(c) 2009 by wnt2fkrtnow

Part 1

Ashley gazed into the mirror as she ran her brush gently through her soft red hair that cascaded down to her shoulders. She took a moment to study her face, her soft button nose with just a few freckles and her pouty pink lips. Her eyes continued down over her naked body. She was diminutive in stature barely 100 pounds and her young, teenage breasts were tight and perfectly round, although barely a B cup. Her milky white skin encased a gorgeous body, thin tight stomach and a bit of an ass for someone so small. Let’s face it, she had good genes. Her eyes paused ever so slightly as she stared at her tiny slit between her legs and the protruding labia that hung down in the gap between her thighs. At first she thought it wasn’t normal, that her lips hung down like this until she had witnessed other girls with similar anatomy in the lockerroom at school. She was shaved completely bald although she wasn’t sure why because she wasn’t sexually active and no one else had ever seen her nether region. She just knew that everyone at school seemed to do it and she actually liked the feel of running the back of her hand from her belly button down the soft expanse to her bare slit.

She was keenly aware that the boys at school ogled her and could only imagine what happened behind closed doors when these nasty boys thoughts raced about what it would be like to take advantage of a preacher’s daughter and her tight little body writhing in ecstacy beneath them. She knew deep down that more than a few of these boys jerked off thinking about fucking her and strangely it seemed to turn her on. She often wore tight t shirts to school that showed off her perfect little breasts and secretly enjoyed the long stares that boys gave her in class and more than once she saw their jeans getting tight as their penises became hard. Yet, she was sexually inexperienced because her parents had taught her from a very young age that a proper girl waits until marriage to have sex and that anything less was unacceptable. But as she stared at her tight little body, she knew that the urges to experiment were often mindnumbing. She had kissed a few of the boys in her youth group and had even accidentally discovered masturbation several months ago when she flopped down on a pillow on her bed to read and discovered that it felt good between her legs. When she decided it wouldn’t hurt to feel that sensation a little more she softly ground the pillow with her hips until she felt a wild urge to pee and thought she had pissed all over herself when she couldn’t stop. She soon discovered that she was a gusher and learned rather quickly to bring herself to orgasm with her fingers or by laying on her back and firmly humping a pillow between her legs.

On this night she found herself staying at the associate pastor’s house while her parents were at a minister’s retreat and she was settling in for the night having showered and brushed her teeth. She sat down the brush and slipped on a pair of soft cotton booty shorts and a skimpy pair of cheer shorts that barely covered her ass. She then slipped on a way too small t shirt that stopped just an inch or two from her belly button. The soft fabric felt good against her soft pink nipples and her body was still warm from the hot shower. Her parents would never approve of her outfit, but they were 100 miles away and she just liked to be comfortable. She picked up her stuff and exited the bathroom and started down the hall. The associate Pastor, Stuart, was fairly young in his early 30’s and was very good looking. Ashley had always had a little crush on him since her dad hired him but she knew that he was married and it wouldn’t be appropriate even to flirt. His wife always seemed very demure and looked like one of those good little girls, kind of like Ashley was herself. Ashley was startled when Stuart stepped into the hallway and he slightly jumped too. Ashley wasn’t sure but she thought his eyes lingered on her tight little tshirt for a moment before he offered to show her to her room. As she followed Stuart, Ashley could feel her nipples starting to harden under her shirt with just the slightest thought that this older man had checked her out. When they got to the room at the end of the hallway, he opened the door for her and smiled and Ashley brushed by, a bit embarrased that her long nipples were so obviously poking through her shirt. She walked over and plopped down on the bed and when she turned to face Stuart his head jerked up quickly. OMG he had been staring at her tight little bubble ass! While it kind of turned her on, she thought it was funny as Stuart started to babble and try to make a little small talk, which she was certain was just buying him time for his eyes to dart about the room trying to take in as much of this girl he’d never seen so provacatively dressed before. Finally he just smiled big, sighed and told her goodnight shutting the door behind him.

Ashley laid back on the bed her feet on the cold wood floor and let her hand brush down her soft belly down between her legs. When she was laid back in this position, the fabric of her shorts strained to do their job and she could feel her slit through her booty shorts. She was a little surprised to feel a tiny wet spot on her panties and took a moment to slip a finger underneath them, feeling how wet she had become under Stuarts stare. Her finger slid right in up to the knuckle and she smiled. She didn’t feel right masturbating in someone else’s house and decided she would have to withhold her primal urges for another time. She got up and headed over to the light switch on the wall by the door and just as she got there and flipped the switch she heard a door shut and murmuring coming from down the hall. She knew it would be rude to listen but she strained her ears to hear what Stuart and his wife might be talking about. After a few moments, the murmuring stopped and just as Ashley was about to head back to the bed she heard the springs of a bed begin to squeak and soon soft, muffled moans were drifting down the hallway. She was taken aback. She quietly opened her door and stuck her head out to hear better. She couldn’t believe it! Stuart and his wife were fucking not more than 30 feet away. She had never heard anyone have sex and couldn’t even imagine her parents doing it, but this couple were and she felt lured by the siren song of soft moans and creaking springs. She softly walked down the hallway and stopped outside their door and began to listen intently as she literally heard Stuarts dick sliding in and out of his wifes sloppy pussy. She was surprised when all of a sudden she felt a tiny drop of liquid run down her thigh. OMG she realized she was sopping wet. She reached down and pulled her shorts aside and could see in the dimly lit hallway that the small wet spot and increased and she could almost see through her panties.

