(c) 2008 by Rick

Horse Riding in Berkeley

Chapter 1

The Berkeley morning was cold and foggy – I couldn’t see the campus just down the hillside. It was Monday and I’d been living in my new ranch for one week today. Stumbling outta bed, I needed some breakfast and coffee. The kitchen answering machine light showed messages. Clearing my five acres for a fireline got me exhausted – looks like blind, too. The ads for roommates wanted must be working, but I didn’t notice the blinking light w hen I showered at midnight.

My tired body was on automatic pilot as I hit play. The first message from Cindy woke me up. She was upbeat and a new Berkeley student studying law with four more years to go. Her UC Berkeley volleyball scholarship brought her here from home, a farm in Central Texas. Living close to the UC campus would aid her studying and give her more free time.

I finished eating and called Cindy as the sun started to rise. If she came from a farm, I knew she’d be awake. I was right – her voice was sexy and friendly. I invited her over to see the ranch and she asked when. After I gave her the address and directions, she said she could meet me in half an hour. After hearing the other messages, I was erasing them when my cell phone rang.

My neighbor Mike from the next ranch was calling to ask if I still wanted that firstborn colt from his pair of Arabians. His mare just foaled yesterday.

“HELL, YEAH!!,” I shouted into the phone. Calming down after I gulped a deep breath, I excitedly asked Mike when I could pick him up. Laughing, he said when I stopped yelling in his ear the colt would be ready in a few days – Saturday works for him. This weekend was available, so I agreed to meet at his ranch Saturday sunrise.

My memory flashed snapshops of why this was happening. We’d known each other for years, and I knew Mike wanted a stallion for his Arabian mare. I stopped at a horse ranch on my way through New Mexico, and the owner showed me this fine Arabian. I raised his foreleg – he didn’t have any tires I could kick – when the stallion began to show me just how healthy he was. With a little snort, his mammoth baby-maker started extending out. This massive horse cock stretched out like a telescope that could see if Pluto really was a planet. This stallion was ‘hung like a horse’… A REALLY THICK HORSE. We bargained briefly, but I paid close to his asking price for the horse with a trailer thrown in. I then drove right over to Mike’s and sold him Passing Lane for a small profit and the first male colt.

A reflection on the curtain brought my mind back because my future renter had arrived. I saw Cindy uncurl from her monster 4X4 as she started walking this way. After she jumped down, her eyes were level with mine – and my floor was three feet above the driveway! Like Julia Roberts, wavy brown hair reached her jeans. Unlike Julia Roberts, she had to be nine feet tall! Deep shadows were on her plaid shirt. The Guinness Records Book people should probably contact this lady soon.

The shadows on her flat stomach were caused by the largest and fullest breasts that I have ever seen. They were like giant watermellons. As Cindy walked towards my door, her traffic diverting knockers barely drooped. Standing almost straight out they defied gravity with nipples that pointed towards the heavens. This beautiful young lady was tall and built!

I opened the front door just before she got there and we exchanged pleasantries. After asking her inside, I noticed that she automatically ducked her head to enter under the 8′ door jamb.

I offered her seating on any chair available, but I suggested the kegger-sized barrell in the kitchen might fit her legs best. Smiling, she said she liked that idea and sat down.

Cindy told me she was 21 and the rest of her personal bio. It seemed like only monents passed, but her charm, easy smile, and her damn fine looks kept me mute and attentive for almost half an hour!

I must have been daydreaming because she was now just looking at me… oops – my turn. I told her the simple house rules – The Golden Rule – and that rent was due on the 1st each month.

She started laughing as she patted her back pocket. Cindy then pulled out a thick wad of big bills and joked: “I got cash here on the barrellhead!” I laughed too as she had me grinning; I knew I’d chosen well.

I asked Cindy to follow me as I gave her a tour of the house, starting with her spacious bedroom and attached bath. After she ducked again, I said that I would correct the doors after our tour.

Asking Cindy if she had bedroom furniture, she said she did and could move it in today. I asked if she needed help moving; she just waved me off saying, “Nah – I got it!” as she hurried back to her 4X4 and drove off.

That would work out well as I had to elevate the front door frame, her bedroom door jamb, the bathroom, the kitchen – sheesh, I’m lucky I had a twelve foot high ceiling! The kitchen table under the chandellier acted like a safety cone and would protect her pretty head from crashing into it. And I need to raise it closer to the ceiling.

