, then were left hanging when they left. Most of them had paired or trippled up and were making out around the room and out on the patio. Colin pulled Alisha over to the pool table, where Justin was fucking Cody. Colin lifted Alisha up on the pool table and removed her wet panties. He smiled at Alisha and said, “I hope these are wet with just your juices.” He then pulled them to his nose and smelled them. “Yep, all your juice and it smells sweet.” He buried his head between her legs and began to lick her, all the way up her crack to her clit.

Alisha was in need this, the strippers had turned her on and she needed some release. Colin stood up, pulled out his cock slid it into Alisha. It didn’t take long and Alisha felt that old familiar feeling building way down deep inside her. As she began to cum, Colin spewed his load of hot semen inside her. “Damn, Alisha, I needed that, I have been so turned on since our strippers left, and no place to relieve myself…….thank you my darling.” Alisha could tell that he was a little tipsy himself.

“What say we blow this joint and go home and fuck our brains out till the sun comes up? I need you Alisha, I need to hold you close and feel your naked body against me. I need to kiss you all over and make you feel good, what do you say?”

Alisha turned to Cody and told her she was leaving with Colin and they were going home and screw.

Cody said, “I think we are going to do the same thing, I’ll call you in morning, late.”

Colin helped Alisha find her dress and shoes. She got dressed, and still looked hot. Then they left.

It took them about 15 minutes to get home. All the while, Alisha was kissing Colin and had his cock out licking it like a lollipop. Colin was having some trouble keeping his concentration on the road and when Alisha made him cum, he almost ran off the road. Luckily, they didn’t and when they got home, they scattered clothes all the way to their bed. After several hot rounds of sex, they slept, and because of the booze and the intense sex, they slept soundly. Both of them had taken off work tomorrow so they could take care of the wedding details.

The next morning, after making love for 40 minutes, they got up, had breakfast and went about making the final preparations for the wedding. Alisha and Cody had gone to the church while Colin and Justin went over to the Elks to check on the final preparations for the dinner and reception. According to Anne, about 250 people had RSVP’d. Finally the day they had all been waiting for was imminent.

When the sisters finished at the church, they went by the florist then went to the Elks to check on the guys. And as they thought, they found them in the bar doing a “quality check” of the merchandise. Alisha and Cody sat down with them and did their own “quality check”. The four of them were all in a great moods. They talked about the honeymoon and decided to definitely wait till Sunday morning to leave. Colin called Jeff while it was on his mind and confirmed that he needed to have the Gulfstream ready to go at 9:00 am on Sunday. Colin told Jeff that he had made him a reservation at the Hilton and to put everything on the room, he would take care of everything for him for the week that they were going to be there. Jeff loved his job and loved working for Colin and was very appreciative of the things Colin did for him. He thanked Colin for the “paid vacation” in paradise.

The four of them stayed there and had a few drinks, then went out to the golf club for lunch. There, they had a very long and relaxing meal and several more drinks. They discussed and double checked all the preparations and were satisfied that tomorrow should come off without a hitch. At about 3 they all went home to get some rest. Colin and Alisha spent the rest of the day in bed, they knew that tomorrow would be a very hectic and tiring day and they wouldn’t have a lot of time to themselves.



Finally, the long awaited wedding day arrived. The couples were up early getting themselves ready for the ceremony and taking care of a few last minute details. The wedding was scheduled to begin at 3:00 pm and the reception at 4:30 with dinner at 6:00 pm and the dance to begin at 8:30 till whenever. Colin had told the band that he would pay them till 2 am, but if the crowd wanted to go till 3, he would take care of them when he returned.

Alisha and Colin had a relaxing, early lunch out on their patio. The day was especially nice and warm. There were several deer grazing just beyond their fence. The landscapers had done a beautiful job. There were still a few finishing touches to be done, but it was finished for all practical purposes.

Alisha sat, looking at Colin with a faraway look in her eyes. Colin noticed and asked her, “What’s the matter, darling, you look sad. Are you having second thoughts?”

“Oh no Colin, not at all. As a matter of fact, I’m the happiest I’ve been in years. I was just thinking about life and all the twists and turns one takes getting to where they are now. I love you Colin, so very much……….and I love the freedom we give each other. You are the man I’ve looked for all my life, a man that takes me for what I am and lets me chase my, sometimes crazy, fantasies. I know that we will stay together forever, because of these freedoms that we grant each other and the total lack of jealousy between us. I just love you, Colin, plain and simple, I love you.”

Colin got up out of his chair and went to her. As she stood up to his embrace, he said to her, “Yes, darling, we were made for each other, we’re both cut from the same cloth. We have some bizarre desires and habits, but, like you said, there is no jealousy or animosity between us. I trust you completely, Alisha. I know that if you have sex with another man, and I’m not around, you are still mine and I am the same way. If I’m with another woman, the end result is that I love you and only you and I know that we will stay together. We have started one hell of a partnership. We’re both smart and are excellent business people. Who knows what we will grow into someday……all I know is that we have one hell of a big start.”

They pulled each other close and held each other tightly for several minutes. Colin kissed her and said, “In a few hours, you will be Alisha Moore-Braxton, my beautiful bride and exquisite wife……….forever. He kissed her again. Cody came driving in with all her wedding attire. Colin told Alisha, “I’m headed over to Justin’s to change, I’ll see you at the church.” He kissed her again, grabbed his bag of clothes and left for Justin’s.

Alisha and Cody spent the next hour getting dressed. When they were ready to go to the church, a black stretch limo pulled up out front. The driver got out and opened the door for them saying, “Colin sent me to drive you two beautiful brides to the church. Please, let me help you get in.” They got settled in the back of the limo and the driver drove them into Alamosa to the church. The guests were arriving. The driver took them to a door around the side of the church and helped them out of the car and into the church. There they found their respective brides maids and maids of honor.

While the girls were getting ready, the men had all gathered in front of the church and the groomsmen were all kidding the grooms, “You guys know, it’s not too late to run,” they told them……..then laughed. There wasn’t a groomsman present that didn’t envy both of the grooms. They knew that those two lucky guys were marrying two of the most beautiful and smart women in the State of Colorado. Any one of them would have gladly traded places with either of them. The priest came out and told them that they should take a seat in the front pew, while he opened the Mass. It was about to start…..they were all nervous.

The organ began to play and the priest, deacons and the alterboys all started the procession down the aisle to open the mass. Once it was opened, the groomsmen all stood and took their places in the front of the church. As Colin looked toward the back he could see that the church was completely full. The organ began to play the wedding march and for the first time, he and Justin saw their brides for, probably the first time. They stood at the back of the church, their Father in between them. As they began to walk down the aisle, tears of joy filled Colin and Justin’s eyes. They were both so happy and also so proud to have these two women as their wives, for the rest of their lives.

When Bob and the girls arrived at the altar, he gave the men his daughters. Very quietly he whispered to each of them, “Don’t ever hurt my daughters, gentlemen. If you ever do, my most severe wrath will come down upon you and you will never see the light of this world again.” With that said, he shook their hands and wished them well.

Justin and Colin were taken back a couple of steps by his words and one thing can be said, they both took Bob very seriously when he whispered those words to them. It was something about the look in his eyes. Alisha and Cody didn’t know what their Dad had said to their husbands to be, but they knew from the looks on their faces, that whatever was said, had had a very serious effect on them. The groom’s attention quickly turned to their beautiful brides. They turned to the Priest and the ceremony began. The couples looked at each other, smiling, the rest of their lives is at hand and they were ready.

The wedding ended and the two couples got into the limo and were driven over to the Elks. Many of the guests were already there. The two couples stood by the far wall as all the guests passed by greeting them and wishing them all the happiness in the world. It took over an hour and a half to finish the reception line, then it was announced that the dinner was being served. The hall was joyous and very noisy. Everyone was happy and the guests were busy visiting with other guests they hadn’t seen in a while. The brides and grooms cut their respective, identical, cakes and each one fed a piece to their new spouses.

The day was great and the company was fantastic. Alisha was as happy as she had ever been in her life. She had found the man of her dreams and was preparing to become one with him. Colin was just as happy. He told Alisha that the only thing that would have made it better is if his parents would have been there. But, he knew that their spirits were there and were very happy with his choice for a wife. Bob and Anne, were getting along wonderfully, the first time in ages. Alisha could see that her Mom had a look in her eye that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She didn’t know if they could reconcile their differences and once again live as husband and wife, but she had hopes that they could put their private lives back together. She knew that she would continue to sexually satisfy her Dad as long as he wanted to continue and she wouldn’t stop helping her Mom have those clandestine meetings with David either. But she did want them to be happy together again.

The evening moved on. The dinner was finished and everyone was visiting and partaking of the bar. Most everyone had a little buzz on. After a while, the hall was prepared for the dance. The band had arrived and was set up. Soon it was time for the couples to have their first dance as a married couple. The band played, what Alisha referred to as, a good belt buckle polisher. They danced close and gazed deep into the other’s eyes. The song soon ended. The the guests all got up and on the dance floor, cutting in on the couples and separating them. Alisha and Cody were having a great time dancing with all their friends and the guys were having a grand time being the center of attention for all the women in the room, young and old.

The dance went on and on. Colin was finally dancing with his bride again. He asked Alisha if she was ready to leave. She kissed him deeply and said, “Mr. Braxton, I request that you take me somewhere and give me your undivided attention for the rest of my life.”

Colin held her close and kissed her passionately. “I called the limo, its right outside the fire exit. I’ll see if Cody and Justin want to leave, we can drop them off at their house.”
They were also ready to leave, so, the time came to try to slip away without anyone really noticing. They were very stealthy and were able to sneak out the side door and get away without anyone seeing them. Once in the limo, the four of them looked at each other smiling.
Colin told Justin, “We’ll drop you guys off at your house and we’ll meet you at the jet in the morning at about 9 or 9:30, is that ok?”

“Sounds good to me,” Justin said, “How long will it take us to get there?”

“About 8 hours straight through. Some of the seats in the plane make out into a bed, so if you want to sleep or do something more exciting, we will have more than ample time.”

They arrived at Justin and Cody’s house. Cody kissed Alisha and Justin as they got out to go in. “See you guys in the morning,“ they said as the door to the limo was shut. The driver took Colin and Alisha to their home and wished them happiness and good night. He also took the opportunity to kiss the bride, something that had happened to her, what seemed like a thousand times today. It was like she had whispered in Colin’s ear at the reception. “I think I’ve gotten kissed more here than I would have at a gang bang.”

They went into the house and Colin stood looking at Alisha in her wedding dress for the longest time. He told her very seriously, “I want to remember how you look right now………before I strip you down and fuck you silly.” They both laughed as they franticly took their clothes off and jumped onto the bed, embracing. They didn’t just fuck the night away, they seriously made love all night. Holding and caressing each other, looking at the other and feeling the other’s love. It was a very romantic night, the first of many to come.

They arose the next morning feeling so happy. Their dream of being husband and wife had finally happened. Alisha sat at the table, saying to herself over and over, “I am Mrs. Colin Braxton, Mrs. Colin Braxton, Mrs. Colin Braxton. I just love the sound of it.”

Colin heard her and came to the kitchen, grinning. “What are you doing, Alisha,” he teased.

“I just love the way it sounds, Colin, I love you so much and I’m so proud to be your wife.” she told him

Colin bent over and kissed her, “And I’m proud of my beautiful wife…..the woman of my dreams.”

They embraced and kissed long and hard. “We need to get our butts in gear and get to the airport, I wouldn’t want Jeff to leave without us.” he laughed.

They went to the bedroom and finished packing their bags, then went to the airport. Jeff, Cody and Justin were already there. Jeff had loaded their bags and was waiting for Colin and Alisha. They got out of the car and carried their bags to the plane. Jeff loaded them in the cargo hold and closed it. He turned to Alisha, “Congratulations, I didn’t get to talk to you at the wedding yesterday, so, I’d like to wish you both a lot of happiness……may I kiss the bride?”

Alisha thanked him and leaned over and let him kiss her on the cheek. She told him thank you Jeff, I appreciate everything you do. With that done, they boarded the Gulfstream, closed the door and they all settled in for the flight. Jeff fired up the engines and taxied into position to depart. In a few seconds, they were speeding down the runway, the plane rotated and pointed skyward……….they were on their way.

They all relaxed and visited, recanting the events of the wedding. Justin went up front with Jeff for a while and checked out the cockpit. Cody had pulled out one of the beds and was taking a nap, evidently she and Justin had screwed most of the night and she had not gotten a lot of sleep. Alisha and Colin were sitting facing each other across a table playing chess, talking and laughing. Somewhere out over the Pacific, Cody woke up and was her bouncy, bubbly self again. The four of them sat talking, drinking iced tea and discussing what all they would do this week. Cody blurted out, “I can’t wait to get into bed with you Colin, I’ve been looking forward to our honeymoon for weeks. Alisha looked over at Justin, “And you cowboy, I want you tonight.” Colin went over and sat next to Cody. He leaned into her and began to kiss her and fondle her breast. Justin, took the hint and pulled Alisha up onto her feet and led her over to the opened bed. Colin stopped kissing Cody and got up and went to the door to the cockpit. He bolted the door shut, so Jeff couldn’t inadvertently walk in on them while they switched partners. As he went back to Cody, he saw that Justin had Alisha undressed and was licking her wet pussy. Colin pulled Cody to her feet and pulled out the seat she was sitting on and formed another bed. He stood in front of her and undressed her…..he kissed her and sat her on the newly opened bed. He buried his head between her legs and began to lick her, making her juices run wildly.

Justin had undressed and had mounted Alisha, fucking the living daylights out of her. She had her legs wrapped around him and his head was buried in her cleavage. Colin had rolled Cody over on her front, put a pillow under her hips, pulled her legs together and had penetrated her hot, wet pussy from the back. After a short while, Colin was unloading inside Cody, as she was bucking from a violent orgasm. She could feel him shooting stream after stream of his hot cum deep inside her pussy as her body convulsed in orgasmic bliss.

Meanwhile, Alisha had told Jason she wanted his cum in her mouth. Her orgasm began, she was reeling from the pleasure she was experiencing. Justin, realizing she was cumming, stepped up the pace and continued the stimulation, furthering her orgasm to new highs. The stepped up pace of pumping her pushed him to the brink. He pulled out and moved his cock up to her mouth, straddling her torso. She pulled her big tits together and he put his cock between them and began fucking, sliding the head of his cock into her mouth. A few more strokes and he was shooting long ropes of cum into her waiting mouth and onto her face. When he got off of her, she wiped her face with her fingers and licked them clean.

Alisha hadn’t had enough though, she went down on his softening cock and got him hard again then mounted him in a reverse cowboy position. He liked for her to do him like this, he could see her perfectly round ass while his cock plowed her pussy. He put his hands on her hips, pulling her on and off his cock, while her hands were on his knees as she bounced her ass up and down on his cock rapidly till his cock shot streams of hot cum into her wanting pussy.

Alisha took her fingers and rubbed her clit till she began to cum also. Cody was busy blowing Colin. He was sitting in a seat with Cody on her knees in front of him taking his cock deep down her throat. He began to cum, shooting his wad straight down her esophagus in her stomach. One thing the Moore sisters liked, was eating a man’s cum, neither of them could get enough. After they had all relieved the stress between their legs, they all sat and drank champagne and talked.

Colin and Justin sat and looked at the perfect bodies of their wives. There weren’t any women that could compare with these two. They both knew how to completely please their husbands. Colin sat his glass down and took Alisha by the hands and pulled her to her feet. He leaned her against a wall, raised her left leg up and around his ass, then slid his hard cock up into her waiting pussy. They fucked up against the wall till they both came at the same time. Alisha felt his hot cum and Justin’s cum running down her right leg. Colin went down on his knees and licked her pussy clean, pushing Alisha almost instantly into another orgasm. Colin continued probing her hole with is tongue till there wasn’t any cum left to run down her legs. They took a seat and watched as Cody was sitting on Justin’s face, letting him clean her inside and out. During the process, Cody was cumming as he ate her. After finishing cleaning themselves up, they got dressed and got ready to land in Honolulu. A week of honeymoon bliss awaited them all. They would share each other over and over again throughout the week. But, little did she know now, but Alisha would experience a fantasy she had always dreamed about and Colin would inadvertently help her attain that fantasy.



They landed at a private airport located on Maui. Colin had arranged for a limo to take them to their residence for the week. When they got their luggage loaded, they departed. Jeff said bye and put his things in a car that Colin had arranged with the local Ford dealer. When he got to his hotel, much to his surprise, Colin had leased him penthouse suite. It was beautiful and luxurious. He knew he would have a wonderful week. Right now he wished that he had a wife to share this experience with…..who knows, maybe he will find one while he is here………He laughed to himself.

Colin, Alisha, Cody, and Justin arrived at their residence for the week. Alisha and Cody, being typical women, explored the house, familiarizing themselves with all its amenities. There was a tennis court, pool, hot tub, 4 bedrooms, game room, wet bar, living room, kitchen and laundry. The house was a total of 6000 sq ft sitting on 200 acres of land. They all knew they would have a wonderful week. Colin had also arranged for the local Ford dealer to have two GT 500 Mustangs taken to the residence for them to use. On Tuesday, they were all invited to a Charity Black Tie affair in Honolulu that the Ford dealer’s wife was chairman of. It sounded like fun, so they had accepted the invitation. However, Cody and Justin declined, saying that they wanted to just relax.

They got unpacked and made themselves at home. Alisha and Cody changed into their bikinis and were sitting out on the patio drinking Patron on the rocks while Justin and Colin went exploring on the property finding an isolated fresh water creek with a large pool at the base of a falls. They couldn’t wait to tell the girls and maybe go skinny dipping. One thing these two guys couldn’t get enough of was seeing their wives naked.

They spent the afternoon just doing nothing and decided to take a car and go find a really quiet restaurant on the beach for dinner. They told the girls about the lagoon they had found. They couldn’t wait to all go there and skinny dip. They had a really nice meal then went to the house and went to bed, after the long flight, they were all really tired. They would get up early tomorrow morning and go exploring on the island. Colin and Alisha were looking forward to the Charity Ball on Tuesday night.

Tuesday morning as they had breakfast, they decided to go to the river that Colin and Justin had found and skinny dip. After lunch, Colin and Alisha were going to the airport where they arrived and take a charter flight to Honolulu to attend the Charity Ball. They would spend tonight at a hotel there tonight and return in the morning. They finished breakfast and hiked to the pool beneath the falls that the guys had found. When they got there, the girls couldn’t believe the natural beauty surrounding the pool. They stripped and dived into the cool water. Colin and Jason wasted no time getting in also. They spent most of the morning there, had sex in the grass then went back to the house for lunch. After lunch, Alisha packed their clothes for this evening and a change for tomorrow. She had picked out a stunning red dress that she had bought in the Springs while she was there. She had Colin’s tux…….she thought that he looked so good in it. Cody and Jason had departed in one of the cars to go explore the island.

Colin and Alisha arrived at the airport and loaded their bags into a chartered plane that Colin had arranged. They got in and the pilot took them to Honolulu where they were met by a town car that his friend had arranged. They were taken to the hotel and got their room. His friend called him and told him that he and his wife would meet them there at about 6pm as the dinner started at 7. The event was being held at a events center next door. They explored Honolulu, the little shops and stores along the main streets of downtown then went back to the hotel and decided to go to the bar and have a drink before they went up to their room to shower and get ready for the events of the evening. As they walked into the bar, they noticed how beautiful the architecture was. It was decorated with a lot of dark hardwood and glass. They met two couples there that were attending the ball tonight and chatted with them while they finished their drinks. They then went to their room to prepare for their first gala event as husband and wife. Little did they know then, that they would experience a fantasy of their dreams tonight, a fantasy that would not soon be forgotten.

At 6:00 Colin and Alisha arrived in the lobby of the hotel. There they met Colin’s friend, Kono Majalaya and his wife. Kono was the Ford dealer for the entire Hawaiian Islands. He had dealerships on every island. Colin introduced Alisha to Kono and his wife. Together, they all walked to the Event Center next door. They were escorted to a table and after they were seated, they were served dinner.

The meal was exquisite. It was all Hawaiian cuisine and delicious. After dinner, they went to the ball room and were seated at a table near the dance floor. Kono had introduced Colin and Alisha to many people that evening and when the dance started, Colin and Alisha danced quite a lot. Colin noticed how the eyes of many of the men present followed Alisha as they glided across the floor. While we were seated, several guys asked Alisha to dance. She looked beautiful, wearing the short red dress and the diamond necklace he had bought her as a wedding present. As the evening progressed on, Colin had a hard time dancing with Alisha, there were always several handsome guys beating him to the punch.

When the Ball ended, they all walked back over to the hotel and Kono and his wife left to go home. Alisha and Colin decided to go have a drink at the bar before they went to their room.

The next day, Colin woke up fairly early and decided not to disturb Alisha after the night they had just experienced. He went to breakfast and sat by pool, thinking about the events of the past evening. Things had gone much farther than he would have ever dreamed. He sat, thinking to himself, recanting the events, one by one………..

We had been at the black tie event for several hours. Good food, fantastic music and a lot of dancing. We had a great night. Alisha, as ever, had attracted more than a few stares from the men there, particularly as she danced. I enjoyed watching her as much as ever with her fabulous ass floating above the dance floor. How I love that ass of hers. From the moment I first saw her and forever since then, it constantly occupies my thoughts. Perfectly shaped, lifting off at right angles from her long sexy legs, firm to touch and curving deliciously towards her narrow waist. It is hard not to stare at it when she stands still, and when she walks it is poetry in motion, but as she dances it is impossible not to stare at its mouth-watering wiggle which only goes to show how firm and tight and perfect it is.

I remember seeing her dancing to fast songs with several of the men we’d met, and it looked like she was having a fabulous time. She seemed almost oblivious to the stares other men gave her, instead she just kept smiling at them with her infectious smile. Pride filled my head as I watched her move her body in such a sexy way and I enjoyed thinking about having her to myself later and knowing all these guys knew that.

She is beautiful, stunning to look at, always gorgeous, and invariably sexy but that night all these things were especially true. The short red dress that she was wearing showed her curves beautifully. It was low cut to the base of her sternum. The bottom hugged her ass so tightly I had wondered how she had managed to get it on. And her legs in their customary ‘hold-up’ stockings looked as amazing as ever.

Her hair was down and she wore the diamond necklace I gave her, that accented her smooth neck and shoulders and drew eyes to her fabulous breasts which were just as gravity defying as her ass. It is only now, thinking about it, that I realize that there was something else about her that night, she had looked incredibly seductive. As usual, she was tantalizing company as well as one hell of a sexy dancer and her spirit was contagious to the men she was dancing with.

Not everyone enjoyed her being there, however. At one point she was dancing with a huge good looking guy. She was just messing around and dancing close, but suddenly his girlfriend appeared out of nowhere and exchanged words with Alisha. The guy smiled at her nonetheless as his girl made it quite clear the guy was taken.

We’d ended up with a group who were staying at the adjoining hotel with us and, at the end of the evening, which had finished disappointingly early. We all ended up in the hotel bar.

The bar was decorated in the traditions of the Hawaiian Islands, with several small rooms off the main one.

Some of the men we’d met earlier had gone into an adjacent room, the only one with a door, and had started playing a game of poker. As the night went on, the other couples had drifted off to bed and we went to join the men in the next room.

The room was a feast of leather and teakwood and chandeliers with a huge, lighted aquarium at the far end. It looked to be a sort of members bar and was more secluded and intimate than the main bar area. There was very little light and only the chandelier was on and it threw a glow over the table in the center of the room. The aquarium threw off an iridescent hue into the rest of the room and gave a sense of secrecy and intrigue.

Music was playing too as someone had wired an i-pod into the stereo. It was a bit of a mix of styles, but it added to the general atmosphere.

As we entered, Dave, who we’d chatted with earlier at the event, asked me to shut the door behind me. There was a case full of unopened beers on one of the tables in a cooler of ice together with wine, spirits and mixers. Dave told us to help ourselves. We did. Alisha continued with her Patron on the rocks and I decided on beer.

The game was going on at the lit table. On one side of the room was a bar, which was closed, and on the other side, close to the aquarium, was a leather sofa with two large leather armchairs.

We recognized five of the people we’d spoken with earlier. They were seated at the poker table still sporting their dinner jackets and with their bow ties hanging, James Bond style, around their necks and dangling down onto their dress shirts. The scene we had walked into could have been from any decade for the last hundred years.

While we remembered each of the men that she had danced with earlier, Dave took the opportunity to introduce the group again. Dave and Mike worked together and were good friends. Both were in their late 20’s. We both immediately recognized John as the guy you’d danced with earlier. Fortunately, his annoying girlfriend had crashed as soon as she got back to the hotel. He was a big guy, well over six foot, six inches tall and full of muscle. Will seemed pretty quiet, but had a dry sense of humor and when he spoke, it was worth listening to.

Jason was the fifth, and, while it was a handsome group, he was easily the best looking there. Then there was Alisha and I.

The game that was going on was clearly just a warm up and soon it became apparent that the real game was about to begin. Mike asked us if we wanted to play. It cost $200 to buy in. They were to play for an hour and depending on how they all felt, a second game was planned.

I took $400 out of my wallet and bought both of us a seat at the table. The game was serious, but also a lighter tone and there was a great deal of banter, of which she were at the center.

Alisha looked fantastic, drop dead gorgeous , her fabulous stocking clad legs shown well with the short red dress she was wearing. She had heels and they served to accentuate the definition of her legs. And then her breasts…….. I loved their shape, their weight, how her nipples got hard when she was aroused, and how, in the dress she was now wearing, they oozed sex appeal. It is difficult to describe how much I loved her in those moments as I watched her from the other side of the table.

Watching as her killer smile cracked across her face, the way her eyes shone, the way she teased and flirted and the way she engaged the people she had just met, was everything I had come to expect. Each time I saw her in such form I was mesmerized nu her beauty and how sassy she was … and especially how sexy.

The others loved having her there and they loved that she could give out a hard time as well as she received it, and then some. Alisha was true to form and while she entertained the banter with enthusiasm, she was also competitive. In fact, despite a slow start she soon got the hang of the poker face. She became difficult to ‘read’ and she had an impressive number of wins. It’s fair to say she had some good hands to start with, but she made the most of them, soon winning enough to double her stake. However, her cards can’t have been that good all the time and, after a while, the men became increasingly reluctant to call her.

Jason and I were the first to lose and we ambled over to the sofa to sit by the aquarium grabbing a beer each as we went. We sat on the sofa half chatting and half watching the game as the rest continued to play. When the game stopped after an hour, Alisha was clearly the winner. She had accumulated $400.

The game broke up and we all gathered around the sofas and chairs to drink and talk. Our new friends tried not to be too obvious in their glances at her. Jason, however, stared, watching her body intently as she walked over.

We chatted freely. At one point, she asked if she could get anyone another drink, as she was going to pour herself another Patron. Will and John wanted a beer. As she got up I watched the five men stop what they were doing and follow her with their eyes as she walked to the table. Her delicious ass shook back and forth with every sexy stride.

She knew they were watching and deliberately fumbled the bottle opener onto the floor. When she bent to pick it up, she did so slowly from the waist. She knew they would be able to see the fantastic outline of her perfect figure. We all had a good look at her tight little ass sticking up in the air and marveled at her fantastic legs. When she straightened up, she opened the bottle and sat it down on the table, then she turned back to us. Mike spoke up and said, “No offense, Colin, but she has an immensely gorgeous body.” The others all affirmed his observation.

“Will there be anything else, gentlemen?” she asked. There was nothing but silence as everyone’s eyes were affixed to her.

“Are you sure I can’t get you something Jason?” she asked with a glint in her eye and as she bent to pick up the bottle cap which had ‘fallen’ to the floor. We could all see down her top, she knew exactly what she was doing, showing just enough to get them excited, but not too much.

“Damn.” was all Jason could say. She just grinned at him.

“Here you go,” she said as she handed Will his beer. I know she could feel the men watching her every move and that she enjoyed teasing them. When Alisha is drinking Patron, she is good at teasing men. To her, it was great fun.

As she sat John’s beer down, she had to bend over slightly to get it on the coaster. I noticed her turn slightly so that Jason could look down the top of her dress and see deep into her cleavage. It may have looked accidental, but I know she meant for it to happen. Jason noticed, but didn’t acknowledge anything except a slight grin as she straightened up. Alisha looked across at Will and as she did, he was smiling broadly. He had also noticed.

After about 10 minutes John suggested that we join in the second game. The stakes were to be higher and at $1000 they looked to be a little too serious for me.

Alisha, however, was wanting to continue her winning streak and asked if they would let her play for the $400 she had won. They refused. I offered an IOU or a check till tomorrow for the remaining $600 but they politely declined saying that there were no IOUs or checks…it was cash only.

The others had clearly come ready to play as they each had $1000, which they placed in the center of the table.

She asked again if she could play with just $400 , but they were not keen on the idea.

“You need another $600,” said Mike “. . . or the equivalent…”

“How about we put a value on each of your items of clothing?” he continued half jokingly…

The men went through what she was wearing.

“Shoes…” said Dave “$10 each”

“They cost $200!” she said indignantly.

“Yes, but we’re not buying them!” said Will laughing, “if you lose, you can have them back tomorrow morning.”

“Dress $50, bra $30, stockings $10 each and panties $60,” said Dave ticking off what she was wearing.

“…if they come off I’ll want a lot more than $60!” … she shot back at him.

“$80 for the panties then,” Dave shot back equally quickly.

“That would still leave her $400 short,” said John before Alisha could interrupt.

I don’t think she was serious, but she entered into the spirit of the conversation that followed. There was a lot of haggling, with her acting more indignant and more outraged each time anyone suggested any figure for anything.

“I’d pay $100 to get my hands on your cute ass” said Dave.

“It’d cost you that just to look at it…, ” Alisha instantly replied,”…through a pair of binoculars.”

After a lot of banter, John tried to wind proceedings up. He wanted to play.

“OK” he said “how about the remaining $400 is made up as follows…

4 – $25 chips to touch, cup and fondle that fabulous ass.

