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(c) 2011 by JenK9

Gina and Jason have been romantically involved for quite some time now and Jason is fully aware of what goes on at our Ladies K9 Club meetings. Gina asked him if he would be ok with sharing their story in this forum but he had conditions. He said it would be fine as long as he could attend one of our meetings, but it had to be one where everyone ends up having sex with their dogs (sometimes we just chat and share). Of course Jason was joking, he was just fantasising, as he wouldn’t have forbade Gina from sharing this story. We decided to go along with it as one of our aims of the club is to fulfil members fantasies and since Jason has been so good to Gina and is a complete stud we fulfilled his. Since we don’t really plan the outcome of our meetings and it’s a ladies only club, we decided to have a special meeting at Jason’s place with the aim of screwing our dogs in front of him. We asked our members to join us if interested and ended up with seven members at his house this two evenings ago (31 Oct). We started the meeting as we usually would and eventually everyone was naked being licked and fucked by dogs and each other. When Jason had seen enough, he joined us by fucking Gina in the middle of our K9 and lesbian orgy. With that done, I can now post their story as told by Gina.


As you may remember from my previous stories, I wanted to get involved with Jason as he was everything I wanted in a man and more. He had decided to take a break from relationships as he none of the women were able to fulfil his needs and in the long run he felt disappointed. Jason didn’t know that I saw him through his window one evening and watched him jerking off to a dog sex video, so he thought his unfulfilled needs were a secret. I had been fucking his three Rottweilers for over three months since I saw him that evening and wanted to let him know that I would be able to fulfil those needs he was craving, but doing that proved to be a difficult task. I looked for any opportunity but chickened out at the last moment and I was becoming quite depressed about the whole situation.

One day Jason invited me to join him for dinner that night, he said he enjoyed my company and didn’t feel like being alone. He would cook and provide everything, I just had to show up. I agreed and decided to spend the day at the spa to have all the details taken care of and, of course, relax. With a face mask on, I closed my eyes and enjoyed a foot massage and pedicure, my mind started to drift towards the approaching evening and the possibilities it held. I was afraid I would chicken out again as all my plans failed and I felt I might never get with Jason. I realised that I had been over thinking the issue and put a lot of pressure on myself with my plans and so I decided that I wouldn’t give it any further thought and wouldn’t look for an opportunity that night, I would just enjoy the evening and let things take their course. After making that decision I was able to enjoy my day at the spa even more and ended it feeling completely relaxed and renewed. I bought myself a new casual but sexy outfit and finally made my way home to prepare for my night with Jason. I reminded myself a few times

“No expectations tonight, just enjoy yourself”

I put on my new outfit and headed over to Jason’s place. As I passed his bedroom window I paused and recalled what I saw that night when I discovered his secret desire, the images in my mind gave me a nipple stand and made my pussy a little moist. I shook my head to shake the thought from my mind and continued to where I could hear Jason’s music. Jason let me in as soon as he saw me

“I hope you’re hungry, I’ve prepared a feast”

“I’m starving, haven’t eaten all day” I replied

Jason and I had become very good friends by now so chatting, joking and enjoying each other’s company came natural. We had one or two drinks as we finished preparing the meal together and then sat down to eat. The meal was exquisite, I don’t remember when last I enjoyed a meal like that, Jason really put in a lot of effort. By the time we were done with desert, we had consumed at least four drinks and I could feel it starting to go to my head. Jason sat on the sofa while I lay on my back with my head on his lap and we continued enjoying our conversation. Being a little inebriated, we began talking about our past sex partners and the things we had gotten up to

“Who was the best sex you ever had?” I asked

Jason gave me a few details of a woman from his past and then asked me the same question. Images of his three Rottweilers popped up into my mind, but I wasn’t ready to tell him so I told him about the best human sex I had experienced. We spoke about sex for at least an hour when Jason went quiet for a few seconds

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, genuinely concerned

“I think we’d better stop talking about sex, I’m getting turned on over here”

