(c) 2007 by M. Lobo

Chapter One

Susan had almost everything. When it came to money her parents allowed her to have anything she wanted. Money was no object in her life. She even had two cars and was looking at a third one. She had a red Mustang convertible, a black Trans-Am and now she wanted a midnight blue Corvette. She loved sports cars and she had a feeling that her father was going to get the Corvette for her as a graduation present; and the party was tomorrow.

When it came to looks, she had it all there also. She was a beautiful, petite, one hundred and five pound, blue eyed blonde that had a c+cup rack on her with pink nipples. Where ever she went almost all eyes were on her. Some looked at her jealously while the others stared at her with un-veiled lust. And to top that off she was still a virgin. She wasn’t about to let just anyone take that from her. They would have to pay dearly to possess what she had. She was actually setting her sights on being the next American Princess for some Foreign Prince.

Being what she was did not keep her from being invited anywhere there was a posh party. She was on the A list and she usually had some hunky stud at her beck and call; but picking her up and dropping her off at the door was all the closer they ever got to her bedroom. She would tease them unmercifully but chance glances of her magnificent breasts were their only reward they ever got. And she would never use one of her cars; she was the only one who would ever drive them.

Tonight she was going to Jenifer’s party. Her parents were considered millionaires but Susan was sure that they were not liquid assets like her father had. The party had been spur of the moment and Susan, with all her connections, ended up taking herself. There was no way she was going to miss a bash like this though; even if it was a hasty one.

Susan drove her Trans-Am that evening and wore a designer outfit that had cost her five hundred dollars. It took her an hour to drive to Jenifer’s place due to traffic and by the time she arrived there she was in a foul mood and once she was upset all bets were off as to how she was going to treat anyone who crossed her path.

When Jenifer saw Susan walk in she swore under her breath. She had been hoping that the rich bitch wouldn’t show up that night. That was the reason she had asked her so late; while pretending that it was an impromptu gathering. She wanted the notoriety of inviting Suzan but she was hoping she’d be turned down.

Jenifer kept an eye on her rival but attempted to look as though she hadn’t witnessed her arrival. She nearly laughed though when Carl, a newbie to the social circle greeted the blonde. She easily overheard the entire exchange

“Hey Sue,” called out the young man. “How are you doing tonight?”

Suzan’s looks should have been warning enough that he would be wise to run the other way but he didn’t recognize it in time. “My name is Suzan, not Sue. You don’t know me well enough to use a pet name for me. But… I have an idea. How about if I call you Jackass, or Asshole? One of those will be the name I use for you the next time I see you… Okay.” She said while smiling at his discomfort. It was the first time she smiled since getting pissed off about the traffic jam she had been forced to endure.

If one thing could be said at all in Susan’s favor it was that only those who were within twenty feet of the incident were able to hear what had transpired.

Jenifer was eventually forced to acknowledge Susan’s presence. She gave her a fashionable kiss and hug and then began the usual verbal sparring that took place whenever they were together. The whole ordeal went on for the better part of thirty minutes and even when she went to the food table to get something to eat her nemesis followed her. Whenever they were together there was always something no quite right. The food was warm when it should have been hot. Or it was too spicy; or not spicy enough. Nothing was ever just right. The young brunette was glad when she was informed that there was an important call for her and she had to excuse herself.

When Jenifer walked into the house, Susan went looking for her next victim to put down and annoy; she was good at it while making herself, her home, her way as the perfect example of how things should be done.

Jenifer was disgusted because she knew of at least three friends that left her party early because of Susan’s antics. Unfortunately she didn’t have the fortitude to face the rich bitch and tell her to leave. She only hoped that she would have the guts to not invite her in the first place to her next party. She looked around and didn’t spot the obnoxious blonde and breathed a sigh of relief; maybe she had gone home.

What Jenifer didn’t know was that Susan had spotted someone she hadn’t harassed yet but when she went to corner her prey the girl had gone deeper into the shadows of the back yard and managed to slip away.

While Susan searched the area with her eyes Jenifer’s female dog, Kiki, came up to her and sniffed at her. When the young blonde saw the animal she kicked out at her. “Get out of here you flea bag.” She hissed as her foot struck the animal’s flank. She continued looking for the girl that got away for a few moments more when she felt wetness on her feet.

Susan looked down just in time to see the dog rise from its squatting position. She hadn’t even felt it at first but the animal had managed to pee on her shoes enough to get her feet wet. “You bitch!” she hissed and then tried to kick Kiki again but the vengeful canine managed to escape under a bush and get away.

“Ugh… god. I have to get out of these things.” She had said aloud, but decided that she didn’t want anyone to know that a dog had peed on her so she stayed in the shadows and made her way to the front of the house. Once she was sure that no-one would see her she slipped out of her shoes and threw them into the neatly trimmed shrubbery. “You owe me two hundred dollars for those shoes Jenifer.” She decreed as though saying it aloud made it a debt that the brunette had to pay.

Shoeless, she walked to where she had parked her car. She was surprised at how far she had been forced to park away from the house but didn’t let it concern her until she heard an unfriendly growl; a growl that sent chills down her spine.

Susan turned and was barely able to make out the shape of a huge dog and he was getting closer by the moment. The young blonde had everything but the door opener locked in the car and she reached for it as she began running for her Trans-Am.

Knowing that the dog was so close to her she tried to outsmart the animal. She hit the opener twice and ran for the passenger side door. She hoped that she would be more agile than the beast and reach the far door before it could recover from coming around the end of the car so sharply. She thought wrong; even before her hand touched the door handle she was being pulled to the ground as the dog snagged her dress. The door opener went flying also.

By the time Susan recovered from her tumble she found herself on her ass about six feet from her car. Her dress was ripped and the dog was still holding it between his teeth and shaking it like a bullyrag. “Stop that you Asshole, this dress cost more than four hundred dollars.” She yelled.

The dog let go of her dress, and for a moment she breathed a sigh of relief; it was short lived. The huge beast moved closer and gripped the outfit at the low cut cleavage. Right between her breasts. He began shaking her again and he was strong enough to rip the dress even more while shaking her hard enough to make her teeth chatter.

When the dog ceased his actions this time she had the distinct feeling that he didn’t like her dress and that was why he was acting the way he was. “Okay, let go of me and you can have the damn dress if you like it so much.”

The huge animal let go of her but his warning growls never ceased. Hesitantly she began stripping out of her dress and was tempted to throw it in his face but she tossed it to the side; several feet away. “There, are you happy now?” She groused as she sat in the grass on her butt, clad only in her panties and bra.”

The animal continued to growl. “I gave you the dress.” She hissed. “Now go play with it and leave me alone. When I find out who owns you I’m going to sue them.”

The only response she got for her effort was the huge beast lunging at her and making a perfect grab at her bra. His head shot perfectly into the valley that her breasts made and when he pulled back he had his prize. The expensive bra ripped easily and in the blink of an eye her pink nipples were exposed to the night air. She began to react angrily but the bra disappeared from his mouth almost as fast as it had gotten there and his teeth were quickly within mere inches of her throat. Very gently Susan lay back, propped on her elbows; and the intensity of his growl diminished but didn’t cease.

Once the girl lay back the animal was now poised over her flat stomach. The panties that lay below were every bit as fine as the bra had been and they didn’t last a second longer than the upper body coverings had. “God damn you son of a bitch.”

Susan was totally nude now and when the huge mongrel moved in he dove at what he had been after all along. His tongue caught the young blonde perfectly and the first stab of his oral digit caught her virgin slit and swept over her clitoris perfectly.

“Ohhh god.” She hissed disgustedly. “How gross!” She tried to back away but she was instantly stopped in her tracks as the beast’s teeth were suddenly open and touching her neck. If the teeth closed she would definitely be hurt.

Susan held still and the teeth retreated. She tried to close her legs next but for her efforts she received a sharp nip that actually caused her to widen the vee pattern that her legs formed and allow him even greater access to her honey pot. “Bastard.” She hissed. “I’m going to get the dog catchers to trap you and then I’ll have you gassed… or whatever they do to get rid of your kind.”

The huge mutt was staring right at her as he began licking her pussy lips again. It was as though he knew he was upsetting this female and he couldn’t have cared less. He remained vigilant as he thrust his tongue into her and it took a whole but he eventually felt the girl beginning to respond.

Susan had closed her eyes, trying to shut out what was happening to her and not even wanting to see it for fear that what she was experiencing would play back like a movie if she watched it. She decided to simply let the bastard get his kicks and be done with it. What she hadn’t planned on was her body betraying her and responding to the ecstasy that she was beginning to feel. She was a virgin but that didn’t mean that she hadn’t cumm before. Unfortunately for her, this was building to the biggest cumm she had ever experienced before. And it was already leaving her breathless.

“Ohhh god that feels good… Damn dog, why does it have to be some fucking mongrel that’s giving it to me?” She hissed as she involuntarily shoved her pussy forward so that the dog’s tongue could reach into her depths even better. Barely thirty seconds passed after that and the most blissful orgasm she had ever witnessed washed over her and left her in an ecstatic stupor. She barely remembered where she was.

Susan felt the beast back away from her and thought it was over. “I’m still going to sue your owners and somehow have you exterminated. “She hissed as she rolled to her side and then on to her knees. She knew she couldn’t tell anyone exactly what had happened but she was sure she could make up a convincing story as to why the creep should die. She was just reaching for the door handle of her car in an effort to get to her feet when she was suddenly mounted and her handhold failed. She felt the fur of the animal all along her back and rump and it was so warm compared to the cool grass she had been lying in.

“God damn it. Get off me you son of a bitch. I’m through playing around with you.” She hissed, but the dog’s teeth found the back of her neck this time and convinced her to hold still. She was sure that he was only fractions of an inch from drawing blood and she wasn’t too far off on her estimation. The dog shuffled forward a bit and within moments a heated probe lined up with her virgin vagina and began to sink into her.

“No…” She whimpered as his cock sank into her and violated her. “You can’t do that, I’m a virgin…”

The mutt didn’t care that it was her first time. His nose had told him that she was a female in heat. He had followed her tracks as they had emerged from the bushes and he wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity like this if he could help it. As he thrust into her the fact that there had been a protective barrier barely registered on the battering ram that he wielded. In three strokes he was so deep in her that his forming knot had only an inch or two before it too was within her also and then the fun would really begin. He released her neck and the pace of his thrusting began to increase.

Susan had been on her hands and knees as the dog’s cock sank into her but it wasn’t long before she was pushed to her elbows; her arms couldn’t support the animal’s rapid thrusting and weight. When she collapsed her breasts continued to jiggle but now the grass began to play a part. The end of the stalks barely touched her nipples but it was enough to add to what she already felt imbedded so deeply within her. “This can’t be happening.” She sobbed, but there was no getting around the fact that a huge dog was fucking the shit out of her and there was nothing that she could do about it.

A noise caught her attention; there was a car coming. She considered seriously about screaming and getting their attention… but then the thought of being found on her knees with a dog’s cock stuck in her once virgin pussy made her remain silent. She would never be able to live this shame down if all her school friends found about it; she had to endure it, there was no other way.

The car passed and she breathed a sigh of relief even as she sobbed at her plight. Minutes passed and the dynamics of the situation remained, but the fact that her body was beginning to respond to the stimulation she was feeling began to sink in almost as deep as the hot shaft that was within her. “This can’t be happening.” She cried, and then beast’s knot sank into her. “Oh… SHIT, that hurts…”

Susan could barely make heads or tails of what was happening to her. That her body was betraying her was all that she did know. The animal’s thrusting had slowed, but now she was thrusting back at him as though her body wanted what he had to offer. In moments she stopped, she didn’t have to do anything more. Heated bursts of sperm shot into her and she knew what she was feeling. The fucking dog had done what no one had ever done before. Besides taking her virginity he was emptying his balls into her and trying to impregnate her. “Uhg… god, I’ll probably never get his shit out of me.” She sobbed anew.

The huge mutt turned to his side and stood butt to butt with his latest bitch. He was as pleased as any animal could be as he felt his balls continue to shoot his sperm into the female. He was sure that he’d be seeing several of his progeny walking about within the months to come. The dog held himself inside the bitch for several minutes before he shrank enough to pull free and then he trotted away. He had done his job and that was all that mattered to him.

Susan grunted again as the dog finally pulled his massive cock out of her. She saw his shadow as he disappeared into the night but she never did get a good look at him. She also missed seeing the nine inch plus hunk of meat that had been embedded in her. But, she did renew her vow that if she ever found him again that she would be the cause of his demise.

The young blonde was a total mess. It took her several minutes to gather her wits about her and get into her car. She was careful so as not to draw any attention to herself; that was the last thing she wanted. She looked around her car for anything she could put on but found nothing and the fluid that was leaking from her vagina just wouldn’t stop. She was finally forced to leave the car and grab her torn dress. She slid into it, found her torn bra and panties and re-entered the safety of her vehicle.

Susan felt more of the dog’s sperm seep from her abused pussy and even though it grossed her out totally she carefully stuffed her torn underwear into her slit in an effort to keep her car clean. She wanted the animal’s fluids out of her but not at the cost of ruining her vehicle.

In a rage, Susan managed to drive and yet keep her speed within acceptable limits. She didn’t need some stupid cop stopping her now. She got home with no further incidents and even managed to get into her room without being accosted by her parents or any else. She threw her ruined garments in the trash and then made her way to the shower. She scrubbed herself for over forty-five minutes with the hottest water she could stand before the system ran out and she was forced to shut it off.

She dressed, putting on her silkiest undergarments and nightgown but even as she slipped the gown over her head she felt more fluid seeping from her vagina and it disgusted her anew. She pulled her panties down and the wet stain she found there mocked her efforts to cleanse herself of her ordeal. She knew about douches but she didn’t have any at the moment and she didn’t want to go to her mother with this. She opted to put a pad in her panties but it still left her feeling soiled. She knew that the damn dog’s sperm was still draining from her and she hated the thought of it.

She finally managed to go to bed but even there she didn’t find real rest. Every time she began to drift off to sleep she was jerked awake by a nightmare. If she wasn’t being licked between her legs she was being forced to her hands and knees and mounted. It wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that she was finally exhausted and slept.


Chapter Two

Susan slept late; it wasn’t until noon before she made it down the stairs and into the kitchen. She was clad in a heavy white robe because it felt good against her skin. Under it she wore a lacy pair of panties and a matching bra; it was all she had. She managed to get breakfast but even as she ate she truly felt like simply going back up stairs and going back to bed. While she ate she warmed up and felt something as she sat at the table; she stood to investigate. When she opened her robe she noticed scratches along her ribs and the previous night’s activities resurfaced like a bad dream. She was just reaching to touch the weal gingerly when she heard someone approaching and quickly re-closed her robe. She managed to cover herself just before her father entered the room.

“Hey, there’s the new graduate.” He said as he hugged her. Susan winced and her actions were not missed by her father. “Are you okay, Princess?”

“Yeah.” Responded Susan as cheerfully as possible. “I… uh pulled a muscle playing tennis the other day and it’s still a bit sore.”

“Okay, but if it persists let me know and we’ll get one of my sports medicine doctor friends to take a look at it.”

“I’ll let you know, Dad.” She said before quickly eating the last of her food and throwing the dishes in the sink for the maid to clean up.

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Honey?” Asked her father again with greater concern in his voice. “I just noticed that you’re eating… breakfast. And you do look a little peaked.”

“I’m fine,” Said Susan trying to sound perky. “I’m just resting up for this evening’s festivities.”

“That’s my girl.” Encouraged her father before he left the room.

Susan breathed a sigh of relief as her father walked through the door. She then ran upstairs to have a better look at the scratches. “Shit.” She swore as she saw the marks. She had put her underwear on after her shower late last night and hadn’t noticed them then. She wouldn’t be able to wear her bikini tonight at her party. She tried to think of ways to cover them up but nothing except using a one piece swim suit would work. “That fucking dog.” She swore under her breath. “After the party tonight I’m going to go cruising in my new car; and if I see that mutt… he’s history.”

Susan rested until just a few minutes before her party was to begin. For as nasty a bitch as she could be a free social gathering was still too tempting for most people to turn down. Fifty of what were considered her closest friend arrived right on time. The funny part of it all was that most of the invited guests actually enjoyed themselves at the party this night.

Seeing her guests only reminded her of the evening before and Susan became very self conscious of the fact that she had been raped by a dog. Some of these people had been only a hundred yards away when it all happened. What if one of them had seen her kneeling beneath that horrible animal? She talked with some of the people but most of the time she spent eying them; trying to see if anyone in particular was making the rounds and talking about her.

Two hours into the party, Susan’s father made a big to-do about presenting her with the keys to a new, midnight blue, Corvette. For a moment she forgot about her shame and reveled in the event.

By the time four hours had passed, Susan abandoned her party; no one really missed her. She changed out of her one piece swimsuit, which she had never used that night, and into her regular underwear. She put on some nice shorts and a tube top blouse mix that covered the scratches and then set out to enjoy her new car.

Susan motored out of her parent’s driveway aimed for the roads that she knew she’d be able to hit the peddle and let her new Vette fly. For the next hour she sped around her chosen paths and managed to evade radar traps by shear dumb luck. It was just as she was ready to slow down a bit that she noticed where she was. Only a mile away was where she had been raped the previous night.

She drove slowly through the neighborhood, looking for the mutt that had violated her. She didn’t care what it took if she saw the dog she was going to run him down. Five minutes passed before Susan saw the animal in question. It was dark, but she was sure that it was him. She was crafty and she sped up slowly because she didn’t want the squeal of her tires to startle the animal. He was walking across the road at the moment and she soon realized that she wasn’t going to reach him before he slipped through an opening in a fence that she couldn’t get her car through.

“Damn.” She swore under her breath but then saw a gate that could be opened and allow her to continue her pursuit. She thought she saw the animal several yards ahead of her and still in the open so she hit her brakes and stopped her car. She ran for the gate and opened it and then raced back. She came up short when her eyes fell on the shape of a large dog sitting near her open car door.

“Oh SHIT.” Hissed Susan as the huge dog began growling. He moved in her direction and she slowly backed away. She heard the animal bark and didn’t pay much attention to it. She decided to try and outsmart the beast and it seemed to be working; he was keeping pace with her. She stayed near her car in hopes of getting to the driver’s door from the other direction. Her plan might have worked except for one thing; by the time she made a dash for the door she found another dog blocking her path.

Even as she came to a halt, the first dog was on her. She shrieked, but it wasn’t loud enough to get anyone’s attention that late at night; the other homes were too far away from this new neighborhoods undeveloped area. Before she knew it the huge animal had her on the ground and was once again bullyragging her clothes so hard that they were beginning to rip.

It wasn’t long before Susan lost track of who was attacking her. All she did realize was that they were tearing her garments to shreds. She was sure that by the time they were done that she would be a bloody mess. Several minutes passed and then her senses began to clear. When she was able to take stock of her situation she realized that they had her on her back and only her tank top remained in one piece. There were a few smears of blood but the wounds she had suffered were barely scratches compared to what she had expected.

She watched as one of the shadows drew closer to her and pushed his way between her legs. She tried to keep him out but his bared teeth were soon at her throat and his angry growl convinced her to change her mind. She spread her legs and allowed him access to her vaginal slit and then began praying that tonight was not a rerun of the night before.

Susan sneered at her assailant but it didn’t faze him in the least. He dug his tongue into her pussy as deep as possible and enjoyed every minute of it. He didn’t have the faintest idea that his licks were exactly where they needed to be in order to heat her up in the quickest way possible but he managed. He hit her G-spot several times and he rocked her little clit so well he would have rivaled many great cunilinguists. In five minutes he had her vaginal secretions flowing and she shuddered as she orgasmed. Her pelvis involuntarily tilted upward to give his tongue greater access and she felt ashamed.

By the time her tremors began to subside she realized that the dog was no longer licking her. She refocused on him and realized that he was standing there as though waiting for her to get on her hands and knees. “Oh… NO, not this time! I’m not going to let you f…”

She barely saw him move but the pain of his strike was certainly felt. “Ouch…” She yelled and then felt a trickle of blood begin to flow down her inner thigh. He began to growl again and it was a warning that grew louder by the second. It wasn’t hard to interpret the message; as soon as the growl reached a certain pitch he would bite again. She managed to last three seconds before her resolve broke and then she began to move.

Susan turned over slowly but wasn’t sure why. She knew what was going to happen to her and all it was going to do was stall the inevitable. This dog was going to fuck her and the longer she waited for it to happen the longer it would be before it was over. She held out no hope that she would be rescued.

Susan finally got on to her hands and knees and spread her legs. She felt several tentative licks to her vaginal slit and then grunted as the weight of the animal landed on her back. She closed her eyes as tightly as possible and tried to think of other things but when the dog’s cock slammed into her several times without entering her she breathed a sigh of relief; maybe the night before had been a fluke. The hot probe kept searching for her and it hurt but when he hit her in her little pink rosebud. She jerked in response and it proved to be her undoing.

All the huge dog wanted was to fuck the hot bitch beneath him and so far he wasn’t getting anywhere. He felt the female below him shift a bit and the next thing he knew he was home. He sank himself into her as deeply and as quickly as possible and when he was sure of his position he let it rip.

Susan groaned painfully and the ache didn’t stop for several minutes. The only thing that saved her pussy from being ravaged completely was the fact that the dog’s precum was lubricating the way for his rapid advance. She could even feel her breasts as they moved within her tube top because he was banging her so hard.

Time wore on and he continued to have his way with her. Before she realized it the pain was gone and pleasure was beginning to flood her senses. She shook her head and tried to over ride it all but her body eventually took over for her. It wasn’t much longer before she was pushing her pussy back at the invading member and trying to capture everything.

Her body was conquered but her mind was not. “Damn it, no… I don’t want this… I don’t want this dog’s cock in me and making me feel this way. Ohhh… god he’s so deep. I don’t think I can take any more of this… Ohhh… SHIT.” She shrieked as his knot entered her and then all the pain subsided.

Susan felt every thrust as he gently rocked his cock into her depths. Her G-spot was getting a workout of its own, she had never experienced this much stimulus to that area before and it was hot. All of her insides were being gently jostled as the huge cock invaded her depths. There hardly seemed to be a single part of her internal anatomy that wasn’t being affected by the fucking that was getting and it. Before she knew it she orgasmed and so did he. The feel of his sperm shooting into her intensified what she was feeling. If her lover had been able to see the climactic look of bliss that crossed her face he would have been proud of himself; if he hadn’t been a dog that is. “Oh god that feels so good.” She grunted. “How am I ever going to live this down?”

The young blonde held still as the dog continued to pump his seed into her. Eventually the utter bliss of the situation wore off and the reality of it all resurfaced. “Damn you dog.” She muttered. “I don’t know how but I’m still going to kill you if I get the chance. You may think you’re putting your puppies into some receptive bitch but I’m going to have the last laugh as I throw dirt on your grave.”

It wasn’t too long after that until the huge animal pulled his knot out of her well fucked pussy and she breathed a sigh of relief. Her ease was short lived; she had forgotten about the other dog. She was just about to get to her feet when she was pounced upon anew. As the weight settled upon her back and the forepaws grasped her ribs the second dog’s cock shot neatly into the opening vacated by the first. “Ohhh… god, not again…”

The second animal was every bit as big as the first and every bit as eager to breed this new bitch. He wasted no time and was soon thrusting into Susan at a pace that would have rivaled a machine at maximum speed. Just like his brother he knew how to fuck a bitch and he set about doing just that. He had no trouble what so ever setting a blistering pace as he thrust his hot shaft into the girl as deeply as possible. His brother’s sperm was coating her vaginal walls very well and allowed him the freedom he wanted. There were advantages to being second in a situation like this as far as he was concerned.

Susan was nearly in a delirium. A third orgasm washed over her but the animal on her back didn’t stop to let what she was feeling really sink in. The minutes passed and every thrust of the beasts cock registered on her brain in some way or another but all in all it turned into one huge unending fucking.

The young blond was mere seconds from her forth climactic event when the dog slowed. As he purposely thrust his member at her in an effort to lock with her, she responded by pushing back. “Ugh… how could I.” She groaned in an accusatorial tone; but her body was betraying her and acting on its own accord. Once the beast had his knot in her they thrust at each other slowly. The same internal movements as with the first dog began to massage her very being and it wasn’t long before her forth orgasm did claim her. “Ohhh… god, how can I be letting these dogs fuck me like this and then enjoy it like I am. I don’t want this.” She sobbed as she sank to her elbows, but there was no mistaking the pleasure she felt; it was only the way she was receiving it.

Several minutes passed and Susan felt the animal pulling his semi deflated knot out of her. She looked back just in time to see almost a cup full of their sperm gush out of her and fall between her spread legs. “Yuck…” She exclaimed but then she managed to get a look at the huge piece of meat that had been inside of her pussy. “Holy shit, how in the world did he have that in me?”

Susan allowed herself to roll to her side in the grass and the coolness of it added to the experience of the situation without her even realizing it. She looked at the dogs as they sat there for a moment. “You bastards better watch were you cross the road. I know you live around here somewhere and I’ll get you I promise. This is a war now, and I don’t plan on losing the battle; not to you sons a bitches.”

Both huge animals seemed totally unconcerned as to what she was saying. They were satisfied for the moment and seconds later ambled off toward the hideout they shared with several other strays in the area. They had her scent and they would have her again if she ever entered their territory in the future. In their primitive brain they wondered exactly what kind of pups she would have; at the last she had been a very receptive bitch.

Susan gathered her shredded clothing, after the dogs began walking away. She kept a close eye on them in case they turned back for seconds. She also watched for other dogs. She wasn’t going to be caught off guard ever again if she could help it.

Susan examined the remains of her clothes and managed to fold her blouse and panties into a diaper to catch the dog sperm that was still dripping from her. With the help of a few safety pins that she had in her purse she was even able to get her shorts repaired enough to hold it all in place. She finally eased her way into her car and was soon headed home. She hoped she wouldn’t run into anyone from her party or have to wait too long in order to get into her house undetected. The last thing she wanted to do was try and explain to anyone why she looked the way she looked.

For all the bad luck she seemed to be having with dogs lately her luck held for stealthy entrance into her home. She only had to wait for two hours for the path to clear and when it did she was in her room in minutes without being discovered. She took her clothes off and threw them in the trash, even her tube top. The material was snagged but at least it saved her from further scratches in that area.

Susan took inventory of her injuries. “Fucking dogs.” She hissed as she examined her naked body in front of a full length mirror. There were four new minor scratches and one set of teeth marks on her skin in different areas. Unfortunately, they were in places that were normally in the open if she wore anything that would show of her fantastic figure.

“Damn bastards!” She muttered as she entered the shower and once again tried to wash the remembrance of the dogs fucking her out of her body and soul. She ran the water for half an hour and managed to splash as much water as possible into her vagina but when she got out of the shower she still felt liquid running out of her and down her leg. At first she thought it was water but when she touched it she knew immediately that it was the damn dogs’ leftovers.

“I’m going to annihilate them.” She promised herself.


Chapter Three

Susan kept to herself for several days. She even managed to evade her father and the rest of the family that would have asked unbearable questions if they had seen her scratches. She missed lounging by the pool and tanning herself in her micro-bikini. Her self exile in her room, to escape the dog’s inflicted injuries to her semi-tanned skin from being detected, wore on her more and more as the hours passed.

Three days passed before she felt well enough to venture forth. When she did she found a pawn shop that wasn’t too particular in the state identification process and she was able to purchase a gun. She knew very little about guns and the shop owner sold her a small 22 pistol. She hadn’t told him what she had planned for it; she simply mentioned that it was for… personal protection.

After Susan left the shop she tried to find a secluded place to shoot her new acquisition. She had to drive over thirty miles but eventually found a small dirt road that lead to nowhere. On the bank of a small ravine she finally came to a stop. Feeling fairly safe she got out of her red Mustang and went down the embankment.

On the flat area below she found several bottles that looked as though they had been there for at least a year. She set them up and then backed away from them about twenty yards. It took a bit, but she eventually got the small revolver loaded. She took aim and fired the gun at the end target. She knew that she had it in her sights and the kick of the gun was negligible, but when all was said and done the only result that she saw was a plume of dust; several feet beyond the intended victim.

“Damn it!” Susan swore and then aimed again. She held the gun in both hands and emptied it at the bottle but when the dust cleared this time the drinking vessel was still intact. “Son of a bitch.” She swore again; and then reloaded the weapon again after dumping the spent shells on the ground.

Susan looked at her targets again while chewing gently on her bottom lip. “The sons a bitch won’t be that far away. And they’re a lot bigger.” She mused. She then moved closer and aimed again. When she fired this time she was only ten feet away from the bottle.

When the young blonde saw the glass container shatter this time she felt vindicated. She took aim at the next target and pulled the trigger again. The dirt flew up behind the bottle so she fired again. Once more the glass flew apart. She fired the rest of the bullets and managed to hit one more container. She sighed wearily.

Susan loaded the gun again while rationalizing in her mind that the dogs were bigger and they might be even closer to her when she fired. In her mind’s eye she pictured herself shooting both of the animals as they tried to slowly move closer to her. “I’ll get you… this time.” She hissed.

By the time Susan got into her Mustang the sun was two hours from setting. She figured that she had just enough time to get to the new subdivision before it got dark. Her estimate of time available to get to her destination was quite fair. She arrived at the place of her last attack right when she expected to get there.

Susan pulled into the short drive near the fence and looked around carefully. She wasn’t going to get caught like she did last time. She scanned the area and then waited; she did this several times. She continued this tactic until she saw movement down the drive a bit. She smiled as she saw the two mongrels that had violated her.

With utmost stealth, Susan exited her vehicle. She kept her eyes on the dogs the whole time. She would outsmart them this time and she would have her revenge. She patted her pocket and made sure that the gun was there before she walked quietly to the gate and opened it. As she stepped through the gate she turned her head for only a second to be sure that no one was taking an interest as to what she was doing. She then locked her eyes on the damn beasts once more and advanced with the 22 pistol leading the way.

Susan was slowly cutting the distance between her and the intended targets. They continued to slowly amble their way toward the new structure that was being built on this particular property. She moved quietly and became more and more excited as the striking point diminished. “Assholes don’t even know I’m here yet.” She mumbled to herself softly. “They’ll be dead before they even know what’s hit them.”

By the time Susan moved close enough to the dogs to be sure of her shots she began to wonder if they were deaf. She couldn’t even see her car at the moment but it didn’t matter. She had these bastards dead to rights. She was just about to pull the trigger and shoot the first animal in the back when the pair stopped walking and slowly turned.

“I’ll teach you assholes to rape me.” She said angrily; and then she tried to fire the first shot with her sights set squarely on the left dog’s forehead. She was concentrating so heavily on her intended target that she never even saw the animal to her right until a split second before the firearm discharged. She saw the bullet strike the dirt next the beast and then the gun was flying out of her hand.

Susan felt a cold chill run down her spine as she pulled her hand back and saw the tooth marks of the dog that had foiled her aim and caused her to drop the weapon. She tried to turn and run but it was useless. The two animals that she had been tracking were on her in an instant.

The young blonde hit the ground and tried to fight off her attackers but it was hopeless. She screamed as loudly as possible but her cry for help was swiftly stifled as one of the dogs grabbed her by the throat. She thought her life was over at that moment but the animal only held on hard enough and long enough to silence her.

Susan fell silent and the dog backed off just enough to place his teeth only inches from her face. The second dog moved in and did the same only from the other side. The first animal then stopped growling just long enough to snag her blouse, pull on it, and then growl again. The message was obvious; they wanted her to remove her clothes.

“You bastards!” She hissed, but she knew that they would bite her if she didn’t co-operate. She knew that they were going to rape her again and she didn’t need a hundred more wounds to try and hide. She was going to have to submit to their demands once more.

Susan began to slowly remove her clothes. She took off her blouse first and then her pants. Her bra was next and then she sat to remove her panties. She was just about to assume the hands and knees position when the animal that had raped her that first night got between her legs and began licking her vaginal slit. “I wish I had the clap and could give it to you!” She hissed at the dog as he burrowed his tongue into her as deeply as possible.

Time seemed to pass slowly, but as someone famous once said; it was all relative! It seemed like the dog licked her for hours before Susan orgasmed but in actuality it was only ten minutes. The whole act disgusted her but by the time she climaxed she had opened her legs for him even wider and tilted her pelvis upward so that he would be able to eat her better. She was totally unconcious of her actions.

When Susan’s orgasm ebbed she found the animal looking at and she knew what he wanted next. “I hate you bastards.” She hissed as she got on her knees and assumed the doggy position. The words were barely out of her mouth before she felt the dog mount her and begin searching for her pussy with his cock.

“Ouch… ouch… ouch… Damn, that hurts you jackass.” She yelled as his hot shaft pounded the tender pink area between her vaginal slit and her tiny rosebud. “Why don’t you Ohhh…”

The dog’s pointed lance sliced into her deeply as he finally hit the right spot. It didn’t take long before he was in her up to his knot. Once he was in her satisfactorily he cut loose from there. If it hadn’t been for her climactic juices and his continually spraying precum her vaginal tube would have picked up blisters from the heat that would have been generated.

Susan coherent verbiage fell to the wayside as the animal within her pounded her senseless. All that was able to form were grunts and groans as he pumped her into her next climax. She did manage two coherent words. “Oh…shit!” She gasped as his knot entered her and then the grunts and groans returned. It wasn’t until her third orgasm that she got a reprieve. Her climax hit her and she felt his sperm shoot into her. She knew that his cumm would be in her for days.

The young blonde tried to relax as much as possible and not think of her predicament. She knelt there for ten minutes after her orgasm had subsided until the mangy mutt was able to pull his cock out of her pussy. The interval between the first animal and the second lasted for only seconds. Her vagina didn’t even have time to close before she was invaded by the next beast.

Susan began to grunt again as soon as the next dog entered her. He had her every bit as deep as the first animal; if not deeper. His knot began pushing her vaginal lips open after only twenty seconds and when he did set his knot he didn’t slow down like the other one had.

This was the second time this dog had this particular bitch and he was really beginning to acquire a taste for her. She was better than any female he had ever fucked before and he wanted her to know it. He hadn’t planned on setting his knot right away but now that it was there he was going to make the best of it. He set a pace every bit as fast as his friend had and he tried his damndest to maintain it.

Susan could do nothing but grunt, groan and pant as she received the pounding that she was receiving from this dog. Each thrust jammed the hard shaft that was in her brutally against the bottom of her vaginal tube. The impact of his cock caused her insides to be jostled about over and over again and his knot continually rubbed her G-spot. She could feel her fourth orgasm approaching her with the speed of a jet plane and the weight of a freight train. It slammed into her mercilessly and before it was over she could barely remain on her hand. The one consolation was that she felt the dog spraying his seed into her. All she had to do now was wait for him to pull out of her.

Fifteen minutes passed and Susan was regained a little strength. The animal that was tied to her had turned to the side and they were now locked together butt to butt. She shuddered at the grossness of it but there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t even scream for help. The shame of being found with a dog’s cock in her was something she simply didn’t want to bear. She breathed a sigh of when the beast pulled free of her.

Susan tried to get up, thinking her ordeal was over. She managed to get one foot under her before she was confronted by another dog. “No…” She groaned. She had forgotten about the third member of the pack. She returned to her submissive position and awaited yet another round of vicious fucking.

The animal started by licking her from vaginal slit to asshole and she detested it. “Cut it out you Bastard and just get it over with!” She yelled at him. Her plea had no effect on him what so ever and it was another five minutes before he mounted her.

Susan looked back quickly when the licking stopped and she braced herself just in time. The dog’s weight came down on her and it surprised her because he was heavier than either of the first two. The animal began thrusting his cock at her almost immediately and after two heavy blows to her already tender bottom the mutt found what he was looking for. “Damn…” She swore for about the umpteenth time before the brutal pounding began again.

Grunts and groans became her vocal output once more as the dog buried his hard hot shaft in her to the outmost of her physical limits. Once more her internal organs were pushed out of the way to accommodate his advances and then spring back into place as he retreated slightly. Her whole body was beginning to respond to the fucking she was getting. The speed wasn’t there but the force seemed greater; even her firm perky tits were jiggling from the impact of it all.

Susan’s arms finally gave out and she slumped forward onto her elbows. Another orgasm claimed her and the beast continued to fuck her over and over; she thought it would never end. She felt the dog slow and then pull back a bit. She wondered if he had cumm in her and she didn’t feel it but in the next second he advanced into her again. Only this time he entered her a little different.

“Oh god, oh god, oh… god…” She exclaimed as she felt his cock punch through her cervical opening and into her uterus. She knew her anatomy and she knew exactly where he had his cock crammed into her body. “Damn you dog. Just because you stuck your cock there doesn’t mean you’re going to make me pregnant you Asshole. God damn… Ohhh”

The dog was trying his damndest to impregnate her and he would have succeeded if interspecies mating were really possible, but the sad fact was that their DNA did not match match. It didn’t keep him from trying though. Once he had his knot locked in her he pumped her full of his sperm. He had plenty of it to share with her because it had been several months since he had fucked his last bitch. Load after load of his potent puppy makers were swimming in her deeper than anything else had ever been.

Susan murmured with each spurt of fluid that he shot into her. And it was several minutes before he stopped. She was so out of it by then that she hardly even felt him pull his cock from her depths and walk away. It wasn’t until the cool evening air hit her back that she realized that the dog was gone.

