(c) 2017-2018 by sam111

Claire an eighteen year old girl; 5ft 11in : long red hair; slim but with some curves to her shape; ass very firm; breasts medium size with large nipples; shaven cunt with a thin ginger line of hair pointing to her lips.

A young girl (Claire) leaves the night club with her friend’s, one of the girls hails a taxi; the girls are all hanging on to each other (all very drunk and giggly). They stumble into the taxi Claire lying across the other two girls knees.

The cabbie got the address for Claire’s house and of he set. One of the girls was pulling Claire’s skirt up; look she is not wearing knickers she shouted to the driver (he quickly altered the rear mirror so he could see) Claire screamed and tried to pull her skirt down but the more she tried the more she revealed (she was too drunk to be in control) her other friend threw her coat over Claire so she was not flashing her private area.

They arrived at Claire’s house and she staggered to the door (the taxi did not leave until Claire was inside), it must have been five minutes before Claire stumbled over the door step and shut the door.

“dad” “Dad” ”DAD” “DAAAD!”

Claire entered the living room to find her dad sprawled out on the sofa in a drunken sleep. Claire decided to leave him where he was (it was not unusual for him to be in that state; his cock was not normally on show). Claire was feeling drunk and naughty so she decided to put it away for him (this also give her a chance to feel it) as she gripped it she give it a rub; it felt nice in her hand, she was shaking with excitement; the fear of her dad waking up and she had his cock in her hand made her so nervous.

She thought I need to stop this. Her dad stirred (she froze with her grip firmly round that lovely now firm cock) he settled back again and Claire decided to stop; aaahh fuck it, she thought and stooped down and kissed his cock: she opened her lips and very gently drew it into her mouth and then out (she repeated this for a couple of minutes and then freaked “god what am I doing”)

She quickly put his cock in his flap and zipped up. She noticed the lap-top still on, so she decided to turn it off; as she got close she noticed it was playing a video. My god she thought it is porn, my dad’s been watching porn. There were two girls in a 69 pose making a lot of noise.

Claire liked that, so she decided to take the lap-top up to her bedroom; as she was walking up the stairs one of the girls pulled the other off the bed and on to the floor; she was a bit rough. As Claire got to her bedroom she put the lap-top on the bed and started to undress.

She could see the girls groping each other as she slipped her top over her head to reveal a very sexy white lace bra; her nipples were hard and erect she was so excited thinking of her dad’s cock in her mouth and watching the two girls on the lap-top.

She undone her skirt and let it drop to the floor; she had a big smile on her face as she loved her ginger hair line; Claire ran her fingers along the line to her clit. She could hear the girl telling the other girl to get on all fours on the lap-top. Claire thought she sounded firm the way she said it.
Claire got into bed and placed the lap-top on the bed. WOW! She could not believe her eyes; ”A DOG” she shouted, she was shocked as she watched the dog lick the girls ass hole. The other girl was slapping the girl and calling her a bitch slut.

“What the hell has my dad been watching” she whispered to herself.

She could not keep her eyes off the screen as the dog mounted the girl. The dog was so fast and the girl was yelling with the dog cock inside her; the other girl was screaming “fuck the bitch” over and over again. The girl’s head was being pushed into the mat she was squawking all sorts of noises.

Claire found herself fingering her cunt; it was dripping wet. “My god I am so wet” she could not believe she found the dog fuck so erotic. She had two fingers inside her cunt they were going wild: they seem to have a mind of their own, Claire was fixated on the girl being pounded by the dog; she was not thinking of her fingers, just the feeling in her cunt.

The girl gives off a yelp as she was knotted. Claire did not understand until the other girl started slapping the girl’s face and shouting.

“Now you are his bitch”

“His knot is right in there”

“Let him fill you with his doggy cum”

Claire could not believe what she was seeing; the dog got off the girls back but his cock was still in her. The girl was constantly yelping as the dog was spurting his dog spunk inside her; it was dripping down her cunt. The girl started to lead the dog round the room and drag the other girl with him. Claire now loved what she was seeing; she found herself whispering “the dirty cow” ”bitch” at the screen.

What happen next blew her mind as the dog was released from the girl’s cunt to a slurping noise and lots of dribbling doggy cum. Claire found herself cumming watching the dog lick the girl’s wet cunt; she started to shake and quiver so violently she could not touch herself. Her body was just one large orgasm.

Claire was so gone her body just kept jerking until she fell asleep.

The next thing she knew she was woken by a movement on her bed; it was her dad picking up the lap-top.
“What is my lap-top doing in your room?”

“I don’t know” Claire was taken back what could she say.

Let’s see how much trouble she is in and what will be the consequences.

“I don’t know” Claire was taken back what she could say.

“What do you mean you don’t know!, have you been watching what was on?”

“YES!” Claire was ready for his reaction.

“That is not for your eyes”

“Too late I cannot believe you watch that stuff”

“You should have just turned the lap-top off”

“But you should not have left it for me to see” “It is your fault”

Claire told her dad you watch dogs fucking girls. Her dad was red faced and came back all masterful. OK you little dirty bitch I will teach you a lesson.

“What you going to do stop me watching dog’s fucking girls HA”

Her dad walk to the bedroom door and closed it; Claire was now very nervous what was her dad going to do. I think you need to see more and I will be here watching you; her dad was so calm but his eyes were saying he was in charge.

“This is my punishment watching PORN!”

Claire was excited; she thought she would be grounded for a year at least. The dad stood by the bed and pulled the duvet off Claire; Claire found herself covering up with her hands and shouting at her dad “you dirty bastard”. She was shaking with a combination of being naked and nerves. Claire asked her dad what he was doing.

“You need to be taught a lesson” “I am going to spank you”

Claire was now very nervous and she peed herself; there was a big wet patch on the bed now. Her dad looked incensed and shouted out “you dirty little girl, you are getting double punishment now. He grabbed her by the wrist and put her over his knees; Claire was struggling and wriggling trying to get free.

Her dad was very strong and had her in position and smacked her hard; Claire screamed, her dad had never ever hit her before. Claire felt her dad’s big hand covering her bum and stroking it very gently, she thought that was it; she could live with that and stared to relax. Then it came again his big hard hand came down on to her bum cheeks with a sting.

Claire could not hold out the tears flowed and she pleaded with her dad to stop. Her dad told her he would stop, if she agreed to do what he asked, for a week. Claire quickly spurted out “YES” “YES” “YES” he let her up and said now we will watch some porn together.

Claire’s dad got the lap-top tuned into his porn site “let us see how much you like beast porn”.

Claire did not know whether to be excited or ashamed; her love socket was saying excited she was very wet. The two sat up on the bed and started to watch; Claire sat naked and her nipples were hard and aching they were sticking out at least a centimetre, her dad told her to open her legs and reminded her she had agreed to do what he asked. So she sat with her legs open sitting with her dad. WOW her lips were glistening with her love juices; she was feeling uneasy, she did not know her dad like this.

The video had started there was a couple, an old guy and a dog. The room was set out with a blanket in the middle of the room; the old guy had the dog and was asking the couple if they were sure they wanted to do this. The man turned to his wife and asked her if she was ok with it, she nodded and said yes; he asked again are you sure, she nodded again and said yes.

Claire’s dad turned to her you need to watch and learn not just enjoy; Claire did not really understand, she was excited now she was watching porn with her favourite man in the whole world. She made sure her dad could see her cunt now; her dad put his arm round her neck and cupped her tit. Claire liked that, her dad nipped her nipple and told her to take notice of the video.

The wife was with the old guy and he was letting the dog jump at her “that’s it get to know each other” he was talking to the wife and dog all the time; it was the first time for the wife and the husband was keep encouraging her(go on French kiss the dog). The wife got down on her knees and did what her husband said; her tongue entered the dog’s mouth and she let the dog’s long tongue enter her mouth.

“She likes that dog” dad said nipping Claire’s nipple.

“I know daddy it is so hot”

“Get My COCK OUT!”

Claire was now using the fact she had agreed to do anything he asked and unzipped him and got his cock out and gripped firm, WOW dad it is so hard she muttered as she rubbed it up and down,

“Would you like to play with me, DAD!”

Her dad said there would be plenty of time for that later and told her to watch the video; Claire felt a knot in her tummy as she was disappointed she was aching for her cunt to be rubbed.

The old guy told the wife to rub the dogs pouch; her husband was taken pictures and telling her how erotic she looked and she would love to see the pictures later. The dog’s cock started to show and the old guy told the wife to kiss it, show that you are pleased with him. She looked at her husband for approval, he blurted out fucking hell wife, kiss that dog cock. She put her two lips on the tip of that dog’s cock then turned to her husband, licked her lips and blows him a kiss

“Fucking hell dad that is so fucking hot”

“Yes it is, keep stroking”

“This is so nice watching porn with you”

“Yes you can play with your cunt now”

“Do you think I would like a dog fucking me?”

“I don’t know it takes a special girl to love their dog” “Watch the video”

The wife was now sucking the big red purple monster and watching her husband at the same time; she could see the pleasure she was giving him. The old guy told the wife to sit on the stool; she got up and sat on the stool; Claire could see the wife was dripping wet “fucking hell she is lovely” her dad nodded and said nothing. The wooden stool seat was covered with the wife’s love juices.

The old guy told the wife to open her love lips; her hole was exposed. The guy led the dog to the wife’s hole; the dog’s tongue found his target and disappeared inside the wife; her head dropped back with pleasure; she was moaning and saying fuck yes over and over again

“Stop rubbing so hard this is a long video”

Clair was so excited she was rubbing her dad so hard and fast with two fingers in her love socket (you could hear the squelching noise). She started to go really slow, moving her fist right to the base and then to the tip.

“Is that better”


The husband was taken lots off snaps as the dog drank from his wife’s cunt. He ask her if she was ok and she replied” are you kidding me this is the best thing you have done for me”. Claire loved that the wife was so keen and turned to her dad “Did mum do that for you?” Her dad looked at her and turned her face to the screen “that is not for you to know, watch and learn”. Claire was now enjoying every moment.

The old man told the wife to get on the sofa he said he thought it was time she became the dog’s bitch. The husband sounded very excited and said is he going to fuck her; He turned to his wife as she got on the sofa “are you ready to be fucked”. The wife replied “I am so ready for this” and she opened her legs wide.

The dog started to lick her love socket again. The wife started to talk to the dog “you want to fuck me don’t you. I am ready for you, your bitch is here and my husband wants you to batter me. Come on up here” the wife pulled the dog up so his legs were round her waist; his cock was full, gleaming red purple veined monster. The old man help the dog into position and the dog took over he was inside the wife and shagging her hard and fast.

“My god dad he is fast”

“Yes dogs are instinctive they only think of breeding”

“So they don’t enjoy it”

“Yes they enjoy it but they are only thinking of their own pleasure”

“So it could be any bitch?”

“Yes and when he is done he will fuck any bitch that will let him”

The wife was in full flight screaming with pleasure as the dog rammed his cock as far as he could; Claire was loving watching, playing with her cunt and her dad’s cock. She was hoping it was going to go on for ever. The wife yelped loudly; Claire could not hold back she shouted out” she has been knotted”.


“The wife has been knotted by the dog” “I saw it last night”

“O you did, did you!”

The wife was knotted for a while and then the dog slurped out of her love socket and the entire dog cum gushed out. And the dog started to drink. The wife was red faced and sweating as she was hugging her husband and saying how much she loved him for this present. The dog was drink from her love lips all the time.

“Now it is time to finish me off”

“What do you mean?”

“Suck my cock and drink my cum”

“Suck your cock!!!!”

“Yes you know how to do it” “you did it last night”

Before Claire could say anything, her dad forced her head down and on to his cock and started to face fuck her. It did not take long before he was shooting his load into her mouth she swallowed it and kept the blow job going . The spunk was squeezing from her lips as her dad face fucked her hard; he released her head and fell back on the bed. Claire was cumming with the sight and felling of her dad cumming; she dropped down beside her dad and snuggled in.

“So you were awake last night”


“So you planned this”

The dad explained he had not planned it. He was watching the porn when she came home and he did not know what to do. So I just lay there and made out I was asleep, drunk. I thought you would come in be embarrassed and go to bed. I did not expect you to feel my cock and I certainly did not expect a blow job. Then you took the lap-top upstairs what could I do.

Claire said I cannot believe you let me do that to you without stopping me. I felt so naughty and evil, but could not control myself. She said she did not believe him, she still though he had planned it.

The dad said he had observed her watching the video through the crack in the bedroom door; Claire said I bet you wanked off watching me you dirty bastard. The dad said he had watched her frigging herself while she watched the video. You were enjoying what you seen and you loved the dog fuck.

“So my punishment is done”


“What do I have to do?”

“You have a week of punishment”

“What! Watching porn”
“It is my wish you have to do”
The dad started to explain the first thing is to ask your friend Sue over and watch porn with her. You can start with girl on boy but you have to get her to watch a girl fuck a dog at the end. Claire did not like this she had watched porn quite a lot with Sue but not this kind. She said it would take a lot longer to get her friend to watch dog porn. Her dad was not given in; he insisted her punishment was to do anything he said for a week.
Claire had to agree although she did offer to watch beast with her dad for longer if he did not get Sue involved. Her dad said no there was a lot more you would be doing in the week. Claire was not sure what he meant but she was so up to being naughty and as nasty as her dad wanted.
“OK but you cannot be here”
“I will be upstairs”
“No you must go out”
“No I am in charge and I want you to leave the living room door half open so I can see you are doing it”
“GOD! OK!”
Dad insisted she rang Sue now to arrange for tomorrow night. Claire rang Sue and started to talk dirty on the phone; she was really dirty and Sue was replying (Claire had put her on speaker so her dad could hear every word). So have you got any nickers on?, I have not you know I would not have any on, Claire encouraged Sue to say more. I have my fingers in my hole can you hear them; Sue lowered the mobile to her cunt so Claire could hear the slurping of her cunt.
Claire was so horny having this conversation with her dad in the room. You are a dirty bitch Sue that sounds nice. Claire noticed her dad had his cock in his hand; she waved him over to her and kissed it. She then told Sue I am fantasying that I have just sucked my dad’s cock. Sue replied you dirty fucking whore YOUR DAD!. Mind you I would suck his cock with you.
Would you, we could suck him together tomorrow night HA HA HA. Will you come over and have a dirty night tomorrow. Sue shouted out with your dad? No silly to watch porn. My dad will be out. That sounds great oooooooooooooooooooooooooofuckfuckfuckfuck Sue was cumming and Claire and her dad could hear her.
“You dirty whore you cumming!”
“YES! Cannot wait to see you tomorrow”
“Be early I want to be really naughty”
Claire hung up and looked at her dad; he was standing with a big handful of cock. Claire asked him if he would like his little girl to drink from his cock. He nodded his approval and Claire took it all in to her mouth, she got a surprise he erupted and gushed loads of spunk; spurt after spurt Claire struggled to swallow quickly enough; it was dripping off her chin and on to her rock hard nipples. Her tits looked like a cheery cake; white all around and a pink erect nipple sticking through.
Claire lay back and opened her legs come on fist me; her dad fell to his knees and rammed two fingers into her; Claire grabbed both legs and pulled them up and further apart, so he could go as deep as he could. He now had four fingers in and was pushing his thumb in to join them.
Clair was screaming for more as his hand entered her full and he moved his fingers around inside her cunt. Claire’s lips were tight round his wrist like a watch. He was given her a good fisting when she cum; her legs gripped tight and she was pleading with him to stop, her inner muscles were contracting round his hand inside her, which sent her into an orgasm frenzy; her whole body was jerking and her eyes were rolling round under her eye lids; sometimes only showing the whites of her eyes.
He could not do anything as Claire had him clamped and screamed to him don’t move; this was not in his mind, he kept moving his fingers inside her sending her in to more waves of pleasure through her body. This lasted over ten minutes before Claire grabbed his arm and pulled it out and wriggled on the floor like a snake.
It took Clair twenty minutes before she could get up and sit on the sofa; her dad was taken a video on his mobile all the time.
“This is going to look great on the TV when we watch it back”
“Have you been video the whole thing”
“No I could not you had my hand up you HA! But I did manage some with my other hand”
“Fix it up to the lap-top so I can see”
Claire sat back as her dad set it up. They had a large screen TV which her dad decided to connect the lap-top to it. WOW Claire could not believe what she looked like on TV, it was like watching a porn star.
“Fucking hell I look good”
“Yes a real star”
“My god sometimes I look like I am blind”
“Yes so fucking erotic” “you were out of control”
Claire was still having little orgasms on the sofa; there was big wet patches were she was sitting. I don’t know if I can take this again tomorrow. He said yes you will and it will be with your best friend Sue. Claire said we have never been that intense before she did not think Sue would go for it. That’s up to you to make her, her dad said firmly.
You need to think it through and have different strategies for the night as you will need to be careful not to go to fast and put her off; you need to make it so Sue feels she is suggesting it not you. That way you will really be able to push the boundaries.
“OK I think I can do this”
“Good dirty girl”

The next day came round fast; Claire had been thinking about it all day. Sometimes she was excited and found herself getting wet at the thought (so much, that at one point she pleased herself in the toilet). Other times she was shaken with nerves; her legs physically shaking. She thought she had a plan that she hoped would work; she did not want to disappoint her dad and if she was honest she could not wait for more adventures.

Sue arrived and the two girls went into the living room; Claire had set it out with wine and some nibbles. Sue said “ it looks like we are going to have a party”. Claire said she had been felling so horny lately; Claire remembered what her dad had said not to be too keen. I mean I always enjoy our little sex chats.

“I love them too”

“Remember the park”

“GOD that was so naughty”

“All those people around”

“Yes! it was a good job we had that blanket over our legs”

Claire then started to say she was wet thinking about it, you had your finger inside me with the park full of people. Sue joined in saying she loved the felling of your inner muscles and pink flesh. Your face was so hot when I licked your juices from my fingers and made you lick them too. Claire replied I know people were walking right next to us and that guy looked me in the eye as he passed, that was so exciting.

“You tasted so good”

“That was the first time I had tasted myself”

“What is that?” Sue heard a noise, Claire said it was her dad he is going out and would not be back until 1:00 in the morning. Sue was reassured by this knowledge and said she thought he would stop them having a girly night. Claire told her they would have an empty house for lots of fun. Sue had a big grin on her face.

The door opened and Claire’s dad popped his head round the door “I am off now, don’t do anything I would not do”

“I will only do what you would expect us to do Dad” Claire thought you dirty bastard you want me to get her to love dog sex and know we are watching it together.

Claire’s dad went to the front door opened it and shouted see you two later and shut it with a slam so Sue could hear it. He then turned round to go upstairs to his room. Claire made sure Sue had her back to the door so she could not see her dad had not gone out.

“OK that’s the old man out the way lets enjoy”

Claire’s dad was now in his room. He turned on his computer and set it up. He had put two cameras in the living room: Claire did not know every move was going to be watched by her dad. He sat down on his easy chair and watched the screen which was split in two so he could see both cameras.

Claire and Sue had finished one bottle of wine and started on another. Claire asked Sue what she was thinking. She replied that she would like to watch some porn. Claire agreed and set the lap-top up to the large TV and got her site loaded up: this was a site that had all kinds of sex clips on it, her dad had shown her so when the time was right she could accidentally go on to beast.

It was all set now and Claire was felling so fucking horny but very nervous. Sue asked what they were going to watch, let’s go for group sex, Sue agreed and added see if there is any outside. I did enjoy what we did in the park.

Claire typed in group outside and sure enough lots of titles popped up. I will put the curser up and down. You say stop and that will be the one we watch; Sue shouted stop and Claire loaded the clip up. It was a dogging scene. A girl and her husband in a car; they were talking to each other saying it looked quiet and they decided to have some sex in the car.

The girl lifted her dress to show her cunt to her husband and her husband got his cock out; just then a guy came out of the bushes and walked over to the car. The girl opened her love lips and looked the guy in the eyes and smiled. “He looks happy at what he is seeing” her husband said encouraging her to keep going. She did not take much encouraging; she took her top off and undone her bra to reveal two nice firm tits.

“Fucking dirty cow” Claire exclaimed

“The dirty whore is going to get lots of cock”

It did not take long for the car to be surrounded by lots of girls and guys. The girl got out of the car to be grabbed from all angles and with lots of hands feeling every part of her body. Her husband had got out to have two girls grab him and soon got on their knees to suck his cock.

“This is fucking good. I could see you doing this Sue”

“Yes we could both suck him together”

“Fucking dirty whore, I would love that”

“Come over here on the sofa” Claire opened her legs

Sue joined her on the sofa and soon had her fingers all over Claire’s cunt.
Sue told Claire she wanted her to eat her cunt and it did not take long for Sue to get down and started drink and slurp Claire’s love juices ; Claire could see the girl on the TV squatting down on one cock it was up her ass hole being pumped hard. Another guy bent her back over and entered her love socket; she was being double penetrated; the girl had a cock in each hand and now a one pushed into her mouth.

This was all going on while her husband was watching and spunking all over the girls’ mouths and faces. Sue stood up, my turn she said and sat on the end of the sofa; Claire got down laying on her belly, the full length of the sofa and started to lick Sue’s clitoris.

Clair notched the lap-top was on the floor within easy reach. She thought this could be her chance. Claire was getting Sue really in a frantic state as she put her tongue inside her and then biting her love lips. Claire looked up Sue’s body to see she was watching the TV.
She bit her hard and Sue’s head went back as she screamed: Claire hit the button on the lap-top and a very different clip came on the TV. Claire quickly apologised let me kiss it better.

“You fucking cow” Sue was holding back, then she slapped Claire’s face hard

“I said I was sorry!” “That really hurt”

“So did you! you are a slut” Sue was still angree

Claire decided to come over as submissive and told Sue she would make it up: Claire found herself saying I will do anything to please you. Sue grabbed her by the hair and grinded her cunt into her face. Sue was not holding back, Claire was struggling to breathe. Sue looked at the TV

“Fucking hell Claire” “There is a dog licking that dirty slut”

“WOW where did she get the dog” “she was out dogging” Let me turn it off”

“WOOOO! Let’s see what happens to the slut”

Claire was feeling so fucking clever and evil. Sue was telling her to watch dog porn. Now she could do what her dad had told her (little did she know her dad was recording all of the action upstairs)

Claire thought I can now be naughty, evil and as dirty as I want.

Claire thought I can now be naughty, evil and as dirty as I want.

Claire pulled a rabbit out from behind the cushion. What would you like me to do with this? Claire could see Sue was struggling to keep her eyes off the girl on the TV being licked by the dog. You like that dirty slut don’t you: sue nodded and told Claire to push that rabbit up her and lick my clitoris. Claire sucked the rabbit and made it moist.

Sue had her legs wide apart she was now glued to the TV and the girl opening her love lips to allow the long dog’s tongue to go deep inside.

“Fucking hell Claire, I bet that feels fucking thrilling”

“Yes I think you would like that Sue”

“My god it would be so fucking hot”

“Would you like to have sex with a dog?”

“Look at her she in on a different plant; I would love to feel that pleasure”

Claire agreed with Sue it does look so fucking hot. Claire carried on “can you imagine that long tongue wriggling around inside you” her voice was given her away she was so excited. Sue picked up on it “You dirty slut you would like it as much as I would”

The girl on the TV was now arching her back, rotating her hips and moaning for more from the dog. She was loving the dog, stroking his head; the dog did not give up, his cold nose was rubbing on the girl’s clitoris.

“Fucking hell Sue she is getting double treatment”

“I know that nose is doing the business”

“Come on fuck me quick with that rabbit” “so we can watch her with the dog together”

The Two girls were now passed the stage of worrying; they both were feeling naughty and evil. If they only knew that Claire’s dad was watching every move, would they be so unrestricted. They both had their legs wide open; Claire was ramming the rabbit in and out of Sue as fast as she could; Sue had her fingers inside Claire’s wet love socket and forcing them up as high as they would good.

Dad was now in his room wanking watching his daughter and her friend watching dog porn: he was feeling very self-satisfied and knew he would have so much fun with these two girls. One screen was showing the back of the girls and you could see the girl with the dog on the TV. The other screen had the shot of the girls from the front he could see every little detail.

The girl was now working the dog’s pouch and the red tip was stating to appear; Sue loved it “look he has a little red cock” Sue had not seen a hard dogs cock. Claire could not wait for the dog to be fully aroused and to see Sue’s reaction.

The dog was about half out when the girl got on all fours; Sue could not hold back “She is going to try and fuck the dog!” Claire said I hope so she looks so hot, I want to see him use her like his bitch. The dog jumped up on to the girl and started to try to find her love socket; the dog was big now and shooting little spurts of his dog sperm all over the girl’s bum.

“My GOD!, Look at the size of that dog’s cock”

“It is so fucking red, purple and veiny” Claire had saw a dog’s cock before but did not want Sue to know.

“Fucking enormous” Sue was very excited she could feel every muscle in her tummy clamping up.
The dog found his target; the girl confirmed it when she yelled “fuck you’re inside me”. Both girls were cumming and just glancing between each other and the TV. Claire and Sue were so excited, Claire thought she was going to faint and Sue was rubbing Claire’s cunt hard and fast; Claire in turn was pushing the rabbit hard up Sue’s cunt.

