(c) 2014 by Morgen

Part 1

Emily Lawner was getting home early today. Her boss had taken her out for lunch, to celebrate her landing a big account with the agency, and had given her the rest of the day off. She was feeling good, and now that she had the rest of the day off, she was feeling frisky, too. She was eager to get out of her pressed dark green business suit, and take care of her rapidly building horniness.

Emily was feeling good, and she looked good too. At the age of 34, she was a total MILF; sleek black hair with hints of brown, sparkling blue eyes, slender build, gorgeous 34D-cup breasts, a pert heart-shaped ass and shapely legs. Her daughter Jenn would not be home for a few hours, and she could indulge herself in a long, languid session of self-loving, stroking and caressing her body, stroking at all her soft, intimate areas, building herself up until, with her 9 inch dildo stuffed snugly in her cunt, fingers teasing and polishing her clit, she’d cum like crazy. Her center was creamy slick already, she was aching to take care of that heat.

She trotted up the steps of her house, and let herself in. Perfect, now just head for her bedroom, and….wait a minute. She heard noises, sounded like girl talk and laughter, coming from Jenn’s bedroom. Damn, so much for that, she thought, as her pussy ached, yearning to be brought to climax. She headed up the stairs, better let Jenn know I’m home.

Her door was partly ajar, she intended to just lean in, and say hi. She got to the lean in, but what she saw killed anything she was going to say. Her daughter Jenn and her best friend Cherry were stretched out on the bed. Except for the tight panties both were wearing, they were totally naked. Jenn was stroking at her breasts, fingers teasing her nipples into stiff, hard nubs. Jenn was 17, and her breasts were a 34B, she was similar in body style to her Mom, a slender, more athletic build, she was one of the best on her high school track and field team. Her friend Cherry was more voluptuous, with wide, solid hips, at 17 she was already a 36DD cup, with a wickedly curvy waist, and a figure that made her think of Marilyn Monroe. She was also tweaking at her nipples, and both girls were running their fingertips along the front of their panties, pressing against their tight pink seams.

Emily drew back quickly, fortunately, both girls were facing away, watching Jenn’s TV/DVD player, and had not noticed Emily. Emily thought she should withdraw, give them some privacy, but watching the hot, sexy shapes of her daughter and her best friend on the bed together, giving themselves pleasure, held her in a grip she couldn’t break. The way the TV/DVD player was angled, Emily couldn’t see what was on the screen, but it sounded a lot like some pretty hot porn.

“Watch this!” Cherry cried, “oh fuck, yeah, look at her, suck it down baby, now let that cock spray you!”

“Holy fuck, she’s getting absolutely plastered!” Jenn cried.

“Ok, now, watch this! Get naked baby, and get ready to stroke your pussy, god it’s such a turn on to see, and film this!” Cherry growled huskily.

They both drew up their knees, lifting up their butts, they both slid their panties down in one fluid movement, pulling them off, twirling them around a finger, and giggled as they tossed them away. Cherry’s tight, fire engine red panties slid towards the door, until they were at Emily’s feet. Without even stopping to think, she reached down, picked up Cherry’s panties, and sniffed deeply at the crotch. The smell of Cherry’s arousal patterned against the crotch, a peppery, hot musky scent, made Emily’s pussy twang with need.

Jenn and Cherry lay back, their heads propped up, thighs spread wide, and their fingers got busy, stroking at their hot, creamy slick centers. Emily could feel her pussy demanding attention, she slipped her skirt off, and buried her fingers in her burning pussy. The feel of her fingers, sliding up her overheated tunnel, filling the hungry ache, almost made her cry out with relief. As Jenn and Cherry started to pick up the pace, Emily did also, 3 ladies were now furiously finger-fucking 3 very hot and very horny cunts. The shrieks and screams of passion coming from the TV drove them on, and Emily could feel it building up.

“Ok here it comes, baby, watch her, watch what happens, stroke your pretty pussy, and watch!” Cherry gasped.

The voice on the TV rose to a scream of sexual pleasure, and Jenn and Cherry’s shrieks of climax joined in, as they both tumbled into orgasm, sleek bodies shaking and writhing, and Emily bit down hard to keep from crying out, as her body was wracked with the cunt quivering spasms of her climax, feeling her pink walls clutching at her fingers, gasping with pleasure.

Cherry gasped, “There’s more, keep watching!”

About 30 seconds later, I heard Jenn squeal, “Oh my god, is that you?”

Cherry growled back huskily, “Yeah, that’s me all right. God, it’s such a turn on to suck out the load, after they’ve been filled up. You wouldn’t believe how delicious that big load of spunk tastes, when it’s mixed with the lucky recipient’s juices!”

Both Jenn and Cherry had reached over, and were now stroking eagerly at each other’s horny centers, nimble fingers working each other up to climax. Emily watched, feeling her horniness surge back up, watching the exciting spectacle of her daughter and her best friend working each other over, the wet squelch of plunging fingers, the cries of passion coming from the TV speakers, and the girl’s moans and cries of passion filling Jenn’s bedroom.

Jenn cried out “Oh holy fuck, that’s so fucking hot, yes, yes, gonna, oh gonna do it, stroke me baby, yes, yes, fuck YEEEESSSSS!”

Jenn howled, tumbling into her second orgasm, as Cherry and Emily reached their peaks, Cherry’s squeals of climax joining Jenn’s, Emily doing her best to keep from crying out as her overheated pussy got the pleasing slam of a second orgasm, the release washing through her, ahhhhh, so good.

As her orgasm started to ebb, Emily got her wits back. She quickly pulled her skirt back on, and got downstairs. She slipped outside quietly, took a walk around the block, then returned, to see Jenn and Cherry coming downstairs.

Jenn exclaimed, “Wow Mom, are you home already?”

Emily replied, “Yes, I got that big account for the agency I’ve been working on. My boss was so impressed that he took me out for lunch, and gave me the rest of the day off!”

Emily saw Jenn and Cherry exchange a look, one that said that they were glad she hadn’t gotten home sooner. She supressed the grin that tried to rise to her face.

Jenn said, “We gotta get going Mom, our lunch time is almost over, school’s gonna start soon, and our Math class beckons.”

With a hug and a peck on the cheek from both girls, they were on their way. As soon as they were gone, Emily sneaked upstairs. Was it possible that the DVD they were watching was still up there? She never snooped in her daughter’s room (well…maybe a little), but she had to see what they had been watching. She found it and looked at the label, it read “Cherry Hill riding club part 1 – Penny.” With a growing excitement, Emily stripped naked, she had to watch it, it sounded like some fantastic stroke material. She got her 9 inch dildo from her bedroom dresser, and returned to Jenn’s room. She could feel the heating up, her juices already starting to slick up her lips. She slipped the DVD into the player, stretched out on Jenn’s bed, spread her thighs. She picked up the remote control, and pressed the “Play” button.

The scene was a pleasant green meadow, and a pretty girl riding a horse. She looked about the same age as her daughter, she had long auburn hair streaming out behind her, she had a buxom, voluptuous build, hefty DD cups, and the camera followed her riding around the meadow. Emily was confused, this wasn’t porn, it looked like a home movie. Was it possible that this was not the movie they’d been watching? Perhaps Cherry had taken the movie with her, when they left for school. She freeze framed the scene, and snooped around some more. Nope, nothing more to be found. Well, maybe it’s a fragment of something that was then recorded over. She felt the lust starting to ebb, as she pressed “Resume”.

Thirty seconds later, as horse and rider trotted up to the camera, she heard Cherry’s voice come from the speakers, asking her if she was ready. Penny nodded eagerly, and the scene cut to a new one. Penny was stripped completely naked, and Emily stared in open mouthed wonder as the camera pulled back, and the scene steadied as the camera was placed on a tripod. Penny was looking at something offscreen in wide eyed wonder, and Cherry appeared, and she was leading a young male stallion. The horse was led up to Penny, she stared at the huge animal, as Cherry led the horse into position. Cherry pulled up two sturdy leg restraints that were built into the floors, and they fitted around the horse’s rear legs like boots, and were buckled around. The restraints were made of high grade drop forged steel, and were attached to posts that were sunk deep into the floor.

“Ok Pen, Midnight can’t get free, he’s secured, now, on your knees and suck his cock!”

Emily could feel the tingle of lust starting as Penny took to her knees, she reached under and grabbed the horse’s brown cock with both hands and started stroking it. It quickly grew right before her eyes, damn it had to be 18 inches long and thick as a fire hose. Besides the sheer size, the shape of the head of his cock was the most dramatic difference compared to a man’s cock. Emily was just as amazed, and then Penny leaned in and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Both of her hands were still stroking his thick cock and she was barely able to squeeze the strange looking head in her mouth. It was very awkward because of the size, but once the head was in her mouth, she slid her lips down his shaft as far as she could. She could only manage a few inches, but I could hear Cherry praising her for her effort.

The camera was lifted off its tripod, and the camera moved in, getting a close up of Penny sucking that huge cock. With Cherry’s encouragement Penny tried to take more of that giant cock in her mouth. She maybe managed another inch until she began to gag, quickly easing back, and then slowly gliding her lips back and forth, up and down Midnight’s cock, taking in as much as she could. All the time she continued stroking his huge shaft, and Emily could feel her pussy start the twanging. She never though she’d be turned on by bestiality, but wow, she almost couldn’t believe it; wouldn’t have if she wasn’t watching it with her own eyes, Penny was actually sucking on a horse’s cock, and it was tuning Emily on like crazy!

After five minutes of Penny bobbing her head up and down on his cock she needed a break because her jaw was getting sore. Penny took Midnight’s cock out of her mouth and caught her breath. Penny then started licking the entire length of his cock. Her pink tongue traveled up and down the massive cock. At one point when her tongue was at the base of the cock she couldn’t resist licking the horse’s big balls, she twirled her tongue around his balls very fast.

