(c) 2007 by Parker
gorilla, monkey sex, hetero sex, humiliation

“Damn it!”

Annie Speer crumpled the small piece of pink paper and angrily tossed it across the room in the general direction of the waste paper basket. The tall blonde woman glared as it fell short and bounced along the worn carpet of the staff room. A quick glance at the clock hung on the wall confirmed her fears: it was just about 8:00 pm. Her shift should have been done almost an hour ago. She’d just finished washing up and was supposed to be meeting some friends at a club. Unfortunately, she had made the mistake of checking the bulletin board one last time before leaving. The pink slip, requesting – no, ordering – her to stop by Hanson’s office was pinned up in an obvious position. She couldn’t even pretend not to have seen it.

Damn the man.

Damn him to hell!

Ever since he had taken over as Director of Operations at the Bakersville Public Zoo, Hanson had been making her life a misery. It had been apparent from the beginning – from that first awful staff meeting where he had practically drooled all over her – that he would be trouble for her. Her fears had quickly became a reality, as she had been forced to reject his advances again and again. When it finally became obvious that she wouldn’t go out with him, the bastard had taken it upon himself to assign to her the most odious tasks. And so, despite the fact that she had seniority over several of the other Keepers, it was her who got called at all hours of the night in response to every little problem. It was her who got “requests” to stay on late friday nights to deal with whatever the Director wanted her to deal with. It was her who…

Annie sighed. She loosened her clenched fists, letting the anger seep out of her. No point in going ballistic over it. It was best just to see what the asshole wanted; with luck, she could deal with it quickly and still meet her friends at the club. If not, well… that was the job.

Ruefully, Annie examined her reflection in the full length mirror attached to back of the staff room door. Just over thirty, she looked a good deal younger than her years, with her stylishly short blonde hair and slim, almost boyish body. Feeling slightly foolish, she ran a hand through her hair, pushing back a stray lock, and straightened her yellow blouse. One of the reasons she had been looking forward to going out tonight was that Amanda had promised to fix her up with a promising male friend. It had been too long – nearly four months since she had broken up with that creep Andy – and she found herself missing the companionship.

Among other things.

Sighing, she opened the door, walked out of the staff room and down the hall towards Hanson’s office. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn’t be too painful…


“The drains?”

Jerome Hanson looked smug, sitting back behind his large desk with an arrogant smile on his fat, pink face. He brought up a hand to push his glasses back up on his nose before repeating himself: “Oh my, yes. According to Vickers, they’re backed up something terrible. Something terrible. And it’s supposed to rain tonight, don’t you know. Yes…” He sniffed. “…rain.”

“But…” Annie fought in vain to find some way to express her anger at having this job thrust on her in this manner. There must be someone else who could…

“And with the waterfall in the gorilla exhibit, proper drainage is all the more important,” he continued complacently, ignoring her incoherent sputtering. “All the more important. You know that; the overflow can make such a mess. Such a mess.”

Annie sighed and fell silent. No use wasting her breath with this jerk. He’d made up his mind. Besides, he might even be right. The gorilla exhibit featured a large “jungle waterfall” in the centre of the cage. If the drains were blocked, the overflow from the water feed could cause a huge mess, maybe even flooding the cage and the interior enclosure. Maybe, she thought to herself, just maybe this isn’t some stupid game he’s playing; maybe he really does care about…

“Of course,” Hanson continued, a smirk appearing on his pink, pudgy face, “if cleaning out the drains doesn’t appeal to you, particularly, I can think of some other more… pleasant way to pass the time.”

Annie stiffened and felt herself turning red with anger. “I don’t think so, *Mr* Hanson,” she growled, her voice trembling. “I think I’d rather spend the night in the gorilla cage cleaning drains than go out with you.” The smirk disappeared from his features as Hanson’s face went blank. “In fact, I’m certain of it.” Annie smiled and turned to go. “The gorillas,” she lobbed back over her shoulder as she left his office, “are better company.” Hanson might have said something, but she never heard it as the door slammed shut behind her.