The girl on the TV was now in full flow being used to breed puppies; Dad was upstairs watching and holding back, he intended to join them at some point. Sue said she wanted to get on all fours facing the TV and have Claire ram her from behind; she wanted to believe she was being fucked by a dog like the girl on the TV.

“OK you bitch get down” Sue was on the floor like a flash.

“Come on Claire”

“Give me a chance you dirty bitch”

“For fuck sake do it”

Sue’s face was only a couple of centimetres from the TV screen; Claire thought she was trying to get inside it she was so fucking excited. Claire was now trying to go as fast as the dog; Sue was yelping like a dog, this was making Claire so wet, her juices were running down her inner thighs on to the floor.

Sue loved it she thought it would be like this, being fucked by a dog. She could see the dog ramming the girl and this was adding to her feelings of being fucked by a dog. Faster, harder fuck the bitch, Sue was so into the feeling she was being rammed by a dog.

“I am going as fast as I can” “BITCH!” Claire was ramming that rabbit hard and fast.

The girl on the TV squealed as the dog’s knot was forced into her cunt. Sue was only centimeters away from that cunt filled with dog knot and doggy cum oozing out of the sides; she tried to lick the TV (Claire pulled her hair which stopped Sue getting to the TV)

That was it Claire’s dad was taken his chance the girl was knotted, he had plenty of time to get down stairs and catch the girls in full flight. He crept down the stairs and sneaked past the living room door to the front door. He could see and hear the girls. He opened the front door and grabbed the sweeping brush he had put there before the girls had come home.

He then stood by the living room door watching the girls: he slammed the door shut with the sweeping brush and walked into the living room.

“Hi girls I have come home early”

The girls did not have time to do anything; Sue was on all fours with Claire working hard with the rabbit. The two girls jumped up and tried to cover up to no avail. Then the dad turned the screw, he looked at the TV to see the girl still knotted by the dog.

“What the fuck are you two watching?”

“You dirty sluts”

The girls were shaking and cuddling each other; the dad shouted at them and told them to get on the sofa, he wanted an explanation. Claire could not understand the way he was going on; she had done what he asked and got Sue to watch dog porn with her.

What was he going to do next!

“What would your mam say if she knew you were watching dogs fucking girls?”

“No Daddy you cannot tell mummy” Claire could not understand what she had done wrong.

“And you what are your mam and dad going to say!”


“They need to know you are a pair of dirty whore bitches”

“Please Mister Hay; we will do anything for you, DON’T TELL”

“Yes daddy you cannot tell mum, we will do anything”

“So you will do anything!” “I think Sue can join in with your punishment”

“What punishment?” Sue was frightened

“My dad is punishing me for watching porn”

That’s it I am the master now let me in the middle of you two, mister Hay told the girls as he squeezed in between them. I want you two to please me while we watch the TV together. The girls were still shaking but they were going to do anything Mr Hay said.

“Suck my cock Claire” Claire could not believe it, he wanted to see her suck his cock in front of her friend.



Sue nervously joined in, she told Claire to get on with it suck his cock. Claire said she was not going to suck his cock in front of her. Sue reminded her of the phone call; you said you had a fantasy of sucking your dads cock. Yes and you said you would like to suck it with me Claire retorted.

“Just suck his cock and I will help you” The two girls did not want anyone to know their secret. So Claire was the first to lower her head and put the cock slowly into her mouth; Sue pushed her head down so she swallowed to the hilt, Claire was gagging but Sue kept her there. As she allowed her up her saliva flowed all over the rock hard cock.

Claire grabbed Sue by the ears and forced her down “Suck my dad’s cock” she was shouting calling her a dirty slut; it was Sue’s turn now to gag, Claire was being very rough with Sue; Claire’s eyes were jumping between watching her dad’s face and the dog stuck inside the girl’s cunt.

“She is well and truly stuck, like a dog bitch” Claire’s dad had a big grin on his face.

“Yes daddy and Sue is loving your cock” Claire slapped Sue’s face just as her nose touched the base of the cock. Her dad told them he wanted them on all fours on the sofa like two bitches; the girls did what they were told and took turns sucking his cock; they helped each other, this also give them the chance to watch the girl moaning and the dog’s knot starting to show itself.

“Look at that big red cock coming out of that girl’s cunt” Mr Hay grabbed the two girls by their hair and made them watch the girl’s cunt being stretched as the doggy cum was squiring out and dribbling on to the floor.

“Fucking hell she loves that dog cock” Claire really wanted it to be her.

“I think you would like to drink his doggy cum” Sue looked Claire full on in the face.

“Watch and learn” Claire had heard her dad say this a few times now; she did not understand, LEARN WHAT!! All three took a big noisy intake of breath; the dog slurped out of the girl and a doggy spunk water fall followed, the girl spun round so she could take that red purple shimmering monster in her mouth.

“My good Sue that is so erotic”

“I know Claire! Look at the way she is drinking and licking it”

“She is a dirty bitch” “SLUT!” “WHORE!” Just like you two bitches Mr Hay was now fully in control of these two girls, they hung on every word. He licked a finger on each hand and then pushed in both the girls ass holes and then told them;

“Sit on the floor in front of the TV screen so I can see you watching the slut suck her dogs cock”

The girls sat down and linked arms and where given each other little kisses. Claire let her hand fall on to Sue’s now soaking wet love hole; Sue did the same to Claire, Sue was the first to take her fingers out of Claire’s hot slimy love socket and offer it up for Claire to lick and suck them.

As Claire licked her juices from her friend’s fingers she offered her fingers up to Sue; Sue sucked hard and took them deep into her mouth. The two loved listening to the girl sucking the dog’s cock and moaning out loud. Just then Claire felt a hot feeling on her back, as she turned she saw her dad shoot his spunk all over the back of Sue and then give a big spurt over her.

“OOOOOOOOOFUCKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGYYYEEEEESSSSS” MR Hay was letting it go as the girls were lapping at his cock. “That’s my bitches” drink it all up, MR Hay was talking all the time he seemed to have a full tank and the girls were getting the lot.

“OK SLUT’s” “Let me see you lick my cum off each other”

Mr Hay sat back on the sofa with his cock in his hand and a big smile on his face: he had these girls eating out of his hands.
The two girls started to lick and swallow Mr Hay’s cum. Sue ran her tongue up Claire’s cheek collecting white cream and rolling her tongue back inside her mouth; as she did this she was looking into Mr Hay’s eyes: she could tell she was making him squirm with pleasure.

Claire grabbed Sue and she ran her tongue over her nipple ladling up a large bead of cum and then French kissed Sue: both girls opened their mouths to let Mr Hay see his cum on the tips of their tongues as they watched him: their tongues fenced before they swallowed the cum, both looking at Mr Hay and watching him cum again.

“Fucking brilliant sluts”

“You will need to be ready early tomorrow evening after work for your next punishment”

“We need a break”

“You will do I as I say, 5:00 here tomorrow” The girls agreed.

MR Hay went to his room and left the girls to themselves; as he entered his room he could see the girls in the living room on the TV, they were sitting on the sofa chatting. He sat back and watched and listened to what they were saying.

Sue said your dad will not tell anyone will he? Claire replied that she did not think so as long as we accept his punishment. Sue was still shaking and her nipples were rock hard; so hard they were aching. Is this what your dad classes as punishment, because if it is I can take all he has got?

“All I know is, I have to be punished for a week”

“Me too now”

“We will have to see what he has next”

Mr Hay was upstairs working out his next move; he was a member of a very exclusive club may be it was time to introduce them to some basic meetings.

Mr Hay new he could take the girls to the club he had already booked three permits: This was a very selective association which you could only join through nomination of a member. He could take the girls to a privy meeting.

Claire arrived home from work, her dad was waiting for her and told her to go get a shower and put something sexy on. Claire did as she was told. While Claire was getting a shower Sue arrived. Mr Hay showed her into the living room.

“It was an erotic adventure last night”

“Yes sir”

“Take your coat off let me see how you are dressed”

Sue dropped her coat on to the sofa to revile a very short red six button skirt, red high heels, white socks that stopped just below the knees and a white blouse with a lace bra showing through.

“Very nice, you look right for the night”

“Thank you sir”

“Have you got any knickers on?”

“Yes sir do you want me to take them off”

“No we will see later”

“What are we going to do?”

Just then Claire came into the room; she looked stunning she had a tight black skirt just below her knee, it had a split up the back that revealed she was wearing stockings, black very tight T shirt with no bra (Her nipples were erect and proud) she also had high heels (Black)

The two girls complemented each other and asked Mr Hay what was their punishment. He told them it was time to go (he was keeping them on edge). As he helped them into the car he noticed that Claire had no nickers on as the split showed her bare cheeks.

“You fucking slut”

“Just like you want dad”

The drive was about an hour gone when Mr Hay turned up a single lane in a wooded area. The girls kept asking him what they were going to be doing but he would not say. The girls talked and they came up with the idea it would be a dogging session, they could see some lights through the trees, then they came across a large mansion.

“We are here girls!”

We will be going in one area, we are not allowed anywhere else. The girls asked again what they had to do. Mr Hay told them it was time to watch porn in a small cinema with some strangers, they had to learn to have no inhibitions regarding their sexual pleasures.

“WOW we are going to a porn cinema!” Sue was excited

“Yes but this one is a private one” “There are six different small cinemas”

“So we will be watching with strangers, will there be any girls there?”

“Usually, I don’t know for sure but I have never been in an empty cinema”

As they opened the door there was a glass desk with a woman and man behind; “HI Bill” They greeted MR Hay “two new girls Bill” Mr Hay said first timers and we need the beast cinema: the girls cuddled each other tight, and whispered to each other “we are going to watch girls fucking animals” Claire was so wet with excitement she could feel the cold air on her love lips.

The guy stamped their hands you cannot go anywhere without Bill the woman told them. The show will start in about 10 minutes the guy said and pointed to the door. Sue said she was so fucking up for this and grabbed Claire’s hand and placed it under her skirt; she was dripping wet and rubbing Claire’s hand hard against her clitoris

“Fucking hell Sue, you are a dirty whore”

As they got inside the cinema it was dark but you could see as the screen was on showing trailers of porn films. It was not like a normal cinema it had sofas not seats; they were laid out in rows of one five seater and a gap then a two seater they were set out alternately in each row

There were five rows l_____l l__l
l__l l_____l

IN the seats were three couples; one couple in the front five seater with a guy siting close, the woman had her legs wide open and her partner was rubbing hard; the guy was watching and rubbing his cock. Mr Hay told the girls to go to the back row.

They just sat down with Mr Hay in the middle when the movie started. It started with two girls walking down a country lane a car pulled up next to them offering them a lift. The girls said no but two guys got out and forced them into the car.

The next scene had one girl tied up by the hand and hanging with her feet just touching the ground. The other girl was screaming at the guys to let her go; a naked woman came into the barn with two big dogs.

Fucking hell dad this is so exciting Claire blurted out and pulled her skirt up to her hips; Mr Hay told Sue to take her knickers off. She wriggled in her seat and her knickers were slipping down her legs. She stepped out of them feeling so fucking excited; Claire’s dad now had a hand on both cunt’s, fingering them and rubbing hard.

The woman on the screen was letting the dogs lick the girl hanging up; she was twisting and turning trying to stop the dogs licking her. One guy came over and took the girl in the ass hole; she screamed and the woman opened her legs wide to allow the two dogs to get to her love hole.

“Look at those dogs she is going to get fucked” Sue was cumming on Mr Hay’s hand she was shaking, so he took his hand away “NOT YET! You slut” “Watch and learn” He turned to Claire and said are you enjoying your punishment? Claire nodded yes and opened her legs more.

The girl on the screen was now being ass fucked and one dog was licking her love hole; the long tongue was digging deep; the other girl was still shouting at them to let the girl down and stop the dogs. The woman went to the girl being held down by the guy; she knelt down and slapped her.

“Shut the fuck up”

“It is your turn now”

The woman told the guy to get her on all fours she is going to get a good fucking. She told him to get his cock out and stick it in her mouth to keep her quiet. The woman soon got the dog’s cock out of his pouch “Good boy, Time to fuck the bitch”. She got the dog to mount the girl while the guy was face fucking her.

Mr Hay told the girls it looks like it is time! The door by the screen opened and three big dogs ran in to the cinema.

“Fucking hell there are live dogs loose” Sue sounded frightened”

“Yes I hope one comes up here PLEASE! PLEASE!” Claire was full of nervous excitement.

One dog ran straight to the couple in the first row, the guy sitting next to them grabbed the dog’s head and said something to the woman (Claire could not here what he was saying but the woman and her partner were nodding yes).

Claire could see clearly the guy pull the woman’s left leg across his knees; at the same time the partner grabbed her right leg and put it across the seat (He was sitting on the edge of the seat with the woman’s leg behind him).

The man got the dog from the guy and led it to the woman’s love socket: Sue looked at Claire, this is so fucking immoral but I am dripping wet. Claire could just nod her approval as she was watching the girl on the screen being mounted by the dog and the woman in the front seat being eaten out by the dog and held down by the two men; her head was shaking around she must be loving that long tongue inside her and being forced to sit still.

The dark haired guy with the red haired girl in front of Claire, Sue and Mr Hay ran down and brought a dog up to his girlfriend. Claire and Sue wanted to join in but Mr Jay told them to watch and learn. The red head lay on the sofa and pulled her dress over her head and lay down totally naked.

“Fucking hell dad let me poke her cunt”

“Go on let us Mr Hay”

“NO!!!!” “Sit and enjoy”

The girls’ bodies were aching with desire. The dark haired guy had the dog on the sofa and placed him so the red head could play with the dog’s pouch; it did not take long for the red vain monster was full out and dangling towards the read head’s mouth.

“Fucking suck him! you whore” Claire was telling the girl what to do

“Yes you dirty dog slut SSUUCCKKK HHIIMM!!!!” Sue had he fingers inside her cunt going wild.

The dark head guy put his face next to the red head’s face and told her, she had an audience it was time to be fucking evil. The red head did not need to be told twice; she turned her head to face the three of them and slowly swallowed the dog’s big monster up to the hilt.

“My god she looks so erotic” Sue wanted to join in; she was riving so hard at her love lips.

“So fucking raunchy the bitch!” Claire was rubbing her clitoris against the back of the sofa.

The girl on the screen was now knotted and yelping like a dog. The other girl had been cut down and tied to a dirty table with the dog mounting her and ramming her hard; she had a guy’s cock in her mouth making her gag.

The woman in the front row was now kneeling on the sofa looking up the cinema sucking the guy and her partner’s cocks. Claire could see the dog’s head at the side of the woman’s head; the woman was licking his tongue in-between sucking the two cocks. The woman was being forced forward as the dog ponded her from behind and the guys forced her back by fucking her mouth (she looked like a rag doll being used by the three cocks).

Mr Hay put his hands on the sofa with two fingers standing up on both hands and told the girls to sit back and enjoy the show. Both Sue and Claire sat on his fingers, Sue was gyrating like she was having a fit, Claire was more deliberate and was putting as much pressure on his hand as she could. Mr Hay had these two girls begging for lust, they did not care now that people were around in fact he had them loving the situation, they were on show.

The red head was now drinking the dog’s cum, it was all over her face and dripping from her chin as she swallowed what was going in her mouth. The girls could see it as they wriggled on the two hands. The red head got up on all fours and the guy helped the dog mount her; he was inside her; she was screaming ow ow ow ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww as the dog fucked his bitch. The dog came out only for the guy to quickly put him back in. o ooo o oo ooaaaaawwwww ooooooo aaaafuck.

“She is a real dog whore listen to her” Sue loved hearing her yell.

“Take that you dirty bitch” Claire lent forward and slapped the red head on the ass.

“Her dad was not happy he told her to sit and watch, don’t join in. Claire and Sue could not understand why they could not join in; they both would do anything Mr Hay said. They were up for anything their bodies were aching for any evil pleasure he wanted.

The girl (tied to the table) on the screen was now being face fucked by the dog; the woman was holding the dog’s back legs so you could see the red purple veined cock going like a piston in the girls mouth.

“WOW! How is she taken that Sue, she is being choked”

“No the dog slut can take it”

The girl tied to the table had the guy fucking her dripping wet doggy cunt, hanging on to her hair. The other girl was still knotted; the guy was leading the dog round the room dragging the girl behind, she was yelping and telling him to stop. The guy was just sniggering and telling the dog how good he was dragging his whore dog bitch behind him.

“She looks like she is in pain” Claire sounded a bit concerned

“So she should be she is a slut” Sue was thinking she would love to change places with her.

The woman in the front was now being fed the dog’s cock and being fucked by the stranger. The dog was finished fucking the red head and she also was being fed the dog’s cock. The film was coming to an end with the girls being pushed into the car and dump on the side of the road.

Mr Hay told the girls it was time for them to strip off; the girls were naked in a few seconds and eager to please. “Follow me and do as I say”

“Give me your clothes”

“Fucking hell I am so excited” Claire told Sue

“I am ready for anything” Sue was so excited she pissed herself.

Mr Hay walked into the next row with the girls following; as they passed the red head and the two guys Mr Hay told them as a thank you they could spank the girls. The three of them were hitting them hard; the girls were screaming and getting red hand marks all over their bodies.

“This way girls” Mr Hay led the girls passed everyone inviting them to smack the girls (no one refused the chance to hit the girls). When they reached the tree in the front he told the girls to get on their knees and suck the guys’ cocks they did as they were told their bodies still stinging from the slaps.

It did not take long for the guys to fill Claire’s and Sue’s mouths with spunk; the woman slapped their faces and told them to swallow the spunk. Mr Hay ushered the girls back to the car. And asked the girls what they thought;

“Now I know I have been punished, so fucking sore”

“I did not like being slapped so hard but I will take it if we can join in the next time” Sue did not want to chance Mr Hay not letting them come back.

“Why did you not let us join in, dad?”

“You were not ready, you had to handled being with strangers before you can fuck in front of them”

“Let’s see what you two feel like, when you wake up in the morning”

“That’s when I will decide what your punishment will be” Mr Hay new what they were going to get next. It was all going to plan the girls would do anything he wanted and he now knew they would do it with strangers around.

“I hope it is something with dogs involved, Mr Hay”

“I think you can rely on that Sue”

They arrived home and Mr Hay said he would see them tomorrow 5:00 now get to bed you will be sore in the morning.

“Yes you bastard” Sue said loudly laughing “I will be there early”

The girls stayed in the living room and decided before bed they would pleasure each other which they did in such an evil lust way; slapping, toying. Licking, fisting and at one point Claire pissed herself and drenched Sue.

Then Sue got dressed and set off home she was very sore but so excited that there was more to come.

5:00 came round and the girls were all dressed up and ready to go.

What are we doing tonight? We do not have work tomorrow and I have told my mam I am staying with Claire all weekend. Sue was keen to know what punishment they were going to get from Mr Hay.

“I have arranged to meet my good friends for drinks and some beast porn. There are two couples my ex introduced me to”

“So my mum is into beast!!!!!!” Claire was nearly cumming in her knickers.

Her dad nodded yes and told the girls to get in the car. This time they set off to the other side of the city. They came to a street with a lot of large houses. Sue said only the very rich live in this area. As they got out of the car a guy in a black uniform came over and led them to the open front door.

As they entered a stunning woman greeted them she was about 30 or 35 year old, purple pleated skirt, long legs which looked even longer with white leather knee boots and a simple clinging white T shirt. She looked like she had just stepped out of a model’s magazine.

“Hi Bill” The woman hugged and kissed Bill on the lips.

“I have brought two very willing girls for you”

“IT’S NOT! Is it Claire?!!!” The woman grabbed Claire and said she could not believe how grown up she was. She looked at Bill and said “she cannot be old enough”, Bill answered yes she is and so up for it. The woman clapped her hands and said come on let us join the others. She led them into the next room.

Wow Claire and Sue could not believe how opulent this house looked; Claire wondered how her dad knew these people: Sue was looking round and loved what she was seeing, she felt like a princess in her palace. The woman introduced them to her husband and another couple:

“It looks like we are in for a good night” the woman looked at Claire and Sue

The woman’s husband poured them all a glass of champagne and every one sat down. The woman said I best go and get the boys; Claire thought they would be the ones to keep the boys happy. The woman entered the room with two enormous dogs (English Mastiffs); the girls stroked the dogs, one was a darker sandy colour than the other.

Claire was now thinking how good it would be if we did have to please the boys. The husband topped all the glasses up and Bill stood up, he told the girls to follow him. They entered a room with all sorts of things round the walls and what looked like two medieval stocks in the middle of the room.

Mr Hay walked over to the wall and picked two dog collars, one red with silver studs and another black with gold studs; He threw them on the floor and told them to take their pick; the girls looked at each other in a puzzled way (what were these for! Both girls were thinking the same).

As they picked them up Sue selected the black and gold; Mr Hay walked to them with two dog leashes, one in each hand. Take all your clothes off I want to show my two bitches off to my friends.

“What do you mean?” Claire was nervous but she was taken off her clothes

“I am ready sir !!!!!” Sue was naked and very excited.

“Get down and put your dog collar on” Mr Hay whipped the girls as they did what he demanded. Sue looked in to the eyes of Mr Hay. He could see the lust, her pupils were dilating and she had an evil dirty grin on her face,

“You are a dirty young whore Sue”

“I am up for anything you are going to give me” Sue was already wet and scooped her finger in her love hole and licked the juices off in front of Mr Hay and Claire.

Claire was now naked and both girls were on all fours; Mr Hay attached the leash to each girl. He led them into the next room to join the two couples. He told the girls you now have to do everything my friends tell you as well as me.

“Fucking hell she is so excited” The woman was looking at Sue’s wet lips and the glistening round her ass hole.

“Make Claire lick her cunt and ass hole” Claire was inches away from Sue’s back end and Sue was wriggling it back and forward teasing Claire.

Mr Hay handed the lead to the husband and grabbed the dark dog by the collar and said “I think he could help Claire”. Claire was now deep into Sue’s love hole when the dog’s long tongue joined her; she could taste the dog’s saliva mixing with Sue’ love juices mmmmmmmmmmmmm she found herself making a very satisfying noise.

“Yes you dirty bitch Claire” Sue was pushing her back end into Claire’s and the dog’s face.

Claire was starting to French kiss the dog and then lick Sue’s ass hole; she was swapping between French kissing the dog, letting the long tongue go deep in her mouth allowing everyone to have a clear view; Then licking Sue’s juices from her love hole, opening her wide to show the pink flesh inside and finishing by sticking her pointy tongue into her tight ass hole. She kept repeating this to everyone’s delight.

Claire noticed the woman had a camcorder she was zooming in and out and moving round to get the best shots (fucking hell she is making a porn movie she thought) Claire’s tummy knotted up and she was cumming with all the excitement she felt so raunchy as her legs were shaking; Claire had never felt such pleasure she was swimming with passion.

“Fucking hell Bill she is so fucking hot” The husband was rubbing his cock.

“It’s a long time since I have seen you that excited Paul!” the woman told her husband.

“She looks like she is enjoying it so much” Sue’s cheeks, ass hole and cunt was dripping wet with her juices and all the saliva from the dog and Claire, this made Paul’s cock rock hard.

“Is it time to go in the main room” Mr Hay was now bring his plan together it was time the girls were fucked by dogs.

They all agreed and Paul took the leash for Sue; John and Vicky took the leash for Claire and Mr Hay led the way. Gayle was still getting it all down on the camcorder.

AS they entered the room Bill clicked a switch and it was unbelievable how the room took on a new setting.

There were white sheets falling down from the ceiling making every wall white and then each wall had a different dog porn film on show and the room was full of dog and bitch slut noises. One wall had a girl being mounted by a dog and his red cock was feeling for her ass hole.

The back wall had a girl sucking the biggest red veined cock Bill had ever seen; she was swallowing it right to the hilt and gagging. The side wall had a girl on a bed with her legs rapped round the dog as he was pounding her hard and fast, on the door wall was a girl trying to get the dog’s knot into her mouth.

The Girls could not believe it, everywhere they looked was dog porn. Paul led Sue to the stocks and John and Vicky led Claire to the other stock; both the girls were shaking with excitement as there punishment was being fucked by dogs in front of strangers.

As the girls were locked into the stocks they were facing each other and they were mouthing words without speaking.

“I love your dad”

“He is the best dad in the world” Claire looked like she was having a fit she was shaking so much.

“We are going to get fucked by dogs”

“Yes I cannot wait” Claire saw Gayle move between them with the camcorder, she was right in their faces; the girls were wet with sweat their hair dripping wet which made for a very erotic shot on the cam.

“OW OW” Claire felt a strap sting her bum cheeks

“FUCKING HELL YOU BASTARDS” Sue was getting the same

Then Sue smiled at Claire as the dog’s long wet tongue was licking her ass hole and then wriggling its way into her love hole; she could feel it deep inside, it was so warm and the ladle end was scooping her juices out and into the dog’s mouth.

Sue could see Claire’s dad and friends grouping behind Claire; they were whispering and nodding but neither Sue nor Claire could hear what they were saying. Paul left the room and returned with two large plastic trays; he left one at the door, John and Vicky help him put it on the floor under Claire. Sue could see them but like Claire had no idea what was happening.

“OK I am going to fuck Sue in front of my daughter”

“I want to see her face when you do your thing” Claire’s dad sounded excited.