Emily was burning up, she jammed her dildo up her creaming center, fucking herself. She wanted to hold on to it until the horse came, so she stroked teasingly around the outside of her clit, trying to drag it out. Penny stopped licking his balls and worked her tongue back up the shaft. Once she got to the top she opened her mouth wide and took his cock back in. Penny started started pumping her head on the animal’s huge cock as fast as she could, she looked determined not to stop until she made the horse cum.

Cherry’s voice urged her on, “Oh yeah Pen, suck that cock, let it blow, do it baby!”

About 3 minutes of intense sucking passed when the animal literally exploded in her mouth without warning. Emily could see Midnight’s cock throbbing and pulsing wildly, his huge cock squirting, Penny’s cheeks bulged with the sheer volume. She looked like she was trying to swallow as much as she could, but she had to pull her head back and his cum spewed out. Midnight wasn’t done yet and his wildly squirting cock was now giving Penny a full facial. Before she could even point his big cock down towards her body he had covered Penny’s face with a sheet of cum.

That did it, with two deft flicks straight over the top of her engorged, bulging clit, Emily howled, her pussy exploded, her body jerking and thrashing wildly, she was cumming like crazy, my god, it was one of her most powerful orgasms. She was unaware of what happened next, she just let her climax have its way with her. She was dizzy and delirious with pleasure, sailing into the afterglow. She pressed stop on the DVD, and let her body revel in the contentment.

After getting her bearings back, she ran the DVD back to the scene where Penny got her face plastered, and started it going again. Penny had just pointed his big cock down at her body, and Midnight’s cock obliged, thick ropes splattering, warm cum splashing all over Penny’s naked body. The camera moved in, getting close ups of Penny’s cum plastered face, and her body, splattered with the thick ropes of Midnight’s load.

She heard Cherry’s voice ask, “How did you like that Penny?”

Penny replied, “Oh my god, I LOVED IT!”

The camera was placed back on its tripod, and Cherry said, “Then you’ll love what’s next!”

She watched as Cherry led Penny over to a wide, adjustable table. There were straps attached to it, it was padded, almost like a hospital gurney, and there was a frame like device fitted over the table. Penny got up, on her hands and knees, and spread her legs wide. Cherry attached the straps around her ankles, knees, elbows and wrists, buckling them shut, then testing that they were firmly holding Penny in place. Cherry left the field of view for a minute, then came back leading another young stallion.

Emily could feel her cunt heating up quickly, oh my god, is she going to?

She watched as Cherry started spreading slick lube around Penny’s cunt and right up the hole, she applied plenty, making sure Penny was well lubed up. Then she played with the horse’s cock, and Emily watched in awe as that huge prick grew to enormous size, as Cherry’s hands lubed up that monster fuck pole. Emily saw Cherry ordering the horse, he was well trained, and his legs fit into grooves in the fence like apparatus, Emily could see Penny’s naked body restrained and ready to be fucked by a horse, that vision got her juices going. With a few slight adjustements to the angle of the table, Penny’s body was now in a perfect position for mating. Emily watched Cherry leading the horse’s hard cock up to Penny’s cunt. Cherry spread open Penny’s pussy lips, then positioned the long knob end of the horse’s stiff cock against the lips of Penny’s cunt.

It looked like the horse had been well trained, as soon as he felt the warm wetness against the long knob end of his cock, he hunched his hips forward, and Penny’s shriek filled the barn as she was impaled on that massive fuck hole. The horse hammered in as much as he could, pulled back and rammed it in again, drawing another shriek from her. The horse started to fuck her, over and over, that huge cock jackhammering away at Penny’s cunt, her shrieks changed to grunts and sounds of pleasure, as her cunt adjusted to the huge stretch. The well lubed cock, and the copious amont of lube spread up Penny’s entrance helped, and after the first few abrasive thrusts, the fucking rhythm seemed to become easier.

The camera was taken off the tripod, and it moved in for a close up.

“Like it, don’t you baby?” Cherry’s voice said.

Penny howled, “Oh fuck, I feel like the world’s tightest virgin getting my cunt split open by the biggest cock on Earth, I love it, fuck me horsey, fuck me until I see stars!”

The camera moved around the table, capturing hot shots from all angles. The horse in a regular fucking rhythm, driving his throbbing shaft in and out of her cunt, just like a piston. Penny was grunting, making wordless sounds of pleasure, as the horse reared back and forth, driving his massive shaft up into her, splitting her cunt open, over and over again. The camera captured one extra hot scene, where Emily could see Penny’s eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft. Emily was ramming her cunt wildly with her dildo, she was on fire with lust, she had never seen anything so perverted, so nasty, so fucking hot. Emily could feel her orgasm getting set, the horse was making snorting noises, and Penny exploded in orgasm, her shrieks and screams of pleasure filled the barn. The horse started to thrust harder, snorting, and seeing his huge cock throbbing with pulses, Emily guessed that he was shooting a massive load up Penny’s quivering cunt. Emily tumbled into orgasm, almost screaming with pleasure, my god, Emily had never cum so hard in her life. After several deep thrusts, the horse slowed down, and he pulled back until his cock slipped out, his shaft covered with lube and the cum he has shot into Penny. Her pussy had been filled to overflowing, and the camera closed in on her well filled hole.

The camera was quickly mounted back on the tripod, and Cherry helped the house down, letting him wander freely. Cherry got in on the act, she was wearing a robe, she slipped it off, and Emily saw that she had been wearing nothing else. She faced the camera, smiling.

“With my riding club, you get some extra services. After my horses leave such a messy pussy, I, as the creator of Cherry Hill, feel it is my duty to clean it up nicely!” she giggled.

She pulled a bench into place behind Penny, knelt on it, and as thick streams of horse spunk started to run down her thighs from her pussy, Cherry eagerly lapped it up. She then eagerly buried her face into Penny’s well filled pussy from behind, eagerly licking and sucking.

Penny cooed huskily, “Yes, oh yes Cherry baby, lick my cunt, suck out all that tasty horse cum!”

Cherry was eager to do so, her mouth plastered to Penny’s just fucked opening, sucking and licking, Penny’s moans of pleasure urging Cherry on to suck out every drop. Cherry was no novice at pussy licking, and she soon had Penny crying out with pleasure as she crested to another climax. Emily watched the lewd, hot scene, and soon, Cherry pulled away, and faced the camera. From her nose on down, her face was coated with a mix of Penny’s juices, and a thick sheet of horse cum. Thick streams started to run down her chin. She grinned, licking her lips.

“Ummm so delicious, I love licking the messy pussies all nice and clean! Cherry Hill riding club is open to all, come and ride a horse cock, and I’ll be happy to lick you as clean as I just licked Penny!”

Cherry giggled, blew a kiss to the camera, and the screen went black.

Emily lay back, sprawled on her daughter’s bed, my god, she’d never seen anything so fucking hot. She thought about the title, part 1. That sounds like there are more parts to the Cherry Hill riding club. She hoped to see more of their mutual friends in action. Maybe she’d even see Jenn take on a huge horse cock.


Part 2

When Emily saw that the DVD of Cherry Hill riding club part 1 stayed in Jenn’s room, she deduced that it was a copy for Jenn to keep, and Emily was overjoyed. When Jenn was out, and Emily knew that she’d be alone for a while, she have the DVD going, ramming her overheated pussy, watching Penny get splattered with a load of steaming horse cum, then watching her get horse fucked, howling with pleasure as Penny’s cunt was getting rammed with that massive cock, she watched the hottest, nastiest, most perverted, and most cunt tingling scenes she ever watched. My god, her orgasms felt like they were going to rip her apart.

A few weeks later, she saw a new DVD had been added, “Cherry Hill riding club part 2, Macy.” Another heated masturbation session ensued, Macy was a tall, lithe blonde with deep blue eyes, and Emily eagerly watched as Macy stroked an eager stallion up to full glory, then sucked on a throbbing horse cock, the camera again moving in for close up shots of Macy giving that lucky stallion her best blowjob. Emily’s pussy started to throb and pulse with need, as Macy sucked that monster to a big release, that stallion was a real shooter. Macy got a thick plastering all over her face, a sheet of horse cum, then long, thick trails all over her body, neck, tits, belly, her smooth shaven mound all got splattered.

Macy stood up, her body displaying the work of her horse cock sucking, letting the camera trail lovingly over her body.

Cherry’s voice, said, “Did you like that baby?”

Macy cried, “Oh my god, I fucking loved it!”

Cherry said, “Then you’ll love what’s coming next!”

The camera was placed back on the tripod, then Cherry led her over to the fucking table. On the table, on her hands and knees, Macy was already making low moans of lust as she was strapped down. Cherry took the jar of lube, and spread a generous sized glob of lube along Macy’s lips, then added two more that were slid up her tight tunnel, when you are going to take on such a monster cock, there’s no such thing as too much lube.

Cherry left the frame for a minute, when she came back, she was leading a white stallion towards Macy.

Cherry cooed, “Come on Snowflake, we got a nice hot pussy for you, all ready to be fucked hard and filled up.”

With Cherry’s hands stroking at him, Snowflake’s cock quickly grew, and she ran thick globs of lube up and down, making Snowflake’s massive fuckpole glisten. She signaled to him, he knew what that meant, and he lifted his front legs, and they slid into the grooves built for them. Macy was positioned so that long knob end was against her tight pussy lips, then mounted, and as Macy’s shriek filled the speakers, Emily’s cunt was throbbing, she started to ram herself with her dildo as she watched Macy losing her horse cock virginity to a horny stallion in a deep, hard thrust. The screams and shrieks of Macy losing her horse cock virginity, as that rock hard horse cock split open her tight pink walls, the panting of the horse, the liquid sounds of Macy’s pussy getting fucked deeper than ever, filled the speakers. After several cunt splitting thrusts, the lube took away the abrasive edge, and Macy, like Penny before her, seemed to be able to take the huge pole, she was starting to let out sounds of pleasure.

