(c) November 21, 2008 by tails4tailgrl

Part 1

I sat down on the chaise in front of my lover, my long split skirt falling away from my legs to reveal tanned thighs and stocking tops. I sipped quickly at my drink, looking over the edge of the glass as I opened my thighs and whispered, “Do you like looking at me lover? I want you to look at me, look at me and touch yourself.” My lover was staring with obvious lust at my stockings and lingerie – the front of his pants bulging with a growing hard-on. My breathing increased with lewd eagerness. “You’ll have to wait now, wait until I let you. Now I want the dog, I want to be naughty with him, and…and with you lover. I want to show you the glories of sex, I want to show you how much I love you. Please darling, bring the dog here baby, I want to make out with him first. That way this will always be our secret because I know I’ll trust you if you have sex with me and the dog. You watch us and I’ll do everything Donny, everything you tell me to do and you do everything I tell you to do. That’s how I will always be for you.” I patted my smooth, waxed pussy. He led the panting animal over to me and removed Prince’s leash. I sighed and quietly reassured the animal, whispering all soft and erotic like to him. “We’re going to have a lot of fun, aren’t we doggy?” My lover couldn’t hear my soft voice but the dog could. Prince showed his excitement, as his wet, tapered cock tip slid partly in and out of his sheath he began to frolic and pant. I watched as my lover’s cock became even harder, his thick meat growing to its full rigid length. Watching all this cock was making my pussy totally wet with anticipation. I had never seen this dog before, was he always like this? I suddenly wanted my lover to fuck the dog with me. It would be hot to be with him taking carnal delight with an animal. I knew it would make me hot, very hot, to watch his cock going in and out of the Dane’s ass while the dog’s huge knot was locked in my cunt. Getting to my feet, my eyes on the dog, I slowly unzipped my long slit skirt and let it fall to my feet. I stood, wearing only a sheer blouse, garter belt, stockings and high heels. I posed for both my lover and the dog, watching their eyes become eager. “Do you want me doggy, want to fuck me?” I asked in a throaty voice. “Oh god, darling!” Donny said quietly. “You’re so sexy.”

Turning my eyes from the animal I smiled and looked over at my lover. My voice became aroused, suggestive. I whispered so as to not discourage the huge dog.

“Take your clothes off too. I want you naked, lover, totally naked.” My man undressed quickly, his eyes watching me as I began to stroke at my smooth waxed pussy lips. I slowly strutted about, turning in profile and cupping my tits. I was looking in their direction and touching myself in arousal. I started teasing the dog around the room in circles. He kept leaping up and trying to catch me. I spun about and knelt, crawling slowly away from him acting like a teasing bitch. He again tried to mount and I let him get up then turned away rising on my knees and taking his front paws I faced him and put his paws on my shoulders as I reached his sheath and jacked at him for a moment. His penis slipped in and out quickly as he panted. I stood, throwing him off and I kept evading him as he chased me. I knew it would be better if he was inflamed with lust for me so I kept speaking touching and petting him. Talking gently as if he were human. “That’s a good boy, show mommy your penis. Be a good doggy and fuck me.” He pursued me as I went about the room, sitting briefly in a chair as he tried to mount me, then making a slow strut over to the bed and laying over the corner as he got his front paws up. His panting increased as we played the only real game. He tried to place his pulsing penis near my cunt; I reached his sheath as his immense meat slid out and I guided his prick tip over my belly until I could see it closely. “Oh god lover, he’s huge. I think it might be too big for me to really take but I want it so much Donny, please let me, please let me fuck the doggie.” Donny was touching himself slowly rubbing at his hardened cock. He said, “Ask me darling, ask me if you can fuck him. Be a good girl and beg permission to fuck the dog. Get on your knees and beg me little bitch.”