4 – $50 chips to touch you anywhere”

“With our tongues,” Will interrupted quickly.

“OK” continued John, slightly exasperated. “4 – $50 chips to touch you anywhere… with our tongues,”

And one special $100 chip for you to touch us where we want!”

“With your tongue,” Will sang out again.

“Right and one special $100 chip for you to touch us where we want …with your tongue,” John continued in a monotone.

“We’ll make each of these a pink chip so we all know what we’re playing for.”

“Ok, but I can call it quits whenever I want, right?” she said checking that she didn’t have to lose any of them.

“Sure,” said John, “Can we play now?”

Through the evening she had consumed several Patrons and because of the concession that she didn’t have to play either your clothes or your pink chips, and no doubt, because of her competitive nature, she agreed. I turned one of the armchairs towards the game and sat down to watch, wondering if she had bit off more than she could chew.

Dave started dealing the chips out. Each had a different color. She was given $800 in chips which she placed in piles, keeping the “forfeit” pink chips in a separate pile to one side. Her clothes made up the remaining $200 and she was told to place her clothes into the pot if she wanted to bet them at any stage.

The first hand was quite funny as instead of using any of her chips she ceremoniously plunked her shoes on the table as her stake. She lost.

The game ebbed and flowed and I watched as her $400 in cash (non-pink) chips went up to $600 then down to $200 and finally down to $50.

On her next hand she was dealt 3 Queens, which was the best hand anyone had had all night. When John raised her $200 she thought she was on absolutely safe ground. In went the 4 ass fondling’ $25 pink chips and two $10 chips.

Mike quickly spotted that she was $80 short, but she was way ahead of them. As soon as he opened his mouth she stood up and, ensuring that they saw absolutely nothing, but imagined everything, she bent away from them. Her short dress rode up her thighs slightly and almost revealed her panties. Then with her cute ass facing them in all its perfection, she reached around and slowly removed her panties from under her dress, peeled them away from her taut ass, shimmied them down her legs and stepped out of them with perfect balance and placed them in the center of the table.

“I’ll call you,” she said, as 5 mouths hung open at what they had just seen. John, however, had amazingly drawn a straight. It was unbelievable to her and John teased her mercilessly. He put her panties in his top pocket and rolled the $25 chips between his fingers as if suggesting they were her sweet round ass.

Eventually and sportingly he said “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a chance to win them back” She folded on the next few games, not losing any more, but John used one of the pink chips in each of those games and eventually they were evenly distributed around the table. If she quit now four of the five men would be able to rub their hands all over her fantastic ass.

At that stage, she had $30 in cash, $30 worth of bra, $20 of stockings and $50 worth of dress and pink chips worth $300. I could see her adding them up in her head and, with still $430 left, she must have been confident that she would win back the lost pink chips. She had no intention of letting 4 strangers handle her ass.

When the pink chips were in the pot she knew she had an opportunity to win them back. That made her a little braver with the cards than perhaps she should have been.

After perhaps another 20 minutes, however, her bra, which she had carefully removed through the armholes of her dress, and stockings were in the pot along with one of the $50 pink chips. When she lost, all that she could say was “oh fuck!” Quitting now would give four men a handful of her ass and one lucky guy the chance to touch her with his tongue. What that might mean was beginning to dawn on her. When she started she hadn’t considered that she would be betting with any of these chips.

Again she folded the next few games, but with two aces in her hand in the next she thought her luck had finally turned around.

She bet the remainder of her $50 pink chips leaving her with just her dress ($50) and her $100 pink chip.

But Jason raised the stakes again. She would have to bet $150, all-in, to get these chips back she was going to have to remove the remainder of her clothes and bet Jason to prove she had the best hand.

By this time I was at the edge of my seat. I was feeling nervous for her, although the thought of seeing her naked with these men was giving me a hard on.

She took what seemed like hours to decide. She was weighing up the options. If she folded, the only thing she had left to bet was her dress, her bra and what was bound to be a blow job, so she would have to quit. But that would mean she was going to let 4 men fondle her ass, and 4 others lick her where they wanted, she’d be almost naked anyway. The only thing she was really avoiding was a blow job. If she played and won, she’d be able to buy back all the pink chips she’d lost. But if she played and lost, someone, Jason was going to want her to lick his cock. It looked as if she was going to fold, but then, with a look that said ‘what the fuck’ she flipped the $100 pink chip into the pot. Suddenly, as she stood up to remove her dress, the atmosphere changed from one of fun and frivolity to serious anticipation and excitement.

The room was absolutely silent as Alisha considered exposing her naked body. But she was not shy at all and she was convinced that this is all they would get to see and at the end of the hand, she would be dressing again with enough money to buy or win back the remaining pink chips. On the other hand, I knew that Alisha was adventuresome enough that she wouldn’t mind fucking them all. The possibility of seeing that, made my cock rock hard.

She removed her arms from her dress, and crossed one arm across her chest to prevent the dress slipping down.

She did not rush and, ever the showgirl, she waited until their attention was all on her.

First her large perfect breasts came into view. They looked amazing and even though her ass is the most exquisite I have ever seen, her covered tits can stop traffic. If exposed, her round and firm breasts would cause traffic to certainly crash. No one could take their eyes from her.

Then she pushed down at the sides of the dress slipping it over her waist and, with her legs tightly pressed together, wiggled it past her hips. As she did so she turned slightly to expose her beautifully round ass to the appreciative onlookers. God, her curves were exciting. Her gorgeous firm ass jutted out fabulously as she bent to pick her dress off the floor and place it in the center of the table. And as she turned to do so, our new friends got their first chance to see her pussy which was, as always, shaved down to her beautiful skin.

“Jesus!” exclaimed Mike cutting through the tension and staring bluntly at the goddess in front of him. “Colin, where in the world did you ever find such a beautiful and fantastic looking creature?”

“I first saw her on my showroom floor and knew I had to get to know her. She was just so different from anyone I had previously met. Incredibly giving and kind and OMIGOD! … so sexy and beautiful,” I told him.

I smiled as I thought how I later found out she was the best sexual partner I could ever wish for and the most depraved woman I had ever met.

“You don’t find women like Alisha,” I said, “they only actually exist in your dreams”.

With her perfect, naked body exposed to everyone, she didn’t re-take her seat, but allowed the men to continue feasting their eyes on her.

She turned over her aces and said, “You are going to need three of a kind at least to beat me.”

Jason said nothing but turned over his cards one by one – King, King, 5, 6, and finally …….King.

She stood for a second motionless as things began to sink in. Jason scooped the chips into his hands, and carefully placing his pink chips into his top pocket, one at a time. He smiled at Alisha and grinned.

Slowly she came back from her trance and we went to sit on the sofa as the game momentarily continued. I gave her my jacket to cover up a little, but as I did, I was sure that she was dripping wet. As we sat down I brushed my finger against her shaved pussy. Wet does not adequately describe it, flooded would more the word. I pushed my finger against her and it slipped in easily.

She told me that it was completely involuntary and asked if I would get her out of this mess. I told her I would try but, as I answered her, the poker game broke up and the men came over to the sofa as they had done after the first game. This time they were each carrying one or two pink chips.

“OK Alisha, it’s time to pay up,” said Mike.

She looked at me, with pleading eyes, and I immediately offered to buy back the chips, but Will reminded us, “Bets are bets, No IOUs or checks.”

she tried to talk her way out of it, but I was a little more enthusiastic at the thought of seeing her touched by the other men.

“Ok you guys, it was just a game right? You’re not seriously going to make me go through with this?” you asked with a slight cracked smile.

I could see that she really didn’t care which way this went, she would still come out a the winner. The men were really applying the pressure on her to see what she would do.

“C’mon Alisha …. Pay up!”

All eyes were focused on her, but she said nothing.

In the end Jason broke the deadlock by laughing. “It’s Ok Alisha,” he said, “don’t stress, we’ll work something out.”

“Although, I am tempted to make you go through with everything, and by the way you are fucking gorgeous, I am willing to just be happy having seen your perfect, naked body.

John, reached into his top pocket and pulled out her panties , “I’ll second that” he said. “I really do appreciate seeing you naked, you are so damn hot. I nearly lost it when you took your dress off.” He smiled kindly at her as he spoke and passed her panties to her.

She took the panties from him and stepped back into them with a look of sheer relief. She blew out air as she straightened up as the weight of their expectations lifted from her.

Mike gave her back her dress, and, as she reached to take it, Mike started a playful tug-o-war, with the dress as the rope. “Aw guys, do I have to?” he said playfully as he quickly gave in.

Alisha stepped back into her dress, pulled it over her gorgeous ass and slid her arms back into the straps. I could see her chest rise and fall as finally her nervousness began to subside.

Her stockings were last on and each of the men took a last lingering look at her legs as she rolled her stockings up and stepped back into her shoes.

“Ok!” said Jason smiling, “I think you should at least get us all a beer Alisha. My throat went dry the moment you took your shoes off and I haven’t recovered.”

Dave switched the light off above the table and the guys jumped into the sofa and armchairs and began to relax in front of the aquarium.

“Alright” she said, “fair enough. I’m going to have another Patron, who wants a beer?” We all did, and, with her clothes back on, her confidence began to grow again.

She opened six bottles and poured another Patron and somehow managed to carry them all back to us all at the same time. She handed them out one by one. I was leaning on the arm of the sofa and with all the other leather seats taken, she leaned against me and we started to talk as a group about the poker game that had just finished. Of course, most of it involved the guys talking about how exciting it was to see her in various states of undress. I put my arms around her and pulled her tight against me, a little disappointed that I wasn’t going to get to see these men use my wife.

Mike started it… “Thanks for the beer, but I have one more request before I consider completely letting you off the hook. Would you come here and sit on my lap? You have been teasing the hell out of us and that cute ass of yours is driving me crazy.”

Will laughed “I think I’d like a piece of that too.”

And so it was settled, she was to spend the rest of the evening sitting on the guys laps. I just smiled, the atmosphere had become calm, relaxed and friendly.

Despite the relaxed atmosphere, however, there was a certain amount of sexual tension in the room and Alisha didn’t seem to mind at all that she was the object of it. Still, there was something sensuous about the iridescent light coming from the aquarium , the music playing, and the intimacy of the moment.

First she went to sit on Mike’s lap. She stopped in front of him and turned around facing away from him. Her hands reached down for his knees and she lowered herself gently onto him. She sat away from his crotch, but leaned back into him and put her arm around his shoulder.

At that point anyone coming into the room would have taken her for his girlfriend, but noone did. She graciously rotated from one lap to the next as we all drank and chatted. Again she got up and went to get everyone a fresh beer and herself another Patron.

When she reached Mike for the second time I could see that she was no longer perched on his knees but had squarely placed her firm butt right on top of his cock, which was bulging beneath his pants.

As she moved from one lap to the next her butt became more and more familiar with the guys and when it was my turn she gyrated against my cock. It was the music perhaps but it’s also one of the things I love about her. When she is turned on she cannot stay still. Her natural motion is to gyrate and rotate her hips and press against your cock.

As she got up from me she reached down and squeezed my hardening cock and, as was becoming the pattern, before she moved on to the next lap, she bent forward from the waist, raised yourself up and rotated her perfect ass provocatively at the owner of the lap she was about to leave.

The huge aquarium gave off enough light to see who was there but it threw random shadows and highlights making it difficult to see more than a fleeting glimpse of anything.

Jason was sitting in the armchair next to us and when it was his turn again I thought I saw her place her hand right on his cock before she sat down, but the flickering light prevented me from being sure. I knew that the amount of alcohol she had consumed was making her was taking away any inhibitions she might have. At this point, I knew that anything was possible.

She told me later that mine was not the only cock she felt straining against his trousers. Each lap she sat on had presented her with a lump which she had to wiggle against to locate it in the crack of her ass. She also told me later that mine was not the only cock she squeezed and that as she had swapped from one lap to the next she had made sure that her fingers traced the length of each cock through their pants.

I needed the bathroom from all the beer and excused myself for a moment. As I re-entered two minutes later I noticed that Jason’s hand was now on her thigh, inside her dress. He wasn’t moving it or being threatening in any way, it was just there and that is all I thought. She told me later that his cock was almost bursting through his pants at that moment and she could feel it pressing and throbbing against and between her ass cheeks. She had pushed down firmly on it and gyrated rhythmically against it to encourage him.

Again, she later confessed to me that having Jason’s cock pressed against her had really turned her on. She admitted that a part of her was wishing then that she had consented to pay the bets that she owed. She could tell he had a sizeable dick and she imagined what it would feel like to have her lips wrapped around it. She even wondered what it would feel like to have it thrusting into her body.

The conversation ebbed and flowed, but somehow it always came back to the game….and her body.

“Honestly, I didn’t think you’d go through with it,” said Mike.

“I didn’t think you would either,” said Will, “especially with Colin here”.

“I would have only contemplated it with Colin here,” she replied.

“I was sure you would not do it. It’s always the ones who are so damn good at flirting and driving me crazy that turn out to be the biggest teasers.” said John.

“I agree,” said Dave, “I wasn’t sure to start with, but I had you down as an all talk and no action type, by the end.”

That comment seemed to sting her a little. “You couldn’t have handled the action, Dave” she said mockingly.

“Funny thing is,” said Jason, “none of us were about to not do it, but as you walked away from the table to Colin, we all agreed that it was up to you. But there you go, in the end you wouldn’t dare.”

Why he had to use that word I’ll never know, but I know her well enough to know the effect it has on Alisha.

She stood up from Jason’s lap and turned defiantly to look at him. “Are you daring me?” she said indignantly but with half a smile crossing her lips.

“Not exactly,” said Jason, “it’s just that when the moment came you didn’t dare…I guess you didn’t think you could handle me.” As he said this, he held his hands in front of him holding his palms about 12 inches apart.

“I don’t think you’re ready to handle something this hot,” she smiled back at him as she licked her finger and made a sizzling sound as she touched her ass. “If I had dared, you’d have fainted from the excitement!” she smiled at him. We all laughed.

“I’ve heard about that cock of his,” said Will, “he would actually have fainted, it’s the sudden rush of blood to that huge rod of his.” We laughed with Jason.

“You’ll never know the size of that problem,” said Jason smiling, “unless you want to get that gorgeous ass out again and let us run our hands all over it.”

As he said the words ‘that gorgeous ass’ he reached up from where he was sitting and cradled her ass with his hands and squeezed her ass cheeks gently.

She didn’t complain at this. She immediately understood that he was challenging her.

And then the fateful words again, “It’s true isn’t it, you wouldn’t DARE pay the bets.”

We all stared at her. Jason had his hands all over her gorgeous ass. He held it firmly as we waited, wondering what she would say or do.

She did nothing. But I knew she was smarting from the outrageous allegation that she wouldn’t dare.

But I know her, sometimes better than she knows herself. I knew she was going to let them all fondle her ass. But then, to prove a point I knew that she might go a lot further.

Jason kept massaging her ass and pressing firmly against the material, he started to slowly work her dress up over the tightness of her butt until it was around her waist.

He would’ve stopped if she’d stopped him, but she didn’t stop him.

With her dress at her waist Jason let his hands slowly drop to the top of her panties. His hands were still pressed against her but were now caressing her smooth skin. He moved them in small circular motions and every so often allowed a finger to slip under the waistband. By doing so he was slowly able to move the waistband down and began to expose her perfect ass. She stared at the others. At first it seemed as if she were not going to let it happen, but while she was raising her eyebrows at them and cocking her head slightly, she was letting their eyes feast on her ass as it was gradually and ever so slowly, revealed to them in the intimate light of the aquarium.

John was first to make a move, he stood behind her and reached down with outstretched hands and touched her ass, a cheek in each hand. Her panties were halfway down her cheeks and as he massaged her butt he pushed her panties a little further down with each circular motion.

Will was next and he stood in front of her sandwiching her between himself and John. He slipped his hands down the sides of her panties and both men gradually moved forward towards each other until both her front and back were pressed against them. As they massaged her ass, her panties slid slowly downwards until they were at the top of her legs, and while they were still covering her pussy, her beautiful ass was almost completely exposed, except for the hands that were all over it.

Mike approached from one side and Dave from the other. Now she was completely surrounded and I could see almost nothing of what was happening. Now their hands did not seem to be confined to caressing her ass. Mike and Dave went down on their knees and, taking a leg each, they ran their hands upwards from her ankles, over her calves, past her knees,up her thigh, higher and higher until their hands were brushing against her wet panties. They were alternating so that they didn’t arrive at the same time. Each time they pushed against her panties it caused her to catch her breath. This encouraged them to push harder against her pussy each time they arrived at the top of her leg.

As these men massaged and stroked her, Alisha’s body began to sway ever so slightly as if she were about to dance again, but I knew it was more with the sensation of the hands that were caressing her.

All this time Jason had been watching from his seat in the leather armchair. He stood up and gently moved the others aside to get access to her. He slowly turned her around so that she was facing away from him. He sat down again and pulled her back so once again she was sitting on his lap, this time with her panties still in a roll at the top of her thigh.

Almost automatically she ground her hips downward into Jason’s lap.

Jason’s hands began to wander over her body as the others moved closer to touch every part of her they could. They were caressing her body from head to toe and at the same time, removing all of her remaining clothing. They stroked her ankles and calves, her thighs, her waist, her arms and her breasts and flat stomach. Now we could all see how she was rotating her hips onto Jason’s covered hardness.

Her panties still remained, rolled up at the top of her thighs and Jason began to brush her pussy through the thin material of her panties.

I moved so that I could see Jason’s hand and I could see that while she was pretending not to be excited, her body was betraying her.

“Oh my God, I think Alisha is completely turned on.” Jason said to us all.

She said nothing. Ever so slowly, Jason started to reach around and slowly moved his hand down to her sopping wet pussy. She not only did not try to stop him, she slowly, but positively arched her back to make it easier for him to reach.

“Let’s make sure,” whispered Jason as he curled his middle finger into her wet pussy and pushed it in to the second knuckle. She sucked in air as his digit worked inside, parting each moist fold. He started massaging her swollen clit with his thumb.

“Oh my god, she is soaked!” He informed us gently but unable to hide his excitement.

“Oh my God, her pussy is hot, wet and tight.”

From where I was, I could see that in slowly pushing his finger in and out of her pussy, he had caused her juices to run down her thighs. We all just stood and watched.

That’s when I was sure the flush on her cheeks was not from embarrassment but from her building lust at the anticipation of what would happen next. She closed her eyes and just allowed Jason to push his finger slowly in and out. Her panties were to one side and his middle finger slowly curled all the way in and then all the way out. Despite the music playing we could all hear how wet she was.

After what seemed like minutes, she opened her eyes to look at me as if half expecting me to stop it, but instead I took her hand and held it. Slowly I pulled on her hand and brought her to her feet as Jason let his finger slip from her. I slowly ushered her over to the other armchair. God she looked delicious. Her naked body looked alluring with her panties rolled up making a thin line around the top of her fantastic legs and under her shelf like ass. Her heels and stockings accentuated how perfect her legs are.

She remembered flashes of the conversation before she started playing poker for the second time, “4 pink chips …to touch you anywhere… with our tongues.” Nobody needed to tell her where they wanted to touch her, she knew, I knew, we all knew.

Before I made her sit down in the armchair I stood behind her and slipped my arms around her. I reached down with my right hand and slipped it under her panties and against her wet pussy. As I did this my breath almost stopped, her panties were drenched and her pussy simply leaked her juices as I pressed my middle finger against it.

I desperately wanted to taste her and I didn’t care that we had an audience. But I knew that I had to take things slowly as she was under a spell which might be broken at any moment.

I curled my middle finger up inside her to keep her concentration there and as I rocked it in and out I moved around her to kiss her. She kissed me back urgently and, while she did, I took her panties in my left hand and pushed them down as far as I could without breaking our kiss.

Now her pussy was clearly visible and I slowly moved to the side of her so that she was exposed to the excited crowd.

Her eyes closed and she held them shut in pleasure as I continued to finger fuck her. Dave stepped forward and slowly pulled her panties from her thighs down to her ankles and she lifted her feet out of them.

I backed her up against the armchair and without taking my finger from her pussy I lowered her down until she was sitting on the edge of the chair. I moved between her legs and knelt in front of her. As I moved my head towards her, however, her legs barely parted. I slipped a second finger inside her pussy and put my tongue against her clit and as I licked, she relaxed, at first a little and then more. I circled her clit with my tongue until I could feel her slightly arching her hips towards me. When she did, I flicked at her clit, exactly how she likes it.

With my left hand on her chest I carefully pushed her backwards in the chair so that her body was more horizontal and, as I continued to work her pussy with my fingers and tongue, her eyes closed and her head slowly tilted back. I told her to keep her eyes closed.

At this moment I remember thinking about the times when we are in bed and I would start to talk about watching her taking on more than one man. Her body always betrays her in those moments and she becomes instantly electrified with excitement. Her hips begin to grind into me and her breath shortens. As I talk about her taking one man after another, her body begins to buck against mine, trying to force my cock deeper and trying to grind her clit against my pubic bone. And when I talk about her mouth, pussy and ass being filled with hot cum her body begins to shudder in orgasm. Just seeing how excited those thoughts made her was a massive turn-on. I loved seeing her turned on and I loved how her body and sexual being took her over.

I wondered whether she was already thinking that far ahead, but I concluded that she was still existing in the moment for now. I thought that if I could just get her past the point of no return I would get to see her totally release the sexy animal that I had seen on many occasions.

Will was now standing close and was ready to quickly swap with me. Keeping my fingers in her pussy I moved to kiss her again, our lips locked and she thrust her tongue into my mouth. I took my fingers from her pussy and brought them to her lips and she greedily sucked them clean of her juices. As she was doing that I motioned to Will with my other hand.

“Will has just given me this,” I said to her as I showed her a pink chip. She opened her eyes briefly to look at it. “That means he gets to touch you wherever he wants, with his tongue. He is currently sitting between your legs with his mouth just a fraction of an inch from your pussy,” I carried on quietly but firmly. “He is desperate to lick you but wants to be sure that’s what you want.”

She could now feel Will’s hot breath close to her wet pussy, “If you want to pay off your debts you need to offer your pussy to him.” I continued.

“If you want to stop then you need to reach down and cover your pussy with your hands,” said Will, taking over from where I left off.

“It’s up to you.” I said as I got up and as I did, I leaned over her and kissed her deeply. She kissed me back forcefully and urgently, sticking her tongue deep into my mouth.

The room was completely still as we waited for her response.

Slowly, she moved her hands towards her pussy and we all were sure the evening’s entertainment was about to end. Her hands paused momentarily at her pussy as if they would cover it.

I asked her later what was going through her mind at this moment and she said “lots of things. First, I knew I was wet. I was desperately turned on in fact. I had spent the best part of an hour wiggling my ass onto a variety of hard cocks. Second, I knew that if I stopped you’d take me back to our room and fuck my brains out. Whatever happened, I was definitely going to get an orgasm. Third, I was feeling in control, so I knew I could stop at any time. And finally I really wanted my pussy licked and more if things went that far.”

And with that final thought, instead of her hands stopping over her sopping pussy, they continued moving until they were hooked behind her knees and then she started to pull her knees up with her legs spread wide.

‘Fuck me’ I thought, she is actually opening her legs for him and offering him access.

At that precise moment, Will leaned forward and locked his mouth around her clit. As I moved away, I saw Will start to suck on her clit. She moaned in pleasure and as she did Will began to tongue fuck her pussy, reaching into her as far as he could. It was fabulous to see her so very turned on. My cock was so hard, it began to hurt.

Will lashed at her clit with his tongue for what seemed like forever until I saw John stand up with a pink chip between his fingers. John moved over to the side of the armchair to speak to her.

“How about having my tongue next?” he asked. She didn’t respond. Instead she reached around his neck and pulled his face towards hers. She kissed him passionately leaving us all in no doubt that she wanted his tongue inside her.
And then, seamlessly, Will and John swapped. Will stood up and leaned over her and he too kissed her as he left. She responded to him with the same enthusiasm she had me. A pattern was established, we were all to kiss her immediately after we had tasted her and each of them were to experience the excitement that I do when I kiss her. .

John was now in position, his broad shoulders forcing her legs wider. He was obviously good at it as she lifted her legs high and wide to let him get complete access to her clit and her mouth hung open as he circled it with the tip of his tongue.

She began to moan softly, not wishing us to see she how much she was turned on, but that was impossible. Whatever John was doing with his tongue was obviously working as her hips were bucking and writhing at his face. Maybe she was simply thinking about the fact that in the last 10 minutes three men had buried their heads between her legs and three more were standing in line. She later told me that what really turned her on was thinking of his girlfriend squaring up to her earlier and knowing that her precious man was now on his knees between HER long legs.

Mike was next. He didn’t even have a pink chip. He simply leaned over her and waited for her to put her arm around his neck and pull his lips towards hers, which she did. However, her disappointment as John made way for Mike was apparent. But Mike too made her push down onto his tongue, this time his fingers pushed inside her as he licked. First one finger, then two and then he moved his head back so we could all see his index and middle finger slowly fuck her.

All I could think, as she was letting him show his fingers inside of her sopping pussy, is that is exactly what she wanted him to do.

Dave was next and was the fifth person to taste her pussy. As he started, Mike was letting her suck her juices off his fingers, which she did willingly. Dave meanwhile jabbed his tongue at her entrance and buried his face between her beautiful legs. I knew, by the pressure his face was patently exerting that he was pushing his tongue into her as far as he could and swirling it around, lapping up her juices.

Finally, Jason had his turn. All the time she had been lying further back in the leather armchair as each took their turn. She spread her legs wider, making it easier for them to kneel in front of her and pleasure her.

As Jason licked her, Alisha’s ass was right at the edge of the armchair, her legs hooked over the arms. She showed us every intimate part of herself. We could all see how excited Jason was, his trousers were unable to disguise his pleasure.

Jason’s little finger was locked straight and began teasing her ass. As he licked I recognized the tell tale shift of her body as she centered his finger and pushed it slowly into her ass. Jason moved his fingers allowing two and then three to enter her pussy while his little finger pushed into her ass to the first knuckle.

With his fingers safely stashed in her tight pussy and ass, Jason moved to kiss her. She met his tongue eagerly with hers. And God did she kiss him. Their tongues thrust back and forth into each others mouths and all the time he was working his fingers further and further into her. Just as his little finger reached the last possible knuckle he returned his tongue to her clit.

This was the moment where there was no turning back, her breathing quickened and her body started to rock to take his fingers further and further inside her. She no longer cared that we were all watching. She wanted to orgasm with his fingers in her pussy, and her ass gently spread as his tongue lashed against her clit.

But Jason wanted to make a spectacle of the event and pulled her to her feet. He began attacking her pussy from every conceivable angle. As we were all going to discover later, Jason liked to flip his women between positions. He was like an accomplished porn star, incredible stamina with an eye for what looked good. He also knew exactly what he was doing and I don’t doubt he could have given her an earth shattering orgasm whenever wanted. For now, however, he simply wanted to make a show for all of us to watch.

As she stood, he crouched down and pushed his head between her legs and forced his tongue upwards to reach her clit. He drove his tongue in and out, forwards and backwards, round and around and from side to side. She pressed down to increase the sensation, and, as she did, Jason began to lower his body to the floor.

Soon she was squatting right over him, her knees were apart and her pussy pressed against his mouth as he lay on his back. She was facing his feet and we, depending on our viewpoint, could either see the delicious outline of her ass as it hovered above his face or her cleanly shaven pussy. But all of us could see his expert tongue go to work on her.

I could sense that her thighs were beginning to give way, and, at the moment I thought it, Jason swiftly moved to flip her into a new position.

Within moments he had her on all fours on the sofa with her rounded ass pushed towards him. He quickly sank his tongue into her. Then he took his index finger and started to tease her asshole. He pressed gently against it as he licked her slit. Then he twisted round and moved his head under her so he could attack her sweet wet pussy and press against it. He moved his right hand and stuffed two fingers into her pussy and started to rock them in and out.

Jason kept his rhythm and Alisha started to moan, her breath shortened and her moaning got louder. Then with a sudden grunt of joy her body started to convulse with pleasure. All the muscles in her body tightened and she shook as her orgasm started. The orgasm swept through her, her body arched with it as if it was passing through her like a wave. And it did not stop. Alisha continued to cum and just carried on shaking until the biggest and longest orgasm I have ever seen her have gradually subsided.

Jason slowly stood up facing her.

When her eyes eventually opened, Jason was standing right in front of her holding the $100 pink chip.

“You have one more debt to pay Alisha,” he said calmly.

She was still flushed from her orgasm but had regained enough of her senses to know what was being asked of her. She looked at me to see my reaction but I gave none.

“Why don’t you just get it out Alisha? All you have to do is lick it a little and the debt is settled,” Jason said with a wicked grin on his face.

She looked at me again. This time I half nodded at her and smiled as I said, ‘It’s ok, go ahead and do whatever you want.”

Without a word, she turned round and sat forward and began to rub his bulge through his pants. It seemed to extend halfway down his leg and she traced it with her fingers from his balls to the tip.

She didn’t take your eyes off it. She first struggled with his zipper, but he moved her hands and helped her to unzip him. I watched transfixed as she reached in to take out his cock. Jason let out a slight moan at the sheer ecstasy of her touch.

Her jaw visibly dropped when she saw the size of it. It was just as big as I had imagined from his bulge. Her hand could not close around it and it would have taken four of her delicate hands to completely cover its length. Her eyes remained riveted to it. He stepped forward a little and his cock bounced at eye level in front of her.

“Before you lick it” said Jason “would you just stroke it a little?”

She actually didn’t need to be asked. The moment she had released it, her hand had naturally started to stroke it up and down and due to its size, her other hand had joined in.

She worked at it with her hands and with it just brushing her lips she pushed back the foreskin to expose the shiny head which was slick with pre-cum. She started to stroke him but, as it throbbed and strained, she could not get her fingers around the shaft sufficiently to keep it in her grasp. It took both her hands to keep it under control and as she stroked it, it appeared to grow in length and girth. It was rock hard and perfectly straight. As she worked on it she kept stopping momentarily to marvel at how big it actually was.