Five minutes passed before the girl got off her knees and managed to stand. Dog cumm from the first two dogs was running out of her vagina and down her legs and it grossed her out completely. If there had been food in her stomach she would have thrown up. It was fairly dark now but there was just enough moonlight for her to see how distended her belly was. It made her look like she was three months expectant and it scared her. What if these Bastards had made her pregnant? The tormenting thought just wouldn’t go away because of the bulge. How was she going to explain this to her family; the lump in her belly was so… obvious.

Susan held her stomach while picking up her clothes; at least this time her garments were not totally destroyed. She doubted that she would ever wear them again though because they would forever remind her what had just transpired here. She dressed hurriedly and then searched for the gun. She didn’t find it and after two minutes of looking she abandoned it. She was afraid that if she stayed there too much longer that she would be raped again so she left; she was unsure if she would ever return to look for it unless she could find some other way to protect herself.

When Susan got to her car, sat in the bucket seat, and closed the door she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She started the car and glanced at the clock. Her head sank to her chest and she cried; the damn dogs had raped her for over two hours straight. She gritted her teeth and lifted her head once more; somehow she had to find a way to kill these bastards; they were not going to get the best of her. There was too much at stake now.

Susan drove home slowly and her luck remained. She made her way to her room without being seen and was soon in the bathroom. She stood in front of the full length mirror and began removing her dirty cum soaked cloths. She swore under breath at what she saw. Her ribs where the dogs had grabbed her were red and scratched again. And the bulge she had seen in the moonlight was still there and the chill that had run down her spine returned with a vengeance. “I can’t be pregnant.” She hissed. “Dogs can’t fuck girls and give them puppies… can they?”


Chapter Four

Susan spent the next week recuperating. She managed to keep out of everyone’s way for the most part but her brother did question her absence from the pool. He knew her usual habits of lounging by the water in the skimpiest, most revealing swimsuits imaginable; and he loved it.

Nathan was one of Susan’s greatest admirers and he was seriously beginning to miss the eye candy. He had lost count long ago how many times he had stroked his cock while looking out and down onto pool patio from his bedroom window. He even had a few videos of his sister removing her bikini top when she thought she was alone. He loved her perfect breasts and her pink tits; his only unrealized desire was to be able to touch her and suck on those delectable nipples. Hell… his own sister looked better to him than ninety percent of the college girls that he knew. He was continually measuring them against her physical qualities. He knew that she had a personality problem but so did a lot of the women he knew. He could put up with a lot as long as he managed to get his dick into them. Besides, he rarely stayed with any girl longer than fucking her the first time. His devilishly good looks and money usually had them naked on the first date and his little black book had only a handful of girls that he had gone back for a second shot at. “So where have you been lately?” He asked of the sweet little blonde as she was getting some food to take back to her room.

“I just haven’t been feeling good for the past week.” She said curtly. “Mind your own business Nate.”

“Hey, I’m just looking out for my baby sister’s well being.” He said defensively.

“Well, in that case, I’m fine… so don’t let it concern you any further. I’m… trying to get things situated for college, that’s all.”

Nate watched his sister gather her food and take it to her room. He nearly salivated as he carefully followed her and watched her walk up the huge staircase. The robe she had on was mid thigh in length and just about gave him a glimpse of her sweet ass. He pictured her naked under the cloth and he would have been very surprised to find out differently. He had no idea that she was wearing more discrete underwear since her doggy ordeals began. He did wish though that he was better at carpentry and electronics. He wanted so dearly to be able to see what went on in her room by putting a hidden camera there but he was afraid of being found out. His mother and father would never forgive him if he ever did such a thing and he was surprised that his sister got away with wearing some of the clothes that she did have.

When Susan got back to her room she ate and then disrobed. She then examined herself in the room’s full length mirror for the umpteenth time that day already. She hurled curses at the three dogs that had scratched her sides with their claws and violated her vagina with their cocks. She vowed again that she would kill them in the most hideous and torturous way possible. Unfortunately, she was having trouble finding the means to accomplish that pleasurable task. Every time she tried to come up with an infallible plan some other thought would supersede the process and she would see herself naked, on her hands and knees, and at the mercy of the rapists once more.

It was while she was standing there before the mirror, poking and prodding her flesh that her cell phone rang. With an annoyed demeanor she picked up the device and answered it in exactly the tone of voice that fit her mood. “Who is it?” She growled, not even bothering to see what the caller ID said.

“Susan?” Came her father’s voice in a surprised tone of it’s own. “Are you all right?”

Susan sighed. “I’m all right, Daddy, I’m just getting over a bug or something.”

“Pumpkin, you should have told me, I’d have had the doctor take a look at you.”

“Oh no, that’s okay, I’m better now.”

“Ohhh… that’s good to hear because I need you to join me tonight at the Haven Hills Country club. Your mother was supposed to go but she had one of her ladies club meetings that she couldn’t get out of.”

“Ohhh… Daddy, I don’t know…”

“Susan, I need you. It will look good to the club committee if I come with a beautiful lady on my arm. This is the club I’ve been trying to get into for several years now and financially we finally qualify… I…”

“Okay,” Said Susan abruptly, cutting off any further begging from her father. “I’ll go but don’t expect me to stay right by your side every minute. What time do I need to be ready?”

After making the final plans with her father concerning the evening she rested a bit more. She figured she’d go and mingle a bit and then split. Who knew, maybe she’d meet someone interesting.

By eight O’clock they were at the club and she was off on her own. She had already met several very interesting and very rich guys that she would consider going out with. The hard part was that they already had escorts.

Susan began roaming around the grounds on her own. Here at least she felt safe; the entire club was walled in or fenced. Nothing could get in if it wasn’t supposed to be here. Even though the sun hadn’t set yet it had still gone behind the high hills that semi surrounded the place. The shadows were growing deeper by the moment so the light from the barn drew her like a moth to a flame.

When Susan entered the first bright red, freshly painted, barn she wasn’t surprised to see horses; she had smelled them earlier but it wasn’t a smell that offended her. The whole establishment reeked of money more than anything and even though she didn’t see the hire hands she knew that they were somewhere because the place was immaculate considering the fact that it was a stable.

As Susan sauntered about she looked into the individual stalls. She didn’t know much about horses but the animals she saw there were absolutely beautiful. Their well defined muscles and sleek looking hides spoke volumes about their care and breeding. She heard a noise that intrigued her and decided to check it out. She went through the large set of doors, opposite the ones that she had entered and found herself in a dark grass covered yard.

Susan hadn’t gone far when the noise that had enticed her to enter the yard sounded again directly behind her. She finally recognized it for what it was; the rattle of a chain and the whine of a dog. A chill shot through her and in that moment of immobilization it sealed her fate once more. Before she knew it the animal had her on the ground and was standing over her.

Susan looked at her captor and even in the low light recognized him as a German Shepherd; a huge German Shepherd. This dog was even bigger than the other dogs that had raped her. She thought of screaming for help but the look on the animal’s face and his menacing growl convinced her to change her mind. Even the notion of using her short chained purse as a bludgeon fled from her thoughts. It wasn’t long before the beast was actually nipping her into position and she was soon on her hands and knees in the soft grass.

The young blonde was determined to make it hard for the animal to get her but in the end it didn’t matter. He lifted her dress over her rump, baring her butt the cool evening air and then used the tactic that had worked before; he nipped her into submission.

Susan sobbed as she grabbed her panties and pulled them down. She didn’t stop until she was free of them and was once more in position to be mounted. “Get it over with you bastard. You’re just another mutt I owe a horrible death to.” She hissed. “And I definitely know where you live. I…”

Her threats were cut short by the huge animal’s tongue as it began licking her pussy lips. He took his time and hit every square inch of her tender flesh before he began jabbing his oral digit into her deeper. Over and over he raked her clit and several times he even managed to hit her G-spot His manipulation was perfect and after five minutes Susan experience her first of many orgasms that night.

Susan was barely over the first intense throes of her climax when she felt the dog mount her and begin searching for her woman hood in earnest. Several times the searching phallus hit her sharply between her pussy and ass and made her wince with pain. After the third attempt she lifted herself a little higher and the invading cock found its target after that. She let out a guttural grunt as the hot shaft sliced into her core but it was better than being brutalized over and over the way she had been moments before.

Once the Shepherd felt his cock enter his new bitch he wasted little time in sinking it into her as deeply as possible. He was soon thrusting himself into her at a pace that was nothing short of miraculous. His paws were wrapped around his mate tightly and there was no way she was going anywhere until he had accomplished his task; fucking his progeny into her.

Minutes passed and Susan could do little but grunt with each and every impact that followed as the beast thrust feverishly into her. The huge head of the animal rested just over her right shoulder and she heard and felt every exerted breath that her rapist took while expending himself within her. She tried to shut it out but it was impossible to diminish any of the feelings that she was being flooded with at the moment.

Susan was pushed over her second orgasm but her pounding didn’t stop until she was almost ready to have her third. She felt her captor stop and prayed that he was done but when she felt his cock shift within her and then advance again she cursed the animal’s ancestors anew.

The huge Shepherd sensed that he was ready and searched for his prime target and he found it easily. The pointed tip of his cock skewered the small opening of her uterus without difficulty and he was soon plugged into her so deeply that none of his sperm would see the light of day for over forty-eight hours. His knot entered her also and was soon ensconced within her vaginal tube and caressing her G-spot.

Susan swore as she felt the beast’s cock enter her cervix but when his knot blew through her vaginal opening she nearly fainted. She doubted that the ball of flesh that had just entered her was as big as a grapefruit but it sure felt like it. This dog was half again as big the other animals that had raped her and she was sure that her poor pussy would never be the same. She would probably have to have some kind of surgery done to repair want this bastard was doing to her.

The animal on Susan’s back was thrusting into her much slower now but with each thrust came a jarring within her that moved several of her major organs around. It was an agonizing pleasure and one that she was sure would probably kill her if the beast was pounding it into her like moments before. She could only hope that he was almost done with her before someone found them together like this. It was during this though that she heard voices and they were very close to the door behind which she and the dog were sexually engaged.

“Oh George, these horses are beautiful.” Came a girl’s distinct voice. “Are you really going to buy me one after we’re married?”

“Of course I am Babe, anything you want.” Responded the young man. “I doubt it will cost as much as Sebastian did but I’ll make sure it’s a good one for you. I’ll probably get you a hot looking mare and then we can watch him fuck her. Think that would make you hot?”

“Mmmmm… you know it would you tease.” She responded by cupping her fiancé’s crotch and rubbing it gently. She felt him stirring almost immediately.

George groaned softly. “Easy Honey, or I’m going to have to take you into one of the stalls and fuck your sweet ass.”

“Really,” She cooed softly while continuing her manipulations. “I think it’s a little too light in here but why don’t we step into the back yard where it’s darker and you can take care of my itch there. I’ll let you push me up against the fence and you can you plug me from behind.”

George chuckled. “You don’t want to go out that door Babe. Titan would grab you and make you his bitch before you even knew what hit you.”

“Titan?” Inquired Jill as she ceased her caresses and looked more closely at the young man.

“Yeah, there is a huge Shepherd chained out back and he will fuck any female that comes within range of him; two… or four legged.”

“Really, and what does he do to guys.”

George laughed again. “Guys probably wish that he would only fuck them. I heard that one would-be bandit was found dead on the shed roof. He made it that far before he bled to death.”

“The guy was torn up that bad?”

“Well… it was more like where he was torn up. I don’t think they ever found his cock and balls.”

“Are you serious?” Ask Jill wide eyed.

“Yeah, I am, fortunately the club has enough powerful members to keep such incidents hush-hush but it’s happened three times already. Two guys and one girl. The men of course were killed but the girl was fucked silly before the stable hands managed to get her away from the old boy. I guess she really found out what it was like to be a bitch.”

“Whoa… Hey… speaking of bitches,” Commented Jill. “Did you see that blonde that was with the new perspective member?”

“Yeah, the name escapes me but I saw them.”

Jill nodded. “I know her and I’d love to see Titan get his paws on her if he’s as ruthless as you say he is. She’s the typical little rich bitch that give the rest of us a bad name. And the ironic part of it all is that her daddy isn’t even a real millionaire. He’d have to sell off everything he had to get close to the magic number. Yeah… I’d love to see a dog make her his special bitch. Where is he?”

“Come on and I’ll show you.” Smirked George. “But if he rips your dress off you and tries to shove his cock up your cute little cunt don’t blame me.”

Beyond the fact that Susan had a huge piece of hot meat stuffed into her pussy at the moment her eyes bugged even farther from her sockets if that were possible. She had heard almost everything that had been said and the shadows of the people in the barn were now blocking some of the light that was pouring out the semi-open door. She would soon be discovered and her shame broadcast to the whole world. These people would never let her live it down; she would be ruined.

Susan swore that she could feel her heart begin to skip a beat and she felt faint. She was sure that she was about to die when the shadows stopped abruptly just short of allowing the people within from seeing her in her compromised position.

“George, Jill, Come on.” Came the booming voice of the young man’s father. “I want you with me in the other barn when I show Sebastian off to Rita and her sister. That horse always acts better when you are there.

Susan heard no reply, but as the shadows receded she breathed what sigh of relief she could as the animal continued to pump himself into her. It wasn’t much longer before she felt her belly bloat as the dog shot his sperm into her. It felt like molten metal was pouring into her womb and rushing into her depths. She swore she could feel each tube that the hot liquid was being injected into. She orgasmed again herself and could feel her vagina betraying her as it took on a mind of its own and tried to milk all it could out of the shaft inside of her.

It wasn’t much longer before Titan was almost through with his new bitch of the moment and had turned butt to butt with her. His puppy batter was still pouring into her and he was almost certain that he had accomplished what nature had intended him to do.

Susan felt the animal get off her back but knew that they were still tied firmly together. There was no mistaking the huge knot that she had within her vaginal tube; it was still nestled up against her G-spot and trying to send her into another orgasm. She tried to think of other things but failed. Her forth orgasm claimed her and she did lose momentary consciousness. When she came to she found herself slumped forward with her elbows on the ground and her ass still in the air. The dog’s cock, implanted in her pussy, was holding her from falling down and to her side.

The young blonde got up to her hands again and continued to wait for the huge bastard to pull out of her. In the mean time she began formulating plans to kill the son of a bitch that was still imbedded inside her womb. All of this she did quietly in continual fear of being found mated to Titan.

Twenty minutes passed before Titan finally pulled his cock out of her and very little of his sperm leaked out of her as they detached. When she was free of the animal she scrambled as far away from him as possible. It wasn’t until she tried to put her panties back on that she discovered they were no longer around her one ankle. She peered carefully into the darkness and on the grass where she had been kneeling but still didn’t see them. It wasn’t until she moved a little closer to the spot that she saw the silky garment. They were sitting between Titan’s front paws and it looked as though he was daring her to come and get them. “Keep them for now you bastard, but I’ll come and get them eventually and when I do I’ll have a little surprise for you. I know where you live!” She threatened.

Susan tried to brush herself off and straighten her clothes as best possible in the very dim light. At least she still had her purse she thought as she peered around the open door and into the barn carefully before re-entering the stable. She exited the main door and headed for the central area of the club. She had almost made it back to one of the ladies rooms when she ran into her father. “Susan, where have you been and what’s happened to you… you’re… a mess!” He exclaimed.

The young blonde spun around quickly and faced her father. She managed to contrive a convincing smile and answered him as sweetly as possible while actually wanting to scream at him. “I had a run in with a frisky… colt and he knocked me down in the grass. After I get cleaned up a little I would really appreciate it if you would take me home. If you can’t then at least call me a limo to come and pick me up! I’ll be ready in about ten minutes.”

Susan didn’t wait for an answer but quickly entered the ladies room and began taking stock of her present conditions. She was fairly mussed up and there were substantial grass stains on both her hands and knees. All through her self examination she mumbled curses and threats at the beast that had done this to her.

Eventually Susan got down to the part she dreaded the most. After making sure that she was truly alone she locked the bathroom door and then stood before the mirror again. She lifted her dress and managed to place one of her feet on the counter top. She was totally surprised that her pussy wasn’t bleeding or half turned inside out from the ordeal but the bulge of her belly did shock her. She looked like she was several months pregnant again and she detested it because she knew that it was dog sperm swimming inside her uterus that was making it look like it did. Even as she stood there, several drops of the animal’s cumm leaked out of her and it disgusted her to be reminded of what had happened to her.

Susan threw a small fit but luckily didn’t damage or bruise anything but her own fists on the counter top as she beat on them. After thirty seconds of yelling, screaming and throwing paper towels around the small room she slowly cooled and straightened her dress again. She looked in her purse for a tampon but found none so she had to revert to carefully stuffing some tissue paper into her leaking slot to staunch the flow. The whole situation grossed her out totally but she had little choice in the matter.

Fifteen minutes after entering the ladies room Susan emerged looking as though she had only gone through a category one hurricane instead of a category four storm. Her father actually had the car waiting for her when she emerged and they were soon on their way home. He asked her a few questions were asked but received no answers and within thirty minutes more the young blonde was once more sequestered in her room. She went directly to her bed and crawled beneath the covers where she fell asleep shortly after that.

Susan slept fitfully. In her dreams she saw all the dogs that had raped her standing in a small circle. They were discussing among themselves how they had satisfied themselves within her body. They filled in every detail of their adventure with the most descriptive words possible and she relived her entire ordeal as she slumbered as though she were currently experiencing it anew. When she finally awoke it was as if she hadn’t slept at all. She was wet with sweat and semen and even more tired than before.


Chapter Five

Susan spent another five days in self imposed exile. She hated it but there was little that she could do. Her stomach was bloated and she looked three months pregnant for several days after being raped by the huge German shepherd at the club. Titan had filled her uterus so full of his sperm that she was surprised that her father hadn’t noticed; luckily it had been dark. Days later, the damn fluid was still leaking out of her pussy and onto the pads she had to wear to protect her underwear.

Susan ambled into the kitchen six days after the incident. She was feeling better now but she still hoped that the rest of her family would already have eaten their breakfasts and gone about their own separate lives. Unfortunately, she ran into her brother Nate again.

“What’s up Sis, I haven’t seen much of you.” He intoned as he looked her over in hopes of seeing some of her delectable flesh. He was disappointed though because even while she was wearing a robe it was a longer one; and it was wrapped tightly around her in a way that offered nothing for her voyeuristic brother to delight in.

“Hey how about going swimming or maybe a little tennis?” Prompted Nate as she poured herself some cereal. “Holed away in your room the way you’ve been for the past few days you could probably use the sunlight and exercise.”

“Mind your own business Dweeb.” She nastily replied as the grabbed her food and went back to her room. She closed the bedroom door with her foot after she had passed through it and then sat her food on her dresser. She stripped the robe from her body next and looked at her naked self in the full length mirror again for the tenth time that morning.

Susan looked at her bare flesh with a critic’s eye. For the most part the marks left by the shepherd as he had raped her were gone but her eyes still saw the telltale weal marks as though they were still fresh. Everything that she had experienced in the past month was very vivid in her memory. She could pinpoint each and every minute mark and remember what was happening to her when she had received it. She still owed the damn dogs that had raped her, a horrible death, and she still planned to fulfill her threats to them before she went off to college.

She had thought about how she was going to get retribution on these animals for several days now and she thought she had a good plan. She needed to use some of her dad’s hunting gear.

Susan ate her breakfast and then got dressed. She decided to take her red Mustang and she drove to a meat market that she knew about. She had never bought meat before but she opted to purchase some cube steaks. She picked up a box of Ziploc baggies also and then headed for the hardware store.

Susan found the small hardware store quite busy and had to park some distance from the door. As she got out of her car she was very close to a fenced in yard and when a small dog began yipping at her close intrusion she flinched at first. “You better watch it you little four legged bastard or I just might practice on you what I plan to do to the other mangy mutts on my hit list.”

After glaring at the small dog for a moment more she walked to the store and entered. It took her a bit to find what she wanted but she didn’t want to draw any attention to herself by asking for help. She found the rat poison she wanted in the pest control isle and then headed for the check out. In her mind’s eye she pictured all four dogs writhing in agony after eating the poisoned meat.

Susan was very careful when she handled the meat and the rat toxin; she didn’t want to end up poisoning herself. She placed one meat patty each into four separate baggies and then sprinkled the rat poison on top. After sealing them carefully she then squished them around a bit until she could no longer see the powder. She smiled triumphantly as she gently placed them into the plastic shopping bag and then drove out of the store parking lot.

It was still quite early in the afternoon by the time she got to the Haven Hills Country Club. She passed through the outer gates of the establishment without any problems and was soon parking her Mustang in the main lot. She took one of the tainted meat patties and gently placed it in her purse. It was only a matter of minutes after that until she was approaching the barn behind which she had been so brutally raped.

Susan walked to the side of the barn instead of entering it and moseyed up to the fence that surrounded the back area of the huge red horse shelter. She didn’t look suspicious in any way because she didn’t glance about as though she wanted to see who might be watching her. She had walked boldly as though she belonged there. When she reached the six foot chain link barrier she found exactly what she had hoped she would find.

Titan saw her immediately and moved out of the shade in which he had been lying. He didn’t bark but he was totally alert. His movement drew her attention to him also and she smiled. “Hi, remember me you son of a bitch?” She intoned sweetly, in an attempt to ease his aggressiveness. “I told you I knew where you lived, and now I’m going to reward you for what you did to me.”

Now, Susan did glance furtively about. She didn’t want anyone seeing her feeding the poisoned meat to the dog. Once she was sure that she was in the clear she deftly pulled the tainted protein from her purse, opened the bag a bit and then tossed it into his pen. From this point on her nerves got the better of her and she hurriedly walked away. She couldn’t afford to have someone see her near the pen of a poisoned animal. If they questioned her… she would never be able to explain why she did it without total humiliation.

Susan was satisfied now that she had gotten even with at least one of her attackers; and the others were next. What she didn’t see though was that the plastic wrapped meat patty had fallen three feet short of it’s intended goal. Titan wasn’t the smartest of dogs and he had tangled up his chain in a way that hindered his movement. He couldn’t get to the food that he smelled and though he tried several times to reach it his chain was too strong for him: kept him alive this time. Later that day when the stable hands did find the meat it stank so bad from lying in the sun that the man simply threw it away; he did wonder how it got there though.

As the owner of the red Mustang headed for her next rendezvous at the building site she chuckled gleefully at how easily she had poisoned Titan. “You won’t be raping anymore females now you son of a bitch. I told you I’d get you.” She stated triumphantly.

By the time Susan arrived at the construction site, the last of the workers were packing up their tools and leaving for the day. She parked in a seclude area and watched. The building she was interested in was about a hundred yards away and she could see no animals moving about. She decided that now was the opportune moment to strike.

To Susan it was obvious; during the day, the dogs vacated the area because of the noisy workers. The mutts would return later in the evening. She scanned the area with a pair of binoculars that she had borrowed from her father’s hunting equipment. She saw nothing moving at the site. With her supposed success at the country club spurring her on she retrieved the shopping bag, her father’s hunting knife and a can of mace from under the seat of her car. Now she was ready.

Susan opened the door of her car with some trepidation, but her thirst for revenge outweighed all common sense. She rationalized that the reason she had failed before was because it had been dark or nearly dark when she attempted her revenge. This was not the case this time. There was plenty of light for her to see and she would not be caught off guard again.

The thin well shaped blonde carried the razor sharp hunting knife in her right hand and ready to strike. In her left were the bag of poisoned food and the can of mace, ready for her to spray it into the face of any attacker. She wanted to poison these bastards but she was ready to slice and dice them if she had to. Her bravado far exceeded her expertise.

The cautious advance to the building site took over ten minutes but eventually she was standing in what would someday be someone’s living room. She carefully set the knife down on a pile of lumber and pulled out one of the baggies of meat. She opened it slightly so that the smell of the food would entice the dogs and then tossed it into the corner of the room. She did the same with the remaining bags in rapid succession, but in different corners and then turned to leave. That was when she stopped short at the sight of one of her previous attackers. He was sitting in one of the open doorways.

Susan reached for her father’s knife quickly and was soon waving it in front of her as though she was creating some kind of invisible barrier that the mutt could not penetrate. “Just eat the food I brought you like a nice doggy and everything will be fine.” She said in a voice that betrayed her outward calmness. That didn’t shatter until she looked at all the possible exits out of the room.

The young blonde continued to face the mutt in the living room entryway; but glanced at the two other exits quickly. A chill ran down her spine as she saw that these had a dog sitting in them also; she was surrounded.

“Oh shit.” She hissed and then she spied what would someday be a huge picture window. She began backing her way toward this avenue of escape and was just about there when she saw a fourth dog sitting on the future front porch.

The largest of the mutts that she had seen yet didn’t remain on the porch long because he quickly launched himself at her. His aim was good and as he passed by her he snagged the long sleeve shirt of her knife wielding hand before she could even react.

Susan shrieked in fright as the beast grabbed her shirt and yanked her viciously from her position by his sheer weight and momentum. She managed to begin spraying the animal as she was pulled from her feet but it was a futile attempt. The spray barely hit the animal’s face and landed mostly on his neck and shoulder. She found herself at the mercy of a pack of wild dogs once more as the huge K9 shook her arm so hard that she lost contact with the knife.

Susan lost her bearings for a moment, barely knowing which direction was up let alone anything else. When things did become calm she was weaponless. The knife was several feet from her and the can of mace had rolled into the future fireplace; it might as well have been on the moon for all the good it was going to do her in her current situation.

The young blonde surveyed her situation and it didn’t look good. Her shirt was tattered and torn in so many places that it was really nothing but a rag anymore. Her pants also were frayed at the edges and she was totally surrounded by the four dogs. There were no open routes of escape. The only thing that surprised her was that except for a few nips that stung she was not bleeding from any major wounds.

Susan watched as the largest of the mutts, the one she hadn’t seen before, got right in her face. He growled and then nipped at her bra. “Oh god.” She sighed, because she knew what he wanted. “I hate you sons a bitches.” She spit at him but she also began to reach behind her and release the catch of her undergarment.

Once Susan had bared her c cupped breasts and thrown the item of clothing into the center of the room, the dog moved closer. He began licking her fine flesh and pink nipples as though he knew exactly what he was doing and what would turn her on.

Susan groaned her mental displeasure but inside her body was betraying her. She cringed at his touch but below, her vaginal juices began to flow and she hated what was happening to her.

The huge dog backed off a bit and sniffed at her crotch. He gave it a tentative lick and then growled at her again while looking her dead in the eyes.

“Bastard.” She hissed as she began stripping her pants off. Her stomach turned sour and she would have thrown up if there had been food there. She knew where all of this was leading and she couldn’t find any way around it. The huge animal in front of her was going to rape her and there was nothing short of a miracle that was going to keep that from happening.

The dog watched as his captive bitch shed more of her clothes. When she was done he swiped the sweet smelling area again with his tongue but there was still a barrier there that impeded his advances; he growled again.

“Fuck you, asshole.” Shouted Susan as she gained a little strength to be defiant.

The rebellion was short lived. Her tone of voice must have triggered something in the beast that he understood. In an instant he deftly had her panties in his mouth and bullyragged her so hard that in the end she was not only naked but scuffed raw on her sweet derriere from the attack.

Susan watched as her ruined undergarment went flying to join the other articles of clothing she had once possessed. The abraded skin on her butt cheeks stung as she sat there so when the huge animal nudged her shoulder she moved. She knew that she was about to be raped but she had already accepted that inevitability. There was no sense in adding visible injury to her list of abuses.

The huge mutt watched as his newfound mate began to submit herself to him. She slowly moved into position and when he saw that she was ready he gave her pussy a perfunctory sniff and then mounted her.

Susan heard more than felt the shaggy beast that was about to rape her as he sniff at her vaginal opening. She shuddered at the thought of what was to come and then her supposed fears became reality. She nearly collapsed from the animal’s weight as he mounted her and the shame she endured as he sought out her sex was almost beyond bearing. She was the one supporting them at the moment. She was the one holding herself at the ready for her rapist to use her.

“God damn Bastard.” Hissed Susan as her attacker’s hot shaft hit the tender bridge between her openings several times before homing in on its intended target. On his fifth stab he managed to sink three inches of his male anatomy into her vagina and from there he claimed his victory completely.

Susan uttered a pained moan as her attacker’s cock violated her pussy several inches. It didn’t retreat after that but surged even deeper into her interior. It didn’t stop until it had bottomed out at the end of her tunnel. “My god… he’s so… big.” She muttered incoherently.

Once the dog had set his shaft into his bitch he began thrusting in earnest. He had no idea what the sounds that were coming from his present mate meant but it didn’t really matter to him. He had her and he was going to fuck his puppies into her. She was going to carry his progeny if it was the last thing he ever did.

Susan moaned, panted, squealed and made almost every pained sound imaginable as the huge animal used her for his purposes. If it hadn’t been for the precum that was continually seeping from the dog’s cock and lubrication her pussy, she was sure she would have been rubbed raw inside. She could almost picture herself trying to explain to the nurses what had happened to her and she was sure she would die of shame because of it. She had to keep her injuries to a minimum; she couldn’t let anyone find out about this.

Susan lost track of time. She had no idea how long the beast on her back pounded her. Her third orgasm was beginning to subside when the animal inside her slowed. She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his hot phallus pull out of her slightly but it was a short reprieve. The heavy shaft returned with a vengeance and this time it found a new opening. Almost like a bat using radar to guide it the tip of the dog’s cock skewered her cervix and entered her uterus.

Susan arched her back involuntarily at the new invasion and only succeeded in allowing the whole process to truly unfold. Lined up as she was now, the dog’s knot blasted through her vaginal lips and locked him inside her.

Within two seconds the huge animal had claimed his mate entirely. He was truly free to impregnate her now. His billions of squiggling sperm were aimed at the precise point to which they needed to go; her ovaries: and his knot would hold him in place until it was all accomplished.

Susan almost passed out from the pain of taking her rapist’s knot into her body. She had felt the huge bulb beating at her vaginal door since the rape began; it was continually mashing itself into her clit. It was nearly the size of a tennis ball and she prayed that he wouldn’t manage to get into her but her plea went unanswered.

“I’m going to find some way to kill you Bastard…” She managed to hiss between clenched teeth; but then her fourth orgasm hit her and she felt the dog beginning to pour himself into her. The heat of his fluid as it entered her was impossible to miss.

“Oh god, oh god, ohhh… god…” Exclaimed the possessed blonde as she felt the animal mounted to her empty his seed into her womb. He spewed so much of his fluid into her that she actually sensed her abdomen expanding to make room for it. She hated it. She had been totally fucked by this brute and would probably be carrying his sperm in her for several days. Her only consolation was that she wouldn’t get pregnant and have to carry his baby in her belly for months on end.

Time became a blur once more. She had no idea how long she had been kneeling there with this huge animal imbedded in her most private parts but she was fairly certain that it was over an hour. Her knees, her hands and her elbows were sore. She wasn’t sure how much more of this abuse she could stand when she felt a noticeable difference. The animal above her shifted and the next thing she knew her vaginal lips felt as though they had been pulled inside out.

“Son of a bitch.” Susan cried out as she crashed to the floor on her side. Tears came to her eyes and her poor little pussy stung from the abuse. She lay there for a moment and then her eyes caught a glimpse of the huge cock that had just exited her body and she knew why she hurt. She gulped at the thought that the ten inch piece of meat that she saw dangling from the dog had been in her. And not only the shaft, but the tennis ball sized knot also.

Susan watched as the huge dog then went to one of the corners that had meat in it. She smiled inwardly as the beast sniffed at her offering. Gleefully she waited for the bastard to eat the poisoned morsel but he turned his nose up at it and looked at her. He barked once and it was almost as if he gave his henchmen a command. The next biggest dog approached her and began asserting his wishes on her.

Susan knew that she was in trouble. She saw a low bench looking device and managed to scrabble to it on sore hands and knees before her next attacker grabbed her. Now, at least, she would not have to support her rapist as he took advantage of her.

Where time went was anyone’s guess. All Susan knew was a seemingly unending orgasm brought about by animals that she despised, hated and wished to see annihilated. There was no doubt that her body was responding to the fucking that she was receiving but her mind simply could not enjoy the pleasure. She was being raped by a dog and that was all that mattered.

Susan felt the fourth animal mount her. She grunted as he entered her sore battered pussy. As he began to thrust into her she finally decided to shorten the mating process and began to thrust herself back at him. She arched her spine a bit and tried to capture his knot. “Come on you asshole, fuck me and get it over with. Come on… try and put your puppies into me. Your all so stupid… you can’t make me pregnant.” She chided.

As the other dogs lay there watching their last member service the bitch that had wandered into their territory they witnessed something that they hadn’t received. The female that was fucking their partner was being more cooperative now. Why hadn’t she done the same for them? They lay there and stoically watched.

Susan felt the forth animal’s knot enter her and was thankful that it wasn’t the big dog’s cock that was imbedded in her at the moment. She thrust herself at him two more times and was rewarded for her efforts by feeling him spew his hot sperm into her body. “That’s it you fucking mutt.” She whispered hoarsely. “Get you nut off in me. I hope you enjoy it because I’m still going to see you and your buddies die a horrible death if it’s the last thing I do. I got the bastard at the club and I’ll get you too if you don’t eat the poison.”

Susan lost count of the times she had orgasmed. She was utterly exhausted. She shuddered from relief and revulsion as the dog pulled his cock out of her. She looked about the room and now realized just how dark it had become. Her knees, hands, elbows and stomach were sore and she was a total mess. Gingerly she went to retrieve her clothes and found the three packages of tainted meat lying on top of them. She threw them in the direction of the fireplace.

The young blonde looked at the four dogs and swore that they had smug looks on their faces. It was dark but she knew that they were somehow laughing at her. She put on her shirt and then stepped into her pants. “Ewww…” She muttered as she felt some of the animal’s sperm leak from her vaginal slit and run down her legs. The feel of her pants against it was gross.

As she went to button and zipper the garment into place she realized just how bloated her stomach really was. In the dark it was hard to see but once more she estimated that she looked as though she was about four months pregnant. She felt like a whore as she dressed in front of the animals that had used her and she blushed.

She picked up her ruined panties and bra and stuffed them in her pants pocket as best possible. She didn’t want to leave evidence behind that would alert the builders that something had happened here. She then moved to her father’s knife but before she could pick it up the pack leader growled and intercepted her attempt; he placed his huge paw directly on top of the weapon. She pulled back quickly and decided that it would have to be a loss. The dogs were leaving her alone at the moment and she figured that it would be best if she got her ass out of there before they decided otherwise.

Susan made it to her car after stumbling several times in the dark. After she got into her car, movement nearby drew her attention. She peered carefully at the shape she saw there and realized that it was the leader of the pack. He had followed her to where she was parked and it scared her because she hadn’t even seen him. She had looked back several times to see if they were there and had missed him completely.

Susan started the engine of her car and then pointed at the dog as though she was aiming a pistol at him. “Pow…” She muttered as thought she were firing a shot at him. “I won’t miss next time doggy. You’re already dead… you just don’t know it yet.” She angrily threw her Mustang in gear and hit the gas. Dirt and rocks flew into the air as the tires spun for traction and soon the vehicle was gone.

The leader of the pack ambled away after that, wondering when he’d get to see this light haired bitch again. He liked her.


Chapter Six

Susan stopped her car along the side of the road before leaving the subdivision. She noticed as she passed under some of the streetlights that her shirt was too tattered. People would see that she was a mess. She looked into the back seat area and breathed a sigh of relief at seeing a light wispy jacket lying there. She reached for it and put it on. After that, she managed to get home without incident, her anger didn’t cause her to drive recklessly and draw attention her way. But, after she stopped the engine it was a slightly different story. She had parked her Mustang in its usual spot and then swore at the dogs and slammed her tiny fist against the steering wheel in anger.

“Whoa, what’s up sis?” Came Nate’s voice from just outside her open window. “I haven’t heard you use words like that in quite a while.”

Susan was startled and jumped at being surprised by her brother’s closeness; she hadn’t seen him standing there and she felt like kicking herself for being so careless. But then on second thought she felt like kicking him for scaring her like he did. “You Idiot.” She blurted. “You should know better than to come out of the dark like that and scare me.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you Sis. I just saw that you were a little… up set. So I came to see what the matter was.” Returned Nate.

Susan continued to sit there. She didn’t want to open the car door and have the interior light come on. It would have given Nate a better look at the condition that she was in. “Just… go away.” She said softly to him. “I’m okay, I… just had a bad day.”

Nate sighed. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone.” And then he hurried away. He couldn’t put his finger on it but his sister seemed different.

Susan gave a small sigh of relief and watched in her mirrors until her brother disappeared into the house. She stayed there for several more minutes in hopes that she wouldn’t run into him when she made a beeline for her room. She gathered what little confidence she had at the moment and got out of the car. She noted how she looked when she did this and was totally relieved that she had waited. If her brother had seen her condition at the moment he would have been all over asking her all kinds of embarrassing questions. Questions she definitely did not want to face; especially from her family.

Susan stayed to the shadows as best she could. She had one hell of an evening being fucked by those four dogs and it irked her to no end that she couldn’t seem to get her revenge on them. She at least had gotten Titan at the Country Club, or so she thought, but how was she going to annihilate the bastards that raped her tonight. Would she really be able to get her revenge?

