(c) Friday, October 30, 2009 by Skylara

Part I

Cary Arnold was excited. She was looking forward to moving in with John Simson her long time boyfriend and his 5 year old dog, Terl. Terl was named after a character in a L. Ron Hubbard novel, something about a tough kind of alien. Although he wasn’t an alien, Cary knew Terl could be a tough dog when protecting her and John. He was part Pitbull, and she didn’t know what the other parts may be, but he never was mean or cruel to either of them. He loved playing in the park or even in the fenced in backyard at Johns house. Now, after 2 years, Cary was moving in with them. She had all of her stuff in the car, and was thinking of the last thing John had told her.

John promised her a surprise – what, she didn’t know, but he had been looking at a second dog, and so Cary suspected it had something to do with that. He liked spending time with his dog, something that Cary couldn’t fault him for so she was okay. Terl was great, but John promised that a second dog would be twice the fun. Since Terl was not fixed, he tried to hump things all the time. It must be hard for him thought Cary. She at least felt sorry for Terl since she had John but Terl had no one. Sometimes Terl would be in the mood and he wouldn’t think of anything else except humping something, many times Cary’s leg. She would have to drag her leg until Terl fell off. Kinda funny, but she still felt bad for him. One time when she was there waiting for John, Terl had started up and her curiousity got the better of her, so she had let him continue to hump her leg. She enjoyed the tight grasp that Terl had on her, almost becoming a part of her leg. It felt a little icky when his penis slithered out and rubbed directly on her leg, and she forced him off of her before he actually came, But he did leave a sticky precum residue as a parting gift. In the end, she had to admit she wasn’t turned off. She wondered briefly how he actually might feel making love to her. Her wondering had stopped there as John came home. She quickly wiped off her leg before he walked in, noticing now how Terl’s excitement had left him with half of his cock hanging lewdly outside of his sheath.

Now she arrived at John’s and noticed his truck in the driveway. Pullling alongside him, she got out with her handful of “stuff” and took it in through the garage. Opening the door, she heard a bark and Terl came running towards her happy to see her. She dropped her stuff and got down on her knees to scratch him behind the ears. “Hey Terl, how you donin’ boy?” she asked the happy dog. John came into the room smiling, and she stood up to greet him. “Hi hon” he said, “we finally did it! This is going to be great! I have that surprise for you. Come over here to the back door.” She stood up and went to the door and looked out. Out in the yard was a large Rottweiler dog. “You really did it, huh? What’s his name?”

“This is Joey”, he introduced the new dog, opening the door. The dog came over, wagging his tail. “He does seem friendly” Cary remarked, scratching him behind his ears. He licked her and sniffed her as she bent down to introduce herself to him. Terl came over from behind, not sure what to think of the new dog. “Hey Terl, you got some competition!” she told the Pitbull. “I think its great that they get along so well in such a short time” John remarked. Cary admired his shape including his sizable sheath. She noted that he also still had all of his “equipment”, as his golf ball sized testicles swung behind him.

“Joey is 3 years old” John added, as Cary continued to scratch him. Terl pushed his nose into Cary to get her attention. She laughed and started scratching him with her other hand. “Oh Terl – don’t be jealous! You know I love you too!” she giggled as she scratched both dogs. She looked down between Terl’s back legs almost instinctively now to compare him with Joey. Terl’s cock was shorter but thicker, or so it seemed. His balls didn’t hang as low, but it appeared to be a good size. What am I thinking about? Cary asked herself. Better do something different…

“Come on guys, lets go out back and play!” John called, opening the door for the two dogs. “You know Cary, I really would like to give them both a bath out here” John said. Then we can run them around for a while. “Well I don’t have a lot of unpacking to do” Cary said. “I guess I’ll be out in 10 minutes to join you.” She went to her bags she had brought in and took them to the bedroom. She moved her clothes from the bags to the dresser drawers. We should probably celebrate she thought. She turned down the blankets for later that afternoon.

When she got outside, John had gotten a bucket of soapy water and the hose. He was squirting the water over the dogs. They were trying to bite the stream of water as it passed over them. Cary reached into the scrub bucket as she crouched down. “Come here Terl!” she called to the dog. The dog was being playful and ran towards her then away, daring her to catch him. She feigned disinterest until Terl came closer, then she grabbed him, squealing playfully as he tried to escape her grasp. Quickly she grabbed the brush in the bucket and started scrubbing Terl, first his head then his back. The dog settled down, liking the feeling of the brush. She then washed down his chest and belly, and made him jump as she brushed against his cock. “Oh I’m sorry Terl!” she told the dog. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” She was more careful and took a cloth that was next to the bucket. Dipping it in the soapy water, she used the cloth to clean his belly, and worked slowly towards his cock. After all, she thought, it needs to be cleaned. She gently washed his sheath then barely touched his balls, realizing how sensitive they were. Terl now stood still, enjoying the attention even more. John was still spraying Joey and laughing as the dog ran back and forth.

Cary had to admit to herself that she received some pleasure, feeling the firmness of his cock as she cleaned it, then wiping his ass to clean it. Finally, she finished with him and let him go. “Okay John, he’s ready to be rinsed off” she said. Terl started running back and forth as John sprayed him with the hose. She looked at Joey now uninterested sniffing in a corner of the yard. She stood up and walked over to him, then bent down to scratch his ear. “Comeon…come over here Joey. Let me give you a bath.” The dog followed her obediently and she walked to the bucket and crouched down to grab the brush. Joey remained next to Cary as she soaped him down. She realized he was a good dog, and she followed the same steps she had used to clean Terl. After she cleaned his belly, she picked up the warm, soapy cloth and took a little more time cleaning Joey’s large sheath and hindquarters. It was tantalizingly inviting as she felt along the supple, firm penis, and held his testicles as if weighing them in her hand.