It was such a sexy sight. Her naked body sitting at the edge of the armchair, her legs wide apart either side of Jason’s, her hands corkscrewing up and down his impressive dick. The tension in the room was high. Noone made a sound and we watched as she slowly looked up at Jason.

“So where do you want me to lick you Jason?” she said provocatively and with a wicked smile.

“Here?” and as she said it, she slowly licked from his balls to the tip leaving a glistening trail of her saliva along his massive cock with the tip of her tongue.

“Here?” she said as she flattened her tongue and licked across the purple head of his engorged cock removing the pre-cum that had oozed out.

“Or here?” This time pushing her tongue to the end, licking the tip and pushing gently against the opening at the tip of his penis.

Jason smiled. “I think you’ll find that the deal was that you would lick whoever won where he wanted.” She looked at him slightly confused.

Jason smiled again “I want you to lick the head of my cock with the back of your tongue while the tip of your tongue licks as far down the shaft as you can.”

She had known she was not going to get away with just licking and Jason was making it very clear he expected her to take his massive shaft in her mouth.

“Put your tongue out Alicia .” He ordered, and, because she could not think of what else to do, she complied. Jason placed the tip of his cock on her outstretched tongue and pushed it forward until the massive head started to force her lips to stretch around it. Jason very slowly started to move his big dick in and out.

As Jason was beginning to fuck her mouth, I wondered how long she would continue to pretend to be paying the debt.

She looked directly at me. Without breaking my gaze she slowly allowed his massive dick to part her lips until the head was completely engulfed. Her pretty mouth was stretched to the limit, but despite its size, she began to suck him in and out and all the while her hands never missed a stroke.

Jason was in ecstasy “OOOhhh my God!!! Jesus! Oh my god that feels good!!!” Jason groaned.

God I knew that feeling, I knew Jason was getting the cock sucking of his life. She had learned to deep throat with her first boyfriend. As a much more experienced man, he had told her that that was what she should be able to do. She had told me that he had taught her to control her gag reflex and how to contract her throat to send pulses of pleasure to the cock in her mouth. It had taken her some time to be able to deep throat me in the same way as I was considerably larger than any of her exes and Jason was considerably larger still. But she resolutely allowed Jason to fuck her mouth deeper and deeper without backing off in the slightest.

“O-mi-god” Jason kept repeating “This is incredible.”

Watching her take more and more of Jason’s enormous dick in her mouth had caused almost total silence among the onlookers.

Mike was the first to speak “Fucking hell! She is hot!” Breaking the silence like that caused us all to suddenly stop holding our breaths.

Will began to stroke his hard cock through his pants. “Oh-my-god she’s fucking delicious.”

John, whose view was partially obscured, moved closer to get a better look. “Look at her, she’s fucking amazing”

“Jesus Christ!” said Dave as he too moved closer to the action.

Her cheeks were hollowed with the effort of sucking. To demonstrate just how hard she was sucking on him she sucked hard as she moved her head back and off his pole so that it made a popping sound.

“Pop!” she held it and looked lustfully at it before devouring him again.

“Pop!” and then she jacked him furiously for a few seconds.

“Pop…….. Pop……… Pop” Everyone was losing it, their cocks straining against their pants.

She began to look at those who were watching. She looked at each of us in turn as she worked her lips around his shaft. She was showing us what we were missing. And she made sure that she made eye contact with each of us. It might have been Jason’s cock in her mouth, but, to each of the men there, she was sucking their cocks and giving them Jason’s pleasure.

I recognized something as she looked at me. It was the woman who relishes a dare and who sometimes and deliciously allows the devil inside to take control. She was no longer paying back a debt, but she was putting on a show. I knew this was not a one guy occasion and she was not going to let it pass without milking every drop of excitement from it. There was no plan. Neither of us knew that this was going to happen. It was just happening and it was exciting and she was just going with it. It’s what makes her exciting in and out of bed.

As she worked on him, Jason swung around to sit on the arm of the sofa. As he did, he took her hand and guided her to her feet, keeping her mouth close to his thick cock. She was now standing with her legs apart slightly as she bent over him and continued to stroke and suck him.

We all stared at her perfectly round ass, but what struck me was how her pussy appeared to have opened in anticipation. It glistened with wetness and an invitation.

She moved onto the sofa and now on all fours she gobbled on his cock for all she was worth.

This was truly an amazing sight and I was incredibly turned on to watch her gorgeous mouth wrapped around someone else’s thick dick. I had watched it many times, but this time it was much better than I could ever have imagined.

The others moved around slightly to get a better view of her perfect ass. It bobbed provocatively as she worked her way as far down Jason’s shaft as she could. Again the tension began to build… I started to realize that far from this being the end it was just the beginning. Her mouth began to work his cock furiously and the slurping noises coming from her mouth clearly showed that she is loving every second.

At first I thought I was mistaken, but then she began to wiggle her delicious perfect ass towards us, swaying it, invitingly. Will didn’t need it to be any clearer than it was. He moved closer and his hand dropped to between her legs cupping her pussy and exploring her slit with his fingers. First one and then two fingers disappeared into her sopping pussy. Then he slid himself slowly to the floor and, leaning across the sofa and by parting her knees a little further, he was able to put his head between her legs. His nose was pressed against her ass and his tongue reached out to lick her clit and along her slit.

She never missed a stroke on Jason’s cock and began to slowly gyrate and apply pressure to Will’s tongue. Because each of us had already licked her and because she was so turned on she didn’t seem to care at all that he was getting seconds. Nor did she seem to care as each of us took turns to lick her and finger her as she sucked Jason.

Each time we changed places, she pushed her ass further out in search of the next tongue. She moaned a little each time she found one.

When it was my turn I was simply amazed at how wet she was. My finger slipped easily inside her as she ground down on it. As I began to lick her, she stopped sucking for a moment to ask me to fuck her. Well, rather, she simply said “What are you waiting for?”

I stripped off and placed my cock at her entrance. It was hot and despite its wetness, tight. I was so turned on I nearly lost it there and then. I slowly and carefully buried my cock inside her. Then I just held it there as she continued to suck Jason.

He started to fuck her mouth again, slowly at first and then slightly harder and deeper. As he did, I remembered something she once told me. “If you let a man fuck your mouth you are telling him he can fuck you anywhere.” I knew that, she knew that and, no doubt, Jason knew that. I thought to myself, ‘She has always wanted a gang bang and it is going to happen right now.’

After a few moments I regained a little composure and I was able to move a little. We slowly developed a rhythm as I fucked her gently. She was, as ever, wet and very tight. It took a while before her pussy was able to accommodate the entire length of my long thick cock. But eventually I was fucking her as deeply as I could. I gripped the perfect curves of her hips and each stroke gradually became longer. I was so excited I had to move quite slowly at first, I was pulling out until her pussy lips were stretched around the swollen head of my dick and then working it right back in to the maximum depth. As I continued, and while each outward stroke was always slow and deliberate, I gradually made the inward stroke harder until each was a forceful ramming into her stretching pussy.

I suppose I wanted to show these men that it was me who owned the fantastic creature who was suddenly the object of their lust, but I also knew that, each time and the harder I pushed, I was pushing her mouth further and harder onto Jason’s long thick dick.

I know that this is not the first time she ever had two dicks in her at the same time and I could tell by her moans, that were being stifled by Jason’s dick, that she is loving every second of it. A part of her brain may have been asking her what on earth she was doing, but the delicious devil inside her was relishing every stroke, every slurping noise that escaped as she sucked and stroked Jason’s enormous dick and the fact that 4 more men were watching her and patiently waiting.

I noticed suddenly that her pussy was sopping with excitement. Each stroke was now accompanied by a loud squelching noise. There was no hiding it, whatever her brain was saying, her body was announcing that she was loving the sex she was getting from two big cocks. I needed to claim her, before she belonged to everyone there. I began to finger her ass while I fucked her pussy. I worked my index finger as far in as I could. Her moans became louder and I knew the thought of the audience seeing me finger her ass was turning her on as much as the sensation.

God I was desperate to fuck her tight little asshole, in front of them all, there and then, but I couldn’t continue as I knew I would explode and the spell would be broken, so I withdrew. She turned round instantly and momentarily to see why I had stopped.

“Why are you stopping?” she said breathlessly and with a certain amount of frustration.

Jason was quick to take his opportunity and disengaged his cock from her mouth and moved behind her. His cock seemed to have grown from all the sucking. It was now completely rigid. When Jason had held his hands about a foot apart earlier that night, I hadn’t thought to believe it, but it was quite true.

He placed his tip at her entrance and located it between her moist lips.

As he did so, he said calmly and firmly. “Ok, Alisha, your debts are all paid off. You can stop now if you want or you can keep going.” She immediately tried to back down onto his cock. But, as she did, he moved with her, stopping her from getting what she wanted. She tried ramming her ass back. She desperately wanted that fucking big cock in her but Jason just kept teasing her by pulling away every time she tried to impale herself on it.

He just kept the tip of his huge cock right at her entrance and instead of plunging it into her he spoke again. “I can see you want to fuck me and, to be frank, I want to fuck you, but you have got a lot of my friend’s dicks hard in this room and there is a lot of tension. So I say again, you have a choice. You can stop now or you can keep going. It’s up to you.”

He beckoned Mike over to stand in front of her. She knew what he wanted and what she wanted. She desperately wanted Jason’s dick in her pussy and if she had to drain Mike’s cock to get to it so be it. She would finish him off in a few seconds and soon she’d be sinking her pussy onto Jason’s huge pole.

She reached out and started to unbutton Mike’s fly. His cock sprang out and she grasped it with her right hand and slowly started to stroke him.

It immediately hardened even more to a size similar to my own. Just shorter than 10 inches and quite thick.

“Will,” said Jason, “let’s see if she can handle two at once”.

She looked up at Will as Jason beckoned him further forward. “Ok”, she thought to herself as she imagined how Jason’s dick would feel. As she did, she dropped to her knees and began to stroke Mike a little firmer than before. She momentarily stopped as Will arrived. His bulge was evident and she traced its length before starting to unzip him. She reached inside to massage his cock and released it for us all to see. It was a good size and ever so slightly larger than Mike’s.

She looked up at the two strong handsome men in front of her and took one in each hand. She didn’t rush. Each had a sizeable pole and while they were hard she knew she could get them harder still as she rhythmically stroked them.

It might have been obvious before then, but I think it was at this moment that I realized Jason intended her to drain every drop of cum from all of us. I wondered if Jason would limit her involvement with others to blowjobs or whether anyone was going to feel that tight pussy of hers softly but firmly gripping them to a climax.

And there she was, on her knees, two fit, good looking men standing side by side in front of her. Her perfect body bobbed as she stroked them. She seemed to be sizing them up and comparing them. Each was big but almost as if she were weighing them. She worked out that Will’s was the biggest and decided to take them in order of their size.

She licked the pre-cum from Mike’s swollen cockhead and tried it for size. Compared to Jason this was a breeze and she could tell that she could take most of it. Will had his tip licked clean next and she wrapped her mouth around it as if to confirm her earlier assessment.

She looked at Mike and took Will in her willing and eager mouth and then vice versa. It was incredible to watch as she pulled them closer. She disappointed neither and let them take turns to fuck her face. She brought each to the edge, and then Jason spoke.

“Ok boys, she wants a mouthful of cum. She’s begging for it. And when you’ve cum all over her pretty face I’m going to fuck her. Now Alisha prove to me you want to be fucked.”

With that she tipped her head back and opened her mouth wide and let her tongue widen ready to receive their loads. They saw what she wanted, but, in case there was any confusion, Jason told them anyway.

“I want you to cum over her face. Give her every drop you’ve got. Come on, come on, she wants it, you know you want it Alisha.”

And then suddenly, together, they started unleashing jet after thick jet of hot cum into her open mouth. Will jacked off several streams of warm cum which pelted her cheek, nose, and lips. Mike’s cum smashed against her forehead, and dripped down her nose and cheek. She held her mouth open and flicked her tongue out to catch the flying cum. Mike and Will grunted in joy in seeing that her awesome body was covered in their semen. A huge glob of cum hung from her chin and we all watched as it hung further and further down as gravity got hold of it.

Despite her attempts to smear it off with their cocks, wads of thick creamy sperm still covered her hair and face. And from her chin cum was dripping onto her tits.

She half smiled at Jason as she just took her index finger and scraped a good dose of the mixture into her mouth and closing her lips around the base of her finger and slowly pulled it out scraping it clean. A half smile cracked across her face. The saucy pussy cat had got the cream, I thought to myself as she ate their cum.

“You’re not finished yet Alisha” said Jason, “Dave. Come and lubricate Alisha’s pussy with your cum and, while you’re at it, stretch it a little as otherwise I’ve got no chance of getting my dick in there.”

Dave stepped forward, pushing Will, who was almost doubled up with pleasure, out of the way. She hadn’t thought of fucking anyone but Jason, but she needed something in her throbbing pussy. Dave would do for now. She would get to Jason next.

Dave already had his cock poking out through his open zipper. Dave’s cock was thick indeed and although we couldn’t see the base it was not short on length. He pushed it forward towards her cum covered face and she moved her head forward to meet it. Her mouth had to stretch to its limit to accommodate it. It seemed to grow as she sucked and stroked it.

“Alisha.” said Jason softly “Show Dave where you want his cock.”

She stopped and turned to look at Jason. She sat back and leaning on one arm she started to finger her clit with the other, using her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart as he watched.

“You want to be fucked don’t you?” said Jason. “You want to me to push my massive cock into your pussy don’t you?”

All she could do was almost imperceptibly nod in agreement.

“You want me to fuck you while your boyfriend watches my big dick pounding in and out?”

Nothing escaped her lips. But she didn’t disagree either.

She turned back to Dave and started to suck him again.

She looked up at him and jacked him hard.

“I’m going to cum in your pussy” he told you.

With that Dave edged back onto the sofa and sat down. He guided her forward so that she straddled him, cowgirl style, and she slowly lowered herself onto him. “This is going to feel so good, so good.” he whispered as she closed her eyes and slowly worked the strange cock into her hot pussy. Her pussy stretched to accommodate the fat prick. She slowly moved up and down, each time going a little further and letting him thrust back and push deeper into her.

“C’mon Dave fuck her pussy!” Jason said quietly to him as if he were the only person in the room, but we all heard it.

He did as he was told. She wriggled in pleasure as he forced deeper into her until he was buried to the hilt, his balls banging against her ass. His size caused her to let out a massive groan as he pushed in right to the hilt until she was stuffed completely with a big thick cock. He started thrusting, and grinding his hips upwards into her forcing his way in even deeper. As he pulled out her tight pussy lips were pulled too and then as he thrust into her they were squashed as he continued driving his cock into her willing pussy.

“Come on, fuck her” Jason said to him just audibly.

“Come on, cum in her!” As Jason spoke she looked directly at him and as she did she began to step up pace. Beads of sweat appeared on both of them as she slammed down harder on Dave’s thick rod meeting his upward thrusts. Each time it looked as if both of them were at their limit. Jason commanded him, “Harder, deeper”.

As we watched I could see that already Mike and Will were hard again, each stroking their cocks, each lost in their thoughts. She bounced up and down as she rode Dave’s fat cock harder and harder.

“Oh God, I’m gonna cum.” Dave said suddenly forcing himself deeply into her.

“Yes Dave, do it.” said Jason as she moaned, still trying to impale herself further onto him. She wiggled from side to side, her eyes tightly closed. Dave started to grunt in pleasure and he convulsed as he came inside her. He involuntarily continued to pump for what seemed like forever. His hands released their grip on her firm ass. He was spent and he collapsed onto his side. She slowly dislodged herself from him and rolled off and onto her back next to him.

“Ok” said Jason “You just need to drain John and then I’m all yours”.

All this time John had been watching from one of the chairs at the poker table. At this moment he brought it closer and turned it to face her directly. She looked spent, she was covered in sweat and her hair was matted with cum. He guided her hands to the bulge in his trousers. As soon as she touched it she looked straight at him. It felt massive and, despite the fact that she felt spent, she wanted to see it. She unbuckled his pants and reached in. Although she pulled, it was not until she used both hands that she was able to free it.

John’s cock was hard, but too heavy to support itself completely and it pointed at 45 degrees towards the floor. She grasped his enormous cock with both hands and lifted it upwards so that it was pointing directly at her face and then she gripped it firmly and squeezed it hard.

“Fucking hell,” she said as she started to work her hands from the base to the tip.

John’s was almost as huge as Jason’s was. As with Jason she had to use both hands to slowly jack him. To my amazement, as she did this, the veins in John’s dick started protruding along the full length of his shaft. John had one rugged cock. The ridges and veins would surely excite her from the inside.

We all watched as she lowered her head and began to lick up and down the sides of his cock. She tried to get his huge dick into her mouth. Before she could really start though, Jason stopped her by touching her shoulder. He shook his head gently at her. “I want you to take it in your pussy,” he told her.

She slowly pushed John’s thigh to remove him from her mouth but her lips clung tightly to his shaft as she did. This time though, his monster dick did not sag at all. Even though it no longer had her hands to support it, it pointed skywards.

John sat down and held his thick cock vertically and it jutted out from his groin. She climbed onto the sofa so she was straddling him and knelt on cushions so that her pussy was just rubbing the tip of John’s cock, she began to lower herself down onto this mighty phallus. I could see she was dripping wet and her pussy juices and Dave’s cum were thankfully lubricating John’s tool. Her pussy lips began to spread wider and wider apart as she took more and more of him inside her.

Inch by inch, she took John’s dick. We could hear her moaning as she did, “Oh god you’re so fucking big.” She didn’t, she couldn’t take him fully the first time, but, as she started bucking up and down on him, she gradually took more and more of his length, I could tell because she was leaving a shiny ring of juices around his shaft that was getting further and further down. John grabbed her ass cheeks and finally pulled her right down his length. She let out a squeal of both pain and pleasure, and John started to fuck the living daylights out of her. John slowed down his fucking rhythm and pulled her ass cheeks apart rubbing his finger over her tight little ass. I was surprised to see her try and sit back slightly so his finger tip slid into her ass.

With her hands on his chest she squatted over him and rode him furiously to a conclusion. His whole body shook as he came and it looked like he pumped a gallon of hot cum into her, he was shaking for so long and as he shook and pumped another load of cum inside her.

“You came in me twice!” she moaned to him.

Jason immediately pounced. He moved towards her and placed the tip of his massive dick at her entrance. God it suddenly looked huge against her tight body, notwithstanding that John’s dick must have been the biggest she’d ever had until that point. He took hold of his cock by the base and rubbed the head against her pussy lips smearing cum and her juices around the tip to lubricate it.

He smiled at her lying there with her legs spread and pushed against her pussy.

Nothing happened except her lips spread and depressed with the force he was exerting. He stopped to smear more juices on his dick and tried again. This time the head disappeared and she let out a huge sigh.

“Omigod – you’re fucking huge,” she gasped.

He pulled out a little, but her lips were now locked around him and they stretched and hung on to him. This time when he pushed further, two more inches penetrated her. Another moan escaped from her mouth. “OMIGOD!”

Jason kept working away… each time a little more of his huge cock went inside and each time her moans got louder. And then he was buried to the hilt. He was all the way and he was fucking her. He owned her pussy and he owned her. My cock was about to explode watching her take all these big cocks, I needed to cum.

“God your pussy is tight…” said Jason as he fucked her. While he fucked her, we could hear his massive dick dislodging Dave’s cum from her well fucked pussy. He pulled almost all the way out and held it there then he would slam it right back inside her as far as he could go. Slam…….. slam ……. slam ……slam …..slam ….slam ….slam, slam, slam…He was having the time of his life. He owned her pussy… he was fucking her in pleasure, but also to show her that she was his.

He said nothing, but I could see it in his face with each thrust… “Take that ….”, “and that”, “and that”, over and over he smashed her tight pussy with his massive dick. The sight of his huge brute of a dick making her whimper was a massive turn on for me.

Jason flipped her over onto all fours and gripped her hips firmly. For the next minute or so he fucked her furiously, with each thrust the sounds of pure pleasure came from her mouth almost as if his cock was forcing the sound out. It looked amazing that her small body could take a dick that big, thrusting that hard, but she remained there with her tight body arched and her eyes screwed up moaning with pleasure as Jason fucked her royally. He pounded her mercilessly and all she would do was moan… over and over again.

Suddenly it was show time again as Jason took charge of her body. He flipped her and fucked her from every angle. He first bent her flexible legs back until her feet were touching her ears. Her pussy was spread wide and he took his cock right out and plunged it back in over and over again. Then he lay next to her on the sofa and brought her legs together and fucked her from the side.

When he was through with that position he lifted her up and fucked her while he held onto her. He carried her over to the bar and fucked her standing up. He lifted her on to the bar and fucked her like a porn star.

Then he lay on the bar and had her squat onto his dick. She put her hands on his chest to support some of her weight and then began to move her hips up and down to massage his long thick shaft with her pussy. She moved up so that his tip was almost disengaged and then she lowered herself until he was all the way inside and then she repeated the move again only this time she paused a little longer at the top of her stroke and quickened her descent. Jason was loving how she loved being in control of his sensation.

She rode his mighty cock in this position for several minutes until his dick was dripping with her juices. Jason then stopped her at the bottom of her stroke and, holding on to her. He swung his legs over the side of the bar and dropped down to the floor forcing his dick ever further into her. He placed her butt on a bar stool and continued to fuck her.

He was giving her one hell of a fucking, but it turned out that he had barely started.

Next he turned her round and fucked her from behind as she leaned against the bar. He slammed into her with her legs together and then he lifted one of her legs so we could all see him driving his cock into her willing pussy.

Then, in a flash, she was back on all fours.

Jason grunted as he bent over her back and slammed into her, grabbing both her tits with his hands. She screamed in pleasure this time as her pussy clenched his cock. Jason worked his massive member in and out of her as quickly as he could, and her moans soon grew in intensity and frequency until she convulsed as her orgasm took hold of her. Jason saw that she had gone over the edge and simply quickened and deepened the pace as she rode and rode the orgasm on and on and on. Juice gushed and sprayed from her as she came, forced out from her by the savage slam fucking she was getting.

That was the first time I ever saw her cum from pure power fucking and I think she was as surprised as I was. Jason, without even touching her clit, had just fucked her pussy into total submission.

Jason finally stopped to recover his breath and disengaged his enormous dick from her yet still sporting a massive erection. But he was not finished.

“How about I fuck your tight little ass?” said Jason as she looked at him.

It was a rhetorical question and she knew it. She raised her ass high and put her shoulders to the ground. My god it looked fantastic, her freshly fucked pussy was puffed out and glistening with her juices and cum. Jason needed no second invitation and placed his dick against her ass.

For a split second I had slightly mixed emotions that a man we had just met was about to fuck Alisha up the ass.

She realized what he was going to do and protested that it was too big. He ignored her and told her to relax as he slowly rocked back and forth and just kept probing. Then he was in, the head of his cock inside her ass hole. I didn’t think it was possible, but the cum acted as a fine lubricant. She tensed and then started to relax. Jason started moving again pushing a bit deeper, she tensed again but relaxed quickly.

She grimaced slightly and told him not to move. Jason stopped momentarily but soon started to work his dick further and further inside. It was very gentle compared with the savage fucking her pussy had just experienced, but he was in her ass and Jason knew, as we did, that he needed to take things slow. Soon the pain would subside a little and he could begin to demolish her ass in the same way he had her pussy.

Jason slowly built up the pace. His gentle strokes grew faster and deeper and I could see the slight grimace had gone from her face
She turned to him and said, “you can fuck it a bit harder now”.

“That’s it Jason,you can fuck it as hard as you like”.

Jason was now banging into her tight ass for all he was worth, and then without realizing what I was doing I heard myself speaking out loud.

“Come on Jason. fuck her ass, fuck her ass, fuck it good, cum in that perfect tight ass, make it overflow with your cum!”

Jason grabbed on to her hips and slammed forward into her colon. I knew what he was feeling. Her sphincter muscle was pulsating around his throbbing dick, trying to push him back out.

She started to become very vocal, urging him on as he fucked her ass hole with long powerful thrusts. He looked as if he was about to explode and stopped suddenly.

Jason’s strong arms suddenly gripped her hips firmly and he lifted her up while still keeping his massive dick safely stashed in her tight ass. He then maneuvered his hands until they were hooked under her legs and slowly stood up as he lifted her with him. I could see his cock was about three quarters of the way up her ass and her open pussy was open for all to see.

Jason had the strength to lift her until his cock tip was almost visible and then to pump her up and down. I have no idea what it felt like but she didn’t give the impression it was painful, quite the opposite. She had a look of deep satisfaction and concentration and I realized she was about to cum again. Her body shook for the umpteenth time that night.

Jason slowed and stopped to allow her to catch her breath but his dick remained in her ass.

Jason slowly moved backwards and began to sit down slowly on the armchair. The final part of his movement was sudden however and the jolt as he hit the chair caused his dick to be buried in here ass to the hilt. With that, Jason, with his arms still hooked behind her knees lay backwards so that she was lying with her back against his chest. Her legs were spread wide and while her ass was quite full of Jason’s cock, anyone who wanted access to her pussy could just walk right up and penetrate her..

I knew what Jason had in mind. He and I were the only ones left with full loads of sperm and I could see exactly how this was going to end… and I wanted it. Within seconds I was kneeling in front of her and slowly pushing my cock into her cum filled and well fucked pussy. The fact of Jason’s massive dick in her ass, however, made her pussy tighter than ever.

Cock in pussy, cock in ass, pussy, ass, pussy, ass, pussy, ass. Our rhythm built and we fucked her like that for several minutes.

The others were loving the show – “Jesus Christ” said Mike “she is so horny”. I was aware that as we fucked her the others had been stroking their dicks again. Every so often one of them would lean over her so she could suck the remaining contents of their balls. I didn’t count the number of loads she swallowed in this way, but I guessed everyone, other than Jason and I, had given her a second helping.

Her mouth hung open and with each thrust she said “oh god”, “oh god”, “oh-my-god”.

She started saying “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God” over and over as Jason pushed his cock deeper into her ass. As he buried it fully into her, she started saying loudly “FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD, FUCK ME HARD YOU MOTHER FUCKERS”. Jason began to thrust in and out of her ass as I started thrusting into her widely stretched pussy. Jason was fucking her ass faster and harder. By now she was loving every inch and every second.

“FUCK ME HARDER, DAMN IT!” she yelled out as Jason and I were thrusting our cocks in and out of her body. She swore and moaned while we had our way with her delicious body.


And then at the same time we both pushed inside, filling her to the brim. Her body shuddered as she came almost instantly. Jason and I came at the same time. Huge loads of hot cum shot inside her from both directions. Jason was grunting as he started shooting his huge load into her ass and I shot a second massive load of cum deep into her pussy, filling her pussy completely with my semen. She could see Jason’s cum leaking out of her stretched asshole and mine leaking out of her well fucked pussy. As she disentangled herself I could see cum running in streams down both legs.

We all looked at the messy gaping holes we had made of her ass and pussy and then we all dressed quietly. Without speaking we returned to our hotel room.

In the morning I went to breakfast on my own. I let Alisha sleep. I knew she was probably still exhausted. When I got to the restaurant, everyone, except for Jason, was there with their girlfriends. No one mentioned the previous night and we acted more like old friends, except I knew we’d never see any of them again and her secret… our secret… was safe.

After I finished breakfast, I sat at the table thinking about the previous night. I was miles away in thought. I snapped back to the present when the waiter kept asking, “Sir…….Sir…….Sir, are you alright……..Sir?”

“I’m fine,” I snapped, just have something on my mind…………what do you want?”

“I was wondering if you wanted me to clear the table and if you would like anything else.” the waiter sheepishly responded.

“No, just bring me the check.” I said.

When I got back to our room Alisha was lying on top of the covers, naked and incredibly horny. She got up and pulled me onto the bed saying, “Get your clothes off, I’m going to give you the most incredible fuck you’ve ever had.”

As we made love we talked about the previous night. I remarked that she was still very wet. She just smiled at our video camera whose red light, unknown to me, was blinking on the dresser.

When I shot my load of cum inside her, she smiled again, knowing my cum was mixing with Jason’s. Had I known this I would have realized why he hadn’t made breakfast.

She lay there sated and happy, looking forward to watching the video with me later as she takes me deep inside her once again.

Colin and Alisha loaded their bags into the Town Car and headed out to the airport to fly back to Maui. Alisha was still tired from the previous night. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she asked Colin for the tenth time, “Are you upset with me Colin, I know we didn’t plan on a gangbang, it just sort of happened.”

He cut her off, “Alisha, I’m not upset with you, damn it, I love you with all my heart. We were both there and wanted it to happen. It was something you have talked about ever since I met you. I would not have denied you your fantasy. Alisha, I love you and watching you take all those cocks and draining all of the cum from everyone, was truly hot and I thoroughly enjoyed watching. The only thing I want to know is if you had a good time…….did you like it?”

“Oh, Colin, I loved it, I just didn’t want you to be upset with me, when they dared me, I couldn’t help myself, by the time I realized what was going to happen, it was too late…….I’m sorry my love.” she told him.

Alisha finally realized that if Colin would have had any objections, he would have voiced them last night before it turned into a gang bang. It had felt wonderful, to have that many guys take her and, should the opportunity ever arise again, she will take it. Now, it was time to get on with the honeymoon. What a honeymoon gift she had gotten last night.

They got back to Maui and went to the house. Cody and Justin were gone somewhere, so Colin and Alisha went out to the hot tub and soaked in its hot waters. It was quite relaxing. They talked about Alisha’s gangbang and how well she had held up to the heavy assault on her body. She remembered back to Jason relentlessly banging her holes from every direction and the control he had had over her. His was the biggest cock she had ever taken in her life. When he knocked on her hotel door, this morning while Colin was down having breakfast, she didn’t know exactly what to do. She had slept nude, so when she got up she put on her short terry cloth robe and went to the door.