Mr Hay was standing behind Sue with his cock resting on her bum cheeks: he started to caress Sue’s tits and nipping her nipples. Sue was now looking at Claire and she told her she could feel her dads cock on her bum. He is going to fuck me in front of you, the dirty bastard!

Claire was excited; she was going to watch her best friend being shagged by her dad. Just then she felt a cold wet feeling on her bum; the group were pouring oil and rubbing it all over Claire’s bum, ass hole and her love lips. She liked the feeling of all the hands on her body.

“OK get the hose” Paul told John

“She is ready! I just need to oil inside her ass hole with my fingers” Vicky had an evil grin on her face.

Claire did not understand what was going on but she liked the feeling of her asshole being stretched by Vicky’s fingers; the oil was allowing her fingers to slide in and out so easy. John had the hose it had a red tapered plastic end with a little tap. Paul poured more oil onto Claire’s bum and Vicky and Paul put one finger in side her ass hole; they pulled her cheeks wide and then pulled her ass hole open.

John put the end of the hose inside Claire’s ass hole; Vicky told John to turn it on. Claire’s ass hole was filling with water; she could feel her intestines filling up and expanding inside her. Claire did not know what to think she felt like she was cramping. It was an unusual feeling not painful, just like she was ready to go to the toilet.

Claire could see Sue’s face she was being pounded by her dad; Sue’s face was showing the pleasure Claire’s dad was given her.

“You dirty fucking whore”

“Fucking shut up!!! Its your dad shagging me!!!”

Claire could see the girl on the screen behind Sue and her dad; she was so into sucking the dog’s big cock; Claire had it all in her sight, her dad pushing his cock into Sue. Sue was shaking as she was being fucked and her face was changing every couple of seconds. The girl sucking the dog was right next to Claire’s dads head.

“My god you all look so fucking erotic” Claire shouted to them.

“What are they doing?” Sue could see them all behind Claire but could not see what they were doing.

What Sue could see in between the bodies of the two couples was that the dog had found the girls cunt and he was pounding her on the screen. Sue loved been fucked, watching strangers playing with her friend and seeing a girl being pounded on the screen behind them.


0000000000000fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkk” Sue was shaking with pleasure; her face looked like she was in pain (Claire was seeing Sue’s real cum face). Her eyes were rolling round in her eye lids; Mr Hay was not stopping, he loved this young girl shaking on the end of his cock.

“Pull it out John!” Vicky told everyone to get ready.

John pulled out the hose; the water was spouting out of Claire’s ass hole. The dog was lapping and drinking the water from Claire’s ass hole. Paul and John were pulling Claire’s cheeks apart and Vicky knelt down with the dog and let the water spray all over her face; the dog was licking Vicky’s face and she was allowing the water to fill her mouth and then tolerating the dog drink from her mouth.

Gayle was getting all this on her camcorder. Claire was having all different feelings in her stomach she did not understand it but she liked it and the gushing of water from her ass was a new but a nice feeling.

Mr Hay pulled out of Sue and told John to bring the hose over to Sue.

“What did they do Claire!?”

“Wait and see! It is good”

Mr Hay got the tray and Paul lifted Sue up so the tray was put under her. Vicky poured the oil over Sue’s ass and rubbed it in; this time she slotted the bottle neck inside Sue’s ass hole; as she pulled it out the oil was seeping out of Sue’s tight hole.

“Go on Vicky get on with it”

Vicky slid two fingers inside Sue and started to rotate them opening her hole; she then put her fingers together, John poured more oil on her hand and Sue’s ass hole; Vicky pushed her hand hard as it was sliding inside Sue.

“You bastards what are you doing!!!”

“Shut the fuck up whore” Vicky screamed at Sue.

Claire thought Sue was being a wimp, it was nice. It did not hurt; Claire did not know Vicky was trying to get her hand inside Sue’s ass hole. When Vicky pulled her hand out of Sue, Gayle was in with the camcorder to catch the gaping hole.

“Get the hose inside her” Gayle was very excited and evil.

“Yes give her the same as me”

“Shut up you whore, slut” Sue was sounding quite anxious.

John inserted the hose and turned it on full pressure this time; John was so fucking horny he could not hold back. Sue’s intestines were expanding and she was feeling like she would burst.

“Fucking hell what are you doing!!?”

“Their filing you full of water, you stupid slut” Claire was yelling at Sue.
“I feel so full it is aching”

“Feel her tummy Vicky” John did not want to stop.

“She is so hard, this will shoot out” Vicky was encouraging John to release the flow.

John pulled the hose out; the water gushed out and shot across the room; Vicky grabbed John and made him kneel down with her. The two kissed as they were being showered from Sue’s ass hole. Sue loved it; she could see a mirror in the corner of the room angled at a mirror in the corner behind her. She could see John and Vicky being soaked by her ass hole.

“Fucking hell you dirty bastards”

“It looks like I am pissing on them; look in the corner” Sue was telling Claire to look at the mirrors.

“The dirty fucking bastards” Claire shouted but she thought it was so naughty.

Sue was now empty and her ass hole was being licked by the dog. Mr Hay came round to Claire and told her he was going to face fuck her in front of everyone. Just as Claire could feel the eruption building in her mouth, her dad pulled his cock out to let everyone see his spunk splash all over Claire’s face.

“FUCKING YES YOU DIRTY SLUT” Vicky and John liked what they were watching.

“Get the dogs to lick my spunk of her face” Mr Hay told Vicky and John.

The dogs were licking Claire clean; Gayle said it was time to get the girls out of the stocks and lets have a room change ( she told Paul to click the switch) Paul walked over to the door were there was a number of switches; he pushed the second down and there was a burring noise filling the room.

The girls were released from the stocks and taken to the centre of the room. They looked shocked as the white sheets disappeared into the ceiling and were being replace by big mirrors; The mirrors were the same size as the walls ; now instead of porn on the walls everywhere the girls looked, they could see a reflection of their bodies from all angles.

“Fucking hell this is like a wonderland” Sue was very horny and excited.

“You look so dirty Sue” Paul had his hands on Sue’s cunt: Claire liked it.

Gayle told Bill to take over the camcorder; she then said that Paul and I are going to have Claire and John and Vicky you can have Sue. It did not take long for the couples to get the girls at either end of the room.

John and Vicky had Sue on the floor on her back; Vicky led the dog so he was standing over Sue in the 69 position. John pulled Sue’s legs apart so the dog could get to her love hole; John had one hand working Sue’s lips apart to show her inner pink flesh, wet and sticky, this allowed the dog to get his tongue inside her.

“O yes that is so good” Sue was feeling so warm and every nerve in her body was alive.

“What a fucking slut” Vicky was now playing with the dog’s pouch over Sue’s head.

“Lick it, dog bitch” Vicky grabbed Sue by the hair and lifted her up to meet the little red tip peeping out of the pouch.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yes yesyes ahahmmmmm” Sue was enjoying that dog cock.

The dog was nearly full out as Vicky let Sue’s head fall to the floor; the dog’s red monster was only inches away from Sue’s lips; Vicky pointed the dog’s cock at Sue’s face and let the doggy cum splash her face; Sue turned her head as the doggy cum entered her mouth. Sue could see her face in the mirror she was bright red and she could see the dog given little spurts of dog cum on her lips.

Sue had never felt so alive in her life, she could feel the hot doggy cum hit her face as well as seeing it in the mirror. Sue could see John holding her legs apart and stroking the dog’s head as it was buried into her cunt; she did not need to see the dog’s tongue. she could feel it inside her; Sue was breathing so quickly, she was almost panting like a dog.

At the other end of the room Paul and Gayle had Claire on all fours; Paul had the dog licking her love socket, he had a hand on each ass cheek and was pulling them apart to let the dog at her ass hole. Gayle was kneeling in front of Claire;

“You’re going to tell me everything you feel, you are going to be a dog bitch”
Claire felt her muscles in her cunt twitch, she was so wet.

“Yes I will, The dog’s tongue feels so nice” Claire’s voice was very shaky.

“good girl you are so nice, a doggy virgin” Gayle was so excited; she had seen this girl grow up into a lovely young woman, it was up to her to make it a time never to be forgotten for Claire.

“O god he is heavy” Paul had the dog on Claire’s back

“What does it feel like Claire?” Gayle give Claire’s face a little smack.

“He is so strong!” The dog had Claire locked in; his legs rapped round her waist and pulling her on to his red purple monster.

“I can feel his cock going all round my cheeks” the dog was trying to find his target but was hitting.

“Bend your legs a little he will find you love socket” Gayle was guiding Claire.

Claire was feeling so naughty the dogs hairy legs were clamped round her waist and it felt so good. She could feel the hot doggy cum on her ass; some was trickling down the crease of her ass hole and down to her lips. It was tickling but she felt so evil she wanted that dog to pound his bitch.

“My god he is cuming all over my ass” Claire was getting more excited as she told Gayle.

“Good slut, I want to know everything you feel” Gayle new this would make Claire feel even naughtier

Gayle told Paul to help the dog find his target; she said Claire wants dog cock. Paul struggled to get a grip on the dog, the dog was all over. Paul got the dog’s cock and led it to Claire’s Love socket; it was in like a shot and up to the hilt, hammering his bitch whore.


“You fucking dog whore” ”take it all” Gayle was holding Claire’s head and looking into her eyes.

“He is ah fucking ah enormous ahhahahhfuck fuckfuck” Claire was struggling to talk to Gayle

“Take it all you’re his now, he is going to give you his puppies”

Gayle turned Claire’s head to face the mirror ; fucking hell Claire could see the dog on her back her bum cheeks were shaking like jelly as the dog pounded her love socket; she was cumin g on the end of the big dog’s monster cock. Paul was wanking his cock hard and stroking the dog; he was telling the dog how good he was fucking his whore dog bitch.

“ I am cumming mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmahahahahhahhahahahah”

“Don’t worry it will not be the only time you will cum” Claire was in no position to stop the dog was a animal and she was his bitch, she was shaking with the waves of pleasure running through her body. It was one long orgasm.

“My god make him stop” “I am going to faint”

“No you are not!” “If you do the dog will still carry on”

Claire could not believe her ears she was going to be fucked unconscious and then the dog would not stop. Paul put his hand under Claire and nipped her love lips hard.


“That was Paul making sure you could carry on” Claire soon forgot the pain and now was enjoying the dog ramming her love socket.

“Yes he is not stopping, he feels so good” Claire was feeling so full of dog cock; the dog was still going very fast.

“I feel like he is going to burst me” “But it feels so fucking good”

“That’s it you are now a dog bitch” “there is no sex like it”

“He is filling my cunt with his dog cum” “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW”

“You can feel him squirting his puppies inside you” “Slut” “Whore”

“Yes,yes,yes,” “I want his puppies” Claire was so naughty she started to cum again.

Claire could feel the pressure of the dog’s cum inside her cunt; it made her feel like someone was blowing her up like a balloon. Claire’s muscles were starting to contract round the dog’s monster inside her; this allowed the dog’s cum to trickle out and run down Claire’s thighs;

Claire felt a tongue licking the cum from her left thigh and then there was another tongue lapping at the right thigh.

“AAAAAAAA that feels so good” Claire did not want this to stop she was cumming again.

“Kiss me” Gayle came round to Claire with a mouth full of doggy cum; Claire now tasted the dog’s cum and Gayle’s saliva. She felt so raunchy and bit Gayle’s bottom lip.

“That’s it Paul Push” Paul pushed the dogs back end hard, the dog’s knot entered Claire’s love socket.


“What the fuck is going on! You bastards”

“Your being knotted” “the dog has joined you and you cannot get away until he is done”

Gayle joined Paul and carried on licking the dog cum from Claire’s thighs; Gayle grabbed Paul and they French kissed; they swapped dog cum and then they went back to licking Claire. Gayle was sticking her tongue into Claire’s cunt lapping at the dog’s knot.

Claire was now face down on the floor with her ass sticking up full of dog knot and a monster red purple veined cock; she was feeling so naughty and so evil it made her cum even more. The dog was now standing with his two front paws on Claire’s back; Claire was having one wave of pleasure after another.

Claire was excited as her head was being forced into the floor by the weight of the dog, she could see the biggest mirror. The sight of the dog towering over his bitch and Paul and Gayle on their knees licking her legs, she thought it was the greatest sight in the world. This was until she looked at the other end of the mirror to see Sue.

Claire could see Vicky holding the red dog cock and pointing it at Sue’s face; Sue was having her head pulled up by her hair; Claire was astonished at the sight of the dog cock disappear into Sue’s throat right to the knot.

John had his cock pushing Sue’s love lips apart; the dog was licking his cock and Sue’s lips. John was stroking the dog’s head and telling him he was a good dog licking Sue’s clit; John put Sue’s legs over his shoulders; John lifted Sue just enough so he could get his cock at her ass hole and the dog could get to her love hole with his long tongue.

Sue liked the idea she had two cocks and a woman feeding her doggy cum. She was feeling so raunchy; she was thinking that she was in paradise her body was being sexually worshiped by man woman and beast. This is how the world should be free to enjoy sex when and in any way that pleases you.

“oooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” “Fucking hell you bastard John”

John had entered Sue’s ass hole and pushed hard to get it up to the hilt. Vicky slapped Sue’s face and said “don’t talk to my husband like that, you dirty slut” Sue was now sucking the dog cock with her ass hole full of John’s cock and the dog’s tongue inside her cunt. She was feeling every thrust inside her ass hole, the tongue wriggling round inside her slimy pink fleshy muscled love hole and the dog cock sliding down her throat.

Vicky started to nip Sue’s nipples; they were erect and standing up at least a centimetre. Sues body was now reacting to every feeling her nerves were like sensors picking up every touch, breeze. Her body was dripping wet with sweat, Sue was rubbing her hands all over her tits and just moaning. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM”
“Come on John I want to see this bitch fucked by the dog” Vicky screamed excitedly.

“I want to finish fucking her ass” John shouted at Vicky.

sit on you” Vicky was not going to give up she wanted to see the slut full of dog cock.

John pulled out of Sue’s ass hole, it was gapping and John thought it was asking for more cock. He got on his back and Vicky dragged Sue up by the hair and made her stride over John’s cock


Vicky pushed Sue down onto John’s cock and made her lie down on her back; this lifted her cunt up high enough for the dog to enter her; Sue had not been double penetrated before. It did not take long for Vicky to get the dog in position and let him go wild.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK” The dog was pounding and john was ramming her ass hole. She felt like she was going to burst.
John bit Sue’s ear and whispered “what about me you dirty whore” he bit her again on the other ear. John could feel the dog cock rubbing his cock inside Sue.

“FUCK YES JOHN” “FUCK YES JOHN MORE” “MORE” “MORE” “JOHN” “FUCK YOUR DOG WHORE” Sue was showing all her animal instincts.

Sue was squealing as the dog was pushing his knot inside her love hole; this made John more horny and he was ramming her ass harder and harder; John was so excited he was biting Sue’s neck, ears and even her nose. This was making Sue’s nerves even more sensitive. Her body was now building up to explode.


The sound of Sue cumming made Claire go into another climax; The sound of the girls had everyone ready to cum. Sue and Claire were now going through their climax together full of dog and twitching with pleasure. The dogs came out together (it was like they knew). Vicky grabbed Sue by the hair and dragged her over to Claire and dropped her on to Claire “there we go two dog sluts together”. The girls were surrounded with people screaming at them.

“DOG SLUTS!” “dog bitch” “That’s it you are now a dog bitches” “no longer a doggy virgin” DOG WHORE”

Everyone entered a wet room it was like a lush school shower; the girls were being told how good they were and being soaped up and washed by them all. Gayle was keep thanking them for their input to the night, she also told Bill he was very good at setting up the best nights for the group; Claire was now in no doubt her dad had set her and Sue up but she was feeling so raunchy she wanted more.

When the girls got home Sue asked Claire’s dad, was that the end of their punishment; Sue did not want it to be the end but she could not ask for more but Claire and Sue were so happy with his reaction.

“No you have tomorrow afternoon” “It will go on to midnight”

The next morning the girls got up had a shower and went down stairs to find Claire’s dad sitting at the table drinking coffee (he was naked as the day he was born). He turned to the girls and asked why they were dressed. Claire said we would be punished in the afternoon not now.

“I said you will do what I say for a week” Mr Hay was very stern.

“We need a rest and some breakfast” Sue was quick to answer.

“No rest but you can have breakfast” Mr Hay said in a condescending way.

“Take your clothes off” “You two can make breakfast for us NAKED!”

The girls did as Claire’s dad said and stood in front of him naked. He told them to get on with cooking him a good breakfast. Sue opened the fridge and give off a gasp “fucking hell that is cold” her nipples were stinging with the sudden cold. Help your friend Claire, Mr Hay told his daughter and then insisted she kissed Sue’s tits to warm them up.

Mr Hay walked over to the fridge and got everything that was needed and put it on the bench. He told them to get on with it and went back into the fridge; the girls had their backs to him. He told them to bend their knees as they prepared the food (eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes); He pushed Claire’s leg apart then moved to Sue and did the same to her.

“What you doing you dirty fucking bastard” Sue liked Claire’s dad now and new how to get the best out of him.

“Never you mind! Just do as you are told” Mr Hay had a large very cold carrot in his hand he also had a cucumber in the other hand. He reached over and put them on the bench and picked up the cooking oil; the girls saw the vegetables and looked at each other.

Sue was the first to speak “what kind of breakfast needs those things”.

“Don’t be stupid, there not for eating” Mr Hay put oil over his hands and was rubbing both their cunts, his fingers were sliding in and out so easy; Sue pushed the food further on the bench so she could bend over more; this allowed Claire’s dad to really work her love lips, she was asking for more.

“Keep making the breakfast” Mr Hay pushed four finger easily into Sue’s love hole and then into her ass hole. Sue could not believe how good it felt. Mr Hay grabbed the cucumber and rammed it up Sue’s love hole hard and fast

“NNOO” “That is so cold” Sue’s legs started to shake with the cold and her cunt being full of cold cucumber; she was screaming at the top of her voice.

“Shut up whore” he shouted at Sue. Claire’s dad turned to Claire and started to finger her cunt he had two fingers in her love hole and his thumb up her ass hole.
“OOOOOOOOOOOO YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS Daddy, please more” Claire was so fucking in to dirty sex now she was enjoying every experience. He dad grabbed the carrot and struck it in her ass hole


She got her wish Mr Hay was now pushing the vegetables hard and fast up the two girls at the same time.

Mr Hay pulled the carrot and cucumber out and told the girls to go and sit on the wooden chairs by the table with their legs wide open. As he passed the fruit bowl he grabbed a couple of bananas.. When he got to Claire he had peeled the two bananas; he slid one right up his daughters love socket, it had a white tip shown with her red lips holding the large banana inside. Claire could not believe how fucking dirty her dad could be; it did not matter the filthier he was the more she loved it.

Mr Hay turned to Sue and told her to get on all fours her breakfast was ready to eat in Claire’s love socket; as she got down on the floor he pushed the other banana into Sue’s ass hole; He pushed it up until it disappeared and her tight ass hole closed up. Mr Hay whispered into Sue’s ear “Eat from her cunt and I will go and get you a surprise” Mr Hay left the room (Claire wondered where he was going)

Sue was now eating the banana from her best friends cunt; Claire was making sure Sue got to her love socket easy, she looked up to see her dad return with a beautiful dog, he led it over to Sue and helped him mount her; The dog found his target easy as Mr Hay had blocked Sue’s ass hole with the banana.

Claire’s clitoris was tingling as Sue’s nose rubbed against it, Sue was eating from her cunt. She could feel Sue’s tongue scooping the banana out and munching on it, Sue swallowed, she made a satisfying moan mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Claire was stroking the dog’s head and then pulling Sue’s hair.

“You dirty fuck whore SUE” Claire was so excited she was almost screaming.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Sue answered with more moaning.

Mr Hay was standing over the two girls with his cock in his hand; he moved close to Claire’s mouth and started to rub his nob end on her lips, Claire’s tongue darted out to lick the tip (she was like a snake so fast).

Claire could feel Sue between her legs; Sue was like a vibrator as the dog pounded, her head was being pushed hard into Claire’s love socket; the dog was pounding so hard every part of Sue’s body was shaking, this was being transferred to Claire’s body. The two girls were joined as one in a wonderful orgasmic experience.

Mr Hay took his chance and rammed his cock into Claire’s mouth; now he could feel the girls orgasm, what a feeling the girls were shaking with pleasure and it was all transferring to Mr Hays cock. He pulled his cock out and shot his load all over the girls’ faces the girls and the dog were licking and swallowing Mr Hays cum; he was cumming so much spunk, the girls were soaking wet.

Mr Hay stood back to watch the girls have a joint erotic orgasm; he loved seeing the girls twitching and shaking with wave after wave of pleasure running through their bodies.

He sat and watched for five minutes as the girls came to the end and the dog jumped off; the girls sat on the seats and were still twitching.

“Ok girls’ time you got a shower and get ready for your next punishment.”

The girls decided to have a shower together.

The girls went upstairs and the dog followed them; the dog lay on the floor as the girls entered the shower.

Sue told Claire her ass hole was all sticky and gooey with the banana still inside her ass hole. Claire said she was the same her love hole was sticky with Sue eating the banana out of her love socket. They decided to help each other and soon soaped up and were making the most of their hands, fingers slipping around and finding each other’s holes.

“Get down on your back” Claire told Sue

“Why” “What are you going to do” Sue was intrigued

“Just do it BITCH” Claire turned to the face the shower as Sue lay on her back with her legs bent, her knees touching her tummy and her legs wide apart. Claire unscrewed the shower head and had the hose in her hand; Sue realised what Claire had in mind “you’re going to flush me out” Sue was excited she found it uncomfortable (But could not make out if it was nice, the feeling after was good). Sue was keen to try it again.

Claire turned round and laughs; she jammed the hose between her legs which gave the impression she was pissing. Sue was catching the water in her mouth, Claire was twisting side to side; she aimed the flow at Sue’s love hole; Sue pulled her lips apart to allow the warm water to fill her up and flow out like a human water fall; Sue loved the feeling as the water hit her clit and bubbled up inside her.


Clair got down on her knees with the hose in her hand. She kept squirting Sue and told her it is time for your ass cleaning. Sue screamed yes as Claire started to push the hose into Sue’s bum hole; Claire was feeling so evil, she reached up and turned the water pressure up. “WOW that is nice” Sue let Claire know she loved the sensation.

Claire pulled the hose out to see the water spurt out of her friends ass hole. There was a mix of banana and shit; Claire rinsed it down the drain and pushed the hose back inside Sue; she said that Sue would be squeaky clean by the time she was finished. Claire turned the pressure up even more; Sue could feel all the pressure building up inside her intestines; now she was recalling the numbness inside as it felt like she was going to burst.

“O my god you’re going to burst me Claire, for fuck sake stop” Sue was pleading with her evil friend to release the pressure. Claire giggled and Told her to fucking shut up she was in charge; Claire reached up again and she turned the pressure full up (Sue was screaming and yelling at Claire). Claire pulled the hose out of Sue.

The sensation was incredible Sue was climaxing as the water rushed out of her body; Claire took her chance and squatted on to Sue’s face and grinded her cunt into her face. Sue was still releasing water as her body was twitching and jerking under Claire; Claire loved the emotion the two girls were sensing and enjoying the moment together.

Claire stood up and put the hose up her cunt and started to flow over Sue’s face; Claire was telling Sue she needed to be clean also for the show tonight. Sue was still having waves of pleasure when she stood up and took hold of the hose “My turn”. Sue pulled the hose out of Claire and made her get down on all fours. Claire took the position and Sue rammed the hose hard up Claire’s ass hole, you need to be spotless you dirt whore so the dog can fuck his clean bitch.

Sue pulled the hose out to watch the brown water spurt out of Claire. Sue turned the water pressure very low and fed the hose inside Claire she had at least 12 inches inside Claire’s ass hole “Right you dirt fucking slut” “PAY BACK TIME!” Sue reached up to the shower and put the pressure up full.


Claire’s stomach was blown up and rock hard, she pleaded with Sue to release the pressure; This time it was Sue who giggled, she started to draw the hose out slowly. There were only a couple of inches left when she pulled it out and let the water flow. Claire was now cumming and the water was making her have an extreme climax.

The two girls entered the bed room to find the dog on the bed. Sue said he looked so hot and she fancied a quick one. Claire was quick to tell her to get dressed my dad said we have to be clean and ready. Sue was now sitting on the bed stroking the dog.

“Please let us fuck” Sue had a look of evil lust on her face.

“No you dirty whore” Claire did not want to spoil the adventure with her dad.

“I am so fucking horny”

“Keep it for later you will enjoy it even more” Claire was now feeling lustful, she was thinking of what her dad had in store for them later.

“Please!, Please!, Please!, Please!, Please!, Please!,” Sue was now begging like a good bitch.

“NO you cannot let him fuck you”

“OK Let me suck and drink his doggy cum” Sue was so excited and feeling raunchy.

“Alright you can suck his cock. No fucking!!!” Claire had to give in; her cunt was dripping just talking about it. Sue lay next to the dog and started to French kiss the dog; her tongue was going into the dog’s mouth as she moaned mmmmmmmm. Claire got onto the bed and bent over and joined Sue French kiss the dog; Sue stuck her doggy tasting tongue into Claire’s mouth as the dog licked both their tongues.