John noticed her gentle inquisitiveness and said, “You don’t have to spend THAT much time fondling his cock you know…” She quickly moved her hand and looked up at John, feeling her face flush a bright red. She had been caught with the proverbial hand in the cookie jar. “I…I wasn’t. I mean I was only cleaning him.” Cary lamely replied. She stood up and went to play with Terl who was now romping around the yard. Honestly, she thought, Joey had a big gun…probably bigger than John. “Hey I didn’t mean anything” John called after her, realizing that he had embarrassed her. “But I wouldn’t be jealous if…”

He didn’t get a chance to finish as Cary ran over to the bucket and grabbed the soapy rag. Turning she threw it in his direction. She knew she was caught in the act and now wanted to be playful and move on. John turned the hose up onto Cary, laughing. She tried to protect herself to no avail and covered her head as he squirted her good. Her short sleeve top and shorts were quickly soaked, as he followed her around the yard with the hose. Finally she giggled out, “Enough! Okay, I give up!” He stopped spraying her, but now she was soaked. The shirt clung to the outline of her perky 34C breasts, her nipples clearly erect and showing.

“Now I’m going inside to get dressed!” she called to him, smiling and went to the back door. She flung open the screen door, and went inside, her sneakers leaving footprints where she walked. She pulled off her clothing as she made her way to the bedroom. Arriving there, she pushed off her wet shorts. Since she didn’t wear a bra, she was now only in her wet panties. Quietly, John snuck into the house after her, followed by the two dogs who knew something was up. He tiptoed to the door, watching Cary wriggle out of her shorts. With her back now to him, he darted in the room, grabbing her around the waist and tumbling onto the bed.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed in surprise and delight. “All right Miss Cary” he said, “we need to officially welcome you to this house. She wrestled with him weakly, surrendering herself to his whims. He lay over her chest and began kissing her in earnest, kicking off his shoes. His hands began roaming, first across her lovely soft breasts, then down towards her panties. Sliding a finger underneath the waist, he gently pulled them down as she maneuvered to help him. The panties became entangled on her feet and she struggled to kick them off.

Joey and Terl walked into the room hearing the squealing and laughter, and Joey thought she was playing. He grabbed the wet panties and yanked them off of her. “Hey!” Cary cried, “who did that?” John and her picked up their heads and looked at the foot of the bed. Joey and Terl stood there, her panties hanging from Joey’s mouth. Both she and John looked down at the dogs standing at the foot of their bed and burst out laughing. “Are they helping or waiting their turn?” John asked Cary laughingly. “I’m not sure – but I’m not sure I can handle three of you!” Cary laughed back to him. Becoming a little bit more serious, John asked, “Would you like to start with Terl?” There was dead silence for a moment as Cary searched his eyes for a hint that he was still playing with her, then responded offhandedly, “Umm…I don’t know. Terl first?”

John reached down gently between her legs and felt Cary was still wet from their brief foreplay. Or was she now wet talking about the dogs. This conversation excited him. He hadn’t thought of this before, but he wanted to see how far she would go. “Yeah. Let’s see if Terl is really into you.” He called out to the dog. “Hey Terl, come on up here. Here boy!”

Terl didn’t need a second invitation. He smelled Cary’s sex and was happy at the chance to get closer. He had never been lucky enough to mate with any dog, something his instincts told him he should do every time he smelled a female’s sex in the air. His balls were full of cum at five years old. He didn’t really know what to do, but he was just excited to get closer to Cary. John pushed Cary down on her back and gently spread her legs. “Are you sure its okay to do this?” Cary asked John. She realized how excited she was getting, she could feel her pussy getting wetter by the second, but she didn’t want John to consider her a freak one day, or tell anyone. She didn’t know why, but a primal instinct was convincing her that any penis was going to be alright for her. More than that, it was something she had to try. The dog probably had needs as great as John’s, and there was no other female to fill those needs. “Don’t worry baby, this will be between just you and me.” John said, closing the deal.

“Well…what should I do?” Cary asked. “Just let him climb on me and fuck me?”
“Uh…I’m not sure. Let’s see what Terl does first.”

John grabbed Terl’s collar and pulled him between Cary’s legs. He pushed his head down towards her. Terl , being a bit tough, did not like being pulled or pushed. He growled a little bit to let John know he needed to stop. “Why is he growling” Cary asked. “I think I should let him do what he wants. I guess he felt like I forced him.” John replied. Cary bent her legs at her knees around the dog, grabbing him with her knees. She pulled him gently towards herself. Terl didn’t mind that. She let him go. Now he caught the strong scent of female in heat and bent his head towards Cary’s well trimmed pussy. He stuck his tongue out to taste the scent. “Ooohhhh” Cary moaned. The warm, wet tongue had tasted her. A foreign tongue, a dog’s tongue, but it felt wonderful as chills radiated out through her body.

Once he determined that the taste was pleasing, Terl dipped his head back down and began licking Cary’s pussy a bit more. With each lap of his tongue, Terl tried to get closer and closer to the source of the taste, pressing his tongue and head with more vigor into Cary’s slit, each time lapping up more and more of her cum. His tongue moved in and out very easily now, as her pussy relaxed and opened to the muscular invader. Cary loved the way the dog was licking her. Her hips started to buck up to meet his oral attack, and she could her the squishing sounds made from her juices bubbling up from within. Of course she hadn’t any time to consider how this would really feel, but she was more than a bit surprised at the pleasure she felt as the anxious tongue dove deeply inside her, flicking her g-spot while the hairy snout pushed down trying to enter her and the dog’s teeth occasionally nipping at her rubbery lips. “Ahhh…ahhhhh…ooohhh!” Cary intoned, her waves of pleasure increasing with along with her thrusts.