She remembered that huge cock and how good it felt inside her. Before she opened the door, she sat their video camera on the dresser and turned it on. If he did want to fuck her again, she wanted to record it and show it to Colin later. He came into the room and grasped her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply, his tongue gliding across hers to the back of her mouth. In and out, in and out, in and out……..it was like he was fucking her already. Alisha felt herself getting wet again. Jason loosened her robe and pulled it down off her shoulders saying, “Alisha, you were so good last night, no woman I have ever been with fucked me like you did. I just had to have you one more time. I know we will never see each other again…………I just want to be inside you one more time.”

Alisha stood there in front of him, naked. He was slowly removing his clothing, releasing his semi hard cock. She fell to her knees saying, “Oh, I do want you once more, Jason.” She stretched her mouth over his monster cock and began to suck it feverishly. In a short time, he was totally erect. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet, then led her to the bed and had her lay on her back, her legs spread wide apart. She held her arms out to him……he eased himself onto the bed, between her beautiful long legs. He put the huge head of his phallus between her soft lips gently pushing it through her folds and into her waiting pussy…….one inch in, pull out, two inches in, pull out, three inches in, pull out and so on and so on till his 12 inches was buried inside her, his cum swollen balls laying softly against her beautiful ass.

He laid there, not moving, for the longest time, just looking into her eyes. Alisha wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled him to her. His lips went to her hard nipples and began nibbling on them…………damn, she felt great, she was so full of his cock. It had stretched her vagina to its limits. Then he slowly began to pump her…..she wanted to scream, she wanted the world to know the pleasure she was feeling at this moment. Two more strokes and Alisha was cumming……..she was having an orgasm that tightened every muscle in her body.

She lunged her pussy up to his pelvis, her pussy dripping her juices down her crack. Three or four more strokes, and she believed she must be in heaven. Alisha began to cum again, this time squirting all over Jason. He continued to pound her pussy with his jack hammer for the next 20 minutes, sending Alisha on a rollercoaster ride of orgasms. Then she felt it, that explosion deep inside her that radiated in every direction inside her body.

He kept hammering her pussy with long, hard strokes and he soon began to fill her vagina with his cum. He would pump his cock in and out of her cum filled pussy hearing the squish, squish, squish sound it made as he pounded her. Alisha’s body was reeling from the intense orgasm she was hosting. Cum was running out of her in torents. He collapsed on top of her, completely out of breath. She could feel his heart pounding against her tits as he lay there. Soon, he recovered and got off of her. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself, got dressed, kissed her and left. She lay there, her legs spread wide, cum running from her and a smile on her face that wouldn’t leave for some time. She finally got up and went to the bathroom to clean up, Colin would be returning soon. She wiped the cum from the sheet and blow dried it till it was dry. She had just got back into bed when Colin arrived. He was so handsome and she loved him so much. She wanted him, she wanted him to fill her with his hot sperm. Soon he was back inside her, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. When they both started to cum, Alisha pulled him as close to her as she possibly could, whispering in his ear, “I love you Colin…..I love you….I love you…..I love you.”

Every time she blew those words into his ear, he shot another stream of hot cum deep inside her. At this time only she knew he was mixing his seed with Jason’s somewhere deep inside her vagina. She would tell him later, when she played the video from their camera for him.

Now, relaxing in the hot tub, they rested and tried to regain their strength. Cody and Justin got back and came out to see them.

“Did you guys have a good time last night,” Cody asked.

Alisha smiled, “You wouldn’t believe how good of a time we had.” She and Colin could only smile at each other. They have a secret that they would not share with anyone…ever.

Cody and Justin went to their room to change clothes. Soon, Colin and Alisha could hear them enjoying each other’s bodies. Cody could be very vocal when she was deep into sex, and, it sounded as though she was having a very exciting bout of sex with Justin.

Alisha and Colin went up to their room to be alone. Colin was still trying to convince her that he had enjoyed watching her taking multiple men and that he still loved her as much, if not more, than ever and that her actions had excited him beyond explanation.

It was another beautiful day in Hawaii. A deep blue ocean could be seen from their balcony, which seemed to extend forever into the picturesque horizon. A warm breeze could be felt from the north side of the island, causing the palm trees to sway back and forth in an enticing manner. As they held hands and looked at each other, they could hear Cody having another huge orgasm, screaming at Justin to ’fuck her hard’. Alisha was gazing at Colin with those penetrating blue eyes that can make one feel transparent, as though she could read his every thought.

As a whole, the day had been really good for them. As they sat on their lounge chairs sipping Patron, Alisha excused herself for a moment, telling Colin that she would return shortly. Usually, Alisha was very direct when it came to sex, choosing to send Colin those little signals that only a woman can. Experimentation and newfound pleasures are something common in their relationship, particularly with the upbringing she had experienced. Guiltless pleasure is the norm and not the exception. Perhaps it was the warm Pacific breeze or the euphoria of the day, but the quiet, relaxed atmosphere was soon to change.

As he lay on the lounge chair, Alisha suddenly appeared through the sliding glass door, wearing lingerie that quickly brought his attention away from the swaying trees to her beautiful figure. This was certainly the type of gown that he was used to seeing her in! A black see-through teddy adorned her body, hugging her long, tanned legs and extending upwardly to expose a portion of her large round breasts, which could only be described as breathtaking.

As Colin lay stunned in amazement, she quickly seized the moment and bent down to place her breasts in his mouth before he could say a word. With her straddling over his torso, he began to suck her breasts, lightly biting down on her now erect nipples. As he caressed her supple breasts in a circular motion with his tongue, he glanced upwardly to see her eyes flutter in response to the stimulus. After caressing her pink nipples for some time, he turned his attention to her neck, lightly kissing her ears as she positioned herself on his now growing cock which was busting from his shorts. Running his tongue down the side of her neck, he wrapped his hands around her sultry hips, pulling her even closer to his body.

She continued to move up and down on him with precision as he watched her breasts calling him from above. Satisfied now that he would eventually explode with the tension of her warm body riding him from above, she stood up and told him that she wanted him to watch as she performed a striptease that was sure to get him off. Shocked at the forwardness of her statement, Colin sat there in awe wondering what would her next move would be.

With her sultry brunette hair providing a backdrop to her gorgeous silhouette, she began running her hands up one of her legs, stopping to undo one of the garter belts that clung to her voluptuous frame. Moving her hands further towards the neckline of her lingerie, she slowly unlaced several ties one by one in succession, fully exposing her size 38D breasts. While gazing into his eyes to witness the satisfaction on his face, she wrapped her fingers around one of her nipples while messaging her entire breast with her hand, driving him absolutely wild.

No longer able to control himself as he watched her caress her breasts, he succumbed to the pressure and pulled down his shorts, exposing his fully erect penis. Now free, he grabbed his shaft and ran his hand up and down as he watched his brunette goddess pleasure herself in front of him. Understanding his lead, she pulled up her teddy to expose her now wet lips that had only moments earlier straddled his cock in pleasure. As she moved her hands downward towards her crotch, he could hardly contain himself as he continued to stroke his swelling cock, now at a much greater speed. She moved closer next to him, spreading her pussy right in front of his face. Obviously moved by the look of ecstasy he had on his face at this move, she slowly inserted one of her fingers into her pussy while at the same time staring deeply into his eyes, as if telling him that she too had succumbed to the moment.

No longer content with just self-gratification, he pulled her midriff towards his face so that he could also pleasure her with his tongue as she continued to message the outer folds of her lips with her fingers. His action was quickly met with appreciation, causing her to grip his head with her other hand, pulling his tongue deeper inside her, arching her back in delight as he moved his tongue deeper inside. He ran his hands up and down along the small of her back, causing her body to shutter in sheer pleasure.

Sensing that reciprocity was in order, she knelt down beside him and proceeded to caress the tip of his shaft with her tongue, periodically bobbing up on down on him. With each successive motion, she wrapped her mouth more tightly around him, bringing him even closer to orgasm. Small amounts of his warm cum were beginning to seep from his cock and the pleasure was intense, how he wanted this moment to last forever!

Deciding that no good deed should go unrewarded, he rolled his honey over onto her back and thrust himself inside of her, causing her to gasp in excitement. As he slowly angled himself deep inside her warmth, she wrapped her hands around his butt and pulled him closer so that she could feel every inch of him. At that moment, he could tell from the fire in her eyes that she wanted him more than ever. Her hands gripping him tighter with each thrust, she suddenly pulled Colin’s entire body down onto hers as he felt her achieve orgasm. The strong pulsations of her climax rippling through her exquisite body. She was cradling him as she gazed directly into his eyes in utter delight causing him to soon follow, releasing the tension that had been building up from those first few moments when she appeared at the balcony.

As he continued to lay on top of her, gazing into her wanting eyes. He softly ran his fingers through her hair and whispered to her how amazing she was. Enjoying the moment, they continued to embrace each other for the remainder of the day, periodically taking a moment to enjoy the beauty of the island that surrounded them. At this moment in time, Alisha knew that Colin loved her deeply and they would be together always. The events of the preceding night were now nothing but memories. They realized that their bizarre sexual habits would only bring them closer. They were truly in love and so content, in this beautiful paradise!

All of them spent a quiet relaxing afternoon and go out to dinner that evening. Justin and Cody found a restaurant that specializes in luaus, so they had made a reservation. The evening began being seated out on a stretch of beach around some very low tables. Exotic Hawaiian drinks were served to them as they watched a group doing authentic Hawaiian dances. The meal was served, more drinks and more entertainment. It was truly an enjoyable evening and they all had a really good time. Everyone being still a little tired from the day, went to bed and enjoyed the warm breezes blowing in off the Pacific.

Somewhere around 3 am, Colin was a little restless. He got out of bed, put on his boxer briefs and went downstairs to the kitchen to find a snack and something to drink. He found a light snack and got a bottle of iced tea and went out onto the veranda to just sit and enjoy the quiet, peaceful night. The full moon cast its soft light over the landscape, giving it an eerie appearance. He could hear the waves breaking on the beach a short distance from the house. He could hear crickets and an occasional call from some nocturnal bird. It was beautiful here, even in the light of the full moon.

Suddenly, he felt someone’s hands touch his shoulders. He turns to see Cody standing behind him. “So you couldn’t sleep either?” she said to him.

“No…. just a little restless, I guess. Thought I’d just sit here and relax, maybe drift off to sleep in this chair.” he told her. “Why aren’t you sleeping…. problems?” he asked her.

“No, I was just a little restless also. I heard you get up and come downstairs, so I thought I’d come and keep you company.” She told him as she walked around in front of him and sat on the foot stool.

“I’m glad you did, after all, you are my favorite sister in law.” he teased her.

Not until right now, did he noticed how much Cody and Alisha looked alike. Their hair was almost identical, their figures, their breasts and legs and curves were strikingly similar. Cody was wearing a t-shirt. She had nothing on underneath. In the dim light, he could see the clean shaven lips between her spread thighs. Her nipples were hard and protruding from under the thin t-shirt.

He moved to the edge of his chair and reached out and took her head between his open palms, pulling her to him. As they kissed, her lips parted slightly and her tongue snaked its way into his mouth, entwining with his. Their kiss was long, warm and deep as they melted into each other. Colin slid his hands down to her magnificent breasts, cupping them and gently rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefinger. Cody let out a low moan as he caressed her tits. His hands went down further and grasped the bottom of her t-shirt, then he pulled it up and over her head……then tossed it aside.

Her arms went around his neck and pulled him to her moist lips as she hungrily kissed him. Again his hands went to her breasts and he continued the gentle caressing that he had begun only a short time ago. Cody’s breathing was becoming heavier as their kiss became more intense. Colin slipped off the chair onto his knees. He wrapped his arms around Cody and pulled her firm tits into his chest. He could feel her erect nipples pressing into him. His head went into her cleavage. He ran his tongue over her tits and to her nipples, then softly nibbled on them with his teeth.

Cody moaned and pulled his head tighter to her bosom. Colin slid his hands down her sides to her hips. He lifted her up to her feet and put his face between her legs and probed her moist pussy with his tongue. He sucked on her enlarged clitoris making her continue to moan with pleasure. As he continued to lick her slit, his hands gripped her nice round ass and he squeezed those perfect butt cheeks.

He stood and kissed her again and as he did she could taste her juices on his lips. She slid both hands into his boxer briefs and grasped his hard cock with one hand and caressed his balls with the other. Colin let out a gasp from the soft feel of her hands on him. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and pulled them downwards to his feet. He stepped out of them and sat back into the chair. Cody leaned forward and took his cock in her hands and began to stroke it as she licked the drops of pre-cum from its head.

Cody sat back on her heels as she continued to stroke his cock, gazing at it intently. It was a magnificent tool. She could not wrap one of her hands around its circumference…it was long and so hard. She leaned back over it and placed her slightly parted lips on the head. Her tongue slithered out of her mouth and under the head. With just the tip, she touched that little spot just on the underside and moved the tip back and forth across it. She felt his cock jerk as she continued stimulating that sensitive area. Next she took his cock deep into her throat and rubbed it’s underside with her tongue. Again, as Colin moaned, she felt it jerk again and it gave up a few drops of his sweet cum. She continued to slide his cock in and out of her warm mouth, sucking on it vigorously. She could hear Colin whispering, “Ohhhhhhhh, Cody …that feels so good.”

As she continued sucking his cock, she could tell that he was fast approaching an orgasm. She pulled her lips from his cock and stood in front of him. She moved closer and put her knees into the chair on each side of his legs. Colin readjusted, sliding his ass down closer to the edge of the oversized chair so that Cody could take his cock inside her wet pussy.

As she sat down on his hard cock, she felt it slip deeper and deeper into her vagina till it pushed against her cervix. She just sat there, not moving, savoring the feel of his big cock filling her most intimate area. He had grasped her ass and buried his head between her beautiful breasts as she began to move up and down on his hard throbbing shaft.

She was experiencing the most wonderful sensations as Colin touched all of her private parts simultaneously. His cock felt wonderful inside her. It was so big and hard that as it slipped in and out of her, it rubbed against her clit, sending shivers up her spine. They enjoyed each other’s bodies for the next hour, not ever moving from this position.

Colin had taken Cody to orgasm 4 times. Each time he would feel her body shudder and her stomach muscles tighten. Her pussy would clamp down on his hard cock so tight he could hardly move it in and out of her. Then, when it was over she continued to raise and lower her beautiful ass up and down on his cock again.

After her 4th orgasm, her hands were grasping his shoulders. She could see the urgency beginning to show in his eyes……..his orgasm was eminent. She felt him push his cock completely into her. Then, as his body stiffened and his abs hardened, she felt his body spasm as his hot fluid erupted from the end of his cock, filling her vagina and running out of her onto his balls. He was cumming like a volcano, eruption after eruption of hot cum shooting into her belly as his hands pulled her closer to him. As his orgasm subsided, they held each other tightly as they regained their strength.

Cody lifted her pussy off of his softening rod and went back to her knees in front of him. She took her tongue to his cum soaked balls and licked up the sweet nectar, sliding the tip up his shaft to the head. She took his flaccid cock into her mouth and sucked all the remaining semen from it. Then she licked him clean, tasting his cum and her juices mixed. She stood up in front of him, spreading her legs wide apart. With her hand cupped below her dripping pussy, she pushed his spent cum from her vagina into her palm……..then looking directly in his eyes, she licked her palm clean and swallowed all of his sweet juice.

Colin leaned forward and grasped her beautiful ass and pulled her toward his open mouth. He locked his lips onto her wet pussy and sucked the remaining juices from her love tunnel. She spread her legs wider for him and he licked her clean. He felt Cody shudder slightly. He knew she was having another orgasm so he locked his lips around her clit and pushed two fingers into her vagina. When the orgasm subsided, Cody sat back down on the foot stool in front of Colin, smiling. Colin looked deeply into her eyes and told her, “Cody, that was wonderful, I know that the four of us will be very close for the rest of all our natural lives. Intimate moments, like this, we will all continue to share.”

Cody moved onto Colin’s lap and wrapped her arms around him. They sat there, holding each other till the horizon began to change from blue to dark red. As the sun began to peek above the edge of the world they watched, feeling their naked bodies touching the other.

They were in no hurry, they continued to sit there kissing and holding each other. They could hear someone in the kitchen making coffee and soon the aroma swept out onto the veranda. Shortly Justin came out sipping from a cup. He looked at his naked bride and brother in law and said, “So that’s where you ended up last night, I wondered what had become of you.”

“I couldn’t sleep so I came down and found Colin sitting out here, so we passed the time fucking…..I hope you didn’t mind.”

“Not at all, darling, I’m glad you two enjoyed each other. I think I’ll take a cup of coffee up to Alisha and see if she wants to have a little morning pleasure also. I’ll see you two in a while.” he said to them. Cody laid her head against Colin’s chest again and they continued to enjoy the morning.

Justin went back to the kitchen and fixed Alisha a cup of coffee, just the way she likes it.
He took it up stairs to her bedroom and went in. She was naked, lying on top of the sheets. He stood at the foot of the bed for quite some time just enjoying looking at her naked beauty and also realizing how much she and Cody looked alike.

The sunlight illuminated her tanned skin and accentuated her perfect breasts. He thought to himself , I don’t know how Colin and I got so damn lucky. We have the two most beautiful wives anywhere, and we share them openly and without jealousy…and life is good.

He sat their coffees down on the dresser and went back to her bed. He bent down and began to kiss her toes, causing her to stir lightly. He removed his underwear and crawled onto the bed straddling her beautiful long legs. He got down on his hands and knees and slowly moved up till his lips covered one of her nipples. He began to lightly lick her nipples, first one then the other, causing her to stir a little more. He backed down to the end of the bed and gently spread her legs apart, then put his head between them and began to lightly lick her outer lips.

Still asleep, she arched her back slightly as he pushed his tongue past the folds of skin inside her outer lips and into her wet pussy. He could taste a mix of her juices and Colin’s cum. He grasped her behind the knees and lifted her legs up and apart, spreading her lips wide. He could see her pussy glisten in the morning light. Again he put his lips to her and took her whole pussy into his mouth. He continued the tongue assault on her juicy cunt, licking her clean of any left- over cum.

Alisha had begun to awaken, feeling the pleasure that Justin was giving her. With his head between her legs, he looked up at her as she opened her eyes and looked down at him. “Damn, what a way to wake up, I thought it was a dream.”

Justin rose up onto his hands and knees again and crawled up to her face and kissed her. Alisha reacted to his kiss by putting her arms around him and pulling him to her. As he was pulled down onto her beautiful chest, he pushed the head of his penis into her warm pussy. Slowly he slid it further and further into her till his balls contacted her ass. She wrapped her legs around him and he began to fuck her very slowly.

Their kiss continued as he plunged into her depths, feeling her tight vagina gripping his manhood as he went in and out of her beautiful body. Soon she felt him explode inside her and it pushed her over the edge to an earth shaking orgasm. She cried out loudly, “OH GOD JUSTIN……FUCK ME GOOD, I’M CUMMING………..OH FUCK……..FILL ME…….PUT YOUR COCK ALL THE WAY INSIDE ME…….OHHHH MY GOD JUSTIN…………..PLEASE FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE!”

Justin was releasing a gigantic amount of cum into her. He knew it was spilling out of her and onto the bed. Soon they both lay there, the afterglow of their orgasms looming around them. He rolled off of her and onto his back and looked at her. She was looking at him smiling. “I love to wake up like that.” she said.

“If you will bring that beautiful pussy of yours up to my mouth, I will clean you good and make you cum again and again.” he told her.

Alisha didn’t have to be invited but once, she rose and crawled over him till her cum dripping pussy was above his waiting mouth. She lowered herself till she felt her outer lips being parted by his tongue. She held onto the headboard and felt the pleasure of him licking her from her ass to her clit……stopping only to suck on her engorged clitoris. As he clamped onto her sopping pussy with his mouth, she pushed and felt the cum inside her slide out. He never missed a beat, he sucked harder and got it all. Alisha began to cum again, squirting streams of her cum into his mouth over and over. Justin continued sucking on her and stimulating her as she continued to orgasm, time after time. Soon the earthquake stopped and she raised up off of Justin. She lay down on top of him and asked, “have you seen Colin, he got up during the night and hasn’t returned.”

“Yes, he and Cody have been down on the veranda fucking all night, when I found them this morning they were cuddling in a chair, watching the sun rise.” he said.

Alisha thought back to Tuesday night when she took on 6 guys for many hours as Colin watched and participated. She hoped that she hadn’t messed things up with him by having done it. She wondered if he had left their bed last night because of it. She knew she had to quit obsessing about it, she knows that Colin loves her.

They got off the bed and Justin gave her coffee, then they went downstairs to see what the other two were doing. When they got to the veranda, Colin had Cody leaning against the railing, giving it to her up the ass from behind.

Justin and Alisha sat down in chairs and watched as they drank their coffee. Colin and Cody looked at them slightly then she smiled as her yes rolled back in her head when she began a giant orgasm. Colin continued pumping his cock into her faster, a look of desperation on his face. In a few seconds, Colin grasped Cody’s ass hard and shoved his cock deep into her ass. They knew that he was emptying his balls deep into Cody’s bowels. The two of them stood still, their bodies shaking with pleasure for several seconds, before Colin pulled out and sat down. Cody straightened up and said, “Good morning guys.”

Cody was always happy, bubbly and enjoying life immensely. She bounced over and sat in Colin’s lap and kissed him, “Thank you lover! That was fantastic.”

Colin was continuing to fondle Cody’s tits and his cock was getting hard again, pushing up between her legs. Cody had always been somewhat of an exhibitionist. She looked down at Colin’s hard cock sticking up in front of her pussy. She smiled and raised her ass up and slid his cock inside her dripping pussy. Colin’s hands were on her hips lifting her up and down on his hard shaft. It didn’t take long and Cody had another orgasm. She continued to pump Colin’s cock till she made him cum. She turned around and kissed Colin again. “I think I’m going to fuck Colin all day, do you guys mind?” she asked us.

Justin looked at Alisha and shrugged his shoulders, Alisha said, “No, if you guys want to enjoy each other today, its fine with me…….Justin and I talked about going to the beach, we can go over by ourselves, if you guys want to stay here.”

“Ok, you guys go do that, and we’ll all go out to dinner at that steakhouse over by the pier when you get back.” Colin said.

Cody lifted up off of Colin’s cock and she and Alisha went in to fix some breakfast. “Thank you Colin, I appreciate you taking Cody off my hands for a while,” Justin told Colin. “she is about to fuck me to death, I need a break. A nice quiet afternoon with Alisha will really be nice, hope you are ok with it.”

Colin laughed, “ I can understand. Cody has always been a little hyper. I’ll take good care of her today and then get back to some really slow and sensual sex with Alisha tonight after dinner.”

“I think it is absolutely great that you and I can share our wives. We have the most beautiful women anywhere and when you fuck one of them, it’s like fucking the other….they are so much alike. When I went up to Alisha this morning, she was lying on top of the covers naked. I just stood and took in her beauty and as I looked, I could see Cody lying there, it’s uncanny.”

“I had an experience like that this morning with Cody,” Colin told Justin, “I looked down at Cody sucking my cock and in the moonlight, I had to look twice, thinking it was Alisha……..those two are very similar……then if you throw Anne into the mix, it gets more confusing.”

They sat on the veranda laughing. Meanwhile, the girls were about to get breakfast done. They had been talking comparing the two men. “Cody, we have a couple of really fantastic husbands, I know that Colin is exceptional. I did something Tuesday night that I shouldn’t have, but Colin supported me. I know he probably didn’t want me to do what I did, but the Patron took my better judgement away, then I got dared, then everything went out of control. He stood by me and supported me, I love him so much.”

“What the hell did you do Sis, nothing could be that bad.” Cody asked her.

“It’s a long story, Cody, but, long story short, I fucked 6 guys, with huge cocks, at the bar after the Ball…….it was fucking fantastic, I have to say, and it was one of my oldest fantasies come true.” Alisha confessed, “Just don’t spread it around, OK?”

“You’ve got it Alisha, damn, I’d love to do something like that sometime. Will you tell me the whole story when we have the time?”

“Yes I will, Sis, if you ever do decide to do that, let me know and I’ll help you set it up. I learned a lot and got really lucky, the guys I fucked were all really nice and gentle guys, so I didn’t get hurt, but, you get the wrong people involved and it could be an experience you would want to forget as soon as possible.” she told Cody.

“You don’t mind that I want to screw Colin all afternoon do you, I mean, if you want to spend time with your husband, I sure don’t want to interfere with that.” Cody said.

“No, Cody, it’s perfectly fine. After the fucking I got Tuesday, my pussy needs a little rest. I can screw Colin tonight once and be happy. Justin gave it to me good this morning when he came up, I don’t need any more till later, so you two get your rocks off all you want, I’m fine taking an afternoon at the beach, doing nothing.”

They all had breakfast and Alisha and Justin went to the beach, while Colin and Cody went out to the pool and gave each other oral sex. Everyone was happy.

Alisha and Colin found a beach not far from the house. It was over on the north shore of Maui. They took a cooler, towels and an umbrella. When they got to the beach, there was a security guard giving instructions to people as they arrived. He told them that this was a clothing optional beach and they needed to be informed, so that if they didn’t want to be exposed to nudity, they should go to another beach about two miles down the road.

Alisha wasn’t bashful, so they went on in. They found an area where there weren’t many people around them and opened the umbrella and spread out their beach towels. Alisha immediately took her top off and tossed it on top of the cooler. Justin smiled as he admired her perfect rack……..she was so beautiful.

She laid out on the towels and asked Justin to rub some sunscreen on her back, which he enthusiastically did. When he had applied an ample amount to her back, he told her that he should apply some on her front while he was at it. She grinned at him and rolled over saying, “Go ahead and get to it.”

Alisha rolled over on her back. Justin took a long look at her perfect breasts. He put sunscreen in his palms, rubbed them together then started rubbing it in. Alisha was enjoying having her tits massaged by Justin. He put more in his hands and worked downward onto her stomach, then on down from her crotch to her toes. While he was at the top of her thighs, he rubbed the back of his hand on her protruding lips, exciting her some. He rubbed the sunscreen on her arms, then back to her tits and shoulders. Alisha completely enjoyed the whole experience. As she rolled over on her front again, a good looking guy walking by had been watching her.

“I’ll be glad to help you too if you need it beautiful.” he said.

Alisha looked up at him and politely declined.

“Come on doll, let me rub some lotion on you, you’ll like the way I do it, I promise.” he continued.

Alisha looked up at him with an irritated look on her face, “I fucking said NO you fucking asshole!” she snapped at him.

That stopped him in his tracks. A scowl appeared on his face. “Got some mouth on you don’t you bitch.” he grunted.

At this point Justin got up and told him to apologize. He looked at Justin and told him to ‘fuck off’ as he poked his finger into Justin‘s chest. That was the wrong thing to say and do to a guy that is a martial arts instructor.

Justin stepped forward and said, “The lady said no, if you don’t understand English, I’ll say it clearly for you… get the fuck out of here or I’ll wipe this beach up with your ass mother fucker.”

The next mistake the guy made was to take a swing at Justin…..and it was a big mistake. Justin defended himself and before the guy even knew it, he had been hit 3 times and was laying in the sand on his face with Justin on top of him saying, “You stupid cock sucker, you’re lucky I don’t break you up some, now apologize or I’m going to continue.”

Right then, the security guard that had met us when we came in showed up on his ATV.
“Ok, bread it up,” he said as he got off the ATV. Justin continued to sit on the guy and told the officer what the guy had done. The security officer said he had seen the whole thing, then told Justin to get off the guy so he could cuff him. “Do you two want to press charges?” he asked Justin.

“Damn straight, I want this guy locked up…….he insulted my sister in law then tried to hit me…….fuck yes, I want to press charges.”

The officer finished cuffing the guy then helped him to his feet. “You’ve got it sir, I’ll take him down to the station. I need you to come down and give a statement and sign the complaint. The office is about a quarter mile down the beach,” he said as he pointed to the West. “I’ll be there shortly.” Justin told him.

The guy spoke up, seeing that he was going to jail, “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean any harm.” He then looked over at Alisha, “I’m so sorry I insulted you, please accept my apology, I promise I won’t bother you again……..I’m so sorry……”

Justin walked over to Alisha, “What do you want me to do Alisha, it’s all up to you, just tell me……”

Alisha got onto her feet, putting her bikini top back on. She walked over to the guy and said, “I’m going to ask my brother in law to not press charges, but, if I ever see you again, I’ll tell my husband what you were up to and you’ll probably have a serious accident…….do you get my drift, asshole!….and you’re right, I do have a mouth on me and my husband likes it when I suck his cock with it…….something you’ll never get the chance to find out………….turn him loose.” She then walked back to the umbrella.
Justin told the officer that he was not going to press charges and to let him go.

The security officer said, “Ok, but assholes like him have a habit of showing up again and again, they think they’re some fucking Don Juan or something.”

“That’s ok officer, I think I can handle a piece of trash like him if he comes back.” Justin told him.

“From what I saw, I believe you’re right, you could handle about 5 of him.” he laughed.

The officer removed the cuffs and sent the guy on his way. He told Alisha and Justin to enjoy themselves and he was sorry the jerk had messed with them, then he went on his way. When Justin went back to the umbrella, he could tell that Alisha was really excited. As he walked up she wrapped her arms around him and planted her lips against his, sliding her tongue into his mouth while she rubbed her front against him. “Damn that was hot, it made me wet to watch you work that guy over……I want to fuck you, I am really turned on and I need your cock.” She continued kissing him and pushing her tits against his chest.

Justin looked around, eager to find a place where they wouldn’t be seen. He reached down and picked up a towel and led her by the hand behind a nearby dune. He spread the towel out on the sand while Alisha took her bikini off and stretched out on top of the towel. Justin pulled his trunks down…………his cock was hard and throbbing in anticipation of being inside her while she was so excited. He went down on his knees and pushed the head of his cock between her wet outer lips. Alisha gasped and pushed her pelvis toward Justin, impaling herself on his hard shaft. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her while she kissed him. He started pumping her hard as she wrapped her legs around him and desperately fucked him back. It took about 30 seconds of their hard thrusting for them both to cum. If someone had seen them they would have thought that they both were having epileptic seizures.

