Women with Animals
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Mom and Daughter kidnapped 4.5 (27)

Bad boy Bobby Bickmore had finally been arrested and sentenced to a minimum of 3 years in jail. Surprisingly not for the vast amounts of designer drugs he sold, or the numerous porn videos he made, ranging everywhere from kiddie porn to girls doing animals also not for the illegal gambling that brought in huge […] read

Men with Animals
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Going ‘Under-cover’ 4.4 (14)

My name is Mike, currently working for a division of the Justice Department, specifically assigned research and destruction of new designer drugs, classified as Schedule Ones, in other words these have no medical value but pose a threat to the general public. Currently we are aware of well over 200 of these various compounds, all […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , 3 Comments on Canine Therapy 4.8 (76)

Canine Therapy 4.8 (76)

© 2022-2023 by Chilean Gold Part One Amy Macdonald was afraid of dogs. She was a model student with straight A’s and a star athlete for her gymnastics team at university, but now she was too scared to go outside her dorm. Earlier that September, she was doing her usual running routine and was blindsided […] read

Women with Animals
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The Hobbler 2: The Ponderosa 4.2 (15)

Sarah Chambers likes to ride bareback. She’s a nubile teenage horse trainer working at The Ponderosa and she loves to feel her crotch slide around on a horse’s back. The Ponderosa was once owned by one of the stars of a well-known western TV show of the sixties that had a farm of the same […] read

Women with Animals
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Of Puppy Love and Demon Sex 4.5 (22)

(c) 2022 by RickSands Part One The national weather channel never had it so good. Most locals in the area only watched the early morning news for info about traffic jams and immediate weather conditions, and one channel had one “girl” to cover both. She was tall, full figured, had a beautiful smile, a producer that […] read

Women with Animals
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A Man and His Pets: Sandra’s and Courtney’s Fate 4 (20)

(c) 2014 by Lucky Mann Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim’s pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on Bestiality and Incest 4.4 (88)

Bestiality and Incest 4.4 (88)

(c) 2010 by djohmari Sat eating my breakfast cereal, shovelling it in as if I hadn’t eaten for days, after all I had had a teenage boy’s physically energetic night, (pull ups, and downs, if you know what I mean?) when “BAM!” Who the fuck was that young girl, standing next to my mother? Her […] read