(c) 2009 by okiek9girl

Hello! My name is Kay. I am 43 years old and single and my friends have no idea about my sex life. I wish I had a girlfriend that I knew I could tell anything to and not be worried about her reaction. I do have a very close girlfriend and we do “play” together but I’m not comfortable in telling her…at least not yet.


I have a very good buddy that I adore and love. His name is Roddy. Roddy is a rhodesian ridgeback dog. I have raised Roddy since the day he was born into this world. As Roddy grew over the next year, he and I both, became aware of his “maleness”. Even as a pup, a few months old, he would from time to time find me sitting in a chair and he would wrap his front paws around my leg and begin to hump my leg. He would usually get a fun swat from me to get down and mind his manners. Then one day, as I was killing some time wandering around the internet, I stumbled across a website that changed my life and Roddy’s. It was a site dedicated to bestiality. At first I was shocked, but I soon realized that I was having a hard time not looking at the pictures. They interested me very much. When it came time to sign-off I realized that I was very excited. I was dripping in fact. A few days passed and it had slipped from my mind when Roddy began to hump my leg again. He was a little over a year old by then and was a strong and powerful male. Just as I was about to shoo him off, I remembered the website and I decided to let Roddy continue to hump my leg as curiosity began to get the best of me. I was soon able to see that he was getting very excited himself and that the pink tip of his cock was beginning to peek out from its sheath. I realized that as I stared at his cock, my pussy was beginning to become very wet itself. I leaned back and shooed him off my leg and then removed my panties. My fingers quickly found my wet folds and…so did Roddy! Without any hesitation, he had moved his snout between my legs and was licking the juices from my lips. I could not believe just how good his rough tongue felt as it swiped my lips from bottom to top. Every time his rough tongue washed over my clit I would jump. Thankfully he continued pleasuring, or should I say tasting, me until I had a mind blowing orgasm. Which, yes, he thoughtfully cleaned up for me. After a couple of minutes I had come back down from my high, and as I smiled back down to my boy, I realized that more of his pink cock was sticking out of its sheath. I actually found myself beginning to feel very sorry for my boy. With that thought, I knew that I wanted Roddy for more than just a companion. I wanted him as my lover. I slid myself down further on the chair and rolled over on my tummy so that my ass was facing him. My breast pressed against the cushion of the seat. I looked back just as Roddy moved up behind me and began to lick my sensitive lips again. I jumped but soon relaxed as we got into a rhythm. After a minute or so that’s when I felt him. Roddy had moved up closer to my ass and had lifted his front paws onto my back and was clamping them around my hips. I knew right then and there that I wanted him and I wanted him deep inside of me. I could feel him flexing his hips as he tried to find my pussy with his ever hardening cock. I could feel his cock spraying what I assumed to be pre-cum on my ass and around my pussy. I reached down between my legs and his cock landed right into the palm of my hand and I guided his thrusting cock into my pussy. I felt him part my lips and as soon as he realized that he was inside of me. His hips instantly began to thrust hard and quick. Pushing his cock inside of me, I LOVED the feeling of it as it grew longer and longer. His pre-cum still spraying the inside walls of my pussy. Just as I was thinking that this couldn’t get any better, it happened! Roddy pressed tightly against my ass, his cock buried deep inside my pussy, and I could feel his knot growing. It was growing very large inside of my pussy. I have to tell you that I have been with a couple of men over the years and women and I have enjoyed them both but because I haven’t been having sex on a regular basis and never had a baby, my pussy is what I would consider to be very tight. As I felt Roddy’s knot growing inside of me, he used his front paws to hold me tightly to him. I soon felt him cumming inside of me. Literally it seemed like buckets of cum. So much so that it began to leak out around his knot but he was still tied tightly to me and I was in heaven! We stayed tied together for what seemed like an eternity but in reality it was about 20 minutes at which point his knot had shrunk down enough that it was finally able to slip from my very sore, but happy pussy and what seemed like a gallon of cum poured my lips as I laid myself down on the rug and Roddy came over to me and snuggled close. Yes, Roddy is my lover and I knew then and there that we would be sharing a lot of fun together!



