(c) 2011 by usafslut

Part 1

Six of the girls in my college veterinary class were offered a scholarship to Africa for the first month of our summer vacation. I was one of those girls, my name is Jen. I am totally into getting great grades, which is a disappointment to the boys in my classes as I am relatively pretty and have a trim body with nice 34D boobs. Most of the sex in my life has come from my own hands. I have taken both my vaginal and anal virginity using vegetables in high school and through college and now medical school, graduated to vibrators and dildos. I found a web-site that sells replicas of animal cocks, and I think that is why I now love large and exotic animals.

So we left for Africa after being home for a week and we all left from our home towns, so except for two of the girls, none of knew each other till we arrived in Nairobi. We were picked up by a local and driven about an hour to our reserve.

After meeting the woman who was doing research for a book, we all ate and got to know each other. I was given Pam as a roommate. We went right to bed after dinner and when we woke up we were given uniforms of the type of safari garb you see in movies.

The women who had invited us had assembled a small classroom and we jumped into learning about lions. After the first break the 60 something woman broke the news to us. “My book is about the mating habits of a few African wild animals, you girls will be studying the lions to start with. The reason there are no boys in my groups, is I don’t want to deal with childish comments and snickers about sex. I also find it easier to deal with young women.

We were told that the first two weeks we would be doing things as a group and the last two weeks we were going to be on our own in the countryside.

During the second week we had been watching lions fucking for about 4 hours, and when we got back to our room I was hornier than I had been in my life. I looked at Pam (whom I had heard getting herself off some nights and I am sure she heard me) and said “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think my fingers are going to cut it tonight.”

Pam surprised me by stepping close to me and grabbed me into a kiss. I think it took about 30 seconds and we were naked and she pushed me onto my bed. I had brought up the idea, but Pam was definitely more dominant then I was. I was on my back, and she quickly got on top of me. But she was all about the sex and not romance, as she positioned her pussy over my mouth and her head between my legs. Our tongues went to work immediately almost racing each other on who was going to get the other girl off first.

I was getting close, when Pam pushed two fingers inside my pussy. I reciprocated by putting my thumb inside the bottom of her pussy, which was at this point actually the top. I drove it all the way in and with it deep inside her, my forefinger was rubbing her ass crack. I took her clit into my mouth and started to suck, and she exploded cum across my face. This set me off and I came, bucking my ass up and down on the bed.

By the next morning, we had both cum 4 or 5 times and felt we could make it through another day of watching, noting and taking pictures of lions making it.

I couldn’t believe how fast the weeks were passing by. Before I knew it we were being deployed to individual huts that scattered within a 2 hour radius from the compound. We each were alone, we had a CB radio in the hut with a crank to operate it. We were given a high voltage stun gun; that we were instructed to have with us at all times, even if just going out of the hut to go to the bathroom.

One of the girls could not go out the first week as her period was to begin the next day. The rest of us were instructed to get into our huts immediately should we get a cut or get our period, and there was a big first aid kit inside each. We also had a compass and wind detector things, so we would always be downwind of our viewing points.

Basically I was to do what we were doing in group, but we each had a male lion to watch and see how he interacted with the females in his pride. How he chose the females and how they reacted to him and the other lionesses.

By the second day I couldn’t figure out why I was wearing clothes so I went out naked except for my boots. I watched the pride for the morning and then went over to the watering hole. Each hut was fairly close to one, not only for us to bathe, but also to see other animals and their reaction to the lions, especially around feeding times, when the lions would be hunting.

When I approached the watering hole (basically a small lake) there was only one animal there and it was a zebra. I had once seen a clip of zebras fucking and the male’s cock was as big as horse’s on a smaller body. The thought popped right into my head, and I had to try to ignore it as wild animals can pick up that scent right away. Even though I was trying to forget about the clip, I could feel a drip of girl goo running down the inside of my thigh as I neared the lake and the animal.

He turned and watched me approach. I was wondering if any of the animals had seen a human before, or if they all had; seeing as we were obviously not the first bunch out here, or there would not be huts.

I went to the water and started to clean up. Although these were supposed to be “safe” watering holes, we were told it was probably best not to swim in them. As I was cleaning up the zebra walked slowly toward me. I kept doing what I was doing, letting him move to me. When he was about 6 feet from me, he made this awful squeal. I watched him and stayed on my knees as I had been while washing up.