Alisha looked up at Justin and said, “Damn, that was the quickest, most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, I’m ready to go back and lay in the sun. Justin got off of her. She went up on her knees and licked his cock clean and sucked the remaining cum out, then she was ready to go. She didn’t put her bikini back on and walked back to their umbrella. Spread the towel back out and laid back on it and began to sun herself again. Justin went to the cooler and got out a beer, sat back and observed Alisha’s nakedness. He thought to himself, ‘what a beautiful piece of ass, damn, Colin and I are the luckiest two mother fuckers in the world.’ He took a big drink of beer and watched his cum oozing from between her pussy lips.

The afternoon was really relaxing for Colin and Cody. They had walked back to the waterfall and skinny dipped in the cool water of the large pool. As Cody was lying on her front on a big flat rock, Colin kneeled down over her and ran his finger down her but crack to her damp pussy. She didn’t look up… she just moaned her approval, so he continued fingering her.

She started moving her ass and telling him to keep going. “it feels ohhhhhh so good Colin, please put your cock in there, I want to feel you inside me.”

Colin didn’t have to have it repeated, his cock was hard. He spit on it to lube it, then pushed it down along her ass crack. He spit a big gob of saliva down her crack to add to the lubrication. He crack fucked her for a little while, then she raised her ass so he had access to her pleasure hole.

Colin slipped his rod into her, causing her to gasp and moan as it slid in. Cody raised her ass to him as he pushed in and out of her. With her legs together like this, she was tighter than normal and Colin was having a great fuck. They fucked for about 10 minutes when Colin’s knees started hurting from the contact with the rock. He pulled out of Cody and rolled her over on her back, then mounted her again.

Within a couple of minutes they were both cumming, being very vocal as their orgasms consumed them. Cody felt Colin blasting her insides with hot cum while her body shook as she convulsed. Soon they both lay on the rock, exhausted. Colin regained his strength first, then went down on Cody and began to eat her pussy, cum and all. Cody raised her head and watched him lick the thick white fluid from her…….she was thinking to herself ‘god this hot, he is licking me clean of his cum, wow, hot hot hot……….’ !

He raised up with his huge load in his mouth. He opened his mouth and Cody saw the thick white cum on his tongue. She immediately kissed him and pushed her tongue into his mouth and retrieved the wad of cum and swallowed it. She continued to kiss him and run her tongue all over the inside of his mouth till she got all the sperm he had sucked out of her. She licked her lips and smiled.

“Damn, Colin, that was great, I’m still turned on, do me again, Pleeeeeeeese,” she pleaded. Colin obliged her. He wasn’t hard again yet so he gave her an oral orgasm. Cody was wild with passion, she bucked and yelled as she came, confirming to Colin that he was doing her good.

When she came back to earth, she lay on the rock, her legs spread and breathing like she had just ran a marathon. Colin stared at her beautiful body as she laid there with her legs spread. He couldn’t take it, he laid down on her and fucked her again, much to her delight. He screwed her for at least and half hour before she came again, then in rapid succession she came three more times.

When her body had settled, Colin ejaculated inside her once again, feeling as though he was going to blow his balls out the end of his cock……there was no doubt Cody was having a great time. They both dived into the cool water to cool off. Colin never tired of seeing Cody and Alisha naked, they definitely were the hottest women anywhere.

They swam for a little while then started the walk back to the house. Alisha and Justin would be there soon. They would have to get ready and go to dinner.

Everyone got back to the house about the same time and went to clean up, dress and go to dinner. Alisha told Colin about the guy at the beach and what Justin had done to him. Colin wanted to know if they had the guy’s name. Alisha told him that she thought that the security officer had given Justin all the guy’s information.

“Why do you want that?” she asked Colin.

“Oh, no reason, just curious.” he told her.

Colin was ready before Alisha was, so he went downstairs to have a drink before they went out. He found Justin at the bar doing the same.

“Hey, Justin……thanks for taking care of Alisha today, I appreciate it. I’m just glad she wasn’t there by herself. Oh…….and by the way, Alisha said you had the guys name and information?” he asked.

“Yeah, the security officer gave it to me, in case something comes up or he gives us any more problems.” Justin said.

“Why don’t you let me write down all that information, just in case I might need it for some reason or another.” Colin said.

“Hell, Colin, I’ll just give you the paper he gave me, I don’t need to keep it.” he said as he pulled a paper out of his pocket and handed it to Colin.

“Great, and let’s not discuss this with the girls, no need to remind them of the incident……..ok?” Colin asked Justin.

“Sure, it’s all water under the bridge anyway.” Justin said.

Alisha and Cody came down the steps and into the bar area. Colin and Justin feasted their eyes on them. They were dressed in almost identical dresses…..black, low cut in front and back and a length about halfway down their thighs with 5 inch black heels.

“Wow,” Colin and Justin said in unison.

“You guys like?” Alisha asked them as they gave the guys a 360 degree view.

“I like very much,” Colin told her as she walked up to him and kissed him, “and I love you more than anything in the world.”

“I love you Colin,” she said to him as she kissed him again, “I love you very much.”

Cody and Justin were in an embrace also. Colin said, “Let’s get going, dinner awaits.”

They arrived at the restaurant and went in. Colin had made reservations so they were seated as soon as they arrived. Alisha and Cody wanted wine, so Colin ordered a very good bottle. They all sat, sipping wine and talking about their honeymoon.

Alisha raised her glass and said, “I have a wonderful man that I love very much. He has joined me in all my fantasies and desires and helps me fulfill my dreams. He joins me in my dreams and becomes a part of them. I have learned during our honeymoon, just how much we mean to each other and I’m so glad that the four of us can share each other, without any problems or jealousies. I propose a toast to the three of you, the most important people in my life!”

They all put their glasses together and together all said, “Here, here……..and they took a drink. Justin, Cody and Colin all individually said that they agree with Alisha, totally, That the four of them have a bond that will last forever.

Cody smiled and said as she held up her glass, “To us all, we have found that we are all one………with each other we shall always stand together and share each other with the other.”

Again they all said together, “Here, here, and drank. The four of them had indeed become one. The girls had freely made love to each other’s spouses, and the guys had both realized, during this honeymoon, just how much Cody and Alisha look and act alike, almost like they are the same person.

Alisha and Cody held hands across the table and looked directly at each other as Alisha said, “While Cody and I were dressing tonight, we discussed one fantasy both of us have and would like have fulfilled tonight if possible, and if you two will help us realize that fantasy.” The two women then looked directly at their husbands.

Colin was the first to speak, “I told you once, Alisha, that I would do absolutely anything for you…….and whatever this fantasy is, if I can help you attain it, I will.”

Justin said to Cody, “Cody, I love you more than my own life and I will do anything for you, and…………if I can help you see your fantasy come true, I will help you.”

Cody and Alisha looked back at each other smiling. Cody said to Alisha, “Alisha, I told you that our husbands would help us, do you want to tell them, or shall I?”

Alisha smiled her wicked smile, “By all means Cody, tell them what we want.”

Cody looked momentarily at both Colin and Justin and said to them, :”Our fantasy will take both of you by surprise, and, we are not sure that you two will want to help us fulfill this fantasy. But, let me assure you, when this fantasy is completed, the four of us will truly be one. I will tell you, that we know this will not be easy for either of you, but know that completion of our fantasy will make Alisha and I love you two more than you will ever know.”

Colin and Jason looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces. Justin said, “Well……….tell us, what do you want us to do?”

Alisha and Cody exchanged looks and smiled at each other as Cody said, “We want you, Justin, and you Colin to have sex with each other while Alisha and I watch. We want to see you two have oral sex and we want to see each of you penetrate the other to orgasm.”

Justin and Colin looked at each other across the table with shocked looks on their faces. Cody and Alisha looked at both of them and smiled. Alisha said, “Guys, only then will you two know exactly what Cody and I do for the two of you. Once you understand how it feels for us to give and receive to you guys, only then will we all be tied together forever as equals……………what is your answer?”

Colin and Justin looked at each other anxiously, not knowing what to say. Colin spoke up first, “Do you two mind if Justin and I go out onto the patio and talk this over before we answer?”

Justin said, “Yes, I think you two should let Colin and I talk about this first, ok?”

Alisha and Cody looked at each other, nodded and Alisha said, “Yes, let’s order dinner, then you two can go outside and talk it over………we will anxiously await your answer.”

They all ordered dinner and the bottle of wine was finished so Colin ordered another one. The women could tell that their request was weighing heavy on the guys minds and frankly, scaring them to death.

The new bottle of wine arrived. Colin poured them all about half a glass, then he and Justin excused themselves from the table and went out onto the patio. Cody and Alisha anxiously awaited their answer, it is something that they both want to happen and they know if these guys mean what they say, that they love them and will do anything for them, it will happen.

Colin and Justin looked at each other rather sheepishly. “Well, what do you think Justin?” Colin asked him.

“Colin, I will do anything that my wife asks of me, including this. I love her so much and I know that she loves me……and…….if you are willing to go along with this, I will also be willing. It’s not like anyone but the four of us will ever know anything about it.” Justin stated.

“Well Justin, I love my wife more than anything and if this is her wish and if you are willing, I’ll do it also. Hell, we’ve already been putting our cocks in the same places and we’ve both had each other’s cum in our mouths already, so what the hell.”

They shook hands and toasted themselves and gave each other a very tight hug. They took a big drink of wine and went back to the table. The two girls looked at them, their hearts beating rapidly, in anticipation of their answer. The waiter came to the table and delivered their meals. Justin and Colin drank down their wine and poured themselves another glass. Colin said, “Well Justin, do you want to tell them our decision?”

Justin answered, “I’ll be glad to……….Cody, Alisha……….Colin and I have decided…..” he took a drink of his wine. “We both love the two of you deeply, and because you two are our whole world, we will make your fantasy come true while you watch us. We hope that you guys will then know the extent of our love for you and never doubt it.” He held his glass up and toasted everyone. They touched glasses as the two girls looked at each other with wide smiles. It was a happy time for them and the guys had shown their total love and commitment to them.

The mood was jovial as they ate their dinner. Colin and Justin knew that they were about to go through one of the hardest things they would ever have to do. But, they loved their wives and were willing to show their love for their wives. As the evening progressed, they ingested more alcohol, which took the edge off of things. As they left the restaurant, their wives walked with them, holding them close. As they drove back to the house, there was little conversation.

When they arrived at the house, they went in and the four of them went to the extra bedroom and took all of their clothing off. Alisha and Cody opened the bed, then pulled two chairs up close to the bed and sat down. Justin and Colin looked at each other, not knowing exactly where to start.

Alisha said, “Why don’t you two get on the bed and embrace each other and kiss, that‘s a good place to start, everything else will fall into place from there.

The guys did as she said and lay next to each other on the bed. They put their arms around each other and slowly moved their lips together. As they kissed each other, their free hands moved down the other’s body to their cocks. Somewhat apprehensive in their next move, they grasped the other’s cock and began to jack each other. Another kiss, this time, it looked more like they meant it. When they got completely hard, they moved into the 69 position and momentarily held the other’s cock, looking at it, before they took it into their mouths and began to suck each other

Cody and Alisha were getting hot watching their husbands. They both were fingering themselves and rubbing their clits, their juices running freely. The vision of their husbands giving head to each other was so hot they could hardly handle it. Now the guys knew what they went through when they gave head. Cody spoke up, “We want you guys to cum in each other’s mouths and swallow it, you’ve done it before, sucking it out of our pussies, its all the same cum.

Colin and Justin continued sucking each other’s cocks and tasting the pre-cum that was seeping from each of them. After about 20 minutes, Colin began to cum. Justin pulled back with just the head of Colin’s cock through his lips. He felt the hot cum filling his mouth and began to swallow it……..it wasn’t half bad. Colin finished just when Justin began to deliver his gift to Colin. Same thing, he pulled back with just the head of Justin’s cock in his mouth. Justin shot a load of hot sperm into Colin’s mouth and Colin swallowed it, continuing to suck Justin dry.

They sat up and looked at the women, both finger fucking themselves and squeezing their own tits. Cody got down on her knees and began to eat Alisha. Almost immediately Alisha had an orgasm, shaking and shuddering as Cody tongued her and sucked on her clit. When her orgasm diminished, she returned the favor to Cody, making her cum almost as soon as her tongue entered her wet pussy.

Cody said to them, “that was hot guys, I liked watching you two together. Now, guys, Alisha and I will get you guys hard, then it’s time to for you two to fuck each other, are you ready,” she asked

They both nodded yes at them as Cody and Alisha took their cocks in their mouths and began to suck them hard again. Alisha had come into the room before they left for dinner and left a bottle of lube on the dresser. She got it and handed it to Colin, “I thought you guys might need this.”

Colin decided to go first. Justin laid on his front, his legs spread wide. Colin poured some lube on his ass and worked it into his ass hole, then lubricated his cock. Justin got two pillows and put them under his pelvis. Colin moved in close and began to push the head of his hard dick inside Justin. Slowly he moved it in and out, going a little deeper with each stroke. Soon he was all the way in and slowly fucking Justin.

Alisha and Cody noticed that Justin was actually getting into it, looking like it was feeling good. Actually, Colin’s cock was massaging his prostate and it really did feel good. After a few minutes, Colin delivered his load into Justin’s ass. Colin laid down on top of Justin for a few minutes before pulling out and taking his place laying over the pillows.

Justin lubed his cock and Colin’s ass then began to press his hard cock into Colin. He slowly worked his cock into Colin’s ass till it was completely buried. He began to fuck Colin slowly. He fucked him for about ten minutes, then shot his wad of hot cum into Colin’s colon.

In a minute, he pulled out of Colin’s ass and laid back down on the bed. Alisha and Cody retrieved wash cloths from the bathroom and came to their husbands and washed them clean. Then, side by side, they sucked their husbands cocks till they were hard, then mounted them, cowboy style, and began to fuck them slow and steady. After at least half an hour, all four of them came……at the same time. When they finished, the girls laid on their husbands breathing heavily, their bodies and minds satisfied completely by their loving husbands. Alisha and Cody got off of their men and led them to their respective bedrooms.

Alisha opened their bed and the two of them crawled between the sheets and held each other. Alisha said, “Colin, you’ll never know what it meant to me for you to do this. All of us are now as close as we can possibly get, all tied to each other, all with our deep dark secrets, our lusts and our perversions. I hope that you enjoyed tonight, I did……very, very much…….that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever watched……I love you Colin.”

Colin said to her, “I love you Alisha…………and to tell you the truth, it felt good. I know what you experience now, taking a cock inside your mouth and in your body, the taste of a man’s cum shooting into your mouth. I was really apprehensive at first, but as we went along, I really got into it…….thank you Alisha, I do love you.”

The same conversation was happening in Cody and Justin’s bedroom. All of them cuddled up together and slept……they all had indeed become one and they all shared common secrets and had all shared each other…..fully.

The next morning, as the sun broke, Alisha and Colin awoke in each other’s arms, just as they went to sleep. They kissed each other and got out of bed. They went to the bathroom, showered and prepared for another day in paradise.

Alisha went to the kitchen and began breakfast. Soon the others wandered in, following the scent of fresh brewed coffee. Colin and Justin shook hands and gave each other a tight hug. Their night of intimacy was still fresh in their minds. They sat down to breakfast and all had a very good discussion of the events of the past evening, concluding that it would never be discussed outside the four of them.

Alisha told the two guys that now that they know the feeling of servicing a cock and what they feel, it will make them better lovers…..to which, the others all agreed. As they continued breakfast they planned what they would do for the remainder of their stay. They wanted to do a lot of sightseeing, but mainly just spending the remainder of their time here, together.

So, for the next few days, they went around Maui and one day flew to Honolulu to spend the day there, exploring. The four of them found that they were as close as four people could get and learned to trust the others, without doubt………it was a bonding that they would find would last a lifetime. During these next days, they only performed sex with their spouses and then only a few times. Most of their time was spent just being together and learning of the other’s lives.

On Saturday morning, they went to the airport to fly home. As the Gulfstream lifted off the ground and pointed its nose toward the rising sun, they all sat in their seats and reflected on the past week and the adventures they had experienced. The hours passed and shortly after sunset, they landed in Alamosa.

They got off the plane and loaded their luggage into their vehicles. They all hugged each other and went to their respective homes and went to bed and slept. After the long flight, they were all tired and it felt really good to be home. They slept soundly, getting up late on Sunday and just lounging around, being together and preparing to get back to their normal lives again on Monday morning.

As they sat at the breakfast bar and opened their mail, Colin opened a letter he had received. The return address was from “The Hunt Club”. He smiled as he opened the envelope. It was his membership that Alisha had purchased for him. Alisha was smiling widely as he opened it, looking at the schedule of events and his membership card.

“I thought you would like this, it’s your wedding present from me. I hope you enjoy it.”
She told him.

“Oh, Alisha, I will enjoy it thoroughly……thank you. By the way, can I hunt you while we’re out there?” he asked her.

“The rule about couples, is, that you cannot hunt or fuck your significant other while the hunt is in progress. You may, however, stop and watch someone else fucking your significant other, should you come across them. But, for the significant other, the rule about not talking to the ‘prey’ extends to the hunter that has caught the ‘prey’. So, if you come across some guy fucking me, you can watch, but you cannot talk to either of us and when the hunter is finished with the ‘prey’ you must move on……” she told him.

“Well, damn, I thought I’d just find you and stay on top of you for the two days,“ Colin told her, laughing. “I think this will be a lot of fun and a great way to spend a weekend. It looks like the first ‘hunt’ is in two weeks…….I’m looking forward to it.”

Alisha smiled and rolling her eyes. “Mmmmmmmmmm, meee too.”



They spent the rest of the day, sitting on the deck in the warm Colorado sun, talking and just relaxing. They had dinner, watched some TV and decided to shoot some pool. Colin was wearing a pair of faded denim cut-offs and a black t-shirt, with only socks on his feet. Alisha is dressed in a short denim skirt and a white tube top. Her feet are bare.

They play several games and each have won and equal number of games, in this game he sinks the 8-ball and wins. They both reach for their iced teas.

“Nice game,” she says, sipping her tea. “You’re kicking my ass again tonight, Colin.”

“True,” he says, putting his tea on the coffee table. “But what a fine ass it is.”

“Wyyyy thank you,” she says, turning around and racking the balls.

“What do you say we place a bet on this game, Alisha?” he asks. She looks at him and can tell by the gleam in his eye he is up to something. “You know, just to make it more interesting.”

“What kind of bet?” she asks warily, knowing that there was a very good chance that she would lose.

“Remember that conversation we had in Hawaii, about your fantasies?” he says.

“Yes,” she answers softly, feeling a blush creeping into her cheeks. She grips the side of the pool table as a wave of embarrassment washes over her. She had had a couple of glasses of wine that night and they‘d been more than frank with each other. He’d asked her what one of her fantasies was and before she could censor her reply, she told him that she’d love for him to watch her masturbate and that she’d like to watch him masturbate. She half-expected him to laugh, that night, but he didn’t. All he said was that it was an interesting fantasy that sounded like fun. She went to bed shortly afterwards, pleading a headache.

“Winner of this game gets to watch the other person masturbate,” he says. “What do you say?”

“Totally naked or not?” she asks, trying to quell the nervous butterflies in her stomach. Arousal courses through her body and she feels herself growing damp.

“Totally naked,” he answers.

“Deal,” she says, “I break first.” As she leans into the shot, she can feel her skirt ride up in the back and she knows that he can see a glimpse of her white cotton panties. Her braless breasts brush against her tube top. Her nipples harden at the contact. “Interesting little wager you came up with, Colin.”

She doesn’t sink any balls so she stands up as he takes his first shot.

“It turned you on, I see,” he says, looking pointedly at her chest. She looks down and notices her nipples straining against the fabric.

“Quite a bit,” she says. She looks down at his crotch and can see his cock causing a bulge in the front of his shorts. “Looks like I’m not the only one turned on by our wager.”

She watches as he sinks all of his shots and she grows increasingly excited – and nervous – by the knowledge that if he sinks the 8 ball now, in just a few minutes he will be watching her masturbate.

“Nope, you’re not the only one,” he says as he sinks the 8 ball.

“Good game,” she says.

“Thanks,” he replies. She heads into the bathroom and returns a moment later with a towel.

“Now, where do you want me?” she asks him, sounding braver and calmer than she actually feels.

“Wherever you’re the most comfortable,” he tells her. Gathering her courage, she walks over to the wooden coffee table and clears it off. She places the towel on the table and reaches behind her for the zipper on her skirt. She slowly slides it down as he sits on the edge of the pool table facing her. Her skirt pools at her feet and she steps out of it, tossing it onto the couch beside him. She keeps her eyes on him as she reaches for the bottom of her tube top and pulls it over her head. Clad only in her white cotton panties, she sits on the edge of the coffee table, making sure the towel is beneath her. She starts by cupping her full breasts. She gently squeezes them before circling her hard rosy nipples with her fingertips. They’re so hard and tight that touching them evokes a mixture of pain and pleasure. She moans softly at the feeling. Her pussy becomes even wetter with every brush of her fingers over her nipples. She draws her feet up and spreads her legs wide, giving him an excellent view of her panty-covered pussy. Her swelled lips are pushing out against the damp fabric, making them very visible to him. He can see her wetness darkening her panties. She trails her hands down her tummy to her inner thighs. She strokes them softly before moving one hand to her mound. She rubs her pussy through her panties, pushing the fabric between her folds.

She brings both hands to the waistband of her panties and slowly pushes them down, over her hips and finally down to her ankles. She kicks them off and they land in his direction. She returns to her original position, giving him an unobstructed view of her smooth, shaved pussy. He can see how wet she is. Her moisture glistens as it drips down to her ass. She strokes her slit before slipping her fingers between her folds. Her juices coat her fingers and she begins to roll her clit between her index finger and thumb. She sighs as her pussy begins to tingle. Her eyes close as she slides two fingers inside her hot love channel. As she begins to fuck herself with her fingers, she lets her mind wander. She imagines his fingers inside her, fucking her.

“Alisha, look at me.” His voice breaks into her fantasy. She opens her eyes and looks at him. “What were you thinking of just then?” She adds a third finger, pushing them as deep as she can inside herself. A thin sheen of sweat has formed over her body as she continues finger fucking herself. Her hips begin to thrust against her hand as she slides her fingers in and out. Her juices are flowing freely from her body, coating her fingers and trickling down her ass.

“I was imagining my fingers were actually your fingers,” she says huskily. She can feel herself getting close to cumming.

“Was I fucking you with my fingers?” he asks. She notices then that he has opened his shorts and taken his hard cock out. He begins to stroke it as he watches her finger fuck herself.

“Yes,” she answers.

“Was I fucking you hard or slow?” he asks.

“Hard and fast,” she answers, increasing the speed and intensity of her fingering. The pressure inside is building and she knows that she will cum soon. With her free hand, she begins to stroke her clit. As she watches, he strokes his cock harder and faster, almost in time with the thrusting of her fingers. She cums hard around her fingers and she feels her juices gushing around them. He cums at about the same time, long white ropes of fluid erupt from the end of his cock, some of which land on her. She collapses onto the table, exhausted. He stands up and reaches for a Kleenex to clean himself up. After placing his softening cock back into his shorts, he comes over to where she is on the table.

“You ok?” he asks, kneeling beside her. She feels slightly embarrassed, lying naked on the coffee table after having one of the most intense orgasms of her life. “Alisha?”

“I’m fine, Colin,” she says as she sits up. She gathers up her clothes and picks up the towel.

“Thanks, Alisha,” he says as he walks with her to the bedroom, where she puts all the items in the laundry hamper

“You’re welcome,” she says. She gives him a hug and very deep wet kiss. “Now I‘m ready to sleep,” she says to him and smiles. “Next time, I pick the wager,” she says as she pulls the covers up over her.

“You’re on,” he says to her as he turns off the light.

Monday came and Alisha knew she would have a lot to get done, since she and Justin had been gone for a week. Her Dad could take care of the day to day operations, but there were a lot of the new things he didn’t know anything about. His truck was parked in front of the office when she got there. She went into the office and he got up from behind his desk and came to meet her. He gave her a long hug and said, “It’s really good to have you back, Pumpkin, I’ve missed you…..” He hugged her again, kissing her on the cheek. “And how was the honeymoon, everything go smooth?” he asked

“Yes Dad, everything went smoothly and I had a ball. We had a beautiful house and the four of us saw almost all of the islands. We had some really good food and met some really interesting people……I started to just stay………” she laughed.

“Things around here went smoothly, nothing much going on. The trespassers down on the south side have been quiet. I told Bradley about what was going on down there and he’s keeping an eye on his side of the state line. We’ll get those bastards red handed. Is Justin still alive,” he laughed, “after that much time with Cody, I figured he might have checked into a looney bin.” He laughed again

“Oh he did ok, I think they are really good for each other……they are in love. I saw a real change Cody while we were gone. I think marriage agrees with her.”

“Pumpkin, I’ve really missed being with you while you were gone. Maybe we can get together later, ok?” he said.

“Let me see how things go today, I have a lot to catch up with, if I can get caught up a little, I’d love to, I missed being with you too. Justin will be here in a little while so we can get some of the records caught up and I need to know where all the cattle are for sure.” she told him.

“I know you’re going to be busy, we have a huge operation here anymore, it’s hard for me to grasp. I’m just glad you have it all in your head……Here comes Justin, I think I’ll get out of here for a while, its conference time down at the coffee shop.”

Dad left after talking with Justin for a few minutes, then Justin came into the office. He was smiling widely as he came around Alisha’s desk, pulled her to her feet and gave her an intimate ‘good morning’ kiss……….as he had gotten used to in Hawaii.

“You’re looking good this morning, Alisha,” he gold her.

“I feel good too, it’s great to be home and back to work,” she replied grinning, “thanks for the greeting, if I had time today, I’d give you a blow job.”

Justin smiled again as they sat down to bring things up to date. A lot had transpired since they had been gone. The guys had moved the cattle to different pastures, per their instructions before they left. At noon, they had everything brought up to date and entered in the data base. The last of the breeding had been finished while they were gone, BioGen would be back in three weeks to preg check the cows and breed any that were still open. Bob had taken the open cows, that had been checked, to the sale ring and sold them and replaced them with bred heifers. Sometime after the last bunch was checked, they would sort out all of the cows that had missed breeding the first round and put them into a separate group along with the bred heifers that Bob had bought. By then, it would be close to time to move the cattle up to the high range.

This year an old tradition would be broken. In years past, they had a trail drive and moved all the cattle up to the high range. Now it just wasn’t feasible to do that, as there are 10 bunches of cattle that would have to be moved separately. They will still move the largest bunch by trail drive, while they truck the others. Alisha has made arrangements with 4 trucking firms to move the cattle, so the 9 bunches will be moved up within 2 days. Alisha had always liked the trail drive, it was just a little nostalgia for her, reminding her of the old days that had passed long ago.

Justin left the office and she went to town to have lunch with a friend of hers that had left a voice mail while she was gone. She had seen Gretta at her wedding, but she didn’t have a lot of time to sit and chat with her. At one time, they had been the best of friends, but had drifted apart throughout the years. It was not that they didn’t like each other or had any problems, life had happened to both of them and they both had been busy pursuing school and careers. Alisha was looking forward to having a long lunch with her and getting caught up on the lost time.

She arrived at Clancy’s a little early, so she went ahead and went in and was seated. She ordered a glass of iced tea and sat and caught up on some emails she had set aside this morning. In a little while, Gretta came into the restaurant and spotted her. She came to the table and hugged Alisha as she stood to greet Gretta.

They ordered lunch, then just talked and talked. Both their lives had moved on into much a more complicated time. Gretta had been married for a while, but had divorced about 6 months ago. She had been cheated on repeatedly and was very bitter. Alisha related her life story to Gretta……about all the hell Dayle had put her through before their divorce. “But Gretta, I have found the man of my dreams, my true soul-mate. We are so much alike that I don’t know where I end and he begins…….I’ve never had this feeling befor……ever.” Alisha told her.

“Well I guess I just to have to keep looking, If you find anyone to set me up with, do it…..I need the help,” she laughed. They finished their lunch and talked some more over another glass of tea. They both had things to do, so they went their own ways and promised to stay in touch. Alisha knew that Gretta had some problems, but, she wasn’t a practicing psychologist any more, and she really didn’t want to be. If Gretta kept having problems, she would talk to her Mom about talking with her.

Alisha stopped at the Coop to pick up some salt and mineral blocks. They needed to get them out to the cattle. When she pulled up, here comes Fred…..she really didn’t want to deal with him right now, she had more important things to take care of…..oh well, she would brush him off.

“Well, it’s the newlywed,” he said as he walked up. “How is married life treating you? Are you ready to come to my bed for a little satisfying sex?” He laughed jokingly.

“Fred, one thing I have to say about you, you never give up…….it’s good to see you. I have to tell you, though, I’m getting all the sex I can handle right now…..when I get bored, I’ll come over and you can fuck my brains out…..”

The fork lift arrived and sat the pallet of blocks in the back of her truck. She went in and signed the ticket and went to the ranch to unload. She pulled up to the storage shed and two of the guys unloaded the blocks. While they did that, she walked over to say hi to Jack. He was standing at the coral fence watching her. If she showed up anywhere around the barns or corals, he immediately knew it and came to see her. She stroked him and talked to him, then the guys got her pickup unloaded, so she had to leave. She decided to go home and rest, she was still tired from the trip. As she drove home, she thought back to last week at the hotel bar after the ball. By the time she got home, she was sopping wet. That had been an excellent experience, one she hadn’t seen coming, but thoroughly enjoyed. Still thinking about that night, she decided tonight was the night to show Colin the tape she had made that morning while he was at breakfast. Hopefully he wouldn’t get mad at her……….she knew he wouldn’t.

When Alisha got home she found Colin fixing dinner. She got a beer from the frig and opened another one for Colin. They kiss each other and she goes to take a shower and clean up. When she comes back to the kitchen, she is wearing a long t-shirt and panties. Colin’s eyes light up when he sees her. He can see her erect nipples pushing against the t-shirt and he is thinking how hot she looks. Alisha finished her beer and opened another one.