Hello…as you know by now, Roddy, my rhodesian ridgeback male dog, and I are lovers. One time, a couple of Spring’s ago, I let Roddy out to chase squirrels in the backyard. As he was having his fun, I was enjoying my gardening. I love the quiet time I have gardening to think and get my fingers dirty. I really do enjoy myself during those times. It was a bright sunny warm afternoon with a slight breeze. My backyard has a wooden, 6-foot tall privacy fence all the way around it so a lot of the times when I go out to work on my flowers, I’ll go out wearing next to nothing so that I can get some sun and tan a little. While I was digging up some dirt to plant some bulbs, I had lost track of Roddy. As I was deep in thought, I found myself nearly jumping off my knees from the cold touch of Roddy’s nose on my ass. I turned to shoo him away but instead he nudged my ass again. I know what he wants when he does that to me. Roddy wants to mount me. To tell you the truth, I was in the mood too! I looked around quickly just to make sure that no one could see us and when I felt comfortable that there were no prying eyes, I stood up and pulled my thin tank top off and slid my bikini panties down and kicked them off my feet. Roddy could smell my scent and was trying to push his snout back up between my legs and the more he pressed, the wetter I became. I knelt back down onto the soft grass and began to nuzzle Roddy close always making sure that he knew he was in control of me. He knew he could have me any time he wanted and this was one of those times. I moved next to him on my hands and knees and he instantly scooted around behind my ass and I felt him jump up on my back. His legs gripping my hips. His warm breath washing over my back. I could feel his hips pumping his cock back and forth in search of my now very wet pussy. I shifted my ass to the left a bit and Roddy instantly hit home. His cock plunged into my moist pussy and I knew IT was on now! I lowered my chest down to the cool grass, laying my head on my arm. With my free hand I reached up between my legs and cupped his swinging balls as his cock banged deeply into my pussy. I heard small little grunts escaping my lips as Roddy’s cock penetrated my pussy. A small cry out as I begin to feel his knot growing inside of me. I am on the edge of cumming and cumming very hard. His juices were filling me up to overflowing. I felt him tighten his grip around my tummy and with one final hard plunge. He shoved his cock deep inside of me. His knot tying us together as his cock spewed shot after shot of cum inside of me. Even my pussy is tight, I wanted to make sure that Roddy couldn’t pull out of me, so I clenched my pussy even tighter wanting to hold him inside of me forever! (note: Those kegels really do work girls!). I could feel Roddy’s weight on my back. His breathing was ragged. After about 15 minutes or so, we both had calmed down quite a bit and Roddy stepped back withdrawing his cock. His knot was still somewhat enlarged and when he pulled it from my pussy, you could almost hear a popping sound and I cried out from the sensations. I collapsed to the ground and Roddy was kind enough to clean me up and after he finished he came up next to me and laid down beside me. He is such a beautiful lover!



A couple of years ago, I found myself bored around the house. So I logged onto my computer and noticed almost immediately that one of my girlfriends was online so I sent a message to her asking what she was up to. She replied nothing much just chatting with another girl from work.

As I sat there chatting with her, Roddy came over and at first, he laid his leg up on my thigh with a sad hang dog look on his face…lol. I rubbed his head and kept typing. After a few seconds passed Roddy went up underneath my computer desk. He likes to lay down there sometimes when I’m on my computer.

I was so into my conversation with my friend that I hadn’t noticed that instead of laying down, he was moving in between my knees and because I was only wearing a big t-shirt, he had a straight shot at my pussy with his nose. His cold nose always makes me jump…lol. Anyway, after I settled back down Roddy stuck his snout back up into my t-shirt and ran his tongue along the length of my pussy. I swear my eyes rolled up into the back of my head! I was enjoying my conversation but I was really enjoying Roddy’s attention! As I typed to her he kept licking my lips and I had leaned back some and opened my legs up further so that he had full access to me. Roddy did not disappoint either! With an expert touch it seemed, he ran his rough tongue starting from the sensitive spot between my pussy and my ass up and over every single inch of my lips until it brushed across my clit. I have a very sensitive clit and it was sending shockwave after shockwave through my entire body.