As in riding club part 1, the camera was lifted off the tripod, and moved in for extra hot, close up shots. The camera moved around the table, capturing hot shots from all angles. Macy’s face was turned to the side, glowing, she looked almost delirious with pleasure.

Macy growled, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

Emily’s favorite scene was where Emily could see Macy’s eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft. She imagined herself in that position, strapped down, getting the most cunt filling fuck ever. She felt her pussy give a giant lurch, Emily had been fucking herself silly with the dildo, polishing around her throbbing clit, and she knew she was seconds away. Fortunately, so was Macy.

Macy’s screams and howls of pleasure reached a crescendo, as she shrieked, “I’m cumming AWW GAWWDDD!!” and she let out a wild scream of pleasure.

The horse let out loud snorts, and Emily could just imagine the huge load of thick creamy cum filling her pussy. Emily felt her own throbbing pussy explode, as her cunt burst apart in a blast of sheer pleasure, and her howl of orgasm joined the sounds from the TV. Fuck, it felt like she was turning inside out as she body flopped around on the bed, she felt like she was out of control, as she finally slumped down, breathless, watching as Cherry helped the horse down, letting him wander through the barn. Her pussy had been filled to overflowing, and the camera closed in on her well filled hole.

“And now for the extra service, cleaning up all the horny, messy pussies my horses create!” Cherry giggled.

Cherry put the camera back on the tripod, and moved it closer to the action. She positioned the bench right behind Macy’s up-thrust ass. Facing the camera, she slipped off the robe she was wearing, giving the camera a full frontal view of her nudity. Emily saw that her mound was shaved bare and smooth, she looked so sexy, and Emily wondered how it felt to be hairless down there. She smiled to the camera, then she took a kneeling position on the bench, and plastered her mouth against Macy’s well fucked cunt, ready to clean up that messy, tasty pussy.

She heard Macy coo, “Oh yes, lick me Cherry, suck out all that tasty load of horse cum, and make me cum baby!”

Cherry was more than eager to do so, and Emily watched, her cunt still buzzing, as Cherry plastered her mouth against Macy’s well fucked opening, and worked on getting that load out of her. She watched as Cherry slipped her hand down, eager to stroke herself. Cherry applied her oral skills to giving Macy the best lick job she could, and it took little time before Macy cried out in pleasure, as Cherry skilfully brought her cresting to another orgasm. Emily could hear Cherry’s moans into the soupy mix she was eagerly licking up, as her fingers brought herself to climax.

Just like last time, Cherry faced the camera, from the nose on down, she was plastered with a mix of Macy’s juices and a thick sheet of horse cum, thick streams dripping off her chin, splattering down over her tits. Streams started to dip off her tits, and roll down her belly. She did this for a minute, letting the cum make thick trails on her body, she opened her mouth, showed the thick spunk that her mouth was filled with, then eagerly swallowed it down, giving the camera a big grin of satisfaction.

“Does this look good? Then come and join Cherry Hill riding club, come and ride a big stallion, and you’ll cum like never before. I’m looking forward to the next horny pussy, all messy with a huge load of horse spunk, that I can lick clean!”

Cherry giggled, blew a kiss to the camera, and the screen went blank.

Emily was ready to relax, but she heard the front door open and close. She flew up off the bed, then she heard Jenn’s voice, say “Mom, are you home?”

Emily ejected the DVD, slipped it back into its case and placed it next to part 1. She quickly turned off the power as she called, “I’m upstairs sweetheart, I’ll be right down!”

She hoped that Jenn would stay downstairs, and good luck was with her as she heard Jenn’s footsteps go towards the kitchen. Phew, that was a close one. She straightened out the bedspread, took a last look around, grabbed up her clothes, and raced to her bedroom. Safe in her room, oh if Jenn had come home 5 minutes earlier, and had come upstairs quietly. Emily giggled nervously as she thought about Jenn opening the door, seeing her Mom completely nude, lying on her bed, watching that DVD and fucking herself silly with a dildo. Emily got dressed quickly, and trotted downstairs to join her daughter.

Jenn was at the kitchen table, drinking a glass of apple juice, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Emily gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and said “Hey sweetheart, what’s new today?”

“Not too much, just thinking about something that Cherry said to me.” Jenn replied.

Emily felt her heart speed up a bit, as she asked, “It’s certainly got you thinking, what did she say?”

“Well” Jenn said, choosing her words carefully, “it was along the lines of maybe stepping out of your comfort zone, and trying something wild and crazy. She said we’re only young once, so why not try something wild and free, while we can still do it?”

“Sounds interesting and intriguing, any more you’d like to tell me about this idea Cherry has?”

Jenn turned, locked her eyes with Emily, and for just a second, it looked like Jenn was ready to tell her.

Then, Jenn stepped back from that edge, and replied, “Well, I’m still thinking it over whether or not to do it.”

Emily thought about watching her daughter’s sexy body getting splattered with horse cum, then her screams and howls as she was penetrated by a rock hard monster sized horse cock, it sent lustful twinges through her pussy.

She said, “Well, I trust your good judgement in new and interesting things. What Cherry said makes sense though, the time to try out the new, different and exciting things is now. There are a few things I wish I would’ve tried back when.”

What Emily said had been pretty self serving, she’d do almost anything to watch Jenn be a new chapter in the Cherry Hill riding club.


Part 3

Over the next few weeks, more volumes were added to Jenn’s collection. The Cherry Hill riding club now was up to 6 volumes, as Hannah, a long legged redhead became part 3, Susan, a petite blonde with rich honey colored skin was part 4, Naomi, with black hair and rich, bulbous curves was part 5, and Tara, a 6 foot tall strawberry blonde became part 6.

Emily couldn’t get enough. Hannah, with those long legs, natural copper colored curls, getting her body splattered which a massive load, then getting her horse virginity fucked away as she took her turn on the fucking table, growling and screaming with pleasure as a massive, horny stallion reamed out her pussy, made her cum like a train.

Susan, that petite blonde who was no bigger than 5 feet, Emily watched in open mouthed wonder as she swallowed that prick, then having another stiff cock fucking her tiny pussy, her shrieks of pleasure filling the barn as her little pussy got forced open by that horny stallion that was lucky enough to fuck her. Another screeching burst of pleasure at the end of her dildo shook Emily.

Naomi, oh that bulbous body and big, swollen boobs, watching the stallion squirt his creamy load over those big milk jugs made Emily tingle. Her howls and cries of pleasure filled the barn, as Midnight, that lucky stallion who got to fuck Penny in part 1, got a repeat performance, ending Naomi’s horse cock virginity in a hard, cunt filling thrust, with Naomi’s shrieks and howls accompanying her horse cock deflowering.

Tara was similarly covered all over her with a thick rich load, sucking a huge horse cock to a squirting release. Taking her turn on the table, Tara’s shrieks echoed through the barn, as Snowflake was lucky enough to get a repeat performance with a horny pussy, and Emily tingled as she watch the white horse having its way with Tara, breaking open her horse virginity.

Emily’s dildo and her pussy got maximum action, watching each volume, and masturbating to Earth shattering orgasms were making Emily crazy. She couldn’t get enough of watching horny teens get their sexy young bodies sprayed with thick gushes of horse cum, then watching them get strapped down, watching tight pussies getting split apart, losing their horse cock virginity, as rock hard horse cocks split open tight cunts, the barn filling with screams and shrieks as their pussies got the stretching of their lives.

Then watching Cherry plaster her mouth against each just fucked cunt, sucking out the load, and licking each girl to one last climax. Seeing the huge load all over her chin, dripping down, splattering her body, as she swallowed the big mouthfuls, as she smiled and invited her to come and join her riding club, for a suck and fuck she’d never forget.

Emily could feel the pull, oh fuck, she could visualize herself in that situation. Now, could Jenn?

When Emily got home after work, she heard Jenn and Cherry upstairs. She crept up the stairs, and heard them enjoying one of the DVDs.

“Yeah, yeah, splatter her body, blow that cock all over her, oh fuck, look at that fucker go!” Jenn cried.

“Isn’t it great, look at that cock spraying! Fuck, it’s such a turn on, it drives me so fucking horny, I love to suck out that load from the freshly fucked cunts of my riding club! It also tastes so hot and delicious!” Cherry growled.

Emily could feel her panties getting damp, she slid quietly over to Jenn’s door, and peeked in. The girls were on Jenn’s bed, naked, and rubbing their pussies. The TV was angled towards the door, and Emily could see Cherry getting Tara onto the table, and securing her with the straps.

On the TV screen, Cherry said “You’ll love it baby!” as she tested the straps, making sure that Tara was securely strapped down.

“Oh fuck, I’m so horny, I don’t think my fingers are going to do it!” Jenn moaned.

Cherry took the DVD remote, and pressed the “Pause” button. She looked at Jenn.

“Would you like something more?” she cooed. “How does this sound? I’ll strap on my dildo, and fuck you while we watch the show!”

Jenn whispered, “Oh, that sounds so hot!”

“While my dildo is fucking you baby, I’ll have my Joni’s butterfly purring away against my clit, and we can both cum like crazy!” Cherry cooed.

Cherry dug into her backpack, and pulled out her goodies. She showed Jenn the “Joni’s butterfly,” a soft plastic cup slightly smaller than Cherry’s palm, with a soft nub lined with shallow grooves on the concave side. A pair of elastic straps were attached to the edges, and an insulated wire led to a black plastic battery case, a little larger than a cigarette lighter.