Shaking with anger, she stomped down the short hallway and back into the staff room. That was it, she decided. She’d had enough. Sitting down at a table, she picked up a pen and paper and scribbled out a hurried letter of resignation. That would end matters; she’d throw it in his face and let him clean his own fucking drains! She’d…

As quickly as the anger had overcome her, it seeped away. Miserable, she stared down at the letter, and at her name signed at the bottom with her usual flourish. She couldn’t do it; the job was all she cared about, really. And Hanson knew that. That was the maddening thing; the bastard was well aware that she wouldn’t quit. No matter how much she hated him. Sighing, Annie got to her feet and walked over to her locker. She placed the letter on the top shelf. Then, with a final despairing look at herself in the mirror – at herself dressed up for a night on the town – she began changing into her overalls. Cleaning drains was messy work.


The roar of the exhibit waterfall all but drowned out the sound of Annie’s loud cursing to anyone more than a few feet away from her angry mouth. Even inside the closed off section of the Gorilla cage – the entire area consisted of a large outside section where the visitors to the zoo actually viewed the gorillas (the cage) and an enclosed room which was entered by a small opening just beside the waterfall, where the gorilla’s went at night and when they wished to escape the constant scrutiny (the enclosure) – the roar of the waterfall was all but overwhelming. The air inside the enclosure was kept quite warm and Annie was sweating profusely as she struggled to move the step-ladder along the concrete wall to the location of the next plugged drainpipe. As she struggled with the ladder, she looked over at the gorilla who sat watching her. It was Kagu, the largest of the two males that made up the family unit included in this particular exhibit. His broad, flattened nose wrinkled as his black eyes followed her actions closely. For a moment, Annie almost expected him to offer assistance, but he just let out a quiet grunt and scrambled away on his short legs and long, muscular heavy-knuckled hands and began climbing the twisted structure of ladders, poles, platforms and rope that covered most of the ape’s enclosure.

“Thanks for nothing, you lazy bastard,” she muttered jokingly, returning her attention to her work.

Finally, the step-ladder was in position. With one last shake to make sure it was steady (it wasn’t, really, but steady enough), she climbed almost all the way to the top and then stretched her hands upward to run a long, thick brush along the inside of the drain. It wasn’t easy work, and her precarious perch on top of the ladder made the job all the more difficult as she was forced to move slowly and carefully to keep the ladder from falling over. It was a good twenty feet to the floor.

That’s why, when she felt the hand on her ass, she didn’t immediately jump away; she couldn’t do so without tipping the ladder over. She just stiffened in surprise. Keeping her hands on the brush to steady herself, Annie slowly turned to see what was happening. It was Kagu; crouched on a nearby platform. The great ape had reached over and placed one of his large, hairy hands on her ass. “Hey,” she shouted, her voice sounding quiet and weak under the roar of the waterfall. “Stop that.”

Kagu looked over at her as she yelled at him, a look of… well, she wasn’t certain what, but he didn’t look friendly. He stopped touching her, but didn’t move away. Annie felt a moment of indecision; she’d never had trouble with any of the gorillas before – including Kagu – but something about him frightened her now.

Something was different; something was wrong.


The ape let out a quiet grunt. Suddenly terrified, the blonde zookeeper let go of the brush and began to climb down off the ladder. Almost immediately, she felt something grab the shoulder strap of her overalls. She twisted her body, trying to break free, but managed only to kick the ladder over. She got a glimpse of what was holding her as she twisted around. It was Kagu again. This time, he had grabbed hold of the fabric of her overalls and was effortlessly holding her dangling in the air off the edge of the platform as the ladder crashed to the ground. Annie immediately stopped struggling, not wanting to fall. She just dangled there as steadily as possible, panting with fear, trying desperately to avoid doing anything which might startle the gorilla or cause him to drop her.