John had never imagined this before, but the whole scene was turning him on immensely. His dog was crouched between his girlfriend’s legs, snorting as he cleaned her pussy with wholehearted effort. Cary was getting into the act with some abandon, her eyes closed, her hips bucking towards the lapping dog, her legs moving higher and higher to allow Terl’s tongue to penetrate deeper, looking as though some invisible lover lay on top of her pounding away. Juices ran down from her pussy over her asshole, the whole area wet and glistening. Her panting told John that she was really into it, but just to make sure, he asked, “Hey Cary…are you okay?” Between pants she got out “Yeah…uh huh” and went back to her pleasures.

“I mean, I can pull him away from you…” John followed. “N…no…don’t…it’s ooooooo….ok.” she said, trilling with pleasure, never missing a beat. Cary was now moving up, down and sideways, and Terl’s tongue occasionally licked her asshole, providing her with more stimulation. “I…I need him…NOW!” Cary said, as her insides felt ready to burst, in need of a hard cock to satisfy her. Not knowing anything about a dog’s cock, she didn’t know how to get Terl to fuck her. “Do something John. I need him now. Let him fuck me!” John only knew slightly more than Cary, so he said, “OK, turn over on your hands and knees like a female dog.” He didn’t know if Terl would know what to do or not.

Cary didn’t want the tongue to stop, but she wanted cock more, so she moved and started to turn. Terl, quick as a wink, jumped up and grabbed her leg, his instinct telling him what to do. He began humping her leg, clasping it tightly, his penis coming partly out of its sheath, leaving her with a warm, wet feeling. Once she realized what was happening, Cary laughed, “Terl, wait! Let me turn over!” and continued until she was on her hands and knees. Terl now saw her pussy again, and wanted to continue his licking. He pushed his snout between her legs, now forcing his tongue to enter her in this position. On her hands and knees, Cary’s pussy opened into a straight canal, lips parted. “Oooooooohhhhhh!” she yelped, the tongue now tasting the bottom of her pussy. She pushed back at the dog, lowering her front half to allow even better access and rocked into him, but still wanted his cock. “John…help him” she pleaded.

John understood and grabbed Terl to pick him up, dropping him on Cary’s back. John now saw Terl’s pink cock and knew his excitement was complete. Terl started thrusting, not knowing what this would do, while at the same time moving up on Cary’s back, his front paws grabbing her thighs, his dew claw extended while his back legs were stretched, trying to get purchase on the bed. His wet hard cock poked at Cary – in her thigh, closer now into her pelvic bone, trying to drive itself inside of her. “Ooowch!” Cary yelled. The surprise from the pain of the claws into her thigh and the bone poking her ass were not comfortable. “Are you ok? Should I take him down?” John asked. “No…he is trying to enter me but he is not lined up right!” Cary said, moving her ass to try and help him. John looked at the thrusting dog and saw he was too high to be successful. “Spread your legs further apart” John told her, “it will lower your position for him.” Cary listened, spreading her pussy and asshole for the dog. Terl thrust desperately now, wanting to sink his cock into her. He hit her asshole and almost entered, his slick cock getting into her anal ring. “Yowch!” Cary yelped again. She could now tell that she either had to guide him into her or keep moving until they were lined up properly. She reached between her legs, trying to grasp the thrusting cock. It was too slippery, though, so she pushed it to the side and then all of a sudden, it slid into her pussy. “Uuuunnghhh!” was the noise she made as his bone entered her and pushed the air out of her lungs. She stiffened in anticipation as Terl now grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him while pushing his pelvis forward. Two, three, four thrusts she felt in rapid succession as the dog successfully entered her.

“Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!” she almost screamed as the dog’s cock plunged into her ready pussy, which lubricated itself anew. The wetness she had felt on her leg and thigh was Terl’s precum she realized, which was drying now to a sticky coat. But now she felt the warm wetness inside of herself, knowing that the dog was taking no chances and lubricating her with more precum with each thrust. The initial shock and pain turned to pleasure as Terl’s cock inflated and grew. When he first entered her, Cary thought his cock size was nice and she would enjoy cumming around it. But now it kept growing and she froze in place, allowing the dog to do all of the work. Suddenly, she felt a warm stream shooting inside. “He must be cumming” she thought to herself. The combination of his fucking action and cumming, started her orgasm, and she felt her legs and arms turn to rubber. “Oooooooooooo…oooooooooooooooohhhhhh….ooooooooohhhhh! she moaned and screamed, as the culmination of his efforts pushed her over the edge and she came. Her pussy squeezed his spurting cock, and then as quickly as he had fucked her, he pulled out and dismounted her.

Cary collapsed on the bed, her first dog fuck a success in her mind. Terl, still excited pranced around the bed, the tip of his cock still exposed, dripping cum. “Unbelievable!” John said, “that was sooooo sexy!” Cary, still panting said, “You think so? It was pretty good, I have to say. But I wasn’t ready for his nails or his hard cock. It felt like a bone going in me.”