Cherry’s voice started to sound her excitement, as she said, “I’ll strap this baby around my hips, and that will hold the vibrating nub nice and snug against the outer folds of my pussy. It won’t even penetrate me, it’s not designed to. That’s why the woman who invented it called it a Butterfly. The sensation is like a butterfly lightly brushing its wings against you. The straps hold it in place, leaving your hands totally free, and the remote control dials up the amount of vibration you want. Since it can be worn undetected beneath ordinary clothing, I’ll bet my strap on will fit easily over this baby.”

As Cherry strapped on her dildo, 9 inches of hard pleasure ready to fuck her daughter’s pussy, Emily slipped over to her room, got her 8 inch vibrator, stripped herself naked, and took her spot again, Emily needed a little more than just her fingers, also.

Cherry grinned, and said, “Oh yeah, no problem. I’m gonna enjoy this ride as much as you! Ok Jenn, I’m gonna lay back, and prop my head up so I can watch the show, and you mount up in reverse cowgirl, so you can watch the show too! Fuck, my pussy is dripping like crazy already, are you as hot, and wet baby? Mount up baby, and let’s enjoy the action.”

Cherry took the DVD remote, and pressed the “Play” button. The action started to flow again, as Cherry led Snowflake over.

Jenn took position, nudged herself against the head, and slid down, pushing hard, letting out squeals of pleasure as she felt herself get wonderfully stuffed. Emily saw her daughter slam down, taking in every bit, then lift up, and start a slow fucking rhythm going, her eyes staring at the TV.

Well, I guess if she wasn’t before, Jenn is no longer a virgin, Emily thought, and stifled the giggle that she wanted to make.

Emily saw Cherry, the butterfly remote in her hand, and Emily could hear a gentle buzzing noise as she started that vibrating pleasure. Cherry sucked in her breath, and moaned as the butterfly started to caress her most intimate spot. She turned her head to the TV, eager to watch the action also, her hands lightly gripping Jenn’s hips as Jenn rode that hard dildo.

Emily started her vibrator going on a low speed, and started to slide it around her lips, feelings the juices really start to churn.

On the screen, after applying plenty of lube to Tara, Cherry played with Snowflake’s cock, greasing his pole up. Snowflake snorted excitedly, he knew what was coming next. Emily was watching the screen for a few seconds, then Cherry and Jenn, back and forth, she did her best to take it all in.

Emily’s center was becoming very hot and wet, she slid her vibrator inside her, pushing up, stifling her moans of pleasure as felt her walls take in the vibrating pleasure. The sight and sound of the action on the screen, Tara getting penetrated drew her attention, her pussy giving another lurch as she watched Tara’s 6 foot tall body get impaled on Snowflake’s huge cock. Her screams and shrieks filled the barn as her tightness was forced open, pink walls being split open by the most pussy filling cock ever. After a few abrasive thrusts, the fucking rhythm became easier, and Tara’s howls started to change over to more pleasurable sounds.

Jenn was riding Cherry’s dildo, her hands tweaking at her nipples, grunting with pleasure.

Cherry cooed, “See baby? Just a bit of roughness, then it becomes all pleasure. Look at Tara, see that look of bliss on her face? The best fuck of your life.”

Cherry dialed up her butterfly a couple of notches, and Emily could see her hips pushing up as she started to hump at the pleasure.

“Oh yeah, feels so good, fuck me baby, ride my cock, make yourself cum baby” Cherry cooed.

Emily dialed up her vibrator also, the noise filling Jenn’s bedroom should cover her vibrator.

The action on the screen was approaching a climax, and judging by the sounds, all three of the ladies watching were set to join in.

Tara howled, “Fuck me horsey, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming, FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK!”

Her scream of pleasure echoed, her body shook crazily, in the grip of a wild and massive orgasm. The horse started snorting loudly, as he pumped his massive load into Tara, emptying his balls into her hot, accommodating tunnel.

“Oh my god, so fucking hot, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Jenn howled.

Her body started to shake wildly, watching her daughter fuck herself set Emily off, she felt the wave of pleasure slam her, making Emily giddy and breathless, stifling the howls of pleasure she wanted to make.

Cherry growled, “Yes, fuck, feels so good, cumming, oh fuck yes, yes, YES!” as her Joni’s butterfly teased her to a shaking, sweet release.

Coming down from her orgasmic plane, Jenn slid off Cherry’s dildo, and cuddled in against Cherry, watching the action onscreen as Cherry plastered her eager mouth against Tara’s well fucked opening, fingering Tara to one more climax while sucking out the thick, big load that had just filled her. Her image turned to face the camera, with a big smile, her chin dripping with thick trails of horse cum, she swallowed her mouthful, and urged us on to come to Cherry Hill, join the club, and get a riding like we’d never had. She giggled, blew a kiss to the camera, and the screen went blank.


Part 4

As she felt her orgasm start to recede, Emily came to her senses. Naked, outside her daughter’s door, spying on Jenn and Cherry fucking, and masturbating to what she was seeing. She raced back to her room, hastily pulled her clothes back on, and crept towards the stairs, intending to sneak downstairs, and quietly out the door. She didn’t make it, when she heard Jenn and Cherry talking. She crept back to where she had been, and listened.

“So what do you think baby? Think of that hot horse cum spraying all over your sexy body! Then the most filling fuck ever, you’ll love the way that huge cock splits open your sexy pussy. I’ll be there with you baby, and after the horse has filled you up, you’ll feel my hot mouth dive into your slushy pussy, like you’ve seen I love to clean up messy pussies, and I’ll suck out every drop, and give you one more orgasm!” Cherry urged.

Jenn was flustered, as she said, “But it looks so big, I may not be a virgin, but geez, I mean, geez!”

“Well, I have something to take care of that. Before you get mounted, I’ll give you a cup of a special drink. I call it Cherry’s popping elixir!” Cherry giggled.

Jenn looked interested, as she asked, “What’s in it?”

“Well, it’s got a little bit of muscle relaxant, a little bit of tranquilizer, a dash of orange juice, and some herbs that will make you so horny, you’ll be begging for that big horse hose!”

Jenn asked, “But how can you be sure it works? Unless…oh my god, have you?”

Cherry grinned, “That’s how I know, because I was lucky enough to get my horse virginity taken 6 months ago!”

As Jenn, and in the hallway, Emily, listened, their pussies starting that tingle, Cherry related what had happened.

Her Aunt Mary and Uncle Stan owned a farm with lots of horses, and Cherry was welcome to come over anytime. Being a regular visitor, she got more than a few looks at the horny stallions, seeing them mate with the mares. She could feel a horny itch deep inside, when she saw their massive cocks. Over the last few months, Cherry’s fantasies had centered in, what it would be like to service a horse’s huge cock. Cherry finally reached the point where she couldn’t help herself, she had to act on her fantasy, she just had to play with a stiff, rock hard big cock. She was alone in the barn, her heart thumping, she stripped naked, and started to stroke Snowflake up to a hard, stiff state. She loved his shiny white coat, and his cock was a long, stiff beauty. She was sizzling with lust, she opened her mouth, wanting to suck Snowflake’s cock. She was just about to slide her lips over his cock head, when her aunt and uncle appeared, staring at her.

“Oh my god, when I saw them looking at me, I was mortified. What they must be thinking, seeing their 17 year old niece, bare ass naked, ready to suck on a horse cock, I just whipped my head back, and returned the stare, I was frozen, I couldn’t move. Then, I saw them smile.”

“Oh fuck, what happened next?” Jenn whispered huskily.

“Aunt Mary said, ‘Well, looks like our little niece Cherry is ready for it. Go and get a glass of our Relaxation juice for her, would you Stan?’ “

“Aunt Mary smiled again, and extended her hand to help me up. I was in a daze, they’d found me naked, about to suck on a horse, and they were more than cool about it. Then Aunt Mary said, ‘Cherry, are you interested in sucking a horse cock?’ I couldn’t exactly lie and I said, ‘Yeah, I’d really like to try’. She said ‘Perfect, your uncle and I will help you realize your desire.’ When my uncle returned, he gave me a cupful of Relaxation juice, and my Aunt told me to drink it down, it would make me feel so good. I did, it had a nice, fresh orange flavor, and Aunt Mary led me over to a set of doors, and rolled them open. This was another section of the barn I had not been in before. I noticed a table like apparatus off to the side, and a flat smooth area on the floor, with a thick rubber mat. My uncle brought in Midnight, leading him over to the area with the mat, which I call the sucking area. He pulled up the leg restraints, and his legs were fitted into them, and secured. He then picked up a camcorder, and started to record the action as my Aunt led me over, it seemed so surreal. “

“Smiling, Aunt Mary said, ‘There you go Cherry baby, Midnight’s all secure, and ready for you. Kneel on the mat baby, get his cock all stiff and hard, and give him the best suck job that you can! Midnight’s a real shooter, he’ll fill your mouth and cover your body with his thick creamy horse cum!’ “

“I realized that I was more than eager, I was starting to feel very horny. His cock was massive, and I thought in the back of my mind, just treat it like a blow job. My heart was racing as I knelt down on the ground. The first thing I noticed was Midnight’s huge set of balls, I could only imagine how much cum they must produce. I grabbed his cock with both hands and started stroking it. Since I had sucked my boyfriend’s cock more than a few times” she paused, giggled, then continued “it seemed like a sensible idea to do to Midnight, what I do to Billy. That huge cock quickly grew right before my eyes and I was truly amazed by its size. It had to be at least 18 inches long and thick as a fire hose. Besides the sheer size, the shape of the head of his cock was the most dramatic difference compared to Billy’s cock. I was just slowly stroking and admiring Midnight’s cock for a couple of minutes.”

