(c) November 06, 2008 by AlphaEd

My husband and I moved from Baltimore, MD to California near the Napa Valley. He had been offered a great position with a wine company and we decided to make the move. When we arrived we couldn’t have been happier. We were both professionals and we decided that I should not work and just stay home and make a home for both of us. We didn’t have any children and we hoped that me not working at the age of 34 could become pregnant and start a family. At first I was very busy setting up house in the new community and everything was going well. After I had been there a while I missed work and the activity and routine of going to work. I busied myself with home projects but to no avail. Martin was required to travel and represent the wine growers and too often I was left alone. I was beginning to regret our move.

I was shopping for groceries one day when I met a lovely young woman of about 28. She smiled and said,
“You are the new couple that just moved in to the Harper place.”
“ Yes I am , My name is Laurie,” I responded.
“You are probably bored like the rest of us. Its great when you first get here but after a while this quaint living can get to you. We have a group that gets together almost every day. We chat mostly, taste the different local wines, and usually we each bring a small desert to go with the wines. We call ourselves the Group. If you’d like to why don’t you join us tomorrow at the Williams place just outside the Valley and bring something you baked. I am sure you will enjoy meeting everyone. “I eagerly agreed and the next day I drove out to the place she mentioned.

It was a beautiful farm house just outside of town; it was set back into the trees with a white fence all around. You couldn’t have asked for more privacy in such a beautiful place. It used to be a horse place several years ago but now it only housed a couple of mini-stallions and a Shetland pony. At least that was all the stock you could see from the road. The approach to the house was a tree lined private road approximately a quarter of a mile from the main road. I could see several cars parked outside the house already; Several Volvos, Mercedes and Lincoln SUVs. My two seater, convertible Mercedes would not be out of place. I chose to wear a pair of white shorts and a short midriff light blue blouse with a pair of sandals.

I knocked on the door and I was met by Gina the girl I had met at the bread shop. We hugged and kissed and she led me thru the house and out to a beautiful patio that was secluded from the main road. Several women were all gathered around a couple outdoor tables and were already drinking wine. I was amazed at the youthfulness of the group, even though they ranged from Gina who was 28, Mary 30, Kyla 30, Carrie 32, and Carol and Bonnie 40. They were all beautiful and in great shape. I was no slouch myself since I was a runner and a fitness freak at 34. I was introduced to the group and we settled down to girl talk. Eventually the chat turned to sex. Jokes at first and then to some personal stories etc.. Carol Williams, our host brought some sex videos which were mostly hetro and some lesbianism.

I for one was a little embarrassed not because of the videos but because I was getting pretty horny. Martin had been away for a week and we hadn’t had sex in two weeks. The girls were openly rubbing themselves and I noticed that Gina and Carrie’s legs were touching as they did so. Gina was a beautiful California blonde with a gorgeous tan. Carrie was a beauty with short red hair and a petite body. If you didn’t look closely you could mistake care for an 18 yr old High School girl. Gina had beautiful long tanned legs and a pair of perky breasts whereas Carrie had a set of round boobs with thumb long nipples. I started to really pay attention to those around me and found that Carol and Kyla had sort of teamed up together and Bonnie and Mary were a couple. I found myself rubbing myself thru my shorts and the rest of the girls were doing the same.

I wasn’t a stranger to girl-girl sex having been pretty wild in college during spring breaks and a few encounters with girlfriends at parties. Nothing steady though and I thought at the time I preferred a hard eight inch cock or longer to really feel fucked. So I went with the flow. Bonnie and Mary came over and sat next to me and we began touching each other. Now that I remembered back it all seemed so normal and casual. Bonnie began rubbing my legs and Mary began massaging my ample breasts. I kept rubbing my pussy through my shorts until Bonnie unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off and then she kissed my pussy through my silk panties. She kept doing that until my panties were soaked and then she finally pulled them off. I was so hot and concentrating on Bonnie that I didn’t realize that Mary had pulled off my midriff blouse and was kissing my breasts (I had not worn a bra). I opened my eyes and watched the scene around me and discovered that the rest of the girls were in some sort of state of undress.

I watched Carried slide down to the wooden deck and slip in between Gina’s legs and began sucking Gina’s pussy. It wasn’t just a girl eating pussy, it was a voracious attack on Gina’s cunt as Gina threw her head back and spread her legs wider and hung on to Carrie’s head.

