(c) 2009 by Myra Simmons

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend and lover, Nancy, called me and mentioned that she was dog sitting for a friend. I was in a very sensual frame of mind, quite normal when talking to her, and teased her that she might want to let them use her pussy. Her response was shock at the thought, but I could also hear the interest and excitement in her voice. I then relayed to her my own experiences with dog fucking when I was younger.

Last weekend, Nancy and some of her friends joined Tyrone and some of his friends in a weekend gang-banging of me. When it was over and the guys all went home, Nancy stayed with me and, as she was fucking my sore pussy with her big strap-on, she mentioned that she would be dog sitting again this weekend and wanted to have me join her and dog fuck with her. I came on her dildo when she asked, pulled her down to me and kissed her passionately.

“I’d love to be mounted and knotted while watching it happening to you at the same time! I can’t wait to eat your dog cum filled pussy!”

With that, she renewed her attack on my pussy and didn’t stop until we were both exhausted from our shared orgasms. All week , as my pussy recuperated from the marathon fucking I’d enjoyed, I couldn’t keep the thought of being mounted out of my mind, nor the memories that kept bubbling up from those wonderful nights so many years ago. Finally, Friday arrived and I was on my way. As I boarded the plane, I couldn’t help but savor the slippery feel of cum on my thighs that my favorite cabby, Jimmy, had just shot up into my pussy.

When I arrived at the airport, Nancy picked me up. She met me at the gate and we rushed into each other’s arms, happy to be together again, even if it was only a week. When we wrapped our arms around each other and joined in a deep, passionate kiss, the other travelers began to stare at us. We could sense the disapproval of those flowing around us but we didn’t care, we were just so hot for each other and couldn’t wait. Finally ending the kiss, we separated and moved towards the exit. She was parked in the bottom of the multi-level lot. She had deliberately parked in a secluded spot. Once we were in the car, we came together again like magnets and were soon lip-locked and moaning into each other’s mouths as our hands roamed freely, loosening and removing each other’s clothes. Soon, we both had our blouses open and Nancy’s bra was off and we both had our breasts fully exposed. As we pressed our bodies together, our naked breasts molded to each other while our hands were lifting each other’s skirts. Soon, our naked pussies were exposed and we each had fingers buried in the other.

I was already fully aroused before I met Nancy; from both the prospect of what the weekend held in store for me as well as from the wonderful fucking I’d gotten from Jimmy. As our lips touched for the first time, I could feel a flood of heat radiating through my body, starting at my lips, pressed to hers, merging with the burning passion in my cum filled groin and spreading over my back, my head, my arms and legs. My skin was tingling and goose bumps were rising. I could feel my breathing becoming heavier and my heartbeat quickening. In my head a vision suddenly appeared, as if I was staring at it in reality. I saw the two of us on our knees, face to face, Brian between us as we were both sucking on his cock as we were being fucked from behind by the two dogs. I felt a shudder of total pleasure rush through my body and suddenly realized that I’d just had an orgasm in my girl lover’s arms.

In the car, the emotions grew and continued as I felt her touch, her desperate need to expose my sexual flesh to her. I lusted for her body as well, yearning desperately to see and feel her naked breasts and hard nipples, to smell and taste her wet pussy. When her blouse opened and I was able to pull her bra off her arms, I couldn’t help but rush to her, pressing my rigid nipples against hers, squashing my breasts to hers, swiftly sliding my hand into her pussy. My body was almost totally out of my control, being a willing, pliable toy for her, even as hers was the same for me. My total focus was on pleasuring her and giving myself over to her to be pleasured. My submissive nature was becoming exposed even as my dominant nature was at the same time. I was in charge of her pleasure and she was in charge of mine.

By the time we separated, we’d already brought each other to uncountable orgasms through our kissing, fondling and fingering. If anyone had looked into the car, they would have been shocked to see two middle age women, both fit, trim and attractive, tonguing each other, blouses open, breasts exposed, skirts pushed up and each fiercely fingering the other’s pussy.

We drove back to Nancy’s place that way, semi-naked and aroused. I loved sitting there, skirt up to my waist, my cum-filled pussy exposed, breasts swaying freely and fully visible. Nancy pulled into the underground parking lot at the complex where she lived. We walked from the parking lot to her apartment without covering up our exposed breasts, holding hands the whole time. I knew that the guard got a good view from the surveillance camera in the elevator as we tongue kissed there and fondled each other.

