(c) 2012 by Fourx

I had been living with Tony for three months and I was eternally grateful for the fact that he had given me a place to live after I had fled from my abusive husband. It was an excellent place for me to hide out in as it was an isolated rural area where no one would be able to find me.

Tony raised large hunting dogs for sale and I helped him with the chores. He asked very little of me but occasionally he said that it was time for us to make our relationship a more committed one. To this I agreed wholeheartedly as I had become very attracted to him and wished for much more from him. When I told him this he said that for me to realize the depth of our commitment it would be necessary for us to have a commitment ceremony called the BTB Ceremony with a number of his business friends and their women. I had a twinge of uncertainty when he said that the friends were bringing their women to the ceremony as the few times that I had met the couples I had been surprised that any of Tony’s friends would treat their women in such a disrespectful way. The often referred to their women as ‘bitches’, ‘old whores’ or ‘sluts’. The women never seemed to take any offence to those degrading names – in fact they all seemed very loving and accommodating waiting on their men hand and foot.

It was a fine day in early June when our commitment ceremony was to take place. The guests began arriving – the men with their women and each couple brought along one of their hunting sires as Tony said that they were going to kill two birds with one stone. They had to breed a bitch.

The morning was a flurry of activity as they pitched their tents and fed their dogs. Then we had a nice lunch as it was planned to have our big meal after the ceremony.

For the ceremony Tony had bought me a lovely two piece outfit. It was made of strong denim and the top had loose long sleeves and was form fitting to the hips with a zipper up the front. It fitted me to a ‘T’. The bottom of the outfit was a long wrap-around skirt of the same material. I had done up my hair and applied just enough make-up to enhance my blond good looks. Tony was entranced with how beautiful I looked and he took many pictures of me from all different angles. As he jokingly said ‘these are your before pictures’ and he took me around for all the guests to admire.

He then gave me to two of his guests to take me into the barn where the ceremony was to take place. Two of the men took me by the arms and escorted me into the building and to a low padded bench which was about a foot high. I began to feel uncertain about what was happening but they assured me that it was all a part of the ceremony. Thinking that Tony would not allow anyone to really hurt me I went along with them and sat on the bench as directed. Suddenly they had fastened my wrists to the sides of the bench and bent my legs up and fastened my ankles to restraints. They shoved me down until my ass was at the end of the bench and as my ankles were restrained my knees were up in the air. They spread my legs apart and instructed me to stay that way for the ceremony.

They motioned for the rest of the people and animals to come in and get comfortable. I was crying in shame for them to see me in such a position and I was sure when Tony saw what they had done he would free me. But such was not to be. Tony came over to me and kissed me on the lips and whispered that this was the commitment ceremony and if I wanted to be his woman I would have to go along with it. This ceremony was to make me totally broken of my feelings of pride and from today on my only purpose was to be his woman. Then he called his biggest hunting sire and steered it to my cunt. The dog started licking me and in spite of my embarrassment I found it stimulating. Then he raised the dog up and steered its cock at the entrance to my cunt. The dog put his paws around my waist and started pushing. I had seen this dogs cock before when it was breeding bitches and I knew it was long. I screamed in terror as I thought that I would be torn apart. My screams did no good and soon I was filled with pain as I was being invaded where no cock had gone before. As the dog kept shagging in and out Tony had stripped and had his cock in my mouth. There was nothing I could do but suck as commanded. The pain was turning to pleasure and my body was responding to the expanding cocks which were in both my openings. Tony was almost ready to come and the dog was in full way and I could feel its cock stretching me until I felt that my skin would burst. It was an exquisite pain and pleasure all mixed into one and I had an earth shattering climax as both Tony and the dog were sending their loads into me in one steady stream of hot lava. Tony softened and I kept quietly sucking on him but the dog seemed to still be unloading into me and his knot had locked us together as I had seen him and bitches locked before. The feeling of fullness kept me at the peak and I climaxed again and again. The crowd of onlookers clapped their appreciation for the show and kept shouting for Tony to fuck my face again. I stepped up the pace of my sucking and he hardened once more and frenzied by the crowd he drove down my throat and came once more. After about 25 minutes the dog pulled out of me and I felt a great emptiness but immediately another dog was licking me clean and its owner was directing its cock into my cunt. This dog was very intent on doing a good job and with one thrust it was in me the full way. I had little time to focus on what the dog was doing because its owner had his cock in my mouth and was plunging it in and out as if I was nothing but a fucking machine. I tried to turn my head so that it wouldn’t hurt so much and he drove it the full way down my throat. By the pulsating feeling of it I knew he was unloading into my stomach. My vagina was filling up with the hot loads of cum from the dog and once again I had a climax. The fullness of both ends of my body was driving me to greater and greater heights. Then the penis was removed I begged for them to keep the dog in me. It did stay for at least 15 minutes and then I was treated to the third man and his dog. Before my mouth was filled I heard myself begging for more cock. This dog had what seemed like a thicker cock and almost as soon as it entered me I could feel a great stretching and fullness. When its knot reached its full size I was stretched to breaking point but I never wanted it to stop. After I had sucked off its owner I asked him to rub the dog and keep it hard. When the forth man and his dog came to use me they kept the dog licking at my cunt to clean it of some of the cum that kept oozing out of it. Then when I was what they considered clean enough they used me in the same way. This kept on until all the men and dogs had fucked me – 10 dogs – 10 men.

Five hours had passed and I was in a stupefied state of continuous arousal. I heard myself begging for more and more.

Then I heard one of the men saying to just leave me to the dogs while they ate dinner. Tony stayed behind and only allowed one dog in at a time until it was finished and then he would let another one in. Dinner lasted a long time and by the time dinner was over I think most of the dogs had had another turn.

Then Tony announced that as I had serviced all the dogs and men by mouth any of the men who wished could use my cunt. He took a large towel and dried me off as well as he could as I was still attached to the bench. Even though I was an oozing mess the men all came by turns and fucked me as hard and deeply as they could without any concern for my pain or pleasure. I was still climaxing almost continuously. They finally finished and my restraints were removed. I had been on the bench for 12 hours and when Tony came to help me up pains shot through me as I tried to close my legs together.

He steadied me until I was able to stand by myself and again he took pictures of me from every angle. He especially focussed on the rivers of bloody white cum which was running down my legs. My skirt was a sodden mess and he threw it away and my pretty jacket was cum soaked as was my face and hair. These were my after shots.

I was too weak to eat and I went back and lay down on the bench and opened my legs for any more comers.

Then I knew what it was to be a bitch, a whore and a slut.

Each year I ask Tony to arrange for a re-commitment ceremony and he is quite willing to accommodate me. In the meantime if the stud dogs are becoming restless he will put me on the bench and allow me to service them. It is not necessary to restrain me anymore.

Even though I love being fucked by the dogs and their owners I never neglect Tony as he is the reason for all my pleasure. Each day if he permits me I lovingly suck his balls and his cock until he is ready to come and then I quickly mount him and have him empty deeply into my body. I willingly do everything he wants as often as he wants. Some days if I am lucky he will fuck me five and six times.

Note – The BTB referred to above was for breed and break the bitch.