(c) Monday, December 28, 2009 by HDTopper

I could not believe how hot I was; normally I’m a control freak in every part of my life even when it comes to sex, but not last night. There I was in bed with an older man for the first time in my life, I mean I’m 33 and here I was in bed with my next door neighbor of 60 and literally now nothing more than exhausted well fucked subservient putty in his hands.
It all began so innocently, Doug and I had met at the supermarket just doing our weekly shopping and as we strolled the Isles I noticed he had a large amount of high end cheeses and I asked the obvious question, was he having a party and he laughed and said yes but that no-one had been invited.
“Okay,” I asked, “that sounds kind of odd, what kind of party is that?”
Doug laughed even harder and said “well I’m going pop my baby’s bung and drink her virgin juices.”
Now I was shocked and really floored but I guess the look on my face made that quite apparent.
“Relax Gina, it’s not as weird as you think, it’s just an old expression that my old friend Gerry and I created a long time ago. We used it each year when we had the first glasses of a new batch of homemade wine. I’m not sure did you even knew my hobby was making wine, did you?”
“No I didn’t, but that sounds like a fun hobby.”
“It is but unfortunately the friend I lost in that auto accident a few months back was Gerry so I am having a party in his honor, this was the last batch we started together.”
The sudden sad thoughts brought us both to silence as we continued shopping and a few minutes later he said his good-byes and headed for the registers.
I was in the drive way removing the bags from my trunk when I jumped from being startled as someone cleared their throat then said, “Excuse me Gina, I didn’t mean to scare you, but I felt bad about being a downer when I brought up Gerry’s accident.”
“Oh no problem,” I responded.
“Hey how about joining me in a little cheese and some bung popping, you know I have two, a hearty red and a smooth white.”
We bantered back and forth as he helped me bring in my groceries and during all that banter he without having a clue hit my hot button as he went on and on about how good wine and great cheese are poorly used if it is not blended with fine company and wholesome idle chatter. Well Doug had no Idea that just a few days earlier I walked in on my jerk boyfriend of five years and bigger jerk girlfriend shuffling their sex organs together, worse yet on the sheets I had purchase for him and I to shuffle on. Well feeling betrayed, lonely and alone on a beautiful Friday night I accepted.


Chapter I

The evening was going along quite smoothly and I found out a little about Doug, like that pretty blonde woman that stopped by on occasion was a “kind-of” as he called her girl friend. Apparently some time back after their divorces they dated and then decided that they would be close friends instead.
As the night progressed and the wine flowed and I have to admit that I had apparently acquired another admirer, his name was Bubba. Bubba you see was Doug’s mutt and the friendliest mutt you’d ever want to meet. He just parked his butt on the sofa next to me and every now and then I had to push his head down because he had this thing about kissing my legs and worming his nose up under my shirt, boy just like a guy sensing where the heat was coming from.
As we finished the first pitcher of what was an amazing wine, it was clear crisp and had a slight refrigerated chill to it.
By this time Doug had somehow he gotten me to talk about me catching my so called friend and boyfriend screwing each other into oblivion. I mean the wine; the company and even Bubba had me feeling so comfy and mellow. As I rambled on about my tragic love life and occasionally had to move Bubba’s curious nose I mentally searched for an exit from the situation of talking about HIM!
Then it came to me by accident, “Doug how do you get that slight chill in your wine, do you have a special wine cooler?”
“No, no, come with me let me show you my secret.”
Doug virtually dragged me down the dark basement and as we entered I was becoming ill at ease about being lead to somewhere I knew nothing about, I suddenly became totally frightened as we reached a big door that was obviously against the far side of his basements foundation. Oh my God a Dungeon I thought. I am about to be raped, killed and never seen again.
Then the big door swung inward with a loud creaking sound and as he put his hand behind my head, I was about to scream and begin running as I heard the unmistakable click. Doug flipped the light switch and before my eyes another three steps down was another basement filled with wooden kegs, full and empty bottles covered the shelves on the wall and the aroma of grapes and wine that filled my nostrils with happiness. I was safe, it was not a den of abuse but of liquid pleasure.