She was so turned on! Did she dare risk opening the door and taking a peak. If she was caught, she would feel her parents wrath for sure and would be shamed at church. But it was too much hearing this couple in so much obvious bliss behind that door. Before she knew it she felt herself reaching for the knob and slowly turning it…the door popped open. She froze for a second and when the sex noises from inside never ceased she slowly poked her head inside. All she could make out in the moonlit room was Stuart on his back, his hands clinching the headboard behind him while his surprisingly sexy wife rode his cock. That’s when she noticed that her hair was done up in pigtails and she had a way too small shirt on that was pulled up over her pointy, bouncing tits. Was Stuart living some sort of fantasy about fucking her, Ashley wondered? She was so entranced by watching the couple fuck that she didn’t even notice the large golden retriever, who had been curled up at the side of their bed, had smelled her and ambled over to check her out. She felt his cold nose touch the soft flesh of her leg and she just about screamed. She didn’t even know they had a dog, it must have been sleeping in their room all evening. And now here was this large dog poking his nose at her almost ready to give her away. Ashley quickly came to her senses and raced back down hall and into her room, flopping down on the bed. She tried to hold her breath but soon realized that the noise down the hall hadn’t stopped and she was sure she hadn’t been discovered.

The adrenaline rush having surged through her, she closed her eyes and started to drift off when she could have sworn she heard the sound of the door opening. She sat up to the edge of the bed and strained her eyes, but she couldn’t see anything. The fucking noise down the hall had subsided and she wasn’t sure how long, if at all, she had fallen asleep. Just then she heard scratching noises on the wood floor and that familiar cold nose touch her knee! OMG she just about screamed again. That retriever was going to be the end of her! The dog seemed to be sniffing about her legs and she took her hand to reach out and pet his head. The dog feeling her hand seemed to use it as a guide and pushed closer into her and began sniffing her crotch. “Hey!” Ashley almost blurted. “Knock it off!” She pushed the dog away, but he came right back and this time she felt his long, warm tongue lick up against the inside of her thigh and across the bottom of her shorts. She felt a sudden surge through her body that surprised her! Before she could respond the retriever lashed her crotch with two more licks and she could feel her pussy tingle from the tight fabric straining to keep her covered. She tried to hold the dog’s head away from her crotch and he continued to try to lick her wet area that obviously was emitting sex. At that moment as the dogs tongue ran back across her shorts, she felt a tiny squirt. She immediately felt ashamed that she was being sexually aroused by an animal which she knew was a huge sin! She promptly swatted him on the nose and he backed away with a small yelp. Ashley quickly snapped her knees shut and jumped off the bed and headed for the door way. The retriever followed her sniffing at her ass and continuing his attempts at trying to taste her pussy. Gathering courage, Ashley reached down to the dog’s collar and pulled him into the hallway. She quickly swung the door closed and shaking her head, not quite sure at what that was all about, headed back across the room to get some sleep. Her mind racing, she didn’t hear the scurrying of paws on the hardwood floor behind her.

Ashley was startled when she felt a furry body hit her right behind the knees and she fell forward onto the floor, reaching her hands out to catch her fall. She landed on all fours and before she could scramble to her feet, she felt the weight of the huge dog fall onto her back and his thick paws grasp her around her chest pressing her tiny round orbs together so tightly it almost hurt. “What the hell!” she thought. “This can’t be happening!” She tried to get up, but the dog weighed at least as much as she did and he had her pinned down. That is when she felt something warm and sticky hit the back of her leg. Her head spun to the side and she could see from the light pouring in from the window and the hallway that the dog’s slim red cock had unsheathed under his furry belly and was slapping up against her leg and ass as he desperately tried to push his haunches up next to her bubble ass and mount her. “No way!” Ashley whispered. She considered yelling for help but she didn’t even want to consider the consquences with her preacher father if she was discovered by Stuart this way. The dog continued to poke at her ass and just wouldn’t quit trying to mount her. His weight was beginning to wear on Ashley’s shaking arms and finally she let them collapse to the floor and she went face down into her arms, tears running down her ashamed face.