It began to get so intense that I couldn’t continue my conversation with her and I left her hanging. That was okay because Roddy was licking up every ounce of the juices leaking from my pussy and every so often it felt as if his tongue was actually slipping up inside my pussy to clean me out. I was in heaven! It only took a few minutes and between me playing with my nipples and Roddy tasting my pussy, a huge orgasm washed over my entire body.

My head to my toes were tingling from the attention his tongue gave me. I crashed down into my chair totally exhausted…and happy. Roddy ever so thoughtfully cleaned me up and if I had let him his cleaning would have brought me to another orgasm but it was time for me to head out on an errand. I noticed that my friend had been asking me on my messenger if I was still there…if I was okay…etc etc because of my sudden silence. With a grin on my face, I finally typed back to her that I had gotten “distracted”. If only she knew the truth!



One time I had my best friend over and we had been visiting for a while when Roddy came up to the back door. He had been playing in the backyard enjoying himself.

I had been working with Roddy for just a short while teaching him how to mind his manners and obey my commands. If the two of us were going to be playing with each other I couldn’t have him just humping every leg that came into my house! Well here he was, inside the house and all wound up from chasing squirrels in the yard. As I sat on my couch talking to my friend, Roddy comes barreling in to say “hi” to her. He loves her company, she always takes time to play and rough house with him when she visits.

As she was rolling him around, she quickly noticed that the tip of his cock was peeking out of its sheath. It was pink and the tip was moistened. I know what my thoughts were at the time, but she suddenly chimed in that it looked as if “someone” meaning Roddy was getting excited. We both laughed.

After a couple of minutes she stopped and let him up and he jumped right up onto her knees and tried to kiss on her and in the blink of an eye, he suddenly began to hump her leg. For a moment I was frozen. On one hand, I was mesmerized and on the other he shouldn’t be doing that to the company! She quickly realized what he was doing and laughed out loud again and told him what a naughty boy he was.

I noticed that even though she was laughing and kind of admonishing him she didn’t push him away either until I spoke up. As I swatted him away I could feel how wet my pussy had become in that instant. She laughed again and made a joke about how she hadn’t had any lately and that even the dog knew she needed some. We both laughed. Deep down I want to share my secret lifestyle and on that day, I wondered if she would be open to the idea. I couldn’t find the strength to take the conversation more in depth and to this day I regret not pushing it further. Maybe one of these days I will finally share my secret with her.

As for me, right after she left, I called Roddy over to my lap and he knew. He knew that I wanted him and that I would be his for the taking and did he ever!!!



As a general rule of thumb, I don’t let Roddy up on my bed and he seems to understand and obey the rule very well. But every once in a while, especially on a cold wintry day, we both break that rule!

My bed is very nice, well kept, solid oak. It was passed down to me by my parents who got it from my grandparents. It has a very thick, soft comforter on it and I want to make sure that I keep it nice (well, as best I can!). But like I said earlier, we occasionally break the rules…lol

Usually when I wake up in the mornings, I like to lay there and take my time waking up. Curling up in the sheets and comforter and I enjoy the feeling and warmth of my bed. Every once in a while, I wake up in a really horny mood too! Its on those mornings that Roddy and I break the rules. I holler for him and when he comes around the corner of the doorway, I pat the bed and he immediately hops up onto my bed. Of course, he enjoys what he has just “discovered”! Before I called him, I slipped out from underneath the covers, and yes, I sleep nude, and he finds me laying on my comforter awaiting him.