As we entered the wine cellar it became obvious to me why the wine had a slight chill because the room had that natural chill in the air. Doug proudly showed me the inner workings of his great hobby. Wearing only a light top with no bra and a knee length skirt I was beginning to become quite cold in this slightly cool room. It was then that I saw Doug stare momentarily at my chest causing me to look down and as I did I could see the nipples of my small perky breasts sticking out a good inch and a half or more.
I tried to graciously hide the obvious problem but Doug was more the gentleman than the men I was around. Doug ignored the obvious, refilled his carafe and led me promptly back to the sofa. Oh once there I had to fight Bubba for my seat near the arm but once seated he relented and once again went searching for his section of my warm thigh.
As he did I looked down and whispered, “Forget it buddy there is no warm thighs left I’m freezing.
I had no intention of Doug hearing me say that, but apparently he did and like a true gentleman without any song and dance he excused himself for a moment returning with a blanket. Not allowing me to move he spread the blanket across me covering and Bubba who had already had half his nose under my skirt completely then refilled my glass, offered me more cheese and bread then returned to his seat resuming the conversation as if there was no interruptions at all.
Time passed and somehow he had me consuming more wine than I ever had before and for some reason I didn’t feel that upset wine stomach I always did in the restaurants and pubs.
I noticed or really didn’t notice until the next day as he continued to talk I believe his voice became somewhat monotone and somewhat more dominating.
As I listened I remember him moving onto the couch, moving me down a little and sitting behind me holding me comfortably in his arms and against his chest. I became drowsy and remember him holding the glass to my lips to have me finish a just refilled glass before pulling my head gently back onto his firm but yet soft chest.
He continued to talk and he talked about how in life hurt will always come from those you love, I remember him saying that over and over in many different ways as he reached down and massaged my thigh the one that Bubba wasn’t kissing and licking. I also remember him saying that man does love a woman but no man can love a woman with the blind love that her male dog can.
Over and over he in his soft monotone told me that no man could love me with the energy and honesty that Bubba could, in fact the wining I was hearing was Bubba’s broken heart because he wanted to show me his love by kissing me.
I was in a fog, I felt so safe secure, oh there was a minor chill on my upper thigh and along my panty line from Bubba’s wet tongue which was constantly licking me there plus Doug had pulled the front of my skirt way up exposing it to the night air.
Then there was a moment of wanting to break free, it came and went quickly but it was when Doug asked me to raise my ass so he could get my panties out of the way so Bubba could kiss me and show me how much he loved me.
But just as I was about to protest Doug gently kissed my lips and gently began rubbing my still erect nipples.
Without thinking I just began to reach under the waist band of my panties as Doug brought my fingers to it, then as I thought to stop Doug rolled my nipple and cheered me on until my other hand followed and I removed my panties before snuggling back into his chest with a contented sigh.
Moments passed, Oh it seemed like hours but then I felt this warm wet three inch wide thing touch me for the first time. It started just above my anus at the end of my ass crack ran across the barren area between one’s ass and pussy then traveled rapidly and with purpose across my rapidly swelling lips, up onto my already poking out clit, then repeat itself five or six times in an instant.
“Why are you afraid what people will think, relax let him show you love, you deserve it, you need it, NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW OR CARE, DO AS YOUR TOLD, JUST LAY BACK AND ENJOY IT.”
The authority in his voice made me freeze in place and as I remained frozen that evil little tongue of Bubba’s was playing sonatas on my pussy lips and clit.
Doug was playing my nipples with the experience of a man of his age, Bubba had quite obviously had his tongue in Human Pussy many times before, because by this time he had my pussy leaking its juices like a tsunami, simultaneously every nerve ending in my body was on overdrive as I was entering the orgasmic twilight zone. Oh yes I can orgasm big time when a well managed cock is ravishing my pussy but it never and I mean never is the same as when a talented tongue delves between the folds of my pussy or dances on my clit.
Well Bubba’s tongue had me a lick or two away from a mind blowing orgasm, I thought I was ready but when it hit I truly wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of the explosion. I had never had an orgasm like that worth remembering since the first tongue that got me there.
My body rocked and vibrated violently, my leg muscles locked so hard I almost ended up with cramps and I mumbled over and over incoherently and acted like I was going into a convulsion.