He held her there for a few moments and then slowly drew her up until her face was level with his. He still held her out over the edge of the platform, so she remained limp and unresisting. “Please,” she whispered, as if he could hear or understand her. “Please.”

Kagu didn’t react to her pleas. He did, however, reach out his other hand and clutch at one of her breasts through the overalls.

“Nooooo!” Annie let out a loud scream, reaching up to push his hand away from her breast.

Kagu reacted by baring his teeth and letting out a growl. His grip shifted and Annie dropped an inch or two before the slack was taken up. Immediately, she stopped struggling and dropped her hands to her sides, staring fearfully at the gorilla’s face. What was happening? She’d never heard of one of the primates acting in this manner.

Satisfied with her compliance, the mountain gorilla turned his attention back to her breasts. His hand moved from one to the other, touching… squeezing… fondling… kneading… He seemed endlessly fascinated, playing with the zookeeper’s breasts like they were toys.

After a while, he tore away the front of the overalls. Annie started to fall as the shoulder strap slid free, but the gorilla quickly shifted his grip so that he was holding her around the back of her neck. The grip was painful, but firm. It kept her from falling. Once again she didn’t dare struggle, frightened that he might drop her. And so she hung there, limp and docile, tears running down her face to mingle with trickles of sweat, while Kagu used his free hand to finish tearing the overalls away from her slender body.

In moments, she was stripped down to her tee-shirt and panties (she hadn’t fully dressed herself beneath the work clothes, hoping to change quickly in time to meet her friends afterwards), dangling half naked over the edge of the platform. Once again, the great ape seemed fascinated by her breasts as they rose and fell beneath the tee shirt, jiggling with the panicked rhythm of her breathing. With a puzzled look on his face, he pushed and poked at them, watching them shift under the thin fabric of her tee-shirt. This game continued for a few minutes until Kagu took a handful of fabric and ripped the shirt from her body. Annie stifled a scream as her bra was exposed to the gorilla’s eyes. Delighted with his success, Kagu continued his game with her breasts, pushing and poking…

Then he tried to pull the bra away. Unlike the tee-shirt, however, the elastic of the bra resisted his attempts at removal; it stretched but did not tear. The gorilla pulled at it for a few moment and then began to get angry, baring his teeth and jerking the front of the bra in a clumsy and futile attempt to remove it. Whimpering with fear, terrified that he might completely lose his temper, Annie reached up and undid it for him with trembling fingers. The terrified zookeeper whispered soothing words as she slipped the bra off her shoulders and, putting her hands underneath her small, firm breasts, offered them up to the great ape. Kagu calmed down and immediately fell to playing with them again. Sniffling, Annie dropped her hands and again hung as still as she could, hoping he would eventually get tired of playing with her and pull her onto the platform.

After playing with her breasts for another few minutes, the great ape did pull her towards the platform. Annie sighed, trembling with relief as her feet found support, but her hope was short lived. Kagu immediately pulled her into his chest with his powerful arms and squeezed her to him, evidently enjoying the feel of her breasts pushing up against his fur. Annie let out a muffled scream and flailed uselessly with her hands, but the gorilla ignored her struggling. After a while, she gave up and went limp again. It was no use fighting it; perhaps if she just relaxed, he would lose interest.

Eventually, the great ape took hold of her shoulders and held her up and away from him. He lifted her so that her breasts were eye level and just stared. Annie, angry and frustrated at being held and manipulated like a toy, considered kicking him in the groin, but decided that it would be more prudent not to anger him. Great apes were normally very gentle, almost never attacking people, but they were fiercely strong; and there were stories… And Kagu was already acting strangely enough that Annie, despite her experience at the zoo, had no way of predicting what he would do next. No way of telling…

Still holding her in the air, the great ape leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth.