Cherry paused, remembering that day, then continued, “I was getting more and more turned on by the idea that I was about to give Midnight a blowjob. Having a camcorder right there, recording how nasty and perverted what I was doing, just made me even hotter. I was eager to finally fulfill my fantasy of the past few months. I was going to do it, I was going to suck off a massive horse cock. I started on his cock, the way I start on Billy’s cock. I ran my tongue down the hard shaft and back up again, I licked at the head, then my mouth went down and up again, my tongue started to flicker all over his shaft. There was lots of shaft for me to lick, that’s for sure. I ran my mouth down again, planting a line of kisses along the shaft, and got a close up look at his huge balls. They smelled wild and musky, and I ran my tongue over his sack, licking at the big balls, I could imagine all the cum stored in them, waiting to unload all over me.”

“My Aunt Mary growled huskily, ‘Oh yeah Cherry baby, ummm, you know how to handle a cock, now, give Midnight the best suck job you can, he’ll love it, and you’ll love his appreciation!’ “

“I swirled my tongue back up, and licked eagerly at the strange looking head. I made my mouth as full of spit as I could, licked my lips, and then leaned in and opened my mouth as wide as I could. Both of my hands were still stroking his thick cock and I was barely able to squeeze the strange looking head in my mouth. It was a tight fit, but once the head was in my mouth I slid my lips down his shaft as far as I could. I only made it a few inches, pulled back, them slid my mouth down again. I was able to take a little bit more, so I started to bob my head back and forth, taking in just a little bit more each time. His cock had a wild, musky, animal taste that turned me on, fuck, I was getting so horny. I took in as much as I could, I knew if I tried any further, I’d gag on it, so I made a mental note of how far I could take it, and my lips started to glide back and forth smoothly, my mouth sucking on him, eager for my first load of horse cum. As I sucked him, my hands kept stroking at his stiff, long shaft, fuck I felt so nasty, I was actually sucking on a horse’s cock, and being taped doing it!”

“After five minutes I needed a break, my jaw was sore. I took Midnight’s cock out of my mouth and caught my breath. I then started licking the entire length of his cock again, giving my jaw time to rest up. I trailed my wet tongue up and down, at the base of his cock, I ran my tongue over his swollen balls again, enjoying the wild, musky taste.

“My Aunt Mary said, ‘Oh yeah Cherry, good girl. Work up Midnight’s cock to a gusher, you’ll love it!’ With encouragement like that, it made me hotter, more determined, thinking what a perverted slut I looked like, totally naked, and sucking a horse cock! I stopped licking his balls and worked my tongue back up the shaft. Once I got to the top I opened my mouth up wide and took his cock back in. I started pumping my head on the animal’s huge cock as fast as I could, stroking his rod, I was determined not to stop until I made the horse cum.”

Cherry was breathing hard, as she continued, “About two minutes of intense sucking passed when Midnight started to snort, my hands felt a huge pulse traveling up his shaft, and his cock burst. My mouth was filled with the first hot blast, I tried to gulp down as much as I could, but he was cumming like a fire hose, my mouth was filled to overflowing, and I yanked my head back, closing my eyes, just as I felt a thick stream splatter me right over my nose. I gulped down what was in my mouth, as he continued to spray my face. His cock throbbed and pulsed wildly, his huge cock squirting wildly, his cum gushing all over my face in waves. Midnight splattered my entire face with a thick spray, my god, when I saw my face on the recording, it looked like I’d had a dozen guys stroking off all over my face! I kept stroking him, pointing his cock down towards my body, and I could feel warm, thick ropes of cum splashing all over my naked body. I opened up, and took his cock back into my mouth, to get the less powerful shots and dribbles. That was good, I could taste that yummy horse cum, now that he wasn’t going off like crazy, and it tatsted thick and creamy, and unlike anything I’d tasted before, I loved it!”

“When Midnight finished cumming Aunt Mary helped me to my feet. ‘Oh yeah, good girl Cherry, tell me baby, are you horny?’ Oh god, I was hornier than I’d ever been in my life, she smiled, and led me towards the table off to the side. ‘We thought you might, our relaxation juice helps you relax a bit, and the special herbs we add make you so horny you need a big horse cock to put out that fire. Now, you are going to get fucked by a horse, you are about to lose your horse cock virginity! You’ll love it Cherry, you’ll love it as much as I did, when I had my horse cock virginity taken!’ “

Cherry continued, “I was far too horny to give a damn about the size of that big cock, my cunt was a burning fever pit, and I needed it stuffed, and fucked hard. They led me over, and I got a good look at it. It was like a surgical table, well padded, with a fence like apparatus. There were straps attached to the sides, and Auntie Mary helped me up onto the table, and told me to get on my hands and knees, and open my legs wide.”

“She said, ‘Since you seemed to like Snowflake so much, his cock will get the honor of deflowering your horse virginity!’ “

“Oh fuck, that had me going, I was so horny I couldn’t stand it. I took my place on the table, and watched with interest as the straps went around my ankles, knees, elbows and wrists. My Auntie Mary buckled them shut, then tested that they were firmly holding me in place. I could hear the clip clop of hooves, I took a look, and there was Snowflake, his beautiful shiny white coat, oh, I was burning up for that cock.”

“My Aunt Mary said, ‘Oh yes Cherry, you’ll love it. Just need to get you lubed up a bit, and you’ll be all ready.’ “

“I could feel her fingers, slick and slippery, spreading a big glob of lube around the entrance. Two more globs were applied, and her fingers spread them up into my passage, and I watched as Auntie Mary got Snowflake ready, stroking him up to a stiff, pussy filling erection, that massive cock was spread with a thick coating of lube.”

Cherry paused for a minute, the spread her legs wide, and whispered, “Jenn, stroke my pussy. Don’t let me cum too early, I’m so fucking horny just remembering it!”

They shared a long, open mouthed kiss, and Emily saw Jenn’s hand traveling down, down to Cherry’s sexy treasure box. Jenn was using her other hand to stroke at her rapidly growing heat, Emily had her hand between her legs, she could feel the building heat, and she was eager to stroke her throbbing clit to another orgasm.

Cherry let out a moan of pleasure as Jenn’s soft fingers slid along her lips, then continued.

“The frame was moved into position, and my head was placed on one of those circular pillows. I could look down, and on a ledge just below, I could see a mirror, and the reflection of my face. My Aunt Mary said, ‘It’s exciting to watch your face as you come closer and closer to orgasm.’ The table was adjusted, and I could hear Aunt Mary telling Snowflake to hop up, baby, and he obliged, there are special slots in the table where his front legs fit in comfortably and he knew what to do. I could feel the table being rolled back a bit, tilted a bit more, then Aunt Mary said “Perfect, prepare yourself Cherry my dear, you are going to get the best fuck ever!’ “

“I took a deep breath, I felt Aunt Mary’s fingers spreading my lips apart, as I felt the long, hard knob press against me. Snowflake pushed, his cock forced apart my lips and began to drive up me, my first howl was a sheer shriek of pain. My head spun as that huge shaft stretched the walls of my cunt apart, like nothing else ever could. Inch by inch it forced its way in, I could feel that huge cock splitting my cunt open, wider and deeper than it ever had been. I let out another loud shriek of pain as Snowflake’s cock split open my deeper inner cunt. Oh fuck, I felt like the world’s tightest virgin getting her tight virgin cunt split open for the first time, by the biggest cock on Earth. I could feel my throbbing cunt stretched wide around that massive shaft as the horse plunged as deep as he could force his cock, splitting open my cunt as deep as he can go, bringing another howl of pain. Snowflake pulled back, and again plunged deep, drawing another cry of pain from me. On the third plunge, my howl was part pain, and part pleasure, my cunt was starting to throb with a mixture of pain and pleasure, as his massive cock pushed in again, and began painfully moving forward and back, in and out. The 4th plunge drew a grunt of pleasure from me, as my cunt began to throb with a more pleasurable feeling. Snowflake’s cock had been well greased, and after the first few abrasive thrusts, the fucking rhythm became easier. Snowflake started to fuck my burning cunt rhythmically, his massive cock thrusting deep into me just like a piston. I opened my eyes, looked down, and see my eyes glazed with a mix of lust and ecstacy that I’d never seen before. Snowflake gave my burning cunt the splitting apart that I was craving. Snowflake knew just what to do, there had obviously been other girls here before me that he had fucked, as he reared back and forth, driving his massive cock into me again and again as his massive pussy splitter power fucked my burning cunt wildly. I could feel my horny, eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft with each plunge in. I was getting fucked like never before, I was getting my brains fucked out, I was delirious with pleasure as his huge pussy splitter slammed deep up my cunt, giving my horny cunt a power reaming like it had never had before. Snowflake’s big cock started throbbing, he was snorting hard, and his huge cock exploded. I felt it throbbing, pulsing wildly in me as he began tossing off, and I could feel Snowflake’s throbbing prick pumping his hot spunk into me, filling my womb, flooding my cunt. I was looking at the reflection of my face, seeing the white hot lust in my eyes, and I let out a scream of all pleasure as I exploded. I could feel my fiery fuck-hole spasming wildly, my orgasm made my body shake and jerk wildly in the restraints. My cunt was throbbing wildly, on fire with my orgasm as his juices squirted up me. I was breathless, it was my most intense orgasm ever, I was in another world, oh fuck, yes, Jenn, yes, yes YEEESSSSS!!”

Cherry squealed as she tumbled into orgasm, Jenn let out a cry as her pussy was rocked by climax, and Emily joined them, watching from the hallway, biting down to keep from howling with pleasure, as her orgasm gave her juicy center the slam of pleasure. They spent several minutes just recovering, until Cherry could relate the rest of her story.

“Aunt Mary helped Snowflake down, and let him wander in the barn. She said, ‘Stan, come in for a close-up, frame that just fucked pussy of our sweet niece. Oh yeah, look at all that thick spunk, and Cherry, I’m gonna clean it all up!’ She pulled into place what I call the kneeling table, and I felt her mouth plaster tightly against my dripping hole. Oh fuck, that felt wonderful, I could feel her mouth, tongue darting in and out, scooping out thick globs, her mouth sucking, eager to suck every drop of horse cum out of me. He tongue started to flick rapidly at my still swollen clit, and it didn’t take long out before I let out another loud cry of pleasure, as my Aunt skilfully licked me to orgasm.”