Once we got into her place, our bodies slammed together again. As we kissed and hugged, we ripped at each other’s clothes, pulling them off and completing our exposure. Right there in her entryway, we fell to the floor, locked together, and slid into our favorite sixty-nine position, with Nancy on top of me, her face buried between my spread legs and raised knees as I wrapped my arms around her hips and pulled her sopping pussy to my hungry lips. As soon as I felt the heat of her passion coming close to me, seeing her swollen, red lips, a shiver of pleasure ran through me. It became totally overpowering as my mouth touched her pussy and the familiar but heavenly taste of her sex reached me. My addiction to her taste and smell was being fed! Even as I pushed my tongue up into her opening, running one thumb over her clit and slipping the other into her anal opening, I could feel my need for her being fulfilled, my body relaxing and surrendering to her as I felt hers surrendering to mine. As her orgasm ripped through her, it shot through me and triggered mine, which triggered hers again. We became a unified orgasmic wave symbiosis, each needing and feeding on the other!

Finally, both of us orally satiated, I felt Nancy lift her hips, pulling her pussy away from my lips and making my thumb slip out of her ass. I felt her swing around and then moaned at the touch of her naked toes on my leg. In anticipation, I lifted my ass from the floor, excitement rising in me again as I felt her leg going under me. Then, her pussy touched mine and we kissed again, this time pussy to pussy! A shock went straight up my body from our junction to my head, making lights flash and whirl behind my closed eyes. Shocks struck me everywhere, as if I was being electrocuted, but they were total pleasure! Every nerve in my body was fully aroused, fully sensitive and fully responsive. Even the movement of air over my skin was giving me orgasmic pleasure! I didn’t realize, until later when Nancy told me, how much I was gasping and moaning as my hips began to rock and sway against hers.

Nancy began to press herself tightly to me as I tried to push myself into her. With each movement, she was touching my clit, making those fireworks in my head intensify. I felt my groin muscles tighten, I suddenly realized I was having trouble breathing because I was hiccupping and then, suddenly, air was available and a huge pressure in my groin was leaving me. I was ejaculating! Nancy had made me ejaculate by kissing my pussy with hers! I felt her arch, heard her gasp, then mew in a way that sounded like total pain and total pleasure. I know I was ejaculating but there wasn’t that much wetness under me. With a final surge and movement, Nancy let out a loud wail and her hips went wild against mine, flailing out of control. Her movement sent me into another massive orgasm, even as the realization that I wasn’t wet from ejaculating struck home. I had shot cum out of my pussy and directly into hers!

We fell apart, totally consumed and totally spent. After lying there gasping, Nancy slowly crawled up alongside me, laying partially over me. I felt the weight of her body pressing into mine, the heat from her swollen breast pressing to mine, her hard nipple jutting into the soft swell of mine. Then her lips were touching mine and I gave myself up to her again, even as I felt her giving herself up to me. Once again, we became one being as our souls joined!

“Myra, my pussy is so bloated! You ejaculated straight into me!”

“Yes, Nancy, I know! How were we aligned so perfectly! How does it feel?”

“Feel? God, Myra, I feel so stretched and bloated but I refuse to let any of it escape. It was like total heaven was being pumped into me! It was gentle heat, light, perfection, total serenity, total satisfaction, total completeness. It was like that which was missing was put into me and now I’m whole! God, I love you, Myra!”

With that, she pressed her lips to mine and we embraced in a long, deep, passionate kiss as she tried to share her emotions with me. She succeeded as our fusion grew stronger and I could sense her emotional state. When the kiss finally ended, we stared into each other’s eyes, sensual, fulfilled smiles on both of our faces. We were totally and completely in love and had bonded to each other in ways that most women couldn’t. We were a couple, as much as Tyrone and I. It was only a matter of time before we would be a perfect three-some.

We laid there like that, our bodies entangled, until it was almost time for her neighbor to come by with the two dogs she was sitting. Groaning lightly, we pulled ourselves apart and slowly got up. Nancy went and got us a couple of robes while I got her damp mop to clean up the foyer flooring. Even with so much of my ejaculate being captured inside her womb, the fluids that had run from both of our pussies had the floor quite wet. I used a strong, scented soap as well so the dogs wouldn’t react to the smell of our sex as soon as they arrived.

When Nancy’s neighbor’s arrived with the two dogs, she and I were both wearing one of her pastel satin robes. Mine was a pale green and hers a pale blue. They clung to us and made us both look sensual and sultry. When I had checked us both over in her mirror earlier, I could see the way the material reflected the light and clung to our curves. Both of or breasts looked big, firm and desirable, as did the accentuated curve of our hips. I couldn’t help but move behind her, put my arms around her, slide my hands up her body and cup her breasts as I pressed mine into her back. Nancy drew in a ragged breath and, after putting her hands firmly over mine, let out an even more ragged one.