“Colin, I have a video I’d like for you to watch…..I think you’ll like it.” she said.

“What kind of video is it?” he asks her.

“It’s a secret,” she says back.

“Well, if you‘re going to show it to me, it isn‘t going to be a secret now, is it?” he fires back at her.

“True,” she says, “but it’s something I want you to see, honey.” she tells him.

“Ok,” he says, “I’ll watch it with you.”

They eat dinner and have a couple more beers, then do the dishes. Alisha goes into the play room and loads the disk into the video player. Colin has gone to the bedroom and changed into shorts and a t-shirt and comes back.

“Ok, I’m ready for your surprise video, let me get a beer and we can get it going…..you want another?” he asks

“Yes, please,” she tells him

Colin settles down on the couch as Alisha first takes a deep breath, then starts the video. As it begins, Alisha is talking to the camera…………

“I just got a call from Jason, one of the guys I fucked and sucked last night. He wants to come to my room and have sex with me once more. He told me that I am the best piece of ass he has ever had in his life and he would like to have me once more. I have to tell you the truth, Colin, I want to fuck him again, I want to feel that huge cock of his inside me. You are down having breakfast and I prefer to have a one on one with him, but, I’m videoing the whole thing so I can show it to you in its entirety.”

A knock at the door is heard on the video and Alisha answers the door, totally nude. Jason enters the room, grasping Alisha by her ass and pulling her to him as he kisses her passionately.

Jason speaks, “Good morning beautiful, you are absolutely breathtaking. I’m so glad that you agreed to have sex with me once more, as I will probably never see you again.”

He is fondling her breasts as he continues kissing her. He leads her to the bed and tells her to get on it. He removes his clothing…….exposing the huge cock that Alisha craved the night before and evidently, is craving again this morning. He lays down on the bed and buries his head between her legs. Alisha is moaning and arching her back, feeling pure pleasure from his tongue and mouth. Within two minutes, Alisha is cumming, humping his face like a bucking bronco. Her orgasm is huge and she is convulsing violently as Jason holds her by her ass and keeps his mouth connected to her clean shaven pussy.

Colin looks over at Alisha, “You fucked him while I was gone?”

Alisha, not knowing exactly what Colin was thinking, was wondering if she had done the right thing, showing him this video. “Yes, I did Colin.”

The video continued showing Alisha coming back to earth and settling down. Justin rolled her over and pulled her up on her knees, her shoulders still on the mattress. He rubbed his horse cock along her crack and lubricated it. He put the mushroom head against her pussy lips and began to slowly work in in….only inserting a little then pulling it back, before he inserted it deeper the next stroke. Alisha was soon fully impaled on his huge phallus and was groaning loudly.

Jason had hold of her hips and was holding still, letting her pussy conform to the size of his cock before he started actually fucking her. He began to move in and out of her hot pussy. The position of the camera clearly showed her pussy, spread wide by his monster cock. Every thrust in and out of her could be clearly seen. Also very noticeable were the long thick streams of her juices dripping down from her sopping pussy onto her legs. Jason was beginning to pound her box like a jackhammer. Alisha was pushing her ass to him wanting to take every centimeter of it inside her.

She began to cum again and was moaning loudly. Suddenly, Jason pulled his big rod from her body, grasped her by her hair and pulled her head to his cock, pushing the head into her hungry lips. Jason was cumming before he got his cock in her mouth and had streamed two long ropes of cum onto her face. Once inside her lips, you could see his cock expand and retract each time he released another big shot of his sticky cum into her oral cavity.

She couldn’t swallow the volume of cum he was delivering and a lot of his seed ran out the corners of her mouth onto her beautiful tits. After he finished giving her his hot sperm, he pulled his cock back and rolled her over onto her back. He immediately put his, still hard and fully erect 12 inches, completely into her waiting pussy. Alisha immediately began to lurch her ass up to him on every stroke of his cock. He must have fucked her for half an hour. Her legs were wrapped around his tight ass, pulling him into her as far as he could possibly go.

Then his whole body tensed, making every muscle extremely visible, like the muscles of a body builder in a competition. He shoved his cock all the way to the hilt, his balls slamming into her soft ass, as he began to deliver another huge load of cream deep into the center of her being. He delivered it with so much force, that cum was actually spurting out of her pussy, around his huge cock. Alisha was screamning, “OOOOOOOOH GOD, AM I CUMMMMMMMING…..OH FUCK, JASON……..FUCK ME HARDER, SHOVE THAT BIG ROD ALL THE WAY INSIDE ME, MAKE ME HURT……….OOOOOOH SHIT JASON……….I CANNNN FEEEEEEL YOU CUMMMMMMMING INNNSIDE MEEEEEEEEEEE………..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK!”

Jason was ramming his cock home, listening to Alisha vocalizing her orgasm. She was feeling him as he shot his full load deep inside her. The heat and pressure from his cum was sending her into orbit. Soon it was over and she lay on the bed, limp, unable to move. Jason pulled his cock out of her and wiped it off on her stomach as she lay there panting. He went up to the side of her head and wiped his cock again across her slightly parted lips. When she felt his meat there, her tongue came out to lick it as it was pushed and pulled across her lips over and over.

Once cleaned up, Jason stood up and just looked at her naked body lying on the bed helpless. His cock had begun to soften, but the longer he feasted his eyes on her nakedness, his cock began to recover and stand pointing to the sky. Jason grabbed Alisha by her legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed and rolled her over onto her front. He spread her legs and dipped up a gob of his cum that was oozing out of Alisha and smeared it on her ass hole, then began to fuck her ass with his fingers, stretching her sphincter out so he could push his horse cock into her waiting ass. He put the head against her anus and pushed it in…….inch by inch it disappeared inside her till it was completely buried.

Alisha wasn’t moving, just lying on the bed groaning, asking for more and….. Jason gave her more……he fucked her ass hard for at least five minutes then slammed his meat into her and moaned as he delivered another giant helping of his hot sticky cum deep into her body. When he finished, he pulled out and wiped his cock on her beautiful ass. He stepped back and observed his spunk trickling out of her and down her crack. This time he simply got dressed and left the room.

Alisha laid there for quite some time, finally stirring and standing beside the bed. She spread her legs apart and watched long thick strings of cum run out of her holes and onto the floor. She made her way to the shower and soon the water stopped. She came out of the bathroom with a towel in her hands and wiped the cum up off the floor and off of the sheets. She ran a blow dryer till she dried the sheets, then she put the towel in the bathroom and pulled the covers up on the bed, covering the huge spot that had been made on the bottom sheet. She laid down on top of the covers and rested. Soon, Colin came back from breakfast and found her there, horny as hell, as if she were waiting to fuck him………..which he did enthusiastically, not knowing that Jason had already pleasured her for the past two hours.

Before the video ended, Colin had gone into the bathroom and was showering. Alisha came back in front of the camera, “Colin, I know we will be back home when you see this……I hope you aren’t upset with me, but I just had to do him once more. I just want you to know that I love YOU and only you. The extramarital sex is nothing but pleasure, I feel nothing for the men that give me this pleasure. The pleasure you give me means the world to me and is not just fucking, but making love, the love I feel for you. Please don’t be mad at me………just remember I am in love with only you………..” Then she turned the camera off.

Alisha was noticeably nervous. Colin looked at her, not saying anything. He got up and moved closer to her. He got down on his knees between her legs and held her hands in his, then looked into her eyes. “Alisha……..I am so in love with you and I will always be. You can fuck anyone you want to, I know that you love only me and that you are only satisfying your animal urges with other men. I loved the movie….put it in the safe so it is secure. Now, I want to give you the fucking of your life, I’m so turned on I can hardly stand it. He leaned up to her lips and kissed her then went back down between her legs and, with his tongue, began to give her the pleasure she lusted for.

Their bout of love making lasted for the next 3 hours, even Jason couldn’t compete with that. Colin was happy that Alisha had showed him the video. It bolstered his faith in her even more than it was already. He now knew that there was nothing she wouldn’t share with him and she knew there was nothing she couldn’t share with him. In their erotic world, everything was good.

The days flew by. Things were busy on the ranch. The weather was warming up and Alisha’s favorite time of the year was here. She rode Jack across the range one day, checking to see how the pastures were looking. The grass was beginning to grow and the snow was melting. She saw a flock of geese flying over headed north. Nature was at its best right now, with the promise of summer on the horizon.

The weekend was fast approaching and the first hunt of the season had Colin and Alisha finding themselves very excited. They both had been hitting their tanning bed, to make sure that their skin wasn’t too white and looked good. It was Friday and they would drive up to the property in the morning, trying to arrive about 10 am. That night, they had a slow session of intimacy, bringing them both to a fulfilled sense of being. A closeness that they both cherished deeply……….tomorrow, anything goes.

Morning came……they arose with a high sense of anticipation of the weekend to come.
They got into Alisha’s truck and headed for the Hunt Club. When they arrived at the property, Alisha stopped at the gate and put the magnetic key into the receptacle. The gate swung open and they drove in, the gate shutting behind them. There had been many changes since Alisha was here last. The first and most noticeable was the new security fence that surrounded the property. It was a 10ft high chain link with razor wire on the top. In the past, they had had some problems with the wildlife and knowing exactly where the boundaries were. Now, the boundaries were absolute and the newsletter had said that a crew had cleared the premises of all wildlife, so there would be no confrontations this year like there had been in the past. They drove on about a mile, to the parking area. Alisha looked at Colin, “Are you ready for this?” she asked.

He looked at her and said, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

They got out of the truck and took all their clothes off, except for their shoes. Colin looked at Alisha’s perfect body and thought to himself ‘whoever catches her, gets the prize.”

They kissed each other and started down the path into the trees. Once inside they separated. Alisha stayed in the trees and in heavy cover, walking slowly, being aware of any movement or sound out of the ordinary. She knew she was the prey, but she had news for them. She was also going to be the hunter, she would stalk a guy and fuck him. She smiled as she thought about turning the tables.

She spotted a guy creeping through the brush. ‘There is my first capture’ she thought. She stealthily stalked him. Her mind was focused on “her prey” as she sneaked through the forest. Just then, arms and hands grabbed her and took her down to the ground. “Damn.” she said as the guy that had caught her rolled her over on her back and spread her legs. He was smiling as he pushed his cock into her wet pussy. She just went with the flow and wrapped around him and began thrusting into him as he fucked her. He didn’t have a real big cock, maybe 6 inches, but it was a good fuck. She had an orgasm and felt him blow his load of cum into her pussy. He pulled out, smiled at her and ran off into the forest.

Alisha was pissed, she had that other guy in her sights and was about to get him when she got caught. Alisha was about to get to her feet when two guys jumped out and caught her before she got to her feet. Both of them were fully erect and smiling. The one guy was on top of her immediately, she felt his cock searching for the entrance to her pussy, then slide in her cum filled hole. The other guy brought his cock to her mouth and pushed it to her lips. She smiled and took it into her mouth. She liked sucking a guy off, she was the one that got the prize here……she wanted his cum in her mouth and then in her stomach. The guy fucking her shot his load and got off of her, disappearing into the trees. The other guy, sensing that she hadn’t cum, rubbed her clit till he felt her climax, then shot his load in her mouth. It was warm and tasted great. She smiled at him as he took off into the forest.

When he split up with Alisha, Colin stayed in the trees, slowly moving along. He found a trail and followed it to a very dense patch of willows. He thought he’d hide in there and surely, a woman would come down the trail, not wanting to get off the trail into the trees……and he was right. He could see a tall redhead slowly moving down the trail, peering into the trees making sure no men were stalking her. When she got close to Colin, he sprang out of the willows and grabbed her. She was a beautiful woman, about 35 years old with huge breasts. She smiled when he grasped her, then she went down on the grass and waited for Colin to take her. He figured he must be the first man to catch her as she didn’t have a creampie showing. He’d take care of that little detail. He mounted her and they fucked for quite some time. He felt her cum and felt her warm juice spray all over his balls as he blew his hot sticky load inside of her. She was holding on to Colin like she was afraid of falling off. Colin thought that it was a bad rule, to not be able to talk, he wanted to tell her how fantastic she was, but, following the rules, he pulled out of her, smiled at her and left her.

He looked over his shoulder and saw three guys grab her before she could get to her feet. One was on top of her fucking her, mixing his sperm with his. The other two, patiently waited their turns, jacking off as they watched their friend banging that cute redhead. He creeped through the trees for the next hour or so and came upon an extremely beautiful woman resting on a patch of grass. She was not paying a lot of attention to her surroundings, as she was picking wild strawberries and eating them. She was down on her hands and knees picking, as he sneaked up behind her. He grabbed her by her hips and pushed his cock against her warm pussy lips. She spread her legs further and he slid in her. He knew he wasn’t the first to get her, she was too well lubed. He gave her a good fucking and moved on.

Colin and Alisha both got all the fucking they wanted. At dusk, Alisha went into the common area to get a blanket and something to eat. There she saw a couple of guys that had nailed her. They both checked her out as she walked in. She went to the food tent and got a meal and sat down to eat it and rest for a bit. Here, no one could take another so she sat quietly eating and drinking her bottle of water. When she finished it was beginning to get dark, so she got a couple of blankets and went back into the forest. She found a place that looked good to stay for the night. She put a blanket down on the grassy area and covered up with the other. She was getting warm and starting to get drowsy when she heard someone coming. She couldn’t tell who it was so she just laid there quietly. Soon she saw a shadow walking toward her. As the shadow got closer, she saw that it was another female. The woman tripped over Alisha and fell down next to her. The woman told her, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

Alisha, laughed, “I didn’t know who it was and I was staying very still, otherwise, I would have warned you.”

“Do you mind if I stay here with you tonight, this is the first time I’ve been here and I don’t know what to do.” she said.

Alisha pulled her blanket back and invited the woman under it with her. The woman introduced herself as ‘Jane’ and told Alisha that her boyfriend had brought her and hadn’t really indoctrinated her. She had been caught 6 times, each time the guy would pull out and run away leaving her unfulfilled.

Alisha explained the whole scenario to her and told her about the common area, where she could get food, water, blankets and any first aid that might be needed. Alisha liked the feel of her warm body close to her and Jane felt the warmth also. They moved closer to each other and Alisha felt Jane’s lips press against hers…..they embraced and began caressing each other. As the night moved on, they enjoyed each other’s bodies.

Near sunrise, they were locked in an embrace under the banket, oblivious to the world around them. Suddenly the blanket was jerked off of them. Alisha looked up and 4 men were standing there, stroking their cocks. One man said to the others, “Look boys, we have found breakfast. The 4 guys then took them, one after the other, making their prey moan with pleasure as they were fucked over and over. Sticky, warm cum ran from their cunts like rivers as the guys continued to pleasure themselves. Leaving the “prey” exhausted the men strode away into the trees. Alisha stood up, cum streaming down her legs. She told Jane goodbye and wandered off into the forest to see if she could find Colin.

As she searched she found a man sleeping. He was a good looking guy, well built. ’here is my chance’ she thought to herself as she sneaked up on him. When she got close she straddled his torso and awakened him. “Got cha,” she said. The guy woke up and realized he was the prey this time. He looked up at the beautiful woman astraddle of him and immediately surrendered. Alisha moved forward till her well fucked pussy was at his lips. He understood what she wanted and began to lick her pussy, thoroughly licking the cum from it, cleaning her totally.

Alisha came three times while he sucked her pussy clean of any remaining sperm. She needed a cock inside her so she slid down and put his hard cock inside her and began to ride him. In a short time, she felt him unloading inside her and felt another orgasm building, she embraced it and began to squirt all over her prey. When she finished she stood up, smiled at her prey and ran off into the trees. Again she could feel warm cum running down her legs as she walked. She found a secluded spot out of sight and rested. She was hungry and thought she should go to the common area and get something to eat. She sneaked through the trees till she found the clearing and went to get something to eat. There were several people there, men and women. She noticed all the women’s legs had streaks of dried cum tailing all the way down to their feet. She got her breakfast, sat down and began to eat. Someone was behind her, she turned to see Colin standing there.

“I see from your legs you’ve been caught?” he said pointing at the dried cum on the inside of her thighs.

“Yes, caught several times,: she said, “and I caught one and made him clean my pussy.”

Colin sat down, “Are you having a good time Alisha?” he asked.

“I guess its ok,” she replied, “It’s not as much fun as I remembered”

Colin smiled at her, “It was fun for the first few hours, then I got tired of fucking. I sat down by a little stream and rested. 4 women came out of the trees and grabbed me and made me clean them all. It was kind of hot, but I’ve tired of it…..I’d rather be in a warm bed with you.”

Alisha smiled at Colin. He could see her love for him in her eyes and the wanting for him. They chatted quietly and finished eating.

“What say we go back to the truck and go home,” he said to her.

Alisha was feeling the same thing, she wanted to be with her man, alone in his arms. “Ok, I’m in, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

They got up and started down the trail toward the parking area. They walked along, enjoying the morning. They arrived back at the parking lot, put their clothes on and headed home. Their conversation was different this morning. It was more about them being together than sharing and being shared……something very different than they had ever felt.

They arrived home and showered together, embracing and exploring the others body with their hands and eyes…..kissing and holding each other close. They dried each other off with soft towels, caressing each other more, building the desire between them. They went to their bed and slowly made love to each other over the next two hours, each only cumming once at the end…….together. They slept in a satisfied slumber that lasted till the next morning. They awoke in each other’s arms, made love again and then got ready for work. There was no discussion about the hunt club. Each was keeping to themselves their experiences there.

Colin went to his office and began his day. Thoughts of the weekend at the hunt club continued through his mind. For some reason, the things there just didn’t set well with him. Sure the sex was great, just grab a girl and fuck her, like a piece of meat. He had fucked several women while he was there, in that manner, and he didn’t like it. The lack of intimacy, not talking……..it all was just too impersonal. It had sounded exciting at first, but now, he didn’t care if he ever went back up there. If Alisha wanted it, though, he would do whatever she desired. He knew that he liked the relationship they had with Cody and Justin, it was intimate and personal and there was feeling there. He knew he needed to talk to Alisha about this and he didn’t want to put it off.

In the mean time, Alisha had arrived at her office and began the day, with the same thoughts in her head. She hadn’t enjoyed the hunt club at all. She had been taken in a way to which she was unaccustomed . She liked a little feeling and intimacy when she fucked someone, these guys were just out there to get their rocks off and go. Then the stupid rule about not being able to clean up, that sucked. She liked her pussy to be clean and fresh for the guys that she allowed to enter her. She remembered Jane and how her boyfriend had just took her there and put her out there without any indoctrination about how things worked or how to take care of herself. The poor girl didn’t even know that there were blankets and food available. She just knew that every time she turned around, she got put on the ground and fucked till the guys got their rocks off inside her and then left her lying on the ground. Alisha knew she had to talk with Colin about the hunt club and it had to be soon. If he wanted to return, she would go with him, just for him, but not for herself. She had to talk to him tonight when they got home.

Alisha looked up from her desk and saw her Dad drive up. He came in and went to his desk, saying good morning to her as he passed by. Something was the matter, his attitude was really bad. They worked in silence for some time before he got up and came to her desk and sat down in the chair across the desk from her. I

“I need to talk to you Alisha,” he said.

“Sure, what’s up Dad?” she said

“It’s your Mom again, she and I have been arguing all weekend. She is seeing someone, I’m sure of it….”

“Well, Dad,” she said, “it’s not like you’re not fucking someone else. I mean you’re fucking me and this chick down in New Mexico…….is that ok for you and not for her?”
Alisha knew her Mom still wanted Bob, but also had needs too.

“I guess you’re probably right, Pumpkin,” he said, “I guess that I’m being a little narrow minded…..I enjoy being with other women and I suppose I should not condemn her for wanting to be with someone else too.”

Alisha suggested , “Dad, why don’t you take Mom on a trip this weekend down to Santa Fe or Taos……somewhere you two can be alone and talk without any interruptions. Perhaps you two can talk this thing out and come up with a solution to your problems.”

“You know, that might be a good idea. I’m going up to the house and ask Anne if she’s willing and give it a try.”

Bob was on his feet and out the door in short order. Alisha hoped that they could get something worked out, she didn’t want to have to deal with their problems. In a couple of hours, as she was working on her computer, Bob came in the office.

“Alisha, you’re a genius, she agreed to go down to Santa Fe this weekend. We can go to the opera and spend some time alone and do some talking…….she said that this might be a good idea for us……we’re leaving this afternoon and won’t be back till sometime next week………wish us luck.”

Alisha hadn’t seen her Dad so happy in quite some time. She hoped that the trip would do both of them good…..meanwhile, she has a ranch to run and she needed to talk to Colin about the hunt club.

Alisha went home early and prepared a great dinner for Colin. When he arrived home, he was surprised at what Alisha had done. They sat down to eat and Alisha quickly brought up the subject of the Hunt Club.

“Colin, I need to talk to you about the Hunt Club. I’m not sure I really want to go there anymore.”

Colin smiled as he heard what Alisha said. He was grinning as he said, “Alisha, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you that I really didn’t like the Hunt Club, but I’d keep going if it is something you want.”

They both laughed when they realized that the other really didn’t want it. They had a light conversation during dinner before going to bed and making love. The Hunt Club problem had been solved.

The next morning, Colin told Alisha that he had to be out of town for a few days as he had to be in Detroit for some more meetings about his planned future expansion. He asked her if she wanted to come on the trip and meet some of the people he dealt with there. She declined as the breeding season was not finished yet and she needed to be here.

Colin packed and kissed Alisha and drove to the airport.



Alisha poured another cup of coffee and went out onto the patio. She sat down and watched a small group of deer as they grazed near her home. She thought to herself how all the things she had dreamed of were beginning to happen. Her plans for the ranch are coming together and in a year or so she will start to see the results, and, if she has planned right, they will be the beginning of what she wants most…….to have the largest ranch in Colorado, maybe even in the Southwest.

The coffee tastes especially good this morning. Her mind drifts off into her personal life and she thinks about all the men she has had sex with in her life and how she completely enjoyed every stroke of their cocks and tongues. Sex has always been an important part of her life. Perhaps to some, she can be called a whore, but she prefers to think of herself as a fulfilled woman….a woman that has taken control of her life and took what she wanted from it.

She knows she is a strong woman, capable of attaining most anything she sets her mind to and if she has to use her body to attain a goal………so be it, she will do it. In her marriage, she will do anything for Colin, including seducing a business associate that Colin needs an edge with. To her, sex is pleasure and the means to an end, nothing more. She laughs at people’s conventional view of sex…..the ones that say you must only fuck your husband and no one else…..bah ! Fuck for pleasure and fuck for success, that’s her view on it.

And speaking of fucking for pleasure, she is in need of a really big cock, something she will have before the day is over. Perhaps she will make contact with Fred. He has a cock that most women would kill for. Every time she has been with Fred, it’s been nothing less than great. He is her victim today. She has to pick up some feed today, she will set it up.

Alisha goes back to the kitchen and rinses her cup and fills her travel mug. Her day is beginning and it is a wonderful day. Alisha is on a mission this morning……finding that big cock for this evening is her first priority. As she drives to town she remembers the last time she was with Fred. She and Cody shared Fred last time and Fred about wore both of them down. As she nears the Coop, she is feeling wetness in her crotch and a building desire.

As she parks outside of the feed area, she sees Fred coming out of the door, smiling as he approaches her truck.

“Good morning Alisha, you’re looking as hot as ever.” he told her

“Thank you Fred, want to fuck me tonight?” she bluntly asked.

Her statement set Fred back a step or two, normally she wasn’t quite as blunt.
“Alisha, I’d fuck you any time or place you want. I’ve got a hard on right now if you want to come back into the back of the feed warehouse.” he teased.

“The imprint of a burlap feed sack on my ass is not exactly what I’m looking for Fred, I thought you might like to come over to my house later and we could have the whole night for pleasure, are you game?”

Fred smiled as he scratched his head, “What time do you want me there, I’ll be there.”

“What do you think about 7, I should be ready by then.” she told him.

“7 sounds good. What do you think about me bringing some toys with me, we can have a kinky night if you’d like, have you ever gotten completely kinky?” he asked her.

“No, but I can be as kinky as you want, let’s do it.” she smiled as she told him.

With the feed all loaded, she took off for the ranch. She was going to have to do something about her wet pussy, the conversation with Fred had excited her. Bob was gone for the day…..maybe Justin would take care of her needs this morning.

As she drove up to the barn, several of the guys came out to meet her.

“Good morning Alisha, want us to unload that feed?” one of them asked.

“I’d appreciate it if you would, has anyone seen Justin?” she asked.

One of them told her that he had seen him earlier headed up to the office. Alisha thanked him and walked toward the office. As she walked by the corrals, Jack had spied her and was standing at the fence watching her. She walked over and stroked his nose and talked to him. It was as though he understood every word. She noticed that he had his cock run out about 2 feet. She knew that he could smell her juices in her panties and it was exciting him.

“Too bad you’re so big Jack, otherwise I might entertain the idea of letting you fuck me. I think you’d split me in half if you pushed that big rod into my tight little pussy.” she laughed as she walked away.

Right now all she wanted is to get Justin’s cock inside her. When she arrived at the office, Justin was working on the computer. He smiled and acknowledged her as she came in.

“Are you busy, Justin?” she asked.

“Not really, what do you need Alisha?” he said to her.

“I want your cock, I’m horny as hell and I need a good fucking….you up for it?” she asked him.

“Am I up for it, I’m hard already.” he said to her.

“Great, let’s saddle up and go up to the lake, no one is working up in that area today….what do you think?”

“Let’s go,” he said.

The two of them went down to the barn and saddled their horses. Alisha told the guys that they were going up and check out the pasture up near the lake area and they would be back in a few hours. The ride was invigorating. The skies were clear and the sun was warm on her skin. She let Jack run, he was feeling great today, she could tell. Justin was staying up with her, anticipating what he was about to get from her. He truly loved Cody, but he also loved Alisha. The arrangement they had together was so beneficial for all involved. He could have Alisha anytime without fear Cody would get mad or Colin could have Cody anytime he wanted and no one cared. They all had a good open relationship. The lake was coming into view and Jack was in full stride, Justin not far behind. When Alisha arrived at the lake, she dismounted and removed the saddle from Jack and let him graze on the tender young grass that was growing there. Justin unsaddled his mount, hobbled her and released her to graze.

It hadn’t taken Alisha long to remove her clothing and run for the lake, diving in. Swimming in the lake was such an invigorating activity. The cold water made her feel alive and vibrant. Justin had jumped in and was in pursuit of her. He caught up to her and grabbed hold her and kissed her. She could feel his hard cock poking against her stomach. As they kissed, she took hold of his cock and began to stroke it. When Justin moaned, she submerged, went down and took it in her mouth and began to fondle it with her tongue. The water was crystal clear and all Justin could see was her long brunette hair floating weightlessly in the water…… he could feel her tongue licking and teasing his cock. All of a sudden, she was gone……swimming underwater toward the shore. Justin had lost sight of her and was trying desperately to find her. She popped up out of the water several feet from the shore. Justin watched as she emerged from the water and stood naked looking at him. She was absolutely beautiful, any man’s dream……and he was about to receive her charms. He swam to shore and took Alisha in his arms and kissed her again. She went to her saddle bags and pulled out a blanket she had brought. She spread it on the ground and laid down on her back and spread her legs for Justin. He stood there for a moment just enjoying the sight of her naked beauty.

“Come on big boy,” she said seeing his cock standing at full attention, “I want you.”

Justin went down on his knees between her legs. He leaned forward and kissed her as the head of his cock found the opening to her hot vagina. Justin eased the head inside her as he continued his deep kiss. He slowly worked it in and out, going a little deeper every stroke until his cock was buried inside Alisha, his balls lying on her beautiful ass.
Alisha wrapped her long beautiful legs around his ass and pulled him deeper into her. Her hands were on his sides, he was supporting his upper torso on his elbows, their nipples touching. Justin began thrusting into Alisha’s love tunnel making her whimper, wanting more and more.

“Fuck me good Justin, I need your cock, I need to feel your white hot cum spraying my insides and filling me. Oh my, fuck me Justin, fuck me.” Alisha whispered as she felt her orgasm building deep inside her.

In moments, Alisha began feeling an orgasm of gigantic proportions building and beginning. As the wave hit her she lunged her ass up into Justin, her pussy clamping down onto his hard rod pushing him over the edge. His cock swelled with a huge load of cum…..Alisha felt the load being injected into her, the hot spurts slamming into the walls of her vagina and filling her. It was a warm feeling as he continued to pump his hot sperm deep inside her. She could feel part of his hot load running out of her and down her ass crack. Justin had collapsed on top of her…..she could feel his heart beating against her chest as his cock continued to pulse. Her orgasm was overwhelming and made her loose all sense of being……wave after wave carrying her above the clouds. She had wrapped her arms around Justin and was pulling him close, still feeling the warmth of his hot load inside her. Their orgasms lasted for several minutes. When they ended, they both just lay there, exhausted. Justin managed to roll over onto his side off of her and she rolled over onto her side facing him, smiling.

“I want more of you Justin, you just lay there and enjoy.” she said as she pushed him onto his back and took her mouth to his wet cock. She began sucking on his flaccid member and in no time at all she had him hard as a rock again.

She could taste the telltale taste of his cum and hers on his hard cock. Alisha was a master at giving head to a man. She had him ready to unload another load of his hot sperm in just a few minutes. She felt his cock begin to swell inside her mouth. She grasped his balls and continued to pump her mouth up and down on his hard dick. In no time at all she felt the pulse as he delivered several shots of his hot cum into her oral cavity. She loved it and began swallowing all the cum she could handle. She loved the taste of it, savoring it like a gourmet meal. After he finished cumming, Alisha looked up at Justin as he stared down at her. A little trickle of his cum ran out of the corner of her mouth as she played with the last shots of his cum. She swallowed it, looking in his eyes, then wiped the small trickle onto her finger, then licked it off. She smiled at Justin, jumped up and ran to the water and jumped in…….laughing as she ran. Justin rolled over onto his side and watched her as she ran away from him. He could see large streams of his cum running down the insides of her legs. What a woman, he thought to himself, watching her breasts bounce as she ran.