I moaned and rolled off the bed. What he had just said made me almost come. I tried to walk toward him but the Dane got to me and using his shoulder pushed me against the wall. I had teased the dog into needing it and now I did too. I stood with my back to the wall as the dog began to lick his wide wet tongue over and up into my cunt. My asshole twitched in thick anticipation of bestial pleasure with each lick. “Donny, I think he’s going to fuck me.” Please, please can he? Please can he fuck me right here lover?” I looked at Donny and he smiled as he took in the scene. I was wearing lingerie and about to be fucked by a huge dog and I was begging permission from my darling human lover. “Yeah lover, but I want to move slowly so you don’t disturb him and I want to lick your pussy when he comes in you. So get him to fuck you now darling, get his big knot to tie in your pussy.” Leaning back against the wall and putting my hips out, the Great Dane leapt up placing his huge scratchy forepaws back on my shoulders, his cock-tip throbbing in and out of its sheath. I stroked his long wet meat gently and ran my other hand around his neck, pulling his panting maw against my soft lips. I smiled at my lover and licked deeply into dog’s mouth, loving his fangs as I jacked his cock out. I wanted to show off for my lover, it made me hot. “Oh doggy.”, I whispered. “I want it right here, in front of Donny, against this wall, right now. I want you to put your big knot in me.” I spread my long stocking covered legs a bit and wiped his spitting cocktip against my smooth labia, rubbing his spurting penis again and again over my now swollen clit. “Oh doggy,” I whispered. “Oh doggy, I’m so wet for you. Please fuck me, please Prince?” I kept rubbing my labia with his cock tip as the Great Dane kept trying to penetrate my cunt. I looked at my lover and tried to slide my pussy onto the dog’s spitting meat. “I’m so hot for you doggy, It’s going to be so so good on your cock, on your big, throbbing knot …” Searching for my cunt, Prince pushed his meat convulsively upward and slipped it across my clit. I moaned, “Please get it in doggy, come on, yeah come on.” with a liquid noise his thick veined cock slid four inches into my shaved cunt repeatedly, slipping in and out quickly. Looking into my man’s eyes I smiled and slowly shoved my pussy down harder onto the dog’s rigid cock, forcing his bizarre penis deeper into my already overfull cunt. His slimy pre-come spitting meat began to throb bigger and bigger, I began to talk to my bestial lover, “Oh God, I’m already coming doggy. Push harder, get your knot in me, oh yeah, oh god yeah force it into me. You’re such a good dog, fuck me in front of my lover. Use me, use my cunt. Donny, I can feel his knot getting bigger, Oh god, I’m coming on his cock. His knot is popping in and out of me baby. It’s so good, I’m coming so good.” I looked over at my lover as I pushed my mid-back against the wall, I hooked my high heels into the carpet pile and threw my arms around the dog kissing him again and again, running my tongue under his lips, trying to swallow his immense tongue down my throat. “Mmm, doggy, let me have your tongue. Donny, I can feel his cock swelling inside me. It’s really big, really really big. He’s in me deep, got me good.” My pelvis rocked against him, my clit sliding over and across his sheath. The beast cooperated and I got his tongue all the way into my mouth. Suddenly, pulling off his tongue, I came. “Ah..ah fuck it, fuck me.” I came hard as my lover watched and stroked his own hard cock. “Lover, I want you to fuck him too. Go ahead, I want to do it with you too.” He moved forward and without a thought slid his drooling cock tip up against the Great Dane’s asshole. “Like this darling?” My eyes opened and I pulled my mouth off the dog’s tongue. “That’s right Donny, let’s both fuck him. Put it in him for me, put your penis in him now.” I leaned around the dog’s neck and began to French kiss my lover deeply, the moment took my heart. I knew he could taste the dog’s saliva, it made his cock throb. My tongue was heaven in his mouth. He poured some lube on the end of his cock and putting the tip of his meat against the Dane’s asshole pushed gently, sliding slowly in. The dog’s body was hot, his slimy cock was hot in my cunt. “Like it lover? Is he as hot inside as his cock feels in me? Hot dog dick Donny, he’s got his hot dog dick locked in my pussy.” He took a long deep breath. “I’m in him darling. You’re right, he’s hot inside, I’m in him all the way and I can feel him throb in your cunt. Every time he squirts in you his ass throbs darling.” He reached around the dog and slid his hand across my garter belt, feeling my stocking tops and then up to where he felt the dog’s cock had penetrated deep into my cunt. He felt around the edges of the dog’s knot where it protruded slightly from my overfull pussy. “Oh god darling, he’s got you so good. He’s filling you with dog come, his knot’s so big it’s poking out of you.” My lover moaned as he slowly fucked the dog’s ass. “He’s gonna make me come, oh god it’s good, darling, I’m gonna come. He’s so big it almost hurts. I’m gonna come right through him, through his cock, right into your pussy.” I felt the dog’s knot throbbing up, hard and swollen, locking deep into my cunt. The knot became tight inside me, unmovable and huge. I was horny enough to pull my lover’s face to mine and force him into a three way kiss with the dog.” Donny moaned and trembling, whispered to me, “I’m coming in him, darling.” I started to come, without volition my body began to tremble and convulse, my cunt began to pulse around the dog’s swollen cock knot. Pulse hard, harder than ever before. Unable to even move or contract it felt as if my pussy might break, just split right open on his hard swollen knot. “Donny, his knot is so big, it’s making me come so good. I’m coming on his knot baby, I love you lover. I love you.” “My cock’s gonna squirt darling, right now, I’m coming in his ass, he’s coming in you darling.” His penis pulsed stream after stream of semen into the dog’s hot ass. Gasping and moaning we panted and throbbed to a halt. Prince wriggled and Donny pulled out of his asshole, dripping semen.