Sue was rubbing the dogs pouch and the dog started to react; his little red tip was wetting her hand, Sue loved the feeling of this animal liking sex with her. The more the three swopped saliva the bigger the dog got; the dog was given little squirts of doggy cum into Sue’s hand; it feel so hot and sticky, Sue brought her hand up to Claire’s mouth to let her taste the dog; both the dog and Sue joined in, lapping like three dogs.

Claire’s Tongue was lapping and taking the dog’s cum into her mouth aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesssssssssss. Sue could not understand the feeling she was getting, all her body was tingling from the sensation of everyone licking her hand and her fingers; the sensation was going from her hand through her body to her toes. The dog was fully out of his pouch now.

Both girls rolled the dog over on to his back; his red purple cock was so erect and the veins were shining and looked so good. Sue told Claire to go first; Claire bent over and the dog spurted a little dog cum at her; Claire had her mouth open ready to engulf that beautiful dog cock when he spurted his dog cum to the back of her mouth. Claire coughed and Sue told her to swallow but have a taste first; Claire did as Sue told her.

“MMMMMMMM it tastes different”

“Yes it is nice and hot”

“It tastes like when you lick a coin”

“Yes that is it like metallic TANGY”

The two girls were in agreement, it was naughty but nice. Claire engulfed the red monster up to the knot and moved her head up and down slowly and deliberate; licking the tip has it came out of her mouth and looking Sue in the eyes, making Sue envious. Sue bent down and cupped the dogs knot inside her mouth mmmmmmmmmmmmmm; her tongue started to lap round the knot, as Claire’s mouth swallowed the red monster her lips reached the knot; Claire could feel Sue’s tongue licking her lips at the same time as the dog’s knot.

Claire was trying to get the dog’s knot inside her mouth; Sue felt really evil and she stopped licking the dog and grabbed Claire by the hair and rammed her down on to the dog “swallow that knot you dirty fucking bitch” Claire was choking on the dogs knot, to Sue’s delight she was keeping Claire down and enjoying her friend fighting to get off the dog’s cock. Sue let Claire up.

“You stupid whore I was choking!”

“Fucking shut up bitch you wanted to suck his knot” Sue grabbed Claire by the hair again “NO NO NO NO”; Sue was forcing Claire’s head down gain; Claire was trying to keep her mouth closed when Sue nipped her ear “OW” that was it Sue pushed hard and the dogs big red monster entered Claire’s mouth. Within seconds Sue had forced Claire’s mouth over the knot, she was so fucking evil shouting at Claire “You can feel him squirting his puppies inside you” “Slut” “Whore” “O yes that is so good” “FUCK YES FUCK YES”

Sue let Claire up the sight was so fucking erotic there was cum flowing out of her nose and mouth with saliva dripping on to the dog’s cock. Claire was coughing and spluttering and grabbed Sue and started to French kiss her; Claire filled Sue’s mouth with the doggy cum and her saliva, the girls sniggered and cuddled together on the bed.

“What you two doing up there” “It is time to go”

“We are just about ready” “Give us five minutes” The girls got ready and went down stairs. The dog followed them and ran to Claire’s dad.

“Fucking hell girls you have not been fucking the dog!”

“NO we sucked his cock, we are clean” Claire did not want to upset her dad.

“OK come on it is time for your last punishment; what would it be!

They set off and the car turned up a single lane in a wooded area. Claire said she was sure they had been here before; Sue did not think they had. Then they came across a large mansion. “Yes it is the porn cinema!” Claire was very excited, Sue asked Mr Hay “are we going to watch dog porn” Mr Hay replied “yes this will be special” Sue whispered that it looked different in day light.

Claire’s dad drove up and parked the car; the girls jumped out of the car hugging each other and jumping up and down (they were so excited although they did not know what was going to happen, they were up for anything)

Mr Hay opened the door, the same woman and man was behind the glass desk; the girls recognised them and smiled. “Hi Bill” the woman told him they were already for them; she pointed to a door at the other end of the room. Claire’s dad looked very smug and walked with a swagger to the door.

“Come on girls it is time”

Sue was first to go through the door “it’s dark”

The room was dark with some night lights; the ceiling, walls and floor were black; it took the girls a while for their eyes to adjust; the two side walls were at a slight angle and they could just make out some chains hanging from the ceiling; Claire was feeling a bit freaked out but Sue was more curious and excited. There were rows of different whips, belts and dog dildos; in the centre of the back wall were two black boxes; they looked like something to stand on.

The door opened and Paul and Gayle walked in to greet the girls, the door closed quickly so the girls did not get a chance to see the room in full light. Gayle told the girls to strip off; she also told Paul and Bill to do the same. Bill grabbed Claire and led her to a set of chains; Paul had Sue next to another set of chains at the other angled wall.

“Let us get them chained up” Gayle was instructing Paul and Claire’s dad.

“Put your hand into these chains” Claire did as her dad told her; she whispered in his ear “You are going to look after me!!!”

“You’re here to be punished” Bill snapped the chains on her wrists and then bent down to chain his daughter’s ankles and nodded to Gayle to say he was done.

As her dad got up he kissed her cunt and then whispered in her ear “You will not be going to work tomorrow!”

Paul had Sue all chained up; it did not take long as Sue was helping him get the chains on. Sue was so fucking wet with excitement; Paul pushed two fingers inside her and then licked her slimy juices from his fingers. He repeated poking her with his fingers and then fed Sue her own juices; she was sucking and lap like a wild animal. She could see Paul liked it; he was rock hard and standing proud.

“PAUL!!!!” “Stop that get over here” Gayle was in charge, she said it was time to start.

Claire asked her dad what was going to happen. He just told her to wait and see (he had the biggest grin on his face; it is time that you reveal your inner self to me) Claire could not wait to be lustful in front of her dad and not let him down. Mr Hay passed Sue and he nipped her nipples “No work for you tomorrow, slut”. Sue loved it she was so excited she give a little pee; she was losing control of her body. Sue just wanted them to get on and use her body for their pleasure.

“It is time” Gayle stood in the middle of the room while Paul and Bill left the room, on the way out Paul pressed a button.

“What’s going ON!” Claire shouted to Sue; the girls suddenly heard people talking. The girls noticed the front wall was actually a black heavy curtain and it was slowly opening.

“Fucking hell LOOK” Sue nodded with her head to show Claire where to look; Claire looked at the back wall there was a screen being revealed: Sue was now forcing her legs together as she was peeing down her legs. Claire thought she looked so immoral it made her shiver with anticipation. It looked like they were going to have dog porn on the screen while they were being punished.

“GOD LOOK AT ALL THEM!!!!” Claire was looking at the spectators; it was a small porn cinema with about 30 men and woman of all ages and sizes. Some of them were naked and others were dressed in all sorts of erotic attire.

“It is time to get this show on the road” Gayle told the audience they were about to see the story of two girls entering the world of bestiality and also see them in the flesh do whatever you want them to do; Gayle said she had someone sorting out the suggestion they had put in the box before the show. “It would be good if we could cover everything” she then made a joke but we could not get the elephant in the room so that’s not going to happen.

“Let us enjoy the show” The screen had a title now THE VIRGIN BEASTIALITY GIRLS.

Claire and Sue did not know what was going on; the chains were now pulled tight and they were facing each other their arms pulled up and stretched out and their legs pulled apart in full show to the spectators. There was a spot light on both the girls. Sue loved the idea she was in full view and all the eyes were on her naked body. Claire felt her nipples aching and erect standing out at least 10mm.

“FUCKING HELL THAT IS US” The girls were on the screen, talking about the time they were in the park with the blanket over them and all the people round them.

“Your fucking dad has made a porn film of us” Sue was trying to sound annoyed but she was more raunchy then annoyed.

“How the fuck has he done that” Claire new he was not in the room, he was upstairs. Everything the girls talked about and did was being watched by 30 strangers. Some of them were having sex while they watched the girls.

The girls on the screen were now watching the couple dogging; the audience loved the idea that the girls had not had dog sex and seemed to be eager to see, but liked the build-up. Sue was now sitting on the arm of the sofa with Claire licking her cunt.

Claire in her chains suddenly realised that Sue was going to see her switch the clip on the lap-top; she will know she set her up. On the screen Claire bit Sue; Sue in chains turned to Claire “You dirty whore that really hurt” Claire was so relieved Sue had turned away just as she had switched the clip and shouted at her (she had got away with it)

The audience had noticed and there was a ripple of applause; Sue thought they had enjoyed Claire biting and hurting her. The girls were now watching dog porn on the screen and strangers were watching them. Sue was building up so much lust; she loved the sight of herself on all fours next to the TV yelping like a dog with Claire ramming the rabbit up her. The noise of the door slamming on the screen and the dad entering the room sent the audience in to raptures

“FUCKING YES” Both Claire and Sue were cuming and they had not been touched by a dog yet. Sue’s legs were shaking all her muscles were jumping she would have fell flat on the floor but she was being kept up by the chains.

“You look fucking so good” “slut” Claire’s dad was slapping her as she was having her orgasm

“This is just the start” The dirty fuckers in the crowd want more and you and your friend are going to feed their desires. Claire’s dad was so evil, Claire wanted more.

At this point the screen had a big sign END OF ACT ONE. The audience was not too impressed, until Gayle came to the centre of the stage and announced that it was time for one of the girls to put on a live show; The crowds mood changed to ecstasy within seconds; Gayle told the audience it was up to them to choose which one. She told them to look at the seat in front of them and if there was a blue sticker they had to come down and feel the merchandise, before they decided which one.

Ten people came down to the front; Gayle said they could test the girls out any way they wanted and use the equipment, if it was going to help them choose. There were three guys and two girls that made a move on Sue. Two guys and three girls made their move on Claire.

Sue liked the attention shouting “bring it on you bastards” The girls picked whips with a lot of leather tails and started to whip Sue’s tits. The guys were slapping Sue’s body all over; one guy got round the back and oiled Sue’s ass hole; he did not take much care he rammed his hard cock inside her ass. The more Sue screamed the harder the guy fucked her ass hole; one guy was up her love socket; Sue was now being double penetrated.
The third guy had brought one of the boxes across stood on it and started to face fuck Sue.

Sue loved her body being used to please the five strangers. It did not take long for her to start a massive orgasm. Claire was on the other side watching as she had three dog dildos in every orifice. The two guys were whipping her hard; she was making a muffled scream as she had a massive dog dildo stretching her mouth. The girls from the audience were pounding Claire’s holes with dog dildos.

Gayle entered the centre of the stage “OK people leave the girls alone and come to the front” “it is time to decide which one is to perform with the dog first”. Both girls were shaking with excitement and apprehension; the chains were shaking and clanging together with every twitch the girls’ bodies made.

Claire still had all the dildos inside her; Sue thought Claire looked evil she was red with the whip marks and stuffed with rubber cocks. Sue was hanging feeling sore her head dropped, she could see her tits red raw from the whips.

Gayle asked the people on the stage to stand next to the girl they wanted to perform with the dog first. The five guys walked to Sue one girl joined them and the other four stood by Claire; that was it 6- in favour of Sue: Claire was pleased she wanted to see what was going to happen next and she was feeling sexy but vulnerable; Sue on the other had was up for anything this was her time. She did not have a clue what she was going to do but it was going to be with a dog.

The people went back to their seats, Paul and Bill came through the door with two dogs; Gayle released Sue from the chains and led her to the middle of the stage “this is it you have to make love to the two dogs in front of all these strangers”.

Gayle told Sue that the guys would only hold the dogs’ leash they would not instruct her, she was on her own. Sue was now feeling nervous, her mind was racing; what do I do? Where do I start? What if they don’t like me?

One of the dogs licked her love lips; that was it, Sue grabbed the head of the other dog and started to French kiss him to the delight of the audience. Sue turned so the audience could see the dog licking her love lips; she was now lustfully licking the dog’s tongue and the inside of his mouth.

Sue started to caress the dog’s pouch; she had decided she was going to make love to these wonderful dogs. Little did she know that was what everyone wanted to see (not a show). The dog reacted as he rolled on to his back, offering his pouch for more attention.

“mmmmmmmmmmmmm what a lovely boy” Sue whispered to the dog but it bellowed out of the speakers in the cinema, to the pleasure of the audience.

“Come on boy, let your bitch pleasure you” Sue stooped down and started to lick the dogs tip. As she looked up she saw herself on the big screen holding the dogs red tip and the other dog licking her love lips. Sue opened her legs wider to allow the dog easier access; it worked the dog’s tongue entered her love hole and wriggled about cleaning her love juices from the pink inner muscles.

The feeling was so nice her toes were curling; the raunchy sensation took over and she swallowed the dog’s cock she had in her hand. It was now fully out of his pouch, the knot looked so pink and Sue could not resist coupling it in her mouth “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM”

Sue was moaning all the time and the audience loved watching this young woman loving the dogs. Sue engulfed the red monster, as she slowly withdrew her mouth from the dog cock she looked at herself on the screen; she thought she looked so erotic and decided to give the audience a treat by tonguing the tip of that red purple monster; the dog squirted his thank you and Sue lapped it up. Sue looked up and opened her mouth so the audience could see the doggy cum inside her mouth; her chin was wet as she swallowed the dog’s puppies to raptures from the crowed.

Sue licked her lips and then slapped her back side, telling the dog his bitch was ready to mate. Sue carried on sucking the dogs cock as the other dog mounted her, she felt the hairy legs of the dog round her waist as he pulled her on to his red cock; the dog was so strong, as he dominated his bitch. Sue liked the idea she was making this dog so fucking randy: she could feel his wild attempt to find her love hole; his cock was making all her ass cheeks wet, which made her feel that she wanted the dog inside her more and more.

“O FUCKING HELL!” the dog had found his target.

“HE IS INSIDE ME!” Sue screamed to the pleasure of the whole cinema.

People were whistling, shouting to the dog telling him to “fuck the bitch” “The dirty slut” “Dog fucking whore” “make his puppies”.

Sue was so wild and raunchy she was bobbing her head up and down faster and faster on the dog’s red monster as the other dog hung on tight and pounded Sue making all her body shake.

K” the dog’s knot was forced inside Sue; she loved the way it stretched her and was now inside; she could feel the hot doggy cum filing her cunt; the dog in her mouth was also letting fly with his dog cum. Sue could not control it, there was so much she was unable to swallow it quick enough; Sue gagged and coughed, the dog cum was coming out of her mouth and her nostrils. Sue thought she was looking stupid until she heard the crowd cheering for more.

The dogs were led away as Sue stood up in the middle of the stage dripping dog cum from her cunt, nose and mouth. She looked down to see the big pool of cum on the floor; Gayle came over to her and whispered into her ears “If you lick that up they will love you for ever”.

Sue dropped to her knees and her tongue lapped like a good bitch and swallowed all the dog cum off the floor. Sue kept looking up to see the crowd going wild as she drank that lovely dog cum.

Gayle helped Sue to her feet and led her back to her chains; as Sue walked back Gayle stuck her finger up Sue’s ass hole and told her she was good.

Sue was now chained up and she was still dribbling dog cum from her cunt.

“It is time for some more of the girls’ story as she turned away the film started

“What the fuck are you two watching?” “You dirty sluts” the audience loved the sight of Claire’s dad shouting at the girls and the girls shaking and cuddling each other on the big screen.

Claire still cringed to hear those words from her dad “What would your mam say, if she knew you were watching dogs fucking girls?” Claire could hear herself pleading with her dad “No Daddy you cannot tell mummy”. Mr Hay turned to Sue on the screen “And you what are your mam and dad going to say!” Sue was shaking as she was hanging in her chains, watching her beg Mr Hay “O MY GOD!” “YOU CANNOT TELL THEM!” “PLEASE” PLEASE” Sue could hear the chains as she started to shake and she felt her warm pee running down her legs, she was feeling a mixture of vulgar ,lust, immoral and anxiety; both girls were feeling punished.

The audience were screaming and cheering as the girls were being made to beg on the screen and made to watch it all on the big screen, chained up. Mr Hay was in full flight on the screen “They need to know you are a pair of dirty whore bitches” Sue could see herself almost crying “Please Mir Hay; we will do anything for you, DON’T TELL”. Claire’s knees were now physically shaking and only the chains were keeping her up as she watched, “Yes daddy you cannot tell mum, we will do anything”

Just as Sue and Claire was sucking Mr Hay’s cock on the screen Gayle came to the front of the stage to announce it was time for audience participation ; She told all the people with red in front of their seats to come on the stage. (It obviously had been worked out as there were 5 guys and 5 females again); this time the film carried on playing as the group on the stage split off to play with the girls.

Claire had three guys grouping her as the girls grabbed one of the black boxes in front of the screen. The girls placed the box on its end and fixed a silver pole to it. The other girl had picked a dog dildo from the side wall; she pushed it on the end of the pole. The other girl switched it on to the amazement of the audience as it worked like a piston pumping the dog dildo back and forward. Clair was lowered down; the chain was still kept taut making it impossible for Claire to stop the dildo going inside her.

Two of the girls in the other group with Sue had decided they were going to have fun with the dogs. The guys were fucking Sue in both holes and they were not tender; they both were thrusting forward at the same time squashing Sue between them; Sue loved the way they were fucking her. One second she was jammed between them the next they both withdrew their cocks only to repeat at a pace; Sue felt like a real slut. The other guy was helping the dogs mount the girls; it did not take long for the dogs to enter the girls and make them squeal for more.

The film was now up to the part where Mr Hay told the girls to “Sit on the floor in front of the TV screen so I can see you watching the slut suck her dogs cock”. The girls sat down and linked arms and where given each other little kisses. Claire let her hand fall on to Sue’s now soaking wet love hole; Sue did the same to Claire, Sue was the first to take her fingers out of Claire’s hot slimy love socket and offer it up for Claire to lick and suck them. The audience did not know where to look; the majority of the audience were watching the film and glancing at the stage and whistle, shouting out insults;


This was ringing in the girls ears making them even more evil.

Claire was now being pumped with the dildo and the guys taken turns fucking her ass hole; the girls were slapping and whipping Claire, she was now used to the sting the whips were given her; she was so lustful Claire wanted more and it to last for ever. Claire could see the girls in front of her; they were facing each other kissing as the dogs were filling there cunts with dog cock, this made her feel even more raunchy. “You dirty dog bitches “she shouted at the two girls; she loved the sound of the girls yelling as the dog was forcing their knots inside them.

One dog came out of the girl and he was enormous fat and dripping wet with the girls love juices and doggy cum. The girls love hole was wide open and shown the inner pink flesh slimy and shimmering from the light shining on it. One of the guys grabbed the girl by the hair and pulled her round to have this monster in front of her face.

“You know what to do with it!!!”

“For fuck sake he has just fucked me!” The girl was shattered

“SUCK the dog, slut” The guy looked at the audience, clapped and started to chant “suck” “suck” “suck” “suck”. It did not take long for the audience to join in.

“SUCK the dog” “SUCK the dog” “SUCK the dog” “SUCK the dog” “SUCK the dog”

Claire had a great view as the guy forced the girls head down on to the dogs red purple monster to an enormous roar from the audience; The guy was getting carried away with the atmosphere; he had two handfuls of hair, either side of the girls head, ramming it up and down as the girl gaged on the dog’s cock. Claire was now cumming and wishing it was her and that was her dad forcing her to suck that dog. The noise was deafening every person in the cinema was raunchy and Clair and sue was feeling it.

The dog was shooting his puppies into the girl’s mouth; she had her mouth wide open as it collected the dog cum; everyone could see her swallow and lick her lips.

“Good bitch” The guy was slapping the girls face

“Drink it all” the dog was still squirting in her face

“Open your mouth, BITCH!” The girl was wiping her face with her hand and licking the dog cum from her had.

“That’s better, love his dog cum” the girl was still getting lots of dog cum to the pleasure of everyone including Claire and Sue. The other dog’s knot came out of the girl with a large slurping noise and dangled between her legs squirting his cum all over the floor. The guy steered the dog over to the other girl still sucking the dog; They made her suck both dogs cocks; at one point she had both dogs in her mouth squirting doggy come for her to drink; the crowed were chanting;


The other joined her and drained the dog dry. Gayle came to the front and told everyone that it was time for a break and give Claire and Sue get ready for stage two. Claire and Sue were released from their chains; both girls were struggling to walk as Sue felt like the two cocks were still up her holes. Claire was feeling sore as the dog dildo had been fucking her all the time and she was still cumming as her legs were shaking being helped off the stage.

They were taken to a room and lay on the sofas, Claire’s dad told the girls they were doing great and he was looking forward to the second half. Claire asked if they were going to be fucked by dogs again;

Sue jumped in saying she hoped so and she had never had so many orgasms in one session.The girls were led back to the stage door, as they opened it and walking in the film was on. The audience were all in their seats as the girls were taken to their chains; the audience rose to their feet and clapped the girls back. Claire told Sue to look at the screen; the scene was showing the back of the girls as they watched the dog porn on the TV.

“Fucking hell Claire we look good”

“We are the best fucking dog lovers ever”

“Look at your dirty fucking dad WANKING!” Sue was shouting out loud.

Just then on the screen Claire turned to see her dad spunk on her friends back; Claire was now in her chains and thinking she looked so hot watching her dad squirting his cum, her love hole muscles were twitching like mad. The audience showed there pleasure as Claire’s dad turned and covered his daughters face with his hot sticky cum. The sound of her dad telling them to lick his cum of each of their faces made her knees shake. The crowd cheered when Claire swallowed her dad’s cum she had licked of Sue’s face.

The scene was at an angle taken in Mr Hay spouting his spunk all over the girls with the girl on the TV drinking doggy cum from that red monster dog cock; Claire and Sue were shouting at each other;

“Claire you are so wicked”

“Not as raunchy as you slut”

“Look at you swallowing your dad’s spunk; whore!”

“Look at the way you are looking at my dad as you lick his cum off my face”

“Yes, I think he was watching the girl drinking from the dogs, it made me feel so fucking slutty”

The girls watched as they sat on the sofa “how has your dad! filmed us we were alone?”

“I don’t know!”

The film stopped and Gayle came to the front of the stage “It is time folks for another live show” she told everyone it was Claire’s turn to entertain us. Claire felt her tummy flutter and her cunt twitch. Paul and Claire’s dad released Claire from her chains. She was led to the centre of the stage; her dad told her this was it, time for you to shine. Claire nodded nervously and said she would not let him down.

Gayle said Claire’s dad was going to be allowed to help his daughter; the audience liked this. Claire’s dad put her leash on and led her round the stage (on all fours) like a show dog at Crufts. He made sure Claire showed every part of her body; as she faced the screen her back side was on show to the audience. Her dad opened her cheeks and fingered her ass hole; he licked his fingers and then pushed two up Claire’s ass hole; he wet his other fingers on the other hand and stared to pull her ass hole open.

The stage light was shining inside her hole as he started to push four fingers on one hand inside Claire; she could feel her ass hole being stretched. She now liked her ass hole being played with. Claire felt cold wet oil being poured onto her ass; she looked up to see her big ass on the screen and her dad rubbing oil all over it. This made her tummy muscles tighten she was starting to feel really raunchy.

“You dirty fucking lucky slut” Sue was so envious watching her friend being the centre attraction.

“I know! I am going to be the best dog bitch these people have ever seen”

“You dirty fucking whore, daddy’s slut”

Claire’s dad had his hand inside her moving it round; the audience could hear the slurping noise as he started to push in and out quickly. He stood up and rubbed his hand into Claire’s face; Claire licked his hand like a good bitch, she could hear the audience in the background. This made her take long slow licks.

“OK! I am going for the dog” Claire’s dad told her to keep the audience hot.

Claire lay on the floor and spread her legs and started to rub her clitoris. The door opened and her dad came back with a big beautiful dog; he looked strong, his legs were bulging with his muscles, shimmering fur and he walked so proud, he strutted up to Claire knowing she was there to be his bitch slave; Claire’s chest was so tight with excitement she found it hard to breath, this king of all dogs was going to fuck her; he would be in complete control; she was going to be taken and she felt the delight running through her body.

All the lights went out and there were only the spot light on Claire as the dog got to her. Claire was now on her knees with the dog licking her face. She was stroking his head and pushing him away. The dog fell to the floor and he was pawing at Claire; Claire was starting to feel really comfortable with the dog now. She rubbed his strong body all over and opening her legs so the dog could smell her wet love socket.

Claire was being very affectionate; the dog was playfully biting Claire’s hands and arms. Claire was upright on her knees and the dog was sniffing her love socket and having a quick lick. Claire put her leg over the dog’s head (she ended up facing away from the dog). The dog got up and started to lick Claire’s body coming round in front of her; she quickly pulled her lips apart allowing the long tongue to enter her; the feeling was so erotic which was helped even more by the cheers and whistles from the audience; she was being so stimulated by the sexual atmosphere; Claire looked at her dad to see his hand gently rubbing his rock hard cock.

“You are so fucking evil!” ”Slut!”

“Thank you daddy this is like being in a dream”

Claire was now raunchier than ever. She started to rub the dog’s pouch; the dog was licking his pouch at the same time. Claire started to talk to the dog she asked him what he wanted and then answered for him saying you want to fuck me, your bitch slave, don’t you. She pushed the dog away as he tried to get his head between her legs. He was playing along, pushing her back; Claire was so carried away she started to push the dog hard and she smothered his head; the dog growled and shook her off, Claire jumped back she looked a bit timid.