Justin just laid there watching Alisha. She was truly one of the best sights he has ever seen. Her body was perfect, she was beautiful and she was the sexiest woman he had ever met. He stood up and walked out onto the small dock and sat down. He placed his feet into the water and watched Alisha swim on her back, her tits rising out of the water. It was amazing how her nipples were standing up hard, her areolas were swelled ……..she had beautiful tits. She swam toward the dock and Justin. Looking at her perfect tits, he began to get hard again.

“You are one gorgeous woman, Alisha and I sure like fucking you. Matter of fact, get up here on this dock and I’ll fuck you again.” His cock was standing fully erect in anticipation of entering her hot moist pussy again.

Alisha smiled at him, turned and started swimming way, laughing as she went. Justin stood and dived in, gliding through the water and coming up under her. He grabbed her and pulled her under the water, then kissed her. They drifted weightless in the water kissing and holding each other. Alisha took hold of Justin’s cock and started jacking him off while she kissed him. His hands found her tits and began to squeeze her sensitive nipples causing a reaction he didn’t expect. As they surfaced and shook the water from their heads, Justin felt her wrap her legs around him and pull his cock inside her. They were treading water furiously as Alisha ground her pussy against him. After several minutes of intense fucking, Alisha broke loose and swam toward shore, Justin in hot pursuit. When she reached the shore, she got out of the water and ran for the blanket. Justin saw her fall down onto the blanket on her back and spread her legs, waiting for him to enter her wet pussy. He fell on top of her and slid his hard cock into her wetness till his balls bounced on her ass. Justin fucked her with a vengeance, urgently wanting to unload his balls into her waiting cunt. Within minutes, Justin felt the contractions in Alisha’s tummy, he knew she was cumming. The thought of it pushed him over the edge and he began to spray her insides with hot sperm. Alisha felt it running out around his cock and down her ass crack.

She looked at Justin as he pulled his cock out of her. He smiled at her with a shit eating grin and went down between her legs and began to eat her out. He licked out the thick gobs of his cum and swallowed it. Alisha laid back, spread her legs wider for him and enjoyed the ride. In just a short time, she began to cum, spraying her juice all over his face. Justin took as much as he could in his mouth and swallowed it. When she finished, she got up and ran for the lake again. It was getting late and she needed to clean up a little and get back to the ranch. After she washed herself in the cool clear water, she got to her clothes and began to get dressed…..Justin following suit. They rode slowly going back to the ranch, talking and laughing. They were both feeling really good. When they reached the ranch, most of the guys were gone.

As she dismounted, she saw a stranger coming out of the barn, a black man, fully 6 ft 4 inches and weighing at least 235.

“Who the hell is that?” she asked looking at this very handsome man.

Justin turned and looked at the guy walking toward them. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I hired and new guy……his name is Art. I told him he could bunk down at the bunk house if he wanted. Alisha checked him out as he continued walking toward them.

“Art, this is the boss lady, Alisha.” Justin said to him as he walked up.

Art smiled widely at Alisha, as his eyes undressed her. “It’s very nice to make your acquaintance, ma’am.” He said to her.

Alisha had noticed a huge bulge in Arts jeans and thought to herself, “He must have at least a 12 inch cock and I’m going to get a look at that monster.” She extended her hand out to him and shook hands with him saying, “Welcome to the Singletree, I hope you’ll be happy here. She handed Jack’s reins to Justin and asked him to unsaddle him for her. She turned and walked away toward the office. Art’s eyes followed her as she walked away, “Damn, Justin……….that’s one hot boss lady.”

Justin replied, “You don’t know how hot my friend.” Art continued to watch her walk away. He thought out loud, “I’m going to get me a piece of that white pussy before I leave here, guaranteeeeeeed.” Justin continued unsaddling Jack and just laughed to himself.

Little did he know that Alisha was thinking the same thing as she walked away, knowing that Colin would love to watch a black man fuck her……he had said so many times that it was the hottest thing he had ever watched. She would have to work on that later, now she had to get home and get cleaned up for Fred, he’d be there in an hour and she wanted to feel well fucked in the morning………very well fucked.

Alisha got home, poured herself a double Patron and took a shower. She dressed in just a lace bra and a thong, no sense in being overdressed just to have to strip and get fucked. She heard Fred drive up and get out of his truck. When he rang the door bell, she opened the door and Fred just stood there and smiled.

“Damn girl, you look good enough to eat,” he told her.

“Well, come on in and eat me Fred, I am ready for some really wild fucking tonight.”

He smiled as he came in and began to remove his clothes. “Alisha, you’re going to get the fucking of your life tonight, believe me, I’ve been thinking about you all afternoon.”

He picked up Alisha in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her down and buried his face in her sweet pussy. Fred ate her for the better part of an hour, making her cum three times. He crawled between her beautiful long legs and pushed his manhood deep into her hot and wet pussy. Fred fucked her hard for about an hour. Alisha felt that he was getting ready to cum and told him, “Fred, put your cum in my mouth, I want to swallow all you have. Fred pulled out of her pussy and brought his hard, wet cock to her mouth as he unloaded a full load of hot sperm into her oral cavity.

Alisha gulped down his hot thick cum like a baby bird getting fed by its mother. After he finished ejaculating, she sucked him hard again and he went back to pounding her sopping wet pussy. After a half hour he filled her with his hot seed………she could feel his cock pulsing his hot cum deep inside her womb. When he finished, they just lay there, Fred enjoying the sight of Alisha’s naked body lying there with his cum oozing out of her and down her crack. Alisha was exhausted, but Fred wasn’t finished with her yet.

Fred wanted more, he rolled her over and pushed her legs as far apart as he could. He pushed his fingers into her sopping wet pussy and dragged a glob of his thick cum to her ass hole and pushed a finger past her ring. He worked his finger in and out of her ass till it relaxed some then added a second finger. He took his fingers back down to her dripping pussy and dragged another wad of his cum up to her ass and lubed her good. He crawled up between her legs, pushed his cock into her pussy to lube it then pushed the head into her ass. He slowly fucked his cock inside her ass an inch at a time till the whole thing was buried inside her.

Alisha couldn’t move, she was so exhausted from the fucking Fred had given her so far. He began to push his love stick in and out of her ass, making her moan with every stroke………..then he unloaded another load of hot cum deep inside her. Alisha could feel the spurts of his hot cum splashing against the walls of her colon and heard Fred moan as he continued to dump inside her. Her body began to convulse again in a major orgasm, leaving her totally wasted. When he finished, he got up and told her he was going to go fix a drink and would be back in a few minutes and she should be ready for some more of his cock.

Fred returned in a short while, Alisha had not moved. He sat his drink down and rolled Alisha over on her back and pushed his cock deep into her pussy once again. He fucked her for over an hour before pulling his cock out of her and shooting his cum all over her stomach and tits. Fred had again given Alisha another 5 major orgasms. Alisha was so weak she could hardly even talk, much less move. Fred stood over her, enjoying the sight of this beautiful woman lying helpless before him as he told her, “Alisha, you are one beautiful woman……..I’m not even close to finished with you. Fred smiled as his cock hardened again and he continued his assault on her pussy and ass. She heard him say that he had taken two Viagra so he could keep his cock hard for her. She wanted to be well fucked, well it was happening.

At sunrise, Fred got dressed, leaned over Alisha’s well fucked body and kissed her. “Thank you for a wonderful night Alisha, you were absolutely fantastic. Sorry I have to go to work this morning, or I’d stay here and fuck you some more. You’re just great.”

“CALL MEEEE !” he said to her as he prepared to leave.

He stood back and took a long gaze at this beautiful woman that he had ravaged all night long. Alisha couldn’t move, she just wanted to sleep…..she was so worn out from having so many orgasms. She closed her eyes and slept. At about 3 pm she woke up and sat up on the edge of the bed. She stood and felt Fred’s cum running out of her pussy and ass. She looked down and saw huge globs of his cum dripping out of her gaping pussy. His cum was all over her body from him pulling out and cumming on her. Her hair was matted from Fred’s cum. She made her way to the shower and bathed herself inside and out. She felt so good………she had not been fucked this good in a long time….Fred was a real stud, no doubt about it. She smiled as she remembered him standing over her well fucked body after he had kissed her goodbye. She would have to have him again, soon. He really knew how to fuck a woman and make her feel great.

Alisha didn’t do a lot after that night, she just lay around the house and rested, her pussy was really sore and her outer lips were swollen. Her hole was still gaping somewhat from Fred’s thick cock. Her mind had been in a fog the whole time Fred was taking her over and over. She smiled remembering that night. She went to bed and slept. Monday was tomorrow and she had a lot to do.

Morning came and she was up early, had breakfast and went to the office. She had to finish up the data input then go to the bank and take care of the operating note. As she worked, flashbacks of the night with Fred kept popping into her head. Each time, she would smile and feel his cock inside her. That was one of the best fucks she had experienced in a long while. After she left the bank she stopped at the Coop……..Fred came walking out to her truck with a big grin on his face.

“Did you get enough Alisha, did I do you good?” he asked.

“Fred, you gave me the best fucking I’ve gotten in a long time, I just stopped by to thank you, you’re still the best.” She told him.

“Hell, the only thing missing was that hot little sister of yours, I think I could have given her just as much as I gave you.”

“And Cody would have loved every inch of you too.” She told him. “I need to go, thanks Fred, for one hell of a great evening…..oh and by the way, I did tape the whole session if you want a copy. My husband likes to watch me getting fucked, I guess I forgot to tell you that.” Alisha smiled as she drove off. She laughed as she thought, “that really took that smug look off his face didn’t it.” She knew that Colin would really like this tape.

When she got back to the ranch, Justin was in the office working. Did you have a good weekend Alisha?” he asked.

“Oh yes, I had a great weekend, I really didn’t do much, just relaxed. After you finished with me the other day, I was really tired and just rested.”

Justin just smiled and continued working. “Oh, the other day after you left us at the barn, the new man, Art………well he has it in his mind he is going to get a piece of that good looking white ass of yours. I just laughed.”

“Oh he did, did he? I guess I may just to have a talk with that man and straighten him out.” She said. She had no intention of letting Justin know that she was going to probably have his black cock buried deep inside her when Colin returned. Alisha thought to herself, I’m still a whore, but I love every inch of it. She returned to her data input, smiling inside. In her mind she was already getting that black cock, she couldn’t wait till Colin got home and run it past him and see what he thinks.

As the day progressed Alisha finished her data entry and went home. Her crotch was really sore, Fred had almost fucked her to death, but what a way to go…..he he he. After a good long shower and a soak in the Jacuzzi tub, then she stretched out on the couch with a large glass of iced tea and watched a movie.

Colin would be home tomorrow, he had called and told her that he had some great news, but wouldn’t tell her what it is till he got home. Alisha was really relaxed and fell asleep watching the movie. When she awoke, the sun was breaking through the window. She sat up on the couch, pissed that she had fell asleep there. She stood, stretched and went to the kitchen to make coffee……….she really needed it. She had a meeting today with the Water Commissioner, she hoped it didn’t last long.

As she got dressed, she stopped and admired her body in the mirror…..it is perfect and she will keep it this way. Once dressed, she went to the ranch. Maybe she can have a little fun and tease the new guy a little…….he damn sure needs to have the wind taken out of his sails and she knew she could do it very easily. What a surprise it will be to him when she gets him in bed. Right now, though, he doesn’t need to know a thing………’it’s gonna be a fun day at the office Alisha,’ she thought to herself.

When Alisha drove into the ranch, she saw that her Mom and Dad were home and Justin’s truck was at the office. She went in and started talking with Justin about the summer rotation on the high country and she also needed to find the additional stock they needed. Justin told her that he had found about 250 head of bred heifers in Texas. The price was reasonable. It seemed that the owner was running out of pasture due to the extended drought and needed to move them quickly. Alisha decided one of them would go down and look at them. Perhaps she could get Colin’s jet for a day so one of them could make a day trip out of it. She told Justin that she would check on the availability of the jet and let him know.

“We really need to move on this quickly before someone else jumps on this deal…..I think I’ll call Colin right now and see if we can use his plane tomorrow….are you free to go?”

“Yeah, I can go tomorrow, I’m in good shape right now for a few days. We just have to move the stock up on the Forest Service land and the guys can handle it.” He told her.

She called Colin on his cell phone. He answered and told her he was only about an hour and a half from home. She asked him about using the jet tomorrow and he told her it was free for the rest of the week and she could use it if she wanted. She told him she would let him know when he got home.

“Also, honey, I’ve come across some fun for us that I’ll talk with you later at home, I think you’re going to like this.”

“Ok, if it involves fun with you, I’m in, I’ll tell you that already,” he laughed.

“Ok, darling, love you see you later!” she told him as she hung up.

“Well, Justin, the plane is free, do you want to go and do this, I trust your judgement and I don’t really want to go, I have something to take care of……take Cody, she would probably like the trip.”

“Sure, Alisha, I’ll take care of it…………I’ll ask Cody if she wants to go, I’ll bet she will.”

At about that time, Bob came in and wished them a good morning. “I’m sure glad to be home,” he told them.

Alisha got up and went and hugged her Dad. “How are things with Mom?” she asked him.

“Things are fine, back to normal. We had a lot of heart to hearts and a lot of discussion, things are all worked out.” He told her.

“I’m glad, I was a little worried.” She said.

Alisha and Justin filled Bob in on everything that had been happening while he was gone. Bob was happy to hear that everything was running smoothly. “Well, guys, I’m going to town and bullshit with the bullshiters at the coffee shop. I’ll see you guys later.” Bob got into his pickup and left.

Justin told her that he needed to go get the guys lined out for the time he would be gone.

“Justin, why don’t you have that new guy, what’s his name, Art…………….come to the office, I need to get the rest of his information for his file and I’ll inform him of the protocol around here and while he finishes up his paperwork.” She said.

“Not a problem, I’ll send him up……see you later.” He said as he left.

In about a half hour, Art came in the office. “Want to see me boss?” he asked her.

“Yes, have a seat and we can get the rest of your paperwork finished up.” She told him.

Art spent quite a while finishing up the ranch personnel paperwork. When he finished, Alisha asked him, “So what makes you think you’re going to get a piece of my white ass?”

Art was visibly embarrassed, he really didn’t know what to say. “ Well, er, I…….well I …..gee I don’t know what to say. I just know that you are the most beautiful and powerful woman I’ve ever met…..I was just fantasizing, I guess.”

Alisha grinned at him and told him “You and a hundred other guys, I’m used to it, but, I would be careful, Dad is home and if he had heard you, you’d probably be buried somewhere out on the ranch……he loves his little girl.”

He looked at her and smiled………I catch your drift Boss, I’ll watch what I say in the future.” He breathed a sigh of relief.

“And, by the way, I want you to come to the office in the morning, as long as there is no one here. I want to talk to you in private.”

“Ok, boss, I’ll be here in the morning when everyone leaves.” He was really curious about what she wanted him for…..oh well, he’ll find out tomorrow.

Alisha had a meeting at the water office in about an hour. She had a few errands to run so she decided to go get them done before she goes to the meeting with the water commissioner.

As she did her errands, she thought about the night she had with Fred. Man, she hadn’t gotten a fucking like that in a long time….it tired her completely out, but if felt so good. She finished her errands and finished with the meeting when Colin called and told her he was back in Alamosa. He was going to the dealership but would be home in about an hour.

“I really want you, Alisha. I’ve missed you a lot.” He told her.

I’ll meet you at home later, I’m finished for the day, only a few more errands to run and I’ll go home, clean up and have dinner ready for you when you get home,:” she said. She really hoped that her pussy was ready, it still kind of hurt.

“Ok, I’ll see you when I get there, probably be a couple of hours.”

Alisha finished her errands and went by the market to get something special for dinner then went home. She did steaks on the grill, baked potato and green beans with a tossed salad. Everything was perfection.

Colin arrived home about the time the steaks came off the grill. He came to Alisha and held her close and kissed her passionately. They had missed each other a lot and Colin was intent on getting his desert first, before dinner.

As he was kissing her, he was taking her clothes off and dropping them to the floor……….Alisha was disrobing Colin at the same time. As soon as they were both naked, Colin pushed Alisha, front first over the back of the couch and pushed his hard cock deep into her belly. He fucked her hard and Alisha loved every inch of him. Within minutes, Alisha was cumming and pushing her wet pussy back against Colin…..she could feel his balls rubbing against her clit as he pushed against her. Her orgasm was violent and the contractions of her vagina almost crushed Colin’s cock. The pressure was intense and pushed him to a gigantic climax. She felt hot cum flooding her cunt. She could feel the hot streams of his cum splashing against her insides and running out of her and down the insides of her legs. When Colin finished cumming, he pulled Alisha up, turned her around and kissed her again.

Her mouth opened and his tongue went deep inside her oral cavity. Alisha told Colin that she loved him deeply and she could never love anyone else the rest of her live. Colin gave her another deep kiss and told her she was the love of his life and he was her slave. After they cooled off, they went to dinner. Alisha didn’t do the dishes, they went straight to bed and fucked again and again. Her belly was totally filled with his cum.

When they got up the next morning, a huge gush of cum ran out of Alisha and down her legs…….she smiled as she remembered receiving each shot of it the night before. Colin loved seeing his wife like that, well fucked, leaking cum.

As they drank their morning shot of coffee, Colin asked her what she had to tell him that was so important she wouldn’t do it on the phone. Alisha grinned devilishly and told him, “Colin, do I have a treat in store for you……..there is a new guy at the ranch that I think you’d like to watch fuck me………..he’s young, black and I think he has a huge cock. I was thinking you could be in the room with us while he services me. He’s a good looking guy and I know he wants me, so I think it would be very easy…..what do you think?”

Colin was smiling from ear to ear, “I’d love to see a big black guy take you over and over and fill you with his cum, I think that would be so hot……do you really want to fuck a nigger Alisha? Don’t get me wrong, I want to see it happen, a big black guy on your beautiful white body……mmmmmm , I can hardly wait, when do you want to do it?”

Alisha thought about it for a little while and told him, “How about Friday night, I’ll have him come over about 9 and plan on all night……and Colin, I want to do you too, OK?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way beautiful. He told her he had to go to work and would see her later.

Alisha was very happy that Colin wanted this to happen, she was already thinking about Art sliding into her wet pussy and filling her belly with his black seed…..mmm she was horny so she pulled her jeans down and rubbed herself till she came.

“Now, I’m ready to go to work,” she said to herself.

When Alisha arrived at the ranch, her Dad was in the office playing a game on his computer.

“Looks like you’re really busy this morning,” she said to him laughing.

“Yeah, I’m kinda bored, I really don’t have anything to do anymore, I feel kind of useless,” he said to her.

“Well Dad, you know that you can’t handle the everyday things on a ranch anymore, don’t you?” she asked.

“I know, age takes away most of a person’s fun, hell, I can’t even get a hard on any more without Cialis or Viagra !” he laughed.

“Well, at least you can use the pill and still get it up…..once it’s hard, just go to work with it and enjoy it.” She told him grinning.

He laughed. “You know, when you let me fuck you, that was the best sex I’ve ever had, Alisha. I just felt kind of strange fucking my daughter. But…..damn, you’re a real good looking woman and I can tell you that you are one damn good piece of ass. That Colin is one lucky son of a bitch to have you. You know, back when your Mom was your age, the sex was great with her, but we just kind of drifted apart……I really don’t know what happened between us, but she changed.”

“Well, Dad, you know that if you get really horny and need a quick fuck, you can call me, I’ll take care of you.” She told him as she kissed him on the cheek and pulled his head to her tits.

Bob was a happy guy after he talked with Alisha. “Perhaps I will need your services soon, if you’re up for it.”

“Anytime Dad, just say the word…….do you want me now? All the guys are working fence up on the high range, no one is around.”

Bob thought for a minute and said, “Why not, just a quickie will take care of me.”

Alisha went and closed the shades and locked the door. When she came back, she kissed Bob and undone her jeans and pulled them and her panties down to her ankles and leaned forward over the desk, exposing her beautiful shaved pussy to him. Bob pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees and exposed his hard cock.

“Damn, Alisha………I don’t even need a pill when it’s you,” he told her.

Alisha looked back and saw that he had a raging hard on, she smiled and told him, “Ok, big boy, get to it.”

She laid down on the desk and felt Bob rubbing the big head of his cock up and down her wet slit. Then she felt him push it inside her. In one long, steady push he put his 8 inches in her and began to fuck her. It felt good to her, he wasn’t as big as some and damn sure isn’t as big as what she will probably get later, but it will make her cum.

She could feel Bob pushing faster and harder, she knew he was getting close to cumming. Her orgasm had begun. It wasn’t a huge orgasm, but it was going to be a good one. She felt it begin deep down inside her and continue till it engulfed her whole body. Her muscles were contracting and her pussy tightened around Bob’s cock, pushing him into a orgasm. His hands were grasping her hips as he pushed his cock in her as deep as he could, he felt his balls tighten and his cock swell as he shot a huge load of his hot cum deep inside Alisha. She could feel it spurting against the walls of her vagina…..it was hot and felt good, pushing her into another orgasm. When both had finished their climax, Bob pulled out, his hand was in the middle of her back holding her down on the desk.

“I just enjoy watching my cum run out of a fresh fucked pussy,” he told her. He watched as a wad of his cum appeared between her puffy outer lips. He picked it up on the end of his index finger and held it out to Alisha. She greedily licked it off and smiled at him. She stood and pulled her underwear and jeans back up. Bob did the same.

“Thanks Alisha, that really felt good and it’ll keep me sane,” he told her while he was pulling his jeans up. I think I’ll go to town and have some coffee with the guys,” he said as he put his hat on and opened the door. Alisha opened the blinds and went to her desk. She didn’t mind fucking Bob, it was the least she could do for him, after all, because of him, she would own this whole ranch, alone, some day. It was worth a little incestuous behavior as long as it got her what she wanted.

After Bob left the office, she decided to go down to the barn and check on the supplemental feed inventory. She thought that it might be getting low and because all the guys were out on the ranch working, she would just go do it herself.

It was a beautiful day, the blue sky was a very intense blue today. The air was cool and a gentle breeze blew her hair as she walked toward the barn. When Alisha got to the barn, she went to the feed storage area and began counting the bags of the different types of feed they kept. While she was counting the bags, she heard a pickup drive up to the barn. ‘It’s just one of the guys coming in to get some supplies,’ she thought to herself.

Alisha was very into the count, not wanting to make a mistake, so she did not pay any attention to who came into the barn. Suddenly she felt two strong hands on her shoulders, turning her around. It was Art, the new guy.

“Hi there boss lady,” he said to her, holding her shoulders tightly.

“What are you doing, let go of me !” Alisha snapped at him.

“Well now Alisha, you don’t mind if I call you Alisha do you?” he said, “I thought that you and I could get a little better acquainted.” His strong hands and arms pulled her to him and he kissed her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. As he did this, he pushed her back onto the pile of bags of feed and leaned over her.

Alisha really didn’t mind the kiss or his hands on her, but she still protested trying to play a little hard to get. She was thinking about her plans to seduce him and let Colin watch or even participate while she enjoyed his black cock.

“What the fuck are you trying to do Art, turn me loose, I’m not going……” she was saying as he put his lips to hers again and began another long wet kiss.

When he stopped kissing her he looked deeply into her eyes, “Alisha, I want you and I’m going to fuck you………just relax, I promise you’ll enjoy it……all of it.”

He was standing between her legs, holding her down on the feed bags. Alisha could feel his hardness pressing against her cum filled pussy. It was still wet from Bob’s load and her juices were running freely also.

“What makes you think I want to fuck you, you asshole.” She snapped at him, trying to break free from his grasp.

“Well, I haven’t met many white women that didn’t want to try out a big black cock…at least once,” he said, “and I think that from the way you’ve looked at me lately, you want a little of this cock.”

Art removed his hands from her shoulders. His left hand went to her throat while his right hand went down to her belt buckle and zipper. As she tried to raise up, his powerful left hand squeezed on her throat, cutting off the air supply. When she stopped resisting, he loosened his grip and she could breathe again. While her mind was occupied with being unable to breathe, she had not noticed that Art had opened her jeans and pulled them and her panties down past her knees. His hand was then unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her bra covered breasts.

“You sure do have a nice body there Alisha and I’m fixin’ to enjoy it…….you’ll enjoy it all too, believe me, “ he told her.

Alisha was actually enjoying it all, she liked the feeling that she was being raped by a black man. “You don’t have to do this Art, turn me loose,” she screamed at him.

Art was intent on the final goal and was going to have it. He really didn’t know that he was doing exactly what Alisha wanted. He saw that the hook for the bra was in front so he masterfully unsnapped it and let her perfect tits free. He feasted his eyes on them and began to fondle them with his right hand. As she began to struggle a little, she felt his left hand tighten on her throat again. She quit resisting and let him continue his assault on her.

Art looked at her body and told her again, how beautiful she was. He began to undo his jeans and quickly had kicked his boots off and kicked out of his jeans. For the first time, Alisha saw his cock. She couldn’t believe her eyes, it was rock hard and at least 12 inches long and almost as big around as her wrist. It reminded her of Jason’s cock, the guy in Hawaii. “You’re not going to put that thing in me, you asshole,” she screamed at him, knowing she wanted it ………all of it.

“Just relax and enjoy beautiful, you’ll be fine.” He smiled at her.

With his foot, Art pushed her jeans and panties all the way down to her ankles then pulled her to her feet, turned her around and pushed her forward over the feed bags. His big hand was holding her down by the back of her neck. She could feel his fingers probing her pussy.

When his finger slipped inside her wet love hole, he said, “From the smell and look of things back here, I think that some guy has already filled your sweet pussy with his spunk this morning…..has some guy already fucked you this morning, Alisha?” he said to her.

She felt his hand tighten on the back of her neck when she didn’t answer. He squeezed tighter and tighter till it began to hurt. “Yes, Art, I’ve already been fucked today.” She snapped back at him. As he released the pressure on her neck, she felt him sliding the head of his cock up and down her slit………..it really felt good, but she continued to play the role and resist…….then he slammed the whole 12 inches of hard cock into her wet pussy, in one forceful thrust. She was overcome with the piercing pain she felt as that big monster rod plunged into her depths. Art was holding her down by the shoulders as he rammed his shaft in and out of her. Alisha was still feeling some pain, but she was still experiencing a lot of pleasure also. After several minutes of being roughly fucked, she started to moan and groan with pleasure, having her first orgasm. Her body was tensing and quivering……..feeling this, Art stepped up the pace. She could hear the squishing sound of his cock pumping her and she could feel Bob’s cum and her hot juices running down the insides of her legs. Art could hear her moaning and knew she was cumming,

“See, I told you you’d enjoy it, didn’t I,” he was laughing as he said it to her.

By now, Alisha was into the pure pleasure of him fucking her and Art didn’t have to hold her down. His hands had hold of her hips and he was pulling and pushing her ass as he fucked her. He leaned over her, still thrusting, and grasped her tits. He was gently pinching her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, adding to the intense pleasure she was already feeling. She slipped into another orgasm, feeling his huge cock stretching her to the limits.

She could feel that his big cock had stretched the opening in her cervix and his cock was entering her womb……..she felt completely filled with cock and it felt great. Art had not cum, he had such staying power, she was thinking. Alisha had experienced at least 6 orgasms and was beginning another one when she felt Art push his huge cock all the way inside her, his balls slapping her clit. She felt his cock beginning to enlarge as she felt his hot black seed filling her womb. The powerful streams of his cum were splashing against the walls of her uterus, making her feel all warm inside.

Her orgasm continued as she felt his cock pulse each time he delivered a big stream of hot cum. Alisha was completely relaxed. Art laid down on her back, breathing heavily, his cock still buried inside her. It had softened quite a bit, but was still inside her. Art stood up and grasped the base of his cock and squeezed it as he pulled it out of her well fucked pussy……it was stretched and gaping open, his cum running out of her like a small stream. He backed off and sat down on some feed bags and feasted his eyes on Alisha, still bent over the feed bags, her pussy stretched open and his white thick cum oozing out of her and down her legs.

As she regained her composure, she stood and turned to Art. “Well, asshole, did you enjoy fucking me?” she asked Art in a raised voice.

“Yes I did, a whole lot, Alisha…….did you enjoy it?” he asked her, smiling.

Alisha couldn’t hold it any longer and began to smile, “I liked the fuck out of it, you big dicked nigger!” she said to him as she kicked her boots off, then stepping out of her jeans and panties.

“Guess what else, you rapist,” she said to him, “I want some more of that horse dick of yours, that thing is incredible.”

Art’s cock had gone completely soft. Seeing that Alisha pulled her open shirt and bra off then leaned down over is cock and took it in her mouth. She could taste the mixture of his and Bob’s cum and her juices intermingled. His cock was still 8 inches long soft, but she could feel it beginning to get hard again. She was going to deep throat it while she still could. She knew that she couldn’t get all that cock in her mouth when it was hard.

She licked his balls, then ran her tongue up the underside of his cock to the head, then wrapped her lips around the big head and massaged it with her tongue, tasting small spurts of cum, periodically shooting into her oral cavity. Art was moaning as she sucked and jacked him. He knew she had wanted him and he was thoroughly enjoying this white bitch in heat. Feeling he was going to cum if she continued, Art stood and laid Alisha on the feed bags on her back. Her feet went up onto his shoulders as he penetrated her again.

Alisha’s cunt was already stretched, so his cock glided into her wet pussy easily. His arms were around the outside of her legs, his hands squeezing her big tits as he slid his black snake in and out of her wanting pussy. When the head of his cock entered her pussy, he slid it in slowly and deliberately…..she could feel it when it contacted her cervix, then felt the head push its way through the hole in her cervix and on into her uterus. The feeling was so damn good, she began to cum almost immediately. This time Art fucked her with long slow strokes and fucked her for over an hour, giving her numerous orgasms, one after the other. Alisha was completely fucked out and lay there on her back, lost somewhere in the ultimate pleasure of sex. Art continued to fuck her deliberately and could feel the semen in his balls building to a climax.