When she did this, her ass went straight into the air and her tiny cheer shorts obviously weren’t big enough to offer much protection from that bright red, six inch doggy cock that kept poking her legs from behind. As the dog thrusted, the arrow-shaped tip of his cock somehow slid under her shorts and slapped in between her ass cheeks but over her tight booty shorts. The retriever continued to thrust, rubbing his swollen member up and down inside her shorts, while Ashley sobbed into her forearms. Within seconds she felt a hot spray and her shorts becoming wet. With relief she figured the dog and climaxed and that would be it. She reached back to make sure that none of his sperm had gotten near her vagina and her hand brushed up against his throbbing cock. Wow it had gotten a lot thicker than when she first saw it and as curiosity got the best of her, she allowed her hand to slip down the entire length of the shaft that was still wedged under her shorts and she estimated it had to be at least 8 to 9 inches long now. What she didn’t know was that the retriever was simply spraying his pre-cum trying to find his mark, although frustratingly unsuccessul. “Ok you’ve had your fun,” she whispered and then slid her fingers under her panties, pulling them aside and exposing her labia, to make sure none of his cum had gotten anywhere near her virgin vagina. The dog seemed to be pulling back as she did this and his cock slipped out of her shorts. She fully expected the dog to hop off and trot away but was taken aback when the retriever thrust his hips into her again and his time got his engorged cock inside of her panties which she was foolishly holding open. A hot rush ran through her body when she felt the thick shaft slide between her labia, the slick cock coming out the top of her panties, rubbing up against her belly past her belly button. Was the dog coming back for more? The dog continued to thrust his cock in between her flaps of skin that hung down between her legs and Ashley felt ashamed that it actually felt good. It felt good alright, but there was no way she was going to hell for having sex with a dog! Her mind was fighting her body’s urge to let the dog rub up against her now swollen lips when all of a sudden the dogs grip tightened around her tits and she felt the tip of the dog’s cock slide inside her cunt about 2 inches. Both animal and girl froze when Ashley’s body tensed. She raised herself quickly back to the palms of her hands on all fours. She had to get out of this now! But when she did, the dog’s haunches thrust again and buried the tip further inside, nearly as far as she’d ever stuck her fingers before, if not farther. Again a warm sensation flushed her body and her milky white perfect skin seemed to tingle all over. Her mind raced. It was wrong, but she felt almost paralyzed, unable to move.

The dog thrust several more times and finally she felt all 9 inches inside her. The pain was enormous at first, but quickly subsided into a full and erotic feeling. The dog seemed to be taking it easy on the virgin and taking it slow. Deep down Ashley prayed the dog would just finish and be done with it and she could try to forget it ever happened. She tried to relax and figured if the dog was fast enough that she would be ok. She put her face back down to the floor and waited, hoping the dog would make quick work of her. The retriever sensed the girl’s tension subside and he began fucking her warm, creamy cunt in long slow strokes, each time nearly pulling his cock out of her and then thrusting it back in to the hilt. The hot sensation that Ashley felt inside her body was like nothing she had ever felt before, even when she fingered herself and soon she she felt herself start to pant heavily as the dog hammered her from behind. His cock seemed to swell even more inside her and it stretched her tight pussy to the max but it was a feeling she had only imagined when she had fantasized about sex while masturbating. She could feel the dog’s wet balls slapping up against her bare legs as he fucked her and soon her heavy breathing gave way to soft moans. Fuck it! This felt way to good to not at least make the best of. She soon found herself pushing her hips back into the dogs thrusts and was being driven wild every time she felt his tip hit her stomach deep within her insides. She tried her best to muffle her moans in her arms for fear of waking up Stuart and his wife but the dog was taking his sweet time and she didn’t seem to mind anymore!

She could feel her nubile body burning hot inside and she managed to take one hand and pull her t-shirt up over her breasts and felt a jolt of excitement every time the retrievers thrust pushed her tiny tits onto the cold wood floor. Her nipples were erect and aching and she tried pinching them while holding her body up on her right elbow. The dog continued to fuck her with earnest and now it seemed as though he was at least 12 inches long and so thick that she could feel every nuance of his throbbing cock. She bit her lower lip as she tried not to scream. Finally she could hold back no more and her entire body shuddered as though she had been struck by lighting. Wave after fiery wave flooded her body as she orgasmed as she never had before. Her gushing pussy juice sprayed against the floor and she could feel the splatter on her bare tits and stomach. Another rush of cum released down the insides of her thighs as the dog continued to fuck her wildly. Her orgasm lasted at least five minutes and finally her body collapsed to the floor and the dogs cock slid right out of her juicy cunt with a loud pop! She realized for the first time in half an hour that the dog wasn’t pinning her down and Ashley somehow managed to roll over onto her back. The retriever just stood there, tongue lawling panting heavily his huge cock twitching between his legs as if it had a mind of its own. Ashley still hadn’t wrapped her mind around what happened but her body felt rubbery and she was still breathing hard from the intense fucking she just received. The dog stepped towards her and this time she didn’t move away. She wanted to cum again. And this time she wanted to feel his cum inside her. The dog had amazing stamina and she wanted him to finish her off.