I felt the dog’s knot start to slip, his penis started to slide in my pussy, slip from my dilated cunt. A deluge of dog come slid down my legs onto the floor and I came again just as his knot popped free with a swampy wet slurp. “Hold me, hold me up lover, I’m coming and I’m going to fall, please hold me up.” The dog licked his meat and sat down, looking at us with his best doggy smile. Holding Donny against my semen coated legs, I could feel his massive cock still hard against the skin above my stocking tops. I wanted more. Stepping back with a wicked look at my lover I pulled my blouse off… slowly, showing him my taut breasts, stripping for him. I stood before my lover and the attentive dog in my dog semen soaked stockings, garter belt and high heels. I was covered in dog semen and bits of hair and I whimpered in gentle lust, “ I want to spread my legs for you lover.” I arched my hips forward, deciding who could give me the most pleasure first. “Donny, I want to hold you next to me. Come lay on my bed, next to me.” I sat down on the bed, spreading my legs as I turned and lay back. “Come here lover.” I whispered. My man lay down next to me, his back against my side. I rolled up and put my arm over him, feeling his cock with my dog come soaked hand. “Look at me lover, I want to be your best ever lover. Your darling wants to hold you and love you. I started slowly, rubbing his cock, following his lines with my fingertips. His cock began to grow larger and larger lengthening to just more than ten inches, almost as big as Prince’s. I loved big cock, especially my lover’s. And now I loved the dog’s cock too. So wet and thick with that huge hard knot at the base. Locking on to the dog’s cock was unnaturally hot and sexy, like being fused together physically.