He got even closer and I slowly stood up. I put my hand out and he did not move away. I also knew that horses put their ears back before they bite and figured that would be the same. His were not back.

He seemed friendly. I decided to stay away from his head. So I started to move my hand along his back. He seemed fine with this. I moved my hand down and started to rub his side. I stood about half way down his body, trying to stay back to not get bitten and also not too far back to get kicked.

While petting him I heard a slapping noise from below him. I bent my knees and smiled as I saw his 2-3ft long dick smack up against his belly. “Holy shit” I actually said out loud.

I wasn’t too sure how safe it was, but I squatted down and reached out for his dick. I took the leathery feeling dick in my hand and started to move up and down his shaft. He seemed to like it and I was getting totally turned on. The thickness was only a little thicker than anyone I had been with, but the length was unreal.

I looked around the lake to see if there was a place I could try to get this great cock inside me. I noticed that there was a tree that had fallen and wondered if I could get him to put his hoofs on the log and not take his weight on me. I also needed to find a way to limit how far inside me he would go.

As I was looking and thinking about all this I suddenly felt the cock in my hand expand and get harder and as I looked back at his solid black cock it erupted. His semen shot out all over the front of his chest and then on the ground. It was great to watch about a pint of cum spray all over. I was so turned on I almost came myself.

I left the zebra and went to look at the log. It seemed like it was perfect, actually too perfect. It looked like someone had used an axe or something to make notches for an animal to put his hoofs in, like a shelf, either that or a couple branches had broken off—I started to wonder if I was the only horny girl that had been here.

At this point the day was beginning, and horny or not I needed to go check on the den of lions and work on my daily reporting. So I went back to water and cleaned the smell of the zebra dick off me and also put cold water on my pussy to try to get my scent to be minimal.

I had made my way to the pride I was to watch. The lions were beautiful and the king male was outstanding with his fluffy mane. I found the ‘blind’ that I was to position myself at. It was a platform up a tree and there had been a chain ladder attached that I pulled down with a rope.

This lady had thought of everything. I had my Taser on my wrist, we all had these mini computers/GPS things. It lead right to our hide and huts and it had a wind calculation so we could always make sure we were down wind from the hide, if not we would not view that morning or afternoon.

I just got myself on the chair on the platform when the king lion went over to a lioness and played the game of wanting to fuck her and her putting up a fuss. In the end she squatted down and he mounted her. I had seen this many times before with the group, but this was my first time by myself and not only by myself but myself and wearing nothing but boots.

I was warned about masturbating in the wild but I couldn’t help it, between giving the hand job to the zebra and watching the lion fucking I had to get myself off. Of course I fantasized about being the lioness under the king, but that didn’t last long as when he came he roared near the ear of his conquest and it virtually scared the hell out of me, and stopped me from thinking of how I was going to be fucked by him.

I watched for a few hours and not only saw the king lion fuck a few times (what a life) but also watched another male fuck a lioness that was not on the hill, and also had fun watching one lioness rolling around with another; I swear they were trying to eat each other out.

I looked at my watch and it was time for lunch back at my camp. I was really hoping that the zebra was going to be at the lake, I needed a big cock inside me. I stopped at my hut and dumped my gear, except for the Taser which I never left the hut without.

When I got to the lake there were a bunch of birds around and not one, but two zebras. Unfortunately for me, I had no idea which one I had jerked off in the morning. As I got closer I could see they were both male, and they were different looking, but I hadn’t really looked at the one in the morning, to know the difference.

I decided to just head toward the fallen log and see if the one I played with would follow once he saw me.

As I was walking, I watched as one of them actually did head toward the woods and we seemed to be heading to the same place. This again made me think that I was not the first two legged female to be here and wanted to play.

I got over to the fallen log and positioned myself with my ass facing out and my legs spread, with my feet just touching the ground. I was between the cutouts in the log but still couldn’t figure them out.

I looked behind me and the zebra was coming up behind me. I tried to see if he was hard like he was in the morning, but I couldn’t tell. A moment later I felt him jump up. I thought he would put his front legs in the cutouts on the log, or on the log, but he didn’t. He actually put them on my hips, and actually used them to balance himself, not put weight on them as I was nervous about. I actually felt better about this as I was scared that he would get in me too deep if his front legs were on the log in front of me.