But Bubba wouldn’t stop and I can’t take any more after I orgasm, I’m too sensitive, but that fucking animal wouldn’t stop. I tried to get away but Doug held me and Bubba scared me to death with a growl then went back to the licking.
Then something wonderful happened it began to feel better than it ever had as Bubba kept licking and I approached a second climax bigger than the first. The animal, he didn’t stop then either. Then as the third explosion was just about there I heard Doug say to me, “up, that’s it up.”
I had no idea what he was talking about I was in a dream world and when I felt pressure on my chest I opened my eyes and found myself looking directly into Bubba’s.
“He needs to come too, go ahead reach down and feel his cock then rub it all around your pussy, be fair Bubba needs to come too.”
So without thinking I did what I was told and reached between us only to find a cock bigger than any that I had ever felt before and as I rubbed myself I found his soft yet rigid cock bringing me back to that place his tongue had me only moments before. So I used it like a dildo and searched for my clit to rub it against. Suddenly as I rubbed him up and down between my swollen lips Bubba’s front paws grabbed my waist, pulled me back toward him and deposited half of his enormous cock in me.
My mouth fell wide open as I gasped in shock, and just as I was about to bellow in protest Bubba recoiled and in one thrust fed me the rest of his fat eight inches and half swollen knot.
To add insult to injury Bubba bent forward as his took possession of my pussy and fed me his pussy flavored tongue taking possession of my mouth as well in a French kiss that I believe sealed the deal, letting me know I was his woman.
Just as we began our hot kisses, Bubba’s knot began its expansion to full girth and settled directly on a spot that had never been used before sending a series of shock waves through my body almost making me bite off my lovers tongue.
Bubba’s knot and my G-spot had found each other were passionately kissing and creating friction that was taking me on a ride I never before dreamed possible.
As Bubba fucked me with his savage powerful thrusts he took me through too many small orgasms to count and a few full blown ones as well, and just prior to my final massive orgasmic explosion Doug slipped his cock into my mouth and fed me his sperm. Then after empting his balls Doug sat back and watched smiling as Bubba had his way with me. Then and only then he carried me their bed where I was gently laid between them.


Chapter II

I could not believe how hot, lustful and subservient I had become that night, as I had mentioned before normally I’m a control freak in every part of my life sex included. But that night something new happened I don’t understand how but once I somehow allowed myself to submit to the indescribable sensations that ravaged my mind and body as Bubba took and used me like a common four legged street bitch I was no longer in control.
When he took me I know that I was hotter than at any other time in my life. I had orgasms like nothing that had even entered my mind while masturbating to the wildest fantasies. I also remember that after Bubba was done with me, I was completely drained of life. I was but a mere shell of myself I was so used up I remember very little other than Doug carrying me to his bed.
Once there almost instantly I had fallen into a deep sleep and remained virtually comatose until In the midst of that restful sleep I began to dream of what Bubba had done to me and how awesome it had all felt. The dream was so vivid I remembered and almost felt Bubba demanding that I roll onto my stomach and kneel up presenting my pussy to him. It was so real I felt as though he was pushing me about with his snout with such force that even in my dream I had to obey and dreamt that I rolled onto my belly in compliance to his demands.
It was shortly after that that the dream began to take a surreal turn. I dreamt that the moist warmth of Bubba’s broad tongue was once again sweeping from my clit across up through the crease of my ass finding then lingering as it moistened and probed my anus. The sensations of that moist warm tongue were making my dream take on a new almost real dimension. It was as though the clock had been turned back to an earlier time, a time when Bubba was really doing that to me.
These dream sensations were causing my mind and my body melds together causing my body to unintentionally begin moving in the same rhythm as the imaginary broad sweeps of Bubba’s tongue that was filling my dream. In fact the dream sequence was so real that I was headed to one of those odd but comforting orgasms that are usually found only as we dream about that imaginary love.
As I lay there euphoria a change suddenly occurred, it was so strange I bolted awake as I felt a warm snout being pushed forcefully against my pussy. After that first gentle shove, three or four more very stern shoves were made with the last two being accompanied with alarming growls. Growls that demanded I pay attention to whatever demands were being made of me.
