(c) 2018 by Robin4legs

Part 1

I’d been having sex with Ralph the Mutt, our big, floppy-eared sweet mixed breed off and on for about a year. My husband and I have always had an open relationship, but the parade of different lovers was becoming draining, so he’d suggested I try the dog for the variety and sense of taboo that I seem to need. I did, and it was wonderful, but sex with Ralph had been carefully controlled and always on my schedule. I’d trained him to only approach me when I was either nude or in my “doggie t-shirt.”

It all happened on a spring day. After breakfast, I decided to do some spring plantings, but because there was little wind and some nice sun, I decided to get a start on a tan without tan lines, so I was in the nude except for shoes and knee pads. We have a secluded yard surrounded by an 8 foot wall, so privacy is no issue. I let Ralph out to romp in the yard, chase squirrels and do whatever dogs do outdoors. I did not think through that my nudity would be an invitation to Ralph until I felt a cold nose between my legs as I was on my hands and knees working some bone meal into the dirt around the tomato plants. Then a big, rough tongue was licking my pussy. I giggled at the picture I must present, but I pushed him away. He came right back. He seemed very playful, but I could see the red tip of his penis peeking out of his sheathe. I was in a squatting position as I tried to push him away, but Ralph is a big boy and when he pushed back, I fell over onto my back, laughing. In an instant he was licking my cunt. I realized then that being nude was an invitation to him. His tongue felt so good that I just let him lick. I felt very naughty, being naked in the back yard with the dog licking my cunt.

Ralph was very good at licking. His big, rough tongue explored every fold all the way from my vaginal opening to my clitoris, which by now was swollen and sensitive. His tongue probed all my secret places. I was without shame, legs spread, with the grass prickling my backside. I looked up and watched his tongue licking me, and I suddenly became very aroused. I felt the wave of an orgasm building. I cradled his big head with my hands and moaned, “Oh God, Ralph, lick me! Lick me and make your bitch cum!”

I had a fleeting thought this was the first time I had ever thought of myself as his bitch when the wave broke over me. It was a wave of pure lust and pleasure, and it seemed to go on forever. Ralph’s licking redoubled as I squirted and he tasted my juices. The sensation was almost painful, it was so intense. I knew I was not far from another intense orgasm. I spread my labia for him so his tongue could find my exposed and oh so sensitive clitoris. I heard a voice saying, “Oh, yes! Lick me, make your bitch cum!” I realized it was me.

About that time I noticed several inches of red, moist doggie cock was protruding from his sheathe and I knew I wanted it in me, fucking me, using me, his bitch in heat. I turned over. I was glad for the knee pads as I positioned myself on my knees and elbows, bottom in the air. In a heartbeat he was on me. His forelegs wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt his cock probing and then he found my vagina and was inside me. He began pounding me, humping me hard and driving deeper and deeper into my vagina. “Oh! Oh! Fuck your bitch!” I heard myself saying. I howled like a dog as his cock probed deeper and deeper.

I felt an intense pressure at my vaginal opening, and I knew the knot was sliding in. The combination of my juices and his precum had made me slippery. With a sudden thrust the knot was in. He quit humping and began to squirt his hot cum into me. I reached between my legs with a hand and began to rub my clitoris. Ralph’s know was pressing on my G-spot and I exploded in a very intense orgasm that washed over me like a tsunami. But I hardly calmed down. I was right on the edge again. I kept rubbing myself as he continued to pump cum into my cunt. I came again and again, until finally I felt Ralph slip out. Cum and my juices sluiced down my thighs. I collapsed, breathing hard and lay on the grass for several minutes before I could even move. Ralph was licking himself, and I swear he was smiling. I scratched his ears and told him what a good boy he was.

It was then that I noticed my husband had been watching from the patio. He had dropped his shorts and was masturbating and as I watched he spurted long and hard. I was happy for him because he often has difficulty in maintaining an erection or in cumming. This observation that he could cum like this was to have profound effects on our relationship.


Part 2

Later that day, after I finished my gardening, I took a shower. I scrubbed myself clean, but I’d gotten a little more sun than anticipated, so I went to the family room with a bottle of lotion for hubby to spread on me. I was still naked. I sat on the footstool in front of hubby and he began to spread cool lotion on my back. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the cool sensation and the feel of his hands on my skin when I felt a cold nose trying to push between my legs. I tried to push him away, but he kept returning.

Hubby laughed . “You shouldn’t push him away. You’ve trained him that when you’re naked in front of him, you’re receptive.”

“But I already let him have me once today,” I said, trying to push him away. I noticed the pink tip of his penis protruding from the sheath and I felt my first hint of my own juices flowing. The smell seemed to arouse him further.

“You’ll just confuse him if you deny him,” hubby said.

With that, I knew he was right, so while hubby continued to put lotion on my body, I opened my legs to give Ralph access to my cunt. I felt his rough tongue probe my pussy, lapping at the now rapidly flowing juices. I gasped each time his large, rough tongue penetrated between my labia and licked all along my slit from vagina to clitoris. Meanwhile hubby was rubbing lotion on my breasts, his hands stroking and cupping them while he pinched my nipples with slippery fingers. I was amazed at how quickly I became aroused. I was soon moaning with pleasure and opened my legs scandalously wide to give the dog access to my increasingly aroused cunt. I leaned my head back onto hubby and let the pleasure of the dog at my cunt and he on my breasts wash over me. I knew I would be cumming soon, and the thought of that aroused me further. I would just let it happen, and the next one and the next one after that as well.