She managed to slip into her room quietly and undetected. Her luck still held for keeping this to herself. She took the light jacket off and stripped off her pants. She was soon standing before her full length mirror again. She took stock of what she saw there. For the most part she didn’t look too bad but her knees were scrapped in a way that drew attention to them and so were her hands and elbows. She was sure that at least some of the abrasions she saw would probably scab over a bit and that wasn’t good. How was she going to wear her Bikini with scabs on her knees and elbows? “Fucking dogs!” She muttered more in frustration than anger; her tone of voice had mellowed.

Nathan hadn’t purposely spied on his sister in a long time, at least not like this and he prayed that she stuck to her normal routine because he was about to try something new. His parents were down stairs and they would probably stay there because there was nothing in the upper levels of the house that they needed. Their bedroom was down stairs, they had their own bathroom down stairs, yada, yada… there was no reason for them to come this way so he felt somewhat safe in what he was doing at the moment.

Another thing in his favor was that the floors did not squeak, at least not in front of his sister’s room. The hall light was off; Susan hadn’t even turned it on when she came up stairs so he was very certain that she was trying to hide something. He wondered if she had fought with some guy she had been out with and he got a little jealous at the moment thinking about some dude running their hands all over his sister’s sweet body. He’d been able to catch glimpses of her almost naked and her Bikinis were a sight for sore eyes but he had never seen her totally bare for a sustained length of time; but he still had his hopes. He put his ear to the door and wished for the umpteenth time that this was one of the older style doors with key holes in them. He heard bits and pieces of things but that was about it. He gave up after that and went to his room to wait. In the mean time he reminisced.

He remembered several years back when he had stayed at a friend’s house. They had the old style doors and he and his buddy had managed to sneak a peek at the friend’s older sister. It was the year he had graduated from high school and he picked up a lot of freedom that year. It was the first time that he had ever seen a completely naked chick. And even though what he saw only lasted for about ten seconds it would stick in his mind forever that he had seen a very hot looking college girl for the very first time. And it wasn’t a movie, it had been real.

Susan dreaded the moment but she eventually stripped all of her clothes off. She then stood sideways to the mirror and looked at her image. “Oh my god…” She whispered as she looked at herself. Her mouth gaped as she beheld what looked like a girl that was nearly five months pregnant and she knew that what she saw was herself. “Damn them dogs.” She muttered and then felt and saw a glob of dog sperm seep from her vaginal area and run down her legs. “My summer’s going to be shot before I get their cum out of me.” She added; and she had to admit they had sure done a number on her. It had been like a coordinated tag team effort.

The young blonde shook her head and then grabbed her robe and put it on. She then unlocked her door and marched quickly to the bathroom in hops that she wouldn’t leave wet spots of sperm on the floor in her wake.

Once she was in the bathroom she locked that door. She definitely didn’t want to take the chance that Nate, or anyone for that matter, would walk in on her. She went to the shower, started the water, and then let her robe slip to the floor. It wasn’t long after that before the hot water was beating on her and washing the dogs scent off her body. At least she would feel clean on the outside.

During her bath, Susan pressed on and kneaded her lower stomach in an attempt to push as much of the dog’s sperm out of her as possible. She knew that it helped some because by the time she was done she only looked to be about two months pregnant. “Damn dogs.” She muttered at the steam clouded mirror before she put her robe back on and left the room.

Once Susan was back in her room, Nathan came out of his. He quickly entered the bathroom and locked the door. He reached to the top of the linen cabinet in the corner of the room and soon had his new video camera in his hands; the red recording light was still on. With a smile he turned it off and hid the camera in a towel before transporting it back to his room. He could hardly wait to see what he was able to catch on tape.

Nathan trembled with excitement as his camera whirred as it rewound. He didn’t rewind it all the way because it had been in the room and taping for at least thirty minutes before she got there. He finally stopped it and hit the play button. He was a little disappointed with the camera angle but he definitely got a good broad side of his sister as she dropped her robe. His jaw dropped almost as fast as the material did when he surmised what he was seeing. “Oh my god… She pregnant!” He muttered to himself.

He continued to watch the captured video but only managed to get a short but fairly clear segment of his sister’s body. Her breasts were as fine as he dreamt they would be and the sweet looking pink nipples were a delight to his eye but it was her pregnant tummy that had him enthralled the most. “Damn, I wonder who the father is?” He whispered.

Once his sister got into the shower and closed the glass door her image became distorted. It continued to get even worse after that and he wondered why until he remembered the steam that was created by the spraying hot water. He didn’t go too far into the rest of the clip, he figure it was too blured anyway. He never heard her mention about the dogs. He at least had the first part ot the tape and that was all that mattered to him.

Nathan watched the short clip over and over until he thought of pausing it at the point in the film that intrigued him the most; he nearly wore that section of tape out during it’s initial debut.


Susan slept fitfully that night. She nearly lost count of the number of times she awoke feeling as though a dog was licking her or trying to mount her or even succeeding and even fucking her. What concerned her most though was that she awoke one time and actually found herself stroking her slit through her slick panties as she dreamt that she was being fucked by the largest mutt. She could almost feel him still in her and she shuddered in an intense orgasm.

When Susan did finally get out of bed and go down stairs for something to eat she made sure that she checked the driveway first. She only went down when she was sure that her father’s Jaguar XJ8 and her brother’s Mercedes Roadster SLK55 AMG were gone. She didn’t worry about her mom, she wasn’t the nosy type.

Wearing one of her long robes, a bra and a pair of full cut panties with a super absorbent liner attached to them she finally sauntered forth in search of food; she was famished. No one interfered with her and she was able once more to get what she wanted from the kitchen and hide what had happened to her.

Susan kept up this hermit like existence for nearly a week and by then she was feeling like her old self again. Even the few minute scabs that had formed on her knees were nearly gone thanks to several of the creams and ointments she continually slathered them with. She was even feeling well enough to wear one of her sexier pearlescent bra and panty sets.

It was actually the seventh day when she finally met up with her brother again and the first words out of his mouth nearly floored her. “Who’s the father?” he asked conspiratorially.

“What did you say?” Asked Susan in a voice that dripped venom.

Nathan stepped closer to his sister and looked around to make sure that they were alone. “I said, who’s the father?”

Susan struck with the speed of a viper and she slapped her brother’s left cheek before he even saw it coming.

The young man reeled. His sibling had slapped him so hard that he dropped his freshly filled cup of coffee. The cup shattered on the floor and splashed him which added even more pain to what he already felt on his cheek. “What the hell’s the matter with you Sis?” he hissed.

“What right do you have to ask me something like that?” She asked defensively.

Nathan was rubbing his cheer to quell the burning and even went to the ice maker to grab a cube to run over his cheek before he answered. “Because you look like it.” He blurted lowly and then looked around to be sure that they were still alone. “I’ve been gone for a few days but the last time I saw you… you… looked pregnant.”

“You know… I use to think you were an okay brother but now I wonder.” Responded Susan as she undid the tie at her waist. “”Does this look like I’m pregnant?” She demanded as she threw open her robe.

Nathan gulped. His eyes feasted on one of the flattest tummies he had ever seen and the sheer pearlescent panties did little to hide his sister’s finely trimmed blonde pubes. “N n no. I guess not.” He stammered. And oddly, the stinging of his cheek suddenly seemed like a very small price to pay for what he was being allowed to see. He cocked his head a bit to see if he could catch a glimpse of her vaginal lips but the robe snapped shut on him before he got a chance to truly focus on that area.

“God… Nate, you really are an Jackass!” She said vehemently and then she marched out of the kitchen in a huff.

Nathan watched her leave and wished that he’d had his video camera set up to catch this latest performance. Damn… he sure had a fine looking sister.

Susan was troubled at first that Nate had somehow seen her bloated belly; but at least he had attributed it to her being pregnant and not her having a womb full of dog sperm. But how, how would he have seen her? This did bother her. She knew that she would have to be more careful in the future. She didn’t plan on anything like what happed a few nights ago to ever happen again but she still didn’t want her brother nosing around in her business. She knew that he liked what he saw of her in the kitchen a little too much

Now that Susan was feeling better she wanted to get out and do something. She got dressed in a short skirt with matching short sleeve blouse and decided to go shopping. It had been a while since she had last shopped and she had to admit that in the past month she had lost quite a few articles of clothing to the damn dogs. She still wasn’t forgetting what she had promised them; she simply didn’t know how to go about it. She’d get her revenge somehow; she still had time before college started.

When Susan got to the shopping complex she perused the map at the entrance to locate the store she wanted. She noted that they had a Victoria’s Secret there and put it on her list of “Must See” shops. She bent over a bit to read some of the bottom listed stores when all of a sudden something cold goosed her ass quite effectively. She shrieked and turned ready to assault viciously the perpetrator that had offended her but there was no one there; at least not at her level.

“I’m sorry if my dog frightened you.” Came an apologetic voice.

Susan calmed quickly but looked around to see whose attention she had drawn by her yelp of surprise. She saw several people laughing or chuckling at her embarrassment.

“Hello… I said I’m sorry if Hans frightened you.” Came the apologetic voice once more.

Susan looked at the girl that the dog belonged to. She was surprised when she saw a very good looking brunette despite the dark glasses that she was wearing. The perpetrator had been a service dog and the girl was blind.

“It’s all right.” Assured Susan. “He didn’t scare me, he… goosed me.”

“Ohhh my… I’m so sorry.” The brunette apologized again. “He’s really a good dog. It’s just…” And then the girl began to cry.

For some unknown reason Susan felt a kinship with this young woman and she didn’t understand why. “My name is Susan, and I’m not upset. So please don’t cry.”

The girl stifled her tears. “My name is Karen and… I’m just afraid that if I’m not careful… I’ll lose Hans. I’ve really come to rely on him more than ever lately and if the animal service people hear that he goosing girls… I’ll probably lose him.”

Susan looked at the animal and had to admit that he was a good looking dog. His markings were beautiful. She then wondered if she was coming down with something because she flushed slightly and felt hot. In the pit of her stomach she felt a tingle but pushed it aside because she was concerned about Karen at the moment. “I won’t tell anyone.” She assured the girl. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Karen flinched. “What do you mean by my secret’s safe?” She asked fearfully.

Susan saw the girl’s reaction and thought it was strange at first… and then she realized what Karen was afraid of. It didn’t shock her as much as she thought it would. Especially not as much as it would have a month ago. “I only meant that I would never tell anyone about Hans sniffing at me.” She looked at the girl a moment and then made an offer. “I’m suddenly hungry Karen; would you please join me for a bite to eat?”

Karen hit a button on her watch and a small mechanical voice announced the hour. “Yeah, I have time. I don’t have to be at the bus stop for a while yet.”

“Good.” And then she led her new friend toward one of her favorite restaurants. Suddenly she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask the sweet looking brunette. She only hoped she would be able to do it tactfully. Seeing someone else’s anguish and really caring about it was new to her.

It wasn’t long before the girls were served their food to go along with the drinks they already had. “You mentioned that you were going to college. What are you going to major in?” Asked Karen with genuine interest.

“Oh… I’m not sure.” Returned Susan honestly. “A while ago I would have told you I was going to try out for Business Administration; but now?”

“What made you change your mind?” Asked Karen

“There are some things that have happened in my life lately… and I’m beginning to think that I might not be tough enough for it.” She said

Karen carefully moved closer to her new friend. “What happened?” She asked softly.

“I think that it is the same thing that happened to you.” Replied Susan in an equally soft voice.

“Wh… what do you mean? What do you think happened?” Asked the lovely brunette.

“I think that you and Hans… fell in love. And the difficult part is that now you are having a hard time controlling him. You’re afraid he’ll do something when someone else is there. Someone that could cause you and Hans trouble.” Continued Susan softly.

Karen didn’t say a word at first she simply nodded her head in agreement. “And what happened to you?”

“I was raped by a dog.” Susan replied. “Several times in fact… But, now that I really look at it I can see that four of those times were my own fault. I should have been smarter about the whole thing.”

Karen sighed. “I guess you do understand. The first time was rape for me also. But then it dawned on me that Hans really loved me and would never judge me because I was blind. We became close, but now I worry about other things.”

After saying that, Karen hit the button on her watch and computerized devise told her the time. “Oh my gosh, where did the time go. I’m going to be late for the bus.”

Susan watched as her new friend tried to gather her things as quickly as possible. “Karen, relax. I will take you where you need to go if you’ll let me.”

“Really, Susan? I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way.”

“It would be my pleasure Karen. Honestly it would.” The girls relaxed once more and continued their talk.

After the restaurant Susan invited Karen to go with her to Victoria’s Secret. “I have to buy some new lingerie; but if you need to go home I’ll gladly take you there first.”

“No, it’s okay, I’ll go with you. I won’t be much help but… I would really like to go.” Offered Karen. And the girls were soon on their way to the Intimate apparel store. Susan knew what she wanted and it didn’t take long but what her new companion didn’t know was that she gotten some new lingerie for her also.

The girls continued their talk and for the most part if stayed on the light side until they got to Susan’s car where they could talk more privately. “I would like to ask you something very personal.” Asked Karen.

“Yeah, go ahead. We’re alone.” Said Susan.

Susan was driving and Karen was in the passenger seat with Hans in the back. The young brunette reached out and touched her friend. “Did any of the dogs that were with you ever put his knot in you?”

Susan chuckled. “Oh yeah.” She responded easily, surprised that she really wasn’t angry about it anymore. “Every single one of them got it into me that way.”

“What did it feel like? Was it good?” Continued Karen.

Susan sighed. “I was upset while most of it was happening to me but yeah… it felt good.”

Karen squeezed Susan’s arm a bit. “Would you help me and Hans get his knot in me?”

Susan nodded her head and then realized that her friend couldn’t see the gesture. “I’ll help you Karen.” And then she saw her friend smile and give a pleased sigh.


When Susan got Karen to where she resided the young blonde found out exactly why the young brunette was so afraid that she would lose her dog. It would have been inevitable that someone found them coupled together under the conditions in which they lived.

Susan looked around the three room apartment with disdain. Everything was neat but in actuality, Karen had no real privacy. The door to her apartment could not be locked and the staff members could drop in at any time by simply tapping on the door twice and walking right in. It was true that they usually didn’t come around much in the late evening but there was no assurance of it.

After looking around a bit Susan had a proposal. “Karen, I would like you to come to my parent’s place and stay for a day or two.”

Karen looked thrilled at first but then her ardor cooled. “Susan, I really don’t want to be a bother. I really appreciate the offer but…”

“It’s the only way I can help you with Hans.” She interrupted Karen softly. “There is no way I do anything for you here. I’m truly surprised that someone hasn’t seen you and your lover already.”

Karen thought it over for a moment. “Alright, I guess we could try it. I… just don’t want to be a burden… or get in the way.”

“You won’t be either one of those things.” Assured Susan. “I will be there with you and there is plenty of room.”

By early evening Susan had Karen neatly situated in one of the guest bedrooms of her parent’s very spacious home. But the young blonde didn’t plan on letting her new friend spend her first night alone. She was going to make the brunette’s dream of being knotted to her lover a reality. Another nice thing about this night was that Nate wouldn’t be home either.

Karen was introduced to Susan’s parents as a new but close friend and as they chatted the young blonde’s mother and father received her well. They noticed an immediate change in their daughter and they attributed it to the young Brunette’s presence. They knew their daughter had social skill problems and they welcomed anything that would help her be less of the bitch that she was purported to be.

Susan actual fixed a very good meal for all of them that night and she found out that Karen wasn’t a slouch in the kitchen either if she could find what she was looking for. They talked about hundreds of things before the meal was over and they learned a lot about each other.

During the meal both parents kept steeling glances at one another and particularly their daughter. It was as though they were seeing a totally new person. They didn’t understand it but they certainly hoped that it continued.

Once Susan’s parents went to bed that night the young blonde escorted Karen to her bedroom and locked the door. “Are you ready for this?” She whispered softly in her friend’s ear.

“Oh… yes. I have thought of little else for quite a while.” Responded Karen as she began to undress. “If it hadn’t been for us meeting like that… I don’t know where I’d be… but frustrated I’m sure”

Susan helped her friend disrobe while she striped her clothes off also. When she saw the plain undergarments that Karen wore she smiled because she was going to present her with the new ones when this was over. And when the young brunette finally stood naked before her she “Oohed.” her approval.

“Is everything okay?” Asked Karen.

“Oh, it’s more than okay Karen.” Assured Susan who before had never admired another woman’s form in her life. “You are really very beautiful. I can easily see why so many guys were after you. It’s just a shame that they only wanted your body and not you. I haven’t even known you for twelve hours and I know that you are a person I want to continue to know for a very long time if you’ll let me.”

Karen reached out to where Susan’s voice emanated from and drew her close. As both naked bodies touched it was a first for both of them but neither of them shied away from the intimate contact. “Wow.” Confided the young brunette. “I suddenly have butterflies in my stomach.”

“Yeah, me too.” Returned Susan softly.

The sight of both very beautiful women enjoying each other’s embrace as they were would have stiffened a eunuch. They shared one another’s touch for several more minutes before Susan led Karen to the edge of the bed and sat her down.

“I’ll take care of everything.” She assured her friend. “Just enjoy it and try not to be too loud.” And then she went to get Hans and led him to his mistress.

Karen felt her four footed lover come between her legs and begin licking her vaginal slit. She sighed contentedly because this time she felt safe. She wasn’t afraid that at any moment some nurse or orderly would walk into her apartment and eventually find her with Hans. She reached out carefully and cupped his head in her hands while he continued to lave her feminity with tender strokes.

Susan watched as Hans licked his mistress and Karen responded; she found it very provocative. She actually found herself wishing that it was her that was on the receiving end of the K9s tongue. She felt excitement and when she reached to touch her own vaginal crease she found that she was wet with desire.

After a short bit Karen’s breathing became erratic and she slipped over the first threshold. She held Hans still and actually pushed him away a bit so that she could enjoy what he had already given her without further stimulation. “Ohhh… god… that felt good.” She sighed contentedly.

Susan chuckled and then guided her friend onto her knees while her upper body rested on the bed. “I got news for you Sweetheart, it isn’t over yet.” And then she helped Hans mount the beautifully presented brunette.

“Take me Hans, make me yours Darling.” She cooed as the Shepherd mounted her. “I want to Ohhh…”

It was all the further Karen got in her avowal of love before Hans entered her and had his way with her. He pounded her like there was no tomorrow and all the young brunette could do was go along for the ride.

Susan watched as Hans fucked Karen at a pace that left her friend speechless. She heard her moaning in pleasure but there was nothing coherent coming from between the sweet looking brunette’s lips at the moment. As she watched it reminded of how she had been taken and she wondered if it had looked as sexy as what she was seeing now. She continued to watch but her right hand inadvertently dropped to her own little kitty and began caressing it gently.

After about ten minutes of constant action and two more orgasms that Hans had induced but blown through Susan told Karen to arch her back a bit more. When the brunette did this the dog’s knot slipped into her and he slowed his frantic pace.

Karen may have been new to taking the knot but she wasn’t new to keeping the sounds of ecstasy down to a manageable level. As Hans shoved his ball of flesh into her she buried her face in the bedcovers and shrieked her delight. She kept her face pressed into the sheets for nearly a minute as she rode her forth orgasm to completion. It lasted quite a while as her lovers cock continued to stimulate her like she had never experience before.

Susan’s self manipulation was having an effect on her also; especially as she watched her friend being desirously fucked by her lover. She found that she was experiencing her own orgasm while Karen was going through hers.

Susan sat on the bed as her climax ebbed and felt Karen reaching for her. “Thank you.” Said the young brunette as she squeezed her hand. “It feels so good. He’s cumming in me and making me his. I could never hold him in me like this before. I was always so afraid of being caught with him knotted to me.”

Susan reached out and caressed Karen’s shoulder. “You won’t have to worry about that as long as you are with me.”

It was a while before Hans finally pulled free of his mistress but in the mean time the girls talked about intimate things and made plans. By the time everything was done and cleaned up both of the girls were tired and ready for bed. Susan and Karen slept together that night and none of it seemed out of place for either of them.


Chapter Seven

When the girls awoke in the morning they hugged and then Susan took Hans out for a quick run in the yard. He did his thing within a matter of minutes and then they headed back up stairs. It was easy to see that Karen would soon be having trouble with Hans unless they could quickly train him otherwise because as soon as he entered the bedroom he went right to the young brunette and tried to lick her vaginal crease.

Susan pulled the animal away from Karen immediately and held him a few feet from his goal. Every time he tried to go after the young brunette she would yank him back and say “no.” It took a bit but after about fifteen minutes of working with him they seemed to be making progress. “We’ll just have to keep trying.” She told her friend.

Karen looked as though she were about to cry. “What’s the matter?” Asked Susan.

“All of this has been so wonderful… but I didn’t really expect it to continue.” She said softly.

Susan moved to her friend and hugged her. Once more they were bare skin to bare skin as the robe she had thrown on to run Hans opened. She chuckled. “After all that we talked about last night and did I didn’t figure this to be a one night stand Karen. I don’t know what will happen entirely but I would definitely like to keep our relationship going. All we have done so far is gotten naked and hugged each other. But I feel something between us… and I’d like to explore it if you feel the same way.”

“I definitely feel the same way.” Karen said softly. “Please forgive me. So many people have tried to take advantage of me throughout my life that it’s a little hard to… trust.”

“I understand, but please give US a chance.” Said Susan earnestly.

“Alright , I’ll try.” Came Karen soft voice.

The two girls parted and Susan made an offer. “I’ll wash your back if you wash mine.”

Karen agreed readily and within minutes the two beautiful young ladies were in the shower together. Susan started first and it wasn’t long before she had her friend so lathered up that when they hugged it was almost impossible to hang on to one another. They laughed, they giggled, and they enjoyed the companionship they shared.

When it became Susan’s turn to have her back washed she reveled in it. It had been years since anyone had scrubbed her back.

It was a few minutes more before they were ready to rinse off but when they did they hugged again and this time they didn’t slip apart. Their breasts pressed together and their flat tummies met as they each pulled the other closer. Susan had the advantage of sight and she reached out and ran her hand over the bar of soap. When her hand returned it was to the crease of Karen’s buttock and she allowed it to slide downward.

“Ohhh…” sighed the young brunette as her friend’s hand passed over her nether world and then stopped at the bridge between her two openings to caress her there. Susan’s hand could explore no further because her arm wasn’t long enough to allow it without the two young ladies releasing their hold on each other.

“I think we forgot to wash down there.” Cooed Susan and then she ran her hand between the deep crease several times in the area that she could reach. One of her fingers seemed to stick out further than the rest and as she passed over Karen’s delicate little rosebud it gave that region a little extra stimulation.

“No fair.” Said Karen softly. “Where’s the soap?” She asked as they broke their embrace.

Once Karen was armed as Susan was they came together again only not as tightly as before. Each of the girls washed the other and it was a new experience for the both of them. It was one thing to stimulate your own clit and vaginal area but to have another girl do it turned them both on.

They didn’t continue the mutual washing too long, the soap began to irritate both of them. They rinsed and then turned off the shower. “I’m surprised that we didn’t run out of hot water.” Stated Karen.

“Oh, we never run out of hot water.” Said Susan. “My dad had one of those hot water on demand units installed about a year ago. It really works well.”

The girls dried off and then sauntered naked into Susan’s bedroom after the young blond made sure that her brother had not returned home yet. She didn’t want to give him any more thrills. She was beginning to feel creeped out by the way he looked at her.

When the girls did enter the bedroom Hans tried to lick Karen again and she pushed him away and told him to sit; this time he obeyed. It was then that Susan presented her new friend the lingerie that she had purchased for her and the young brunette was so taken by the sentiment that tears formed in her eyes. “These panties and bra real silky.” She said as she tried them on. “What color are they?”

“They’re blue.” Responded Susan. “I thought that color would look good on you… and it does.” The girls hugged again and then kissed. It was a short one but it was meaningful.

The girls eventually made it to the kitchen. It was more like brunch than breakfast but the food and conversation between the two was totally enjoyed. The girls were just finishing up when Nate walked in the door. “Hello… and who do we have here?” Asked the young man.

“Nate, this is Karen. Karen this is my brother Nate; he’s like the other guys you have already told me about.” Said Susan as she smiled at her brother.

Nate knew that he had been slighted but he decided to shrug it off. He stepped closer to the girl but then quickly backtracked as her dog arose and growled at him. “Hmmmm…” intoned Susan. “It seems that Hans is a very good judge of character.”

“Don’t be a bitch Suzie.” Retorted Nate; knowing that the use of that name would peeve her. He was surprised he didn’t hear anything back from her as he left the room.

Susan took Karen to her apartment and they packed some of her clothes. The young brunette then informed the attendants that she would be away for a few days and at first she received a bit of static about it. “Excuse me, I live here but you do not control my life. If I want to go and visit a friend it is no real concern of yours. I pay the fees you require and you assist me when I need it. Other than that I am free to come and go as I please so don’t try to run my life.”

Susan could see the reaction that occurred to Karen’s announcement of her intentions and she had a feeling that there was more going on here than met the eye. She suddenly began to distrust these people and she planned to mention it to her friend as soon as they could talk freely.

Once the girls were in the car Susan did broach the subject of her disdain for the apartment complex in which Karen lived. She wasn’t surprised that Karen had the same feelings. The young brunette had been having misgivings for almost a year now.

“Good.” Said Susan as she pulled into the driveway of her parent’s home; noting that her brother’s car was not there. “It’s settled then, you’ll live here with me and my family until we can figure out what to do.”

Karen chuckled. “But I thought you were going off to college soon.”

“Yeah, I am, and you are going with me.” She said adamantly.

“What? But… but.” Stammered Karen.

“No buts.” Said Susan. “You already told me that you are taking correspondence courses. And those courses can be taken from anywhere. All you need is your special laptop and a good ISP. I’ll take care of everything we need.”

Karen was looking toward Susan as she sat in the passenger seat of the car. She was not totally blind; she could tell when it was light or dark out but everything beyond an inch of her pupils was a total blur: so much so that she couldn’t make out colors either. “I’ll agree to it on one condition. You must allow me to share in paying the rent. I’m not a freeloader. I won’t take advantage of my disadvantage.”

“I never thought you were or would Karen.” Confided Susan honestly. “We will split as much as possible right down the middle.”

With their future set, the two girls entered the house and placed Karen’s clothing in the room that she would supposedly be using. They decided to go swimming so they went to Susan’s room to change. When the young blonde saw the suit that her friend had she took it from her and gave her one of the bikinis she had instead.

When the girls were ready they put on their robes and sauntered down to the pool. Susan pulled two lounge chairs close together and soon both young ladies were catching the sun’s rays and enjoying the heat of it on their exposed flesh and there was plenty of that visible.

Neither of the girls had been in the sun too much that year yet so their time in its rays were limited; they didn’t want to be irritated with a sunburn. When they got back to the room they stripped out of their suits. One thing led to another and before they realized it they were they were kissing and caressing each other.

“You smell good.” Cooed Karen, and then the back of Susan’s knees bumped the edge bed and she found herself sitting. The young brunette had just enough grip on her friend that she followed her down and she ended up on her knees with the young blond directly in front of her. She smiled and then moved forward to bury her face in her friend’s golden valley.

Susan moaned her pleasure as Karen kissed her and used her fingers in that golden triangle. She leaned back, spread her legs wider and allowed it to happen. She was so enthralled with what was happening that she didn’t see the approach of a third player until he was right in front of her face.

Karen was enjoying herself when all of a sudden she felt someone on her back. She was frightened at first but then she realized who it was; Hans had decided to join them and no one told him “no.”

Hans decided to get in on the act; after all, his mistress was presenting herself to him. He wasted no time in mounting her and once he had made contact with her he sank himself deeply into his beloved bitch.

Susan smiled and then lay back on her elbows as she watched Hans mound his mistress. She had no doubt as to where he had planted his doggie shaft as he humped because Karen moaned her pleasure. “Ohhh… god yes…. Fuck me Hans.” She whispered huskily. “Fuck your mommy.”

Susan tried to tilt her pelvis upward in an attempt to give Karen greater access to her hot grotto and it worked to a certain extent. The pleasure that she was experiencing was fantastic but there was still something missing and she was very sure what it was.

Karen was receiving her Hans with relish but through it all she tried not to neglect her friend. She ran her tongue through Susan’s slit by wiggling it at first; and then by holding it stiff and moving her head as her oral digit became tired. But for a first time occurrence she didn’t really do too badly. She also tried not to neglect the cute little clit at the top of the sweet tasting cave. She had to admit what she was tasting was far better than she had expected and if she was given the chance she would definitely do it again.

Karen had once more been blasted through several orgasms; and then she buried her face in Susan’s pink slit and emitted a muffled shriek of utter delight. Hans had just buried his knot in her again only this time it felt… different. “Oh god, oh god, Ohhh… Susan, Hans just put his knot in me but I think he’s also got the tipoff his cock in the opening of my cervix. Ohhh… When he cumms he’s going to fill my uterus with his sperm.”

Susan moaned pleasurably. Her thoughts wandered back to a week previous when the huge mutt at the new housing development had taken her the same way. She watched as Karen rock herself backwards onto her lover’s hard shaft and she could almost feel it all happening to her again.

“Fuck me Hans, make me yours Darling.” Cooed the lovely brunette. “Go ahead and give me your puppies… Ohhh… yesss…”

Susan saw Hans’s quivering rump and knew that he was unloading himself into his lover even as Karen voiced her ecstasy at his actions. She remembered what it felt like to have the dog on her back and feel him filling her and she experienced an orgasm of her own. And although it wasn’t as intense as the one her friend had it was still pleasurable.

The three lovers remained engaged for over ten minutes before Hans pulled his deflating knot form his mistress. Karen moaned again as his hot shaft slipped from her depths.

Susan watched Hans as he went to the corner of the room that he had chosen as his domain she saw his hanging hunk of meat that he had been stuffing into her friend and chuckled. “Well, now I know why you shrieked when lover boy took you.” She intoned.

“What do you mean?” Asked Karen as she began to rise and move to the edge of the bed to sit down.

“Hans!” Responded Susan. “I just saw his equipment and it’s huge. Your dog has a cock on him that is about eight inches long and when you add a knot about the size of your fist to it… he was inside of you at least eleven inches Karen.”

“Wow.” Exclaimed the young brunette. “I knew he was big. He really moves my inner core around quite well when we’re locked up.” Her hands moved to her normally flat belly and lingered there. “Is my stomach sticking out?”

“Yeah.” Said Susan. “I’d estimate that you look about one month pregnant. Who knows, maybe he did put some of his puppies in your oven.”

Karen blushed. “He just made me feel so good. It really made me wish that I could have his babies.”

The girls hugged once more. “Would you like to have Hans fuck you Susan?” Asked Karen softly.

Susan didn’t hesitate in her answer. “No, Hans is your lover. I really like helping you with him but I don’t want to confuse him. I think that it would be better if he remains a one woman dog.”

“Thank you.” Said Karen softly. “I would prefer it that way also but you’ve become my dearest friend.”

“You don’t need to say any more, I understand.” Said Susan softly. “I appreciate the offer; I know it took a lot of love to make it.”

The girls got dressed after that and grabbed a quick bite to eat before setting out again. “So where are we going?” Asked Karen after a bit.

“I uh… I thought we’d go check out a few animal shelters.” Said Susan softly. “I would like to get a dog but we have to be sure that Hans and whoever are compatible.”

“That makes sense. We sure wouldn’t want Hans and… whoever… to have issues.” Agreed Karen with a chuckle.

By the time the girls arrived at the shelter the butterflies that had been in Susan’s stomach had returned. It was strange the way things were turning out. She had lost her virginity to a dog a month ago. She had been raped by several dogs three times; and now she was trying to find a dog as a lover. Whoa.

“Is everything okay?” Asked Karen. “You’re being a lot more quiet than usual.”

Susan chuckled. “Well, we’re about to enter an animal shelter to find me a four footed lover. I didn’t think it would be too wise to be saying too much at the moment.”

“True.” Agreed Karen. “But to me it seems a bit more than that.”

Susan sighed. “I am worried a bit.” She admitted. “What if the animal I find isn’t really interested in me? Or a total dud!”

“Mmmmm…, I didn’t think about that. I guess I’m just assuming that all dogs are alike when it comes to sex.” Commented Karen. “We’ll just have to check out what’s here and hope for the best.”

The girls entered the shelter and were greeted by a guy that came on to them like a thunderbolt in a lightning storm. Karen couldn’t see the man’s actions but she could definitely hear his inference and it didn’t set well with her. She could also hear from Susan’s tone of voice that she didn’t like the guy either.

“Hey Bub.” Interrupted Karen. “We didn’t come here to be hit on by you. “We came to find my friend a good watch dog. One that will be compatible with my service animal because we like to visit each other. So lay off the smooze… and show us the K9s or we’ll get a hold of your supervisor and let them know how you came on to us!”

Nothing straightens out most underlings like being threatened with the supervisor and it worked well in this instance also. It was like throwing cold water on this guy’s ardor and he became 100% business. “The animals are this way.” And then he led them into the back caged area.

The girls passed several large animals that would have been suitable for what Susan really wanted and two of them were quite handsome but with Hans there none of them would come to the front of the enclosure; even when coaxed.

When the girls got back in the car and headed home Susan confided in her friend. “I want to go out tonight. Do you think you’d be okay by yourself for a bit?”

“Yeah, but where are you going?” Asked the young brunette.

“I… uh… I’m going to go to the new subdivision that I told you about. Responded Susan softly.

“The one where you were raped?” Asked Karen.

“Yeah…” Replied Susan. “After seeing you with Hans earlier I began to realize how much I want to be taken again.”

Karen let her concern for her friend’s safety come to the surface. “Isn’t that a little dangerous, especially after what you told me they did to you last time with their doggy gangbang.”

“Yeah, but I think I can handle it if I make sure I take my clothes off before they gang up on me.” She opined.

Karen chuckled. “You know, this is one time I really wish I could see. I would love to watch as a dog takes you. I know what it feels like but what does it look like.”

Susan sighed and in sultry voice answered. “It looks really sexy.”

The girls entertained themselves as best possible until Susan figured it was time to go. She hugged her friend and then hopped into her black Trans-Am. She wore dark loose fitting clothes and opted for her darker vehicle; it would hide her presence better from those she definitely didn’t want to be seen by.

Susan pulled into the subdivision and was soon parked near the area where she had been raped four previous times; but this one would be different. This time she wanted to be there. This time she wanted them to find her.

The butterflies were back as Susan carefully stepped out of her vehicle and closed the door. She looked toward the house but saw no sign of movement. She edged to the front of her car and that was when she heard the growl and it was right behind her. The young blonde turned slowly, expecting to see herself surrounded by dogs but all she found was the animal that she considered to be the leader of the pack.

Slowly, Susan began taking off her clothes and laying them on the hood of her car. Once she was completely nude she began talking softly to the animal and tried to be as unthreatening as possible. “Hey Boy, come on… smell my hand. I’m not going to hurt you. In fact I really want to give myself to you.”

The young blonde swiped her hand over her pussy lips and wasn’t surprised when it came away wet. She extended her hand and the huge mutt stretched his neck to reach her offering. He licked it tentatively at first and then added a little gusto to it.

Once the fluid was gone from her fingers Susan carefully turned around and presented the big animal her backside. “Okay Boy, I’m all yours and for once it isn’t rape.” She said as she knelt in the soft grass.

The large gray animal knew an offer when he saw one. He had been with this blonde babe before and he remembered her scent. He was a very gentle creature generally but he could sense when someone was trying to harm him; like the last time she was here.

This time however, it was different. He sensed a change. He had not always been a stray. Up until a month ago he had a good home but as he continued to grow his former owners released him. The male of the family had loaded him in his car and dumped him here. Fortunately, because of his size and power, he was able to become top dog without much trouble at all. He really missed the old days though.

The huge animal moved closer to the girl and licked her. He caught her right between her labia and his tongue dug deep into her crevasse. He saw her react to his administration and heard her moan of pleasure and since she didn’t try and get away he did it again and again and again. He didn’t let up until she really reacted and nearly toppled over.

Susan’s reveled in the orgasm she had just experienced. Without rally wanting to she found herself comparing it to the climax that Karen had induced in her several hours before. She liked the one that this big gray brute had given her far better.

Susan’s orgasm was just beginning to calm when she felt the dog mount her. The short hair on his chest caressed her back in a way that added to what was about to happen and it only enhansed the excitement. She felt the animal edge his way forward and then the heat that radiated from his cock touched her. There were a few tentative thrusts and then he was in her.

The young blonde was ready and arched her back slightly so that she could receive her lover better. “Oh… Oh god. Ohhh… god…” she exclaimed as the animal sank his shaft into her depths. “I swear… I think that you are even bigger than Hans. Oh Baby, you are making me feel so good.”

It wasn’t long before her lover was bumping the bottom of her chute and she knew that there was more of him still waiting to be pushed into her. She also knew that she could take it because he had been in her before. “Give it to me Darling, give me everything you have.”

Susan pictured Karen and Hans and how he had literally pummeled her as he fucked her. This big gray mutt had done the same to her the last time but not this one. It was as though he had changed his tactics for some reason. He wasn’t just fucking her this time; he was actually making love to her.