“Gina has an extraordinary clit; about five inches long and Carrie is in love with it. She loves to suck Gina,” Mary informed me. At hearing this, I immediately felt a hard orgasm coming. I grabbed Bonne’s head and pushed her into my pussy as she put a lip lock on my clit and shoved two fingers into my pussy. I screamed and I heard someone giggle. I came once more and then I reached for Mary and French kissed her and then I pulled up Bonnie to me and I kissed her, tasting my own cunt juices on her face and lips. I slid down to the floor and I grabbed Bonne’s legs and shoved my face into her cunt. I was surprised to find she had no hair on her pussy and I later found out that none of the girls had hair. They all shaved like me. I explored every crevice of Bonne’s pussy and I stuck my tongue in her vagina as I reached for her ass cheeks and ran a finger up and down her ass crack. I loved it and Bonnie must have too because I felt her start hunching my face. I stiffened my tongue and shoved it into her pussy like a small prick. Bonnie went wild. She grabbed the back of my face and she came. When she was done I turned to Mary and began the same action on her while Bonnie worked on her breasts. Within seconds we had her cumin hard. I found that Mary was a squirter and that only made me fuck her with my tongue harder until she squirted my face again. I fell back exhausted and I slowly looked around as I heard, grunts, moans and screams of passion from the group.

When everyone had finished but not sated, we talked for a bit. We were all nude and sat around drinking more wine. We jumped into the hot tub available and then the heated pool. I was really enjoying myself and glad that I had discovered this group of wonderful beautiful women. As we relaxed around the pool, I noticed Carol going into the house and then to my surprise she came out with a large snake wrapped around her neck and shoulders. All the girls started laughing and Gina said, “Oh, Oh, here comes Henry.” Everyone was laughing and giggling. Carol took the head of the snake and inserted it into her vagina and immediately began moaning and groaning and then she started shaking and she screamed in orgasm. She had three more than pulled the snake out and dropped it on the wooden deck. The snake was slimy and wet as it slithered away into a cage by the pool. It all happened so fast I didn’t have time to consider an opinion. I just laughed like all the rest. I was also surprised that I was wet between the legs again and that somehow I had found Carol’s act erotic and totally hot.

“Have you ever watched a dog and pony show, Laurie?” Gina was asking me.
“No, I heard about such things but never did,” I replied.
“Do you find sex with animals offensive?”
“I never thought about it. I did find that snake thing hot though,” I laughed as I said it.
“Well, we kind of use animals for our sexual pleasure. Our husbands know and they don’t consider it cheating and they don’t think our girl-girl activities as threatening to them. So we have sex with each other and our pets; our dogs specifically. Carol also has a thing for her Shetland pony and her mini stallions but the rest of us usually stick to our pets which we share. I have two Dalmatians, Carrie has a Bassett Hound, Mary has a Great Dane, Kyla has an Anatolian Shepherd, Bonnie has a German Shepherd and Carol also has a Saint Bernard. All are special dogs. They were trained by a breeder that lives in the lower Valley. Each dog cost us no less than $2500 each. I think you will like all the dogs and if you give yourself a chance I think you will like our way of life. We all love our husbands, they all make great money and we think we have a wonderful life.”

I thought about it for a few minutes and really could not find anything to object too. I had never considered sex with an animal, a dog specifically and thought perhaps draw the line there but I had no real objections. I was a little put off because every thing I have ever been taught was fighting my own instincts. Sex with animals was despicable; the lowest of degradations. My religious and culture upbringing were being challenged. I was going to let the girls do whatever because I had enjoyed the sex and was looking forward to sex with all of them.

Gina went into the house and came out with a beautiful German shepherd. I couldn’t help but admire the dog. He was large and strong and appeared to be extremely friendly as he came to me and licked my hand and my legs. Gina pulled him back and said, “This is Marty. He is four years old and has been fucking women for about two years. He is Bonnie’s big boy.” She looked towards Gina and asked, “Bonnie do you mind if I fuck Marty first today. I haven’t had sex with him since last week?”

“Gina, you always have an excuse for fucking Marty. I don’t know why because your Dal’s are wonderful lovers, but go ahead. Show Laurie what Marty can do.”

Gina began playing with Marty, rubbing his coat, and patting his chest and then she worked her way to his belly where she scratched him for a while. She rolled him over and lay on to of him and straddled him as she rubbed her body against him. Then she kissed Marty and Marty stuck his tongue out and laved her mouth as he gave her a French kiss. I couldn’t believe it. It was almost human. She continued doing this with him and I noticed his pink cock was showing. Gina rolled over on her back and spread her legs. Marty quickly got between her legs and licked her legs and down to the point where her legs join her hips. He quickly began licking her pussy with a huge pink tongue. I watched him as he concentrated on her clitoris area and then stuck his tongue spoon fashion into her vagina. Then he licked all the way to her asshole and I heard Gina groan. She began lifting her hips and seeking to engulf Marty’s tongue with her pussy. To my surprise, I was getting really wet watching her work with the dog. I heard her talking to Marty but couldn’t make it out as she groaned and cooed and awed. She reached for Marty’s head and she came out loud in a loud groan. My legs were shaking and I noticed my hand trembling. I gasped for air as I suddenly realized I was holding my breath. She reached for me and I bent over and kissed her and sucked on her nipples as she came again. Gina rolled over and got on all fours.