“Myra, we do look hot together like this but we can’t play now. They’ll be here any second.”

Reluctantly, I let her pull my hands off her breasts. I smiled at her as I noticed her long, rigid nipples poking through the material. Moving from behind her, I realized mine were doing the same thing. Even as she answered the door, we were both displaying our mutual sexual arousal.

Fortunately, her neighbors were a bit late and in a hurry, so they didn’t stay around very long. I caught the woman looking at me, an expression of curiosity on her face. I caught her scanning me up and down as I stood there in the middle of the living room. When our eyes met, I saw curiosity and some lust in them. I felt a rush of heat spread out over my skin as the realization set in that she was responding sexually to me. Glancing at her husband, I could see he was concentrating on giving Nancy instructions on handling the dogs and was totally unaware of the drama playing out beside him. Even as I began to run my tongue over my lips, I saw her nipples beginning to protrude and a red blush rising on her throat. All too soon, her attention was pulled from me by her husband and they were out the door.

With the door shut and locked, Nancy and I quickly stripped off the robes. Our sexual arousal and the pheromone filled air immediately affected the dogs and they began to jump up at us, tails wagging rapidly, bodies tense with excitement. We stood there, totally naked and sexually ready to be subdued as the two pure-bred black Labrador Retrievers responded more and more to the sex-heavy air in the room. Soon, they became more demanding, shoving their noses demandingly between our legs.

I couldn’t wait any longer; I had to experience again that which I hadn’t in many years. Going over to one of Nancy’s dining room chairs, I sat down, my pussy hanging over the front edge and legs spread to either side. One of the dogs trotted over with me and immediately pressed his nose against my slit. I could see the tip of his pink cock already exposed. Extremely aroused, I leaned back in the chair and gave him free access to explore my sopping pussy. Soon, he started licking me with his rough, wide tongue. The touch of that brought back such wonderful memories! The roughness on my super-sensitive lips made me jump and yelp in surprise and pleasure. Those wonderful jolts of pleasure began to shoot out from my pussy, radiating all through my body. I could feel my temperature climbing, the hot flush flowing over me even as my breathing began to deepen and quicken. Soon, nothing but the constant rasping over my lips existed in my world. I was being successfully seduced by my four-legged lover!

His continued ministrations to my wanton pussy easily spread my lips. My inner sexual folds were eagerly made available to him! His tongue continued to slide up and down my wet slit, finding the bottom easily, stroking me from anal opening to clit. With each stroke, I could feel my body shudder in pleasure and sexual abandon, beginning to crave his invasion of my pussy, yearning to feel him conquer me, mount me and ravish me! Suddenly, he curled his tongue and started sliding it into my open hole, lapping up what was inside, drinking from me like I was his water bowl. As I lay there, shaking and quivering, my flesh tingling from my scalp to my toes, I could see him flicking the accumulated fluids out of me. When I saw globs of white in the mixture, I realized that he was not only getting my vaginal fluids, but some of Jimmy’s cum as well.

I couldn’t help myself, I exploded in orgasm! Every stroke brought another wave of extreme pleasure! I could hear my moans as if from a distance, my cries coming from a distant mountaintop. Lights exploded in my head as my body jumped with every electrical shock and impulse that his touch was generating. I came repeatedly, just from his steady licking.

Finally, my body became fluid and non-supportive. I felt myself sliding off the chair and onto the floor, landing face down with my head on the floor, my legs spread wide and my ass in the air. The experienced and aroused slut that I am, I had naturally landed in the perfect position to let him know I was submitting to him.

The dog got the message and quickly got behind me, licking my ass and pussy again. All I could do was continue to shake and moan as my body quivered in pleasure and expectation. I slid my arms under me so that my head was on my arms and my shoulders on the floor, keeping my ass high in the air with my legs spread wide. The pleasurable sensations suddenly stopped and I moaned in protest.

I gasped when I felt a heavy weight on my back and sharp nails on my skin. I realized that he had climbed up over me. A full grown male lab is heavy! He wrapped his paws around my torso and started humping at me. On his third thrust, he slid into my pussy, which made me gasp in total pleasure! He was hot, long and thick! “Oh,” God, I moaned to myself, it felt soooooo gooooooooddddddddd.