The pace that Gray set was enthralling and she was on the verge on another orgasm when he shifted a bit and the tip of his penis entered her cervix. She groaned her pleasure and then had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming as his knot pushed through her labia and lodged inside of her against her G-spot.

Susan shuddered as her orgasm claimed her and it was intensified as Gray shot his sperm into her uterus. She felt several distinct gushes of his cream because the heat of it warmed her and made it easy to trace its path. “Give it to me Darling, give me you seed.” She urged. It felt the same and yet different now that she actually wanted him to fuck her. “Yes, give me your puppies Sweetheart. It feels so good to have you in me.”

It was several minutes before the huge gray mutt finally pulled his shaft from the young blonde. When he did she really wanted to entice him to put it right back inside of her but she knew that she had to be going. She sighed and then turned to sit her rump on the cool grass. She finally took a moment to really look at her lover and she was surprised at how truly handsome he was. “You know, if I gave you a bath I bet you would really look sharp.” She said softly and then a thought hit her. She wondered if she could coax him into her car and take him home.

Very carefully she reached out to him and touched his face and caressed his ears. He moved closer to her as she petted him and in a quick motion gave her a kiss on her cheek and it stunned her. “That’s it Buster.” She cooed softly. You’ve got to come home with me.”

Still moving carefully Susan stood and put her outer clothes on. She had just finished lacing her shoes when she saw the other dogs. “Oh shit.” She said under her breath and she was about to begin disrobing again when Gray gave a warning growl and raised his hackles. Whatever it was that he conveyed to them by his actions it did the trick because it sent the other K9s scrambling.

Once more Susan moved slowly and opened the car door. “Come on… Gray, get in the car Boy.” She coaxed and then she thought about the name that she had just called him; it seemed to fit him very well. As she contemplated it she was just about to say more when he leapt into her car and seated himself on the passenger’s side. “Whoa… I wonder if he’s ridden in a car before?” She didn’t wait to see if he’d stay there but entered the car herself and was soon on her way out of the sub division with her new companion.

The ride home for both driver and passenger was exciting. Susan knew that there were several more obstacles she had to overcome before she could keep Gray but somehow she didn’t feel as though they were insurmountable.


Chapter Eight

When Susan got home she prayed that she wouldn’t run into anyone. She didn’t want to have to put up with any questions until morning; except possibly from Karen. Her friend she definitely planned to confide in.

She let Gray go to the bathroom before she took him inside and then as quietly as possible she led him upstairs into her bedroom. He followed willingly and she was once more amazed by his actions. This dog had breeding.

She had closed her door after they entered and now there was a light tapping coming from the entryway. She figured who it was immediately and opened the door a bit. “Is everything okay?” Asked Karen softly.

“Oh yeah.” Returned Susan in a whisper. “And I’m not alone.” She added as she ushered her friend carefully into her room.

“Really…” Said Karen, and then she pulled her friend close and whispered. “Two or four legged?”

“Four.” Chuckled Susan. “And I’ve decided to call him Gray because that is the color that he is. I’m also pretty that he was the leader of his pack but there is something strange about him. He seems too intelligent to be a common stray.”

Karen called to the dog and patted her leg. “Here Gray, come here Boy.”

Susan watched as Gray carefully moved toward the brunette. He sniffed at her tentatively and then moved closer once he was satisfied with what he smelled. Karen reached out for him and was soon running her hands over his head, neck and shoulders.

“Mmmmm… I don’t know too much about dogs but I think that you’re new friend here is definitely not the stray type.” And then she continued to run her hands over the rest of his body. “Wow this Boy definitely has some muscle on him. He’s big and he’s very well formed. I think you’re right in your estimation of him. This boy was once very well taken care of.”

“He looks good to me.” Agreed Susan. “I wonder how well he’ll react to Hans.”

“That’s easy enough to find out.” She said but then she stopped short of what she was going to say as her hand ran over his neck area again. “We will need to have a collar on him first… just in case.”

Susan nodded her understanding and then responded verbally when she remembered that Karen could not see her gesture. “I’ll pick one up in the morning. I’ll even get it before breakfast.”

“So tell me.” Said Karen in a conspiratorial manner. “How was it?”

Susan went to her door, locked it, and then returned to her friend. “It was utterly amazing.” She told Karen. “I think that it was even better than all the other times combined.” She began taking her clothes off because she was going to change into her evening gown but before she could slip into some new panties Gray was sniffing at her.

“What’s going on?” Asked Karen as Gray pulled away from her. “She could hear him sniffing.

Susan giggled. “I took my clothes off to change into my nighties and now I have a very interested boy on my hands here.” She then sat at the foot of her bed and allowed Gray the access that he seemed to desire. It wasn’t long before he had her moaning in pleasure.

Karen carefully moved to where she could touch Susan and her lover. She didn’t want to disturb them but she did want to know exactly what was happening. “Please tell me what he’s doing to you.” She requested.

“Oh… he’s licking my pussy and he’s doing a very good job of it. There are times that he’s actually digging… his tongue into me and hitting my G-spot. Ohhh yes…” Cooed Susan.

“Is he better at it than I was?” Asked Karen teasingly.

“Uhhh… yes. I’m sorry Karen; but he is. He’s… really good.”

Karen giggled. “Don’t worry, I’m not jealous. In fact, I’m a little relieved. I don’t think I’m really a lez and I don’t think you are either. We simply enjoy each other’s company and a shared love for our dogs.”

Susan shook as an orgasm coursed through her. She didn’t expect too much more until she suddenly felt Gray trying to mount her in the position in which she was lying. “He’s trying to climb on me while I’m lying on my back.” She informed Karen. She scooted downward a bit and as she did she met his pointed cock. It pierced her vaginal lips easily and slid several inches into her body. “Ohhh… he’s in me.” She grunted.

Karen did a little further exploring with her hands and found the mated pair. It was just as Susan had said; Gray was taking her while she was on her back. “How does it feel Susan? Is it different than getting it doggy style?”

Susan had Gray in her and he was bumping her very depths once more. “Ohhh, it’s different.” She assured her friend. “Ohhh… it feels so good in me this way.” She then thought to bring her legs upward and actually pull him closer with her feet. “Oh Karen, the next time you are with Hans you have to try it this way. Gray’s fucking me almost like I would expect a man to and yet I think he’s actually better. Ohhh yes…”

All Karen could see was a blur but that didn’t keep her from getting hot as she touched and heard the lovers in front of her perform. Her own tummy began to tremble as she reached into her panties and stroked her labia. While she did this she contemplated taking Hans the same way that Susan was taking Gray. She longed to feel her four footed lover buried in her depths again as deeply as possible.

Gray was thrusting into his new mate at a measured pace that hardly changed for over ten minutes. At the end of that time he increased his thrusting a bit more and as he did his knot entered his female. His thrusting stopped then as he began unloading his seed into her for the second time that night.

Susan let out an audible grunt that would have easily been heard from outside her door if anyone had been there. Once more her lover was inside her uterus and his knot was touching her G-spot. “He’s in me… Oh god… is he ever in me. He just speared… my cervix again and his knot… is driving my G-spot crazy… Oh Karen, I swear… I wish he could make me pregnant… with his pups…”And then another orgasm claimed her and it was so intense that she lost track of where she was.

Susan awoke with her friend gently shaking her shoulder. “Susan… Susan.” She heard her name being called softly but urgently.

“I’m okay.” She assured her friend as she began to stir. “But I think Gray just fucked me into near oblivion.” She chuckled as she reached up and petted him.

“Yeah, well you had me scared. You were out of it for over five minutes.” Chided Karen. “What ever you experienced must have really been something.”

“It was.” corroborated Susan. “And I’m hoping that Han’s can do the same for you in the very near future.”

It was several more minutes before Gray’s knot deflated and pulled from Susan’s core. She watched him as he moved to a corner of the room and she saw his equipment as he cleaned himself; he was larger than Hans: not by much… but enough.

By now it was getting late but Susan wanted to do one more thing. She wanted to give Gray a bath before she had him in her bed too much. She told Karen what she planned to do and after slipping on a robe they coaxed him into the bathroom. The young blonde hoped that it wouldn’t take too much to get him in the shower but when they entered the lavatory Gray surprised her by eagerly stepping into the stall.

“Ohhh my gosh.” Exclaimed Susan for Karen’s benefit as they both stripped out of their clothes. “Gray got into the shower all by himself.” She then guided her friend into the enclosure and stepped in herself. She had the water running at a nice warm temperature moments later and then they bathed.

The girls washed first and then turned their attention on the dog. As they washed him he managed to get a few licks in at the juncture of Susan’s legs but he totally ignored Karen. The young blonde knelt down and hugged him, making sure he was totally clean. He managed a few more well placed swipes at her pink nippled breasts and she encouraged him by thrusting her chest out at him. Once he was totally washed and rinsed they stepped out of the shower and allowed him to shake himself down.

The girls dried themselves off and then Karen helped Susan as she used her towel to finish the job the animal’s shaking had started. Robed and ready they prepared to leave the room but the young brunette stopped her friend and kissed her on the cheek before she opened the door. “I’ll stay in my room tonight.” She offered. “I don’t want to leave Hans alone any more than I already have. Hopefully the boys will interact well tomorrow and we won’t have any problems.”

“That would be nice.” Agreed Susan and then she made sure that Karen got to the spare bedroom okay. She whispered to her friend as she stood in the doorway to her sleeping quarters. “It’s late, but did you want me to come in and… help you with Hans?”

Karen thought for a moment. “Nah, I’ll be fine. If Hans gets frisky I’m sure I can handle it okay; but thank you for offering.” She just about had the door shut when Susan stopped her.

“Don’t move.” She ordered. “I have to put Gray in my room but I’ll be right back.”

Karen did as her friend bid her to do. She listened as Susan went to her bedroom and sequestered Gray there and then she followed the padded footsteps until her friend had returned. “What’s up?’ she asked.

“My brother is what’s up.” She growled lowly as she carefully pushed past Karen. “I didn’t realize he was such a sleaze.”

Karen turned and followed the footsteps once more. “What did he do?” asked the young brunette.

Susan had to move a chair over to the large armoire in the corner of the room to attain what she wanted and she eventually had it in her hands. “It’s my brother’s video camera.” Intoned Susan as she drew closer to her and it was running. He must have placed it in here when we were in the shower.”

“Do you think he suspects something?” Asked Karen apprehensively.

“I hope not but either way we will have to be a lot more careful from now on. The damn thing was pointed right at your bed.” Hissed Susan. “If I hadn’t seen the little recording light as it glowed in the darkened corner who knows what he would have seen.”

“Well.” Sighed Karen tiredly. “Thank you for finding it. It does throw a little cold water on things though.” And Susan knew what she meant. If Hans got amorous she might not be inclined to letting him have her. The young blonde was glad that her brother wasn’t standing in front of her at the moment because she was sorely tempted to kick him in the balls for trying something like this on her friend.

The girls said their goodnights and parted. As Susan walked to her room she heard Karen close her door and lock it. The young blonde entered her bedroom and locked the door also. She then turned the camera on and rewound it. The fact that it didn’t have too much recorded time made her feel a little better and she hit the play button.

Susan watched as the bathroom came into view and she was afraid at first that it was a tape of this afternoon but all she saw was herself. She watched as she undressed and she had to admit that she did look pregnant. “Damn, this is why he asked me who the father was.” She hissed lowly to herself.

Most of the clip after she entered the shower was erased; she assumed that it was because of its blurred quality. She was glad that it was gone because she recalled saying quite a few things that would have really sparked his interest if he had heard them.

The next bit of clip that appeared was of her brother after he had turned the camera on and was making sure of it’s placement. There was a big gap; which she fast forwarded through and then she saw herself as she discovered the video unit and turned it off. Susan breathed a sigh of relief. Her brother’s spying had only just begun and she was now aware of it. She could deal with this and she planned to do just that when she saw him next.

Susan hid the camera under a pillow and then quietly left her room. Before she shut her door she looked at Gray; he was still in the corner of the room that he had claimed but he was watching her intently. She smiled, closed the door, and then stealthily moved toward her friend’s quarters. She was glad to see that her brother wasn’t crouched outside the door and trying to listen or peek in any way. He must have been confident that his video camera would fulfill his voyeuristic needs.

Susan edged to the door and listened herself. She didn’t hear anything at first and was about to turn away when she heard a muffled moan of pleasure. She smiled and then carefully walked away; she didn’t want to disturb the lovers.

Karen and Hans were definitely sexually engaged but it didn’t come about without a bit of training. Once the young brunette locked her door she debated going straight to bed; it was late. However, her loving companion came to her and made her an offer she didn’t really want to refuse. She did hold his advances off though until she said the trigger words that she was going to develop with him.

Hans did well at obeying his mistress. He was quickly learning that his advances would be refused until she said a few chosen words. He liked this game.

Karen allowed Hans to lick her at first and then she tried to lie back on the bed and see if he would take her that way. He came between her legs several times and she felt his cock bumping close to it’s target but he couldn’t seem to catch on that he could have her in this position also. She began to wish that Susan was there. Her futile efforts to get him in her lasted for another minute and then she carefully pushed him away and knelt by the bed with the upper portion of her body pressed against the sheets.

Hans had no trouble finding his mistress when she presented herself this way. He pierced her easily and was buried within her depths shortly after he covered her with his fur. He set a frantic pace which didn’t let up for several minutes and then he shoved his knot into her.

Karen felt her lover mount her and then he shoved himself into her and took her so hard that it was almost like rape. All she could do was pant and take what he had to offer. In a way it was fortunate that she was lying on her tummy. She pressed her face into the mattress because the sounds that were coming out of her throat would have awakened the dead. The whole family’s attention would have been focused on her at a time that she wanted strict privacy.

Susan entered her room, locked the door, and slipped out of her robe. She was naked and just about to choose what to wear from her lingerie drawer when she saw Gray rise up from where he was laying. She watched him for a moment and he cocked his head slightly to the side. It was as though she could see exactly what he was thinking through his light blue eyes and she smiled.

Susan walked to her bed and sat at the edge with her feet spread in obvious invitation. It didn’t take him long to take her up on her offer. He moved into position swiftly and as he began licking her she caressed his head, shoulders and back. She sighed as he dug his tongue into her as deep as he could reach and she experienced her first orgasm as his oral digit stroked her G-spot for the umpteenth time. She held him close to her until her spasms subsided and then assisted him in mounting her in the missionary position once more.

Susan stroked Gray’s neck as his eager haunches shuffled him forward until his heated shaft touched her waiting pussy lips. It was as though a missile had been fired after that as his male member sank into her until it felt as though it could never be removed. “Ohhh… Gray, fuck me Darling. Take me and make me your bitch. This is one time I want to be a bitch.” She cooed as her four footed lover thrust into her repeatedly.

Susan reveled in what Gray was doing to her and she lifted her legs and brought them around him. She pulled him close to her chest. She wanted as much of her flesh as possible in contact with him without hindering his movement and it was so sensual.

Gray made love to his new female with definite intent. They were locked eye to eye and he could tell that he was pleasing her. He thrust into her over and over and it was several minutes before he sensed that he needed to lock with her. He pulled back a bit, found what he wanted, and then reinserted himself. His entire shaft sank into her depths and it didn’t stop until his sheath touched her labia. He was ready now and he released his seed into her in hopes of impregnating her with his puppies. He loved his mate and he wouldn’t let anyone harm her.

Susan looked deeply into the blue eyes of her lover and found what she was looking for. She could see his desire. She didn’t just lay there as he thrust into her; she returned his ardor. She thrill at the fact that he was trying to please her so she gave it her all also.

The young blonde lost track of time. Ten minutes passed since her lover had inserted himself into her and it had been absolutely enjoyable. She felt Gray slow and then reposition himself and she hoped that he was about to really plant himself in her. He shoved, and her desires were realized. Susan moaned pleasurably as her four footed mate entered her cervical opening and pushed several inched into her uterus. His knot pushed into her also and came to rest against her G-spot. She was in heaven.

“Fuck me Gray.” She cooed, and then she felt him giving her his seed and it was pulsing into her unhindered. It was aimed at her tubes and there was no doubt in her mind that at least one of her eggs was being bombarded at this very moment. He was trying desperately to give her a baby. “Do it Darling. Give me everything you have Sweetheart. I promise that if you make me pregnant that I will carry it to term.”

Susan hugged Gray a little tighter and he kissed her. In her mind she could picture his sperm entering one of her eggs and it was this thought that took her over the edge. “Make me pregnant, make me pregnant, make me pregnant!” She chanted softly as she orgasmed and then she passed out again as she did before.

Several minutes passed before Susan regained consciousness. She awoke to several more of Gray’s kisses and she returned them as best she could. She sighed her pleasure as she realized that his knot was still buried inside of her. “Ohhh… Baby. We need to find a way to fall asleep with your sweet cock still inside of me.” She cooed. “I know it won’t be this time, but soon I hope.”

Gray’s knot eventually shrank to a point that it slipped out of her and she hated to feel the warmth of his shaft depart her body. “We’ll be together again very soon.” She promised him as he pulled away from her.

Susan scooted backward a bit until she was where she normally slept in the bed. She reached out and opened her lingerie drawer and snagged the top pair of panties. She also got a feminine napkin and attached it to the silky material. She lifted her legs and was soon wearing the garment. She looked down at her abdomen and noted the swelling there. She smiled; Gray had pumped enough sperm into her uterus that she looked at least a month pregnant.

Susan got under the sheet and snuggled in. She then patted the bed next to her and was pleased when Gray jump up on the bed and lay next to her. Without too much effort she was able to graze the side of her touch lamp and the light winked out. With the glow from her digital clock as the only illumination she reached out and draped her arm over her lover and they drifted off to sleep together.


When Susan awoke she felt better than she ever remembered. She greeted Gray with a kiss, got dressed, and then took him out for a quick run in the yard. When he had done his thing she opened the car door for him and he jumped in as though it was a common every day occurrence for him to go riding in her car. She chuckled, shook her head in amazement and then hopped into the driver’s seat. They were soon on their way to the pet store to purchase him a collar and lanyard. She hated the thought of tying him up but there were leash laws in effect in the area and it was an unfortunate necessity.

Susan chose a large linked choker for around his neck. It would control him if she needed to but it wouldn’t dig into his flesh and hurt him. He behaved very well when she put it on him and within thirty minutes of leaving her house they had returned.

Susan clipped the leash on him and then led him through the doorway. She was about to find out just how well Gray and Hans would mingle and she was praying for the best. The event came sooner than she expected because shortly after she entered the house they met up with Karen and Hans coming down the stairs.

Gray lurched forward and his choker hindered him a bit but it allowed him just enough leeway to meet the other dog that he already knew was in the area. They had known about each other all along; they just hadn’t met yet.

Both dogs sniffed at each other for over a minute and their mistresses were ready to pull them apart at the slightest provocation, Karen by listening and Susan by sight. It would have been a struggle because both dogs were very strong; but in the end it wasn’t needed. And both girls breathed an audible sigh of relief.

With the crisis seemingly averted the girls hugged each other affectionately. Karen wanted desperately to tell Susan about her night with Hans but she knew she would have to wait until they were totally alone and no one could possibly walk in on them. Susan also had her own tale to tell but discretion was the wisest choice.

Susan semi-led Karen to the kitchen area. The young brunette had been there several times now and she almost had the basic floor plan of the house memorized already. The young blond excused herself for a few moments after her friend was seated and went to retrieve her brother’s camera from her room.

Susan nearly ran to her bedroom and she was relieved when she turned the pillow over and found the video unit still there. She wrapped the camera in a towel and then ran back to the kitchen. She was sure that when she left her room that her brother was watching her from his partially open doorway. The question was… did he know he had been found out yet.

Susan found Karen waiting for her and they quickly discussed what they should do. The young brunette took the video unit from her friend and simply intoned. “I’ll handle it.”

The girls began preparing breakfast. Karen had the camera close by and knew exactly where to reach to get it. It wasn’t hard to hear Nate as he approached the kitchen; he walked with a very heavy foot and when entered the room he was quite agitated. The girls chatted and ignored him until he interrupted them.

“Where’s my camera?” Asked Nate gruffly.

Susan turned to her brother. “What’s the matter; did you… misplace it somewhere?”

Nate scowled at her. “I want my camera Susan!” He demanded.

Karen grabbed the video device and held it where she figured that he could see it. “She doesn’t have the camera, I do. And I would like to know what it was doing in my room; and taping my bed. Do you know that it’s a federal offense to do what you did?” She was bluffing at this; she wasn’t sure what she could make of it if she pressed the issue. In general it sounded good and what she really hoped for was to scare him good. “I heard it running.” She lied. “That’s why I knew that it was there. You do know that blind people have keener senses that others don’t you?”

“We’re keeping the tape that was inside. If you ever try this again we’ll use it against you.” She threatened.

Nate didn’t seem too repentant. He didn’t say sorry or forgive me. He simply demanded his camera back. It was the wrong thing to do with Karen.

The young brunette extended the camera outward from her body as though she was giving it to Nate. She saw his blurred shadow and as he reached for it she dropped it; lens first. It hit the hard tile floor and pieces of it went flying in several directions. “Oops.” She said mockingly.

“You bitch.” He yelled; but that was all the further he got as both dogs rose up quickly and made their presence known in a manner that only a fool would have ignored.

Nate backed away quickly. He had known that Karen had a dog but now there were two of them and the Gray one he had not seen until a just a moment ago. He was still angry and his voice showed it; only this time at a distance. “What the hell did you do that for?”

“Because weren’t sorry for what you did Nate!” Explained Karen. “You were only sorry that you got caught. Think about it next time before you try to invade someone’s privacy.”

Susan stepped forward then. “If you ever try anything concerning me or my friends again I will be sure that Mom and Dad see this.” She threatened as she rattled the tape. “All of this will be our little secret unless you leave us alone. Do we have an understanding?”

“Yeah, I understand.” He finally agreed in a humbled voice. He began picking up the pieces of his broken camera somewhat relieved that his sister hadn’t tried to blackmail him. She had changed in the past month; but from what he could see it was a change for the better. She was still very hot looking and so was her friend but he knew when he was beaten; he would have to admire them from a distance.

Nate had just picked up the last piece of his video unit when their father ambled into the kitchen. “Hey, what’s all the ruckus?” He intoned jovially. His eyes took in everything; his son, his daughter and their house guest that his wife had told him about. He even noticed the two dogs.

“Father.” Intoned Susan. “I would like you to meet Karen. And Karen, this is my Father; Thomas Morgan.”

“Pleased to meet you Karen; any friend of my daughter is welcome here.” He said pleasantly while taking her extended hand and shaking it. “And who do we have here?” He continued as he looked at the dogs.” I see a German Shepherd and a Weimaraner.”

Karen gave a little chuckle and then answered. “The German Shepherd is my guide dog. And the Weimaraner is now Susan’s since she mentioned that she would like one after seeing mine. A friend I know couldn’t keep him any more so hopefully things will work out here. He’ll make a good guard dog for your daughter while she’s away at college.”

Thomas extended his hand slowly toward the animal with his hands cupped and allowed the dog to sniff him. Once he was accepted he stroked the K9s ears and neck. “This is a very good looking Weimaraner or Gray Ghost; I believe that’s what they’re nicknamed. He’s on the big side but I’ll bet your friend had a hard time deciding to give him away.”

“Yeah, she did, but it was necessary. They have a little baby now and they were afraid he’d be a little too rough around a small child.” Lied Karen, hoping that this was the last time she would have to be deceitful about the matter; she detested lying but it would have been awkward for Susan to explain the dog otherwise. Karen knew about Weimaraners she simply hadn’t recognized it by feeling him earlier.

Thomas nodded his head. “Well, he’s a mighty fine looking dog.” He intoned as he gave the animal a final pat on the head and then he went to the cupboard to help himself to some cereal.

As a rule, Susan rarely ran into her father in the morning. Most of the time he was already up and gone before she meandered to the kitchen table. Her being here this early in the morning was far from common.

The girls eventually got back to fixing their breakfast. They even offered to make some pancakes for Nate and he accepted their offer readily. “Are we at peace now Brother?” Asked Susan softly as she set the food in front of him.

Nate looked at her and then Karen. “Yeah, everything’s cool. I really am sorry.” He intoned.

After breakfast the girls got together in Susan’s room. “So, what are we going to do today?” She intoned while sitting on her bed and scratching Gray’s ears.

“How about going someplace where we can hike and swim and do whatever?” Asked Karen.

“Sounds good to me, but where would that be?” Commented Susan. “We will have to find a place that doesn’t keep dogs out.” She added remembering all the signs about animals that she saw along the beach front.

“I know of a place.” Responded Karen. “And I’m sure that you’ll love it.”

With a purpose in mind the girls began to get ready for their outing. Karen stopped at Susan’s room and asked to borrow the same Bikini that she had worn the previous day. “Oh my gosh.” Exclaimed the young blonde. “I thought you understood. I gave that suit to you.”

“I didn’t expect you to give it to me Susan.”

“Well I did, so you’ll just have to live with it.” Teased Susan.

“We might as well change here.” Stated the young blonde as she locked her door.

The girl’s clothes dropped to the floor and Susan was just stepping into her Bikini bottoms when she felt a cool nose nudging her back side. She looked between her legs and smiled as she saw Gray standing there with an eager look on his face. It was then that she heard a surprised yelp from Karen also. It was beginning to look as though they were going to have to satisfy their boy before they went any further.

Susan helped Karen kneel at one side of the bed and then she helped Hans. The young brunette had her face buried in the bed sheets and was nearly screaming before the young blonde had a chance to even get to her side of the platform. The shepherd was pounding his mate at what seemed to be his normal pace and all she could do was ride it out.

Susan moved to her knees as quickly as possible and Gray was on her in an instant. For a moment she thought that the two dogs were in a race to see which of them could cum first but after the initial shock of having her male shove all of his cock into her depths on almost the first stroke she warm to it quickly.

Gray slowed after a few minutes of fast paced pounding. He had pushed his mate past her first orgasm without stopping but then he toned it down a notch. He was eventually thrusting into her with depth and power and each plunge was held for a few seconds.

Susan grunted with each impact that Gray initiated as he made love to her. She could feel his knot split her vaginal lips half way and almost set his fleshy ball within her. She was tempted to shove herself back at him and lock him in her but then opted for the shorter version of the mating ritual this time. She had plans for later.

Silence on the other side of the bed caused her to look over at her friend and the face that Karen was making left little doubt that she was feeling nothing but sheer bliss. The young brunette’s pussy was being filled with the sperm of her four footed lover. No coherent words escaped her lips at the moment she could only bask in the euphoric wave that coursed through her as they emanated from his loins into her.

Susan felt her own orgasm approaching and as she reached above her to caress Gray’s neck they exploded together. Gush after gush of her lover’s sperm impacted the back wall of her vaginal tube and she could have counted the times he fired his seed into her if her attention hadn’t been distracted by her own climax. “Oh yes… Darling. Give me everything you have Baby. I want all of you.” She whispered dreamily.

The girls nearly sighed in unison as their four footed lovers pulled their hot shaves from their excited interiors. Most of the sperm that had been deposited in them gushed out and ran down their legs. Each of them managed to grab something to catch the flow and they kept most of it from hitting the floor. They were still in their euphoric state as they arose and lay on the bed side by side.

“That was nice.” Whispered Karen huskily.

“Oh yeah.” Chimed Susan.

The two young ladies lay there for several minutes until they had gathered enough energy to get cleaned up and head out for their next adventure.


Chapter Nine

The girls managed to be on their way by 10am. Traffic was light in the direction they were going and within an hour they arrived at the site that Karen had mentioned. She had never seen it personally, but every sighted person she heard that had brought a family member to the facility ooohed and aaahed about what they saw; so she took it for granted that it was a nice place to visit.

Susan had no trouble getting into the facility. She presented the card that Karen gave her and when the guard swiped it through the card reader she was waved through the gate as though she had been there a million times and they knew her personally. It was a weekday, so the young blonde wasn’t too surprised that there were only two other cars in the lot; the girls almost had the place to themselves.

Susan didn’t expect too much at first but what she saw was beautiful. The people who ran the complex prided themselves in providing an outstanding facility for sight challenged individuals; even their families could enjoy this place.

Basically, the park was over fifty acres of land that was entirely enclosed by an eight foot fence with wire at the top to make sure that no one could enter or leave by other than the main gate. There was a huge five acre pond to one side of it and it was divided into three sections. It had a four foot deep area for swimming. A four foot deep area for paddle boats and a very deep area for fishing. Everyone could find something to do that they liked if they wanted to do something aquatic.

When it came to picnicking, hiking or just enjoying the outdoor scents and smells the park had that covered too. There was a nice cook out and table area, a respectable flower garden and a hiking trail through woods that were pristine in their nature. You couldn’t get lost in this park unless you really endeavored to do so.

Susan unloaded the Mustang onto one of the many carts that the facility provided. The girls set up their food in one of the small pavilions and then lay out on the nearby sand to work on their tans once more. It was very peaceful. Even the dogs enjoyed the shade and slight breeze of one of the numerous canopied areas that were set up specifically for service dogs.

Susan and Karen tried not to overdo the sun exposure so after a bit they opted to go for a stroll in the woods. All they had on were their Bikinis and beach towel draped over their necks. The paths were well marked and the girls and the grounds neatly kept. It wasn’t flat terrain either, there were numerous bumps and mounds to traverse across and anyone who walked through the woods definitely got a work out.

Susan gave her friend a running description of where they were. As they neared the back fence Karen chewed her lip naughtily. “Are we alone?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, and it’s beautiful here.” Intoned Susan. “The blacktop path curves away in front of us and there is thick luscious grass that leads up to some equally thick bushes. It’s like a miniature maze going through the trees and…”

Karen reached out and stopped her friend. “Let’s go into the woods. I would like to make love to Hans there. I’ve never done it outside and if it’s clear enough I’d really appreciate it if you would help me.”

Susan looked around; she couldn’t even see the lake from where they were at the moment. “I think we can give it a try.” She told Karen and then she began leading her into the woods. The four of them skirted around the bushes until the young blonde could no longer see the trail and then she stopped. The earthy scent of the immediate area permeated everything and only heightened the whole experience.

Susan took Karen’s towel and laid it beside hers. The grass wasn’t as thick here but it was still full enough so that the girls wouldn’t be kneeling on the bare ground. She watched as her friend wriggled out of her Bikini bottoms and then she helped her kneel. She noticed immediately that Hans was becoming excited as his mistress bared herself but he waited for her command.

Karen wiggled her butt after she was positioned and after she intoned the trigger words that she had been working Hans with he dug right in.

Susan watched as Hans began licking his sweet mistress and chuckled. “I think you’re training is working very well.” She then turned to Gray and noticed how patiently he was waiting for her. The look in his eyes left little doubt as to what he wanted of her though and she didn’t keep him in limbo much longer.

The young blonde hooked her thumbs into her own bikini bottoms and was soon tossing them onto the pile that the towels were already forming. “It’s your turn sweetheart.” She cooed as she got on her knees and presented herself to her lover. She watched him as he came around behind her and then patted her shapely rear. “I’m already hot Darling so please… just take me.”

Gray may not have understood what she was saying but he knew her scent and it told him everything that he needed to know. He gave her tight little clam a few perfunctory licks and then he mounted her. His hot pointed phallus sought for her diligently but gently and as the two met they kissed multiple times before he began entering her with a purpose in mind.

Susan felt the very first touch of her lover’s cock as it hit dead center and she arched her back a bit to give him better access. A low murmur of acceptance of what he was about to do to her escaped her lips but it grew in intensity as he only entered and then withdrew from the mouth of her sacred haven. “Fuck me Gray!” She finally hissed and then sighed as she got her wish.

Gray entered her swiftly after that and within three more thrusts he was nudging the bottom of her tube. He kicked it into high gear after that and she got exactly what she needed at that moment in time. He pounded her for five minutes and pushed her over the edge twice before he slowed his cadence and really made love to her.

For the first segment of love making it was all Susan could do to hang on. She considered herself fortunate that they were well lubricated because if they hadn’t been she was sure she would have been fucked raw. Gray had propelled her through two orgasms before he put the brakes on the speed of his thruster and began really drilling her.

Susan knew that her friend was right in front of her but she didn’t even look at her and her four footed lover. She concentrated solely on what was happening to her in her own little yard. Her eyes were closed and her senses went no further than what was going on inside of her. When Gray began adding depth and dimension to his lovemaking she felt it.

“Oh Gray… Ohhh… you are so deep in me you’re moving my insides around.” She whispered huskily and then she arched her back even more in an effort to take even deeper and it worked. She gasped as Gray entered her uterus through her cervical opening and he sank his shaft into her several more inches.

Gray hadn’t tried to find the opening that instinct seemed to tell him was there but when it presented itself he wasn’t about to turn it down. He entered his lovely bitch until there was nothing left for him to give her; and then he was satisfied. His thrusting nearly stopped but what there was of it completed what was needed to finish it for the both of them. He felt his mate orgasm and he followed suit. He sent billions of his sperm into her in search of her fertile eggs.

Susan was almost beyond coherent words. “Yes… yes… fuck… me…” She managed as her vaginal muscles milked her lover of his seed. “Give me your puppies… I want them… In me…” And then her arms gave a bit and she rested on her elbows with her head in the grass.

Karen received the normal fast-paced fucking from her male and she reveled in it; it fulfilled most of her needs. She listened though to Susan and Gray as he made love to her and once more wished that she could see them going at it. She heard her friend as she moaned her pleasure and pleaded for her mate to impregnate her and she wished that she would feel that way each and every time that Hans took her. She had felt it a few times but she longed for more; especially in a situation where she was fulfilling one of her dreams: making love in the wild.

Both girls lay beneath their lovers; each equally attached at the loins by a large knot that would cede no ground until their masters had accomplished their desire. Susan finally opened her eyes and looked at Karen It was utterly sexy to see the brunette hung up on her lover and she seriously wondered what she and Gray looked like.

“How was it?” asked Susan softly of her friend.

“It was good.” Returned Karen, but I think that it lacked the intensity that I heard as I listened to you and Gray.

“You orgasmed didn’t you?” Asked Susan.

“Ohhh… yeah. I came twice but I didn’t feel quite like you did.” Explained the young brunette. “I heard you begging for Gray’s puppies and it was so… hot. I know I’ve felt the same way at times but I wanted to feel it this time too.”

“I’m sorry Karen.” Consoled Susan and then she squawked a bit as Gray pulled his deflating knot free of her. His still thick shaft followed and she sighed. She wanted to turn and hug her lover but she opted instead to help her friend. “I’m sure Hans wanted you as much as you wanted him. What I’m afraid of is that Gray and I hindered you from receiving what you needed and I’m sorry.”

Hans now pulled from Karen’s sweet box and she squawked. And both girls laughed. “Oh god that was intense.” Sighed Karen and then she turned toward where her friend’s voice emanated from. “Please don’t blame yourself Susan. I think that you’re right. I was distracted but that was not your fault. I should have concentrated on what was going on with me; not you.”

The girls hugged and then Susan chuckled. “I wish you could see our boys.” She explained before Karen could ask. “They’re sitting side by side and watching us with their heads cocked a bit as though they are trying to figure us out. I wonder how much they really know and understand?”

The girls remained where they were for several more minutes, reclined back on their elbows as they enjoyed the slight breeze that wafted through the dense trees and foliage. Their buttocks were flat on the ground with their shapely legs outstretched. Karen heard Susan tell her to bend her legs upward and spread her legs and she wondered why until she felt a tongue swipe her genital area; and she sighed.

Susan sighed also as Gray’s tongue found her labia. She too had lifted her legs, spread them and then tilted her pelvis upward to give him greater access to her treasure. She reached out and caressed his head as he pleasured her and she found herself gently thrusting toward him as his expertly used his tongue on her.

Karen was receiving the same treatment as Susan and both young ladies attained orgasmic bliss at almost the same moment. Their coos and murmurs of pleasure mingled with each other and it’s sound was sweet to anyone who knew what it meant. The girls lay where they were for several more minutes and they were both sexually drained as they eventually managed to wriggle back into their swimsuits.

Karen and Susan walked side by side as they meandered their way back to the pavilion that they were using. By this time they were famished and they ate hungrily. They didn’t neglect their lovers though and both dogs dined on some of the best kibbled doggy bits that money could buy and there were fresh pieces of cooked beef mixed with it.

The rest of the day at the park was a mixture of sunshine and swimming. By the time the girls left the gated complex they were relaxed, but tired. Susan was glad that it wasn’t too long a drive home. She was ready for a nap and from what she could see of Karen she looked like she was feeling the same way.

When the girls got home, Karen went her way and Susan went hers. They stumbled into their rooms and were soon stretched out on their respective beds. Unfortunately, the young brunette forgot to lock her door. In her old apartment the lock didn’t work anyway so it wasn’t an established habit.


Nate was just returning home from a frustrating day. At the store where he had purchased his video camera he was shown the very… fine print on his warranty that excluded dropping it as a covered repair. A new camera to replace what he had was now running over $500 plus the extra lenses. The old ones wound not transfer to the new unit. And, in his frustration, he had picked up a speeding ticket going through town and since he could afford a Mercedes Roadster SLK55 AMG the cop had no qualms about not cutting him any slack. He could afford the $250 fine that would be levied against him. But then it didn’t help that he called the lady cop that issued him the ticket a bitch either.

