(c) 2005 by The Count

I look back and wonder what would have happened if I had not made a quick stop at a Stop and Go store to pick some water on my way home from my job. I work at a Veterinary office near my home which is out in the country.

I am a single white female. I don’t really have to work but I thought that working at the Vet’s office would get me out of the house and keep from getting bored. I lost my husband in the Bosnia fiasco and he left me a good insurance package plus widows pay from the government.

My family lives on the west coast but I had chosen to stay in Virginia where I purchased a country home around Manassas.

Night is good in D.C. and Georgetown and living in the mountains is quiet and beautiful with lots of privacy. I had been working with animals mostly dogs, cats and the occasional farm animal. I never gave it a thought about their sexuality much less mine at the time.

On that particular day on the way home form the Vet’s I stopped at a small store to get a drink before I got home. When I entered the store, I noticed a young beautiful girl standing there and sort of looking out the window at someone or something. I grabbed my water and went outside and she came out behind me.

She had been checking on her dog, a beautiful Pharaoh dog. He was big for his breed and he was so glad to see her he stood on his hind legs and licked her face. She bent over and gave him some water from her cupped hands as I stood there admiring the animal. I felt embarrassed because I caught a glimpse of her pubic hairs showing thru the side of her running shorts.

I couldn’t help noticing that she was wearing a thin blouse which showed off her nipples too. I glanced at her crotch again and was rewarded with a parting pussy lip sticking out from her crotch. Hannibal, her dog drank the water and with his still wet nose he snuggled his nose into her crotch. She stood up and said, “Stop that Hannibal!” She was a bit embarrassed and her face was red as she turned towards me and said, “I’m sorry, he does that all the time. It’s not bad at home but in public it’s embarrassing.”

I laughed and said, “Don’t worry about it its natural. He loves you I can tell and he is showing his affection.” At which time Hannibal poked his nose under my dress and gave me a quick lick thru my panties! Now I was embarrassed. She chastised him again but Hannibal just grinned as dogs do and his ears turned pink (Pharaoh Dogs blush like that).
She apologized again and I told her not worry about it and I added, “I work at the Vets just a few miles down the road. I have my Veterinary Assistants license.” I felt very proud being able to say that.

She sort of smiled and she said, “Well this dog is ill mannered. And you have to be careful because sometimes he tries to mount me!” Then she laughed out loud.
I replied, “Looks like he needs a bit of training.”
She gave me a funny look and said “You ever hear that a dog is a girl’s best friend?”
It was my turn to blush because I knew what she meant. I said, “Well in a way but I thought all that was old maid’s stories.”

She looked at me for a long time as Hannibal sat there with his pink cock sticking out as dogs do. She finally said, “I don’t want to offend you or embarrass you but would you like to hear about it and maybe even see it?”
I really didn’t know what to say but I replied dumbly, “Oh sure, I don’t think anything can offend me or embarrass me.” And I gave her a nervous laugh.

She responded, “I don’t live far from here if you would like to join be for a cool drink I will tell you all about it.”
I agreed, and we got into my SUV. We drove a few miles in the direction of my home and I found out she was my next door neighbor!

When we arrived she fixed us each a drink and we sat down as we drank in silence as she looked at me. Finally she said, “Okay, let me give you an education on K9 sex and if you don’t like what you see we can stop and we can just be friends and neighbors. Okay?”

I laughed and said, “Sure,” as I dumbly stuck my hand out and shook her hand. She told me her name was Ivy and that she came from Fredericksburg and as attending Georgetown University off and on. Her parents were very wealthy and didn’t mind her living on her own.

She had a trust fun from her Grandfather and she lived comfortably. Ivy told me she was 19, although I would have guessed more like seventeen or eighteen. She had a healthy glow about her, delicate white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. She had a body to die for and beautiful feet. I had never noticed feet before but hers were exquisite, thin and long, beautifully trimmed toes and painted nails (a bright deep red).

I told her about my circumstances and that my name was Crystal. She told me she had been introduced to canine sex when she was in California at Berkeley. A girlfriend trained her and she had found that canine sex was indeed better than with a man that it provided her with great sex without the mind games men play. She told me she had been into canine sex for two years and that she was very happy.

She went to the DVD player and stuck a Disc in it and a video called Zoo Skool came on. I found it to be an amazing training video and very technically correct. I also started getting wet. Still I had my reservations. A dog! An animal for sex?

Next, Ivy put a DVD of several movies with women having sex with their dogs, oral, and in different positions. That got my juices flowing. I was so entranced in watching the video that I didn’t notice Ivy taking off her shorts and blouse and Hannibal licking her.

When I realized what was going on I turned away from the TV as I watch the real thing before my eyes! I sat there trembling and gushing! I found highly hot and erotic and found myself rubbing my breasts and wishing I was next.
Ivy turned over and lay on the couch with her knees on the carpet and Hannibal mounted her like a dog bitch. Hannibal was very well trained. Two humps and he was in her! He pulled Ivy back by her hips with his fore paws and pushed against her. Ivy cried out but didn’t back off.

She was having an orgasm I could tell and Hannibal was lunging faster than any man I had ever had (all of two). I pulled off my skirt and panties and my blouse and bra and brought myself off by rubbing my clit and inserting two fingers in my vagina. I pulled my nipples with my free hand and humped my hand as I came in a rush. Hannibal was still humping Ivy when I opened my eyes again and I could clearly see that his knot had entered her and he was fully seated.