I drove to the home store to purchase hardware and arrived back before Cindy. Just after I had finished cutting a higher front door opening, I saw her pull up. She saw the doors in my truck bed and rushed over to help me with the doors. It was only 9am with much already accomplished between us when Cindy’s farmgirl training showed itself in her style and abilities.

She said these doors are for her benefit so she offered to help. I wanted to see how much carpentry she knew, so I agreed. She was fast and needed the ladder only to hold me and the power tools. Between us, we’d modified the doorways and installed the ten foot doors in only an hour! My elation prompted me to return the favor by helping unload her truck.

Returning after my first load, I saw Cindy moving her solid oak headboard by herself. I said, “Hold on, Cindy – I’ll help you get it past the door frame without denting you or any of the wood.”

Cindy grinned her thousand-watt ivories and waited for me to pick up my end. She didn’t look like she needed my help; looking back, she probably didn’t want to embarrass me by saying anything. Holy shit – my end weighed almost two-hundred pounds! I’d read that California Governor Schwarzenegger liked the same type of heavy solid oak furniture.

We got the headboard inside and we finished her truck unloading. I left her to privately arrange her room so I could go and nurse my sore muscles.

But I still had to unload my own truck. I removed my electronic purchases and took it all into the barn. I could see the whole barn from the loft ceiling, so I ran up conduit and an AC outlet to supply a wireless mini-cam. Another installation under the barn workbench was for the second mini-camera with both aimed towards the horse stalls.

The receiver was easiest – a video cable plugs into the pc and type in the new hardware. After calling up the images on a split screen, I started testing the camera features for panning and zoom.

Both cameras picked up Cindy as she walked into the barn. I called her into the barn office and she came in. We started talking about lunch just as the computer timed out and went blank. Cindy offered to scramble up something in the kitchen, so I told her where everything was and she went to it.

The food smelled great and in half an hour it was done! Broiled BBQ chicken breasts with hot roasted ears of corn, hot peas, sliced carrots, garden salad, and some sour French garlic bread! I ate well and got sleepy, telling Cindy that I’d take a nap and finish the tour in an hour. She said she’d clean up and see me when I was ready.

After my nap, I was driving her around my five acres like a tour guide. I repeated what I knew about how this ranch once fed and watered a hundred head of cattle and how lightning burned down the former house in 1950. Former residents had to shoot mountain lions before the stone wall was built. We drove back to the ranch house and worked at our endeavors through the rest of the week.

Saturday came early with us both awake and about before daylight. I asked Cindy to ride along with me to meet my good friend and neighbor Mike. We finished breakfast and drove down the mountain road under a beautiful sunrise. The awakening sun on the morning dew reflected vibrant colors on everything we passed.

I brought bags of oats and granola for the new colt I would name Aladdin. We got out of the truck as Mike walked up to say hi. I introduced Cindy to Mike as we walked over to see the horses.

New faces excited this colt, and we all watched him prance around to exercise his new legs. I called out Aladdin and fed a handful of food to him. He happily pivoted on his hind legs, reared, and pawed the air.

Aladdin’s dad was the only one here taller than Cindy. Passing Lane was in the next corral and he started to exhibit once again. Just like before, Passing Lane’s penis rolled out like a pirates hidden cannon! I saw him sprout in size till he had what looked like a telephone pole! I was already headed that way to thank him with some oats and granola as everyone else followed.

I gave some food to Cindy and she started clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Both horses looked her way; Aladdin stopped dancing and dropped onto his forelegs as he went over to her. She fed him some more oats and granola, and then a strange thing happened. Aladdin also started to get a woody! Like father, like son.

His cock was smaller than his dad’s, but he wasn’t even a week old yet. Just starting his fifth day of life, he still had a two-liter bottle between his legs that was about two feet long!

Distracted by watching Passing Lanes ‘developoment, ‘ Cindy had dropped her horse candy. As she bent over to pick it up, the colt moved up behind her with that giant baby cock of his and slid it right up between her spread legs! That made her straighten up real fast and bump into his belly, making Mike and I laugh. Cindy started laughing too after she finished untangling herself from Aladdin and thought about how funny it must have looked.