Nate saw that his sister was home, all of her cars were neatly parked in their place. He had told her everything was cool between them but deep down there was resentment. After taking his shoes off at the door which was customary for him he took the stairs two at a time but even as he did it was a fairly quiet ascent. He sneered at his sister’s door as he passed by and he did the same to the room used by Karen, but as he was about to enter his room he heard moaning and murmurs of pleasure; he recognized these sounds: he’d induced these sounds to come from several women in his short college stint already.

The young man moved stealthily toward the guest bedroom and listened carefully. What he heard made it easy to imagine some of what might be going on inside but it lacked the exact details. Why was Karen moaning in pleasure? Was she stimulating herself? Did she have some guy in there? Was Susan in there with her??? That was something he had never contemplated before.

Frustration grew and eventually he decided to act. Very carefully he tried turning the door handle. It was probably locked but he still had to check it out; he was surprised as it turned. By now the adrenalin surge that he felt as he tried to be quiet was getting to him and he trembled with excitement. He wasn’t use to sneaking around so it didn’t take much to get his juices flowing and it hindered his actions.

Nate opened the door just enough to peek around it and get an eye full; and that is exactly what happened. Once he was able to get a good look at what was causing Karen’s pleasure his cock began to expand measurably. Before him was a very well formed brunette lying on her bed with her legs spread and her service dog licking one of the sweetest looking pusses he had ever seen; this was hot. He was so excited that he was about to move into the room further but then another idea struck him. He needed proof of what was happening; he needed his digital camera.

Nate hurried quietly to his bedroom and scooped his small digital camera from it’s charging stand. He then crept back to Karen’s room and entered it. She was still being licked by the dog but the things that she was saying led him to believe that this was but a prelude of better things to come. The room was well lit as the sun shone through the windows on this side of the house for the greater part of the day and it became his advantage. He began taking picture after picture and there was no flash to disturb the action.

Hans was aware that they were no longer alone but as long as he wasn’t disturbed from his present task he ignored the interloper; all he cared about was getting at his mistress’s sweet box. He didn’t know what she was saying but her tone of voice was encouraging.

The young man could not believe his luck. What he had in front of him was so sizzling that it burned any other porn he had ever seen to a crisp. His cock was so hard as he watched this beautiful brunette being licked by her dog that he was tempted to strip his pants off to accommodate his boner. He could only imagine what would happen when the dog began to fuck her. He moved carefully about the room and had taken at least twenty pictures when he bumped the night stand and the lamp rattled. He held still, but the damage had been done.

Karen was startled by the sound and reflexively covered her breasts with her right arm while trying to push Hans away with her left and sit at the same time. “Who’s there?” She asked apprehensively while hoping that she’d receive no answer because no one was really there.

Nate became emboldened and since he was behind her managed to grab her and cover her mouth. Hans growled and moved forward but the young man spoke gruffly into Karen’s ear. “Call him off or I’ll make sure my mother and father see the photos I have of you and your dog. And I’ll make sure that all my friends see them also. Do it now!” He urged as the animal continued to growl menacingly.

The hand that had been covering her mouth was removed but her captor was still near. “Hans, be quiet and go to the corner and sit.” The growling continued. “Go!” She ordered while flinging her left hand in front of her in an effort to send the animal away.

Hans obeyed the command of his mistress but he didn’t like it. There was something wrong her and he could sense it. His animal instincts were on edge and he was agitated and alert.

“That’s better.” Said Nate softly as he began eying Karen now that her dog had backed off. “You are a very fine looking babe. We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot earlier and I think we should rectify that.”

Karen knew that she was in a bind but she wanted to get out of it without dragging Susan into the mess. She knew that it was her fault for not locking her door and she didn’t want her friend to pay for her mistake. “What do you want?” She asked resignedly.

“Mmmmm… well, for starters, I think you ought to uncover your sweet looking breasts.” He intoned. “I’m not going to hurt you; I just want to have fun with you. You were going to give yourself to your dog, so why not me too. I’ll even make you a deal. If you do what I want you to do I will never tell anyone. I just want this to be memorable for the both of us. Who knows, you might even come to like what I have to offer and come back so seconds.”

‘Not likely’ Thought Karen. She had been in this kind of situation before and she hated it. She detested the men that had taken advantage of her. She had always managed to get out of the circumstances eventually but it still hurt. She wondered how well she could trust Nate to keep his word. “What exactly… do you want? I’ll go along with you only so far and I expect you to keep your word after that.”

Excitement coursed though his being as he heard this beauty resign herself to his desires. “Does my sister know about you and your dog?”

“No!” Said Karen with conviction. “I’d never let anyone know about this… are you crazy?” She hissed.

“I was just asking.” He returned. “She does have a dog now!”

“Yeah, for protection when she goes off to school.” Offered Karen.

For the moment Nate conceded the fact that Karen was possibly telling the truth but he didn’t completely abandon the thought. Besides… in front of him was sitting a very hot looking naked chick and he planned to take advantage of that fact. He quickly closed the door that was still ajar and then focused his camera on the hot brunette once again.

“I want you move on to the bed further.” He intoned. “And spread your legs a bit.” He added as an afterthought.

Karen did as he ordered and moved until she could feel the pillow at her elbow. She then opened her legs and grimaced as she thought about what Nate might be doing and seeing.

“Come on Karen… smile.” Urged Nate. “I just want a few good looking pictures of you so that when you have fulfilled your part of this deal that I can remember it fondly. These pictures are for me and me alone.” He promised, but who really knew what he would do with them later; or who he would really show them to. He would guarantee her anything at the moment if it would coax what he wanted out of her.

Nate watched as Karen spread her legs and his boner stiffened anew. He focused his camera on her most private parts and snapped away. He almost drooled as he focused on her sweet looking pussy and ample brown nippled breasts and he wanted to touch her and caress her. The fact that she wasn’t really doing this of her own accord escaped him completely.

Nate could hold back no longer and set his camera aside. He slid his pants off quickly and nearly ripped the buttons off his shirt as he stripped down to nothing. He was soon standing beside the bed while contemplating what he was going to do to this wonder of nature. He sat on the edge of the platform and reached out to fondle Karen’s thigh and move on from there.

Karen flinched at Nate’s touch. She had seen his blurred shadow approach but it still didn’t keep her from jerking in revulsion at his touch. She resigned herself to what was about to happen to her. It wouldn’t be the first time, but she always hoped that it would be the last.

Nate’s hands became busier as he allowed them to wander over this beautiful creature that he had captured. He pushed her gently backward until she was completely flat and then he cupped and caressed her breasts; the fact that she didn’t seem to be enjoying what he was doing didn’t faze him in the least. He lowered his mouth to the marvelous mounds and tasted them; it was like eating honey and he couldn’t get enough of them.

For five minutes Nate slathered the tender flesh of her tits with his tongue but he eventually tired of it and shifted his attention further south. He moved his hand downward and was soon traveling through her pubic hairs and seeking out her very core. He smiled as he made contact with her labia but was hindered from going much further by the way her legs were now positioned. “Open your legs.” He ordered.

Karen did as she was bid, but her heart was far from it. She wondered how much shame she was going to have to endure at Nate’s hands? How many times would he expect her to submit to him before her supposed debt was paid? She lay there quietly and waited.

Nate dipped his hand lower and extended his index and middle finger. He hooked them a bit and was soon working them into one of the hottest looking brunettes he had ever been with. He parted her labia and his fingers felt her juices. It allowed him to enter her deeper and she grunted at his invasion. “You are very wet down there.” He intoned. “Your doggy must turn you on pretty good.” He continued to explore her vaginal area and soon settled on her clit. “Talk to me… tell me about you and your dog.”

“What do you want to know?” She asked flatly. She felt nothing more than what she would feel if she was at her gynecologists; so she tried to pretend that this was nothing more than an extended examination.

“What do you feel when your dog’s fucking you?” He asked as he manipulated her clit.

“He’s just a means to an end.” Said Karen as Nate explored her body. “It’s easier than frigging myself off is all, and he’s not demanding.” She lay as stiff as a board while they talked. His fingers were awakening her but she didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that.

“Well, let’s see what you think of this then.” He lifted himself over her and nestled between her legs. He reached downward and grabbed her slim legs and pulled them upward until her upper thighs touched her tits. He rooted his pelvis forward and his cock brushed the cleft that her bent position opened for him. “Oh yeah.” He sighed as he entered her.

Karen winced as she felt Nate’s cock enter her but there was little that she felt that she could do to keep him out of her. She just turned her head to the side and let him rut himself into her. She hoped that he would climax quickly and then let her alone.

Nate thought he was in heaven at first; or at least the outer gates: but something was missing. He looked at his playmate of the moment and then he knew what it was. She was just laying there like a limp blowup doll. “What’s the matter, you got a cock up your cunt why don’t you enjoy it?” He chided as he thrust into her repeatedly.

“Alright, have it your way.” And he tried to pound her into oblivion. He jack hammered into her as fast as he could but after two minutes he was tiring fast. “What’s with you Bitch… ain’t a guy good enough for you anymore?” He taunted. “Well maybe you’ll like it better like this.” He taunted as he pulled out of her. He managed to flip her over onto her stomach and then manhandled her until she was kneeling. He then aimed his raging hard on at her again and sank it into her depths once more. “There, is that better Bitch?”

Karen whimpered as she was being abused and only move when she had to in order to keep Nate from bruising her. She was soon on her hands and knees and Susan’s brother was once more burying his cock in her. What had she gotten herself into?

Nate began fucking her again. “Now tell me what you feel, Bitch.” He sneer at her as he thrust into her repeatedly.

Karen decided to be honest with him. “I can tell you that you’re not as big as my dog is!” She taunted him. “You’re not in me near a deep as he can go.”

Karen’s words stung Nate’s pride like nothing ever had before. But then his pride was about to be stung a lot more within moments.

Hans saw his mistress forced into the mating position. The only problem was that it wasn’t himself that was about to mate her. He saw the male behind her enter her and he was enraged. He hadn’t recognized what was happening before but he knew this one and he decided to teach this usurper a lesson.

The huge Shepherd was on the bed in a trice and he grabbed his opponent firmly. He mounted him quickly and as his precum lubed the way he took his revenge. The usurper yelled, screamed and tried to get away but Hans had him dead to rights and he wasn’t about to let him go until he was done with him.

Susan yawned and stretched. Her nap had been fulfilling even though she had been pulled from it a bit early by… something. She saw Gray beside her and looked to where he was looking; there was a disturbance coming from outside her room. The young blonde grabbed her robe and was soon out her door and headed to where the noise was coming from. She couldn’t imagine what she’d find when she opened the guest bedroom door but it her jaw dropped when she did see it.

Susan entered the room and in an instant caught the whole scene. Before her was Karen, now laying prone on the bed but naked with Nate kneeling over her. Nate, in the meantime, was in the clutches of Hans and the Shepherd was fucking him with a vengeance while he screamed to high heaven. It was almost comical at the moment but she was sure that something sinister had happened to bring this all about.

Thinking quickly Susan closed the door to keep others from hearing and then she snatched Nate’s camera from where it lay and began snapping off as many pictures as she could. She tried to make sure that the focus of the photo was of Nate and the dog and for the most part that was what she got. She allowed the scene to play out entirely and documented all of it.

Hans was knotted in Nate’s ass and he was in pain. Susan made sure that she caught it all. There was no doubt that he was sexually involved with a dog and the look on his face was worth thousands of words. She wasn’t sure how she was going to use what she had on the memory card at the moment; she planned to leave that to how her brother behaved after the dog was done with him.

Susan clicked a few more pictures as Hans pulled painfully from Nate’s ass. She quickly turned off the camera after that and slipped the card from it’s slot and then closed it up. She slipped it into her bra cup and no one was the wiser.

When Nate finally gained a little decorum, holding his shirt at his groin to cover his manhood, he stood to face Susan. What’s going on here?” She demanded.

“We were just having a little fun, weren’t we Karen?” He prompted as he looked at the young brunette that was now wrapped in a bed sheet to cover her nakedness. It was then that he saw his camera in his sister’s hands and Susan noted it.

“I have my brother’s camera, Karen. So please tell me what happened!” Added Susan.

Karen was in tears. “I for… forgot to lo… lock the door and Na… Nate cau… caught me wi… with Hans. H… he was li… licking me.” She stammered. “H… he threatened to t… tell you and yo… your parents i… if I di… didn’t fu… fuck him.”

Susan waved her brother’s camera in his face. “Do you remember what I told you I’d do if you tried this again?” She threatened.

Nate lurched forward and grabbed his camera from his sister’s hand as she tried to keep it from him. He lost his shirt in the process but he attained what he wanted. “You can’t really prove a thing without this.” He hissed and then he grabbed his clothes and lurched out of the room and into the bathroom. His ass hurt and he could see a small amount of blood running down his leg.

Susan smiled broadly as she went to lock Karen’s door, but then she turned back to her friend and went to comfort her. “I am so sorry about what my brother just did.” She intoned as she sat on the bed near her friend.

Karen shook her head. “Don’t blame yourself Susan, it was my fault. I should have been more careful. I forgot to lock the door. What happened before your brother left? Did he get the camera?” She asked, thinking that her anguish might not be over. If Nate had the pictures in his possession he still had power over her.

“Yeah he has his camera, but he didn’t get the card.” Susan said triumphantly. “I took it out of the camera without him knowing it.” Her tone of voice turned serious then. “Karen, did my brother… rape you? When I came in all I saw was you laying on your tummy.”

Karen turned away a bit. “Yeah, he managed to get his cock in me for a few minutes but I know he didn’t get much satisfaction out of it.”

Susan swore and began plotting against her brother but the young brunette stopped her by putting her hand on her friend’s leg.

“I can’t let you do that.” Said Karen. “We’ll find some way to deal with him. But… if you try to annihilate him because of my mistake then I will have to leave.”

“But he raped you.” She said angrily. “And what if… what if he managed to get you pregnant.”

Karen shook her head. “I’m on the pill, and as for being raped… it isn’t the first time.” Admitted Karen softly. “People have been raping me one way or another almost all my life. I’ll have to tell you about it some time. But… only if you don’t try to destroy your brother. I don’t want that on my conscience.”

Susan sighed. “Alright, but I still want to rake him over the coals real good.”

“You mean better than Hans already did.” She said with a slight lilt to her voice.


Chapter Ten

When Nate stepped out of the shower he felt better and stood straighter, but his pride and ego were still shattered. Nothing had ever happened to him like this ever before. After he dried himself off he picked up his camera and turned it on. He wanted with all his heart to see the pictures of Karen but he didn’t even want to think about the photos that his sister had take of him and Hans. He wasn’t sure how he would erase only the pics that he didn’t want without looking at them so he was tempted to simply delete the whole card. It was then that he noticed that the camera was telling him that there was no card in the unit.

Damage control, damage control, damage control thought Susan as she walked toward the bathroom. She really despised her brother at the moment. She knew that he was capable of some very selfish and thoughtless things, but rape wasn’t one of them. This whole incident turned her stomach. She stepped up to the door and knocked on it gently. She knew that he was out of the shower now because as well as the house was sound deadened she still heard the water being turned off.

“Who is it?” Came Nate’s voice through the door.

“You know who it is.” She returned. “And we need to talk.”

It took a moment but the lock finally clicked and the door opened just enough for her brother to peek out. “What do you want?” He hissed.

“At Karen’s request, I’m here to propose a truce. If it were up to me I think I’d scratch your eyes out but she doesn’t want any more trouble or fighting in the family.” Said Susan.

“Her fucking dog raped me.” He said bitterly. “He needs to be put down. And you… you took pictures of it.”

“Really… Well you raped her first. Does that mean that you should be put down?” She returned. “She looked her brother in the eyes and shook her head. “I never thought that you would ever rape a girl, Nate. You really disappoint me. And as for the pictures… I took them so that I would be able to control you. It was the only thing I could think to do after what you did.”

Nate broke eye contact with his sister. “You have the card, don’t you?”

“Yeah, and no one will ever see it if this ends now! But so help me Nate!!! You need to stay away from Karen. She may have some… peculiarities… but that is because she has been taken advantage of almost all her life and she doesn’t trust people anymore.” Explained Susan.

“Peculiarities.” Scoffed Nate. “She’s an outright stone beauty and she lets a dog have her!” He added incredulously.

“Yeah.” Nodded Susan “Because so many men have only taken her… and used her… that she doesn’t know who to trust. And you didn’t do any better. I know that the loss of your camera cost you a bit but what has the abuse that she has suffered for so long cost her? Please think about it and come to your senses and leave her alone.”

Nate turned to his sister and sighed. “Alright, it’s over. I promise I won’t do anything more against either of you. And I’ll trust you to keep this all a secret.”

“No one will ever know as long as you keep your word Nate. It all hinges on you.” Promised Susan before returning to Karen’s room.

Nate watched his sister reenter the guest bedroom and sighed. He wanted to see Karen again but he knew that he better stick to his word and leave her alone. He could think of only one way to get the hot brunette out of his thoughts and that was to go and find some other babe to help him to forget. He decided to go to Acapulco for a few weeks. And after that… it would be time to return to college. “Out of sight, out of mind.” He whispered to himself. He would leave in the morning.

The girls spent the rest of the night together in Susan’s room. For all her bravado about the rape not bothering her; Karen didn’t want to stay in the room alone that night. It was a quiet evening that ensued and in the end the girls curled up together on the bed and fell asleep. The dogs didn’t even bother them that night; the animals sensed the girl’s mood.

When the girls awoke in the morning, Susan went to Karen’s room to fetch her some clean clothes. When she opened the bedroom door she found a note there that was addressed to Karen from Nate. She took it to her friend immediately and asked if she should open it.

“Does your brother know brail?” Asked Karen.

“No.” said Susan so she opened the thin missive and began reading it aloud to her friend. In the letter Nate apologized for what he did to her and actually asked her to forgive him. He told her how truly beautiful she was, and though it was no real excuse, it was the only one he could think of for doing something so terrible. He mentioned that he was going away then so that he would no longer be tempted and that if they ever met again that she would not hate him.

Karen smiled at hearing this. “It sounds as though your brother has learned a bit.” She intoned.

“Yeah, I just hope he maintains what he’s learned.” Returned the young blonde.

The girls shared breakfast after that and once more ran into Susan’s father. He was congenial, but running late. He did mention that Nate had decided to go to Acapulco on a hurried holiday before he had to return to school but that was about all they caught of his ramblings. It was enough at the moment though.

After breakfast the girls returned upstairs to plan their day. They got as far as Susan’s bedroom before Gray decided that he wanted a little attention. With no more coaxing than they already had the girls stripped out of their robes and undergarments and were soon ready for the affection that the boys were eagerly awaiting to give them.

Susan helped Karen first by positioning her on her back. She knew that her friend had tried unsuccessfully to have Hans mate with her this way so she offered her services on this attempt. “Are you sure you want to be with Gray and I in the same room? I don’t want my blathering as he fucks me to distract you.”

Karen chuckled. “No, I think I can do it this time. And if I don’t get what I need then it’s my fault and I need the practice. Just help my big boy up here for me and I’ll be satisfied. I’m hot already and all I want is for him to be in me and screwing me.”

Susan had to admit that her friend had the right frame of mind so she did as she was bid; no preambles, no nothing. She helped Hans climb aboard his mistress and they were off to the races. He managed to get his cock in her this time and there was no stopping him. As the young blonde lay down on the other side of the bed and readied herself for her lover she knew that Karen was engaged in a very hot ride.

Karen had spread her legs wide in anticipation of what was to come. She felt her lover’s warmth as he covered her belly with his fur and then she felt his heat as he entered her. For whatever reason she was perfectly positioned this time and when Hans came forward his stiffening phallus slid right into her. “Oh yesss…” Hissed the young brunette as she was taken by the male of her choosing. She lifted her arms and legs and brought them against his side so that she could feel him. She offered herself completely to him in an effort to erase the past evening’s events; and it was working.

Karen had gone through a lot of hardships in her life and it was amazing that she was as sane and well adjusted as she was. She had not always been as “blind as a bat” as she liked to refer to herself at times but it had happened quickly and she had compensated. She looked at it this way; at least she had something to reference when someone tried to describe things to her and her mind was able to form a mental picture for her from there.

She had one lover before she became blind but when the accident happened she lost him; he couldn’t adjust. Many… far more terrible things happened to her after that but she coped with them all. What she was able to hang on to was Hans. He was a pest at times but she truly felt as though he loved her and he never judged her because she could not see.

The young brunette began thrusting herself at her lover as hard as he was thrusting into her. Their bodies merged in that one location but their souls merged completely. As her lover took her and she received him they meshed as one entity. She was definitely pouring all herself into this mating and it meant everything to her. “Take me Hans… take me. I want to be only yours from now on and for as long as we can be together Darling.”

By this time, Gray had Susan in his grasp and she was feeling his heat also. She had her arms and legs up and she was thrusting herself at her lover as vigorously as Karen was. “Fuck me Gray… make me feel every centimeter of you hot cock Sweetheart.”

The two beauties and their beasts were absolutely stunning as the lay on either side of the bed and received their lovers into their bodies. Each of them fed off the other’s lust and love and the feeling that permeated the room was one of utter abandonment to the moment at hand. The dogs pounded their female lovers for the better part of fifteen minutes the girls had met the output of the animals with equal exertion of their own.

“Give me your baby Hans.” Sighed Karen deeply after crashing through two orgasms already and then receiving her lover’s knot. “Fuck me completely and knock me up with your child or puppy or whatever you can give me my Love. I just want as much of you as I can possibly have.” She grunted tiredly.

“Yeah, that goes for you too Gray… Fuck me and give me your puppies.” grunted Susan as she too received the Weimaraner’s knot. “Ohhh… Your cock is in my uterus Darling and when you cum you are going to spray any eggs that are there with your sperm. Shoot your seed into me so hard that it breaks all the species barriers and I conceive. I would love to give you a baby and have it feed it from my breasts.”

Susan and Karen orgasamed at almost the same time as their lovers unloaded their sperm into them. And both girls writhed and panted as they received the token of love from their males. Each of them embraced their mate as tightly as they could while his seed flowed into them and they reveled in it. The animals that were deep within them were not pets but lovers. Lovers that each of the girls really wanted to satisfy to their fullest. Lovers that they wanted to supply progeny for.

When the girls finally stirred they didn’t get far before the boys were ready for round two and more. All plans of outside activities were set aside and Susan and Karen were taken repeatedly by their perspective mates. It turned into an orgy of sorts but without the switching of partners. By the time the dogs were done mounting their females the both of them looked to be several months pregnant.

“Oh, wow…” Commented Susan as she looked in a mirror at the profile of both of their pooched out stomach. They were standing facing each other, and between them, still laying on the bed, were Hans and Gray; and they were watching the girls. “I wish you could see this Karen.”

“I can feel a little something.” Replied Karen as she ran her hands over her otherwise flat tummy. “But I can only imagine what it really looks like.” She lamented. “Ohhh… god. Wouldn’t it be so cool if we could become pregnant!” She whispered emphatically as she continued to caress her slightly distended belly.

Susan drew her eyes from the boys in the background and refocused them on her body once more. She had just made love to a dog repeatedly and if he wanted her again she would readily receive him. She looked pregnant; much like when she had been raped weeks before but this time it was different. This time she didn’t want to get the invading fluids out of her. This time she wanted to hold the precious sperm within her as long as she could and hope for the best. Yeah… it would be cool if they could become pregnant by their K9 lovers she agreed mentally.


Nate had left in a hurry, but he was glad that he had now that he was in Acapulco. Everything had gotten out of hand at home and he had to admit that he had been the biggest part of it. But damn… Karen may have been blind but she was the hottest girl he had seen in a long time. And seeing her with her dog had been strange at first, but still… exciting. He knew now that he should have handled it differently but it couldn’t be undone. He was just glad that his parents hadn’t found out that he had raped the sexy little brunette. He knew that if they had found out what he had done that his spending habits would have been severely curtailed. He doubted that they would have taken his schooling from him but he would not have the monthly spending stipend that he had either.

When Nate’s feet hit the tarmac he knew that he was going to be in for a good time. The air was sultry and he loved it that way. The girls would be wearing the skimpiest of outfits weather they were on the beach or around town; it would be a voyeur’s heaven. Even as he picked up his luggage at the baggage claim area he knew that his previous assumption was correct. Eight of the ten girls he saw were flashing more flesh than he had seen in a long time; except for Karen that is. He even managed to get several glimpses of brown nippled breasts, unfettered by bras, under very loose blouses; they knew they were showing what they had and they didn’t care. He had seen several of them smiling at him when they noticed that he was watching and one of them even went so far as to shrug her shoulders a bit to afford him an even better look.

Nate had been to Acapulco twice before but this time he promised himself that he was going to be more adventurous. He didn’t plan to be too… extravagant with his money but he intended to bed a different girl every night. That would hopefully wipe what’s her name from his memory.

After checking in at the hotel that he had made online reservations with, he went down to the bar. Being a six foot tall, well built, handsome young man with light brown hair and brown eyes; he turned the heads of several unattached young ladies and a few guys. He sat on one of the stools and ordered a lite beer before allowing his gaze to slowly drift across the room and scan for potential female companionship. He nodded his head in approval as he counted no less than six girls that he knew he would be interested in for their looks alone.

For being out of season, Nate had to admit that what he saw in the bar at the moment was very interesting. He counted three blonds, two brunettes and a red head and he was just in the process of singling out who he was going to put the moves on first when a young man sidled up to the bar next to him and sought his attention.

“Are you interested in some sightseeing, my friend.” Asked the young man softly.

Nate snorted. “What do you think I’m doing, Bub.”

The man scanned the room quickly. “Yeah, you might score with one of them.” He commented. “But I can make sure you do if you let me help you.”

Nate gave the guy a quick glance. He was wearing casual clothes but they were clean and the cologne that wafted his way was an expensive one. To top that off the watch that the man sported was every bit as expensive as his own Rolex so he was… somewhat impressed. “What makes you think I can’t score one of these?” He returned with a slight nod toward the girls in the room.

“You might.” Said the man. “But what I’m offering is a little on the… wild side.”

“What do you mean by wild side?” Asked Nate.

The young man glanced around a bit to see if any of the other bar patrons were interested or trying to listening in and when he was sure that he could speak freely he continued. “I know this place that is just outside of town and they have these shows there. It’s very… interesting.”

Nate took a big sip of his beer. “What kind of shows?” He asked softly.

“Shows with women and animals.” The man whispered so softly that the very way he did it tantalized the listener.

Nate’s interest was instantly peeked and the man didn’t miss the reaction. He would have known that the guy he was talking to was interested even if the next question left not doubts. “Tell me more about it; and how much would it cost?”

The man reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a business card. “My name is Manuel. I have a lucrative… sightseeing business during the day if you’re interested. But, I also have an evening one. We are very discrete. And… I can assure you that for one hundred dollars you will not be disappointed in what you see. Bring a hundred and fifty and a fine young lady of your choice will even entertain you privately.”

“How do I know that this isn’t a scam or… something worse?” Asked Nate.

Manuel was unperturbed by the question. “Go up to your room and look in the business section of our local phonebook. Find my touring company and you will see a picture of me there. If you want to take advantage of what I have to offer then bring a hundred or a hundred and fifty dollars plus forty dollars round trip taxi fare and stash the rest of your valuables in your room. Bring nothing more than two hundred dollars at the most. Refreshments are provided and I promise you a good time. Go to the address on the card and present it at the door. There will be no hassles to you of any kind, I promise.” And with a smile, he left.

Nate looked at the card that Manuel had given him; it looked like your average business card. It was unremarkable in any way except that on the back there was a hand written note. It said ‘Show time is at Ten PM, Don’t be late.’

Doing what most people do when they see a time noted on a piece of paper, Nate consulted his watch; it was eight thirty. He looked around the room one more time and when he noted that none of the girls were watching him he made up his mind. He finished his beer and headed for his room.

Nate did exactly as Manuel had told him to do. He stashed all his valuables in his room, took two hundred dollars in small bills and his ID and headed for the taxi stand with a very big smile on his face and anticipation that bubbled up within him like a penny balloon filled almost to it’s breaking point. He had seen Hans licking Karen’s sweet looking cunt; would he now be able to see a good looking girl really being fucked by a dog. He sure hoped so because his cock was already bloated with anticipation.

Even as Nate exited the hotel and nodded to the attendant waiting outside the establishment a taxi pulled to a stop only inches from the curb. He got in the conveyance and handed the driver the card. The man looked at it quickly before handing it back to him and then sped away into the dusky evening.

The drive to the place that Manuel had listed on the card took about twenty minutes. The building was indistinguishable in any way; it could have passed for a restaurant or bar easily: and in effect that is exactly what it was. Nate paid the taxi driver the money that was owed and then stepped up to the door and the man waiting there. He handed the guy the slip of paper and the man nodded after he had read it thoroughly.

Nate was ushered into the establishment but instead of going beyond the foyer and into the bar further he was directed to a small obscure door off to the side and directed to descend into the lower level of the building. He did as he was bid; thankful that he wasn’t claustrophobic because the close quarters that he found himself in were very tight.

By the time Nate reached the bottom of the stairs he was wondering what he had gotten himself into. If it hadn’t been for another guard standing in a much larger room at the base of the ramp he would have been tempted to get the fuck out of there.

Nate was searched quickly by the guard and at first he was sure he had been swindled. The man did a thorough job and was soon holding everything that the young American had in his pants pockets.

The Hispanic gentleman looked at the contents of his search and then returned them to the young man. All he cared about was that there were no hidden weapons except for the one he carried. “There is a one hundred fee to go any further Senor.” Stated the man evenly. “However, if after you enter the next room and you don’t see things that you like you have five minutes to return her and fifty of you dollars will be returned to you no questions asked.”

Nate nodded his understanding but then added. “Manuel said something about an extra fifty I…”

“Yes Senor,” Interrupted the man. “But that comes later if you see something you like. You will have to deal with the young ladies in there my friend.” He added with raised eyebrows and a nod.

Nate counted out a hundred dollars and then stuffed the rest of the money and his ID into the front left pants pocket. He waited for the man to acknowledge that he had enough cash and was then ushered into another long corridor. He made his way down it until he found himself in a larger room and what he found there brightened his spirits.

The light in the room was subdued but easily allowed him to move about freely. On his immediate left was a large fully stocked bar and two bar tenders. In the center was a low platform rising about two foot off the ground, and around it were a lot of chairs. He hadn’t gotten into the room very far before one of the men addressed him. “Can I help you Senor? What would you like to drink?”

Being in Mexico, Nate chose a drink with tequila in it and then continued to scan the room while the man made it for him. In all he counted about twenty men whom he figured to be tourists like himself but he also counted about thirty young women present also and two of them were headed his way.

Nate was lousy at guessing ages but he would have put the two beauties that were closing in on him at between eighteen to twenty. Both of them were exceptionally pretty and the sheer dresses that they wore only added to their charm. Four small tight nipples poked the upper levels of the garment and left little doubt as to how succulent they would be if he was able to latch on to them. He heard the bar tender place his drink on the counter behind him and announce that it was ready for him but he ignore the guy completely. He wasn’t about to turn his head away at the moment.

“Good evening Senor,” Came the girls’ voices almost in unison.

“Yeah, I think it is.” Intoned Nate so enthralled with what he saw that he could hardly speak.

The girls giggled. “Are you alone?” Asked the taller of the two.

“Yeah.” Returned Nate as he feasted his eyes upon the two girls. Both of them were thin but still very pleasant to look at. They had fine looking breasts, slim wastes and just the right amount of hip as far as he was concerned. The only thing that troubled him at the moment was that when it came down to it that he was probably going to have to chose just one of them.

“Would you like one of us to be your companion for the evening?” Asked the same girl with a sexy smile that would have melted an ice cube almost instantly.

“For fifty dollars Senor,” Added the other girl. “One of us will be very glad to make sure that you have the best experience possible while you are here.”

“I would definitely like that.” Stated Nate. “”And I hate to make either of you ladies feel unwanted, but I would like you to be with me.” He added as he reached for the tallest of the two girls; she matched his own height better.

“Thank you Senor.” Said the girl softly. She then moved to his side and soon had her arms around his waist and was snuggling close to him.

Nate watched as the other girl moved away, but his companion didn’t let him dwell on her competition for long. “Let’s find a quiet spot and talk a bit before the show starts.” Said the girl in a sexy yet quavering Hispanic voice. “I’d like to know more about you Senor.”

Nate looked into the girl’s eyes and smiled. “You can call me Nate.” He said and then whispered under his breath. “Especially since I plan to get to know you a whole lot better.”

The girl smiled back at him as they headed toward one of the darkened alcoves of the room. “And you can call me Maria.” She returned.

Once the couple was sequestered in one of the many niches that permeated the outer wall of the room Maria sat on his lap. “Do you wish for me to… stay with you during the whole show Nate?” She asked with a slight nod of her head.

Nate looked at her for a moment and then it dawned on him what she was getting at. “”Oh, yeah.” He whispered huskily as he fumbled for the money that was in his front pocket. It wasn’t easy getting at the cash but he didn’t want her to leave his lap and she didn’t seem to want to move either.

Nate handed the girl sixty dollars and as she counted it out she called him on it. “I don’t have any change on me Nate.” She said truthfully. “I will have to go and get you some.”

Nate stopped her. “Keep it, I have a feeling that it will be worth it to me.” He intoned.

Maria smiled at the gringo. This was her second night on the job; the first one had been a total bust. She had not even been picked that first evening. The only guy left had been so drunk by the time the show started that he didn’t even want her. She had gone through a lot of hard times and she had determined that she would have to sell herself if she was to make it. For the most part this was just an easy way to make money in a poor country. She placed the sixty dollars in a small leather pouch that hung around her ankle and then returned her attention to Nate.

Once the business part of the evening was out of the way Maria began running her hands over as much of Nate’s body as she could without moving. She shifted a bit and moved her mouth closer to his ear. “You can touch me.” She whispered; steeling herself for what was to come. “You can rub me anywhere you want. I’m yours until the end of the show remember?”

Nate smiled and then began to run his hands over Maria’s sheer coverings. He thought he was really making progress until she lifted the bottom edge of the garment and gave him unfettered access to her upper charms. A smile came to his lips as he ran his hands over her bare breasts and felt the taut mounds of flesh and hardened nipples.

Maria moaned her satisfaction as Nate caressed her. She was truly enjoying the touch of this man as he manipulated her flesh. He did not try to maul or crush her as some of her previous boyfriends had done. She actually felt as though he really wanted to make love to her not just use her. It was a feeling that she had never felt before and it was confusing. She turned to look at his face as he touched her to see if she could really read his demeanor.

Nate ran his hands over the sweet girl’s breasts for a few moments more and then allowed his digits to wander southward. He encountered a flat belly which he manipulated gently before moving even lower. As he began to encounter her patch he looked at her face; he wanted to see her reaction to his advances. He was surprised to see her staring right back at him.

“You will have to forgive me Senor.” Intone the girl. “I am new to this and… not very good at it.”

Nate let his hand rest where it was over her pubic patch but unable to go any further because her legs were not open. “What do you mean… you’re new to this?” He asked softly, wondering if she was leading him along and trying to fool him.

Maria sighed. “This is only my second night doing this and last night was bad. No one even wanted me. I…”

Nate stopped her. “Are you telling me the truth Maria?” He asked in a sincere voice.

“Se, I won’t lie to you.” Maria said softly. “Maybe I should go and get Consuelo for you. She is better at this than I am.” She added as she reached for the small leather purse to return the money.

Nate stopped her. “Let me ask you one more thing. Is your name really Maria?”

The girl looked around a bit and sighed. “We are told that it is not wise to give out our real names but since this is going to be my last day here any way I might as well tell you. My name is Vesta Maria Martinez.”

“Why is this going to be your last, Vesta? I thought you just started. Don’t you like what’s going to happen here?” Asked Nate softly.

Vesta continued to look him straight in the eyes. “I think it’s really sexy Nate, but I don’t think I can do all this for money. My family is poor and we really need help but… I don’t know. If my father were still alive and knew what I was doing her he’d probably kill me.”

Nate chewed his lower lip for a moment as he contemplated what he had just heard. He really had a thing for Hispanic chicks even though most of the girls he had bedded were white. “Vesta, will you come with me tonight, after the show? I think I would really like to get to know you better.”

The look of doubt slowly left Vesta’s face. “Why do you want me? I cannot really offer you… anything.”

“How about just being my companion for the next week.” He offered. “I’ll pay you to show me the city, the beach and any other places of interest that you can think of. And you don’t even have to sleep with me… unless… you really want to.”

“You mean I can keep the money you gave me and I don’t have to have sex with you?” She asked, testing his resolve.

Nate sighed. “Yes, that is exactly what I mean.” He said as he pulled his hand away from her pubic hair. He liked what he saw in this girl and he was willing to see how things would pan out if she would honestly try. He knew that she was no virgin but then neither was he and he felt as though inexplicable things were happening between them.

Nate didn’t get to see the smile that crossed her face because the dim alcove lights went out completely just moments before the center stage lights came on in all their fullness. He did however feel her draw close to him and whisper in his ear. “I accept.” And then she left his lap but pulled him along with her as she moved toward the raised dais in the middle of the room.