“Oh no,” Annie whimpered, trembling with shock. “Please… no.” She was afraid that he might bite down, but instead he just mouthed it gently with his thick, wet lips. The blonde zookeeper squirmed in his grip, but was unable to break free as he mouthed first one breast and then the other. And then… unable to help herself, Annie let out a quiet gasp as a thrill of pleasure emanated out from her nipple. Despite the horror of what was happening to her, despite her fear and disgust, the ape’s lips were starting to have an effect on her nipples. It had been months since she had been with a man, and the abstinence served to make her susceptible to such stimulation. Tears ran down her face as she shivered in shame and disgust, but she could feel herself beginning to get moist between her legs. She couldn’t help it…

As if sensing her arousal, Kagu gently lowered her to her feet and, still keeping one large hand tightly on her shoulder, reached down between her legs. She tried to close her legs and turn away, but the gorilla stuck his hand between her thighs and rubbed his coarse fingers along the outside of her pussy.


Annie moaned in lust as Kagu rotated his thumb upwards from his wrist and slipped it deep inside her pussy. It brushed up against her clit…


The feelings of arousal were growing, and Annie felt her fear slowly slip away. The great ape no longer seemed quite so menacing; and the feel of his fat thumb in her pussy, sliding… rubbing… almost unconsciously, she bent and then straightened her long, tanned legs, riding her hungry, sopping pussy up and down on the great ape’s thumb. Up and down… Kagu let go of her shoulder and went back to playing with her naked breasts while she fucked herself on his thumb.

“Oh, yessss…”

The slender blonde glistened with lust and sweat as she slowly worked herself into a frenzy of arousal. The warm, wet air of the enclosure – intended to replicate as closely as possible the tropical environs of the great apes – enveloped her in a soft cocoon, reflecting back onto her skin the warmth emanating from her trembling body while she slowly rode up and down, up and down… enjoying the feel of the ape’s thumb inside her sopping pussy. Eyes closed, pink tongue flicking out from between her parted lips, she brought her hands up to cup and fondle her naked, slippery, hard-nippled breasts. She was getting closer… closer… closer…

“Ahhhhck… Ahhhck…”

Annie’s eyes shot open as Kagu pulled his hands away from her breasts and pussy and let out a terrible cry. Lust forgotten, the blonde woman stumbled backwards, half turned and tried to dart away. But the great ape was too quick for her. One long arm shot out, encircled her waist and pulled her, kicking and screaming, into the centre of the platform. She hit at his forearms with her fists, but the great ape just ignored her blows. With a growl, he threw her face down onto the platform. The zookeeper scrambled to her hands and knees and tried to scamper away. Once again, however, Kagu was too quick for her. She felt his body come down on top of her’s, and only his long arms, knuckles bent on the platform, kept his weight from crushing her entirely. As it was, she was pinned beneath him, barely able to keep on her hands and knees.

With a thrill of horror, she felt the gorilla humping his groin against her ass.


Tears ran down her face as she tried to extricate herself from underneath his crushing weight, but it was no use. She couldn’t squeeze out from under him. Despite his control, however, the ape was having no success in inserting his long, hard cock into her spread pussy. He began to get frustrated as he frantically humped his groin back and forth behind her. He let out a loud growl, and the terrified woman felt his hot breath and the warm trickle of his saliva on her neck as the great ape tightened his grip on her shoulders. Already, it felt like she was being crushed. She had to…

She had no choice.

Her naked, sweat-soaked body trembled with disgust, but her fear overrode her abhorrence. Reaching down with one trembling hand, she took hold of his massive cock and, almost retching with shame and nausea, she guided it straight into her waiting pussy. Immediately, Kagu stopped growling and let out a grunt of pleasure. He began to pump his cock in and out of her, penetrating a little deeper with each hard thrust. Fortunately, her pussy was already sopping wet from the ape’s previous attentions, and there was little pain. Groaning, the woman dropped her hand back down to the platform and braced herself on all fours, trying not to collapse as the gorilla vigorously fucked her from behind. To her utter revulsion, she found herself – her body – actually responding to him, once again becoming aroused. It disgusted her, but she couldn’t help herself.