I told Cindy and Prancer that we ought to hit the road when Mike said thanks again for Passing Lane; he was already earning $750 stud fees. Making money off Passing Lane’s pocket rocket was a definite ‘win-win.’

Last night I’d placed a rubber bed cover and tall camper shell onto the truck, so it was safe for Aladdin in the F350. I opened the sliding rear window for Cindy to keep Aladdin occupied while I slowly drove home.

Hmmm – I could smell Cindy’s pussy as the air rushed in through our open windows. Her eyes were shut until she swiveled her head back to look at Aladdin. Sighing, she smiled at him and then took what I thought was another power nap until I saw her lick her lips with her eyes still closed.

We got back and settled into a comfortable routine right away. Cindy studied at UC Berkeley fulltime. She used her free time to teach aquarobics. She stood in the deep end and shouted moves back at the class bouncing in 4′-5′ water. She also tutored volleyball and did cash jobs in sportswear modeling and selling gym memberships.

Guys swarmed around Cindy everywhere she went – she found it better to avoid shopping malls where crowds and fights always followed her. Normal stores couldn’t help her anyway. Just where do you find an outfit that fits a very tall and slender woman with a 90-JJJJ bust? Forget a bra. The big & tall stores sometimes had her size, but it was a challenge not to buy something she didn’t like just because it fit.

I’d been shopping real estate in Texas and I bought another ranch in Texas that I was setting up. I worked a deal with Cindy for half her rent off to manage my Berkeley ranch in my absence.

Two months later I went back to Berkeley and Cindy wasn’t home. Stopping by Aladdin’s pen, I could see that he’d grown quite a bit in my absence. He was about six months old and looked almost as big as his Dad. I’d already seen him offer Cindy his two-liter bottle when he was only a week old, making me wonder what his plumbing was like now…

I had some oats and granola that I was feeding Aladdin when he decided to show me. I guess he reads minds like his Dad because that fucking tool of his started making it’s own stage entrance. Like a chip off the old block, Aladdin’s dong was growing in size until it looked like a three-foot long mailbox.

I had trouble reaching up to scratch his ears, so I give Aladdin the rest of the oats and granola before I went into the barn office. I checked my emails and it dawned on me – I’d forgotten that the computer had been video recording all the activity in the barn.

I accessed the video memory and saw normal videos until after I left for Texas. Then I received the turn-on of a lifetime! The split image showed the barn darken after Cindy closed the doors. Cindy took her clothes off to feed and talk to Aladdin. You could see shafts of dusty sunlight sneaking into the barn. Cindy and Aladdin were naked together – what a remarkable body she has. I saw her look around and turn over an empty wood drinking trough as she placed a saddle blanket on top.

The video replayed the images and sounds as Cindy fed some oats and granola to Aladdin and bade him closer with her tongue trick. Aladdin ambled over with that submarine torpedo of his swinging like a caveman’s club.

Cindy felt for her contraption and mounted the blanket like a gymnast. Laying back flat, she raised up her pelvis and placed another folded blanket under her ass. Then she continued calling out to Aladdin.

Aladdin got right next to Cindy as she raised a quart bottle of bees honey. Throwing away the cap, she poured honey around her breasts and nipples. Aladdin reached over with his giant tongue and started to lap up the honey, moving Cindy’s giant breasts like unmolded jello desserts.

His giant tongue lapped, poked, and slobbered great amounts of saliva as he tongued her tits and nipples like he hadn’t eaten all day.

Cindy threw her head back on the blanket as her sex gears shifted from a fast idle, revving through 1st and now moving into 2nd. She acted like her breasts were in that Timex commercial – she took quite a licking, but she kept on ticking.

She reached again for the honey bottle and poured into her palm as she spread a trail down her belly. Aladdin couldn’t lick the honey fast enough, really slurping that 12″ tongue over her abdomen from her breasts downwards.

The lower camera showed her grabbing the honey bottle. She spread her lips open with one hand and used the other hand to point the bottle into her pussy as she squeezed the end. Pulling the bottle away, she poured honey on her hand until it was dripping and massaged the goo into her pubic area and her outer lips. Aladdin’s tongue was trying to lick the honey off her hand when he changed direction and started licking honey off her pubic mound. Cindy tossed the bottle away and laid her head back. This looked like that old school vinyl album cover by the Ohio Players called “Sweet Sticky Thing.”