The young American followed Vesta’s silhouette as best he could but he still collided with her when she came to an abrupt stop at the back of the chairs. She pulled him close to her and when they had stopped he was pressed firmly against her back with one hand on her bare breast and the other hovering over her lower belly just above her hairy patch; she had guided them there. “I want you.” She whispered as she looked over her shoulder and then she turned toward the stage and what was happening there.

Nate nuzzled Vesta’s neck and then allowed his hands to roam freely as they watched the first girl to be a part of this evening’s entertainment. On stage were a naked young woman and a large German shepherd. The lady started out but stroking the animal but it escalated quickly from there. It wasn’t long before she was sucking him and then it seemed as though the animal took over the show as he bowled her over and mounted her.

Vesta and Nate were far from inactive. She had managed to free his cock from his pants before leaning forward over the chair backs and it gave him access to her charms. She felt his hardened shaft as he prodded her with it and she encouraged him the best she could but reaching between her legs and guiding him into her. She sighed contentedly as he buried his cock in her pussy.

On stage the dog was fucking the young woman with fervor and the cheers from the crowd spurred it on like pouring gasoline on an already lit fire. It wasn’t long before almost every male in the room had his cock imbedded in a female one way or another and each of the females was thrusting back at her partner to take as much of his as she could. Only one couple though was really making love.

It was impossible for Nate to match the speed of the Shepherd as he thrust himself into Vesta but he tried. He heard the girl on stage as she pleaded for the dog to fuck her harder but he also heard the beauty that he was in ask for the same and he did everything he could to fulfill her desires. As the woman and animal on the dais orgasmed so did Nate. He poured his sperm into Vesta and held her tight as though by doing so it would help his fluids sink into her even deeper.

Vesta sighed as she pressed herself against her lover’s chest and felt him empty himself into her. She had orgasmed at the same time he had and it was a first for her. She didn’t even bother herself with the fact that Nate hadn’t used a condom; this too was a first. She had never had a man’s sperm in her. It frightened her at first but then she shunted it aside; what was done was done and she would hope for the best.

Nate stayed cuddled to Vesta and they watched as another girl and dog took the place of the first pair. The scene was almost a repeat of the earlier show except that the players were different. It wasn’t long before the young man could feel that he was still hard inside his little Hispanic beauty and he began thrusting into her again. His pace was slower this time even though the pair on stage was going almost a mile a minute. He was pleased though to hear Vesta grunting with each impact his cock made into her.

The evening wore on and a third young woman took the stage. The dog that took her was a Dane and she was so vocal in how the animal was fucking her that Nate thought for sure that she could be heard all the way outside.

As they watched, Vesta began thrusting back at Nate even harder and they held the deepest part of the union for several seconds. She knew that she was really pushing his first deposit of cum into her in a way that if she was fertile that there was no way she wouldn’t get pregnant. She wanted it, and yet she wondered if she was being fair to this man she had just met. She was already having feelings for him, sould she tell him he might be giving her his baby?

The couple on stage climaxed loudly with the woman moaning how big and deep her lover was inside of her and the dog howled. But it was by no means any more intense than the orgasm that Nate and Vesta experienced. Once more his life giving essence flowed into her and she received it willingly. They had coupled at almost the beginning of the show and he had stayed in her the whole time. It was something the young man had never done before. He had been erect for almost an hour and making good use of it also.

As the last act ended, the lights came up dimly around the room. Most of the men had long since just sat down and watched the rest of the show but some of them busied themselves by pulling their pants up and finishing what they had been doing. Not a single man left the room unfulfilled or undrained of their sexual desires; no one felt cheated of the money they had given.

Nate pulled his cock out of Vesta and then made sure that she was covered as best her garment could before he worried about himself. He stuffed his well used and somewhat tender manhood into his shorts soon after that and then gently drew her to him. He noted the concerned look on her face but he kissed her first before he asked her about it. “Is everything okay?”

She smiled at him. “Everything is fine Nate.” She said softly, but there was still that look in her eyes.

Nate didn’t press her at the moment; he decided to wait for later. When he left the club he bided his time and eventually he saw her leave the door that he had originally entered; just where she said she would be. He called to her and she smiled when she saw him. “You didn’t think I’d be here did you?” He asked.

“I hoped you would be.” She said honestly. “I trust that what we shared tonight was… something special.”

“It was.” Responded Nate as he took her in his arms and kissed her. “And I’m hoping that the night isn’t over just yet Sweetheart.” He added before hailing a nearby cabbie.


Chapter Eleven

Back in California Susan and Karen had no idea what Nate had found in Acapulco but they themselves were having the time of their lives. Gray and Hans had fucked the two girls so much that each of them looked to be several months pregnant and even after the animals had serviced the girls six times throughout the day they were still coming back for more it was like a sex-tathalon and the boys were winning.

Susan and Karen were giggling about how horny their dogs were as they returned from going to the bathroom to unload some of the sperm that had been pumped into them. When they entered the bedroom again everything looked normal for the moment; the dogs were lying down in their respective corners.

The young blonde ushered her friend into the room and they had just sat down on the bed when the dogs took note of them again. Karen never saw Hans coming but she did hear Susan’s comment. “Oh shit, here they come again.”

Both girls had been sitting side by side; and now both of them were pushed onto their backs. Their dogs wasted no time in positioning themselves between their legs and almost in unison both girls grunted as Gray and Hans claimed their bitches again.

As far as the girls were concerned there was no sense in fighting what their dogs wanted so they simply co-operated. They opened their legs wide and invited their lovers into them as best they could. Once the animal was into them as deep as he was about to go they closed their legs about him and joined in on the bout of lovemaking.

Karen kissed and was kissed by Hans as he thrust himself into her. She lifted her arms around him also and pulled him close to her. In this manner he was unable to really fuck her hard and fast and she was actually able to enjoy the feel of his sizable shaft inside her vaginal vault. “Fuck me Darling.” She cooed as though he would understand her every work. “Fuck me and give me one of your puppies.” She pleaded.

Not too far from the young brunette lay Susan and she was doing just about the same thing to Gray as Karen was doing to Hans. The only exception was that her lover wasn’t just a blur. The young blonde could see everything as it was happening and that aspect alone added to the mix in a way that enhanced the total experience.

Susan kissed Gray also and she ran her hands over his sleek fur. She pulled him close to her and locked her legs around him in a way that allowed her to thrust at him as he thrust at her. She felt his huge cock batter the end of her tube and eventually the tip of his penis nudged its way into her cervical opening.

She pulled him tighter then, and as his knot entered her his cock burrowed deeper into her womanhood also. She was now locked to the male of her choosing and she wanted his seed in her so bad that she could taste it. “You have me Gray.” She cooed softly. “You are so deep inside me darling that if it is ever possible for you to fuck me and make me pregnant that now will be that time. Take me Sweetheart and give me your sperm. I would really love to carry your puppy in my belly. Give it to me…” She hissed huskily as her own orgasm claimed her.

Gray had no idea what his mate was saying but her tone of voice and her body language urged him on. The heat and feel of her interior as she orgasmed milked his hard shaft handily and even though he had spilled his seed into this willing bitch several times before he was able to give her more. He was doing everything that he could to have puppies with this strange female. He did not know love per say, but he did know devotion and that is what he sensed. She was his now and he wanted offspring from her.

By the time the dogs were done with the girls this time all they could manage to do was crawl onto the bed further and fall asleep. It was a strange and ethereal rest because each of them invaded the other’s dreams.

The girls found themselves in a stark white room and both of them were resting on delivery beds. The fact that Karen could see never even amazed them but what did catch their attention was the fact that their bulging bellies were moving and they could feel their soon to be delivered babies making their way through the birth canal.

There was no pain as they saw water pour out from between their spread legs and there was no fear or dread either. Each of them caressed her own stomach gently and soon had the urge to bear down and push with their vaginal muscles. As though on cue, two beautiful puppies spurted from where their fathers had originally planted them and the girls picked them up and hugged them to their chest. Each of the pups looked like a smaller pudgier version of their sire and it wasn’t long after that before Susan and Karen had their cute little bundles feeding from their engorged breasts; the feel of it all was pure ecstasy.

In Mexico, that very same night, Nate was escorting Vesta into his room at the motel on the beach. She had seen the luxury establishments many times before but she had never really been in one. She had been with boyfriends before but none of them had ever taken her to a place like this. Her sexual experiences had always been in the back seat of a car or against the alley wall as the guy she was with satisfied himself inside of her. She had actually considered herself lucky that the guys she had been with had worn condoms; but now things were different.

Vesta knew that she was a very beautiful girl. She was smart and somewhat streetwise but her education was only that of an American eighth grader. She knew that she lacked a lot and that was why she had turned to the animal show to make money; besides, it did intrigue her. However, there was also a shyness about her that many men seemed to sense and it turned them off because they wanted a girl that was sexually bold and outgoing at that time of the evening.

Once Nate had the room door closed and locked he turned to Vesta and addressed her. “What’s the matter? You seem withdrawn and quiet since we were together at the club. Have I done something wrong? Have I frightened you?”

The young Hispanic beauty looked at her latest lover and wondered just how serious his intensions were toward her. There was something different about this handsome young man that was drawing her to him even though she had just met him. Could there be an attraction between two people strong enough to bind them together at first glance. “I think I have made a very serious mistake Nate.”

“Mistake?” Questioned Nate before Vesta could even explain her feelings. “Don’t you want to be here with me?” He asked.

“Nate, please hear me out before you say anything else… and come to the wrong ideas.” Said Vesta in broken English. “I… I want to be here with you. But… I’m also afraid. I wasn’t too careful earlier. When you made love to me at the club… I forgot to make you wear a rubber. I have never been with anyone who wasn’t protected until tonight… until you. You are different and I”

Nate was taken aback for a moment. “You mean… I might have made you pregnant?” He asked.

Vesta hung her head momentarily. “Yes… but please understand that I am not trying to put this burden on you. I really like you Nate but it is my fault that this may have happened and I will have to live with it.”

Nate looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and he felt no guile in anything that she had told him. He had always made sure that any girl that he had been with was protected in some form or another but in this case he had not done it. He was as much to blame as Vesta was. “What do you plan to do if you are pregnant?” He asked.

Vesta smiled weakly. “I will have the baby and raise it the best I can. I do not believe in abortion Nate.” She responded and then she turned to go.

The young man was quick to act but even so his touch on Vesta’s shoulder was gentle. “Please don’t go. I want you to stay with me and we’ll figure this out together. If you are going to have my baby there is no way in the world I’d leave you without help.”

“Why would you do this for me?” Asked the girl.

“Because I like what I see in you Vesta.” He stated honestly. “I want to spend time with you and get to know you better. There is a chemistry between us and I think that you have felt it also. I know you didn’t forget to give me the condom on purpose but like me, when we got together, you simply forgot to think about it because of the excitement you felt. Am I right?”

Vesta turned and looked Nate in the eyes. “I do like you Nate but if I stay with you it doesn’t mean that I’m going to sleep with you.” She threw at him to get his reaction. Did he want her for sex… or did he truthfully want to be with her.

“What ever you want Vesta.” Returned Nate. “All I honestly desire is your company. There are two beds in this room and you can choose the one you want without worrying about me bothering you.”

The young Hispanic babe looked at the first man she had ever really desired and steeled her resolve. She had to see if Nate really meant what he said. “I’ll stay with you, but no sex!” She added emphatically.

Nate nodded his acceptance. He really wanted to make love to her again but if this was what it took to prove himself to her then he would do it. They slept in separate beds that night just as he promised and as he lay there before sleep overtook him he wondered if she was pregnant. Had he put a baby into the beautifully hot senorita that lay only a few feet away from him? “Damn.” He muttered to himself. He wanted so bad to go over to her and shove his cock into her and make love to her.

When the girls awoke in the morning Susan and Karen actually managed to get to the bathroom and clean up a bit. They thought the sexual marathon was over and the young blonde was headed for her room when she happened to look back and saw Hans bowling his mistress to the ground and endeavoring to mount her.

The whole tableau was so erotic as Susan peered over her shoulder and into the guest room. She saw the large Shepherd push Karen to her knees and partially on to the bed. He was soon covering her and she knew he had entered Karen when she heard her friend grunting in time with the rapid pace that only a dog could set.

She didn’t have too much time to witness much more though because she too was being tackled from behind and soon found that Gray had taken a renewed interest in her also. She was amazed at how easy he found her opening and shoved himself into her. Was it all his doing, or did they simply know each other so well by now that she held herself at just the right height to receive him. It was a passing thought and it was quickly washed away by the feel of Gray’s cock as it pushed deeper and deeper into her with each and every sweet thrust that he made into her. “Fuck me Darling.” She hissed as she arched her back and presented her pussy to her lover at a better angle. “Fuck me all you want Gray. I’m yours anytime you want me.” She added with conviction.

Susan had no idea what time of day it was exactly but even so she felt fairly secure at the moment as her animal lover pounded his sizable cock into her willing body. Her brother was in Mexico somewhere, her father was at work and her mother was more than likely at some tea party somewhere. She didn’t expect to open her eyes as she reveled in the feel of Gray as he poured his cum into her and see her Mom sitting on the top step staring at her. “Oh god…” She groaned, more in ecstasy than shame.

Alexis Morgan had heard a commotion upstairs just as she was about to leave the house. As she walked quietly up the stairs the sound that came to her ears was a familiar one. She wasn’t too surprised when she rounded the top of the incline and saw her daughter under the Weimaraner. The girl and dog were really in to it; so much so that Susan didn’t even know that she was there for several minutes.

Alexis smiled at her daughter once their eyes met and the first words out of her mouth were probably a huge surprise to the girl. “He looks like he really has you good and deep.” She offered in a soft sexy voice.

“He does.” Returned Susan in a panting sigh. “He’s got his cock in my cervical opening and he’s pumping his sperm right into my uterus right now. It’s like he knew it would be hard to make me pregnant so he’s doing his best to give his seed the optimal opportunity.”

Susan watched as her mom crept closer and then disappeared from sight behind her. The large gray dog with his short hair made it easy for the elder Morgan to get a really good look at the sexual proceedings.

“Oh yeah.” Moaned Alexis softly as she allowed her hand to cup her own vaginal mound and give it a squeeze through the shorts that she wore. She was totally tempted to slip out of her cloths and caress herself with just her panties on but she held off. “I can see his cute little balls still twitching like he’s trying to pump as much of his puppy batter into you as possible.”

Susan was totally astounded at what she was hearing. When she had opened her eyes and saw her mother looking at her she thought for sure that her parent was going to explode in anger or disgust. What was transpiring was far from the tableau that she had envisioned if she had ever been caught. As it was it took her a moment to realize that her mother was no longer behind her but in the guest bedroom. She looked to her left and saw the slightly older version of herself looking at Karen and Hans also. She heard talking but didn’t catch anything that was said.

Several minutes passed before Alexis returned to her daughter’s side and by then most to the deed was done. All the girls had to do now was wait for their lover’s knots to go down and they would be able to go about their business again. “I suppose I really have you wondering about why I’m taking the fact that I found the dog fucking you so calmly?” She stated.

“Yeah I am.” Intoned Susan as she knelt there in front of her mother while she and the dog were still attached genital to genital.

Alexis smiled at her daughter. “Let me tell you about what happened to me when I was your age… My aunt and uncle were in a devastating automobile accident; my uncle didn’t survive but my aunt did and while she convalesced she needed some TLC. I was chosen to help her and at the time I was totally bummed about it. I ended up spend almost the entire summer of my first year of graduation taking care of a woman I really didn’t know too much about.”

“It was actually quite easy though as there was a nurse there and she took care of my aunt’s medical needs. All I had to do was cook and clean and I found I had a lot of free time on my hands.”

“Anyway, my uncle also had two large hunting dogs; mutts actually but he had really loved them. One day when I was swimming in the pond I decide that I wanted to go skinny-dipping. I swam for about five minutes and then decided to lay in the sun. While I was spreading my towel on the ground I was on my hands and knees to do it and before I knew what was happening I found Ben on my back and he was humping away at me.”

“At first I thought he was playing but when his cock bumped my pussy lips I was startled and stiffened a bit. It was all it took for him to find me and shove his hot cock into me. I was no virgin but I still cried at first as he fucked me. I think my tears lasted a whole two minutes and then my body took over and I began to really enjoy what I was feeling. It wasn’t long after that when I began arching my back and pushing myself onto his shaft also.”

Alexis stopped her narrative and looked her daughter in the eyes.”How did you get started with dogs, Darling?”

Susan chuckled a bit. “It was dogs that started with me and I was a virgin when it happened. I was actually going to try and kill the bastards that raped me but in the end it looks like they won. I really love the way Gray makes me feel when we’re together.”

“Have you ever had him missionary style?” Asked Alexis.

“Oh yeah.” Susan responded as she thrust herself back onto Gray’s cock a bit and feel its movement within her. “I love it when big boy here takes me missionary style. I can kiss him, hug him and really feel as though we are a mated pair. I love to look in his eyes as he’s spurting his cum into me. It makes me feel even more that he’s trying to put his puppies in me and it makes my orgasms just that much more intense.”

Susan’s mother had been running her hands over her ample breasts and vaginal area slowly while they were talking and the action was not missed by the younger blonde. “The first time my uncle’s dogs took me.” Alexis finally continued. “I had never had an orgasm brought on by someone else. I had been with a few guys but they had only been interested in their own satisfaction. But when Ben and Jerry took me that day I must have climaxed at least eight times.”

“I climaxed the first time with Ben and when he was done with me Jerry took over. He fucked me to two consecutive orgasms and then I lost track of where the excitement came from as the mutts fucked me over and over for more than an hour. By the time the boys were done with me the first time I was already hooked on dog sex and I couldn’t wait to be with them again.”

Susan grunted as Gray pulled out of her and then he began licking her vaginal lips. “Did anyone ever catch you with the dogs?” She asked.

Alexia began shaking her head but then stopped and her eyes went wide. “Oh… my… god…” She exclaimed as she finally got a chance to see the cock that had been imbedded in her daughter’s pussy. “How did Gray ever get that thing inside of you?”

Susan smiled at her mother as she sat down and then pulled Gray close to her so that she could hug him. “He’s very gentle.” She returned as she caressed him.

For the moment the sexual escapades were over and the girls were finally able to get cleaned up without the boys insisting on another bout of lovemaking. Alexis called all the people she had planned to meet and when the girls came down stairs to the kitchen she had food waiting for all of them. It was a very interesting meal; made so by the conversation more than the food consumed.


Chapter Twelve

After eating various portions of the food that was set before them the girls finally began to open up even more. Karen wasn’t as aggressive in asking questions, or divulging secrets, but she gradually joined in. “How long has it been since you were last with a dog?” Asked Susan of her mother.

Alexis cocked her head a bit, trying to remember the answer to that pertinent question. “It was shortly after your father and I met. I loved being taken by the dogs but I also began to fear that it would get out of hand. I wouldn’t let Thomas go any further than feeling up my breasts and caressing my pussy through my panties. But Ben and Jerry were banging the shit out of me almost every night and sometimes during the day also.”

“It got to a point; much like it is with you girls now that I wanted to feel their babies inside of me. I wanted a whole litter of them and when the boys locked their cocks into me I could almost picture it happening. Jerry in particular was good at entering my cervix and dumping his load in me almost unhindered. I felt his hot sperm enter my tubes so many times I’d be surprised if some of him isn’t still tucked away in a corner somewhere. It makes me hot to think about it.” She added as she fanned her face.

“Well, one day I had been with the Ben and he didn’t even lock his knot into me. I cleaned up afterward because I was going to go out with your father on a date. I didn’t want Ben’s seed to come out of me and soil my panties so I douched. Anyway, one thing led to another that night and your father managed to bend me over the back railing at my aunt’s house. Before I knew it he had me hot and bothered and I felt his cock rubbing against my panty covered pussy lips. He thrust at me with ever increasing force and before I realized it he was in me. I hadn’t gotten all of the dog’s cum out of me and it aided his entry. The funny part was that he thought that it was my fluids prepping the way for him to fuck me and to this day he has no idea why I was so wet. The big thing though was that I wasn’t on the pill. When he unloaded his sperm in me he did what the dogs were totally unable to do and nine months later your brother was born. I have no doubts as to who sired your brother He would have needed a lot more body hair for me to think that Thomas wasn’t the daddy.

“So you haven’t been with a dog in over twenty years.” Stated Karen flatly.

Alexis nodded. “Yeah, and all of a sudden I’m beginning to have some very intense cravings. Your father hasn’t been with me much lately. It’s some kind of erectile dysfunction thing brought on by his high blood pressure.”

“Really,” Returned Susan suggestively.”Well, I think I know how to satisfy you new itch again Mom.”

“Ohhh…” Cooed Alexis as she eyed the two dogs that were in the room. “That sounds promising.”

“But not with them, Mom.” She added quickly in an effort to quell her Mother’s burgeoning desires. “Karen and Hans are exclusive and so are Gray and I now that he’s living with us. What we need to do is find you a dog of your own. One that Dad won’t mind or even give a second thought to. It may take a bit to accomplish but slow and precise is better than making a big mistake and having to pay for it later.

“Alright Darling, but don’t keep me waiting too long.” Cooed Alexis. I have very fond memories about being with Ben and Jerry and I want to see if they are as good as I remembered.”

“I’ll make sure that you’re not disappointed Mom.” Offered Susan seriously.

Down in Mexico Nate awoke and stared over at Vesta. He wanted so bad to go over to her and caress every inch of skin she had showing; but he kept his promise to her. He groaned inwardly as the young Hispanic moved and the sheet was pulled from around her finely trimmed pubic area. He hadn’t realized that she had crawled under the sheets naked. He was able to see her clam like slit that he had made love to only hours ago and he wanted her again so bad that he could just about taste her.

Nate sighed deeply and then turned away from the girl. He edged himself out of bed and then entered the bathroom to shower. He had just gotten the water adjusted the way he liked it when he was startled by a hand on his shoulder. The sight that met his eyes was like a balm to them.

“Why didn’t you try to make a move on me as I lay in the bed?” Asked Vesta. “I even tempted you by letting you see my pussy again but you still didn’t try anything.”

“Vesta.” Said Nate softly. “I want you… But I also want you to know how serious I am about you. I love having sex with you but it’s far more than that. I want you in my life.” And then he pulled her to him and kissed her. He didn’t paw her or run his hands over her totally exposed flesh. He did what he thought would let her know that she was more to him than an easy piece of ass.

All in all it worked because within a few minutes the two of them were in the shower together and washing each other with gentle caressing strokes. They managed to enjoy themselves thoroughly without coupling and the young Hispanic girl wondered at first why he didn’t make love to her right there in the shower.

“Well for one thing Darling, I seem to have misplaced my condoms somewhere.” Explained Nate. “I can wait to be with you until we get out and buy some more.”

“But I told you Nate, I’m probably already pregnant because of what we did in the club.” Stated Vesta.

“Yeah, and if you are… no problem… I will take care of you and the baby.” He offered. “And if by some chance you are not pregnant yet… we don’t want to complicate matters by making you pregnant. Either way Vesta I want you to be with me. I want you to be a part of my life from now on.”

Once Nate and Vesta were ready they set out about town their first stop was a pharmaceutical store where they could obtain condoms. Then he had her show him points of local interest around Acapulco; not just the beaches and their scantily clad vixens. He had what he wanted at the moment and he hoped that if he played his cards right that Vesta just might return with him to the states. He really wanted a future with her.

As the two talked about far more intimate things Nate out found that Vesta had never experienced having a dog yet even though she was totally enthralled by it. He wasn’t sure how he was going to make this all come about but he sure planned to try. It was while they were on their first tour into the countryside that they finally found their opportunity.

The tour was several hours long and if you wanted to stay longer. The company that offered it was very flexible. You could even stay the whole night if you wanted and then return to Acapulco the next day. In this particular town dogs were numerous. The hard part was in finding one that looked clean enough and was behaved enough to have it service Vesta. He definitely didn’t want her hurt.

It was while they were walking through a particular parking lot that they saw a huge motor home pull into the area. Nate didn’t pay too much attention to it at first but when the family disembarked, with them was a fair sized dog. The man tied him to the bumper of the vehicle in the shade and the woman doted on the animal as though he was more than just a mutt.

Nate watched with interest. He could have sworn he saw the woman glance quickly at the man and then the kids. She subtly kissed the K9 when she saw she wasn’t being watched. The group then ambled off toward a two hour excursion of some local sites of interest.

Nate didn’t relish the idea of taking the dog but he decided that if he was going to fulfill Vesta’s desire in a timely manner that he had to do something. Even as he strolled over to the vehicle and released the animal he promised to himself that he would never do it again. Within fifteen minutes they had borrowed the animal and were now in a secluded area that Nate felt sure would afford them the privacy they wanted and needed.

Vesta looked at the dog longingly and her heart fluttered within her. She had heard about women and animals many years ago. And then when she had gotten into the club she saw it firsthand. This dog was beautiful and well taken care of; she doubted that she would be able to allow some mangy mutt off the street to take her in such a personal way.

Vesta knelt by the animal and petted him gently. After a bit she took off her shorts and panties and bare herself for the dog. She even sat on the grass and spread her thin tapering legs; giving him easier access to her vaginal slit. As the beast began to become interested in her she moaned her pleasure as his tongue delved deeper and deeper into her tender flesh.

“Oh god… that looks so hot.” Hissed Nate as he helped support her back and make it easier for her to open up to the animal.

“You really don’t mind sharing me with a dog.” Asked Vesta huskily as the feel of her borrowed lover’s tongue lifted her excitement higher and higher with each and every stroke.

“Not as long as you don’t forget me in the process Vesta.” Nate said honestly.

“I won’t.” Promised the young Hispanic lady as she turned to face him and offer herself to the animal doggy style.

Nate watched as Vesta began engulfing his manhood with her mouth. She didn’t take too much of him into her at first but slowly built up to it. The dog came into play next as he stopped licking the girl from behind and mounted her. He thrust at her several times and the girl was sure that she was going to have to help him when his cock entered her and drove into her several inches.

“He’s in… me Nate… the dog… is in me… and he’s… going deeper… with each thrust… that he makes.” Panted Vesta in time with the animal’s pounding.

The dog was not as fast as some of the animals that were at the club but then Vesta was sure that she preferred it that way. She didn’t want to be mindlessly pounded into oblivion. She wanted to be able to enjoy the feel of the dog as he moved inside of her and that was exactly what was happening. “Fuck me doggy.” She encouraged the mutt. “Fuck me good. Ohhh… yeah…”

Nate enjoyed the feel of his cock being sucked on as Vesta was serviced by the dog. In a way though, he wished that he had fucked Vesta first and then allowed the animal to have her. The whole point of this was that he wanted to cum at least twice and he knew that he’d get a second erection as he watched the dog and the girl. Case in point; the animal show. He had remained erect inside of Vesta for over an hour and that had never happened before.

It wasn’t too much longer before Vesta sighed contentedly and orgasmed. She felt the dog as he shot his hot sperm into her but she also knew that he had not set his knot into her. She wasn’t too disappointed by this outcome though as she was sure that her ability to take a dog would improve over time and she seemed to have a man who would understand her needs and help her.

When the dog pulled out of Vesta she remained exactly where she was and waited for Nate to take her. She watched as he quickly rolled a condom into place over his steel hard shaft and then hurried to mound her. She sighed contentedly once more as he entered her; burying himself in her as deeply as possible. He then reached around and manipulated her breasts; she loved to have her breasts touched and that was one thing that she missed with the animal.

Nate thrust himself into Vesta slowly, savoring the closeness that he shared with this exotic beauty to the utmost. While he moved within her and stimulated her senses from the inside he also caressed her other sensitive areas. His finger tips grazed her taut brown nipples and he sought out her clit also to make sure that it was not forgotten. By the time he was ready to cum he had already pushed her over one orgasmic pinnacle and almost to the second. When he heard her whimper in ecstasy again he allowed himself to climax also. His only regret was that he wasn’t pumping his sperm into her for real. He wondered if she was really pregnant with his baby already and if it wouldn’t be easier for him to get her back into the U.S. if she was.

An hour and a half after they had borrowed the animal Nate was reattaching its leash to the bumper of the vehicle from which they had taken it. All in all it had been an interesting experience for the both of them but he looked forward to even better times when they would be able to control everything better.

“I think that dog has mated with a woman before.” Commented Vesta as they walked away from the motor home. “He seemed used to such behavior. I noticed that he was very calm, even around strangers.”

Nate recalled the actions of the woman and had to agree with Vesta. The animal had more than likely been with a woman before and he tried to recall exactly what the lady that had kissed the dog had looked like. From what he remembered she was very good looking; someone he would have looked at, though older, if he hadn’t already been with the new love of his life.

Back in the U.S. Susan had made plans for her mother for that evening. She told Karen about what she wanted to do and then invited her along. “Don’t you think that what you are planning is a little… dangerous?” Asked the brunette.

“Not really,” Returned Susan. “I don’t plan on leaving the car so I’m sure we’ll be safe.”

“I don’t mean for us… I mean for your Mom.” Added Karen. “I remember what you told me about the dogs near that house and how they fucked you over and over. What if they do the same to your mother?”

“That’s the idea, Silly. My mother has been with two dogs at one time before and I’m sure that she could manage those mutts. I know that they are not as good as Gray and Hans but they should be good enough to get my mom started again in desiring a taste for animals.

“What about Hans and Gray?” Asked Karen. “We can’t bring them along and I won’t be able to see anything that is happening.”

“Well, if everything works out the way I have it planned my Mom will be right outside the vehicle when the dogs get her and I will make sure that I tell you everything that’s happening.” Explained Susan. “I’ll give you a detailed thrust by thrust report of everything that they are dishing out to her.”

The evening came around quickly and Susan was soon escorting her mother and Karen to her black Trans-Am. “This is the way it’s going to work Mom. When we get to the new construction site I want you to get out of the car and move far enough away from the side of the vehicle so that I can watch. I’m going to relay to Karen exactly what the dogs are doing to you and we’ll all enjoy this together.

Alexis was breathing haavily by now. It had been years since she had allowed a dog to have her and now she was going to do it again. The shorts she had on were very easy to pull down and she wasn’t wearing any panties at the moment. She wore a tube top on under her blouse and that was it.

The older blonde remembered what her daughter had told her about the dogs they were going to see and she was hoping that she was right. At the moment she wanted to be taken as hard as possible and as often as possible. She wanted this to be a night she would remember forever.

When Susan got to the new subdivision she had no problem edging her vehicle into the long drive toward the house and getting so far off the road that no one would see her car and come looking as to why it was there. She wasn’t the one that was going to be in the compromised position but she sure didn’t want her mother found out either. Making love to an animal was a personal choice to her and it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. But many people didn’t and wouldn’t see it her way.

Once Susan turned off the engine the whole interior of the vehicle went black. It was a clear night and there was just enough moonlight in one particular clearing to allow anything that happened there to be seen clearly from the car but shielded from the road.

“Enjoy the show girls.” Said Alexis as she opened the door of the car and stepped out. “I really hope that you are right about these mutts Susan because at the moment I want to make up for lost time and the only way that is going to happen is if the dogs that took you that last time are able to do the same for me.”

Alexis strode confidently into the small clearing and then called for the dogs that Susan said were nearby. It started as movement under the trees. Darker shadows moving within dark shadows. The rustling of brush could be heard and the sound of panting drew closer. It would have been an ominous tableau to anyone who didn’t know what to expect but to the woman it meant the new release of long pent up desires.

It wasn’t too long before Alexis was staring into the faces of three different animals. Each of them was a fair sized male and they looked as though they ate quite well. What the dogs didn’t expect was what happened next. Usually their prey tried to run and they had the joy of running it down but this one was different. This female stripped the garments off herself and then got on her hands and knees and presented herself to them.

Alexis watched as the dogs gathered around to sniff and lick at her. Each of the animals probed at her vaginal depths with several well place tongue thrusts and it was but a prelude of what was to come. It wasn’t long before the animals began nipping at one another and fighting. The biggest brute of the group was soon chosen and without hesitation he was allowed to approach the female first.

Susan watched as what looked to be a German shepherd and something else mixed approached her mother. She gave a very verbal description of what she saw to Karen in an effort to make sure that her friend could picture in her mind exactly what was happening.

The older blonde moaned pleasurably when she felt the tongue of the first beast taste her again. He licked her for several moments and then stopped. When he mounted her she wasn’t in the least bit disappointed that he had stopped his lingual ministration for something far more substantial. It took him several thrusts to find her hole but when he did she moaned contentedly as he sank his cock into her depths. It had been over twenty years since she had been fucked by a dog and she wondered why she had waited so long.

Susan watched as the dog thrust himself into her mother and saw the look that crossed her face. The young blonde knew that she was a younger version of her parent so as she watched the animal fuck her mom it was like seeing herself being pierced at the same time and she seriously wished that Gray was there to fulfill her needs at the moment.

The animal that had his cock buried so deeply within Alexis at the moment was pounding her so hard and fast that she was unable to say anything at the moment. His knot slipped in and out of her for several moments more and then it grew big enough to wedge itself within her and stay there. Her second orgasm washed over her and she was able to enjoy this one more as the dog slowed his thrusting now that he had her where he wanted her.

Alexis’ third climax rippled through her as the brute on her back emptied his balls into her and tried his best to impregnate her. She felt his hot sperm spurting into her and she reveled in the feel of it. She even arched her back a bit so that he could have better access to her.

The whole mating ritual took about twenty minutes. As she knelt there on her hands and knees waiting for him to pull out of her she felt the animal’s cock inside of her twitching as though to give her just a little more pleasure.

Ten minutes passed and then she yelped as the dog pulled his semi-deflated ball of flesh out of her vaginal opening. She didn’t have much time to think about it though as the next animal jumped on her back and immediately began searching for her sweet center.

On the first shot more than three quarters of the animal’s cock slipped into her depths with the speed of a bullet and she once more grunted her satisfaction. This dog was different from the first though because he held her tighter as he thrust himself into her. Every centimeter and ounce of effort he exerted went only one place. Right into his bitch’s pussy where it would do the most good.

Alexis tried to match the animal’s pace and began thrusting herself back at the dog as he pumped himself into her. She lost all track of time as she fucked the K9 cock that was knot deep within her.

In the car Susan relayed to Karen what she saw happening and both of the girls began breathing harder and caressing their breasts and vaginal mounds. Each of the young ladies now regretted not bringing their own animals with them as they watched or listened to what Alexis was experiencing.

Once more Susan tried to describe the look on her mother’s face to Karen as the dog pumped his seed into her. And the animal, the sheer look of determination that crossed his continence was nothing short of pure mating lust as he endeavored to impregnate the female that was beneath him.

Alexis sighed once more as she felt her current lover empty his hot seed into her. The old feelings resurfaced quickly and she wondered once more if it would be somehow possible to cross the species barrier and become pregnant by a dog. This though alone triggered another orgasm within her as the last dregs of the K9 entered her body and tried to do what nature had instructed it to do.

More time passed and the second dog pulled himself out of Alexis with much the same results as the first. She yelped and was nearly toppled to her side. At the last moment the third dog intervened and she was saved from hitting the ground but within seconds she was mounted again.

Alexis wondered what kind of lover this animal would be when she got the surprise of her life. This mutt might have been the smallest of the K9s but he made up for it elsewhere. She gasped audibly as he entered her and she was sure that he was every bit as big as Gray was. The cock that was inside of her now was the biggest that she had ever had within the confines of her vaginal tube.

When this dog took Alexis he did it slowly and purposefully. It was a good thing to because she doubted that she would have been able to stand another pounding like the first animal gave her; simply because he was half again as big as the other dog when it came to penis size.

Susan watched as the third dog entered her mother and shoved himself into her. She could tell immediately that this animal was bigger that his pack brothers from the look and sound that her parent made as he thrust into her. She did her best to relay this to Karen but eventually she gave up; especially when she looked back and saw the look on her friend’s face. The young brunette must have orgasmed a while ago as she was stroking herself and she hadn’t even heard the last bit of narrative.

Alexis arched her back as much as comfortably possible in a effort to allow this animal better access to her female charms. It was easy to keep pace with this big boy and she thrust herself back at him as he thrust into her.

Their bonding was slow and languid and they made love for over thirty minutes as they stimulated each other’s senses with their male and female attributes. Alexis enjoyed the feel of each and every centimeter of the dog’s cock as it entered her over and over until the knot was finally able to set itself within her and hold him to her. She sighed loudly as she felt the animal’s hot fluids pour into her and warm her depths. She was totally sated now and she wished that she could take this K9 home with her. She truly began to think about it.

Fifteen minutes more passed before the last dog finally managed to pull his cock out of Alexis’ well used pussy. Even so she gasped as he extracted himself from her and she turned quickly so that she could see the magnificent piece of meat that had been buried inside of her. She managed to get a glimpse of it but she also promised herself that she would be back to this lot soon and have him again; even if it meant fucking the other pack-members first. She really wouldn’t mind having this animal’s progeny growing within her uterus.


Chapter Thirteen

Alexis stood and watched as the dogs that had just fucked her royally disappeared into the night. Cum dripped from her pussy and ran down her legs no matter how hard she tried to clamp her vaginal muscles and hold it within her. “Damn.” She hissed as she tried with her fingers to pinch the tight little clam lips shut and hold the escaping liquid but nothing kept it from draining out of her.