The dog started to play with her again. Claire opened her legs to allow the dog to have his way she was back in the pleasure zone; Claire was leaning back, her head was hanging behind with her eyes looking in to the black air above her. The dog was pleasing his birch; he was digging deep as Claire moaned mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyessssssssssss. Claire found herself nipping her ass checks together with the dog attending to her clitoris and inner pink love socket flesh.

Claire did not care about the audience she was in her own erotic world; the audience did not mind this young woman was so real, they loved every move and noise. Claire was making love to the dog on stage and the crowed were with her every move and feeling. Claire could hear them shouting at her egging her on and she loved the fact they were calling her names

“O MY GOD!” “The dirty bitch”



“ANIMAL WHORE” “dog bitch”


It was intense the feeling of being so immoral, but loving every minute of it (plus her dad was here telling her, she was the best). Claire got the dog in a 69 position; this made it good for the audience to see the dog’s cock appear and Claire kissing and licking it. Claire liked the 69 position but this was the first time such a big tongue was cleaning her love socket out; as the dog got bigger the crowd cheered and whistled.

The door opened at the back and a woman with a mask on, brought on another dog (she looked a bit mystic).

Claire did not know of the woman until the woman walked the dog in front of her; Claire loved the idea of another dog; she was still shocked to see her dad grab the woman between her legs and bite her ear (she had seen him bite her mother like that but no one else) Claire had the dog out full, his knot in her hand and thanking him for his pre cum. Claire was caressing the red veined monster with her mouth; she was slowly making the dog cock disappear down her throat, she loved the feeling that everyone could see her. She withdrew the dog cock just as slowly, as she revealed the tip she made sure the audience got a good view of her long tongue lapping at the doggy cum mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

She repeated the action over and over again; her face was blushing up, she looked radiant so angelic; she was struggling to get her breath and the sight of her dad standing over her made it so exciting. The woman gave Claire’s dad the dog and he went round the back of Claire. The woman knelt down in front of Claire; she whispered into her ear “you are going to get fucked by my dog” she also told her she was going to join her sucking the dog cock.
The woman held Claire’s head on the dog’s red monster. Her dad was helping the dog mount Claire from behind.

“Fucking hell he is in my ass hole”.

“Wrong hole boy” Claire’s dad pulled the dog out

“AAAAAA let him fuck her ass hole” the woman shouted at Claire’s dad

“No, I want to be fucked by my dog master” Claire was so keen to get that red veined monster inside her.

The dog did not take long to find Clair’s love hole; she was screaming as the dog pounded her, the woman lifted her head and started to lick the dog’s cock in front of her.

“Take my mask off” the woman told Claire.

“FUCKING HELL!!!!!!” Claire took the mask off to see her mother sucking the dog in front of her

The audience were stamping their feet; the sound was thunderous. They could not believe this girl had her mam and dad helping her make love to dogs.

Claire turned her head to look at Sue but she gasped at what she saw, the silhouette on the screen; Claire could see her dad holding the dog on her back, her tits were bouncing back and forward and rubbing on the dog’s belly under her. The big black cock being sucked by her mother: this sight was so erotic.

Claire joined her mum and took her turn sucking the dog’s cock, “good girl” Claire’s mum sounded as excited as Claire. Claire could feel her mum’s breath on her face as the dog’s monster pushed down her throat. The dog inside her was now pounding her hard and so fast Claire was feeling like the true bitch she wanted to be. Claire started to grunt and moan as she lifted her head up to the wonderful sight of her mum lapping at that red purple veined dog cock.

“OOOOO MUM you are so good” Claire always looked up to her mother but she could not have dreamt this.

“My beautiful dog girl, you look so grown up now” Claire’s mum had a big grin on her face.

Claire had a lot of different feelings going on; her dad holding the dog and making him fuck her; Her mother sucking and looking her in the eye as she was enjoying dog cock; the dog under her licking at her wet clitoris dripping with dog cum from her love hole; the dog inside her love hole pumping her full of hot doggy cum and trying to force his knot inside her. Every part of Claire’s body, was reacting to sexual stimulation.

Claire could hear the audience shouting their encouragement and their insults; “O MY GOD!” “The dirty bitch” “FUCKING DIRTY SLUT” “WHORE” “BITCHE” “DOG BITCHE” “ANIMAL WHORE” “dog bitch” ” DOG WHORE” “That is some family” “bitch mum” “slut daughter” “dog lover dad”

“O fuck, YES!” the dog had forced his knot inside Claire

Claire’s mum pulled Claire’s head up by the hair “He has knotted you, hasn’t he” Claire started to shake as her cunt was now stretched and her mum was so excited at her daughter being knotted. Claire was losing control; the dog was shooting his puppies inside her and her inner muscles were working overtime gripping the dog cock. Claire was in a full erotic orgasm, she could not get her breath as the dog pulled her tighter and tighter on to his monster.

Claire’s mum started to smack Claire’s face “Don’t you dare cum now” (Claire could not stop she was in the middle of the best orgasm ever but she had lost control) Claire’s dad came round the front and grabbed the dogs cock and stuck it into Claire’s mouth. He turned to his wife and told her to suck his cock; this only intensified the orgasm Claire was having. She was sucking hard on the red veined monster and watching her dad face-fuck her mum.

The stage was lit up by the stage lights being turned on; the audience were still stamping, clapping and whistling. Sue was being released from her chains by a guy and a woman who was allowing a dog lick Sue’s wet love hole. They led Sue to the front to join Claire; Sue could not hold back as she watched her best friend shaking with pleasure.

“You are so fucking lucky” “Your mum and dad are dog lovers” Sue was very envious as she opened her legs to allow the dog lick her wet and now sore love hole. The guy stood over the woman as she fed Sue to the dog; he rammed his cock in her mouth;

The dog slurped his knot from Claire’s love socket; the dog cum flushed out, splashing on to the dog under her and on to the stage. Claire drained the dog cock and swallowed as she watched her dad shoot his spunk down her mum’s throat; seeing it squeeze out of her lips; Claire leaned forward and licked her dad’s warm sticky cum from her cheek and let them see her swallow it like a good little whore.


“What the fuck is going on “Claire turned to look at Sue as she was screaming, like she was in pain.

“OOOOO MMMMMYYYY GGGOODD” Claire joined the audience as they were going wild

The Guy fucking the woman’s face had taken off their masks; to everyone’s enjoyment the screen had on it, in big writing “MEET SUE’S MUM AND DAD”

Sue was in total shock as her dirty dad spunked all over her mum’s face. Sue’s legs were shaking and she was cuming in front of her mum and dad.

Gayle came to the front with Paul and asked the people to show their approval; she did not have to ask, the audience were going wild shouting for the girls; both mam and dads pushed the girls forward to take the plaudits (the girls stood there shaking and cuddling each other for more than ten minutes).

Gayle stepped in again and told them (Claire, Sue and their parents) to follow her; she led them from the stage and out the door to a waiting camper van; it was a huge luxuries van. As they entered Sue asked where their clothes were; Gayle told everyone not to worry there were clothes at her house and that was where everyone would stay the night. John and Vicky came from a little room with drinks for everyone.

“You’re here as well “Claire said to John and Vicky “Yes we were not going to miss tonight” “We were in the audience, it was so fucking erotic” Vicky was very excited as she stuttered the words out.

The van set off as they all sat down naked Sue in the middle of her mum and dad hugging them both.

Claire was doing the same and she was thanking her mam and dad for the adventure, sorry I mean punishment! Everyone laughed.

They chatted about the adventure and Sue said she thought that Claire and her deserved to get their own back on their parent, as this was a big set up from the start.

Gayle said she did not know if that would be allowed! “What do you think?”

Claire was talking to her mam and dad. She said it was hard for her to get her head round the fact that they had worked it all out, to get Sue and her to fuck dogs. Claire’s mum said they had not worked it out “we wanted to see your reaction to animal sex”. She said “we were hoping you would be curious”.

Claire’s mum carried on to explain that her dad and she had been into animals from the first week of getting married.

When we were on honeymoon your dad loved fucking me outside, so we walked in the woods behind the hotel; everyone was now listening to Claire’s mum. Your dad made me flash as we walked; I was so fucking horny I would do anything he wanted. I wanted to be fucked.

We found a nice spot behind some bushes; it was not far from the path. We could hear people passing as we got into the 69 position. The feeling of the air on my body was so exciting. Just then a dog came through the bushes and joined me licking your dads cock. I pushed him off but could only whisper get off, I did not want anyone to hear us. Your dad was quick to come to the rescue. I thought!

He called the dog to him, at the same time grabbed my knee and jammed his arm between my legs, keeping them apart, the dog licked my clitoris. I told your dad to stop but he opened my love lips with his free hand.

The dog’s long tongue soon entered my cunt. It felt so nice my body twitched all over. I told your dad again, stop it you dirty bastard. He just smiled at me like the boy who got the cream. The sound of some guy shouting for his dog made your dad release me. The dog was still licking my cunt; we managed to get him off me and pushed him to the bushes. The dog went through to the sound of his owner telling the dog to come to him; the owner was asking the dog where he had been, you could hear the sound of the dog being patted; Your dad’s face was a picture when we heard the owner say, “were have you had your nose, into some rat hole I bet, come on let’s get you home”.

He set off and your dad and I burst in to laughter. Your dad turned me over on my knees and started to fuck me doggy style; I must say it was the best fuck ever; your dad was pulling my hair and telling me that it was what the dog wanted to do to me. I loved it, your dad had never been that rough with me; he was like a wild animal; his cock was going so deep and pounding me; my tits were bouncing all over, I reached under my body to rub my clitoris; I was cumming over and over again and your dad was telling me how much I want to be fucked by the dog. Your dad erupted inside me, I could feel the hot sticky spunk filling my cunt; my god it was so fucking good .the best, I was just a shivering mess on the ground.

We pulled ourselves together and started to walk back to the hotel; all the way the cum was running down my inner thighs. As we passed people I would lift my skirt up to let your dad see his spunk mixed with my juices running down my legs; I loved the look on his face. We got to the driveway to the hotel when the proprietor greeted us with his dog by his side; you have guessed it, it was the same dog. The dog jumped up at me, his tail was wagging so fast. The owner pulled him down and stopped him; when he turned and started to chat to your dad, the dog sniffed my leg and started to lick the love mixture from my thigh, his tongue was so warm and long. I swear I was ready to fall to the floor and let him have his way.

I was now behind the owner so he could not see me; I lifted my skirt up to let your dad see the dog liking my cunt; it was just a second or two but it was enough for your dad to go bright red. The owner asked him if he was ok, I stepped in and said we needed to go to our room, as we had been on a long walk. When we got in the lift your dad grabbed me and soon had two fingers inside me; I loved the way he was telling me he had married a slut. The door opened and we went to our room.

I went in the shower and got ready for bed; as I got in the room your dad went into the shower; when he came into the room, I was fully stretched out naked on the bed and he swaggered over letting his cock rock from side to side. I looked at him and told him he was a dirty bastard, letting that dog lick my cunt. The reaction was amazing his cock jumped to attention it was erect in seconds and so fucking hard. His face was bright red.

I knew from that reaction, your dad was going to test my sexual impulses. He fucked me in every position he could think of; every time he looked like he could not go on, I would talk about the dog and away he went again. By the end of the night your dad had shot spunk in all my holes and called me every name he could think off Slut, whore, cock sucking bitch. I got him back when I told him he would love to see his slut be a dog whore; I knew for sure now he wanted to make me fuck a dog.

The next morning we went down for breakfast; as usual I had no knickers on. I was just starting to eat my eggs, when your dad slipped out of his sandal and pushed his foot between my legs; it did not take long for him to push his big toe into my cunt. He looked so calm on the other side of the table, so innocent a he made me squirm on the end of his toe. I could not believe it, when we were finished he slipped his foot back into his sandal crossed his leg so I could see his toe glistening with my wet love juice. I had a little orgasm as he waved his foot around letting ever one see; only I knew what he had been doing with that foot.

God! your dad was so fucking naughty. We set off to go for a walk; your dad knew I was randy enough for an outside fuck. We just got outside the front door when the owner was coming in with his dog. I bent down and stroked the dog talking to him all the time; telling him he was a beautiful dog and asking him if he had enjoyed his walk.

The owner said he did not have time to take him for his usual walk; he explained, nothing but meetings till late that night. Your dad was quick to offer to take the dog for a walk; I knew what the dirty bastard had on his mind, your dad’s face dropped when the owner said he could not ask us to look after the dog, as it would be late that night before he could pick the dog up. Your dad did not give up we will keep him in the room until you pick him up.

The owner was so grateful he offered us a free meal the next night; he left the dog and told us there would be a tin of dog food and bowl in the entrance when we come back, he would be grateful if we could feed him. As he walked away your dad said he was going to get the dog to fuck me; my love hole just filled with my love juices, so I knew I was up for that. Your dad was almost running with the dog; as we got close to the spot we had found earlier, there were a lot of people around. My stomach turned over with disappointment but your dad pulled me off the path and walked into the woods.

We soon found another spot; your dad was so excited he told me to get down on the ground. I lay down and opened my legs to reveal my dripping wet love hole. Your dad was pushing the dog’s head towards my love lips. This time I spread my lips wide and the dog’s tongue entered me, the feeling of that long tongue inside me was so exciting, I remember thinking, It’s forbidden and yet it was terribly, sexy. Your dad was keep telling me to fuck the dog but I was enjoying the attention the dog’s tongue was giving my clitoris and inner cunt muscles.

I had to tell your dad to calm down and not to talk so load. I got on all fours but the dog just jumped on and off me; your dad was trying his hardest to get the dog to mount me but it was not working. The dog’s paws were scratching me as he grabbed me; that was not nice so I stopped and told your dad it was no good. His face showed his disappointment so I said let us get him back to our room and see if we could try again, but a bit calmer, not so harassed.

We got back in the room and your dad decided to rap the dog’s paws with his handkerchiefs: I stripped off and sat on the end of the bed; the dog seemed to be acting different, he started licking me and his head felt so nice rubbing against my inner thighs; I lifted him up and pulled him up my body, he started to thrust forward; this was it your dad was shouting he is trying to get his cock in side you. I found the feeling of excitement flowing through my body. I felt his hot cock trying to find my hole it was squirting dog cum all over me; I could hear your dad telling the dog to fuck her, this made me feel so raunchy.

I remember saying that I was a dirty dog slut and your dad said I was the best dog whore in the world and you’re my dog whore. The dog found his target and pounded me hard and fast, it was unbelievable what a fucking the dog gave me. The dog jumped off to show off his big red monster squirting doggy cum all over the floor. Your dad grabbed me and bent me over and fucked me hard; his hot sticky cum shot up my hole. The dog started to drink from my love hole, I was in heaven.

This went on all day, the dog and your dad did not give me a rest; I was just cumming over and over again, even when I asked for a rest the dog or your dad was ready to go again. It was not until someone knocked on the door that we realised what we were doing. We put the dog in the bathroom. Your dad answered the door it was the owners wife come to collect the dog. She came in to find us both with dressing gowns on. She asked were the dog was.

“I remember that” Gayle said

“So you owned the hotel” Claire realised this was how Her mam and dad had met Paul and Gayle

“I will never forget that first meeting” Gayle said excitedly.

“Carry on, tell us more” Sue said; everyone was hanging onto every word Claire’s mum was saying.

“Yes you tried to hide the dog in the bathroom!” Gayle shouted

“What could we do the dog had his monster cock out” Jane (Claire’s mum) still sounded remorseful.

That was the start of a wonderful friendship; Jane had tried to make excuses why the dog had his red cock on show. When Jane opened the bathroom door all she could see was the dog’s big red veined monster dangling between his legs.

Gayle called out “what have you been doing to my dog?” Bill said that’s why he had put the dog in the bathroom; he was getting excited when we were having sex on the bed.

Gayle said” he should not be in the same room ; your lucky he did not try to join in”; Jane’s face give it away she turned the brightest red and started to stare at Bill. Gayle knew they had been fucking with her dog because she had trained him herself. She asked Bill have you been playing with my dog?, both of you” how can I take him back to Paul like this. Jane said leave him here until he calms down.

“He will take a long time to calm down” Gayle was very animated

“But we did not do anything” Jane was almost pleading with Gayle

Gayle decided this was her moment; she shouted at Bill to get Jane on the bed, the dog needs to be satisfied. Bill looked shocked as he grabbed Jane and took off her robe. Jane did not struggle she was in shock; Bill pushed her on to the bed and opened her legs.

Gayle got the dog on the bed and made sure his dog cock was by Janes head. Make her suck the dog cock.

“No way” Jane had not suck a dog cock before.

“Make her suck the dog, Bill!” Gayle demanded

“Sorry we cannot let people Know what we did” Bill was uneasy but was feeling Horny at the thought of his wife sucking a dog cock.

“Stop messing about, get it in her mouth”

Jane realised she was going to have to go ahead with Gayle’s demands. She looked at Bill and told him it was alright; Jane pulled her head off the bed to meet the dogs tip. She licked the tip and the dog gave a little squirt of doggy cum; her tongue jerked back into her mouth coated with doggy cum. Gayle’s head was next to Jane’s cheek; she could not get any closer.

“Tasting my dog’s cum” “Let me see you drink more” Gayle said this more like an order than a request.

Jane could see Bill’s face, he was holding the dog in place; Jane knew Bill was hot as his erect cock was peering out of his robe. Jane was now enjoying being forced in to give the dog a blow job. She could feel her cunt wet and Gayle’s fingers inside her. Jane’s head was now being held up by Gayle and she found herself engulfing the wonderful red veined monster dog cock; Jane’s nose was snuggling into the underbelly of the dog, as she felt the knot on her chin. The doggy smell was filling her nostrils; Jane liked the smell and the feeing of the dogs cock in her throat mmmmmmmmmmm

Jane was in dream land, her body was given her so much satisfaction. Jane was gagging on the dog cock and Gayle was keeping her there. Bill loved it, so he went round and pushed his cock up Jane’s love hole; he did not give Gayle a chance to take her fingers out.

“OOOOOOOOOOOO YYYYYYYYYYEEESSSSS Bill” Gayle parted her two fingers so they were either side of his cock (Like holding a cigar) but still inside Jane.

“OOOOOOOOOOO FUCK” Jane coughed as she let the dog out of her mouth, the feeling of Bill pounding her and Gayle’s fingers made it feel so different.
Gayle was telling Bill that he had a dirty bitch of a wife. Jane could hear Bill agreeing with her, this made her raunchier than ever. Jane liked sucking the dog she was making more and more satisfying noises

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeysssssssssssssss I love your doggy cccccccccccccccooooccccckmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Gayle now held the dog by the knot and started to force it in to Jane’s mouth; Jane was relaxing he throat so the dog could go down deep. Gayle had one side of the knot in Jane’s mouth; Jane’s eyes were rolling in her sockets: Bill had never seen Jane like that. It made him pounder his wife harder. Gayle gave one last push and Jane’s cheeks stretched out like a hamster; Jane could not breathe and started to claw at Gayle’s arms. Gayle let it go on for a couple of seconds and then released the big red purple monster cock from Jane’s mouth.

Jane gasped and squirted saliva and doggy cum all over, as she tried to get her breath. Just as Jane got her breath Gayle rammed the dog’s cock back down her throat; Jane was ready for it this time and let the dog cock slide down her now relaxed throat; it felt so good hot and squirting puppy juice into her gullet.

Jane was now in control and started to try and get that dog knot in her mouth; this was pleasing Gayle and Bill, they both started to French kiss; Gayle still had her fingers inside Jane and Bill was fucking Jane harder and harder. Gayle liked the feeling of Bills cock rubbing between her fingers; Jane’s slimy love hole juices made Bill’s cock feel so smooth.

“Ahu Ahu Ahu Ahu Ahu Ahu Ahu” Jane was coughing and gagging every time she let the dog cock out of her mouth. Jane was watching Gayle and her husband kissing as they pleasured her; she was now so into the dog she kept engulfing the red monster each time getting a bit more knot inside her mouth; the dog was showing his pleasure with squirts of puppy juice.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Jane moaned as she licked her lips so Gayle and Bill could see the dog slut drinking from the dog fountain

“Look at your dog whore BILL!” Gayle screamed at Bill.

“Yes she is my very own dog bitch” Bill thrust hard and deep into Jane.

Jane could not hold back any more, she could feel every muscle in her body twitching; Gayle and Bill felt Jane’s inner love hole muscles contracting round Gayle’s fingers and Bill’s cock. Bill stopped moving and started to enjoy his wife cumming on his cock; Jane’s pink muscles were gripping him tight and releasing at a rapid pace; Gayle’s fingers also squeezed tight on Bill’s cock as Jane’s orgasm grew in strength.

Jane’s had no control now; every wave of pleasure made Jane’s head jump forward and the dog’s red monster jam-packed her throat making her gag, her body was just a pleasure machine given her wave after wave of full orgasm experiences. Bill was shooting his hot spunk deep into Jane’s love hole; Gayle pulled her fingers out of Jane’s love hole and started to feed them to Bill, she joined Bill French kissing and licking the juices off her fingers together.
Jane had never had sex like this; Bill pulled out and Gayle joined him watching Jane twitch and shiver on the bed.

“Well that is some dirty bitch” Gayle laughed as she mocked Jane.

“She is such a whore. I did not know what I had married.” Bill was so pleased with his wife; he thought she was the best woman in the world.

Jane’s arms, legs, stomach, bum cheeks and her clitoris was not stopping, her eyes were rolling around in her sockets; this was pleasing Gayle more and more. It must have gone on for another 15 minutes. Gayle and Bill sat on the bed watching Jane;

“God you have got a good one there Bill”

“Yes the dirty whore is going to do a lot more”

Gayle and Bill kept touching Jane; this set off another wave of pleasure, setting Jane’s body off twitching and jumping. Gayle was wanking Bill’s big cock as they both enjoyed tormenting Jane.

“What a dirty whore” Gayle was so enjoying slating Jane

“Yes look at the dirty dog bitch” Bill was living the dream, a stranger wanking him off in front of his wife.

“You are a pair of dirty bastard perverts” Jane could not control the reactions of her body.

Gayle said she thought the dog would be ready to fuck her if you want; Jane thought it should be her Gayle was asking not Bill. Bill answered quickly “let’s do it” Gayle ran to the bathroom and returned with a handful of towels. Bill helped Gayle tie Jane’s wrists to the bed and then moved down to tie her ankles also; All the time this was happening Jane was still having waves of pleasure. Bill had never seen his wife like this before and it made him feel so evil and sexually excited.

“Push the pillows under her ass” Gayle ordered Bill

Bill and Jane loved the way this woman was taken charge and it seemed to make it alright to do what she wanted; Jane defiantly wanted more dog experiences and Bill wanted to see his wife taken by an animal; Bill was keep given pre cum, all the time as he helped this raunchy woman abuse his wife.

Claire and Sue loved the story and begged them to carry on. “I am so wet hearing how my mam and dad got into dogs” “I love the way you are telling us how each of you were feeling”

Jane’s body had now calmed down and she felt like she was back in the real world; she felt so evil and thought she could handle every dirty evil thing they wanted to bring on. Gayle led the dog to the bed; the dog was back in his pouch; Gayle said this was a sign he would take his bitch. Bill looked at his wife and asked if she was ready for the dog.

“Fucking hell” ”YES!”

“Darling I want this”

“My cunt is aching for his red purple monster”

Bill loved his dirty dog bitch. Bill got the dog on to the bed between Jane’s legs; Gayle was playing with the dog’s pouch. Jane was breathing heavy in anticipation of the animal taken her. Gayle had the dog’s pouch in her hand; the dog soon came out and he was fucking Gayle’s hand. Jane looked down to see the dog’s back end thrusting forward in Gayle’s hand;

Jane was looking down he body she could see her breasts, stomach swelling and decreasing as she struggled to breath; she was looking down under the dog’s belly to see the dog’s monster, fucking Gayle’s hand.

Wow she was now impatient she wanted the cock inside her; as the dog thrust forward Gayle was moving her hand closer to Jane’s love hole; the dog was rampant when Gayle told Bill to open Jane’s love lips. The sight of her husband’s hands, Gayle leading the dog’s red veined cock to Jane’s cunt was so erotic ; Jane was feeling faint with excitement, she could feel the familiar hands but the wet feeling from the dog’s hot squirts of doggy cum added the erotic feeling.

“oooooooooooooooooooooooooGODDDDDDDDDDDDDD” the dog had entered inside Jane’s vacant cunt.

The dog started to pound Jane as Gayle let go of the dog and moved round to the side of the bed to join Bill (who was now standing naked watching his whore wife being ravaged by the animal).

Gayle knelt down and started to suck Bill’s rock hard cock; this was done in full view of Jane; Bill’s legs were shaking at the sight of his wife dog bitch and that illicit woman sucking his cock. Bill could see Jane looking him in the eye.

“Are you watching, you dirty dog slut?” Gayle took the cock out of her mouth and wanked it hard in front of Jane.

“yes” “fuck fuck fuck” “Yes” Jane was struggling to talk as the dog pounded her.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM so fucking lovely” Gayle made sure Jane knew she was enjoying her husband’s cock.

