Women with Animals

My Introduction To K9 Sex


(c) 2011 by JenK9

My name is Jennifer, friends call me Jen, and this is my account of how I got introduced to dog sex. What I am about to share with you took place almost a year ago.

About me; at the time of this story I was 28 years old, 5’4”, green eyes, slim with a fit build (I gym four times a week and jog every day), long dark brown hair with two firm C-cups. I don’t like to say this because it seems so vain but, I am told almost daily by men of all ages that I am very attractive.

Quick background: When I was 22 I had to make a choice, it was either the pretty little house wife or a successful business women. I decided to be the successful business women, but this had both advantageous and disadvantageous. On the one hand I was in total control of my own life, I could buy my own things and was completely independent, but on the other hand it was not so good for relationships so it was lonely at times. I had a few good relationships, the longest of which was six months and sex was part of all those relationships. This choice also had an impact on friendships with women, for some reason it is difficult for other women to accept a successful business women as a close friend.

Now the story: I was between boyfriends for four months now and was starting to feel the loneliness, I did not want the complications of a relationship, just some friendly company at home. Just like any other women I also wanted to feel the safety of having company at night. This lead to the decision to buy a dog as a companion and guard, but the dog would have to already be house-trained and not a tiny puppy. I found an online ad from a man that was moving to a new city and was looking for a new home for his three year old, well behaved Rottweiler. Three days later I had a dog. I took a few days off work (which is quite stressful for a dedicated business person) to bond with my new pet which I named Zeus as he was quite an impressive animal. I found out very quickly that Zeus was very affectionate and playful but had absolutely no training. So we enrolled in a K9 training school on Saturdays which was also great for bonding. This is where I met Emma, the advanced level trainer of the school. Zeus and I were not in Emma’s training sessions as we were only doing the basics but I often saw Emma watching us from the side of the training field.

One Saturday, Zeus and I were a bit early so we had to wait for about twenty minutes. Emma walked up to us and introduced herself. At first the conversation was about dogs and their training but then she started finding out more about Zeus and I. After that we spoke regularly, then we met for coffee a few times and eventually we became quite close friends who visited each other’s homes on at least three occasions.

On day, Emma called and invited me to accompany her to a ranch on the outskirts of the city that she often stayed at while her friends were away. She said that we don’t have to do any work or anything as there is a ranch hand and other people for that, we can go to just stay out in the country and fresh air for a relaxing break from the vibe of the city. I agreed but asked if I could bring Zeus, she said

“I wouldn’t have it any other way”

That Friday afternoon, she picked Zeus and I up in her pickup, her highly trained dog Thunder (Golden Labrador) was also in the truck, and off we went to the ranch. After settling in, Emma poured us both a wine and we sat on the porch with a beautiful view of the ranch and where we could watch our dogs play. We had lengthy conversations which inevitably lead to sex. By this time we were both a little light headed from the wine and in that state people are not shy to share. We described our firsts, best, worst, positions we’ve tried and those we would like to try, then Emma asked me

“Are you getting cold or is the conversation turning you on?”

I looked down and saw my very obvious nipple stand and blushed.

“I must admit, I am a little turned on and I haven’t had sex for a long time now.”

“Do you masturbate when you get horny?”

Blushing a little I replied

“Of course, I even got myself a dido”

I couldn’t believe I just told her that.

“There are more creative and fun ways of getting off you know”

“Creative? How do you masturbate?”

She smiled and said she wanted to show me something. We fed the boys, who had lots of fun in the openness of the ranch that day and then we headed to the TV room where she popped in a DVD. On the screen there was a list of options to select from; couples sex, hard core, masturbation, gay, lesbian, fetish, etc. The list was very long and Emma asked if I ever had sex with another woman, I said

“No, but I always….”