“A few days later, they gave me a DVD, and when I got home, I watched it, and masturbated myself silly, cumming again and again as I watched myself get sprayed and then horse fucked, my god, I came like crazy.”

“That’s where I got the idea for Cherry Hill riding club, and I called the relaxation juice Cherry’s popping elixir, since that’s what we are there for, to pop tight horse virginity cherries!” Cherry giggled, then she continued, “My Aunt and Uncle have allowed me to use the barn, their horses and the relaxation juice, the only payment is a DVD copy of each new member taking their turn, for their own personal enjoyment. They have a copy of my horse deflowering, as well as a copy of every chapter in the Cherry Hill riding club.”

Jenn said, “Oh fuck, after hearing that, you got me, I have to try it, I wanna be the next chapter!”

Cherry cooed, “Oh yeah baby, you’ll love it!”

Getting herself together, Emily was pumped, she crept downstairs, and silently out the door. Oh yeah, Jenn was going to lose her horse cock virginity, she couldn’t wait to see that DVD.


Part 5

Emily was snooping in Jenn’s room every day, eager to see “Cherry Hill riding club part 7 Jenn” added to her daughter’s collection. Her pussy was hornier every day, fuck, she couldn’t wait to see her daughter taking on the hard, stiff horse cock.

Two weeks after Jenn had agreed to losing her horse cock virginity, Emily was at home, relaxing, when Jenn and Cherry entered. Jenn looked somewhat dazed, her face was flushed, and she walked gingerly, and Emily felt her pussy pulse with heat. Oh, it looked like Jenn had got her horse cock virginity plucked.

“Are you okay Jenn, you’re looking a little flushed, sweetheart.” Emily said innocently.

She saw the look that Jenn and Cherry exchanged.

Jenn replied quickly, “Yeah, I’m just a little under the weather, they got a stomach bug going around at school, and I think I have it, now. You know how these things get around.”

Emily grinned inwardly at the obvious lie, and said, “Well, why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a while. I’ll make you a cup of herbal tea, and you just take it easy for the rest of the day.”

Jenn said, “Thanks Mom, I think I will. Cherry, do you wanna hang out for a while?”

Cherry said, “Well, I need to get home, I still gotta do my chemistry homework, or Miss Stinson will not be pleased. And I need to keep my grades up, or my parents are gonna take away my cell phone for the rest of the school year.”

Emily watched as Jenn gingerly made her way up the stairs. On an impulse, she said, “Would you like an ice pack sweetheart? I can bring it up with your tea.”

“Oh that’d be great Mom” Jenn said.

Emily brewed up her tea, got the bag, filled it up with crushed ice, and took it upstairs. Jenn was lying back, and she took the ice bag, holding it, waiting for Emily to put down the tea and depart.

“Okay sweetheart, you rest, I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

“Thanks Mom” Jenn said softly.

Jenn looked so damn sexy, Emily couldn’t resist, she leaned down, and pressed her lips against Jenn’s. Jenn looked startled for a minute, but then Emily felt her lips warm against hers, and she felt Jenn’s mouth push back against her. Emily’s pussy felt warm twangs of heat as she held the kiss for a few more seconds, Emily was aching to slip her tongue out, but, that might have been too much. Emily pulled her head back, breaking the kiss, and saw Jenn’s eyes wide, looking into hers.

Emily saw her smile, and she said softly, “That felt nice, Mom.”

Emily was a bit flustered, taking a chance like that, and she said, “Well, sometimes a Mom just has to kiss it and make it better. Call me if you need me baby.”

Emily went to the top of the stairs, and then crept back to Jenn’s room. Emily peeked in, saw Jenn pulling off her skirt and panties, she spread her legs, and her bare, smooth shaven lips looked red and sore. Oh yes, she did indeed take on that cock. She pressed the ice bag against her hurting lips, hissed a bit at the initial weight, then let out a sigh as the ice started to numb down her stretched out entrance. She lay back, keeping the ice bag against her, recovering from her experience. Emily crept away from her door, and went downstairs quietly. She took her cup of tea, sipping at it while she thought about it. What was it like, how painful was it, did she enjoy it? Emily wondered if she would enjoy it, if she had the courage to go through with it. Her mind was whirling with the things that were crowding her mind. More than ever, Emily needed to see Jenn’s DVD join her special shelf. Then, she’d confront Cherry alone, and if need be, threaten to tell on her if she didn’t let her find out for herself, what it felt like.

Emily’s last comment, about how a Mom has to kiss it and make it better, ohhh my, she knew what she wanted to kiss. Emily felt it, it was so naughty, incest, my god, that would be incest. So what, who gives a damn? My daughter just got horse fucked, here I am, wanting to take that same wild ride, and I’m worried about a little incest? It’s not like we’d be breeding and be creating a deformed baby. Emily didn’t believe in religion, she thought it was just a load of shit, to try and control people. She wondered about just marching in there, then pulling the ice bag away, and licking gently at Jenn’s sore, swollen pussy lips.

She went upstairs quickly, before she could change her mind. She breezed in to Jenn’s room, making Jenn jump, she still had the ice bag pressed against her.

Jenn whipped a sheet over her, and gasped, “Mom, what…what do you want??”

Emily was right at the foot of the bed, and she cooed, “Well, as a Mom who has to kiss it and make it all better, that’s what I’m here for.”

Jenn gaped at her, and Emily grabbed a corner of the sheet, and whipped it away. Jenn still had the ice bag pressed against her, and Emily gently took her hand, and lifted it away. She saw the red, sore lips, and she felt a rush of lust and the Mom doctor feeling.

“Oh baby, it’s so red and sore. Let Mom kiss it and make it all better” Emily cooed.

Jenn relaxed, her legs still spread wide, watching with wide eyes as her Mom settled in between her legs. Emily saw her smile of desire.

Jenn cooed, “Umm, oh yes Mommy, my poor little pussy got fucked so hard, and it hurts, kiss me Mommy, kiss me right there and make it all better.”

Emily grinned, she was going to enjoy this. She adored licking pussy, in college, she’d been a dedicated pussy lapper, and she had licked every sorority sister, many times. Those were the best times of her life, there was lots of one on one times with her sorority sisters, and once a month, in the secret, specially designed playroom that only the sisters knew about, they’d have an all sister orgy, and Emily was in her element. Licking, being licked, using dildos and vibrators on each other, cries of delight, shrieks and howls of orgasm filling their playroom as sexy females sorority sisters were cumming, it was an all sorority sister, all night orgy, and Emily would cum so many times, she would be totally exhausted when she tumbled into her bed, just as dawn was breaking.

Being a dedicated pussy licker, she was going to give Jenn the best lick job she could. She gently, very gently ran her tongue up and down Jenn’s sore, swollen lips, Emily’s tongue sliding feather light against her. Jenn let out a soft moan, and ran her fingers through Emily’s hair.

“Oh yes, you are so right, Mommy kissing it is making it feel so much better” Jenn crooned.

Emily felt a rush of lust, and she slid her tongue in, very gently parting Jenn’s pink seam, hearing her daughter let out a little gasp, and sliding her tongue gently, gently up and down her lips. She could taste Jenn’s juices starting to flow, and the taste of those female juices always fired her up. She kept giving her daughter the gentle sliding tongue, enjoying the way Jenn was responding. Emily could see Jenn’s clit rising quickly, so hard, so pink, and so ready to be licked.

“Ummm, oh yes, kiss it some more Mommy, it makes it feel better and better” Jenn crooned huskily.

Emily’s own pussy was throbbing with heat as her tongue started long, broad sweeps over Jenn’s twitching clit, listening to her daughter’s cries of pleasure. Emily ran a hand down, unzipping her jeans, slipping her fingers under her panties, seeking out the steamy, wet heat, burying her fingers deep, moaning into the pink lips of Jenn’s pussy.

“Ooooh, oh yes, Mommy’s kissing is making me feel so good” Jenn cooed.

Emily finger-fucked herself wildly, licking Jenn’s clit, she could feel both her daughter and herself racing towards orgasm. Jenn stiffened suddenly, pulling her mother’s mouth tightly against her. A rush of Jenn’s juices gushed out, flooding her mouth, Jenn letting off squeals of pleasure as she tumbled into orgasm. That gave Emily the final push she needed, and she felt her own juices gushing over her hand as she moaned loudly, her pussy exploding around her plunging fingers, feeling her walls gripping tightly at them.

Coming down from her orgasm high, Emily was terrified. She just gone down on her daughter, she saw Jenn looking at her with wide eyes, my god, she had even masturbated herself while licking her own daughter! Jenn could very well be disgusted and sick at her for being such a pervert. Jenn stood up, facing Emily, and Emily saw the smile curving her lips. Jenn moved forward, she her hands came up, and started stripping her down. Emily watched, it seemed almost surreal, to see her clothes being stripped off by her daughter, and cast aside.

When Emily stood, totally nude in front of her daughter, Jenn whistled. Oh yes, her Mommy was so damn sexy, it had been a while since she’d see her Mommy naked. At the age of 34, her Mom was a total MILF; sleek black hair with hints of brown, sparkling blue eyes, slender build, gorgeous 34D-cup breasts, a pert heart-shaped ass and shapely legs. She’d seen more than a few guys giving her Mom close, hungry looks when they were out and about.

“That feels so much better Mommy,” Jenn whispered huskily, “And to thank you, lie down and let me do the same to you.”

Emily did so, seeing Jenn grinning at her. Jenn took off her blouse and her bra, letting Emily get a good look at her nudity, she was similar in body style to her Mom, and Emily felt her pussy pulse, seeing her daughter displaying her naked charms and assets for Emily’s eyes.