I felt his dick hit me in the thigh, then my butt and then slide across my back. I didn’t move, and was praying that he would find my pussy quickly before he got mad and bit me. He was giving off some precum or else the tip of dick was wet as I could feel the wetness every place he made contact with me. I relaxed a little more, as this would probably make his entry into my pussy easier, even though I was so turned on a the moment that someone probably could have fisted me.

His next thrust hit me on my lower labia and he must have felt the wetness, as he just pushed from where he made contact. For some reason the head of his cock went up instead of down, and a moment later the big thing was pushing at my anus. “No” I yelled, but it was too late, he pushed again and a few inches of his baseball bat side cock went inside my ass. He then pumped in a lot further.

“No” I yelled again and moved forward a little with my belly now up against the log. “Please stop” I yelled.

He couldn’t care less about what I was saying. He lunged again and I think I had a least a foot of zebra cock up my ass. I was in total pain. It wasn’t just around my sphincter like normal anal sex, it was my entire insides. I felt my knees getting weak, but then felt my body almost being lifted off the ground with each additional trust inside me.

Luckily the bigger the animal the faster they seem to cum (I guess you can’t expect a zebra or horse to be on their hind legs for long) and I felt my inside fill with hot cum. Although the thought was great, the feeling was even worse, I felt the pressure inside me like a harsh cramp.

He pulled out of me and jumped down. I was amazed that my hips didn’t hurt, but maybe it was because my insides were killing me. This was not a good idea. I forced a fart to get the pressure inside me to subside and when I did I felt about a pint of cum push out and down my legs.

I was just about to try to stand when suddenly I felt the zebra jump back on top of me. I wasn’t sure if it was the same one or the other one, all I knew was I needed to get my hand over my ass. As I again felt the legs and hoofs along my hips. I moved one of my hands between my legs and grabbed for his dick. I missed on his fist thrust, but got him on my second and guided him toward my pussy. His dick felt thicker than it had in the morning, so I figured this must be the new zebra. As his dick entered me I realized that is was actually a little thicker than anything I had in my pussy up to this point.

He was in a couple of inches and then thrust forward. I must have had 6 inches in me. He pulled back a little and then thrust again, this time he filled my pussy, not only in length, but I felt like he was touching all my walls. By the third thrust I was starting to cum and by the fifth I was creaming and pushing back on the huge dick inside me.

It felt great to finally cum and I know I wasn’t quiet about it, but that didn’t stop the zebra from the great fuck I was getting. He came; which put me over the top again. He jumped off and this time I looked behind me to see him walk off, his dick was losing its hardness but I could still see how big he was, and smiled. I must have had 10 or 12 inches of his 2 to 3 ft cock inside me.

I finally was able to stand and although a bit wobbly I made my way to the watering hole. I got down and put my knees into the water and used my hand and the water to clean the cum out of me and to try to get the smell off me before heading to my job watching the lions

It was not easy to walk back to my hut. I was starting to think that getting fucked by these huge cocks might not have been a good idea. When I entered my hut my bed was too inviting, I closed the door and got on my cot.

This was the first time I had lay down when it was this bright out. The room was lit from a skylight and the sun was hitting the map that was stapled to the back of the door. As I lay there I noticed something I hadn’t seen before. There was a slight bulge on one if the sides. I got up and went to the door. I reached in from the side. I took out what appeared to be another map.

I was getting excited as I started unfolding the new map, hope you are excited too but you’ll have to wait for part two of ‘sex in the jungle’.


Part 2

I pulled the map out of the side of the other map and brought it to the bed and spread it out. It was a map of the area I was staying at. There was my hut and the waterhole. I could see the area of the Pride that is was studying. The map seemed to stretch out about 5 miles in each direction from the hut.

I then noticed the markings that someone had written in with a pencil. By the waterhole there was a poor sketch of a zebra and the number 2, I looked over to the area where the lions were and there was nothing written. By the hut there was a squiggly line and the number 1.

I looked to the east and there looked to be a drawing of a monkey. There was the number 3 and GB2 which I didn’t understand. It also had a 1hr near it.

Further to the east was what looked like the zebra without stripes, it looked like a sketch of a horse and the words “tied 2”

At first I thought it was the number of animals, but then guessed that maybe it was a rating or something. I put the map on the small table to study it again later and fell asleep for a great nap.