Marty continued laving her pussy and asshole as he tried to spoon his tongue into her asshole. Gina began shaking her ass and then moving forward slowly and Marty immediately mounted her as she stood still. His paws came up to her back and slid down to her hip joints as he fought for purchase. His cock was out but only a small pink cock stuck out from his sheath. I was wondering how she could get any satisfaction from such a small pointy cock. Marty humped forward three or four times and then I saw his cock slice between her pussy lips and he pulled Gina back against him as he shuffled his feet and moved forward. I heard Gina groan and grunt. Marty began fucking her really fast and I noticed a large ball at the base of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy until he shoved hard and the ball buried itself in her and she screamed in orgasm.

“Ohgawd,ohgawd, its good its good, oh mygawddddd!!” and she began crying out in orgasm. It was the greatest fuck I had ever seen. “I can’t stop cummiiiiinnnngggg!!,” I heard her say. Marty became more concentrated in his humping and his strokes were shorter and faster. It went on for about three or four minutes and then he suddenly pulled Gina hard against him and he stopped as his tail dropped and he curled around Gina.

“Ohhhhhhbabybabybaby, he is cumin inside of me. Gina had two or three more orgasms and then I noticed she dropped her head to the floor and rested on her arms. She kept moaning and then she said, “Oh gawd, Marty, you are wonderful, good dog, good dog.” Marty lay on her back as his hips jerked now and then. I asked Gina, “Are you okay?” She said, “I am great. That was a great fuck.” After about eight to ten minutes, Marty dismounted and I was totally amazed at how large his cock was. The ball or knot as I would later learn was huge and his cock was easily eight to nine inches long. Suddenly I realized I had buried my fingers in my pussy and was rubbing myself. I stopped suddenly because I felt a little ashamed at being excited by the dog fuck I had just seen. The girls gathered around Gina and began kissing her and sucking on her body, breasts, legs, pussy, and toes. Bonnie was sucking on Gina’s fingers on each hand and Carol was sucking her pussy as she licked the doggy cum and Gina’s juices out of Gina’s pussy. Carrie was sucking Gina’s toes and Mary and Kyla were licking and sucking Gina wherever they could find a piece of hot flesh. I saw Carol dig down deeper and lick and suck Gina’s asshole and I almost came from watching the whole scene. I have to admit that I was in a high state of sexual excitement.

When every body recovered once again they asked me what I thought. I honestly answered that I was very excited by the whole scene but didn’t know if I could fuck a dog yet. They all laughed and told me not to worry, I could do whatever made me feel good. Marty was taken back into the house and the two Dalmatians and the Bassett hound were brought out. They all started playing with the dogs as I watched and then Kyla took on the first Dalmatian. His name was Skip. Skip they told me was the oldest of the dogs at age four and half. He appeared more concentrated in his fucking as he got into position without hurrying and finding his target almost immediately. When he began fucking it was a steady but fast rhythm without any herky jerky movements. Also I noticed he fucked longer than Marty. He just kept fucking as Kyla came one orgasm after another. She looked so vulnerable under him. Finally I saw him pull hard and he curled around her as he began cumin in her. Kyla screamed and cried and jerked like a fish out of water. I was so enthralled by Kyla and Skip I had not noticed Bonnie taking on the second Dalmatian. His name was Junior. Junior was only three and he showed his immaturity. He was fast and furious but no less steady than Skip. I couldn’t help but compare the Dalmatians with the Marty. Marty had been great as I saw it but the Dalmatians seemed to fuck longer and were steadier in their effort to please.

It was almost as if they wanted the woman to cum first and as many times possible before they got theirs. Probably just my imagination but at the time and now I believe that to be true. Their cocks weren’t as thick as the German shepherd but they were certainly longer. Their knot was large enough but not as large as Marty’s. They were a pure fucking machine. The other thing I would find out about them was their ability to recover seemed faster than the other dogs. I was dripping pools of pussy juice as I watched the women before me being fucked by the Dalmatians. Suddenly, I felt a hot rough tongue licking my pussy it was Choo-choo, the basset hound. I leaned back and spread my legs and let him have his way. I couldn’t help myself. I was in a high state of sexual excitement and his tongue was giving me the greatest pussy licking I had ever had. His long tongue spooned inside my vagina and licked my juices out. Then he took a few swipes at my engorged clit and I went crazy as I pulled on his large head trying to engulf his snout with my pussy. I came hard twice and then Choo choo went for my asshole and he spooned his tongue again and shoved it into my asshole just entering past my sphincter muscle. I came again and again. My head was thrown back and I had an anguished look on my face as I screamed and moaned. Choo choo crawled between my legs and licked my belly button and I felt his short legs grab my hips. He pulled himself into me and I felt a large and long cock enter my pussy as he shoved himself against me and his cock reached all the way inside of me as it stretched me. I felt my pussy snap like a rubber band and I knew he had just created another inch of passage into my womb. He began moving fast but not as fast as the Dalmatians or the German shepherd. Yet he was faster than any man I had ever known. His cock was hot, hotter than I had ever experienced and I felt it growing in girth as he filled me completely. He was shooting hot liquid into my womb which I later learned it was precum and it felt hot inside me. I also later learned that dogs are ten degrees hotter in body temperature than a human. It was hot, fast and deep. I rubbed his little body as I spread my legs as wide as I could and began cumin. I heard myself grunting, moaning and then screaming when I felt his hot cum hit the back of my womb and my womb was awash with a white heat. Carol came over and held my hips down because I was lifting Choo choo off the floor as I jerked my hips up and down and hugged his hot furry body against me. Carol French kissed me and I came again hard. I loved Choo choo. I loved him as I had never loved another lover before. I must have been saying it out loud because I heard Carol laughing and saying, “Sure you do, baby, sure you do.” Finally I felt myself swoon and my toes gripped the carpet as I came hard one more time. Choo choo pulled out and I came again. I lay there exhausted from the great fuck as Carol and Carrie kissed me all over and then they both cleaned me up with their tongues.