The dog straddled her on the floor and tried lowering his hips to rub his dick on her but this time, Ashley reached down and pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees and spread her legs. She reached up and gently pulled the retriever’s front legs towards her and the excitement was overwhelming. She felt her pussy give a tiny squirt again as the dog lowered his hips to her and this time his dick hit her labia and the head split them apart. He scooched forward and when he did, the cock slid easily back into her steaming pussy. Ashley immediately came again when she felt his cock enter her for the second time. She quickly worked her shorts and panties off and spread her legs wide receiving his cock, while the retriever began to fuck her again with a newfound enthusiasm. She put her soaked shorts into her mouth to keep from screaming out with pleasure, her eyes closed relishing the dogs cock. All of a sudden she felt something hit her crotch like a hammer. Her eyes shot wide open and when she looked down, she saw a baseball sized bulge in the dog’s cock and he was trying to ram it into her. Before she could think of a plan, the dog forced it inside her and a mindnumbing shock of pain shot through her body. Within moments she relaxed and it actually gave her a whole new sensation and she rattled off four more orgasms while the dog wiggled his body, locked into the small girl. Seconds later, she felt his cum rushing up his cock that filled her and the retriever let loose with his load that filled her insides with fiery pleasure. The sexy redhead could feel every burst of jism spraying inside her and it was too much to take. She exploded again. It was all too much for her tiny vagina and tons of the dog’s cum and her own spraying liquid seeped out of her cunt, puddling on the floor under her ass. Her hips shot upwards and her hands instinctively reached up and grabbed the dog by his head pulling it to her chest. The dog licked her rigid nipples while she continued to come for the next several minutes until her body released and she lay motionless on the floor. The dog collapsed down next to her, his knotted dick still inside her. The huge knot still filled her up and she continued to have tiny orgasms every time she replayed the fucking in her mind. Soon the knot began to subside and his limp dick slipped out onto her leg. She could barely move, but the retriever staggered to his feet and begin to lap up what must have been half a gallon of dog/girl cum puddled on the floor under Ashley’s round ass. She lifted up slightly and his tongue cleaned her protruding labia as he also licked up all the cum on the floor.

Ashley, exhausted, pulled herself up onto the bed and passed out. When she awoke, light was pouring through the window and the dog was curled at her feet on the bed. She thought she heard Stuart’s wife holler goodbye and she heard a car backing out of the garage. She wasn’t sure if she was dreaming and seemed to fall back to sleep. While she lay half asleep, she thought she heard someone at the doorway, but her vision seemed blurry. Was Stuart standing at the door? She knew that she was only wearing the t-shirt and nothing else, but she still felt paralyzed she had cum so hard that night and was just too groggy to know if she was dreaming or not. Again her mind wandered to the fucking and her hand instinctively went down between her legs. She ran her dainty finger between her slit and brushed her labia lips apart. She made small circles around her clit and as images of the dog fucking her to orgasm danced in her head, she slipped two fingers into her hot, wet cunt and began to slowly finger herself. She felt her breathing increase and soon she began to emit loud moans, Stuart be damned. At the doorway, an awestruck Stuart stood watching the perfect body rocking along in rythm with the fingers in her pussy and felt his cock become harder than it ever had. He couldn’t take it any longer. He had gone down to check on Ashley when his wife left for church, but now he quickly undid his belt and pulled his pants down to his hips and began jerking off his massive, engorged cock. He started to grunt as he tugged on his cock and this suddenly made Ashley become aware that she was indeed being watched. Her hand quickly left her creamy cunt and she sat bolt upright. Stuart dropped his throbbing cock and immediately reached down and pulled his pants up, searching for anything to say to apologize. But Ashley didn’t say a word. She had experienced cock last night and she wanted more. She simply got up and walked towards Stuart. As she walked, the naughty Preacher’s daugher pulled the t-shirt off over her head and dropped in on the floor. She took the stunned associate pastor by the wrist and led him to the bed. She layed back on the bed and looked up at him with extreme lust. He just sat there staring at her. But when he saw Ashley spread her legs in a gesture of welcome it was more temptation than he could stand. He pushed his pants back down to his knees and and leaned over her stroking his cock while he tasted her wonderful round breasts, pulling her nipples between his teeth. He then slipped to his knees on the floor and buried his face between her legs, tasting the most wonderful sweet pussy juice he’d ever tasted. His tongue raced up and down her slit and he sucked on those gorgeous protruding labia lips, while Ashley bucked her hips in the air, clenching the blankets underneath her and moaning wildly! He tongue fucked her while for the first time she could scream out uninhibited. She mashed his face into her pussy and let loose a stream of cum that just about choked and blinded him. Her orgasms had gone over 20 now and soon she was pushing 30 as her father’s assistant fucked her into oblivion, first on her back then on top of him. Stuart’s eyes never left those perky round tits as they jiggled as she took all of his 9 inch cock as if it were nothing. When she turned around and rode him reverse cowgirl, Ashley placed her palms on the bed between his feet and that cute bubble ass rose up and down as her lips stretched around his fat cock. Stuart had never been so aroused and within minutes was exploding! Blast after blast of hot cum shot inside the girl and she screamed with pleasure feeling his pulsating cock unload inside her. When she dismounted, Stuart’s cum oozed from her pussy and she turned back to him and for the first time tasted cock as she took his twitching cock in her mouth and sucked the last few drops of cum out. Stuart even felt a few more small shots release as she sucked him off. They lay next to each other naked on the bed and soon, Ashley rubbed his dick hard again and they continued to fuck and play. Ashley was experiencing all sorts of new pleasures and positions, but she knew her favorite for sure. It was definitely when Stuart rolled her over and fucked her on all fours…doggy style.