“I think that’s right” John replied. “I thinks dogs do have a bone…” Terl sniffed his way back to Cary, lying on her stomach. He licked all of the dried cum from her ass, and pushed his way back to her pussy, enjoying the new taste of successful mating. “Hey, you are one horny dog!” Cary said. Terl continued to lick and Cary raised up slightly to help him. It did feel SO good. “Uh…Cary, I don’t think he’s done.” John said. “Looks like he’s still excited.” Cary turned around and for the first time saw the pink cock that had fucked her. Only the tip stuck out of the sheath. “It did feel bigger” Car said, not realizing that a dog’s cock grows. “Well, I can tell you from experience that a cock grows” John said, pointing to his own relaxed member. “Yeah, I guess that’s right” Cary said. The dog’s insistent licking became more pleasurable again as he successfully entered her pussy and lapped over her asshole. Now that Terl had his first experience, he was anxious to get more. Last time he had licked Cary and she became compliant with his needs, so he tried to do it again.

Only a small portion of his seed had been delivered, and his body was designed to try and spread that seed over several bitches. Since there was only one bitch available, his body was okay with continually mating with her until she became pregnant. His body didn’t care that this was a different species, and could not become pregnant, it was just as happy to go through the motions. His hips began thrusting again as he became more excited, and John told Cary, “Let me get him out of the room. He’s really horny.”

“No…its alright. It feels good. I’m okay with it, really!” She rose up again on her hands and knees, careful not to get too high this time, and tried to set herself up for quick success. This time Terl hopped up on her back and started thrusting. He was too far away and John had to push his hindquarters in closer to Cary.

“Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!” she screamed again as the dog entered her. This time she was prepared, but there was still some initial discomfort until his precum lubricated her. Her nipples ached for attention, hanging down in front of her. Her C-cup firm breasts began to swing as Terl got into his rhythm. Quickly he grew, and Cary reached back with one hand, pulling his ass deeper into her. She couldn’t believe it, but this time he felt even deeper into her, pressing into the back of her cunt at her pulsing cervix. “Aaahhhhhhh” she intoned as his cock grew again in length and girth. How big did this thing get. The bigger it got, the better it felt. It was already bigger than any cock she had ever felt. Terl pushed hard and she felt a bulge passing in and out of her pussy. She saw bright lights and stars, as the unbelievable pleasure coursed through her body. Her one arm supporting her gave way, and her head fell to the bed, her ass still well in the air, at the mercy of Terl’s thrusts. She began continuous moaning now as she felt his cum jet out of his cock into her deep recesses. She couldn’t believe she was cumming again, the “squish squish” sound of their fucking loud in her ears. Her orgasm was rising and rising. John watched in fascination. The first time Terl fucked her he was done in about half a minute. Now he was still thrusting into her a minute later. What stamina!

The bulge was getting bigger, a little harder to pass in and out. Instinctively, Cary thrust back at her mate while holding his ass as tightly as she could with one hand. Now that she had collapsed on the bed, she swung her other hand around to get a firm grip on his ass from both sides. It seemed easier to just hold onto his back legs, and she did so. She knew this bulge couldn’t keep passing through her pussy lips. Somehow she knew she needed it inside of her. Holding his legs she thrust back one last time. The bulge entered her and ballooned in size, locking them together. At the same time, the head of his cock, having nowhere to go, was forced through her cervix. Since it was so large and lubricated with some very slippery precum and cum, it pushed its way inside, forcing her open. His cock now inflated to full size and his knot locked into her pussy. Her body tightened down around it and she leaned slightly forward, putting pressure on his knot.

Terl was now locked in as he should be and his body pumped cum into Cary at a furious rate. Since his cock had passed through her cervix, he was now filling her expandable womb. Cary came in a thundering orgasm, her cunt pulsing as it squeezed and released his cock shaft, just behind the knot. She had never felt so filled, and couldn’t understand how her body accommodated him. His bath had made him smeel good, but all sights, sounds, smells and her thoughts slipped away as she experienced a new kind of pleasure she didn’t know was possible. John only heard moaning and other unintelligible sounds coming from her. He knew she was okay, as her hips maintained a slow thrust back and forth towards Terl.

For his part, Terl now rested on Cary, feeling each jet of cum shoot out of his prick, the feeling of being squeezed in a too tight pussy not at all a problem. Cary was holding him steadily in place, and he had no thought of moving. John looked behind the couple and saw Terl’s cock disappearing into Cary. Her pussy looked swelled in size, must be that Terl had a large cock. He had no idea of the size, but just the fact that this dog was fucking his girlfriend was very exciting to him. He noticed that There was something in Terl’s backside that was pulsing. He had to imagine that this was Terl’s cum shooting into Cary. He knew for himself, that he was done shooting after several thrusts, certainly within a minute, but as he watched he saw no decline in the pumping action. He also saw that right after each pulse, Terl’s balls rose slightly, as if adding his seed to the mix before it shot up his shaft and through Cary’s pussy lips into her pussy. There was some suctioning sounds as Terl adjusted his position slightly and Cary continued her slow thrusts back at the dog. A bit of cum squeezed through their connection, and bubbled and sucked in an extremely erotic way. Looking at Cary’s face, John saw her lips parted in pleasure, her eyes closed, as she breathed through her mouth. “Wow” he thought, “I never noticed that much abandon on her face with me.” He wondered what Terl’s trick might be.