I had never been with a woman before but I moved closer to Ivy and I pulled on her nipples and rubbed her clit. She turned her face towards me and gasped, “Kiss meeeeee!!”

I did it without thinking and we battled with our tongues for supremacy or just plain lust. It was wonderful and my pussy leaked and wet the couch we were sitting on.

Suddenly, Ivy grunted and let out a small scream as she dropped her head to the couch and I could see Hannibal holding tight against her and licking her neck and back. Hannibal had a glassy eyed look and they were half shut so I presumed he was cumming! He lay on Ivy for a full twenty five minutes and then he laid his head sideways on her back and panted. He pulled out shortly and I could see his enormous cock, swollen and leaking!

Without thinking I leaned over and sucked his cock! It was tart, and kind of doggy tasting but I swallowed as much cum and as much of his cock as I could! When I let him go he backed off and began cleaning Ivy with his tongue. Ivy lay there having orgasms all thru his cleaning. When he finished he went to his corner pad and lay there cleaning himself.
I was disappointed because I thought it was over. I leaned over kissed Ivy, and said, “I guess I missed my turn.”
She smiled lazily and said, “Wait twenty minutes.”

My pussy splayed open and my womb turned over. I lay there opening and closing my legs trying to find relief. Ivy crawled over lazily and pulled my legs apart as she kissed my thighs and licked up the juice that was drying on my legs. I shook and my toes curled as Ivy licked my clit and stuck her tongue in my pussy. I came almost immediately and humped my hips against her face. She made love to my pussy. She didn’t just fuck me. I shook and trembled, moaned, groaned and screamed!

I didn’t need the dog, Ivy was all I needed! But Hannibal came over and took over her licking and I went crazy with his tongue digging in my pussy and spooning out my juices. He curled his tongue around my clit and I came again and again.

Then he surprised me as he jumped up and placed his front paws around my neck and stepped in between my legs. I felt his cock seeking the entrance to my pussy and I raised my ass off of the couch and met his cock as he lunged forward. God!

I almost fainted as I felt his slimy cock sliding between my swollen pussy lips on the first thrust. Too wet together and he slips out and has to find my hole again and I felt the same thing all over again only now my cunt was throbbing for him even more. Then there was the emotional part of wanting him so bad.

When I finally felt him enter me I felt like I was going to die! I felt joy and fulfilled and full of happiness! I felt him growing as he humped me, pressing more and more against my walls, stretching me wider! It was getting tighter and tighter in me, filling me up making me feel fuller and fuller! I was full of cock and the friction was getting stronger and both of us getting hotter!

I felt the heat inside me burn and I wanted more! It was feeling him want me so much, making me start having orgasms from his fucking! I felt his knot starting to grow and knocking at the entrance of my cuntal muscles. I went crazy feeling my vagina being stretched near the entrance where all my nerves are!

I felt his cock and knot throbbing on my clit from the inside and he was rubbing my g-spot. I felt my orgasms getting so intense! I felt him banging my cervix and my whole body went weak with passion and a strong shock hit my womb like an electric shock shooting through my whole pelvic area every time he hit it! I had no control, just a cunt wanting to fuck by this wonderful animal! I was his totally! I felt like a bitch, completely helpless and surrendered to what he was doing to me and the orgasms just kept cumming! I was crying then.

I felt him cumming as he lodged in me and I felt his staccato spurts of hot sperm! So hot, so hot! I felt the throbbing of us both, the fullness. I felt heaviness inside me as he humped so hard and fast! Faster and faster and I couldn’t tell one orgasm from the next as he started to shoot!

He hugged me tight and got deeper and deeper! I could feel him slip in where he wanted to be at the deepest place he could get. His was behind my uterus and then I knew he is going to cum and I felt the pressure of his semen stream spraying against me inside burst after burst and I never wanted it to stop!

My vagina was so stretched by his knot it was borderline painful which only made the pleasure more intense! I squeezed my cunt muscles hard to try and feel him more! I couldn’t explain the fullness like he was going to poke right through me up into my throat from my cunt and then there was the absolute emotional ECSTASY of feeling him satisfy himself in me!

His cock was raging hot and it felt like he had set my whole cunt on fire and we both pulsed together even after his cum was over. I loved the feeling of him poking my cunt trying to find his way in, the anticipation of feeling him hit home and the fucking he is going to begin or to end and wanting it so bad is one of the most intense feelings I have ever known. I was thoroughly in love.

I felt him lay there kissing my face and sticking his doggy tongue in my mouth French-kissing me and I kissing him back. Then I felt him pull back slowly as his knot slipped out and torrents of juices stained the couch and spilled to the floor. I felt it run down my legs, still hot still feeling delicious.

I couldn’t move just lay there in a passion stupor. Ivy was washing my face with a cold wash cloth and Hannibal was lying in the corner licking his wonderful cock still hard but with knot getting smaller. I wanted him, wanted to suck his cock, hug him and hold him. I loved Ivy for her introducing me to this world and loved her for her womanless and sexuality.

Ivy moved in with me. I bought, on her advice, a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He is a great sex partner, friend and companion. We share our dogs and sometimes we visit the dog parks and invite other women with their dogs out to our country home. Sometimes it works out and some it doesn’t, but most times life is full of surprises.