“Ummm, oh yes, Mommy licking my pussy, kissing it and making it all better, getting so excited, and making my hot little pussy, and her hot little pussy cum” Jenn crooned, “Now, it’s time for my Mommy to get as good a licking as she gave me.”

Emily watched, her eyes wide with lust, as Jenn’s face got between her thighs, she could feel her hot breaths against her wet opening. Jenn ran a finger along Emily’s labial lips, making Emily moan with the contact. She watched as Jenn then ran two fingers along her, and slipped them inside, bringing another moan of pleasure as Jenn’s fingers plunged in, her juices coating them. Jenn pulled her fingers out, and Emily watched, her pulse thumping, as Jenn slid her fingers into her mouth, moaning at the erotic taste of her mother’s juices as she licked every drop off her fingers.

“Ummmm, oh yes, you taste so good Mommy, so delicious, I want more” Jenn purred.

Jenn took the plunge, plastering her mouth against Emily’s bubbling heat, her tongue shooting out like an arrow, burrowing deeply into Emily’s churning pussy. Emily let out a growl of desire, oh fuck, that felt so wonderful. She stroked her fingers through her daughter’s long hair, looking down and seeing Jenn’s head bobbing between her legs. My own daughter is licking my cunt, she thought, and that thought made her lust start to roar.

“Oh yes, Jenn, yes my sweet baby, lick Mommy’s cunt, fuck, it feels so good, lick me baby!” Emily gasped.

Jenn heard her Mommy, and it spurred her on. Cherry and Jenn had been dedicated to licking each other since they were 15, and on a dare at one of their sleepovers, they’d discovered how great it was to lick pussy, then have their pussy licked, also. They had really become cunt lappers par excellence, and Jenn was eager to bring her licking skills to bear on Mommy’s throbbing pussy. Her tongue slid up, down, sideways, around and around in swirling circles, making Emily’s head spin. She grinned as she saw Mommy’s, hard, bulging clit, she was going to enjoy bringing Mommy off. She wanted to see if she could make Mommy squirt, so she buried two fingers deep, finding the spot, and her fingers started to polish Emily’s G spot, listening to Emily’s growls of pleasure. She then surrounded Emily’s throbbing clit, wrapping her tongue around it, swiping at it over and over, intent of licking her Mommy to a frenzy.

Emily could feel it building, she’d had a G spot polish several times during her sorority days, she was panting, tossing her head from side to side. It built to a crescendo, and Emily’s voice let out a loud wail of pleasure, she locked up and felt that squeezing urge to pee. Emily tightened and squeezed, and felt the glorious burst of her orgasm releasing, her pussy squirting wildly, gushing her girl cum all over Jenn’s grinning face. Jenn wondering about whether her Mom could squirt was answered as she felt the splatters of her Mom’s cum squirting against her face. Jenn stayed with Emily, keeping her tongue right there, catching every last shudder of orgasm.

Emily slumped back, catching her breath, and Jenn cuddled against her. Jenn closed her eyes, and slipped into sleep. Emily quietly slid out of Jenn’s bed, now that the nova bright burst of passion had faded, she felt unsure, nervous, and decided it might be best to withdraw, and see what happened.

She went to her local coffee bar, and sat sipping a hot cup of Costa Rican, as she ran back what had happened. Fuck, she wasn’t quite sure, she just had that overwhelming urge, eager to use the pussy licking skills she had learned in her sorority. Judging by the way her daughter had licked her pussy, it felt like she’d had more than few sessions between a girl’s thighs. Cherry, probably, she’d heard giggles, sighs and now and then what sounded like a moan of pleasure coming from Jenn’s room late at night during their sleepovers, she’d been tempted to peek in, but she’d resisted that urge.

An hour later, she was back home, and wondered about what was going to happen. She heard the door to Jenn’s room open and close, then the sound of footsteps descending. She took a deep breath, and turned toward the staircase.


Part 6

Jenn was halfway downstairs when she saw Emily. Their eyes met, and Emily was hoping she had not shoved their relationship beyond the breaking point. When Jenn got to the bottom of the stairs, she took 3 steps, and pulled Emily against her, hugging her tightly.

“Thank you Mom, for making me feel so much better” Jenn whispered in Emily’s ear.

Emily relaxed a bit, and enjoyed the feel of Jenn’s sexy teen body against hers. Jenn pulled back, gave Emily a look and brought Emily’s head forward, pressing her lips against her Mom’s, giving her a drawn out, passionate smooch.

“Mom, can we go out for dinner? I’m so hungry, and I don’t want to waste time making dinner, when we can just sit back, relax, and let our favorite restaurant do all the work for us!” Jenn said, smiling.

“Sure baby, just let me grab the car keys, and we’ll be off” Emily replied.

Soon, they were seated at Carlo’s Trattoria, Emily and Jenn were both big fans of Italian food, and Carlo’s had the best they had ever tasted. Since they were regulars, and Carlo was very happy every time when they came in, and he got to ogle their fine, sexy forms, Carlo allowed them the liberty of letting Jenn have wine with her meal. Where he came from, back in the old country, wine was as much a part of a fine dinner as plates and silverware. Jenn was 17, she was with her Mom, and Carlo thought the age limits for drinking alcohol were really excessive. He agreed with age limits in bars were young teens would do nothing but get drunk, or worse, end up driving drunk and killing themselves. In his trattoria, no one got trashed, his diners were responsible drinkers, and Carlo had no problem when Emily ordered a glass of wine with dinner for both of them. They settled back, talking about everyday things, not really mentioning what had occurred between them earlier. That changed to some degree, after Jenn had downed some of her wine.

“Mom, what happened earlier, I just wanted you to know, I liked it, I liked it a lot, and don’t feel bad, or guilty. It’s not like you took advantage of me, I knew what was going to happen when you removed the ice bag, and I saw the look of sexual hunger in your eyes as you looked at me pussy. I spread my legs just a bit more when you saw my pussy, and I realized that I couldn’t wait to feel your tongue against me. My poor pussy was so red and sore, I got fucked so hard, and your soft wet tongue really helped me feel better, bringing on that wonderful wave of orgasm. I hope that I licked you as good as you did me, did you enjoy it Mom?” she asked, her eyes gleaming.

Emily recalled the heat, the feel of her pussy being licked by the skilful, experienced tongue of her daughter, as she replied, “Oh baby, it was fantastic. I haven’t been licked like that since your Dad passed away four years ago.”

That stopped them for a minute, it had been 4 years since their husband and father, Will Lawner had died in a car accident. His car had skidded off an icy road, flipped over and over, and he had been killed at the scene. It was still a pretty fresh wound, and they didn’t talk about it too much.

Jenn said, “So you liked how I licked you?”

Emily said, “Oh yes baby, you licked me so well, and gave me a wonderful orgasm. Your tongue was so hot and wet, so good, ummmm, it felt like you knew what you were doing. All those sleepovers with Cherry no doubt taught you how to lick pussy so well, I imagine you had more than few sessions between that girl’s thighs, right?”

Jenn gasped, her face turning bright red.

Emily giggled, and said, “No worries baby. I didn’t spy on you, but more than a few times, I’d heard giggles, sighs and now and then what sounded like moans of pleasure coming from your room late at night during your sleepovers, I’d been tempted to peek in, but I’d resisted that urge.”

With a grin, Jenn replied, “Judging by how well you can do that Mom, I’d say that you did your share of muff diving, didn’t you?”

Emily giggled wildly, and Jenn joined her. Muff diving, she hadn’t heard that for a long time.

After their laughter died away, Emily said, “Yes, I was a muff diver, and I loved it! I learned how to lick pussy when I was accepted by my sorority. The idea was that we should be free and open with our sisters, and I licked every sorority sister, many times. Those were great times, there was lots of one on one times with my sisters, and once a month, in the secret, specially designed playroom that only the sisters knew about, there’d be an all sister orgy, and oh my god. Licking, being licked, using dildos and vibrators on each other, cries of delight, shrieks and howls of orgasm would fill the playroom as my body would cum, over and over, surrounded by my sexy sorority sisters who were cumming all over the place, also. It was an all sorority sister, all night orgy, and I would cum so many times, I was totally exhausted when I tumbled into bed, just as dawn was breaking.”

Emily’s face was flushed, and she could feel the dampness as her pussy creamed up at the recall of those hot, sex filled nights. Judging by Jenn’s flushed face, she had a feeling that Jenn was similarly turned on.

With a giggle, Jenn said, “Well, your talents are still razor sharp!”

Their conversation came to a halt as the waiter approached, and they set about to eating. The Fettuccine alla Fra Diavola, fettuccine pasta served with large shrimp in a spicy garlic tomato sauce that Emily ordered, was perfect. Jenn was equally enthused about her dish, Fusilli al Salmone, corkscrew pasta served with fresh salmon and leeks in a pink vodka sauce. They were hungry, and didn’t let the meals sit out on the plate long enough to get too cool.

Jenn started talking about Cherry, what a wild child she could be. Emily wondered if Jenn was going to tell her about her day at Cherry Hill, but Jenn didn’t. Emily realized that it could have been too much for Jenn to share at this time, no problems, she would see for herself soon enough, hopefully.

A week later, and Emily hit the mark. A DVD, with the title “Cherry Hill riding club part 7 Jenn” had been added to Jenn’s collection. Oh god, this was it. Emily could feel her lust factor go from 0 to 100 in seconds, her pussy started to cream up, and she could her nipples become stiff, rock hard points. Jenn was out with her friends at a bridal shower, Emily figured she’d have more than enough time. Just in case Jenn came home early, she set the security chains, that had to be opened from the inside. She quickly got her 8 inch vibrator, and scurried back to Jenn’s room. Her pussy was practically dripping, she wouldn’t need any extra lube.