I paused for a moment and thought that she might be leading me to just that, sex with her. So I looked her up and down and decided if I were to have sex with a woman, she’s the perfect choice. I should probably describe her before I continue. Emma was 30 years old, 5’5”, blue eyes, sporty build with the most perfect butt, black hair down to her shoulders and also with two perky C-cups. Most men found her to be very sexy. I continued my answer to her

“…. I always wanted to try it. Sometimes I fanaticise about it when I masturbate”

Emma selected Lesbian Sex from the list and then sat down beside me with her leg touching mine. I watched the lesbian scene unfold on the screen then turned to Emma to see her expression. She wasn’t looking at the screen, she was looking at me and breathing quite deeply as if she were trying to say or do something very difficult to just blurt out or do. I knew what was on her mind and I wanted the same thing, so I leaned towards her and closed my eyes. Our lips gently met and we had a very romantic, slow kiss. When we separated, we looked in each other’s eyes and both leaned in for a much more passionate kiss. She held my face in her hands as our tongues twisted round each other’s. Then Emma pushed me back as we continued kissing. When my head was on the sofa’s arm rest, she kissed my neck and gently cupped my breasts and felt my nipples through my shirt. She then began to undo my belt and zipper after which she removed my jeans leaving me in just my thong. She was now kneeling between my legs so I helped her out of her shirt and bra and then massaged her breasts with both my hands while I gave her another passionate kiss. She then removed my thong and stood up to remove her jeans and thong while I removed my shirt and bra. We were now both completely naked and she returned to kneel between my legs, she leaned in and began to gently kiss my pussy mound while she gently rubbed the lips with her fingers. With both hands she spread my pussy lips apart and began to lick and suck on my clit. It felt so amazing, a woman knows what feels good when licking a pussy. She then slipped two fingers into my cunt and pumped them in and out while she continued to pleasure my clit with her mouth. After some time, she got up and pulled me to the centre of the sofa so that my head was no longer on the arm rest, then she positioned herself over me in a 69 position. We licked, sucked and fingered each other until I came, and what an orgasm that was. I pushed her gently off me and guided her to sit on the sofa with her butt on the edge and positioned myself between her legs on my knees and licked and fingered her pussy until she also had a huge orgasm. For the next 15 minutes or so we just sat in each other’s arms and discussed what happened and how much we both enjoyed that. Emma suggested

“We should do this again”

“I agree, and regularly too”

She smiled and we discussed lesbian sex for another 20 minutes or so. Then I asked her

“Is there anything you would like to try with me? I’m not ready for this to end”

She looked at the TV and pointing at the screen said

“I’ve actually always wanted to try that”

On the screen the two women were sitting between each other’s legs rubbing their pussies together. My pussy started tingling and I said

“So let’s do that”

For the rest of the evening we experimented with each other bodies and positions until the early hours of the morning.


The following day, I was awoken with a sensual kiss and breakfast in bed (both of us still naked). After breakfast and a quickly brushing our teeth we got each other off again in a 69 position. Then we got dressed and spent the morning walking around the ranch, riding the horses and simply enjoying each other’s company while the dogs tagged along. By lunch time we were both quite sweaty so we returned to the house for lunch and a dip in the pool. We had a quick shower together, had a light lunch, slipped into our bathing suits and got into the pool where we could sit and chat. Again our discussion was focused on sex. We got out the pool and poured ourselves some drinks while we continued our discussion on the deck.

“Emma, what did you mean about being more creative when getting yourself off? I get the feeling you weren’t talking about lesbian sex”

“No, I meant being open-minded to new experiences”

“What type of experiences?”

“Well, like I mentioned last night, I have been quite experimental”

She paused with a blush, then continued

“One day at home, I was desperately trying to bring myself to orgasm without any luck. So I tried masturbating with my vibrator, bottles, a cucumber and anything that would fit into my cunt but nothing got me off. Then I noticed Thunder looking at me with his head cocked to one side. Then he licked his lips and I noticed his penis was slightly out of its sheath. I started wondering if he could get me to orgasm. So I called him over to the sofa where I was sitting, opened my legs, tapped my pussy with one hand and said ‘Here boy’. He came forward, sniffed a little and then started licking my pussy”

“Holy shit, are you for real?”