“Well, what do you think?” Carrie asked me.
“I take back everything I said. I really enjoyed dog fucking, “I said as I lay their in a stupor.

When I finally regained my senses, every girl was fucking a dog. I was particularly intrigued with the dog Mary was fucking. It was the Saint Bernard called Bobo. Bobo looked huge over Marie’s body and I thought he was crushing her. But I noticed that even though Bobo overpowered her body, Carrie was able to hold him up against her. She was screaming like a Banshee. I learned later that Bobo had a large cock and he could fuck repeatedly for an hour or more with just ten minutes of rest in between. I learned that St. Bernards feel they have to fuck over and over again until they impregnate their bitches. When paired with dog bitches they fuck for days almost constantly. I didn’t know if I could take Bobo or not.

Carol was fucking the Anatolian Shepherd. The Anatolians are a large breed, very intelligent and one of the rare dogs that can think. They are also hard to handle since they are Alpha dogs and will consider anyone around them as members of their pack. So Tony, as he was called, considered all of us his pack. He was deliberate in his fucking, almost possessive and he would fuck for a long time getting off several times and circling his bitch. Then he would hop on again and fuck for a while again. Tony also liked blow jobs so he would stand in front of his bitch and mount her shoulders as he sought his bitches mouth to fuck. After a few minutes he would circle again and mount from behind. This he would continue for twenty to twenty-five minutes until he decided to cum in his bitches mouth or pussy. I was to learn later that Tony was an expert anal lover and I would have great pleasure with him during our anal sessions. But I am getting ahead of myself.

I had one more session with Kyla and Carrie, kissing and sucking pussy until I was exhausted and I begged to leave because I had some things to do. I could barely dress and get into my car. When I got home I fell on the bed and passed out for twelve hours.

When I woke up the next day I felt ashamed, dirty and unclean. I couldn’t get over the fact of what I had done the day before. I had actually enjoyed being fucked by a dog. Yet everything told me it was wrong, unclean, and despicable. I took a shower and nearly rubbed my body and pussy raw. I still didn’t feel right. I went to the internet and started looking around and found some bestiality sites. I was amazed at how many women were into fucking their pets. I read some stories and watched some Mpegs. I became more comfortable about what had happened and I was excited. The phone rang wile I was on the net. It was Gina. She asked me to come over and talk about what had happened. She said she had gone thru the same thing so she understood how I was feeling. I told her that I would think on it and get back to her. I went back and continued to search the net. I signed off and took another shower, this time caressing my body and letting the shower sooth me. After I came out I called Gina and told her I was coming over to talk. She lived close to Carol’s house so it was easy to find. Gina met me at the door and I could hear the Dalmatians barking and playing out back. I felt a chill run thru my body. She took me into her den and she made me a drink.

Gina explained to me that having sex with a dog was no more than a step up from what most “normal” dog owners do. They dress up their dogs, they put them in beauty contests, spend billions of dollars on food, veterinary bills, medicines, grooming and they have special cemeteries for them and in some cases leave millions of dollars in inheritance money to them. A “real pet lover” goes a step further and treats their pets “like” humans and engage in sex with them. She told me that she and the other women took better care of their pets than some people give their kids. She told me t hat the group spends very good money grooming, vet visits, foods, medicine, vitamins and supplements for their pets.

None of the dogs have ever been with a female of his species but they don’t miss anything because as Gina put it, “They get everything they need from the women in the group. In return the women get the best sex ever from their pets and the group. The pets don’t talk, husbands approve so all is well.

I asked her what makes the sex so great. She told me that the dog’s cock was not extremely long when it went in, however I was to find out later that a dog’s dick gets bigger and longer once it is in. A well-trained dog and his “sliding in” was a result of many days of repeated training.