As he moves up next to me, he lays down and I can feel his warm body against mine. I run my fingers over his coat and talk to him. He loves to have his belly scratched so within seconds the silly rolls over and I begin to rub his belly. As I rub and scratch his belly, I make sure and run my hand up and down his shaft. He knows that when I do that, I want to play! After a few strokes, the pink tip of his cock begins to peek out from his sheath. It always has a wet look to it…shiny-like. As I continue to scratch his belly and slowly stroke his cock, it begins to grow and extend further out of his sheath, exposing itself to me. When a few inches of his beautiful cock are out, it is then that I lean forward and wrap my lips around it. Roddy instantly begins to flex his hips trying to hump his cock further into my warm mouth. I know he enjoys my soft tongue wrapping itself around his cock. He almost seems to be begging me to do more as he scoots closer to me. His hips pumping forward, and my mouth moving up and down his length. I can feel his pre-cum shooting into the back of my mouth and down my throat. Its warmer then a man’s and a little saltier I think.

Even though we are both enjoying this very much, I want his cock deep inside of my wet, aching pussy. I lift up off of his gorgeous cock and see that it has continued to grow. Six inches are showing and his knot is not even showing yet! I roll over onto my elbows and knees and pat my hand on my ass and Roddy knows what to do at this point. He quickly hops up and circles around behind me. He pokes his nose into my pussy. I assume to test to see if I’m ready or not. His tongue flicks out and catches the juices that are seeping from my wet and ready pussy. After a couple more licks, Roddy hops up on my back and wraps his front legs around my hips and holds me tight. His hips hump forward trying to plant his cock into my pussy. I cannot wait any longer. I need him in me! I reach between my legs and help guide his thrusts. As I do, he finds his target and plunges his cock inside of me. I cry out every time he does that! It just feels so great! He clamps his legs down really tight on my hips and begins to piston his cock in and out of me like no man can. I can feel his knot beginning to grow as it slaps against my clit sending me toward a heavenly orgasm. Soon I cum for the first time. My juices coat his rock hard cock and knot. Between my juices and his pre-cum lubing my pussy up for him, his knot slips into my pussy and I clamp down myself, holding his knot tightly inside of me. As he continues to pump my pussy, I can feel him begin to cum inside. He is filling me up and this pushes me over the edge and I cum again. Waves of euphoria wash over my entire body as my lover takes care of me. After about 15 minutes, his knot has come down enough in size that he can slip out of me and I collapse on my bed. Roddy snuggles up next to me and we both fall off to sleep.

Yes, we occasionally break the rules! 😉



One of my favorite times to play with Roddy is when we are in the backyard. As I’ve said before, I have a 6 foot high privacy fence…very sturdy…well built. My nearest neighbors are a decent walk a way so I don’t get hardly anyone just “dropping in” on me.

Last night I was sitting in my yard swing enjoying the beautiful weather. The temperature was perfect. I had a book and was really enjoying it as the birds sang in the background. Around 7:00, it started to get dark and it was getting harder and harder for me to read the book. Soon I laid it down, and called out to Roddy. He had been lazing around the backyard and on occasion, chasing a wayward squirrel. As he approached me, he laid his head on thigh and gave me his look. I can’t resist him…lol. At first, I was just scratching his head and talking to him, but the turkey had slowly moved himself around my knee and was standing directly in front of me without me really realizing it.

I was wearing a white tank top and a pair of loose fitting shorts that had ridden up on me a little. Before I know it as I’m scratching his head, he moves toward me and in one quick movement, his nose slipped up the leg of my shorts and his tongue flicked out and caught the lips of my pussy. See, usually around the house I don’t wear a bra or panties. I like the natural feeling. The feeling of freedom I guess. And Roddy was able to take advantage of that fact just then! His tongue had sent shock waves through my entire body. It was getting a little chillier outside and when combined with his lick, I had goosebumps all over and my nipples were standing at attention!

I closed my eyes and reached up to brush my fingertips back and forth across my hardened nipple as I let Roddy continue to lick my pussy. My head was laid back and I found that I was biting my bottom lip from the pleasure I was feeling. Without realizing it, I had slipped further down in the swing allowing easier access to my lips for Roddy. It was pure heaven! I reached down and slid my shorts off my legs to allow Roddy full access to me. He didn’t let me down either! His tongue instantly covered my pussy, tasting me and slipping inside of me. My boy had turned me into putty in a matter of seconds.