Aladdin went to town following the road map laid out by Cindy’s honey trail. His giant tongue was now licking around her pussy, literally driving his tongue into her flesh. The lower camera image showed her skin moving so much that, if I could lipread, I could decipher that her pussy was saying, “oooOOOOH” and “AAHHHH” Throwing her head from side to side, Cindy’s body language was saying that she was enjoying the best tongue lashing of her life.

In a sudden motion, her head rose up as she leaned on her elbows to see what he was doing. Finished with cleaning the outside, Aladdin’s wet tongue started to lick into her pussy and he was driving her crazy!. As her wetness was flushing out more honey, Aladdin was lapping deeper and deeper each time. Cindy was spastically moving around, really spreading wide as her feet rose up and pressed on either side of Aladdin’s large neck.

Aladdin’s split video had him pressing his tongue inside and around all sides of her honey box. He must be slurping in and over her g-spot, her clit, and his tongue would probably slurp to another spot and lick over her cervix.

The split image showed both views of Cindy and Aladdin. I zoomed the lower split image and then I adjusted the loft camera image until I now had Aladdin and Cindy in the entire screen.

Cindy’s feet lifted off Aladdin’s neck as she spread her legs wider. Aladdin’s tongue and mouth were pushing into Cindy hard enough to hold her ass and legs in the air with no other support. It looked like that’s when she had her first orgasm.

She had grabbed her ankles and spread her legs out as far as they would go; not satisfied, she pulled her ankles close to her face to stretch out her insides. Pushing her pussy on Aladdin’s tongue, Cindy eyes closed as her mouth opened. The chords from her jaw and neck got taut as she did her imaginary parachute drop from her Big O Jet Plane.

As Cindy was comming down from her parachute jump, Aladdin was deeply tonguing for his last taste of honey. Like a gigantic updraft, Aladdin’s tonguing seemed to bring Cindy above her earlier Big O Jump. This appeared as Cindy pulled her feet by her own ears and further opened her flower to Aladdin’s relentless tongue.

Cindy looked dazed as her eyes glazed; she lay in her own world. It was some minutes before she floated back to this world. Like a deep sea diver, Cindy was close to the surfact, but hadn’t fully returned yet. It was when Cindy lowered her legs that her foot colided with Aladdin’s giant cock!


Chapter 2

It was some minutes later when she let out a deep breath. Rising up on her elbows, she looked down to see where her foot had connected. Seeing Aladdin’s mammoth cockhead so close to her open and wet pussy, Cindy sat for minutes looking at this tree trunk. She looked concerned about her own welfare as the idea of fitting him inside her continued.

I saw when she reached down for his cannon as Cindy stroked both hands around the head and up the shaft. She touched her thumbs together to make football goalposts and reached again for Aladdin’s cockhead. Her middle fingers almost touched – she looked to be guaging his size.

I guess Cindy wasn’t new to sex… just that she’d never had so mammoth a cock try to penetrate her. It was as fat as her muscular calves. She could feel how nice and slippery Aladdin was with his own natural lube as she rubbed that giant cockhead around her legs and stomach.

Aladdin got very still from her ministrations and let out a snort almost like a question. Cindy had never been kissed erotically so well, and she felt reciprocity for Aladdin was only fair.

Positioning Aladdin’s cockhead on her stomach, Cindy began steering it up and down inside her outer pussy lips still wet from saliva and her own juice. She could feel Aladdin’s heart beat through the large veins of his love missile as she got wetter from the contact. She continued stroking herself Up and down with his giant cockhead as she felt her insides open further and hotter than they she had ever felt before.

Her mind flashed back to when she had lost her virginity and how this felt so much better. it wasn’t love then, and she didn’t believe it was now as she positioned his wet cockhead right at the entrance to her blood engorged vagina lips.

This was Aladdin’s first fuck and he was definitely ready. His instincts for mating were strong, but so was the affection he had for his friend who fed him and brushed him and rode him while talking to him. As he felt the wet warmth below him, he pushed forward and his cock went in only two inches until it started to bend. He pulled out and pushed in a little farther the next time. Pushing again, Aladdin’s cock entered a little more as he began a quick back-and-forth movement against his ridah’s tight ring of wonderful warmth.