The trained dog was an amazing lover that knew exactly what a woman expected from him. Once he is seated she told me, his dick continues to grow and get bigger. The dog will fuck with hard and deep thrusts. The dog humps at a rapid pace, faster than a man can. When the dog starts humping, a knot forms at the base of his cock. His whole purpose is to get the knot in you and seals the vagina and then he cums to impregnate his bitch. Because his body temperature is about 108 to 110, his precum and his sperm feels like boiling lava in the womb. Also the dog cums buckets full in spurts like a machine gun. The hard fast humping brings on the orgasms in a woman, increased and multiplied when the knot enters and seals the woman, the hard bang against the back wall of the womb intensifies the orgasms, and the hot cum brings on a heat wave that runs thru the body from the toes to the top of your head culminating in an explosive orgasm.

“So you see the dog gets what he wants/needs is not mistreated and we the women get the greatest fuck any time we want, when we want and how we want. Can you find any objections to that?” I weakly said, “No.”

“We are not the only ones. You will find that about studies show that 8% or more of the women in America practice bestiality and over 20% have tried it in one form or another,” she continued. In some societies it is an accepted form of sex. Our problem lies on the old religious beliefs and backward mores in this country. It’s the old thing about how lesbianism and gays are wrong etc.. We are just a little more free to practice what we want.”

I felt really hot then, my legs kept rubbing together and my pussy was wet. She came over and began kissing me and undressing me. By the time she took everything off of me she was at my pussy like a mad woman. I came almost immediately. She took me thru three orgasms that left me screaming for more. I felt her get up and undress and she walked to the back door and yelled, “Skip, Junior, come.”

I knew then I wanted the dogs to fuck me but I w as not going to initiate it. I didn’t have to. She sat beside me with her legs open and Junior dove in. I felt Skip licking my pussy, spooning my juices and I cried out in orgasm. Skip kept licking me and then he stopped and placed his fore paws on the edge of the couch where we were sitting. He licked my face and then as I opened my mouth his long tongue snuck into my mouth and he dove for the back of my throat. I almost swallowed his tongue. It was the most erotic thing I had felt in years. I had spread my legs to accommodate him and unknowingly had my pussy opened for him. I felt him shuffle his feet and he moved as his cock tip found my pussy lips. I felt him push and he adjusted again. This time he shoved his doggy cock into me hitting my back wall in one stroke. He pulled my hips and closed in with me. His long cock needed more room and I didn’t know if I had any more room to give. He made room. I felt a snap in my womb and his cock touched the deepest part of me.

I felt his knot slip into me and he began his steady humping. I was having one orgasm after another and I felt a pressure building in my womb as he filled me with hot precum. I placed my heels on the edge of the couch and gave him more access. I wanted all of him as deep and as hard as he could fuck me. I was going crazy. He stopped for a moment and he kissed me again and I cried out as I orgasm again.

I heard myself saying, “Yes baby, fuck me Skip, fuck me baby. Ooooohhhhgawdddddd.” I know I screamed and yet it didn’t sound like me. My eyes rolled back into my head and I suddenly cramped all over from my curled toes gripping the edge of the couch to the top of my head. I came again and this time I felt Skip fuck me deep and he held there. My womb was awash with hot sperm as Skip tried to impregnate his bitch. My cervix kissed the huge cock as it lay there imbedded deep in my womb. My cervix rubbery lips opened and flowered trying to suck the wonderful cock. I came too as Skip was still cumin and I started another huge orgasm. This time I reached up and kissed Skip sticking my tongue in his doggy mouth and trying to reach his throat. I was sold on doggy sex. I knew that instant that I would never do without it again. Skip pulled away and I orgasm once more as I felt his knot slip out of me. Fluids gushed out of my body and all over the couch and the carpet. I turned my head and Gina was cumin as Junior plowed into her. I looked at Junior’s cock and almost in an instant I wanted him as soon as possible. I was in an orgasmic craze and loving every second of it. At that moment I wanted a dog in my mouth, my ass, my pussy and a dog cock in each hand. Junior finished fucking Gina and she reached for me and we kissed and went after each others body while she was still coupled with Junior.

Junior finally pulled out and she groaned in my mouth as she came again. We grappled with each other and ended in a sixty nine as we sucked each other’s pussy. I don’t know how or when but I was on all fours and Junior was deep inside m womb. His enthusiasm was contagious and I was cumin all the time he was fucking me. When he finished with me Skip mounted my shoulders and I opened my mouth for his cock. I sucked on him until came spilled his hot cum in my mouth. I felt Junior change his pace and as he slipped out of my pussy his cock ran across my asshole. I moaned in want and ecstasy. I dropped my ass a bit and Junior scored a hit in my asshole. Gaaaawd it w as painful but wonderful at the same time and I choked on my own orgasm as my body stiffened and his knot slipped in to my colon. My asshole was a gaping hole taking in every inch of his knot and his cock. I felt him inside of my colon as he washed my insides with his hot cum. I passed out. When I woke, Gina was holding me and rubbing my body with a cold sponge. She looked down at me and asked, “What do you think now?” I smiled stupidly at her and said, ”Call the girls and have them bring all the dogs.” She laughed and said tomorrow will be soon enough.