Total sexual overload exploded in me! Nothing in the world mattered except that I had a long, hot cock in my pussy! The fact that it was that of a dog made it even more exciting. I surrendered my sex to him and let him take me and ride me as his instincts directed him. All I could do was lie under him, accepting his dominance over me and keep cumming as he thrust into me repeatedly. Finally, after about five endless minutes of absolute and total pleasure, he jammed into me deeply and I felt the exquisite heat of his cum jetting into me.

As I expected, his cock swelled, filling my vaginal canal. I gasped in greater anticipation and pleasure as I felt his knot growing just inside my lips. I stayed pressed back against him, wanting what was about to happen. He got huge inside me and we were totally locked together! Oh, I was in heaven! I kept rippling my rigid groin and stomach muscles as his cock kept pumping his cum into my depths. I was gasping for air through my continuous hiccups. With each surge of his hot cum into me, I felt the waves of orgasm shooting through me and the pulse of my muscles as they do when I ejaculate!. But, with his knot blocking my opening, none of my fluid could escape my pussy. By the time he finished, I think he shot a gallon of doggie cum into me, bloating me, along with my own ejaculate! My belly was visibly bulging with the weight of his cum inside me. I was in heaven!

I heard a grunt next to me and turned just in time to see Nancy’s face as the dog mounting her knotted inside her. The look of total lust, wonder and surprise on her face was so precious to see! “Damn, if I’d known it felt this good, Id’ve been doing this for years!” she yelled to me. We knelt there, two bitches being taken by our furry, four-legged mates.

As we knelt there, side by side, mounted by large black Labrador Retrievers, their cocks swollen and locked within our pulsing wombs, being continually pumped full of dog cum, we both looked up at the sound of the front door opening. We watched, our bodies heaving in response to our lover’s actions, as a tall, slender man with a long face and chiseled features stepped through. As soon as the door was closed, Nancy stared up at him from under her lover’s swaying black-furred body.

Suddenly seeing us there, side by side on the floor, both dog-mounted, Brian’s eleven inch cock became easily visible as it grew to almost instant hardness

“Brian!” Nancy yelled at him, “Get your ass naked and over here and fuck us as soon as the dogs separate from us!”

Jumping at her tone, Brian quickly shed his clothes. I moaned and had another orgasm rip through me at the site of that massively long and thick cock, knowing that it was soon going to be fucking me. And I knew I was going to be first, as I could feel my mate’s knot beginning to subside. As he began to pull back, I relaxed my vaginal muscles to let him finally pull its remaining width out between my swollen lips. As his cock left me, I felt the tremendous relief of my collected and trapped ejaculate jet out of me. Looking quickly between my legs, I was shocked to see a solid stream shooting from my gaping pussy almost two feet before splashing onto the floor. My view was suddenly blocked by Brian’s body and the flow staunched by the sudden insertion of his massive cock into my just dog-used pussy.

He slammed his thick, full length deep into my dog-cum full pussy! I screamed in absolute pleasure as his forceful entrance created and instant and totally overwhelming orgasm in my body. I felt myself shudder from head to toe, every muscle in motion, every nerve ending in a state of total stimulation! I knew I was ejaculating even more, as I could feel the pressure in my pussy and feel the wet spray on my ass and legs. His full, heavy balls pressed into the flesh of my thighs, swinging up at the end of his first thrust into me and slapping against my swollen clit. Sparks shot through me and a blazing light consumed me!

Brian held on to my quivering, shaking body and began to pound his cock into me relentlessly. I’d experienced his staying power before but, with the level of his excitement, I was still amazed at how long and relentlessly he ravaged my pussy. All I could do was hang loosely in his large, powerful hands and let him use me as my orgasms rolled over and through me relentlessly, totally out of my physical and emotional control. Twenty minutes later, Brian stiffened, grunted and shot a huge load of his cum into the doggie cum already sloshing around inside me.

I collapsed on the floor as Brian slide his cock out of me and took his hands off of me. I lay there, naked, exposed, splayed on my stomach, barely conscious. I heard a screaming gasp alongside me and turned my head in time to see Brian sliding his cock, still glistening from his stay in my pussy, right into Nancy’s,

I just knelt there, exhausted, tingling, spasms still racing through me. My skin was burning hot, my pussy swollen, pulsing and wonderfully full of cum. I turned my face more towards Nancy and watched her reactions to the way Brian was tearing up her pussy. He fucked her, non-stop, for half an hour! Just hearing her, watching her face and seeing how her breasts were swaying, I felt myself being overwhelmed with another orgasm without being touched!