Satisfied with just watching, John stroked Cary’s inner thigh, producing a sigh from her. His eyes started wandering, and he notice Joey on the floor, sitting at attention, the pink head of his cock sticking out of its sheath. “Oh oh” he thought, “Joey’s a bigger dog. I hope he is not thinking what I think he is.” But John realized that if he was excited, why wouldn’t Joey be? The fucking couple still hadn’t moved, and Cary was still moaning. After another ten minutes, Terl was getting restless and started to move. Cary couldn’t hold him in place as he hopped off of her. She weakly protested, “No, no” but it was too late. As he hopped off, John noticed the large knot trying to extricate itself from Cary’s smaller pussy slit. “Oowwwwwwwww” she reacted, as Terl tried to leave. The weight of his body pulled tenaciously at the connection, Cary trying to move with him, until the knot crested and passed through her pussy lips. John hadn’t seen that before and didn’t know what it was. He couldn’t believe it had passed into or out of Cary. With a great sucking sound, the knot released, and Terl’s cock shaft slowly followed. After depositing his final shot of cum inside of Cary, Terl’s full cock slipped lewdly out of her. Another shot of cum landed on the bed. Terl’s cock now fully exposed was underneath the dog. Cary had truly been fucked into submission, and she was sad to feel the fullness that Terl had provided her leave. But she still felt full of his seed, and wanted to keep in inside of her. She fell off of her knees onto the bed. “My God! Oh my God!” she swore. “That was fantastic! I am soooo tired!” That dog can fuck!”

“Hey Cary –look at this” John said. She turned around as John pointed to Terl’s dangling cock. “That was inside of you!” he finished, stating the obvious. “It…it’s got to be eight inches long before that…that huge…thing!” she said. “I think it’s called a knot” John told her. “That…knot was inside of me? No wonder why I felt so tightly connected to him…oh my God! And look at how wide his cock is…it was like a salami was inside me. All I can tell you is that it went deeper than anything before! It was fabulous but oh, my aching pussy!”
Terl looked at the both of them then jumped off the bed. He was satisfied for the time being. He went over to the corner and lay down, licking his shrinking cock.

“Well don’t look now, but it looks like Joey is interested in some action” John told her, pointing to the dog at the foot of the bed. “And, I am so turned on, if I don’t fuck you, I’ll bust!” He leaned over and gently rubbed her tits which had been neglected by Terl. “Oh John, I don’t know. My pussy needs some rest. But….ooooohhhhhh, that feels good!” John ducked his head down and sucked lightly on Cary’s nipples. They had been so neglected, she had forgotten how much they needed his lips. She lay back and let his lips and tongue bathe her tits and rock hard nipples.

As John continued his attention, Joey smelled the sex between Cary’s legs. He smelled Terl ‘s scent all over her pussy area and his cum drying on her thighs and matted in her pubic hair. He stood up and stuck his nose between her legs, sniffing once then licking out with his warm, wet tongue. Cary moaned again, the surprise tongue bath comforting her besieged pussy. She automatically spread her legs to give Joey better access to her, his tongue easily penetrating her worn slit, lapping up a mix of juices mingling inside. The more he licked, the higher and further apart her legs rose as her body forgot her fatigue. Now she moaned a steady “Oh…oh…oh” in time to Joey’s strokes. John picked up his head and saw Joey, who apparently knew what to do, whether by instinct, experience or training. “Hey…what the…” he started to say, not wanting to be denied Cary’s cunt any longer. But looking at Cary with her eyes closed as she steadily humped away at the dog between her legs, he knew he would have to wait. Cary’s ass was near the end of the bed, but he slid her closer and she didn’t object, her legs moving back far enough for her to grab them and take the strain off of her leg muscles. Now positioned with her ass on the edge of the bed, and her body at an angle with her head at the side of the bed, Cary had enough experience with Terl to simply enjoy the increasing attention of Joey.

John looked at the dog, seeing he was excited, a clear, white liquid oozing out of his little pink cock which John knew was precum. He didn’t imagine that Cary was ready to get fucked again, just lying back to enjoy the licking, when suddenly she whispered, “Fuck me….FUCK ME…FUUUCCK MEEEE!” Her body had quickly adjusted to the new stimulation and she wanted Joey on her. “Turn over, hon” John told her, expecting her to get in the doggy style position. “No…let him fuck me missionary” she said, her mouth adjusting to a new vocabulary of doggy pleasure. Surprised but excited, John moved back and watched Joey lick his girlfriend deeply, the squishy sounds indicating that Cary was well lubricated. Joey’s hindquarters began a rhythmic humping motion, and John wondered if his new dog had any mating experience. In fact he had, but only with other dogs. This bitch was different he knew – less hair, better tasting and had a larger pussy than his other bitches.

Suddenly Joey jumped up between Cary’s legs, moving in towards her, the tip of his cock struggling to find a warm crevice to bury itself in. Precum was shooting from the tip as it contacted Cary’s bucking body. The feel of his meat between her legs, radiating its heat, and the firm feel as it hit her legs and crotch sent Cary into overdrive. She wanted to feel the dog’s cock enter her again. She had to know if it was just Terl who was so fabulous or if another dog could fill her as completely and send her over the edge. She released her raised legs and reached as far as she could, barely grabbing the thrusting dog’s ass on either side. But it was just enough as she was forced to slide towards him as she pulled him towards her. The head of his prick had nowhere to go except in between her slippery pussy lips. When the tip entered her, it was as if an electric shock ran through her body. As she pulled them together, the cock slid smoothly inside, growing in length as Joey’s sheath was pushed back. And then she realized that the initial length of it was in her when she couldn’t pull him any closer together. Joey realized this too and immediately increased his speed and force in humping Cary. The impact of his fucking knocked Cary back onto the bed, her head hanging over the side at an awkward angle. Her legs went higher into the air as she automatically tried to adjust to Joey’s pounding rate of attack. “Oooooooofff!..Oh my…OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed out, as the two were now fully engaged. If Joey could have moved forward any further, he would have knocked Cary completely off of the bed. But the bed was in his way, and it allowed him to speed fuck her without knocking her further back. Joey’s cock began to inflate to its full, hard length and girth. His cock was fatter than Terl’s and it pressed Cary’s pussy in all directions. The head of his cock struggled in and out of her cervix, retreating on each withdrawal, and plunging back in on each thrust. “Oh FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE!” she screamed, cumming hard around her lover’s cock, and bathing it in her juices.

