(c) 2011 by Abinadi

“Steven, get down here and run an errand for me”
“Ahhh Mum, I’m busy with Uni course work!”
“No you’re not. I could hear you strumming that thing”
“It’s called a guitar”, I replied, but put it down and went downstairs. To be honest, I was bored out of my mind….. It was the long, hot summer of ’76 and all my friends were off backpacking in France, or following punk bands around the UK. I had just broken up with my girlfriend and, so, had come back to my home – a little village on Dartmoor – to mope and get some familial sympathy.

Downstairs, mother asked me to take some cakes next door to Mrs Wimple “Go on, maybe Valerie will be there. You can have a chat – you used to be sweet on valerie” “Oh Mother! that was 5 years ago, before they both became religious freaks”, I said “Mrs Wimple turned to the church when her hubby ran off with the barmaid, and it just took her over….. But I dont think Valerie is that religious, she just goes along to please her mum”

I took the plate of cakes and hopped over the backyard fence, walked along the field and jumped into Mrs Wimples backyard. This was the ’70’s, We lived in a small community and no one ever locked their backdoors, so even if she had made one of her constant trips to the church, I could drop cakes in her kitchen and be back in 2 shakes. I knocked on the kitchen window and, since there was no answer, opened the door and walked in.
As I put the cakes down I heard a whimpering and moaning coming from somewhere above. My first thought was that someone was in pain and needed first aid….. but then, we were only 15 miles from Dartmoor prison…. what if someone was threatening Mrs Wimple?

I climbed the stairs silently and quietly opened the bedroom door to see……



and Rusty, her red springer spaniel with his nose buried between her legs, lapping and snuffling her precious, beautiful, pink pussy.

I stood there for 30 long, long seconds watching the amazing site and becoming more and more aroused. Eventually, I made an involuntary gasp and valerie opened her eyes and saw me standing there.

She screamed and knocked rusty off the bed. I expected her to be blazing angry, but instead she pulled her sheet over her head, curled up and started weeping. I went over and stroked her hair through the linen. “Dont be afraid, dont be bothered, I am sorry, I watched, but it was just so arousing” tearfully, valerie said “You wont tell will you?” “Of course not” I said, “I have always liked you, Valerie, I would never do anything to hurt you or make you upset…. and, to be honest, I found the sight of you and rusty very, very sexy”

“I…..I….I always liked you Steven. You and your family were the only ones who still liked us after my mum started going nuts…. going to the church everyday. I didnt have anyone to talk to after you left for university, and rusty was my only….errr….friend.”

Valerie paused and seemed to be thinking. “Did you really like watching me?”
“oh yes. I was really getting hard. I was sorry you heard me, and I would have loved to have watched longer but I couldnt stop myself groaning out loud”
Valerie had pulled her sheet lower and Rusty had jumped back onto the bed, tail wagging. “do you really mean it?” valerie said, “you are not disgusted?”
“yes, I really mean it, and No, I am not disgusted”

Valerie moved the sheet to one side and rusty bounded over between her legs Valerie kept her eyes on me and opened her legs. rusty resumed his position and started to move his long tongue over her labia and clit. I watched for a few seconds and then leaned over and kissed Valerie on the mouth.
My hand went to her breast and gently tweaked her nipple between my thumb and finger. Valerie kissed me back deeply and I felt her body tense as she started to orgasm. Her back arched and her hips went up off the bed, but rusty kept his nose buried in her pussy and his tongue kept licking and licking. Valerie groaned and grabbed my shoulders. Her fingernails dug deeply and I almost groaned myself – in pain.

Her orgasm subsided, but it made no difference to Rusty. he kept licking her pussy and I felt jealous of him getting all of her sweet erotic juices. Valerie was just starting on the slope to another orgasm, and she grabbed my jeans and swiftly undid the button and zip. she pulled my cock out and wrapped her warm lips around the head. I could feel her tongue licking my helmet as I watched Rusty licking her pussy like a bone. I was very aroused and felt I could not hold on much more.