Gayle had Bill ready to erupt, she made sure he was aimed at Jane’s face; Gayle pinched Jane’s nose to make her open her mouth. The dog stuck his long tongue in to Jane’s mouth just as Bill’s eruption took place;

Gayle was so excited telling Bill she wanted more cum; she pointed the cock at Jane’s mouth, it did not take long for it to fill up and the dog started to lick inside Jane’s mouth. This made Bill shoot more than ever.

Jane was now drinking cum with the dog she swallowed and the dog’s tongue drove down deep in her mouth licking Bill’s cum. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMYYYYYYY GOD” Jane squealed as the dog’s knot stretched her love hole and jammed itself inside; squirting puppy juice inside Jane’s love hole, she was so full it was leaking out all over the bed.

Jane saw Bill grab Gayle by the hair and drag her down to the bottom of the bed; this was really exciting for Jane as she had not seen that side of Bill.

“Lick it up, whore” Bill pushed Gayle’s face in to the doggy cum on the bed; Gayle did not hesitate she started to lap it up like a good bitch. Gayle pushed her head up so she could lick the dog and Jane at the same time, drinking the doggy cum as it spewed from Jane’s cunt.

Jane could feel Gayle lapping at her cunt and the noise of Gayle slurping added to the taboo excitement.

“Drink you dirty animal whore” Jane like what she was hearing, her husband telling that bitch what to do.

“KISSS MEEEEEEEE BBBBBBIIIILLL” “QUICK!” Jane was starting to cum and she wanted to experience this with her husband.

Bill Got there just in time as his lips met hers she stated to shake, the dog was still knotted to his wife and Bill knew what his wife’s inner cunt muscles were doing to that big red purple monster;

Gayle was moaning at the other end as she could feel Jane’s love lips shivering with pleasure. Jane was frantic as the restraints made her frustrated she could not grab her husband hard. She twisted and shook for a good ten minutes as Bill and Gayle kept her orgasm going until the dog’s knot slurped out to one almighty gurgling noise; The doggy cum gushed all over Gayle’s face and she opened her mouth to drink in as much as she could catch


Bill stood back and took in the scene, WOW you two dirty sluts, Bill was so shattered it was like a whisper. Jane asked him if he liked his new wife, she had an evil lustful grin on her face.

Gayle answered for him saying he was blessed and so was she, being allowed to be part of their unmentionable session.

“Wow what happened next” Claire and Sue had been playing with each other as they were being told how Mr and Mrs Hay was drawn into this forbidden taboo

Gayle had to get a shower; she was soaking wet with dog cum from Jane’s love hole; Jane was also full of dog cum and her face was sticky with the dog’s saliva and Bill’s cum so they decided to have a shower together. Then bill had a shower and as he entered the room Gayle was on the phone ordering some wine. Gayle said “we may as well have a drink as I cannot take the dog home like that” pointing to the dogs big red cock. Gayle invited them to free weekends, where Paul her husband could join them.

The four of us, have been the best of friends since.

“What about my mam and dad, how did they get into dogs?” Sue wanted to know and sounded excited.

Jane started by saying your mam and I have been the best of friends since school. Jane said she had shared most of her experiences with her best friend. Jane and Donna (Sue’s mother) were soul mates. They used to fantasies over different boys until they joined a college together. Donna was sex mad, she always talked about what, she would love guy’s to do to her. This use to excite Jane and she would experiment with Donna; masturbating in front of each other; they thought they were so naughty. This progressed into using things to push inside each other.

Donna started to watch porn and got Jane to watch as they pleased each other; the thing they both liked was going out with no knickers on and flashing in public. Donna knew a lot of picnic areas away from the place we lived so no one knew us. We would sit opposite each other on the benches and as people walked passed we would open our legs; this was so exciting when we got home we would watch some porn and pleasure each other; this carried on even though Jane and Donna got married.

So when Jane got back from the honeymoon, Donna wanted to know ever little detail. Jane thought she could not tell Donna what really happened and started to make things up. Donna could tell she was not telling her everything and pushed for more information; she said you did something you’re not telling. Jane gave in, when Bill and I went walking, we decided to have sex in the bushes and right when Bill was get his hands on my cunt a dog came into the bushes.

“You didn’t fuck a dog” Donna shouted out.

“No” Jane told Donna the dog licked her cunt. Donna was more curious than shocked. She asked what it felt like. Jane said it was different; Donna wanted to know was it nice or not nice different. Well to be honest it was a bit nice.

Jane said the dog’s tongue was so big hot and wet. Donna was now hooked, so Bill let the dog lick your love hole. No he stopped it. Donna was not going to let it go, she asked Jane so you did not fuck a dog when you were away.

“Come on tell me the truth. I am so fucking horny here” Donna opened her legs to show Jane her soaking wet love lips.

“God you are a dirty cow” Jane was trying hard not to say she had done the forbidding taboo, but they had never held back anything from each other.

“Come on! I told you when I played with the horse on the farm where I worked” Donna was going to have an answer.

Jane looked at Donna all right, Bill and I tried later. Donna got excited and said she wanted to know the details. Jane decided to be evil and told Donna if she licked her cunt, she would tell her all about how Bill made her fuck a dog. Donna was on her knees in seconds pulling Jane’s legs apart and licking Jane’s wet love lips.

“Get on with it, dirty girl” Donna looked at Jane and then carried on sticking her tongue inside Jane’s love hole.

Jane told Donna that they had taken the dog back to the room and Bill made her kneel down by the bed with my ass up in the air, Jane could feel Donna’s excitement as she plunged her tongue deeper into Jane’s cunt. Jane stroked Donna’s head telling her she was not as good as the dog; Donna stuck her two fingers in to Jane’s dripping love hole “the dog could not do that”. Jane carried on telling Donna that Bill got the dog and made him mount her; my god Donna the dog was so wild, he rammed my love hole like a piston.

Donna was now pushing her fingers in and out so fast, Jane knew her best friend loved her being naughty. Donna was slurping and lapping at Jane’s clitoris; she knew Jane was going to cum and she did twitching and gasping for breath. Jane’s head fell back and climaxed. Donna stood up I am so excited and horny, I need you to pleasure me.

“what can I do?” Jane asked

“I want a dog” Donna said excitedly.

Jane told Donna that we could not just get a dog off the streets. Donna was lying on the sofa her legs wide open, pointing at her cunt it need fucking. Jane had an idea and told Jane we could see if there was anything on the internet to watch. Donna said it had to be a dog fucking a girl. Jane had the lap-top on her knee she typed into the search engine ‘petsex’ a video came up “frisky and bear” Donna was quick to shout out she is not fucking a bear.

Jane put the video on; it showed a girl walking her dog along a stream; she stops and sits on a flat rock and plays with the dog; she puts her straw hat on the dog and he shakes it off and rubs his head on her tits. She then pulls her green shorts to one side and the dog starts to lick her cunt. Jane and Donna were getting the best shot of the longue going inside the girl. The girl has a blanket spread out and she gets in to the doggy position; The dog mounts her, pounding her hard and fast.

“Fucking hell, he is so fast” Donna was almost squealing, she was so excited.

“Yes, she is loving her dog” Jane knew she was alright now; Donna liked dogs as much as she did.

“Look at the way he is hanging on to her” The dog had his paws rapped round the girl and pulling her on to his red purple cock. Donna loved the sight.

Jane and Donna watched the video to the end; Donna insisted that Jane got some vegetables from the kitchen; Jane came back with all sorts. She placed them on the floor and the two got into their favourite position ‘69’; They could get hold of any vegetable easy; Jane was the first to ram a cucumber inside Donna’s cunt; Donna’s pink love lips stretched round this big dark green vegetable; Jane loved the sight of the brown outer lips, pink inner skin gripping the dark green cucumber as she pushed it in and out of her best friends cunt.

Donna picked up the biggest carrot that was there and sank it in to Jane, it disappeared and only the green leafs were outside Jane’s love hole. Donna knew Jane was enjoying it because she was ramming that cucumber up her faster and fast; Donna returned the feeling by pulling the carrot out half way and tried to go as fast as the dog they had been watching. The girls climaxed together and crawled to the sofa; as they cuddled each other through their orgasm, they started to talk to each other.

“God! I so want a dog” Donna was sounded so anxious

“It is the best” Jane was now free to let it all out

“How can I get a dog?” Donna was almost pleading.

“I don’t know” Jane could not think how to help her friend experience the pleasure of a dog with his legs round your waist, pulling you tight on to his cock, pounding your cunt, hearing the dog slapping your ass, his breath on your neck, the saliva dripping on your face when you turn to see the dog or the long tongue entering your mouth as the dog took you.

“Fucking hell girl that sounds like heaven” Donna had her fist inside her love socket and was cumming again.

“We have to find a way of get you a dog” Jane was now thinking of how.

That week end Jane and Donna were out shopping when Donna saw a girl walking her dog; she turned to Jane and said I bet she fucks that dog. Jane sniggered and told Donna she was becoming fixated on dog sex. Donna said she had not thought of anything else since Jane told her what it was like. As they walked from one shop to another Donna was pointing out all the dogs. When the girls had finished their shopping Donna said she needed to have some sex.

Donna suggested they go to the park, so they could masturbate and watch the dog owners walking their dogs. Jane agreed and they set off; when they arrived it was quiet but it did not take long before they spotted a guy with a great Dane walk past the car; Jane spoke out “That dog would kill you” Donna replied the chance would be a fine thing as she put her hand into her knickers. Jane watched as Donna got more and more into her cunt; Jane liked watching Donna, she could feel her cunt getting wet.

A girl walked passed the car and peaked in, she smiled and walked away up the path. Jane thought it might be fun to follow her and pretend she was there to let Donna fuck her dog. Donna liked this Idea and the two got out of the car and set off following the girl from a distance; Donna kept saying the girl was watching them; Jane said it was in her head. The girl turned a t the top of the path, as the two got up there the girl had disappeared.

“I bet she is in the bushes somewhere playing with the dog” Donna was really obsessed.

“Donna for fuck sake let’s go home” Jane wanted to have sex, she was so horny.

Jane and Donna went home and had a girly day of sex; they watched a lot of dogs fucking girls on the lap-top. Donna was pleading with Jane to help her get fucked by a dog. Jane said she did not know how to help. That night Jane was talking to Bill and asked him if they were going to keep it up with Gayle and Paul. Bill said yes, he loved seeing her being fucked by a dog; he also said it was good of Paul to let them have the dog once a month. He added that he would love to join them for dog swinging parties.

Jane jumped in Donna is always asking for us to join Ray (Sue’s dad) and her for a swinging night. Bill was so up for it wow yes, I would love to fuck your best friend in front of you. Jane suggested getting a dog for that weekend. Bill said no it was too risky.

“What if I tried to get Donna to like dogs first” Bill liked that idea.

“Do you think she would go for it?” Bill had changed from being cautious to excitement.

“Can you get a dog from Paul?”

“Yes but we cannot tell him know what we are going to do”

That was it a plane was being hatched and Jane told Donna; Donna nearly cum there and then thinking about it. The week end had come round and Danna told Ray she was having a girly shopping weekend with Jane and she would be stopping over. Ray suggested that Bill could come over to their house and watch the football and go out for a boys night. All that was left was for Bill to get the dog. He arranged to meet Paul and told him he would arrange for the dog to be dropped off at his house.

“I think it is time you joined our club” Paul talked to Bill and arranged for Jane and Bill to stop at their private house.

Bill arranged the week end and Jane told Donna it was on, they had a dog from a friend, but she had to tell Bill what it was for. Donna could not believe Jane had told Bill. That week end Donna turned up at Jane’s house. Bill greeted her and led her into the living room; there was a beautiful golden Labrador laid out on the sofa.

“Well Donna meet your new best friend” Bill had a big dirty grin on his face.

“What are you on about Bill?” Donna was embarrassed; she was bright red.

“Don’t worry, whatever happens stays in this room” Bill was very reassuring.

“OK” Donna was still nervous “You are going to see Ray?”

“Yes I will be going soon”

Donna sat on the sofa and started to make a fuss of the dog when Bill came close and whispered “did Jane tell you?”

“Tell ME WHAT!” Donna was now shaking with nerves.

“I told her, I would get the dog if you let me see the dog lick your love lips before I go” Donna could not believe Jane had done this to her; she opened her legs to let the dog sniff her crouch. Donna felt unconfutable and asked where Jane was; Bill answered saying she was upstairs getting ready.

“Will she be long?” Donna’s knickers were now wet from the dog’s saliva.

“No Pull your knickers away, so he can taste you” Donna did what she was told and the dog parted her love lips with his long tongue.
“Nice you’re going to enjoy tonight” Bill was now enjoying the show.
Just then Jane came in the room “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Bill started to laugh; I told her you could not have the dog unless she let me see her get licked by the dog.
“He told me you said I had to let him see or the deal was off”
“You dirty bastard Bill: Get the fuck out” Bill was laughing as he left the room and went out to meet Ray.
“Fucking hell Donna you are a dozy slut” “What were you thinking?” Jane was not too hard on Donna; she knew what Bill was like.
Donna explained that she had been thinking of nothing else, just being fucked by a dog. At work I had to keep going to the toilet and frigging myself. The thought of Bill not letting us have the dog was so disappointing, I would have done anything. Jane said you have made Bill’s night, let’s see if he can get Ray interested. Donna looked shocked “he is not going to tell Ray”
“No he is going to find out if Ray is into animal sex”
“Ray is not, he is for old fashioned missionary sex” Donna said this with disappointment.
Jane said she had fixed up a web page on the lap-top so they could watch a woman being fucked by her dog for the first time; the girl’s sat on the sofa with the dog in between them. The clip started with a young woman sitting on a bed and a guy talking to her; the guy was explaining that at any time she could stop and he would make sure she was ok. The girl was quite small but had a nice body and with long black hair. She was stroking the dog and getting friendly with him.
“She looks nervous” Donna started the conversation.
“It is her first time, are you not nervous?” Jane asked Donna.
“More nervous excitement” Donna was physically shaking. Jane suggested that they both stripped of to allow the dog to get their sent. Donna stud up and started to do a strip show for the dog; The dog was trying to get to Donna but Jane held on to him. Donna let her dress fall to the ground and thrust her cunt forward towards the dog’s nose. Jane could see Donna had a wet patch in her knickers as she swayed back and forwards. Donna released her bra and through it at the dog; the dog caught it in his mouth , then started to lick it. This turned Donna on even more she turned her back on Jane and the dog. Then she bent down and looked between her legs at Jane and the dog.
Jane allowed the dog to get a lick of Donna’s wet knickers. Donna put her hand under her body and pulled her knickers to one side, revealing her pink slimy love hole. Jane let the dog have enough room to lick Donna’s love hole. Donna pulled her knickers off to let the dog have a clear shot at her love hole. The dog was sticking his tongue deep inside her. Donna loved the hot tongue.
Donna lifted her head to see the girl on the lap-top; the girl was on all fours and the guy was helping the dog mount her. The dog did not take long to enter the girl to screams of shook, pleasure and nerves. The girl was getting a good pounding from the dog. Donna turned round and shouted to Jane “I want that” “let him fuck me” Jane said yes; Donna got down like a good bitch waiting for her proud dog.
The dog grabbed Donna by the waist. And Jane helped the dog on to Donna’s back. The dog went wild trying to get his dog cock inside Donna. Jane got to the front of Donna and held her head. Jane said she wanted to know every feeling, Donna was feeling.
Donna agreed.

Jane slapped Donna and told her she was a dirty bitch “what is he doing?”

Donna was gasping for breath; he is so strong and I can feel that wet cock on my cheeks. My god he has hit my ass hole; Donna manged to twist her back side so he did not go right in her ass hole; Donna did like the feeling of the hot wet doggy cock in the tip of her ass hole but she wanted to be fucked. “I want him to fuck me like a bitch”. Jane told her he would find his goal.

The dog was now near Donna’s lips. Jane told her to reach down and help the dog into her love hole. O he is so slimy it feels so nice in my hand. Jane loved seeing her friend being so raunchy, the evil whore. O GOD he is slipping inside me. That feels so nice and easy, my god he is so fast!. Jane was hanging on every word, she had one hand holding her bitch’s head and the other working on her cunt.

Is he right in? Jane was keen to here Donna. Yes he is filling me up he feels like he is swelling up stretching me inside. Jane this is so wonderful he is still growing and rubbing the inner muscles at the same time. Jane could feel the passion from Donna. Thank you so much Jane this is more than good. He is shooting his doggy cum it is so hot; Donna found the dog was so swollen he was pressing hard against her g-spot “fucking hell I am cumming” Donna screamed at Jane.

Jane told Donna she wss being a good bitch. Donna was now having waves of pleasure; her cunt was full and the dog seemed to be still swelling up inside her; she was grunting and moaning “this has to be the best fuck I have ever had”. Jane knew what Donna was feeling and she started to rub franticly on her clitros “Donna you are making me cum”. Donna managed to stutter out that she wanted to drink from Jane’s cunt while she was being taken by this animal.

Jane stud up bent her legs so Donna could get to her cunt; The feeling was so good grinding into Donna’s face and seeing the dog pounding her from behind. Donna was slurping away as the dog was streaching her inner muscles to breacking point. “o fuck! ow!” the dog had thrust forward and stretched Donna’s love lips. Her screams were muffled by Jane grinding harder and faster in her face.

“He has knotted you?, ha, ha” Jane knew that feeling and was nearly wetting her self as her body shock with pleasure.

“dont let him come out” Donna was stuck on the dog’s cock.

Jane carried on stroking the dog telling him to wreck the whore, she is your bitch to do what you want. This was making Donna more and more raunchy; she started telling the dog she wanted to be his dog bitch for ever. Donna could feel the puppy juice squeezing from her cunt. The dog was in control he was pumping her full of his puppies and she was just like a rag dole; she had one wave after another her head was now firmly on the floor and the dog had his paws on her shoulders pushing her down; Donna was a mess dripping wet with sweat and smelling like a bitch.

The dog pulled his knot out, Donna felt the relief as the cold air hit her wet doggy cum dripping cunt, her body went into the biggest orgasm ever. “Fucking hell Jane! I can not control any part of my body”.

Donna slumped to the floor and stared at the dog’s big red monster “my god has that just been inside me!”. Jane nodded and told Donna now was the time to taste the dog’s proud red purple dog cock. “my god ! I bet Bill would like to see me suck the dog’s cock” Donna was not sure about sucking the dog cock, she did not want to spoil the night, what if she did not like it. Jane said Bill and Ray will be getting drunk and they will not be thinking of them.

Jane told Donna to get on the sofa; Donna was full length her legs dangling over the arm of the sofa and her head on the cushion. Jane led the dog to the sofa.

“Say hello to your bitch” Jane let the dog lick Donna’s face

“O yes you are my master” Donna was so excited she started to French kiss the dog.

Jane stood and encourage them both “good dog” “make love to your dog master, Donna”

Donna was pushing her tongue as deep as she could and in turn the dog pushed his long tongue deep and licked her throat. This made her gag and splutter .

Jane grabbed her by the hair and slapped her “you are his bitch don’t you dare spit at him”. Donna apologised to the dog and carried on French kissing him to Jane’s delight. Jane pulled the dog off Donna and got him on to the sofa.

“WOW! What a wonderful sight” Donna cold not hold back

The dog was standing licking Donna’s love lips with his back end facing Donna’s face; the dog’s red purple veined monster was still given little squirts of doggy cum on to Donna’s tits.

“OK let me see you lick the dog cock” Jane was in charge

“I will” Donna opened her mouth and she licked the tip of the dog cock. She quickly closed her mouth to get the first taste of dog cock. “it is alright” Donna opened her mouth again; just then the dog squirted his puppies into her mouth.

“Yes you dirty bitch whore” Jane made sure Donna new how dirty she was being, Jane opened Donna’s love lips to allow the dog’s tongue to wriggle inside Donna.

Donna swallowed the dogs cum “I have never tasted anything like it” Donna found the taste not unpleasant so she opened her mouth again and this time to Jane’s delight started to swallow the red monster.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the sound of Donna sucking the dog cock was too much for Jane, she moved on to the seat opposite Donna and sat watching as she rammed her favourite dildo fiercely in and out of her cunt.

Donna was so into sucking the dog; she was taking it all in and down her throat, making sure Jane could see and hear her. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh love this mmm give me more mmmmmmmmmmmm Donna lapped and sucked, she was so raunchy.

Ooooooooofffffuuuccccccccccccckkkkk dog I love you. Donna ‘s tongue was licking the full length of the dog’s monster from tip to knot.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Donna was so fucking evil she loved the idea that she could make the dog cumm over and over again.

“He loves his BITCH” “I am his dog bitch” “I want to give him puppies” Donna was like a wild animal satisfying her master. Jane enjoyed the show and she started to jerk on the seat as she climaxed.

The dog jumped down to leave his bitch wriggling on the sofa; Donna was a mess dog cum seeping from her mouth and her cunt. She looked like someone had thrown a bucket of water over her .

Jane knelt down beside her and started to lick the dog’s cum from Donna’s chin and lips.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

After ten minutes Donna looked at Jane and said I bet Bill and Ray would have loved to see what has just happened. They will be in the pub not knowing what they have missed.

Sure enough Bill and Ray were having a good night. Ray was flirting with a girl but she was not shown much interest as he was well on his way to being drunk.

Ray chanced his arm “so are we on for tonight love”; the girl was not to impressed with Ray and decided to bring him down a peg or two“

your joking! go to bed with you!” she was right in Ray’s face; Bill was laughing at the way Ray was going on.

“Go on you know you want a man” Ray slurred

“I WOULD RATHER FUCK A DOG!!!!!” she screamed at Ray.

“fucking hell Ray second to a dog!” Bill thought he could find out if Ray was into animals.

“So you fuck dogs” Ray thought it was a good put down.

“you dirty bastard, NO!” the girl snapped

“She does, she fucks dogs. She’s a dirty whore” Bill shouted at the girl and Ray.

The girl ran off ranting and left the bar. Ray did not see what he had done wrong. He thought it was Bill that was out of line. The guys decided to go home and finish the night drinking and watching some of Ray’s porn collection. As they settled down and started to watch the porn (Ray had his lap-top connected to the 50 inch TV).

“That girl was a joke” Bill saw this as a way to talk about dog sex.

“Ye, I thought she was up for a threesome” Ray was hoping for a shag in the back lane.

“Would you have fucked the dog lover” Bill was now on a roll he would find out if Ray liked animal sex

“She does not fuck dogs, no one fucks dogs” Ray laughed at the thought of girls and dogs.

“So you fuck dogs!” Ray looked at Bill inquisitively “You thought that was a good put down”.

“Girls love to fuck dogs mate, I am telling you” Bill carried on saying some girls train their dogs for sex. Ray did not believe Bill, so to prove his point Bill typed in to google ‘woman fucking dog’ sure enough a title ‘Pretty woman and a dog fucking” Ray could not believe his eyes as the woman stroked the dog and started to rub his pouch.

“My GOD she is going to fuck the dog!” Ray was shocked.

“She is , I told you”

“Turn it off” Ray decided he did not want to watch.

The woman had sun glasses on, black top and jean short shorts. She ws very familiar with the dog and began to take her cloths of “o you want to lick my pussy” the dog sniffed her crouch. The woman dropped her shorts and knickers and the dog was licking her cunt.

“The dirty whore” Ray was not so shocked now but still did not look like he was enjoying it.

“Wow I think it looks fucking sexy” Bill was trying hard to get Ray to enjoy it knowing that his wife was being fucked by a dog at home.

“I suppose it is a bit sexy” Ray was now starting to watch closely.

The woman got herself in a good position on the edge of the bed; the dog was pushing her back as she grabbed the dogs cock to lead it to her cunt.

“Wow look at that dog go” the dog was in full flight pounding the girl hard for five minutes he pulled out and ran off round the bed. The girl stood up and bent her legs “ look at all the cum in my pussy” . the doggy cum dripped from her cunt onto the wooden floor she knelt down and started to lick it off the floor. She was saying how nice it was all the time she slurped at the doggy cum and drank it down.

“Fucking hell, I did not know woman did that” Ray was now talking excitedly.

“Ye could you imagine Jane and Donna doing that?” Bill was there, he was going to get his answer.

“Fucking hell if only” “Donna would never do that” Ray was quite sure

“O! I don’t know! I think Jane would” Bill knew Jane would and he knew Donna would.

“Wow I would pay to see Jane fuck a dog” Ray carried on, She is so fucking hot

Bill knew Ray fancied Jane , just as much as he fancied Donna. “We should arrange a swingers night with the girls” Ray liked Bills suggestion and asked how they could get the girls to agree. Bill told Ray he would work something out.

“ My God look at that bitch she is sucking the dog’s cock” Ray could not keep his eyes of the TV.

“So you would like to see Donna doing that” Bill looked Ray in the eyes.

“in fact just having a swingers night” “I bet you £10 you could not get the girls to agree”

When Bill went to bedroom, he rang Jane, he told her it could be on. Jane was excite at the prospect of a party with her best friend and three other cocks one being her evil pleasure a dog. Bill told Jane it would be a couple of weeks before he could get the dog from Paul and they would plan the adventure when he got home.

“O NNNOOO” “I Cannot wait that long” Jane wanted it to happen now.