When I awoke it was dark out and I was totally disoriented for a couple of minutes. Luckily it wasn’t too late and I was able to use the power up radio and call in that everything was fine and that I had watched the activity of the Pride I was assigned. I made dinner for myself and then my curiosity got to me on the map.

Now I am as uncomfortable about snakes as the next girl, but the snake got a ‘1”- or again, it could just be that there was one snake. I took my flash light and taser, not even knowing if a taser works on cold blooded animals and went out side. The sketch had the snake coming out from the back corner of the hut. I went there and shown the light under the hut and sure enough there was a long light colored snake.

We had been given an entire lecture of what kind of spiders and snakes to be cautious of in the jungle and this one did not remind me of the dangerous ones.
The way I was squatting looking at the long reptile had my pussy pointing right at the thing and I guess he picked up the heat as he started to move toward me, and not just me, but dead center to my open legs.

“I must be nuts” I said to myself. I shifted back and sat on my butt with my knees in the air and feet infront of me. I watched as the head of snake neared me with my light and was able to see the split red tongue searching for the source of the heat. The snake’s head was kind of a rounded triangle with the point leading the way. I started to think that his head at the widest part was 4 or 5 inches and that his body was as least as think as the donkey’s cocks I had just had. “maybe he has grown since the map was drawn” I thought to myself.

All this thinking was about to come to an end as his head was now inches from my pussy. The only good thing was that my body was excited in anticipation. What was with me, I was becoming a total African slut.

I slightly felt the tongue as it touched my labia and then watched in fascinated horror when the end of his mouth moved in between them. His entire body moved forward in an S movement which gave the head more room to penetrate me. Half the head was in when he seemed to stretched me pretty far, he felt cool and the scales going in didn’t feel that bad.

He then seemed to realize he couldn’t go further this way, so he turned his head and it was now wider up and down instead of across and he moved in further. When the widest part of his head past my inner lips I moaned loudly as it felt so good. His huge head was then inside me and he turned his head back. I felt the walls of my pussy being touched like never before and I started to cum right then. I mean think about, have you ever thought of putting a triangle shaped thing inside you?

When I looked between my legs the head was gone and now it looked like I had a fat 5 foot dildo coming out of my pussy. He was squirming inside me and I saw the S movement from his tail working up him and when it got to my labia he again stretched me and sent shivers through my cumming body.

I felt the head finally hit my uterus and started to squirm myself. Seeing as I had a donkey dick about 10” inside me before, I figured I must have much in me now. The thing was trying to get in deeper and again he tried to S his way in. I was climaxing and girl goo was pouring down the snake that was outside of me.

I don’t know if it was because of climax contractions or what, but I could feel the guy now pulling back out of me. If it felt good going in it felt un fucking real coming out. I don’t know it was the scales or the movement of his muscles to back up, but I was suddenly screaming in another and prolonged orgasm.

When the back of his head hit my opening, he didn’t turn. He just kept working himself against my lips. I guess because of my climax and contractions I helped him out, and even in the little bit of sharp pain of being stretched so far, the pleasure was winning.

I could finally see the entire snake again and also the puddle of wet on the ground between my legs. He lifted his head about a foot off the ground, almost like he wanted to look at me. He then turned his head and a moment later he was back in the darkness under the hut. It took me a moment or two to compose myself and worked my way away from the hut to pee and then walked back and again crashed on my bed – this time for the night.

The next morning I woke up and when I looked in the 1ft sq mirror, I laughed and again called myself a slut.

I spent the next two days studying the lions and found it fascinating that the King lion could fuck so much and that the lionesses really did have a pecking order and how easy the ones that were further from the King let them mate with them, and how the ones near to him played hard to get. In case you are wondering if I am going to let a lion fuck me, the answer is “no”- felines have very sharp penises that scratch the pussy to let the sperm penetrate the pussy, and the lion’s are the sharpest. Their long tongues are intriguing, but the idea of “being eaten” could have a much different meaning- so there was no thought there either.

On the afternoon second day the King took off and I watched as he headed far west from the Pride. The King can have 100 square miles of his and we had been given ones that seemed to stay close, but we were also told we could lose sight of one for a couple of days.

I left the Hide and went back to my camp. I planned my next day and was so horny that before I went to sleep I let the snake fuck me again, (bad joke coming here) or should I call it “giving me head” – sorry about that it just came to me.