Susan saw her mother look toward the car and then approach the driver’s side. The slightly older version of herself was holding her vaginal slid shut as best she could and she wondered why at first. She got the answer as soon as her mom was close enough for them to talk without having to be too loud.

“Do you have any tampons with you Honey?” She asked sheepishly. “I should have thought ahead and brought some but I was too excited about what was going to happen that I forgot.”

Susan snatched up her purse and rummaged through it for a moment. “Yesss…” She hissed as she spotted and snagged the item her mother had asked for out of the bottom of the bag. She then held it out the window to her.

“Thank you Darling.” Whispered Alexis as she took the tampon and inserted it into her vaginal tunnel. The plug had the desired effect and the sperm stopped running out of her and down her leg. Using her tube top she wiped herself up and then hopped back into her shorts. It wasn’t too much longer before she was sitting in the car again on a towel that Susan had brought just for this occasion.

“Well, I’m glad you thought ahead.” Intoned Alexis as they pulled from the dirt drive and headed home.

“I’ve been here before.” She quipped. “But I wasn’t ready for it the first few times either. And at least you thought about a tampon to soak up the dog cum even if you forgot to bring one.”

Alexis snickered at what her daughter had just said and then she explained why she laughed when her offspring gave her quizzical look. “The tampon isn’t there to absorb the animal’s seed, Darling.” She offered. “It’s there to keep it from escaping my hold on it.”

Susan gave her mother a knowing look. “You really enjoyed yourself didn’t you?”

“Do you really need to ask?” Questioned Alexis. “If I thought it was possible I’d be here again tomorrow night.” She added honestly.

Susan glanced at her mother questioningly again. It was like the two were connected mentally.

“Your father’s going to be home for the next two nights after this one.” Returned Alexis to her daughter’s unvoiced query. “But don’t worry. I already have the two nearest cross street names memorized. As soon as I get home I plan to enter them in my little GPS unit that your brother got me for Christmas. The mutts have two days to rest and regain their strength before I plan to visit them again.”

“My god… I’ve revived a doggy slut.” Chuckled Susan.

Alexis reached out and playfully slapped at her daughter’s arm. “And I notice that the little acorn hasn’t fallen too far from the original tree.” She teasingly returned.

Susan stuck her tongue out at her mother but her smile never left her face. She did pick up her pace a bit without going over the speed limit too much though. Suddenly she wanted to get home and hug Gray, get naked, and have him make love to her.

In Mexico, Nate and Vesta returned to Acapulco by eight O: clock in the evening. They had done a lot of talking about what they had experienced that afternoon and though they had already made love that day they were still hot for each other.

“I wonder if we could go and see the dog show again.” Asked Nate softly in Vesta’s ear.

Vesta moaned her approval at the suggestion but didn’t think that it was possible at first. “They only let a certain number of people in the place.” She said. “They don’t want more men there than they have women.” She added.

Nate smiled at his new mate. “I don’t need a girl, Vesta. I have you so it shouldn’t matter as long as we go together.” And at that, Vesta agreed. They were soon on their way to the club. When the pair got there they were greeted by the same man that had allowed Nate to pass by last time.

“Good evening, Senor.” Nate greeted the man at the door in a low voice as he stood next to him. “We’re here to see the show. You… probably remember me from last night?”

The man gave Nate a quick once over. “Se, I remember you Senor. I’m sorry though, but I cannot let you enter.”

“But I don’t need one of the girls.” Explained Nate. “I have my own lady with me.” He added as he held Vesta close to him.

The man smiled at him. “It is not that Senor.” He said. “We are really full this evening.” He added with his hands raised in apology. “There is not enough room for you or your Senorita. You wouldn’t even be able to get close enough to the stage to even see the action.”

Nate and Vesta were in the process of turning away when the man stopped them. “Would you be interested in seeing a donkey show perhaps? I can even give you a good deal on it if you wish.”

Nate looked at the man and then Vesta to see if she was interested. When she didn’t protest he addressed the man. “How much?”

“Seventy five dollars for the both of you, Senor.” Offered the man.

Nate thought that the price was fair so he didn’t haggle with the man. They were soon in another taxi and on their way to a different location. After a ten minute ride they arrived and after paying the cab and the seventy five dollar entry fee they were soon gathered around a smallish rope formed arena that had several different height tables within.

“This ought to be wild.” Stated Nate. And then he escorted Vesta toward the bar and the free drinks that were again a part of the offer since the show had not started yet. He didn’t let his Hispanic babe out of his grasp though; especially after seeing several of the men looking at her like she was prime rib and they hadn’t eaten in several days.

Nate’s possessive closeness didn’t bother Vesta in the least. She really liked the man she was now with and she didn’t want to lose him any more than he wanted to lose her. Once they had their drinks they found themselves a small niche to be alone in and then waited for the show to begin.

The couple didn’t have long to wait. Nate didn’t even get a chance to ask Vesta what she really thought about a woman and a donkey having sex before the lights flickered and slowly dimmed until their luminescence was nonexistent. They managed to get an end position as the side lines filled up first. All in all it turned out to be a fairly good place to be.

Two good looking ladies led a donkey into the room. Both of them were naked and after they entered one end of the small roped off area they split. One of them continued to lead the animal into the area farther while the other one positioned herself on one of the tables; stomach down.

Nate held Vesta in front of him and in the darkened room he began caressing her breasts. She helped him by taking his hands and guiding them under her blouse until he could touch her bare flesh and then she set him loose once more. She then carefully felt for his erection and cooed her approval at all that he was doing to her.

In front of them the young couple watched as the donkey was led into a position that straddled the one that was to be the first offering to the animal. As if by magic or sheer will alone they saw the cock on the beast stretch and search out its intended prey. There was a collective gasp from the audience as the lengthened penis entered the girl but it didn’t mask the groan that came from the babe on the table as the heavy piece of meat pierced her to the core.

“Ugh… ugh… ugh…” Grunted the girl with each and every slow but intense thrust that the beast made into her body.

Both Vesta and Nate knew that what they were seeing was real. The woman laying under the animal was shaking with each thrust that the Donkey made into her. The animal’s cock had to be bottoming out in the girl’s vaginal cavity and impacting her heavily at the end of every stroke. “How can she even stand it?” Asked the young Hispanic to no one in particular.

Nate heard Vesta but said nothing. He did shift his manipulation a bit though and one of his hands headed south of the border until it reached the neatly trimmed fur patch that it knew to be there. He then slowed his advance but he didn’t really stop until he could curl his longest finger and begin to gently caress her clit.

Once Nate’s finger was able to hit her clit Vesta carefully opened her legs a bit to give him better access to her feminine grotto. She also found his zipper and freed his stiffened prick from its confines. She was hoping that he would soon push his sweet shaft into her as well.

The donkey continued to ravage the girl as they watched and they busied themselves by preparing what they both wanted without losing sight of the spectacle before them. Within moments Nate had his cock bared and poised just behind Vesta while the young Hispanic babe lowered her shorts just enough to clear a path for him.

It was clear to everyone that the animal and girl in the ring wouldn’t last much longer and as Nate edged closer to Vesta she guided him into her. As the woman screamed in release and the donkey unloaded his cum into her, the young Hispanic babe received her lover also; and once more in their haste he entered her unsheathed.

Nate and Vesta were barely aware that there was a change of actors in the ring. At the moment the only thing that mattered to them was what they were doing to each other. If more lighting had been available so that others could have watched it would have been the two of them that would have become the momentary stars of the club.

As it was, the next girl was already laying on her back and the donkey in position to fuck her when Nate and Vesta finally slowed their exploits to watch what was about to happen. The young man had managed to keep himself from climaxing but he had pushed his Babe over the brink at least once already and he was proud of that.

All eyes once more focused on the scene inside the ropes. Again as if by enchanted means the animal’s thick prick began to seek out the girl’s flesh in front of him and in no time he was hunching himself forward as his hefty chunk of meat entered her.

The voice was different but the words were about the same as the woman began to chant the same song as the lady before her. “Ugh… ugh… ugh…” resounded around the room in the same tempo as the thrusting, leaving little doubt as to where the beast had his cock parked.

Around them, Nate and Vesta could hear various comments from both men and women. “God… how in the hell can she take that kind of pounding.” Came a woman’s voice.

“Damn, wish I had a cock like that.” Commented a man.

“That must really hurt!” Stated another woman.

“Mmmmm, I’d try it.” Came another female voice.

“Maybe they’ll take volunteers.” Said the man that was with her.

“I’d need a cock like that to satisfy my Ex.” Came the last voice they paid attention to before they snuggled closer together and began to thrust at one another again.

In front of them, the woman on the receiving end of the donkey’s hard shaft, was lifting her hands upward toward the animal and encouraging him to fuck her harder as she took him in the missionary position. The words out of her mouth became a heavy mix of broken English and Spanish as she thrust herself at the beast and pleaded for him to impregnate her.

Around the room the crowd went wild as they watched the woman on the table lift her legs and arms and embrace the animal not just as a sex object but as a lover. The coupled interspecies pair seemed to be in a world of their own as they made love even though they were surrounded by more than eighty people.

Through the noise Nate still heard and fest Vesta shudder as she orgasmed the second time and on this instance he was unable to hold himself back. He thought at first that he should pull his cock out of his sweet mate and not complicate matters more but then the thought was vanquished as the young Hispanic doll in which he was imbedded reached back in an effort to hold him tighter to her and managed to do just that. As his seed poured into her he heard her wail her pleasure as her vaginal muscles pulled his sperm into her where it would do the most good.

Minutes passed as Nate’s fluids flowed into Vesta and they remained frozen in time. His cock was deep inside of her while one arm supported her across her breasts and the other one held her firmly near her very flat tummy. She breathed heavily but it was the breath of one who had just been totally satisfied in an intense sexual encounter with one she loved and desired and the euphoria that was produced by their coupling would take hours to melt away.

The second set of actors on the sexual stage were beginning to stir and Nate watched as the donkey’s shrinking cock pulled from the girl and allowed what seemed to be a half gallon of liquid spill out of his lover’s vaginal slit. As it was when the animal was led off the female she still had a distended belly and it made her look as though she was several months pregnant.

Nate wondered if Vesta had seen and noticed the same thing he had when her sweet voice came to his ears and made him an offer he decided not to refuse. “Let’s forget about the rest of the show Darling and go back to the room where we can really make love.”

In response, Nate first nuzzled and kissed her neck. “Your wish is my desire.” He intoned and then carefully extracted his shaft from her depths and tucked it away as neatly into his pants as possible.

It wasn’t long before Nate and Vesta were making their way out of the arena area and the spot in which they had been standing was taken by another couple. A third girl and donkey were entering the ring and just before they stepped out of sight of the scene the young man managed to see how the next woman was to be taken. This Hispanic doll was going to be standing but bent over slightly as her lover to her. The animal’s front legs would be on a box in order for his intended mate to stand beneath him.

Nate thought that the tableau that was about to unfold seemed really hot; especially since he had just taken Vesta in almost the very same manner but he didn’t bemoan the fact that they were leaving. They were heading back to the hotel now and they definitely planned to make love again when they got there. They would be able to really enjoy each other’s bodies once they were in the privacy of their own room.

When the young couple returned to the hotel room Vesta mentioned that she wanted to get a shower before they hopped into bed. Nate agreed to the idea and then told her to start without him; he would be there in a moment. As soon as the bathroom door shut he immediately called the kitchen below and ordered a sampler plate of various foods. He also left instructions that if no one answered the door that the food was to be brought in and place just inside the; the food bill and tip were to be charged to the room anyway.

Vesta hadn’t been in the shower long when Nate entered and from there everything became sexual. His soapy hands roamed her shapely body as her smaller lathered hands did the same to his fairly muscled torso. Not an inch of either of their personal being went unexplored. The young man even surprised her and got her to shriek with pleasure. He ran his tongue through her vaginal lips and across her dainty brown rose bud while he had her bent over in front of him.

If the hotel had a hot water tank for each room instead of a hot water on demand system they would have used it up long before the couple finally left the shower. As it was by the time they did amble out of the small room the food had already been delivered nearly fifteen minutes earlier.

Once Vesta was dry and wrapped in a single towel that afforded plenty of glimpses of her charms for Nate to enjoy she finally saw the food tray and hugged her man thankfully. “Oh… I was really getting hungry.” She intoned. And then she turned and began taking the lids off of the plates to see what was there.

Under the domed covers were several different kinds of meat filled finger sandwiches, deviled eggs, an impressive cheese and relish tray and an assortment of other snack foods. There was everything that a person would like to eat and yet not too much there to make the person full and lethargic.

Nate and Vesta ate hungrily. They were far more famished than either of them had first realized and between the two of them they managed to eat almost all of the food that had been ordered. Once they were sated their desires returned to far baser desires and it wasn’t long before they were in bed and enjoying those needs.

Nate had Vesta squarely in the middle of the bed with her legs spread and knees pressed against the sides of her breasts. She was wide open for him as he ran his tongue through her slit with the occasional grazing of her tight little rosebud for extra measure.

Vesta sighed and cooed as Nate stimulated her orally but when he jabbed her diminutive anal ring with his tongue she squealed and jerked as though he was about to push a three inch thick monster dildo into her.

“Is that hurting you?” He asked after his second attempt at simply playing with her a bit.

“No, Nate. I… am just so sensitive there and it really triggers an involuntary response.” She offered. “I like it… but I think I will need time to get use to it.”

Nate smiled and then slowly moved into position over her. She had not moved her legs and she was wide open to his advances. The blunted tip of his cock nudged her tightly closed clam and knocked for admittance but it struck a glancing blow and was turned away. He came back for another run at it but the outcome was the same and his shaft slid along her pussy lips and grazed her clit.

Vesta smiled up at Nate and then reached downward and caught his penis. When he pulled back a bit for his third attempt at entry she deftly guided him into her. “Is that what you’ve been looking for Darling.” So cooed softly as she felt him sliding into her.

“Oh yeah.” He whispered into her ear as he felt the warmth of her interior engulf his manhood. “You feel so good and so tight.” He praised her as he slowly let his weight down on her now that he was fully in her.

Nate was far bigger than Vesta but she loved it when he held her beneath him; she felt possessed by him. Her legs were free and once he was in place she wrapped them around him as best she could. “You know that you put your sperm in me again at the donkey show.” She eventually whispered in his ear.

Nate chuckled. “Yeah, I know.” He returned and then he kissed her. “It’s hard to determine what way will be the best for us in getting you across the border and into the United States. I was thinking that if you were pregnant then there would be all that much more reason for them to let you come back with me.”

“That might help.” Agreed Vesta. “But I know something that will absolutely work. It all matters as to how serious you are about us.” She added with a slight thrust of her hips which caused him to impale her a little deeper.

“I want to marry you Vesta.” Stated Nate honestly. “I was just thinking that it would be in America where we could have a big wedding.”

The young Hispanic Babe smiled at him. “What if I told you I really don’t want a big wedding Nate? Let’s just save the money for other things. A car, a home, a dog…”

It was about this time that Nate realized that Vesta had no idea how much money he was worth. She knew that he was staying in an expensive hotel and spending money freely but most Americans did that. They all over spent and then paid for it later. “You would really just go to the courthouse and marry me?” He asked.

“Yes, I would.” Intoned Vesta. “I want you as much as you want me. I know that I can make you happy.”

From there, the both of them began moving again and soon they were going at it so hard that they both broke out in a fine sweat. Vesta groaned her pleasure as Nate thrust into her and as she orgasmed he followed close behind. They melted together as one and except for rolling over so that she was on top they fell asleep.

In the morning Nate was awoken with a start. Vesta had just shrieked and then ran toward the bathroom. He only caught a glimpse of her and he thought she looked sad. It wasn’t until he looked down at his own groin that he too became startled; at least for the moment. On his stomach was a small pool of blood and it took him a bit to realize that it wasn’t his. It took him a minute to determine exactly what happened and by then he was making his way to the bathroom also.

When Nate entered the bathroom he found Vesta sitting on the toilet. He went to her and cuddled her immediately. “It’s okay Vesta.” He offered seriously. “You don’t have to be pregnant for me to want you.”

Vesta nodded her head in understanding. “Its just a bit embarrassing also. “She confided in him. “We’re taught ever since we were little that we should never let our man see us bleed.”

Nate smiled at her and then hugged her. “As long as you are okay, that is all that matters to me.”

“But we won’t be able to do things now.” She said sadly.

“So we do things that don’t involve sex for a few days.” He admonished her. “I told you, I wanted you with me and I didn’t mean it just for the sex Vesta. I really want to be with you and get to know you so maybe you having your period right now is a kind of blessing.”

Once Vesta heard Nate say that she knew he wanted her for more than what she could give him sexually and it really meant a lot to her. They kissed and then began making plans.

It was several days before Alexis or Nate were able to become sexually active again. The son because his intended mate was having her period and the mother because her non-performing human mate was around the house and home.

For Nate and Vesta it wasn’t too bad, they got a lot accomplished. Like making sure that the young Hispanic babe would be joining her new husband northward when it came time to leave. It was amazing how much had to be done to assure this but by the time it was accomplished they were able to be together again.

As for Alexis, it was another story because she got to see and hear both Karen and Hans and Susan and Gray as they made love and it really made her itch to see the dog at the construction site again. She could barely wait for Thomas to resume his normal business activities and leave her to her own devises.


Chapter Fourteen

While Alexis was busy entertaining her husband in the best way she could she was very still very sexually frustrated. She even tried to seduce him but he shied away from her with the excuse that he had a terrible headache and it was so painful that he couldn’t think of anything else.

She smiled at him and wished for the umpteenth time that she could find a way to get out of there without him asking her the proverbial twenty questions as to where she was going and when she’d be home. It wasn’t like this on the usual days when he was gone. He never asked or answered anything then; he was simply gone and she liked it that way. No questions to ponder or worry about.

Unknown to Alexis, Susan and Karen had been busy. Besides keeping their boys entertained they also became very bold and managed to catch the animal at the construction site that seemed to enthrall her mother. They managed to isolate him from the rest of the pack. They also found that once he was away from his feral brothers he became a lot more docile; even congenial.

With Hans and Gray near them they boldly washed the animal and once they had him cleaned up and fed properly they saw an entirely new K9 sitting in front of them. He was definitely a Heinz 57 variety of dog but he was still a handsome specimen.

By the time the days were accomplished and Thomas was off to work again Susan and Karen were ready to introduce Alexis to the newest member of the household. As it was, they had him sequestered in the fourth upstairs bedroom.

When the girls met Alexis at the breakfast table they chatted a bit. Susan could tell immediately that her mother’s thoughts were not in the room but elsewhere several miles away at a certain construction site. “You’re really thinking about that dog, aren’t you?” She inquired.

“God… is it that obvious?” Groaned Alexis.

Susan smiled. “Don’t worry; I’m sure Dad didn’t have a single clue as to why you are so antsy this morning.

“Good, but it doesn’t help me at the moment.” Stated Alexis as she finished the toast that had been on her plate. “I still have several hours to while away before I can get my itch scratched.”

Once the dishes were cleared from the table and stacked in the automatic dishwasher Susan hugged her mother. “Karen and I have something that we want to show you.” She intoned and then they formed a small procession and led Alexis upstairs the fourth bedroom. “It might help you while away some of the hours.”

As the trio ascended the stairs toward the fourth bedroom all kinds of thoughts swirled through Alexis’ mind but it didn’t come close to what the girls had prepared for her.

“We know how hot you’ve been getting as you watched Susan and me so we decided to get you something. “Stated Karen as they came to a stop at the door. “And I have to admit that your daughter did most of the work…”

“But it was Karen’s idea to begin with.” Interrupted Susan in an effort to make sure that credit due was rendered in the right direction. “So without further ado we present you with your gift and we sincerely hope that you like it.” She added as she opened the bedroom door.

Alexis had no idea what to really expect but what she found made her heart flutter immediately. Even the presentation could not have been more perfect, though unplanned, because when the girls entered the room they found the dog laying on the bed and looking at the door as though waiting for his lover.

“Oh my god, you found him!” Exclaimed Alexis as she cautiously walked toward the animal that lay on the bed so magnificently. “How did you get him separated from his pack?

“Well,” Explained Susan. “Karen knew some friends with several big pens. I rented a cargo van and I figured out the perfect bait. Which reminds me… don’t bother looking for that big pot roast you had in the freezer in the garage.” She added with a smirk.

“Thank you.” Intoned Alexis without taking her eyes of the beast that lay there. She didn’t even approach the animal a step closer before she began shedding her clothes. It wasn’t until she was totally naked that she continued the rest of the way toward the dog and by then he was very alert.

Alexis dropped to her knees on the carpet and then began crawling the short distance that remained un-broached between herself and the animal. When she arrived at the bed she arose slowly and was greeted enthusiastically by the K9.

Susan watched as her mother was acknowledged by the animal and once more she tried to keep a running commentary for Karen’s sake. “He seems to recognize her.” She said as the dog began licking her and Alexis returned his kisses.

Alexis rubbed herself against the animal with as much full body contact as she could manage. By the time she was done she found herself on her hands and knees and on the receiving end of the dog she had wanted to excite; it had obviously worked.

“Oh god that feels so good.” Exclaimed Alexis as the dog entered her and began to fuck her. It was exactly like the night before. This boy was a real lover.

“He got her.” Narrated Susan. “And he’s fucking her. He’s doing it to her really slow, about half as fast as Hans fucks you.”

Alexis was kneeling on the bed when the dog finally decided to mound her and she arched her back and allowed her elbows to drop to the covering. Her face was turned toward where her daughter and Karen stood and she knew that Susan was getting a very good look at how the animal was fucking her. “How does… it look?” She managed to ask through the ecstasy.

Susan looked into her mother’s eyes. “It looks so hot that in just a little bit I’m going to have to go and get Gray and bring him in here. You’re not the only one who’s going to enjoy themselves this morning.” She said.

Alexis arose to her hands again and then began thrusting herself back at the animal that had his cock buried so deeply inside of her. “Fuck me Mutt, fuck me like you have never fucked any other female and I promise I will make the rest of your life with me as pleasurable as possible. You’ll never have to hunt for food or pussy ever again.”

The elderly blonde never saw her daughter or Karen leave but then she wasn’t really concerned with them. She was well into enjoying her session with Muttly before she realized that she was no longer alone. She looked on the floor to her left and there was Susan and Gray; within easy eye shot of her. Both women could easily look and see the other as their animals took them and made love to them. It was almost like looking in a mirror except that the characters were slightly different.

Alexis felt Muttly hit and enter the opening of her cervix and she did everything possible to make sure that he stayed there. Very carefully she thrust herself back at him and endeavored to capture his knot in her and on the fifth attempt it worked. Not she had the dog exactly where she wanted him; his knot was lock inside her vaginal lips and the tip of his cock was in several inches into her cervix. She could think of nothing better.

Susan watched the look on her mother’s face and she knew instinctively that the dog had pierced her cervix as he had locked his knot in her. She watched as both the animal and her parent shivered and trembled with pleasure as they excited one another. Her Mom was really being breed and she could hardly wait for Gray to feed her his hot juices also. She, herself, was only waiting to feel her mate in the right position before she made her move and she was sure that it wouldn’t be much longer.

Alexis moaned in ecstasy as Muttly filled her full of his seed. “That’s it Darling.” She coaxed. “Give me you sperm and make me your bitch. I honestly wouldn’t mind if you would put a puppy in there for me. I’d love to show Thomas that there is at least someone who wants me and I’m not ashamed that it’s you.” She cooed.

Susan heard her mother’s confession and at the same time felt Gray connect to her completely also. She too groaned her approval at being taken so fully and as her orgasm swept over her she felt his fluid rush into her and heat up the surrounding area. “Give me your puppies Sweetheart.” She too pleaded as his sperm flooded her uterus and tubes. “I would love to feed your son at my nipples.”

The scene in the room at the moment was one of pure sexuality. Only a blind man could have entered the room and not gotten an instant hard on at the sight of two very beautiful women crouched under their dogs and being breed. And if they had then entered the other guest bedroom they would have found and equally beautiful brunette at the mercy of her K9 companion as he took her in the missionary position. She had her legs up and around the animal and there was no mistaking the fact that it was definitely consensual as she kissed and hugged him close to her.

Each of the women came out of her personal euphoric state with a greater love and desire to be with their partner again as soon as possible. It didn’t matter to any of them that their chosen mate was not of the human race; all they cared about was that the one they chose to bond with had fucked them royally and made them feel wanted, loved and fulfilled.

Once the dog pulled his impressive weapon from Alexis’ pussy she sighed deeply and hugged him. She petted his neck and cooed her approval at his performance. In return, he seemed to smile at her and bask in the praises of his newest mate as though he had understood everything that had been said.

It wasn’t long before Susan was soon standing beside her mother while the two dogs greeted one another in the usual animal mannerisms. Both women were prepared to step in and split the two apart if they had begun to fight but after a few seconds it looked as though intervention between these two K9s would never be needed.

With the preliminary meeting of the first two animals out of the way the two blondes moved on. When they entered the other guest bedroom and saw Karen and Hans just beginning to finish their sexual bout they just stood back and watched.

Karen sighed pleasantly as Hans pulled his cock out of her. She sat up and reached out to her mate and managed to find him so she followed him off the bed and held him close to her. It was while she was caressing him that she spoke. “Did you two like what you saw?” She asked.

“Oh… yeah, very much so.” Returned Alexis for both herself and her daughter. “You and Hans are very beautiful together. In fact, I hope that I can get Muttly to make love to me like you were with your lover in the very near future. It looked so sexy to see you holding him as he pumped his sperm into you.”

It wasn’t much longer before all three women stood side by side and hugged. It was like a beautiful 3D rendering of total sensuousness. Their animal’s looked at them also but what crossed their neural brain paths was unfortunately unreadable by common man. If it could have been interpreted though it would probably have been along the lines of what usual males do. Each of them bragging about their current female mate and all her sweet abilities.

By the time noon rolled around the girls were cleaned up and read to nibble on a bit more food. They decided to do this as they sunned themselves by the pool. They got their suits on, gathered some food and drink and were soon enjoying the fresh air by the back of the house.

Each of the women lay on a lounger and as they warmed in the sun their scents permeated the air. It wasn’t long before Hans was at Karen’s side and begging for attention. “Is it alright to be with the dogs out here?” Asked the young brunette.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Responded Alexis as Muttly made his presence known also by trying to bury his snout in her crotch. “We need to take this into the covered gazebo. At least there we will have a little privacy.”

Together, Susan and Alexis helped Karen into the gazebo and then pulled the side curtains down so that they would have plenty of privacy. It wasn’t long before Hans had found his mate once more and she didn’t keep him waiting long. She simply pulled her Bikini bottoms off her very delectable derriere and then assumed a semi-doggy position by kneeling over the bottom half of a footstool that she had found.

Even as Susan closed the last set of shades she heard Karen’s very familiar groans of pleasure as her lover took her. She looked in the direction of the sound and smiled as she saw Hans pounding the beautiful brunette in the fast paced rate that seemed to be his fashion.

It wasn’t long before Gray was at her side and she didn’t keep him waiting long either. She shed the thin strip of floss that covered her vaginal valley and was soon lying back on a lounger with her legs spread.

Gray helped himself to his mistress with a few quick licks but then he loomed up over her and sought her for real. He knew by her taste and scent of her that she was already excited and needed no more warming up. He even looked beneath him and watched her face as he found her vaginal tube with his hot shaft. Once he felt her warmth engulf him he thrust harder into her.

Susan watched as her chosen mate came up over her and she extended her arms in open invitation. She felt his initial probe and then the thrust as he entered her for real; sinking his cock in to her hungry cunt almost to the very limit of her depth on the first stroke. She grunted her approval almost involuntarily but what amazed her the most about the whole incident was how her lover was watching her. It was as though he truly understood how he would make her feel as he shoved his meat into her and he was feeding off her reaction.

“Fuck me Gray.” She hissed in excitement. “Fuck me good you sweet stud you.” She encouraged him.

It was impossible to tell how much Gray really understood but if you were to ask Susan later she would have sworn that he understood perfectly what she had asked him to do. She could not have choreographed his moves any more perfectly than what he did as he thrust himself into her repeatedly. His speed and depth were exactly where she wanted him and when it came time for the finally he lined up with her cervical opening and entered her even deeper as he set his knot in her.

Alexis saw Karen and Hans and hurried to get out of her Bikini bottoms. When she finally succeeded in shucking the unwanted coverings she saw her daughter taking Gray in the missionary position and she really longed to be taken that way also. It had been decades since an animal had made love to her like that and she really longed for it now. She hoped that Muttly would be able to take her in that position.

Alexis looked down at Muttly who was becoming anxious. Both of his new brothers were already mating with their females and he desperately wanted to be in his the same way. The fact that Gray was fucking Susan differently totally escaped him. He watched her as she reclined at the foot of a lounge chair and spread her legs and it confused him a bit. Her pussy was readily available to him but he didn’t really recognize the style.

When Muttly approached Alexis he figured that he would just lick her first. However, when he drew closer to her he suddenly found her lifting his front paws over her and placing them on either side of her breasts. In this position it wasn’t long before he felt the inviting warmth of her pussy near his cock tip and the rest was instinctive; he began hunching his hips and his penis sank in to her vagina as his precum lubed the way for him.

Karen’s and Susan’s moans of ecstasy were soon joined by Alexis as Muttly sank his cock into her until he had bottomed out within her. “Oh Darling.” She cooed as he took her slowly. “Fuck me good and make it last.” She added as he entered her over and over to her very depths.

Muttly had no idea what she was saying but he sensed that he was pleasing her so he continued to do as he was doing. His cock hit the bottom of her tube and his knot split her vaginal lips to the half way point with each slow thrust that he made into her. It wasn’t until several minutes later that he shifted gears a bit and readjusted his angle of attack.

Alexis knew that Muttly was slowing down and then she found out why. Within her his cock shifted a bit and realigned itself with her uterus. There was a slight probing and then the tip of his penis found what it was looking for. Her eyes widened perceptibly as the next event occurred and it wasn’t long before the dog had his meat stuffed into her cervix and his knot lodged in her vaginal opening. He was now ready to breed his new mate properly.

“Oh… my… god…” Hissed Alexis as she felt Muttly begin pouring his heated sperm into her. “That’s it Darling.” She cooed as she hugged him to her. “Fill me with your puppies. Your seed has nowhere to go but into to my tubes where they can impregnate my eggs.”

Around the small gazebo the pleas from Karen and Susan were much the same as they encouraged their mates to impregnate them. The young brunette was thrusting herself at Hans with utter abandonment in an effort to capture all of him within her and the young blonde had done the same as her mother. She clutched Gray to her and didn’t plan on letting him go until he had filled her up with his potent seed. If the three women in the enclosed unit didn’t become pregnant with puppies it wasn’t because they or their four footed lovers hadn’t tried.


Chapter Fifteen

Now that Alexis had Muttly to keep her satisfied she curtailed many of her outside activities; at least the ones that took her away from the house so often. She became very content with being able to spent time by the pool with her new canine companion and when the urge struck them they would retire to the gazebo for a little privacy.

Weeks passed and on one particular rainy day Alexis was enjoying Muttly’s attention in the fourth bedroom. The Heinz 57 had licked her to her first orgasm with practiced ease and now he was about to take her in the doggy position. It was common for the pair of them to mate the first time on all four and then to switch to the missionary style of lovemaking later. The two of them had become consummate lovers.

Alexis was on the bed, facing the foot of the raised sleeping platform when the door opened. She didn’t start or jerk when the entryway was suddenly filled with a shadow; she had been expecting it. She smiled as she saw her naked daughter come into the room; followed closely by Gray.

“I see you started without me again.” Teased the younger blonde after Gray entered the room behind her and she closed the door.

“Sorry.” Gasped Alexis as Muttly entered her; forcing her words from her mouth as though there was no room for them in her because he had just rammed his impressive doggie package into her. “Lover boy here just didn’t seem to want to wait any longer. He already licked me to one orgasm but then he kept trying to mount me so I figured I might as well accommodate him.”

Susan returned her mother’s smile and nodded. She knew exactly how persistent Muttly could be because she had watched him and her mother so many times by now that it was common place to see them making love whenever they thought it would be safe for them to do so.

The young blonde knelt on the floor in a way that allowed her to see her mother and Muttly easily if she so desired. She loved watching the dog that her mother had fallen in love with as he eagerly stuffed his cock into the slightly older version of herself; it really turned her on. And yet, there were times when she simply wanted to close her eyes and shut everything else out except what Gray was doing to her. She could enjoy both worlds this way.

What worked for Susan’s voyeuristic tendencies also worked for Alexis. She too enjoyed watching the Weimaraner as he fucked her daughter to multiple orgasms. There were times as they watched each other that they would find that the dogs seemed to be in perfect sync. They could see it in one another’s eyes and feel it within their souls that they were on the brink of cumming. It never seemed to fail that when one of them orgasmed that the other one was there also. It was as though they were tied to the same hot pistoning animal as they shared their mutual ecstasy.

Both women knelt where they were, gently pushing back at their imbedded lovers in orgasmic bliss after a mind-numbing orgasm. They eyed each other vacantly as the hot fluids of Muttly and Gray poured into their depths and once more tried to impregnate them with their puppies.

“Come on Darling.” Cooed Susan as she arched her back a bit more to receive Gray’s seed into her. “Fuck me and give me your baby. I really want to feel your puppy in my belly.”

Alexis’ feelings were in the immediate vane as her daughter’s. She had abandoned the idea of having puppies bred into her by Ben and Jerry so many years ago but now that she had children she really felt as though she didn’t have to worry about anything else anymore. She wanted Muttly to impregnate her and if it didn’t happen soon she was going to see if she could make it happen somehow. Surely there was someone somewhere that was experimenting along these lines.

As Alexis gently impaled herself on Muttly’s cock a bit more by pushing her shapely rear onto his hard shaft she saw her daughter doing the same with Gray. She knew that her daughter was having the same feelings as she was because she had heard her soft pleas in the throes of passion many times now. She was sure that Susan would want to go in on this quest also and she planned on that contingency.

In the bedroom that Karen was using the couple there were engaged in much the same manner as the fourth guestroom. The only difference was the fact that she had started out in the missionary position when she took her lover and Hans was locked into her and pouring his sperm into her also.

Karen had her legs up and wrapped around Hans and her arms pulled him close to her. It was what the dog had come to expect any more and he seemed content to lay there and service his mistress’ needs without complaint. He stayed with her obediently for long minutes on end with his hot shaft buried in her depths until she was ready to let go. He too was trying to impregnate her and she was doing her utmost to conceive.

A bit of time passed and then Alexis and Susan began to stir. When they were done they had shifted a bit and they were now on their backs and their males were once more seeking out their soft centers. It was almost a duet of sexual bliss as the women expressed their joy at being filled by the dog’s hard shafts again. The urgings and pleas were identical; only the names of the lover were different.

Susan held Gray close to her and thrust her pelvis up at him in an effort to sink his cock into her depths as deeply as possible. They moved in their sexual dance for several minutes and the tempo didn’t change until she tilted her pubic bone downward a bit more and the tip of his penis entered her cervix. The blissful sigh that emanated from her lips at that moment let everyone within earshot of them know that he had where she wanted him.

Almost all thrusting stopped at that magical second and a stead, unrelenting, pushing began. The head of Gray’s phallus breached her uterus even more and his know surged forward like the first wave of a tsunami. The forward momentum did not cease until he was seated in her completely and then they were joined.

“Ohhh… ohhh… ohhhhhh… god… that feels so good.” Hissed Susan rapturously as the union was completed. “He’s in me so deep…” She informed her mother.

“Ohhh… yes…” Returned her mother in her own bliss filled voice. “I know the feeling quite well…” She agreed as Muttly achieved his own tie with her while her uterus was skewered by his cock. “And one of these days we’re going to get exactly what we want. These boys are going to give us their puppies.” She continued as her eggs were once more flooded with his seed.

Both women were holding the dogs tight to them and they mews of bliss that escaped their lips drown out the fact that someone else had entered the room. It was several minutes after the fact that they discovered that they were no longer alone.

Nate was finally back in the U.S. and he wasn’t alone; his young bride was right by his side. When she saw where he lived she was amazed but he was immediately truthful with her. “This is my parent’s house. I live with them when I’m not in school. You and I will be here for about two weeks and then we will be leaving for Cambridge Massachusetts.”

Vesta stayed close to her man. “We will be leaving her and going to Cambridge?” She questioned; remembering that he had used a different name before.

“Yes, don’t you remember?” He asked softly. “I told you we had to get back here as soon as possible because I had to get ready to go to Harvard.”

Vesta smiled; Harvard was the name that she had heard before. “Yes Darling, I remember now.” She intoned as she followed him up the stairs to his room.

The new couple walked slowly and exchanged kisses frequently. Nate was about to open the door to his room when sounds from the fourth bedroom caught his attention. He smiled at his new bride and cautioned her to silence with the universal gesture of putting his right index finger to his lips.

Nate held Vesta’s hand as he neared the bedroom door. He didn’t even have to turn the knob as he pushed gently on the six paneled barrier; it was already ajar. Slowly and quietly the obstruction moved inward and in moments the sight that caught his eyes sent a trigger to his brain and caused his groin to heat up. “Wow…” He whispered softly to himself.