“Yes. I hope you don’t hate me now”

What she didn’t realise was that her story had made me wet. I couldn’t believe that I was turned on

“I don’t hate you. So how was it?”

“It didn’t take long for me to orgasm, his tongue is amazing and nothing like a humans. After that I trained him to perform all sorts of sexual acts with me, and we both enjoy it”

“I never thought I would ever consider this but, would you show me? I mean, I just want to see it for real, if that’s OK”

“You are the only person I have ever told about this. It is such a relief that you didn’t just leave me and it’s also nice that I could just share this with someone. So after the ranch hand and the other workers leave, I will show you”

Both of us were quite excited with anticipation. We decided that there would be no more sex until that night. It seemed to take forever for nightfall to come and for all the workers to leave. Finally, we were alone. We both only had t-shirts and shorts on, no underwear, and called our four-legged friends inside. She said she also wanted Zeus with us so that he could learn from Thunder if I decided I wanted to train him to please me. Emma instructed Thunder to sit and then got naked. While she was disrobing, Thunder began to wag his tail.

“See, he’s getting excited, he knows what’s coming”

She fastened Zeus’ leash to the table a short distance from where she would perform the act and then lay on the floor on her back close to Thunder.

“Thunder, come to mommy”

Thunder approached her and sat between her wide-spread legs and waited for the next command

“Lick me boy”

Thunder began by licking her knee, then her thigh and finally made his way to her pussy where he licked her like I have never seen before. Emma started to moan in pleasure, Thunder found every inch of her lips, folds and clit with his tongue. His tongue even went inside her cunt. I was so wet at this point, I realised that I was staring with my mouth open and leaning forward.

“Come closer for a better view”

I positioned myself over Emma in a 69 for an up-close view of the action. With two fingers I spread her pussy lips open to give Thunder better access. Emma moaned in pure ecstasy. She then took advantage of our 69 position by pulling my hips down so she could lick my pussy while I watched in amazement. I also began to moan but never took my eyes off Emma’s pussy and the tongue pleasing it. I came first and moved off Emma so I could also watch her expressions as the dog continued his task of pleasing his mistress. It wasn’t long before Emma’s body erupted in a powerful orgasm, it was so wonderful to watch. Emma instructed Thunder to stop, so he sat back and Emma sat up and locked at me

“So? What do you think?”

“That was amazing!”

“Do you want to see him fuck?”

“Yes please”

“Do you want to watch him fuck me or do you want him to fuck you?”

“I have never been this turned on in my life, but I’m afraid to let him fuck me. Look at the size of his cock! Won’t he hurt me?”

Thunder had an impressive cock, it was large and sticking out all the way and looked very hard

“I am an advanced level K9 trainer, he is well trained and you will only experience pure pleasure, I promise”

“In that case, I want to be fucked”

Emma made me sit in the edge of the sofa with my butt just over the edge, she spread my legs wide open and gave me one last lick

“Thunder, come her boy”

Thunder sat exactly where Emma was pointing on the floor between my legs

“I just want you to feel what it feels like to be licked by a dog before he fucks you”

“I like that idea”

Emma tapped my pussy with a finger and said to Thunder

“Lick here boy”

Without hesitation, Thunder happily followed instruction and gave me the best muff dive I have ever had. When Emma saw how much I was enjoying it she let Thunder bring me to orgasm with his tongue. I was very loud when my orgasm exploded through my body.

“So how was it Jen?”

I couldn’t answer, my body was shaking and I was out of breath.

“I think I’ll give you a few minutes to recover”

Emma sat next to me so I could rest my head on her chest just above her perfect breasts. Finally I sat up and said

“That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced”

“Are you OK? Do you still want Thunder to fuck you?”

“I am ready, I want that cock inside me more than I have ever wanted cock before”

Emma spread my legs again.