I lay there, recovering slowly, amazed at the scene before me. Over and over, Brian slid that massive cock out of Nancy’s swelling pussy, only to slam it back into her forcefully, making her scream and spasm on every stroke. Soon, she was hanging limp in his hands and on his raging dick, only able to moan continually. Whenever her head would loll towards me, her exhausted eyes locked on mine and I could see her raging passion in them and I knew that, as physically exhausted as she was, her sexual lust was still in full flame.

When Brian finally unloaded his cum into the depths of Nancy’s bright red pussy, she collapsed under him, just as I’d done. When he slid his cock, finally starting to lose its hardness, out of her abused pussy, she fell onto the floor, face down, her chest rising and falling as she continued to gasp, her limbs quivering as orgasms still pulsed through her body.

Filled with my own sexual lust, I crawled over to her, slid up against her and, working my hands under her side, I pushed her over onto her back. She dropped over onto her back, legs spread wide, groin already coated in cum that had leaked out of her. Seeing the fluids on her and oozing from her, my lust for cum went into overdrive! I climbed over her, slowly and deliberately and, when I was finally in position, I shoved my face between her legs and began feasting on her full pussy.

God she tasted good! The mixture of her fluids, Brian’s cum and the Labrador retriever’s cum in her, all mixed together was heavenly! I started sucking hard on her pussy, devouring the mixture I was sucking out of her. I felt her arms reach up and wrap around my waist and pull me down onto her mouth. Soon, she was moaning like me as she began sucking cum out of my pussy. Exhausted, but totally aroused, we stayed together like that for at least a half hour, sharing orgasm after orgasm.

Exhaustion finally winning out, I rolled off of Nancy’s prone body and collapsed beside her on my back. Now, we were both lying there, naked, exposed, our legs splayed open. I suddenly felt hot breath on my pussy and glanced down to see the dog that had mounted Nancy sniffing my pussy. I reached down with my hand and spread my pussy lips wide for him, inviting him to take me. He did, sliding his tongue deep into me. I swung my head toward Nancy in the throes of my pleasure and saw my dog lover’s head in her pussy, his cock again beginning to show. I came to the sudden realization that we were about to be subdued, mounted, knotted and made their bitches again!

And that is what happened. Almost at the same time, with Brian’s help, we rolled over onto our hands and knees and were mounted. I got to see the dog cock slide into Nancy’s pussy, since we were now face to ass with each other. She gasped as much as I did when my second dog lover’s cock entered my pussy. Five minutes later, we were both already ridden hard and having dog cum pumped into us and knotted to our lovers, unable to escape even if we wanted. I didn’t want to escape; I wanted to be filled to overflowing with doggie cum! Soon, I was! As I knelt there, knotted and being pumped full, I could see Brian stroking his cock, which was already hard again.

“Brian, oh God, put that monster into my mouth! Feed me your cock!” I begged.

He came over to me, knelt down in front of me. I could feel my lust for his cock swelling, almost as large as the dog-cock in my knotted pussy. I was panting in anticipation as he moved forward, finally touching his tip to my lips. I slid out my tongue under the fat head and opened my lips wide! Even in my total weariness as I was being dog-fucked for the second time, I gave my mouth to him. Seeing my carven need, he slid it down my throat. In total lust, I pressed my face into his lap, grinding my face there and moving his cock around in my throat. When I felt his hand on the back of my head, I relaxed my neck and mouth and let him have his way with me, giving him full permission to fuck my throat. I was in heaven with two cocks being repeatedly shoved into my body!

Brian fucked my mouth incessantly. I could feel the heat and power of his cock as it slid in and out of my throat and mouth. All I could do was relax and let him have his way with me, breathing whenever I had the chance. My body was heaving in sexual arousal, my lips clamped down on his steel-hard shaft, my cheeks imploded from my efforts to suck his pre-cum and cum from his monstrous cock. My body was in total sexual arousal with two huge cocks stuffed into me; an eleven inch, thick man-cock in my throat and a swollen dog-cock knotted in my grasping pussy. I couldn’t stop the physical and emotional surges that flowed through my body as I responded to being taken and used as a sex toy. I was fully and totally accepting everything they did to me, letting the results flood me with total and complete sexual pleasure. My body smashed aside any restraints I had and I was lost in orgasm after orgasm as my pussy was continuously filled with dog cum and my face was rapidly and continuously slammed into Brian’s hard groin.