The next day I awoke and got my backpack ready for a hike. I put some food in the pack, in a foil pack, and grabbed a few bottles of water. I also put in a skimpy shorts set just incase I ran into people. I set my electronic toy which had a compass on it and set the coordinates of the area that the monkeys were drawn on the map. Made sure I had the GPS coordinates of the hut loaded in and headed east.

It was hard to get too horny thinking about making it with apes. For some reason the bigger the ape the smaller the dick. Actually monkeys have bigger dicks than some of the big gorillas – think about it, when you’re at the zoo and you see these big hairy gorillas have you ever seen their dicks? They should be huge right?

Anyway it was fun walking toward the trees that seemed so far off each day, and now they were getting close and looked so good after looking at light brown dirt most of the past few days.

As I neared the higher grass I could hear the noise of excited chimps. As I got even closer I could see one chimp at the grass line, it almost looked like he was waiting for me.

I got within a few feet of him and he did a flip like he was happy to see him, even though I had never seen any chimps before. His flip made me relax. I got closer and he put his hand up to take mine. Obviously I was not the first girl this monkey had seen.

When we got to a clearing of shorter grass the money dropped my hand and he lied down and then started to jerk off. I had to smile as the little guy brought his cock to life. It was a wild shape; it was like a finger at the end and then got thicker like a human dick, well like a skinny dick. It probably totaled about 5 or 6 inches.

I stood there watching, which I guess was not want he wanted. He jumped up and reached for both of my hands. When I took his, he pulled down hard, bringing me to my knees. He then pushed me backwards. I got the message, he wanted me on my back, so I obliged and spread my legs with my knees up.

He walked over to me and put the end of his dick right where it should be and pushed inside me. It was weird as he was standing on his short legs and pumping me as I was lying there, but hey I was getting laid by a monkey. He didn’t cum quickly like the zebras and I was starting to think that animals that have to jump on their back legs must cum quicker. But finally the chimp came and then started with his “ooh ooh eee eee” noise.

It seems that his exciting cheer brought others to see what was going on. Before I knew it I had a line of chimps waiting to fuck me. “damn” I thought to myself “the map had a higher rating for the chimps with the letters GB, must mean gang bang.”
After the 3rd chimp finished me it got really weird, but fun. The next chimp in line was a female, she walked up between my open legs and put her hand over my pussy. She then stuck a finger inside me and started to play with me.

Her finger was just as thick as most of the males’ dicks. She actually was making me feel pretty good. One of the males then walked over and put his hard dick near my mouth. “Where did you all learn this stuff?” I asked. The next thing I knew I was sucking off the male.

I came hard from the finger fucking I got and also got a squirt of funky cum from the male, which I spit out.

As I turned to spit the cum out the next male figured it was his turn. I was in a weird position and sure enough he used his hands and turned me into my knees. I got up on all fours and felt his dick near my ass. I could have guided him into my pussy, but took the opportunity to reach back and steer him into my ass. The finger shape parted my anus and he pushed in. He fucked me hard in this position and loved it. I came for the like the fourth time.

I wanted the next guy up my ass too, but was able to get up and get one of the males on his back and took him in my pussy, the next chimp took my ass and for the first time in a very long time, I was being double penetrated. I came hard and loud. I guess my screams of passion got to some of the females as a bunch of them made noise along with me.

I set up the double penetration again with another pair and while being fucked the chimp I had blown came back for another one—well I think it was the same one. So there I was with all three orifices being filled with money cock. I was in heaven and this time couldn’t help but swallow the cum when the one came in my mouth as I was being banged into the dick that was filling my mouth.

Again I came hard and when these two finished with me, I was finished too. I was a sweaty cum covered girl. When I got up I could hardly walk. It was a good thing these guys had skinny dicks or I would have been crippled for a few days.

I think it was the little guy who met me at the grass line, who came over and took my hand he didn’t walk me to the side of the glen I had come in from, instead he led me further east. That was the direction of the other set of animals on the map. I wasn’t sure I could take more fucking, but seeing as I was already half way, I figured why not at least see the other zebras or horses or whatever they were.


Part 3

So last time I left you I was leaving the chimps and heading east to what I gathered from the sketch looked like zebras but without stripes. Though maybe they were zebras and who ever made the map just didn’t include them.

I had figured out that except of the elephant, and no way that would be anything but a hand job, that animals from the Equid family had the biggest cock that could fit in a human pussy. Equids were horses, mules, donkeys and zebras.