Letting out a quiet moan of humiliation, the blonde woman gave in and started to hump her ass back against the gorilla’s cock, letting out quiet little grunts every time he drove himself deeper and deeper inside her. The pair moved faster and faster as her lust slowly built up until it suffused her body. All fear and pain forgotten, she felt herself building towards an orgasm, riding higher and higher on the ape’s prick until…


They came together, the great ape letting out a loud howl of triumph and the blonde woman crying and shaking as a thunderous orgasm rolled through her bruised and aching body. Tears of pleasure mixed with tears of shame as she bucked and twisted underneath her bestial lover, pussy spasming on his rapidly deflating cock.

His lust satisfied, Kagu quickly lost interest in her. With a quiet grunt, he pulled his cock out of her twitching pussy and moved swiftly away. Annie groaned and crawled to the ladder which connected the platform to the ground. Arousal gone, she felt nothing but disgust and shame as the ape’s cum slowly leaked out of her pussy while she climbed down.

She’d just reached the ground when she felt another hairy arm reach around behind her waist. Letting out a scream, she caught a quick glimpse of Momo, the other adult male in the enclosure, before she was thrown up against one of the horizontal bars at the base of the structure. It slammed into her stomach, knocking the breath out of her as she fell half over it. She lay there, gasping for air as she felt a pair of large hands grab her waist and hold her down across the bar while another cock, smaller than Kagu’s, but still quite large, pushed against her ass. Grunting, the blonde woman twisted and squirmed over the bar, her legs kicking wildly behind her, but was unable to straighten up as the ape tried to insert his cock. She’d just managed to draw in a breath when Momo finally succeeded, but not…


Instead of her pussy, however, he drove his cock straight up her ass. She’d never been fucked that way before, and the pain was terrible. The blonde woman bucked and heaved on the bar, tossing her head and screaming in panic, as the ape slowly inserted more and more of his cock up her asshole. Finally, the pain grew too great, and the world went mercifully black…

Darkness… then the far away roaring of the falls… and then pain. Pain in her pussy and asshole; a deep ache that promised more as she approached full consciousness. Then her back. It felt as though it had been rubbed with sandpaper until it was raw, burning and itching… Her stomach too was bruised, but that pain faded into insignificance as consciousness brought home to her the intensity of the pain between her thighs. Her green eyes, when she finally opened them, were full of tears. She was lying on her back, still in the gorilla enclosure, still naked. With a groan, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. None of the gorillas were anywhere near her, although she noticed that Kagu was staring menacingly downward from his perch on top of the platform. The others gorillas were scattered around the enclosure, sleeping.

Time, she decided, to get the hell out of there.

She rolled over and started to crawl slowly away, hoping to avoid attracting the apes’ attention. She got about two yards before she was caught up by something around her ankle. Something cold and hard. Puzzled, she turned her head and looked back. There, wrapped tightly around her ankle and locked on, was a chain. Her eyes traced the metal links as they ran from her imprisoned ankle along the ground of the enclosure up to one of the thick, metal bars that formed the base of the platform structure. The chain was wrapped around one of those bars and locked.

“What the fuck…”

“Do you like it?” came a voice from behind her, almost yelling to be heard over the falls. “It’s not particularly elegant – oh my, not elegant at all – but it’ll do I think.”

The blonde woman turned to see Jerome Hanson smiling down at her from a few yards away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she yelled, slowly gathering her courage. She got to her feet and, almost as an afterthought, crossed her arms over her exposed breasts. “Are you nuts?”

“Not a bit of it,” the man laughed. “Oh, my no. I just happened to wander in while you and Kagu were having… were ‘going at it’, so to speak. Yes, I believe that’s right. Quite a sight. You two lovebirds seemed to be having so much fun…” Annie felt herself turning bright red. “…that I thought you should spend some time together.”

