(c) 2009 by usafslut

OK- I know it sucks that I haven’t written for a while, actually I have started like 3 stories so they will probably hit all at the same time. I have been traveling again and you would think that being alone in these strange towns, would give me time to write, but it doesn’t for some reason…

Anyway I just had to write tonight and tell you all a true story that happened today- it is so exciting:

So I landed in this town and I was heading to the budget hotel the government puts you in. I got off the wrong exit and was heading through a residential area, when I see this tall guy walking a brown Great Dane with black markings almost like a zebra. As I am passing I see the dog’s balls hanging so I smile knowing it’s a male.

I thought quickly and pulled down a street a few blocks up. I got out of my car and started walking back to the pair. Luckily I was wearing my typical travel clothes that include sneakers. As I neared the guy and his dog I stopped and made a huge fuss over the great looking dog. I should tell you that the guy was great looking too.

I stood up and said “Mind if I walk with you? I am staying at a friend’s house down the block and just had to get out and take a walk, give them some time alone and give me a little exercise.” He told me he didn’t mind.

I tried to make casual conversation and asked “So you live out here with the wife and kids?” He responds “Yep that’s us, the all American family, wife 2 kids and a dog.” I was thinking “great so much for this fantasy,” when then guy continues: “however I am a bachelor this week as it’s a school vacation and they took off for her parent’s house.”

I tried to ignore what he said and then asked “I can’t believe how well behaved your dog is on his leash, did you have him fixed so he is so calm?” His response set the rest of the meeting in play “No, Kathleen, that’s my wife, wouldn’t let me. She said she felt that was cruel to do to an animal. So we have just taken him to obedience school a couple of times.”

I took a breath and figured, it’s now or never and said “Hey, if those big balls there are any indication I wouldn’t have let you fix him either.” The guy froze, and stopped the big dog. The guy looked at me and said “You’re kidding right?”

“I don’t know” I started “you read about these woman making it with dogs on the internet all the time, If I had a big dog like this in the house, how could you not think about trying it?”

We were still standing there, not walking, and he looked at me, his head turned like he was trying to figure me out and then asked “So if you were dog sitting Bruno here today, you would finish this walk and then what? Try to have sex with him?”

It was then my turn to look at him with questioning eyes; except mine were play acting. “Wow, I am not sure that was what I was thinking. But seeing as I haven’t been laid in about 4 months, and seeing as I am a little on the freaky side, I guess I would try to see if I could get him to eat me out and maybe go further.” I said slowly like I was trying to figure this out before I said the next word.

The guy then surprised me and gave me the leash. “Fine, but I get to watch.” I took the lead, and we starting walking in silence. I then spoke up and said “I don’t know how we got to this point; I am not sure if I am excited or feel like a total idiot.”

The guy replied by saying “I have been wondering that for last few minutes myself. My wife and I have pretty straight sex and I can’t imagine her even thinking about this kind of thing.” I didn’t have a response, well not out loud. What I was thinking, was “we will find out in a few minutes if your wife is as straight as you think she is.”

We got to Jack’s house and made introductions as Bruno went and got a drink of water. To this point the dog had virtually ignored me, which made me think I might be getting excited for nothing. Then I looked at Jack and figured he wouldn’t be a bad second choice at all.

We went into their beautiful family room; I asked “does Bruno have like his own chair in here or place he likes to lie down?” Jack smiled and said, “You must know dogs. Yes that leather recliner is his, even though he shouldn’t be able to fit there he does.”

I looked at Jack and exclaimed “Well here goes; this will be my possible jump into- what do they call it? Oh yeah; bestiality or looking like someone who should be committed to a nut house.” I took my clothes off in front of Jack and sat down on the leather chair with my legs spread wide. Jack was just staring at me and I felt like a total slut. I then called out “Bruno, come here boy.”

From the other room the dog came prancing in. I looked at the beautiful creature and again called him. He pranced over to me, sniffed at my pussy and a moment later his massive tongue was bathing my pussy. I looked up at Jack who was standing there with his mouth open, I think is disbelief.