After walking for about 45 minutes my body had recovered from the midsize cock gangbang. I saw some trees not too far off and knew I must be getting to another watering hole. I couldn’t believe that I was getting turned on again.

I looked down my body and loved how bronze I had become and even my normally pink nipples and areola were now a dark brown. I looked further down and hated that my pussy was no longer bald. The girls didn’t dare shave, as they didn’t want any cuts out here. The idea brought the wind to mind and I checked my wind meter; ‘fuck I’m upwind to the water’ I said out loud. Though I had no intension of walking around the area to come in down wind at this point.

I was now at the edge of the greenery and trees. There were chimps here too, but none of them seemed to be girl friendly like the last group. The vegetation was a little different here, and unlike the last stop where the greenery was like a round oasis, here I could see for miles and it was all green, turning into a wooded jumgle. I could also see giraffes off in the distance.

I smiled thinking about the immensely long tongue of a giraffe with all its different muscles. I hadn’t been really eaten since my night with Pam (my roommate back at the lodge.) Finally I came up to the water. There were a few zebra and behind them near the bushes were Okapi. Although they look like Zebra, they are actually related to the giraffe. My smile widened. Whoever wrote the map was a sick a fuck as I was.

I figured if all the other animals I had come across were trained for sex, these guys or females, should be too— just which ones. I walked closer to the water and all the animals looked up—they could smell me and I tried to walk casual and non threatening. As with the rest of this week one of Okapis walked toward me. I figured the safest thing to do was sit on the ground. I leaned back on my elbows and brought my heals up towards my butt, basically pointing my pussy at the oncoming animal.

As the Okapi approached I sized him up as smaller and skinner than a zebra, but with the brown top and black and white legs, I was wondering if he would have a great tongue and big cock. I could see he was a male from his hanging balls, but it didn’t have a big girth like the Equid family.

The animal sniffed the air, than dropped his head and when it was a good 8” from me, he extended the amazing grey tongue. It was awesome looking and it went immediately to my pussy. He licked it a couple of times and it was wet and very scratchy. I was thinking that this might not be too great as the thing was going to be like sandpaper.

I was wrong though as the he was not interested in going up and down my slit like a guy does. This guy was more like the snake. It took another step toward me and put his 10”tongue inside me, wiggling the entire time, the thing was a wide as a guy’s cock. As much as I didn’t want to scare him I could help it, I let out a “holy fuck, yeah” and he kept going. Because the O has so many muscles in their tongue to strip off leaves, they can do almost anything with their tongue and what he was doing at the moment was exploring every inch of my young female pussy, from “g” spot to every other letter of the alphabet.

I was suddenly flopping around the ground like a beached fish. I was creaming like crazy and the O didn’t seem to have any problem just staying inside me searching for whatever it was looking for.

After about 15 minutes of cumming like a fool, I heard the other one grunting. The one licking me walked forward and I had to put my legs together and down quickly not to get stepped on. The animal was now over me and I looked up to see his dick protruding. It was like a deer family prick, really skinny to move from long legged animals to their female counterpart.

I reached up to stoke the sheath, when I felt the tongue of the bigger O between my legs. Not only was this one a little bigger in size, his tongue was definitely wider and I had to raise my knees again and part them wide. My knees were actually between front and rear legs of the one above me.

Again my pussy was getting worked completely. I reached up and rubbed the fuzzy sheath of the O above me. The skinny pink prick started to extend. I took my other hand and reached down by my ass, I scooped up some of my girl goo from all my constant climaxes I was having and then took the prick that was now about a foot long and reminded me of a strand of red licorice, and started to stroke it with my now wet slippery fingers.

The prick kept extending and I pulled it towards my tits. I started to rub it across my nipples and the thing started to drip some precum kind of clear liquid.
The thing was now like 16” long and I knew I was putting off the inevitable.

I pulled the prick toward my mouth and then leaned forward and started to suck it. It had a strong taste, but no more than the monkeys’. The O bent his front legs and started fucking my wet mouth, having no idea what it was, but the feeling was like mating and he knew what to do. The O in the back started make some weird noise which seemed to effect the one licking me. Suddenly the tongue inside me started to pull me up. My butt was off the grass and I couldn’t do anything about it as I was wedged below the one in my mouth.

I got very nervous as my torso was up against the front guy and the other one was still lifting me. At the same time the skinny cock was being driven down my throat and that male really started to hump me.