The next day I arrived early and was wearing a short cotton dress with nothing underneath. Carol met me at the door and just broke out laughing and she said, ”Boy you are ready, Baby!” She pulled me in and hugged me as she rubbed my breasts and she kissed me full on the mouth and our tongues wrestled each other.

She practically tore my dress off as we both dropped to the floor and she dove for my pussy. Gawd, she could eat pussy and she had me cumin in three minutes. She continued licking my pussy and sucking on my clit. I felt her slip a finger in my asshole and she began finger fucking my asshole as she slipped her thumb into my pussy. She began sucking on my clit which by now felt three inches long and as big as my thumb. I went with the waves of orgasms until I felt her cleaning my asshole. I reached for her then and pulled her blouse and shorts off and it was my turn to dive for her pussy. Carol had a large clit and I began sucking it so as to pump it up like you would if you used a suction pump. My thumb inserted itself into her pussy and my forefinger slid into her asshole. When she came several times humping my face I pulled myself on to her body and scissored my legs between hers as our vulvas ground against each other. I fucked her like that as I sucked on her nipples which were now large and purple. I heard her moan and we both hit a huge orgasm.

That’s how the rest of the girls found us. They all began laughing at once and next think I know we were a pile of arms and legs; and pussies and mouths working on each other. I felt paws grabbing at me and I got up on all fours as Bobo pulled me against him and his large cock slipped all the way to my back wall in one stroke. Gawd that dog knew how to fuck. I started cumin immediately and Bobo hit his top speed. I cried out and gagged as I felt him stretching my womb.

My cervix betrayed me as it reached its rubbery lips and kissed the thick doggy cock fucking me senseless. I felt him curl around me and pull me in hard against him. His hot sperm hit my womb in fast staccato spurts. Bobo held me like this for over fifteen minutes. I finally felt him adjust his position and began fucking me again. I cried out in orgasm as he slammed into me again. I felt something snap in my womb and knew he had just stretched me another centimeter. I didn’t care; there was slight pain but the ecstasy of the orgasm over powered any pain I may have felt. Bobo pulled me in hard against him and he came once more. I heard myself pussy fart as his sperm and my juices overflowed. Finally he pulled away from me and I felt his knot force his way out of me. I finally opened my eyes and saw everyone busy with their dog lovers. Carol sat in a corner with the snake working her magic inside her beautiful vagina. Choo Choo the basset hound was trying to mount me but I was to high. I dropped down on my stomach to accommodate him and rest as well. Bobo was a heavy dog and my legs and arms had been shaking. As soon as my stomach hit the floor Choo Choo climbed on my ass and his long cock found my asshole. He prodded me twice and then his cock tip caught on my sphincter muscle and he was in. That little bastard was so long I felt like a long snake had filled my colon. I hadn’t realized before that I was anal orgasmic. I started cumin hard as Choo Choo fucked me like steam engine. I felt him licking my spine which only added to the sensitivity my whole body was feeling. Choo Choo filled my colon with his hot doggy sperm and I came several times. When he pulled out I hit a big orgasm and feinted. My toes had curled and my womb was experiencing flip flops. Before I could come down from my orgasm, I felt large paws lifting me up and I followed and found myself on all fours. Tony, the Anatolian Shepherd mounted me. I felt his large cock find my vulva and then he slammed his cock into my vagina. It hit my cervix, hung there for a second and slammed into my back wall. I felt him hold me tight and sort of let his cock soak in my pussy. Tony began his fucking in slow deliberate strokes but each time stretching me some more. His girth was enormous and I felt his large knot sealed in behind my vaginal muscles as I found them squeezing his cock behind his knot. I felt his hot cock spurt hot precum and then he came in hot staccato spurts as his boiling sperm washed my womb. I thought he was finished but to my surprise he continued fucking me in slow deliberate strokes. Tony fucked me for twenty or thirty minutes cumin all the while.

I was jerking like a fish on his meaty spear. “OooohhhTooonnnnyyy,” I heard myself cry out as I felt Gina get under me and began sucking my now extended clitoris. I was a mess of orgasms all rolled into one wave after another hitting my body. I felt Tony hold me tight and he continued cumin without moving. Another twenty minutes and he pulled out of my extended vagina. Gina took advantage of my condition and shoved her whole hand and her arm almost to her elbow in my pussy. I came and came and came. Finally, I heard myself scream and I passed out. When I woke, the girls were all around me rubbing my body with cold wash clothes.

“Boy did you come or what,” Carrie said laughingly. I got kisses from everybody and I asked, “Did I fuck all the dogs?”