Bill explained it will take a bit of working out, Ray does not know you two have been having sex with the dog. Jane said yes but he does know what Donna and I get up to on our girly days. Bill was feeling apprehensive (he did not want to let the chance slip away, due to miss handling the event)

“We have the dog here “ Jane expanded we could do it tomorrow , come on lets work it out. Bill thought for a few moments and agreed.

“Ok let’s think” Bill started to come up with ideas; he could hear Jane’s excitement on the other end of the phone. What about you and Donna being naked when we come back, we could come in and catch you together; The seen will be set for Ray and I to demand you let us join in.

“O FUCKING HELLL YESS!” “ I could make sure we are watching a swingers party on the lap-top.

Bill carried on ok I will get home for 12;00, so we can have all afternoon and most of the night. Bill told Jane to get the coffee table from the other room; Jane was puzzled and asked why as they had a coffee table already in the room; I want to fuck Donna over the table while you are being fucked by Ray on the other table.

“WOW you dirty bastard” Jane agreed to have the place set up for 12:00.

The next morning Bill told Ray not to ring Donna to say they were coming back. Ray said but we always tell them. Bill explained yes but we may be lucky and catch them having fun.

“So what is that going to prove” Ray still did not understand what Bill was planning.

“If we walk in on them having fun” “we will be able to use that to make them wife swap”

“WOW Bill do you think?”

“we will have to see” Bill knew what time to set off to get home for 12:00 and kept Ray talking about the girl’s they had seen on the lap-top fucking their dogs. Bill was very detailed in his recall.

“Did you see the way that dog pounded her”

“I know and she loved it” Ray was now excited unlike the night before when he wanted it turned off.

“God Ray your Donna would be so up for that”

“what about Jane, would she be up for it, do you think”

“I dream she would, I think it would be so erotic to watch”

Come on it is time to go; Bill knew he could get Ray to enjoy watching the girls having sex with a dog now.

As they got to the door Bill noticed the curtains were shut. It looks like the girls are not expecting us Ray. Bill put his key in the lock very slowly so as not to make a noise. Bill opened the door and put his fingers to his lips, telling Ray to stay quiet.

The two were like two naughty school kids. As they got closer to the door of the living room they could hear the sound of a girl being fucked.

“I think we have done it” Bill whispered to Ray “they are still having fun”

“Are you ready to looked shocked, Ray?” Ray nodded yes and shook with anticipation.

Jane had done her bit the girls were naked and watching dog porn; The two were sat on the sofa when Bill opened the door quick.

“What are you two doing?”; Jane allowed a few seconds so Ray and Bill could see the woman being fucked by a dog and switched the lap-top off.

“you didn’t ring to tell us you were coming home” Jane and Donna said it together.

“I told you we should have rang” Ray was nervous of what Donna was going to say

“You two have been watching porn” “Come on let’s see what you have been watching” Bill was in full swing he had everyone where he wanted them. Bill told Ray to turn on the lap-top. Donna and Jane jumped up and stopped him.
“You don’t want to watch porn, when you have two naked girls here for you” Jane had a glint in her eyes as she looked at Ray.

“you dirty bitch Jane” Bill looked at Donna as he shouted at Jane. He grabbed Jane by the hair and made her get down on her knees in front of Ray “Suck his cock WHORE!” . Donna was quick to help and unzipped Rays jeans and pull his cock out.

“go on whore suck my Ray’s cock” “Do as your husband has told you” Donna loved what was happening.

Donna turned her head to Bills crouch and unzipped his jeans to release the bulge. The two girls were sucking franticly; Donna thinks she had getting away with Ray seeing the dog porn they had been watching and Jane knowing Bills plan was coming to fruit.

Ray glanced at Bill with the biggest grin on his face. He lifted his eye brows and gave Bill a high five behind the girls head. Bill was feeling so smug his plan was working and he had Donna’s warm soft mouth on the end of his cock and a few inches away was his wife Jane engulfing Ray’s manhood.

It did not take long for the two guys to cum in the girls mouths. Bill was more adventurous and creamed Donna’s face. While Jane was drinking as much as she could of Ray’s spunk; it was oozing out of her mouth as Ray was face fucking her. Ray pulled out to leave Jane with her mouth open and full of spunk; It was running down her chin and dripping on to the floor. Bill grabbed her head and pushed it towards Jane; the two went in to raptures as they French kissed.

As the girls were feeding off each other , Bill told Ray to get the coffee tables and put them head to head. Bill got the tape that Jane had hid behind the cushion on the sofa. “OK Bill let’s get these girls tied to the legs of the coffee table. The girls did not know what was going on they were too into each other. Bill bent Donna over the table and Ray followed his lead with Jane. The two girls could reach other again and carried on French kissing.

The boys did not take long to have the girls strapped to the tables. “what are they going to do to us?” Donna asked Jane “I don’t know but I will enjoy it, like the good slut I am” Bill turned to Ray ok it is time for you to see me fuck your wife and see her face as my cock fills her cunt. Ray went bright red and pits of sweat covered his brow. His throat was dry and the feeling in the pit of his stomach felt like he was going to be shot. Bill could see the excitement surging through Ray’s body. All Ray could do was nod his approval.

Jane looked at Donna “you are in for a good pounding” Jane knew once Bill had cum for the first time he took a long time to cum again. She always looked forward to the second fuck with Bill

“You are going to get my husband inside of you” Donna was feeling so raunchy, she had a little piss.

Ray was first to penetrate Jane “He is inside me DONNA!” Jane looked at Donna and could see Bill behind her ready to pierce her best friend, in front of her.

Jane felt her cunt muscles grab tight to Ray’s cock as it squeezed through the cervix; it was not as big as the dog but it felt huge. Ray was pushing hard and going in slow motion. This meant she could feel the full length of his manhood working on her g-spot. Her eyes were rolling in her sockets as she was catching sight of her husband pounding her best friend; Donna’s body and head were vibrating in front of Jane.

Bill stopped and pulled out of Donna’s body. I think it is time for an ass fuck Ray.

“No I cannot take a cock up my ass” Donna squealed out loud “ she cannot take it Bill” Ray came to his wife’s rescue.

“Fuck that Ray” Bill carried on telling Ray that he was in charge of what happened to his wife not his wife. Ray liked the idea although a bit apprehensive to what Donna would think. Bill set off to the cupboard in the kitchen to get the oil. As he entered the kitchen the dog ran over to him and started to lick Donna’s love juices from his cock.

“Get off you randy dog time for you later” Bill got the oil from the cupboard and then had a thought; what if I let the dog in now, he is sure to lick the girls as we fucked. That will give him the chance to introduce the dog and let him fuck the girls in front of Ray.

Bill returned to the living room. As he entered the room the dog ran over to Jane’s face “o fuck the dogs getting out of the kitchen” Bill made out he was trying to get a hold of the dog but couldn’t.

“o fuck it he is doing no harm” Bill went to the back of Donna oiled his cock and her ass hole “your husband wants to see you buggered!” Bill looked at Ray, he replied with the nod of approval

“No, for fuck sack don’t fuck my ass hole” “Tell them Jane!” Donna was pleading

“shut up slut! Ray wants to see my husband pound your ass” Jane loved the idea, Donna was going to get her husband’s cock inside her ass. “Ray says yes or no” “not you”

The dog was French kissing Donna and then turned to Jane; the dog was getting excited licking the girls; this was nothing in comparison to how excited Ray was. He was not in slow motion any more Jane was getting the full energy that was building up inside Ray.

“look at the dirty whore’s Ray” Bill was helping Ray gather his animal desires.

“The fucking sluts love the dogs attention” Ray spurted out like a scared young man going to the gallows.

“you are going to get fucked by a dog in front of Ray” Jane whispered to Donna in between kissing the dog.

“O god thank you so much” “my dream is coming true” Donna whispered back at Jane.

“Come on you bastard fuck my ass” Donna shouted at Bill but looking straight into Rays eyes.

“GO on do it Bill wreck my wife’s ass hole. The whore” Ray had never been this forceful with his wife before

“tell him honey! I am a dirty fucking whore, I should be treat like a slut”

Donna had not taken her eyes off Ray and could see Jane bobbing around on the end of her husbands cock. Donna and Jane were close enough to kiss so they could enjoy the dogs long tongue together now.

“Fucking hell owowowowowwowoo” Bill had rammed his cock inside Donna and it slide right up to the hilt so easy with the aid of the oil

“Fuck her hard Bill! I want to hear her squeal more” Jane was evil and just wanted to see her best friend get her ass hole wrecked by her husband.

Jane was ready for anything; she was wanting the dog to play a bigger part in this lustful adventure.

“Ray what do you think?” “I want you to let the dog fuck my wife” Bill knew Jane was ready.

“No I cannot do that!” Ray was chickening out; he was frightened the girls would go wild with him and never forgive him,

“For fuck sake Ray! Bill has told you get that dog to fuck the whore!” Donna could not let Ray spoil the moment , she wanted to be fucked by the dog after Jane.

Ray got the dog and brought him round to the back of Jane; the dog sniffed and started to lick Jane’s cunt; Ray felt his cock twitch and a spurt of cum came out, his cock was doing its own thing. The dog turned to Ray and licked his cock clean of spunk and turned back to bury his long tongue inside Jane. Donna had noticed Ray’s pre cum, she thought she had not seen that for a long time (Ray being so excited, he could not control his feelings)

“Fucking hell Ray you like that!” Donna said in a seductive voice making sure Ray would allow the dog to fuck Bill’s wife.

“Yes boy , fuck the bitch!” Ray lifted the dog’s front legs up and put them round Jane’s waist. The dog was thrusting forward but not finding Jane’s love hole.

“You’re going to have to help him find my whore of a wife’s love hole” Bill was still pounding Donna’s ass hole but wanted to see his wife full of dog cock.

“What can I do! I am not going to get a hold of the dog cock!” Ray had a nervous look on his face.

“Get a hold of it and make sure it goes into her cunt” “if you want to see that dog use Jane as his bitch, you better help him” Donna was really firm with Ray. Ray agreed and grabbed the dog’s red veined monster and led it to Jane’s love hole to everyone’s relief. The dog soon took over pushing inside Jane’s love hole; Jane felt the red tip slide into her virginal “he is sliding into my cervix” Jane was telling Donna what she was felling and what Donna was missing.
“My god he is swelling up inside” Jane was grunting as she told everyone what she was going through.

“My god Bill your wife is a fucking dog whore” Ray loved watching Jane and hearing her describe the sensation.
“OOOOOOOOOOOO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK” the dog was pounding Jane her head was banging against Donna.

“He is enormous, o fuck yes, he will burst me!!” Jane screamed. The red veined monster was so thick it was pressing hard against her g-spot.
The dog was gripping Jane tight ; Jane could see Donna looking at the side of her; Jane turned her head to see Ray with his phone videoing her and the dog. “you dirty bastard” “stop him Bill” Bill looked at Jane and told her to get on with it, shouting you’re a dog bitch for ever, my animal whore, dog slut. This made Jane more lustful than ever. She looked Donna in the eyes and started to orgasm . Donna could not believe her eyes her best friend was being satisfied by the dog in front of her husband (Ray) , her best friends husband (Bill) and her.

“WOW Jane you are such a slut!!!” Donna wanted to change places.
Bill decided that he could get the dog from Jane before he knotted her. He pulled out of Donna and pulled the dog off Jane ; Jane was having wave after wave of pleasure and did not mind. Bill told Ray to get Donna’s cunt ready; Ray virtually ran round and parted Donna’s love lips. “YES YES YES” Donna wanted what Jane had just had. The dog was jumping and struggling to get to Donna he was going wild and Bill struggled to keep him in control.

The dog got loose and mounted Donna; he was in and pounding against Donna. “Look at the bitch” Ray was pointing to Donna as she had her fuck face on. Donna was now making a lot of moaning and grunting noise. She told Jane the dogs red monster was entering her cervix and it was so big.
“fucking hell he is so fucking big”

“I think he is going to split me” Donna was now being ravished by this animal and she had no control.

“is he filling you up with puppies?” Jane licked Donna’s mouth.

Donna opened her mouth and let Jane’s tongue inside. Bill moved round to Donna’s mouth and started to face fuck her hard , ramming his cock down her throat . He told Ray to do the same to Jane so he could watch. Ray did not need to be told twice he had waited a long time to have sex with Jane; he also had the added erotic sight of his wife being fucked by the dog.

Jane was now gagging on the end of Ray’s cock as she watched her husband and the dog fucking both Donna’s holes. She was in ecstasy, she could still feel the dog inside her (even though she could see the dog was fucking her friend). Her inner love hole muscles were still twitching and now Ray was forcing his cock deep into her mouth and throat.

Donna could see Jane’s saliva was drooling out of her mouth and Ray was being very forceful: Donna did not know Ray could be so fucking lustful. The dog was filling Donna up she could feel the hot doggy cum squelching around inside her cunt. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
KKKKKKKKK” Donna yelped as Bill pulled out and the dog knotted her.

Bill shot his spunk all over her face; the dog was so still but inside Donna pulsing and causing a massive orgasm ; This made Ray erupt, he shot all over his wife’s best friends face in front of her. Donna was watching as Ray showered her best friend and covered her face, hair and her mouth was full of her husband’s spunk.. The dog was trying to release himself from Donnas love hole; she yelled to Bill to stop him, it was hurting.

Bill just managed to grab the dog as he twisted off Donna; Bill stopped the dog pulling out but the dog was now facing away from Donna. His knot still inside Donna; Donna was yelping and screaming loud. Bill, Jane and Ray were shouting abuse at Donna calling her whore, bitch, slut, dog whore, dog bitch slut. It was ringing in Donn’s ears and making her more evil and lustful than ever. Donna could pick out Ray’s voice Dirty fucking slut, my wife is fucking a dog, she is my dog bitch. Good boy make puppies with my whore of a wife.

Donna started to climax “Look at your dog whore RAY!” Jane was taunting Ray
“She is my dog slut whore AND I FUCKING LOVE HER!!!!” Ray was rubbing his cock hard as the dog started to squeeze out of Donna’s cunt. The sound and the sight of the knot slurping out made Ray spunk again. It looked like a waterfall of dog cum pouring from Donna’s love hole; The floor was soaking. Bill told Ray to release Jane while he released Donna; As they did Bill told the girls to lap up the dogs cum from the floor.

Both Bill and Ray had their phones out taken shots of their dirty slut dog fucking whore bitches licking the dog cum up. The dog was going from Jane to Donna (licking their sloppy cunts and ass holes and helping them lick the doggy cum from the floor). The guys were loving their slutty wife’s and kept encouraging them to be more raunchy.

“ Lick Jane’s ass hole with the dog” Ray told Donna.

“fucking hell Ray look at them licking my wife’s ass clean” Bill was excited at the sight of his wife licking the dog cum from the floor and Donna the slut using her tongue with the dog to clean Jane’s ass hole; Donna’s pointy tongue was forcing its way into Jane’s dark brown ass hole.

Donna stood up and told Ray to hand over his phone, as he did she looked at Jane ”get Bill’s off him”. Jane did as she was told but did not understand what was going on. Donna got the guys to stand up and let Jane and her sit on the sofa “OK, let us see how brave our two boys are” Jane looked as surprised as the guys “what are you going to do Donna?” Donna had a lustful look on her face. We have the pictures so do we delete them or keep them?

“NO” “don’t you delete them” Bill and Ray shouted together.

“OK! How much do you want them?” Donna waved the phones in front of them.

“We will do anything you two want” Bill answered for him and Ray; he did not want to lose the great shots of the girls.

“OK we want to make sure you don’t show them to anyone else” Jane nodded agreement but did not know what Donna had in mind.

“We will not show anyone , we promise” Ray was almost on his knees.

Donna told them she wanted pictures of Ray and Bill, so if they did show their wives pictures to some people, they would show the boys pictures (Jane was nodding like mad, with a big grin on her face).

Bill was first to respond and said he did not mind; he stood in front of Jane and said take your photo. He was setting up like a model; touching his toes to show off his ass hole etc.

“NO you silly sod” “get on your knees with Ray” Donna carried on , Jane and I want to see you two kissing the dog’s COCK!.

The guys jumped up in protest, NO WAY they kept looking at each other and repeating NO WAY. Donna was so in charge “That’s OK, we will get rid of these erotic pictures” Donna and Jane were very good with their phones and sent the pictures to each other’s phone, so they had them safe and sound.

Donna lifted the phone up to show the guys “O there goes the first one!!!”

The guys looked shocked and said no more. We will give you your pictures Ray looked at Bill “ARE YOU SURE?” Bill said he wanted the pictures of his wife and dog at any cost. Jane and Donna were loving the control. Bill and Ray got down with the dog.

“You first Bill” Bill turned to Ray and said he thought it was best if they did it together. Ray agreed Bill held the dog’s cock and the guys kissed it together. The girls were jumping like two silly school kids “Yes more, more, more” they screamed as they took picture after picture.

“IN your mouth Now” Donna was nearly wetting herself with excitement.

Jane was taken it all in when her legs started to shake at the sight of Bill taken the dog’s cock in his mouth. She lay back on the sofa and frigged herself so fucking hard. Donna was telling Ray how much she loved him as he put the dog’s cock in his mouth.

Donna jumped on the sofa and started to grind her cunt into Jane’s face. The two girls had an orgasm together.

And that Sue is how your mam and dad got into beast sex.

God I love it Sue was so excited she blurted out “I think Claire and I should be allowed to punish you all”

That night Sue and Claire chatted how they could get their own back on all of them. The next morning they all sat down to breakfast; made by Paul and Gayle. There was quite a bit of horse play and lots of references to the adventure and the tales of the day before. Gayle was the first to bring it up joking “I wonder how the girls are planning to get their own back!” everyone laughed apart from Sue and Claire.

“Pleased you brought that up” Sue stood up and held Claire by the hand.

“We have been planning” Sue was red in the face and Claire was smiling so much it hurt.

“My god your serious” Gayle looked round the table to see only Sue and Claire smiling

Sue carried on we want to start our own private club with people our age. Jane said it is not as easy as you think. You have to be very careful people do not always like what we do.

“yes we understand that” Claire now joined the conversation.

Sue told everyone that they wanted a place to have for private meetings. Gayle looked at Paul and said could they use our sun house? Paul said they had not used it for a couple of years, it will need to be cleaned up.

Paul said the sun house was in the middle of their private wood and had a path to it but you cannot get a car to it. Sue and Claire thought that would be ideal and they would do it up.

“well that was not to bad” Gayle was very smug.

“O no not so quick” Claire took over. You lot are going to be our decoys. The room was silent. We want you to be used by us to snare our friends. We will set things up and expect you to have sex with the dog and we will be watching with our friend.

“This sounds risky to say the least” Bill looked worried.

“O and what you did to Sue and I was not!” Claire was getting stronger and confident.

Claire explained we will set the scene and walk with our friend and stumble across you having sex with the dog and we will hide and watch. When you go we will be able to get our friend to talk about it and convince her it is a good thing to do.

Donna said we owe the girls let’s do it, I will be the first to volunteer. They all agreed to help clean the sun house up next weekend. Sue and Claire had a couple of people in mind the first one was dirty Helen. Helen was a red head and so naughty when the girls go out she is the first to flash and rib the guys. She was caught one night fucking a guy under the table of a restaurant; she was chucked out with her knickers in one hand and the guy’s cock in the other she was laughing all the time,

A month had gone passed when the sun house was ready; it was as big as a bungalow, inside it had two small bedrooms and the rest of the area was open plan, Gayle and the team had found lots of sofas and furniture so the place was ready.

Sue and Claire told Helen they were going to have week end in the woods, just to chill out for the week end. Would she like to join them. She agreed but insisted they watched some porn and had plenty of alcohol to drink.

It was all set up for Friday night after work they would meet and go to the sun house. Donna and Ray were in place they were having a drink in the sun house. Donna was very excited and nervous; what if it all went wrong. How could they explain it. To late, Ray said he could see the headlights of the car through the trees.

“they are parking up” Ray turned to Donna

“Time for the show to go on then” Donna was shaking physically, her knees were vibrating; she could hardly walk. Ray helped her and took the dog’s lead. They could hear the girls laughing and giggling in the distance.

Ray and Donna got to the spot and Donna got down on her back, opened her legs to let the dog lick her love lips; It was a full moon so she knew the girls would be able to see them clearly.

Donna heard the rustling in the bushes. She whispered to Ray we are on let me suck your cock; Sue and Claire had made sure Helen could see the dog licking Donna. Sue pulled Helen down and covered her mouth with her hand.

“My god have you seen what they are doing?” Sue whispered into Helen’s ear.

Sue took her hand away and Helen said “my god she is playing with the dog”

“Yes and her man is joining in” Claire whispered.

Donna could see them through the bushes; This made her more raunchy than ever (she knew where to look). “O good boy drink my love juice” Ray was rock hard now his wife was being a bitch. “MORE, MORE” Donna was now playing to the audience.

“FUCKING HELL HIS TONGUE IS SO LONG” Donna had both legs up in the air and Ray was holding them. She was making sure the girls were getting the best view.

Claire started the chat by calling the woman a fucking bitch. Helen said she was shocked, the woman was an animal. Claire answered yes the whore is a dirty bitch. She is more of dog than the dog is,

“Should we stop them” Donna whispered; hoping the answer was going to be no. Helen looked “no I want to see if she lets the dog fuck her” Helen was bright red.

Donna was lying on her back with the dog standing over her now with his big beautiful red purple veined monster dangling down just above her mouth. The dog was licking Donna’s love hole with Ray parting Donna’s lips to let the dog go deep with his tongue.

“you dirt slut!” Claire whispered to Helen; Helen had her hand in her knickers.

She jumped and quickly pull her hand out; her fingers covered with her love juice was glistening in the moon light.

“you are worked up” Claire had Helen shaking.

“No I am not excited” Helen was trying to hide her feelings.

Claire was not having it “It is ok I am as wet as you” Claire whispered she loved watching the couple with the dog. Helen relaxed and said she did not know people fucked their dogs.

“I know it is so naughty” Sue joined in the conversation.

Helen was still looking at Donna now sucking the dog’s cock and moaning to make sure the girls could hear her pleasure. Ray was enjoying watching the dog’s tongue ladling Donna’s juice from her pink love hole. Donna and Ray were not only playing their roles, they were enjoying the sensation of being watched doing this taboo.

Sue got right next to Helens ear and whispered “that dirty dog whore is some slut” Helen nodded yes and replied “It is so fucking naughty and erotic”. “do you think that woman will fuck the dog”

“we will have to wait and see” Sue knew they had Helen as the first member but there was a lot more work to do.

The girls turned back to focus on the couple with the dog. Sue told Helen to take her knickers off and let Claire lick your love hole. Helen slipped her knickers off and opened her legs and let Claire get her head down between her legs; Helen could see over Claire’s head and still see the couple with the dog

Sue was playing with Helen’s tits and whispering in her ear. Look at that woman she is ready for the dog; Donna got on all fours, again side on so the girls could see everything. She is getting ready to be his bitch, you like that don’t you?

Helen started to respond, with a nod of the head; she was flowing her juices into Claire’s mouth. Sue carried on whispering into Helen’s ears, look at the dirt whore the dog cannot wait to mount her.

Ray held the dog’s legs and led it on to his wife’s back “Go on fuck the slut” he said loud enough for the girls to hear. Can you hear the husband calling his wife a slut, because that is what she is a dog slut.

Helen replied “the dirty fucking whore”

“Yes she is and you’re watching her like a dirty pervert” Sue was making sure Helen was feeling the lust.

“my god the dog is so fast” Helen looked at Sue.

“yes keep watching the dog and his bitch” Claire came up and joined Sue whispering in to Helens ears. Helen could feel the wet chin of Claire rubbing her ear. She knew it was her own juices; Helen turned her head and licked Claire’s chin.

Sue and Claire were right, Helen was a dirty whoring slut. Sue grabbed Helen’s head and made her face Donna and Ray. Donna was now screaming out with every quick thrust of the dog rubbing and stretching her cervix . listen to that dirty fucking dog slut.

The dog was now pounding Donna and ray was encouraging him
“Good BOY”

“Give her all your puppies”

“Harder fuck her harder”.

God that man loves his wife pleasuring that dog. Helen could only nod as she was having a orgasm: she was so gone she was squirting, this only heightened the orgasm.

Donna and Ray could hear the water sound coming from the bushes; Donna whispered they must be having a piss. Ray said yes probably pissing on each other. Donna screamed again as the dog knotted her.

Ray took his chance and faced fuck his wife hard and deep. Sue stud over Helen; Claire was licking Helen’s ear. Sue started to piss all over Helen and Claire; Claire pushed Helen’s face into Sue’s cunt .

“drink you dirty slut” Claire was a bit loud but Helen did not notice as she was forced to drink Sue’s piss. This went on for about ten minutes; The dog started to squeeze out of Donna’s love hole.

The girls watched as Ray and Donna got dressed and walked off with the dog; They had agreed to put the dog in the large kennel behind the sun house. (The girls knew this).

“come on it is time we went to the sun house” The girls give Ray and Donna plenty of time, before they set off.

“Wow this looks nice” Helen liked what she saw.

“Wait till you see inside” Claire still had Helen’s juices on her face, she had not wiped it off; it was not as wet as before but it still was shining in the moon light.

As the girls entered the room it was nice and warm; Claire stripped off and said that feels better. Sue said she was a fucking dirty slut and stripped off to show solidarity, she turned her attention to Helen

“Fucking strip SLAVE!”