She turned on the DVD player and TV, and inserted the DVD. It cued up to the beginning as she propped up three pillows against her back, and spread a thick bath towel right under her ass as she settled herself into position. The way her pussy was dripping with lust, she figured she’d need it. Try explaining to Jenn why her quilt had a giant wet spot!

She took the remote, and pressed the PLAY button. The action began as the others had. Jenn was riding a horse around a sun dappled meadow, the camera following. She steered the horse towards the camera, and she saw Jenn’s face, alive with lust, her eyes gleaming with heat. The scene changed, they were now in the barn.

She heard Cherry’s voice “Are you ready to become a full fledged member of the Cherry Hill riding club baby?”

Jenn growled out huskily, “Oh fuck, more than ready. Your popping elixir has made me so fucking horny, I’m dripping! Bring on the horse cocks, I need it!”

Cherry stripped Jenn naked, and ordered Jenn, “Now, down on your knees baby.”

Emily knew she’d explode way too early if she even nudged her clit, so she cupped her breasts, fingers tweaking at her hard, aching nipples, feeling the surge of pleasure going straight to her creaming cunt.

Jenn knelt, and Cherry led Midnight in. She secured his legs, then let Jenn stare at the cock.

“Now, stroke that big cock, watch his cock grow baby.”

Jenn did so, and her look of wonder as she watched that massive cock surge up was recorded as Cherry had taken the camera off the tripod, and was in for the close up action. She played with his cock, until his huge cock was throbbing.

“Now, lick that cock, run your tongue up and down that hard cock.”

Emily watched, her pussy creaming crazily, as Jenn’s pink tongue slid out, and she started to run her tongue up and down Midnight’s huge shaft. She ran her tongue down the hard shaft and back up again, she licked at the head, then her mouth went down and up again, Jenn’s tongue started to flicker all over his shaft. She then ran her mouth down again, planting a line of kisses along the shaft, then she went lower, licking at the big balls, running her tongue around them.

Cherry growled huskily, “Oh yeah Jenn baby, ummm, you know how to handle a cock, now, give Midnight the best suck job you can, you’ll love it when he fills your mouth!”

Jenn swirled her tongue back up, and licked eagerly at the strange looking head. Emily could see her licking her lips, making them as slick as possible, and then she watched her very own daughter lean in and open her mouth as wide as she could. Both of Jenn’s hands were wrapped around his pole, stroking his thick cock and Jenn was barely able to squeeze the strange looking head in to her mouth. It looked like a tight fit, but once the head was in Jenn’s mouth she slid her lips down his shaft as far as she could. Jenn made it a few inches, pulled back, then slid her mouth down again, she was able to take little bit more, and Jenn got into the rhythm of the blow job, as she started to bob her head back and forth, taking in just a little bit more each time.

Emily growled, “Oh yeah baby, suck that cock, suck it, and let that beast spew his cum all over you!”

Jenn picked it up, she knew how far she could take it, and her lips started to glide back and forth smoothly, her mouth sucking on him, hands pumping that cock, eager for her first load of horse cum. Emily could hear her making little “mmm, mmm, mmm” sounds around his cock as she sucked him.

Cherry said, “Oh yeah Jenn, good girl. Work up Midnight’s cock to a gusher, you’ll love it!’

With encouragement like that, Jenn worked over that cock, as as Midnight started to snort, Emily rammed her vibrator deep inside, turning it on and feeling the tremors deep down inside.

Emily could see Midnight’s cock throbbing and pulsing wildly, his huge cock squirting, Jenn’s cheeks bulged with the volume. She looked like she was trying to swallow as much as she could, but she had to pull her head back and his cum spewed out. Jenn gulped down what was left in her mouth as Midnight wasn’t done yet and his wildly squirting cock was now giving Jenn a full facial, covering her face with a sheet of cum.

That sent Emily roaring over the top, seeing her daughter doing such perverted nasty sex just made her crazy, and her pussy exploded with a force that brought shrieks of pleasure from her, she could feel her cunt squirting like a hose, her body jerking and thrashing wildly, she was cumming like crazy, my god, it was one of her most powerful orgasms. She kept her eyes open, watching as Jenn pointed his big cock down at her body, still pumping that beast, and Midnight’s cock obliged, thick ropes splattering, warm cum splashing, long, thick trails all over her body, neck, tits, belly, her smooth shaven mound all got splattered.

Jenn stood up, grinning, her body displaying the work of her horse cock sucking, letting the camera film her face, covered with dripping horse cum. Her tongue came out, licking at some of the thick, sticky semen around her lips. The camera then trailed lovingly over her body, capturing the explosive, gushing orgasm that Midnight had unleashed on Jenn’s mouth and body.

Cherry’s voice, said, “Did you like that baby?”

Jenn cried, “Oh my god, I fucking loved it!”

Cherry said, “Then you’ll love what’s coming next!”

The camera was placed back on the tripod, then Cherry led Jenn over to the fucking table. On the table, on her hands and knees, Jenn let out a growl of lust as she was strapped down. Cherry took the jar of lube, and spread a generous sized glob of lube along Jenn’s lips, then added two more that were slid up her tight tunnel, when you are going to take on such a monster cock, there’s no such thing as too much lube.

Cherry left the frame for a minute, when she came back, she was leading Snowflake towards Jenn.

Cherry cooed, “Come on Snowflake, we’ve got a nice hot pussy for you, all ready to be fucked hard and filled up.”

With Cherry’s hands stroking at him, Snowflake’s cock quickly grew, and she ran thick globs of lube up and down, making Snowflake’s massive fuckpole glisten. She signaled to him, he knew what that meant, and he lifted his front legs, and they slid into the grooves built for them. Jenn was positioned so that long knob end was against her tight pussy lips. Jenn’s shrieks of pain filled the speakers, Emily’s cunt was throbbing, she started to ram herself with her dildo as she watched Jenn, her very own daughter, losing her horse cock virginity to a horny stallion in a deep, hard thrust. The screams and shrieks of Jenn losing her horse cock virginity, as that rock hard horse cock split open her tight pink walls, the panting of the horse, the liquid sounds of Jenn’s pussy getting fucked deeper than ever, filled the speakers. After several cunt splitting thrusts, the lube took away the abrasive edge, and Jenn, like the other members of Cherry Hill, seemed to be able to take the huge pole, she was starting to let out sounds of pleasure.

The camera was lifted off the tripod, and moved in for extra hot, close up shots. The camera moved around the table, capturing hot shots from all angles. Jenn’s face was turned to the side, glowing, she looked almost delirious with pleasure.

Jenn growled, “Oh yeah horsey, fuck me horsey, fuck me, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

Emily’s favorite scene was where she could see Jenn’s eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft. She imagined herself in that position, strapped down, getting the most cunt filling fuck ever. She felt her pussy give a giant lurch, Emily had been fucking herself silly with the dildo, polishing around her throbbing clit, and she knew she was seconds away. Fortunately, so was Jenn.

Jenn shrieked out, “I’m cumming, fuck, fuck FUCK, AWW GAWWDDD!!” and she let out a wild scream of pleasure.

The horse let out loud snorts, and Emily could just imagine the huge load of thick creamy cum filling Jenn’s pussy. Emily felt her own throbbing pussy explode, as her cunt burst apart in a blast of sheer pleasure, and her howl of orgasm joined the sounds from the TV. Fuck, it felt like she was turning inside out as her body flopped around on the bed, she felt like she was out of control, as she finally slumped down, breathless, watching as Cherry helped the horse down, letting him wander through the barn. Jenn’s pussy had been filled to overflowing, and the camera closed in on her well filled hole.

“And now for my fun part, the extra special service you only get at Cherry Hill, cleaning up all the horny, messy pussies my horses create!” Cherry giggled.

Cherry put the camera back on the tripod, and moved it closer to the action. She positioned the bench right behind Jenn’s up-thrust ass. Facing the camera, she slipped off the robe she was wearing, giving the camera a full frontal view of her nudity. Emily saw that her mound was shaved bare and smooth, she looked so sexy, and Emily wondered how it felt to be hairless down there. She smiled to the camera, then she took a kneeling position on the bench, and plastered her mouth against Jenn’s well fucked cunt, ready to clean up that messy, tasty pussy.

She heard Jenn coo, “Oh yes, lick me Cherry, suck out all that tasty load of horse cum, and make me cum baby!”

Cherry was more than eager to do so, and Emily watched, her cunt still buzzing, as Cherry’s mouth and tongue worked on getting that load out of her. She watched as Cherry slipped her hand down, eager to stroke herself. Cherry applied her oral skills to giving Jenn the best lick job she could, and it took little time before Jenn cried out in pleasure, as Cherry skilfully brought her cresting to another orgasm. Emily could hear Cherry’s moans into the soupy mix she was eagerly licking up, as her fingers brought herself to climax.

Cherry faced the camera, smiling, from the nose on down, she was plastered with a mix of Jenn’s juices and a thick sheet of horse cum, thick streams dripping off her chin, splattering down over her tits. Streams started to dip off her tits, other streams were rolling down the valley between her breasts, and roll down her belly. She did this for a minute, letting the cum make thick trails on her body, she opened her mouth, showed the thick spunk that her mouth was filled with, then eagerly swallowed it down, giving the camera a big grin of satisfaction.

“Ummm, my favorite part, I love being a horse cum slut. Cherry Hill riding club, were my horses will make you feel so good, come and ride a big stallion’s cock, and you’ll cum like never before. I’m looking forward to the next horny pussy, all messy and so juicy with a huge load of horse spunk, that I can lick clean!”

Cherry giggled, blew a kiss to the camera, and the screen went blank.

Emily was floating in a hazy afterglow, god, she’d never seen anything so fucking hot in all her life. She was determined to be part 8 of the Cherry Hill volumes, and she was going to confront Cherry very soon.