(c) 2006 by Anonymous

This story is about my experience concerning a donkey Although it was a long time ago, the memory of it is burned in my brain in an indelible way, I still get a hard on when I think about it even though it happened over fifty years ago.

My first experience with an animal/girl sex show I saw when I was a boy of sixteen when a group of us high school kids went south of the border for a long Labor Day weekend. The place was just outside of the town and it had an old chipped painted sign advertising a girly show for 50 cents, and inside there were three Mexican girls performing a poorly done strip-tease, never really showing anything much.

Then we guys were next hustled for another 50 cents to see more and most of us paid and stayed, this time the three girls finally got topless, then came another 50 cents hustle, and a few of us stayed and got to see the three girls get totally naked. Then came a $2.00 hustle to see the sex show, only about 6 or 7 of us paid to stay.

We were taken behind a canvas curtain, and stood behind a rope fence. There we saw a rack or frame, which was made for the donkey (Actually a burro, but I didn’t know what a burro was then) to service a woman upon. The rack was made so the donkey couldn’t thrust forward, his hind legs were up against a frame which inhibited his movements. It kind of looked like the sketch below from a side view.

The top of the high part on the left was padded and the donkey’s front legs were over it. His rear legs were restrained by the low frame to the right of the sketch. This was set up so that a woman could lie under the burro, on the reclined part of the rack, her head on the pad. It was set up so that she fucked the donkey, rather than him fucking her.

OK, on with the show! A girl came into the show area from some-where off to the side, wearing high heels and a robe. She had black hair, and was nice looking, probably Mexican. She took off the robe and paraded around, completely nude, except for the heels. She then went out and brought in the burro. She got him quite easily up on the frame, and tied his lead rope to the ring shown in the sketch.

She stood on the other side, and using both hands got the burro’s cock out and worked it up hard. It was about 12 inches long and maybe 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches in diameter.  She then got down under the animal, on the padded part, and got out some kind of lubricant, which she used to lubricate both her pussy and the donkey’s cock. The donkey never made any sign of movement, or of being sexed up, except for the big hard-on.

Then she slid further under him and with her legs up, got her self positioned and sunk the head of his cock in her. She then started a rocking motion, taking more of him on each stroke until she was getting about 2/3 of it. With the exception of her low talking in Spanish (I believe directed to the Burro), you could have heard a pin drop.

She was starting to breathe hard, and was moving her hips faster and faster, if she wasn’t enjoying it, she was putting on an incredible act! We 6 or 7 watching were guiltily shifting around, trying to get a better look at the black haired pussy, all stretched open by the big pole sticking out of the donkey. She kept this motion up for some time, gradually increasing the speed and length of her strokes until she was getting almost all of it inside.

As she started moving her hips more rapidly, the donkey made his first real move, he hunched and she let out a loud moan and cum squirted out around his cock. She let go of it and it came out, along with about a cupful of cum. We saw that the end of it had grown to about 3 inches in diameter. If she didn’t come it was a very good fake. Then a canvas curtain was pulled across, ending the show.

We were then escorted out the back of the tent, through a flap, rather than out the front where we came in.
I found out later that the show was only given at the end of each night’s performance, and I had just lucked out by going to the last show. I went to two more shows, but since it was a 5 day Carnival, and I didn’t start till the third day, that’s all I got to see.

I have jacked off for years over what I saw those three nights!