I on the other hand was in total fascination and started giving encouragement. I stroked his huge head and told him what a “good boy” he was. For Jack’s entertainment and I guess for mine as well; I started talking out loud… meanwhile it felt fucking great.

“Good boy Bruno… That’s it lick my pussy… oh that’s it.” I said and although it started with a little act I was now getting turned on and the words that were just coming out of my mouth. Meanwhile Bruno had a tongue that must have 8” long and 3” wide and he was lapping me from my ass to my belly. I moved my butt off the chair and was now move on my back, with my legs spread as far as they could go. My butt hole was now part of the licking.

“That’s great Bruno keep licking…Yes take my pussy juice… you like it don’t you boy… You are going to make me cum… Yes it feels sooo good.” I was saying. Meanwhile I was about to explode and I started pulling on one of my nipples; with the hand I didn’t have on Bruno’s head. I had forgotten about Jack till he walked over to me and started playing with my other tit. I looked over and he asked “do you mind?” I just smiled and took my hand off my tit and moved it to his crotch. I started to play with his balls though his pants. I was about to grab his cock when Bruno rubbed his tongue on my clit and I lost it. “Oh my god yes Bruno… Lick right there… Yes, good boy…Oh yes… Yes…”

I then climaxed and as I did Bruno seemed to get more excited he must have liked the taste as he licked faster, his whole body was moving behind his licks. I lifted my ass putting my pussy even more into the hot wet tongue. I started to moan more than talk and Jack started to pull on both of my nipples. I was exploding and it felt sooo great. The dog didn’t stop and I just kept creaming into his mouth.

I finally looked up at Jack who had been smart enough to play with my tits as my nipples would have been raw by now. I asked “look at his cock, is it out of its sheath?”
Jack let go of me and moved along side his dog. “Yes, well the red part is out a couple of inches like when he licks himself.”

I replied “Well let’s see how straight your wife really is.” With that I pushed Bruno’s head away and then rolled over on the chair. My butt was now facing the big dog. I wasn’t sure if he was going to do nothing, lick me again or try to mount me. To my pleasant surprise the dog leaped onto the chair with his paws, basically keeping his weight off of me. I felt him start to hump me and soon felt his wet dick hitting my ass cheeks. Seeing as I didn’t have his weight on my back, as his legs were so long, I was able to reach my hand between my legs.

I felt his sheath in my fingers and the red tip in the palm of hand. The wet part was now about 3 or 4 inches and I shifted myself a little bit and then with little guidance I felt the small skinny cock enter me. I have fucked enough animals to know that they sometimes grow once they were in you, and Bruno was no exception. The little cock fell out a couple of times, and each time I helped him back in, each time it felt bigger.

I think Bruno and I finally felt like he was big enough to stay in and he turned on the power. He started to pump me with the speed no guy can. I heard Jack say “go boy go, fuck that pussy” and his dog did just what his master said. I was in ecstasy and was cumming within minutes and again never stopped. I felt the cock large inside me and felt his hanging balls knock into my clit as he humped away.

We must have been fucking a good 5 minutes when I felt his knot enter me. It felt great and I exploded even harder. I knew the end was coming soon and said between panting- “Jack get a towel or something, check under the chair first.” I know if I was fucking the dog I would not want to have to run up the stairs with cum dripping down my legs.

Sure enough there was an old bath towel under the skirting of the chair. Jack asked “what do you want me to do with this?” Before I could answer I felt a warm squirt inside my already very wet pussy. “He’s cumming Jack, he’s cumming.” I have no idea why I was saying that, but I kept on telling Jack that his dog was filling my pussy with his seed.

A minute or so later Bruno dismounted the chair and I felt the cum oozing out of my hole. I didn’t need to tell Jack what to do; he was obviously seeing what I was feeling. He started to wipe my thighs and then was running my opening, doing a little more than he need to.

“It’s your turn if you want it?” I said, knowing that he must be ready to pop in his jeans.

He replied “I think it’s a little too wet for me in there.” I smiled to myself and replied “I have two other holes, I owe you.”