I was so wet and so ready for him. I slipped my tank top off and turned over so that my knees were on the grass and my boobs were pressed hard against the seat of the swing. I reached back without seeing Roddy and patted my ass and he knew what to do. He instantly jumped up on my back and wrapped his forelegs around my tummy and gripped me tightly. I could feel his hips humping forward and soon his emerging cock found the folds of my pussy. He plunged his cock between my lips and with each thrust he was pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of me. I cried out from the intense pleasure he was giving me. His cock was pumping hard in and out of me and with each thrust, I could feel his balls slapping up against my clit. The feeling was electric. Shocks were surging through my body with every thrust. Soon I felt his knot growing larger and pressing against my lips. I relaxed and he was able to press his knot inside of me. There is no way to describe the feeling as his knot ties with me. He continued to thrust into me as he shot so much cum inside and with that I came and I came hard! I am able to hold Roddy inside of me easily when we knot. He is very large and I am on the small side I guess which makes for a great combination. After about a minute or so, Roddy was able to get down and turn around with his cock still planted deep inside of me. When he does that it can hurt a little…but it’s a pleasure pain kind of hurt! 😉 Once he settled down and quit trying to pull me around the yard, he eventually was able to pull his cock out and we made quite a mess…lol. As I sat up and began to grab my shorts, I looked down at my watch and realized that I had been tied to him for almost 20 minutes! Roddy is such a great lover!



As many of you know, my dog Roddy and I have a wonderful relationship. I have chatted with several people over the years that I would call a “friend”.

Just this past Saturday morning, I found myself laying on the floor in the front room playing with the new laptop I had purchased a couple of days ago. As I signed in on my Yahoo Messenger, a note popped up from one of my friends, Larae. It was about 9:00 am and I was still in my long t-shirt that I had slept in the night before…no undies either. The note was from Larae and I replied back not knowing if she was still online, or not, that morning and to my surprise she was online. We chatted for a bit about life, work, etc. She mentioned that she was getting ready to go ride her horse that morning. As we chatted, Roddy kept coming over to me as I laid on the floor and kept poking his nose up underneath my t-shirt into my ass. He was being naughty I told her! We hadn’t played in probably two weeks I would say, and I guess he was “in the mood”! I mentioned what Roddy was doing to me and Larae laughed. She knew my relationship with Roddy and knew what he was up to. She commented on his actions with a tone that I knew was desire on her part.

The thing is, when Roddy starts prodding around or nosing around me like that, it really turns me on and before I realized it I found myself getting really wet. As I continued to chat with Larae, I scooted my knees up underneath me so that I was on my elbows and knees while typing to her. This caused my t-shirt to ride up higher onto my back and basically exposing me to Roddy. Roddy’s tongue darted out and tasted me in that split second that I positioned myself. As I sat there enjoying his tongue on my pussy, I tried my best to keep chatting with her. I let her know what he doing with me and how he was doing it. I could tell from her words back to me that she was envious and wanted to try Roddy for herself.

After a couple of minutes of enjoying his tongue raking across my clit, I gave Roddy the signal to mount me by slapping my ass. In a smooth move, he jumped up on my back, gripped around my hips tightly, and he began to hump his hips into me. It only took a couple of tries and his cock found its mark. He quickly pumped his cock into me and it was at this time that my typing skills plummeted! In between thrusts, I tried to let her know what was happening. One, two, or three word sentences were the best I could do but I think I got the point across to her. I could imagine her on the other side getting excited knowing what Roddy and I were doing. Within a couple of minutes, I had Roddy’s pre-cum juices flowing down my legs as he lubricated my pussy. He then pushed his growing knot inside of me and it quickly expanded to fill my pussy and then he came and he came and he came. It had definitely been a couple of weeks since we last played and he was filling me to the brim. I let Larae know what Roddy was doing and how it felt to be tied to him. Unfortunately, the side effect of so much cum, is that I have more trouble keeping him tied to me. So after a couple of minutes, Roddy’s cock slipped from my well used pussy. I collapsed to the floor again and let her know that Roddy had withdrawn and what a mess we had made!…lol. I needed to get into the shower and clean up although I wondered if my wobbly legs could get me there. She let me go. I’m sure that she would enjoy Roddy if we ever got together. We said our “bye’s” and I signed off.