Annie stared at him, her mouth open. “You *are* c-crazy,” she stammered. “You can’t keep me here. People will look for me; someone has to tend the enclosure and take care of the apes.”

Hanson just smirked. “Don’t you remember? You resigned. Yes you did. When the staff come in tomorrow, they’ll find your locker empty and your resignation up on the board.”


“And as for maintenance, well, I don’t really have enough money in the budget to take on any new staff at this time. Absolutely not. So I’ll have to take that duty on myself. Of course, you’ll still be the one ‘taking care’ of the apes, I expect.”

Annie looked stunned for a moment, staring blankly, and then: “You bastard!” she cried, lunging at him. A look of panic crossed his pink face, but the chain caught her ankle pulled her up short and she fell backwards onto the ground.

“Now now,” the man taunted, breathing heavily. “No need to get violent. No need whatsoever. It won’t be so bad.” He gestured around the enclosure. “You’ll have plenty to eat, although you may become a little sick of fruit and raw vegetables after a while. Your chain gives you the freedom of almost the entire room, and your furry friends… well, I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to keep you entertained. More than happy.”

“Nooo…” The blonde woman was crying now, crouched on her hands and knees in front of him. “Please, Jerome… don’t d-do this…”


“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” she told him. “P-please don’t…”

“Well, maybe if you…”


“Maybe if you were to…”

“What?” Annie looked up, hope on her face.

“Suck my cock. If I may put it plainly.”

She let out a sigh, deflated. “Oh god…”

“It’s up to you,” he told her.

The blonde woman, still crouching, looked around the enclosure for a moment, then looked down at the chain on her ankle, and then back up at her tormentor. There were tears in her eyes. And a look of resignation.

“Alright,” she croaked, “I’ll do it.”

“Nicely, mind you.”

He stepped forward.

And so Annie, her long, slender fingers trembling with loathing as she undid his zipper and slid his fat, damp prick from his pants, did it nicely. Drawing upon every ounce of skill and experience she possessed, she gave this man she hated the best blowjob of his life. Holding the repulsive organ delicately in her fingers, she flicked and slid her tongue along the outside of his cock, bringing it fully to life before engulfing it in her warm, wet mouth and hungrily bobbing her face up and down on it. She sucked and slurped at the cock as hard as she could, running her tongue along it until it began to twitch and spasm in her mouth; and then she opened her throat to accept it deeper and deeper until, finally, her nose was buried in his sweaty crotch hair. When he finally came, she drank his cum down like it was the finest wine, even licking the last drops off the tip of his cock and smacking her lips.

And, when she finally pulled her face away from his cock, Jerome Hanson leaned down, took her cheeks in his hands and half- whispered in her ear: “That *was* nice. And a good thing too; if I have my way, that’ll be the last human cock you ever touch.”

“Wha…” She pulled her face away from his hands.

“I don’t imagine such skill will be necessary to satisfy your new masters.”

“Nooo…” She let out a scream, grabbing at him and missing as he danced out of reach.

“Not a bit of it. I expect they will have more… shall I say, basic needs.”


“See you tomorrow,” he laughed, moving away towards the door “At feeding time.”


Hanson ignored her cries and insults. As he turned for one last look, he saw that Kagu had climbed down from his position on the platform and was approaching the screaming woman. She must have sensed his approach, because she stopped yelling and turned just as he came up to her; the blonde woman tried to scramble away from the menacing gorilla, but was once again caught up short by her chain. Hanson watched in fascination, appreciating the delicious contrast between the slender, white-skinned blonde woman and the massive, black-haired mountain gorilla, as Kagu forced his former keeper to her hands and knees and jammed his cock into her from behind. Annie tossed her head and her mouth opened in a scream of horror, but even here, inside the enclosure, it was almost drowned out by the falls.

No danger of anyone hearing.

No danger of anyone interrupting.


Smiling to himself, Hanson stepped outside and closed the door behind himself. Pocketing the only set of keys, he walked away, whistling…