Joey’s knot passed in and out of her cuntal opening, stimulating her tremendously. Her slick opening gave him passage both in and out until finally, his knot grew too big and within half a second they were locked together in a lovers embrace. Cary’s head hung off of the bed in front of John, who stood there with a rock hard boner. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open so that she could breathe in enough air. John force his cock down, and pushed the tip through her parted lips. Cary hardly responded, except to gently close her lips between breaths. In this position, John was able to slide his cock down her throat, and he felt the soft tissue at the back of her throat. It felt just like a pussy. He withdrew and plunged, giving Cary enough time to take a breath. His balls hung over her nose as he plunged deep. “AAAAAaaaaaaaahhh!” he moaned, not lasting long as a huge cum shot out of his cock down her throat. She gobbled and swallowed the best she could, cum dripping out of the sides of her mouth. In a final orgasm, John held Cary’s head in place, while his knees buckled and streams of his cum shot down into her hungry mouth.

Meanwhile, Joey locked tightly into Cary, his knot now secure, and his cum flowing like a river into his bitch. He slowed down in his humping, his mission accomplished. Cary couldn’t believe the size of the knot tying them together. She mewled around John’s cock, and used her pussy muscles to milk the puppy maker planted deep inside. She couldn’t know it, but Joey’s cock was nine inches long and as thick as her wrist. His knot which pressed hard against her clit was the size of a baseball. Orgasms of pure pleasure came over her in waves, each one building on the last. She knew she was at Joey’s mercy now – if he decided to walk into the next room, she would be dragged helplessly along. But Joey wasn’t thinking of moving. He had an incredible amount of reserve that he intended to unload into Cary.

Finished, John shrunk and withdrew from Cary’s mouth, while she gagged a little on the fluids filling her mouth. Her face was covered in cum. John looked at the dog resting on his girlfriend, breathing heavily and went around to see the tie. He was shocked that Cary was in such ecstasy, her cunt mouth pried apart with a huge knot, easily seen by him. A strong throbbing occurred between Joey’s legs, his balls rising and falling with each stream of seed that was ejaculated into Cary’s womb. Her pussy lips tried to kiss and encircle the knot without much luck, clear juices all over her crotch. A squishing noise caused by slight twitching of Joey’s cock in his well lubed bitch kept John’s level of excitement high.

Finally, Joey got restless and twisted to the side, the front of his body jumping down from the bed. Cary yelped in protest as she thought she either was going to be dragged around the house or torn apart. But with their excellent lubrication, his cock simply turned, and he ended up on all fours on the floor, still tied to Cary. The turning motion set off rockets in Cary’s head, and her pussy convulsed around Joey’s knot, sending her over the edge. “OH FUCK!” she screamed, followed by a long moan, “oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh….aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh”, a dam bursting inside, her pussy involuntarily clamping down on the huge cock buried inside.

Cum started squirting out around Joey’s knot as the muscles inside of him forced his seed continuously into Cary, with no more room to contain it. The lubrication and pressure now being applied to his knot caused it to being leaving her smoking pussy – widening Cary’s hole as he slowly pulled out of her.

“Oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww” she howled, his baseball sized knot forcing her to open wider and wider, as if she was delivering his puppies down her birth canal. Finally the knot crested, and the pressure of his seed and cum inside of her pushed it out. A gallon of cum spilled on the edge of the bed and the floor. Joey remained still, his wide cock still inside of Cary, filling her with the last of his cum, trying to replace what spilled on the floor. Even now, Cary felt the huge cock still planted in her, almost as if an impossibly large human cock were there. Slowly Joey pulled away, his cock first widening her at the base then narrowing until the tip fell out, her pussy clinging to it as it left her. John watched as a steady stream of cum ran from her, a huge mess on the floor.

Cary had been thoroughly bathed in cum now, human cum drying on her face and dog cum on her crotch and legs. She couldn’t move as she floated on a cloud of pleasure, the last feelings of her multiple orgasms leaving her drifting off to sleep.


Part II

Cary and John were adjusting to their new living arrangements. It was 4 months since Cary moved in with him – and also with Terl and Joey. Cary and John would both go to work every day, then come home most nights and fuck each other’s brains out. Cary had repeated her trysts with Terl or Joey on occasion, and this excited John very much. But she had only fucked each of them twice in the 4 months, not because she didn’t like it, but because she liked it too much. She was secretly afraid that she would wind up fucking the dogs all day and night for a very long time. And she couldn’t admit this to John. She still enjoyed sex with him, but he didn’t have the equipment nor the biology to make her cum like her furry friends. She also thought that if she did fuck them too much, it would become routine – and the thrill would be gone. So she had limited herself when it came to the dogs. If they could have expressed their opinions, Terl and Joey would have differed from hers’. They would have told her that they would never get tired of fucking her. They were built for eating, fucking, and pissing/shitting, and would only stop doing the second thing so that they could do the first and last.

During the few times that they had mated with her, they had become more comfortable. She seemed to like it as much as they did and of course her pussy felt nice and tight as it grasped their cocks. She didn’t struggle against them so once they slipped her the knot, she actually helped them – something other bitches didn’t really do. So most times that Cary was out in the yard with them or walking around the house, both dogs would try to “put the moves on her” (jump up and grab her leg, hoping she would go to the floor). But she didn’t and she knew she had to train them properly. Cary didn’t want the embarrassment of the dogs constantly jumping her when others were around. So she worked on teaching them that when she was dressed, no sex. Over the past few weeks she was getting some good results.