Part 2

Ashley, the beautiful red-headed Preacher’s daughter, lay groggily on the couch in her friend Lisa’s living room. She had been sleeping for awhile and figured she had awoken sometime around 4 in the morning. A couple of her friends had gotten together the evening before and one of them had brought some beer and as the evening progressed, they all got a little tipsy and the conversation more racy. Before they had all drifted off to sleep, the conversation had turned directly to sex stories and now Ashley’s pussy ached, wishing she had a cock to fill her up.

She looked around the living room and could see Lisa sleeping on the floor next to the coffee table. Her eyes wandered over her friends motionless body. While Ashley was diminutive and pale skinned, Lisa had flowing blonde hair and perfectly tanned skin. She was a little curvier, but they both had tight bodies that the boys at school loved to ogle. Ashley watched her friend breath deeply and those large breasts heaving under her t shirt. Ashley had perfect little round tits, but often found herself fantasizing about having Lisa’s full C cups.

Ashley let her hand run down under her blanket to her skirt and slipped her hand inside her damp panties and ran her finger along her thick extended labia which were still sticky from her arousal a few hours prior as the group had talked about sex. She looked around the rest of the room. Connor, a strikingly gorgeous boy from her youth group, slept curled up on the love seat and Jake, who Lisa was currently crushing on, snoozed on the other side of the coffee table, opposite of Lisa. Lisa’s new German Shepherd puppy, Maximus, was curled by the fireplace.

Suddenly she heard movement and held her breath as she saw Connor straighten up and rub his eyes. Pretending to be asleep, Ashley watched as Connor ran his hands through his thick black hair and stretch his muscular arms over his head, his tight Abercrombie shirt raising up as he stretched, surprisingly revealing his ripped abs. Ashley had always thought Connor was cute, but in the past couple years his body had taken a shocking transformation. Since she had known him at church since they were little, she was sure that he was a good boy and had never even thought about trying to seduce him. But now as she watched him, she saw Connor crane his neck and look down at Lisa who was still sleeping on the floor. Before she knew it, she witnessed Connor undo his shorts and pull a throbbing 7 inch cock out in his hand. OMG he must have been dreaming about sex and now was going to take care of himself right there! She couldn’t believe it. She had always thought he was such a goody-goody.

Ashley watched through her semi-shut eyes as Connor starting to masturbate, all the while staring at Lisa’s heaving breasts. He began to breath heavily and Ashley was sure he was about to cum when all of a sudden, Connor got up and carefully stepped over Jake and knelt down next to Lisa, his exposed cock twitching out the front of his shorts. What was he doing? Connor looked around the room and then reached down and slipped the blanket that was loosely laying over Lisa’s legs off to the floor next to her. His hand ran gently over her bronzed, smooth leg and rested for a moment on her thigh. Lisa still asleep, shifted slightly and when she did her provacative shorts opened at the bottom, and it was plain to see Lisa wasn’t wearing any panties. Connor slipped his finger inside and Ashley could see his finger tracing her slit and then tried to slip his finger into her pussy while he slowly jacked off his cock. Ashley’s eyes were now wide open while she watched this weirdness take place. She could tell, that Connor wasn’t able to slip his finger all the way into Lisa’s pussy, but that he was obviously aroused just touching her lips.

While still sound asleep, Lisa’s body must have been able to sense the stimulation because Lisa seemed to push her hips up into the air and moaned slightly and suddenly Ashley saw Connor’s finger slip easily into her cunt and heard a wet slurp as Connor’s finger buried to his knuckle. Lisa’s suddenly wet pussy really turned Connor on and he began to masturbate vigorously while fingering Lisa as gently as he could. After a few moments, Lisa woke up and it was obvious to Ashley that Lisa wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or if Connor was really violating her. Connor’s hand had quickly slipped out of her shorts and he froze not sure how Lisa would react. He knew that she was into Jake and he had only been invited so that Ashley wouldn’t feel like a third wheel.