“No not yet but you have plenty of time for that,” Bonnie told me. “right now we have to talk about getting you own dog. You feel like going to see Bruno tomorrow?”

“Sure, you think he might have a dog for me?”
We’ll know tomorrow Carrie told me.

The rest of the day we spend fucking the dogs whenever we pleased or fucking each other. Carol broke a huge dildo and she fucked everyone until she was exhausted. I couldn’t wait until the next day.

Carrie came by early morning about 9:00AM and we rode in her MG headed out of town. I was so horny just thinking about the dogs Bruno might have I was fidgeting all over the place.
“What’s wrong with you? Can’t you sit still?”
“I am so horny just thinking about were we are going, I can’t hardly wait.”

Carrie stayed on the road another ten minutes and then she pulled into a secluded side road. She stopped the car and came over to my side and pulled my legs out of the car and just dropped to her knees and began eating my pussy. “Damn, you are wet.” She dove right in and in less than a minute had me fucking her face in orgasm. She made cum three more times and then she stood up and said,

“That ought to hold you!” As she stood up I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards me, “Wait a minute,” I told her.

I lifted her dress and dove into her pussy. She wasn’t wearing underwear and I was surprised at how wet she was. I brought her to four orgasms until she pushed me away after humping my face. “Gaaawwwdd, that was great!” she said. She wobbled to the other side of the car and slipped into the driver’s seat. We were on our way with wetted appetites.

We traveled down an old country for about half an hour and came upon a secluded ranch house. The home was enormous. We pulled into a cobble stone drive way and a small stocky man came out to meet us. I learned later this was Bruno, the owner and trainer of the kennel we were about to visit.

Carrie hugged him and kissed Bruno and introduced me as a “member” of their group and that I was interested in buying one of the “boys,” as she put it. Bruno said hello and hugged me. His hands on my ass did not go unnoticed as he hugged me to him. We followed him into the house and a servant carrying several bottles of wine came out and we settled down in a large tastefully decorated room.

“So, you are looking for a lover, are you?”

I said, “yes I am and I want one very special. I have thought of what I want and I definitely want a large lover with large genitals that can satisfy my needs.”

“Well, that won’t be a problem. I have several right now but I want you to spend some time with each one of them and see which one fits your personality and appetites. Let’s go to their quarters and you can look at the three that I have sat aside for you.”

With that, we went into another section of the house and I found ourselves in small rooms decorated and furnished for the dogs themselves. The first one was a Rottweiler. He was gorgeous and extremely friendly. I fell in love with him right away. I reached down and kissed him and hugged him and hung on to him. Bruno just laughed and said, “You’ll get a chance to try him later. Lets move on to the next one.”

With that we moved on to the next room and found a Dakotah Shepherd. He was so beautiful too. Now I was confused and wanted them both. Bruno and Carrie just laughed as they watched me go crazy with the two dogs. Next was a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Of all three, this one really got to me. He was a big dog, very muscular and very loving. He was a liver-nosed, red wheaten Rhodesian Ridgeback two years old and growing. I couldn’t wait. I took my dress off and got down on all fours and he mounted me. He found my vagina in two strokes and I felt him lengthen his cock to about ten inches and his girth filled completely. His name was Rocco. Rocco fucked me like a man fucks a woman with deliberate steady strokes. I felt him kiss my neck and that pushed me over the edge as I came so strongly, I almost passed out. Bruno told me, “You’ll get to spend a few days with him. You can stay here several days or commute. There are a lot of questions you have answer and you are welcome to try the other two dogs as well before you have to make your choice.”

I hardly heard him as Rocco drove me wild. I could not believe this dog. He continued stroking me deeply and I could feel his hot precum washing my womb. I was on a roller coaster of orgasms. After abut fifteen minutes I felt him curl against me and pull me tight against his hot furry body. He was deep inside of me as I felt his hot sperm flood my womb. I screamed in orgasm and continued cumin as Rocco came inside of me. I hung there limply what seemed forever cumin and cumin and cumin. Rocco continued to cum until I felt him stir and he pulled out of me. I dropped to the floor and lay there exhausted. It was pure heaven. Rocco cleaned me up, licking my crotch from my clit to my asshole and then he came around and kissed me and I kissed him back. I was lying on my stomach and Rocco lay down on top of me and rested there. I was in love.

Bruno had two female servants wash me with cold wash clothes and then they massaged my body with a scented oil. Gawd, I felt great. We drank some wine and ate some cheese, bread and fruit. I hadn’t noticed but I was totally nude and so was Carrie. Bruno wore a loin cloth as he fussed around the room. Rocco was back in a corner resting.

Bruno asked me if my husband knew of my sexual preference and could I get a way for about five days. Apparently, not only trained the dogs but he also trained the dog’s masters also. I of course agreed to stay there. Martin was out of town ion China somewhere and wouldn’t be back for two weeks. I noticed Carrie move to one side of the room and waited on all fours. Bruno brought in a Great Dane and without fanfare licked her ass and then mounted her. I heard Carrie grunt as Duke found her and shoved his hips against her.