As I knelt to get up, I closed the laptop and patted and kissed Roddy on the head and told him what a good boy he was! What a beautiful day it was starting out as!



This past Saturday morning, I woke up early due to the fact I had gone to bed the night before with my bedroom window open and I could hear the birds chirping…LOUDLY!

I got myself out of bed and trudged downstairs to the bathroom. Cleaned myself up and decided that I was going to get an early start on my flowerbeds after I had breakfast. So I headed off to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Cheerio’s and sliced up a banana into it. I poured myself a tall glass of milk when it dawned on me that I hadn’t seen Roddy yet. As I sat down I called out to him and from around the corner he trotted into the kitchen. As I sat there eating my cereal and reading the newspaper that I had picked up off the porch, I nearly had a heart attack as I felt Roddy push his cold nose up between my thighs and taking a swipe with his tongue across my cleanly shaved kitty. I swatted at him to go find something else to play with besides me…lol. But Roddy is persistent to say the least! He pushed right back up between my thighs and since I wasn’t wearing any panties, he had a direct shot at my pussy and to be honest, it felt good too! I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to be able to finish my breakfast. He tongue was teasing and tempting me too much. I laid down my spoon and pushed my chair back from the table. I slowly slid my way down the chair so that my ass was right on the very edge of the seat and I spread my legs for him. This only encouraged Roddy to really enjoy his tasty treat…ME! He worked his tongue up from my ass and across the lips of my pussy and brushed over my clit. Over and over he did this. My pussy juices were beginning to flow easily from me. He was very attentive in that he caught every drop of juice that leaked from me with his large rough tongue. With every swipe of the tongue, he raked across my clit. I have a very sensitive clit and his tongue was causing wave after wave of sensations to wash through me. From time to time, he would actually push his tongue up inside my well lubed pussy drawing the juices from me. As he was doing this to me, I found that my fingers were on my very hard nipples and were pulling, tugging and twisting them very hard. The sensations were so overwhelming that…I couldn’t take it any longer! With the last swipe of his tongue, I came very hard. My entire body shook. My eyes rolled back into my head as my head laid back as far as it could and I cried out! Yesssssssss! Roddy continued to clean up my juices as I laid back on the chair. Totally exhausted yet very happy!

By the time I came down from my high, Roddy had moved up to the side of the chair and was looking at me. I swear he grinned. I patted him on his head and told him what a good boy he was.



Hello everyone! Been a while I know…

Just wanted to let everyone know what happened this past Saturday.

We recently laid off several employees at work and those of us left are having to do twice the work. This has meant that I had been working, eating dinner, and going straight to bed for a over two weeks straight. I was tired! Anyway, I decided to set Saturday aside for myself and Roddy. I had gone to bed Friday night after getting home, eating and showering. I fell asleep with a book.

I awoke Saturday morning (btw, yes, I do sleep nude) and instead of dressing, I had decided that I would stay nude and let Roddy take wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted and as many times as he wanted! We BOTH needed it! He had been such a good boy during that time and I wanted to reward both of us.

By the time I finally got dressed, it was a little after 1:00 pm, Roddy had mounted me THREE times that morning! His cock felt soooo wonderful deep inside of me. The first two times we were able to knot tightly together for almost 20 minutes each time. By the third time, he was wearing me out so he was able to pull out after cumming inside of me.

Let me tell you, we made a MESS!…lol…Roddy filled to the brim and then some! After showering off, I pulled on a t-shirt and panties and crawled back into bed and patted the bed beside me. Roddy jumped up and laid down beside me…what a weekend! 🙂