I shivered with my need to be turned on by an animal. “Lover, roll on your back, I want to ride you again.” He moaned, “Darling, I love you.” I whispered, almost moaning.” Be still baby.” I rolled on top of him, kissing my lover and writhing my wet cunt against his thick meat. Licking into his mouth like the dog’s I said, “I want to lick you everywhere baby.” Trailing my tongue down his neck and chest I pushed myself up and slid my pussy lips right against my lover’s thick round wet cock tip. My cunt opened for my lover’s thick, wet penis tip. I moaned as I sat up, slowly sliding my tight cunt down his length. “Lover, oh lover, it’s so good with you. But you’re so big I’m not ever sure I can fit you into me. I’m going to get it all in now Donny. Fuck me, fuck me lover. Push hard, I want all of your penis inside me. Use the dog come in me as lube baby.” I shoved my hand down between our sweaty joined bodies and started to rub my clit. “Darling, come for me. Please.” “Yeah baby, I will come for you, tell me what to do, that’s right, tell me.” So deep I could see his meat tenting my flat belly out in a small ridge. “Push your fingers into my belly lover, feel your cock inside my tight pussy.” My lover was staring up into my face, his eyes filled with love and pleasure. Donny pushed his fingertips into my flat belly and gasped. “Darling, oh darling, I can feel myself inside you. We’re so close and I can totally feel the head of my cock.” I threw my head back, my tits arching and lifting toward the ceiling. I cried out as a second orgasm shot through my body. I could no longer thrust my ass up and down. I could only grind slowly sitting astride my lover, his cock deep inside my cunt, and come and come and come. I pushed my fingers into my belly too I wanted to feel my lover’s cock still deep inside me. Donny reached up and put his hands on my tits, touching them gently. “So good, so good with you, darling.” Slumping forward, still in orgasm I mashed my tits against my lover’s sweaty chest, sliding my nipples against his. I wrapped my arms about him and hugged him tightly, my cunt still gripping his hard cock. After a few moments, I lifted my head and looked at my lover. With a small sob of ecstasy I pressed my lips to his, kissing him deeply with bestial pleasure. My tongue was soft on my lover’s, making my heart swell with arousal. He responded with enthusiasm, pushing his tongue against mine. “I love you darling.” He gently lifted my mouth from his. I sat up on him, my cunt still clinging to his cock. “I love you too baby.” Moving my hips in emphasis to my words. ”I love your big wet cock lover. Moving my pussy over his cock I slid all the way down on to him, whispering in a soft gentle voice, “ There now darling.” Prince padded over and pushed his huge head between us lapping at our join, licking up the mixed animal/human juices. Panting at us he began to paw at my hip, asking in his best dog to join in. I reached over with my hand and grabbed his sheath, jacking softly at his now peeking penis and…..


Part 2

It is such a pleasure to be asked politely. I was raised to reward good behavior. This is a bit tongue in cheek so you may wish to edit the..uh…puns.

I stood in front of the magnificent animal, he was huge, somewhere around 12 stone and I was a wee 4ft 11in and a tiny leggy size zero. Looking deeply into his eyes, I bent my face in supplication, not challenging him. I whispered, “I love you too Prince. I want to give us both a wash and then I want to go to my bedroom and fuck, wanna go fuckies?” Stripping for him, slowly swaying I opened the clasp of my demi-cup bra and let it slip off my firm full tits. Running my hands slowly across them and down my belly I unclasped my suspender belt and then reaching down, pulled the snaps open. I loved giving him a show, I’d been at this for years with him, since he was two. I dropped the belt and leaned back against the lavatory. Lifting my legs high one at a time I pulled off my high heels and then rolled the Cuban hose down and dropped them with my other things. I spread my legs, Prince pranced a bit knowing what was coming next and stood near starting to lick into my pussy slipping his wide soft tongue back and forth across my entire crotch. “Baby dog, not yet, I know you like flavors so do I but wait now, wait until after our wash.” I shoved his head away and turned on the shower. Stepping in I said “Here puppy, come on Prince, come here, come to mommy Prince.” He came into the shower romping and jumping, acting just like a water dog, taking up the entire space.
“I guess there’s might be some Lab in your background.” He was so big, coming up beyond my waist. He reached out and licked the undersides of my breasts, causing my nipples to erect. “Prince, you’re such a good boy. Good doggy, good dog”.