A few days after their fourth month “anniversary” of living together, John had to go out of town for two days for business. “So, are you going to be alright while I’m gone?” he asked Cary. “I’ll be back Saturday morning – and I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll be alright. I’m kinda busy at work on Thursday, and I’ll see my friend Lisa Friday night, so it won’t seem so long.”

John packed his things and left Thursday morning as planned. Cary got dressed and went to work as usual. Since John was out of town, she had to come home at lunch to let the dogs out which was fine since she only worked a couple of miles away. When she arrived home, the dogs were happy to see her, barking and Joey was tall enough to jump up to lick her face. She laughed at the warm reception. “OK guys, down, down! I’m happy to see you too!”

She opened the back door and let them out and went into the kitchen to make lunch for herself. It was a little strange in the house without John, but it was a nice warm day and a gentle breeze blew through the open kitchen window. After she ate, she opened the door to let the dogs back in the house. Terl bounded in and pushed his snout into the crotch of her jeans as if to say “Hi, thanks for letting me in!” A wild thought crossed her mind – John wasn’t here and it had been a month since she last did the dogs. That was Terl. Joey was more like a month and a half. What if she had a quickie with one of them just by themselves? She had never done the dogs without John. Part of the attraction to it was John’s reaction and excitement. But now, this could be strictly for Cary – just for her pleasure.

To make it work, she would have to be fast because she had to return to work afterwards. Just the thought of fucking – say – Joey, and then walking back into work, his cum deep inside of her, his sperm swimming in womb, without anyone suspecting anything – that REALLY excited her. Having made up her mind, she went into the bedroom and quickly stripped off her jeans. Now she had to decide which dog she would fuck. Terl had initiated this train of thought, but Joey had waited longer…ok, so, who would it be? Joey was the answer that came into her head. With his long, thick cock, he would definitely satisfy her like she needed. She wriggled out of her jeans and slipped off her silky panties, standing there in just a sleeveless shirt and socks, her nipples poking hard through her bra and shirt, highlighting her building excitement. “Joey, here boy!” she called in a melodious voice. Joey obediently trotted into the room with Terl behind him. “Sorry Terl, not now, you’ll have to wait for next time” she told the second dog. She patted her lower belly, inviting Joey to get a noseful of her scent. Understanding her completely, Joey pushed his snout into her and inhaled deeply. The smell of her pussy was eagerly anticipated by him. Realizing how few opportunities he had, he quickly started licking her pubic mound, the light bush flattened by his tongue, glued with his saliva. Already excited by the anticipation of fucking Joey – alone, Cary’s pussy lips puffed out as she developed a slow, rhythmic thrust in response to the warm, wet tongue. “Oooohhhh…ooooooohhh” she mouthed softly, her knees buckling.

Feeling weakened and realizing that she had little time, Cary dropped to her hands and knees. Joey didn’t need a further invitation and plunged his head into her, eagerly licking her. In the background, Cary heard Terl whining, and she imagined his cock peeking out of its sheath, dripping slightly as if it couldn’t wait to be plunged deep into her vagina, where the warm walls would cradle it as it spurted and filled her with its seed. But Terl was not to be the lucky one this afternoon. The licking stopped as Joey was sufficiently excited to jump on her back and grasp her tightly, while his rear legs adjusted. Cary wiggled her ass in anticipation, her excitement to great to be still. All the other times she had mated with Joey, John had been there to help him with his footing and to keep him from savaging Cary to ensure she could handle him. Now, without John present, Cary realized she forgot to tape socks on his paws so he scratched her sides. She also realized that John had been able to help guide the dog to her gently, but it was too late to change what was going to happen now.

Joey’s grip on Cary was tighter than she had remembered – she couldn’t get away from him now if she tried. But that’s not what she had in mind. She needed to feel him inside of her – plunging, growing and thrusting, because honestly she needed to do the same with him.