“Fuck her Thunder”

Thunder was very well trained, he immediately put his front paws on either side of me and started edging forward with his lower body searching for my pussy with his dick. Emma crouched down to watch her pet’s cock enter me. When Thunder made contact, he lunged forward with his hips and drove his wonderful cock deep inside my cunt. I had no control of myself, I moaned loudly as this handsome, muscular dog drove his wonderful girl-pleaser in and out of me with very quick movements. The pleasure I was experiencing is indescribable. I opened my eye and saw Emma just watching with a huge grin on her face. Then she placed her hand between Thunder’s legs to feel his cock sliding in and out of me. I orgasmed with such intensity that my head began to spin and my vision became a blur. Thunder did not stop. After a few more minutes of his relentless fucking, I felt him trying to force his knot into my cunt.

“Spread your legs as wide as possible. The knot will slide in easier that way”

I did as instructed and Thunder got it in. Another orgasm tore through my body, almost as powerful as the one before. I was having the best sex of my life, the fact that it was a dog giving it to me just added to the exhilaration of it all. Then Thunder tensed up and I felt the hot sensation of his cum filling me, this triggered another orgasm. When he finally stopped, I thought that it was over, but I was wrong.

“Don’t worry Jen, this happens all the time. He’s tied to you until he is done shooting his load and his knot and cock shrinks”

I didn’t mind, I was so satisfied I just sat there completely limp with a smile on my face while Thunder rested on my chest. Emma caressed my face and spoke to me while she petted Thunder and after a few minutes Thunder turned around and faced away from me. I leaned forward to inspect our locked connection. I loved seeing this dog cock and the way it was forcing my cunt open. Eventually he popped out which was a strange feeling, having so much pressure and tightness in my cunt and then suddenly no pressure at all. Thunders cum poured out of me onto the floor, Emma gave my cum-filled pussy a few licks to taste our combined juices.

After a few moments we turned our attention to Zeus who was watching intently the whole time, tail wagging. His cock was also hanging out.

“Let’s give your Zeus his first taste of sex with a human”

So we moved over to him and untied his leash. Emma stood in front of him and spread her pussy lips apart right in front of his face. He licked her immediately. Emma just closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Zeus then grabbed Emma’s leg with his front paws and started humping the air.

“Jen, do you mind if I let him fuck me?”

“Go for it. I would also like to watch, besides I’m too fucked to let Zeus fuck me right now”

Emma got on her hands and knees and asked me to help Zeus onto her as he could possible hurt her in his inexperience. Zeus followed his instinct and mounted Emma, I just made sure he didn’t scratch her. When he was on top of her he started humping wildly.

“Grab his cock and guide it into my cunt”

When he entered her she let out a pleasurable moan. He fucked her hard and fast but didn’t last as long as Thunder. I had positioned myself below Emma on my back to watch the penetration and so had a great view when his knot slid into Emma’s cunt. When the warmth of his load started to fill Emma’s womb she erupted into orgasm. Her head flew back, eyes shut, body convulsing. I just had to touch her. So I started to rub her clit with my finger in the middle of her orgasm, this sent her to a new level of pleasure and her arms collapsed with her chest crashing into me below her. I was able to move just enough that I didn’t get hurt and continued rubbing that clit. When the two were done with their orgasms, Emma lifted herself up onto her arms again and I got out from beneath her. I got onto all fours in front of her and gave her a kiss. Emma and Zeus were stuck together for less than 10 min, when he popped out she collapsed onto the floor and asked me to lay by her. Both our boys joined us and we spent the rest of the night there.


After some time, Emma and I moved in together and enjoy sex with each other and our boys regularly. I bought and became the owner of the K9 school where Emma trains (so still a business woman, just in a business that brings me pleasure). We found out that there were quite a few woman interested in K9 sex so we began a little exclusive, secret club where we meet to discuss our fantasies and make them a reality for each other. But that’s another story…………

Go to next part

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