(c) 2012 by dadbrough56

All names and people mentioned in here are fictional, though the story is based on a true happening!

I wasnt much to look at in high school. Really skinny, 6′ tall and about 118 pounds soaking wet. That was because I was a long distance runner. Anyway, I was interested in this one cheerleader,Roxanne, Spanish descent, and about 34b-28-36 . Everyone told me I didnt have a chance, because she was really freaky and didnt date much. Despite all this I went ahead and asked her out and she said yes, so we set up a date to go to the movies on Saturday.

The appointed time came and I knocked at her door. She answered wearing a short skirt, tube top, and sandals. Motioning for me to follow her I ent into her house. “I forgot that there was a cheerleading initiation today.”, she said,”Do you mind if we stay in at my house today? My parents arent home, and we can do just about anything we could have done in your car.” “Thas cool.” Isaid.

I followed her into the living room of her house where I aw 6 other cheerleader all dressed similiar to what Roxanne was wearing, needless to say my hormones were in overdrive, and Iwas sporting a nice 7″ woody down the leg of my pants. Also in the room were 2 dogs, a black lab, and a St Bernard, both males and very friendly.

“OK girls lets get on with the initiation.” Roxanne said.”As you all know we have to put out for the jocks from time to time, so when we have a virgin or new cheerleader we have to show them exactly what they may be in for.” with that being said , one girl left the room and came back in leading a new cheerleader who was blindfolded and naked. They placed her in the center of the room and removed her blindfold. Seeing me she tried to cover up, but was made to remove her hands when she was reminded why she was here.

“You will do exactly what Ido , or you will be removed from the cheerleading squad. Just remember that everyone in this room , except for Les there, has gone through this. Is that understood ?” Roxanne said.

The girl nodded her head and Roxanne stripped , showing she was wearing no underwear, as did the other cheerleaders. I thought I d died and gone to heaven. Roxanne looked at me and said, “No one here has anything to hide , so you have to strip naked too!” She didnt have to tell me twice. When I dropped mypants several of the girls who had refused dates with me, gasped and started whispering when they saaw how big my dick was.

Roxanne approached the new girl and sat down beside her. Leaning closer to her she started sucking on her breasts, and running her hands over the girls body. I could see her little cunt lips peeking out through her sofe mound of hair on her cunt and they appeared to be getting wet.

Both dogs were standing and stareing with rapt attention at the 2 girls. Roxanne made a hand signal and both dogs were led over to the girls on the floor. Roxanne pulled away from the girl and hold her face in her hands said” You and Les both know that what happens in this initiation, can nevr be tqalked about outside this house, right?” I nodded my head as did the girl. With that Roxanne pulle dthe girl over to the black lab while she positioned herself near the st bernard.

She started by petting the dog she was with, and had teh girl follow her actions. Then reaching underneath the dog she gently started rolling his balls and stroking his sheath. The new girl hesitated, but soon was following her actions. Both dogs were soon panting (as was I) and sporting some fair sized pink dick out of their sheath. Roxanne got on her hands and knees , and 2 of the cheerleaders came over to assist, with the new girl following her actions. Both dogs went behind them and started licking their pussies. I moved to where i could see more clearly, and was amzed at how deep the dogs could get their tongues into both girls. The St was the first dog to mount and when he was on top of Roxanne one of the assisting cheerleaders helped guide his thick pink prick home. The Lab , not to be left out, climbed on his girl, and was soon guided into her wet pussy.

Looking around I saw that every girl there was busily masterbating themselves and watching the scene on the floor. Not to be left out i slowy started stroking my dick, being careful not to hurry things as i was really close anyway from all this wild new stuff i was being introduced to.

Both dogs were having a great time and from teh expression on teh new girls face, and the sounds she was making, she was now a happy and will participant in what was going on. After a couple of minutes i noticed a large swelling on the dick of each dog, knowing this was their knot i waited to see what would happen.( I knew this because i grew up a good chunk of my life on a ranch so knew all abbout animals and their mating habits) Both dogs gave this wierd liek hal step, and shove and the knots disappeared into both girls. With a loud cry the new girl started to cum, Roxanne on the other hand was looking sort of bored, and waved me over to her. Reaching up she pulled me to her and wrapped her lips around my dick. “Oh, God,” i cried at teh amazing warmth of her mouth, ” i am so close to cumming.” without looking up she nodded her head, and started sucking me deeper into her throat. My balls pulled up tight and i exploded. She swallowed all but a little bit which ran down her chin. With a short bark, the St stopped moving , and Roxanne gave outa cry as she came.

the other cheerleaders were using each other to the best of their ability to get off, while not losing site of what was happening in the middle of the living room. after about 30 minutes both dog knots had shrunk sufficiently for them to pull out. Both dogs then immediately started tongueing their adn teh girls liquids from the girls pussies. During this Roxanne had not let go of my dick, and i was rock hard again.

Getting up she announced the initiation was over, and all the girls came over and hugged the new girl adn me. several also managed to cop a feel of my dick. with the announcement and the hugs, the girls started fgetting dressed and leaving, and soon Roxanne and i were the only ones left.

She said,” you know, when i first said i would go out on a date with you, i figured why not, he’s harmless. After seeing what kind of equipment you are sporting, i know now never to judge someone by how they look, but get to know them first. You do know never, ever say anything about this to anyone, right??” i nodded my head in understnading. She wrapped her arms around my neck , and said, “Good, now lets go see what we can do about this!” She reached down and pulleed me along behind her towoards her bedroom.

This really happened so dont let your kids fool you into thinking their sex lives are non-existent.