Now in a better position, Joey had his front paws wrapped tightly around Cary’s thin waist and between her upper thighs, his back hunched over her, his back paws scraping her calves and lower thighs as he tried to align his cock with the moving target of her slit. His weight, combined with Cary’s inclination forced her head down to the carpet, her arms unable to hold up her weight in her sexually weakened state. Her movements served to open her slit to the impending penis, bobbing and poking her legs and ass, leaving a thin deposit of precum with each contact. Joey’s impatience increased his thrusting as he zeroed in on Cary’s twat. Each time he thrust towards her, a few inches of his cock shaft protruded, hoping to slide into her. After several unsuccessful attempts (which in reality was 10 seconds, but felt like 10 minutes to Cary), he managed to align himself and slide inside. There was a wet, bubbling sound as his cock instantly grew in length, pushing the air out of her hole. Cary made a soft “whoosh” sound as she felt the connection, the air forced out of her lungs, and pushed back against the prized invader. In his manic state, Joey didn’t pause to savor the moment. The small, lubricated head of his uninflated cock pushed into the wet, soft lips of Cary’s pussy at full speed, instantly growing in length to prevent it from falling out of her. He stepped as close as possible to her, pushing his rod completely into her, his weight now shifting over her shoulders, locking them together. He fucked into Cary with wild abandon, the long wait finally over, washing her cuntal canal with his precum, easily entering her cervix to continue his expansion. Cary was just a passenger at this point, her eyes closed, her enjoyment just beginning. She concentrated on the inflating cock that she knew would eventually reach its maximum length and girth – but right now it was still growing. Joey’s rapid barrage of thrusts into her actually pushed her across the carpet, Cary being unable to stop her forward momentum. Each time he slammed into her orgasmic stars flew in front of her closed eyes, sheets of white light exploding in her head.
Cary found herself screaming in pleasure, she didn’t even realize that the sound was coming from her, her level of excitement such that she was already cumming continuously, creaming Joey’s fat, plunging rod. His ass moved from left to right, pummeling her pussy, the wet sounds of deep fucking mixing with her loud moans. Now Joey’s knot began to blossom, forcing her pussy lips further apart as it plunged in and out of her. She knew that the big knot would tie them together – it was unnecessary from a practical viewpoint but she anticipated it nonetheless. His completely erect cock was the biggest thing she had ever had inside of her, the head now ejaculating long, stringy ropes of his cum into her, filling her uterus like it had in the past. Cary’s pussy mouth involuntarily clamped down on Joey’s cock, sealing his knot inside of her as it grew to full size. Her velvety pussy canal lovingly squeezed the entrapped member, forcing it to pulse and shoot more of his seed into her. This would never happen with a man, of course there would be the great sensations building to an orgasm – but this was at a different level. Joey’s relatively huge cock stuffed her tight twat completely, and her cunt had clamped down on his shaft, keeping his knot fully engaged. The two were perfect fuck buddies, their bodies responding completely to each other as the sex-starved dog filled his bitch with his seed. Even as he dismounted Cary, Joey stayed locked into her and they stood side by side, the smooth contractions of his prostate and the rhythmic sympathetic contractions of her pussy the only evidence now of continuing love-making. Cary was quiet now, enjoying the continuing sensation of Joey’s hot mix pumping into her core, warming her. She was sweating as if she had just sprinted the 400 meter dash, panting as was her partner, with his tongue hanging out.

As sensation slowly returned to the rest of her body, her moaning softened to a purr, she realized her knees were carpet-burned from being pushed across the floor. She raised herself up on her arms right into Terl’s face. He licked her broadly across the mouth and face. “Ptheew” she spit, the unexpected kiss catching her off guard. Terl looked at her and whined. “What do you want Terl” she asked. “Can’t you see I’m busy?” He was standing there, his body rigid and with a hard-on. “Oh my God!” Cary exclaimed when she noticed his meaning. She intended to add that she couldn’t help him out right now, her pussy was busy milking a huge cock buried deep within her, and afterwards would not be in any condition to take on another, but then she had an idea. Reaching out with her left hand, she gently grasped Terl’s cock and sheath and delicately massaged his cock, coaxing it further out of the sheath, while at the same time pulling it towards her face. She also started a slow thrust of her hips, fucking Joey’s cock, which was still shooting into her, but slower now. She wasn’t ready for him to pull out of her, the delicious knot still hard and firmly planted inside her. Even if she wanted to she wouldn’t be able to get him out of her.

Terl’s cock started shooting clear, warm precum onto her face and lips, and now the tip of his cock was only inches from her waiting lips. She licked her lips to moisten them, then closed her eyes as she parted them and took in the tip of his cock. Up to this point she hadn’t blown a dog yet, and she was curious if Terl’s cock tasted like a man’s cock. On that account she was surprised – it did not taste like John’s cock at least. It was slimy and rubbery and tasted a little gamey. That was not unpleasant she decided, and so she decided to take more into her sucking mouth. Terl was only too happy to help her, and shuffled forward, his short, expanding cock feeding into her mouth. As she sucked, he had the sensation that he had somehow buried his cock in her pussy and he started a mad thrust. Cary was not ready for that and although she tried to hold him at bay, he forced his slippery cock into her mouth. Cary couldn’t move away as Joey was buried in her and had unexpectedly started to thrust. So she froze in place as Terl shoved his cock into her, a bulb at the base of his penis indicating that his knot was forming, and Joey’s thrusting from the side pushing her further onto Terl’s cock. She unconsciously formed a tight seals behind Terl’s growing knot, and felt the width of his cock expand with the length as it forced itself into the back of her throat. Cary began to gag in reflex as Terl shot his first load into her mouth. It sprayed out from her mouth explosively in all directions, and as she inhaled was sucked back into her throat as he shot a second streamer. The combination of so much cum in her mouth and throat caused Cary to instinctively swallow. That relieved her airway problem but she did all she could to keep up with the swallowing to avoid choking. This was fine with Terl as he had never been sucked off like this before. He only knew that he needed to finish dumping his impressive load into Cary so he wasn’t about to stop.

Joey now finished pumping the last of his sperm into Cary, and he started to pull on her in an attempt to get out. This only put more pressure on his sizable knot, and continued to milk him. Her belly felt totally filled as the lake of cum in her womb and pussy pressed against her stomach which now was filled with lunch and a Terl milkshake. She pulled her head back and was able to release Terl’s knot. His cock quickly followed and his cum poured from her mouth onto the carpet, pooling underneath them. Some ran down her face and over her tits, forming a wet spot on her shirt. Terl pulled out, still shooting and walked away. Joey meanwhile had finally pulled long and hard enough so that his knot was forcing its way out of Cary. She yelped as the big blockage opened her up in a lewd manner, finally cresting and popping out with an audible sound, followed by a load of his seed. Cary gasped as she tried to recover from both ends, Joey dutifully turning around towards her and cleaning the cum from her dripping snatch, the way that dogs have in completing their bond with their mates. Cary collapsed in a heap, only knowing that her plan of returning to work that afternoon was not going to happen.