I thought I was really going to get injured when I heard a “smack” noise and then a female voice “let her down, get out of here, get.” I then heard another smack and then “stop fucking her mouth, get out.” Within seconds I was back on the ground and the two Okapi were running off toward the lake.

I looked up and saw one of the instructors from the lodge. At first I was totally relieved that I wasn’t going to be broken in two, but that quickly changed to fear that I was just caught having oral sex with the animals.

Jinx was the first one to talk; “Are you alright?” she asked as she put her hand forward.

I grabbed it and pulled myself up and replied “physically, yep, but totally embarrassed.”

Jinx looked at my naked body and said “you are supposed to be watching the animals and not changing their environment at all- fucking with them was not on the agenda for you at all.”

I was now scared I would be a lot of trouble. I pleaded; “You’re not going to tell on me are you? I want to finish up my work for the institute.” I looked at the woman who was probably 35 or so and the prettiest of the permanent team.

Jinx looked at me and said- “we should go back to your hut and get you stuff.”

I dropped to my knees and put my hands together and begged again “Please, I’ll do anything, don’t rat me out, please!”

Jinx looked at me and thought for a minute and then asked “anything?”

The way she looked at me made my nipples start to harden immediately but I had no idea what I was agreeing to.

Jinx instructed me into the jeep and we headed back toward my hut. Jinx made me think things were cool with her, but the look on her face when I was caught made me just reveal that I had played with the snake and the O’s I just saw.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Jinx was 100% dominant lesbian and she was not in the know of all the sex going on around here, except between the other women at the institute, all of which were bi or gay. One of the bi instructors must have been training some of the animals. The Okapi’s long tongue had been inside someone out here, they were too comfortable with coming up to me.

Jinx kept looking over at me with seductive look, when I would catch her she would shake her head in disapproval. Finally I said “I am sorry, I was just really horny out here all alone.”

Jinx replied, “well maybe we should give you girls dildos so you leave the animals alone.”

I smiled and said “that would be fun.”

Jinx stopped the jeep a few minutes later and got out. She told me to follow her around to the front. When the two of us were in the front of the jeep Jinx said “you know, I know what it is like to be horny too. I have to watch the lions when you girls aren’t here. I prefer to watch the lionesses play, did you witness that?”

I just noded my head and Jinx yelled “I asked you a question you little slut?”

I was surprised at the sudden change. I quickly verbalized my answer “yes I did.” But it was obviously too late. Jinx told me to put my hands on the bumper of jeep. There was a rope threaded through the two tow hooks on the bumper which Jinx undid and within minutes the ropes where around my wrists tying me to the bumper.

I finally spoke and asked “what are you going to do to me?”

“You told me you would do anything if I didn’t tell the head mistress, so its time to do what I want and that is to show you what it is really like to get fucked by one of these wild male animals” Jinx responded.

I was actually excited by this but didn’t want to show it so I replied, “I only let the snake inside me and you saw the Okapi’s were doing, it was all oral.” I was hoping that maybe I was going to be left like this and some big cocked animal was going to fuck me while I was bent over and tied up.

I looked up when I heard the back of the jeep tailgate close. Jinx had been getting something back there- I smiled when I saw that Jinx was naked, at least from the waist up, as I was blocked from view still. Jinx had big tits and wildly big areolas. I started to smile. But that smile turned to a shocked look for sure, as Jinx rounded the front of the jeep.

Jinx was completely naked, well kind of. She was wearing a dildo harness and sticking out from it was a huge fucking dildo. Jinx laughed at the look on my face.
“Like it?” Jinx asked, “its shaped like a horse’s cock and its 18” long and 3” across.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off the thing, Jinx had to hold the thing up or it probably would have pulled the belt right off her. Almost half way down the thing there was a ridge that was as wide as the head to either add strength to the thing or just give a pussy even more of workout.

As Jinx got closer I asked “you’re not really going to put that huge thing inside me are you?”

Jinx smiled and said “oh yea, I defiantly am, I don’t believe you haven’t fucked one of the horny zebra’s or apes. So I am going to make you want me more than them. I just haven’t figured out which hole I am going to start with.”

I quickly went from fantasy to fear quickly. “I don’t do anal, really I am telling you the truth please.” I had taken the small chimp cocks up my ass, the zebra had done my ass, but not by my choice and it hurt like hell for the next 2 days.