“Me too” I replied

Jason and I looked into each other’s eyes, for a moment we were silent both wanting the same thing. As if there were an invisible force, our bodies slowly moved closer until our lips met and he gave me a soft, sensual kiss. Jason pulled away

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Please forgive me”

I tried to kiss him again but he turned his head

“Jason, just be with me tonight. If you still feel that you don’t want a relationship in the morning we can pretend this never happened”

“You know I can’t”

I tried for a few more minutes to convince him but he was determined to stay out of relationships

“Ok then, we don’t have to let this spoil the evening. I’m still enjoying being with you just as a friend”

Jason agreed and we spoke about what had just happened a bit more until he tried to change the subject. That was when I had a wicked idea

“You know that I am very horny right now, that’s cruel of you”

Jason laughed

“I still have a boner, so you’re not the only one”

“I could be your friend with special benefits”

“Gina, don’t start”

“Fine! If you won’t please me I’ll do it myself, I hope you don’t mind”

Jason thought I was just joking and if I wasn’t he thought I’d go home and masturbate or something. I took him by surprise when I stood up right there in front of him and removed my thong from beneath my skirt

“You’re not serious?” he asked with a look of shock and anticipation on his face

“Of course I am. You’re welcome to do the same, I don’t mind”

Jason just sat there in disbelief and stunned silence. I sat back down, spread my legs and began to massage my clit, hiding the action beneath my skirt. Jason stared at me desperately trying to get a glimpse of my pussy. I watched Jason looking at me, his eyes fixed to where my hand was. I hoped that he would decide to give in and come fuck me. I realised then that Jason would see me differently from then on so I had better make it worthwhile. I closed my eyes and continued masturbating, every so often making sure my pussy was visible for just a second. Eventually I reached an orgasm, and it was a good one too, and I watched Jason’s eyes get bigger and he held his breathe until I was done.

“Holy shit women, that was incredible to watch”

“I’m still horny but I need a dick in me, interested?”

“Of course I’m interested but it aint gonna happen”

“I want a dick in here now, are there any dicks close by that you could recommend?”

Jason swallowed hard, I knew what was on his mind and if he didn’t suggest one of his dogs then I was going to

“We’re a bit far from any other men, the only other dicks on my property belong to my dogs”

“I need a dick in my pussy, make a plan Jason”

“Fine I’m gonna get Sam, I’ll call your bluff”

Jason went outside and I stood by the door to hear his reaction. I heard him saying something to Sam and then I heard him say

“If she goes through with this… well, let’s just hope she’s not bluffing”

I sat back down on the sofa and spread my legs wide open, still with the skirt hiding my pussy from view. Jason walked in with Sam and just looked at me for a few seconds

“Well here he is….” He said, unsure of what to say next

“Well, here I am” I replied

Sam was eager from the moment he saw me, he had licked and fucked me many times before but I had to act like that never happened. Jason held Sam by the collar and slowly let him come closer to my wide-spread legs. Just before Sam was close enough to lick me Jason looked up one more time, I raised my eyebrow at him and he let go of Sam’s collar. Sam started licking mu pussy with great enthusiasm, I lifted my skirt just enough for Sam to get in there but also still blocking Jason’s view. Jason got down on one knee and lowered his head for a better view

“What are you doing?”

“I just wanna see” he replied

“The only way you get to see is if you’re participating”

Jason was already convinced he wanted me

“I have decided that I do want you, this is what’s been missing in my relationships. Now you are every bit the woman I want”

“Ok, but now you’ll have to wait your turn. Sit down and pay attention!”