“Ooohhhgodohgodpohgod, fuckmefuckmefuckimeeeee,” Carried screamed.

Duke fucked her hard and fast. I could see his cock going in and out of her and saw his knot was already inside her. Duke fucked her four fifteen-twenty minutes and I saw him pull Carrie hard against him as the all too familiar curl of his body came flush against Carrie’s buttocks. I heard Carrie whimpering and sobbing as Duke filled her with his sperm. When Bruno finished the two girls who had helped me came in and took care of Carrie. When they finished, Carrie got dressed and said she had to leave and would be back in six days. I kissed her lovingly and my pussy quivered.

The next five days were a series of fucking, the other two dogs and Rocco. In between Bruno trained me on how to be a dog owner, especially with Rocco. He told me that the Rhodesian Ridgeback was a “thinking” dog and actually made decisions as he analyzed what is happening around him. For that reason, I had to be a strong pack leader for him so he didn’t take over my household. Also I learned about infections, disease etc and cleanliness for our partner(s). There was a lot more to it than I thought; strict worm free treatments, making sure he walks in clean areas and that his habitat is also vermin clear and clean. It was the most intensive training I had ever gone thru and glad for it. I felt more in tune with Rocco and responsible for his care and well being. In the mean time I fucked the Rottweiler and the Dakotha Shepherd. The Rottie named Kaiser was very forceful and a strong fucker, not to mention that he was very large. A great fuck if you are submissive. The Dakotha was more loving and gentle, large genitals but his long hair required more care; although he was so fucking cute. Rocco was my choice. He was intelligent, his short hair felt more human to me and he learned quickly what I wanted in my sex act. Also in those few days he learned to fuck me in the missionary position which was a plus for me. Bruno told me that Rocco was capable of learning any position or sexual act I preferred. So I had made my choice. I wrote Bruno a check for $2500.00 and Carrie picked me up on the sixth day.

For the first week I didn’t visit with the group. It was me and Rocco. I ran around the house nude and dropped down on all fours as the mood struck me or Rocco. We fucked day and night. I remember washing clothes and the washer rubbing against my cunt and I got horny. I dropped on all fours and Rocco mounted me right then and there in the washroom. We fucked in the kitchen, the garage and in every bedroom and den. Once I was out driving and just pulled over in a secluded spot and Rocco took me in the missionary position as half of my body hung out side the car.

The following week I visited with the group. I was dreading taking Rocco but I had to share like they had shared with me. Rocco was a hit. He fucked everyone in the group and then we settled down and watched Carol take on the mini stallion. Carol put on a leather coat and just bent over. Trigger mounted her and his huge cock sought her cunt. Two, three lunges and he was in. Carol was grunting and crying. Trigger fucked her several times cumin each time inside of her. I couldn’t believe she could take so much cock. Horse cum was shooting out of her pussy and running down her legs. I decided I wanted to fuck Marty, the German Shepherd. I called him over and sucked his cock and then he licked my pussy. After a while I turned over and got down on all fours and Marty mounted me.

Marty was one of the older dogs. He was slow, deliberate, and he fucked deep. I came four five times and then he douched my womb with his hot dog sperm. He dismounted and cleaned me up. Rocco came over and kissed me and then he mounted me. I felt his cock hit my back wall and his girth filled me. I felt his cock slide in and out and his pointy tip catch on my cervix. Rocco stood very still and he moved slowly forward as his pointy head penetrated the rubbery lips of my cervix. Bonne came over and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I think he is trying to penetrate my cervix,” I answered as I stood very still.

I felt Rocco’s cock slide in slowly and about an inch of his cock slid into my cervix. He moved back and forth slowly and more of his cock slid in. I couldn’t believe it. He was actually entering my cervix. I felt my cervix give and Rocco was in. He continued fucking me and I went into one orgasm after another as I cried out. Then the biggest explosion in my womb went off as Rocco bathed my cervix with his hot sperm. It seemed like the whole world turned red as lights exploded behind my eyes. I was screaming, crying and gagging as I was consumed by orgasmic fits.( I found out later from my GYN doctor that I had a distended cervix and could do this any time I wanted to. He offered to repair it but I said, I would think about it.) Rocco held me like that for twenty minutes and then he shoved his cock in several times again and it all started again for me. Even in my orgasmic stupor I was thinking about taking on the Bassett Hound like this next.

Rocco pulled back and I felt pain as he pulled all the way out of my cervix. Even with the pain I knew this was going to be one of my occasional ways of fucking. I couldn’t wait to show Martin what I could do with my cervix. Rocco pulled completely out and came around and kissed me. I said, “ I love you too, baby.”

Life had just gotten better for me. I looked at The Group, dogs and beautiful women. Today I was going to fuck them all.