I could hear Jinx come up behind me, and got really nervous that she was going to split my asshole in half. What I didn’t expect was the feeling of her tongue along my pussy lips and then up to my ass. She did this for a while making both of holes wet. I think she was teasing me as I still didn’t know which hole she was going to attack. I looked between my legs and I could see that Jinx was on her knees and the huge cock was almost half way up my body. She was holding it off the dirt at least.

I started to moan from the pleasure of her tongue. That was a mistake as the moment I did she stopped and got up. ‘Ok bitch, ass or pussy?” she asked.

“Pussy, please my pussy” I called back. Actually I wasn’t sure I wanted that huge thing in my pussy either but I knew I didn’t want it in my ass. I sounded like I was begging for it, when I was really just stating I didn’t want it in my ass.

I felt the head of the dildo at the opening of my pussy and then a push and the huge head pushed in. It felt to be about the size of the zebra, but this cock did not give at all, it wasn’t as soft as a real cock and as such was not very comfortable. I yelled back “slowly, its really big.” I had forgotten I was being taught a lesson and my comment had the opposite effect. Jinx pushed at least 6 inches inside me. It actually hurt.

She stopped there and leaned forward and said “Is that slow enough you little slut.” I didn’t respond which I guess was not good either and it went in further and I could feel that ridge pressing up against my outer lips.

“Sorry, I meant to tell you that you can fuck me anyway you want.” I said and then added for good measure “Mistress Jinx” hay it was worth a try right.

“You have a big pussy, I like that” she said and then pushed that ridge into me and at least a couple of more inches, I could feel the head up against my cervix. I wanted to tell her it was in, but I didn’t want to say anything to get her mad. Luckily for me she must have felt it was totally in me as she started to retract and then started to fuck me. It took a few minutes for the pain to turn to pleasure, but when it did it was awesome, my entire pussy was filled with the toy and Jinx wasn’t leaning on my back like the animals had been.

As I started to moan and rock my hips I got a surprise.. and not a pleasant one. I got a hard smack on my ass. “What the fuck.” I yelled out.

The dildo was out of me faster than I could have imaged. I got a smack on the other ass cheek. Then Jinx came around to my side so I could see her- the first thing I noticed was my pussy cream on the dildo but then looked up to hear Jinx say “Hey slut, I am trying to make your punishment a little fun, keep it up and I will shove this and then my fist up your fucking ass, got it?”

“Yes miss, I’m sorry for swearing at you” I said.

She went behind and without any slowness at all shoved the horse dildo back inside me. She started pumping me and this time when she started to spank me I kept my mouth shut.

I started to rock back on her, I couldn’t help it. I felt her finger start to probe my ass and soon she had two fingers inside my ass pushing up against the dildo. I started to cum and Jinx didn’t even slow down. God she was in shape.

I must have cum for about 15 minutes and cum was streaming down my legs all the way to my boots. She finally pulled her fingers out of my ass and then she pulled out of my red pussy. “Lick it off” Jinx commanded as she came up along side of my head and pushed the rubber dick parallel to the bumper and across my lips.

She walked to the back of jeep and wasn’t back there long. When she came back she was still naked, but she no longer had the horse cock on. She took a blanket and put it on the front of the jeep hood and spread her legs in front of my face. “Time to return the favor slut.”

Now this was a punishment I would love. I licked her into her orgasm, it didn’t take long as she was obviously on the edge from fucking me. She had me make her cum by eating out her pussy. After she came that way she had me concentrate on her clit and brought her over the edge that way too.

After probably an hour of punishment (yeah right) we got back in the jeep and dropped me off at my hut.

‘Listen, leave the animals alone, really. We cant mess up the environment here, we are around to observe not interact.” She said and then we kissed for a few minutes. She reached into the glove compartment and took out a 10” dildo– “if you need to, use this, and I’ll come by to visit over the next few days—then you’re all coming back to the lodge.” We kissed a long kiss and she took off.

I used the dildo and we fucked a few more times with various sized dildos, till it was time for me to leave the jungle. I was too nervous about Jinx coming back to fuck any more animals, as she never said what time of the day or what day she would come back. I knew she would have been very disappointed if she caught me.

I got on a plane a few days later back to the US. Damn where I am I going to find huge cocks at college—- maybe the basketball team. Sheryl (‘)