The shower of water was running over both of us. He kept shaking it off and licking into the stream. I grabbed the soap and ran it over my tits and abs, spreading my legs and leaning against the warm tile wall to wash all his inescapable hair and our mixed sweat and juices off. He could lick himself clean but I just had never learned to really enjoy the mouthfuls of hair when I did it for him so we washed for my comfort and his playful pleasure.
I washed my mouth out with the antibacterial soap because I didn’t want my vile human bacterial filled mouth to contact any part of the dog because he might get an infection from me. Human mouths were veritable breeding grounds for every kind of bad bacteria which can infect a dog’s peter. You should wash your mouth out too, try using Peter’s Special Pure Animal Membrane soap. I had gone to very complete lengths and had even had all my teeth pulled because I was sure I might somehow cause some harm to the tender highly vascularized mucous membranes of my puppy’s penis. It was a sacrifice but well worth it. Prince began to again lick my pussy in doggie concentration.
“Good dog, lick momma’s cunt good. Oh god doggy your tongue is so hot on me, keep licking me, good boy, good boy.” My bum spasmed again and again, his tongue kept finding the right place. I rinsed off and kneeling on the hard tile started to soap up Prince’s fur with a new pH balanced Mammal’s Only Vegan Everyday Or Not body cleanser approved by Peter’s Correct Animal Specialty Service. It was guaranteed to never harm a living animal. It was affordable and even edible and recommended to dilute, dilute, dilute, OK. I wondered if the ever helpful and polite Peter had ever eaten animal flesh or worn leather? Did he run with wolves or was he a tasty little curly dick piggy? Oink! Human sanctimony never failed to astonish me that’s why I usually stay with canidae – they are ever so more polite and honest.
I ran my hands over my Prince slowly feeling all his muscles and textures. Putting my head under his belly I looked closely at his soap covered furry sheath. Splashing the shower over him to remove all traces of lather I became fascinated with his long fur covered tube. What I did next felt almost as if I were in a dream. “Prince, I want to lick your sheath. May I please?” I always asked permission to get consent from my companions. I hoped it wouldn’t harm the dog’s health because I knew it was the one opening that another dog probably had never penetrated. That is except for that wild husky action and horse stuff I’d seen on line when I was using my vibrator. I stuck my (now sanitized) tongue out and began to lick at the fur covered tip then slowly slipped it across the opening making sure to get the guard hairs away from the opening and moving slowly into his sheath, teasing him.

Suddenly his cock tip poked out of the sheath across my lips. We had played this game since he was a puppy and we both loved it. I began to rub my pussy as his cock started pumping in and out of my mouth as if it had a mind of its own. Quickly Prince began to hump his slimy tapered cock slid across my palate and into my throat, blocking my ability to breathe or speak. His hot throbbing penis began pumping semen down my throat and I rubbed my cunt hard. I came as his knot expanded behind my lips and locked into my (toothless and very safe for animal weenie) jaws, forcing them open to the point of pain, I like the pain. I was kneeling in the steamy shower, tied to a Great Dane’s swollen member by my jaws and throat. Semen was filling my throat and I couldn’t even breathe, God I was so hot. I started to come and come again harder than ever. I was overcome and passed out, waking on the wet shower floor with Prince licking deeply into my mouth with his wide wet tongue.

Slightly groggy, I giggled. “Oh Prince, your such a naughty dog, making mommy pass out, shame on you,” Reaching up and holding his jaws I licked back into his teeth, wishing that he’d take me by the throat again with his drooling maw and force his giant cock into my tight little puss. “Use me Prince, use me again, please?”

I crawled out of the enclosure and over the carpet to the hot tub platform sitting shakily on the ledge I looked hopefully at the dog and said, “Come fuck me Prince, come on, come on and please fuck me doggy.” I patted my hairless crotch (I’d had it lasered clean because I did not want to scratch his pretty penis and it was easier to keep clean for him. I leaned back lying on the warm wet tile with my legs open hoping that my bestial lover would just take me, take me roughly and without mercy. “Please Prince, fuck me, fuck me now.”