To Ashley’s surprise, Lisa sat up and looked Connor up and down, his throbbing cock almost poking her in the chest. Lisa looked towards Ashley, who quickly pursed her eyes shut to maintain her appearance of sleep, and then was shocked to see Lisa look at the sleeping Jake and then turn back to Connor reaching to him, taking his shirt in her hands and sliding it up over his head. Connor was even more shocked than Ashley. Lisa leaned into Connor and began to run her tongue over his smooth pecks and her hand instinctively went to his cock and her fingers ran along his rigid shaft. Connor didn’t know how to react so he just sat there motionless while this completely out of his league hottie licked his chest and nipples, and slowly jacked off his loaded cock. Lisa, sensing Connor’s unsure nature, slipped her t-shirt up over her naked tits and she took his hand and placed it on her breast. Ashley could see Connor was about to explode just touching Lisa and knew Lisa was enjoying arousing him. She couldn’t believe though what happened next. Lisa layed back and undid her shorts, slipping them off to the floor. She then reached up and pulled Connor on top of her and reached down gripping his cock. She pulled it to her cunt, spread her legs and guided his tip in between her labia. Connor still in disbelief, thrust his hips forward and just like that all seven inches slid into her creamy cunt and Lisa inhaled a huge breath feeling his thick rod inside her and whispered “Oh my god!” as her back arched and she orgasmed. Connor just lay there pressed up against her tits for a second, but when Lisa squeezed his cock with her thighs, nature took over and he began to fuck her slurping pussy in earnest, Lisa grinding her hips back into his while she moaned sexily under Connor.

Ashley just lay there in amazement watching Connor fuck her friend who had never even mentioned any attraction to Connor. But it was incredibly hot watching the two fuck and soon she felt a tiny squirt and she knew her aching pussy was hot with excitement. While Jake seemed oblivious what was happening to his girl on the floor next to him, the Shepherd puppy was jarred awake when Lisa accidentally bumped him with her hand that reached out to grab anything she could, while she writhed in pleasure taking Connor’s dick. Lisa totally ignored the puppy who got up and trotted over to Ashley, looking for a new place to become comfortable. Ashley looked at the puppy as thoughts of her experience with her father’s assistant pastor and his Golden retriever immediately raced to the forefront of her mind. She looked back to the the couple going at it on the floor and knew that they were completely unaware of anything else in the room. Ashley reached down and pulled her skirt up over her hips and pulled her bootie shorts down over her thighs. She scooched back up onto her elbows and gestured for the puppy to come to her. The dog was still small but had a gorgeous coat and his cold black nose sniffed at Ashley not sure what she was wanting him to do. Ashley slowly sat up as not to let the fucking couple know she was awake and pulled the puppy to her, gently lifting his front legs up onto the couch. Maximus immediately tried licking her face, because that’s what Lisa seemed to like him to do in this position.

But Ashley slipped her hand under his belly and began to rub, letting her dainty fingers run over his sheath and within mere moments, Maximus’ slim red dick was protruding a few inches and already dripping pre-cum. His tail wagged vigorously, although he had no clue what was about to happen. While Lisa and Connor continued to fuck on the floor, Ashley slipped her hips down to the edge of the couch and pulled Maximus on top of her and she felt his dick poking her just above her cunt. She could feel his hot pre-cum squirting up onto her belly and she was so turned on she just about screamed out. She quickly guided the puppy’s growing dick into her sopping pussy and Maximus began to fuck her like someone had a remote control and had hit fast forward. Ashley wasn’t sure how her friends would take her getting off with a dog, so she wanted to cum quickly and push the puppy away. The small Shepherd was fucking her with abandon and soon his knot was banging up against her clit and while Ashley surpressed her moans she felt herself panting heavily while the little dog desperately tried to force his bulge into her tight little shaved pussy. She squeezed her legs tightly trying to avoid this, and this almost made her explode but she wanted to milk the feeling just a little more. She could feel an intense heat creeping over her body while she enjoyed the dogs dick inside her.

Suddenly Ashley’s focus on her impending orgasm was snapped when Lisa sharply pushed Connor up off her having felt his dick tensing and as his cock slurped out of her soaked pussy it erupted sending shots of thick white cum flying all over Lisa’s tits and face and beyond. Connor instinctively began jacking off, letting fly every drop of cum he possessed, while a satisfied Lisa layed back with her mouth open catching gobs of his seed like she was catching snowflakes on her tongue. This was all too much for Ashley and she erupted, her cum squirting with such force that it shocked the puppy fucking her cunt and he yelped drawing back away from her. Ashley noticed that he had already started to cum inside her and continued to shoot his load on her shins and the couch. The dogs yelp seemed to bring everyone in the room to attention and they all just sat there trying to add it all up.

A bright red Connor was straddling a freshly fucked Lisa and Ashley quickly pulled the blanket over her midsection, hopefully before anyone could deduct how she had just had an incredible orgasm with Lisa’s puppy. Jake was now wide awake and seemed to be having a difficult time making out the scene. Lisa sat up and quizzically looked at Ashley. “Did you just fuck my dog?”

“No!!!” Ashley lied.

“Well why did he just cum all over your legs?!” she teased.

“I don’t know! Why the hell were you fucking Connor, you little slut!” Ashley teased back, hoping to deflect the fact that she had no good excuse for fucking the dog. Jake still unsure about everything, looked at the puppy curled on the floor licking his still swollen cock and then redirected his gaze to Ashley. “You should have woken me up,” he laughed. “I would have fucked you in a second!”