He didn’t tell me which hole we wanted by I heard his sipper going down and then looked over and saw his pants move along the floor. I wanted the surprise so I didn’t turn around. I did use this time to say “I hate to say it Jack, but I think your wife is fucking with your dog, its not a natural thing it takes training.” I don’t know why I felt compelled to tell him that and now, maybe I wanted a hard ass fucking. I had never felt his cock in his pants, just his big balls. I usually find that taller guys have longer cocks, but it isn’t always the case.

I felt him move behind me and said “so I guess you picked my ass huh?” He replied “to start with anyway. I have only done this once.” I replied “well take some of that doggie cum for lube please, and start off slow.”

I got a little nervous that he wouldn’t put enough cum on his cock, so I reached between my legs and after I felt his fingers leave my pussy, I dug deep and got some more and shoved my wet fingers into my hole. I also shift and got up on my knees for the taller man, I didn’t want to take his cock plus all his weight.

I felt the familiar push of a cock head against my sphincter and then the pressure won out and his cock head was let in. I felt like the guy was splitting my skinnear my hole. I tried to relax, and at the same he kept pushing in. “Um can you wait for me to relax a little” I begged. But the ass rookie must have been too excited as he just kept pushing. I quickly moved my fingers to my clit and started rubbing, hopping my anus would relax. He still felt huge and was getting deeper and deeper inside me.

“Um Jack?” I asked; “Why is it… oh shit… that you have only fucked one girl, one time up the butt?”

He started to rock a little and my hole was accepting him more, then he pushed hard and I felt he was in really far. He didn’t answer for a minute and started a fucking motion and going in a little more each time. I felt like I had this long soda can making this wide canal of my butt workings.

He finally spoke and said “well I guess no-one really wanted me in there, I mean you kids are much more into anal then my generation.” I was thinking “this guy is only like 10 years older than me.” He then pushed and I thought his cock was in my stomach. He started fucking me and I wasn’t totally ready, it felt like the longest thickest cock I ever had in me, and I have had some long dildos in there.

I finally felt his balls hitting me and knew he was all the way in. My body was accepting him, and I think some of the doggie cum was dripping onto his cock making my opening feel a lot better. But I had to ask between poundings of his big cock “Is it possibly that girls’ told you, you were too big for their ass?”

“Yeah I guess I heard that a few times.” He replied. He then started to pump faster, not anything like Bruno, but fast. I was on the verge of cumming and then did. I love anal climaxes, but I don’t really like the guy in me when stop cumming. I could tell that my anal juices were flowing as his cock was going in even easier and I noticed that I was screaming in pleasure.

A minute later he pulled out and yelled out “Turn around, take my load in that slut mouth of yours.” I did as requested, and a little surprised at his outbreak. I slid off the chair onto my knees and then turned around. He was squeezing his shaft with both hands trying not to cum. What scared me is that his hands were one above the other which must have spanned at least 10” and the huge head was not even covered.

I opened my mouth to take him and the moment he released his tight grip cum came shooting out of the cannon of a cock he had. The first stream went straight in and to the back of my throat. The second one hit my chin and neck. It was like he didn’t like that his missed so grabbed my head and pushed the shaft into my mouth. He kept shooting his load and then started to fuck my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow his load and I must have swallowed 3 or 4 times till he pushed my head away.

I looked at his cock that had lost a little of its harness, but was still fucking huge. “Well, I can see why girls don’t want that 3rd leg of yours in their ass. I didn’t think you could top getting fucked by your dog’s long cock but you did it.

I expected to get thrown out after being the slut I had been. But I was offered the chance to shower and had a cocktail before going to check into my hotel. I finally had told the truth that I wasn’t actually staying at someone’s house when he asked me the street name I was staying on.

I must say that I am not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow, not after what must have been an 8” doggie cut and big knot in my pussy and what I learned before I left was close to a 12” x 7” round cock (a new measurement for me- he told me these.)

Right now I feel like I have a stick up my ass and one in my pussy. But I do have his phone number and I am here through the end of Thursday so if I recover I may go back. Jack was not to happy realizing his dog was probably getting more than he was. What was wrong with that woman, this guy’s cock is one to die for- but then again, a dog is always ready when you are…