As she started to climax once more, I could no longer hold back. She opened her mouth to scream with orgasm and, I shot my load into her mouth. after what seemed like an endless orgasm, we lay together on the bed and rusty, sensing he was no longer needed, walked away, tail wagging. I tasted my cum on her kisses and we cuddled for ages, until she decided her mother would soon be home and I made my way back across the fields.

I realised this would no longer be a boring summer, as I got to know Rusty and Valerie a lot better……….


“Hey mum, I’m just off to Valerie’s house”
Mum smiled. “Well, that’s unexpected. This time last week it would have taken a crowbar just to get you out of your room”
“yeah, well…. Valerie and I have a lot of catching up to do”
“I assume Mrs Wimple willl be at church again today?” Mum said. It was more of a statement than a question.
“I guess”
“Ok, well at least you’ve got Rusty as your chaperone” mum laughed. Rusty was Valeries red springer spaniel.
I just smiled. Since last saturday, I had learned a lot about Valerie that I would never have guessed in a million years. Far from being the uptight christian everyone had thought, she had a real wild streak. We had arranged to meet today. Between the time her mum had headed off to clean the church, and Valerie got home from work, we had a clear 2 hours, and we intended to make the most of it.
I popped over the garden fence and walked along the field to Valeries garden where I jumped into her back garden and settled down on a lawn chair to await her coming home.
A short while later, Valerie came through the back door. It was a hot day and she had walked a mile uphill from her job in the local bakers shop. she looked hot – in more ways than one – and smelled of fresh sweat and a sweet cakeshop aroma from her job.

“Make yourself at home. It’s a wonder you didnt make yourself dinner” she said sarcastically, but I knew she was glad to see me there. I got up and held her hand, and we wandered inside, heading straight to the bedroom.
“Shouldnt you call rusty?” I asked.
“”My, my, you are keen aren’t you?” she smiled. “It’s OK, he’s a clever dog. I taught him to come into the bedroom if the door’s open, and stay away if it’s shut…. that way mum doesnt get too suspicious”
“Clever”, I said, as I reached over to pull her to me, and started to undress her.
“That maxi skirt must be terribly hot on a day like this” I said.
“It makes my pussy sweaty….. and Rusty likes it sweaty”
“So do I”, I smiled.

We kissed and undressed each other and, naked, Valerie laid on the bed. I leaned over her and kissed her, playing with her nipples. I felt the dog spring onto the bed and it pushed it’s nose onto her crotch and started licking. I felt a tremor like an electric current go through Valerie as Rusty’s tongue lapped deep into her vagina, moved swiftly over her pee hole and labia, and then caressed her clit with a long, rough wetness.

“I would love to taste your pussy, Valerie” I said
“ok, lay down”, she manouvered me on the bed and squatted over me 69 style. I watched her wet dripping pussy come down over my mouth and delighted in the salty erotic scent of her pussy, full of her natural lubrication. Then I saw Rusty’s head close to mine as he started to lick her bum hole, just as Valerie’s mouth closed over the head of my cock.

Valerie’s cucnt moved side to side as I lapped her clit and Rusty dipped his long probing tongue into her tight little asshole, I could feel her approaching another peak and pushed her over onto her side as a shuddering orgasm racked her body.
Turning my body round, I pulled Valerie down so that her cunt slipped down my cock. she lay on top of me and rusty’s tongue washed over my balls as it lapped up the crease of Valeries arse.

We lay there fucking with Rusty licking us both and I felt Valerie suddenly tense. “you can’t come in me, I dont take the pill or anything” she said. I pulled out and suddenly Rusty licked the end of my cock
I now knew just how fantastic Rusty’s tongue felt. His tongue licked me from balls to helmet and suddenly I shot my load right into the dog’s mouth.

Valerie smiled at me. “Now you know what it feels like for me”
We kissed and lay there with the dog between our naked bodies.