Cindy could feel Aladdin’s push and her lips tried to stretch to accept him. Then she felt his second push as her pussy relaxed a little more to accept Aladdin’s cock. Aladdin’s change of pace by just moving in and out just an inch kept up the sweet pressure. The last push was glorious while she even got wetter as she felt another inner stretch.

Aladdin was still moving back and forth with his cock, and he felt the gradual relaxation of his partner’s love opening. More and more she relaxed until he finally entered her completely!

Cindy was in seventh heaven with that unusual stretch that happens only whenever she increased the size of her lover. She felt Aladdin’s cock open her further and further until he had his head completely inside. She gently touched her lower belly and felt tight skin around the giant bulge that stretched her outsides and insides with that massive cock inside her.

Aladdin knew he was inside and started to press again to go deeper. He felt the inner tightness slowly reduce as he continued his in and out motion. Now his cock thrust traveled deeper and deeper with each stroke. Aladdin could feel the welcome his love muscle was receiving and he felt his own penis grow fatter with each thrush.

Cindy felt Aladdin’s thrusts grow stronger; unbelievably, she felt stretched inside as his cock seemed to grow bigger inside her. She started to have doubts about this event: what if he killed her by accident? Her family and the police would investigate to find out that she’d been killed fucking a horse’s giant cock! The social embarrassment would really hurt her proud family, and she would die a second death. She had to stop this right away.

Aladdin felt something different about his lover riding his cock, but it still felt so good. His hormones took over as he lost control and started to really thrust his giant penis deeper and deeper into the warm crevice. He’d pushed as far as he could go and he started to go back and forth about a foot. He was learning quickly as his stroke grew. It was great going back and forth further and further until he was doing a stroke of almost two feet! On and on he kept moving as he felt the pressure in his balls building up to a giant crescendo.

Cindy realized right away that she hadn’t thought this through. Aladdin was literally ‘in his rut’ and couldn’t be pulled away with anything less than a diesel towtruck. She felt his stroke increase as Aladdin went deeper and deeper inside her. Aladdin’s cock passed by her cervix and continued in and out. She felt her own inner lengthening and moved her legs to adjust her angle so that Aladdin’s cock would continue past her cervix and up her vagina where no one man has ever been till now. The shape of Aladdin’s cock was even fatter near the base, and the further his penis entered Cindy, the fatter was the penis opening her vagina lips. All Cindy could do now was enjoy the ride and wait.

Aladdin felt pressure in his stomach as his breathing became labored and he started to lather. His cock thickened yet again as his thrusts grew in length and intensity. Touching the end of her vagina with his cock, he felt so powerful as he started to cum and cum, squirting inside and filling his mate to overflowing. Horse cum started squirting backwards as his penis pressed into the end of what he was fucking. He was stretching every surface he entered, including this smooth inner skin at the end while his firehose erupted gallons of cum during his first giant orgasm.

She couldn’t believe how good it felt as Aladdin’s giant cock started down that last road. Her euphoria, like his cock, grew yet again as she forgot her earlier fears. She felt Aladdin’s thicker cock base stretch her lips even further as his cock travelled deeper inside her. When his cock finally hit the top of her pussy, he started to cum. His tongue gave her a great orgasm – but this was out of this world!

Cindy felt her vagina stretch from Aladdin and also from her own state of excitement. She felt the fatter base of Aladdin’s cock and the head at the back of her vagina and he was starting to cum. And so was she!

Concern for his welfare is how this started. He had made her cum – she had made him cum… she felt weird muscles tighten as her vagina contracted with her life’s most powerful orgasm to date. Tightly she milked the giant intruder, squeezing from her uterus and all along her vagina around that giant cock up inside her. Her legs raised yet again over her head this time without any help from her hands. Her feet ended up on Aladdins forelegs as her toes started to curl and her flexing calves pointed her feet like a ballerina. It seems her current parachute drop started in space and she floated down feeling completely filled as her spasming muscles started to relax and feel so infinitely satisfied.

My hand was jerking my dick up and down as I watched this incredible drama. This was the first video filmed months ago when Aladdin was younger and probably smaller. Cindy had taken all of Aladdin’s cock and let him ride her like it was the Sexual Preakness! I couldn’t hold back my own orgasm – and I couldn’t think of a reason why I should. My own cum shot up over my head as I milked my dick for all it was worth. That’s when I looked up and saw Cindy smiling at me.