Helen looked shocked but stripped off; Helen liked being naked anyway so this suited her down to the ground; Helen was so raunchy she just wanted more sex, any sex. Sue could see how excited Helen and Claire were

“Now that was better than watching porn Helen”

“Yes but I still want to watch porn” Helen was so evil it was too hard to hide it.

The girls set up the computer and to Helen’s delight, Sue pressed a button and down came a large white scream. Helen had a smile on her face from ear to ear. Claire turned to Helen and said I bet you have not watched porn on a screen that big, have you?; Claire was teasing Helen and winking at Sue.

“Turn it on for the dirty cow” Claire yelled at Sue

“OK KEEP YOR HAIR ON!” Sue turned on the computer.

The screen filled with a guy face fucking a woman with a dog on her back. Helen told the girls she liked the idea of being their slave. She was so wet between her legs her inner thighs were shining; Claire thought this was so sexy.

“Where has Sue gone” Helen noticed she was not in the room.

“She has probably gone to the toilet” Claire knew Sue had gone for the dog.

Sue opened the door to the kennel at the back of the sun house. She got the shock of her life, there were three dogs to choose from. Sue was so raunchy and evil she thought why chose, let them all in.
As she reached the living room door she flew it open “LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOUND!” the dogs ran to the girls jumping and licking them all over. The girls were grabbing the dogs kissing them letting the dogs long tongues go into their mouths.
Helen was trying to get a dog’s cock out of his pouch, rubbing quick and the other dog was licking inside her mouth. Sue and Claire decided to sit at either end of the sofa, facing each other with a dog between them.
Sue told Helen to suck the dog’s pouch and get the dog’s cock out. Helen looked at Sue ready to say something, Sue did not give her a chance to utter a word “Get on with it dog slave”
Helen liked the idea she was a slave and bent down and she drilled her tongue inside the hole of the dog’s pouch, Helen could hear the two girls yelling abuse at her.
“she is a dog bitch”
“Fucking dirty dog slut”
All Helen could feel was lust and a wonderful feeling of pure pleasure.
The dog was reacting to Helen’s attention, the dog’s cock started to push Helen’s tongue out of the pouch; as it started to show, it gave a spurt of puppy juice. Helen’s head drew back quickly and she spat the dog’s cum on to the floor.
“You dirty bitch” Sue screamed
“How dare you insult your dog masters” Claire grabbed Helen by the hair.
Helen was still coughing and spluttering when Sue shouted at Claire telling her to make the bitch drink the dog cum. Claire was rough; she rammed Helen’s head down on to the dog’s cock. It was fully out now. That proud red purple veined dog cock disappeared down Helen’s throat.
Claire was pulling Helen up by the hair and just as Helen gasped for breath, she pushed her hard down to fill her mouth full of dog cock again. Sue loved watching Helen being abused by her best friend.
The dog started to give Helen all his puppy juice; Claire pulled Helens hair to lift her head up. This allowed Sue to see the dog’s cum squirting into Helen’s mouth. Helen was now drinking it down like a good bitch, shown the dog the respect he deserves.
Helen started to moan as she slurped and gulped the dog’s cum. Sue was now bring some chains down from the ceiling and told Clair to help her chain Helen up.
“Yes use me anyway you want” Helen was looking forward to the sexual abuse.
It did not take long for the girls to have Helen in position; the dogs were jumping up and licking Helen; Sue lowered the chains holding Helen’s arms and pushed her back so her arms were up and Helen was looking at the ceiling; her legs were bent and wide open.
“What the fuck are you going to do?”
“Shut up and only speak when we say, slut!” Claire started to whip Helen all over.

Sue pushed the table under Helen and lowered her down so her weight was on the table. The chains had her arms and legs wide apart. The dogs were getting excited at seeing the bitch being prepared for them.

“look at them their going to ravish her” Claire’s knees were shaking in anticipation.

“Fucking hell girls look after me” For the first time Helen was shown she was scared the dogs may hurt her.

“Don’t worry bitch, they want to make puppies, not fight” Sue was so the master and knew what to say to calm Helen down.

The dogs were all over Helen licking her cunt and going up and licking her face; Helen could taste her love juices mixed with dog saliva on her tongue. She was moaning and shivering with pleasure.

“WOW THAT IS SO FUCKING GOOD” the dog had his big long tongue wriggling round inside Helen’s love hole; she could feel the cold snout rubbing her clitoris and the hot rasping tongue doing its job.

One dog had his front paws on her tits licking the erect nipple, the other one cocked his leg and started to piss all over Helens face.

“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafffffffuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkk” Helen spluttered out. Sue grabbed her head and held her nose to make sure her mouth was open and filling with dog piss. She had no choice but to drink to get a breath of air.

“FUCKING STOP HIMMMAAAAAAAAA” Helen gasped but Claire and Sue were not going to stop.

The dog stopped pissing and stood with his pouch dripping in front of Helen’s face; she could feel her inner love hole muscles grabbing that long tongue; Claire had Helen’s love lips pulled wide open so the dog was deep inside Helen.

“Suck the dogs pouch, let’s see him come out” Sue was slapping Helen as she yelled her orders.

Helen did as she was told and cupped the pouch in her mouth; she was used to the taste of dog piss now and started to suck and draw the hairy pouch inside her mouth. It did not take long for the dog’s tip to start rubbing against her tongue.

Helen now had the attention of all three dogs; one drinking from her love hole, one licking her sensitive rock hard nipples and the other one starting to fill her mouth.

“My god the whore is loving it” Claire shouted out.

“let’s see her get pounded” Sue was wetting herself with excitement.

“You mean get fucked the dirty dog whore” Claire shouted back at Sue.

Helen was thinking get on with it, I want to bread with these dogs. Claire lifted the dog up on to Helen; He was hard to handle as he was impatient. The dog started to thrust forward but was nowhere near getting in to Helen’s cunt.

Claire managed to get the dog’s paws either side of Helen; the dog grabbed tight to Helen’s waist. “OWAAAAAHHH” his grip was hurting Helen.
“Shut up slut” Claire did not want the dog to be put off.

Claire got on her knees so she could get a grip on the dog’s red cock; the dog was fucking Claire’s hand, she struggled to get it near Helen’s love hole. The dog gave a big thrust forward and entered the glorious hole ready to bread with his bitch. The dog was ramming his red purple monster inside Helen as far as he could get it.

Helen was now feeling the full extent of animal love. Claire moved up to Helen’s ear and whispered “it does not get any better than that”.
Helen turned her head to face Claire “my god it is so fucking good” Claire smiled showing Helen her wet hand covered in dog slime; Claire started to lick her fingers very slowly and moaning at the same time

Claire liked the taste of dog cock and it showed on her face; Helen thought she looked so raunchy and told her to let her have a lick. Claire rubbed her hand into Helens face “Smell that you dirty whore” Helen’s tongue lapped like a dog bitch. Mmmmmm

“you like the taste of dog cock” Claire rubbed harder; Sue was watching this and decided to join in and lick Claire’s hand as well as French kissing Helen. Claire loved watching the two girls and the dog licking her hand and Helen’s face.

The dog was now in full flow and pounding Helen shaking her body from head to foot. Sue joined the dog licking Helen’s tits, she squeezed them hard and pushed the nipple in the dog’s mouth, then bit hard on the other erect hard nipple making Helen squeal.

“Fucking dirty cow, bastard!” “stop it” Helen was yelping like a dog.

This did not stop Sue she started to bite Helen all over her tummy and breasts; the dog followed her round Helens body licking everywhere Sue bit. Helen was feeling the sharp pain and found it was heightening the sexual feeling and she was getting more lustful every bite.

The dog inside her had enlarged so much she thought she would burst; Helen could feel her love hole muscles grabbing the red monster tight as it filled her to bursting and squirting puppy juice inside her.


Claire screamed into Helen’s ear he is knotting you, you lucky fucking bitch. Helen knew what she meant it was so fucking hard to explain the feeling her body was going through, a mixture of pain and pleasure at once.


Helen was gone and into her orgasm For five minutes all she could say was fuck fuck fuck as she twitched, jerked under the pleasure Of the dogs and girls rubbing, licking and fucking her.

The dog slowly released his knot : Helen yelped like a bitch, her hole was a wash with the dog’s cum: it flowed from her love hole and felt like she was pissing herself

The dog left her tits and started to drink from Helen’s love hole. it did not take long for the dog to mount Helen and started to pound her again.. Helen could not stop the orgasm, she was quivering out of control.

Helen was at the mersey of the girls and the dogs. Claire told Sue it was time to sit back and watch the slave be the dogs bitch.Sue agreed and got her mobile out and started to video Helen.

Hellen could not do anthing but the dogs beckoning as she was chained. She was the packs bitch to be used as and when they desired. Helen had a dog fucking her cunt and another face fucking her (lucky for her the dog fucking her was not big ). Helen still found it hard to breath; she had practiced breathing through her nose with her boy friend.

Claire could see her strugling so she grabbed the dog’s back legs just in time as it was trying to squeze his knott into Helen’s mouth. Claire held the dog, letting only the red tip enter Helen, but when the dog inside her cunt pushed forward Helen found her head going forward and the dog was going down her throat

It felt so wrong but so right, Helen was in such a raunchy trance she loved the pleasure she was getting from these animals. The dog knotted Helen and she could feel the hot puppy juice filling her love hole; Helen gasped as the dog in her mouth decided to give her his puppies.

“thats it slut” “your the bitch for the pack” Claire liked watching the dogs ravish her freind.

Sue decided it was time the other dog fucked Helen’s mouth. She moved the dog to one side and put the dog’s red veined cock into Helens mouth.

What happend next made Sue and Claire ecstatic; Helen started to go wild on the dog’ls cock licking and sucking franticly. Helen was loving the dog’s cock, licking and sucking the knott, then running her tongue up the length to the tip and engulfing the entire red purple dog cock down her throat.mmmmmmmmm

Both Sue and Claire were climaxing watching the dog whore. Sue decided to let Helen free from the chains. It did not take long to see the bitch being part of the pack. Helen was on all fours scampering round the dogs.

The dogs were licking and jumping on her, she was trying to grab their cocks. One dog fell on to his back in front of Helen. “my god you want me to suck your cock” Helen was so fucking excited, the dog was telling her what to do.

Helen was quick to put her lips around the end of the red veined monster and swallow it down to the knot; the other dog mounted her and started to pound, it did not take long and Helen was knotted; the girls were loving the show.

Helen was bobbing up and down on the dog’s cock so fast the dog started to shoot his cum down her throat; she lifted her head up to let the girls see the cum shooting in to her mouth.

“What a fucking BITCH!” Sue loved her sex slave.

Helen carried on being pumped full of dog cum, in her cunt and her mouth until she could take no more. The knot slurped out and the dog in her mouth started to soften Helen fell to the floor looking like she had just come out of a swimming pool; she lay in a pool of sweat with the dogs licking her all over.

The girls helped Helen up on to the sofa; the dogs were still trying to get to her but the girls were stopping them. Helen thanked the girls and told them it had to be the best experience of her life.

“You were so fucking evil” Sue meant this as a complement

“Welcome to are new under thirties club” Claire smiled as she initiated Helen to the club.

Claire explained they were starting the club up and need more people. Helen said she could help “some of my friend are so fucking kinky and into taboo.

“Hang on it is not as easy as that we have to be extra careful” Sue was the being cautious. We have to be care full and work this out we do not want to get arrested.

Let us sleep on it and talk tomorrow and see what we can come up with.

The girls got up for breakfast the next morning; Helen was the last to get up and sat down to a good hearty meal the girls had made. Claire started the conversation and asked Helen how she had got involved with a swingers group. Helen explained when she just started work her boss groped her in the back of the shop.

“that must have been awkward” Sue was annoyed.

“you bet it was, I could not believe IT” Helen carried on telling them, when I got home I tried to tell my mother but she said it was probably an accident.

She told me not to be alone when my boss was around. When I went in the next day I could see my boss watching me but I did as my mother said and made sure someone was with me when I entered the back of the shop.

“you should have kicked him in the balls, the dirty bastard” Sue was very
anger by this time.

“I would have, if she had any” Helen laughed.

“you are having us on?” Claire said as she laughed loud.

“No she was nice but she decided I was going to be her girl” I was given all the best jobs and a pay rise so I did what she wanted and that is how I am so into sex and swinging.

“I became a sex slave to her and her husband” she carried on they made me join their friends for parties and made me entertain them. I had to do all sorts of sexual acts for them. Some were so risky in public places.

“So do you think they would be up for zoo?” “Helen”

I think some of the group would be, they do some kinky stuff. They tied me up in the woods once naked knowing people would pass by. I was so frightened and was fucked by three guys and a couple of girls had a grope.

“God that is so fucking hot” Claire was excited and said she would love that to happen to her, as long as someone with their dog passed by. Helen replied saying I think some of them were hopping for that to happen; It did not and it never entered my mind.

So what makes you think some of them may like beast sex? Helen told the girls that they often joked about being fucked by animals but only in joke. I think it was in their heads but would not chance it with the group.

“So if we could work it out we may have a chance” Sue said they had some people that were their slaves and we could make them fuck dogs in front of the crowd.

“Like those two dirty fuckers yesterday?” Helen was so up for more dog sex.

The only thing is there is a big age range and most were over thirty.

Claire told Helen to arrange for the group to meet and they would organise a secrete place; Claire explained it had to be in private so if it did not work no one could be exposed. Helen agreed. Sue and Claire said they needed to have a word with their friends to organise it.

That night Claire got Sue and her mother and father round to their house with Bill and Jane. The parents were more excited than the girls. Jane and Donna said they would only talk about it, if Donna and Claire sucked their dads cock while they worked out the detail.

Claire loved sucking her dads cock and got on her knees and undone his pants, to let his cock free. She swallowed to the sound of her mother telling her she was a good daughter.

Donna was wanking her dad hard and licking the tip, rolling her tongue round the hole licking the pre cum mmmmmmmmmmm

Donna and Jane held the girls by their hair and helped force their heads on to the cocks. All the time they were talking about getting Gayle and Paul involved with the swingers night. They have the place; Gayle had told Donna and Jane they wanted more beast lovers to join them.

The guys did not say much as they were enjoying their offspring caressing their cocks with their warm wet mouths. The two daughters brought their dads to a fabulous climax and Donna and Jane helped them drink all the spunk.

Claire said it was Bill and Jane’s turn to be the slaves; Donna did not like this but understood. Claire said she would like Paul and Gayle to join her mam and dad fuck the dogs in front of the crowd.

The weekend came round for the swingers party. Helen had arranged for the group of fifteen couples to come together. Gayle had arranged for a coach to pick them up and take them to the venue.

When the coach arrived the driver explained that the venue could not be disclosed to anyone. He said the black blinds would be down over the windows and told them if anyone lifted the blinds they would be put off the coach.

The group loved the cloak and dagger feel to the evening. As the coach set off the screen came down in the front of the coach and a porn film of a swingers party was being projected on the screen.

This meant no one could see the direction of the coach. The age of the people on the coach ranged from 18 to some over sixty. Helen had told the group it was a mystery tour with a swingers night ‘free for all’.

Helen had been told that the swingers porn film had dogs running round but no animal sex. The bus was full of over sexed woman and men, it did not take long for a woman to stand up and strip off in the aisle. She was going up and down the coach getting people to feel her body.

The woman noticed the film; there was a dog watching a couple fucking on the seat “fucking hell, it is a bestiality film”. This started the coach buzzing as everyone was talking.

“No it is not “ Helen stood up to calm the people down.

“that’s a shame!” The woman shouted out laughing.

“I would have liked to see her get pounded by that dog” the woman carried on.

Helen was thinking the night could be ruined before it began. She grabbed the woman bent her over and asked is there any guy willing to give her a good seeing too.

“get down on all fours dirty slut and get fucked like a dog” Helen was quick to keep dogs in people’s minds.

The coach cheered and the guy came from behind and told the woman to yelp like a dog; the woman started to squeal, bark and howling like a dog as the guy gave the coach a live show.

The people on the coach got used to seeing the dogs in the film and there were lots of different conversations about animals.

“My god It looks like they like their dogs!” one guy said to his partner.

“I have heard some love their dogs” the woman in the back seat told the guy.

Helen joined the chat “I have been told that dogs are better lovers than men” Helen laughed

“Really!” the blonde girl (looked younger than her 20 years)

“wow I have heard that” Another couple joined in; she had long ginger hair and her partner had jet black hair, she must have been 50 with the figure of a model, he was nothing special but seemed to have a trusting smile.

The coach was going very slow and Helen said they were coming to the venue. The coach pulled round the back of Gayle and Pauls house.

The coach door opened and Claire and Sue greeted the group and pointed to the door where Paul and Gayle were standing. Claire could feel the excitement in the atmosphere as everyone was inside with a drink. Some were half dressed and carrying their clothes.

“My god these people look so good” Gayle was looking at a girl in her twenties short black hair, black and gold bra with a gold G-string, long black boots up to her knees and make-up to match.

As she passed Paul her hand ran over his cock “Nice to feel some fresh meat” Looking Gayle full in the face pouting her lips.

“I was thinking the same, watch the dogs don’t spoil your outfit” Gayle said smirking.


The room was ready, nice seductive lighting and a bar with every kind of drink. It did not take long for people to start to mingle and they knew what they wanted.

As Gayle had told the girls, there were six dogs walking round the room, being greeted with strokes and pats; some were even kissing the dogs.

Sue, Claire and Helen were standing at the bar “it is time to get started” Claire walked over to her mam and dad opposite the bar.

Helen introduced Sue to the couple at the bar “these two have been fucking like dogs on the coach”

“What you had dogs on the coach” Sue was so excited.
“I wish!” The guy spurted out

“No they acted like they were dogs” “Stupid” Helen replied.

“I bet that woman with Claire would fuck a dog” Sue was being naughty.

“LADYS AND GENTLEMEN” Claire shouted to get everyone’s attention.

“this lady is Jane” “and she is here to start the party off”

“Jane has said she will do anything you want for the first 20 minutes”

A massive cheer went up and hooting, whistling and clapping.

“Make her suck all the guys cocks” A lady in her sixties shouted.

“I want to see her fucked in every hole” A guy yelled standing naked with the largest cock that Jane had ever seen.

Helen Looked at the girl at the bar and nodded “go on ask her”

The woman looked puzzled and then “MAKE HER FUCK A DOG” her partner shouted. The woman looked shocked

“What was that fuck a dog!” Claire shouted back

“Yes fuck a dog” the woman was jumping up and down like a school kid.

“No we cannot do that” Claire was playing the crowd.

“why not you said anything?” The woman in the black and gold shouted.

There was a mixture of yes’s and no’s ringing round the room. Gayle stepped forward “this is out of order” The girls were mortified, they wanted to see people fucking dogs.

“Look there is another room through that door if you don’t want to see Jane fuck a dog. To the girls surprise there were only two couples left the room to enjoy wife swopping.

“Fucking hell you are a dirty lot” Claire was so excited and told everyone to make room in the middle of the floor. This would allow everyone to stand round and get a great view.

Gayle and Paul Joined Jane and Bill: they stripped off and got ready for the dogs.

As Helen and Sue were drinking and praising each other at the bar Donna and Ray joined them “you’re the couple from the woods” Helen looked at them both.
“Yes meet my mam and dad” Sue was so smug

“You dirty whore, you set me up” Helen was taken back but still had a big smile on her face.

Helen said she wished her mam and dad were into incest and dog sex “You are a whore Sue”

“No I am a animal lover” Sue was quite proud.

The show was stating.

Jane said she would if Gayle would. The group were in full flight egging Gayle on; Gayle was playing the scared role and saying no. Paul stepped in and grabbed Gayle and forced her to the ground; The group shouted their approval.

“my god! we are going to see them get fucked by the dogs” Helen turned to the couple from the bus at the bar.

“Go on help them” Helen pushed the girl forward and her husband encouraged her.

The girl grabbed Gayle’s head and gyrated her cunt into Gayle’s face. Paul helped the dog on to Gayle’s back and Bill helped the other dog mount Jane.

The girl moved round to help Paul. Jane and Gayle were facing each other as they looked around the crowd were fucking sucking and trying to get the other dogs to lick and mount them.

Jane started to kiss Gayle as their heads were banging together with the dogs pounding them from behind. Jane was screaming as the dog rammed hard up her love socket.

Fuck fuck fuck yes yes yes was all she could say as the dog stretched her inner pink muscles to the limit; the dog had swollen to it’s enormous full size inside her.

Helen grabbed the girl from the bus with her husband; before she could say anything she was on her back with the dog standing over her; Helen had the red purple veined cock out and ready for the girl. The husband held the dog in position with the dogs back legs either side of the girl.

The girl had a grip on the dog’s legs, Helen knelt down and helped her lift her head to the meaty monster, it slid down her throat. The girl gaged as the dog tried to face fuck her. The dog came out of her mouth squirting his dog cum all over her face and her saliva was flowing from her mouth.

The girls tongue was like a snake licking and lapping at the dog’s cock; Helen held the dog’s legs so the girl could hold the dog’s cock and she was licking so franticly mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm up and down the length ahahahhahahahha as she put it in her mouth and moved it in and out.

“Fucking look at your wife the dog whore” Helen grabbed the husband and started to French kiss him.

“Look at the bitch” Helen fell to her knees and swallowed the husbands rock hard cock.

“MY wife is a BITCH!” The husband was ramming Helens mouth and standing proud telling everyone in the room what his wife was “The biggest slut here”
The girl love the attention and hearing her husband’s voice. She was slapping the dos red cock back and forward with her tongue; this was the naughtiest the husband had seen his wife and he loved it.

Helen noticed the dog starting to squirt his puppies, so she held the dog’s cock to allow the girl to drink the dog cum. Mmmmmm yes mmmmmmm more mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes yes mmmmmmm she was so liking the taste of the dog’s cum. She could not get enough.

Jane was now knotted by the dog and he was clinging on to her back, fill her with is hot doggy cum. She could feel it squelching inside her. The dog release his knot to the biggest slurping noise ever and two guys grabbed their wives and made them drink from Jane’s love socket.

“Look at the dirty bitches” “Fucking dog sluts” Drink” “Dirty fucking bitches” the group chanted over and over again.

Jane stayed in position with her ass up in the air, legs apart allowing the girls to lap from her love hole. She was glancing round watching people having all kinds of sex and they were watching her.

Gayle was still knotted and her face was grimacing with the pressure of the dog’s knot inside her. AHAHAHAHAHA mmmm “Fucking hell Jane this is so good” mmmmmmmmmmmmmm fuck. Paul was still holding on to the dog when Gayle yelped like a good bitch.

Paul pulled her round so she could drink from the red monster hanging in front of her. Gayle loved being in a group so she started to drink from the red tip and licked up the dog cum from the floor.

“look at the slut drinking from the dog” “she is licking it up from the floor the whore” “Dog bitch” the more the group shouted the more raunchy Gayle got. She lay on her back and started to rapidly engulf the dog’s thick red monster in and out to the calls of the crowed.

Donna and Ray grabbed their daughter Sue and shouted out loud “would anyone like to see us make our daughter fuck a dog”. Within seconds the three were surrendered by the group; they liked the idea that a mother and farther would make Sue fuck a dog in front of strangers.

“O yes mummy make me! in front of them!” Sue was so wet her legs were shaking.

It did not take long for Donna to play with the dog teasing his dog cock out of his pouch. Ray put his hard erect cock into Sue’s mouth to the gasps of the crowd; Ray stood proud and said she is my dirty girl. He was smiling all the time so pleased with himself; His wife feeding his dirty girl to the dog.
Claire and Helen came over to watch their friend being abused by her parents.

“My god what a family” Helen told Claire.

“Yes they are so naughty” Claire loved the evil feeling.

“look mum and daughter sharing dad’s cock” Donna and Sue was taking turns sucking Ray’s cock.

Claire and Helen left the crowd to enjoy the show and joined Paul, Gayle and Claire’s mum and dad. “Well I think you have done it girls” “We have a lot of new members”.

“Yes but we are wanting an under thirties club” Claire did not want just any club members.

“Ok we have been talking about it” Gayle carried on we will have three groups. Under thirties run by you (Claire), Sue and Helen. The over thirties will be run by Jane, Bill, Donna and Ray. Paul and I will run the all age group from 18 to 100.

Claire and Helen loved it and decided to go round taken photos and signing people up for the under thirties and telling them they were automatically members of the all age group.

Jane and Bill did the same for the over thirties; some of them were disappointed they were not with the under thirties until it was explained they could join the young ones in the all age group.

When Claire and Helen got to the group round Sue and her mam and dad. Sue was knotted with people stroking her like the good bitch she was.
People were asking Donna and Ray how they had got Sue into animal sex as they liked the family connection.

Just then the dog’s knot released Sue, who fell flat on the floor dripping wet in sweat. As she got up Claire told her she was to help run the under thirties and they had six couples.

Everyone had achieved their goals;

Gayle and Paul had new meat in the club.

Jane and Bill got their daughter involved in family sex with the bonus of animal sex.

Donna got Ray to let her have sex with a dog.

Claire and Sue got their best friend to fuck a dog.

Claire, Sue and Helen got their club going.

Helen was now keen on getting her mam and dad to fuck with her.