With a grumbling growl Prince stepped over and jumped up placing his huge paws on my chest, scratching my breasts. I never clipped his claws as we daily walked the property line outside. I liked it that way, harsh and natural and anyway if I taped socks over his paws it might pull his precious fur a bit and maybe hurt the giant beast so it was better this way. The socks always made him walk funny anyway causing him no end of shame and his grip on me was more sure footed than with the abusive cotton barriers on him. This way he could really dig his claws in and rip into my furless tender skin. He started to hunch and his slightly curved thin pale rigid cock jabbed into me quickly spurting some clear ejaculate and then he stepped down, licked his cock and jumped back placing his paws on either side of my chest he hunched again sliding five or six inches of throbbing hot dog dick into my pussy again. He kept mounting and dropping, spurting a bit and licking then pacing around and grumbling. Coming back to inspect and lick at my sopping swollen cunt. “Prince, please do it, just do it.”
Panting hard he looked at me in the way of all dominant male beasts and jumping up began to hump as he padded forward his claws scrabbling on the tiles for a grip. Bumping and feeling with his cocktip for my wet opening he made contact and forced his now larger raw red throbbing meat all the way in, his knot bumping big and small – in and out a bit as he made to tie. I moaned to him, “Oh god, hot dog dick. Your meat is so hot Prince, fuck mommy, that’s right, fuck mommy good with your big dog dick, I love it. Hot dog dick, get it in me, get it all the way in.” I reached up with both arms and began to stroke and hug him. He forced the rest of his now thickening cock into me jack-hammering, suddenly it went very deep feeling like he’d slipped into my womb. His knot throbbed up hard, locking into my pelvis. Locking his huge throbbing hot meat into my cunt. “Prince, you’re going to make me melt doggy, make me come so good on your hard cock, make me come more doggy.”

He leaned down and chewed briefly but gently on my throat then licking and panting hard. His head dropped onto my chest over my shoulder and he began to pant his orgasm loudly into my ear. Reaching down and pushing my fingers against my stomach I could feel his cock tenting my belly, I could almost feel the rounded edge of his knot swelling out over the edge of my pelvic bone. I breathed and groaned, “It’s so big doggy, it almost hurts, I just can’t take it all. I swear you are going to break me inside someday, you are just too big.”

I wrapped my long slim legs around his hips hoping he would do that thing he does every now and then and he did, he stepped back, pulling me off the edge. I grabbed at him wildly and got both arms around his back. Supporting my tiny weight on his broad back and still locked onto his knot I clung underneath him as he backed us out of the bathroom back into the bedroom. I couldn’t fall, his knot would be strained and it might cause him some discomfort so I was hoping he would take me to the bed and I was joyful as he did. Scratching us up onto the corner of the bed he allowed me to land on the soft covers, as I did I dropped one leg off and began to spin around so he could complete his orgasm in proper doggy fashion. I knew it was the pure noble spirit of humane companionship so I spun around his shaft and dropped my toes to the rug with my legs together just as he stepped over, scratching me wonderfully as he turned facing away to guard our sacred union butt to butt against any marauding carnivores in the bedroom – as it should be.

He panted like an old fashioned steam engine as I crossed my arms and pillowed my head and chest, tuned into absorption of his seed and loving quietude as he filled me with his second and third orgasms. After a while his panting slowed and he became a bit restless shifting around and looking back at where we were tied as if he’d forgotten we were so intimately involved or even who I was. His knot shrank a bit and slid from my puss with a spluttering wet slurp gushing a fall of dog semen down my legs. He circled and began to wash me, gathering the excess spill in his carnivore conservation of protein way, nothing wasted, nothing edible left behind. It was glorious to have my ass attended to so well, so lovingly. As suddenly he stopped walked away, lay down and began to lick himself in the way we all would if we could. I left him alone as I did not want to disturb his solitary pleasure to do so might cause him psychological harm and psychological harm is as bad as physical harm…so I knelt there – chest to floor – desperately hoping for a huge litter, puppies, I just love puppies.