Vesta was slightly behind Nate for a moment but he was quick to bring her to the forefront and have her in front of her so that she could see. His motives were two fold in their action. With his wife in front of him he could enjoy the spectacle; but he could also join in mentally as he began running his hands under his mates blouse to avail himself of her womanly charms.

Vesta was slowly guided into the room just a little further. Not an enough to disturb the four occupants there but an adequate amount to afford her a better look at what was happening. She watched as the two women in front of her took their lovers willingly and it made her so hot to see the action so close up. She had no idea that this was Nate’s first time in seeing this kind of action with these girls so she simply assumed that it was a usual and natural occurrence. This was why her new husband wanted a woman who was interested in dogs, she assumed; but she did wonder why he hadn’t mentioned to her earlier.

Nate watched as an un-known dog fucked his mother and his sister’s new dog fucked her. ‘Damn, how long has this been going on?’ He thought to himself as he began stroking Vesta with greater interest. He had started with her pert brown nippled breasts be it escalated quickly from there. It wasn’t long before he had her dress lifted and her panties down around her ankles. From there only seconds more passed before he was thrusting himself into her as deeply as he could and she was loving every minute of it.

Vesta sighed deeply as she felt Nate thrust his hot cock into her very excited pussy. Her experience with animals was limited to several sessions of watching other women getting mated by a dog or a donkey. And the one time that Nate had managed to borrow an animal when they were in Mexico. But now she felt as though she just might be able to slake her growing desire and have it again; very soon.

Nate thrust himself into his new wife with greater force than he normally did. Just the sight of his mother and sister being fucked so intimately by the dogs was like throwing gasoline onto an already lit fire. Correction: not just throwing the gas onto the fire but atomizing it first and then dousing it. The results were almost instantaneous and engulfed everyone present; as the animals poured their fluids into the two blondes as they begged to be impregnated he poured his seed into Vesta as she orgasmed wildly on the end of his cock.

Minutes passed before anyone spoke but all of the players were aware by now that they were no longer alone. “I see you liked our show.” Commented Alexis in an effort to break the introductoril ice while watching her son as he held a stunningly beautiful Hispanic gal. The fact that he still had his cock in the babe didn’t escape her. Neither did the fact that Muttly was still knotted inside her pussy and there wasn’t much she could do until he released her.

“Don’t you think that you ought to introduce us all, Nate?” Chided Susan, as she tried to make the best of the situation. There was no way she or her mother could take back what had already happened so they might as well roll with the punch and make it all easier. Besides, from what she saw in the eyes of Nate’s little companion there was no shock there; what she saw was desire.

Nate smiled. “I guess we’ll leave the hugs and handshakes for later.” He started jovially. “Mom, Susan, I would like you to meet my wife… Vesta.” He said as he pulled her closer to him which shoved his cock into her deeper and caused her to sigh softly at the intrusion.

The resultant sigh of pleasure was not missed by either of the Morgan women but they had their own stimuli to worry about. Even as they lay there both Muttly and Gray were still giving them an occasional spray of cum which shot directly into their tubes and swarmed any egg that might be there. The mere thought that one of those billions of sperm that they now carried within them might impregnate them was very heady and both of the ladies experienced another orgasm as Nate introduced Vesta; both of them sighed also.

More minutes passed but then Alexis took charge as she saw her son extricate himself from his wife. There were a thousand things she wanted to ask at the moment but she decided to wait until both she and Susan were out from in under their lovers to do so. “Nate, please take Vesta into your room or down stairs… I don’t care which. Give Susan and me a moment alone here and then we’ll talk.”

Nate helped Vesta get straightened out a bit and then escorted her out of the room. As it was they ended up in what would now be their bedroom; his old room. And he had her on the bed shortly after that. They nearly ripped their clothes off as the quickly stripped and then landed on the bed. He was in her again shortly after that and they fucked like a pair of rabbits that hadn’t been together in weeks.

“Seeing your mother and sister like that really made you hot, didn’t it?” Asked Vesta as Nate pulled her legs upward and crushed her breasts with her own knees while shoving his hard cock into her depths.

Vesta was wide open to his advances in this position and he took complete advantage of it. Nate plunged into his wife mercilessly and he knew that what she had just said was totally true. He had already cum once in her a few minutes ago and now he was ready to fill her again. “Yes…” He grunted. It was both an answer to his mate and the guttural response of intense release.

Alexis and Susan were eventually able to get out from in under Muttly and Gray. They went to Karen’s room and found that she had just completed her mating session with Hans. It was the younger of the two Morgan women that addressed her. “Did Nate come in here?” She asked her friend.

Karen looked at the blurred image of her friend.”I don’t think so.” She responded. “Is he home?”

“Yeah, he’s home and he brought a new wife with him.” Confided Susan.

“What?” Exclaimed Karen. “I thought he was just going to Mexico to get away from what he did…” And then she let her voice trail off to nothing because she realized that Alexis was there and she had not known that Nate had raped her. The girls had never told her about it.

Alexis sensed that she had missed something here but she decided to wait until later to find out what it was. “I want everyone to get cleaned up and then we’ll meet down stairs in the kitchen.” She said as she belted a robe about her lovely body. She then left the room and went to her son’s bedroom.

Alexis didn’t bother to knock at Nate’s bedroom door. It was open a bit and she entered; it was poetic justice actually. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the bed and the sexually cavorting couple there. She watched as her son pounded his cock into the girl that was under him and wished that her husband could still do the same for her. She did console herself though with the fact that Muttly was a very good lover in his own rights.

It wasn’t long after she watched the young couple satisfy each other’s needs that they became aware of her. “Mom…” Groused Nate as he tried to cover both himself and his wife with the bed sheets. It was only one word but the tone of voice spoke volumes.

“Hey, you walked in on us so don’t complain.” Said Alexis as she ran her eyes over the young Hispanic gal that lay slightly hidden behind her son. “Besides I don’t think that any of us have anything to hide from each other. It’s only your father that we will have to watch for in the future. Now… get dressed and we’ll all meet in the kitchen in about thirty minutes. I’m sure that we all have questions to ask and stories to tell.” She added before she left the room and shut the door.

Nate chuckled and pulled Vesta close to him. “Damn, what a home coming.” He intoned as he lay on the bed snuggled next to his wife.

Vesta turned to look at him. “Do you think your family will like me? I mean… after everything that has just happened.”

Nate hugged her reassuringly. “Don’t worry about them Vesta, I know you’ll fit right in.” He said as his mind replayed the scene they had found on their arrival.

Forty five minutes passed before everyone in the house finally made it to the kitchen. The dogs remained sequestered upstairs for the moment and everyone was seated at the table. Alexis, being the oldest, took charge of the proceedings. “Alright Nate, let’s start with you and your new bride. Tell us how it all came about and then we will tell you our tales.”

Nate told the story of his Mexican adventure from beginning to end. He didn’t embellish on anything but he did leave one thing un-mentioned; the reason he had fled to Acapulco in the first place. He made it seem as though he had simply wanted one more vacation before he went to school.

Karen, Susan and then lastly Alexis rounded out the American team. Vesta was the last to tell her tale and the girls were very interested in hearing about her life. They honestly cared and by the time the stories were totally patched together they all knew each other a whole lot better.

Later that night, Vesta was able to get away from Nate’s side for a short time. She immediately sought out Susan and Karen and engaged them in spicy conversation. “You have both already told me how you got involved with animals but I would like to ask you one more thing. Do you think you could help me find a dog to take with me when Nate goes back to Harvard?”

Karen honestly tried to think of something but nothing came to mind on such short notice. Susan on the other hand smiled at her new sister-in-law. “It depends on how adventurous you wish to be.” She eventually intoned.


Chapter Sixteen

It was surprising how Vesta fit right in on the scheme of things. From the very first day the Morgan women took her in and made her welcome; after all, she was a Morgan now also. Susan and Karen in particular took her under their wing and helped her purchase clothes that were appropriate for where she would be spending the winter. This would be the very first time that she would be in a cold or even cool climate for more than just a few days. They definitely didn’t envy her on that part.

It was while they were shopping that Vesta learned more about Nate than he had ever told her but Susan and Karen were kind to him because they never mentioned the rape incident. They simply told her that he had some quirky problems at first but that he seemed to have been able to work them out.

By the time the girls were done getting Vesta an entirely new wardrobe to replace or enhance the few things that she did have the bill came to slightly over five thousand dollars; and none of it was frivolously spent. Susan liked having fine looking clothes but she loved getting a bargain even more and she knew where to get them.

“I really don’t know how to thank you Susan and you too Karen for taking the time you have to help me like this.” She said as she hugged her new sister-in-law and then her new friend. Her eyes scanned the contents of the full trunk of the red car in which they rode and she was amazed at it all. She still wasn’t use to being rich and being able to get what you wanted or needed almost immediately. This was a whole new world to her.

Even as the girls got into the vehicle thoughts of what Nate had already done for her family came to mind. Her mother and two sisters were now being supported by him too and even though he was only sending them a hundred dollars a week it was enough to get them started without making them a target of others who would try to take advantage of them or even foolish with what they themselves were receiving.

By now, the girls had been out for quite a while and Nate had called his sister’s cell phone several times wondering where they were. She had been polite to him but she also told him that they would be home when they got there and she wasn’t about to set any kind of time table for him. “We really are doing you a favor Nate.” She had added. “Your little bride had nothing at all suitable to wear when you return to Cambridge. And although I know you still love to see her naked a lot I’m sure that you don’t want to share her with anyone else in that capacity so you can thank Karen and I later when you see what we’ve done.”

Nate had been anxious to be with Vesta again; they had barely been apart for more than an hour in the past weeks and he really did love her company. But when Susan mentioned a new wardrobe for his wife it really hit him that she in fact didn’t have much. It was then that he recalled the few items that she had checked through customs when they had entered into the U.S. He was thankful to his sister and Karen and he knew that he would have to mention his gratitude to them when he next saw them.

Dusk was beginning to set in by the time the girls were done with their shopping spree. As usual, once the girls were free to talk openly and without fear of being overheard the subject turned to the dogs and what great lovers they were becoming.

“Where was it that you found your animal?” Asked Vesta.

Susan snorted. “It was more like he found me.” She corrected softly. “I was raped the first few times I went to this one place but then I eventually began to like it.” She verbally counted on her fingers as she shortly relived the climactic events. “It was the fourth time I went there that I met Gray and he changed everything for me.”

“Could we go there and see if the dogs are still there?” Asked Vesta, hoping to find an animal that could take her like she had seen Muttly and Gray take Alexis and Susan.

“Ughhh… I’m not sure that’s a very good idea.” Returned Susan. “The animals at the construction site have their own set of rules. When I told you I was raped… believe me… I was raped. I could not have stopped what happened to me unless it was to stay away from the place to begin with.”

“What about your mother? She went there didn’t she?” Continued Vesta.

“Yeah, but she knew what was going to happen to her and she was ready for it.” Explained Susan. “She had been taken by several dogs when she was younger and she knew what to expect.”

Vesta sighed longingly. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I have only been with that one dog in Mexico with Nate. And after seeing all of you with your animals I’m…”

“Really hot for some more doggie cock.” Susan finished her train of thought for her with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah… I am. I can barely wait to feel a dog again.” She said huskily.

Susan thought for a moment. “I… guess it wouldn’t hurt to go see what’s there.” She finally offered. “But we have to be very careful.” She saw her sister-in-law nod her head and then at the next intersection she headed for the construction site.

The trip to the housing development didn’t take long and within minutes Susan was idling her Mustang down the road past the already occupied homes and into the danger zone. “This is where they live Vesta so keep your eyes open and we’ll see if we can find them before they find us.”

“This is exciting.” Said the little Hispanic gal as they pulled to a stop in a dirt driveway that was half way between the road and a house that was about seventy five percent built. She didn’t even stop to think but almost immediately had the door open and was walking toward the structure.

“Oh shit, oh… shit…” Screeched Susan when she realized what Vesta was doing. She immediately flung her door open and started after the girl but when she looked up the short drive she saw that it might already be too late. She immediate spun around and headed for her door while she shouted over her shoulder for her sister-in-law to get in the car.

Vesta had no idea how aggressive the animals at the sight were. She heard Susan shout about getting back into the car but that was all she heard before the low barks and growls of two very large dogs got her immediate attention. She saw them running at her and she expected them to stop but they didn’t and within moments they had her surrounded.

By now, Susan was in the car and she was still yelling for Vesta to get into the vehicle. She saw her new in-law try to do that but then she disappeared from view as one of the dogs jumped on her from behind. “Damn, this ain’t good.” She hissed and then she reached across the seat and managed to get the passenger door semi-closed; no sense in inviting one of the bastards right into her vehicle.

“What happened?” Asked Karen from the backseat.

“Vesta got out of the car and now the dogs have her.” Answered Susan shakily.

“Is there anything that we can do?” Returned Karen with concern.

“Not unless you want to offer your ass as a sacrifice to the second dog and lessen Vesta’s burden.” Sighed Susan. “I’ve already been there and I don’t plan to do it again.”

After saying that, Susan tried to peer over the hood of the Mustang and see what was happening to Vesta but she couldn’t see much. She started the car then and back up a bit; just enough to be able to see and what she saw mesmerized her. She had only the unction to turn off her engine and then she watched the spectacle unfold.

By the time the engine was quiet again the dog had Vesta nearly denuded. Her blouse was in shreds and hung from her torso but her backside was totally bare and at the mercy of the animal that was behind her.

“What’s happening?” Came Karen’s voice once more.

Susan once more became the narrator of what was happening. “The leader of the pack now that Gray and Muttly are gone is just ready to mount her. He’s on her back and I can see him hunching closer to her.” She commented as she turned the key in the ignition enough to power the windows and then open them.

From then on, Susan only had to fill in a few things because what was happening to Vesta came to the girls in her own voice. “Oh god, oh god… he’s in me, the dog has his cock in me.” Exclaimed the young Hispanic. “Ugh, ugh, ugh…” she grunted in time with the animal’s thrusting.

Susan’s hands found their way to her own tender breasts and vaginal mound and as she watched the dog thrusting his cock into the newest member of her family she wished that Gray was there to help ease her excitement. Her sister-in-law was small but the hot flesh that was pounding her pussy was driven hard enough to sink the knot into her and then pull it out of her. It continued that way for several more minutes and then she screamed and it no longer came out of her.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh…” Vesta continued to grunt. “Oh god… this dog… is fucking… me so… good… I think… he’s trying… to make… me pregnant… Ohhhhhh… yesss…” And then the knot was in her to stay for a while.

Vesta arched her back and gave the dog everything he wanted from her as he poured his sperm into her deepest recesses. Her second orgasm claimed her as she felt his seed flooding her and she encouraged him. “Give me your puppies, Doggie. Give me everything you got you stud you.” Her third climax claimed her as the cock that was inside of her twisted within her to accommodate the movement of her lover as he dismounted her.

By the time the dog turned and stood ass to as with Vesta the smell of heady sex was strong within the Mustang; even with the windows rolled down. However, neither girl had orgasmed yet and they were both hot by now.

Vesta remained where she was for another ten minutes and then the dog’s knot had shrunk enough to allow him to pull out of her. With a sigh she move to get up and amble back to the car but she didn’t make it more than a few feet before the second animal was on her and demanding his rights.

“The second dog has her now.” Exclaimed Susan; knowing from the beginning that what was happening now was ordained the moment Vesta stepped too far away from the safety of the car.

Vesta eyed the first dog while the second one availed himself of her charms. In the swiftly failing light she was not impressed with the immediate beauty or looks of the animals but she had to admit that they definitely knew how to grab a lady’s attention. She sighed deeply as the K9s cock sank into her vagina over six inches on the first thrust and she was glad that there was plenty of lubrication there; provided by the sperm from her first assailant.

It wasn’t long before Vesta began rating this dog over the other one. Her first lover had taken her hard and fast. His speed was such that she had a hard time breathing let alone thinking about and enjoying what was happening to her. She then remembered the animal in Mexico; he had fucked her very well but moreover, he had been gentle.

Vesta arched her back and allowed the dog to have greater access to her. Once more she felt the knot on this animal doing the same as the other one had; it was entering her and then popping back out. It did give her vaginal lips and clit a good bit of stimulation but she wanted this boy to sink his cock into her and stay a while. “Ohhh… yes… fuck me doggie, fuck me good.” She hissed and her small voice traveled through the swiftly cooling night air and alit on the eardrums of the two occupants of the car.

Susan could see the dog and her sister-in-law as he mated her while Karen could only picture in her mind what was truly happening. But, with the sound of Vesta’s voice adding to the mix it was still a sexually charged moment. Both of the girls wished that their lovers were there and the young brunette was tempted to see if she could get out of the car and find out if the first dog had recovered enough to be interested in what she had to offer.

Vesta might have been new to the animal scene considering the fact that this was only the third dog that she had ever fucked but what she lacked in experience she made up for in exuberance. The mutt that had his cock in her at the moment was the best bitch that he had ever had. He’d remember this night for quite a while; or at least until he managed to find another willing female to mate with.

Vesta grunted as the dog’s knot finally inflated to a point where he stayed imbedded in her slick channel. She felt his fleshy bulb rubbing her G-spot and the fifth orgasm that was building within her was triggered. By now she was panting in exertion and then another orgasmic wave hit her as she felt her lover dump his potent seed into her depths.

“Fuck me Doggy, give me your sperm and see if you can make me pregnant. Ohhh… yeah… fill me up with your cum.” Hissed Vesta.

Susan and Karen heard the young Hispanic gal coo her pleasure and they too joined her chorus a bit as they managed to hit a small peek with their manipulations. It lacked in intensity compared to what Vesta had just experienced but it would have to do until they got home; then Hans and Gray would be in for a very sex fill evening if they had anything to say about it.

Ten more minutes passed before Vesta was released by her second lover and though she would have liked to have hugged the two animals they vanished into the shadows before she could do anything. She was sexually fulfilled at the moment but she knew that it could have been better. This whole incident was like it was with her previous human boy friends; they were only interested in themselves and there was no relationship.

Vesta arose slowly from her kneeling position and propped herself up on the hood of the car slightly. She was not tackled again this time so she figured that it was over. She gathered her Shorts and panties and examined them as best she could in the waning light. The shorts were barely serviceable but the panties were a total loss.

The young Hispanic stepped into her tattered shorts and then wadded up her panties and held them against her dripping vaginal slit as she pulled her pants into place. At least the filmy material would serve some purpose until she could get new ones at home.

It wasn’t much longer before Vesta had re-entered the car and was seated in the passenger seat. She sighed contentedly but her calm was short lived.

“What in the world were you thinking?” Exclaimed Susan as she looked at Vesta. “It looks as though you managed to come out of it okay but what if the dogs had hurt you? What would I have had to tell my brother? What will… I tell my brother?”

Vesta looked at Susan and smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry; I guess I really didn’t think it through too far. I was just so… horny I guess I didn’t look at all the possible consequences. And as for Nate, I’ll handle him. You won’t be blamed for anything. I’ll make sure he’s satisfied tonight so that there will be no complaints.”

“Cut her a little slack, Susan.” Offered Karen softly. “You know how I feel about Hans but I have to admit that I was very tempted to get out of the car and see if I could get one of the dogs to fuck me. And I was with my lover boy early this morning so I can only imagine how Vesta was feeling. Especially with all of us making love to our animals in front of her like we have been.”

Susan sighed. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I know a certain Weimaraner that’s going to very busy for a while when we get him alone.” She chuckled as she started her car and prepared to finish the drive home. “And on second thought.” She added as she reached out and patted Vesta’s leg. “If you want… you and Nate can come and watch. He can fuck you while Gray fucks me. That ought to keep him from saying too much about what just happened here.”

Vesta reached out for Susan’s hand and clasped it gently. “Thank you. I know I would love to see you and Gray making love. And I’m sure pretty sure that Nate won’t turn it down either. You really are a good sister-in-law.” She stated and then she turned toward Karen. “And you are a very good friend. I am very fortunate to have such people as you to become acquainted with here in America.”


Chapter Seventeen

When the girls arrived home they managed to conceal the fact that Vesta had been ravaged by two dogs but Nate knew that she had managed to find one K9 to mate with and he was a little put out at the discovery.

“I’m sorry Darling.” Cooed Vesta gently as she cuddled close to her husband. Her small right hand managed to edge between them and find his covered manhood. She applied just enough pressure to stimulate and excite him without being obvious as to what she was doing. “I’m really hot right now and I need you to fuck me.” She whispered.

“We’re sorry Nate.” Added Susan. “And to make amends I’ll even invite you and Vesta into my room later and you can watch Gray fuck me. You can even decide which way you would like to see him take me; missionary or doggy style.”

Nate’s interests perked up immediately and his hurt feelings about not being with Vesta when a dog fucked her ebbed to zero. He had no designs on his sister any longer but if she was offering to give him a free show he wasn’t about to turn it down. Once more he would be able to have his cake and eat it too; per say, as he would be able to see a dog take his sister and fuck his wife at the same time. “That sounds acceptable to me.” He responded.

Within fifteen minutes, Susan, Gray, Nate and Vesta were on their way to the young blonde’s bedroom. When they arrived there they also found Karen and Hans waiting for them. “Ugh… maybe this isn’t that good of an idea after all.” Intoned the only two legged male in the group as he recalled the last time he had been in a closed room with the German Shepherd guide dog.

Susan snickered at seeing Nate’s discomfiture at first but then tried to put him at ease. “I honestly doubt that you have anything to worry about when it comes to Hans, Brother dear. All you have to remember is that you never get between a K9 and his mate unless you want to be… bitten.”

Vesta had no idea what was truly being discussed so she simply took the conversation at face value. It seemed evident to her that Nate had been bitten when he somehow had gotten too close to Karen and Hans had protected her. She hoped that her eventual K9 lover would do the same for her; just not against her husband.

It wasn’t much longer before they were all inside the room and the door was locked. They all understood that although they were here to have fun that they were to stay with their own individual partners; and, that noise was to be kept to a minimum. Mr. Morgan was home and already in bed and they didn’t want to disturb him in any way that would draw his attention in their direction.

Nate stood behind Vesta and watched as Karen and Susan stripped their pants off. “How do you want Gray to make love to me?” Asked the young blonde as her pants hit the floor and she stepped out of them.

Nate looked at Vesta. “What do you think? Do you want to see what you look like when you are under a dog? Do you want to see her taken doggy style?”

Vesta sighed as Nate ran his hands over her bare breasts. He had pulled her blouse up and it gave him free access to her brown nippled globes. “Doggy style sounds good to me.” She hissed and then she added something that she hoped would tantalize her new sister-in-law. “Besides, that’s the way that all dogs impregnate their bitches and fill them full of their puppies.”

Susan crawled seductively to the right side of the bed while Karen took the left. Each of them faced the head of the sleeping platform and called for their dogs. It wasn’t long before Hans was mounting Karen and Susan was mounted by Gray. With practiced ease the animals found their mates and were soon fucking them deeply. The only difference was the speed at which the girls were being pounded.

Both Karen and Susan were singing the same tune but at slightly differing tempos as Hans and Gray shoved their hot cocks into them. The young brunette knew no other way of being fucked at the moment so she had no idea that slower and deeper were as fulfilling as shallow and fast.

Susan arched her back and allowed Gray to enter her to the bottom of her vaginal chute. His cock nudged her inner core with every forward thrust that he made and Vesta’s words rang in her ears. She was being taken like a bitch and she loved it. Her lover was breeding her, trying his hardest to impregnate her and just the mere thought of it triggered her first orgasm; one of many that she would experience that night and each of them stronger than the last.

Susan managed a quick look to her left and saw Karen’s breasts jiggling in time with her lovers thrusts and her moans of delight kept the same beat. The young blonde herself found it hard to speak with Gray fucking her so deliciously but she did manage a weak word to her friend. “Arch your back and really let Hans enter you.”

Karen heard Susan’s word of advice and followed it. The results were almost instantaneous. Hans began hitting the back of her vaginal vault and he slowed his pace nearly in half. Now, instead of hundreds of shallow stabbings the young brunette was the recipient of slower more powerful entries that shook her core to its max. Her pleasure tempo shifted to the diminished rate also but the feel of each and every jab was now increased threefold. This was the best she had ever been fucked by Hans and she loved it.

Vesta moaned her pleasure to the beat of Nate’s cock as it stroked into her depths and excited her vaginal nerve endings. She really did love her new husband but as she watched her sister-in-law and new friend being fucked by their dogs she fantasized that the cock that was in her belonged to a K9 also; only the hands that held her breasts as she was being taken hindered the illusion.

Nate was enjoying himself fully, but he was having a hard time deciding on where to focus his eyes. He watched as Gray fucked his sister in a way that he only wished that he could match but he consoled himself with the fact that he had hands and could talk. He could bend over Vesta’s back and whisper in her ear exactly what he wanted to in as sexy a voice as he could manage. He told her that he loved her and that he wanted to see her pregnant. He figured he must have hit a hot spot because shortly after that he felt her first orgasm claim her.

Vesta trembled as her orgasm claimed her. She felt her vaginal muscles clamping on Nate’s cock as it tried to milk his sperm from him. The only thing that that was different in both her and her husband’s scenarios though was the fact that she was envisioning a dog on her back and her imaginary four-footed lover as being the cause of her bliss.

Susan began to pant as Gray continued to thrust into her. She was beginning to tire so it was with great relief that she felt her lover shift a bit and enter her uterus with the tip of his cock. “Yesss…” She hissed as he began to enter her completely. “Put your knot in me Darling. Seal me up and fill me with your sperm… Give me your puppies Honey. I want them in my belly.” She cooed.

Karen was at the same way point as Susan was only Hans had not entered her uterus. He had simply stuffed his knot into her by shoving his dick into her so hard that it pushed brutally against the end of her vaginal tube. The pain she felt was substantial but the bliss she also experienced made it all worth every second of it. She was just glad that she didn’t have a gynecological exam within the next week or so. It would have been totally impossible to explain the internal bruising she was sure would be evident by later this evening.

Nate listened to his sister and Karen as they urged their four-footed lovers on to greater heights. He had no idea why they continued to plead for Gray and Hans to fuck puppies into them but in a way it was very sexy. He himself desired to pour his seed into Vesta in the hopes that she would become pregnant and he wondered if women and dogs had the same primal desires.

Nate continued to sink his cock into his wife and he thought back to all the times he had sex with the various girls that he had been with in college. He remembered wanting to fuck them and he enjoyed watching as they orgasmed on the end of his dick; knowing that he had caused their throes of pleasure got him off immensely. He didn’t recall wanting to make them pregnant though. That aspect of all his sexual associations didn’t surface until he had met Vesta. Could it be because he really cared about her and he wanted more out of their relationship?

Everything before Vesta had been sex… And it had started out the same with her at first but it didn’t remain that way. Now as he continued to thrust into the hot little Hispanic woman beneath him he wanted more he wanted her to have his baby. Was this the way it was with Susan and Karen and their respective lovers did they care about them so much that they wanted to become pregnant by them even though they were animals?

Susan’s groan of sexual bliss grew in intensity as she felt Gray begin pouring his seed into her depths. She knew that another batch of his hot sperm was bathing her available eggs and she prayed for the umpteenth time that a miracle would occur. One… just one of his little tadpoles would be all that was needed. If it would join forces with her ova then she would be able to carry his progeny inside her body. She would be able to give him a son and when he was born she would feed him from her breasts. Everything that she was feeling and thinking ebbed its way into her mouth and the words that slipped passed her lips were hot enough to ignite any fire given the proper tinder; and the sexual height that all of them were in at the moment was definitely that occasion.

Karen heard the sentiments that Susan was expressing and she echoed them as she thrust her body back at her lover. She urged Hans to impregnate her as Gray was doing to his blonde mate. She felt his sperm hitting the end of her tube and she nearly swooned form the pressure and pleasure of it all. She too pleaded for a baby to be pumped into her depths so that she could show him how much she cared about him.

Vesta was caught in the same desire as Susan and Karen were, but she was very cool about it and able to remember exactly who it was that she was attached to. “Fuck me Darling.” She hissed over her shoulder as another orgasm claimed her body. She felt her vaginal muscles contract again but this time she also felt and heard something else; her husband’s sperm was flowing into her this time as he climaxed also. “Yesss…” She urged him. “Give me your seed Sweetheart and I’ll give you a baby.”

Nate heard his lovely little wife utter words of desire that brought joy to his heart. Vesta had mentioned about a baby before but no other woman he had ever been with had ever said this to him. No other woman had ever told him that she wanted to become pregnant by him. He really loved this sweet Hispanic babe and he wanted her to know it. He held her tightly to him as he poured his seed into her. He nuzzled her neck and even managed to kiss her while his cock was still buried deep within her; and they both sighed contentedly.

By the time Gray and Hans pulled their knots out of their respective lovers Susan and Karen were exhausted. It pleased the young blonde immensely that her brother and sister-in-law had retired to their own room. Susan had her friend stay where she was in her bed while she took the dogs out for a run and then she quickly returned.

When Susan walked into her bedroom she wasn’t surprised to find that Karen had fallen asleep. She would already have been asleep herself if she hadn’t been on her feet. She crawled into bed and extinguished the main light and all was black until her eyes adjusted to the diminished glow of the nightlight she had near the door.

Eventually Susan could easily make out the different shapes of the dogs as they lay in the corners that they had decided to curl up in and then her attention turned to herself. As she lay on her back her gaze fell on what was normally a very flat tummy but at the moment it wasn’t its normal flatness; there was a slight bulge there right above her bikini panty line. It was a very cool illusion because as she refocused her eyes to a greater depth of field she saw Gray lying there and he seemed to be looking at her.

Susan allowed her hand to caress the slight bulge lovingly. She knew that gray’s seed was causing the small bump but would it still be there in the morning? Was she pregnant? Had they succeeded in doing the impossible? These were her thoughts as she drifted off to sleep and it affected her dreams.

Susan awoke; only she was no longer in her bedroom. The fact that she didn’t recognize the place didn’t really concern her. Gray was there and that was all that mattered. She was also naked and she loved the feel of it. It was total freedom and she felt so sexy as she hugged Gray to her and experienced the feel of his short hairs against her bare skin. She kissed him and he returned it in his own fashion. It was then that she realized how big her tummy was and she cradled the bulge as she got out of bed and walked to a nearby mirror.

Susan stood in front of the reflective glass for several minutes, running her hands over the bulge that had once been a flat stomach and she marveled at what she saw. She grinned at herself and then the image of Gray as he stood right next to her. “You made me pregnant you sweet hunk of male.” She intoned as she knelt to get down to his level. “Look at this.” She cooed as she continued to caress the lump. “That’s your baby that I have in me.” And then she sighed even louder as she saw a smaller bump trail across her skin and then disappear. It was movement and she had seen it. The Puppy was alive and moving inside her. Tears of joy flooded her eyes and she tried to point to where the movement had been but it didn’t repeat itself.

Susan was still hoping for more when something disturbed her. There was a voice… and it was calling her name. She turned to show the voice what she had been trying to show Gray but now the tummy bulge was gone and she couldn’t imagine where it had disappeared to. She cried out in anguish at first and then stopped as she finally realized that she had been dreaming and that Karen was calling her name softly.

“Susan, are you alright?” Came the brunette’s worried voice.

“Yeah, Karen, I’m fine, I guess I was dreaming.” She said returned softly. “I woke up in a room somewhere and Gray was on the bed with me…”

“Was he fucking you?” Teased Karen, interrupting her friends dream narrative.

“No you little Vixen!” She returned as she reached out and grabbed one of Karen’s nipples and gave it a playful twist. “He wasn’t fucking me… but I was pregnant.”

Karen squawked at her friend’s attack but she didn’t try to retaliate once she heard more about the dream. “Mmmmm… tell me more…” She pleaded. “And don’t leave out any details. I want to hear all about it.”

Susan smiled and then moved closer to her friend. “I’ll do more than that.” She cooed as she gently pushed Karen flat on her back. She then ran her hands over her friend’s breasts in an effort to get her in a sexual mood before she told her tale. “It wasn’t a long dream.” She continued as she caressed the brown peeked bosom before moving downward to the flat plane of the brunette’s own stomach. “I awoke and when I did I saw Gray on the bed with me and hugged him. It was then that I noticed that I was pregnant.”

“Ohhh…” Cooed Karen as Susan’s caresses and words mixed to create the desired frame of mind. “I love this dream already. Except for a slight change of characters I would love to have stared in it myself.”

Susan continued her narrative as her hand moved softly over her friend’s supple belly. “My baby bulge stuck out to about here.” She gestured as she held her cupped hand about five inches from Karen’s flesh. It was beautiful. I was showing Gray our growing puppy when all of a sudden I saw a smaller bulge work it’s way across the taut flesh. I tried to point it out to him because I thought he missed but it didn’t return. And that’s when I became excited and must have awakened you… and then you awakened me.”

“Wow.” Exclaimed Karen. “I really do wish I could have a dream like that. It would be so wonderful to be pregnant and have Hans’ baby inside of me like that. To feel and see it’s movement and to know that soon you would be able to suckle that little puppy at your teats. Mmmmm… I wonder what breast milk tastes like?” She voiced aloud without really expecting an answer.

The girls rested a bit more but then began to stir. It was when they sat up and had seriously determined that they were going to begin their day that Susan informed her friend that their shower would have to wait just a bit longer. Five little words were all she needed. “The boys are ready again.” She intoned softly; and the young ladies both chuckled and moved to the side of the bed.

Susan took her side while Karen did the same on the left side of the bed. Their feet hit the floor and their backs rested on the firm mattress. They scooted to the edge of it until their sweet bums were in the clear and then they waited. The anticipation was short lived and very soon their respective lovers were with them.

Karen was the first to begin cooing as Hans began warming her up by licking her but Gray wasn’t far behind as he gently dug his tongue into Susan’s sweet channel. Within minutes they were soon singing the same tune and their crescendo hit only seconds apart also.

Once Gray and Hans had licked their mistress’ to their first orgasm of the day they wasted no further time in completing the union. They placed their front paws on the bed and were soon shuffling forward. The heat from their exposed cocks met with the warm burrows that they were eagerly seeking and the sexual duet began again with renewed vigor.

Neither girl wasted much time in not drawing her lover into her as deeply as their respective anatomies would allow. Once they felt the hot shaft of the dog hit the bottom of their vaginal chute their legs came up and they locked him into them. They them lifted their arms and hugged him also and from then on it became a slow dance to ecstasy.

The bed was firm and strong but it still rocked side to side as both girls thrust themselves onto their mate’s hard poles. Karen was unable to do any more after that but lay there and feel Hans thrusting into her with increasing vigor as she urged him on. Susan however, caught Gray’s eye as he drilled her and they watched each other as their groins meshed and his phallus entered the deepest parts of her core. His knot was now locked in her and they were ready.

“Fuck me Gray.” She intoned softly. “Fuck me so deep and hard that nature can no longer resist our desires. I know you want to give me your puppies; I can see it in your eyes just as surely as I can feel the yearning in my soul to have them in me. Give me your seed Sweetheart and we’ll try again to make me pregnant with your offspring. Fill me up Darling.” She hissed as a very strong orgasm claimed her and a very faint. “Yesss…” Followed as her male did her bidding.

Gray had no idea what Susan was saying but he himself was ready to consummate their union. His knot was locked into his mate and her words of encouragement were soft. Her vaginal muscles kicked into gear and began adding even more stimulus to it all so he did what nature told him he should do; he emptied his sperm into her in several strong streams. The pressure of it all on his mistress pushed her over the edge of coherency for a moment and she lost contact with the real world for several minutes as his seed swarmed the one egg that was there and available for him to impregnate.

Karen and Hans were at the same juncture. He had managed to get his knot into her and now he was ready to unload his puppy batter into his mate. He flattened himself against her even tighter that she was already holding him and his potent seed gushed into her. She too had a seed waiting for him to fertilize. It was descending down her right fallopian tube and only an inch or so away from her womb. His sperm didn’t have far to go before it met up with this particular ova. It was a billion to one odds but would it be enough to tip the scales of nature in their favor.

The sexual aura in the room at the moment was so strong that both girls were affected. Susan was not the only one that lost momentary consciousness. Karen was floating in her own little bubble several feet above the real world also and she didn’t alight for several minutes either.

If anyone had come into the room at the initial onset of the girl’s euphoric state they might have assumed that the two dogs had just fucked the girls to death instead of just oblivion. It was a solid five minutes before either of them began to move and then it was to hug their mates to them and kiss them profusely.

Both girls sighed in near harmony as they lay there beneath their lovers. They basked in the feel of their mates cocks still imbedded deeply within their bodies and they relished the thought that they were carrying their animal’s seed within their reproductive systems.

“Oh god.” Cooed Susan. “I hope the boys managed to get us pregnant this time. I know there was a difference with the way it felt in the end but was it enough?”

“Mmmmm…” moaned Karen pleasurably as she thrust her groin at Hans and felt the pleasant ache within her. It told her that he could enter her no further than the depth that he had already attained without hurting her and she would have to be satisfied with what she had. “It did feel different this time.” She agreed. “I don’t know what it was but I hope your right. I hope our desires are so strong that they break the species barrier and our genes mix. Wouldn’t that be something?” She added joyfully.