(c) 2008 by Porngirl180
monkey sex, gorilla, fantasy

Ann awoke. Her throat was parched. It actually hurt. Too much seawater. She could hear the waves breaking nearby. How had she survived? She remembered the fishing vessel and how it suddenly capsized in rough seas. There wasn’t time to signal the Coast Guard. The ship sank quickly. Oh. Jack. Surely he made it.

She rose up. Her right shoulder was bruised and felt numb. She was alone. Something roared horrendously in the distance. She jolted to her feet. She was weak. Wobbly. She felt she needed to get to safety. Her dress was in tatters. The thing roared again. She decided to go the opposite direction.

As she ran down the beach barefoot, a large lizard came from behind her, snapping its massive jaws. She thought she could hear bone crunching. It was as big as a dinosaur but that was impossible. Wasn’t it? It was catching up with her. She could not match its gait. Sweat beaded off her forehead. She would have cried if she could. He closed in, mouth gaping; ready for the kill.

She closed her eyes. A massive furry arm crashed down on the giant lizard’s head.

It stopped moving instantly. He grabbed her. She had to be dreaming. He was huge. A massive gorilla on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere. Yes. She was sure she was dreaming.

The gorilla grabbed her, roaring and yanking her to and fro as if to show all the other inhabitants what was his. Her shoulder throbbed but she still couldn’t yell. The pain was almost too much. Then she passed out.

When she awoke, she was nude. She looked for her clothes but they were nowhere to be found. The gorilla was watching her intently. Her gaze subconsciously made their way down to his belly, between his haunches, where his cock was engorged, jet black, jutting out and twitching.

She felt mesmerized and disgusted at the same time. She tried to cover up. Then her eyes met his. Grey eyes. They were full of knowledge and wisdom and wanting. And loneliness. He showed no aggression towards her. Her nudeness she soon discovered was mere curiosity. She was near her period and her scent must have excited him.

Over the course of the next few days she tried to escape, only to run into more of those lizard things. And the gorilla stopped them each time. She realized he wasn’t holding her captive as much as protecting her.

He brought her food, and by weeks end, she learned to trust him.

She was cold one night and until now she had taken refuge on a kind of nest she had made from leaves. But tonight was bad. She was shivering; her teeth chattering. Lips blue. Her toes were numb. She dared go near the sleeping giant.

He opened his eyes, and opened his arms a little. She squeezed between his chest and furry arm. He was so warm.

She looked him in the eyes and smiled. “Thank you,” she said. He grinned. She held onto his arm and slept soundly for the first time in ages.

When she awoke, he had brought her more food. He remained close. She held out her hand for him and he walked close, gently touching his forefinger to hers. He was so gentle. He was sniffing the air.

Oh. Oh. She thought. Her period. That’s what’s got him so bothered, she thought. Then without even thinking much on the subject she walked over to him and nuzzled her warm body against his hairy sheathe. His head rolled back as her tiny hands worked his sheathe. His cock slowly emerged, the tip was nearly the size of her head. She continued stroking him licking the head. His cock jutted fully now from its sheathe.

It had been ages for the big gorilla since he had been paid attention to in this way. Ann reached between her own legs and began to rub her clit.

The giant ape gently set her back onto her back and Ann watched as he gripped his own cock much like a man would and began stroking himself. Ann pressed her clit, yearning for him; wishing he could be inside her. But there was no way he was just too big.

His pace quickened and she found herself talking dirty to him as he stroked his enormous erection. “Cum for me baby! Fucking shoot that stuff all over me!” She screamed, a woman possessed.

He seemed to respond, throwing his head back as he began to cum. Copious amounts of cum; thick white spurts shooting over her small body and she was shaking, wrapped up in the bliss of her own orgasm as he kept cumming and cumming and cumming. She was soon covered from head to toe. Her hair slicked back now, and she licked the cum from her lips. It pooled under her. She could feel it seeping inside her, so warm. She could feel it between her toes. She lay there awhile, satiated for the moment. The large ape looked at her, and grinned…