“Hey!” Lisa complained. “I thought…”

“You thought what? You just fucked Connor’s brains out apparently,” Jake chided.

“I’m so sorry…I don’t know why…I guess I was just horny from last night and it just happened.”

“Well now you have to watch me fuck Ashley,” Jake said and he climbed up off the floor to his feet. Ashley could see that he was already hard, his cock stretching his shorts. Lisa had no recourse, but she looked to Ashley hoping her friend wouldn’t betray her with her boyfriend. But Ashley was still way turned on and she wanted more cock.

“Well, Lis…you realize I had been wanting Connor?” Ashley lied. “Now I think its fair I get to fuck both of them!”

Connor’s eyes were huge not sure how to react to his incredible luck. “Fair enough,” Jake said, and within the same movement had stepped to the couch and dropped his shorts and boxers to the floor. His strong hands grasped around the nubile 100 pounder and flipped her over onto knees. Before she knew it, Ashley was bent over the couch and Jake was behind her fucking her doggy style, his 9 inch cock stretching her labia and filling her with pleasure as she felt the tip seemingly poking her in the throat he was thrusting it so far up her pussy.

“Oh my god! You are a naughtly little whore!” Lisa laughed while she watched her boyfriend fucking the shit out of her best friend. “I didn’t know you wanted her so bad!”

Jake just smiled mischeviously at her while he continued to fuck her little friend’s bubble ass, his hands reaching under her massaging her gorgeous round titties, her long nipples slipping between his fingers. Ashley screamed out in pleasure as she took her best friend’s boy’s huge cock. Connor still wasn’t sure what to do, so Lisa knelt down in front of him and began sucking him off, her eyes locked on Jakes. They both seemed to be getting off on seeing each other with someone else and it wasn’t long before Connor was extremely hard again and wanting to fuck! He pulled his cock out of Lisa’s mouth and tried to push her back on the floor, but the blond hottie didn’t budge.

“You’ve already fucked me, Fella!” You could see the disappointment on Connor’s confused face. Lisa got up and walked over the couch and ran her finger up Jakes butt crack, reached down and swirled her finger in the puddle of Maximus’ cum on the floor and then slipped her finger into Jake’s ass, which absolutely drove Jake wild. Jake exploded in Ashley’s cunt and the pressure from his load and his huge dick made Ashley cum right along with him. Her pussy juice seeped down the front of her legs onto the couch and she bucked her hips wildly as she took Jake’s full load. Even though Jake was spent he didn’t want to stop fucking her and he kept thrusting while Ashley’s orgasm continued to rock her body. Lisa walked around to the front of her, grabbed her face and slammed her tongue into her mouth, locking lips with her best friend. Ashley had never felt a surge like what shot through her with a dick in her pussy and soft girl lips on her own. Finally, Jake had gone completely limp and his dick slipped out of her tight cunt. Jake sheepishly looked at Lisa and stepped towards her, jacking his dick trying to get it hard again.

“Oh no!” Lisa said, pulling away from a disappointed Ashley. “You’ve gotten all the sex you’re getting today!”

“Fine!” Jake reached down and grabbed his shorts.

“No, you’re gonna watch me now!”

“I thought you weren’t gonna fuck Connor again!”‘

“I’m not!” Lisa grabbed Connor by the wrist and led him to the couch. She pushed him down next to Ashley and then grabbed her girlfriend by the shoulders and positioned her in his lap facing out, Connor’s hard on pushed down between her legs, Ashley’s protruding labia sandwiching his cock. Jake just watched as Lisa got down on all fours and began licking his dripping cock head and Ashley’s clit in one motion. Both Ashley and Connor began to breath heavily and then the picture was complete when Maximus saw his master on all fours and smelling her pussy, loped over and mounted her from behind.

“Exactly!!!” Lisa shouted. “Good boy!”

“Are you fucking serious?!” Jake asked.

“Fuck me, Maximus! Fuck mommy like a good boy!” The puppy didn’t need to be asked twice. He soon found his mark between Lisa’s legs and she jumped when she felt her puppy’s dick slide into her cunt, his small paws scratching across her back while he fucked her from behind. Ashley wanted more dick and she raised her ass up into Connors face, giving him a wonderful look at the thick labia lips hanging between her legs. Grabbing his throbbing cock, she slipped down over it and took him balls deep while Connor screamed out in pleasure. While he had thoroughly enjoyed fucking Lisa’s soft toned, bronze body this was no comparison! This freckled nymph’s pussy was so tight that he thought he might break her in half. Ashley bounced on his cock, massaging his balls while she leaned forward kissing Lisa tongue to tongue while her friend got off over and over for the first time with her dog. The Shepherd pup was in heaven fucking her wet cunt and this time his baseball-sized knot slipped easily into Lisa’s shaved pussy, his hairy balls slapping up against her mound. Both “couples” fucked uninhibited while Jake just stood there, hands on his hips shaking his head not sure what to make of this bizarre scene.