Chapter 3

I was at that apex where it didn’t matter who was there – my dick was going to cum alot regardless. My sperm flew in the air above my head and landed on the floor in a great form of grafitti.

Cindy looked down at me and what was on the computer screen. All of nine feet tall and not wearing a stich of clothing. She said hi and pointed at the computer. Her next words were, “I didn’t know you taped me and Aladdin.”

I suddenly got embarrassed – jacking off and having my pecker in my hand didn’t do it, it was being caught as a voyeur that made me blush! Looking at Cindy, I said that her beautiful body and face alone were an aphrodisiac, but watching her getting fucked by Aladdin’s giant cock pushed me over the edge.

Cindy said she’s been doing this for a few months and Aladdin has gotten really good at pleasuring her – like yesterday’s event. His incredible dong has grown even larger since that first video – if my camera kept running the whole time, she said to pardon the pun, but there’s more to see.

I fast forwarded, I can see Cindy and Aladdin on quick replay. It’s humorous as his giant prick moves in and out at warp speed, and I guess that her body has stretched to accommodate Aladdin’s even larger penis. I go forward two months to yesterday’s video and I can see the naked barn couple again as I return to normal speed. I tell Cindy that I’ll watch it later and she says that she wants to watch it now to see how things have changted. Arguing with women hasn’t been a talent that I have ever developed, so I hit play.

The video showed Cindy repeating her platform trick with the water trough and saddle blankets on top. She has more honey – a full gallon jug. Getting two handfuls, she smeared this on his cock as she started massaging it onto his giant member. It was longer than her arm, but the growth must have been in the thickness as she put the honey on this fire hydrant. Long strings of honey dripped from Aladdin as she continued her rubdown of his giant cock.

She did her aerial splits and mounted the water trough blankets and laid on her back for Aladdin’s access. Her pussy lips were inviting and open as Aladdin made his way above her. Confident training showed as Aladdin mounted Cindy with his cock that was now as thick as her thighs. I didn’t think that she could take in this monster. He aimed his dick with her help and gained entrance in between her legs. Pushing in, his cockhead disappeared with his first push as he continued his forward and backwards motion. It looked like she had three legs while this was going on. More and more he pushed as his giant cock went further and further inside Cindy’s body.

You could see the outline of her stomach change as Aladdin’s cock made it’s way inside her. She was relaxed and willing for more and more of Aladdin as he made his forward progress into her. I couldn’t believe that she could have something so large inside her as I watched her labia do incredible stretching with each stroke. His cock would pull back and her inner labia would stretch out around his pipe. Her mons shape under her pubic hair would stretch down also. As he started his return stroke, her lips and light brown putting green would be pulled in the other direction until he repeated the process. It looks like he’d read The Idiots Guide to Fucking: 1. Insert penis 2. Remove penis 3. Repeat Step 1. Laugh now, I thought, but who was getting the pussy?

Cindy’s quick intake of breath reminded me that my nine foot renter was right behind me to observe what she had done yesterday. Still naked, her aroused pussy scent was in the air as she watched the taped scenario unfold. My unzipped pants still had my now growing cock waiting for more encouragement. I got up to use the office toilet and watched Cindy bend from the waist to watch yesterday’s tryst. Did I dare try fucking with my ranch manager and renter? I had a nice 2by8, but my pinch hitting bat couldn’t get close to Aladdin’s Home Run prowess.

Behind the opened bathroom door, I saw Cindy leaning down to get closer to the monitor. Her legs were long and her open pussy was right around the height of my shoulders! I walked up behind her and she didn’t move from her pose in front of the computer.

Gripping her fantastic ass cheeks, I rubbed and squeezed them as her pussy was only inches away from my face. Her pussy smelled so nice as her arousal continued while watching the monitor. There was blood red under the surface of her skin as she was moistening at the bottom as her lips. Cindy was erotic without doing a thing and my hard dick started to bounce.

Removing my jeans, we were both naked inside the office watching the bestiality video on the screen.


To Be Continued…

Cindy and Rick lived happily everafter, with Aladdin earning stud fees – again, just like his dad (Passing Lane).