I stood up and began to slowly remove my clothing, Sam didn’t stop licking me and I didn’t try to stop him either. I first removed my top and the turned around and undid my bra letting it fall to the ground. When I turned around I covered my breasts with my hands so Jason would have to wait just a few more seconds to see them. Then I slowly lowered my hands and slid them down my waist and slid my thumbs into the waist band of my skirt at the hips. I turned around again and slowly lowered my skirt keeping my legs straight until the skirt was on the floor. This gave Jason a very good rear view of my pussy as Sam just continued licking. I sat back down on the sofa and Sam continue his skilful licking. Jason watched intently and didn’t say a word, then I moved things to the next level

“Sam, I want a dick in my pussy and your daddy wasn’t interested. Can you help me?”

I knew the words were meaningless to Sam but they weren’t for Sam. I tapped on my chest giving Sam the signal to hop up. Sam understood this from our previous encounters and immediately complied. By now Sam’s dick was fully extended and he began to thrash around in search of my very wet cunt

“Jason, he can’t find the hole. Can you help him?”

Jason didn’t need to be asked twice and in a flash he had Sam’s dick in his hand. Jason lay down on the floor just behind Sam so he would have the perfect view while helping his pet’s dick find the target. Jason placed the cock against the entrance to my cunt and Sam took it from there. He impaled me with his massive cock and fucked me hard and fast

“HOLY SHIT!” was all Jason could say

Jason stayed in that position and watched quietly as Sam fucked me, eventually Sam shoved his knot into my cunt which took my breath away. Sam shortened his stroke and began to soot my cunt full of cum

“He’s cumming inside me” I told Jason

Jason got up, sat on the sofa next to me and grabbed my breast

“Not yet Jason, you wait your turn”

He let go and continued watching. When Sam was done, he popped out and his cum poured out. Jason watched in amazement but still had nothing to say. Sam lay down on the rug and started licking himself clean. With Sam’s cum still dripping out of me I looked up at Jason and said

“Now it’s your turn”

Jason stood up and got naked and then kneeled between my legs, he took his dick in his hand and aimed it at my pussy. He slid his beautiful cock slowly into me so he could savour the moment. Once it was in as deep as it would go, he gave me a very sensual kiss and then proceeded to fucked me. I was so happy, I finally had Jason and he was an awesome fuck. I was first to orgasm and as soon as I had, Jason slowed his fucking rhythm as Sam was trying to see what was going on. Jason moved a bit to the side and Sam started licking our genitals as Jason continued to fuck me. Jason then pulled me off the sofa and put me in a doggy-style position (I love it when he takes what he wants). He penetrated my cunt again and continued fucking me. By now all three dogs were in the room, each one took turns inspecting and licking our genitals and Jason just loved it. Bear tried to mount my right arm so I lowered myself and took his cock into my mouth. Jason came right then and there, he had to pull out since he wasn’t wearing a condom and shot his load on my ass and back. Sam licked his dick as he came and then licked the cum off my back and ass. Jason lay down next to me to watch me as I sucked Bear’s throbbing cock. Sam and Moose licked me then licked Jason’s dick some more and finally Moose mounted and fucked the daylights out of me. Bears came and I watched Jason’s eyes light up as he saw cum dripping from the corners of my mouth while I continued to suck until Bear was done. Not long after, Moose tied with me and filled me with his hot baby gravy and I came one more time. Moose turned around so we were butt to butt which gave Jason the opportunity to have a closer look. When Moose finally popped out, Jason shoved his fingers into my cunt as the cum dripped out of my aching pussy. Jason, the three dogs and I all lay contently on the rug for quite a while. Eventually Jason and I started talking

“I can’t believe what just happened here, this is exactly what I was talking about women not being the women I need. I’ve always wanted my woman to have sex with a dog while I watch and I am happy it’s you”

“Jason, I’ve got a confession to make…”

I told him about how I came over to his place to fuck him when I saw him masturbating to the dog sex video and how that lead to me trying it in the interest of getting together with him. I told how it became a true desire for me and how I had been fucking his dogs for over three months already. Jason was pleased, he told me that that made me even more perfect since I was willing to try something new and taboo just for him.

The following day Jason treated me to a very romantic day and night. That night it was just the two of us, no dogs but on our dates that followed we had many dog sex encounters.

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