But none of the teens where ready for what happened next. They had been so wrapped up in this perverted orgy that they forgot Lisa’s mom was upstairs sleeping this whole time. Having heard the commotion downstairs, Lisa’s single mother scurried down the steps in little more than her bikini briefs and tank top. She entered the living room and froze in horror seeing the scene in front of her. No one but Jake noticed her though and he was immediately turned on by the MILF who was an older version of Lisa, 5’9, an athletic 120 pounds of tanned perfection. Her perfect 36 D’s still jiggling under her tanktop having stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs.

“What the fuck!” Lisa’s mom started to shout but before she could get it all out Jake was next to her, still naked and hard again, his hands going to her hips. She looked at the teen like WTF are you doing and what the hell is going on.

“Mrs. Petersen…I want you so fucking bad!” Jake blurted.

“No fucking way!” Lisa’s mom answered. But Jake pushed her up against the wall, grabbing her ass with both hands and burrying his face into her breasts, softly gumming her nipples through the fabric of her tank. Lisa’s mom tried to push the boy away but he was too strong.

“Get the fuck off me!”

Suddenly the rest of the room was aware of this new happening but no one could seem to stop… too wrapped up in the personal pleasure that dick inside pussy was providing. Meanwhile, Jake used his sturdy frame to hold Lisa’s mother against the wall and his hands slipped inside her panties and pulled them down over her hips. While Mrs. Petersen struggled, Jake rubbed his dick up against her now exposed pussy. Lisa started to react, but at that very moment Maximus climaxed and starting filling her with cum and her face collapsed into her arms while her body shook with waves of orgasmic pleasure. Ashley reached her peak at the exact same time and after about a dozen small orgasms over the previous 20 minutes, she erupted again with a full gusher. Her girl cum sprayed all over Lisa’s back while Maximus lapped at the juice, his doggy cock locked inside the blonde goddess on her knees under him.

Up against the wall, Jake managed to force the tip of his cock into Mrs. Petersen’s shaved, yet dry pussy. She continued to struggle, but his chest had worked up her tank top over her breasts and Jake was sucking on her nipples that protruded over an inch from dark half dollar sized areolas. Jake was slightly surprised when her pussy all of a sudden turned wet and his dick slid easily all the way up inside her. He quickly began thrusting his swollen cock up inside her now soaked pussy as she continued to try to push him away. He went face to face with her and gritted his teeth as he fucked her against her will. Jake could feel her breath against his face and soon her breathing increased as he fucked her, even though she continued to struggle.

As Lisa came to her senses, she felt Maximus’ cock release her and she scrambled to her feet to help her mother. But she was flabergasted when just before she got there, her mom forced her face to Jakes and began to kiss him! Lisa knew it had been months since her mom had brought one of Lisa’s teachers home and fucked him, although she thought Lisa had no idea. Now she was getting off on her daughter’s boyfriend who was for all intents and purposes raping her. Jake couldn’t believe she was now fucking him back and eased up on her and Mrs. Petersen pushed her back up against the wall and thrust her feet up into the air, wrapping her hot legs around Jake who ground his hips back into her. Lisa found herself holding her mom’s calves while she pressed her tits into Jake’s back and rubbed her wet pussy up against his ass cheeks.

Having felt Connor just fill her pussy with cum, Ashley lifted her sore pussy off of his cock and felt his and Jakes cum mixed inside her ooze down her warm, thin thighs. The redhead walked over, and slid underneath the threesome and softly massaged Jake’s balls and Lisa’s mom clit when they met every time Jake thrust inside her. She then tasted pussy for the first time, licking and teasing Lisa’s swollen cunt who spread her legs for her friend and fucked her face while holding her mom’s legs while her boyfriend fucked her. Connor just sat on the couch taking it all in.

Now completely screaming like a wild woman, Mrs. Petersen came on Jake’s dick and her juices gushed down over Ashley’s face. Ashley forced her tongue up inside Lisa and her friend orgasmed immediately, her sweet nectar oozing into Ashley’s mouth. Within moments, Jake came and when he did, Mrs. Petersen pushed him away from her, her feet dropping to the floor. His cum splattered on her bare tummy and into Ashley’s red hair. Ashley pulled her tongue out of Lisa’s cunt and swiveled toward her mom, grabbing her ass and forcing her tongue into her pussy, lapping up Jake’s cum and felt herself squirt when Lisa’s mom came instantly on her tongue releasing a rush of juice that tasted almost identical to her daughters. Lisa meanwhile sucked off Jake’s spent cock while Maximus licked Ashley’s pussy juice off of a dazed Connor’s soft dick.

When the proverbial smoke had cleared…they all slumped down to the floor, half naked, sweaty and completely worn out. They all kind of laughed and finally Mrs. Petersen broke the uneasiness in the room by rising up, pulling her panties back up and and asking, “Does anyone want French Toast?”