Finally, the dog’s knot went down and I felt his cock yank out of my pussy. Brian then suddenly pulled his stiff cock out of my cock-craving mouth and a moan of total loss and protest escaped me. It was turned to one of joy when he moved behind me and slid his monster into my stretched, now extremely sloppy hole and began to fuck me mercilessly. “God, I thought, “I love it when I’m being used as a sex toy!”

I gave myself over to the sensations raging through my body. My skin tingled continuously, waves of sensations racing up and down my body. My pussy continually rippled around the massive cock invading me, clutching it tightly and trying to force it to give up its precious gift of sperm my womb so desperately craved.

Brian’s motion began to change, his thrusts into my sensitive pussy becoming slower and deeper. I could feel him pushing deeply into me, twisting his body to rotate his cock inside me. I began to pant and gasp, knowing what was about to happen. Nancy could also see he was close.

“Do it, Brian! Shoot your cum into my lover’s pussy!” She ordered her boy-toy.

I gasped in total pleasure as I felt him obey her command! My body heaved and shook as his sperm shot into me, deeper than any had ever been released. No one had ever had a cock so large inside me, not even my lover, Tyrone. Brian’s massive cock had me stretched and penetrated more than anyone I’d ever had inside me before.

As the spasms of pleasure ripped through me, I collapsed under his weight. His total mass was pressing his cock into my very depths, making me feel like I was a sleeve who’s only purpose was to encase his manhood. I was spent, drained, exhausted as the last of his sperm poured into my now full womb. I felt complete as I lay there, fucked by a dog and then a man, my body a repository for their potent seed. I’d fulfilled the purpose of my existence, giving them pleasure and being mated to them.

As Brian slid his cock out of my pussy, I turned my head towards Nancy and watched as the dog knotted to her pulled back, letting his cock drop out of her pussy. Her lips were so red and swollen, glistening with her fluids and the dog’s. I moaned with my desire to kiss her sore pussy and make it all better but I was too spent and too weighed down by cum in my own womb to move. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Brian, his cock already stiffening, still glistening with my fluids, move behind her and push fully into her depths. I stared into her eyes and saw her arousal, her amazement and her total lust as he began to pound in and out of her body. With each of his thrusts, she shoved her hips back, jamming her ass into his groin, moaning as he penetrated her to the greatest depths he could reach.

He pounded her non-stop for a good half-hour. Her only sounds were moans and demands that he keep fucking her hard. I could see the orgasms ripping continuously through her heaving body, the power and heat of them radiating out to me and making my own spent body respond. At one point, she reared up her head and screamed out loud and I joined her as my own orgasm peaked with hers! It was a stereo primal scream of total and complete pleasure, shared by two well fucked women! As the sensations passed within me, I looked over at Nancy and saw she was still convulsing in orgasms and then realized why when I saw how Brian was jammed against her and twisting his hips. The expression on his face made it obvious that he was unloading the remaining contents of his balls into her already sloppy pussy. When she collapsed under him, I knew the total satisfaction and pleasure she was experiencing. I couldn’t help but crawl over to her, hug her even as Brian was still lodged inside her and kiss her deeply and passionately.

Our sexual activity continued through Friday night and Saturday, with the dogs and Brian taking turns using our pussies and then us eating each other. At one point, the dogs went to sleep and Nancy crawled up on top of me, pressed her naked, fucked body to mine and fell asleep with her breasts and groin pressed to mine. Brian saw that, moved between our legs and slid his cock right up into Nancy’s pussy. As he fucked her, I could feel him through her belly were we were pressed together. I could also feel cum oozing out of her with each of his strokes, spreading over my pussy and ass. I kept flexing my ass cheeks, gathering it up and into my pussy and anal opening.

By Sunday afternoon, the dogs were totally spent and left peacefully with their owner. Brian fucked both of us one last time and then he drove me to the airport. I caught my flight, my pussy tingling and burning from all the human and dog fucking. When Jimmy, my favorite cabbie, picked me up and drove me home, I sucked him off at the airport and then again at my place, telling him my pussy was worn out. Since he loves the way I suck his cock, he didn’t seem to mind.

I went in my place, stripped naked and fell into bed. The following morning, I could still feel cum sliding down my legs and couldn’t help scooping it up and eating it. Dog cum, I found, has a great taste.

Nancy and I have talked since that recent day and have reviewed the weekend and all its amazing pleasures. We’ve agreed that it was something we want to share again and so, we are already planning on getting dog fucked again, maybe by even more dogs.