The first one came soon afterward. I whispered in hubby’s ear as I felt it building. “I am going to cum here from Ralph on my cunt and you on my tits.”

“Just go ahead and cum. It’s up to you to cum whenever and however you want.” He pinched my nipples hard and I cried out as I came hard. It seemed to go on forever, and Ralph, redoubling his efforts, found all my secret places and licked them until I came again even harder.

Ralph was now ready to mount. I wanted him in me. I wanted him owning me, his bitch and fucking me hard. I turned around on the footstool and bent over it, presenting my cunt for Ralph’s use. He mounted me. I felt him grasp my waist with his front paws, feeling some pain on my sunburned skin. And then he was in me, fucking me hard, thrusting deeper and deeper into my slut cunt, humping. I felt his hot breath on my back. I was his to use, his bitch. I felt the knot growing and pressing against my vaginal opening, stretching my cunt open with each thrust. And then it went in with a wet, sloppy sound. His hot semen was spurting into me, each squirt signaling that I was owned by this dog. His knot pressed onto my G-spot. I lay my head in my husband’s lap. “He’s making me cum!” I moaned.

“Go ahead and cum all you want,” he whispered back, stroking my back as the orgasm washed over me.

“Oh God, Oh, God!” I moaned as the thought of being fucked like that by the dog and cumming while my husband stroked my back and the dog’s semen squirted into me and the knot pressed against my G-spot had me very close. I slid a hand between my legs, finding my clitoris all wet and swollen and sensitive. I touched it and began rubbing it.

I was in a strange place, where all I could feel was the sensations in my sex organs, The dog pumping hot semen into my uterus, where his penis had penetrated, the knot on my G-spot and my own fingers on my clit had me in a fog. There was just me being used by the dog and the feeling of being owned by him, fucked by him as he wanted and me cumming and cumming. It was almost continuous orgasm.

“That’s it Robin, keep touching yourself and cumming. Cum as much as you want,” I heard his voice through the fog. That caused a massive orgasm that tore through my body. It seemed to go on and on. I felt my kegel muscles clamping hard on Ralph’s knot, And then I collapsed. Shortly after that Ralph’s knot deflated and he left me to lie at my feet. I felt the doggie cum trickling down the insides of my thighs and onto the tile floor.

My husband was stroking my head as I tried to compose myself and get back into the world. “Did my sweetie like that?” he cooed. “Did she like being just a dog bitch?” I had strange feelings. The thought of letting Ralph have me whenever he wanted to mount me was strangely attractive. But what about my husband? There is no way we could ever have sex that came anywhere close to equaling what I had just experienced. “Did her hot little cunt like the big doggie cock?”

“God yes,” I managed to gasp. I just wanted the dog. I loved my husband, but . . . And if there was no comparison, would he not soon know?

“That was soooooo hot,” he said. “I . . . I felt I was sharing the experience with you, but without the pressure to perform.” My head was on his lap, and I suddenly was overcome with love and affection. He had on a pair of shorts. I unzipped them and took out his penis, which was about half hard. I wanted to give him something so I opened my mouth and took his penis in. I began stroking the shaft while I licked and sucked the head of it. He moaned but he didn’t get any harder, no matter how much I sucked. After about 15 minutes he pushed me away and began stroking himself hard. I watched. He was getting red in the face and on his chest and appeared about to cum.
“Oh, Oh!” he moaned, “I need to cum so bad!” He was stroking hard, and then he cried he was cumming, even though he wasn’t anywhere near hard. I covered the head of his penis with my mouth just as he began to spurt and took every drop into my mouth. I don’t think I’d ever felt closer to him.

We both were spent, but eventually we began to talk. “You know I am pretty useless for fucking, don’t you?” he asked.

“I’ve noticed,” I said, hoping I didn’t hurt his feelings.

“I hardly ever cum any more when we fuck,” he said.

“I know,” I replied.

“But this is the first time in ages I’ve cum twice, let alone even once. Maybe we need to change.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, if you had sex with Ralph that would allow your needs to get met and would take the pressure off me to satisfy your needs. Then, I can watch or participate by taking care of myself.”

I took a deep breath. I was going to be totally honest. “It was almost magical the way Ralph used me and fucked me. I was an animal myself, just breeding and fucking. Something primal inside. Being owned and dominated by a dog, I don’t really understand it.”

He was silent for awhile, then cleared his throat. “Well, that may be the answer.”
“What would?”

“You let Ralph be your master. You be accessible to him anytime he wants you. Your cunt is his, not mine.” He paused. “That was the most intense orgasm I have ever seen you have. I could never do that with you.”

I felt my pussy tingle at the thought. I would be owned and mastered by Ralph the Mutt. He would take his bitch anytime he wanted her.

I knew it was the answer. I would not say no.

And so I wore my dogshirt all day, and later when Ralph mounted me for the third time, I knew it was the right thing. Robin the dog slut. That was me.