“Alisha, do you want to taste my cum in your mouth, I’ve got a load on the way and I want you to eat all my cum.” He said to her.

That brought Alisha to life, “Hell yes I want to eat your cum, “she said to him as he pulled out and she went to her knees. Art pushed his cock into her mouth as she grasped it, jacking him off as she sucked it. When Art shot his load, it was overwhelming to Alisha…….she couldn’t swallow fast enough and a lot of his jizz spilled down over her tits and ran down her flat stomach. When he finished cumming, his sperm was all over her body and in her hair.

Art just stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of this beautiful white woman covered in his cum and licking her lips wanting more. He couldn’t believe he had actually had her, she was fantastic.

Alisha stood, “If you want, there’s a shower down by the end of the barn, want to join me. Art smiled as they picked up their clothes and walked to the shower. Art stopped her momentarily and kissed her, “Thank you Alisha, you’re wonderful,” he told her. They had both had all the sex they wanted……for now. They took a shower , got dressed and went back to the feed storage area.

Alisha smiled at Art, “Art, if you ever want to fuck me again, you’d better keep your mouth shut. If my Dad or any of the ranch hands ever find out, they’ll hang you somewhere and bury you up on the ranch somewhere……I’m not kidding, take me seriously.”

“Don’t worry about me , Alisha, I won’t say a word……..I don’t want to get lynched,” He told her, “besides, I want some more of that white pussy of yours.”

Alisha went on her way feeling well fucked and satisfied. She had fucked a black guy and it was great…..she’d have to tell Colin about the experience with a black man. On one of his trips he had screwed a black woman and told her that it was one of the best fucks he had ever had………something about black people…… they are experts at fucking.

The morning had passed very quickly and Alisha had a lot of work to do in the office. Fall was approaching and they would be bringing the cattle out of the mountains soon.
As Alisha gazed out of the window of her office, she saw Justin driving up to the office.
She was always glad to see him, he was her brother in law, but more than that, he is the best foreman she has ever been around……..and a very good friend.

“Bad news,” Alisha, “we’ve found three calves dead up on the high range. Looks like a bear kill. He only ate his fill from one of them, the other two….he just killed for fun. What do you want to do?”

“First have all the guys take rifles up there when they go check the cattle and tell them to shoot the bastard on sight. I was planning on being up there myself for the next few days, and I’ll see if I can find him. I’m going to put in a call to Monte Roberts and see if I can hire him and his dogs to come hunt the son of a bitch…..that’s a good place to start.” She told him.

That afternoon she got hold of Monte and told him her problem. He told her that he would be glad to take care of this problem for her, but couldn’t get there for at least a week. Alisha told him to just plan on coming when he finished what he was doing and that was agreeable to him.

The next few days Alisha rode the high range checking on the cattle but only got a glimplse of a bear going into the trees quite a distance away. She took a shot but missed. In the next few days, she only found a little sign but nothing else. She would wait for Monte, he’d get him.

Alisha spent the next several days working in the office. Monte called one afternoon and told her that he would be to the ranch the next morning. Alisha told him that she was going up to the high range with him, she wanted to see the bastard killed. She headed home early to get her gear packed and get ready to go the next day.

The next morning as the sun rose over the Rockies, Alisha sipped her morning coffee looking out the window of her bedroom. She glanced over at the bed, where her husband, Colin, lay sleeping. She was thinking about the hunt and going up with Monte. She didn’t think that Colin was real keen on her going up there and staying till they killed the bear, but she did want to see that culprit killed. She knew that Monte Roberts has been hunting problem animals for many years. At 38, he has become one of the best and most sought after problem solvers in the intermountain area.

Alisha is an accomplished hunter, being the son her Dad never had. She had tried to kill the bear herself for the past several days and hasn’t succeeded. She missed an 800 yard shot and the killer got into the trees before she could take another shot.

Much to Colin’s dismay, Alisha has decided to go up to the high range with Monte and hunt the bear with him. She told Colin that because the area that the bear was hanging in was several miles from a road, she was going to stay up there till they got the animal. It’s not that Colin doesn’t trust her, it’s just that he doesn’t like to be away from Alisha. They had been married only a few months and Colin had not gotten used to Alisha’s independence and hands on approach to problems.

As the sun rose higher, Colin stirred and saw his wife looking out the window. “Are you having second thoughts about going up to the high range to hunt that animal?” he asked.

“No, I’m not,” she answered, “just wondering how long it will take. Monte is bringing his dogs, so I hope that we can get it done in a short time. I’m not coming out till that damn bear is dead…..he’s cost me too much money and I’m pissed………I want his hide on my office wall.”

“Well, if you think you’re going to be up there for several days, come back to bed, I’m going to miss you lying here beside me at night.”

Alisha smiled and giggled as she sat her coffee cup down. She walked toward the bed and stopped along side of it and removed her shorts and tank top. She stood there letting him get a good long look at her beautiful body.

“Don’t just stand there, babe, get that hot ass of yours in here and let me pleasure you,” he told her as he threw the covers back. Alisha smiled as she looked at Colin’s cock. It was very hard and standing straight out, measuring about 8 inches long and very thick. She crawled onto the bed and pushed him onto his back as she attacked his cock and began to suck it very vigorously. Colin was in heaven, Alisha could take it all, sliding it down her throat and holding it there while she would work on the underside of it with her tongue.

After a few minutes of this stimulation, he was ready to cum, but he wanted to fuck her, to feel her warm pussy wrapped around his hard cock as it plunges into her. He pushed Alisha onto her back and went down between her legs and sucked her engorged clit into his mouth. He could feel that she was sopping wet and knew she was well on her way. He attacked her slit with his tongue, probing deeply into her pussy and tasting her as he stimulated her.

He reached up and lightly pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he licked her pussy. Her nipples were super sensitive and most usually he got a strong reaction. She arched her back up and he knew that she was beginning an orgasm. She felt that good feeling beginning deep down inside her. Contractions of her muscles had begun and she was moaning loudly. Her legs went stiff and Colin knew that she was cumming fiercely.

When her orgasm subsided, he moved up and pushed the mushroom head of his cock against the opening of her dripping wet pussy. He pushed slowly into her and she felt the sensation of him pushing up against her cervix. His thick cock filled her and she began to cum again as he started to move in and out of her. Colin knew that she was prone to multiple orgasms and he liked pushing her over the edge as many times as he could. She had her legs wrapped around him pulling him into her as deep as possible, thrusting her pussy into him in rhythm with his strokes. The sensations were tremendous and Alisha felt so good. Colin raised up and pulled out of her, he grabbed her ankles and put them on his shoulders, then pushed back into her.

He had her spread wide and watched as his cock plunged in and out of Alisha. He reached forward and pinched her nipples again………..She began to cum again as Colin began to empty his balls into her. She felt his cock pumping his hot semen into her, filling her cavity to capacity. His thick cum was beginning to run out of her pussy around his cock and down her ass. She was in total ecstasy, screaming, “FUCK ME COLIN, FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME………OH GOD THIS FEELS SO DAMN GOOD, SLAM THAT COCK INTO ME…..OH FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME ALL THAT COCK……..OHHHHHHHHHH FUCK !
He let her legs down as he pulled out and collapsed beside her, sweating profusely.

“Damn,Alisha, that was good, fuck that was goodl” he told her.

After a few minutes, she had recovered and leaned up on her elbow looking at Colin lying there breathing heavily. “Have a good one, lover?” she asked. “Want some more?”
“Hell yes,“ he replied.

Alisha got up on her knees and leaned down over his cock and started licking it. It was covered in their cum and she wanted to taste it. After she had licked his cock and balls clean, she took it into her mouth again and started sucking it. In no time at all, he had a full erection again………..she smiled and began to squeeze his balls as she took him deep down her throat again. She brought her other hand around, lubed it up with cum dripping from her pussy and pushed it into Colin’s ass all the way and massaged his prostate. It didn’t take long at all and he began to blow his hot cum into her mouth, which she swallowed greedily, not losing a drop. She continued to suck him after he quit ejaculating, cleaning him totally.

She got off the bed smiling, headed to the shower, Colin’s load of cum running down the insides of her legs as she walked. He just laid there, enjoying the sight, grinning.
She showered, got dressed and went down to the kitchen to do breakfast. When Colin came to the kitchen, she had breakfast dished up and sitting at the breakfast bar. She walked over to Colin and gave him a deep, wet kiss and said, “My love, thank you for that wake up this morning, you’re terrific……..I just love sex with you. “

He smiled and told her that he loved her and that he would always love her, no matter what.
When they finished breakfast, Alisha kissed him and told him that she would be back as soon as the bear was dead. She grabbed her packs and headed out the door. She had to meet Monte at the ranch in about half an hour, that would give her time to get there, hook up a trailer, saddle her horse and put the pack saddle and gear on the pack horse. When she finished, Monte came driving up to the barn. He got out and told her good morning.

Monte was a good looking man, tall and very muscular with longer dark hair. He reminded her of Tom Selleck…..rugged and very handsome. He had his dogs in the back of his truck and his trailer had his horse and pack animals in it. Alisha thought to herself, wow, I’d like to get a piece of that. Of course Monte was thinking he’d like to bury his cock inside her……

She greeted Monte and went inside the office and got her 300 Winchester Magnum and enough ammo to take care of her if there was an invasion. Monte only grinned and said, “it only takes one shot ”.

She replied, “I know, but it makes me feel more comfortable.” They both laughed and loaded up and headed out.

It took about an hour to drive up to the trailhead. When they got there, they both got out and began to unload the horses and check the loading on the pack animals. Alisha cinched up her saddle as Monte was unloading the dogs. These dogs were very well trained and followed his commands to the letter. They locked up the vehicles and mounted their horses and headed up the trail. It would take about an hour and a half to get to the camp spot.

The clouds were hanging low on the mountain tops looking like rain. Alisha had tied her poncho behind her saddle, just in case……Monte had done the same. She was a very accomplished horseman, having ridden since she was 5 and competed in rodeos for many years. She could rope and work cattle with the toughest of men. About half way in, it started to rain, they put on their ponchos and continued up the trail. The rain was light, but it slowed their travel down considerably.

In about two and a half hours, they arrived at the campsite and began to unload the pack animals. It hadn’t rained there and they were glad of it. Alisha stretched out a rope for a picket line and tied the horses up as Monte began to set up the tent. Lori found some rocks and built a fire ring, then went to gather wood. She made a large pile of firewood and covered it with a tarp, in case it rained later. In about an hour, the camp was set up.

They had lunch then decided to go up and ride the area and see if they could find any sign of the bear. The dogs were anxious to go also. They loaded their rifles, put them in the scabbards, mounted up and headed up to the area where bear sign had been seen by some of her hired men yesterday.

The scenery up there is beautiful, mountain peaks up to 13,000 ft, aspen glades, extensive stands of pine trees, large meadows and millions of wildflowers. The cattle grazing are fat, shiny and healthy. Hummingbirds and other wild birds are everywhere…..a cow elk and her calf run for the trees as they ride over the top of a hill.

Monte’s dogs are staying close and not roaming too far. One word from Monte and they obey immediately. After about two hours of riding, the dogs hit a scent. After a few minutes of looking, Monte finds a large bear track and bear scat nearby. He estimates the bear probably weighs around 800 pounds. The tracks look to be about 24 hours old. They decide to go back to camp and start early in the morning.

When they get back to camp, they unsaddle their horses and build a fire. Monte goes to a nearby creek and catches some brook trout and they have them for supper. After the meal, they just sit by the fire and talk. Monte asks Alisha if she is happy in her marriage to which she answers that she couldn’t be happier. She told him how they had just bumped into each other one day at the dealership and it all started . All in all, she thought this would be the marriage that would last.

She asked Monte why he hadn’t ever married. He told her that he just hadn’t found the right woman. He told her that he sure wished he had met her several years ago, “You are everything a man could want…..you’re beautiful, you’re definitely not a girly girl, you’re educated and smart…..oh, did I say you were gorgeous…..plus, you can hold your own with any man……you are the perfect woman………you’re husband is a very lucky guy.

“Well thank you for the compliments, Monte. I just find it hard to believe that you can’t find a woman that‘s compatible with you………damn, you’re a really good looking man, I’d think women would be beating your door down.”

“Well, Alisha, I sometimes think I scare women. You know, the line of work I’m in, most think I’m just a killer. Many of the women out there are conservative tree huggers. Most don’t understand why my profession is necessary and I sure can’t convince them otherwise. There are a few other reasons, but they’re not that important.”

They talked about their lives till very late then went to sleep. They both knew that the next day would be a long day in the saddle and they needed the rest. Saturday morning came and the skies were clear. The temperature was mild and after breakfast Monte untied the dogs and they were off in search of the rogue. They searched most of the day, covering over 15 miles of treeline with no fresh results. They returned to camp, ate, relaxed a while then went to sleep. This routine continued for the next couple of days. On Tuesday afternoon, the dogs hit on a scent. Monte checked out the tracks and estimated they were only a few hours old. He found bear scat and it was still warm. They knew they were close.

Monte gave the dogs a smell of the scat and gave the command, “find”. Immediately the dogs took off on the trail. The bear had crossed a wide meadow and entered a stand of Aspen trees on the other side. They dismounted and got their rifles out, tied the horses and continued the pursuit on foot. Off in the distance the baying of the dogs was intense.

Monte looked at Alisha and said, “They have him treed, I can tell by their barking……hear how excited they are?” Alisha was moving quickly through the trees in front of Monte. Monte definitely noticed what a nice ass she had as she ran in front of him. After about a quarter of a mile, they came on the dogs circling a large pine tree. They stopped, breathing heavily and checked out the tree. About 40 ft up in the tree was the bear. Monte asked Alisha, “You want to shoot him? It was your stock he was killing, it’s only right that you get to take him out.”

She smiled and said, “Hell yes, I want to kill that son of a bitch, he’s made life miserable for us for the past month.”

They both had caught their breath. She chambered a round and took a rest against a tree. Through the scope, she could see the bear looking directly at her. For a split second, she felt sorry for him, he’s just trying to survive like the rest of us……….then the thought of the money he had cost the ranch popped into her head. She took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger. Through her scope, she saw the bullet hit the bear and the blood and tissue splatter against the trunk of the tree. The bear bellowed and fell from the tree. When he hit the ground, he just lay there, she could hear a bubbling sound when he took a breath.

She and Monte had their guns up and ready to shoot again if he got up…..He just laid there, the dogs were going nuts, but the bear didn’t move. Monte and Alisha eased up on the bear, their guns at the ready. When they got up within ten feet of the animal, the breathing stopped. For a few minutes they just stood there, watching. The dogs would go up and bite the animal, with no response. He was dead. Monte called the dogs off and made them lay down a short distance away. He walked up and kicked the bear with no response. He pulled his knife out and said, “Well Alisha, that was a great shot, right through the heart. You want to keep the meat?”

“No, I just want the skin, head and paws.” She said.

“Well, we’d better get busy, it’ll be dark soon. He pulled his knife out and began to skin the bear. Alisha pulled her knife out and helped him. It took them about an hour to remove the skin from the animal.

Alisha had walked back to the horses and led them back to where Monte was. He had folded the skin up around the head and took some twine from his saddle bag and tied it. The horses definitely didn’t like this one bit. Just the scent of a bear drives most horses crazy. Alisha’s horse, Jack, was a really high spirited horse, however, in her hands he was a piece of clay. He trusted her completely and never batted an eye when she and Monte tied the bear skin on the saddle. Monte commented that there weren’t many horses out there that you could do that to. Monte told her that she could ride double behind him and lead Jack.

They walked out of the trees and into the meadow. Monte mounted his horse and Alisha swung up behind him. Jack stayed close to her, maybe just a little uneasy with the skin on his back. While riding back, Alisha had her arms wrapped around Monte. She could feel his muscles under his shirt as they rode. When they got back to the camp site, they decided that it would take too long to ride out tonight, as the sun had set about fifteen minutes ago. They unloaded the skin and unsaddled the horses.

Monte tied the dogs and he and Alisha went to the creek to wash up before supper. Monte pulled his boots off then his jeans and shirt. He waded out into the creek and began to clean himself up. She told him she was going downstream a ways. He acknowledged her and continued to bathe. Alisha went downstream a hundred yards stripped down and bathed herself. They weren’t within easy sight of each other. She had brought a bar of soap and proceeded to clean herself up good. After a few days without bath facilities, this felt really good. The cold water was invigorating. She could feel her nipples get totally hard from the cold. She finished up and dried herself. She had brought a clean change of clothes as the other ones had blood on them. She dressed and went back to the campsite.

Monte was already there and had a skillet on the fire and was cooking what looked like steak. “I didn’t know you brought any steak up here, that looks good,” she said.
“Alisha, it’s bear steak, while you went after the horses, I cut some steaks off the loin of that bear, I think it’s going to be good. He had also put a couple of large potatoes wrapped in foil in the coals of the fire.
“Go sit down and relax, I’ll cook these babies up, they should be ready in twenty minutes or so.” He told her.

She smiled, “well, that sounds really good. I brought something to celebrate with, in case we got the bastard. I left it in the creek yesterday to get it good and cold, I’ll be right back.” In about ten minutes, she returned with a bottle of Patron……ice cold.

She peeled the seal and opened it, smelled it then took a big drink. “Can I interest you in a sip, big guy?” she asked Monte.

“Sure, I think we deserve a little nip or two.” He took a big drink and gasped. “That’s some good stuff, babe.” He said as he passed the bottle back to her.

Dinner was ready, so they sat on a couple of logs close to the fire and ate the bear that had caused so much trouble. They continued to sip on the Patron. After dinner, they brought their sleeping bags out and stretched out close to the fire, laughed and talked about the successful hunt. Alisha took another drink from the bottle and as she handed it over to Monte, she saw that they had drank about half of the liter. She knew that she was feeling a little high, but it felt good.

The night air was pleasant, the skies were clear. It looked like she could just reach up and touch a star. While she was staring out into space, Monte was suddenly over her. He leaned down and kissed her, slipping his tongue past her lips, deep into her mouth. It caught her completely by surprise. She pushed him away and said, “Monte, no, I’m happily married and I’m not going to cheat on him.” She didn’t want to appear as being easy.

Monte ignored her and pushed in close and kissed her again, this time more passionately than before. His hand had cupped her breast and his fingers were pinching her sensitive nipples. She told him no again, but he persisted, his lips going to her nipple on the outside of her t-shirt. He bit down gently on her nipple and suddenly she felt warm all over. His lips came back to hers and she pulled him close as his hand went between her legs and rubbed her pussy through her jeans. She knew that she was making a mistake, but the tequila and his caresses pushed her past pushing him away……..she wanted him, even though she knew it was wrong.

Monte continued his passionate aggression of her. Shortly, he had pulled her t-shirt up to her neck, exposing her bra containing her large breasts. Monte was still kissing her passionately and his hand was stroking her bare stomach as his mouth went from her mouth to her breasts. He was up on his knees, between her legs. His lips kissed her nipples then kissed a small trail down her stomach to her navel where his tongue dipped into it, sending chills across her body. He continued kissing down over her belt and on to her jeans…..going to her pubic mound, then to her outer lips. He blew his hot breath into the jeans, she could feel the heat from his breath warm her pussy…….she was getting very wet and breathing very hard. Monte took her by the hands and pulled her up to a sitting position, he grasped the bottom of the tshirt and lifted it over her head and tossed it aside. His skilled hands went to the back of her bra and unfastened it in one try. He removed it and tossed it aside. For a moment, Monte just stared at her in the firelight. She was beautiful……….he wanted her badly, and in a short period of time…….he would have her.

He kissed her again, a long deep kiss that warmed Alisha from her head to her toes. She laid back as Monte took her breast in his mouth and gently sucked her tits as he caressed them with his hands. His hand went behind her head and pulled her to his lips once again. She hungrily kissed him, her excitement building by the minute. His hands were skillfully caressing her upper torso while his lips kissed her tits and his tongue probed her navel.

Monte, raised up on his knees and looked at Alisha laying there. His hands went to her belt buckle and unfastened it. His hand opened the button on her jeans and unzipped them. He stood up and grasped the bottoms of the legs of her jeans and pulled them off. He leaned down and grasped the waist band of her panties and pulled them down and off her feet. He stood there, admiring her naked body in the flickering fire light………..she was absolutely stunning.

Her body was in perfect proportion and it was all his tonight. He stood there and removed his shirt. She was taken by the look of his upper body……it was so muscular with six pack abs. He kicked his boots off and unbuckled his jeans. He pulled them down and kicked them off. Next he removed his boxer briefs. In the firelight, she could see a cock, at least 8 inches long and two inches across. It was standing up straight, pointing at his chin.

She gasped as the thought of taking it all and it pushed her forward. She got up to her knees and began to stroke it as she took it into her mouth. He grasped the sides of her head and pulled her on and off of it as he groaned and moaned. Alisha was good at a deep throat, but, in this position there was no way she could take it all down her throat. She took all she could and there was still three inches outside her mouth. Damn it tasted good. He was giving her small drops of precum as he head fucked her. After a while, Monte went to his knees, pulled her close, pressing her hard nipples into his chest and gave her a long, tongue filled kiss that lasted for some time. He pushed her back onto her back and took his tongue down between her legs. He pulled her outer lips apart and slowly licked her swolen clit. He could see in the firelight that her juices were running down her crack.

He dipped his tongue into her juices and tasted her for the first time. She was sweet as honey. He pushed his tongue deep into her honey pot and licked the insides of her love tunnel. His tongue licked her clean of her excess juices and probed her ass as he went down to get all those juices that had ran down her crack. Alisha’s back arched up and she pushed her pussy further into his face.

He continued eating her, grasping her butt cheeks and squeezing as he pulled her to him. He could feel her muscles tensing and knew she was about to cum. He continued his tongue assault as he reached up with one hand and tweeked her nipples. This sent Alisha over the edge. She began a long and strong orgasm that lasted for several minutes. Her stomach muscles tensed so hard it hurt, but it was a good hurt. She wrapped her legs around his head and pulled him to her pussy as her juices ran freely from her into his waiting mouth.

After she finished cumming, she relaxed her legs and opened her arms to him. He laid down beside her and pushed her onto her side. He raised her leg over his and pushed his cock into her wet pussy from behind. His hands were on her tits squeezing while he kissed her neck and shoulder. His cock filled her and felt so good as it slid across her g spot and massaged it.

He would move his hand to her pubic mound and slide it down to her clitoris and roll it between his thumb and forefinger. His cock filled her pussy and she could feel it’s head pushing against her cervix like it was trying to enter through the small opening…..it felt so good sliding in and out of her she began to cum again. The tequila had loosened her inhibitions.

She told him to fuck her hard and fuck her good and that she wanted to feel his cum inside her. Her orgasm was strong and as it maxed out her love canal contracted and squeezed his big cock inside her. He could feel her pussy milking his cock, trying to remove its contents.

Suddenly, she felt a flood of hot cum spurting inside her, coating her insides completely. He continued pounding his manhood in and out of her, his cum was running out of her onto her leg then down onto the sleeping bag. The feel of his hot seed inside her caused her to continue her orgasm. She was moaning loudly experiencing the big cock ravaging her pussy. The feel of him inside her felt wonderful. When he pulled his cock out, she felt a small stream of hot cum running out of her. Monte rolled her over on her back and kissed her. He massaged her tits and went between her legs and licked her pussy clean, pushing her into another orgasm. When he came back to kiss her, she could taste the mixture of his cum and hers on his tongue, it turned her on immensely.

She pushed him over on his back and took him in her mouth and began to suck him vigorously. She cradled his balls in her hand as she took him in and out of her mouth. Her tongue explored the bulbous head of his cock and removed small drops of precum as it oozed out. She worked his cock hard, sucking like a vacuum cleaner trying to extract its sweet nectar. After half an hour of total oral pleasure from Alisha’s mouth, Monte felt his hot cum explode into her mouth as she sucked him. She sucked him and swallowed his sweet sperm as he grunted and moaned. His balls and cock delivered a huge load to her………she loved it……swallowing a man’s cum is one of her favorite things…….she loves the taste of cum.

The two of them laid together in front of the fire, laughing and sipping Patron. The moon and stars were bright and they were satisfying each other. Monte confessed that he knew he would try to fuck her while they were up here, alone. He wanted to taste her and experience her charms and hopefully she would continue a discreet affair with him in the future. The tequila definitely had an effect on her and had lowered her inhibitions. In the back of her mind she knew she had done the wrong thing, but it was too late to turn back now.

Monte and Alisha had sex the rest of the night, until the sun began to light the Eastern sky. He had made her cum so many times she had lost track. She knew that her belly was full of cum. She had swallowed a lot, most of it had been put into her pussy and some had been deposited into her ass. She didn’t have a hole that Monte hadn’t filled. Just before sunrise, she got up and walked to the creek and washed herself thoroughly. She felt wonderful after the great sex, but down deep, she was feeling really bad because she had cheated on her husband. Alisha had been very promiscuous throughout the years. She had fucked so many men that, in her words, if all the dicks that had been stuck in her were sticking out of her, she would look like a porcupine. She loved sex, but when she married Colin, she promised herself she would not fuck around without his knowledge. As she sat in the cold water she cried, wondering what to do from here, should she tell Colin or keep it to herself. It was a hard question to answer. Her sexuality was confusing her. On one hand, she wanted to quit seeing other men, yet the animal instinct in her wanted to fuck everything in sight. She cleaned herself, so that she would not smell of sex when she got home. She had a lot of soul searching to do in the days to come. Her tears continued to flow as she sat there in this beautiful setting.

After a while, she got out of the creek and walked back to the camp. The fire had been rebuilt and coffee was boiling. Monte was lying on top of the sleeping bag, still naked and with a hard on. “What do you think, beautiful, want to mount up one more time before we mount up and go home?”

She looked at Monte and said, “Monte, last night was fabulous, but, there will never be sex between us again. Last night, I was a little drunk and gave in to you and let you have my body. It’s like I was in a dream. I’m going to hope Colin forgives me for what I have done. I love him and I don’t want to take any further risk to lose him. Let’s get dressed, load up and go home. We’re done here.”

Monte looked dejected, like he thought he had conquered her. He was very surprised at her response and disappointed also. Oh well, he had scored with the most beautiful woman in the area, there’s more fish in the sea.

The ride out was quiet. When they reached the trucks, she unloaded the pack animals and unsaddled Jack. She loaded up and put the bear skin in the back of her truck. Before she left she walked over to Monte’s truck and told him, “thank you for your help Monte, I don’t think that I could have got him without your help. I will mail you a check for your services, but I don’t think I will need your services ever again. I’m sorry for that because you are a very good hunter and sometime I may need you again, but, I won’t call you. Goodbye and good luck.”

With that she fired up her truck and pulled out. She continued crying all the way back to the ranch. She just hoped that no one was there when she arrived. Luckily, all the guys were out on the ranch working when she arrived. She unloaded the animals and the gear and parked the trailer. She knew she needed to get the bear skin to the taxidermist as soon as she could to keep it from spoiling. She left the ranch and went by the taxidermist and left the skin and head. He told her it would be ready in about a month, he would call her. From there, she went home. She was glad to see that Colin was not there. That was good for her, it would give her time to get herself back together. She took her packs in and unpacked all the clothing. She disrobed and put the clothes in the washing machine. She then went to the shower and just stood under the warm water and cried some more. She cleaned herself inside and out and dressed in some shorts and a tank top. She continued to do laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Her mind was racing about what to do.

She heard Colin’s truck pull up to the house. When he came in he was smiling widely as he ran to her arms and kissed her and hugged her tightly. “I am so glad that you are home, I have missed you a lot.” He told her. “I’ve been worried as hell about you, not being able to call you up there.”

She pulled him close and held him tightly….her mind running rampantly. She knew she didn’t want to take the chance of losing him and she knew that she had fucked up. Colin kissed her and told her that he had a few more things to do at the dealership, and would be back in about an hour and would take her out for dinner and she could tell him all about the hunt………..”You did get him, didn’t you?”

“Yes darling, I shot him, the taxidermist has him.” She told him. “I’ll change before you get back and it sounds great to go out tonight.”

She would change clothes, put the tears away and go out with her husband and later when they returned home, show him just how much she loves him. The world moves on and she wants to move with it, together with Colin. In her mind she knew she would be ok, it would just take a little time.

When Colin returned, Alisha had changed into a yellow sundress, low cut between her breasts and dipping to her waist in the back. She was wearing a scarf and a pair of 4 inch high heels……”You look absolutely beautiful, Alisha,” he told her as he pulled her close and kissed her. He changed clothes then took her by the hand and led her out the door. Tonight would be special, he loved her so much.

They went to the Biestro in downtown Alamosa. It was quiet and dimly lit, they could enjoy each other and good conversation in an intimate setting. The dinner lasted for a couple of hours. Finally, Alisha looked at Colin and said, “Take me home, my love, and make love to me…..I want you so badly.”

With that, Colin paid the check and they went home. They scattered their clothes from the front door all the way to their bed………..they laid together and made love till they both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Their life together is good. They both have some really twisted ideas about sex, but on a night like tonight, they were one and deeply in love with one another.

In the months to come, Alisha’s attitude toward sex had changed because of the events of the bear hunt. She wanted only her husband and no one else. She had been approached by several of her lovers and had rejected them all and Colin loved her more each day and had devoted himself only to her. The ranch was prospering, her ideas were working and that fall the ranch received top dollar for their calves and set a record for income. Bob was very impressed with what she had done with the ranch. She was, indeed, building a dynasty that was more successful than even she had ever dreamed.


Alisha’s mind came back to the present as she finished her cup of coffee. The elk had returned to the meadow below her home. She could see the calves playing and the cows watching them attentively. Her life had been a roller coaster and a sexual odyssey and there weren’t many things she had not experienced in those years. Now, she looked forward to spending the rest of her life with Colin, together continuing to build an even bigger business empire.

In the past year she had found she needed no other men in her life and that Colin was all she wanted and he felt the same about her. Many things had changed for her. Probably the biggest surprise was the new life growing inside her……yes, she had conceived against all odds…….and that’s another story…