Virtually instantaneous after that second growl I was awake and realized that it was Bubba and what he was demanding. I realized was being told to take the subservient bitch’s position, and to do it now!
In fear I responded to Bubba’s demands and moved onto my knees. As I move into position I looked to my left and saw that Doug was still sound asleep and totally unaware of what was happening.
It was in that moment in time I realized that whenever I was around Bubba, I was his woman. In that same exact moment as those thought entered my mind simultaneously Bubba who had mounted me, in a single thrust entered my other end as his cock drove into my already sopping wet pussy.
By his third thrust Bubba had buried the entire length of his long fat cock and his now ever expanding knot into me as he began pumping in full race mode. Bubba pumped into me at that rapid pace for a good five minutes and as he did I felt his cock and knot expand in all directions filling me to capacity.
Bubba fucked me as if he wanted to set a land speed record and as he pumped in and out of me I felt pain, pleasure and even jolt like a shock as it ran through my entire body. I fought to remain up on my knees as he pounded in and out of me, firstly I didn’t want to anger him by moving out of position but also in fear of losing a single sensation that ran through my body as he fucked me into oblivion. The sensations were greater than they were before, I knew then I was addicted to Bubba and his love.
Suddenly without warning Bubba grasped me with his front paws viscously pulling me back onto his cock as far as I could possibly go then he froze deep inside me burying his dew claws painfully into my sides. Strangely the pain of his dew claws and being pulled and tossed like a rag doll on his cock all made me love him more.
It was then that I felt my inside being flooded with his sperm as his now fully expanded knot had once again settled against my G-spot and as it throbbed he took me on a journey to orgasmic heaven.
We remained frozen together in that position for what seemed like hours and just as my body could take no more of Bubba’s weight he backed off me before I fell, then began to lick the juices that flowed out of me swallowing most of it down. I climaxed two more times as he licked away at me I have no idea how I remained kneeling but finally I fell face down onto the pillow in search of more sleep.
As I lay on my pillow I ignored Bubba as he moved around even when he stood above my head. That is until I felt something dripping on my face and when I opened my eyes there before me was this red cock filled with deep dark veins that was bigger than any cock I had ever seen before. It hung so long and low it was an inch from my eye and I had to move in order to avoid it dripping sperm into my it.
Just then I almost jumped in shock as I heard Doug’s Voice, “go ahead Gina take it, you want it in your mouth, he licked you clean and he likes his women to do the same, be fair, go ahead suck him off!”
I remained frozen just staring at that huge thing, take that into my small mouth I thought, is he crazy, suck a dog off he really is nuts, besides I’ll choke.
As I lay there thinking all this Doug reached under my head lifting it and brought my lips in contact with the wet dripping end as he spoke in a demanding tone, “go ahead Gina, open your mouth, he’s waiting.”
I have no idea why, but I did just that. I opened wide and slid my mouth over the soft dripping end letting the first few inches settled on my tongue. Somehow I just went into some kind of automatic mode as I began to suck his cock like I would have done for any man I cared about.
Oh lord it was so soft, yet still so rigid, oh so, so warm on my tongue, warmer than any man that had entered my mouth before. It felt so nice in my mouth that I wanted more of it and sucked it to the entrance of my throat.
The dripping cum surprised me, it was amazingly pleasant to my taste buds, thinner than men but tasty and the warmth I could not get enough of. So without thinking I just began moving my head in a natural way, up and down, up and down using my mouth like it was a pussy fucking his beautiful cock. I sucked him gently swallowing as much of his drippings as I could with pleasure. After a few minutes of devoted cock sucking things changed a bit. Bubba continued his constant dripping of his warm tasty fluid but then occasionally he began to send a strong jet of sperm that would hit the back of my throat almost gagging me, without my knowing that was a sign he was approaching another climax.
When Bubba finally did have his cum thankfully it was only the remains of his first one as he still almost drowned me with his forceful explosions. I fought to swallow most but unfortunately was left with a sperm soaked pillow. Not to mention the puddle that was left when as I lay there orally servicing my K9 lover Doug spooned with me sliding his cock into my flooded pussy leaving another load shortly before the three of us collapsed, leaving me in a puddle but to spent to care as the three of us fell back to sleep.